high hugs from high and mighty


high hugs from high and mighty
Menswear retail giant celebrates International Hug
a Tall Person Day with free hugs and Tallkit Guide
On the 11th February High and Mighty will be celebrating
the high with International Hug a Tall Person Day.
Hugging has been associated with many health benefits, from reducing stress
and increasing happiness through to pain relief, maintaining relationships
and improving wellbeing. In honor of this momentous day, High and Mighty
will be celebrating high hugs and happiness all day, spreading the benefits of
cuddles and encouraging the nation to participate.
Hugging someone of great stature can be pretty tricky business (especially for
shorter people) so High and Mighty’s step-by-step video guide demonstrates
the top techniques needed to succeed in giving the perfect hug.
From ‘The Leap of Faith’ to ‘The Elevator’ technique, there is a hug for every
height combination. Just in case you need some extra help, a ‘TALLKIT’ list
is included.
High and Mighty’s “Mr High”, who stands at an impressive 7 ft 1”, will be
handing out hugs in central London on International Hug a Tall Person Day,
with the aim of making commuters in capital a little happier!
Get practicing now and perfect your skills in time to hug your favorite tall
person on the 11th February!
[huhg] verb, hugged, hug·ging, noun
verb (used with object)
to clasp tightly in the arms, especially with affection; ebrace.
to cling firmly or fondly tol cherish: to hug an opinion.
to keep close to, as in sailing, walking, or in moving along or
alongside of: to hug the shore; to hug the road.
verb (used without object)
to cling together; lie close.
Tweet your favourite hugs to
@highandmighty #hugatallpersonday
for your chance to be in a happy
community and to win fantastic prizes.
a tight clasp with the arms; embrace.
1560–70; perhaps < Old Norse hugga to soothe, console;
akin to Old English hogian to care for
For more information on High and Mighty visit www.pressinformation.co.uk or contact:
Alina Wallace | e: [email protected] | t: 0207 940 7185 | Jodie Blake | e: [email protected] | t: 0207 940 7186
Charlotte Alexander | e: [email protected] | t: 0207 940 718