to Prayer and Fasting booklet for December 2014


to Prayer and Fasting booklet for December 2014
december 2014 fasting & prayer
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december 2014 fasting & prayer
Kingsway International Christian
Centre believes in fasting.
In both the Old and New
Testaments we see a scriptural
basis for fasting.
(a) Moses fasted and brought
deliverance to Israel.
(b) David fasted in repentance
before God when he committed
the sin of adultery.
(c) Daniel fasted to receive
revelation from God.
(b) An individual can break their
fast at any time during the day
providing they feel they have
prayed sufficiently.
(c) If an individual is on
medication or is pregnant, we
advise that they seek medical
counsel before fasting.
(d) In cases of fasting for more
than a half day, it is advisable
to drink plenty of fluid, for
example water.
(e) Children under the age
of 16 are not advised to go
on long periods of fasting
without parental consent and
The length of your fast should
be determined by what you
desire to receive and what the
need is. It is important to fast
until you truly feel that what you
have made a sacrifice for, as you
wait on God, has been achieved.
It is not advisable to fast for
long periods without having
prepared the body first.
It is possible for the body to go
without food but not without
water for long periods of time.
(d) Elijah fasted and
experienced great anointing.
(a) Jesus fasted when He was on
earth and so did His disciples.
(b) Church history reveals that
fasting was practiced through
the church ages and in the days
of restoration. Accounts show
that Luther, Calvin and Knox all
fasted regularly.
Whilst as a Church we believe in
fasting, before anyone embarks
on a period of abstinence
from food the following
important guidelines should be
(a) Fasting for a long period of
time like 30 or 60 days does not
mean abstinence from food for
the whole period.
It is important to consider these
helpful guidelines to support
long periods of fasting before
embarking on abstinence:
(a) Purity of speech and living
is crucial during a period of
• Ephesians 4:29
• Colossians 3:8
• I Peter 3:10-12
• Romans 12:2
• I Peter 1:14-15
(b) Fasting should be conducted
with a heart of compassion.
The heart of compassion is
reflected in distributing the
saved food to the needy and less
fortunate. Going back to eat all
the saved food during fasting
not only negates the purpose of
fasting but also suggests that no
discipline was achieved during
the period of fasting. As a result,
the human body can increase
in size.
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It is extremely important that
you talk to your doctor before
engaging in fasting that requires
more than 24 hours to avoid the
Lord’s name being brought into
1. Fasting should be carried out
with a heart of compassion:
• Isaiah 58:7b, c
2. Saved food during a period
of fasting should be distributed
or its money equivalent given to
the needy and less fortunate:
• Isaiah 58:7a
3. Fasting should be for a set
• Esther 4:16
• I Chronicles 10:12
• Matthew 4:2
The length of your fast should
be determined by what you
desire to receive and what the
need is.
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4. Professional medical advice
is needed for fasting that
requires more than 24 hours so
that the name of the Lord is not
brought into disrepute:
• I Corinthians 14:20
DECEMBER 1st - 7th
(7 Days)
• Anointing, presence &
• The Word of God
• Pulling down the walls
• Revival
• Protection
• Salvation and increase of
• Unity
• Pulling down strongholds
and the spirit of sabotage
DECEMBER 8th – 14th
(7 DAYS)
• Families
• Finances
• Future
• Faith
• Prosperity
• Change
• Wisdom
• Knowledge
• Divine Acceleration
• Abundance
• Spirit of delay
• Worry free living
• Overcoming impossible
DECEMBER 15th – 21st
(7 Days)
• Confidence
• Conquering your thought
• Consecration
• Deliverance from all
• Facing the challenges of
• Overcoming Indebtedness
• Possessing the future
• Power
Prayer for all round
Praying for divine ideas
DECEMBER 22nd 28th
(7 Days)
• Bareness
• Health & divine healing
• Fruitfulness
• Restoration
DECEMBER 29th – 31st
(3 Days)
• War against territorial
• Walking in Victory
• Walking in Obedience
• Walking in Love
• Prayer for the New Year
All prayer points and
references are taken from
books by Pastor Matthew
• The Power of Positive
Prayer Bible
• Prayer Power
• The Power of Positive
Prayer (Volume 2)
• The Power of Positive
Prayer (Volume 3)
• The Power of Positive
DECEMBER 1st – 7th
• Hebrews 1:9
• Isaiah 61: 1-3
• Exodus 33:18
Pray in the name of Jesus for
God’s divine approval upon your
Pray that the anointing of God
will make a difference in your
life and ministry.
Thank the Lord for anointing
and clothing with power His
Word that comes from you.
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Pray for a hunger and thirst for
the deeper things of God.
Pray for the anointing to operate
beyond human expectations.
Pray for the anointing that will
make you a commander in the
things of the Spirit.
Pray for the anointing to walk in
the holiness and power of God.
Pray for the anointing that
brings joy.
Pray that God will clothe our
Senior Pastor with a double
portion of His anointing.
Pray for the anointing that will
make you a terror to Satan’s
Pray that the whole earth shall
be filled with the knowledge of
God and His glory.
Pray in the name of Jesus for
the anointing to turn back the
onslaught from the enemy.
Pray in the name of Jesus for
the anointing to face battles
confronting you.
Thank the Lord for His divine
enabling ability.
Acts 12:24
Acts 19:20
Romans 10:17
Colossians 3:16
Thank the Lord for leading you
to Himself to receive the Word
of life.
Thank God for the comfort that
the Word of God brings in the
midst of setbacks.
Pray that the effects of the Word
of God will be multiplied.
Pray that prevailing power will
accompany the Word of God.
Speak the Word of the Lord to
problems in your inner life and
command they change.
Pray that the boundaries for the
spread of the Word of God from
KICC will be expanded.
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Thank the Lord for committing
the Word of reconciliation to us.
The Word of Faith is in your
mouth. Speak to the mountain
you are facing.
Give God glory because heaven
and earth may pass away but His
Word will not go unfulfilled.
• Isaiah 60:18
• Jeremiah 51:58
• Zechariah 2:4
• Hebrews 11:30
Pray and pull down:
Walls of Limitation
Walls of Opposition
Walls of Restriction
Walls of Strangulation
Walls of Containment
Walls of Repression
Walls of Oppression
• Hosea 10:12
• 1 Corinthians 2:4
• Mark 16: 17-18
• Acts 5:12
Thank the Lord for visiting the
sons of men through His Son
Jesus Christ.
Ask the Lord manifestation of
His power in your church.
Pray for unmistakable signs and
wonders in our midst.
Pray for increased hunger and
thirst for the Word.
Pray for open heavens over all
Ministries in the church.
Thank the Lord for the
enlargement of your vision.
Cry for the nation. Pray that the
spirit of apostasy be destroyed.
Ask the Lord to make this your
year of open heaven.
Pray for the demonstration of
God’s Spirit and power.
Ask the Lord for increase in the
flow of supernatural gifts of the
Spirit this year.
Psalm 91:10-11
Psalm 125:2
Isaiah 43:2
Luke 21:18
Pray to release warrior angels
around your home and all that
belong to you.
Pray that the Lord will build a
wall of fire around your home.
Pray that God will scatter every
intention of the evil one.
Confess that you will rise above
every type of the problem that
rises against you.
Pray that the Lord will give you
all around peace and make you
dwell in safety.
Pray that there will be release
in the cloud of God’s glory to
hover over KICC.
Take authority over every
demonic dreams and agents
of Satan attacking you in your
Reject every feeling of fear and
take authority over the spirit of
fear and loosen its grip on your
• Acts 16: 30-32
• Romans 1:16
• Philippians 2:12
Break the spirit of pride and
ignorance holding your friends
in unbelief.
Hold on to the promise that your
children shall find compassion
in Christ.
Pray for confidence and
boldness to share the gospel of
Jesus Christ with people.
Thank the Lord for breaking the
barrier between Him and us.
Pray that the fear of God will
be released into the hearts of
men so that they will pursue
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Pray that increased miracles
and anointing of souls will
flow in KICC and the United
Pray that members of your
household will come to know
the Lord.
Psalms 133:1,
Amos 3:3
Ephesians 4:32
Bind the spirit of disunity and
betrayal from infiltrating your
Cast out every spirit of
deception from your local
church in Jesus name.
Take authority over the spirit of
disunity and betrayal to break
its hold in the name of Jesus.
Pray that every seed of discord
in our midst will be uprooted.
Break every generational
connection between you and the
Thank the Lord for exposing all
Pray that the agreement of
evildoers against you and our
Church shall be confused.
Give God praise because your
body is the temple of His Spirit.
Thank the Lord because unto
Him shall be the gathering of
His people.
• 2 Corinthians 10:3
• Isaiah 2:11-12
• Jeremiah 18:6-7
• Jeremiah 1:10
• Isaiah 13:11
• Isaiah 44:24-25
• Psalms 4:2
Come against every image of
failure that Satan is trying to
paint about your life.
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Ask God to permanently silence
every tongue contrary to your
Cast out every demonic force
that may be operating against
your life.
Command every satanic
embargo on your goodness and
prosperity to be scattered.
Pray that every evil imagination
against you will experience
woeful failure in Jesus’ name.
Exercise authority through the
Holy Spirit to destroy the works
of the devil.
Pray that every weapon
fashioned against you; verbal,
written or otherwise, will fail.
Bless the name of Jesus because
He places you above the power
of the enemy. Declare that
God will destroy every ungodly
imagination intended for your
Ask the Lord to open your
eyes to see every evil plan of
the enemy being cooked up in
secret places.
Come against any satanic
opposition in the name of the
Renounce your covenant with
every ungodly spirit, Beelzebub,
Jezebel or ancestral spirit in the
name of Jesus.
Boldly confess that you shall not
be held in bondage to the spirit
of fear.
Send the fire of God against
anything that turns the glory of
God in your life to shame.
Release the fire of God against
those who want to nullify good
things in your life.
Confess your freedom from
every stronghold of the enemy
in the name of the Jesus.
Begin to release the favour of
blessing and goodness of the
Lord that has been tied down by
the spirit of wickedness.
Unite the cords in Jesus’ name
that Satan has woven around
people in your ministry.
Take authority over the enemy
who has confiscated your
blessings and begin to take
them back in the name of the
Pray that the Lord will frustrate
the counsel of those who
perpetrate evil.
Uproot everything in the name
of Jesus that is planted in your
marriage by the enemy.
Come against every attempt of
the devil to distort the gospel in
your city.
DECEMBER 8th – 14st
• Genesis 18:19
• Psalm 127:1-3
• Psalm 128:3;
• Proverbs 18:22;
• Ephesians 5:29 & 32
• Proverbs 22:15
Exercise dominion over every
spirit that tries to break the
peace of God in your home.
Prophecy daily into your life
that your children shall be like
olive trees around your house.
Pray to receive divine healing
in the Name of the Lord for all
kinds of complications.
Declare that negative words
from experts will be turned into
lies by miracles that God brings.
Ask the Lord to bring Godly
satisfaction in name of Jesus into
your marriage.
Pray that unsaved children of
Christian parents will know the
Take authority in Jesus’ name
over every form of teenage
Repent and break the hold of
the curse of bestiality in your
life and family.
Prophecy success,
breakthrough and favour into
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the lives of all of your family
Pray that God’s divine order will
take over in your marriage.
Confess by faith that your
unsaved spouse will come to
know the Lord.
Decree that your home will be
a healing and miracle centre for
all those who come in.
Speak the blessings of the Lord
on all your children and future
Give God praise for His
faithfulness in providing for your
Pray that God will make your
children a testimony of honour,
wisdom and grace as single
Pray that you will approach
marriage as a thing of honour.
Commit your ways to the Lord
asking Him to perfect all that
concerns your marriage.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will
lead you to meet the helper
suitable for your life.
Destroy the impact in Jesus’
name of ungodly competition
between you and your spouse.
Pray that God will guide your
steps so you won’t marry one
who will hurt your destiny.
Ask the Lord for the grace to
live in purity.
Pray that a man will come into
your life who is full of vision and
concern for lost souls.
Possess the future of your
children by prophesying
blessings into their future.
Genesis 26:12
Deuteronomy 8:18
Job 42:12
Psalms 35:27
Philippians 4:19
Thank the Lord because He will
make you a lender and not a
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Pray that you will be a lender
and not a borrower.
Pray that you will be used by
God to sponsor the things of the
Pray for the faith and the
confidence to trust in the Lord’s
ability to supply all your needs.
Confess that the favour of the
Lord will make you a lender not
a borrower.
Pray that the Lord will give
you a giver’s heart so that you
may increase according to His
Prophecy great measures of
favour, blessing and increase
into your life.
Prophecy an overflow of
blessing into your life.
Repent of materialism that has
manifested in those who have
withheld what they should have
given to God.
Pray to break the cycle of
poverty and confess that your
soul shall be satisfied.
Take authority over every kind
of devourer the enemy is using
in your finances.
Thank the Lord because He
will use you to establish His
• Matthew 6:30
• Romans 8:28
• Philippians 1:6
Ask the Lord that your striving
ceases and you to obtain a
Give God the glory for leading
you this far in your Christian
Thank God for His promise to
give you a future and a hope.
Possess the future for your
children by prophesying
blessings into their future.
Pray that you will accomplish
the vision you have started.
Take authority over negativity
in your life that want to cloud
your future.
Pronounce the blessings of the
Lord in the future of everything
that has to do with your life.
Confess daily that the Lord is
your shepherd and you will not
miss God’s will or blessings for
your life.
Build a hedge in the name of
Jesus of protection around your
Reject and refuse every
programme, vision and task that
is not God’s calling for your life.
2 Corinthians 5:7
Romans 10:17
1 John 5:4
Jude 20
Thank the Lord for filling
you with the kind of faith that
overcomes the world.
Stand earnestly against
everything that does not affirm
your walk of faith.
Confess that the word of God
will work for you.
Take authority over fear and
break its hold over your life.
Ask the Lord to help you so you
can hold on to your confession
of faith.
Begin to speak your desire,
believing that it shall come to
• Genesis 26:1-12
• 3 John 2
• Job 36:11
• Psalm 35:27
Job 14:14,
Malachi 3:6
1 Chronicles 4:10
Prophecy change to every
prevailing circumstance that you
are facing.
Pray that God’s Word in your
life will bring change and total
Pull down every stronghold
of the mind and every form
of imagination that prevails
to contradict the message of
Refuse any condemnation that
the enemy tries to use to bind
you to the past.
Ask for grace to put the fleshly
desires in you under the control
of the Holy Spirit.
Pray that you will only do the
perfect will of God.
Thank the Lord for the light of
the Word enlightening your path
from day to day in the name of
Confess that contrary to what
you see, God’s Word says
you will be prosperous and
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Prophecy that prosperity will
be noticeable in your home.
Pray that seasons of harvest will
not cease in your life.
Declare by faith that you will
not struggle but be prosperous
for the rest of your life.
Decree the blessings of God
over every plan and goal for
your business.
Ask the Lord to anoint your eyes
to identify the hidden riches of
this world.
Take authority over the
devourer and destroy their
effect on your labour.
Thank the Lord for causing your
hand to prevail against your
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• Psalm 90:12
• Proverbs 4:7
• Colossians 1:9
Ask for insight and continuous
leading from the Holy Spirit.
Pray for divine counsel and
sound judgement to handle
difficult situations in your life
and ministry.
Decree that winning ideas will
flow through you and inspire
Pray for the wisdom to handle
the daily challenges that come
your way.
Confess that you yield yourself
to the counsel of the Lord
and not to your own ability or
Confess by faith that the
windows of heaven are
openover your life and that
wisdom, creativity and blessing
flow into your life.
Thank God for supplying
Thank God for supplying the
insight to handle any situation
that has troubled your mind.
• Proverbs 1:7
• Isaiah 11:2
• Colossians 2:3
• 1 Corinthians 12:8
Thank God in the Name of Jesus
for increased knowledge and
understanding of the Lord as
Bezaleel received the ability to
flow in divine knowledge.
Pray in the Name of the Lord
for the ability to operate with
Pray for the ability to give
wise counsel and to convey
Refuse to operate in any
knowledge that is vain and
causes you to be puffed up.
Ask the Lord for the wisdom and
knowledge to make the right
choices in ministry as people
approach you for counselling.
Pray for insight to discern the
root cause of their problems.
Ask the Lord for the ability to
bring solutions to their lives.
Pray for the grace to operate in
excellence and wisdom.
Thank God for the entrance of
divine wisdom.
Genesis 16:10
Genesis 17:6
2 Chronicles 9:6
Ephesians 3:20
Give God the praise for His
Pray for the anointing to catch
up and overtake in the areas of
your calling.
Thank the Lord for the day
when the treaders of grapes will
overtake seed sowers.
Thank God for the accelerated
breakthrough that will make you
recover wasted years.
Reach forth and reclaim your
property that was stolen by the
Prophecy that there will be an
accelerated achievement on the
project you are pursuing.
Prophecy that there will be an
accelerated achievement on the
destiny of your children.
• Genesis 30:43
• Exodus 1:7
• Ephesians 3:20
Ask God for the anointing of
diligence in your work and
Ask the Lord to enrich your life
with the abundance of His joy.
Pray for a heart that is content
with God’s blessing.
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Confess by faith that the
windows of heaven are open
over your life and wisdom,
creativity and blessings will flow
into your life.
Declare that everything you
lay your hands to will carry the
mark of God’s approval.
Command that every area of
drought and famine in your life
be transformed into abundance.
Confess your freedom to enjoy
the riches of Christ and to be
free from the yoke of debt.
1 Samuel 1:10-11
Ezekiel 12:28
Romans 8:19
Decree that the day of delay of
God’s Word in your life is over.
Prophecy to your life that this is
your season of remembrance.
Declare boldly that you can
stand to be blessed and all
the blessings intended for this
season shall be manifested.
Send ministering angels to
begin to take back every
benefit, right and blessing
belonging to you which
somebody is holding back.
Rebuke the spirit of delay
in every area of your life and
declare your fruitfulness.
Prophecy that this is your
season of manifestation.
• Isaiah 26:12,
• Psalm 119:165
Pray and confess that you are
free from the grip of fear and
unnecessary worry.
Come against the spirit of
discouragement with regards
to prayers for which you are
awaiting an answer.
Reject any tendency toward
fear like panic attacks and fear
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of failure.
Pray to receive the peace of
God that garrisons your heart in
difficult times.
Thank the Lord for helping you
not to be moved by what you go
Thank God for His faithfulness
when your heart seems
overwhelmed with doubt.
Pray for the help of the Holy
Spirit to put all your worries on
Christ because He cares for you.
• Jeremiah 32:17
• Luke 1:37
• Mark 9:23
Declare by faith that you can do
all things through Christ.
Give God praise because He
makes your hand ready to war
and makes your mouth that of a
ready writer.
Give God praise as He causes
you to be triumphant in Christ.
Confess your victory over every
attack of the enemy and declare
to your spirit-man that God is
your refuge, fortress, shield,
buckler and your rock.
Declare by faith that God is for
you and whatever rises against
you shall fall for your sake.
Pray to bind every thought,
picture and person that does not
affirm that you have received
what you have prayed for.
Pray that your mind will be
subject to the Holy Spirit at all
Take authority over every
satanic trap that has been set for
you so that the enemy himself
will fall into it.
Pray for God’s intervention in
your life and that He will exceed
what you ask or think.
DECEMBER 15th – 21st
• Psalm 27:3
• Psalm 118:8-9
• Proverbs 3:26
• Philippians 1:6
• Philippians 4:13
• Ephesians 6:14-18
Declare that the enemy is under
your feet and tread upon him
and his works.
Confess your ability to do
all things through Christ who
strengthens you.
Pray for the confidence and
boldness to share Jesus Christ
with people.
Confess that every mouth that
rises against you in judgement
shall be condemned.
Boldly take authority over
attacks of the enemy and
declare your victory in the name
of the Lord.
Thank God for the promise He
gave that anything you bind or
loose will be as you declared in
Jesus’ name.
Pray for confidence in the name
of Jesus to stand in times of
Tear down every wall the
enemy is building to limit you in
the work of the Lord.
Thank the Lord for His ability
that dwells in you and helps you
to face all situations.
Pray that you will be filled with
the confidence of the Lord every
• 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
• Romans 12:2
• Philippians 4:8
• 1 Corinthians 2:16
Give praise to God because he
causes you to have victory in
every area of your life.
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Declare by faith that you will
walk only in the counsel of the
Lord in your thoughts.
Bring your thoughts in the name
of Jesus under the subjection of
the Holy Spirit.
Declare that you are obedient
to the Lord and therefore His will
stand in your life.
Pull down every thought
that exalts itself above the
knowledge of God.
Make great the name of the
Lord above every thought that
comes into your mind.
Ask the Lord to help you to have
the mind of Christ at all times.
Pray for the Peace of God that
passes understanding to rule
your mind in Jesus name.
Declare that in a troubled world
your mind shall be untroubled
and unruffled.
Ask the Lord to strengthen your
mind with the truth from His
Romans 12:1-2
2 Corinthians 7:1
1 Peter 2:9
1 John 1:9
Pray for the grace to consecrate
a time and place to meet and
worship the Lord.
Pray that you will be a useful
vessel to the Lord.
Pray that your life will be a
testimony of holy living in the
world of compromise.
Pray that you will walk in the
fear and reverence of the Lord at
all times.
Pray for the grace to walk in the
light of the Word at all times.
Thank the Lord for forgiving
your past and guaranteeing your
Pray that at all times you will
walk in the humility before God.
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• 2 Kings 19:16
• Psalm 4:6
• 1 Peter 5:10
• Jeremiah 17:14
Bless the Lord because no
weapon formed against you will
Bless the name of the Lord
because although the enemy
may come against you one way
he will have to flee seven ways.
Declare that in time of
distress and desperation you
will experience God’s divine
Pray that you will hear God
clearly in the midst of the battles
you are going through.
Lose yourself in the name of
Jesus from the fear of man and
the fear of disapproval.
Prophecy that your head will be
lifted above challenging times
in your life.
Declare that Christ has
redeemed you from the curse
of the law having been made a
cure for us.
Declare that your afflictions
may be many but God will
deliver you from all of them.
Prophecy that what was meant
to destroy you shall itself be
Pray that the favour of the Lord
will spread from generation to
generation in your family.
Pray to receive divine turn
around that will cause a revival
in your family.
Declare in Jesus’ name that
oppression, burden and
affliction from the pit of hell will
be null and void in your life.
• Genesis 24
• Genesis 2:18-25
Proverbs 18:22
I Corinthians 6:9-18
Isaiah 54:17
Pray for the Lord’s deliverance
from every form of pressure you
may be facing.
Ask the Lord to heal the hurt you
may be carrying from damaged
Refuse to be pressured or
rushed into marriage by your
Pray that the Lord will reveal the
person he has chosen for you.
Ask the Lord to set you free from
generational curses relating to
Thank the Lord in advance for
sending the person into your life
who will give and receive you
with love.
Commit your marriage to the
Lord praying that it will glorify
Pray that the mistakes of the
past will not hinder you from
experiencing God’s best for
your life.
Commit your ways to the
Lord asking him to perfect all
that concerns you regarding
Pray for the grace to wait
patiently on the Lord for His
perfect will.
Give the Lord praise because no
good thing will he withhold from
you because you trust in Him.
Pray that God will prepare
you physically, spiritually and
mentally for your ordained
• Proverbs 13:22
• Proverbs 22:7
• Malachi 3:10
• Mark 11:23
Take authority over every spirit
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that wants to waste what you
have gathered.
Pray that God will teach you to
be an excellent steward of His
Pray to break any generational
or habitual financial bondage.
Ask God to make you a person
of integrity whose word is
Pray for the winning idea that
will result in debt cancellation in
your life.
Pray for the financial miracle
to accelerate the payment of all
Pray to bind the strong man
of financial problems from
operating in your life.
Pray that as you sow seed in
the house of God it will result
in increase, breakthrough
and change in your financial
Confess ahead that according
to the Word of God you will
leave an inheritance for your
Declare by faith that you are
not a slave to the system of the
world but blessed and highly
Use the anointing of God to
destroy the presence of debt
in your family to the third and
fourth generations to come.
Romans 8:28
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Psalm 1:6
Philippians 1:6
Pray for the kind of
breakthrough that will bless
the future generation. As was
spoken in the life of Rebecca,
confess that one day your
children will possess the gates
of their enemies.
Possess the future for your
children by prophesising
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blessings into it.
Thank the Lord because
everything you experience will
work together for your good.
Pray for all the members of
your family that their future will
be in agreement with God’s
programme for their lives.
Build a hedge of protection
around your family in the name
of Jesus.
Ask the Holy Spirit to save you
from all the time wasters.
Ask God for wisdom in Jesus’
name to be effective with your
Keep a positive faith filled
attitude and declare that through
God tomorrow will be alright.
Confess that you will see the
goodness of the Lord in the land
of the living.
Ask the Lord to send you
counsellors, mentors and friends
who will help you in the faith of
Thank God for His abundant
Grace available for you as you
face the future.
• Deuteronomy 8:18
• Psalm 68:35
• Isaiah 40:29
• Acts 1:8
• Ephesians 3:20
• Zechariah 4:6
Pray that the power of God will
be manifest in your ministry.
Pray that God will confirm His
Word in your mouth.
Pray that you will flow and
maximise the gifts of God in you.
Pray for the church that it will
experience a new move of the
Holy Spirit.
Thank the Lord for His dynamic
power that is at work in you.
Give Him praise because by his
power He has given us all things
pertaining to life.
Pray that these shall be the days
of the manifestation of God’s
glory in your life.
Pray that the anointing of God
will flow from your life to bring
healing, deliverance and hope.
Pray for demonstrations of the
power of God to accompany
your preaching of His word.
Pray that you will always flow in
the healing power of God.
Declare by faith that every
weapon and power of the evil
one is of no effect.
• Psalm 1:3
• Deuteronomy 30:9
• Philippians 4:19
• Ephesians 3:20
• Psalm 128:1-2
Declare that according to God’s
word you shall experience good
Pray to receive the wisdom to
deal wisely in every affair of life.
Declare by faith that the works
of your hand shall be put you
before Kings.
Declare by faith that the works
of your hands shall lift you out of
Pray that the Lord exposes
every evil plan against you and
your work.
Pray that you winning will make
winners out of others.
Declare that you will
have sufficiency under all
Pray to release ministering
spirits who will go and bring
customers to your business.
Pray that your wisdom will
increase with your success.
• Matthew 19:26
• Matthew 17:20
• Mark 10:27
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Luke 1:7
Hebrews 6:18
Hebrews 11:6
Speak to every mountain of
impossibility and command a
change in Jesus’ name.
Thank the Lord because He is
in charge of everything in your
life even those things that are
impossible with man.
Take authority in Jesus’
name over those things that
have troubled your mind and
command them to change.
Speak in the name of Jesus the
possibility to move the mountain
facing you.
Pray that your miracle will
become a reality despite all the
doubters around you.
Pray that the challenges you
are facing today will become
tomorrow’s accomplishments.
Command in the name of Jesus
unusual favour to follow and
overtake your life.
Pray that the Lord will turn the
negative confessions of experts
into positive results.
Ask the Lord to expose every
trap of the enemy and give you
the victory.
• Psalm 32:8
• Job 32:8
• Jeremiah 29:11
• Psalm 138:8
• Isaiah 43:19
Bless the name of the Lord for
the anointing to have insight
that brings solutions to people’s
Pray that God will give you
inner instruction and insight.
Pray that in your night season
the Holy Spirit will teach you
which ways to go and which
steps to take.
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Pray for divine creativity in the
area of your business and in
areas of your work.
Pray that your eyes will be
opened in Jesus name to the
hidden things of God.
Pray to receive wisdom,
anointing and divine knowledge
beyond your age.
Thank God for creative ideas
and thank Him for the grace to
walk in them.
DECEMBER 22nd – 28th
• Exodus 23:25-26
• Deuteronomy 7:14
• Psalm 128:3
• Psalm 113:9
Pray that the Lord will fill you
with the harvest of ideas.
Destroy the yoke of financial
barrenness in your life.
Pray for renewal in the area
of vision and zeal that you will
regain your momentum.
Pray that you will conceive with
the right seed vision and idea.
Pray that all the resources you
have lost will be regained.
Declare by faith that every
aspect of your life shall keep
bearing fruit.
Command any trace of
barrenness in all of your
undertakings to change.
Declare that there shall be none
barren in your home.
Pray that the Lord will turn
every mockery of your condition
to a stepping-stone to a greater
Confess by faith that the Lord
gave you your womb and you
will use it to carry your own
Thank the Lord that you will not
carry any pregnancy in vain, for
the Lord Himself shall grant you
safe delivery.
Pray that the Lord will turn the
evil prediction of experts to
Exodus 15:26
Psalm 91:16
Isaiah 53:4-5
3 John 2
Acts 10:38
Pray for divine healing in the
name of the Lord from all kind of
Curse the root of infirmity and
declare that the price for your
healing has already been paid.
Regardless of what you see in
the natural declare that Christ
has already healed you.
Pray that the God who added
to the years of Hezekiah will
reverse every report of man that
is contrary to your joy.
According to his word, he is
able to heal all disease. List
your ailments and stand on the
promise that he will heal them.
Boldly declare that the one who
is in you is greater than the devil
who is in the world.
The children of the barren
woman were outstanding.
Ask the Lord to make barren
women joyful mothers. Do this
for someone you know.
Pray that the children God
give you will bless you and be
special children.
• Psalm 92:14
• Psalm 127:3
• Psalm 128:3
• Habakkuk 3:17-19
• Colossians 1:6
Prophecy fruitfulness in the
name of Jesus for every area of
your ministry.
Praise God for causing you to
have victory at all times.
Pray that you will still be
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bearing fruits that bring glory to
God even in your old age.
Command that every area
of barrenness in your life will
break forth with fruit.
Pray for a transformation in
every challenging area in your
Confess your desire and
believe that it shall come to pass
in the name of Jesus.
Pray that your fruitfulness will
extend to future generations.
Jeremiah 30:17
Joel 2:25
Ruth 4:15
Thank the Lord for His promise
to give good things to those who
trust in Him.
Pray that you will turn to Him for
your deliverance.
Break the evil one’s power and
take back everything he stole in
Jesus name.
Pray that all marital blessings
stolen from you by the enemy be
returned back to you.
Ask the Lord to give the
oppressed rest until there is
Thank the Lord that the glory
of the later part of your life will
be greater than the gory of the
former part of your life.
DECEMBER 29th – 31st
• Isaiah 60:20
• Isaiah 61:3
Pull down any imagination and
any high thing that exalts itself
against the knowledge of God.
Capture every thought and
bring it into obedience under
subjection to the Holy Spirit.
Command the foundations in
Jesus’ name of the strong man in
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your city to crumble.
Pray to destroy any spirit that
has become familiar with your
Stand firm in God’s armour and
realise that you have been given
His authority and are deputised
to execute judgment against the
Praise God because He causes
us to have victory through the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank God because no weapon
of the enemy will be effective
when directed at you.
Bless God because the arrows
of evil directed at you will
backfire to the enemy.
Take authority over any spirit
that tends to be familiar with you
and destroy it in Jesus’ name.
Reject any association with
familiar spirits.
Pray to break the controlling
sense of inadequacy.
Pray to break the power of any
spirit of divination directed at
• 2 Samuel 5:20
• Psalm 34:6
• Psalm 126:1-3
• Philippians 4:13; 19
Pray for deliverance from old
habits that hinder you from
living the life of God.
Ask the Lord to give you victory
over problems of swearing and
foul words.
Confess that the Lord will turn
your point of ridicule into a
source of miracles.
Pray that mockery will result in
your promotion.
Pray for the favour of victory
over betrayal and envy.
Command that the oppression
of the enemy on your spirit will
be destroyed in Jesus’ Name.
Refuse any genetic disease
that has ruled your family from
generations past.
Pray for grace to walk in
obedience and thus prevent the
Egyptian diseases from coming
upon you.
Take authority over the root
of cancer and command its
negatives cells to die.
Take authority over any form
of skin disease and command
it to die.
Speak to diseased skin and
command it to be renewed in
the name of the Lord.
Command any mountain of
satanic confrontation to crumble
in the Name of Jesus.
Deuteronomy 28:1-2
Isaiah 1:19
Exodus 24:7
Zechariah 6:15
Repent of anything you know
about that might be hindering
the flow of God’s compassion.
Thank the lord for the blessings
that follows obedience to His
Ask the Lord to open your eyes
in Jesus’ name to things that
hinder your prayers.
Ask the Lord to help you exhibit
the knowledge of the deeper
things of God.
Pray for the blessing that
follows total obedience to the
will of God.
Pray for the anointing to walk in
holiness and the power of God.
Pray that the Lord will move
on His people and break their
fallow ground.
Repent of any backbiting and
evil speaking of your brothers
in Christ and ask for God’s
Thank the Lord in advance for
giving you a heart that yields to
His will.
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Pray for the anointing to
operate in holy zeal without
making room for the flesh.
Pray for the courage to live a
godly life in a godless world.
Ask the Lord for the grace to
preserve your body from all
kinds of ‘fleshy sin’.
John 15:10
Proverbs 27:5
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Hebrews 6:10
Confess your victory over sin,
for whatsoever is born of God
overcomes the world.
Ask the Lord to help you
walk in patience in the face of
Ask the Lord to fill your house
with laughter, love and unity.
Pray for your home to be a
place of comfort and love and to
be a refuge from the world.
Decree that because of Jesus’
blessings peace and unity
will be evident, even to your
neighbours and those around
your family.
Ask the Lord to teach you His
winning ways so that you do not
walk in your own counsel.
Pray for wisdom to say ‘no’ to all
the things that will not promote
peace and joy in God’s family.
Pray to bind all manifestations
of carnality and fleshly
behaviour that divide brethren.
Pray for the perfect love that
casts away fears.
Pray to release the love of God
that covers a multitude of sins.
Call forth the spirit of
forgiveness in the lives of
Pray to destroy demonic spirits
that cause strife, envy and
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• Psalm 65:11
• John 14:26
• Isaiah 61:2
• Philippians 4:6-7
Pray that the Holy Spirit will
open your eyes to see God’s
programme for your life and
help you set goals.
Declare that in the New Year
every place the sole of your feet
touches you will possess.
Thank the Lord in advance
because what you set out to
accomplish from the beginning
of the year you will achieve even
greater before the year is over.
Pray that the areas of your
life that were desolate in the
previous year shall now be full
of the favour of the Lord.
Declare that this New Year will
be the best year you have lived.
Let go of rejection and timidity
in the Name of Jesus.
Give God praise because the
New Year you are stepping into
will behold a greater testimony
than the previous year.
Thank God for His divine
protection in the New Year.
Thank the Lord because you
shall not be put to shame in this
New Year.
Pray that in this New Year where
you have previously been
missing the will of God, your life
will now please Him.
Pray that by the middle of the
New Year your strength will be
Cover everything that you will
do in the New Year with the
blood of Jesus.
Give God praise because in
the New Year He will make His
power known in your life.
Thank the Lord for new strength
and new energy to go on in the
middle of the year.
Thank the Lord who leads you
from one year to the other.
Declare that no evil eye shall
behold you and your household.
Thank Jesus because He is
making your path shine from
glory to glory.
Thank the Lord because of His
promise to crown the year with
good things.
Cover your children with the
blood of Jesus in the New Year.
Thank God for His hand of
Thank God for keeping you
through even the toughest times.
Cover your family with the
blood of Jesus in the New Year.
Pray that you will use each day
to the glory of the Lord.
Pray to receive God’s peace that
passes understanding for the
New Year.
Thank God for His peace that
He promises you in the New
Reject and refuse in Jesus’ name
the spirit of fear for the future.
Declare and decree into the
New Year that your desire will
come to pass.
Pray to receive divine
confidence to face the New Year
in the name of the Lord.
Prophecy that your vision will
speak great things in the New
Declare that the multitude
of challenges facing you in
the New Year shall become a
stepping-stone to blessings.
Confess that you will walk in
prosperity and health in the
New Year.
Prophecy into each day of the
New Year that it will bring forth
and manifest the glory of God.
Prophecy peace upon your
habitation in the New Year.
Ask the Lord for the grace to
stay in His Word throughout the
New Year.
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Prophecy peace and joy that
surpasses all understanding into
your life in the New Year.
Pray to receive grace to
meditate on the Word of God
day and night not just on the
battles you see.
Pray for the power to perform
God’s Word.
Pray to receive the grace to
trust absolutely in the Lord.
Prophecy that every step
you take will result in divine
Pray for wisdom and grace to
stay in and practice God’s word.
Pray that you will not deviate
from God’s word but make it
your road map into the future.
Prophecy upon your finances
that this is the year of your
financial progress.
Declare prophetically into the
New Year that you will rise and
shine because your light has
Give God praise because in this
New Year no evil or danger will
befall or stand before you.
Pray to receive the grace of
prayer and supplication in the
New Year.
Declare that in this New Year,
angelic hosts will go ahead of
you to prepare grounds for you.
Thank God in Jesus’ name for
the ability to let go of hurt and
Give God praise for deeper
fellowship and relationships
with Him in the New Year.
Pray to receive God’s grace to
always ascribe all the glory to
Thank God because as you
make your request known to
Him it shall come to pass.
Pray for the year to possess
the future for you.
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