Fall Read now


Fall Read now
Volume 29, Issue 4
Fall / Holiday, 2010
A Publication of Tiny Tots Diaper Service and Baby Boutique
Think Globally, Shop Locally
Top Toy Picks For 2010
Parents are discovering that shopping at neighborhood and independent
retailers like Tiny Tots is not only the most convenient choice, it is also
an economically and socially responsible one, as well. The dollars stay
in the community, providing jobs and preserving the local character of
neighborhoods. According to the 3/50 Project (see below right), for
every $100 spent in local, independently-owned stores, $68 returns to
the community.
And shopping locally saves another kind of green, reducing the use
of fuel and packaging for shipping. Goods bought at Tiny Tots have a
smaller carbon footprint than those shipped across the country. The
environmental benefits extend beyond the single purchase, building
more eco-friendly communities.
You can skip unnecessary waste and find plenty of value and quality at
Tiny Tots. We’ve spent countless hours selecting and stocking our shelves
with only the most innovative, unique, and engaging toys for children.
We are passionate about guiding you in your quest for the perfect gift
for the special children on your list. Shopping at Tiny Tots is like having
your own personal shopping consultant. The staff at Tiny Tots is part of
your community and we will take the time to help you select just the
right toy to help your child grow and learn through play.
We want to offer choices to gift-givers which include the most unique,
engaging, open-ended, fun and safe toys they may not otherwise spot in
a sea of one-size-fits-all gizmos and fads. Shoppers are urged to consider
products that are about what the child can do with the toy, rather than
what the toy does.
Tiny Tots Top Toy Picks for 2010 are featured on pages four and five (as
space permitted). For the most part, our selection criteria includes:
• locally made,
• natural fiber, renewable materials and
• exceptional play value.
Every selection is safe to play with and made with non-toxic ingredients.
We look for toys that motivate kids to unplug and get moving, build and
design, investigate and discover...toys that fuel fantasy and creativity,
that let kids make up the play themselves. Those are the toys kids will
play with over and over again. We believe that parents on a quest for toy
value this holiday season will want to choose
quality over novelty, selecting classic and
innovative toys that stretch their gift
budget, provide endless opportunities
for creative fun, and last for years, even
generations, of playtime. Quality play
facilitates learning and growth--helping
kids practice social skills, build logic and
spatial skills, create new understandings,
and explore imaginative thinking.
Reprinted with permission
Zen Wagon Inspiration
by Scot Herbst, founder and creative director of Kaiku Design
It's been said that having children will profoundly change your outlook
on the world. When our first little one was born in 2006, like many
new parents, we became increasingly more aware of our physical
surroundings, our consumer habits and how we approached the issues
surrounding sustainability. We immediately started Kai on cloth diapers
and Amy became so committed to promoting a greener lifestyle that
she actually joined the Tiny Tots family, working on the floor, teaching
the occasional diaper class and helping curate goods for sale as an
associate product buyer. As a Tiny Tots buyer Amy adopted a more
scientific understanding of our physical world, seeking out products
that were BPA free and made with organic ingredients. With the arrival
of Aya Olive a few years ago, our accumulation of "stuff" had become
almost overwhelming and we both continued taking a more serious
audit of the items in our home, asking ourselves "what's that made
from?," and "is that safe for our own children?"
It was very memorable, I'll never forget rolling Kai down to the park in
his Radio Flyer wagon and having that classic "Aha!" moment. Sitting
on a bench next to a beautiful and functional stroller, we both looked
at each other and recognized, "Hey, wait a minute...nobody has ever
applied the principles of design and sustainability to the little red
wagon---and what's this rusty thing made out of anyway?" So 2.5
years later, having transitioned from high tech designer, we now focus
our design efforts on sustainable products with a relevance to our own
lives. This year KAIKU was fortunate to have received a RedDot award
and an International Design Excellence Award for our all-natural bent
ply Zen Wagon.
Anna goes all over San Francisco wearing her Tiny Tots prefolds along with
the knitted soakers and longies her mommy makes for her. The wool breathes
beautifully, keeping Anna free from rash, and because each diaper cover is
handmade for her, she can express her fun-loving personality, whether at the
Palace of Fine Arts, the Academy of Science, or in Golden Gate Park.
While at home or out and about, Anna has only used Tiny Tots prefolds and her
mom's knitted covers since the day she was born. It couldn't be easier to change
her, put the diaper in a wet bag, and continue exploring our fabulous city!
Editor's note: Congratulations Scot and Amy! We're so proud of you.
The inspiration for the local design of the Zen Wagon, Kai and Aya of KAIKU
munch on some local goodies at the Campbell Farmers Market.
Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s
Diaper Delivery Schedule
Great News! There will be no delivery day
changes for the holidays this year. Please set
a reminder alert on your cell phone calendar
to set your soiled diapers out the night
before your scheduled delivery day. If you
will be out of town and need us to skip your home, please call or email
with the details at least 3 working days in advance.
Earn Free Diaper Service
The number one way new customers hear about us is through YOU! We
would like to say THANK YOU and give you a $15 credit on your diaper
service for every new customer that you refer to us. They simply need
to mention your name when they order the diaper service.
Iona, 2.75 years old, conquers toilet training! Thanks to her Tiny Tots undies &
Baby Bjorn Potty.
I have encountered many businesses related to babies, child rearing, being a parent,
etc. There is no business out there more professional, customer service oriented,
and "Green" than Tiny Tots. EVERY time I called, whether to change my service or
seek advice, the person who answered the phone was hugely informative and just
downright nice. I will always recommend Tiny Tots for these reasons. Hopefully
those not ready to make the jump to cotton - really not that hard - will be willing to
go the compost route, just another service showing Tiny Tots is watching customer
trends. Thanks for being there for our growing family. It is difficult for me to leave
behind this period of life, but I look forward to calling you in the future should we
be fortunate enough to have a 3rd! Best Wishes, April (mother of Iona)
CONGRATULATIONS to those who have graduated from
diapers. Thank you for giving us the privilege to help out with
some of the “dirty work”. We hope the diapering years have
been a time of wonderful memories for your family.
Iona Sarraille
Joseph Torrisi
Hamzah Punjsheri
Iona Sarraille
Imani Ezzat
Ksenia Schwarzlander
Hannah Wildy
Sivan Spieler
Nicholas Tomaro
Cortez Archuleta
Asha Chavez
Abigail Dell
Ashlyn Wilson
Sydney Sasaki
Landon Sasaki
Rowan Davis
Kayla Snedeker
Hadley Shafran
Jake Catalano
Sulema Ananda
Case Olson
Marla Essenmacher
Richard Esquenazi
Brinae Baker
Katelyn Johnson
Simon Spinrad
Elias Hartog
Tanner Brewer
Miles Morton
Nathan Kenny
Kai McArthur
Tej Sidhu
Hendrick Schlude
Elan Underwood
San Francisco
Santa Clara
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Francisco
Morgan Hill
So. San Francisco
So. San Francisco
San Jose
Daly City
Palo Alto
Palo Alto
San Jose
San Jose
San Francisco
San Francisco
Boulder Creek
Mt. View
Union City
San Francisco
Diaper Service Changes Now Easier!
Change Service Link
Payments At Tiny Tots
Many of our customers put their account on auto charge.
Anytime there is a balance on their account, the credit card
we have on file is automatically charged. Our customers still
receive a bill stating the amount charged. We accept Visa,
MasterCard, Discover or American Express.
Hi, my name is Leona and my parents chose to use cloth diapers because it's healthier for my
sensitive skin and better for the environment. The cotton is cool and breathable, making life
more enjoyable. Using cotton diapers on the go is super easy. Any soiled diaper can conveniently
be stored in a wet bag until we return home. I often hear my parents telling others how easy it
is to use cloth diapers. I'm working on converting my friends and hope more parents quickly
realize how healthy and eco-friendly cotton diapers really are.
Bonjour! My name is Anaïs and I'm at the Chateau de Chenonceau. This summer, I
was in France visiting my grandparents for 5 weeks in the Loire Valley. I told Mama
that I must wear my cloth diapers. I love the feeling of soft cotton on my tushy. So,
we packed up my favorite diapers for our sejour in France. Merci, Mama: me and my
bottom thank you.
Cotton Diaper Sizes Available At Tiny Tots
3-5 lbs.
6-12 lbs.
10-25 lbs.
18-25 lbs.
Mega (Toddler) 22 lbs.+
Training pants 29-32 lbs. (Size 3)
The above weights are guidelines. Every baby is shaped differently. If the
diaper you are using is not absorbing as well, it might be time to change
sizes, regardless of the weight of your baby.
This Gazette can
be viewed on our website,
Geomate.Jr Handheld by Apisphere
Built of basic wooden shapes, threaded nuts
and pegs, it can be disassembled in a matter
of seconds. The individual shapes can then be
used as the imagination's building blocks for
all variety of things. When the wheels are on,
the Racer makes a nice pull-along toy! Ages 18
months and up. Made in the USA. $50.00
The easiest and quickest way to get in on the geocaching fun, the
Geomate.Jr is an incredibly affordable and amazingly easy-touse geocaching GPS - just switch it on anywhere in the United
States and be directed to your closest geocache. It's an outdoor
adventure just waiting to happen anywhere, anytime, straight
out of the box. Shock and water-resistant. Weighs 3.2 oz. Model
30-152-32. Measures 1.9" x 3.7" x 1". Ages 7 and Up. Made in
the USA. $70.00
Also Available: Geomate.Jr Update Kit $25.00
Circa Wagon of Blocks
Mailbox Set by I'm Still Me!
Circa Racer
A mini-playground for the hands and mind, the
sort of experience vital to learning - shapes,
stacking, sorting, free-form building, and everything in between! Kids find the cool, smooth
sensation of the quality hardwood pieces irresistible, and the sheer variety of ways the pieces
can be assembled endlessly stimulating.
Ages 6 months and up. Made in the USA. $80.00
Blocks Starter Set by Haba
Building blocks enable children to fashion their
own worlds, because they are an especially creative toy. Playing with the blocks develops both
hand and mind. Blocks are made of solid, natural,
untreated beech wood. 26 piece set.Ages 1 to 8.
Made in Germany. $45.00
Green Dollhouse by Plan Toys
The Green Dollhouse is a completely eco-efficient
home. The dollhouse’s energy efficient design
includes a wind turbine, a solar cell panel for generating electricity, a rain barrel for collecting rain,
a biofacade which uses the natural cycle of plant
growth to provide shading, and a shade canopy that
can adjust the amount of sunlight and air circulation. Recycling bins are also included in the set.
Ages 3 and Up. Made in Thailand. $200.00
Let's Play Mail is a handmade felt and wool toy
that encourages imaginative play, self-expression,
reading and writing. The charming gray mailbox
comes complete with a flag to flip up and down, a
drawstring mailbag, large manila envelope, three
postcards, two envelopes, six stamps, six address
labels, and six messages. Ages 3 and up. Handmade in the USA. $50.00
Other felted wool products available from I’m Still Me! :
• “Letters to Grandma and Pa” Mail Set $20.00
• “Letters to Santa” Mail Set $20.00
Baby Walker by Plan Toys
This walker features a specially designed handle can be adjusted
to different heights and stiffness for stability and child safety.
Plus, it also comes with coloured and natural blocks for additional fun! Dimensions: W 14.4 x D 11.3 x H 19.3". Ages 1
and Up. Made in Thailand. $75.00
Baby Walker by Plan Toys
This walker features a specially designed
handle can be adjusted to different heights and stiffness for stability and child safety. Plus, it also comes with coloured and natural
blocks for additional fun! Dimensions: W 14.4 x D 11.3 x H
19.3". Ages 1 and Up. Made in Thailand. $75.00
Dancing Alligator by Plan Toys
Tea Set by Green Toys
Young hosts can brew up an imaginary pot of
tea while doing something really good for the
earth. 17 piece set. Ages 3 and up. Made in the
USA. $25.00
Rody Horse
Every child can have a pony of their own! The Rody Horse
Toy is the colorful children’s ride-on toy that allows kids
to hop and scoot all around. The Rody Horse Toy is fun
and helps toddlers develop balance and coordination.
Available in Purple, Orange, Lime, or Blue. Ages 3 and Up.
Made in Italy. $48.00
While being pulled, the wooden pieces make
rhythmic click-clacking sounds as he dances
along. We love his vibrant green body. Ages 19
months and up. Made in Thailand. $20.00
Oval Xylophone by Plan Toys
Give your budding musician's pounding skills a workout
with this wooden xylophone from Plan Toys. Five colorful wooden keys are fun for young children to pound.
Please note that this xylophone is intended as a toy and
is not musically accurate. Also, the timbre is not "bright"
like tapping on the keys of a metal xylophone.Ages 18
months and up. Made in Thailand. $23.00
JAMTOWN Junior Rhythm Pak
Art Dolls Kit by Artterro
Craft four fun dolls with luxurious handmade paper, glass beads, colorful wool
felt dresses and needle and thread. Turn them into bookmarks, decorations,
scrapbook covers or even pins to wear! Ages 7 and Up. Made in the USA.
Other kits available • Bookmaking Kit
• Collage Jewelry Kit
• Creativity Kit
• Paint with Wool Portrait Kit
• Wire and Bead Art
• Wool Felt Art Kit
• Wool Felt Wearable Kit
$18.00 each
Great instruments for small hands and a cool bag
for collecting more instruments over the years.
3 Instruments* plus Junior Activity Guide, LearnAlong Songs CD, Simple Rhythm™ Cards & Junior
Travel Bag *Junior Coconut Claves, Junior Shaker,
Junior Double Drum. Ages 3 to 9. $50.00
Push Toys by Manny & Simon
100% recycled wood residuals;
painted with non-toxic and ultra
low odor paint. Ages 2 and up.
Turtle: Brown Duck: Yellow
Dino: Green. Made in the USA.
$32.00 each
Diaper Service 1-408-866-2900 • Boutique 1-408-866-2925 • www.tinytots.com
Natural Heirloom Bell Rattle by Maple Landmark
Classic heirloom baby rattles made from select hardwoods and
non-toxic finishes. Designed to provide enjoyment in touch, sight,
sound and movement. Destined to be handed down through
generations of happy babies. (5-3/4" long). Ages 3 months
and up. Made in the USA. $11.00
Heirloom Rattle by Bagnall
Each hand-turned heirloom baby rattle is handcrafted. Kernels of native Indian corn create the
soothing sound of the rattle. The rattles have a safe
mineral oil/bees wax finish. Wood: Walnut or Cherry. (5 3/8 long x 1 3/4 diameter).Ages 5 months
and up. Handcrafted in the USA. $23.00
Discovery Balls by Haba
Looking for something to bring along to that baby shower?
This ball set makes the perfect gift for curious young babies
in search of lots of little things to explore. Each ball is
colorfully painted in its own unique pattern and style,
and features a detail which makes it impossible to resist investigating. A rattle, a peep hole, shiny silver paint,
maybe even one with a portal to a different way of seeing the
world. The entire set arrives in an attractive decorative box, which
makes an excellent presentation of the whole set. Made of maple wood. Set
of 4. Ages 1 and up. Made in Germany. $24.00
Sophie Giraffe by Vulli
This little giraffe was born on May 25th in the year 1961...
Saint Sophie's day! In those days, the only animal toys available were farm animals or pet figures...
When the first signs of teething appear, Sophie the Giraffe
helps baby stop crying! Sophie the giraffe is still "traditionally" produced, a process that involves more than 14
manual operations. She is made from 100% natural rubber
derived from the sap of the Hevea tree.
She’s 7" Tall. Ages Birth and Up. Made in France. $23.00
Baby's First Blocks by Haba
Function and fun come together in these beautifully made
stacking blocks. Sized for little hands, these blocks are a
perfect first set or addition to existing stacking block collections.
These blocks are made of maple wood. Multiple coats of
natural, water-based, non-toxic lacquers ensure their colors
stay vivid and bright for years to come. 12 pieces. Age: 6
months and up. Made in Germany. $16.00
Green Bean by Under the Nile
(Headquartered in Milpitas, CA)
Under the Nile's famous fruits and veggies toys are destined to
be baby’s favorite. Safe for little mouths to chew on. Made and
stuffed with 100% organic Egyptian cotton. Machine washable.
Ages Birth and Up. Made in Egypt. $6.00
Glen Terrier Puppet by Folkmanis
(Headquartered in Emeryville, CA)
This soft and cuddly dog features a workable mouth
and is sure to become a best friend for that little
someone special. 15" Long. For all ages. Made in
China. $24.00
Zen Wagon by Kaiku
Every seat is a window seat... Designed and engineered locally to get you and your little ones
outside! Provides maximum comfort and
ergonomics for riders and driver.
1. Patented QuicKlik™ magnetic handle
2. Ergo handle geometry with soft EVA foam
3. Natural rubber air-filled tires
4. Weather and corrosion resistant hardware
5. Baltic birch - European E-1 formaldehyde free
6. Safe, non-toxic finishes
(37L x 19.5H x 16.5W)
Ages 18 months and up. Made in China. $319.00
Fire Truck by Green Toys
Solidly constructed from 100% recycled
plastic milk containers that save energy and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Green
Toys Fire Truck has no metal axles, so it's
safe for both the earth and the Good Green
Fun™ seekers who call it home. Ages 1 and
up. Made in the USA. $24.99
Ugg Erin
The Erin baby bootie is made from genuine
Twinface sheepskin with craftsmanship
you expect from UGG® Australia. Made In
China. Colors: Pink and Chestnut
Small (6-12 mos)
Med (12-18 mos)
Large (18-24 mos)
Ugg Boo
The UGG® Boo is a moccasin-inspired Infant's bootie
made from the highest quality plush Twinface sheepskin
and features a reinforced heel and toe to keep little feet
protected. Made In China. Color: Chestnut
Small (6-12 mos)
Med (12-18 mos)
Large (18-24 mos)
Ugg Classic
Eco-Dough Tube by Eco-Kids
Eco-dough from Eco-kids is an all-natural
alternative to mass-produced play doughs.
Eco-dough is a molding dough handmade
with natural ingredients including fruit, plant
and vegetable extracts from beets, spinach,
paprika, carrots, purple sweet potato, red cabbage, blueberries and tomatoes. No chemicals,
artificial dyes or metals. The containers are
made from cornstarch and are 100% compostable. Also it doesn't dry out. If it's
left out overnight just add a few drops of olive oil and it comes right back! Five
separate containers and colors, including: red, green, blue, yellow and orange.
Ages 2 and up. Made in the USA. $20.00
Also from Eco-Kids: Finger Paints, Rolling Pin, Art Pad, Colored Pencils.
The toddler's Classic boot provides all the same
features and benefits as the grownup style but
sized for your little one. Made In China.
Colors: Black, Chestnut, and Chocolate
Sizes: 6, 7, 8
Ugg Bailey Button
The toddler's Bailey Button is constructed
with genuine Twinface sheepskin. It features a
branded wood button and can be worn either
up or cuffed down. Made In China.
Colors: Chestnut, Chocolate, and Raspberry
Sizes: 6, 7, 8
Cotton Service: Order the number of cotton diapers you will
use in a week. Cotton service includes the rental of cotton diapers,
professional laundering of the diapers and weekly pick-up and
delivery of the diapers.
Compost Service: Purchase your order of compostable single-use
diapers, wipes and storage bags from Tiny Tots. A minimum of 4 boxes
of diapers needs to be purchased each 4-week period. A composting
fee is included in the purchase of each box of diapers.
Combination Service: You have the option to use both cotton
and compostable diapers. For added convenience, soiled reusable and
compostable, single-use diapers and wipes can be combined in one
bag for pick-up. You can order compost diapers as often or seldom
as fits your needs. The composting fee is included in the purchase
of each box of diapers.
Snappi Diaper Clips
Simple pinning alternative. Holds diaper snugly. Reduces
leakage. Durable, washable latex.
Size 1 (4 - 18 lbs.) 3 clips per pack $7.50
Size 2 (18+ lbs.) 2 clips per pack $7.50
Always stretch your new clips.
Bio-Soft Liners
by Bummis
Flushable diaper liners that make clean-up a breeze. Made
of a non woven material with no binder, and will biodegrade very quickly (within 8 days in a sewage treatment
system or 20 days in a septic tank).
100 sheets per roll. 2 sizes:
Small: 5 x 12 inches
Large: 7.5 x 12 inches
Flushable BioLiner
by The Natural Baby Co.
When baby wets, the moisture passes through the
BioLiner and absorbs into the cloth diaper's absorbent
layers. When baby soils his diaper, the solids are contained atop the GroVia BioLiner, for a quick and easy
clean-up. 200 sheets $12.00
Broody Chick Compostable Diapers
by Bottoms Up
Complete kit. Good for baby, better for the environment. Saves money over disposable wipes. Includes 25
cotton terry cloth wipes, clean wipe container, dirty
wipe container, clean wipe waterproof travel bag,
dirty wipe waterproof travel bag, oil blend for clean
wipes and an oil blend for dirty wipes. $60.00
Reusable Baby Wipes
Using bio-polymer Ingeo from Naturworks
llc Broody Chick is accredited as a fully compostable diaper and wipe (ASTM-D 6400) (EN
13432) and most recently has been certified to
carry the Oeko-Tex standard 100 logo. Chlorine Free, Hypo-allergenic, Fragrance free.
Newborn 6 - 13 lbs. / 36 pieces
Infant 9 - 20 lbs. / 32 pieces
Toddler 15 - 35 lbs. / 28 pieces
Junior 27 - 55 lbs. / 24 pieces
* $19.00 per box; * $68.00 per case of 4
Changing Pad & Diaper Bag
Hybrid design compostable insert to go with a
reusable diaper cover. Use when on vacation,
at day care, or running errands. Fragrance &
Dye Free; Plastic & Chlorine Free.
One size 50 per box
* $22.00
* $80.00 per case of 4
Diaper Changing Restraint Straps
by Hug ‘n’ Hold
Makes changing a wiggling child’s diaper much
easier. Child friendly and easy-to-use velcro
shoulder restraint that attaches to any changing pad to hold a baby securely. $26.00
Wet Bags
Broody Chick Compostable Wipes
Bio Bags
100% compostable (ASTM D6400-99 certified - the
gold standard for compostable plastic). Made from
cornstarch and vegetable oil. Shelf-stable, safe to
store at room temperatures.
3 Gallon - 25 bags per box. $5.00
13 Gallon - 12 bags per box. $5.00
*The charge for compostable diapers and soaker pads includes pick-up and
delivery to your home along with the delivery and compost fee at the local
commercial composting facility.
by Bummis
Sturdy, dependable and easy care......These wet bags have a
snap-able handle for strollers and a zipper for odor control.
Durable and leak resistant.
Prints: Funky Blue, Pink, Blue or Yellow
Sizes: Small 10” x 12” (holds up to 5) $12.00
Medium 14” x 15” (holds up to 11) $15.00
100% natural. Chemical-free. Fragrance-free.
Chlorine-free. Resealable pack. 80 count
$6.00 per pack;
$60 per case of 12
Free of harsh synthetic chemicals and preservatives.
Fragrance Free. Chlorine Free. Dye Free.
80 Unscented $6.00 per pack; $60 per case of 12
by Patemm
A practical solution to the diaper bag, the award-winning
patemm™ pad makes changing baby quick. The round
design serves as a sleek, all-in-one bag for diapers, wipes,
and clothes. Easy to Clean-just wipe down with a warm/
soapy cloth. Pattern: Manhattan $60.00
Gro Via Compostable Soaker Pads
Gro Baby All Natural Baby Wipes
The only single-use diaper on the market today (that
we are aware of) that doesn’t contain super-absorbent
polymers (SAP).
(33% cotton/66% wood pulp blend)
Size 1 Newborn 4-5 lbs.
30 / bag
Size 2 Small 6-14 lbs.
40 / bag
Size 3 Medium 12-24 lbs.
30 / bag
Size 4 Large 22-35 lbs.
22 / bag
Size 5 Toddler 27 lbs. & up 20 / bag
$17.00 per bag; $60.00 per case (4 bags)
· gel-free
· perfume free
· chlorine free
· dye-free
· chemical free
Tushies Wipes
Thick wipes w/aloe vera. Unscented, hypoallergenic and alcohol free.
$6.25 tub of 80; $64.00 per case (12 tubs)
$5.75 refill for tub (80); $60.00 per case (12 packs)
Diaper Service: 1-408-866-2900 • Boutique: 1-408-866-2925 • www.tinytots.com
ProRap Classic
Velcro-closing & leg gussets. Soft polyester
outer fabric. Waterproof lining. White. $9.00 ea.
6 or more $8.50 ea.
Preemie 2-6 lbs.
Newborn 6-10 lbs.
Small 9-14 lbs.
Medium 13-25 lbs.
Large 24-35 lbs.
X-Large 34-45 lbs.
Tips For Laundering Covers
To protect waterproofing of all covers:
· Do not use bleach with chlorine
· Do not use softeners
· Rinse well
To preserve the Velcro:
· Turn inside out with Velcro attached
· Air dry when possible
· Optional: Launder in a lingerie bag
Thirsties Diaper Cover Original
Buoy & Buckle
by ProRap
If your baby takes off his velcro cover, this cover is for you. The buckle is
“baby proof”. Nylon/Poly. White. $9.00 ea. 6 or more $8.50 ea.
Medium, Large, & X-Large only.
Super Whisper Wrap
by Bummis
Aplix-closing cover made from a super resistant waterproof laminate sandwiched between two layers of a soft polyester knit. A durable, heavy-duty
elastic secures around legs and tummy. Soft, polyester knit bindings for a
comfortable and leakproof seal.
Froggy, Flower, Celery Dot, & Jungle
$13.00 ea. 6 or more $12.25 ea.
One of the best-selling diaper covers
on the market today is now available at
Tiny Tots. Easy to use, easy to care for
and functions well. 100% polyester w/
urethane coating. Machine wash warm
or hot. Line or machine dry. Made in
USA. Colors: Butter, Celery, Periwinkle
& Raspberry.
$11.50 ea. 6 or more $10.75 ea.
Sizes: X-Small 6-12 lbs.; Small 12-18 lbs.;
Medium 18-28 lbs.; Large 28-40 lbs.
Thirsties Duo Diaper Cover
Newborn 7-10 lbs. Small 8.5-15 lbs. Medium 15-30 lbs.
Large 30-40 lbs. X-Large 40+ lbs. (White only)
The duo comes in two sizes and features
an adjustable rise for extended use. Same
features and care instructions as the
original. Made in USA. Colors: Meadow,
Ocean Blue.
$12.75 ea. 6 or more $12.00 ea.
Sizes: One 6-18 lbs.; Two 18-40 lbs.
by Bummis
Lightweight and waterproof. Consists of one single
layer of polyester with a wipe-clean laminated interior. The gusset with lycra binding is an innovative
design that wraps softly around baby’s leg with less
bulk than normal gussets. Green, Blue, Pink, or Yellow
Funky Prints, White.
$13.00 ea. 6 or more for $12.25 ea.
Newborn 4-9 lbs; Small 8-16 lbs;
Medium 15-30 lbs; Large 27-36 lbs
Super Brite
Fuzzi-Bunz Perfect Size by Mother of Eden
Our customers have requested we carry this product
because it works so well at night time. The cotton
diaper slides in the pocket. The micro fiber wicks the
wetness away from the baby. Adjustable snaps assure
a good fit. White & colors.
$18.00 ea. 6 or more $17.00 ea.
Pull-On Nylon Pant
by Bummis
Non-binding waist and leg openings. (Snappi Clip
or Pins needed with pre-folded diapers.) Also useful over training pants or with swim diapers. White.
$6.00 ea. 6 or more $5.50 ea.
Newborn 6-10 lbs. Small 8-15 lbs.
Medium 15-30 lbs. Large 30+ lbs.
X-Large 35+ lbs.
Small 7-18 lbs.
Medium 15-30 lbs.
Large 25-45 lbs.
If you put the diaper in the pocket we recommend using the Bummi liners with this cover
for easier BM clean up.
Rainbow Bikini Cut Wool Cover by Bio Bottoms
GroVia Shell
by The Natural Baby Co.
The GroVia one-size diaper cover is a revolution in cloth diapering. The
innovative shell design minimizes diaper waste and cost. Is designed for
use with the the GroVia Compostable Soaker Pad, the reusable soaker pads
or boosters by GroVia or pre-fold diapers. Colors include: Blackberry, Kiwi,
Mandarin or Vanilla. $17.00 each. 6 or more $16.00 ea.
Dense, felted lambswool provides maximum air circulation while still offering the best protection against leaks. Designed for a leak-proof fit. Wool is
remarkably soft and breathable, protecting sensitive
skin against diaper rash. Easy on and off with Velcro
closures. Very durable, will definitely be passed on
to your next baby!
$27.00 each 6 or more $25.00 ea.
Newborn 4-8 lbs. Large 18-22 lbs.
Small 8-14 lbs.
XLarge 22-27 lbs.
Medium 14-18 lbs. XXLarge 27-32 lbs.
In Progress:
In-store sale of close out
diaper covers.
Call or order on-line & receive free shipping with your diaper delivery.
Car Seat Safety Inspections
Fri, Oct 22, Nov 5 & 19 from 9:00 to Noon. Safe Kids Santa
Clara / San Mateo and Tiny Tots are partnering to hold Car
Seat Inspections. Certified car seat technicians confirm your
car seat is installed properly. Appointments are necessary
and limited. A $25 refundable fee is required.
Tiny Tots is honored with two awards
Greenest family service
Best store to outfit your kid
Boutique Events
Due to space limitations,
reservations for all events, even the
complimentary ones, are required. More detailed information
about each event is available on our website at www.tinytots.com/
Diaper School 101 ”Diapering Made Easy”
Includes hands on diapering, diaper cover review, service options and
more. Held most Saturdays at 10 am.
High Low Music & Movement Class
Fun for babies or toddlers includes singing, dancing, instruments,
scarves and hoops. Classes are on Wednesdays. Check www.
highlowmusic.com for schedule and price information. Call
1-408-838-4524 to sign up.
Two Mission College Classes offered at Tiny Tots
Register by phone at 1-408-855-5106 or at
$35 per couple (2 people)
1. Infant Wellness
Thurs, Oct 14 from 6:30 to 8:30. & Sat, Nov 6 from 11:30 to 1:30.
For new and expectant parents. Parents learn the importance of keeping
up to date with an immunization schedule; how/when to check baby's
temperature and when to call Pediatrics. Other illnesses are discussed
at parent's request.
2. First 6 Weeks for Mom & Baby
Tues, Nov 16 from 6:30 to 8:30. Prepares new and expecting parents for
the first weeks at home. Topics include discussion of postpartam health
for mom, what to expect with your newborn, initiating breastfeeding
and techniques to soothe a crying baby.
Home Diaper Laundering Workshop
Sat, Oct 16 & Nov 6 from 2:00 to 3:00. Different diapering options
along with laundering tips & techniques. Free.
Ask the Experts
Mon, Oct 18 & Wed Nov 10 from 6:00 to 8:30. Will you have
a “Mother Friendly” childbirth? Sponsored by BABI (Bay Area
Birth Info). For information and to RSVP,
please call 408-529-7949.
Baby Wearing Workshop
Mon, Oct 18 & Nov 15 from 11:00 to Noon. Join our
fun and informative baby-wearing workshop. Learn
the differences between slings, wraps, soft carriers and
structured carriers. Free.
Printed on Recycled Paper
Itty Bitty Imprints
Sat, Oct 23 from Noon www.ittybittyimprints.com
4:00. Itty Bitty Imprints
crafts ceramic tiles that are imprinted, glazed, and fired. Reserve a spot by
calling the Boutique. This is the last imprint event before the holidays.
Halloween Photos
Fri, Oct 29 from 1:00 to 4:00 and Sat, Oct 30 from 9:00
to 2:00. Dress up your little one or your entire family for
this special event. $20 per family for the photo CD with
all images from the session. www.imagesbyrosalinda.com
Baby Signs Parent Workshop
Tues, Nov 2 from 6:30 to 7:45 and Sat, Nov 6 from
3:15 to 4:30. This workshop teaches everything you
need to know to get started with the Baby Signs®
Program. $70
Pediatric CPR
Thurs, Nov 4 from 6:00 to 8:30. Great for new parents. Cost is $50 for
one or $95 for two. Babes in arms are welcome.
Breastfeeding Task Force of Santa Clara Valley
Fri, Nov 12 from Noon to 1:30. Open to the public.
The purpose is to promote maternal and infant health
through breastfeeding. For further info, please contact
Kathy Sweeney, RD, CLE, Santa Clara County Public
Health Department at
1-408-792-5052 or [email protected]
Herbal Holidays
Sat, Nov 13 from Noon to 4:30. Join Bridget Owens of SweetHerb
Medicinals as she leads us through making herbal holiday gifts and
keepsakes. Reservations necessary. $65
Infant Massage Workshop
Sat, Nov 20 from 11:30 to 1:30. Learn gentle nurturing
touch with your infant. Enhance and deepen your
bond. $59
Potty Training Workshop
Sat, Nov 20 from 2:00 to 3:00 for NB - 13 months; from
3:30 to 4:30 for 13+ months. We will highlight why
introducing the potty to your child’s routine as early as
6-months of age is a logical approach. Free.
Meet Santa
Thurs, Dec 2 & 9 and Sat, Dec 4 & 11. Watch the website
and emails for more details. This event fills up quickly.
Make sure we have your email if you are interested in
reserving a spot.
Boutique Hours
Monday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
1-408-866-2925 • tinytots.com
138 Railway Ave Campbell, CA 95008
Events are added and updated at: