2014 Annual Review - Eastminster Presbyterian Church


2014 Annual Review - Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Annual Review 2014
eastminster presbyterian church
2014 Annual Review
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
of Columbia, SC
Table of Contents
A Year in Review with our Senior Pastor .....................................................................................................2
Eastminster Staff ..........................................................................................................................................3
Year-End Membership Report......................................................................................................................4
Membership Information..........................................................................................................................5-6
Congregational Deaths ...............................................................................................................................7
Church Officers.............................................................................................................................................7
Budget Information...................................................................................................................................8-9
2014 Benevolences..................................................................................................................................10-11
Worship & Music..........................................................................................................................................12
Church Relations ........................................................................................................................................13
Nurture, Education & Discipleship.........................................................................................................14-16
Evangelism & Membership.........................................................................................................................17
Building Families Program ..........................................................................................................................18
Stewardship ...............................................................................................................................................19
Personnel ...................................................................................................................................................21
Finance .......................................................................................................................................................21
Eastminster Day School...............................................................................................................................22
Congregational Care ..................................................................................................................................23
Fellowship & Kitchen .................................................................................................................................25
Christian Life Center ..................................................................................................................................26
Mission, Service & Benevolence .............................................................................................................27- 28
Sanctuary Renovations ........................................................................................................................29-33
A Year in Review - from our pastor
Dear Eastminster Family,
“Under Construction” is a fitting pair of words to sum up 2014 at Eastminster.
Those two words describe both God’s ongoing day-by-day and week-by-week work
in our lives, and they describe the renovation that brought significant updates and
upgrades to our sanctuary.
More than any other institution in our culture, the church of Jesus Christ walks
with people through every stage and station of life. From birth and baptism to infirmity and death, God’s Spirit is poured out on the church where we are nurtured
and built up, cared for and set free to care for others. In the midst of increasing
pluralism and growing apathy toward God, Eastminster has the privilege of joining in our Lord’s Kingdom
work of building lives within the church family, in our community and in distant lands.
The construction in our sanctuary brought about both visible changes and changes that cannot be seen.
The additions of the elevator, porte-cochere, side entrance and men’s bathroom all increase accessibility,
while re-doing the heating and air, electrical wiring, sound system and chancel bring enhanced functionality. Refurbishing the floors, ceilings, walls and windows brings a fresh look and feel to our worship space,
even as that work also finally addressed long standing asbestos issues. With deep thanks to teams of
members who helped guide, execute and fund this important renovation, men, women and children will
be inspired to worship the Lord our God in this magnificent space for decades to come.
One example of building lives within the church in 2014 is the Session’s launching of the Covenant Family
approach in the Day School to positively reinforce parents who are being intentional about living out the
vows made at their child’s baptism. Our prayer is that the Covenant Families will also provide a strengthened core of Day School families who see the Day School not merely as quality child care, but as a community engaged in the sacred endeavor of joining in God’s work of shaping and molding young lives spiritually, as well as intellectually, socially and physically.
Eastminster’s work building lives beyond 3200 Trenholm can be seen locally and around the world. One
specific example of that work is in our decision to commit $150,000, above and beyond our regular giving,
to fund a Thornwell Building Families staff person to reach out to Columbia area parents and children who
are struggling. Full details can be found on page 18 , but Building Families enables a trained social worker,
who is based at Eastminster, to help parents and children who are in need of parental coaching regarding
communication and discipline. What a privilege it is for us to join in Christ’s work of bringing transformation and building lives in this way.
Read, enjoy and give thanks. The living Lord is at work in our midst and in the world!
Brad Smith
Pastor/Head of Staff
Eastminster Staff
Pastors & Program Staff
Dr. Bradley D. Smith, Senior Pastor
Pam Tessier, Administrative Assistant to Senior Pastor
Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire, Associate Pastor for Congregational Care
Shelli Knapp, Administrative Assistant for Congregational Care and Fellowship
Tricia McCormick, Administrative Assistant for Youth, Children and Evangelism
Laura Long & Ed Black, Interim Youth Directors
Chris Fink, Senior High Youth Director
Dr. Mark E. Durrett, Associate Pastor for Adult Education and Discipleship
Julie McDaniel, Member Involvement Coordinator, and Administrative Assistant for Adult Education
Doretha Evans, Director of CHAMPS (Part Time)
Dr. James I. St. John, Parish Associate for Fellowship (Part Time)
Mr. Croskeys Royall, Director of Children’s Ministries
Jasmine Lipscomb, Family Specialist, Thornwell, Building Families
Worship & Music
Fredna Lee, Director of Music (Part Time)
Joshua Evanovich, Organist
Jim Masek, Handbell Director (Part Time)
Linda Steffey, Children’s Choir Director (Part Time)
Henry Long, Jubilee Worship Leader (Part Time)
Bill Ketchin, Matt Mossman, Brooks Lane, Sound Technicians (Part Time)
Bill Collins, Business Manager
Maria Harvin, Administrative Assistant for Business and Finance
Christy Rippy, Treasurer
Anna Bower, Financial Assistant / Receptionist
Thelma Carter, Director of Communications
Bryan Call, Network Administrator
Francine Barry, Drop-In Nursery Coordinator (Part Time)
Lauren Halter, Congregational Childcare Coordinator (Part Time)
Regina Jeffcoat, Director of Food Service (Part Time)
Sue Finch, Michael Bond, Julia Smith, Kitchen Assistants (Part Time)
Betty Barton, Wedding Coordinator (Part Time)
Bob Sturm, Director of Plant Operations
Tony Taylor, Senior Maintenance Technician
Lorenza Kennedy, (Full Time) Mike Cook, Ronald McCollough, (Part Time)
Sidney Williams, Maintenance Technicians (Part Time)
Lee Mitchell, Housekeeping (Part Time)
Bill Ketchin, Director of Christian Life Ministries
Rush Bradshaw, CLC Assistant (Part Time)
Parker Lucas, CLC Assistant (Part Time)
Will Abel, CLC Assistant (Part Time)
Lucy Corley & Anita Poole, Interim Co-Directors of Eastminster Day School
Year-End Membership Report
January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014
Regular Membership as of December 31, 2013
Gains:Letter of Transfer
Reaffirmation of Faith
Profession of Faith
Restored to Active Status Losses:
Letter of Transfer
Removed from Rolls
Active to Other Participants
Regular Membership as of December 31, 2014 Affiliate Members as of December 2014: TOTAL REGULAR AND AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP
Member Marriages
Non-Member Marriages
This year’s Membership Report includes 190 persons who were either removed from the rolls or changed
to “other participants” status. Eastminster’s rolls were last updated in about 2005. These past several
years the church family has reached out to inactive members in multiple ways. For example, personal
phone calls have been made acknowledging birthdays, inviting people to join in Vision 2020, encouraging
small group participation, and directly contacting non-active members. Church-wide communications and
direct mailings have also sought to re-engage inactive members. These efforts found 76 people that are no
longer connected to Eastminster and 114 persons the Book of Order says should be categorized as “other
participants.” Up to date rolls are more honest, enable better stewardship, and allow better care for
church members.
Ow New Members in 2014
Bymaster, Mrs. Nancy D.
Moore, Ross Martin
Herndon, Miss Emily Ann
Harris, Mr. D. Russell
Newman, Braxton Mitchell
Kaliher, Mrs. Cole Sanders
Harris, John Marion
Newsome, Miss Ann McGee
Lovelace, Mr. Clayton Sharpe
Harris, Miss Lee Carlisle
Oliver, Rexroad Hampton
McCrary, Mrs. April Michele
Harris, Mrs. LeeAnn Haralson
Philips, Miss Rigby Elizabeth
McCrary, Dr. Bradford Scott
Henderson, Mrs. Charlotte Baloche
Pound, Miss Sarah Lane
Nichols, Mrs. Caroline Elliott
Henderson, Dr. James Alan
Rainsford, Miss MaryGrace Holmes
Nichols, Mr. Matthew Coston
Hipp, Miss Catherine Olmert
Ramsey, Miss Sidney Grace
Nicks, Mrs. Cynthia Chapman
Hutchison, Dr. Anne Smith
Reiland, Miss Emily Elizabeth
Nicks, Mr. Edward Louis
Hutchison, Mr. Edward Joseph
Robinson, Samuel McCabe
Rama, Mr. Michael Allyn
Lindsay, Mrs. Melissa Nicks
Stiles, III Charles Kenneth
Sipes, Mr. Alfred Andrew
McCain, Dr. Joshua William
Tighe, Miss Mariah Wallace
Sipes, Mrs. Sarah Olsgaard
McCain, Mrs. Martha Miller
Tompkins, Trent Jordan
Trippe, Mrs. Julia Glazebrook
Alexander, Miss Ashlyn Elizabeth
Wall, IV Edwin Craig
Spires, Jr., Mr. Charles Monroe
Barr, Miss Emma Frances
Williams, Jones Hampton
Spires, Mrs. Meredith Dyar
Bates, Jr. Brian Tucker
Coker, Mr. Mark Thomas
Whiteside, Mrs. Ansley Rhodes
Bennett, Coleman Zeigler
Harrison, Mrs. Jeanne Elliott
Aiken, II, Mr. Ronald Douglas
Bethea, III Robert Partridge
Hutton, Mrs. Elizabeth Laffitte
Benggio, Ms. Leesa Michelle
Boorda, Harrison Whitfield
Hutton, Mr. George Sargeant
Earhardt, Mrs. Mary Darcy
Bradley, Miss Mary Elizabeth
McPherson-O’Neil, Mrs. Stephani
Earhardt, Mr. Trent Graham
Courie, Miss Marguerite Ann
Mimms, Mr. Charles Taylor
Halligan, Mrs. Brittany Brown
Dunbar, Miss Catherine Stewart
Mimms, Mrs. Melissa Lyerly
Seidel, Mrs. Amy Christine Murphy
Ellison, Jere Duncan
Sullivan, Mr. Gregory Carlson
Smith, Mrs. Ashley Lindsay
Freeman, III Jeffrey Craig
Sullivan, Mrs. Sandra Littlejohn
Smith, Jr. Mr. David Wilson
Garrison, Miss Palmer Rilee
Bayne, Mr. Brett Harris
Stoddard, Mrs. Carolyn Palfrey
Hutchinson, Jr. Christopher Turnes
Bayne, Mrs. Laura Joanne
Stoddard, Jr. Mr. Thomas Bryan
Long, Miss Blythe Grant
Cornwell, Mr. Matthew Joseph
Peterson, Mr. Gerald Steven
Long, Miss Elizabeth Price
Ellison, IV Mr. Alfred Gaillard
Peterson, Mrs. Molly Cecil
Long, III John Brice
Ellison, Mrs. Brandi Parrish
Way, Mrs. Elizabeth McLeod
McCutchen, IV George Thomas
Ford, Mr. Brian Edward
Way, Mr. Paul Dennis
McGowan, John Bryant
Ford, Mrs. Sarah Shelley
Member Baptisms in 2014
Member Births in 2014
*David Whitehead
Suzanne Hellams Bates (3/1/11)
Bayne, Molly Joanne
Bentz, Everett James Montgomery
*Michael Allyn Rama
Sarah Castles Monteith (3/8/14)
Bixler, Miss Stella Grace
Boineau, Miss Caroline Kaliher
Causey, Jr. James Ryan
Christenberry, Miss Olivia Grace
DiBiase, Miss Elizabeth Francine
Douroux, Miss Phoebe Anne
DuRant, Miss Katelyn Virginia
Durrett, Hollis Greyson Burke
Earhardt, Mrs. Mary Darcy
Ellison, Miss Isla Dorn
Florence, Charles DeLoach
Getz, Adam Charles
Getz, Miss Anna Grace
Gillespie, Miss Evelyn Elizabeth
Hall, Layton Matthew
Henderson, Grigsby Walker
Hudson, Hayes Walker
Keenan, V William Joseph
Mattox, Miss Eden Virginia
McWilliams, James Legare
Moss, Henry Baker
Natvig, Charles Pearson
Prevost, Townsend McDowell
Rawl, Miss Margaret Harris
Sampson, Miss Caroline Elizabeth
Self, Bascom Lawrence
Stoneburner, Miss Blakely Scott
Walker, Jr., Andrew Bryant
Williamson, Miss Elizabeth Mercer
Member Marriages in 2014
Sampson, Caroline Elizabeth
Hall, Layton Matthew
Henderson, Grigsby Walker
Christenberry, Olivia Grace
Causey, Jr., James Ryan
Agee, Judith Lisbeth
Keenan, V, William Joseph
Wallace, Katherine Charlotte
Ellison, Isla Dorn
Self, Bascom Lawrence
Rawl, Margaret Harris
Bixler, Stella Grace
Cutler, Mae Breeden
Mattox, Eden Virginia
Moss, Henry Baker
DiBiase, Elizabeth Francine
Stabler, Jackson Hydrick
Smythe, Emma Thomas
Fuller, Grace Elizabeth
Durrett, Hollis Greyson Burke
Chaplin, Alec Dennis
Brennan, Baker Montgomery
Douroux, Phoebe Anne
McWilliams, James Legare
Cobia, Hunter Grace
Florence, Charles DeLoach
Barthel, Bowen William
Bayne, Molly Joanne
Coggins, Amelia Ann
Laval, Caroline Marie
Jeffords, Tennent Porter
Rhodes, Virginia Campbell
McWilliams, Jr., Phillips Lancaster
Hutchison, Margaret Grace
Hoppmann, Lillian Strait
*Michael Arthur Babcock
Elizabeth Lee Sharpe (4/5/14)
*Willington Edmondston Freeman
Meredith Elise Frazier (4/26/14)
*James Garnett Cunagin
Catherine Ann Petty (4/26/14)
*Charles Russell Freeman
Louisa Hope Lanier (5/3/14)
Todd Warner Gandy
*Kristten Keen (5/10/14)
Blake Terence Williams
*Sarah Louise Bettis (5/31/14)
Matthew Joseph Cornwell
Sarah Porter Sanders (6/7/13)
*Vaughn Gamble Braxton
Elizabeth Green Williams (6/14/13)
*Adam Michael Rabe
Claire McCall Stoneburner (6/21/14)
Brandon Keith Poston
Dori Ann Ditty (8/7/14)
*William Blake Kaliher, III
Emile Cole Sanders (9/20/14)
John Barron McArthur, Jr.
*Irina Alexandroona Koryakina
Johnny Thomas, Jr.
*Corrina Louise Hooker (10/04/14)
*John Parker Lumpkin
Christine Hollis Johnston (10/11/14)
*Church Carroll Heyward
Caitlin Marguerite Eslinger Creswick
*denotes non-member
In Memoriam
Eastminster members who joined the Church Triumphant in 2014
Mrs. Patricia Burt Ariail, January 1, 2014
Mrs. Edith Ridgill Beckham, January 4, 2014
Mrs. Betty Evelyn Colquhoun, January 28, 2014
Mrs. Margery Schreeder Short, February 16, 2014
Dr. Joseph Edward Wallace, March 4, 2014
Mrs. Despina Ann Valsecchis, March 14, 2014
Mr. Pinckney King Holmes, April 11, 2014
Mr. James Emerson White, April 12, 2014
Mr. William Brown Barron , April 25, 2014
Mr. Walter Earle Hayden, May 16, 2014
Mrs. Sally Fagerstrom Hofmann, May 18, 2014
Mrs. Marjorie Powell Stands Wallace, May 21, 2014
Mrs. Virginia Hook McCracken, May 22, 2014
Elected Elders
Class of 2014
Steve Bryant
Steve Draffin
Madison Dye
Paul Eaddy
Pam Halligan
Kim Leighton
Jimmy Long
George McCutchen
Bill McDow
Kathie Williams
Elected Deacons
Class of 2014
Matthew Burns
Ken Carey
Alec Chaplin, Jr.
Lisa Dunbar
Jim Hatchell
Coke Mann
Betsy McDonald
Becky Smythe
Jason Tompkins
Patrick Turner
Mrs. Jerelyn Cunningham Foster, May 28, 2014
Mrs. Margery Walker Pearce, June 27, 2014
Mrs. Mary Ann Kelly McGee, July 3, 2014
Mrs. Mary Tribble Tobin, July 5, 2014
Mrs. Peggy Cantrell Seigler, July 24, 2014
Mr. William Phillip Fuller, August 1, 2014
Mrs. Jean Hyatt Winter, August 11, 2014
Mrs. Gertrude (Trudy) Lomas Bates, November 10, 2014
Mr. Henry Fletcher Sherrill, November 12, 2014
Mr. Adair Crawley, November 21, 2014
Mr. Riley Augustus Bradham, Jr., November 26,2014
Mrs. Mildred (Lucy) Lucile Hedden, December 12, 2014
Mr. L. Ray Curtis, December 30, 2014
Class of 2015
John Barr
Tara Barr
Virginia Bates
Jane Brissette
Andy Lowrey
Alison McGowan
Michael Schraibman
Stephen Searcy
Marilyn Stradtman
Charlie Weston
Class of 2016
John Derham
Mary Elliott
Elaine Fairey
Lloyd Hendricks
Sharmin Hill
Hank Mabry
Billy Newsome
Susan Owen
Henry Price
Mary Bett Thorne
Clay Robinson, Clerk of Session
Class of 2017
Pat Buyck
Bobby Fuller
Mike Gorman
Jack Hupp
John Leighton
Robert McWilliams
Ellison Robinson
Wehman Sieling
Catherine Theus
Phyllis Trippe
Class of 2015
Sharon Besley
Jeff Burden
Abbot Carnes
Simpson Fant
Carol Hill
John Hudson
Susan Laird
Kay Lydon
Hagood Tighe
Scott Verzyl
Class of 2016
Caroline Bennett
Brian Blackwelder
Jeff Casto
Connie Chase
Alex Dillard
Katie Evatt
Tom Griffin
Charlie Irick
Anne Kleitches
Field Wardlaw
Class of 2017
Scott Barber
Pete Balthazor
Mary Counts
Connie Derrick
Chris Johnson
Jennifer Rayfield
Scot Seigler
Justin Self
Margaret Smolka
Doris Stapel
We wish to thank the officers of the class of 2014 for serving faithfully for their three-year term.
Finance - 2014 & 2013 Comparison
Undesignated Pledges and Offerings
*Administration & Property Revenue
$ 118,100.01
$2,950,100.00 $66,863.74
Nurture, Education & Discipleship
Congregational Care
Mission, Service & Benevolence
Communications & Computers
Total Income
Worship & Music
Evangelism & Membership
Christian Life Center
Total Budgeted Expenses
Total Net Income * Day School Reimbursement
* Kitchen
* Drop-In Nursery
* Christian Life Center
* Correct at Time of Printing
Finance - 2014 Budget Summary
2014 Annual
2015 Annual
Budget Budget
% Change
Pledge Income
$2,590.000.00 Non-Pledge Income
Pledge Payments for Prior Year
Sunday School & Loose Plate
$2,680.000.00 $274,000.00
Administrative Income
Total Income
Worship & Music
$68,325.00 $70,375.00 Evangelism & Membership
Nurture, Education & Discipleship
Total Budgeted Expense
$404,450.00 Kitchen
Christian Life Center
Mission, Service & Benevolence
Congregational Care
Communications & Computers
$415,450.00 2.72%
$8,000.00 $3,154,250.00
2014 Benevolences
Through the Budget and Designated Giving
Amazon Mission Fellowship
Benevolences Expenditure
Bethel Evangelical Secondary School
Bradley Mentoring Program
Circle of Giving
College Ministry - USC
Columbia Area Mental Health Summer Program
Columbia Pastoral Counseling Center
Cooperative Ministry
Court Appointed Special Advocates - Richland County
Downtown Church
Easter - One Great Hour of Sharing
Family Shelter $8,584.52
Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry
Fathers’s Day - Migrant Workers $2,009.00
Footcare Ministry
Free Medical Clinic
Habitat for Humanity
Hannah House
Harry Hampton Fund - Take One Make One Program
Harvest Hope Food Bank
Heifer Fund
Hope Unlimited
IMCK Good Shepherd Mission Hospital - Congo
Joy Gift
Jubilee Academy
Law Enforcement Chaplaincy
Living Waters of the World/Clean Water for Sudan
Medical Benevolence Foundation
Medical Mission
2014 Benevolences
Through the Budget and Designated Giving
Midlands Sexual Trauma Service
Mission Trips
Missionary Support
Montreat Conference Center
Nile Seminary Student Scholarship
Nile Theological Seminary
Parish Nurse
Per Capita Assessment
Presbyterian Communities of S.C.
Presbyterian Disaster Relief Presbyterian Women Missions and Benevolences Samaritan’s Purse
Shepherd’s Center
Souper Bowl of Caring
St. Lawrence Place
Stop Hunger Now
Theological Training for Prisoners CIU
Thornwell Children’s Home
Three Rivers - Children
Transitions Center
Trinity Presbytery - Unified Benevolences
Turning Pages/Literacy Council
Washington Street UMC Soup Cellar
Women’s Shelter
World Vision - Somali Bantu Donations
Worship and Music
Mission: To work with the clergy, Session and choir director in creating meaningful worship opportunities,
including Sunday morning and Jubilee worship services, as well as weddings, services in witness to the
resurrection and other worship occasions.
Accomplishments in 2014:
• Worked closely with the Sanctuary Renovations Committee during renovations to ensure adequate
support and a seamless departure from and return to the Sanctuary.
• Successfully held worship services, in the gym during renovations with a minimum of disruption.
• Moved worship back into a newly renovated Sanctuary.
• Held a successful hymnal fund-raising campaign for the new “Glory to God” editions.
• Participated in the Good Friday service at Shandon Presbyterian Church.
• In collaboration with the Music Ministry of Shandon Presbyterian, presented a concert of major choral
works to celebrate renovations to the Sanctuary.
• Replaced 23-year-old choir robes.
• Moved refreshments table out of Thompson Hall to minimize disruptions during Jubilee Service.
• Tested and approved reconfiguration of Jubliee space to a landscape format.
Goals for 2015:
Offer communion by intinction more often in the Sanctuary.
Create a visitors’ station for Jubilee.
To the extent possible, offer more live preaching in Jubilee.
Incorporate a brief children’s sermon in Jubilee.
Install and display three crosses on lawn for Lent.
Utilize effectively the new chancel area, lights, sound system and video in the sanctuary.
Explore new music in our hymnals.
Renovate and re-configure the Jubilee Worship space.
Want to know more?
Worship and Music Chair: Steve Searcy (2015) - [email protected]; [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Dr. Brad Smith, Fredna Lee
Church Relations
Mission: Ministers and lay people to participate in the PCUSA denomination’s processes and programs for
our presbytery.
Accomplishments in 2014:
• Currently-serving Ruling and Teaching Elders attended three Stated Meetings and four Called Meetings
of Trinity Presbytery during the year.
• Kept Eastminster Session aware of work being done within Trinity Presbytery and the General Assembly, which met in Detroit in June.
• Eastminster contributed our ministers and members to the work of Trinity Presbytery and our larger denomination. These include:
Mark Durrett, Jane Brissette and Martha Casto – Committee on Ministry
Jeff Smith and Boyd Scott – Committee on Preparation for Ministry
Jon Wagner – Division of Missions
Brad Smith – Nominations Committee
Lynn Grandsire and Bobby Fuller – Permanent Judicial Committee
Jim St. John – Synod Permanent Judicial Committee, Chaplain/ SC Senate
Chip Amaker – New Church Development Committee
Frank Shuler – Personnel Committee
John McArthur – Administrative Commission
Mark Durrett – Discernment Commission
Dennis Daye and Jim St. John – Trustees
Kappy Hubbard – Trustee, Thornwell Home for Children
Frank Brown and Jane Brissette – Mission Discernment Task Force
David Beitz – Outdoor Ministries
Charlie Weston – Trinity Sudan Ministries
Jane Brissette – Vice Moderator of Presbytery
Goals for 2015:
• Send five Commissioner Ruling Elders and our Teaching Elders to all Trinity Presbytery Stated and Called
Meetings throughout the year; assure all second-year Ruling Elders attend at least one Presbytery business meeting.
• Assist and advise Session on issues of concern within the denomination.
• Encourage more Eastminster Ruling Elders and lay members to participate as members of Presbytery ministry committees and special commissions.
• Foster a missional spirit within Eastminster and the Presbytery whereby churches share their talent and experience with sister congregations to help all churches grow and strengthen their membership, and to find ways to work across congregations to better grow God’s Kingdom.
Want to know more?
Church Relationships Chair: Jane Brissette (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Brad Smith, Pam Tessier
Nurture, Education & Discipleship
Mission: To offer a biblically based education program so that children, youth and adults may grow in their
understanding of and commitment to Jesus
Christ. To develop, administer and oversee the
education program in fulfillment of the great
commission of our Lord.
Accomplishments in 2014:
Children’s Ministry
• Worship Discovery – Approximately 30
second graders graduated from the Worship Discovery program on April 13 after
ten classes learning about worship in our
• Valentines Dance – Over 80 children and
parents attended.
• Jesus Rocks – One Sunday per month the children gathered at the church for activities and
fellowship as a Sunday night youth group for
elementary children. The attendance ranged
between 50 to over 100 children each month.
• Easter Egg Hunt – Over 150 people attended this
• Vacation Bible School – Over 200 children attended a modified Bible school which was affected by
the construction at the church.
• Guyology – A one-time class for 5th grade boys
and their parents held with Forest Lake Presbyterian.
• Citadel Park Cupcake Party over 40 families participated.
• Gingerbread Party - This event in December was
another success.
Youth Ministry (Junior High)
• Prayer Breakfast – The Long and Moore families
hosted a morning devotion before school with over
60 middle school youth attending every other week.
• Cornerstone Sunday nights enjoyed strong participation of youth and youth leaders.
• Ski Trip – 32 youth and 8 adults attended a weekend ski retreat in Winterplace.
• Great Escape – In June, the youth traveled to
Tennessee to participate in the Great Escape Youth
Nurture, Education & Discipleship
• Local Mission Trip – 28 youth and 4 adults participated in a week-long mission opportunity in July.
• Christmas Tree Sales - The youth sold Christmas
trees and wreaths as a fund-raiser for mission trips.
Youth Ministry (Senior High)
• Confirmation – 33 ninth-grade Confirmands joined
the church after a year of classes and retreats. A
new confirmation class started in the fall.
• High School Graduation – 18 graduates and their
families were honored on May 4.
• Dylan Thompson – Several hundred youth and
adults heard USC Quarterback Dylan Thompson
share his faith story.
• Cornerstone Sunday nights, and girls and boys
senior high Bible study groups maintained strong
and consistent attendance.
• Bahamas – 23 youth and 11 adults traveled to the
Bahamas in June on an international Mission Trip
to construct a concrete storm shelter at a camp
housing people with HIV/AIDS. In addition to their
construction duties, the youth and adults participated in Christian fellowship and outreach with the
• Fun in the Son – 12 youth and two adults attended this annual conference in July.
Adult Ministry
Wednesday Evening Classes – A variety of classes
were offered in the spring and fall such as Bible Stories
for Adults and Children, The Passion of Our Lord and
Sunday Evening Classes - Kerygma classes were
offered on Sunday evenings along with Book Club and
World Religions.
Sunday School – The adult Sunday school classes
remained strong with a variety of curriculum and class
sizes to accommodate all our adult members.
Small Group Study – NED assisted with the beginning of a small group emphasis to begin in 2015.
Nurture, Education & Discipleship
Tailgate Sunday School – On the summer holiday weekends,
adults and youth held outside tailgate Sunday School classes of faith
Summer Sunday School – Dr. Mark Durrett and Jim St. John led
a dramatic study of The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis.
Goals for 2015:
Create an Adult Discipleship task force to evaluate Faith Formation and Discipleship for Adults.
Using the successful model of Vision 20/20 groups, offer more
small group opportunities to congregation.
Appoint communication liaison to coordinate information on
adult education opportunities.
Evaluate and explore formats and offerings for adult Sunday
school and education with the goal of piloting new programs in 2015.
Rework VBS to utilize our renovated sanctuary.
Review and possibly revise the “Safe Church” abuse prevention
Summer Sunday School
Transition from weekly Sunday night programming for elementary children back to monthly “Jesus
Rocks” programming.
Schedule a mission trip for older elementary children and their parents.
Review the entire infant through senior high programming with the new youth directors.
Library – After a vacancy, NED facilitated a leader for the Library to maintain this valuable resource for
the church.
Want to know more?
NED Chair: Tara Barr (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster staff support:
Mark Durrett
Croskeys Royall
Julie McDaniel
Evangelism & Membership
Mission: To extend God’s grace to first-time visitors, inquirers, members and non-members alike.
Accomplishments in 2014:
Hosted First Step classes for prospective members and helped new members acclimate to EPC.
Hosted 14 game day meals and provided several devotionals for the A. C. Flora football team.
Started two men’s softball teams to encourage engagement.
Increased understanding of the Book of Order changes to categories of “Active Members” and “Other
• Reached out by letter and personal calls to members who have not attended, given, or served for two
years, encouraging re-engagement.
• Updated church rolls by placing in the “Other Participants” category those who continue not to attend,
serve or give.
• Continued to lead the greeter ministry, placing church volunteers at the welcome desk and around the
campus on Sunday mornings to greet and assist visitors.
Goals for 2015:
• Continue to host First Steps.
• Continue to serve as the A. C. Flora football team’s “meal home” and provide devotional messages
throughout the season.
• Promote and carry out the 2015 Celebration of Faith in March.
• Continue to offer men’s softball.
• Form and train a group of volunteers to contact members who miss worship five consecutive weeks.
• Continue with greeter ministry.
Want to know more?
Evangelism and Membership
John Barr (2015) - [email protected]; [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Dr.
Brad Smith, Tricia McCormick
Building Families Program at Eastminster
Building Families is an extension of the church’s ministry to families in
need, offering office space, financial support and volunteers.
Meet Jasmine Lipscomb, Family Specialist with Thornwell Home in
Clinton, SC. In October she moved into an office at Eastminster Presbyterian Church to begin her work.
What is Building Families? Thornwell’s Building Families Program is a
community-based, intensive in-home program designed to address the
needs of families. The program provides services that build upon the
existing strengths of families in order to reduce the stressors interfering with healthy family functioning.
Jasmine Lipscomb
Family Specialist
The program seeks to help families and referred youth who are at risk
as a result of family conflict, lack of parenting skills, child abuse and/or
neglect, childhood emotional issues, disruptive behavioral problems and other at-risk situations that youth
and families face.
The goal of Building Families is to stabilize families and help family members grow together. The Building
Families Program equips families with the skills necessary to ensure safety of the children, reduces or eliminates the need for out-of-home placement of the children, and keeps families together.
Building Families creates impactful change and emotional strength in families by using researched and
proven treatment methods in a personalized way. Parents learn how to set age-appropriate boundaries
and maintain discipline without anger or violence. Thornwell Family Specialists use positive reinforcement,
modeling, role playing, and other methods to teach lasting, concrete parenting and communication skills.
The six-phase program is based on the teaching-family model, and evidenced based behavioral model with
proven success. Thornwell Family specialists are on call 24/7, servings up to three families at a time. A
specialist provides 6-10 hours of in-home services a week per family for up to 10-12 weeks. As each family
learns to function independently, Jasmine is able to transition out of the picture and begin working with a
new family.
Thornwell is an independent ministry in covenant relationship with the churches in SC, GA, and FL of the
PC(USA) Synod of the South Atlantic.
If you would like to learn more about the program you may contact Jasmine at [email protected].
Mission: To educate, encourage and inspire the members of Eastminster concerning the privilege, responsibility and “joy of giving” by recognizing that all we are
and all we have are gifts from God, entrusted to us so that we may be good “stewards” for God’s glory. The Stewardship Ministry has responsibility for encouraging
faithful stewardship of our time, talents and treasures.
Accomplishments in 2014:
• Separated Time and Talent from Financial Pledging and held a spring Time and
Talent campaign which was very successful.
• Created videos for Stewardship to be displayed during services and around campus.
• Annual Financial Pledging Campaign during the fall raised 6.2% more through pledges than in the previous year.
• Ran a weekly segment called “Did You Know?” in the newsletter to promote stewardship.
• Wrote 547 personnel thank you notes to members of the church who pledged to give and serve.
• Actively encouraged new members to give of their time, talents, and treasure.
• Added online giving through the Eastminster website, which added an additional option for individuals
to support the church.
Goals for 2015:
• Increase visibility of the stewardship of the members of Eastminster through print and video.
• Continue to educate congregation using “Time & Treasure” blurbs in newsletter and on videos around
the church campus.
• Continue to implement online giving.
• Increase the number of members who plan to include EPC in “Perpetual/Legacy” giving.
• Increase communication with members through phone calls, the newsletter, videos, and big screen
Powerpoint inserts. Continue Spring emphasis of Time and Talent Service commitment and Fall emphasis of Financial commitment.
Want to know more?
Stewardship Chair: Jeff Burden (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Brad Smith, Bill Collins, Maria Harvin
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Mission: To develop and implement strategies to inform, educate and inspire members about opportunities to grow in faith and service, while also raising awareness of Eastminster and its activities in the community.
Accomplishments in 2014:
• Expanded communication creatively to the congregation as a whole, e.g. slide shows, posters, and flat
screen monitors.
• Distributed weekly E-News and Devotionals to the entire congregational members sharing e-mail addresses. Of the number receiving these transmissions, one third of the congregation consistently open
their e-mail.
• Developed a Lenten and annual theme.
• Produced a 2014 Annual Review.
• Created posters, slides and handouts of the sanctuary renovation progress.
• Produced a new church-wide family directory.
• Formed a Visual Identity Team to begin the process of branding the church.
• Hosted an informative communications seminar for Visual Identity team
members with Scott Vaughn, professional church communicator as the
• Helped with temporary signage during construction.
• Reconciled software licenses.
• Assisted in updating the Computer/Technology Policy for EPC, as well as
other church-wide policies.
• Provided a portal for on-line giving on the church website.
• Relocated IT equipment to a more temperature controlled location.
• Installed the new phone and data system.
• Established computer lab to be used by the church, Champs and EDS.
• Assisted with technical set up for the move of worship into the gym and the return of worship to the
Goals for 2015:
• Target EPC college students in order for the church to maintain contact while they are away at school.
• Begin efforts to implement a secure on line-membership directory with user login, hosted by the church
but maintained by each individual church member.
• Educate the congregation about grief and healthy grieving via the web site and hard-copy handouts.
• Solicit graphic designers, through the Visual Identity Team, to craft a new look for the EPC logo.
• Assist with the technological transformation of Thompson Hall for Jubilee.
• Stream live services via the internet at church website.
• Upgrade and replace audio/video carts.
• Produce videos to highlight ministries and missions for presentation in Sanctuary.
• Coordinate the tracking of church inventory.
• Draft for approval a Disaster Recovery Plan for the church.
Want to know more?
Communications Chair: Charlie Weston (2015) [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Thelma Carter, Bryan Call, Bill Collins
Mission: To be a resource for the senior pastor and the various areas of ministry
involved in the management, care and supervision of church employees.
Accomplishments in 2014:
Self-corrected the 403(b) issue related to Eastminster Day School.
Reviewed and revised the Employee Handbook.
Developed and implemented a new employee evaluation process.
Began a compensation and benefit study, which will be completed in 2015.
Coordinated departing receptions for Jeff Smith, Jon Wagner, and Semih Sendur.
Hosted the staff appreciation luncheon in May and helped with staff Christmas party.
Assisted in the formation of an APNC and a search committee for two youth directors.
Hired Pam Tessier as the Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor.
Goals for 2015:
Review and revise the Safe Church Policy.
Plan the Staff Appreciation Luncheon.
Continue work to complete the compensation and benefit study,
Filled staff vacancies.
Continue to support EPC Staff.
Want to know more?
Personnel Chair: Hank Mabry (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Dr. Brad Smith, Bill Collins
Mission: To be good stewards of the gifts God has graciously provided to Eastminster.
Highlights in 2014:
Implemented an automated time clock for hourly employees to increase efficiency.
Implemented a reporting method for exempt employees to report attendance and expenses by month.
Implemented online giving and payments through credit and debit cards on the Eastminster website.
Received bids from potential auditors and selected JW Hunt as our auditor for the next three years.
Completed 2013 audit which was received and reviewed by the Finance Committee and Session.
Constantly reviewed the revenue of the capital campaign and expenses of the renovation project.
Worked with other entities, (EPW and Boy Scouts) who were using the church tax ID number to merge
their financials into the church accounts to comply with audit recommendation.
Goals for 2015:
• Continue to work with Central Carolina Community Foundation to develop policies which will guide
endowment giving.
• Promote endowment giving and planned giving at Eastminster Presbyterian.
• Complete the audit for 2014, which will for the first time to include the EDS audit within the EPC audit.
Want to know more?
Finance chair: Andy Lowrey (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Christy Rippy, Bill Collins
Congregational Care and Concern
Mission: To serve in the name of Christ because of His love for us and His church, and to show God’s love
and concern for members of the church by providing visitation, encouragement and support.
Accomplishments in 2014:
• Assessed needs and offered transportation at Still Hopes, Presbyterian Community and to people living at
• Wrote and revised half a dozen polices for congregational care.
• Prayer Matters ministry prayed for every EPC family for one week. Both the families and 33 team members
were impacted and blessed.
• Established one new care team with 12 moms with younger children.
• Trained 11 new Stephen ministers.
• Held a flu shot clinic through the Parish Nurse Program.
Goals for 2015:
• Increase Stephen Ministry leadership team by one person who will focus on Congregation Awareness so that
referrals come more readily.
• Provide additional support groups for different life issues. Current examples include Divorce Care and Resurrection Hope Grief Group.
• Create a brochure for Resurrection Hope Groups that provides personal testimony and information regarding the grieving process.
• Lead a Wednesday evening class entitled Gifts and Legacies that will look at final testimonies of life, funeral
planning, important documents and stories of God’s faithfulness through your life.
Want to know more?
Congregational Care Chair: Carol Hill (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster Staff Support: Rev. Lynn Grandsire, Shelli Knapp
Mission: To maintain and develop Eastminster’s facilities and property as an important part of our vibrant
Accomplishments in 2014:
• Completed a competitive bid of Property Insurance and Workers’ Compensation Insurance and obtained approval to utilize Brotherhood Mutual as the church’s insurance carrier.
• Completed a formal valuation of our entire campus and adjusted our property and casualty insurance
so that we are now fully insured.
• Began work on the CE/CLC crosswalk by engaging an architect.
• Supported the construction/renovation project including: repairing the main sewer line and repaving
the Medway lot, cleaning the steeple, replacing basement windows, replacing light poles and fixtures
in several parking lots, repainting lines and directional arrows in most lots, replacing lights in the parlor, narthex and sanctuary stairs.
• Supported the transition of the sanctuary to the CLC during renovations and purchased new floor covering for the CLC and chairs that are now used in the Jubilee service.
• Replaced one bus and added an additional bus to our fleet and now have three buses on campus.
• Formed a volunteer flower bed care team.
• Installed new carpet in the Byrd Room.
• Began renovating room E-250 for offices to accommodate two new youth directors.
Goals for 2015:
• Continue to work on resolving the problems with the crosswalk between the Christian Life Center and
the Christian Education building.
• Paint the exterior of the Christian Life Center.
• Re-establish the schedule for carpet replacement.
• Begin the expansion of Memorial Garden.
• Resolve compliance issue with radio coverage of the church campus as required by City of Columbia,
Fire Marshal and code.
• Continue replacement of Christian Education Building windows due to rotting.
• Develop a five-year schedule for maintenance and painting of church property.
• Restripe the parking lot of the Christian Life Center.
• Investigate repairs to the parlor windows and woodwork.
Want to know more?
Property Chair: Simpson Fant (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Bob Sturm, Bill Collins
Fellowship & Kitchen
Mission: To recognize the importance of being together as the Body of Christ. To provide intergenerational
opportunities for Eastminster members and friends to gather for fellowship, food and fun.
The Fellowship Committee serves as the umbrella committee for several ministries, including Presbyterian
Women, PEP (formerly Savvy Seniors), the Kitchen Committee, the Sportsmen’s Banquet, the Advent Retreat, and other church-led opportunities, such as trips to the Holy Land. The Fellowship Committee also
coordinates congregation-wide meals, Supper Six supper club, Movie Night,
and Easter’s Loaves and Fishes luncheon.
Accomplishments in 2014:
Presbyterian Women Highlights
• 85 women participated in circles this year, and studied Sowing Tears, Reaping Joy.
• 50 women participated in Bible Study during the spring and the fall.
• The Fall Gathering had about 75 women present.
• The EPW Council provided a dinner and cookies for the Presbyterian Students at USC this fall.
• The Joy Gift Drop In Luncheon was held in the Adult Reception Hall with about 100 women attending.
• Presbyterian Women collected $925 for the Joy Gift plus $1,800 for the Women’s Shelter.
PEP Highlights
• PEP started out the year as Savvy Seniors and ended as People Enjoying People (PEP@EPC).
• PEP provided senior adults (EPC members and guests) with the opportunity for adult fellowship and a
healthy meal at a nominal cost. Attendance averaged approximately 50.
Kitchen Committee Highlights
• Added some new volunteers for a total of over 50 kitchen volunteers.
• Helped serve/clean up at every Wednesday night dinner, and for the fall
congregational meal.
Fellowship Committee Highlights
• Provided support to the ministries of Presbyterian Women, PEP, the
Kitchen Committee, the Sportsmen’s Banquet, the Advent Retreat, and
the trip to the Holy Land.
• Sponsored a church-wide luncheon on February 2, 2014, attended by over
200 in the CLC.
• Helped facilitate volunteers to assist with the new church directory.
• Provided volunteers and funds for the Easter Courtyard Celebration, and facilitated the Loaves and
Fishes covered dish lunch.
• Organized a family movie night in June, which was well-attended.
• Organized another season of Supper Six, for the months of September, October, and November 2014.
• Provided refreshments for the Living Nativity presentations.
• Provided decorations for a number of events.
Goals for 2015
• Coordinate and offer more intergenerational fellowship
• Offer one or two “Coffee House Talks” featuring our pastors.
• Organize social functions throughout the year, such as a
movie night, talent show, etc.
• Offer a Young Women’s Gathering on a Wednesday or
Sunday night.
• Sponsor and assist with a trip to the Greece and Turkey.
Want to know more?
Fellowship Chair: Sharon Besley (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Jim St. John, Bill Collins, Shelli Knapp, Regina Jeffcoat
Christian Life Center
Mission: To support the programs of Eastminster Presbyterian
Church and the Christian Life Center. To develop and apply these
programs to provide support for the spiritual, mental and physical fitness of our members and of the community. To provide
opportunities for individuals and families to participate in classes,
exercise and sports activities. To enhance the ability of Eastminster to engage in mission and community outreach. All to the
Glory of God.
Accomplishments in 2014:
• Assisted and supported the setup of the temporary Worship space in the Christian Life Center during the
renovation in the sanctuary.
• Formed a basketball sub-committee to assist more efficiently the many different league teams from Eastminster participants.
• Added an additional trainer this year to assist members with workouts as needed.
• Established a database for all training equipment in the CLC and its usage.
• Performed a statistical analysis of attendance in the CLC to determine peak times of usage.
• Purchased a new elliptical machine and donated the old one.
Goals for 2015:
• Organize more events and classes for the members of CLC and Eastminster.
• Utilize the information gathered during 2014 to provide direction for growth of the offerings of the CLC.
Want to know more?
Christian Life Center Chair: Susan Laird (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Bill Ketchin, Bill Collins
Mission, Service & Benevolence
Mission: To encourage members to respond
to the good news of the Gospel by moving
beyond themselves in service to others. From
serving children here in the Midlands to mission trips in the United States and beyond,
the Mission, Service and Benevolence Ministry
offered many opportunities for Eastminster’s
congregation to serve others.
Accomplishments in 2014:
• Continued the Third Thursday meal at Transitions, with over 150 people providing food
and/or serving one night each month and
lunch on Christmas Day.
• Donated over 3,500 pounds of peanut butter and other food to Harvest Hope Food Bank.
• In April packed 30,000 meals with Stop Hunger Now.
• Hosted PCUSA missionaries serving in Pakistan at a combined Sunday school class.
• Hosted Rev. John McCall, PCUSA missionary to Taiwan, in June.
• Sponsored a WomenBuild house with Habitat for Humanity.
• Continued our participation in The Cooperative Ministry’s School Supply Drive.
• Sent two teams of three people each
to be trained with Living Waters for the
World, which facilitates water filtration
systems in underdeveloped countries.
• Funded a nutrition project with Jubilee
• Collected and distributed cookies for First
• Hosted Circle of Giving.
• Hosted St. Lawrence Place Christmas
Shop and dinner.
• Continue the Lunch Buddies Program at
Bradley Elementary.
• Prepared and served lunch at the Washington Street Soup Cellar 12 times in 2014,
on the first Tuesday of every month.
• Cared for 208 pairs of feet through the Footcare Ministry.
• Held a diaper drive for the Family Shelter which resulted in the donation of multiple dozens of diapers
for those residents.
Mission, Service & Benevolence
• Packed backpacks of weekend food for 25 students at
Bradley Elementary each week of the school year (minus
• Sent 260 shoeboxes to Operation Christmas Child.
• Sent six people to serve at Hospital Ste. Croix in Leogane,
Haiti, with Medical Benevolence Foundation on a weeklong trip.
• Thanks to two of our youth, donated hundreds of socks
to the Salvation Army, Transitions and other organizations
through Socks in a Box.
Goals for 2015:
• Complete the Mission Partner list and have it available
on the Eastminster website.
• Utilize the grant application to keeping communication
and conversation open and ongoing between EPC and
the agencies receiving benevolence money.
• Put a written manual of operations in place.
• Send letters to the 2015 mission partner agencies, notifying them of the amount EPC is pledging for 2015, and
requesting they return the grant application.
Want to know more?
Mission, Service and Benevolence Chair: Hagood
Tighe (2015) - [email protected]
Eastminster staff support: Dr. Mark E. Durrett, Julie McDaniel, Doretha Evans (CHAMPS)
Sanctuary Renovations
With Gratitude Eastminster gives thanks to God for the following people for their Guidance, Time and Work for our Beautiful Renovations.
• Sanctuary Renovations Committee: Warren Propst,
chair, John Barr, Randy Cottrell, Bill DeLoache, Simpson
Fant, Margo Orlandini, Jack Wolfe
• Toward 2020 Capital Campaign: Bill and Marit Bobo,
Steve and Sharon Bryant, Robert and Carol Hill, cochairs.
• Public Relations: Katie Alice Walker
• Toward 2020 Capital Campaign Supporters: 358 Family
units have pledged, 45 family units have given without
• CLC Set–up and Transition Team: Lauri Moore, chair,
Bruce Fewell, Marcy Swan
• Sanctuary Evaluation Committee: Frank Mood, chair,
Joe Anderson, Bill Bobo, Rachel Chaplin, Susan Jones,
Jon Keith, Ernest McCutcheon, Sally McWilliams, Warren Propst, Elizabeth Tighe
• Scope Committee: Clay Robinson, chair, Bob Derrick,
Sally McWilliams, Warren Propst, Marilyn Stradtman
• Key Staff Support: Bill Collins, Bob Sturm, Thelma
Carter, Fredna Lee, Josh Evanovich, Brad Smith
• Architect: Quakenbush & Associates, Doug Quakenbush, Cleve Walker
• Contractor: Mashburn Construction, Lee Mashburn,
Brian Johnston, Danny Wessinger
• Estimated Final Cost: $3,850,000 – Tithe that will be
given beyond EPC: $385,000. $150,000 of the tithe has
been pledged to partner with Thornwell Home for Children to enable a Thornwell Building Families Program
employee to be based at Eastminster, reaching out to
families in our area.
• Original Items Completed: new heat, air, and electrical; new men’s restroom and women’s restroom renovated; elevator, chancel renovations, porte-cochere;
upgrading of sanctuary basement including choir room;
enclosed breezeway and modified steps; new on-grade
entrance to sanctuary; access from balcony steps to
Sanctuary Renovations
• new atrium; pew cushions, choir robes, video capacity, new lighting, hearing loop, new buses, facilities
transitions costs.
• Original Items Remaining to be Done: Thompson Hall enhancement; interior and exterior signage.
• Construction items that were added: Replacing asbestos tile floor with slate tile; removing asbestos
from sanctuary ceiling; restoring stained glass windows; refurbishing pews; replacing stairs from narthex to Thompson hall breezeway to make them less steep; painting sanctuary walls; improving sound
Views from the Basement - furnace - elevator - men’s bathroom
Sanctuary Renovations
Views of atrium/new breezeway/drive way
Sanctuary Renovations
In 2013 as Eastminster celebrated its 65th birthday, the church was
making plans to step forward to update the facilities of the Eastminster
campus, particularly our 57-year-old sanctuary. The infrastructure of the
sanctuary heat and air systems were old and inefficient. There was no
men’s bathroom near the sanctuary, and plans were made to update the
women’s bathroom to make it ADA accessible.
The Brown Building
Sanctuary updates included the re-configuration of the chancel to
First Home of Eastminster
better accommodate the choir, to provide better acoustics and be more
consistent with our theology. New pew cushions were purchased, improved lighting and a hearing loop
were added, as well as video capacity.
An elevator was added in the parlor, where the closets had been located, to help people get from the
sanctuary level down to the Memorial Garden/Thompson Hall walkway, and down to the choir area/basement level.
A porte-cochere extending from the Nelle Gunter Room entrance has enabled members to drive in under
cover to drop people off in inclement weather.
All of this was made possible by the generosity of Eastminster members contributing to the “Toward
2020” Capitol Campaign.
Gym as Sanctuary
Eastminster’s last worship service in the sanctuary was held on Sunday, April 27, before the congregation’s move to the gym to worship.
On Sunday, September 28, Eastminster members returned to their newly-renovated sanctuary. Sunday
October 26, they Re-dedicated the new sanctuary and themselves. Following worship we came together as
the Body of Christ for a Celebration Dinner.
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having
all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8
First Sunday Back in the Sanctuary
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
3200 Trenholm Road
Columbia, SC 29204
April 21, 2015