EROSION CONTROL is for planting


EROSION CONTROL is for planting
News from Farmington Gardens
October 2011
is for planting...
c overs
ERO S I O N C O Nground
Vinca Minor
Cotoneaster dammeri “Bearberry”
is one of the best evergreen ground
covers for steep banks, hillsides or
wide open spots. It spreads quickly,
takes abuse and can grow in sun
or shade. Small white flowers open
in springtime forming red berries by
fall. Once established, the lowspreader can even handle periods of
drought, free running pets, or out of
control children. It also roots where
it spreads and forms a nice mat-like
3-6” h x 3-6” w
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
‘Massachusetts’ AKA “Kinnikinnick” is
a ground hugging Northwest native;
has small evergreen leaves and
pretty pinkish bell-shaped flowers
that transform into bird attracting red
berries. It’s a great choice for sunny
hillsides or to help fill in larger open
areas. Some shade is ok too but you
must give it some room.
3-6” h x 6’ or more
Vinca minor ‘Bowles’ (Periwinkle) is a
classic “old school” ground cover that
can hold its own in most areas of the
garden. This plant is used extensively
in both commercial and residential
settings because of its durability. With
its deep green year-round foliage
and charming bluish-purple blooms
in spring; Vinca readily roots where
it spreads to hold the soil or cut
down on the spread of weeds. A little
shade from hot sun is best but with
adequate irrigation this little lady will
hang tough.
3-6” h x 2-6’ w
Thymus pseudolanuginosus “Woolly
Thyme” is a fine low-maintenance
evergreen ground cover with tiny
fuzzy greyish-green leaves. It is often
seen filling in between the cracks of
stepping stones and other high traffic
areas, or gracefully spilling over the
edge of a retaining wall; making it
perfect for unifying any landscape. It
is drought-tolerant and thrives in well
drained soil. One look at the Woolly
Thyme and you might want to cozy up
to this hairy, soft, blanket of a plant.
2-4” h x 1-3’ w
Get co nt ro l o f y o u r g round by pl ant ing t hes e a ttra ctive ye t to u g h g ro u n d co ve rs. By p la n tin g t h e s e l o w
main t e nan c e p l a n ts y ou c an hel p eli m i nat e ero sio n a n d cu rta il th e g ro wth o f th o se p e sky w e e d s .
bu lANY
b l asagnL
It’s the time of year to try Lasagna. No, not the kind you bake in the oven but
one you put in a large pot or in the ground. Layering bulbs for spectacular,
long lasting spring color can be very satisfying and easier on the waistline
than the pasta version.
Start by choosing bulbs which bloom at different times. They can be all the
same flower like tulips, but choose early blooming, mid season blooming and
late bloomers. Or, you can choose different varieties like daffodils, tulips,
and muscari which bloom at different times. You are the chef and you get
to decide the basic ingredients according to your tastes. We have a large
variety of bulbs from which to choose.
Start with a large pot which has good drainage. Soil, mixed with Dr. Earth
Bone Meal or Dr Earth Bulb Food goes in the bottom. The level of this first
layer is dependent on your pot size and choice of bulbs. Place your larger
bulbs making sure they do not touch each other or the sides of the pot. Cover
with a layer of soil. Arrange a second layer of bulbs topped with more soil.
Your smallest bulbs would be placed in the top layer. All of this is covered
with a final layer of soil mixed with fertilizer. Firm and water well. You can stop
here and wait for spring or, as with all good chefs, presentation is the thing.
You can plant the top layer with pansies and have a color pot all winter long.
Ou r n e w b u l b sta n d fe a tu r e d i n th e greenhouse.
Fall Annuals
M u scari
Sm a l l Bulb
Soil M ixtur e
Sm all Bulbs
M edium Bulbs
Tu l i p s
M e d i u m Bulb
Lar gest Bulbs
Soil M ixtur e
Dr ainage
D a ffo dils
L a r g e Bulb
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Plant garlic
cloves 3” deep
so that the tip is
2” below soil
Protect or move
non-hardy plants
Get your garden
looking festive
this weekend
with pumpkins
perennials that
are too big for
Not too late to
plant cover crop
New Camellias
now available!
Control weeds
now and clean
up beds to
reduce disease
Keep winter
interest in mind
when it comes to
Canned Food Drive
Begins October, 17th
Add lime to soil
if needed
Clean bird
feeders for
Starting October, 13th
October In-Store Specials
Plant up fall
planters now
Protect veggie
greens for the
winter with a
row cover
sunflower heads
Continue to bait
for slugs with
Invest in the
future: Plant a
Replace spent
annuals with
hardy fall plants
Dig potatoes:
somewhere dark
and cool
Prune late summer/fall flowering shrubs
Now is a good
time for
trees and shrubs
Prune roses to
2-3’ to protect
from winter
valve mechanisms
Prune out dead
fruiting canes in
check our website and blog for more info on events
Clean up your irrigation system, insulate
Shred fallen
leaves to break
down in compost
Store summer
bulbs like Dahlia
somewhere dark,
dry and cool
Clean, sharpen
and oil tools
Dave’s Dollars are Back!
Ear n 1 Dave’s Dollar for every 10 dollars
spent at Farmington Gardens from
September 10th through October 31st 2011.
Dave’s Dollars can be used towards up to one
half of your total purchase from November
25th 2011 to February 28th 2012.
D ave’s Dol l ars are not v a l i d t o wa r d th e pu r c h a se o f G i ft C e r t i f i c a t e s , Bu l k So i l s , o r f o r t h e p u r c h a s e o f D e l i ve r y Se r vi ces . Does not
include alread y di scounted i te m s. Pu r c h a se s a r e l i m i t e d t o s t o c k o n h a n d . O t h e r s p e c i a l s , d i s c o u n t s o r c o u p o n s a r e n o t valid d uring d ollar
r e de m pt i o n da y s. L o s t o r s t o l e n d o l l a r s a r e n o t r e p l a c e a b l e .
Also, this October
we’re supporting the Oregon Food Bank
with our annual...
on selected items
Coming October 13th, 2011... Stay connected for more info
click on the icons above to navigate our sites
Beginning on Monday, October 17th, bring in a donation
of 5 or more cans or packages of non-perishable food
items and receive 20% off of your entire purchase
(excluding bulk materials). You are welcome to bring in
more than 5 items if you’d like, and many people do.
Please note that we do not sell any food items at our
store, so you will need to bring the food items with you at
the time of your purchase in order to receive a discount.
All donations go to the Oregon Food Bank to assist those
in need in our community. The most needed items include
canned meats, canned and boxed meals (soups, chili,
stew, etc), pasta, rice, peanut butter, and canned or dried
beans and peas. This is a great opportunity for great
savings on plants and materials for your garden while
helping our local community!
Excludes the purchase of Gift Certificates, Bulk Soils, or for the purchase of
Delivery Services. Purchases are limited to stock on hand. Other specials,
discounts or coupons are not valid in conjunction with this sale.