
350 N. Limestone Street, Lexington, KY 40508
May 7, 2012
If You Don’t
Snooze, You Lose
By Laura Rogers
Seventy million people in the
United States have a sleep problem. About 40 million adults
suffer from a chronic sleeping
disorder; an additional 20-30
million of those people have
felt the effects of sleep loss. Effects of sleep loss on work performance may be costing U.S.
employers $18 billion in lost
productivity. America’s adults
average 6.9 hours of sleep each
night, less than the range of seven to nine hours recommended
by many sleep experts.
Laura Proctor, nurse at
LTMS, said, “The body rests to
repair itself and for growth.”
Some major effects of sleep
loss are:
Sleep Loss Dumbs You
Down : Sleep plays a critical
role in thinking, learning, and
processing things throughout
the day. Lack of sleep impairs
your attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving. Also, sleep deprivation can affect memory. If
people don’t get enough sleep
they will have trouble remembering things that they learned
throughout the day.
Sleep Deprivation Hurts
Your Health: Sleep disorders
can lead to health problems
like: Heart disease, heart attack,
irregular heartbeat, high blood
pressure, stroke, and diabetes.
Depression: Over time, lack
of sleep and sleep disorders can
contribute to the symptoms of
depression. Insomnia and depression feed off each other.
Sleep loss often aggravates the
symptoms of depression, and
depression can make it more
difficult to fall asleep.
Lack of Sleep Ages Your
Skin: When the average person
doesn’t get enough sleep, their
body releases more of the stress
hormone cortisol. In excess
amounts, cortisol can break
down skin collagen, the protein
that keeps skin smooth and elastic. Sleep loss also causes the
body to release too little human
growth hormone. Losing sleep
won’t make you any taller.
Losing Sleep Can Make You
Gain Weight: When it comes
to body weight, it may be that
if you snooze, you don’t lose.
Lack of sleep seems to be related to an increase in hunger
and appetite, and possibly to
Lack of Sleep May Increase
Risk of Death: Those who cut
their sleep from seven to five
hours or less a night nearly double their risk of death from
all causes. Lack of sleep also
doubles the risk of death from
cardio-vascular disease.
Healthy Tips: Some ways
you can get more sleep at night
is by avoiding sugars, starches,
and caffeine before bed. Falling
asleep with your head facing
south, and your feet facing north
helps you fall asleep faster.
Don’t Oversleep: Though it
is good to get enough sleep at
night, people shouldn’t oversleep. Constant oversleeping
can lead to diabetes, obesity,
headaches, back pain, depression, and heart disease. Studies
Student Life Pages 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Volume III - Issue III
have shown that people who
sleep nine or more hours a night
have significantly higher death
“Sleeping helps me concentrate more when I get to school
because I’m wide awake and
it can help me work better.”
said eighth grader, Isyauna
What to do: According to
the American Sleep Disorders
Association, the average teenager needs around 9.5 hours
of sleep per night, possibly because hormones that are critical
for growth are released mostly
Entertainment Pages 8 and 9
Sports Page 7News Pages 10 and 11
at night. At night, the body regenerates, heals, and rests. If
you oversleep, you may find
yourself groggy and run down.
If you don’t get enough sleep,
you may feel the same way. It
is very important to get at least
nine hours of sleep every night.
The perfect amount of sleep is
important for a healthy lifestyle.
Student Life
Fears, Phobias, and everything in
By Emily Liu
The human race has many
irrational fears, also known as
phobias. Fears can range from
merely worrying, to extreme
paranoia. A phobia is an act,
object, or idea that someone is
extremely afraid of, but can be
healed. Many people have different kinds of fears, but some
common phobias are Acrophobia- the fear of heights, Claustrophobia- the fear of closed
spaces, Nyctophobia- the fear
of the dark, Astraphobia- the
fear of thunder and lightning,
Mysophobia- the fear of germs,
and Triskaidekaphobia- the fear
of the number 13.
Lots of people have different
kinds of phobias. One phobia
that is very common among
adults is Glossophobia, the fear
of public speaking. In fact, in a
recent Gallup Poll, around 40%
of adults have Glossophobia.
“I have always been morbidly
afraid of spiders. Whenever
I see them I feel that they’re
going to bite and poison me,”
Sheng said, “I hate them and
can’t stand to be near them.”
Sheng, like other people, has
a very common phobia named
Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. A simple, yet difficult way
to cure a phobia is to do or be
near the very thing one is afraid
of. In this case, Sheng should
confront as many spiders as
he can, preferably in a zoo or
park, and to not flinch until he
comes to accept them.
While some people believe that
they cannot so easily back out
of their phobias, because they
are deadset in their beliefs, in
everyone with an irrational
fear, they all know that their
fear is illogical. Knowing this
can help you on your way to
being free of your burden of a
“I cannot have my blood taken.
I cannot look at blood. I cannot
feel blood,” said Hunt, “I don’t
like anatomy or biology at all.
I believe I am made of plastic,
so it goes against everything I
believe in.”
Hunt has Hemaphobia, the fear
of blood. While this phobia
seems to be a bit more intense
than others, because it is the
fear of something within you,
it is still possible to be treated.
(Left) Hannah Chua in John Foley’s
Academic Leadership Class.
(Right) Bryce Vaughn playing soccer in
Barbara Spitz’s gym class. While Toms
and Bobs are popular shoes that are
worn. Nike and Adidas brand shoes are
just as popular.
The first step to getting rid of
Hemaphobia is to know what
type of Hemaphobia you have.
There are many types, but the
main two are blood-injury
phobia (fear of being injured in
a way where blood would be
revealed) and injection phobia
(fear of having your blood
injected). After deciding which
phobia you feel more strongly
towards, the next step would
be to try to gradually face the
phobia-related things (such
as needles, if it were injection
phobia). This also goes for
other phobias.
Toms Vs. Bobs
By Olivia Rose
Obviously the concept of giving a pair of shoes away has
proven effective marketing for
Tom’s shoes and its founder,
Blake Mycoskie. What drove
Tom’s success is not the how
the giving away of shoes but the
why behind it. As the company
website explains, the TOMS
concept emerged after a powerful and authentic experience.
Mycoskie’s travels in Argentina
during which he saw and met
countless barefoot children.
That powerful direct experience
inspired a desire to do good. So
Blake and his team took a financial risk by betting their business and philanthropic success
on an untested and generous
business model.
Skecher’s approach appears to
be far more cynical. There is no
problem with Skecher’s or any
company copying the TOMS
concept. In fact, Blake Mycoskie has said that he hoped
others would copy his business
model. By mirroring the TOM’s
concept so blatantly, Sketcher’s
not only showed a lack of creativity and originality, but they
left themselves wide open to
accusations of disingenuous social concern. As it stands, consumers can do little but shake
their heads at such transparent
and self-serving motives. That’s
why their campaigns set off
such an online fire storm within
24 hours. At least Skecher’s
had the good sense to take down
their BOBS promotion as soon
as the issue erupted. The integration of profit and purpose is
a tricky business for true motivations are easily obscured. But
one thing is sure. Consumers
know authenticity when they
see it and can smell cynicism
a mile away. The only way for
a brand to protect itself is to
start from a place of authentic-
ity. That way the extraordinary
connectivity and reach of social
media can work for a brand and
not against it.
When the first design for Toms
was glitter they are still selling better than the rest of the
designs. Kid sizes start at newborn. Sunglasses are new to the
line of shoes. When someone
buys a pair of Toms the company gives a pair to a person in
need. Styles include boys and
men with camouflage. Plain
colors include navy blue and
more online. Not only do they
have flats they also have boatas
that look like a sneaker. Wedding styles with silk and velvet
black. Canvases are what most
people buy but some like new
Bobs are cheaper; well that
mainly gets everyone to buy
them. With more designs and
different styles for every size
and gender they have ones with
bows and even wedge heels.
Dress sandals and more everyone loves them. Canova’s are
a tennis-shoe type with laces
across the front. Drakes are like
Tom’s but have plaid designs
and are more comfy. With a
larger heel support area the shoe
doesn’t rub your back ankle and
cause blisters. Bob’s chill is the
new style with the bottom of the
shoe being hard and long lasting
Eighth grade Bengal student,
Anna McMahan, said, “I prefer Toms because I think Bobs
are a knock-off brand of Toms.
They’re really comfortable, really pretty, and easy to wear.”
By Bailey Hiles
There are over 865,330 acronyms and abbreviations in existence in the English language.
An acronym is a word formed
from the initial letters of other
words. It is nearly impossible to
know them all without a perfect
photographic memory. There
are eight acronyms that stand
for “UNKNOWN”, which are:
UNK, U, UK, X, UKn, UN,
unkn, unk; and there are 68
acronyms in total that relate to
the word “UNKNOWN”. Some
acronyms stand for more than
just one “thing”. “UNK” can
stand for five different subjects
or phrases. “The Second Edition of the 20-volume -Oxford
English Dictionary contains
full entries for 171,476 words
in current use, and 47,156 obsolete words. To this may be
added around 9,500 derivative
words included as subentries.”
Reported Oxforddictionaries.
com. This means that there are
over enough acronyms for every single word in the English
dictionary. Also, most of the
several acronyms that are in existence, stand for more than just
on word. For example, “HAWTLW” means “Hello and wel-
come to last week”. That one is
a bit uncommon though. There
are 85 different meanings to
“LOL” alone. Such as: Laughing out loud, little old lady, loss
of life, lots of love, loyal orange
lodge, land of legends, lord of
life, and lands of lore, but this
isn’t nearly all of the different
meanings for LOL. Many people do not know even the most
common of acronyms. There
are even acronyms for stores.
Such as “*$” and “*$$”, both
of these acronyms stand for the
very popular coffee shop: Starbucks.
Acronyms are used every day.
We even make up our own from
time to time when we don’t want
to write out the whole word. For
example, if we needed to take
notes, we would use some acronyms. If we were going to write
down “T-Shirt”, then we would
make T stand for T-shirt; and
when we are texting, a regular
sentence like, “Where are you,
I have been waiting here for
half and hour,” would become,
“Were r u, ive been waiting
here for half and hour.” We do
this while texting because we
often don’t want to spell everything out in an organized fash-
Student Life
ion. Surprisingly enough, spell
check did not try to correct the
typing in my texting version of
the sentence. This shows how
accepted acronyms and abbreviations are in our society.
A perfect example of this, is
the acronym “DNA”. Shocking amounts of people do not
know what this actually means.
The scientific “DNA” not the
“Defense nuclear Agency.”
The “DNA” that holds in our
genetics. This is called, “Deoxyribonucleic acid,” hense the
acronym, “DNA”. Most people
don’t know what half of the acronyms and abbreviations (that
are in existence and are recognized), actually mean or can
Acronyms are a perfect way
to get a point across quickly.
On the other hand, texting can
cause problems in the future.
Too much texting can severely
injure wrists because of the
awkward way they are held.
Also, words and acronyms can
get jumbled when typing it onto
a little screen.
(Left) Teacher Charlotte Postelwaite
and Amber Comley discussing Springboard in Language Arts’ Class.
(Below) Ann Keidel and Madison Barb
showing a presentation about Costa
Rica to Amanda Jones’s sixth hour
spanish class.
Substitute Spotlight:
Art Regan
By Lynsey Crumbie
“Mr. Regan is one of the best
substitutes I have ever met.”
said Eighth Grade Bengal Isaiah Courdray.
Also, Seventh Grade Coolcat
Annie McKinney said, “He’s a
really good substitute. He’ll try
to help us when we don’t understand something.”
Mr. Art Regan was previously a Special Education Teacher
and Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball
and Track coach at, what was
then called, Lexington Junior.
He taught for 33 years. He then
retired because, “I wanted to
spend more time traveling and
seeing my grandchildren.” As a
child, Regan lived all around the
MidWest region of the United
States. In 1978, he then moved
to Lexington. At home, Regan
has a wife, Kathy (retired principal from Providence Montessori School), three adult children, and four grandchildren.
His favorite hobby is Golf.
Ann Jones, the Health teacher at LTMS, said, “He’s nice to
the kids, easygoing, kids like
him, he knows about LTMS
because he’s been here for so
long. He does a great job and is
friendly---I never have to worry
when I’m gone if he’s my sub.”
Q & A session with Art
Q: Tell us some of your
background story.
A: “As a child I lived across
the MidWest region. I moved to
Lexington in 1978 and started
working at Lexington Junior. I
play golf. I have a wife, Kathy,
who is a retired principal from
Providence Montessori School,
three adult kids and four grandchildren.”
Q: How many days a year do
you substitute?
A: “I would probably sub
on average two to three days a
week. More in the winter because I play golf in the spring
and fall.”
Q: Is there a certain limit to
the amount of days you can substitute? Why or why not?
A: “There used to be. It used
to be 100 days, but that has
Q: Is it challenging being a
substitute? How about when
you sub for eight periods a day?
A: “Some days it is and some
it’s not.” He can sub for eight
periods a day when “I’m with
other classes to fill in, but not
very often or challenging.”
Q: How does it feel to be
back at the school you’ve retired from after 27 years?
A: “I enjoy it. It’s a good feeling. I enjoy seeing the children
of the children I’ve taught.”
Q: Why did you retire and
become a substitute?
A: “I loved teaching and
coaching. I wanted to spend
more time traveling and seeing
my grandchildren.
Q: Is subbing harder than being a teacher? How?
A: “No, because if I taught
every day, I would always plan
[and] grade papers. As a substitute, I just carry out the plans
from the teacher.
Q: Is substituting on-call or
planned ahead?
A: “It can be both. Sometimes I know even a month in
advance, others not until 5:00
am that morning.”
Q: What was your favorite
memory here at LTMS?
A: “Working for so many
wonderful principals and seeing
the progress that has been made
here by all the students.”
Student Life
High School Editorial
By Don’Kebreon Thurman
Going from middle school
into high school is a huge step
into a new light and a new beginning. The criteria changes
and they expect you to know
the previous criteria in order
to be on top of your game. My
expectations is for my freshman
year to go smoothly but statistics say that 60% of freshman’s
or under classmen fail at least
one of their freshman classes.
I would much rather be in that
40% of students that pass. In
order for me to accomplish my
goal,I plan to study hard, hit the
books and to get my priority’s
straight in order to make school
number one.
“I am nervous to go into high
school although I may know a
lot of people that go to Dunbar
I am not even sure on how people are going to treat me”, said
Elisabeth White Eighth Grade
Also a lot of people are nervous about going to high school
and how people are going to
treat them and how people are
going to react and not on that
but how they are going to treat
you. Are they going to treat me
kindly or mean.
A lot of people are worried if
they will have the same friends
or if high school will fly by
.When you go to high school,
everybody gets separated into
different schools and even if
you do go to the same school it
is not even guaranteed that you
will have the same classes.
teacher and former high school
teacher, said, “Just be responsible, take rigourous classes,
be organized, make sure you
always put forth your best effort, and always make the best
choices even when it comes to
So word to the wise, manage
your time and if your friends
want to talk to you keep on to
class so that you get the best
seat because statistics prove
that most likely if you sit in the
front your class room then you
pay more attention to the criteria that is being stated. Don’t
get caught up in the drama of
the high school madness so
to speak. If you do all of your
homework but are usually bad
at tests and assignments homework is usually 50% of your
entire grade so even if you fail
all of your tests (which you
shouldn’t do study hard!) then
it will are even out to become
a passing grade. So this is the
high school survival guide
By Ploy Nontapan
Everyone has been told at least
once to eat their vegetables.
However, in a vegetarian’s
case, they don’t have much of
a choice. When most people
think of vegetarians, they
think of strictly vegetables as
their diet. In reality, there are
multiple types of vegetarians.
The most known vegetarian
that will be heard are vegans
and pescetarians. Vegans do
not eat any animal flesh, dairy
products, or seafood. They also
typically refrain from using
animal products in their daily
life such as wool and leather.
Pescetarians are people who
do not eat animals, but will
eat seafood and dairy products. Pescetarian is typically
considered the healthiest form
of vegetarianism. Other forms
of vegetarianism; such as, flexivegetarian, lacto-vegetarian,
ovo-vegetarian, macrobiotic,
and raw vegan; refrain people
from more specific types of
Reasons for becoming a
vegetarian vary. They can
be because of health issues,
economical reasons, personal
reasons, or even just their animal rights beliefs.
Allie Monck, an Eighth Grade
Bengal, has been a vegetarian
since February, 2010. Monck
said, “I’m a vegetarian because
my parents decided to check
out a lot of non-fiction DVD’s
about corn and how it controls
agriculture and so one of the
videos went to a slaughter
house and after seeing how the
animals were treated, I decided
to try being a vegetarian. I had
loved animals since I was a little girl and so I decided to take
the step forward and try it.”
In February, 2012, three
percent of children between
the ages of eight and 18 were
vegetarians. A question that has
been in debate is, “Why be a
vegetarian?” Well, health-wise,
it decreases your chance of
cancer, heart disease, kidney
disease, and diabetes as well
as obesity. However, due to the
lack of available food in the
typical kitchen, it could often
lead to eating unhealthy snacks.
Also, vegetarians tend to have
an increase in stamina.
Being a vegetarian has its
downsides though. Depending
on the type of vegetarianism,
vegetarians lack calcium, iron,
protein, vitamin D, vitamin
B12, and zinc in their diet.
Many vegetarians either adapt
or take supplements to fill the
gaps in their diet.
There have been stories of
family supporting and even
joining their relative in vegetarianism and others who are
hesitant about it, but eventually adapt. Many people are
still hesitant about the idea of
no longer eating meat. Portland, Oregon is considered the
number one vegetarian city in
America based on the number
of vegetarian restaurants in the
city with Seattle, Washington
following in second.
Vegetarianism is an increasing trend that can be perfectly
healthy if handled and balances
Eat Your Veggies
Student Life
Is Compact Really Better?
By Brooke Justus
Since the beginning of time, an
inexplicable force has driven
humans to make their mark
on Earth, attempting to make
things bigger and better than
life itself. We built the Great
Wall of China, the Pyramids,
and the Golden Gate Bridge.
Recently, the items we invent
and use have become smaller
and smaller over the course of
the past couple decades. The
quest to make things changed
from bigger and over-the-top to
smaller, more compact things,
such as the microchip, compact
disk, and laptop computers.
This quick fade in the quest to
make things bigger has been
most prevalent in the past few
generations. Was it not just a
generation ago that America
was challenging itself to succeed in attempts of completing
“superhuman projects”? Large
projects such as the Apollo Missions, Interstate Highway System, and Manhattan Project are
being overlooked by the newest attempts at smaller smart
phones and miniature computers.
Robbie Randall, Technology
Education Teacher said, “It depends on the need for the device, some things are better at
accomplishing certain tasks.”
The downsizing of products
and projects has not always
been prevalent in society. Just
over sixty years ago, the first
computer easily weighed thirty
tons and was eight feet long and
three feet wide. The machine
was solely used to compute
calculations to help construct.
Now, only half a century later,
a computer can be held in the
palm of your hand and although
it’s smaller, it is several times
more powerful than the computer that sent astronauts to the
moon. Humans seem to like
the compactness of the smaller
computers because they take
less space and often have faster
processers than large desktop
While sometimes the smaller
items are the most efficient and
convenient, they are not always
the safest things for people to
use. According to the National
Cancer Institute, cell phones
have been linked to the enhancement of cancer-causing
radioactive waves emitted when
making calls. Bigger household
phones emit much less radiation, even though they are larger
than cell phones and are seemingly less convenient. In this
case, bigger is better for our
health, but not for our personal
Smaller items are also always subject to easy loss. Cell
phones, remote controls, and
hand held game devices tend to
be easily lost in couches, behind
beds, and can easily be stolen.
In contrast, items of a larger
size can usually be found much
easier and do not tend to get lost
as often.
“I personally prefer smaller
items because they are much
easier to transport. Also, I feel
that I can do more things in a
shorter amount of time and in
a more convenient way,” said
Eighth Grader Shaoyi Sheng.
There are several disadvantages of bigger items, as well
as smaller. Health, convenience, and efficiency are all factors that should be taken into
consideration when buying a
product. Larger items are less
convenient, but can be safer for
individuals to use. On the other
hand, smaller things are almost
always easier to keep with you
for personal use and often more
efficient. When purchasing
merchandise, ask yourself the
question. Is compact really better?
“All about GreatBigStuff.com.” Welcome to GreatBigStuff.com. If You
Think Big Stuff Is Fun, You’ve Come
To The Right Place! Web. 28 Mar. 2012.
“Cellular Phones.” American Cancer
Society. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. <http://
“National Cancer Institute.” Cell
Phones and Cancer Risk -. Web. 28 Mar.
(Left) Daryl Lockhart’s sixth hour
Social Studies class working on the
portable laptops. Since the laptops are
so small, they are accessible to be carried throughout the school for classes
to use.
(Right) John Foley, science teacher,
using his iPhone. iPhones are used by
many people.
Apple Company Influences
By Haeven Butler
Back in time when there weren’t
any iPhones, iPods, MacBooks,
iPads, and other technology,
people were more active.
The Apple has created many
new useful products that have
now become household items
that we us in our everyday lives.
Without Apple Products, our
businesses and everyday lives
would be totally different.
On the iPhone 4g/4gs, it organizes our device’s data by iCloud.
iCloud stores all your data on
your device and pushes them
onto all or your devices so you
can have them when you need
them when the time is needed.
When a new version is available
for all of your devices it sends
a notification and asks if you
are ready to update. Instead of
plugging your device up to your
computer it does it wirelessly.
The Apple Company has also
created Siri. Siri is a personal assistant that helps you get things
done by pressing the microphone button by simply holding
the home button down. Siri is a
voice recognition system that
can complete simple tasks like
sending messages, scheduling
meetings, placing phone calls,
and ect. With one touch of the
microphone button Siri can
complete tasks while you’re in
your busiest situations.
“I think that they are a factor in
American laziness but I think
they also help with convenience
and entertainment,” said Tayler
Banks Eighth Grader.
With technology today, consumers don’t have to research
using books, instead people are
accessing the Internet and looking up things more quickly.
The Apple Company has
brought many wonders to many
Americans today because all
Apple Products have updated
software in order to complete
a job, use apps, and purchase
“I think the Apple Company has
an effect on the American Society today because us Americans
are highly dependent on these
products to do all the work for
us and it reminds us when we
are supposed to be doing important things,” said Julia Garner
Eighth Grader.
Elementary Schools
Prepping Students
for Middle School
By Grant Holcomb
Everyone knows that the
main purposes of elementary
schools are to prepare kids for
middle school. They do more
preparation as the students get
to an older age or higher grade.
Seventh Grader Xavier Short
said, “I think that elementary
schools do a good job preparing
kids for middle school.”
Some schools do a lot better
job at preparing kids for middle
school. The learning environment has a major effect. If the
student is in a nice and relaxed
environment where they can do
their work, is where they will
have better preparation.
Seventh Grader Amber
Comley said, “It all depends
on the teacher. I think that the
teachers need to be nice for the
student to have the pleasurable
The children need to be happy or like where they are learning. That means that they are
comfortable and are happy with
what they are learning or doing.
That is a reason that the teachers need to pick a very enjoyable activity that the students
will enjoy. If the students are
enjoying what they are doing,
then they are more likely that
they are to succeed in order to
be prepared for middle school.
Seventh Grader Kirsten Devery said, “In my elementary
school we would have a switch
schedule each day. One day it
would be Gym or art and so on.”
Some kids do not have the
same ability as others to learn
the content as easily as others
do. Some schools may need to
give the kids a little bit of an
extra boost to be able to learn
the same things as the other students can. That is another factor
that elementary schools should
focus on. Some schools will let
the kids stay after school to get
help with their work.
Schools can also teach the
children to be social children. If
the schools do teach them to be
social it will be much easier for
the children to make friends not
only in middle school but also
for the rest of their lives.
It all has to do with the
school and the school’s attitude.
Some schools strive and make it
their mission to make the children prepared to go to middle
Some blue ribbon schools
such as Dixie Elementary Magnet School and Veterans Park
Elementary school.
Dixie Elementary Magnet
School strives to prepare kids
for what is ahead of them in
middle school. Dixie’s teaching
method is really unique. They
use complexes with four classes
in one large room. That way
that the students can interact
and meet each other. So that like
some schools they can make
friends that they would not normally meet in other elementary
schools in the state.
Veterans Park Elementary
School is a fairly new school
opening in 1997. Their strategies are to focus on each individual child to keep them excited and motivated and very
happy about learning.
Student Life
Telling Time
By Maliya Homer
One, two, ten, twenty, how
many watches do you own? Do
you have a watch for everyday
of the week, or one to match
every outfit? Watches come in
all sorts of shapes and sizes.
There are cheap watches and
expensive watches, some made
of plastic and some made with
precious metals and gemstones.
These days, any design, color,
make, or model, watches can
be found just about everywhere.
People use watches not only to
keep track of the time of day,
but as fashion accents as well.
About 60% of 16-34 year
olds use their phone as their
primary time piece. There are
not many people in the United
States who wear watches compared to the people who don’t
wear them. It has been said
that digital watches are worn
more and they’re more popular,
but that’s not necessarily true.
While digital time is easier to
read, there is something about
the way an analog clock keeps
time. This can also be another
way for watch designers to set
their product apart from the
others. They can use different
types and sizes of numbers and
some even add separate dials to
measure seconds, to be used as
timers, or even as stopwatches.
The delicate parts of an analog
clock can provide for a very
fashionable addition to the basic watch.
Trendy watches for men and
women are watches that are
particularly cool and they’re a
great way to add style and personality to your evening and
weekend outfit because watches
are known as fashion statements. Watches were first made
in 1504 by Peter Henlein in
Nuremburg, Germany. In 1656
the pendulum was invented to
make watches more accurate
and more in style.
The first wrist watch that
was reported worn on the wrist
was in 1623, but pocket watches were popular especially with
men well before that. There
are two basic types of watches.
Analog and Digital. All watches are based off of these two
types of watches.
Sixth grader Madison Ludwig said “they’re there when
you need them but, I like digital
watches better because they’re
easier to read.”
Telling time is a very important skill. It will help you
throughout your lifetime and it
plays an important role in your
education so it something that
most people need to learn in
their early years so be able to
understand how it works later
The trickiest thing about
analog watches is that they are
powered by these mechanical
hands that spin around on a dial
and the longer hand stands for
minutes and the shorter hand
stands for hours.
A watch is essentially just
a clock that can be put in your
pocket or can be worn on your
wrist. Clocks and watches do
a lot more things now then just
tell time. Digital watches are an
important piece of technology
because they allow you to keep
a portable measure of time and
they’re not that hard to read.
Abruptly in the 70s and the
80s, it was known as the digital
era. Though the truth is analog
watches are more traditional
than the digital watches.
Wrist watches are a mixed
microchip technology that is
used to help tell time. Watches
are valuable and successful
auction items and they’ve been
since that 18th and the 19th centuries
t o d a y. y o u g o v. c o m /
www.shoebuy.com › Watches
A Sports Reflection
from the Year
By Chelsea Kidd
We all know how
great LTMS’s academics are,
but that’s not all we’ve got. We
have some of the best athletes
in the county. Both our football
and basketball teams made it
to the Championship this year.
And both teams are coached
by Tyrone Johnson, and both
teams he did very well with
But, Coach Johnson wasn’t the
only pleased with this year’s
The LTMS football team
was 10-3 this year. This year’s
football team was one of the
best that LTMS has seen in the
past few years. With our huge
win streak and our chance to go
to the Championship.
“This year’s football team
was overall hard working, and
we put everything into getting
to the Championship. I’m proud
to be a part of such a great team”
says eighth grader, Devon Key.
The LTMS basketball team was
11-2 this year, and just like the
football team, they also made
it to the Championship and
worked extremely hard.
“I feel like the best thing
about his year’s basketball team
was that we
had five 8th graders that really
pulled together and took control
of the team” says eighth grader,
Leander Ridgeway. Over all,
LTMS had a great year with
every athletic team; including
the volleyball, cheerleading,
dance, flag, rifle, hip-hop, and
step teams.
This year was the first year
that LTMS had a rifle team,
and the second year with a flag
LTMS is the only middle in
Fayette County to have a rifle
and flag team. Both teams went
to the Fayette County Showcase
in February and got 1st place.
The cheerleading team
placed 3rd, the dance team
placed 4th, the step team placed
second, and our hip-hop team
placed third.
Overall, LTMS has had a
great year with activities.
College vs. Pro Basketball
By Marcus Hodge
Sports fans have been
arguing about this topic for
years. Some might say that the
NBA is full of a bunch of players who only care about money.
Others might say that college
sports are full of a bunch of
amateurs. The debate is on
about which is better, pro basketball or college basketball.
Everyone has their own opinions and there isn’t one right
or wrong overall answer but
every person I asked said that
college is better; but maybe this
statement may be bias due to
the fact that Kentucky does not
have a Pro basketball team or
maybe we are finally coming to
a conclusion.
The rules of the NBA
are very different from college
ball. First the three point line in
the NBA is 23 feet and 9 inches
and 22 feet from the corners
away from the basket while
in college it is 19 feet and 9
inches away from the basket.
Another thing that is different
is that in college is the shot
clock. In the NBA, the shot
clock is set to 24 seconds while
in college the shot clock is 35
seconds. There are many more
different rules like the amount
of fouls you can get before you
foul out which is five for college and six for the NBA. But
one of the biggest differences
is the game clock. In the NBA,
teams play four 12 minute
quarters while in college they
play two 20 minute halves.
Even though the
rules are different, that doesn’t
make one better than the other.
Bryce Vaughn said the “The
NBA is more of a show while
in college you have more
teams and the player represent
their school”. According to
Foxnews, The average NBA
player makes about 8 million
dollars a year. If you made a
guaranteed 8 million dollars
a year and you couldn’t get
fired would you take your job
seriously? Most people would
probably not put in 100% effort
each day. In college basketball
you legally can’t get paid so
you choose the school you represent, you are trying to get to
the next level. That is another
thing, when you’re playing
College Basketball you are trying to make it to the pros while
in the NBA you’re already at
the top level so you probably
won’t play as hard every game.
In college, every game of those
27 regular season games count.
In conclusion, it is
obvious most people might
think the College Basketball
hype just isn’t there in the
NBA. With die-hard fans, great
coaches, and players who are
actually trying college ball
takes the cake in this face off.
Do the Taco Twist:
The Local Taco
By Ally K Grzywacz
The “local” is from the use
of completely local and fresh
ingredients. The “taco” is the
form of food served. But this
is not your ordinary taco joint.
Ever had a Southern taco with
Buttermilk Fried Chicken? Or
a Korean Barbecue taco? With
menu options like these, this
cannot possibly be your average taco eatery.
Located on 315 South Limestone, you would never know
that this house-like building
was actually a well-known
restaurant. The food here is
delicious. They make the taco
shells fresh as soon as you
order. The queso is creamy.
But the tacos are a bit unusual. Take the Korean Barbecue taco, for example. It has
chicken in a spicy-sweet Asian
sauce. It also comes with Asian
coleslaw (coleslaw with Asian
spices and sesame seeds). It has
green onions, cilantro, and sesame seeds covering the entire
taco. The Tequila Chicken taco
has grilled chicken with toma-
toes with a spicy Verde sauce
with tomatoes in it poured over
top. It comes with a lime on the
side, in order to add the additional sourness. You can order
all of the tacos “bang-bang”,
which means spicy.
I would give The Local Taco
a four out of five star rating. Even though the serving
sizes are on the small side, it
is plenty of food and the prices
are quite reasonable. The arrangement of the food made it
look like a five star restaurant.
This is a great restaurant for
any family, even those with
picky eaters. It is fast, about
half an hour from when you
order until you leave. I would
recommend this place to any
one and every one. In fact, it
is my new favorite taco place.
The food, service, and the
atmosphere were great.
Phone Number: (859)523-3700
Hours: Monday – Thursday:
– Saturday: 11:00amMidnight:Sunday: 11:00am9:00pm
Technology Ruling Our Lives
By Corrine Thomas
Do students ever truly realize
how much the internet affects
their daily life? Have you ever
thought about how much you
use your devices, such as computers, cell phones, iPods, TVs,
etc.? When it comes down to
it, most people can’t imagine
living without technology.
“It influences us in a lot of
ways because we use them so
often. I also get a lot of information through the internet,
because I can use it for homework or even if I just need to
use it to look up a simple fact.
Also, the internet is now available on phones, so we can be
more connected every day, all
the time,” said seventh grader,
Elise Partain.
Have you ever noticed how
people are more likely to say
rude things over messaging
because they aren’t talking to
someone face-to-face? Studies
have shown that people feel
more confident or brave when
they are not directly talking to
someone because when you are
not looking someone directly
in the eyes, the awkwardness of
the situation seems to disappear. For example, if someone
was being rude to you and you
wanted to confront them, most
people would not walk up to
the person and just ask them
about it. Most people would
send the person a message
through texting or Facebook.
This shows how people are
becoming more prone to using
technology to deal with their
problems. If people get more
used to using technology to
deal with their problems, then
that increases the risk of cyber
bullying. Studies have shown
that 10% of children in 7-9
grade are victims of cyber
bullying. People handle cyber
more seriously than conventional bullying (conventional
bullying is when someone sees
someone else and bullies them,
in other words, face-to-face)
because more damage can be
done to a person who is cyber
bullied. More people cyber
bully because it is easier for
someone to bully someone
else online since they can do it
anonymously and say anything
else they want without being
found out as easily.
Cheyenne Daily, eighth grader,
said, “I think cyber bullying is
childish and pathetic because if
you cyber bully someone, you
are basically saying that you
are insecure about yourself.”
Since we use technology so
often, it is very easy to become addicted. Statistics show
that Americans spend around
22.5% of their time on social
networking sites. Statistics also
show that 1 in 4 people spend
more time on the internet than
sleeping; 51% suffer from
e-anxiety which occurs when a
person is unable to check their
favorite networking sight for a
given amount of time.
When people become addicted to something, they forget
about other things in their life;
in this case, family, friends,
and school. In May, 2011,
scientists did an experiment
to see how much time people
spend online. The scientists
experimented on 140,336,000
Facebook users and at the end
of May, the amount of time
those 140,336,000 Facebook
users spent on Facebook was
53.5 billion minutes. When
you divide 53.5 billion by
140,336,000 Facebook users
then divide that by the 31 days
in May, that’s roughly 12.3
minutes per person, per day.
“I spent almost all the time
I can on the Internet,” said
eighth grader, Kelly Sams.
Even though devices are a
great thing to have, we have
to remember not to use them
wrongly. It is fine to be on
social networking sites and
other sites because they are
great ways of communication,
but we should not become addicted, or use them for wrongdoing.
Eighth grader, Patrick
O’Doherty said, “I usually
spend one to two hours daily
on a computer, and I’m either
on YouTube or Facebook.”
Seventh Graders Megan Martin and
Maxwell Nagle discuss repairs in
Floracliff Nature Sanctuary
By Emily Liu
At LTMS, it is customary to
learn and teach in a classroom,
through lectures, notes, worksheets, and educational videos.
While this type of learning is
just as effective as the next,
a new kind of way to take in
knowledge has come into play:
Hands-On Learning, which is
just what the Floracliff Nature
Sanctuary specializes in.
The Floracliff Nature Sanctuary is the first Kentucky State
Nature Preserve in Fayette
County, and was founded by
Professor Mary Wharton, who
donated Floracliff and left
behind a non-profit foundation governed by a Board of
Directors. Wharton first started
buying the first of the 287-acre
land area in 1958, and Floracliff is now a prosperous nature
preserve that could enhance the
learning of students in Lexington, by their special programs,
workshops, and events.
Because of the fragile habitats,
steep terrains, and potentially
dangerous waterfalls, Floracliff
is not open to daily visitation.
Any form of visitation must
be reserved with appointments, and groups cannot go
beyond 15 people. Even so,
Floracliff provides a variety of
events such as bird-watching,
wildflower hikes, Herpetology, Pollinators, and Shades of
Spring. Elise Partain, Seventh
Grade Wildcat, participated in
one of the Wildflower Hikes
along with a fellow classmate,
with Botanist, Tara Littlefield,
leading the hike.
“ I really enjoyed the hike,
especially since I learned so
much and got to get familiar
with Elk Lick Creek [a tributary of the Kentucky River],
said Partain, “When we finally
got back up the trail again, I
was shocked to see that three
hours had passed!”
While Floracliff has hiking
events, which usually take
place every Saturday, Floracliff
also offers educational workshops, for people who are interested in learning more about
the different types of plants and
flowers. A new workshop series
Floracliff is showcasing are the
Floracliff Field Studies. While
the workshops with be open
to anyone, Floracliff Directors
believe they will especially
interest students who enjoy
Biology or Botany.
Another offer Floracliff
provides is private tours. Any
groups below 15 people are
welcome to go and learn about
the wildlife plants and flowers,
their names, what they’re used
for, where they’re found, when
they tend to bloom, and more.
LTMS could send groups such
as science students who are
interested, clubs, sports teams,
extracurricular activities, or
students from the yearbook or
newspaper who would want
to take pictures of the nature
for LTMS, to Floracliff for a
special, hands-on education
“By the end of the hike, I
knew all about Bloodroots,
Jacob’s Ladders, Mayapples,
and Buttercups than I ever had
before! Yet, not only do I know
these beautiful flowers, but I
also learned about medicinal
herbs and poisonous plants,”
said Partain, “I will definitely
find another opportunity to go
again, and next time, with more
All in all, Floracliff Nature
Sanctuary provides a compelling yet wonderful educational
experience, and best of all,
its right here, in our home of
I Scream, You Scream, We
All Scream for Ice Cream
By Aliya Cox
Don’t you love the sound of
that? Well I do, especially on a
hot summer day! More importantly, what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Ice cream is made in various
flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Lots of
people have a say in what type
of ice cream they think is the
best. Chocolate is a really popular flavor to choose from.
Ice cream has been around for
a while, and has been very successful. Ice cream as a dairy
delight was probably “discovered” in the 1600’s. The stillfor-the-rich “iced creams” were
widely known in the 18th century on both sides of the Atlantic
Ocean. In 1843, Nancy Johnson
developed the first hand-crank
ice cream maker, and despite
what have been read elsewhere,
received a patent for it. At first,
ice cream was mainly a treat for
the rich and the royal. Before
refrigeration, ice was rare and
expensive. Making ice cream
also took hours, so it helped to
have servants who could do it.
With the rise of factories in
the 1800s, ice cream became a
mass-produced treat. By 1900,
almost anyone could afford
it. After the dessert was imported to the United States, it
was served by several famous
Americans. George Washington
and Thomas Jefferson served it
to their guests.
One of the most popular flavors
of ice cream is vanilla. The ingredients involved in this recipe
2 cups of half-and-half
1 cup of whipping cream
1 cup (minus 2 tablespoons) of
2 tablespoons peach preserves
(not jelly)
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
Instructions to Make Vanilla Ice
Combine all ingredients in a
large saucepan and place over
medium heat. Attach a frying
thermometer to inside of pan.
Stirring occasionally, bring the
mixture to 170 degrees Farenheit. Remove from heat and
allow to cool slightly. Remove
the hull of the vanilla bean, pour
mixture into lidded container
and refrigerate mixture overnight.
Freeze mixture in ice cream
freezer according to unit’s instructions. Once the volume has
increased by 1/2 to 3/4 times,
and reached a soft serve texture,
spoon the mixture back into a
lidded container and harden in
the freezer at least one hour before serving.
Interesting facts
The United States produces 1.6 billion gallons of frozen desserts annually
Export about 40 million gallons on ice cream to
other countries
Each year, Americans
spend almost $20 billion on ice
cream and other frozen desserts.
foodrelatedinventions/a/ice cream.htm
By Irena Antic
Nail polish is an unusual
product. People have used it
for centuries, but do they really know what nail polish is?
Nail polish is lacquer that is put
on finger nails. Here are some
very important statistics on the
cautions of nail polish. Never
inhale nail polish fumes or put
any of the liquids inside the
body. Also, put nail polish only
on your nails.
Nail polish all started about
5,000 years ago were it was
invented by the Chinese they
used the colors red and black
but today’s nail polish was invented in the 20th century. Different methods of using nail
polish have been documented
throughout history. The very
wealthy Egyptians would dip
there finger nails in orange
henna. Henna is used mostly
in Asian countries but people
all over the world use it to. .The
Incas were also one of the first
to use something very similar
to nail polish they would draw
eagles on their finger nails. By
the 19th century there were
cook books that had recipes
for making nail polish. Nail
polish around the 19th century
was also called nail paints and
not nail polish, although there
Nail Polish
is no difference between nail
paints and nail polish they just
have different names. When
the recipes started to be in cook
books women started to want to
paint there nails shiny or a light
colors. This all led to the popularity of nail polish today.
There is not a specific ingredient for nail polish. The
basic ingredients that are put in
nail polishes are film forming
agents, plasticizers, solvents,
and coloring agents. The exact
and main part of the ingredients
to nail polish is held secretly by
the companies. The most valuable ingredients also depend
on the chemists and chemistry
engineers who are making this
product. There is one last ingredient that is the most important
and very special which is nitrocellulose compounds. You are
probably asking yourself why
is nitrocellulose so special that
is because this ingredient is not
only used in nail polish it is also
used in daynimite.
What’s in Style?
The new styles right now are
light colors. Such as baby blue,
light purple and light aqua.
Those colors are some of the
most popular colors right now
worn my celebrities and fashion
designers. The one color that is
always in style is bright red that
color is the signature color for
nail polish. There are also the
very flashy colors that are in
style like gold or sparkles.
The Nail Polish debate
There has been a large debate on the effects of nail polish. Research has found that
there are links to cancer in
lab animals due to nail polish.
There has also been a very big
debate on the workers that work
in the nail salons that inhale all
of the bad fumes. They are not
just inhaling these bad fumes
they are also in the environment
of very bad and unknown levels
of toxins.
Kaityln Clark said “I think
it is very unhealthy for workers.
They need to create a healthy
way that is not hazardous to
the workers and environment.”
This debate is all based on the
DBP which stands for dibutyl
He Talks For the Trees
By Beccah Camuglia
“Unless someone like you
cares a whole awful lot, it’s
not going to get better. It’s
-Dr. Seuss
The Lorax came out on 3/2/12.
The movie was based on the
book The Lorax, written by
Dr. Seuss. The movie’s key
characters were, Todd, Mom,
Grandma, and Audrey. Todd
(Zac Effron) is a day dreamy
middle school boy his is
always drooling over his crush
Audrey (Taylor Swift), who
fantasizes over seeing a real
tree in a cookie cutter society where even grass is fake.
Todd’s Grandma (Betty White)
tells him about a man who
knew how to grow a tree, but
a higher authority sees this as
a threat.
This story of romance, rebellion, and adventure, is great to
watch with the family. Some
parts can be a little cheesy, but
overall the story was cute and
teaches kids how taking care
of the environment is important. Although it didn’t seem to
keep entirely true to the book,
I think that Dr. Seuss would be
I recommend this movie for
families, and true Dr. Seuss
fans. I would rate this movie
three and a half paws out of
“The Lorax” can still be
viewed at Lexington Green 8
and Regal Hamburg Pavillon.
The Lift Conference
Don’Kebreon Thurman
The Lift Conference stands
for “leading and impacting futures today”. They have an annual event each year at Transylvania College which I attended
for the first time this year on
the date of March 10, 2012. It
was a great and awesome experience but also not only that
it is provides great opportunity
to get your questions answered
about your nervousness and excitements about high school and
college and even further on in
life. They gave you backpacks
with things that you might need
for high schools and even further on in life such as college
and it was absolutely phenomenal.
“I had lots of fun with my
friends but I also learned great
amounts of new things in life
and what I should expect for the
following years to come,” said
Bryce Thurman Seventh Grade
CoolCat student.
I also agree with what Bryce
Thurman said because I had
so much fun but it was also
phenomenally a great learning experience if you consider
yourself an opportunist because
I for sure know that I am and
will continue to be further on
in life. If you are an opportunist
than you keep your eyes on the
prize and when you have your
mind set on something then you
should continue on the right
path to pursue your dreams and
make a successful person out of
You should find yourself at
the Lift Conference next year
to get your questions answered.
On their experiences on high
schools should go. First, it is all
free and they feed you breakfast
and they also feed you lunch.
You get your exercise in from
walking around the campus and
back and forth across the street.
Go to the Lift conference at
least you will see one familiar
face, me because I’ll definitely
be there.
The Price of Beauty
By Laura Rogers
Each day consumers reach
for shampoo and conditioner,
deodorant, moisturizer, and
powder. Consumers apply
blush, eye shadow, mascara,
and lipstick, then maybe dab on
nail polish and perfume. COnsumers expose themselves to
200 different chemicals. Did
you know that less than a fifth
of chemicals in cosmetics have
been approved by the Federal
Drug Administration? The FDA
also can’t require cosmetic companies to conduct safety assessments. Chemicals such as formaldehyde, otherwise known
as embalming fluid, have been
found in many cosmetics such
as foundation and lotion. An
investigation by the Chicago
Tribune found that some skin
creams that reduce wrinkles,
pimples, and dark spots had
dangerous levels of mercury
in them and could cause major
liver and kidney damage. The
Food and Drug Administration
banned mercury in skin-bleaching or lightening products in
1990, but the agency rarely tests
the products to see if consumers are at risk. Some chemicals
found: Carbolic Acid, Iodine,
Mercury, and Sodium Chloride.
Caution: Cool Tar Colors:
Found in make-up and hair-dye.
Some of the colors are found to
be acidic, and have been shown
to cause cancer.
One of the sources claimed
these products may be harmful:
brand makeup products
L.A. Colors (trademark)
brand makeup products
Revlon (trademark) Foundation
Cover girl (trademark)
‘Clean’ makeup products contain harsh chemicals
New York Color (trademark)
mediocre products
M.A.C (trademark) No U.V
ray protection, Unknown skin
m e d i u m = P P C & u t m _
Bullying: How it Happens?
By Kennedy Raglin
Bullying should be stopped because it is a major problem in
the U.S. People bully for different reasons, those reasons are
because they have been picked
on, to take their anger out, jealousy, and to show how tough
they are. There are many types
of bullying and those are cyber
bully, verbal bullying, physical
bullying, and indirect bullying.
Bullying can cause people to
feel bad about themselves.
Cyber bullying is when people
bully over the Internet, this
mainly happens because of
pictures and statuses that are
being posted. This usually happens on Facebook, Twitter, and
other social networking sites.
Cyber bullying is when people
threaten or embarrass another
person. When you get caught
cyber bullying you can lose
access to your website or get in
Verbal bullying is bullying
with your mouth. When people
verbal bully is often happens at
Kaylah Rodriguez states “I
think bullying is a bad thing for
When people verbal bully it
can cause arguments or conflicts. When verbal bullying
happens it can lead to bigger
Physical bullying is when
someone uses their hands or
feet to hit or kick other people.
Physical bullying leads to
fights. When this happens it
can get people in trouble and
also hurt people. Physical
bullying is the worst type of
bullying. When people gang up
on someone it is also a type of
physical bullying.
Indirect bullying is when someone spreads rumors or when
someone tells something that
isn’t supposed to be told. This
happens a lot between teenagers most of the time the stuff
that is being said to other people is not true. When you tell
someone a secret or something
you don’t want to be repeated
to another person is an example
of indirect bullying.
Bullying should be solved
because it puts a lot of people
down and makes people care
less about themselves.
Band Director Pat Price and Dean of Students Eddie Clement prepare and set-up equipment for BlackCat Factor Rehearsal.
The student talent show finalists performed for the school the Friday before Spring Break.
Hiles, Bailey, Co-Editor, Cats’
Post Newspaper
Nontapan, Ploy, Co-Editor,
Cats’ Post newspaper
Mobley, Evan, Student Publications Copy Editor
Rogers, Laura, Student Publications Photo Editor
Nguyen, Ashley, Student Publications Copy Editor
and Photo
Antic, Irena
Arreola, Karen
Bensberg, Alexis
Black, Blaine
Brown, Mitchell
Butler, Haeven
Cox, Aliya
Denson, Bridget
Dragoo, Haley
Gerton, Dejah
Gray, Akeyah
Grzywacz, Ally
Fitch, Cooper
Hamilton, Drew
Hodge, Marcus
Holcomb, Grant
Huff, Ashley
Jackson Jr., Rodney
Jackson, Jordyn
Johns, Dallas C
Kidd, Chelsea
Liu, Emily
Logan, Joseph
Raglin, Kennedy
Rose, Olivia
Shelby, Lishaun
Sprague, Kyle
Thomas, Corrine
Thomas, Courtney
Thurman, Don Don
Tovar, Kaleo
Tuz, Orest
Vessels, Laura