Desde Italia Para Puerto Rico


Desde Italia Para Puerto Rico
Carretera #14 Km. 27.6
Barrio Los Llanos, Coamo, PR
Dirección Postal
P.O. Box 1914 Coamo, PR
Jueves 4 de agosto de 2016
Danny Maldonado
Norman H. Dávila
Maestro De Ceremonia
/ Comentarista
Eduardo Maldonado
Ricardo Báez
Sonia Meléndez
Ing. Arturo Bird
Joe Bruno
Potrero Los Llanos, Inc.
Sr. Piero Toira Virzi
12:00 M en adelante
Inspección de Potros
10:30 am en adelante
Información y Datos
The Jockey Club Information
En portada / Syriana Mia / Veronica Cotto
En contraportada / Perfect Bullet
787-825-0326 Ofic.
787-825-6767 Fax
[email protected]
Piero Troia Virzi
Desde Italia Para Puerto Rico
l Cavaliere Raffinato de nuestro hipismo es nuestro motivo para dedicarle esta
cuadragésima quinta Subasta Anual del Potrero Los Llanos.
Don Piero, como cariñosa y respetuosamente lo conocemos se integró como dueño de
caballos oficialmente el día 5 de agosto de 1980. En ese día se le otorgo su licencia que
hasta el día de hoy ha estado vigente con su renombrado y famoso Establo Italia y su
muy eficiente entrenador Don Juan De Jesús. Han pasado 36 años que este distinguido
italiano ha contribuido y disfrutado de nuestro deporte hípico. Su legado ha sido de
incalculable valor y prestigio por su presencia y ejemplos.
Dicho distinguido y destacado empresario entre otras misiones, fue maestro de la
orfebrería y eminente gemólogo en su joyería Italian Jewelry. En otras de sus destrezas y
aportaciones valiosas fue la de exitoso restaurador, siendo dueño del mejor mesón
italiano en Puerto Rico llamado “Piero’s”.
En cuanto a dueño de caballos, la historia es testigo de la pasión que Don Piero ha
invertido en los equinos de carrera. Ferpier, Italy’s Pride, Mabel T, Sylvana T y Chelimar
son algunos de los muchos excelentes corceles destacados que han sido adueñados
por él.
Esta dedicatoria es un ejemplo diminuto de lo enorme que ha sido nuestro amigo y
hermano Don Piero, millegrazie hípico fratello.
Pago Total en Efec tivo (Antes del 31 de agosto de 2016)
5% de descuento
Una Tercera Parte (1/3) de Pronto Pago
Alternativa 1
Restantes dos terceras partes en tres (3) plazos
(noviembre 30, enero 31 y marzo 1ro)
* a esta alternativa le aplican cargos por intereses al 10%
Alternativa 2
Restantes dos terceras partes en seis (6) plazos
(octubre 31, septiembre 30, noviembre 30, diciembre 31,
enero 31 y febrero 28)
* a esta alternativa le aplican cargos por intereses al 10%
La(s) compra(s) se haran bajo el nombre de
Dirección postal o de facturación
Núm. de Seguro Social
Núm. de Licencia de conducir
Oficina Celular
Nombre de la Institución
Teléfono Núm. de Cuenta
AlfirmarestaformaelsolicitanteautorizaaelPotrero Los Llanos y a cualquiera de sus consignatarios
a realizar una investigación de crédito y si el solicitante no es un Individuo, el firmante acuerda
hacerse personalmente responsable con el Potrero Los Llanos y cualquiera de sus consignatarios por el
pago de la deuda adquirida y en acuerdo con las condiciones de venta.
Firma del solicitante
A: Potrero Los Llanos y cualquiera de los consignatarios he asignado a:
Nombre de Agente
Teléfono Fax
Para actuar como mi agente autorizado para todos los asuntos relacionados a la compra de caballos
en la subasta 2016 del Potrero Los Llanos, Inc.
La persona aqui designada tendrá todos los poderes necesarios para llevar a cabo la compra
de cualquer ejemplar presentado en esta subasta, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a la otorgación de
documentos de compraventa, de garantias, pagos de dinero y cualquier otra gestion relacionada con
la compra de un ejemplar.
Este poder podrá ser revocado unicamente por escrito a la dirección del Potrero Los Llanos.
Este poder será utilizable solamente en la subasta a celebrarse el 4 de agosto de 2016 en las
facilidades del Potrero Los Llanos.
Teléfono Fax
Jurado y Suscrito ante mi por
y vecino de
personalmente en
mayor de edad,
, Puerto Rico, a quien doy fe conocer
, Puerto Rico, hoy
de 2016.
PRIMERA: Todos los ejemplares en este catálogo serán ofrecidos en subasta y otorgados al mejor
postor, de conformidad con las disposiciones del Código Civil de Puerto Rico, la Ley Hípica y el
Reglamento Hípico.
SEGUNDA: Todos los ejemplares ofrecidos en la presente subasta aparecen debidamente inscritos
en los registros del Jockey Club y la Administración de la Industria y el Deporte Hípico.
TERCERA: La compañía, entiéndase Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., se reserva el derecho de retirar de
ejemplar regresará a su jaula y se considerará no vendido.
QUINTA: Todo comprador podrá examinar personalmente o mediante perito a los ejemplares
protección y seguridad del comprador.
SEXTA: El título de propiedad de todo ejemplar subastado pasará al comprador desde el momento
en que dicho ejemplar le sea adjudicado por el subastador. Desde ese momento el comprador
asume toda la responsabilidad y riesgo, y libera a la compañía, al consignatario, a su criador y a
su antiguo dueño, según sea el caso, de cualquier reclamación por daño, lesión, enfermedad o
muerte relacionada con el ejemplar adquirido.
SEPTIMA: Al momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar subastado, el comprador deberá
realizar la totalidad del pago correspondiente. El comprador deberá suscribir un Pagaré y un
Reconocimiento de Compra a favor de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., del cual podrá obtener una copia
de la subasta. El comprador se compromete a efectuar el pago del compromiso contraído dentro
de los términos establecidos por Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., en este mismo catálogo. Se le advierte
de estas Condiciones de Venta tal cual si las mismas estuvieran aquí literalmente transcritas. En
consecuencia de ello, todo comprador deberá darle estricto cumplimiento a estas.
OCTAVA: El comprador que actúe como agente o apoderado de otro asumirá personal y
solidariamente las obligaciones y responsabilidades del comprador hasta que éste haya
cumplido con el pago total de la compra. Esta condición incluye a corporaciones y/o sociedades.
NOVENA: El comprador deberá remover del lugar de la subasta a los ejemplares por él adquiridos
en un período de 72 horas a partir del momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar. El comprador
asumirá toda la responsabilidad y costo por la transportación del ejemplar adquirido. Si el
comprador no cumple con lo anterior, la compañía transportará al ejemplar adquirido por el
toda la responsabilidad por cualquier daño que sufra el ejemplar durante este periodo, y se
compensará a la compañía por los costos de transportación más veinticinco ($25) por día, por
concepto del cuido del ejemplar.
DECIMA: No hay garantía implícita de la compañía, ni del consignatario, criador y/o antiguo
dueño por la salud, uso o destino para cualquier propósito de los ejemplares vendidos mediante
subasta e incluidos en este catálogo. La compañía si tendrá la obligación de anunciar cualquier
lesión en los ojos, de cualquier ejemplar subastado, que impida su visión normal. También tendrá
la obligación de anunciar cualquier ejemplar que sea “Cribber”, o sea, que trague aire. En adición,
es obligación de la compañía, anunciar cualquier ejemplar que sea criptorquido o monorquido.
El comprador o nuevo dueño tendrá un término improrrogable de 72 horas a partir de la fecha
de la compra para hacer su reclamo por escrito a la compañía acompañado del informe de su
veterinario, por vicio oculto relacionado con el ejemplar adquirido y, a tales efectos, renuncia a los
derechos que le concede el Artículo 1388 del Código Civil de Puerto rico.
UNDECIMA: La preparación y redacción de este catálogo y la información que contiene concuerda
con los usos y costumbres de la Industria Hípica de Puerto Rico, y puede adolecer de errores u
DUODECIMA: Cualquier exposición o declaración verbal o escrita de la compañía y/o del
consignatario y/o del criador y/o del antiguo dueño, NO ES PARTE DEL CONTRATO DE VENTA.
DECIMOTERCERA: Derecho a Devolución
A) Todoejemplarqueluegodeunexamenendoscópicopracticadoporunveterinario,demuestre
epiglotis entrampada o parálisis de la laringe será devuelto al consignatario de acuerdo a la
decimocuarta cláusula (#14), más adelante inserta.
B) Todo ejemplar con fractura o fragmentación ósea que afecte su habilidad para correr podrá ser
devuelto al consignatario sujeto al cumplimiento de la decimocuarta cláusula (#14), más adelante
DECIMOCUARTA: El comprador tendrá un término improrrogable de 72 horas, luego de haberle sido
cumplimiento a esta cláusula y a la décima cláusula (#10) de estas Condiciones de Venta.
Inmediatamente después de conocer alguna condición que, alegadamente le de derecho al
a Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., y, dentro de dicho termino, presentar la reclamación por escrito
acompañada por el certificado de su veterinario y entregarla personalmente a la oficina de
en Coamo, PR 00769.
DECIMOQUINTA: La compañía, a requerimiento de una devolución según provisto en las cláusulas
y emitirá su opinión profesional a la compañía. En caso de surgir un conflicto de opiniones
veterinarias, la compañía nombrará a un tercer veterinario aceptable tanto para la compañía
Todos los gastos veterinarios originados por esta controversia serán pagados por la parte a quien
El derecho a la devolución de acuerdo a lo previsto anteriormente será el único recurso del
comprador y ninguna de las partes será responsable por ningún otro daño, sino, solamente por
aquellos señalados aquí.
DECIMOSEXTA: Conexcepcióndeloexpresadoenlascláusulasdecimoterceraydecimocuarta
(#13 y #14) de las Condiciones de Venta, no se admitirá devolución por ningún otro motivo luego
de haberse adjudicado un ejemplar.
DECIMOSEPTIMA: En cuanto a los incentivos por compra otorgados a los dueños de caballos por
la honorable Junta Hípica para este año, se advierte que será responsabilidad de cada dueño
y NO del criador, solicitar la cantidad asignada a través de la Administración de la Industria y el
Deporte Hípico.
Sementales 2016
Dark Bay or Brown Horse; foaled 2009
Danzig ..............................
War Front..........................
Starry Dreamer..................
Pulpit ................................
Bema ................................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Lara's Star
A.P. Indy
Cloudy Day Sunny
By WAR FRONT (2002). Stakes winner of $424,205, Alfred G. Vanderbilt
Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 7 crops of racing age, 483 foals, 324 starters, 42 stakes winners, 219 winners of 605
races and earning $31,701,460, 2 champions, including Lines of Battle
($1,286,753, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup-G1, etc.), and
of Air Force Blue (hwt., $844,919, Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1, etc.), Declaration
of War (hwt., $1,847,489), The Factor ($922,180), Jack Milton ($853,828).
1st dam
BEMA, by Pulpit. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $146,612, Busher S.-L, 3rd Tropical Park
Oaks-L. Half-sister to DEODAR, Morada Key. Dam of 7 other foals, 5 to
race, all winners, including-DUE DILIGENCE (c. by War Front). Winner in 2 starts at 2, $58,000, in
N.A./U.S.; 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, €59,600, in Ireland, hwt. at 3 on Irish
Hand., 5 - 7 fur., Lacken S., 3rd Patton S.; placed at 3, £120,568, in England, 2nd Diamond Jubilee S.-G1. (Total: $343,241).
Ocasta (c. by Cherokee Run). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $84,969, 3rd Bourbon S.-G3.
Bemata (g. by Horse Greeley). 6 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 6, 2016, $284,629,
2nd Stud Muffin S.
Cort (g. by Horse Greeley). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2016, $29,400.
2nd dam
DHAKA, by Icecapade. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $186,866, Very Subtle Breeders'
Cup H., Regret S., 2nd Wilma C. Kennedy S., 3rd My Juliet H., Lieutenant
Governor S. Half-sister to SIEBE, PUZAR, B. Z. Jones. Dam of-DEODAR (c. by Woodman). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $162,200, Your Host S., 2nd
Nick Shuk Memorial S. Sire.
BEMA (f. by Pulpit). Stakes winner, above.
Morada Key (g. by Carson City). 2 wins at 3, $139,466, in N.A./U.S., 2nd
Hanshin Cup H.-G3, Forward Pass S.; winner at 4, $49,832, in Canada.
(Total: $180,462).
In Love Again. 3 wins at 3, $89,701. Dam of LITTLE WIDOW MAKER (f. by
Orientate, Total: $95,854, Winnipeg Futurity, Debutante S., Osiris S., etc.).
Upcoming. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $80,160. Dam of Surprise Squall (f. by Stephen
Got Even, $138,473), Senator Bowden (g. by Coronado's Quest, $24,813).
Carib Gal. Unraced. Dam of Gold for Cash (c. by Eurosilver, $351,205).
Mayan Milagra. Unplaced. Dam of DANCINGINHERDREAMS (f. by Tapit,
4 wins, $328,516, Pocahontas S.-G2, etc.), DOUBLED (f. by Exchange
Rate, $159,455, Sorority S.-L, etc.), Good Pick Nick (r. by Tapit, $82,300).
RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, unraced; at 3, two wins in 3 starts; at 4, one
win; at 5, one win, twice 2nd, twice 3rd. Totals: 4 wins, twice 2nd, twice
3rd. Earned $182,010. In Canada. At 4, unplaced in 1 start. Earned $1,000. (Total: $182,970).
Chestnut Horse; foaled 2008
A.P. Indy............................
Casanova Star ..................
Seattle Dancer ..................
Miss Frisky Dancer ..........
Miss Frisky Lady ..............
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
The Minstrel
Flight Dancer
Nijinsky II
My Charmer
Frisky Flyer
By CASANOVA STAR (1996). Winner of $117,970. Sire of 12 crops of racing
age, 108 foals, 68 starters, 7 stakes winners, 56 winners of 227 races and
earning $2,570,502, including champions Criador ($297,253, Copa San
Juan-G1, etc.), Don Paco ($464,344, Puertorriqueno Der-by-G1, etc.),
Yosolita ($166,232, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, etc.), and of Kristian
Quiles ($206,849, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), Satinada (10 wins,
$146,746, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, etc.), Kween C. ($107,395).
1st dam
MISS FRISKY DANCER, by Seattle Dancer. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $112,782, Clasico
Wiso G., 2nd Clasico Prensa Hipica, 3rd Clasico Prensa Hipica-G1. Dam
of 6 foals, all winners, including-DON PACO (c. by Casanova Star). Champion, below.
Estopilla (f. by Greedy). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $58,971.
Bailarin (c. by Sunshine Jimmy). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $44,909.
Gabardina (f. by Casanova Star). Winner at 2, $35,969.
Rosaura V. (f. by Sunshine Jimmy). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $31,333.
2nd dam
MISS FRISKY LADY, by Marsayas. 2 wins at 2, $12,658. Sister to MISTER
FRISKY, half-sister to CROSS CURRENT. Dam of 4 winners, including-MISS FRISKY DANCER (f. by Seattle Dancer). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
FRISKY FLYER, by Highest Tide. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $18,955. Dam of-MISTER FRISKY. 16 wins in 20 starts at 2 and 3, $689,393, horse of the
year, champion imported 2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Santa Anita
Derby-G1, San Rafael S.-G2, Clasico Juan Orlando Herrero-G2, etc.
CROSS CURRENT. 16 wins, 3 to 6, $127,759, Clasico Roberto Clemente.
Dam of SATINADA ($146,746, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, etc.).
Eager Flyer. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-UNWRITTEN. 13 wins, 2 to 7, $493,239, John J. Reilly H.-LR, etc.
Miss Frisky. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-FRISKY'S TURN. 21 wins, $347,623, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos, 2nd
Clasico Luis Munoz Marin-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G1, etc.
RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, three wins (Copa Navidad), twice 3rd (Puerto
Rico Futurity) in 5 starts; at 3, eleven wins (Puertorriqueno Derby-G1, Copa
Gobernador-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G2, Clasico Antonio
Mongil, Jr.-G2, Copa San Juan) in 11 starts; at 4, champion older horse in
Puerto Rico, 5 wins (Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo S.-G2, Clasico Luis Munoz
Marin S.-G3) in 6 starts; at 5, one win, once 2nd, once 3rd; at 6, one win, 3
times 2nd, twice 3rd (Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G2). Totals: 21
wins, 4 times 2nd, 5 times 3rd in 37 starts. Earned $464,344. In Panama.
At 3, unplaced. Earned 11,600 dollars. (Total: $475,944).
Gray or Roan Horse; foaled 2006
Pulpit ................................
Sky Mesa ..........................
Caress ..............................
Unbridled's Song..............
Ecology ............................
Gdansk's Honour ..............
A.P. Indy
Storm Cat
La Affirmed
Trolley Song
Royal Honoree
By SKY MESA (2000). Stakes winner of $633,076, Hopeful S.-G1, etc. Sire of
10 crops of racing age, 836 foals, 612 starters, 57 stakes winners, 453
winners of 1277 races and earning $40,193,453, including champions
Giulia (Gran Premio Ciudad de Montevideo-G1, etc.), Dynamic Sky ($1,087,828, Red Smith H.-G3, etc.), and of General Quarters ($1,226,655,
Toyota Blue Grass S.-G1, etc.), Cus Cus (Clasico Anahuac-G1, etc.), Sky
Diva (2 wins, $484,000, Frizette S.-G1, etc.), Skylighter (4 wins, $489,892).
1st dam
ECOLOGY, by Unbridled's Song. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to MINIMALIST. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners-GENERAL QUARTERS (c. by Sky Mesa). Stakes winner, below.
A SHIN TOP (c. by Tale of the Cat). 6 wins at 2 and 3, ¥187,113,000, in
Japan, New Zealand Trophy-G2, Keio Hai Nisai S.-G2, Nikkan Sports
Sho Shinzan Kinen-G3, Shimotsuki S. (Total: $2,081,243).
New Wave (f. by Tale of the Cat). 3 wins, $122,423, 2nd P. G. Johnson S.-L.
Wickedology (f. by Wild and Wicked). 2 wins at 3, $62,003. Producer.
Bhutan (c. by Galileo). Winner in 1 start at 3, 2016, €7,688, in Ireland. (Total:
2nd dam
GDANSK'S HONOUR, by Danzig. 3 wins at 2 and 3, €40,862, in Ireland, Leopardstown One Thousand Guineas Trial S., 2nd Carmelites Kildare 7th
Centenary Desmond S.-G3, Derrinstown Stud One Thousand Guineas
Trial S., Brownstown Stud S. (Total: $53,316). Sister to HONORIA (Total:
$108,042, Anheuser-Bush Railway S.-G3, etc.), SESARO (Total: $220,768, Nureyev S.-L, etc.), half-sister to DON HERNANDO ($78,823), Father Rooney ($29,700, in N.A./U.S.), Allverton. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-MINIMALIST (f. by Dynaformer). 2 wins at 2, $46,660, Salem County S.-L.
Dam of 5 winners, including-UNITARIAN (c. by Pulpit). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $470,290, Dixiana Elkhorn S.G2, H. Allen Jerkens S.-ntr, 2nd Belmont Gold Cup Invitational S., 3rd
Dixiana Elkhorn S.-G2.
Diva Dyna. Unraced. Dam of STRICT COMPLIANCE (f. by Into Mischief,
4 wins, $302,600, Boiling Springs S.-G3, Penn Oaks-L, 3rd Maker's
Mark Lake Placid S.-G2), TIREE (g. by Smoke Glacken, 6 wins to 7,
2016, $207,410, Coach Jimi Lee S., 2nd Penn Dash S.).
RACE RECORD: At 2, one win, twice 2nd (Inaugural S.), once 3rd; at 3, two
wins (Toyota Blue Grass S.-G1, Sam F. Davis S.-G3), twice 2nd (Pasco
S.); at 4, one win (Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S.-G1), 3 times 2nd (New
Orleans H.-G2, Mineshaft H.-G3, Louisiana H.), once 3rd (Stephen Foster
H.-G1); at 5, twice 2nd (WinStar Kentucky Cup S.-G2). Totals: 4 wins, 9
times 2nd, twice 3rd. Earned $1,226,655.
Chestnut Horse; foaled 2003
Seattle Slew ......................
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise ............
Seeking the Gold ..............
Lady Bonanza....................
Born a Lady ......................
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Lassie Dear
Mr. Prospector
Con Game
By A.P. INDY (1989). Horse of the year, classic winner of $2,979,815, Belmont
S.-G1, etc. Leading sire twice, sire of 18 crops of racing age, 1224 foals,
947 starters, 163 stakes winners, 692 winners of 2294 races and earning
$134,918,916, 12 champions, including Mineshaft ($2,283,402, Jockey
Club Gold Cup-G1, etc.), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528, Belmont S.-G1,
etc.), Bernardini ($3,060,480, Preakness S.-G1, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Honor
Code (6 wins, $2,518,260, Whitney S.-G1, etc.), Tempera ($770,240).
1st dam
Lady Bonanza, by Seeking the Gold. 4 wins at 2 and 3, ¥108,365,000, in
Japan, 2nd Flower Cup-G3. (Total: $892,052). Half-sister to ARROWTOWN. Dam of 5 other foals, 1 to race-August Gale (c. by Storm Cat). Placed at 3, £4,021, in England. (Total: $7,943).
2nd dam
BORN A LADY, by Tentam. 4 wins at 3, $57,544, Pearl Necklace S.-R, 2nd
Drop Me A Note S.-R. Half-sister to NORTHERN DANCER ($580,647,
horse of the year in Canada), NATIVE VICTOR, REGAL DANCER, Nostrum, Northern Native, Tai, Arctic Dancer. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-ARROWTOWN (c. by Mr. Prospector). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $330,765, Skip Trial
S., Richard Stockton S., 2nd True North H.-G2 twice, El Conejo H.-L, Long
Branch S.-L, Passaic County S., 3rd Tom Fool S.-G2, Philadelphia Park
Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Roseben H.-G3, Flintlock S.
Lady Bonanza (f. by Seeking the Gold). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Lambada Lady. Winner at 2, $14,280. Producer. Granddam of TAGANO
AZAGHAL (c. by Bago (FR), Total: $518,786, Chunichi Sports Sho Falcon S.-G3), Taisei Chevalier (c. by Kurofune, Total: $1,103,695, 2nd
Hyogo Championship, 3rd Unicorn S.-G3, Coral S.), Little Red Rocket
(c. by Explosive Red, 8 wins, $246,460, 2nd Anderson Fowler S., etc.).
Deviltante. Winner at 3, $3,900. Producer. Granddam of RIGHT TO DREAM
(g. by Oasis Dream (GB), Total: $37,057), SIX HITTER (g. by Boundary,
Total: $151,477), Binthebest (g. by Binalong, $350,545), Tinker (c. by
Binalong, $109,290, 3rd Spectacular Bid S.-L). Great-granddam of
ASUKANO ROMAN (c. by Agnes Digital, to 5, 2016, Total: $1,762,361).
Little Arrow. Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including-ANTONIO BAROWS (c. by Manhattan Cafe). Winner at 2 and 3,
¥99,521,000, in Japan, Nikkan Sports Sho Shinzan Kinen-G3, 2nd
Principal S., 3rd Tokyo Yushun-Japanese Derby-. (Total: $1,065,916).
Natalma's Dream. Unraced. Producer. Great-granddam of AMANPOUR (f.
by Northern Meteor, Total: $712,866, Cellarbrations Queen Of The Turf
S.-G1, etc.), TURF EXPRESS (g. by Danehill Dancer, Total: $336,287),
SPORTS EDITION (c. by Northern Meteor, Total: $77,684, in Australia).
Bay Horse; foaled 1995
Blushing Groom (FR)........
Runaway Groom................
Yonnie Girl........................
Great Above ......................
Myfavorite Charity ............
Jettapart ............................
Red God
Runaway Bride (GB)
Call the Witness
Minnesota Mac
Ta Wee
Tri Jet
By RUNAWAY GROOM (1979). Champion 3-year-old colt in Canada, stakes
winner of $347,537, Travers S.-G1, etc. Sire of 23 crops of racing age,
1153 foals, 975 starters, 75 stakes winners, 761 winners of 3188 races
and earning $62,611,899, 5 champions, including Alex the Groom ($188,058, Clasico Prensa Hipica-G1, etc.), Dr. Fox (Clasico de Los SprintersG1, etc.), Cherokee Run ($1,531,818, Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1, etc.), and
of Wekiva Springs (10 wins, $1,512,575), Down the Aisle ($1,007,988).
1st dam
Myfavorite Charity, by Great Above. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $124,067, 2nd Azalea H.L, 3rd Blue Sparkler S., Inaugural S. Half-sister to DASH OF SALT,
Jacquelyn's Groom. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-MYFAVORITE PLACE (c. by Runaway Groom). Stakes winner, below.
STARLET IN MOTION (f. by Fappiano's Star). 17 wins, 3 to 6, $287,579, Clasico
Dia de las Madres-G1, 2nd Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1, Clasico Confederacion Hipica de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G2, Clasico Miss
Bell-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1 twice.
MY FAVORITE DREAM (c. by Runaway Groom). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $119,627,
Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Battle Morn-G3. Sire.
Myfavorite Star (g. by Fappiano's Star). 7 wins at 3 and 5, $108,730.
Myfavoritepassion (f. by Wekiva Springs). 2 wins at 3, $75,802.
Trial Seperation (f. by Runaway Groom). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $47,465.
Before the Thunder (f. by Wekiva Springs). Unraced. Dam of-MY FAVORITE SPIRIT (c. by American Spirit). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $83,246, champion imported 3-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Clasico
George Washington-G3, Clasico Jose de Diego.
2nd dam
JETTAPART, by Tri Jet. Winner, $11,495. Half-sister to Great Ending ($97,401,
2nd Youthful S., etc.). Dam of 19 foals, 16 to race, 13 winners, incl.-DASH OF SALT (f. by Salt Lake). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $206,261, Marigold S.-L,
3rd Carousel H.-L, Wishing Well S.-L.
Jacquelyn's Groom (c. by Runaway Groom). 7 wins, 2 to 7, $164,808, 2nd
Roman Brother S.-LR, Marigold S., 3rd Hurricanes H.-L, Carry Back H.L, Turnberry Isle S.-L. Sire.
Myfavorite Charity (f. by Great Above). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Spring Vacation. 2 wins at 3, $41,960. Dam of OBEY (f. by Desert Code, 2
wins in 3 starts, $96,600, CTBA S.-R), Comical Vacation ($48,240).
RACE RECORD: At 2, one win, twice 3rd; at 3, one win, twice 2nd; at 4, seven
wins, twice 2nd (Clasico Dia del Veterano-G3), once 3rd in 11 starts; at 5,
seven wins (Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1), once 3rd (Clasico Eugenio
Maria de Hostos-G1) in 8 starts; at 6, one win in 2 starts. Totals: 17 wins,
4 times 2nd, 4 times 3rd in 29 starts. Earned $306,852.
Bay Horse; foaled 2004
Sadler's Wells ..................
El Prado (IRE) ..................
Lady Capulet ....................
Red Ransom......................
Perfect Sting ....................
Valid Victress....................
Northern Dancer
Fairy Bridge
Sir Ivor
Cap and Bells
Valid Appeal
Grecian Victory
By EL PRADO (IRE) (1989). Champion 2-year-old in Ireland, stakes winner of
$236,987, National S.-G1, etc. Leading sire, sire of 17 crops of racing age,
1027 foals, 817 starters, 89 stakes winners, 609 winners of 2352 races
and earning $84,419,290, 3 champions, including Mi Pradera ($664,452,
Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten's Joy ($2,075,791, Joe Hirsch
Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d'Oro ($5,754,720,
Travers S.-G1, etc.), Borrego ($2,052,090), Winter Memories ($1,268,100).
1st dam
PERFECT STING, by Red Ransom. 14 wins in 21 starts, 2 to 5, $2,202,042,
champion grass mare, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf-G1-ecr, 1 3/8 mi.
in 2:13, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S.-G1, Garden City Breeders'
Cup H.-G1, Diana H.-G2, New York H.-G2, Black Helen H.-G2, Just a
Game Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Beaugay H.-G3, Sands Point S.-G3, Green
River S.-L, Captive Miss S.-L, 2nd WinStar Galaxy S.-G3, Lake George
H.-G3, Appalachian S.-L. Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners-SMART STING (f. by Smart Strike). 3 wins in 6 starts, 2 to 4, $329,053, in
Canada, Selene S.-G3, Maple Leaf S.-L, 2nd Ontario Colleen S.-G3; winner at 3, $87,915, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Edgewood S.-L. (Total: $413,156).
QUICK KID (c. by Ghostzapper). 4 wins at 4 and 5, $53,226, in Canada,
Andy Passero Memorial Cup S.; placed in 2 starts at 4, $4,092, in N.A./
U.S. (Total: $56,920).
Perfect Bullet (c. by El Prado (IRE)). Stakes-placed winner, below.
Purple Trillium (f. by Seeking the Gold). Winner in 2 starts at 5, $25,598, in
N.A./U.S.; placed at 5, $23,440, in Canada. (Total: $49,553).
Flying Bullet (c. by Smart Strike). Winner at 3, 2016, €9,620, in Ireland. (Total:
2nd dam
VALID VICTRESS, by Valid Appeal. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $95,482, Dramatic Joy S.,
3rd Moraga S.-L, Blazing Skies H. Half-sister to THE COUNT. Dam of-PERFECT STING (f. by Red Ransom). Champion, above.
Reggae Queen. Winner at 3, $32,880. Dam of 2 winners-CELTIC NEW YEAR (g. by North Light (IRE)). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $294,422,
Del Mar H.-G2, 2nd Charles Whittingham Memorial H.-G1, etc.
Reggae Rose. 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, $147,861, in Canada; placed at 3,
$4,900, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $142,097). Dam of SHAKHIMAT (c. by
Lonhro (AUS), to 3, 2016, Total: $225,494, Transylvania S.-G3, etc.).
RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, unraced; at 3, once 2nd, twice 3rd; at 4,
unplaced; at 5, unplaced in 1 start; at 6, unraced; at 7, unplaced in 2 starts.
Earned $23,397. In Canada. At 4, two wins in 2 starts; at 5, one win in 2
starts; at 6, once 3rd (Autumn S.-G2); at 7, one win. Totals: 4 wins, once
3rd. Earned $179,152. (Total: $198,200).
Bay Horse; foaled 2004
Maudlin ............................
Mecke ..............................
Beautiful Bid ....................
Mighty Appealing..............
Might Be a Queen ............
Royalism ..........................
Foolish Pleasure
Biddy Big
Valid Appeal
Patsy's Lil Girl
King Emperor
Out Talk
By MECKE (1992). Stakes winner of $2,470,550, Arlington Million S.-G1, etc.
Sire of 16 crops of racing age, 307 foals, 247 starters, 14 stakes winners,
183 winners of 641 races and earning $14,765,365, including champion
Mecke Daugther ($246,150, Clasico Dia de la Mujer-G1, etc.), and of
Supah Blitz ($1,324,330, Del Mar Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc.), Mountain
Rage ($355,506, Generous S.-G3, etc.), Pickapocket ($512,619, Sussex
S.-L, etc.), Magic Mecke ($451,080), Sweet as You Are (7 wins, $325,344).
1st dam
MIGHT BE A QUEEN, by Mighty Appealing. Unraced. Dam of 8 other foals, 6
to race, 5 winners, including-MIGHT BEA PRINCESS (f. by Notebook). 2 wins at 2, $77,320, Clasico
Velvet Panther-G3, 2nd Clasico Accion de Gracias-G1, Clasico Eduardo
Cautino Insua-G1, Clasico Dia de la Raza-G1. Producer.
Cristy U (f. by Notebook). 3 wins at 2, $55,903, 2nd Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua-G3, 3rd Clasico Ano Nuevo.
Rainbow Acorn (f. by Montbrook). 5 wins at 4 and 5, $65,740.
Lara Wants (f. by Saint Ballado). Unraced. Dam of 6 winners, including-CONCERTO'S QUEEN (f. by Concerto). 6 wins, $111,680, Clasico Dia de
la Mujer-G1, 2nd Clasico Ano Nuevo-G1, 3rd Clasico Velvet Panther-G3.
Undeniable Queen (f. by Concerto). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $154,007, 3rd NATC
Sorority Futurity-LR.
S S Scribble. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $75,731. Dam of Raynick's Jet (g. by A.
P Jet, 4 wins, $153,794, 3rd Hudson S.-LR, Ontario County S.-R).
2nd dam
ROYALISM, by King Emperor. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 2 winners, including-Miss Tut. 23 wins, 4 to 11, $127,387. Producer.
3rd dam
OUT TALK, by *Ambiorix. 3 wins at 3, $32,771, Spur On S., Vanity Fair H., 2nd
Sweet Patootie S., Rose Leaves S. Sister to RASH STATEMENT ($218,022), half-sister to PILLOW TALK ($42,470). Dam of 5 winners, incl.-Constant Talk. Winner at 4, $39,882. Dam of ISLAND CHATTER ($108,728,
Pontiac H., etc.), Talk Nice ($154,833, sire), Princess Pamela ($49,320),
Candeloro. Granddam of TALKNOW ($273,913), Gambler's Share (16
wins, $173,134), Banker Bill ($81,747), Herecomes Gossip ($30,268).
Flying Wit. Winner at 3, $7,640. Dam of Shapely Wit ($17,297). Granddam
of DONA INGRID (15 wins, $354,791, dam of Srta. Gia, $22,757).
Flyitoff. Placed at 2. Producer. Granddam of PALACE OF ICE ($23,327).
Brag. Unraced. Dam of REVIVALIST ($184,589, Salvator Mile H.-G3, etc.),
Queen of Guilt ($55,557, dam of Go Queenie Go, $97,524). Granddam
of IT'S OVER ($90,737), Chop It Down ($125,293, 3rd Cupid S.-R, etc.).
RACE RECORD: At 2, unraced; at 3, once 2nd. Earned $3,300.
Chestnut Horse; foaled 2009
Street Cry (IRE) ................
Helen Street (GB) ..............
Pulpit ................................
Calla Lily ..........................
Lillybuster ........................
Mr. Prospector
Coup de Folie
A.P. Indy
Gilded Lilly
By STREET CRY (IRE) (1998). Horse of the year in U.A.E., stakes winner of
$5,150,837, Stephen Foster H.-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age,
1877 foals, 1212 starters, 110 stakes winners, 825 winners of 2514 races
and earning $104,260,700, 6 champions, including Zenyatta ($7,304,580,
Breeders' Cup Classic-G1, etc.), Street Sense ($4,383,200, Kentucky
Derby-G1, etc.), Storm Street (Stewards Cup-G1, etc.), Shocking ($4,561,399, Emirates Melbourne Cup-G1, etc.), Whobegotyou ($2,686,861).
1st dam
Calla Lily, by Pulpit. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $174,119, 2nd Chelsey Flower S.-LR,
3rd Pebbles S.-L, Marshua's River S.-L, Foresta S.-LR. Half-sister to
HARDEST CORE. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, both winners-CRITTENDEN (g. by Distorted Humor). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $173,340, PDJF
S., Let It Ride S.-R, 2nd American Derby-G3.
Side Road (c. by Street Cry (IRE)). Stakes-placed winner, below.
2nd dam
LILLYBUSTER, by Housebuster. Winner at 2 and 4, $53,290. Half-sister to
GILDED TIME, Valid Advantage. Dam of 5 winners, including-HARDEST CORE (g. by Hard Spun). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $850,580, Arlington
Million S.-G1, Cape Henlopen S., 2nd Stroll S.
Calla Lily (f. by Pulpit). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
GILDED LILLY, by What a Pleasure. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $50,235. Half-sister to HIGH
ECHELON, Avodire, Epic Journey. Dam of 14 winners, including-GILDED TIME. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $975,980, champion 2-year-old colt,
Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1, Arlington-Washington Futurity-G2, etc. Sire.
Valid Advantage. 5 wins, 2 to 10, $64,950, 3rd Rebel S.-G3.
Lill's Cutlass. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $54,110. Dam of 8 winners, including-DAVEY'S CUTLASS. 13 wins, 2 to 9, $410,291, White Oak H.-LR, Zip
Pocket S., 2nd Land of Lincoln S.-LR, 3rd Demetri's Boy S.-LR.
MILE. 9 wins, 4 to 7, $262,859, Leader of the Band S.
Gilded Moment. 2 wins at 4, $21,725. Dam of 5 winners, including-VALID WARNING. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $131,369, Scarlet Carnation H.,
etc. Dam of ELUSIVE WARNING (Total: $487,332, Muhtathir Burj Nahaar-G3, etc., sire), Electric Gold ($98,620, 3rd Sky Beauty S.).
GILDED DIABLO. 2 wins at 2, $97,659, Fashion S.-L, 3rd Astoria S.-L,
etc. Dam of Ten Devils (2 wins, $94,050, 2nd Eddie Logan S.-L).
Littelfuse. Winner at 3, $42,790. Dam of Tiz to Dream (4 wins, $168,381).
Silver Lilly. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of Social Request (2 wins, $60,803).
RACE RECORD: At 2, once 3rd; at 3, one win in 2 starts; at 4, one win, 3 times
2nd (Elkhorn S.-G2, John's Call S.-R); at 5, unplaced in 1 start. Totals: 2
wins, 3 times 2nd, once 3rd. Earned $150,074.
Dark Bay or Brown Horse; foaled 1996
Deputy Minister ................
Mane Minister ..................
Lacework ..........................
Alysheba ..........................
Designatoree ....................
Never Scheme ..................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
In Reality
Bel Sheba
Never Bend
Sweetly Scheming
By MANE MINISTER (1988). Stakes winner of $374,776, Pirate Cove S.-L,
etc. Sire of 18 crops of racing age, 310 foals, 239 starters, 17 stakes winners, 172 winners of 688 races and earning $7,099,090, including champion Minister Margaret ($508,009, Clasico Roberto Clemente-G1, etc.),
and of Voice of Destiny ($556,723, Clasico Verset's Jet-G2, etc.), Bosque
Redondo (6 wins, $478,470, San Bernardino H.-G2, etc.), Indispensable
($296,687, David L. Zeke Ferguson Memorial Steeplechase H.-G2, etc.).
1st dam
DESIGNATOREE, by Alysheba. Placed at 3, $7,650. Half-sister to VERY SUBTLE
($1,608,360, Breeders’ Cup Sprint-G1, etc.), SCHEMATIC ($204,242), Constant Change ($82,102). Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 7 winners, incl.-VOICE OF DESTINY (c. by Mane Minister). Stakes winner, below.
Hollow Design (f. by Colonial Affair). 2 wins at 3, $25,030. Dam of-ACTIN GOOD (g. by Yes It's True). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $457,855, Pegasus S.G3, Majestic Light S.-L, 2nd Sapling S.-G3, Formal Gold S., Tyro S.,
3rd Hal's Hope H.-G3, Fred W. Hooper H.-G3, Carl G. Rose Classic
H.-LR, Monmouth Park NATC Futurity-LR.
Destined to Win (g. by Awesome Again). 10 wins, 3 to 6, $143,920.
Shine (g. by Fly So Free). 11 wins, 2 to 6, $102,571.
Bustin Justin (c. by Forestry). 3 wins at 3, £17,164, in England. (Total: $32,075).
Amazing Adventure (c. by Dynaformer). Winner at 4, €18,100, in France.
(Total: $24,205).
Heart Six (f. by Forest Camp). Placed at 3, $12,450. Dam of-Light Up the Sky (f. by Speightstown). 3 wins at 3, $138,412, 2nd Horseman of the Year S.
Designer Forest (f. by Forestry). Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including-Taylor Jones (g. by Seattle Shamus). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $17,650, 2nd
Lethal Grande Sprint Championship S.-R.
Ochoco Fashion (f. by Ochoco). Placed at 2, 3rd Janet Wineberg S.-R.
Shirazy (f. by Baquero). Placed at 2, 2nd Janet Wineberg S.-R.
RACE RECORD: At 2, three wins (California Juvenile S.-G3, Leland Stanford
S.) in 4 starts; at 3, unplaced; at 4, five wins (Berkeley H.-G3), twice 2nd
(San Carlos H.-L), once 3rd; at 5, one win, 5 times 2nd, 5 times 3rd (Clasico Juan Ponce de Leon-G3); at 6, three wins, 4 times 2nd (Clasico Jose
de Diego-G1), 3 times 3rd (Clasico George Washington-G1); at 7, three
wins (Clasico Verset's Jet-G2), twice 2nd, 3 times 3rd; at 8, three wins,
twice 2nd (Clasico Dia de los Padres-G1), 4 times 3rd (Clasico Wilbert N.
Parkhurst-G3); at 9, five wins, twice 2nd, 5 times 3rd (Clasico Verset's JetG1, Clasico Jose Celso Barbosa-G1); at 10, one win, 3 times 2nd (Clasico
Dia de los Padres-G1); at 11, unplaced; at 12, once 3rd; at 13, twice 3rd.
Totals: 24 wins, 20 times 2nd, 24 times 3rd. Earned $556,723.
Foaled Sire
8 f............2015
Hockenheim...............Tais Dream
7 .......................................b. c................2015
30 c..............2015
Hockenheim...............Political Gold
Myfavorite Place ........Tipsy Tonya
.......................................b. f.................2015
.......................................b. c................2015
.......................................b. f.................2015 c..............2015
.......................................b. c................2015 c..............2015
El c..............2015
.......................................b. f.................2015 b./br. c.....2015 c..............2015 c..............2015 c..............2015
.......................................b. c................2015 f. ..............2015
.......................................b. c................2015
.......................................b. c................2015 c..............2015 f. ..............2015
.......................................b. c................2015
.......................................b. c................2015 f. ..............2015 c..............2015
.......................................b. c................2015
.......................................b. c................2015
.......................................b. c................2015
.......................................b. f.................2015 f. ..............2015 b./br. c.....2015
.......................................b. f.................2015
.......................................b. c................2015 f. ..............2015 c..............2015 c..............2015
.......................................b. c................2015
.......................................b. f.................2015 f. ..............2015
Myfavorite Place ........Minister Stephania
Hockenheim...............Action Delight
Myfavorite Place ........Chavelisa
Perfect Bullet..............Flying Fuhr
Myfavorite Place ........Sra Barbara
Myfavorite Place ........Musical Snow
Hockenheim...............Baby Is Due
Hockenheim...............Classy Heroine
Hockenheim...............Cachetito Suave
Perfect Bullet..............Amanda Sofia
Perfect Bullet..............Oh Mr Postman
Hockenheim...............Soft Cheek
Myfavorite Place ........Princesa de Roble
Hockenheim...............Ms. Hawaii
Perfect Bullet..............Congoja
Hockenheim...............Cambria's Dream
Myfavorite Place ........Andiroba Royal
Myfavorite Place ........Shanna Fever
Myfavorite Place ........Lorena U.
Myfavorite Place ........Maruvy
Perfect Bullet..............Yes She Can
Myfavorite Place ........Olivia's Notebook
Hockenheim...............Estrella Dorada
Roman Scout .............B. J. Miracle
Myfavorite Place ........Silver Vow
Myfavorite Place ........Lisanix
Myfavorite Place ........Fighting Lady
Myfavorite Place ........Cuabey
Hockenheim...............Sra. Esperanza
Perfect Bullet..............Stacy Cat
Hockenheim...............D'cherokee Speed
Myfavorite Place ........Line Brunette
Myfavorite Place ........Mi Abogada
Perfect Bullet..............What a Slam
10 .......................................b. c................2015
12 .......................................b. c................2015
Hockenheim...............La Negra Tomasa
Myfavorite Place ........Greatly Blessed
Foaled Sire
36 f............2015
.......................................b. c................2015 b./br. f......2015
.......................................b. f.................2015
General Quarters.......Luckyandiknowit
Voice of Destiny .........Estais Encrespada
Hockenheim...............Champagne Coolie
Hockenheim...............Successful Talent
General Quarters.............................26
Hockenheim.............2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11,
13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 31,
33, 36, 40, 42
Myfavorite Place.............1, 3, 6, 9, 12,
19, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 32,
35, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44
Perfect Bullet..................5, 16, 17, 21,
29, 41, 45
Roman Scout...................................34
Voice of Destiny...............................27
Action Delight ....................................2
Amanda Sofia..................................16
Andiroba Royal................................23
Baby Is Due.....................................13
B. J. Miracle.....................................34
Cachetito Suave ..............................15
Cambria's Dream ............................22
Champagne Coolie.........................31
Chavelisa ...........................................3
Classy Heroine ................................14
Congoja ...........................................21
Cuabey ............................................39
D'cherokee Speed ..........................42
Estais Encrespada ..........................27
Estrella Dorada................................33
Fighting Lady...................................38
Flying Fuhr .........................................5
Greatly Blessed ...............................12
La Negra Tomasa............................10
Line Brunette ...................................43
Lisanix ..............................................37
Lorena U. .........................................25
Maruvy .............................................28
Mi Abogada.....................................44
Minado ...............................................4
Minister Stephania.............................1
Ms. Hawaii .......................................20
Musical Snow.....................................9
Oh Mr Postman ...............................17
Olivia's Notebook ............................32
Political Gold......................................7
Princesa de Roble...........................19
Shanna Fever ..................................24
Silver Vow.........................................35
Soft Cheek .......................................18
Sra Barbara .......................................6
Sra. Esperanza................................40
Stacy Cat .........................................41
Successful Talent.............................36
Tais Dream .........................................8
Tipsy Tonya......................................30
What a Slam.....................................45
Yes She Can ....................................29
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled February 1, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Stephen Got Even..............
Minister Stephania............
Minister Margaret ............
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
A.P. Indy
Mane Minister
In the Limelight
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
MINISTER STEPHANIA, by Stephen Got Even. Winner at 5, $8,375. Dam of 4
other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-Mi Nieta Danira (f. by Bugatti Reef (IRE)). Winner at 3, 2016, $9,325.
Soldadura (f. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
MINISTER MARGARET, by Mane Minister. 34 wins in 65 starts, 3 to 7, $650,010, champion imported older mare 3 times in Puerto Rico, Clasico
Roberto Clemente-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1 twice, Clasico Prensa Hipica
Jaime Andrada-G1, Clasico Entrenadores, Clasico Prensa Hipica, 2nd
Clasico Roberto Clemente twice, Clasico Prensa Hipica, 3rd Clasico
Prensa Hipica. Half-sister to CASH ON THE RUN. Dam of 1 other foal,
which has not raced.
3rd dam
IN THE LIMELIGHT, by Polish Navy. Unraced. Dam of 8 winners, including-MINISTER MARGARET. Champion, above.
CASH ON THE RUN. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $180,558, Birdcatcher S.-L, Canadian
Juvenile S.-L, Winnipeg Futurity, Stampede Park Sprint Championship
H., President's H., 2nd Alberta Derby-G3, 3rd Derby Trial S.
Globalization. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $102,972.
Wall Light. Winner at 3, $5,627. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, incl.-Bonacera. 16 wins, 2 to 5, $104,237.
El Motivador. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $63,786.
Santa Martha. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $57,378.
Ladys Cape. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-Azote. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $52,460.
4th dam
After the Show, by Stage Door Johnny. 2 wins to 3, $46,270, 2nd Bourbonette
S. Half-sister to DEVIL'S ORCHID ($604,521, Santa Monica H.-G1, etc.),
DOUBLE SIXES ($271,385, Pimlico Distaff H.-G3, etc.), Tussac, Land
Grant ($134,418), Judy's Halo ($82,920). Dam of 5 winners, incl.-Sonnyboywilliamson. 4 wins at 4, $29,793.
JCC 1507576 - Microchip 900182001156600
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled January 6, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Three Wonders..................
Action Delight ..................
Mighty Action ..................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Storm Cat
Wood of Binn
Mighty Adversary
Barbs Action
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
ACTION DELIGHT, by Three Wonders. Winner at 2, $12,040. Half-sister to
Classic Action. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-Velon Cibucano (c. by Triano). Placed at 3, $5,100.
Poetico (c. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
Mighty Action, by Mighty Adversary. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,460, 2nd Cinderella S., Surrey S., Lassie S. Half-sister to COUNT ACTION. Dam of-APIECEOFTHEACTION (g. by Wander Kind). 13 wins, 2 to 8, $435,031,
Lieutenant Governors' Breeders' Cup S.-L, British Columbia Cup Redekop Classic S.-LR, Sir Winston Churchill H., Jack Diamond Futurity-R,
British Columbia Nursery S.-R, Hastings S.-R, Inaugural S.-R, 2nd Lieutenant Governor's Breeders' Cup S.-L, S. W. Randall Plate H.-L, British
Columbia Classic H.-LR, John Longden 6000 H., Burnaby S., Richmond
S., George Royal S.-R.
YOU'VE GOT ACTION (c. by Son of Briartic). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $303,970, Eagle
Hardware and Garden Derby-L-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:48 3/5, Rainier Breeders'
Cup H.-L, Inlet S., Klondike H., FOX Sports Northwest H.-etr, 6 1/2 fur. in 1:14
3/5, Ascot Sophomore S.-R, 2nd British Columbia Derby-L, British Columbia
Cup Redekop Classic H.-LR, City of Vancouver S., George Royal S.-R, etc.
Knight in Flight (g. by Family Calling). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $148,030, 2nd The
Vid S. Set ncr at Philadelpha Park, about 7 1/2 fur. in 1:31 4/5.
Classic Action (f. by Meadowlake). Winner at 2 and 3, $58,350, 2nd Sonoma H.-L, Supernaturel H., 3rd Nanaimo H. Producer.
Regal Action. 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, $20,880. Dam of 4 winners, including-WIND STORM (f. by He's Tops). 12 wins, 3 to 6, $287,084, in Canada, Senate Appointee S., British Columbia Cup Distaff H.-R, etc. (Total: $269,448).
No Lost Action. Unplaced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 winners, including-MISS CURRENT SEA (f. by Petersburg). Winner in 1 start at 2 in N.A./
U.S., Lassie S.; winner at 2, $7,800, in Canada. Producer.
Free Action (g. by Free At Last). 4 wins, $59,532, 2nd Golden Bear S.-L.
JCC 1503768 - Microchip 900182001156466
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 19, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Macho Uno ......................
Chavelisa ..........................
Jackie Ramos....................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Holy Bull
Primal Force
Silver Clover
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
CHAVELISA, by Macho Uno. 15 wins, 2 to 6, $103,430. This is her second foal.
Dam of-Nayri (f. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
JACKIE RAMOS, by Afleet. Winner at 3, $42,748. Half-sister to LOVE OF SILVER, CLOVER HUNTER. Dam of 5 other winners, including-Tomorrows Wildcat. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $117,177.
3rd dam
SILVER CLOVER, by Secretariat. 3 wins at 4, $26,620. Half-sister to CRICKET
CLUB. Dam of 10 other foals, 9 to race, 6 winners, including-LOVE OF SILVER. 2 wins at 2, £16,761, in England, Butlins Southcoast
World Prestige S.-G3; placed at 2, €24,392, in France, 3rd Prix Marcel
Boussac Criterium des Pouliches-G1. (Total: $65,464). Dam of-Silver Bracelet. Winner at 3, £12,300, in England, 3rd Betabet Bet Whatever, Whenever, Wherever Masaka S. (Total: $17,616). Producer.
Silver Queen. Placed at 3 in England. Dam of KUAICOSS (Total: $195,779,
hwt. older mare at 4 on Italian Hand., 5 - 7 fur., Premio Tudini-G3, etc.).
Ocelot. Placed at 3 in New Zealand. Dam of Ganghae (2nd Seoul Owners'
Association Chairman's Cup-G3, Segye Ilbo Cup, 3rd Minister's Cup-G2).
CLOVER HUNTER. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $288,239, Golden Gate Derby-L, 3rd El
Camino Real Derby-G3, Viking Spirit H.-LR.
Silverlado. Unplaced. Dam of 3 foals, all winners, including-AIKENITE. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $875,385, Churchill Downs S.-G2, Commonwealth S.-G2, 2nd Dixiana Breeders' Futurity-G1, The Cliff's Edge Derby
Trial S.-G3, Stoll Keenon Ogden Phoenix S.-G3, 3rd Three Chimneys
Hopeful S.-G1, Forego S.-G1, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth S.-G2.
4th dam
CLOVER LANE, by *Tudor Way. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $127,405, Arlington-Washington
Lassie S., Mademoiselle S., Lassie Trial S., 2nd Majorette S. Dam of-CRICKET CLUB. 3 wins to 3, $21,460, Pinafore S. Dam of DR. BOBBY A.
($217,753), FORLADIESONLY ($431,323), WORLDLY POSSESSION, etc.
JCC 1515731 - Microchip 900182001156541
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled January 15, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Coronado's Quest ............
Minado ............................
Minifah ............................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Forty Niner
Laughing Look
All Rainbows
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
MINADO, by Coronado's Quest. Unraced. Half-sister to Bintalshaati, Jinsiyah. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, including-Mongolian Front (f. by War Front). Winner at 3 and 4, $25,151.
2nd dam
MINIFAH, by Nureyev. Placed at 3 in England. Half-sister to WINNING COLORS ($1,526,837, champion 3-year-old filly, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.),
Shareek (Total: $96,739). All Dance ($25,770, in N.A./U.S.). Dam of-Bintalshaati (f. by Kris). 2 wins at 3, £35,085, in England, 2nd Ritz Club
Fern Hill S. (Total: $53,620). Dam of 6 foals, 4 winners, including-Will Be (f. by In the Wings). 3 wins, 2 to 5 in Sweden, 2nd Coolmore
Matchmaker S., Jockeyklubbens Avelslopning twice, 3rd Coolmore
Matchmaker S.; placed at 3, £2,601, in England; winner at 5 in Norway, 2nd Erik O. Steens Memorial. Producer.
Ghanaj. Unraced. Dam of FREE ROSES (f. by Fasliyev, 2 wins, Total:
$47,683, E.B.F. Land O'Burns S.), Ghanaian (f. by Shamardal, 2 wins,
Total: $43,173, in England, 2nd E.B.F. Stallions October S.).
Jinsiyah (f. by Housebuster). Winner at 3, £15,149, in England, 2nd Vodafone
Victress S., 3rd Crawley Warren Heron S. (Total: $24,948). Dam of-INDIAN MAIDEN (IRE) (f. by Indian Ridge). 13 wins, 3 to 6, £182,822, in
England, Slatch Farm Stud Flying Fillies' S., E.B.F. Lansdown Fillies S., Henry Gee S., Warwick International Queensferry S.,
Cecil Frail S., E.B.F. Lansdown S., 2nd Slatch Farm Stud Flying S., Kilvington S., 3rd Cuisine de France Summer S.-G3, E.B.F.
Boadicea Fillies' S., Empire Property Group S., etc.; winner at 6, €47,820,
in Ireland, Irish Stallion Farms E.B.F. Sweet Mimosa S.; winner at 6,
€57,050, in France, Prix de Meautry Lucien Barriere-G3, 2nd Prix Cor
de Chasse, 3rd Prix Cor de Chasse. (Total: $466,690). Dam of LOVE
SPIRIT (g. by Elusive City, to 6, 2016, Total: $177,896, Prix Servanne).
Istinad. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, including-Coquinerie (f. by Sahm). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $127,433, 2nd Judy's Red Shoes
S.-L, Golden Pond S.-R. Producer.
JCC 1503228 - Microchip 900182001156538
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled February 1, 2015
El Prado (IRE) ..................
Perfect Bullet ....................
Perfect Sting ....................
Langfuhr ..........................
Flying Fuhr ......................
Went to the Chapel............
Sadler's Wells
Lady Capulet
Red Ransom
Valid Victress
Sweet Briar Too
Quest for Fame (GB)
Lovely Lei
By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, $198,200,
3rd Autumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid.
His first foals are yearlings of 2016. Son of champion El Prado (IRE),
leading sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions, including Mi Pradera
($664,452, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten's Joy ($2,075,791,
Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d'Oro (8
wins, $5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Borrego (5 wins, $2,052,090).
1st dam
FLYING FUHR, by Langfuhr. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $116,020. This is her second foal.
Dam of-Luminaria (f. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
WENT TO THE CHAPEL, by Quest for Fame (GB). 7 wins to 5, $49,809. Half-sister to Hurricane Disaster, Blue Iris. Dam of 2 other foals to race, incl.-I Forever Do. 2 wins at 3, $20,137.
3rd dam
LOVELY LEI, by Our Native. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $114,468, Pageant S., 2nd Gallorette H.-G3, Rumson H., Poquessing H., Gala Lil H., 3rd Parlo H. Halfsister to Expletive Deleted. Dam of 13 other winners, including-Hurricane Disaster. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $162,562, 2nd Hollie Hughes H.-LR.
Blue Iris. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $121,737, 3rd Mount Vernon H.-LR. Dam of-Chantilly Lady. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $157,603, 2nd Virginia H. Tarra Illinois
Owners S.-LR, 3rd Hatoof S.
Clearly Sunny. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $103,075.
Ninety Nine Mack. Winner at 6, $96,886.
4th dam
EASY CONQUEST, by *Royal Charger. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to
Traders Time ($33,814, 2nd Caliente Derby H., etc.), *Gay Landing
($15,900, 3rd California Derby). Dam of 8 winners, including-LOVELY LEI. Stakes winner, above.
Expletive Deleted. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $66,831, 2nd Bold Ruler H., 3rd
Nashua S., Hibiscus S.
Sea and Wind. Unplaced. Dam of 2 winners, including-Sea Arco. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $27,437, 2nd Piedmont S., Solano County Juvenile
Filly S. Dam of IWILLGETUINTHEEND (17 wins, $89,026, Juvenile Mile
S., Spokane Futurity, Kindergarten H., Spokane Derby Prep S., Turbulator
H., Stepping Stone S., Evergreen Breeders' Cup H., 2nd Yakima Fall Futurity, 3rd Speed H.). Granddam of MANTIS ($45,677, Children of the Sun
H., 2nd Spokane Derby, Valentine H., 3rd Inaugural H., Dobi Pay H.).
JCC 1507690 - Microchip 900182001156599
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled February 14, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Sra Barbara ......................
Cuddley ............................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Mr. Prospector
Chimes of Freedom
So Endearing
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
SRA BARBARA, by Aldebaran. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $34,094. Dam of 3 other foals-Puruquina (f. by Myfavorite Place). 6 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $62,061, 2nd Clasico Camarero S.-G1.
Babi C. (g. by Myfavorite Place). Placed at 2 and 3, 2016, $12,087.
Mami Sinda (f. by Myfavorite Place). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2016, $4,190.
2nd dam
CUDDLEY, by Lure. Placed at 3, $7,090. Half-sister to QUALIFY. Sent to Philippines. Complete produce and race records not available. Dam of-My Enticement. Winner at 3, $47,104, in Canada; 4 wins at 3 and 4, $81,459,
in N.A./U.S. (Total: $126,520).
3rd dam
SO ENDEARING, by Raise a Native. Winner at 3, $11,820. Sister to DESIREE,
half-sister to REMINISCING, BELONGING. Dam of 4 winners, including-QUALIFY. 2 wins at 2, $440,053, Del Mar Futurity-G1, 2nd Breeders' Cup
Juvenile S.-G1, Hollywood Juvenile Championship-G2.
Endearing Quality. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, including-JOLIE'S SHINJU. 9 wins to 4 in Singapore, hwt. older mare at 4 on Singaporean Hand., 5 - 7 and 7 - 9 1/2 fur., hwt. older mare at 5 on Singaporean Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur., Emirates Singapore Derby-G1, Patron’s
Bowl-G1, Singapore Derby Trial-G2, etc.; placed, $48,600, in Australia,
3rd Dato Tan Chin Nam John F. Feehan S.-G2. (Total: $42,128).
Endearingly. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-NOTORIETY. 12 wins, $423,910, Jaipur H.-G3, 2nd Appleton H.-G3, etc.
Reminiscently. Placed at 3, $10,787. Dam of PISA NO KUKAI (Total:
$630,268). Granddam of WHEELS OF FIRE (10 wins, $43,410).
Darlin. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including-DUBAI DISTINCTION. 16 wins, 3 to 9, $203,212, Eillo S., 3rd Parlay Me S.
Our Honoree. Unplaced. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-MY NEW LADY. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $185,378, Ma Kettle S.-L.
Social Call. Unplaced in 2 starts. Producer. Granddam of Miss Aristocrat
(4 wins, $113,309, 2nd Suncoast S., 3rd Gasparilla S.).
JCC 1507572 - Microchip 900182001156545
Hip No.
Property of Eduardo Maldonado
Hip No.
Foaled February 7, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Political Force ..................
Political Gold ....................
Holy Heifer........................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Unbridled's Song
Glitter Woman
Holy Bull
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
POLITICAL GOLD, by Political Force. Winner at 2, $6,606. Dam of 2 other foals,
including a 3-year-old of 2016-Demoledora (f. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
HOLY HEIFER, by Holy Bull. Unraced. Half-sister to Complicity. Dam of-Sir Sherman. Placed at 3 in N.A./U.S.; 3 wins in 4 starts at 4, $12,300, in
Canada. (Total: $14,871).
3rd dam
Scorched, by Dixieland Band. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $67,445, 2nd Thomas P.
Scott H.-L, 3rd Edgewood S.-L. Half-sister to MAJESTIC KAHALA,
Foolish Passion. Dam of 5 winners, including-Complicity. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $129,781, 2nd Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies S.L, 3rd JPMorgan Chase Jessamine S.-L, Indiana Downs Distaff S.-L.
Heart Warmer. Winner at 3, $39,192. Dam of 6 winners, including-A to the Croft. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $295,683, 2nd Darley Alcibiades S.G1, Spinaway S.-G1, Adirondack S.-G2, 3rd Bourbonette Oaks-G3.
Prairie Music. Placed at 2, $3,600. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-FOOTPRINT. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $582,371, in Canada, Canadian DerbyG3, etc. Set ntr at Stampede Park, mi. in 1:35. (Total: $560,810).
Pyramid Scheme. Placed at 3, $6,185. Dam of 2 winners, including-EXCLUSIVE SCHEME. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $315,680, John Hettinger S.LR, William B. Fasig S.-R, 2nd Irish Linnet S.-R, 3rd Ticonderoga S.LR, Peerless Springs S.-R.
4th dam
CHARVAK, by *Alcibiades II. Unraced. Sister to IRVKUP ($115,358), half-sister
EXCLUSIVE DANCER, Solitary Hail, Grand Alliance, Exclusive Ribot,
Reading Room. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners, including-MAJESTIC KAHALA. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $124,037, Nettie S.-G3, Autumn H., etc.
Scorched. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Foolish Passion. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $38,880, 2nd Grecian Princess H.
JCC 1507709 - Microchip 900182001156469
Hip No.
Property of Ruben De Jesus
Hip No.
Foaled March 6, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
My Favorite Dream............
Tais Dream........................
Aguamarina ......................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Runaway Groom
Myfavorite Charity
La Rebelde
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
TAIS DREAM, by My Favorite Dream. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $60,123. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
AGUAMARINA, by Balcony. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $52,216. Dam of 1 other foal to race-Cantinera. Placed at 3, $3,035.
3rd dam
LA REBELDE, by Ribot Blanquiar. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $27,534. Dam of 3 other
foals, 2 winners-Friskys Show. 31 wins, 2 to 8, $243,621.
Rebeldin. Winner at 3, $5,356.
Correcaminos. Placed at 3.
4th dam
JUDITH GAIL, by Valiant Noble. Unplaced. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 8 winners, including-Karencia La O. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $51,080.
Despiadada. 6 wins to 3, $39,228. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, all winners-Deep Heart. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $60,348.
Ultima Ilusion. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $37,255.
Vivian Alina. 3 wins at 2, $22,580.
Alina B. Winner at 3, $7,640.
Ribot Gail. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $33,760.
Clavo Viejo. 5 wins at 3, $33,350.
La Super Macarena. 3 wins at 3, $15,366.
Tutito J. M. 2 wins at 3, $11,895.
Miss Verset. Winner at 3, $5,980.
Contienda. Placed at 2, $8,001.
Una Nacion. Placed at 2.
JCC 1515543 - Microchip 900182001156592
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Chestnut Colt; foaled January 18, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Proud Accolade ................
Musical Snow ..................
Snow Lady ........................
Hip No.
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Yes It's True
Proud Ciel
Snow Ridge
Lady Oxmoor
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
MUSICAL SNOW, by Proud Accolade. Winner at 3, $15,680. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
SNOW LADY, by Snow Ridge. 2 wins at 2, $144,360, Florida Stallion Desert
Vixen S.-LR, 3rd Florida Stallion My Dear Girl S.-LR, Florida Stallion
Susan's Girl S.-LR. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, including-Middle of Winter. Winner at 2, $28,626, in Canada; 4 wins at 5 and 6, 2016,
$75,716, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $104,701).
3rd dam
LADY OXMOOR, by Digression. Unraced. Half-sister to CROESO, CARDELL,
MAYTIDE. Dam of 2 winners, including-SNOW LADY. Stakes winner, above.
Bodacious Red. Placed at 3, $8,600. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, incl.-Bout. 3 wins to 4, $48,559, 3rd D. S. Shine Young Memorial Futurity-LR.
4th dam
MELODY TREE, by High Tribute. Placed in 1 start at 2. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-CROESO. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $424,190, Florida Derby-G1, etc.
CARDELL. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $188,265, Rancho Santa Fe S.-L, etc. Sire.
MAYTIDE. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $93,675, Santa Ysabel S., 2nd San Gorgonio H. Dam
of SUPER MAY ($826,500, sire), IDE ($363,780, sire), BARBARA SUE
($257,721, dam of DIAMOND ON THE RUN, $237,400; TROPICAL BLOSSOM, $221,096; etc.; granddam of PIILANI HIGHWAY, Total: $2,612,923;
etc.), Highland Tide ($190,685). Granddam of MISS LODI ($342,319), etc.
Mileeha. Winner at 3, £3,410, in England. (Total: $6,216). Dam of Dunbrody
Duchess (4 wins, Total: $98,848, in Italy, 3rd Premio Ubaldo Pandolfi),
Ghimamah (3 wins, hwt. at 3 on Slovakian Hand., 5 - 7 fur.).
Sweet Medley. Winner at 2, $25,150. Dam of Brash Medley ($38,690, 3rd
Wembley H.). Granddam of MY OWN BUSINESS (VEN) (34 wins,
$271,750, in N.A./U.S., horse of the year 3 times in Venezuela, sire), etc.
Talking in Silence. Unraced. Dam of DEVEREUX ($257,242, set 2 ncrs).
Sodeo Sodeo. Unraced. Dam of YANKEE MON ($222,716, Evan Shipman
H.-LR, etc.). Granddam of APPEALING ZOPHIE (3 wins, $497,898).
JCC 1503857 - Microchip 985170002965974
Hip No.
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos, Agent
Foaled January 21, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
King's Crown ....................
La Negra Tomasa ..............
Wave of Knowledge ..........
Hip No.
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Kris S.
All the Crown
Known Fact
Waving the Flag
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
LA NEGRA TOMASA, by King's Crown. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $64,390. Half-sister to
Arquitecta. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
WAVE OF KNOWLEDGE, by Known Fact. 3 wins at 3, $26,375. Half-sister to
Fortunate Flag. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-Arquitecta (f. by Tamhid). 4 wins at 3, $45,642, 2nd Clasico Luis M. Garcia
Co Protagonista. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $67,252.
3rd dam
WAVING THE FLAG, by Polish Navy. Winner at 3 and 4, $66,440. Sister to Eastern
Affair, half-sister to RED SHADOW, Investor, Arabian Sheik. Dam of-Fortunate Flag. 9 wins, 3 to 6 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Santa Rosa
Dash H.-G2, 3rd First Citizens Bank Sian's Gold Sprint-G2.
4th dam
ARABIAN MISS, by Damascus. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $39,790. Half-sister to TANTALIZING, Switcheroo. Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-RED SHADOW. 4 wins at 2 and 5, $111,170, Hopemont S.-L, 3rd Grey S.G3, Mardi Gras H.-L.
Eastern Affair. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $277,288, 3rd Kentucky Cup Starter H.-LR,
Beau Genius H.
Investor. 11 wins, 2 to 10, $215,784, 2nd Perpetuate S.-L.
Arabian Sheik. Winner at 2 in England, 2nd Somerville Tattersalls S.; placed
at 4, $4,717, in N.A./U.S. Sire.
Caviarkiss. Placed at 3, $9,122. Dam of 4 winners, including-CAVIAR KITTY. 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $94,077, Harry Henson H.
Crysta. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including-Cristal de Oro. 16 wins, 3 to 7, $197,993, 2nd Clasico del Caribe-G1,
Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1.
We've Got a Chance. 12 wins, 3 to 5, $179,540. Producer.
Floor Show. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of Ever Onward (8 wins in
Japan, Total: $223,533, 3rd Hokkaido Nisai Yushun).
JCC 1503708 - Microchip 985170003049886
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled January 30, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Cure the Blues ..................
Shemesh ..........................
Fast Trick (IRE)..................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Stop the Music
Quick Cure
Fascinating Trick
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
Shemesh, by Cure the Blues. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $84,709, 2nd Clasico Accion
de Gracias-G2. Dam of 13 other foals, 10 to race, 9 winners, including-Valina (f. by Fappiano's Star). 7 wins at 2 and 4, $95,090, 3rd Criadores de
Puerto Rico-G1.
Elizamil (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 2 and 3, $35,542, 3rd Clasico
Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3.
Chica Terremoto (f. by Sejm). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $60,141.
Storm the Blues (g. by Storm God). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,002.
Mujer Agresiva (f. by Fappiano's Star). 2 wins at 3, $36,688.
Pintula (f. by Hockenheim). Winner at 3 and 4, 2016, $19,654.
Trilogia (f. by Hockenheim). 2 wins at 3, 2016, $13,510.
Jelly D (f. by Hockenheim). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2016.
2nd dam
FAST TRICK (IRE), by Northfields. 2 wins in 3 starts at 3 in England. Half-sister
to U Win I Won (sire). Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-Shemesh (f. by Cure the Blues). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Rainbow Morning. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $59,294. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to
race, all winners, including-Double Intrigue (g. by Swiss Trick). 10 wins, 2 to 7, $151,960, 2nd Riley
Allison Futurity-L, Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity, 3rd Turf Paradise
Derby-L, A. C. Kemp H.
Rainbowsnlollipops. 2 wins at 3, $46,392. Dam of COBBLEY'S JEWEL
(f. by Tom Cobbley, 5 wins, $120,635, Oakley S.-R), TOM'S REVENGE (c. by Tom Cobbley, 4 wins, $85,479, Hickory Tree Farm Virginia Stallion S.-R, 3rd Dancing Count S.-L), Cobbley's Breeze (f. by
Tom Cobbley, $110,657, 3rd Brookmeade S.-R 3 times), Cobbley's
Promise (c. by Tom Cobbley, $66,307, 2nd John D. Marsh S.-R).
Lady Merlin. Winner at 3, $7,879. Producer. Granddam of He's Got Brass
(g. by Polished Brass, 2nd Kudzu Juvenile S.).
Irish Adventurer. Winner at 3, €32,624, in France; placed, 3 to 5, $24,199,
in N.A./U.S. (Total: $63,487).
JCC 1503383 - Microchip 985170002972184
Hip No.
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos, Agent
Foaled April 20, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Olmodavor ........................
Greatly Blessed ................
Holy Rose ........................
Hip No.
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
A.P. Indy
Touch Gold
Holy Blitz
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
GREATLY BLESSED, by Olmodavor. Placed in 1 start at 3 in Canada. This is
her second foal. Dam of-Sanjuanera (f. by Tiago). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
HOLY ROSE, by Touch Gold. Winner at 4, $24,970, in Canada. (Total: $22,910).
Half-sister to JUDY THE BEAUTY. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race, incl.-Touch of Danzig. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $14,938.
3rd dam
HOLY BLITZ, by Holy Bull. 3 wins to 4, $97,080, Wishing Well S.-L. Dam of-JUDY THE BEAUTY. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $1,696,425, in N.A./U.S., champion female sprinter, Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Sprint-G1, Madison S.-G1,
Thoroughbred Club of America S.-G2, Rancho Bernardo H.-G3, Las Flores S.-G3, 2nd Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Sprint-G1, Princess Rooney
H.-G1, Prioress S.-G1, Humana Distaff S.-G1, Spinaway S.-G1, Gallant
Bloom H.-G2, Honorable Miss H.-G2, Winning Colors S.-G3, 3rd Presque
Isle Downs Masters S.-G2, Thoroughbred Club of America S.-G2; winner
in 1 start at 2, $90,000, in Canada, Shady Well S.-LR; winner in 1 start at
2, €17,000, in France. (Total: $1,815,922).
4th dam
PAGOFIRE, by Island Whirl. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $95,190, Old Hat S.-L, Ocala Breeders' Sales Sprint S.-LR-ntr, Bug Eyed Betty S. Sister to FAN THE FLAME
($388,623, Round Table S.-G3, etc.), half-sister to INCINERATE ($553,556,
Bed o' Roses H.-G2, etc.). Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-HOLY BLITZ. Stakes winner, above.
Red Valentine. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-GLIB. 5 wins, $193,160, Maryland Million Nursery S.-LR, Maryland Juvenile Championship S.-LR, 2nd Dave's Friend S., 3rd Lord Henribee S.
SPOTTED HEART. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $167,692, Maryland Juvenile Filly
Championship S.-R.
G'day Mate. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $103,910.
Go Lucky Go. 4 wins in 8 starts at 4, $45,904.
JCC 1515320 - Microchip 900182001156597
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled April 13, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Devil His Due....................
Baby Is Due ......................
Baby Type ........................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Devil's Bag
Plenty O'Toole
Northern Baby
Candid Type
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
BABY IS DUE, by Devil His Due. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $25,414. Half-sister to Baby
Swiss. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 winners-EL NEGRO TORRES (c. by Don Guido). 3 wins at 2, $104,620, champion
2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Futurity, 3rd Clasico Antonio
Mongil, Jr.-G2.
Primogenito (c. by Triano). 15 wins in 26 starts, 2 to 4, $65,168.
D' Baby (c. by Fappiano's Star). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $60,220.
Zaguero (c. by Myfavorite Place). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $52,821.
Debeladora (f. by Fappiano's Star). 4 wins at 3, $25,805.
Abuelo Pedro Luis (c. by Triano). 4 wins in 7 starts at 4, 2016, $23,150.
2nd dam
BABY TYPE, by Northern Baby. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $19,211. Dam of 7 other
foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-Baby Swiss (f. by Swiss Yodeler). Winner at 3, $24,330, 3rd Joanne Dye S.-R.
Western Type. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $162,193. Producer.
Gearupbaby. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $125,040.
3rd dam
CANDID TYPE, by Arcadia Type. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $288,472, Marion H. Van
Berg Memorial S.-L, H. J. Hardenbrook Memorial H.-LR, Governor's Lady
H.-LR, Rosebud H., Satin and Lace S., Illini Princess H.-R, 2nd Marion
H. Van Berg Memorial S.-L, Governor's Lady H.-LR, Raymie S., Black
Letter S., Peach Queen S.-R, 3rd Lace Garter H.-L, Colfax Maid S.-LR,
Illinois Oaks-LR, Fairmount Matchmaker H., Dahlia S., Matt Winn H. Halfsister to Lindsey's Surprise. Dam of 4 other winners, including-Mi Candi Barr. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $35,192.
4th dam
INFORMAL AFFAIR, by Info. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $14,647. Sister to Misinform
($207,688, 3rd Interborough H., etc.). Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, incl.-CANDID TYPE. Stakes winner, above.
Lindsey's Surprise. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $109,721, 2nd Chicagoland H.-LR.
Lancer Type. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $55,873.
JCC 1515160 - Microchip 900182001156468
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled January 13, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Sea Hero ..........................
Classy Heroine..................
Affirmed Class ..................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Polish Navy
Glowing Tribute
Hairless Heiress
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
CLASSY HEROINE, by Sea Hero. 15 wins, 3 to 7, $145,242. Dam of 4 other
foals, 2 to race, both winners-Pasion Patria (c. by Kylemore Abbey). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $32,500.
Agradecida (f. by Triano). Winner at 3, 2016, $13,522.
Ray’s Pride (c. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
AFFIRMED CLASS, by Affirmed. Winner at 4, $24,420. Half-sister to SALT
GRINDER, Glowing Crown. Dam of 7 other winners, including-Classic Wildcat. 21 wins, 3 to 10, 2016, $346,499.
Class Ready. 13 wins, 3 to 8, $211,956.
Amelia E. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $105,116. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-Calypsogirl. Winner at 3 and 5, $51,450.
3rd dam
HAIRLESS HEIRESS, by Baldski. 12 wins, 3 to 5, $299,360, Las Cienegas
H.-L, Chapman S.-L, Bangles and Beads S., Chapman S. Half-sister to
Veratoni. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-SALT GRINDER. 10 wins, 2 to 9, $212,374, in N.A./U.S., Washington Owners Breeders' Cup H., Klondike H., Governor's H., 2nd Governor's H.
twice, Seattle Slew H., Tacoma H. Set ntr at Emerald Downs, 5 1/2 fur. in
1:01 2/5. Etr at Emerald Downs, 6 fur. in 1:07 3/5. (Total: $213,742).
Glowing Crown. Winner at 2 and 3, $93,560, 3rd California Breeders'
Champion S.-LR, Santa Catalina S.-LR.
Anniversary Date. Winner at 3, $51,600. Producer.
Lemon Tea Cake. Placed at 2 and 3, $6,731. Dam of 6 winners, including-WEEKENDER. 8 wins, 2 to 9, $129,768, Best Inns & Suites S.-R.
4th dam
SHELTERED, by Roman Sandal. Unraced. Half-sister to Be So Bold, Doc's
Choice, Where Theres Smoke. Dam of 11 foals, 10 winners, including-HAIRLESS HEIRESS. Stakes winner, above.
Veratoni. 3 wins at 4, $95,446, 2nd Tosmah H.-R.
Bett's Pitirre. 10 wins, 2 to 5, $98,784. Producer.
JCC 1503488 - Microchip 900182001156546
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled April 14, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Cryptoclearance ................
Cachetito Suave ................
Windmill Lady ..................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Naval Orange
Wooden Pudden
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
Cachetito Suave, by Cryptoclearance. 17 wins, 2 to 5, $240,,500, 2nd Clasico
Confederacion Hipica-G1, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, 3rd Clasico Dia
de las Madres-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1. Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to
race, 2 winners-Cachetito Rojo (g. by Kylemore Abbey). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $29,553.
Natalia Libertad (f. by Roman Scout). 2 wins at 3, 2016, $20,985.
Mi Nieto Justin (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
WINDMILL LADY, by Langfuhr. Unraced. Half-sister to Omni Cosmo Touch.
Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-Cachetito Suave (f. by Cryptoclearance). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
WOODEN PUDDEN, by Top Ville. Unraced. Half-sister to BINT LARIAAF. Dam
of 2 winners, including-Omni Cosmo Touch. Winner at 3, €6,874, in Ireland; 9 wins, 4 to 10, £85,739, in England, 2nd Britannia Building Society English Summer National. (Total: $159,853).
4th dam
ETOILE D'AMORE, by The Minstrel. Winner in 2 starts at 3 in England. Halfsister to ELNAWAAGI, Ambuscade. Dam of 7 winners, including-BINT LARIAAF. 3 wins at 2 and 3, €60,522, in France, Prix Petite Etoile,
Prix de la Calonne, 2nd Prix de Liancourt. (Total: $74,433). Producer.
Forgotten Times. 12 wins, 3 to 7, £60,108, in England. (Total: $93,510).
Etoile West. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $107,225, in Australia. (Total: $76,287).
Moonlight Saunter. Winner, £7,952, in England. (Total: $12,671). Dam of-Moon Catcher. Winner at 3, €16,350, in France; 5 wins at 3 and 5, £29,264, in England. (Total: $73,878).
River Divine. Unplaced in 1 start in England. Dam of 7 winners, including-VALDIVIA. 4 wins at 2 and 4, 347,980 rands, in South Africa, Strelitzia
S.-G3, 3rd Allan Robertson Championship-G1, Diana S.-G3, Laisserfaire S. (Total: $40,870).
JCC 1515914 - Microchip 900182001156539
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled January 16, 2015
El Prado (IRE) ..................
Perfect Bullet ....................
Perfect Sting ....................
Amanda Sofia....................
Akita Sunrise ....................
Sadler's Wells
Lady Capulet
Red Ransom
Valid Victress
Mr. Prospector
Sunny's Halo
Key to Akita
By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, $198,200,
3rd Autumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid.
His first foals are yearlings of 2016. Son of champion El Prado (IRE),
leading sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions, including Mi Pradera
($664,452, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten's Joy ($2,075,791,
Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d'Oro (8
wins, $5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Borrego (5 wins, $2,052,090).
1st dam
Amanda Sofia, by Goldwater. Winner at 2, $22,180, 3rd Clasico CamareroG1. Dam of 5 other foals, all winners, including-Tren Urbano (c. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 2 and 3, 2016, $25,400,
3rd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera Memorial S.-G1.
Guagua Escolar (f. by Roman Scout). 20 wins, 3 to 8, 2016, $125,025.
Amor Desolado (f. by Kylemore Abbey). 5 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 6, 2016,
Guaguita Pisicorre (f. by Roman Scout). 4 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $32,602.
2nd dam
AKITA SUNRISE, by Sunny's Halo. Winner at 2, $25,792. Half-sister to KEY
PRO, Mi Cookie. Dam of 5 winners, including-Amanda Sofia (f. by Goldwater). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
KEY TO AKITA, by Key to the Mint. Unplaced. Sister to Lost Cause (2nd Premio Regina Elena-Italian One Thousand Guineas-G1), half-sister to INSURRECTION ($90,170). Dam of 5 foals, all winners, including-KEY PRO. 4 wins, $134,074, New York Breeders' Futurity-LR, Aspirant S.-LR.
Mi Cookie. 2 wins at 3, $29,480, 2nd Canterbury Oaks. Dam of-Robs Hero. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $91,020, 2nd Oregon HBPA Au Revoir H.
Hitchismyname. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $56,566, 2nd Kudzu Juvenile S.
Passing Glamour. Unraced. Dam of Bobby R (2 wins in Mexico, 2nd
Clasico Sprinters), Yola (in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Sprinters).
Miss Coppertone. 2 wins at 3, $26,660. Dam of 4 winners, including-MOE B DICK. 31 wins, 3 to 12, $436,593, Forego H., 2nd Pete Condellone H.-R twice, Seattle Slew H.
Cove Hill Miss. 3 wins at 3, $48,455. Dam of 10 foals, 7 winners, including-END OF THE HILL. 13 wins, 3 to 6, $309,121, Proud Puppy H., Arctic Queen
H.-R, Alyssa H.-R, 3rd Proud Puppy H., Lady Finger S.-R, Niagara S.-R.
MOM'S LITTLE GUY. 14 wins, 2 to 9, $223,216, Frattare S.-R, Ontario
County S.-R, 2nd Frattare S.-R, 3rd Wine Country H.-R. Sire.
Cove Hill Missle. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $143,350.
JCC 1508873 - Microchip 985170003050048
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled April 28, 2015
El Prado (IRE) ..................
Perfect Bullet ....................
Perfect Sting ....................
Oh Mr Postman ................
Familiar ............................
Sadler's Wells
Lady Capulet
Red Ransom
Valid Victress
Mt. Livermore
Big Dreams
Diesis (GB)
Lost Virtue
By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, $198,200,
3rd Autumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid.
His first foals are yearlings of 2016. Son of champion El Prado (IRE),
leading sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions, including Mi Pradera
($664,452, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten's Joy ($2,075,791,
Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d'Oro (8
wins, $5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Borrego (5 wins, $2,052,090).
1st dam
OH MR POSTMAN, by Housebuster. Winner at 3, $10,558. Half-sister to ESYOUEFFCEE (IRE), MANORSON. Dam of 11 other foals, 6 to race, all
winners, including-Kevin D. (c. by Fappiano's Star). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $48,590, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1.
Norgaly (f. by Editor's Note). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $50,955.
Oceanico (g. by Bugatti Reef (IRE)). 8 wins, 3 to 7, 2016, $49,858.
Dona Mischi (f. by Bugatti Reef (IRE)). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
FAMILIAR, by Diesis (GB). Winner, £3,631, in England. (Total: $6,620). Half-sister to ALL AT SEA (Total: $555,643), OVER THE OCEAN, FULL VIRTUE
($79,565), QUANDARY, Poupon ($118,372). Dam of 6 winners, incl.-ESYOUEFFCEE (IRE) (f. by Alzao). Winner at 2 and 3, £32,165, in England,
Pearl and Coutts Severals S., 2nd Daily Record Doonside Cup, etc.;
winner at 4, $28,600, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $98,344). Dam of-MIKKI PUMPKIN (c. by Dance in the Dark). 5 wins, 2 to 6, ¥178,659,500,
in Japan, Osaka Jo S., 3rd Hakodate Kinen-G3, etc. (Total: $2,060,523).
MANORSON (g. by Desert King). 6 wins, 3 to 10, £50,465, in England, Stan
James Intermediate Hurdle; placed, €6,208, in Ireland. (Total: $95,548).
Slew's M. D. Winner at 3 and 4, $15,000. Dam of 2 foals to race, incl.-Slewsbag (g. by Devil's Bag). Winner at 3, $82,176, 3rd Best Pal S.-G2.
White Truffle. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including-SILLY LITTLE MAMA (f. by Old Topper). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $149,823,
Manhattan Beach S., Cactus Cup H., Brumbeau S., etc. Producer.
Cloonkeary. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-Abbey Vale (IRE) (g. by Moss Vale). Winner at 2, €20,720, in Ireland;
winner at 4 and 5, placed at 6, 2016, $109,185, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Last
Tycoon S.-G3, King Pellinore S. (Total: $136,149).
Magnificent Bell. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-Inventor (g. by Alzao). 7 wins, 2 to 5, £77,682, in England, 3rd John
Smiths Top Novices Hurdle. (Total: $136,942).
JCC 15015234 - Microchip 9001820011565
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 8, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Delaware Township ..........
Soft Cheek ........................
Afleet Closer ....................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Sunny Mimosa
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
SOFT CHEEK, by Delaware Township. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $37,186. Half-sister
of 5 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-Cristine Arianne (f. by Portentoso). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $69,950.
Mr. Tilin (c. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
AFLEET CLOSER, by Afleet. Winner at 4, $5,245. Half-sister to LOFT, What a
Journey. Dam of 12 other foals, 11 winners, including-DRIVEN BY SUCCESS (g. by Precise End). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $607,099, Hudson
S.-LR, Easy N Dirty S.-LR, New York Stallion Thunder Rumble S.-R, Vic Ziegel
Memorial S.-R, 2nd Gravesend S., John Morrissey S.-R twice, 3rd Shadwell
Metropolitan H.-G1, Carter H.-G1, Tom Fool H.-G2, Toboggan S.-G3.
DIABLO'S CLOSER (f. by Diablo). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $91,238, Star Shoot
S.-L. Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-ABLO (g. by Lite the Fuse). 4 wins, 2 to 6, $209,798, in N.A./U.S., Coronation Futurity-LR; winner at 3 and 5, $429,894, in Canada, Prince of
Wales S.-R-, 2nd Victoria Park S.-L, 3rd Elgin S.-LR. (Total: $565,823).
Fleeting Diablo (f. by Diablo). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $73,980, 3rd Clasico Jinetes.
3rd dam
JOURNEY, by What a Pleasure. Unraced. Dam of 9 winners, including-LOFT. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $103,274, La Puente S.-LR, 2nd Spotlight H.-L,
Montclair S., 3rd Saranac S.-G2. Sire.
What a Journey. 13 wins, 2 to 7, $107,879, 2nd Ponce de Leon S.
Sabonis. Winner at 2, £2,966, in England. (Total: $5,101). Dam of Stregone
(IRE) (Total: $72,525, 2nd Vodafone Woodcote S., Rose Bowl S., etc.).
Pleasant Journey. Placed at 3. Dam of Fritz Barthold (11 wins, $179,975,
2nd Mister Gus S., 3rd Smoke Screen S.).
Journey North. Unplaced. Dam of FAPPITASS (6 wins, $344,149; granddam of Bingosablumin, $67,876), Sara Six Pack ($62,215, dam of Six
Pack Sammy, Total: $230,103; Six Pack Sally, $58,234). Granddam of
Gone Prospecting ($183,667), Remarkable Weekend (Total: $42,169).
JCC 1515311 - Microchip 900182001156534
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled January 6, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Princesa de Roble ............
Princesa de Oro ................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Noblesse Oil
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
PRINCESA DE ROBLE, by Tamhid. Unraced. Half-sister to KRISTIAN
QUILES. Dam of 6 other foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-Trampero (g. by Kylemore Abbey). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $40,140.
Juanita Q (f. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $29,691.
Tanita (f. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
PRINCESA DE ORO, by Noblesse Oil. 14 wins, 2 to 5, $694,132, champion
2-year-old filly, champion older mare in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1 twice, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua-G3,
2nd Clasico Navidad-G1, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes, Copa Rafael Martinez Nadal, 3rd
Clasico Roberto Clemente-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, Clasico CamareroG2, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.,
Clasico Antonio R. Matos. Half-sister to NOBLE SPEED. Dam of-KRISTIAN QUILES (c. by Casanova Star). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $242,605, Derby
Puertorriqueno-G1, Clasico Juan Alves Rueda-G3, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Copa Navidad-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1.
3rd dam
CALLEJA, by Natidan. Unraced. Half-sister to SAMBA DANCER. Dam of-PRINCESA DE ORO. Champion, above.
NOBLE SPEED. 13 wins, 2 to 6, $144,355, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1,
2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1. Sire.
4th dam
LINDA OTRA VEZ, by *Oceanic II. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $16,615. Dam of-SAMBA DANCER. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $105,431, Clasico Antonio R. MatosG2, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3. Producer. Granddam of South
Bound n Down (10 wins, $38,494, 2nd Go for the Gold Futurity, Idaho
Cup Claiming S.-R, 3rd Idaho Cup Sprint S.-R, Idaho Cup Sprint Championship S.-R), Fabulous Fever (3rd Idaho Cup Distaff Derby-R).
Kafu. 21 wins, 2 to 5, $120,406. Sire.
JCC 1503998 - Microchip 985170002964490
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled April 25, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Mr. Greeley ......................
Ms. Hawaii........................
Star Hawaii........................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Gone West
Long Legend
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
MS. HAWAII, by Mr. Greeley. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to FAPPIANO'S
STAR, WAIKIKI STAR. Dam of 10 other foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, incl.-Sunset Cocktail (f. by Precise End). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $178,766, 2nd Ruby
Rubles S.-R, 3rd Personal Bid S.-LR. Dam of 2 winners-PHIL'S COCKTAIL (g. by Philanthropist). 3 wins at 2, $266,600, in Canada,
OLG Simcoe S.-R, Frost King S.-R, 2nd Kingarvie S.-R. (Total: $239,983).
Majestic Sunset (g. by Artie Schiller). Winner at 3, $147,917, in Canada,
2nd Coronation Futurity-R, Plate Trial S.-R; placed at 3, $14,521, in
N.A./U.S. (Total: $151,923).
Trianito (c. by Triano). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $51,845.
Whitsonatthewire (g. by Peaks and Valleys). 5 wins, 3 to 7, $44,871, in N.A./
U.S.; winner at 4, $6,680, in Canada. (Total: $50,326).
Miel (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
STAR HAWAII, by *Hawaii. Unraced. Half-sister to TALLAHTO, LE CLE, Pedrinho. Dam of 10 other foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-FAPPIANO'S STAR (c. by Fappiano). 13 wins, 2 to 7, $212,041, Louisiana
H., 3rd Cicero Mile H.-L. Leading sire twice in Puerto Rico.
WAIKIKI STAR (c. by Fappiano). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $83,029, Dan Chappell
H.-R, 3rd Joseph M. o'Farrell Memorial Classic-R. Sire.
3rd dam
LEGATO, by Dark Star. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $17,000. Half-sister to NASCANIA, FIRERULLAH. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-TALLAHTO. 12 wins, 2 to 4, $378,315, Vanity H.-G1, Oak Tree InvitationalG1, etc. Dam of PRINCE TRUE ($619,250), HIDDEN LIGHT ($414,900).
LE CLE. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $152,460, Beverly Hills H.-G2, Honeymoon S., etc.
Pedrinho. 14 wins, 3 to 7, $99,663, 2nd Gold Rush S., 3rd Los Angeles H., etc.
Banja Luka. Placed at 3. Broodmare of the year in 1987. Dam of FERDINAND (8 wins, $3,777,978, horse of the year, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.,
sire), DONNA INEZ ($101,275), JAYSTON ($92,143, Apache Trail H.),
DANCING ($77,925), ANCIENT ART ($74,250), PLINTH ($65,980, sire).
JCC 15015657 - Microchip 900182001156550
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 16, 2015
El Prado (IRE) ..................
Perfect Bullet ....................
Perfect Sting ....................
Racing Star ......................
Congoja ............................
Faneuil Lady ....................
Sadler's Wells
Lady Capulet
Red Ransom
Valid Victress
Runaway Girl
Diplomat Way
Miss Newcastle
By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, $198,200,
3rd Autumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid.
His first foals are yearlings of 2016. Son of champion El Prado (IRE),
leading sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions, including Mi Pradera
($664,452, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten's Joy ($2,075,791,
Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d'Oro (8
wins, $5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Borrego (5 wins, $2,052,090).
1st dam
CONGOJA, by Racing Star. 3 wins to 3, $36,465. Half-sister to EXPRESS
STAR, LIGHT LINE. Dam of 12 other foals, 10 to race, 8 winners, incl.-ITALY PRIDE (c. by Myfavorite Place). 18 wins, 2 to 7, placed at 8, 2016,
$268,323, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo S.-G2.
Lydia J (f. by Don Guido). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $53,275.
Peddy (g. by Fappiano's Star). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $51,222.
Partinico (g. by Fappiano's Star). 3 wins, 2 to 7, $45,700.
Mi Talisman (c. by Myfavorite Place). 6 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $37,283.
Amor Comprado (f. by Myfavorite Place). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $25,488.
Sorella Italy (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
FANEUIL LADY, by Diplomat Way. Placed at 2. Half-sister to FANEUIL BOY
($346,149), FANEUIL HALL, Faneuil Girl. Dam of 8 winners, including-EXPRESS STAR (f. by Baldski). 13 wins, $450,147, Impatiens H.-L, Vizcaya
H.-L, Shocker T. H.-L twice, Orange Blossom H.-L, etc. Dam of-APASIONATA SONATA (f. by Affirmed). 4 wins, $155,535, Kentucky Cup
Ladies Turf S.-L. Dam of BSHARPSONATA (f. by Pulpit, $595,010,
Davona Dale S.-G2, etc., dam of Vigilante, c. by Tiznow, $139,600, 3rd
Mathis Brothers Mile S.-G2; Play It Loud, g. by Unbridled's Song,
$63,860), BACKTALK (c. by Smarty Jones, $405,051, Sanford S.-G2,
etc.), AMEENAH (f. by Freequent, Ministry of Justice Cup-G3).
Imprimature (g. by Bertrando). 5 wins, $91,520, 3rd Speed to Spare S.-G3.
LIGHT LINE (f. by Line In The Sand). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $193,138, Chapel Belle
S., Delicada S., etc. Dam of FITZ JUST RIGHT (f. by Seattle Fitz (ARG),
$142,051). Granddam of SPECIAL U F O (g. by Special Rate, $155,408).
Good Morning Lady. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $38,988. Dam of LAST OUTPOST (g.
by Free At Last, 6 wins, $64,138, Marathon Series Final S.).
Lady Faneuil. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of NO TOLERANCE (g. by Afternoon Deelites, $363,191), Man of Danger (g. by Tiger Ridge, $564,487),
Maximus Jet (champion imported 2-year-old colt in Dominican Republic).
JCC 1515230 - Microchip 985170002954361
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled February 4, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Cambria's Dream ..............
Tigress Express ................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Polish Numbers
Tiger Rep
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
Cambria's Dream, by Wheaton. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $73,947, 3rd Clasico Dia de la
Raza-G1, Clasico Tinajero-G3. Half-sister to ONE MORE WILD RIDE,
Pensylvaniaexpress. Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, all winners, incl.-Jimmy the Boss (g. by Voice of Destiny). Winner at 2, $16,270.
2nd dam
TIGRESS EXPRESS, by Polish Numbers. Winner at 3, $14,205. Half-sister to
MICHAEL'S PRIDE, MICHEAL'S REP, Laura Who. Dam of-ONE MORE WILD RIDE (f. by Wildcat Heir). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $72,922, in
N.A./U.S., Arizona Oaks, 3rd J J'sdream S.; 2 wins at 3, $29,678, in Canada. (Total: $100,049).
Cambria's Dream (f. by Wheaton). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Pensylvaniaexpress (g. by B L's Appeal). 7 wins, 2 to 6, $137,717, 3rd Lil
E. Tee H.-R.
King True. 13 wins, 3 to 7, $119,629.
Sir Capitulation. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $70,974.
3rd dam
TIGER REP, by The Reprobate. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $59,166. Half-sister to Hondo
Tiger ($29,783, 3rd Taj Mahal Futurity, etc.). Dam of 13 winners, incl.-MICHAEL'S PRIDE. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $343,735, Maryland Million Sprint H.-LR.
MICHEAL'S REP. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $101,861, Delaware Valley S., Voorhees S.-R.
Laura Who. 20 wins, 3 to 7, $248,376, 2nd Lilac S.-R, Blakely S.-R, Meadowgoer S.-R, 3rd Northfield H.-R. Dam of 8 foals, all winners, including-LOVE WHO. 7 wins, 2 to 8, placed at 9, 2016, $205,366, New Jersey
Juvenile S.-R.
Sonawho. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $107,257, 3rd New Jersey Futurity-R.
Belong to Who. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $149,595.
Jaime W. 4 wins at 3, $45,150. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-Pappa Purdy. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $192,761, 3rd Northern Wolf S.-L.
Stitch N Hitch. 4 wins at 3, $92,510. Dam of LITTLE STITCH (7 wins,
$334,410, Who Did It and Run S.-R, 2nd Spruce Fir H.-R, Jersey Girl
H.-R, 3rd Open Mind H.-R).
JCC 1507478 - Microchip 985170003048923
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 17, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Royal Merlot ....................
Andiroba Royal ................
Cat Hunt............................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Forty Niner
Gana Facil
*Cougar II
Hunting Pink
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
Andiroba Royal, by Royal Merlot. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $340,579, 2nd Clasico Agapito
Rivera Monge-G3, 3rd Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G1, Clasico Dama del Caribe-G1, Clasico Agapito Rivera Monge-G3, Clasico Imbuia Pajoqui-G3. Half-sister to SR. SERENO, Julina. Dam of 3 other foals, 3 winners-La Poderosa (f. by Myfavorite Place). 9 wins, 2 to 4, $59,072.
Charlie Oyola (c. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $29,010.
La Suegrita (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, 2016, $11,241
2nd dam
CAT HUNT, by *Cougar II. Unplaced. Half-sister to LE BAG LADY. Dam of-SR. SERENO (c. by Lodz). 6 wins in 12 starts, 2 to 4, $84,847, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera.
Andiroba Royal (f. by Royal Merlot). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Julina (f. by Lord Cardinal). 5 wins at 2 and 4, $74,026, 3rd Clasico Campeon Nativo.
3rd dam
HUNTING PINK, by Jacinto. Unraced. Half-sister to BOLD EXPERIENCE,
VIRGINIA DELEGATE, COPPER CANYON, Ross Sea. Dam of-LE BAG LADY. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $103,913, Miss Collinsville S., etc.
Pink Screen. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,165. Sent to Venezuela. Broodmare of the
year in Venezuela in 1992. Dam of 7 known foals, 6 winners, incl.-CATIRE BELLO (VEN). 13 wins in 15 starts, 2 to 4 in Venezuela, horse
of the year, champion 2- and 3-year-old colt, Triple Crown, Premio Republica de Venezuela-Venezuelan Derby-G1, etc.; placed at 3, $65,324, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Clasico Internacional del Caribe-G1. Sire.
Geranio. Placed at 3 and 4 in Venezuela, 2nd Premio Dia de la ArmadaG3, etc. Dam of MAXIMA (Clasico Peggy Azqueta, etc.), Agae.
Baby Goofus. 5 wins, 4 to 8. Dam of NICKEL LOU ($56,692, Bettie Bullock Memorial Derby-R), BABY GO BABY ($37,562, Chris Christian
Futurity), BABY GOOFHAUF ($26,816, dam of OCEAN ROLL).
Hunt in Silence. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of CATIRA FABI (Clasico
Lanzarina-G3, etc.), MILAGRITOS (Copa Dia del Veterinario, etc.).
JCC 1515547 - Microchip 985170002965250
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled January 16, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Formal Dinner ..................
Shanna Fever ....................
Hope for a Diamond..........
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Well Decorated
Fantastic Flyer
Beautiful Diamond
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
SHANNA FEVER, by Formal Dinner. Unraced. Dam of 10 other foals, 8 to race,
7 winners, including-EL ENGANADO (g. by Sejm). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $241,220, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico The Kid-G3.
Mrs. Ortiz (f. by Don Guido). 12 wins, 2 to 6, $80,396.
Dinner Re So (f. by Triano). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $41,280.
Captura (f. by Triano). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $39,870.
Bori Bori (g. by Triano). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2016, $30,121.
Libertador Boricue (c. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
HOPE FOR A DIAMOND, by Maudlin. Winner at 3, $7,582. Sister to SENTIMENTALDIAMOND, half-sister to REGAL DIAMOND, CITY GEM. Dam of-Bauble a Bit. Winner at 5, $16,560, in N.A./U.S.; winner at 4, $20,950, in
Canada. (Total: $33,680).
3rd dam
BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND, by Fappiano. Winner at 2, $8,220. Dam of-REGAL DIAMOND. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $210,097, Buckeye Breeders' Cup H.,
Summit Silver Cup H.-R, Howard B. Noonan S.-R, 2nd Ohio Breeders'
Futurity-LR, Green Carpet H.-R, Roberto S.-R, George Lewis Memorial
H.-R, 3rd Cleveland Gold Cup H.-LR, Juvenile S.-LR, Buckeye H.-R. Etr
at Thistledown, 5 fur. in :57 2/5.
SENTIMENTALDIAMOND. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $126,936, Bourbonette S.-L, Jersey Belle Breeders' Cup S., 2nd Marshua S. Producer. Granddam of Abslewtly Divine (2 wins, $33,161, 3rd Miss Ohio S.-R).
CITY GEM. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $90,109, Best of Ohio Juvenile S.-LR.
Real Fappi. 3 wins at 5 and 6, $90,666, in N.A./U.S.; placed at 7, $7,290, in
Canada. (Total: $96,507).
4th dam
FLAWLESS DIAMOND, by Irish Ruler. 4 wins at 2, $134,350, Florida Stallion S.-R,
2nd Gardenia S., Office Queen S. Sister to GENUINE DIAMOND. Dam of-Duma. 12 wins, 4 to 7, $61,170.
JCC 1503911 - Microchip 900182001156467
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled February 27, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Sneaky Solicitor................
Lorena U. ..........................
Maria Konchita..................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Crafty Prospector
Narrow Escape
Ribots Verset
Coamo Lady
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
LORENA U., by Sneaky Solicitor. 12 wins, 2 to 4, $115,097. Dam of 11 other
foals, 5 to race, 4 winners-TRAQUETEO (c. by Myfavorite Place). 21 wins, 3 to 7, $314,000, champion
3-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Copa San
Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1, Clasico Juan Alves Rueda-G3,
3rd Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1.
Karencita (f. by Don Guido). 3 wins at 2, $25,416.
Embriagadora (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, 2016, $15,828.
Blonda (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 2, $10,989.
Patriarca (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
MARIA KONCHITA, by Ribots Verset. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $40,804. Dam of-Don Esqui. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $20,098.
Nino de Miercoles. Winner at 2, $13,468.
Alitosis. Winner at 3, $10,075.
3rd dam
COAMO LADY, by Rich Strike. 7 wins at 2 and 3. Dam of 3 other winners-La Poncena. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $31,091. Dam of 12 foals, 10 winners, including-EL GRAN NANO. 5 wins, $223,490, Clasico Internacional del Caribe-G1.
Alex Manuel. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $105,664.
El Colorao. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $65,897.
El Principal. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $35,601.
Canaveral P. R. Winner at 2 and 4, $10,316.
Sully D. Winner at 2, $4,726.
4th dam
ROUGH CULEEN, by Rough'n Tumble. Unplaced. Dam of 5 other winners-El Yito. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $16,164.
Pertiguista. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $13,952. Producer.
Pinturera P. R. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $12,907.
Rich Speed. 2 wins at 3, $4,900.
En Mi Opinion. Winner at 3, $3,488.
JCC 1507852 - Microchip 900182001156547
Hip No.
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos, Agent
Foaled March 7, 2015
Sky Mesa ..........................
General Quarters ..............
Ecology ............................
Nudge ..............................
Luckyandiknowit ..............
Lucky Paws ......................
Hip No.
Unbridled's Song
Gdansk's Honour
Pleasant Tap
Melo Melody
Storm Boot
Now Account
By GENERAL QUARTERS (2006). Stakes winner of 4 races, $1,226,655, Toyota Blue Grass S.-G1, Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S.-G1, Sam F. Davis
S.-G3, 2nd New Orleans H.-G2, WinStar Kentucky Cup S.-G2, Mineshaft
H.-G3, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2016. Sire of 79 foals, 19
starters, 6 winners of 8 races and earning $205,840, Army Brat ($59,800),
Beautiful Sin ($49,690), R Beauty's a Beast ($15,990), Sumfloridasunfun
($13,985), That's My Bai ($12,750), Generalsdottir (at 3, 2016, $8,245).
1st dam
LUCKYANDIKNOWIT, by Nudge. Unraced. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
LUCKY PAWS, by Storm Boot. 18 wins, 2 to 9, $354,323, Rockingham Park
Distaff H., 2nd Columbus Day S., Rockingham Park Distaff H., 3rd Duchess S.-L. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race, both winners-Bonheur. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $118,631.
Love Is a Rose. Winner at 4 and 6, $61,195.
3rd dam
NOW ACCOUNT, by Private Account. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners-LUCKY PAWS. Stakes winner, above.
Super Now. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $56,149. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-Forever Super. 2 wins at 3, $10,628.
Dailey Balance. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $23,042.
Dans New Account. Winner at 3, $4,524.
Checking. Placed at 3.
4th dam
TABLELINE, by Round Table. Placed in 1 start at 2. Half-sister to SULIMAN,
Heir to the Line, Believe a Little. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners-Sherzine. Winner at 3 and 5, £5,476, in England. (Total: $9,700). Dam of-Megazine. 2 wins at 8, £9,298, in England. (Total: $14,682).
Gilzine. Placed at 4 and 10, £1,803, in England. (Total: $3,214).
Tickeridge. Winner at 2, €4,230, in Ireland. (Total: $4,701). Dam of-Touzla. Placed in 2 starts at 3 in Ireland; winner at 4, £1,872, in England.
(Total: $3,527).
Bay Reef. Winner at 2, £2,324, in England; 2 wins at 3 in Denmark; winner
at 3 in Norway.
Old Table. 2 wins at 3 in Italy.
Tulum. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race, including-Poised to Pass. Winner at 3 and 4, $33,483, 2nd Battler Star H.-R, Green
Oaks H., 3rd Louisiana Futurity-R. Dam of L. S. Fast Jack (3 wins,
$92,104, 3rd Inaugural S.-L).
JCC 1515221 - Microchip 900182001156540
Hip No.
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos, Agent
Foaled March 5, 2015
Mane Minister ..................
Voice of Destiny................
Designatoree ....................
Estais Encrespada ............
Animadora ........................
Hip No.
Deputy Minister
Never Scheme
A.P. Indy
Lady Bonanza
Devil His Due
By VOICE OF DESTINY (1996). Stakes winner of $556,723, Clasico Verset's
Jet-G2, Berkeley H.-G3, etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 18 foals, 12
starters, 10 winners of 35 races and earning $234,120, Castador (5 wins,
$35,852, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1), Redactor (11 wins, $60,827), Inspector (3 wins, $28,491), La Borinquena (to 4, 2016, $28,250), Tatito (5 wins,
$22,196), Jimmy the Boss ($16,270), Co Moderadora ($12,379), Flor Silvestre ($11,406), Princesa Mexicana ($9,486), Marmoleado ($7,814).
1st dam
ESTAIS ENCRESPADA, by Hockenheim. Winner at 3, $9,250. Sister to Hockenheim Who. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
ANIMADORA, by Devil His Due. 5 wins at 3, $44,720. Dam of-Hockenheim Who (g. by Hockenheim). 2 wins at 3, $28,385, 3rd Derby
3rd dam
ALYTUDE, by Alysheba. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $83,846. Half-sister to BULLET
BLADE, Fifteen Gold Stars, Roses N Raindrops. Dam of 11 foals to
race, all winners, including-Principe de Marfin. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $100,670.
4th dam
BONNIE BLADE, by Blade. Winner at 2, $7,810. Half-sister to SINGH TU, GRAU
MADCHEN, R. B. McCurry. Dam of 16 foals, 15 winners, including-BULLET BLADE. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $332,316, New York Stallion S.-LR, New
York Stallion S.-LR, Damon Runyon S.-LR, 2nd Montauk S.-LR, etc. Sire.
Fifteen Gold Stars. 2 wins at 2, $182,568, 2nd New York Stallion S.-LR
twice, Bertram F. Bongard S.-LR, Damon Runyon S.-LR, Empire S.-LR.
Roses N Raindrops. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $56,540, 2nd Liberada S. Dam of-Rousing. 7 wins, 3 to 6, 394,890 pesos, in Argentina, 2nd Onesto
Puente. (Total: $73,948).
Wild Princess. Winner in 2 starts at 2, £2,987, in England. Broodmare of the
year in Chile in 2003. (Total: $5,424). Dam of 5 winners, including-WILD SPIRIT (CHI). 6 wins in 10 starts at 2 and 3 in Chile, horse of the year,
champion 3-year-old filly, Gran Criterium-G1, Mil Guineas-G1, etc.; 3 wins
in 5 starts at 4, $880,000, in N.A./U.S., Ruffian H.-G1, Delaware H.-G2,
etc. Dam of DIVA SPIRIT ($90,565), Wild Zambezi ($68,885). Granddam of PROTONICO ($843,587), African Fighter (to 4, 2016, $146,700).
Zimbawi. 2 wins at 2 in Chile. Dam of REY DE LA PALMA (15 wins, Total:
$114,972, Carlos Bello Silva, 2nd Fernando Moller Bordeu-G2, etc.).
Ghost Princess. Unraced. Dam of FONDA ALEGRE (Total: $50,058)
JCC 1515054 - Microchip 900182001156543
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Chestnut Colt; foaled April 18, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Tactical Cat ......................
Southern Society ..............
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Storm Cat
Terre Haute
Dixieland Band
Stylish Society
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
Maruvy, by Tactical Cat. 14 wins, 2 to 5, $185,500, 2nd Clasico Valores Hipicos-G3, 3rd Clasico Confederation Hipica de Puerto Rico-G3. Half-sister
to Luvymar. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
SOUTHERN SOCIETY, by Dixieland Band. Winner at 2 and 3, $46,940. Half-sister
to BROWNIE POINTS. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-Maruvy (f. by Tactical Cat). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Luvymar (f. by Sudden Thunder). 9 wins at 2 and 3, $77,250, 3rd Copa
Society Secret. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-Mayaguezana (f. by Myfavorite Place). 15 wins, 2 to 7, 2016, $140,125,
3rd Clasico Camarero-G1.
Triano Express (c. by Triano). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $33,480, 3rd Clasico
Antonio Fernandez Castrillon S.-G2.
Cayo Lobo (c. by Flamenco). Placed at 2 and 3, 2016, $27,665, 3rd
Copa Navidad S.-G1.
3rd dam
Stylish Society, by Forty Niner. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $129,700, 2nd Alameda
County Fillies and Mares H., Meagher Farm H., 3rd Golden State Lotto
H. Half-sister to STYLISH STAR ($481,250), Western Style ($116,462),
Stylish Lass ($103,615). Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, incl.-BROWNIE POINTS. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $951,230, Ouija Board Distaff H.-G3, Marie
P. DeBartolo Oaks-L, Edward J. Debartolo Sr. Memorial H.-L, Iowa Distaff
Breeders' Cup S.-L, Remington Park Breeders' Cup Oaks-L, Stonerside
S.-L, Martha Washington S., Cimarron S., 2nd Apple Blossom H.-G1,
Ouija Board Distaff H.-G3, Azeri S.-G3, Locust Grove H.-G3, Bayakoa
S.-L, Honeybee S.-L, Lyrique H., E. L. Gaylord Memorial S., 3rd Fantasy
S.-G2, Iowa Oaks-G3, Gardenia H.-G3, River Cities S.-L. Dam of-Synchrony. 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2016, $106,552, 3rd Lexington S.G3, Smarty Jones S.-L.
Unrevealed. 4 wins at 2 and 4, ¥61,217,000, in Japan. (Total: $631,354).
JCC 1515009 - Microchip 900182001156585
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 28, 2015
El Prado (IRE) ..................
Perfect Bullet ....................
Perfect Sting ....................
Affirmed ............................
Yes She Can......................
Sadler's Wells
Lady Capulet
Red Ransom
Valid Victress
Exclusive Native
Won't Tell You
Sharpening Up
By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, $198,200,
3rd Autumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid.
His first foals are yearlings of 2016. Son of champion El Prado (IRE),
leading sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions, including Mi Pradera
($664,452, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten's Joy ($2,075,791,
Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d'Oro (8
wins, $5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Borrego (5 wins, $2,052,090).
1st dam
YES SHE CAN, by Affirmed. Unraced. Dam of 9 other foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-Mandrake (g. by Myfavorite Place). 14 wins, 3 to 7, 2016, $112,400.
Mr. Kuku (g. by Fappiano's Star). 4 wins at 2, $35,802.
Miss Kuku (f. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $26,839.
2nd dam
SECRETARIN, by Secretariat. Placed at 3, $16,141. Half-sister to WOODCARVER,
FIRM DANCER, ALL FIRMED UP. Dam of 3 winners, including-Let the Fuhr Fly. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $61,377.
Swan Queen. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-EXECUTRIX (f. by Bold Executive). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $278,086, in Canada,
Nandi S.-LR, 2nd La Voyageuse H.-L, Shady Well S.-LR, 3rd Muskoka
S.-LR. Set ntr at Woodbine, 4 1/2 fur. in :51 4/5. (Total: $265,225).
Royal Ribbon. Unplaced in 2 starts. Producer. Granddam of Cafe El Greco
(c. by Manipulator, Total: $19,811, 3rd Gran Premio Pedro Pineyrua-G1).
3rd dam
SHARPENING UP, by Sharpen Up (GB). Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $98,383, Honeysuckle S.-R, 2nd Mill Race H., Bergen County S. Half-sister to Noranda, Roma. Outstanding Broodmare in Canada in 1999. Dam of-WOODCARVER. 3 wins to 3, $464,626, champion 3-year-old colt in Canada, Queen's Plate-R, Queenston S.-LR, 2nd Prince of Wales S.-R, etc.
FIRM DANCER. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $555,548, Dominion Day H.-G3, etc.
ALL FIRMED UP. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $600,670, Toronto Cup H.-L, etc.
Forest Flute. Placed at 3, $9,945. Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, including-WOODSMOKE. 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, $231,200, in Canada, Alywow S.L, Fury S.-LR, etc. (Total: $198,157). Dam of GRAND BILI ($174,220).
Wood Fern. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, incl.-ARTIC FERN. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $456,787, in Canada, King Corrie S.-L, 2nd
Ontario Jockey Club S.-LR, 3rd Connaught Cup S.-G2. (Total: $457,796).
Sure Would. 2 wins at 4, $65,601, in Canada, 3rd Molson Cup S.-R. (Total: $60,219).
JCC 15519895 - Microchip 900182001156470
Hip No.
Property of Eduardo Maldonado
Hip No.
Foaled April 20, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Our Emblem......................
Tipsy Tonya ......................
Issima ..............................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Mr. Prospector
Personal Ensign
Kris S.
Lake Beauty
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
TIPSY TONYA, by Our Emblem. 16 wins, 2 to 6, $199,560. This is her second
foal. Dam of-Don Yeyo (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
ISSIMA, by Kris S. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $75,425. Half-sister to Madrina. Dam of-Divine Master. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $323,280.
3rd dam
LAKE BEAUTY, by Sovereign Dancer. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $9,000. Sister to
LEO CASTELLI, half-sister to MEADOWLAKE, West Coast Native, Shamrock McGroder. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-Madrina. Winner at 2, 3, and 4 in Brazil, 3rd Grande Premio Onze de JulhoTaca Hipodromo Brasileiro-G2. Dam of 5 winners, including-Spade. Winner at 2 in Brazil, 3rd Emerald Hill. Dam of DA-LHE SENADORA (3 wins in 3 starts, Total: $37,247, Emerald Hill-G3, etc.).
4th dam
SUSPICIOUS NATIVE, by Raise a Native. Unraced. Half-sister to SECRET
SCHEME, HALF AN HOUR, Blue Coast. Dam of 9 winners, including-MEADOWLAKE. 3 wins, $308,580, Arlington-Washington Futurity-G1. Sire.
LEO CASTELLI. 3 wins at 3, $274,497, Peter Pan S.-G2, 2nd Blue Grass
S.-G1, 3rd Flamingo S.-G1. Sire.
West Coast Native. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $78,860, 2nd Swaps S.-G1. Sire.
Shamrock McGroder. 12 wins, 2 to 7, $123,204, 2nd Ak-Sar-Ben Board of
Governor's H.-G3, Blue Skies S.
Suspicions. Unraced. Dam of HAPPY TIME (Clasico Revelacion), VAN
GOGH (Clasico Casino de Paris, etc.), Fortunata, Lovely Ivette. Granddam of Golden Girl Glory (3 wins, $25,596), Patroclo, Socarron.
Suspicious Toosome. Unraced. Dam of Done Well (Total: $34,824). Granddam of YUGOSLAVA, Propper Fun (Total: $106,264), Proverbio (Total:
$41,720, 3rd Cotejo de Potrillos-G3). Great-granddam of SOUL CITY
SLEW ($450,002), Silent Soul ($277,990), Sweet Red Cat ($84,495).
Holdyoursuspicions. Unplaced. Dam of Instant Panic (15 wins, $149,400).
JCC 1515816 - Microchip 900182001156583
Hip No.
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos, Agent
Foaled January 17, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Zavata ..............................
Champagne Coolie ..........
Love Tunnel ......................
Hip No.
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Phone Trick
Pert Lady
Leveraged Buyout
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
CHAMPAGNE COOLIE, by Zavata. 16 wins, 2 to 6, $145,180. Half-sister to
Fearless Vision, Divine Angel. This is her second foal. Dam of-Rafaeljavier (g. by Hockenheim). Placed at 2 and 3, 2016, $6,075.
2nd dam
LOVE TUNNEL, by Mining. Winner at 2 and 3, $59,580. Half-sister to ROSA
ETERNA, MEGAN'S MAN. Dam of 5 other winners, including-Fearless Vision (c. by Vision and Verse). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $248,090, 2nd
Challenger S., 3rd Peter Pan S.-G2. Sire.
Divine Angel (f. by Matty G). Winner at 2, $49,650, 3rd Sorority S.-G3.
Sealed Sweet. Placed in 2 starts at 2, $3,030. Producer. Granddam of Tiz
O K (c. by Tiznow, 2 wins in Mexico, 2nd Clasico Anahuac-G1).
Academie d'Amour. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-Cowboy Cool (g. by Divine Park). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2016, $58,590, 2nd Mine That Bird Overnight S., 3rd Governor's Cup S.
3rd dam
LEVERAGED BUYOUT, by Spectacular Bid. Unraced. Half-sister to SERIOUS
SPENDER ($220,222), ALL GONE ($247,716), RUSSIAN ROUBLES,
Lost Opportunity. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-ROSA ETERNA. 7 wins at 3 and 4 in Peru, Premio Hipodromo de Santa
Beatriz-G3, Premio Propina, 2nd Premio Augusto N. Wiese, Premio Republica de Argentina. Producer.
MEGAN'S MAN. 7 wins at 4 and 5, $64,268, Con Jackson Claiming H.
Certain Look. Winner at 3, $20,835. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, incl.-PLAIN OLE JOHN. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $44,628, Baxter S.
Key Buy. Placed in 2 starts at 3. Dam of 2 winners, including-VAL'S PRINCE. 12 wins, 2 to 7, $1,595,045, in N.A./U.S., Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1 twice, Man o' War S.-G1, 2nd Man o' War S.-G1, Sword
Dancer Invitational H.-G1 twice, Belmont Breeders' Cup H.-G2,
Fourstardave S.-G3, Tropical Park Derby-G3, Poker H.-G3, 3rd Sword
Dancer Invitational H.-G1, Red Smith H.-G2, City of Miami S.; winner
in 2 starts at 5 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Cup-G2.
JCC 1503051 - Microchip 985170002955779
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled February 7, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Notebook ..........................
Olivia's Notebook..............
Shananies Presence..........
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Well Decorated
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
Olivia's Notebook, by Notebook. 13 wins, 4 to 8, $233,573, 2nd Clasico
Prensa Hipica-G1, Clasico Bold Forbes-G3. Half-sister to SHANANIES
SONG. Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, all winners-Empirica Baja (f. by Mi Preferido). 9 wins, 3 to 6, 2016, $48,464.
Hipocrates (c. by Mi Preferido). 6 wins, 2 to 5, 2016, $41,064.
Ingrata (f. by Mi Preferido). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, $29,315.
Athenisa (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
SHANANIES PRESENCE, by Shananie. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $119,930. Dam of-SHANANIES SONG (f. by Eltish). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $158,270, Finger Lakes
Juvenile Fillies S., 2nd Seton Hall University S. Dam of 2 winners-Bellamentary. Winner at 2 and 3, 2016, $88,000.
Sandy Point. Winner at 2 and 3, $35,503.
Olivia's Notebook (f. by Notebook). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Comet Road. 20 wins, 2 to 8, $399,680.
Mecke's Presence. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $47,190.
Shantish. Winner at 3, $31,240.
Rbandzmakeherdance. Winner at 4, $7,530.
3rd dam
PRESENTING, by President (FR). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $18,593. Half-sister to Tiflis. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-The Last Shananie. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $22,776.
4th dam
TIFF'S POCKET, by Full Pocket. Placed at 3, $10,240. Half-sister to CORDIAL
PRINCE ($78,835, Lincoln Derby, etc.), Fandangerina ($55,600, 3rd
Morgaise S.). Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-Tiflis. Winner at 3, 2nd Ole Plantation H. Dam of 2 winners, including-Defiant Tiflis. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $21,999.
My Brother Bobby. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $30,602.
Gate Hustler. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $26,128.
Barrera Express. 2 wins at 3, $9,588.
JCC 1507542 - Microchip 985170002963665
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled February 12, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Fappiano's Star ................
Estrella Dorada..................
Guakia ..............................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Star Hawaii
Ribots Verset
Virginia P. R.
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
ESTRELLA DORADA, by Fappiano's Star. 7 wins at 2 and 4, $205,814, champion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico,
Copa Camarero, 2nd Clasico Campeon Nativo, 3rd Clasico Dia de
Reyes-G1. Dam of 8 other foals, all winners-SEATTLE WIN (f. by Don Guido). 12 wins in 17 starts, 2 to 4, $318,520,
champion 2- and 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Copa Gobernador-G1,
Clasico Violeta Ruiz S.-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Copa Camarero-G1,
2nd Copa San Juan, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr. Producer.
Lito Magnate (g. by Myfavorite Place). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $42,207.
Mi Sueno Dorado (g. by Sejm). Winner at 2, $22,822.
Estrella Divina (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2016, $21,588.
Creador (g. by Hockenheim). 2 wins in 4 starts to 3, 2016, $14,660.
El Favorito (g. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 2 and 3, $9,960.
El Boricuazo (c. by Don Guido). Winner at 3, $7,177.
2nd dam
GUAKIA, by Ribots Verset. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $133,893. Dam of 2 winners-ESTRELLA DORADA (f. by Fappiano's Star). Champion, above.
Miss Tropical. Winner at 3, $10,436. Producer.
3rd dam
VIRGINIA P. R., by Catullus. 10 wins at 5, $61,776. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-Speedy Jet. 3 wins at 2, $23,231.
Pidlin. Winner at 2 and 3, $15,182.
Guarionex. Winner at 3, $8,887.
4th dam
HELIOJEWEL, by Helioscope. Unplaced. Half-sister to High Nail ($59,700),
Federal Chief, Pickabob. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, all winners, incl.-Ansonia. 2 wins at 2, $4,684. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, including-MARATON SAN BLAS. 15 wins, 2 to 5, $119,512, Clasico Luis Munoz
Rivera Memorial-G1, 2nd Copa Gobernador-G1.
KARATECA. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $92,715, Clasico Camarero-G2.
JCC 1507001 - Microchip 900182001156548
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 8, 2015
Mecke ..............................
Roman Scout ....................
Might Be a Queen ............
Anasheed ..........................
B. J. Miracle......................
B. J. Telicus ......................
Beautiful Bid
Mighty Appealing
A.P. Indy
Boots 'n Jackie
By ROMAN SCOUT (2004). Placed at 3, $3,300. Half-brother to stakes winner
Might Bea Princess. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 9 foals, 6 starters, 5
winners of 28 races and earning $158,570, Guagua Escolar ($125,025),
Guaguita Pisicorre (to 4, 2016, $32,602), Natalia Libertad ($20,981) La
Poliza ($13,760), Abuelo Bello ($12,650). Son of stakes winner Mecke,
sire of 14 stakes winners, including champion Mecke Daugther ($246,150,
Clasico Dia de la Mujer-G1, etc.), and of Supah Blitz (8 wins, $1,324,330).
1st dam
B. J. MIRACLE, by Anasheed. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $76,404. Half-sister to MECKE
DAUGTHER. This is her second foal. Dam of-Gran Faraon (c. by Triano). Placed in 2 starts at 2.
2nd dam
B. J. TELICUS, by Pentelicus. Placed at 2. Half-sister to SUPAH BLITZ, Major
Mecke. Dam of 12 other foals, 11 to race, all winners, including-MECKE DAUGTHER (f. by Mecke). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $350,010, champion imported 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Dia de la Mujer-G1, Clasico
Jinetes-G1, Clasico Angel T. Cordero, Jr.-G1, 2nd Clasico D' Wildcat
Speed-G3, 3rd Clasico Ano Nuevo-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, Clasico
Roberto Clemente.
3rd dam
BOOTS 'N JACKIE, by Major Moran. 4 wins at 2, $647,580, Golden Rod S.G3, Florida Stallion My Dear Girl S.-LR, Florida Stallion Susan's Girl S.LR, 2nd Forward Gal Breeders' Cup S.-G2, Davona Dale S.-G3, National
Jockey Club Oaks-L, etc. Sister to BOOTS 'N BUCK. Dam of-SUPAH BLITZ. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $1,324,330, Del Mar Breeders' Cup H.-G2,
Lone Star Park H.-G3, Tokyo City H.-G3, Carl G. Rose Classic H.-LR, Jack
Price Juvenile S.-LR, Roman Brother S., 2nd Fountain of Youth S.-G1, Texas
Mile S.-G3 twice, Skip Away H.-G3, NTRA Great State Challenge Juvenile
Invitational S.-L, Aventura S.-L, Criterium S.-L, Florida Stallion Affirmed S.LR, Valid Appeal S.-LR, 3rd Goodwood Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc. Sire.
Major Mecke. 8 wins, 2 to 8, $289,622, 3rd Gate Dancer S.
4th dam
CHEROKEE ACE, by Cherokee Fellow. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $24,243. Dam of-BOOTS 'N JACKIE. Stakes winner, above.
BOOTS 'N BUCK. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $320,417, Memorial Day H.-L, Fast Hilarious H.-LR, 2nd Seminole H.-L, 3rd Sheridan S.-G3, Widener H.-L, Coral
Springs H.-L, Olympic H.-L.
Kobella Bean. Placed at 2, $8,100. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-Pound Foolish. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $294,464, 2nd American Dreamer S.
JCC 1515839 - Microchip 900182001156582
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 9, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Broken Vow ......................
Silver Vow ........................
Silver N Satin....................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Wedding Vow
Silver Deputy
Candid Moments
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
SILVER VOW, by Broken Vow. 9 wins, 3 to 8, $92,667. Sister to STERLING VOW,
half-sister to IRISH EXCHANGE. This is her second foal. Dam of-Platino (c. by Musketier (GER)). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
SILVER N SATIN, by Silver Deputy. Winner at 3, $5,812. Half-sister to CANDID
GLEN. Dam of 8 other foals, 7 to race, all winners-IRISH EXCHANGE (f. by Exchange Rate). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $211,965,
Langhorne S.-L, 2nd Primonetta S.
STERLING VOW (f. by Broken Vow). 5 wins, $157,128, Squan Song S.-R.
Silver Legend. 7 wins at 4 and 5, $154,842.
Silver Borrego. Winner at 2 and 3, $40,457, in Canada. (Total: $41,785).
Get the Silver. Winner at 3 and 4, $32,090.
Limehouse Silver. Winner at 4, $15,332.
Wonil Gangja. 6 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 5, 2016 in Republic of Korea.
3rd dam
Candid Moments, by Pirate's Bounty. Winner at 2, $39,761, 2nd Barretts Debutante S.-LR. Sister to PIRATE AT FORTY. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-CANDID GLEN. 12 wins, 3 to 10, $1,285,075, Explosive Bid H.-G2, John B.
Connally Breeders' Cup Turf H.-L 3 times, Fair Grounds Breeders' Cup H.L, 2nd Edward J. Debartolo Sr. Memorial Breeders' Cup H.-L, Independence
Breeders' Cup H.-L twice, Colonel E. R. Bradley H.-L, Spur S., Alliance H.,
3rd Dallas Turf Cup H.-L, Fair Grounds Breeders' Cup H.-L, Bossier City H.
Peace Mon. Winner at 6 and 7, $49,585.
Repute. 2 wins at 2, $31,390.
4th dam
CLAUDE FRANCE, by Raja Baba. Winner at 2, $25,780. Dam of 4 winners-PIRATE AT FORTY. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $73,088, Ladbroke Futurity-L.
Candid Moments. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Silk Moire. Winner at 3, $4,925. Producer. Granddam of KIMUA BABY (5
wins, $122,535, Gardenia S.-R).
Fashion Control. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $72,650. Producer.
JCC 1515063 - Microchip 985170002964962
Hip No.
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos, Agent
Foaled March 14, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Dixie Union ......................
Successful Talent ..............
Ensign Appeal ..................
Hip No.
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Dixieland Band
She's Tops
Successful Appeal
Honorable Ensign
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
SUCCESSFUL TALENT, by Dixie Union. Winner at 2 and 3, $79,150, Clasico
Eduardo Cautino Insua-G3. This is her second foal. Dam of-El Gran Nolo (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
Ensign Appeal, by Successful Appeal. Winner at 2 and 3, $56,300, 3rd Lindsay Frolic S., Lulu's Ransom S. Dam of 3 winners, including-SUCCESSFUL TALENT (f. by Dixie Union). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
HONORABLE ENSIGN, by Blue Ensign. 5 wins, $61,562. Half-sister to THUNDERELLO, MS. DEEP POCKETS, SQUARE UP THE BET. Dam of-Ensign Appeal. Stakes-placed winner, above.
4th dam
ON THE SQUARE, by In Reality. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-THUNDERELLO. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $388,400, Gallant Bob H.-L, etc. Sire.
MS. DEEP POCKETS. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $225,477, OBS Championship S.-LR,
2nd Springtime H.-R. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-POCKETFUL OF MONEY. 9 wins, 2 to 5 in Republic of Korea, KRA Cup
Classic-G3, 2nd Se-Gey Ilbo, 3rd KRA Cup Classic-G3. Dam of MENI
MONEY (champion 3-year-old filly in Republic of Korea).
Sligovitz. Placed 2 to 6, $63,201, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Kentucky Cup Classic
S.-G2, Pan American S.-G3; 4 wins at 3, $397,683, in Canada, 2nd Breeders' S.-R, 3rd Ontario Derby-L, Chief Bearhart S.-L, etc. (Total: $436,864).
Witch Woman. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $149,540, 3rd Without Feathers S.
SQUARE UP THE BET. 4 wins to 3, $60,480, Notches Trace S. Dam of-BEAUTIFUL EAST. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $195,405, Queen Lib H.-R, 2nd
Spruce Fir H.-R, Goldfinch H.-R, 3rd Eleven North H.-LR. Dam of
NUFFSAID NUFFSAID (to 7, 2016, $409,695, Karakorum Elektra S.).
BET A BUCK. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $93,695, Danzig S.-R.
Zoey Power. 3 wins at 3, $82,122. Dam of LUNAR SURGE ($287,500,
Maryland Racing Media S., etc.), Rock Me Mama ($190,154).
Bet the Card. 5 wins at 3, $82,708. Dam of Kandy Kard ($81,102).
JCC 1515698 - Microchip 900182001156533
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 25, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Sejm ................................
Lisanix ..............................
Bionette ............................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Unity Hall
Ribots Verset
Dorothy's Love
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
LISANIX, by Sejm. Unraced. Half-sister to ALANITA. Dam of 5 other foals, 3
to race, all winners, including-KRISTIAN DETENIDO (g. by Don Guido). 2 wins at 2, $67,367, Copa Navidad-G1.
2nd dam
BIONETTE, by Ribots Verset. Winner at 3, $19,113. Sister to Comendador, halfsister to Mabel T. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, all winners, including-ALANITA (f. by Fappiano's Star). 10 wins, 3 to 6, $192,704, Clasico Dama
del Caribe-G1, 2nd Clasico Criadores Hembras-G1.
3rd dam
DOROTHY'S LOVE, by Levee Dancer. Unraced. Half-sister to YERBA MORA,
Tipico. Dam of 11 other winners, including-Comendador. 22 wins, 2 to 7, $410,975, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Navidad-G3, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Dia del VeteranoG1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G3.
Mabel T. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $74,707, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3.
Rum Lady. Winner at 3, $3,384. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, incl.-Flor de La Canela. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $132,958, 3rd Copa Criadores-G1,
Clasico Entrenadores-G3. Dam of MEDIAVILLA R. ($629,148, Puerto
Rican Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1,
Copa San Juan-G1, etc.). Granddam of JALEEMAR ($194,955, Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G3, etc.).
4th dam
DOROTHYS BEST, by Saggy. 3 wins, 2 to 5, $13,830. Sister to Major Pomp
($15,410), half-sister to TUSCANY POMP, Dorothys Miss. Dam of-YERBA MORA. 26 wins, 2 to 5, $299,121, Clasico Constitucion del Estado
Libre Asociacion de Puerto Rico, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos, etc.
Tipico. 12 wins, 2 to 4, $101,590, 2nd Clasico Jose de Diego.
Mojacar. 4 wins at 5, $8,264. Dam of CEZANCITO (13 wins, $136,290).
Dorothy's Dancer. Unraced. Dam of LOVES PLEASURE P R ($866,374,
champion older horse in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, etc., sire).
JCC 1515251 - Microchip 900182001156549
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled February 25, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Majestic Warrior ..............
Fighting Lady....................
Golden Honor ..................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
A.P. Indy
Dream Supreme
Mr. Prospector
Glowing Honor
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
FIGHTING LADY, by Majestic Warrior. Winner at 3, $7,200. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
GOLDEN HONOR, by Mr. Prospector. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of-Global Gold. 2 wins at 3, $26,700. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-IL CAMPIONE (CHI) (c. by Scat Daddy). 8 wins in 10 starts at 2 and 3,
210,500,000 pesos, in Chile, horse of the year, champion 2- and 3year-old colt, El Ensayo MEGA Chilean Derby-G1, El Derby-G1, Nacional Ricardo Lyon-G1, Polla de Potrillos-Chilean Two Thousand
Guineas-G1, Copa Juan S. Jackson-G2, Criadores Macho-G2, Cotejo
de Potrillos-G3, 2nd Alberto Vial Infante-G1; placed in 1 start at 4,
$30,000, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Poker S.-G3. (Total: $384,594).
Gaelico (c. by War Front). Winner at 2, 4,856,250 pesos, in Chile; 8 wins,
3 to 6, $170,850, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Edward J. Debartolo Memorial H.L. Set ncr at Lone Star Park, 7 1/2 fur. in 1:27 3/5. (Total: $181,231).
3rd dam
GLOWING HONOR, by Seattle Slew. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $296,450, Diana H.G2 twice, Leixable S.-G3, 3rd Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup-G2. Sister to SEATTLE GLOW, half-sister to SEA HERO, HERO'S HONOR,
WILD APPLAUSE, CORONATION CUP, MACKIE. Dam of-Playing for Ashes. 9 wins, 5 to 7, $73,987.
4th dam
GLOWING TRIBUTE, by Graustark. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $230,819, Sheepshead
Bay H.-G2 twice, Diana H.-G2. Half-sister to James Boswell, Senator
Brady. Broodmare of the year in 1993. Dam of 9 winners, including-SEA HERO. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $2,929,869, Kentucky Derby-G1, Travers S.-G1, etc.
HERO'S HONOR. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $499,025, Bowling Green H.-G1, etc.
GLOWING HONOR. Stakes winner, above.
WILD APPLAUSE. 5 wins in 10 starts at 2 and 3, $240,136, Diana H.-G2, etc.
CORONATION CUP. 3 wins at 3, $172,181, Nijana S.-G3, etc.
MACKIE. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $164,579, Busher S.-G3, etc. Stakes producer.
SEATTLE GLOW. 4 wins at 3, $69,023, Spend A Buck S.
JCC 1507735 - Microchip 900182001156589
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled January 21, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Don Guido ........................
Sharp Alert........................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Dixieland Brass
Christine Crane
Dover Court
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
CUABEY, by Don Guido. 3 wins in 5 starts at 2, $106,294, Clasico Luis Munoz
Rivera Memorial-G1. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-Cooperadora (f. by Triano). 3 wins at 3, $18,430.
Sussy M. (f. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
SHARP ALERT, by Conveyor. 9 wins at 2 and 3, $42,845. Half-sister to Miss
Grimsby. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners-CUABEY (f. by Don Guido). Stakes winner, above.
Lady Paola N. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $44,850.
Triste Guajiro. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $43,050.
Prodigiosa. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $33,654.
3rd dam
DOVER COURT, by Gold Alert. Unraced. Half-sister to CEE K'O. Dam of-Miss Grimsby. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $130,053, 2nd Woodside H.-L, Bara Lass
S.-LR. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-Thainty. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $70,420.
4th dam
CERTAINLY KNOTT, by Political Coverup. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $61,253. Half-sister
to JASPER PARK ($297,511). Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, including-CEE K'O. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $45,779, Sophomore Breeders' Cup S., 2nd
Philmont S., 3rd Allegheny Breeders' Cup S.
Honor Card. Winner at 3, $22,398. Dam of 3 winners-CARDASHI. Winner at 3, $10,985, in Canada; 14 wins, 3 to 10, $433,832,
in N.A./U.S., Pennsylvania Governor's Cup H.-L, 2nd Pennsylvania
Governor's Cup H.-L, Thomas Edison S., Tony Gatto Dream Big S.
(Total: $443,085).
One Card. Winner at 3 and 5, $94,141, in Canada. (Total: $88,772).
Prize and Honor. Placed at 4, $31,266, in N.A./U.S.; 2 wins at 5, $38,560,
in Canada. (Total: $63,360).
La Sabana. 5 wins, 2 to 6, $59,672.
Always Wild. 8 wins at 3, $57,854.
JCC 1503743 - Microchip 985170002961662
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 16, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Sra. Esperanza ..................
Mediavilla R. ....................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Flor de La Canela
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
SRA. ESPERANZA, by Tamhid. Winner at 3, $12,080. Dam of 2 other foals-Kalua (f. by Bugatti Reef (IRE)). 4 wins at 2 and 3, 2016, $35,087.
Unnamed (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
MEDIAVILLA R., by Sejm. 19 wins in 23 starts at 2 and 3, $629,148, Triple Crown
in Puerto Rico, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, Copa
San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, Clasico Ramon
Llobet, Jr.-G1, Campeon Nativo Princesa de Oro-G1, Copa Camarero-G1,
Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1. Dam of-Miss Leiram. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $44,670.
Princesita R. 2 wins at 3, $16,720.
La Copla. Winner at 2, $12,878.
3rd dam
Flor de La Canela, by Ribots Verset. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $132,939, 3rd Copa
Criadores-G1, Clasico Entrenadores-G3. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners-MEDIAVILLA R. Stakes winner, above.
La Replica. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $47,200. Dam of 4 winners, including-JALEEMAR. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $193,092, Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico
Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G3, 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet.
Isla Del Encanto. 6 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $36,733.
Speedy Yair. 3 wins in 5 starts at 3, 2016, $15,824.
Cucubano. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $42,935.
4th dam
RUM LADY, by Caminero. Winner at 3, $10,582. Half-sister to Comendador
($410,975), Mabel T. ($74,707) Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners-Flor de La Canela. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Papin A. 20 wins, 2 to 7, $150,568.
Cancionero. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $57,619.
Don Danny. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $24,713.
JCC 1515219 - Microchip 900182001156531
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled April 9, 2015
El Prado (IRE) ..................
Perfect Bullet ....................
Perfect Sting ....................
Tale of the Cat ..................
Stacy Cat ..........................
Salsa Stacy ......................
Sadler's Wells
Lady Capulet
Red Ransom
Valid Victress
Storm Cat
Gilded Time
Kirt's Pride
By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, $198,200,
3rd Autumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid.
His first foals are yearlings of 2016. Son of champion El Prado (IRE),
leading sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions, including Mi Pradera
($664,452, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten's Joy ($2,075,791,
Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d'Oro (8
wins, $5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Borrego (5 wins, $2,052,090).
1st dam
STACY CAT, by Tale of the Cat. Unraced. Half-sister to PHILADELPHIA JIM.
Dam of 7 other foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-CHU CHUCHAZO (c. by Myfavorite Place). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $110,148, Clasico
Luis Munoz Rivera Memorial-G1.
Discordia (f. by Don Guido). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $91,504, 3rd Clasico Eugenio
Maria de Hostos-G3.
My Favorite Cat (g. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $33,033.
Puertorriquenita (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, 2016, $17,250.
Mr. Clasico (c. by Tiano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
SALSA STACY, by Gilded Time. 2 wins at 3, $49,440. Half-sister to MISS L ATTACK, Kirt Clearance. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 2 winners-PHILADELPHIA JIM (g. by Mr. Greeley). 7 wins, 2 to 6, $228,755, Dancing
Count S., 2nd Fred Cappy Capossela S.-L.
Brother Warbucks. 6 wins, 3 to 7, $105,823.
3rd dam
KIRT'S PRIDE, by Kirtling (IRE). Winner at 3, $11,720. Half-sister to DEVIL'S
BRIDE, RED, RAHBABY, Last Lion, Tres Norte, Nueces Strip. Dam of-MISS L ATTACK. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $455,429, Merck Agvet California Cup
Distaff H.-LR, June Darling H.-LR, Phoenix Futurity, 2nd Las Flores H.G3, Autumn Days H.-L, Merck Agvet California Cup Distaff H.-LR, June
Darling H.-LR, Kachina S., 3rd Great Lady M. S.-L, Time to Leave H.-L.
Kirt Clearance. Winner at 2, ¥19,822,000, in Japan, 3rd Sapporo Sansai
S.-G3. (Total: $178,756).
Devil's Waltz. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $28,654. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, including-FUTURE PROSPECT. 15 wins, 4 to 9, $492,271, WinStar Kentucky Cup
S.-G2, Funny Cide S.-LR, Jazzing Around S.-R, 2nd High Rock Spring
S.-LR, Fratello Ed. S.-R.
Waltzin' Storm. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $360,569, 2nd Summer S.-G2, Play
the King H.-G3.
Cat's Pride. 3 wins at 3 and 4, ¥39,483,000, in Japan. (Total: $325,361).
JCC 1515257 - Microchip 900182001156532
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled April 10, 2015
A.P. Indy............................
Lady Bonanza....................
Cherokee Run ..................
D'cherokee Speed ............
Quarteira ..........................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Born a Lady
Runaway Groom
Cherokee Dame
Vice Regent
Double Set
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 58 foals,
33 starters, 21 winners of 72 races and earning $992,408, including champion Arquitecto (23 wins, $633,954, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), and
of Rafaelillo ($128,322, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Syriana Mia
($119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, etc.), Hockenheim Who ($28,882, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1), Valentino P R ($52,332, 2nd Clasico
Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, etc.), Destacada ($19,192), Diabolico ($18,858).
1st dam
D'CHEROKEE SPEED, by Cherokee Run. 2 wins to 3, $23,365. Half-sister to
Buffalo Soldier, Yanquee Reign. Dam of 5 other foals, 1 to race-La Trova (f. by Triano). Winner at 2, $14,245.
Musicalizadora (f. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
QUARTEIRA, by Vice Regent. Winner at 3, €8,691, in France; winner at 4 and
5, $26,496, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $37,971). Sister to TWICE THE VICE, halfsister to BURGANDY DANCER. Dam of 8 other winners, including-Buffalo Soldier (g. by Sharp Humor). Placed at 2 and 3, $3,716, in N.A./
U.S.; 5 wins, 3 to 6, placed at 7, 2016 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd NLCB
Champagne S.-G1, HINO President's Cup-G2.
Yanquee Reign (f. by Yankee Victor). 4 wins at 4 and 5, $92,588, 3rd Claire
Marine S. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-MELATONIN (g. by Kodiak Kowboy). 4 wins, 3 to 5, 2016, $918,552,
Santa Anita H.-G1, 2nd Oaklawn H.-G2, Eddie D S.-G3.
3rd dam
DOUBLE SET, by Resurgent. Placed at 3. Half-sister to NAVAJO. Dam of-TWICE THE VICE. 12 wins in 23 starts, 2 to 6, $1,447,064, Apple Blossom
H.-G1, Vanity H.-G1, Santa Margarita Invitational H.-G1, Milady Breeders' Cup H.-G1, Del Mar Invitational Oaks-G1, etc. Dam of-Major Cafe. 6 wins, 2 to 7, ¥180,487,000, in Japan, 3rd New Zealand
Trophy-G2. (Total: $1,539,853).
BURGANDY DANCER. 6 wins at 3, $126,136, Duchess S.-L, etc. Dam of-Over The Top. 9 wins, 3 to 7 in Australia, 2nd Bill Ritchie H., etc.
Smoochin'. 2 wins at 3, $43,270. Dam of 7 winners, including-Lake Okeechobee. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $73,641, 2nd Oakley S.-R. Dam
of Seminole Native (4 wins, $387,804, 2nd TVG Khaled S.-LR, etc.).
Double Saucy. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $142,360. Producer. Granddam of GENTLE
CHARMER ($344,313, California Cup Distaff H.-LR, etc., dam of FLAT
OUT CHARMING, $87,974, Lindsay Frolic S.; Indirectly A. P., $105,308),
STRATEGICALLY ($161,942, Walter R. Cluer Memorial H., etc.).
JCC 1515466 - Microchip 985170002965197
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled February 9, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Line In The Sand ..............
Line Brunette ....................
Appealing Brunette............
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Mr. Prospector
Really Lucky
Valid Appeal
Dear Brunette
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
LINE BRUNETTE, by Line In The Sand. Unplaced. Half-sister to DEVILISH
BRUNETTE, Brunette Crusader. Dam of 12 other foals, 11 to race, all
winners, including-SYRIANA MIA (f. by Hockenheim). 7 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 3, 2016,
$119,401, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.G3, 3rd Clasico Camarero S.-G1.
Literatura (f. by Myfavorite Place). 16 wins, 2 to 6, placed at 7, 2016, $168,029, 3rd Clasico Dia de Reyes-G3.
Another Patricia (f. by Sejm). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $117,845.
Cumbanchero (g. by Fappiano's Star). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $24,947.
Cazador (g. by Myfavorite Place). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $22,405.
2nd dam
APPEALING BRUNETTE, by Valid Appeal. Unraced. Half-sister to RAISIN
SLEW ($43,949). Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 9 winners, including-DEVILISH BRUNETTE (f. by Diablo). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $143,868, Florida Stallion Desert Vixen S.-LR, Bluff's Dividend H. Dam of 11 winners, incl.-DEVILISH LADY (f. by Sweetsouthernsaint). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $400,318,
Azalea S.-G3, Joe O'Farrell Juvenile Fillies S.-LR, Gasparilla S., Sandpiper S., Cherokee Frolic Starter S.-R, 2nd Stonehedge Farm South
Sophomore Fillies S.-LR, Suncoast S., 3rd Cassidy S.
Captain Lindsay (c. by Mecke). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $137,573, 2nd Pasco
S., 3rd Sam F. Davis S.-L, Unbridled S.-L, Inaugural S.
Brunette Crusader (g. by Crusader Sword). 8 wins, 2 to 6, $164,612, 2nd
Inaugural S., 3rd Friar Rock S.-L.
Terry M. 4 wins, 4 to 6, $123,820. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, incl.-Capitan Heroe (c. by Pure Prize). 13 wins, 2 to 5 in Panama, 2nd Clasico
German Ruiz-G2, Clasico Sociedad de Duenos de Caballos-G3,
Ramon y Ernesto Navarro Diaz-G3, etc.; placed to 4 in Venezuela,
2nd Clasico de Los Sprinters-G1, 3rd Clasico de los Sprinters-G1.
Island Frolic (f. by Concorde's Tune). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $39,485, 3rd
Juan Gonzalez Memorial S.
JCC 1507665 - Microchip 900182001156587
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled March 14, 2015
Runaway Groom................
Myfavorite Place ..............
Myfavorite Charity ............
Sejm ................................
Mi Abogada ......................
Cucha S. ..........................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Great Above
Unity Hall
Levee Dancer
Joyfull Jo
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio
R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 197 foals, 143 starters,
10 stakes winners, 112 winners of 599 races and earning $5,544,354, including champions Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Lluvia
de Nieve ($363,604, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Traqueteo (21
wins, $314,000, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Graciani (11 wins, $229,300,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Facturadora (8 wins, $139,025).
1st dam
Mi Abogada, by Sejm. 16 wins, 3 to 7, $305,767, 2nd Clasico Imbuia PajoquiG3, 3rd Clasico Confederacion Hipica-G1, Clasico Confederacion Hipica de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Verset Dancer-G3, Clasico Julio Corea
Ayala-G3. Sister to Agua Viva, half-sister to LA ABOGADA, Illescas.
Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-FACTURADORA (f. by Myfavorite Place). 8 wins in 14 starts at 2, $139,100,
champion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Camarero S.-G1, Classico Ramon Llobet Jr. S.-G2, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3,
3rd Clasico Accion de Gracias S.-G2.
Lcda Rebecca Cotto (f. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $59,380, 2nd
Clasico Confederacion Hipica S.-G2, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2.
Unnamed (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
CUCHA S., by Levee Dancer. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $84,112. Half-sister to Tichy
($118,419), La Giralda. Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, incl.-LA ABOGADA (f. by Sneaky Solicitor). 17 wins to 4, $278,732, Copa Criadores,
2nd Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, etc. Dam of 8 winners, including-DEFENSORA (f. by Myfavorite Place). 29 wins in 37 starts, 2 to 5, $970,367, horse of the year twice, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, champion older mare twice in Puerto Rico, Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico
Antonio Mongil S.-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, etc.
Mi Defensor (c. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, $20,866, 3rd Clasico
Luis Munoz Rivera-G1.
Sinceridad (f. by Greedy). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $85,555, 3rd Clasico Antonio
R. Matos, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos.
Agua Viva (f. by Sejm). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $113,808, 2nd Copa Criadores Hembras-G1, Clasico Versets Dancer-G3.
Mi Abogada (f. by Sejm). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Illescas (f. by Ribots Verset). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $94,002, 2nd Clasico Ramon
Llobet, Jr.-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G3. Dam of-Verset Solicitor (c. by Sneaky Solicitor). Winner at 3, 3rd Copa Criadores.
JCC 1515653 - Microchip 900182001156598
Hip No.
Property of Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Foaled January 31, 2015
El Prado (IRE) ..................
Perfect Bullet ....................
Perfect Sting ....................
Grand Slam ......................
What a Slam......................
La Cajoleuse ....................
Sadler's Wells
Lady Capulet
Red Ransom
Valid Victress
Gone West
Bright Candles
Sweet Woodruff
By PERFECT BULLET (2004). Stakes-placed winner of 4 races, $198,200,
3rd Autumn S.-G2. Half-brother to stakes winners Smart Sting, Quick Kid.
His first foals are yearlings of 2016. Son of champion El Prado (IRE),
leading sire, sire of 89 stakes winners, 3 champions, including Mi Pradera
($664,452, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, etc.), Kitten's Joy ($2,075,791,
Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S.-G1, etc.), and of Medaglia d'Oro (8
wins, $5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Borrego (5 wins, $2,052,090).
1st dam
WHAT A SLAM, by Grand Slam. Placed at 3. Half-sister to CAJOLEUSE'S
SPEED, GENE PROPP'S DREAM. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, incl.-My Favorite Slam (g. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $28,800.
El Productor (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2016.
2nd dam
LA CAJOLEUSE, by L'Enjoleur. Unraced. Dam of 12 winners, including-CAJOLEUSE'S SPEED (f. by Golden Derby). 19 wins, 3 to 7, $378,346,
champion imported older mare in Puerto Rico, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, 3rd
Clasico Roberto Clemente-G1 twice, Clasico Jose de Diego-G1.
GENE PROPP'S DREAM (f. by Golden Derby). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $211,117,
Hydrangea S., Miami Beach S., 2nd Virginia H.-G3, Broward County
Safely Kept S.-L. Producer.
Double Entendre. 2 wins at 3, $102,960. Dam of 3 winners, including-Double Understand (f. by Bernstein). Winner at 2, $30,270, 2nd Clasico
Dia de la Raza-G1.
3rd dam
SWEET WOODRUFF, by Restless Native. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $239,560, Kingston
S.-R, Mount Vernon S.-R, New York Breeders Fillies S.-R, 3rd Hempstead
H.-G2, Bouwerie S.-R. Half-sister to Balm. Dam of 2 other foals, which
have not raced.
4th dam
FENNEL, by Revoked. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $45,395. Dam of 6 winners, including-SWEET WOODRUFF. Stakes winner, above.
Balm. 4 wins to 3, $35,004, 3rd Miss America S. Granddam of True Sweet
Lady ($23,560, 2nd Delta Miss S.). Great-granddam of Yonaguska Boy
(4 wins, $152,938, 2nd Clem McSpadden Memorial Route 66 S., etc.).
Chervil. 2 wins at 3, $41,764. Producer. Granddam of TOP NOTCH TONTO
(6 wins, Total: $722,616, Superior Mile-G3, etc.).
Tussy Mussy. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-Was He Fuzzy. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $174,702, 3rd Paul Revere S.
Double Writ. Unraced. Dam of CRAIG'S ROLL (3 wins, $23,044).
JCC 15030222 - Microchip 985170002943005
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