MICROPHONES - technicalaudio.com


MICROPHONES - technicalaudio.com
643 with
Modol 642- A highly directional dynamic microphone combining the best characterIs tics o( cardioid nnd dl.!ltrlbuted (ront-openlng designs. Essentlalll cardioid unidirectional up to 500 cps : highly dlrectlonnl over balance o ( range. \\ orklng dl st.ance
Is 2 to 3 lor more) times that of conventlonnl tYI/CS. Excellent tor boom use with
Model 356 shock mount. Minimum mechanical shock tmns (er Imd wind n oise Inter·
terenco. Resjlonse: Flnt rrom 30 to 10.000 cps or choice o( 5 or 10 db low frequency
reduction steps by scre wdri ver adjustment. Acoustalloy® diaphragm. Impedance:
SO, 150 nnd 250 ohms, externally adJustllbte, Output levcr: -48 db. Cn.st a luminum
casc with non-rellecl\lIg gray lInlsll. Supplied with Cannon UA-3-l4 conncc tor, 20-ft.
3-conductor shleldC<1 broadcast cllble and UA-3-11 Cannon connector. Length, 17 :U":
max. diameter, 3 s" ... Must be used wIth Model 356 shoek mount or Model 3"27
wlndscrccn mount.-Net Weight, 3 lbs. , 4 oz. Net Eaeb ..•............. 5234.00
Model 6C3-Slmllnr to Model 642 above, but deslgnC<1 tor more specialized snd
extendc(] long-range pi ckup. Provides cardioid pickup pattern to 100 cps ami Is
highly directional over balance of fange, Integral 2-posltlon bnss tllt-down switch:
100 cps cutoR tIIter. I mpedance : 50, 150 or 250 ohms changed by Internal connection.
Lightweight cast and extrudcd aluminum eaHU with Integral shock mount Dnd removable wind Hlter. Output Icvcl: -48 db. Response: 30 to 10.000 cps. Length, 7' 2-;
max. dla. 1". Cannon UA-3-14 and UA-3-II connectors: !;upplled with 2o-It, cable
and s toragc case. Fits % --27 or 7!j" pipe threads . Net Each .. .. ...... . . 5938.00
. Eleetro-Volcc tradcmark .
Model 66a-Contlnuously Varlablc-D cardioid designed SI>ecltlcally lor boom usc
In broadcasting and recording. Extremely smooth cardioid pattern tor ma.xlmum
reduction of ambient nolHe and reverberation. Integral windscreen eliminates noise
caused by motion or boom-mounted microphone t hrough the air. Built-In equalizer
provides choice o[ tour reslHlllse eurvea In both high and low frequency ranges .
Acoustlliloy diaphragm. Res llonse: -10- 12,000 cps. Output: - 51 db. Impedance:
50. 150 or 250 ohms, Inte rna Iy selectable. Size: 9 ~ · Ig. x 3 K · dla. Non-rellectlng
gray fini shed a luminum case. Two-toot mechanical IsolaLlon cable and twenty-toot
;l:~~I~~~~~~~r b~~II~d~~u~~~~~~E~I~ . ~~~I.~ .l~~~~~~ ... ~~~~~I~..e~~~12~7~6L8
Model 667A-Same as l\'[odel 668, but ineOtlHlrates selection or three low frequency
and two hlgll frequency rCSl)OnBC curves. Net Each ............... . .. . . $207. 00
Model 666 Super Cardlold- Varlablc-D@ principle for high dlHcrlmlnatlon against
sounds (rom back. Permits close talking without b!lSS accentuation. Working d lstancc
lucreasC<1 hy 1.7:1 over Ilrcssure microphones. Single moving clement Is exclus ive,
rugged AcouSlalloy~ diaphragm. Resilonse: ao to 16000 CIIS. Output: - 58 db.
Internal connector pln Impedance change. Wired for 150 ollms: taps at 50 and 260
ohms. Non-rellectlng gray I1nlsh alUminum case. Built-In Cannon UA-3 connector .
C lallllHUI stand mount with %"-27 thread and !-i" pipe thread adapter, and 20-ft.
cable. Length , ni~; diameter, 1)i". Net weight: 11 oz. Net Each .. .. •. $163.00
Model 666R Rising Response Cardlald-Uke Model 666, but with r esponse which
rises 4~ db Irom 100 to 2.000 ops, reduolng Illekup of low frequen cy reverberations,
room "rUmble" nnd prop noise. Partlcull\rly suited to boom use. Output: -67 db.
Net. Each ................................................. . ... . .. 5153.00
Model 665 CanUald-Slmllar In dcslgn and function to tbe Model 666. but for less
~ag:I~~oag~~~t~~is~~~~ zf~Pg=e~ Wo~~rMe~n~psra~cg~~ ~';~~~t~::on~~
~ach ...• _....... 590.00
length, 7 '" .; 18-lt. cable. Net Weight. 1 lb. 10 oz. Nct
Model 6S5C Slim-Trim TV Dyna mic-Frequency response: 40 to 20,000 CIIS. Output
levcl: -58 db. Excellent level af'(ordslligh slgnl\l-to-thcrmal noise ratio. Can be used
on Sland, In hand or on boom. EMily eonctmlCd In studio prOIIS. Acoustalloy® dlaI,hrnglll. I>op-Ilroor grille. Imlle(]ance: 50, 150 and 250 ohms. I mpedance easily
chnnged nt Internal terminal board . CllnnOIl UA-3 connector. C lamp-on stand mount
Included with U "-27 thread and~" pipe thread adapter. Size: Length, 10 ~ · without
connector; diameter, 1". With 20-1t. cable. Net Weight, 7 oz. Net Each .. 5120.00
Model 65"A Slim-Trim Broadcast Dynamic-Frequency response: 50 to 16,000 cps.
OU'IJUt level: - 57 (lb. Cun be used stand-mounted. hllnd-held or B8lavo.ller. Matches
all ow Impedance In"ut-9. Bu ilt-In Cnnnon XLR-3 connector. Acoustalloy@ dlnphragm, :M ounta to
thread . With I S-It. cable. Length, 6 11" .. ; diameter, l }i·.
Non-re[lectlng gray nnlsh. Net Weight, 17 oz. Supplied with Model 300 clnmp and
lavnller neck cord. Net Each ..................... _ .................. -580.00
Model 6t9B Mlnlatur., La.,aller-Smnllest dynamic lavallet-welglls only 31 grams
wIthout. table: length.
d lnmeter. U". Ideal tor programming where unobtrusIve
or concealed microphone Illaccment· l3deslrnble. F r ~ueney response: 70 to 10,000 cps.
Output level: -6 1 db. Aeoustalloy® diaphragm. OmnldlrecUonal. Matchcs a ll low
Impedancc Inputs_ WIth 30-ft. shielded cable. Aluminum case Ims non-relleetlnK
gro.y IInl8h. Complete with neck cord assembly, Net.Each ...... . ... ..•. 563. 00
2". :
r:~~elo~3s5t~n~ro~~~ :-lt~:t-;u~ce-;;Rae~j8~¥or::~11~~~it~~~d?~I~l\I~~~~h~tnitW;:iic:t~~
"'''' crovldes ms.gnetle shlcldlng. Four-stnge ))OP nnd dust tIlter. ~esponsc: 60 to
15,00 cps (rising). OUtjlUt: -55 db. Acous tslloy® diaphrag m. Low Impedance.
Cannon XL-3 connector. Non-reHecting satin chrome ftn lsil, With 310 clamp and
18-ft. cable. Dla .. 1 ~"; lcngth, 6". Weight, 6 oz. Net Ench .... _ ...... _ .. 549.20
Model 652-New design for nn nlmost Invls lhle dynamlo mIcrophone, Microphone
Is mounted on the end ot the semirigid tube bri nging the moving coil element. closer
to the user lor lull rango. pop free response. Breath nnd wind niter 19 an Integral part
of the m icrophone. Two c lear pltUllio bantcs provided to give e ither 8 db or 5 db boost
In tho brilliance range of 5,000 cps (or added articulation. The microphone without
the barnes gives a smooth response at 80 to 8,000 cps. Acoustalloy@ diaphragm.
Model 652 mounts on 11 ." . steel tube and Is IInlshed In non-reOccUng gray color.
Output level: -60 db. ~Iatches ull law Impedance Inputs, Furn ished with 3-conductor
Bh lciclcd 20-U. cable. ""'lodel 300 stand coupler supplied. Length of mlcropbone, 24~ .
Weight, 10 oz. Net Each .. ..... ............ . ... .• ...• •• .. .•...•• .. •. 572.00
Model G52A-Samc n.s Model 652 except 15· long. Net Each .... . ... . . . . . 72. 00
All E-V microphones (except crylta ll) . re eligible for FCDA PUrchales.
HARVEY Stocks Ampex Professlonol Equipment and Parts
~!a aq~L.
1:1, ~
Model 644 Sound Spot@--Anothcr E lectr()oVOlce de\'clollllleul, the Sound 8pot Is n
combination cnrdlold and dlStrlbuted front opening m lcropholle. making It, thc lII08t
directional PA mike ever. The 1\'lodel 64.- has better thall 2.5 times the working distance ot pressure tYpes. Work dose or tar away without Change or frequency response.
Cancellation trom the rear and sides exceeds 20 db above 700 c~ glvlnlfopractlcuJl)'
fga're~~t~I~:c;i?:~I?t~I~III;';~~t~~neg~l~dill~r:drl~~<!:tro~~oR~~~~rniro~ 1nd ?:d~~~I:
are vastly lower t han tor IIny othcr PA mike, allowIng much grenter iecwny In louds jH!akcr placement.
The elIcctive front ncccl)tance angle 19 45° each side or cente r giving best Isolation
or IndivIdual performers. The Model 6H Is 9 db better 011 the reduction ot wllu.l.
nolBC nnd lias far lcaa response to sbock than most other microphones.
Frequency response Is smooth !rom 40 to 10.000 cps. ACOUBtuJloy® diaphragm .
High Output: -53 db. Dual high and low Impedallce Is selected by changing one
tal) on M(;-4l\'[ cable connector. The case Is hIgh·pressure dlecast. zinc with 'i"
aluminum tube; satin chrome 1Inl81l. Renr diameter, 2 '-<." ; lengUl, 16". With 16-ft.
cable. Weight, 2 Ibs. 9 oz. Net Eneh. . . . . .
. .... ......... ....... . S66.00
Model 676 Cardioid Dynamlc-FlneBt gcneral purpose unldlrectlonnl microphone
mll.dc. Exclusive C-V-O* principle llSIIures uniform canoollMloll or unwanted sound
~r~~I~g·1~~n~:·~f~~:~i:I~Pt~ ~I= ~tkY~g s=:~~u~~~:~ ~~'biss~~:~{u~~r:~:
l>rovldes better dlscrlmlnatlon agnlllBt, unwanted sound. DIWlt ruter mlnlmlscs wlud
effccts. AcoustuJloy@ dlnphragmshlelded(romdustand magnetic pnrtlcles. Retlponse:
<10-16,000 ellS. OUtllUt: - 58 db. lmpedance: 150 ohmB and hl·Z, cbanGed br. 1II0ving
olle wire In MC-4 cable cOlluector. Chromc Onlsbedt..preliSurc-cast. case. W Ih 011-0"
switch and 16-It. cable. .Length, 7 ~w : diu., I J{" • .Net Weight, 12 oz" less eable.
Net Each ............ . ............................................ S60.00
Model 676A-Non-rellectlng gray Ilnlsh . Wired tor 150 oliml!. Net Ench ... 60.00
Model G76G-Gold flui sh. Net Each. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66.00
Model 664 CardIoId Dynamlc-Slmllar to Model 666, but desl~ned s~Clfleli ll Y tor
:;~!i~~~~~~ ~~~J~I~~~:~~~Y~fl~n~~~II~~~I~~~J~.I:~?&w~~~~ J:":c!:~~1l~
than any cardioid PA microphone built. BIWlt. OIter minimizes wind effect. ACOUBtalloy@ dlallbragm shielded !rom duat and magnetlc Ilartlcles. Response: 40-J5.000
cps. Output: -58 db. Impedance: 150 ohms and hl·Z, cJIIlIlged by moving Olle wlrc
In 1\10--1 cable connector. Pressure-east case wltb chrome Jln lsh; on-orI switch alld
160ft. aable. Size, 7 1, ,- long (less stand COUI)ler) x l }i" dill. Net Weight, lib. 10 oz.
Net Each .... ......... . ...... .. ............................. . ..... $61.00
Model 664A-Non-rencctlnt\ gray Hnl sh. Wired lor 1/j0 Ohms. Net 1;:acll. .. 51.08
Model 664G-Gold ftnl sh. Net Eacll. . . . . . . . . . ..... ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 54.0
.El eotr~ Voice trademark.
Model 641 Modern , Two-tone Dyna mIc-High output.lc\,cl nod wide range rcsponse
[or PA,.. borne recording. communIcations, electronic teaching aIds and Ilaglng sy&terns. ,l.otegrnl "on-orr" swHch. Wide .F requency Response : 7()-l O,OOO Cp8. f)utput.
~1~~~:llrd 5h"~~7 ~~,I~o~'~~~~~l)l%:~~~ ~1,~t~~~~~~CO~'~~ll~~~~dhl~~ ~111'ftl~Cf.oJ)ll~~}~~;
stUlltlnrcllow Impedancc Inputs, spec ify, Bhlll ping Weigh t , 1 l b. Net: Ench .$2 t .00
Model 6l4A-Sl mllur to Model M 1 CXL'<lIlL lurnlshl'd withoU t. stnn d mountJlll{ stud
or on-ofT switch. Fits Ilny 6uuuJ. boom or gooseneck wllh COlll illclC cable conccnlmcnt.
~,~~~I~~~o~e;~~~O~~W~f)~~~ec~[g:i~i,~~'C:~I:\gD~1~g n~~·:tl~I~[8.111gIagfcml~~~~~.1 ~ol;r
~:~~~~~~ ~e"~¥n~:~~~~~ .I~l. ~~u.r. ?~ .~.s~: .l~~~~ .o.r. ~~~~~~~ .I.~ ~.h.~I~: .~~~fI'8~~O
Model GlS-Rugged and (:On.1IJaCt. microphone [or all U11IlilcationS ~Ul r lng IIIllxhnulII
1~I~c~~~n~::e f~ml 1~~I~::~~::~o~zee fl~11!k ~~J~re~~: :'R'I ?J~~ gg~ie. ~t~~(~~rd 6~~,,~Jj
Htund connector. ~\vulll\ble In HI~Z or bnlllnced 150 ohlll 8: "()Ccl ly when ordering.
Shipping Weig ht. 1 lb. Net Each . ....................... .. ... .. ...... 520.1 0
Model 6]6 "Sllmalr" Dynamlc-Exooptlollully fine tor PA, recordlll~ and general uac.
~~I~fl~:I1~?;;l~i~~n~l!lfl~~~~u~':lllai'cd~ie~~f{~~~fl~U ~i~d~~~e~r:r~II~~i~~~
'j "~",n .
High or low hnpcdnnce b)' changing One wire In (lonneetor. With la-ft. cubic.
S ze. 10 K" long (Including stud) x Hi" mnx. dla. Net. Each . ............ $43. 50
Model Gl6G-Gold ftnlsh. Net Each . . •.. ...........•. .•••.... ........ 46. 60
Model 630 High Fidelity, High Output Dynamic-Famous tor quallt,y at low cost.
Rcsponse : 60...:11.000 OilS. Output Level: - 55 db. UnnRectCd by heat or humldlt/',
Aeoustnlloy@ d laphrngm. Tlltnble hend: built-III Mc -a conUl)ctor; on-<lR SWllC I.
Sntln chrome IInlsh. AVllllnble In hl-Z ur Io-Z bnl:mC<!dlo ground. spccUy. Slzc, 2· x
6Ji". With 16-n. cllble. Net Weight. I lb. Net Each ....... . , ........... 531.50
Model 647A Lavaller Dynami c-SmUll lind rugged for chcst or h and usc. Wllh IIcck
cord. support clip and 8-tt. cable. Responsc: 60--12.000 ells. Output Level: -60 db.
Iml)Cdance: HI-Z or balanced 150 ohms, ImlSt be specHled. AcoustuJloy@ dlaphragm.
Uu It-In connector. NOIl-re[!ecUng gray ftlllSh . Slz-c. 3 ~!" l oll l{ x ,!" dlu.. Net Weight.
2 oz.. less cable. Net Each .......•.••... .. .................... .. ..... 549.50
Model 623 Slim D),n.mic-ldeal for 1»A. recording nnd general usc. Use on stand or
Inlland. Response: 60--12.000 cps. Output. Lc" el; -56 db. High or low Iml>cdllllce by
changlug one wi re In connector. PreliSure cnst. with lIatln chrome 1Inls I . Tillable
head : on-off llwltch: built-In MG-<I COllnCClor. Tllrende(1 ~~ "-27. Slz!!, H i" x P-<....
W ith 16ort. cable. Net Weight. 15 oz. Net Elich ......... ........•..... $34.00
Model 611 "Mercury" Dynamlc- Trrulltlonnl styling. nne performuliOO for ijelleral
sound p ickup. RCSIIOIISC: b0--9,OOO CI)S. Output J..evel: -55 db. Omnldlrectlollnl.
Acoustalloy® dlnphragm. Tillable head; on-ofT switch; built-In Mc-a conneetor.
Threaded ~"'-27. Sntln chrome Hnlsh. I\vl1l1l1b\e III hl-Z or I()oZ bnlnnced to ground.
lI~cUf' Size. 2 }i " w. x 2~" d. x 6,!"" h. With 16-fl. cubic. NeL Weight. H i Il.Ia.
Net EaCh .... .. ....................................... . . . ......... 527.00
Model 624 Dyna m ic Lavaller-::\lost economical d)'nnmlc lavalier on the market .
.For chest or hand usc. Supplied with neck cord, sUPllort clill and 18-lt . cable. NOIIrellecting gray fini sh. Wire mesh hend llcousllcally t,reated for wind anti mois ture
protection. ReBPonse: 100--7.000 cps. Output Level: - 66 db. AcouBta ll OY~ dla-
l::t~~~~· B~rl;fn ~~I~gf~ ~1~rl~\f~~~~al~n;:.dJgtl{fOa~rl~·. ~~:~, .~ ~w. ~~'.~ .I .~~: ?$l~g.~O
Model 619 Press-to-Talk Dynamic-Modern, reliable 1.1Il8e-6t.allon microphone Ideal
for ham, CB or buslncss communicationS nnd png-Ing. .l"re(l uenc~ Response: 70-10.000
~~l?n~~Pg~r~~ell;I~:J ~PC-c~Uf\~3~~~t~~~~ns~~W~II~~:1 cg~n~'f:":y~I~~;~~
Into Ullper part of s l.and for grip-to-talk OllCratlon. Switch BhortlJ mike In ofT I>osilioll
~~, ll~~~~ 'gl~~\~~]~~r~ilg~I:~~~Ct:~I;C BB;~W~~I~ill~~'~~!o;~\ c:~12 J~rx l~t-~:
Nct. Weight. 211.19. 2 Oil. NetEuch .................................. S28.50
All E-V mIcrophones (except crYltals) are e ligible 'or FCDA purchases.
11 -
Model 951 CardioId Crystal-M ike uses sumc VarlabJe-D ® IlrlnCljllC as E-V's nC-TV
cnrd loldN to obtain u nllorm directivity at nil frequencies with Ilgh dlscrlmlnatloll
ugalnst unwanted sou nd. An excellent, wide-range all-purpose PA microphone for a
great. varlet.)' or acoustic conditions; especially u.selul where background noise and
reverberation are r,roblems. Response : 50-11.000 cps. Output: -60 db. Hlgb IlIlpedanee. On-orr swltc 1: Ilrctl8Ure-cast case with me(al ustre gray nnlsh. Wlul 16-tt. cable
and l\IC-l conneotor. Slr.e SH" long (excluding stUd) x I "''' diS., overall. Net
Weight, Hi Ibs. less cable. Net Each ............................ '.' ... 532.70
Model 911 Crystal-Samc smart design
Model 729 Cer.mlc Cardioid-The lowand nne pertormnnC1l as E-V Mode1 611 .
cst priced cardioid e ver made. Random
Rcsponse: 50-10,000 c ps. Output: -50
nolse.\ reverberation nnd teedbnok redb. ?I.'l etal scnl crystal. H igh Impedance.
duceu hy 67 % . Front plokup range
MC- I connector and 16-ft. cable. Net
nearly double that of p.r~uro micro-\\' tight, l~i Ibs. Net Each .... $ 19.50
I)hones. Response: 60-8,000 CIIS. Output:
- 60 db. High Impedance only. Finis hed
Mod.1 926 Slim Crystal- Level nnd rewith metalustre gray tront with medium
spouse Ideal tor. geneml pUrl)OSe use.
gray back. D esk stnnd and floor II"tand
RCSI}()nse: 60-8.000 cps. Output: -60
adapter supplied. Ne t Weight, 0 oz. letIH
db. High Impedllncc. Pressurt.'-Csst case:
oable Ilnd stand. Net Each .... $ 14.70
!laTi n IJh rmn 6 IIn' ~ h . Tillable head.
Modo' 7ZSSR -\V ltli rclu.y co ntr o l
Threaded ~"'~27. Size, 6U" x 1·A.... With
a It I Ne t Encl
16-tt. cable and Integ ra.l atraln relict.
r:Od~ll. 727 SI'lm Icei-amlc:":"X new ' IlPNet Wclg ht. 11 oz. Net EMil .. $1 7.70
J)roach to the des ign of ceralllio mikes
Model 920 "Spheru" Cryst.I-omnlfor PA, recording a nd general usc. Slmldlrcotlonal mike. n espouse: 60-10.000
lar In nppearnDCC to Model 720. Wlthcps. Output: -50 db. S trong wire-mesh
stands extremcs of temperature and
head acoustically t r1!ated tor wind and
humidity. R esponse: 60-8.000 cps. Outmoisture lIrotectlon. IIlgh eapaclt}r.
put: -55 db. High Impedancc. With
led rys tnl 111S1 I edancc
8}.i -ft. cable. MctalWitre gray (ront with
S~\llllu~¥I~~~ne gn lsh ; ' ;~"-217Ilmrended:
medium g ray back. S ize. Ht .. x I U " x
D in.. 2U". With 16-tt. callie. Net
I }.i". W ith attractive desk stand nnd
'" e'6
t 8
r. Net
0 oz.
oz.!Nel Encl
I.... . .S1660
.. • 5 10.80
Model 924 Lavaller Cryst.I-UnIQue
Model 727SR-W lth rela y control
cn'stal lavnller tor chest or hand USC.
s witch. Net Each ........... $ 12.00
Response: 60-8,000 CI)S. Output: - 60
Model 715 Ceramic-Usc 10 any posl_
db. High Impedance. Wlre-mcsh Ilead
tlon: In band. on table or stand. or ove r8COWlUcally treated tor wind and mo\shead. Omnidirectional. R esponse: 60ture Ilrotcctlon. Non-r1!t1ectlng gray.
7.000 CDS. Output: -55 db. High ImpedWith Ileck oord, s url)Ort clil) and 18-ft..
unce. With &-tt. cable. MetalustrJl;n\Y
cablo with Integra IItfllln reller. Slr.e,
IInlsh. Size, 3" x 2 1,," X 1". With
3 ~A.'" x
Net Weight, 8 oz.
adapter. AC-DC Ins ulated. Net' eight.
Net. Each ................... $12·00
6 oz. Net Each ........•...... $7.80
Model 714 Ce ramlc- lligh output, ceModel 715S-Wllh switch. Net.. 9.00
ram lc. hand-held COmmUnications mlModel 715SR-Wlth reIlly contro l
~~~\1·7f2e~!:~IC:_:.:LOw· oos~Je~a~g
erolJhOnC (or pagIng. ham radio or
Cit zens' Dand. High level, hl-Z output.
microphOne. Fits n eed ot low cost PA,
DPDT switch shorw mike III "orr" and
home recording, paging and general usc.
~~~,I~~a)~pc~.rc~~~I~ ·~~I~·. d~~S~~l~"d
Handheld. Mols1,uro scaled ceram iC. Record: harig-UP brnoket. Size, 2~i" x I'..,"
sponse: 70-7,000 Op!!. Output: -55 db.
x 3;,,,. Weigh I" 8 oz. Net Each .. $9.90
HI-Z. Attrnctlvc gray Styron case. S ize,
3'" x 2,",' x H i ". With &-ft. cable. Net
Model 717 Ceramic-Similar to Model
Weight.", oz. Net Each •..... . . $4-50
714 cxcellt close·talklng m\rdlold pickup
Model 719 P ....s-to-T.lk CeramIc- Vcrpattern. Rejects unwanted background
satlle, low cost base-statIon mike. SwItch
noise and feedbnck Speclnlly designed
cnn be moved to 8tand'S upper part ror
ceramic clement. with apertures on
grip-to-talk usc; shorts In "on" for rela y
~ Ither side ot d lallhragm ' provides errCil+
or electronic 8wltchlng. R esponse: 70tlve attenuation of soumis arrlvl!}gtrom
7.000 cps. Out.put: -56 db. HI-Z. Slr.e,
renr and sldcs. Res\)()nse: 100-7.000 cps.
4 ~" x 4U'" x j)". With 6J.i-ft. cnble.
Output.: -55 db. Net Each . .. $ 11. 70
Ne-t Wt.., 2 Ibs. 2 oz. Net En .. S 1 6 .50
p". .
Model 60& Dltfe ... nUa' Dynamfc-Close
talking. llolse cancelling. Accepts sounds
or close ortgln (J.t*) and rejects sounds or
dtstant origin. Response: 100-5,000 cps.
Out~UL: - 55 db S'cJ'-' Acoustalloy@
~~~ir~~nc~~~agatln ~c;;~meB~~~:~
Lo-Z (matches 50-250 ohms) or hl-Z: hlZ not balanced: sl)CcUy. With 16-toot.
cable. 8 Izc,-2-" d ill. x 3Ji· h. Including
stud. Net ~ch ........ , .... S31 . 50
Model600E Dynamic Mobil_Improved
design tor rCllabllltt. High Impaet C88Il
Model G02TR-Slmllar to 603TR, with
dlfTerent case design and conventlollnl
hanger (supplied). Fixed 0utput: -23
db. Response: 100-5,000 CIl8. 2~" x 2" x
4". Net Wt., 13 oz. Net Each .. $55.80
Model 210E C.rbon-Slmllar to l\'l odel
600E, bUt 8l ngle~button carbon. O ut.put:
-50 db. Prcss-to-talk Switch; li-rt. coiled
cord. Net Each ... . •.... . .... 521.00
Model 20SSTCKK DIHerenUa' C.rbon
-Close-talking, nolse-cancelUng, Bingle
button carbon. FAA approved (Cert .
·lecnd.. rug
. . a.'nsdld'Yh~~k"! 'E'''O~~~I''o'n'on,w",,',o-h
No. 1040) t or alrcra(t and emCllIent)'
communications. Blnstproof, waterproof
nod shod: resistant, Output: -60 db at
noise and closes relay clroult when de~". Black phenollo. case; prcsa-t~t.alk
pressed. Response: 100-7,000 ops
Hwltch : mounting bracket a nd 6-ft. coiled
matalum tor high luw lllglblllt.y. Outvut.
oord. S ize, 2U" x 2'" x 4 .... Net Weight.
Level: -55 db. HI-Z or llo.lnneed Lo-Z:
8 oz. less catire. Net Eaoh .. .. S30.00
specify. Gray flnlall: with hang-up bracket andS-ft.. coiled cord. BllC, 2)i'" x l )i"
Model 205STCKKP-Same as above
x 4". Wt., 10 oz. Net Eaoh . ... 523.40
bu.twlth PJ -068 plug. NetEa . . $32.86
Model GaOES-Same. but switch norMod.1 G25SKK D~namlc: Differential
mally open. Net, Each ... . .... $23.40
H.ndHt-For paging, Intercom and
Model G02F D~nam l c: MobUe----DlfTer'I'
S. _.
h 0" h
enUal, CI080 talking, noise cancelling.
commun en ons.
u .... y
e n c ousResponse: 200-5000 cp!!. Output : _ 55
Ing contains nolse-eanC1lllng 25()..ohm
db. Has gray high Impaot OIl8C. press-tomicrophone and 150-0hm magnetlo roo
talk s witch 5-tt coiled cord S ...... Uv HI
".·,",.•· ~espo5 nd'b'.' ISOOw-'to5·hOOO,,0'",!: O,nU,',,!Uo-I
Ne. WI.• 10 0 •. Net Each ... . $3A60
phone and relay circuit. Five toot, nvc....
conductor coiled cord. Sise. 8}i" x 3" x
2 1i". Net Wt., l )i Ibs. Net Ea.$ 51 .00
Mod.1 60JTR Tramlltorized Mobile---Noise cancelling, dynamlo, tor aircraft.
Replacet:l carbon unlls. HIUI 48-db gain
Model 625TRSKK- ldent!cal to Model
tmns ls{or n.mplUler, adjustable output to
625SKK above except With tWD-iltnie
-16 db, magnetic hanger. Acoustalloy@
transistor ampli fier tor direct replacediaphragm, S-ft. coiled cord. Resp. : 200ment In carbon microphone circui ts.
4.000 cps. ~Z. Slr.e, 2 J.(" x 1 ~ x 3'A....
FAA type cert.IOcate! 3 R42~2.
Wt., 8 oz. Nct Each .•.•.••.. 584.00
Net Each ....... . .. . .....•.. $73.50
All E·V microphones (ncept c:rysbb) .... ellglbl. for FCDA purchases,
r. ....
shorts mike In " orr": cl lm nates electrical
"Off-the-Shelf" Delivery on Everything In Electronics
Model 648 Dynamic Microphone-Extremely vcrsu Ulc leaching lab. pnglng. Inte rcom
or PA mike. R Ctlponsc: 60- 10,000 ops. Out.put: -58 db. C hoice ot Lo-Z (matc hea
50-250 Oh1ll8) or high Im pedlmoc. Omnidirectional. AcoUll ta lloy® d iaphragm. NO IIr c llectlng gray. Lc&8 cable. S ize: 0 1" ", x 1" (Includi ng ~'-27 th rcn.d a dUl)tc r). Net
Weight. (with Mailler). 8}S oz. Net. Each ...... ..... ................... $33.60
Model 105 Contact- For guita r, banJo, other stringed Instruments. HI-Z. Sealed
crystal. Chrome Qolsh. 16' cable. Net Each . . .............. . ........... $12.00
Model 327 Shock Mount and Wlnd-
Icreen-For usc with Model 642 mike.
Fabricated or AcoustUoam *, elimInates
bllUlt C1~uscd by fast Ilulllllug of boom , or
whcn used o utdoors. Consists ot 324
shock mou nt and 326 windscreen. Net
W eig h t , lib. 8 oz. Net Each .. 560.00
Model 324 Shock Mount-SUSJ)Cns lon
mount tor ~ l odel 642 microphone. Will
accept Model 326 windscreen .
Net Each.......
. ......... 536.90
Model 356 SUlpen slon Shock MountFor usc with Model 642 on boom or tloor
stand. Excellent Isolation. Net . S30.00
Model 300 Detachable Microphone
Cla m p-Light weight a dull tcr Ilts UIl),
1" cylindrical m lcrOIJliolic. Pos itive stand
mounting. }i" pipe tbrcJld. adapter fo r
~ "-27. Net Ench . ............ $4. 60
Model 310 Detacha ble Microphone
Cla mp-Similar to Model 300 aoo\'e,
but d es igned tor ~(. dlamc t er micro-uliolles. Net. Each .
. ........ $ 3.60
Model 326 Wlndleroen Klt- Acoustl·
loam wlndscrt.'C1I l or 1\'l odel 042 micro-Ililolle. C ompatible wi t h Mod!.!l 324
S hock Mount. Net Each ..... 526.1 0
Model 311 Snap-In Clamp-Cu t bnok
to allow BIl Il. Il--III, SIlUp-QUt mounting o f
U'" dla. mlcrollllone8. Nct Eu ... 53.60
Model 335A Wlndacreen-Acoustl.[oam*
windscreen flts 630, 634, 638 and 64 1
microphones. Net Weight. }i oz.
Net Each .................... 57.60
Model 366 Suspension Shock MountExtremely light. D esigned l or usc with
666 microphone. Installs witho u t tools.
P igtail cable connection with UA-3 connectors provides cable 10011 Isolatlllg
boom s h ock uolses. For noy microphone
with 1" diamete r. Net Each ... 524.00
Model 355 Wlndlereen--D Cllignoo to re.d uce or e liminate wind n oLsc. Made 01
Acous tUoam*, 0. material which will not
a lter frequenoy r esllQlI!le or Ilolur char·
aotcrls tlcs of mike. Also protects ugalnst
mechanIcal 8ll0ck damage and plckull 01
dust and magnetic pIU'UClc8 .1~or use with
Models 655C, SMA, 676. 630 . 623 , 647
a od 926. Gray color. Size: 9" x 3K·.
Ne t Weight, }i oz. Net Each .. 56.60
Model 52'A WlndlCl'Hn-Deslgoed a pe.cln cally (or usc with Model 666 'mlcrophone. Minimizes wind cReel. o n boom
o perat ion or when used o utdoors. l\'lO.de
0 1 AcoustUoam*. Net Weight, }i oz.
Net ElICh. ... . .
. 57.20
*Elcctro--Volcc l'rud elllur k.
Model 502A Matching TrandormerDeSigned tor UlIC In series with mlkc
line. Trans former windings have , lo w
dls t r H.lII ted capa c ity and ure aIllllly
s hie lded uga lmJt Inductive hUIll by 1\
s hield inside Ilre68ure cast calie. D esigned
tor 60. ISO. 250 und 500 ohms-to B I-Z.
Broadcast tldellty resjJonse 4()..20,OOO cps
"" I db. 2J.i" Ig. x 2- diamete r.
Net Each .................. 510.50
Model 513 Filter-For use with low 1m·
pedance mlcro phonCII. bas switch to
match SO. 160 or 250 ohms. WhCll used
In line betwecn mike and prcampliHer.
It rc Jects unwanted nols .., be low 100 CIlS.
2M· di u. x S~" 10nK . Net Wclght. lib.
10 oz. Net Enoh ........•.... $42.00
Model 415 Reclining Desk StandMounts 6 15 . 71 5 . 71 GS at 15- tilt.
l\fetalwtre gray. Size: 2 ~ " x 2M" x 1" .
Net Weight. 4 oz. Net Each .... 51.06
D..k Stand- Use w it h
mlcrophoncs us ing s mall·type stud such
U8 Mod e ls 611. 623, 030, 036, 636, 041,
9 11 and 951. D ie IlU6t baec. Gray Ilulsh.
Ne t Each .................... 56.00
Model U8-5-Wlth aw ltch .. Net 9.00
Model ' 19 D Ilk Stand-SlmUar to
Model 4 1B but t or usc with m lcrophonCII
using large-type stud s uch as MotIeLs
644.664 and 665. Net Each .. . . S7.S0
Model U'-5- W lth e wltc b .. Nct 9.00
Model U9G-8nme as Model ,119. but
has gold flnlsh to match Model 004G
microphone. Net Each ......... 59.76
Mod.1 420 Desk Stand-Heavy cast
Iron stand Qnl8hed In TV g r ay. speoln.
cally des igned t o r use with Model.a 606.
666C. OMA , 052, 652A. 676 or mikes
w ltb 1" dla. using Clamp attnc.hment:
mounts wi thout tools. Base holds mike
In position wilen subjected to o rdi nary
strain. Net W£., 3 ths. Net Ea•. 5 1 2 . 00
Model 420G-Samc as r-,'lodel 420, llUL
has Ko ld IInl8h to match Model 676G
IIllcrOllh olle. Net Eaoh ....... S 16.76
Model 423A D .. k Sta nd -Sturd y
smartly styled . round dle-<:aat baae, QU"
dJameter. R ests Qrm ly on rubber base
buttons. RIClh satin c hrome. ~ "-27
thread. With 6"' matching 8tem rtacr.
Net Weight. 1 lb. Net Eaeh ... 53.00
Model '28 Touch·To·Talk Stand-}O~lta
standard K "·27 thread. Lever-Wile
DPDT swltcb tor re lay operation or mi·
crophOllc On· O tl-el08es or opens Ill·
stantly or locks Ln "talk" pos ition. Sntlu
c hrom e; g r ay Illas tic switch lover with
locking button. 7· x 5.!i " base d iamete r.
Net Weigh t, 1 "" Ibs.
Net Each .......... . ........ 51 0.50
All £_V mlcrophon" (lltcept ct')'ItalS) a nd aecessorl ...... eligib le tor FCDA purchases.