mass intentions - St. Patrick Miami Beach


mass intentions - St. Patrick Miami Beach
Mass Schedule
MARCH 29-30, 2014
8:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
March 22, 2014
Alice Bryan+, Vanbrakle+, Lorena Uribe+
Anthony Longer+
March 23, 2014
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m
12:30 p.m
7:00 p.m
Bert, Dorothy and Julia Sells++
St. Patrick Parish Members
Donald Bomeisl+
Aida Rodriguez+
Blanca Marina De Millan+
8:00 a.m
March 24, 2014
Cory Barretto+
March 25, 2014
5:00 PM
Fr. Russell
8:00 AM
Fr. Piotr
9:30 AM
Fr. Russell
11:00 AM
Fr. Roberto
12:30 AM
Fr. Juan
7:00 PM
Fr. Roberto
Our Gift to The Lord
Our gift to the Lord for Collection was $ 15,095.50
Nuestra Donación del Domingo pasado fue
$ 15,095.50
Our operational expense average is $23,084 per week.
Nuestros gastos Operacionales Promedio son de
$23,084 por semana.
8:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Victor Alvarado+
Esther y Franco Jaile+
8:00 a.m.
March 26, 2014
Pier Lvigi de Cristoforis+
Anna Maria Cattero+
8:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
March 27, 2014
Familia Moral Merlin+
Angela M. Garcia-Ramirez+
8:00 a.m.
March 28, 2014
Rev. Francis Burch SJ+
8:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
March 29, 2014
Isabel Delgado de Robles+
Jean Banchet+
March 30, 2014
8:00 a.m.
Pier Luigi De Cristofori+,
Anna Maria Cattero+
Orie Chiapissi+
Members of St. Patrick Parish
Martin Fernandez+
Danilo Espinal (Cumpleaños)
2 Kgs 5:1-15ab / Lk 4:24-30
Is 7:10-14; 8:10 / Heb 10:4-10
Lk 1:26-38
Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9 / Mt 5:17-19
Jer 7:23-28 / Lk 11:14-23
Hos 14:2-10 / Mk 12:28-34
Hos 6:1-6 / Lk 18:9-14
1 Sm 16:1b, 6-13 / Eph 5:8-14
Jn 9:1-41
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m
12:30 p.m
7:00 p.m
Please remember these parishioners in your prayers
Por favor recen por los enfermos
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
The Samaritan woman in the passage from the Gospel of
Mathew proclaimed this Third Sundayof Lent gradually discovers who Christ is but once she realizes who He really is,
she goes back to her townspeople to tell them about Him. She
does not keep to herself the joy of having encountered this man
whom she acknowledges as a prophet at first but then confesses as the Messiah. Furthermore, her testimony becomes
even more credible not so much because of what she says but
because her townspeople also encounter Jesus through her.
The Latin American bishops at their General Assembly in Aparecida, Brazil, reminded us that for to have encountered Christ
in our lives is the best thing that could have ever happened to
us Christians and to make Him known to others is a great joy.
That is why a faithful disciple is necessarily a missionary.
To be a missionary is very different from engaging in proselytism. A missionary seeks to make Christ known through his or
her life. A missionary is a person who loves Christ, sees Him in
every human being and through a witness to the love of Christ
announces to the world the Good News of salvation in Him without counting the number of converts. A person who engages in
proselytism is simply trying to gain new followers for his group.
While it is true that at times, because of sin, individual Christian missionaries may have engaged in proselytism and
temporal powers may have attempted to manipulate the
Church, the missionary activity of the Catholic Church
has always endeavored and, indeed it has been very respectful of human dignity and the primacy of conscience.
In the second half of the XX century because of many factors
there has been a slow down in the missionary zeal of some Catholics. It is argued, for example, that in a pluralistic society there is no
room for missionary activity or that all missionary activity is proselytism and, therefore, to be avoided. This is clearly not the case.
The Samaritan woman illustrates that a person who encounters Christ, who realizes that the Messiah has come and has
tasted the infinite love of God, has drunk from the living waters, necessarily wants to share their joy with others and proclaims this Good News to the four corners of the world.
A few days ago we celebrated the first anniversary of the election of Pope Francis, who has made one of the guiding principles
of his pontificate a rekindling of the missionary zeal of Catholics.
He is constantly urging us to bear witness to the love of Christ,
to the tenderness and mercy of God and to not be afraid to go
out to the peripheries of existence to proclaim what the Lord
has done for us. He is calling the entire Church to a “state of
mission”, to go out of the sacristy, out of the parish to seek the
lost, the least and the last. He is especially encouraging priests to
be, as one father of the Church put it, shepherds of one hundred
sheep, who care for the ninety-nine in the fold while seeking out
the one that is lost. The Pope is asking us to be shepherds who
seek out those who are far away and not, in his words, “coiffeurs
of sheep” who are content with combing those who are near us.
When he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires, the Pope organized parish missions to proclaim the love of Christ in the
parks and the streets, to remind everybody that God is alive
in the city, awaken those who were in slumber and invite
those who were far away to an encounter with the living God.
Centering Prayer Group
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Tower.
This weekend we have our first parish mission on Lincoln Road. In imitation of the Samaritan woman, we will go
back to the town and tell everybody that wants to hear about
the One we have encountered and invite them to meet Him.
On Friday, March 21 and Saturday, March 22 in the evening
the priests of the parish, a deacon and some volunteers will
be on Lincoln Road to bless those who need a blessing, talk to
whoever wants to listen to us, pray with those who want to do
so, invite people to come to Church to encounter Christ and we
will be ready, if anybody requests it, to hear their Confession.
Grupo de Oración Centrante
Lunes a las 6:30 p.m. en la Torre.
Grupo de Oración Inmaculado Corazón de Maria
Lunes 7:00 p.m. en el Segundo piso del Barry Hall
Sanctus Comunidad de Oracion, Formacion y Evangelizacion Jueves de 7:30 p.m a 9:30 p.m. en el 2º. Piso del
Barry Hall
Women’s Emmaus
The Women’s Emmaus monthly meeting in English is the
third Saturday of every month at Barry Hall school library at
8:30 am.
It is our attempt to participate in the call to the universal mission and to proclaim the love of Christ from the rooftops. It
is our parish response to the exhortation of the Pope to go out
of ourselves to encounter those in the periphery of existence.
In the Gospel account of the encounter between the Lord and the
Samaritan woman, her attitude changes gradually yet dramatically as she progresses along the journey of discovery that Christ
launches her on. At first she is puzzled and she just questions. Why
do you talk to me? How is it that you will draw the living water? but finally recognizes something new in Him and questioning turns into wondering, Could he really be the Messiah, the
answer to all my expectations? Is he really whom I think he is?
Furthermore, she is now ready to do His will because she realizes that there is somebody great in front of her. She has experienced first hand hat this Jew who has asked her for water is somebody extraordinary and is ready to announce it to her neighbors.
Mujeres de Emaus
Reuniones mensuales el cuarto Sábado de mes, comenzando
con la misa a las 8:00 am las 8:30 am en Barry Hall.
Men’s English Emmaus
Monday 6:45p.m. - 9:00 p.m in Barry Hall.
The holy season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5.
Both Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, April 18, are days of abstinence from meat for all who are 14 years and older. They are
also days of fast (one full meal and two small meals, with nothing
eaten between the meals) for adults from 18 to 59 years of age.
All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat for those
14 years and older.
Grief Group - Have you recently experienced the death
of a loved one or are you presently dealing with a loved
one’s terminal illness? If you are, you need not go through
the grieving process alone. St. Patrick’s faith-based Grief
Group meeting on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Church tower.
Please contact Arthur Gowran at [email protected].
Divorced? Separated? Our DivorceCare
group is meeting Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
in the Library at Barry Hall.
Hombres de Emaus
El Grupo de hombres de Emaus en español se reune los
Martes de 7:30 pm- 9:30 pm en Barry Hall.
LifeTeen Thursdays 7:00 pm Patrician Room, Barry Hall
NA 12 Step Program
Friday at 8:00 pm in Barry Hall, first floor
To be a Christian, said Pope Benedict XVI, and Francis repeats
it constantly, is to have encountered a person who is alive, who
gives meaning to my existence and a new and decisive orientation to my life. That is exactly what the Samaritan woman experiences. That is what we have experienced in our lives. That
experience is to be shared with others. Naturally we bear witness primarily by living lives that are faithful to Christ, the Gospel and the teachings of His bride, the Church, but at times it is
also important to say a few words. This weekend we will be in
the public square, at Lincoln Road, bearing witness to the love
of Christ and talking about Him to whoever wants to listen.
Fr. Roberto M. Cid
Grupo de Renovación Carismatica
Miercoles 7:00 p.m en el Barry Hall Music Room
Grupo de Oración Carismatica:
Jueves 10:00 a.m. Barry Hall
GIFT SHOP open 9 am to 2 pm on Sundays.
La tienda de articulos religiosos y regalos está
abierta los Domingos de 9 am a 2 pm.
Grupo de Jovenes Adultos
Corazones de Misericordia
Viernes a las 7:30 pm en Barry Hall.
Bible Study in English
When: Saturdays 10am until noon
Where: Bell tower conference room
Facilitator: Mary Sells 305-606-5990
[email protected]
No classes on March 15, 22 & 29
Los terceros Miércoles de cada mes a las 8:00PM,
en el segundo piso del Barry Hall.
Eduardo Merino & Raimaluz Sanchez
Sergio Valenzuela & Anne De La Torre
March 15, 2014
Giuliana Antonella Burlingame
to the Parish family through
Sacrament of Baptism on
March 16, 2014
Queridos hermanos en Cristo:
La samaritana del pasaje del Evangelio según san Mateo que
se proclama este tercer domingo de Cuaresma descubre progresivamente quien es Cristo y una vez que se da cuenta de
quién se trata va a su pueblo a contarle a otros. No se guarda
la alegría del encuentro con este hombre que reconoce primero como profeta pero termina confesando como Mesías. Más
aún, su testimonio se vuelve más creíble no por lo que dice
sino porque la gente del pueblo encuentra a Jesús gracias a ella.
En la Asamblea General del Episcopado Latinoamericano,
reunida en Aparecida, Brasil, los obispos nos recordaron que
haber encontrado a Cristo en nuestra vida es lo mejor que
pudo habernos pasado y darlo a conocer a otros es nuestra gran
alegría. Por eso un discípulo fiel es necesariamente misionero.
Ser misionero no tiene nada que ver con hacer proselitismo. Un
misionero desea que Cristo sea conocido por su testimonio de
vida. Un misionero es una persona que ama a Cristo, lo reconoce
en todo ser humano y a través de su testimonio de amor a Cristo
anuncia a todo el mundo la Buena Noticia de la salvación en El sin
contar el número de conversos. Una persona que hace proselitismo
simplemente busca conseguir nuevos seguidores para su grupo.
Aunque es cierto que a veces, a causa del pecado, algún misionero cristiano puede haber hecho proselitismo y que los poderes temporales han intentado manipular a la Iglesia, la actividad misionera de la Iglesia
Católica siempre ha tratado, y ha sido en los hechos, muy respetuosa de la dignidad humana y la primacía de la conciencia.
En la segunda mitad del siglo XX debido a múltiples factores ha
habido una disminución del celo misionero de muchos católicos.
Se afirma, por ejemplo, que en una sociedad pluralista no hay espacio para la actividad misionera o que toda actividad misionera es
proselitista y por lo tanto debe evitarse. Está claro que eso no es así.
La samaritana muestra como una persona que encuentra
a Cristo, que reconoce que ha llegado el Mesías y ha gustado el amor infinito de Dios, ha bebido de la fuente de agua
viva, necesariamente desea compartir su alegría con otros
y proclama la Buena Noticia a los cuatro puntos cardinales.
Hace unos días celebramos el primer aniversario de la elección del Papa Francisco que ha hecho uno de los ejes centrales
de su pontificado la recuperación del espíritu misionero de los
católicos. Constantemente nos exhorta a dar testimonio del amor
de Cristo, la ternura y la misericordia de Dios y a no tener miedo
de salir a las periferias de la existencia para proclamar lo que el
Señor ha hecho por nosotros. Invita a toda la Iglesia a un “estado
de misión”, a salir de la sacristía, salir de la parroquia, a buscar
al que está perdido, al más pequeño, al último en la sociedad.
Nos exhorta especialmente a los sacerdotes, como lo hacía un
Padre de la Iglesia, a ser pastores de cien ovejas que se ocupan
de las noventa y nueve en el rebaño y buscan a la que está perdida. El Papa nos pide que seamos pastores que buscan a quienes
están alejados y, en sus palabras, que no seamos “peluqueros
de ovejas” que se conforman con peinar a quienes están cerca.
Cuando era Arzobispo de Buenos Aires, el Papa organizó misiones parroquiales para proclamar el amor de Cristo en los
parques y las calles, para recordarle a todos que Dios está
vivo en la ciudad, despertar a los que tienen modorra e invitar a quienes están lejos a un encuentro con el Dios vivo.
Este fin de semana tendremos nuestra primera misión parroquial en Lincoln Road. Imitaremos a la samaritana que
vuelve a su pueblo para contarle a todo el que quiere oír sobre Aquel que ha encontrado e invitarlos a un encuentro con El.
El Viernes 21 de marzo y el sábado 22 a la noche, los curas, el diácono
y algunos voluntarios iremos a Lincoln Road a bendecir a quien quiera
una bendición, hablar con el que quiera escucharnos, rezar con el que
lo desee, invitar la gente a que venga a la Iglesia a encontrar a Cristo y
estaremos disponibles, si alguien lo pide, para escuchar su confesión.
Es nuestro intento de sumarnos a la llamada universal a la misión
y proclamar el amor de Cristo desde los techos. Es la respuesta de
nuestra parroquia a la invitación del Papa a salir de nosotros mismos
para encontrar a los que se hallan en las periferias de la existencia.
En el relato del Evangelio de este encuentro entre el Señor y la samaritana, la actitud de la mujer cambia de forma gradual y dramática a
medida que progresa en el camino de descubrimiento en el que Cristo
la ha colocado. Al principio está confundida y sólo tiene preguntas.
¿Por qué me hablas? ¿Cómo conseguirás el agua viva? Finalmente
reconoce algo nuevo en El y las preguntas se vuelven ponderación.
¿Será realmente el Mesías, la respuesta a todas mis expectativas? ¿Es
realmente quien yo pienso que es? Más aún está dispuesta a hacer su
voluntad porque se da cuenta que hay alguien grande enfrente suyo.
Ha experimentado en primera persona que este judío que le pidió agua
es alguien extraordinario y está preparada a anunciarlo a sus vecinos.
Ser cristiano, dijo el Papa Benedicto XVI, y Francisco lo repite sin
cesar, es haber encontrado a una persona que está viva, que da sentido a mi existencia y una orientación decisiva a mi vida. Eso es exactamente lo que samaritana experimenta. Eso es lo que nosotros hemos
experimentado en nuestras vidas. Esa experiencia es la que deseamos
compartir con otros. Obviamente damos testimonio en primer lugar
por la forma en que vivimos nuestra vida, siendo fieles a Cristo, al
Evangelio y a la enseñanza de su Esposa Inmaculada, la Iglesia, pero
también a veces es importante decir algunas palabras. Este fin de semana estaremos en la plaza pública, en Lincoln Road, dando testimonio del amor de Cristo y hablando de El a quien quiera escucharnos.
P. Roberto M. Cid
Please join us for our Lenten mission with Fr. Hugh Burns
in our church. The Lenten Mission in English will take place
on March 24-26 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
En Español Marzo 27 & 28 a las 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.
y el Sábado de 12:00 a 2:00 p.m.
APRIL 3rd - 12th, 2014
For tickets, film schedule, and volunteer info: - 786-246-5380