Bulletin Week 1.pub - Notre Dame Catholic Church


Bulletin Week 1.pub - Notre Dame Catholic Church
The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a
faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables all
to grow in their relaonship with God and with one
another through witness, worship and service.
(Corner of Water & Washington Street)
Kerrville, TX. 78028
Pastoral Center: 909 Main Street
Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm
(Closed between 12N-1:00pm)
Phone:(830)257-5961 Fax:(830)895-9771
Social Center: (830)257-1929
Faith Formation: (830)896-4233
School: (830)257-6707
October 11, 2015
SUNDAY: 7:45 am, 9:15 am (Spanish), 11:00 am, 5:00 pm
WEEKDAYS: Please refer to the inside of the bulletin for the Mass times
RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday – 3:30 - 4:45 pm
MARRIAGES: Please consult the pastor 6 months in advance.
QUINCEAÑERAS: Please call the Pastoral Center 6 months in advance.
BAPTISMS: Call the YFM office to make an appointment at 896-4233.
Reverend Monsignor Michael J. Boulette
Reverend Scott Janysek
Parochial Vicar
Deacon Daniel Arriaga
Deacon Alfredo (Jimmy) Bill, Jr.
Hispanic Ministry
Deacon Charles Domingues
Deacon Harold (Sonny) Kaufhold
Deacon Juan Martinez
Alton Petsch
Business Manager
Dwayne Mosser
Business Manager
Eva Bill
Parish Secretary
Tracy Gourley
Financial Associate
Dorothy Cass
Director of Liturgy/Music Ministries
Carmen Gutierrez
Liturgy Secretary
Dianne Albrecht
Coord. Adults
Alma Cruz-Gonzales
Coord. Families & Children/Hispanic Ministry
Denise Jenschke Coord. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd & First Eucharist Prep.
Wyatt Wentrcek
Coord. of Youth Ministry
Nelda Bill
Secretary/Baptism Coordinator
Marlin Marcum
Irene Alcorta
Michelle Coldwell
Dawn Kanady
Mark Ince
Twenty-eighth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
October 11, 2015
Silver and Gold
What I Have I Give to You (Acts 3:6)
Monday: Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 11:29-32
Tuesday: Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 11:37
Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9;
Lk 11:42-46
Thursday: Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130:1b-6ab; Lk
Friday: Rom 4:1-8; Ps 32:1b-2, 5, 11; Lk
Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16-18; Ps 105:6-9, 4243; Lk 12:8-12
Sunday: Is 53:10-11; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45[42-45]
Greetings in the Lord!
Anawim is the Hebrew word for the “poor,” the “remnant,” the “leftovers,” the economically
deprived. Scripture teaches that God has a special concern for the anawim, who are without power and must trust in the Lord alone to be “their portion” (Ps 16:2). It isn’t that riches
should be scorned but that poverty must be solicitously alleviated, for it is Lord who “makes
poor and makes rich, he humbles, and he also exalts.” Christ taught that being poor in
spirit is connected to growing rich in God’s sight because the poor in spirit believe God
alone is their salvation. Thus He consoles the poor and warns the rich.
Human persons cannot acquire salvation by their own efforts, however hard they try, but
God will save any who believe His Word. The psalmists gratefully exult in God’s saving
power in various circumstances on behalf of those who entreat His help with humility and
trust. It is tempting to trust our own merits, for it is costly to remain faithful to God and hard
not to compare our own efforts with someone else’s negligence. But God owes us no gratitude for our obedience, and Jesus forcefully proclaims that oneness with God is rooted in
His mercy, not in our “doing right.”
Today’s first reading from the Book of Wisdom teaches that Wisdom is infinitely preferable
to any good a person may desire, including “gold” – despite deceptive appearances to the
contrary. The one who finds Wisdom participates in the very thoughts of God, who searches the depths of all hearts. But even when we pursue Wisdom by sincerely trying to obey
God (like the young man who ran up to Jesus in today’s Gospel), we may find it difficult to
go one step farther and actually renounce the “gold” we enjoy. Riches must be renounced
if they become an obstacle on the way of salvation. To rise above earthly things, we must
sacrifice our self-centeredness, which may evidence itself in disdain for the unborn, the
poor, and the broken. This letting go of “things” and our own comfort is so difficult we
would despair of our salvation without Jesus’ words: “All things are possible for God.”
We learn from today’s second reading from the letter to the Hebrews that God’s Word is
living and life-giving, working salvation in those who make room for it in their hearts. But
the Word also pierces like a sword to reveal what is most deeply within us, and no one escapes accountability. Jesus is that Word, reorienting our lives toward God’s will by becoming one with us in His life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Those who relinquish earthly attachments in order to follow Him will be blessed in this life and the next, but not without
enduring (like Jesus) persecution. May we at Notre Dame Catholic Church and School
yearn for such Wisdom and become more and more willing to relinquish our “riches” for the
sake of the Gospel.
In Jesus,
Fr. Mike
First Reading—I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. All
came to me in her company (Wisdom 7:7-11).
Psalm— Fill us with your
love, O Lord, and we will
sing for joy! (Psalm 90).
Indeed the word of God is
(Hebrews 4:12-13).
Gospel—It is easier for a
camel to pass through the
eye of a needle than for
one who is rich to enter
the kingdom of God (Mark
Sunday: Twenty-eighth
Sunday in Ordinary Time;
National Children’s Day
tus I
St. Callis-
Thursday: St. Teresa of
Friday: St. Hedwig; St.
Margaret Mary Alacoque;
National Boss Day
Saturday: St. Ignatius
of Antioch; Sweetest Day
Vigésimo Octavo Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
11 de octubre de 2015
Oro y Plata
Lo Que Tengo Te Lo Doy (Hechos 3:6)
Lunes: Rom 1:1-7; Sal 98(97):1-4; Lc
Martes: Rom 1:16-25; Sal 19(18):2-5; Lc
Miércoles: Rom 2:1-11; Sal 62(61):2-3, 67, 9; Lc 11:42-46
Jueves: Rom 3:21-30; Sal 130(129):1b6ab; Lc 11:47-54
Viernes: Rom 4:1-8; Sal 32(31):1b-2, 5,
11; Lc 12:1-7
Sábado: Rom 4:13, 16-18; Sal 105(104):69, 42-43; Lc 12:8-12
Domingo: Is 53:10-11; Sal 33(32):4-5, 1820, 22; Heb 4:14-16; Mc 10:35-45
¡Saludos en el Señor!
Anawim es la palabra hebrea para los "pobres", el "remanente", las "sobras", el desfavorecido
económicamente. Las Sagradas Escrituras enseña que Dios tiene una preocupación especial por
los anawim, que están sin poder y deben confiar solamente en el Señor "su heredad" (Salmo 16:
2). No es que la riqueza deba ser despreciada, sino que la pobreza debe ser solícitamente aliviada, ya que es el Señor quien "hace la pobreza y la riqueza, humilla y también exalta." Cristo nos
enseñó que ser pobre en espíritu está conectado a crecer ricamente a los ojos de Dios, porque
los pobres de espíritu creen sólo que Dios es su salvación. Así, Él consuela a los pobres y advierte a los ricos.
Las personas no pueden adquirir la salvación por sus propios esfuerzos, por mucho que lo intenten, sin embargo Dios salvará a quien crea en su Palabra. Los salmistas se regocijan con
agradecimiento en el poder salvífico de Dios en diversas circunstancias, en nombre de los que
suplican su ayuda con humildad y confianza. Es tentador confiar en nuestros propios méritos,
porque cuesta permanecer fiel a Dios y es difícil no comparar nuestros propios esfuerzos con la
negligencia de otros. Pero Dios no nos debe ninguna gratitud por nuestra obediencia, y Jesús
proclama con fuerza que la unidad con Dios tiene sus raíces en su misericordia, no en nuestro
"hacer lo correcto".
La primera lectura de hoy del Libro de la Sabiduría, nos enseña que la sabiduría es infinitamente
deseada por cualquier persona buena, aun más que el "oro" - a pesar de las apariencias engañosas. El que encuentra la sabiduría, participa en los pensamientos de Dios, que sondea las profundidades de todos los corazones. Pero incluso cuando perseguimos la Sabiduría, tratando
sinceramente de obedecer a Dios (como el joven que corrió hacia Jesús en el Evangelio de hoy),
podemos tener dificultades el ir un paso más allá y, de hecho renunciar al "oro" que disfrutamos.
Las riquezas deben ser objeto de renuncia si se convierten en un obstáculo en el camino de la
salvación. Para elevarse por encima de las cosas terrenales, debemos sacrificar nuestro egocentrismo, lo que puede evidenciar en sí con desdén por los no nacidos, los pobres, y los quebrantados. Este desapego de las "cosas" y nuestra propia comodidad es tan difícil que perderíamos la
esperanza de nuestra salvación sin las palabras de Jesús: "Para Dios todo es posible."
Aprendimos de la segunda lectura de hoy de la Carta a los Hebreos, que la Palabra de Dios es
viva y eficaz, salvando a los que hacen espacio para ella en su corazón. Pero, la Palabra también
penetra como una espada para descubrir lo más intimo dentro de nosotros, y nadie escapa a la
rendición de cuentas. Jesús es la Palabra, reorientando nuestras vidas hacia la voluntad de Dios
al convertirse en uno con nosotros en su vida, muerte, resurrección y ascensión. Los que renuncian a los apegos terrenales con el fin de seguirle, serán bendecidos en esta vida y en la siguiente, pero no sin tener que soportar (como Jesús) la persecución. Que en la Parroquia y Escuela
Católica de Notre Dame anhelemos tal Sabiduría y estemos cada vez más dispuestos a renunciar
a nuestras "riquezas" por el bien del Evangelio.
En Jesús,
Padre Mike
don más preciado que
podemos pedir y poseer
(Sabiduría 7:7-11).
Salmo—Sácianos, Señor, de tu misericordia
(Salmo 90[89]).
palabra viva de Dios
penetra hasta las profundidades más recónditas
de nuestro ser (Hebreos
que han dejado sus
posesiones a causa de
Cristo y su Evangelio
recibirán en herencia la
vida eterna (Marcos
Octavo Domingo del
Tiempo Ordinario; Día
Nacional de los Niños
Lunes: Día de la Raza
Miércoles: San Calixto
Jueves: Santa Teresa
de Jesús
Viernes: Santa Margarita María de Alacoque;
Santa Eduvigis; Día
Nacional de los Jefes
Sábado: San Ignacio
de Antioquía; El Día Más
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wis 7:7-11, Heb 4:12-13, Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27(143)
Vocation Awareness Sunday
7:45 am
People of the Parish
9:15 am
†Juan Raul Venegas
By The Venegas Family
11:00 am
†Kay Purvis
By Lorraine Haby
5:00 pm
†Maria Elena Paiz
By Nancy & Joe Seremet
Monday, October 12, 2015
Rom 1:1-7, Lk 11:29-32(467)
Columbus Day
7:00 am
Special Intention for Gil & Alonzo Jaimes
By Guillermo & Maria Jaimes
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Rom 1:16-25, Lk 11:37-41(468)
12:00 pm
†Carrolln Marshall
By Mark & Red Anderson
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Rom 2:1-11, Lk 11:42-46(469)
12:00 pm
†Connie & Johnnie Gillio
By Barbara & Andy Miciotto
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church
Rom 3:21-30, Lk 11:47-54(470)
7:00 am
†Joseph McGilvray
By Kay McGilvray
Friday, October 16, 2015
Rom 4:1-8, Lk 12:1-7(471)
8:05 am
Special Intention for Fr. Ed Hauf
By Anonymous
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr
Is 53:10-11, Heb 4:14-16, Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45(146)
2:00 pm
Jennifer O’Brien/Colin Bassett Wedding
5:00 pm
†Eleanor Murray
By Barney Murray
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 53:10-11, Heb 4:14-16, Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45(146)
Laity Sunday
World Mission Sunday
7:45 am
†Janet Melendez
By Family
9:15 am
Special Intention for Sr. & Sra. Jesus Negrete
By Veronica Cruz
11:00 am
†Kay Purvis
By Lorraine Haby
5:00 pm
People of the Parish
Liturgy of the Hours: Week IV
Monday, October 12, 2015
A New Song-5:30pm-Kemper Hall RM 209
ACTS Core-5:30pm-Knights of Columbus Hall
Cursillos-7:00pm-Social Center
Boy Scouts-7:00pm-Gymnasium
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Funeral Planning-10:30am-Fireplace RM
Catechist Formation-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RMS 203-206
Lector Practice(Spanish)-5:30pm-Church
RCIA-6:00pm-Social Center
Spanish Choir Practice-7:00pm-Church
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Good Shepherd-5:00pm-Kemper Halls RMS 203-206
Ingles Tambien-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 209
Faith Formation-5:15pm-Social Center
Faith Formation-5:15pm-School Classrooms
Faith Formation-5:15pm-Gymnasium
Faith Formation-5:15pm-Church
RCIA Children/Parents-5:15pm-Library
Ministerio Santa Cecilia-7:00pm-Gymnasium
Confirmation(Youth)-7:00pm-Social Center
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Baptism Class(English)-6:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 204
Baptism Class(Spanish)-6:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 205
Bible Study (Fr. Mike)-7:00pm-Social Center
Ministerio Santa Cecilia-8:00pm-Fireplace RM
Friday, October 16, 2015
Hour of Mercy-3:00pm-Church
La Danza Practice-7:00pm-Gym Parking Lot
El Sembrador-7:00pm-Fireplace RM
Saturday, October 17, 2015
First Reconciliation Workshop-8:00am-Social Center
First Reconciliation Workshop-8:00am-All Campus
Repose the Blessed Sacrament-11:30am-Church
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Guadalupana Taco Sale-After All Masses
Good Shepherd-9:00am-Kemper Hall RMS 203-206
ACTS Spanish Women-2:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 205
LifeTeen-6:00pm-Social Center/Fireplace RM
The Sanctuary Lamp
will burn this week
In Honor
David Weekly
The Second Collection on
October 17 & 18, 2015
will be for
World Mission Sunday
Thank you for your generosity!
tar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers
Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015 - 5:00pm
Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015—5:00pm
Crucifer– Michelle Cruz
Candle Bearer– Joseph Mata
Candle Bearer–
Steve Black
Gail Stauder
DM: Monica Schneider
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—7:45am
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015-7:45am
Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015-5:00pm
Team A
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—7:45am
Crucifer-Sarah McCormick
Candle Bearer-Alina McCormick
Candle Bearer–Yanet Vasquez
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—9:15am
Crucifer– Taiz Cruces
Candle Bearer—Jessica Cruces
Candle Bearer—Lizbeth Zapata
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—11:00am
Crucifer—Kelsey Kleypas
Candle Bearer—Brianna Alcorta
Candle Bearer—Parker Powell
Team A
Terry Raney
Irma Aguirre
DM: Terry Pavlica
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—9:15am
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015-9:15am
Carmelo Servin
Armando Ortega
Team B
DM: John Martinez
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015-11:00am
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—11:00am
Estella Treviño
Kay Graham-Gilbert
Team B
DM: Dora Bill
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015-5:00pm
Team LC
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—5:00pm
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—5:00pm
Jessica Cruces
Ellie Butler
DM-Designated Minister
Crucifer—Stefan Sirianni
Candle Bearer—Mason Sirianni
Candle Bearer—Jordan Sirianni
Harry Winslow, Benita Garcia, Irene Peters,
Maria Murphy, Irwin Schilhab, Guadalupe
Gonzales, Crystal Tompkins, Simona Garza,
Carolyn Huerta, Juan Jimenez, Faye Ortiz,
Reid Welles, Maria Hurtado, Damien Flores,
Wanda Juenke, Irene Vera, Manuel Bermudez, Kathryn
Franco, William Murray, Lorene Guidry, Donna Stewart,
Richard Ball, Rosemary Marker, Debra Maas, John Ragsdale, Katie McCarty, Manuel Sanchez, Javier Lopez Uriegas,
Emilio Roman, Carol Stapleton, Lila Neuman, Gary Fourney,
Eusevio Piedra, Marcelino Vega, Sylvia Saldana, Yvonne
Guidry, Mario Reyes, Mauricio Reyes, Florence Hall, Mike
Hozman, Manuel Castro, Margie Tremper, Ramon Lemos,
Ricardo Villagomez, Janet Maltman, Andrew Hart, Jose Luis
Sanchez, Valerie Manns, Raymond Nunez, Joan Perez,
Marisa Benavides, Jimmy Fealey, Monica Garcia, Dan Grant,
Dolores Garza, Justin Salcedo, Rosario Villarreal, Maria de
Jesus Garcia, Herminia Villanueva, Vee Schlosser, Annie
Stone, David Klose, Maria Garza, Antonio Pruneda, Carol
Barker, Julia Cuevas, Benita Segura, Joe Smith, Stephen
Pflum, Bernice Gross, William Etchison, Fay Stafford, Maria
Splaine, Mary Ann Sanchez, Aldemira Rendon, Eloida Garcia,
Butch Connally, Pete F. Vargas, Hector Garza, Minnie
Waddell, Michelle Marino, Carol Ann Rubright, Linda Nunez,
Olan Mahlmann, Michael Heck, Anna Borkowski, Rudy Garcia, Janet Jillson, Rosie Garcia, Bill Treybig, Celia Lozano,
Joy Lozano, Danny Flores, Jr., Jesse Nunez, Anthony Garcia,
Ofelia Canales, Jose Mario Guzman, Martin Garcia, Gilbert
Gauna Sr., Larry Fagarason, Larry Shaw, Clint Boulette,
Ruben & Herminia Osorio, Maria Real, Michael J. LaFleur,
Carmela Chefalo, Carmen Collins, Karen Klein, Evangelina
Charnichart, Sean Kennison, Ciro Ayala, C.J Garza, Manuela
Sanchez, Maria Galvan, Beverly Kyle, D. J. Sholund, Lois
Bailey, Mary Ellen Wheeler, Henrietta Fadai & Sylvia Leyva.
Bread Bakers
Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015—5:00pm
Team A
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—7:45am
Team A
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—9:15am
Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015—5:00pm
Marlene Grothues
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—9:15am
Irma Aguirre
Team A
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—11:00am
Team D
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—5:00pm
Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015—11:00am
Mary Muehlstein
~Christ came to serve, not to be served.
As disciples of Christ, let us follow
the way of the teacher.~
It is time once again to gather those who
serve in any of the ministries here at Notre Dame
for an evening of prayer, potluck, and preparation. All evenings will take place at St. Peter Upon
the Water Conference Center in Ingram (234 Indian Creek Road) beginning at 6 p.m.
We will begin with prayer, share a meal
(we ask that you bring a dish to share with others),
and prepare for the coming year. We will break
into groups so that you can help evaluate, give
your suggestions, and listen to others in your ministry.
Below are the remaining dates and the ministries which will gather. It is highly recommended
that you make every effort to come to the one for
which you ministry is scheduled since you will
break into groups to discuss your ministry; however, if you cannot, then you are welcome to choose
one of the others.
Let us gather in the spirit in which we were
called to serve.
October 15th
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Environment and Art
October 22nd
Ushers/Greeters – Hospitality
Bus Transportation
Liturgy Coordinators
Welcoming Committee
Marriage Preparation/
Natural Family Planning
~ Cristo vino a servir, no a ser servido.
Como discípulos de Cristo, sigamos
el camino del Maestro. ~
Ha llegado el momento, una vez más para
reunir a aquellos que sirven en cualquiera de los
ministerios aquí en Notre Dame, para una noche
de oración, convivencia, y preparación. Todas las
tardes se realizarán en San Pedro Sobre las
Aguas en el Centro de Conferencias, en Ingmar
(234 Indiana Creek Road) a partir de las 6:00 p.m.
Vamos a comenzar con oración, compartiremos alimentos (les pedimos que lleven un
platillo para compartir con los demás), y
prepararse para el próximo año. Nos separaremos en grupos para puedan ayudar a evaluar,
dar sus sugerencias, y escuchar a los demás en
su ministerio.
A continuación se presentan las fechas y
los ministerios que se reunirán. Los exhortamos a
que hagan todo lo posible para llegar a la que
está programado su ministerio ya que se dividirán
en grupos para hablar de su ministerio; Sin embargo, si usted no puede, entonces le invitamos a
elegir uno de los otros.
Vamos a reunirnos en el espíritu con el
que fuimos llamados a servir.
Jueves, 15 de octubre
Liturgia de los Niños de la Palabra
Medio Ambiente y Arte
Equipo de RICA
Jueves, 22 de octubre
Ujieres / Recibidores - Hospitalidad
Transporte del camión
Coordinadores de la Liturgia
Comité de Bienvenida
Preparación Matrimonial /
Planificación Familiar Natural
Bible Study Dates
St. Therese of Lisieux is the patroness of missionaries
although she never left her convent. She died at the
early age of 24, yet accomplished great things through
the power of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The church made her the patroness of missionaries to emphasize this most important truth: One soul
coming before the Blessed Sacrament can change the
world! St. Therese said, “My mission is to make God
loved.” May she intercede for us in spreading Eucharistic Adoration throughout the world!
An adorer is needed for:
Tuesday 10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m.
Tuesday 1:00 a.m.—2:00 a.m.
Tuesday 5:00 a.m.—6:00 a.m. (temporary)
Thursday 3:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m.
Saturday 1:00 a.m.—2:00 a.m.
Saturday 10:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m.
2015 – 2016
Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
All Bible Studies will be held in the Social Center
unless otherwise indicated!
October 15 and 29
November 12 and 19 (two weeks together)
January 7 and 28
February 11 and 25
If you are able to help with this time, please call
Estela Solis at (830)896-4217 or Veronica Fabro at
Santa Teresita de Lisieux es la Patrona de los
Misioneros, aunque nunca abandonó su convento.
Ella murió a la temprana edad de 24 años, sin embargo, logró grandes cosas a través del poder de la
oración ante Jesús Sacramentado. La Iglesia la
nombró Patrona de los Misioneros, para enfatizar esta
importantisima verdad: ¡Un alma que viene ante el
Santisimo Sacramento puede cambiar el mundo! Santa Teresita dijo, “Mi misión es que Dios sea amado”.
¡Que ella interceda por nosotros en la difusión de la
Adoración Eucaristica en todo el mundo!
April 14 and 28
Tambíen es necesario un adorador los:
martes 10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m.
martes 1:00 a.m.—2:00 a.m.
martes 5:00 a.m.—6:00 a.m. (temporal)
jueves 3:00 p.m.— 4:00 p.m.
sabado 1:00 a.m.—2:00 a.m.
sabado 10:30 a.m.— 11:30 a.m.
Si usted puede acompañar a Jesús este momento,
por favor llame a Estela Solis al (830)896-4217 o
Veronica Fabro al (830)377-9117.
If you feel called to prepare the Lords Table
please call Melanie @ 830-777-4718. We are currently looking for someone to be the sacristan for the
Sunday 5:00 p.m. Mass.
Archbishop Gustavo has called the people of the
Archdiocese of San Antonio to gather with him at St.
Mary’s University on Saturday, November 7th, for
prayer, talks, and a celebration of Mass. Please
check the Archdiocese of San Antonio website to
register; you can view the schedule and the talks
that will be available. Because of this gathering,
there will NOT be a 5:00 p.m. Saturday evening
Mass here at Notre Dame.
If you are a baptized Catholic AND
you have made your first communion
THIS is the preparation you need to
make your Confirmation!
To register please
Call Nelda Bill at (830)896-4233
to make an appointment for an initial interview with
Deborah Dombeck at (830)377-1783
Ernestine Sutherlin at (830)377-9471
Important Information
El Arzobispo Gustavo ha llamado a la gente de la
Arquidiócesis de San Antonio para reunirse con él,
en St. Mary’s University el sábado 7 de noviembre
para orar, charlas, y la celebración de la Santa Misa.
Por favor, consulte la Arquidiócesis de la página
web de San Antonio para registrarse; y allí podrán
ver los horarios y los temas que estarán disponibles.
Debido a esta reunión, el sábado NO se celebrará la Santa Misa de 5:00 de la tarde, aquí en
Notre Dame.
Queson of the Week…
Adults: How can the pleasures and comforts of this world become barriers to your
relaonship with God?
Children: What favorite toy, game, video,
etc. of yours would you be willing to share
with someone this week?
Orientation and all classes will be held
In the Family Life Center Library
at 6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.
Classes will be held each Thursday from October 1—
November 19, 2015 with a closing retreat on
Saturday, November 21st
Holiday break will be from
November 22—January 14th
Classes will resume January 14th and
end with a Saturday retreat on April 16th
Pregunta de la Semana...
Adultos: ¿Cómo pueden los placeres y comodidades de este mundo converrse en
barreras en tu relación con Dios?
Niños: ¿Qué juguete, juego, vídeo favorito,
etc., estarías dispuesto a comparr con alguien esta semana?
Vinnie on Broadway's
The volunteers at St Vincent de Paul on Broadway
would like to share with you stories that your donations
and thrift shop support make possible.
Some weeks, the reception area at the food pantry
looks like Peterson's ER.
Break foot, can't work, come to Vinnie's.
Pull Achilles' Tendon, can't work, come to Vinnie's.
Dislocated shoulder, can't work, come to Vinnie's.
Broken arm, can't work, come to Vinnie's.
These temporary problems will soon go away. Regular
checks are a beautiful thing. However, some clients'
regular checks are so low that it takes elaborate strategies to normally make ends meet. We help with that,
too. Most common is with quarterly utility help and
food, currently 5 meals per person and a few snacks
once a month. Another may is with our low priced thrift
store. To our knowledge of the 17 thrift shops in the
area, we are the only 100% volunteer workforce. This
enables us to pass the savings on to our customers. And they keep coming back.
Serving the poor is all made possible by people heeding the call from the Holy Spirit.
Food pantry: canned fruit
Thrift shop: volunteers
We gather monthly in His name so that we may hear
together His desire for our organization to be of service to Him, our Pastor and our Parish.
We are the Women of Notre Dame Society. Our
monthly meeting devotional theme this next year is
“Walking with Women Saints”. What we learn from
these women is that first; we must believe in our
hearts that we are beloved daughters of God and
women of prayer so that we learn to recognize God’s
voice and discern His purpose for each of us in our
Parish Community.
Please join us and have a renewed faithful experience with the Women of Notre Dame Society.
Members renewing or joining the Women of ND during
the months of August and September will be eligible for
our drawing of a gift basket filled with items valued at
over $ 100.00. Drawing will be at our October 5, 2015
Complete this short form which you can place in the offering plate, return to the church office or mail to Notre
Dame Catholic Church, 909 N. Main Street, Kerrville, TX
78028. Mailed membership forms must be received by
October 2, 2015 to be eligible for the drawing. Additional
forms can be found in the back of the narthex with envelopes for your convenience.
A $10 membership fee is requested.
The Women of Notre Dame are currently accepting All Soul’s Memorials. A special Memorial Mass will be said on November 15, 2015 at the
9:15 a.m. Mass; names will be published in the
weekly bulletin. Envelopes for donations are located in the back of the church in the narthex. Donations may be placed in the collection basket or
dropped off at the Pastoral Center. Deadline for intentions is November 8, 2015.
CHECK #______________
CASH _________________
Ginny Saip, President (830) 367-2640
Deborah Dombeck, Vice President (830) 896-8715
2016 Catholic Life Sweepstakes
The Spanish Women’s ACTS TEAM will have a Garage Sale on Saturday, October 24, 2015 from 7:00
a.m.—2:00 p.m., in the Notre Dame Church Gymnasium. The team will be accepting donated items, Friday, October 23, 2015 from 5:00pm—8:00pm in the Gym.
Please come and help support the Women’s Spanish
ACTS Team; the funds from this sale will help provide
scholarships to those who otherwise would be unable to
attend this retreat. For more information call Ana Guerrero (Director) at (830)955-3129, Olga Lopez (Co-Director)
at (830)370-4818 or Silvia Limón (Co-Director) at (830)
El EQUIPO DE ACTS de mujeres en español, tendrá
una venta de garaje el sábado 24 de octubre 2015 de
7:00am-2:00pm, en el Gimnasio de la Parroquia de
Notre Dame. El equipo estará aceptando artículos donados, el viernes 23 de octubre 2015 de 5:00-8:00pm en
el Gimnasio. Por favor vengan y apoyen al equipo de
ACTS de mujeres en español; los fondos de esta venta
ayudarán a proporcionar becas a los que de otro modo
no podrían asistir a este retiro. Para más información
llame a Ana Guerrero (Directora) al (830) 955-3129, Olga
Lopez (Co-Directora) al (830)370-4818 o Silvia Limón (Co
-Directora) al (830) 370-5456.
Ticket sales for our 2016 Catholic Life Sweepstakes
fund raiser will begin on October 9th, 2015. This
program helped our school raise over $9,000 in
the last two years. All monies from the sale of
any ticket go directly and immediately to Notre
Dame Catholic School.
Catholic Life provides all sweepstakes prizes. The
prizes for 2016 include a grand raffle prize with the
winner’s choice of a 2016 Ford F-150 truck, or a
2016 Ford Fusion Sedan, or a pre-paid $20,000 VISA Credit Card. Also, new this year... a guaranteed winner of a pre-paid $1,000 VISA Credit Card
will be drawn from each participating school’s tickets
sold! .
Tickets can be purchased from any Notre Dame
student or from the school office.
Raphael Clinic is seeking assistance; bilingual preferred to answer the telephone and interview people
who are seeking help. An eight hour day, two days a
week would be very helpful and appreciated.
For more information, please all the clinic at (830)
La Clínica Rafael necesita a personas bilingues
que hablan español y ingles para contester el teléfono
y entrevistar a las personas que necesitan ayuda. Si
nos pueden ayudar ocha horas al dia, dos dias por
semana, nos ayudaría bastante.
Para mas informacíon, favor llame la clinica al (830)
In today’s gospel Jesus challenges us to live as God
calls us to, not the world. Have you allowed the
world’s way to detract from your marriage? Sign up
today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends. The next weekend is October 16-18.
For more information, call Rob & Cris Johnson at (361)
537-4997 or apply online at www.mesanantonio.org.
The Kerrville Perpetual Care Cemetery Association is
holding a Friend and Fund Raiser, “A Celebration of Our
Past”, on Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Union
Church, 101 Travis Street. Funds raised at this event
will be used to help maintain Glen Rest Cemetery.
If you have loved ones interred at Glen Rest Cemetery,
or if you are simply interested in Kerr County History,
please join us. There will be a reception followed by a
brief program, after which those who wish may visit
gravesites at Glen Rest Cemetery. You may visit the
website at [email protected]/2015
from the Notre Dame Parish Library are available in the narthex of the church, near the bell
tower door. We are currently featuring recent
additions to the library.
Disputed Questions, by Thomas Merton, who
opens the book by saying, “A title like Disputed
Questions may, from the author’s point of view,
have at least one definite advantage: it can preserve the reader from the delusion that the
book is ‘inspirational.’ That is certainly not the
case. The book is meant to stimulate thought
and to awaken some degree of spiritual awareness. But it is not supposed to make anyone
break out with a sudden attack of spiritual
happiness, still less with pious enthusiasm and
the conviction that all’s right with the world as
long as we make up our minds to concentrate
on the bright side of things. For this, as I understand it, is what an ‘inspirational’ book is
supposed to do. If that is true, then I should
like to lay claim to the honor of never having
written one.”
Later in the Preface he says, “there is one
theme...which runs through the whole book...
the relation of the person to the social organization.” The dozen and a half essays making up
this volume include three on Boris Pasternak
and five on the Carmelites, plus articles on
Mount Athos, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St.
John of the Cross, and some cutting comments
on contemporary religious art. Read one or
two, or most, or all of the essays, and return
the book so more of us can taste it. (Let the
librarian know if you want to be the next in line
to enjoy it.)
October 3-4, 2015
Capital Improvement
N.D. Religious Ed.
(2nd Collection)
$ 1,554.00
School Support
Please pray for those who have died, and
have gone to their eternal rest with the
Lord, especially for Olivia Limón &
Anita Medrano. Eternal rest grant unto
them, O Lord, and let perpetual light
shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
$ 13,448.00
Mañana lunes, 12 de octubre
en el centro social.
Danza Santa Cruz
viernes a las 7PM en el
estacionamiento del gimnasio.
Fechas con rosarios:
30 de oct. - Maria Theresa y Andres Coronel
3 de nov. - Angelica Contreras
4 de nov. - Elba Perez
6 de nov. - Maria Navarro
7 de nov. - Jose y Maria Escajeda
8 de nov. - Alvina Lopez
9 de nov. - Dalia Garcia
Estudio Bíblico —
Venga y preparase para las lecturas
dominicales el viernes, 16 de octubre
en el cuarto de chimenea,
ubicado en el centro social.
10 de nov. - Cessy Luna
13 de nov. - Rachel Arriola
14 de nov. - Eva de la Rosa
15 de nov. - Maria Garcia
20 de nov. - Claudia Flores
21 de nov. - Mari Gamez
29 de nov. - Doña Eva Venegas
4 de dic. - David y Alicia Castañón
El mes de octubre es el mes del
Santo Rosario.
La familia que ora junta se mantiene unida y
fuerte ante el mundo y las fuerzas del mal.
Baile de niñas para la
misa de la
Virgen de Guadalupe
Comuníquese con nuestra oficina si su
hija quiere participar.
830.896.4233 x232
October 11, 2015
WEDNESDAYS | 5:30-6:45pm in the Gym
All 7th and 8th grade students are invited!
This exciting new program seeks to help Catholic teens
to appreciate the awesome beauty and mystery of the
Mass…and actually look forward to attending and participating. Through a unique learning experience, including powerful videos with teaching from priests and
some of the top Catholic youth speakers, small group
discussion and prayer the teens will come to see the
Mass in a dramatic new way. Students will be taken on
a comprehensive and surprising walk through the richness of the Mass and will be invited into the
throne room of heaven…into the very heart of God!
SUNDAYS | 6:00-8:00pm in the Social Center
All High School students are welcome!
"It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness."
Saint Pope John Paul II
Join us at Life Teen for our series called A live and Dangerous, as we
explore how we were created from love, for love and to love one another! By realizing this purpose and having a life centered in Christ
we can live fully alive and dangerous to the things of this world that
try to satisfy us.
We will NOT meet tonight due to our Fall Retreat, but will
continue next Sunday, October 18th.
October 11, 2015
First Reconciliation Workshop
Children’s Faith Formation
Notre Dame School
Good Shepherd
Who: Parents and their Children
preparing for First Reconciliation
Saturday October 17, 2015
Registration opens 8:00am
Where: Social Center
Babysitting available
Siblings will not be allowed in Parent sessions.
Safe Environment Workshop
Video on Sexual Harassment
Archdiocesan policy requires that anyone who works/volunteers in a
parish view the video on Sexual
Harassment and anyone who works with children to attend a workshop
on Safe Environment.
Notre Dame Parish policy requires anyone who serves in a ministry to
attend the Safe Environment Workshop.
Our parish will offer an opportunity to fulfill both of these obligations on
Thursday, November 12th at 5:30pm in the Fireplace Room
Questions? Call/Email Alma A. Cruz Gonzales
at 896.4233 x232/[email protected]
Childcare for children 4 months - 5 years will be available.
11 de octubre del 2015
RecordatorioTaller para el
Sacramento de Reconciliación
Quien: Niños que se están preparando para celebrar el
Sacramento de Reconciliación y sus padres
Cuando: sábado 17 de octubre del 2015
de 8:30am-12:00pm
matriculación comienza a las 8:00 am
Donde: Centro Social
Recuerde – Su presencia es requerida
El cuarto de niños estará disponible.
* No se permitirá niños en las sesiones de los padres.
por favor de llamar a Nelda para reservar un lugar 896-4233
Nuestro horario de oficina de YFM
Todo niño/a que sea
candidato/a para
celebrar los Sacramentos de Reconciliación y
Primera Eucaristía primero debe de
entrevistarse con Alma o Denise. Este
requisito incluye a niños del Buen Pastor y
la escuela de Notre Dame.
Favor de llamar al 896.4233 para apartar
su cita
será el siguiente:
lunes 8-12 y 1-4
martes 8-12 y 1-4
miércoles 1-7
jueves 8-12 y 1-4
Alma Children’s Faith Formation PK-6th,
RCIA adapted for children
Wednesday 5:15-6:45 pm Social Ctr
Denise Good Shepherd Mon & Wed
5:00-6:30 pm, Sun 9:00-10:30am
Wyatt Edge 7th - 8th 5:30-6:45 pm GYM
Youth Ministry Sun 6:00-8:00 pm
Nelda Secretary & Baptisms
830 896-4233