travel tips
travel tips
TRAVEL TIPS Local Transit CONFERENCE VENUE The conference will be held on the campus of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) The campus is located southwest of Baltimore, just across the city line between the towns of Arbutus and Catonsville, MD. The address is 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250. Our main meeting venue will be the Public Policy building (#29 on campus maps). LOCAL TRANSIT FROM BWI HOTELS While UMBC is very close to the airport and hotels, unfortunately, there are no public transportation options. We highly recommend a car rental as an economical and convenient solution. Consider a rideshare with fellow attendees. Alternately, with advance reservations some hotel shuttles will serve UMBC, please inquire at your front desk. There is also good taxi service from both the hotels and airport (approximate fare of $20 each way). LOCAL TRANSIT FROM LISA LISA is being held at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront ( about 8 miles from UMBC. Travel by car is the easiest, but there are other options including taxi, bus, and light rail. MTA bus #35 connects downtown directly to UMBC every half hour on weekends. It is a 25 minute ride and a $1.60 fare. The Inner Harbor stop is about an 8-10 minute walk from LISA. An alternative is to take the light rail line to BWI and follow the directions above. This is a 30 minute ride and a $1.60 fare. See for details. CAR RENTAL The following companies operate at BWI. A free shuttle will connect you to the common rental site. Avis: (410) 859-1680, Budget Rent A Car: (410) 859-0850, Enterprise Rent-A-Car: (800) 325-8007, Hertz: (410) 850-7400, Alamo Rent-A-Car: (410) 859-8092, National Car Rental: (410) 859-8860, Thrifty Car Rental: (410) 850-7139, Dollar Car Rental: (800) 800-4000, TAXI BWI Airport Taxi is the exclusive contract for the airport (410-859-1100, Directions and Parking To the Main Campus: From the north, take Interstate 95 to Route 166 (Exit 47B, Catonsville) or take Interstate 83 to the Baltimore Beltway (I-695, west) and then take Exit 12C (Wilkens Avenue, west); follow the signs to UMBC. From the south, take Interstate 95 to Route 166 (Exit 47B, Catonsville); follow signs to UMBC. Baltimore-Washington International Airport is only five minutes away. Bus service is available from downtown Baltimore. AMTRAK and MARC commuter trains serve the nearby BWI Rail Station. Visitor parking is available at metered garages located at Administration Drive, The Commons Drive and Walker Avenue. Meters are enforced Monday through Friday for hours posted. Except for meters, all other campus roadways and lots require a permit. Undergraduate admissions visitors should park in designated lots. Please refer to your visit confirmation materials or contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 410-455-2291 or 1-800-UMBC-4U2 for further details. To the techcenter@UMBC (South Campus): From I-95, take Exit 47B, Route 166 North past the entrance to UMBC and toward Rolling Road. Follow to Route 166 South toward Arbutus. Go a half mile and make your first right onto Gun Road. The road immediately forks. Take the left fork and proceed a half mile to the entrance. From UMBC: take Hilltop Circle to Hilltop Road and Wilkens Avenue. Turn left and proceed to Route 166 South toward Arbutus. Make a right onto Gun Road. The road immediately forks. Take the left fork and proceed a half mile to the entrance. General Information Telephone Number: 410-455-1000 v Visitor Parking Undergraduate Admissions Graduate Admissions Main Campus 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, MD 21250 5 6 7 8 15 19 20 23 27 36 40 48 61 64 91 120 320 150 160 310 410 411 420 White Marsh Mall LEGEND: Timepoint 35 A 35 LINE Peak Service to Blind Ind. via Crossroads Pk. 35 44 6 Metro Subway quickbus Service Franklin Sq. Hosp. MARC Train Service to/from Washington DC Go C.C.B.C. Essex BL VD N G TO 36 Edison Hwy. 22 13 Highland Ave. 13 13 104 Patterson Park Ave. Broadway Central Ave. Northeast Market/ Monument St. Shopping Dist. LA PU H KI S Golden Ring S.C. 24 Mapleton Ave. 22 6 5 Milton Ave. Wolfe St. Washington Caroline St. 21 19 15 5 Greenmount Ave. 8 48 GUILFORD AVE. C ALVERT ST. Howard St. Sharp St. Carey St. GILMOR ST. Pulaski St. 51 . HAMMONDS FERRY RD. 35 IN H W AS 77 A SOUTH ST. Caton Ave. 16 77 SH SULPHUR SPRING DR. EAST DR. OU MONUMENT J W 44 E. AV . . E AV MADISON ST. Y. D. LV55 St. Agnes Hospital 24 4 No rth Po in tB lvd . 40 Camden Yards 51 . E AV E RN U.M.B.C. D RD . N B S D E LE . E AV Pa r W kD ay r. PH AR TO LA W RD GE GE Convention Center ia d P EL D IL A RD RN BE SO CE T ES 35 OI DE LIN . B EL De CH AV E ND LA C . N W TO OR . DR G av EB . ST EN 77 AR W CO AR WI G Fayette St. ist Rd . or . DR A HI NG KI ND LA KE ID PL E E ILK 35 Mt. Clare Jct. S.C. LM D . E AV NS MA PO 35 DU 10 University of Maryland Baltimore County LOMBARD ST. PRATT ST. F FULTON AVE. H Johns Hopkins Hospital m RE UA SQ K 4 LIN NK A FR ILL SV 35 or ng M ea I s En Ri . 35 S RO Baltimore St. Ar en 55 40 Monroe St. Fulton Ave. ld CENTRE 15 RING Connecting Bus Routes 40 . R.R D RD R E TET EN EN CC N N WW TO TO W Light Rail Line Intermediate Stop WHITE MARSH . VD BL LL BE MP CA Full Time Peak Only 35 HONEYGO BLVD. 3 11 White Marsh Park & Ride CORPORATE 1 10 Avenue at White Marsh WHITE MARSH U.M.B.C. BLIND INDUSTRIES SANDPIPER 35 Bus Connections available in Downtown Baltimore to: Crossroads Business Park Blind Industries and Services of Maryland 35 BLIND INDUSTRIES LANSDOWNE RD. N Lansdowne Station Halethorpe RW 9/09-NR INSTRUCCIONES: 1256 105 121 134 1254 108 115 121 BL VD Greenmount Ave. Edison Hwy. 22 13 13 13 104 Highland Ave. Patterson Park Ave. Broadway Central Ave. SOUTH ST. Mapleton Ave. 22 6 5 Milton Ave. Wolfe St. Washington 19 Caroline St. 5 15 21 48 8 GUILFORD AVE. Sharp St. C ALVERT ST. Howard St. Carey St. GILMOR ST. Pulaski St. 51 . HAMMONDS FERRY RD. E CORPORATE SANDPIPER HONEYGO BLVD. ries Blin d In dust UMB C Lo op Maid & W en Cho ilke ns ice Wilk & Ca ens ton Lom & H bard owa rd Deso Wilmto & arco Guil Fayeford & tte G D C B A I J K UMB 442 507 532 542 602 610 631 644 701 716 731 748 801 B816 832 B852 903 934 1004 1033 1102 1132 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 452 517 542 552 613 621 642 655 713 728 743 800 813 828 844 903 914 945 1014 1043 1112 1142 509 534 559 609 630 638 659 713 731 746 801 818 831 846 902 921 932 1003 1032 1101 1130 1200 432 527 552 619 629 650 700 722 736 754 809 824 841 854 909 925 943 954 1025 1054 1122 1151 1220 437 532 557 624 634 655 705 727 741 759 814 829 846 859 915 931 949 1000 1031 1100 1128 1157 1226 453 614 652 723 759 832 915 - 456 548 617 641 655 712 726 744 802 816 835 846 903 918 947 1016 1047 1117 1145 1214 1243 555 648 719 751 823 853 910 954 1023 1054 1124 1152 1221 1250 602 655 726 758 830 900 917 1001 1030 1101 1131 1159 1228 1257 512 633 713 744 820 853 936 - 1202 1232 102 132 156 211 227 242 255 306 318 328 338 353 408 423 438 453 510 523 B539 553 609 623 654 722 753 822 852 924 952 1022 1052 1137 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1212 1242 113 143 208 223 239 254 309 320 332 342 352 407 422 437 452 507 524 537 553 607 623 637 707 735 805 834 904 934 1002 1032 1102 1147 1230 100 131 201 227 242 258 313 328 339 351 401 411 426 441 456 511 526 543 556 611 625 641 655 725 753 822 851 921 951 1019 1049 1119 1204 1250 121 152 222 248 304 320 335 350 403 415 425 435 450 505 519 534 549 604 617 632 646 701 715 744 811 840 909 938 1008 1036 1106 1136 1221 1256 127 158 228 254 310 326 341 356 409 421 431 441 456 511 525 539 554 609 622 637 651 706 720 749 816 845 914 943 1013 1041 1111 1141 1226 330 401 429 501 531 559 626 - 113 145 217 247 314 333 345 404 415 432 440 450 504 515 534 544 602 611 629 638 707 736 805 831 900 929 958 1028 1056 1126 1156 1240 120 152 224 254 321 352 422 447 457 522 551 618 645 714 743 812 838 907 936 1005 1035 1103 1133 1203 1247 127 159 231 301 328 359 429 454 504 529 558 625 652 721 750 819 845 914 943 1012 1042 1110 1140 1210 1254 351 422 450 522 552 620 647 - 1222 A 1232 1249 106 111 - 125 132 139 - FOOTNOTES: B Trip terminates at Wilkens & Fulton J K W W K J H G D C B 614 645 715 745 815 846 916 947 1018 1051 1121 1151 1221 631 702 732 802 832 903 933 1004 1036 1109 1139 1209 1240 643 714 744 814 844 916 946 1017 1049 1122 1152 1222 1253 532 A 602 A 632 A 702 A 732 A 802 A 832 A 902 A 932 A 1002 A 1032 A 1102 A 1132 A 542 612 642 712 742 812 842 912 942 1013 1043 1113 1143 600 630 700 730 800 830 900 930 1000 1033 1103 1133 1204 618 648 718 748 818 848 919 949 1019 1052 1122 1152 1223 622 652 722 752 822 852 923 953 1024 1057 1127 1157 1228 635 705 735 805 835 905 936 1007 1039 1112 1142 1212 1243 640 710 740 810 840 911 942 1013 1045 1118 1148 1217 1248 645 715 745 815 845 916 947 1018 1050 1123 1153 1222 1253 1240 110 140 210 240 315 343 413 441 510 540 615 644 713 747 813 843 913 943 1013 1043 1113 1143 1213 1252 122 152 222 252 327 355 425 453 522 552 625 654 723 757 823 853 923 953 1023 1053 1123 1153 1223 111 141 211 241 311 346 414 444 512 541 611 643 712 741 815 840 910 940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 124 154 224 254 323 358 426 456 524 553 623 655 724 753 827 852 922 952 1022 1052 1122 1152 1222 1252 1202 1232 107 137 207 237 307 337 412 442 512 544 612 642 712 742 812 842 912 942 1012 1042 1112 1142 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1213 1243 118 148 218 248 318 348 423 453 523 555 622 652 722 752 822 852 922 952 1022 1052 1122 1152 1234 104 139 209 239 309 339 409 444 514 544 613 640 710 740 810 840 910 940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1253 123 158 228 258 328 358 428 503 532 602 631 658 728 758 828 858 928 958 1028 1058 1128 1158 1228 1258 128 203 233 303 333 403 433 508 537 606 635 702 732 802 832 902 932 1002 1032 1102 1132 1202 1232 113 143 218 248 318 348 418 448 523 552 620 649 716 746 815 845 915 945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 119 149 224 254 324 354 424 454 528 557 625 654 721 751 820 850 920 950 1020 1050 1120 1150 1219 1249 124 154 229 259 329 359 429 459 533 602 630 659 726 756 825 855 925 955 1025 1055 1125 1155 1224 1254 1243 1253 110 122 1212 A 1222 1240 1258 102 115 119 124 Mon Broaument dwa & y 1249 H J Prat Sha t & rp 1234 Pula Map ski & leto n K W Wilk Cato ens & n 1216 35 8/09 Maid & W en Cho ilke ns ice 1204 A N Lansdowne Station C Lo 137 207 237 306 335 405 435 505 533 603 631 659 728 758 827 856 925 955 1025 1050 1119 1149 1219 1251 BLIND INDUSTRIES Halethorpe W B C D G I 530 A 600 A 630 A 700 A 730 A 800 A 830 A 900 A 930 A 1000 A 1030 A 1100 A 1130 A 536 606 636 706 736 806 836 906 936 1006 1036 1106 1136 540 611 641 711 741 812 842 912 942 1012 1042 1112 1142 554 625 655 725 755 826 856 927 957 1029 1059 1129 1159 603 634 704 734 804 835 905 936 1006 1039 1109 1139 1209 1200 1230 100 130 200 235 305 335 405 435 505 540 610 640 714 740 810 840 910 940 1010 1040 1110 1140 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1206 1236 106 136 206 241 311 341 411 441 511 546 616 646 720 746 816 846 916 946 1016 1046 1116 1146 1212 1242 112 142 212 247 316 346 415 445 515 550 620 650 724 750 820 850 920 950 1020 1050 1120 1150 1229 1259 129 159 229 304 332 402 430 500 530 605 634 704 738 804 834 904 934 1004 1034 1104 1134 1204 1210 A 1216 1220 1234 SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS SATURDAYS 131 201 231 300 329 359 429 459 527 557 625 653 722 752 821 850 919 949 1019 1044 1113 1143 1213 1245 35 LANSDOWNE RD. Maryland Transit Administration 6 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Whi Mallte Mars h Prat Sha t & rp G Fran Hos klin Sq pita uare l Wilk Cato ens & n D Mon & B ument road way Pula Map ski & leto n Maid & W en Cho ilke ns ice C op C Lo B SATURDAYS 124 154 224 253 322 352 422 452 520 550 618 646 715 745 814 843 912 942 1012 1037 1106 1136 1206 1238 Blind Industries and Services of Maryland RW 9/09-NR FOOTNOTES: B Trip starts at Wilkens & Fulton 104 134 204 233 303 333 404 434 503 533 602 630 700 730 759 828 857 927 957 1022 1051 1121 1151 1224 Monroe St. Fulton Ave. (This document available in alternative format upon your request) Camden Yards 415 A 445 A 515 A 545 A 615 A 645 A 715 A 745 A 815 A 845 A 915 A 945 A 1015 A 1045 A 1115 A 1145 A 421 451 521 551 621 651 721 751 821 851 921 951 1021 1051 1121 1151 427 457 527 557 627 657 727 757 828 858 929 959 1029 1059 1129 1159 440 510 540 611 642 713 744 814 845 916 947 1017 1047 1117 1147 1217 450 520 550 621 652 724 755 825 856 928 959 1029 1059 1129 1159 1229 500 530 600 631 702 734 805 835 906 938 1009 1039 1109 1139 1209 1240 517 547 617 648 719 751 822 852 924 956 1028 1058 1128 1158 1228 1259 531 601 631 702 733 806 837 907 939 1012 1044 1114 1144 1214 1244 115 1215 1245 115 145 215 245 315 345 415 445 515 545 615 645 715 745 815 845 915 945 1015 1045 1115 1145 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1221 1251 121 151 221 251 321 351 421 451 521 551 621 651 721 751 821 851 921 951 1021 1051 1121 1151 1229 1259 129 159 228 258 328 358 427 457 527 557 627 657 727 757 827 857 927 957 1027 1057 1127 1157 1247 118 148 218 247 317 347 417 446 516 545 614 644 714 743 812 842 911 941 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1259 130 200 230 259 329 359 429 458 527 556 625 655 725 754 823 853 921 951 1020 1050 1120 1150 1220 110 141 211 241 310 340 410 440 509 538 607 636 706 736 805 834 904 932 1002 1031 1101 1131 1201 1230 129 200 230 300 329 359 429 459 528 557 626 655 724 754 823 852 922 950 1020 1049 1119 1149 1218 1247 145 216 246 316 345 416 446 516 545 613 642 711 740 809 838 907 937 1004 1034 1103 1133 1203 1232 101 1215 A 1221 1227 1240 1250 100 117 131 op 1247 1258 128 158 227 257 327 358 428 457 527 557 625 655 725 754 823 852 922 952 1017 1046 1116 1146 1219 77 36 77 MTA Website: A . 40 C Lo 1241 1238 108 138 206 236 306 337 407 437 507 537 607 637 707 737 806 835 905 935 1001 1030 1100 1130 1204 Caton Ave. 16 B EL SH SULPHUR SPRING DR. lvd UMB - 1219 1249 119 147 217 247 318 348 418 448 518 548 618 648 718 748 817 847 917 943 1012 1042 1112 1146 . E AV tB Maid & W en Cho ilke ns ice 1234 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P LE Po in Wilk Cato ens & n 1222 1205 1235 105 133 203 233 303 333 403 433 503 534 604 634 704 734 804 834 904 930 1000 1030 1100 1134 NE R OU ED St. Agnes Hospital rth Crossroads Business Park OR G TO N U.M.B.C. B . E AV No Lom Howbard & ard -A 553 623 653 723 755 825 855 926 959 1031 1102 1135 1206 1236 106 . S Northeast Market/ Monument St. Shopping Dist. Guil Fayeford & tte 146 204 227 248 309 329 350 404 420 436 453 506 522 535 555 606 622 636 651 701 714 727 742 804 833 900 922 948 1009 1039 1109 1139 1209 1247 547 617 647 717 749 819 849 920 953 1025 1056 1129 1200 1230 100 AV E L ST WE RD T GE GE DR W AS H IN 35 C AR . N OW . D AN EAST DR. 77 35 L WI Fayette St. 24 Pula Map ski & leto n 129 147 210 231 252 312 333 347 403 419 436 449 507 520 540 551 607 621 636 646 701 714 729 751 820 847 909 935 956 1026 1056 1126 1156 1234 Maid & W en Cho ilke ns ice UMB C Lo op PL E H Johns Hopkins Hospital Fran Hos klin Sq pita uare l 108 126 149 209 230 250 310 324 340 355 412 425 443 456 516 529 545 559 614 626 642 655 710 732 802 829 851 919 940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1218 Wilk & Ca ens ton PO D . VE SA CO AR WI E G Convention Center Mt. Clare Jct. S.C. LM N KE G r Whi Mallte Mars h 1253 114 137 158 219 239 259 313 329 344 401 414 432 445 502 515 531 545 601 613 629 642 658 721 751 818 840 910 931 1001 1031 1101 1131 1209 Lom Howbard & ard 10 University of Maryland Baltimore County LOMBARD ST. PRATT ST. F FULTON AVE. MADISON ST. I o ns D IL A PH Whi Mallte Mars h 1241 101 124 145 205 225 245 259 315 329 346 359 416 429 446 459 515 529 546 559 615 628 644 708 738 806 828 858 920 950 1020 1050 1120 1200 540 610 640 710 742 812 842 913 946 1018 1049 1122 1153 1223 1253 C.C.B.C. Essex R. ED en AR Ri U ng SQ K 4 Rd LIN . NK M A o Ar FR m ravi ist a ea Pa 4 rk d W ay Dr. Y. 44 W 24 IH SK LA U Golden Ring S.C. MONUMENT J P RD Fran Hos klin Sq pita uare l 1233 1253 114 135 155 215 235 249 305 319 336 349 406 419 436 449 506 520 537 550 607 620 636 701 731 759 823 853 915 945 1015 1045 1115 1155 526 556 626 656 728 758 828 858 930 1001 1032 1103 1134 1204 1234 Go P EL Pula Map ski & leto n 239 309 339 409 439 509 539 609 - Pula Map ski & leto n Guil Fayeford & tte 35 op 1223 1243 103 124 144 204 224 235 254 305 325 335 355 405 425 435 455 505 525 535 555 605 624 649 719 749 814 844 908 938 1008 1038 1108 1148 Fran Hos klin Sq pita uare l Baltimore St. CENTRE . A HI 35 ld UMB 1210 1230 1250 110 130 150 210 240 310 340 410 440 510 540 610 635 705 735 800 830 855 925 955 1025 1055 1135 Whi Mallte Mars h MARC Train Service to/from Washington DC Whi Mallte Mars h Prat Sha t & rp Prat Caret & y Wilm & D arco esot o UMB Wilk & Ca ens ton C Lo op ne Lan sdow P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 521 551 621 651 723 753 823 853 924 955 1026 1057 1128 1158 1228 Franklin Sq. Hosp. T E. AV 215 245 315 345 415 445 515 545 - 505 535 605 635 706 736 806 836 906 937 1007 1038 1108 1138 1208 quickbus Service D. LV 5 EB 5 459 533 555 612 629 643 704 717 738 750 810 827 849 905 923 937 955 1010 1027 1045 1114 1143 1213 1243 115 447 517 547 617 647 717 747 817 847 918 948 1019 1049 1119 1149 RING Connecting Bus Routes 40 15 LL VI 445 519 541 558 614 628 649 702 723 735 755 811 833 849 906 920 938 953 1010 1028 1057 1126 1156 1226 1258 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 6 SS 429 503 525 542 558 611 632 645 704 716 735 751 813 829 846 900 918 933 950 1008 1037 1106 1136 1206 1238 435 505 535 605 635 705 735 805 835 905 935 1005 1035 1105 1135 Peak Only . R.R DD RER TET N N E E CC NN WW O TO W 55 420 454 515 532 548 600 621 634 653 705 724 740 802 818 835 849 906 921 938 955 1024 1053 1122 1152 1223 B 44 51 411 445 505 522 537 549 608 621 640 652 710 726 747 803 820 834 854 909 926 944 1013 1042 1111 1141 1211 C Full Time Intermediate Stop RD 405 439 459 516 531 543 600 613 630 642 700 716 737 753 810 824 844 859 916 934 1004 1033 1103 1133 1203 D 35 . 536 604 633 706 743 814 849 - G 310 420 WHITE MARSH NA 452 508 523 532 552 600 620 629 650 702 726 739 759 810 833 845 906 924 954 1023 1053 1123 1153 H 160 411 35 WEEKDAYS 440 455 510 539 606 636 711 743 817 850 910 940 1010 1040 1110 1140 J 320 150 410 35 LINE Peak Service to Blind Ind. via Crossroads Pk. Light Rail Line W B402 A B436 A -A -A -A 515 A -A 543 A -A 611 A -A 644 A -A 719 A -A 750 A -A 825 A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A K 120 35 A Metro Subway Important MTA Telephone Numbers: Local Bus, Metro Subway, Light Rail, Commuter Bus and MARC Train information: 410-539-5000 Toll free: 1-866-743-3682 TTY: 410-539-3497 Lost & Found: 410-333-2387 Police: 410-454-7720 WEEKDAYS W 91 White Marsh Mall LEGEND: Timepoint RD K 64 O J 23 61 White Marsh Park & Ride R BE I G 20 48 T SO F 19 40 De E 15 36 35 D 11 27 . ST B 10 ND LA KE A 8 DU YOUR RIDE IS HERE. 7 . LA E. CE AV OI N CH DE LIN tel: 410-539-5000 6 40 G IN ROUTIN SH D E S I REV MAR WHITE 5 EN ID MA UARE Q S N I L FRANK RING N GOLDE S HOSP. HOPKINOWN T DOWN OADS PARK R CROSS ES HOSP. ST. AGN S U ARBUT G: SERVIN 3 RO .T 4:30 A.M About MTA Fares: 1. Exact fare is required. Use coins or dollar bills. Fareboxes do not give change. 2. Basic fares on MTA Local Buses, Light Rail and Metro Subway: $1.60 one-way, $3.50 Day Pass (unlimited daily travel). 3. Basic fares for seniors and persons with disabilities: 55¢ one-way, $1.20 Day Pass (unlimited daily travel). 4. Senior citizens (age 65+), persons with disabilities and Medicare Cardholders must show one of the following to be eligible for reduced fares on MTA transit services: • a valid MTA Senior/Disability photo ID card, or • any valid government issued photo ID with proof of age, or • a valid disability ID from another transit agency and any valid government issued photo ID, or • a Medicare card and any valid government issued photo ID. 5. Qualifying customers must keep one of the above in their possession at all times while boarding and riding MTA services and when purchasing reduced fares. Additionally, one of the above must be presented when requested by MTA Police officers, fare inspectors, bus operators, Metro Subway station managers, and other MTA officials. 1 Avenue at White Marsh WHITE MARSH U.M.B.C. BLIND INDUSTRIES NG KI FR E C I V R E A.M. 0 3 : DAILY S 2 1 O 35 Bus Connections available in Downtown Baltimore to: . VD BL LL BE MP CA MALL USTRIES H S R A M ND WHITE .B.C./BLIND I TO U.M OM 1. Select correct day of the week and destination of travel. 2. Select the location closest to your boarding point, then read down to the time a bus will be at this location. 3. All bus stops are not shown in the timetable or on the map. 4. Destinations are shown to the right of your starting point. 5. Route patterns, express and supplemental seasonal services are noted in footnotes. 6. All times are approximate. 7. Buses will stop at designated bus stops only. 8. Transfer points are shown by listing the intersecting bus routes on the map. Whi Mallte Mars h SIT ADM D TRAN Fran Hos klin Sq pita uare l TION INISTRA Pula Map ski & leto n S U B L LOCA AN MARYL INSTRUCTIONS How to Use the MTA Timetables Timetables should be read left to right for stops and down for times: Cómo utilizar los horarios de la Administración de Transporte de Maryland (MTA) Los horarios deben leerse de izquierda a derecha para las paradas y hacia abajo para los horarios: 1. Seleccione el día de la semana correcto y el destino del viaje. 2. Seleccione la ubicación más cercana a su punto de abordaje, luego busque debajo el horario en que el autobús se encontrará en dicha ubicación. 3. El horario o el mapa no indican todas las paradas del autobús. 4. Los destinos se indican hacia la derecha de su punto de salida. 5. Los recorridos, servicios expresos y suplementarios en días especiales se detallan en las notas al pie. 6. Todos los horarios son aproximados. 7. Los autobuses pararán únicamente en las paradas de autobús designadas. 8. Los puntos de trasbordo se muestran al elegir las rutas de autobuses que se cruzan en el mapa. Sobre las tarifas de la MTA: 1. Se requiere una tarifa exacta. Utilice monedas o billetes de dólar. Las máquinas automáticas de cobro de boletos no dan cambio. 2. Tarifas básicas para los autobuses locales, tranvía eléctrico (Light Rail) y tren subterráneo (Metro Subway) de la MTA: $1.60 boleto de ida, $3.50 boleto para todo el día (viajes ilimitados durante todo el día). 3. Tarifas básicas para personas mayores de edad y para personas con impedimentos: 55¢ boleto de ida, $1.20 boleto para todo el día (viajes ilimitados durante todo el día). 4. Los ciudadanos mayores (más de 65 años), las personas con impedimentos y los titulares de Medicare deben presentar algo de lo siguiente para ser elegibles para tarifas reducidas de los servicios de transporte de la MTA: • una identificación con fotografía válida de persona mayor/con impedimentos para la MTA, o • cualquier identificación con fotografía válida emitida por el gobierno con comprobante de edad, o • una identificación de discapacidad válida de otra agencia de transporte y cualquier identificación con fotografía emitida por el gobierno válida, o • una tarjeta de Medicare y cualquier identificación con fotografía válida emitida por el gobierno. 5. Los clientes que califiquen deben traer consigo algo de lo mencionado en todo momento al abordar y viajar en los servicios de la MTA y al adquirir boletos con tarifas reducidas. Además, deberán presentar algo de lo mencionado cuando los oficiales de Policía de la MTA, inspectores de tarifas, operadores de autobuses, administradores de estaciones del tren subterráneo y demás funcionarios de la MTA se lo soliciten. Números telefónicos importantes de la MTA: Información sobre autobuses locales (Local Bus), el tren subterráneo (Metro Subway), el tren eléctrico (Light Rail), Autobús Commuter (Commuter Bus) y el Tren MARC: 410-539-5000 Línea gratuita: 1-866-743-3682 TTY: 410-539-3497 Objetos extraviados: 410-333-2387 Policía de la MTA: 410-454-7720 Sitio web de la MTA: (El presente documento está disponible en formatos alternativos a solicitud del interesado). Fran Hos klin Sq pita uare l 2009 Mon & B ument road way 35 EFFECTIVE AUGUST 30, Timonium Business Park P& R Lutherville Falls Road Cold Spring Lane 13 Penn Station 1500 N. Charles St., Paid Parking 7 Baltimore Highlands P& R Nursery Road North Linthicum Baltimore Beltway Linthicum Ferndale P& R - 1229 1230 - - - - - 1206 1212 1221 1228 1236 - 1238 1256 100 115 1228 1258 128 152 212 232 252 312 328 343 358 421 428 451 458 528 558 622 628 658 728 758 828 858 928 958 1028 1058 1128 1158 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1221 1236 1251 106 121 136 150 200 210 220 230 240 250 300 310 320 330 336 351 359 406 421 429 436 451 459 506 521 526 536 551 606 621 626 630 636 651 706 721 736 751 806 821 836 851 906 921 936 951 1006 1021 1036 1051 1106 1121 1136 1151 1206 1227 1242 1257 112 127 142 156 206 216 226 236 246 256 306 316 326 336 342 357 405 412 427 435 442 457 505 512 527 532 542 557 612 627 632 636 642 657 712 727 742 757 812 827 842 857 912 927 942 957 1012 1027 1042 1057 1112 1127 1142 1157 1212 1236 1244 1251 106 114 121 136 144 151 205 215 220 225 235 245 250 255 305 315 320 325 335 345 348 351 406 414 418 421 436 444 448 451 506 514 518 521 536 541 546 551 606 614 621 636 641 645 648 651 706 714 721 736 744 751 806 814 821 836 844 851 906 914 921 936 944 951 1006 1014 1021 1036 1044 1051 1106 1114 1121 1136 1139 1151 1206 1209 1221 1243 1251 1258 113 121 128 143 151 158 212 222 227 232 242 252 257 302 312 322 327 332 342 352 355 358 413 421 425 428 443 451 455 458 513 521 525 528 543 548 553 558 613 621 628 643 648 652 655 658 713 721 728 743 751 758 813 821 828 843 851 858 913 921 928 943 951 958 1013 1021 1028 1043 1051 1058 1113 1121 1128 1143 1146 1158 1213 1216 1228 1251 1259 106 121 129 136 151 159 206 220 230 235 240 250 300 305 310 320 330 335 340 350 400 403 406 421 429 433 436 451 459 503 506 521 529 533 536 551 556 601 606 621 629 636 651 656 700 703 706 721 729 736 751 759 806 821 829 836 851 859 906 921 929 936 951 959 1006 1021 1029 1036 1051 1059 1106 1121 1129 1136 1151 1154 1206 1221 1224 1236 100 130 200 236 306 336 404 434 504 534 602 630 704 730 800 830 900 930 1000 1030 1100 1130 - 1253 108 123 138 153 208 222 232 242 252 302 312 322 332 342 352 402 408 423 431 438 453 501 508 523 531 538 553 558 608 623 638 653 658 702 708 723 738 753 808 823 838 853 908 923 938 953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1153 1156 1208 1223 1226 1238 111 126 141 156 211 226 240 250 300 310 320 330 340 350 400 410 420 426 441 449 456 511 519 526 541 549 556 611 626 641 656 711 726 741 756 811 826 841 856 911 926 941 956 1011 1026 1041 1056 1111 1126 1141 1156 1211 - 115 130 145 200 215 230 244 254 304 314 324 334 344 354 404 414 424 430 445 453 500 515 523 530 545 553 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 - 130 145 200 215 230 245 259 319 339 359 419 439 445 500 515 530 545 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 - 1228 - A 1210 1221 A A - 1236 A 1240 1251 A - 1227 1242 1257 - 1236 1243 1251 106 113 1243 1250 1258 113 120 1251 1258 106 121 128 - 1253 100 108 123 130 - - - 421 436 451 506 521 536 551 606 621 636 651 706 721 736 751 806 821 836 851 906 921 936 951 1006 1021 1036 1051 1106 1121 1136 1151 1206 1221 514 544 614 644 714 744 814 844 914 944 1014 1044 1114 1144 1214 - 423 438 453 508 516 523 538 546 553 608 616 623 638 646 653 708 716 723 738 746 753 808 816 823 838 846 853 908 916 923 938 946 953 1008 1016 1023 1038 1046 1053 1108 1116 1123 1138 1146 1153 1208 1216 1223 431 446 501 516 524 531 546 554 601 616 624 631 646 654 701 716 724 731 746 754 801 816 824 831 846 854 901 916 924 931 946 954 1001 1016 1024 1031 1046 1054 1101 1116 1124 1131 1146 1154 1201 1216 1224 1231 438 453 508 523 531 538 553 601 608 623 631 638 653 701 708 723 731 738 753 801 808 823 831 838 853 901 908 923 931 938 953 1001 1008 1023 1031 1038 1053 1101 1108 1123 1131 1138 1153 1201 1208 1223 1231 1238 446 501 516 531 546 601 616 631 646 701 716 731 746 801 816 831 846 901 916 931 946 1001 1016 1031 1046 1101 1116 1131 1146 1201 1216 1231 1246 453 508 523 538 553 608 623 638 653 708 723 738 753 808 823 838 853 908 923 938 953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1153 1208 1223 1238 1253 505 535 605 635 705 735 805 835 905 935 1005 1035 1105 1135 1205 1235 105 517 547 617 647 717 747 817 847 917 947 1017 1047 1117 1147 1217 1247 - 1217 1232 1247 102 117 132 147 202 217 232 247 302 317 332 347 402 417 432 447 502 517 532 547 602 617 632 647 702 717 732 747 802 817 832 847 902 917 932 947 1002 1017 1032 1047 1102 1117 1132 1147 1202 1236 1251 106 121 136 151 206 221 236 251 306 321 336 351 406 421 436 451 506 521 536 551 606 621 636 651 706 721 736 751 806 821 836 851 906 921 936 951 1006 1021 1036 1051 1106 1121 1136 1151 1206 1221 1244 114 144 214 244 314 344 414 444 514 544 614 644 714 744 814 844 914 944 1014 1044 1114 1144 - 1238 1246 1253 108 116 123 138 146 153 208 216 223 238 246 253 308 316 323 338 346 353 408 416 423 438 446 453 508 516 523 538 546 553 608 616 623 638 646 653 708 716 723 738 746 753 808 816 823 838 846 853 908 916 923 938 946 953 1008 1016 1023 1038 1046 1053 1108 1116 1123 1138 1146 1153 - 1246 1254 101 116 124 131 146 154 201 216 224 231 246 254 301 316 324 331 346 354 401 416 424 431 446 454 501 516 524 531 546 554 601 616 624 631 646 654 701 716 724 731 746 754 801 816 824 831 846 854 901 916 924 931 946 954 1001 1016 1024 1031 1046 1054 1101 1116 1124 1131 1146 1154 1201 - 1253 101 108 123 131 138 153 201 208 223 231 238 253 301 308 323 331 338 353 401 408 423 431 438 453 501 508 523 531 538 553 601 608 623 631 638 653 701 708 723 731 738 753 801 808 823 831 838 853 901 908 923 931 938 953 1001 1008 1023 1031 1038 1053 1101 1108 1123 1131 1138 1153 1201 1208 - 101 116 131 146 201 216 231 246 301 316 331 346 401 416 431 446 501 516 531 546 601 616 631 646 701 716 731 746 801 816 831 846 901 916 931 946 1001 1016 1031 1046 1101 1116 1131 1146 1201 1216 - 108 123 138 153 208 223 238 253 308 323 338 353 408 423 438 453 508 523 538 553 608 623 638 653 708 723 738 753 808 823 838 853 908 923 938 953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1153 1208 1223 - 135 205 235 305 335 405 435 505 535 605 635 705 735 805 835 905 935 1005 1035 1105 1135 1205 1235 - 117 147 217 247 317 347 417 447 517 547 617 647 717 747 817 847 917 947 1017 1047 1117 1147 1217 - 1214 1217 1229 1232 1244 1247 1259 102 1236 1251 106 121 - - - - - - - - 1200 P -P 1215 P 1230 P -P 1245 P 100 P -P 115 P 130 P -P 145 P 200 P -P 215 P 230 P -P 245 P 300 P -P 315 P 330 P -P 345 P 400 P -P 415 P 430 P -P 445 P 500 P -P 515 P 530 P -P 545 P 600 P -P 615 P 630 P -P 645 P 700 P -P 715 P 730 P -P 745 P 800 P -P 815 P 830 P -P 845 P 900 P -P 915 P 930 P -P 945 P 1000 P -P 1015 P 1030 P -P 1045 P 1100 P -P 1115 P 1130 P 1145 P 1214 1229 1244 1259 114 129 144 159 214 229 244 259 314 329 344 359 414 429 444 459 514 529 544 559 614 629 644 659 714 729 744 759 814 829 844 859 914 929 944 959 1014 1029 1044 1059 1114 1129 1144 1159 1200 A 1215 A 1230 A 1245 A Hunt Valley 1221 Timonium 1214 Patapsco - - Times are approximate. All stations are not shown. SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS southbound sundays & HOLIDAYS northbound CAMDEN YARDS TO PENN STATION bwi MARSHALL airport to hunt valley cromwell station/glen burnie to hunt valley hunt valley TO CROMWELL STATION/GLEN BURNIE HUNT VALLEY TO BWI MARSHALL AIRPORT PENN STATION TO CAMDEN YARDS lv lv lv lvLV LV ARR ARR lv lv LV LV ARR ARR 1014 1044 1114 1144 - 946 953 1008 1016 1016 1023 1038 1046 1053 1108 1116 1123 1138 1146 1153 1208 954 1001 1016 1024 1024 1031 1046 1054 1101 1116 1124 1131 1146 1154 1201 1216 1001 1008 1023 1031 1031 1038 1053 1101 1108 1123 1131 1138 1153 1201 1208 1223 1016 1031 1046 1101 1116 1131 1146 1201 1216 1231 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1153 1208 1223 1238 1035 1105 1135 1205 1235 - 1047 1117 1147 1217 1247 1028 1058 1128 1158 A A A A A A A - 1036 A 1040 1051 A A - 1106 A 1110 1121 A A - 1136 A 1140 1151 A A - 1206 1042 1057 1112 1127 1142 1157 1212 1006 1036 1044 1051 1106 1114 1121 1136 1144 1151 1206 1214 1221 1013 1043 1051 1058 1113 1121 1128 1143 1151 1158 1213 1221 1228 1021 1051 1059 1106 1121 1129 1136 1151 1159 1206 1221 1229 1236 1100 1130 1200 1230 - 953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1153 1208 1223 1238 1011 1026 1041 1056 1111 1126 1141 1156 1211 1226 1241 1256 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 1245 100 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 1245 100 115 - 1214 1228 1258 128 158 228 258 328 358 428 458 528 558 628 658 728 758 828 858 P 1210 1221 P P - 1236 P 1240 1251 P P - 106 P 110 121 P P - 136 P 140 151 P P - 206 P 210 221 P P - 236 P 240 251 P P - 306 P 310 321 P P - 336 P 340 351 P P - 406 P 410 421 P P - 436 P 440 451 P P - 506 P 510 521 P P - 536 P 540 551 P P - 606 P 610 621 P P - 636 P 640 651 P P - 706 P 710 721 P P - 736 P 740 751 P P - 806 P P 810 821 P P - 836 P P 840 851 P - 906 1227 1242 1257 112 127 142 157 212 227 242 257 312 327 342 357 412 427 442 457 512 527 542 557 612 627 642 657 712 727 742 757 812 827 842 857 912 1236 1244 1251 106 114 121 136 144 151 206 214 221 236 244 251 306 314 321 336 344 351 406 414 421 436 444 451 506 514 521 536 544 551 606 614 621 636 644 651 706 714 721 736 744 751 806 814 821 826 836 841 851 856 906 921 1243 1251 1258 113 121 128 143 151 158 213 221 228 243 251 258 313 321 328 343 351 358 413 421 428 443 451 458 513 521 528 543 551 558 613 621 628 643 651 658 713 721 728 743 751 758 813 821 828 833 843 848 858 903 913 928 1251 1259 106 121 129 136 151 159 206 221 229 236 251 259 306 321 329 336 351 359 406 421 429 436 451 459 506 521 529 536 551 559 606 621 629 636 651 659 706 721 729 736 751 759 806 821 829 836 841 851 856 906 911 921 936 100 130 200 230 300 330 400 430 500 530 600 630 700 730 800 830 - 1253 108 123 138 153 208 223 238 253 308 323 338 353 408 423 438 453 508 523 538 553 608 623 638 653 708 723 738 753 808 823 838 843 853 858 908 913 923 938 111 126 141 156 211 226 241 256 311 326 341 356 411 426 441 456 511 526 541 556 611 626 641 656 711 726 741 756 811 826 841 856 - 115 130 145 200 215 230 245 300 315 330 345 400 415 430 445 500 515 530 545 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 - 130 145 200 215 230 245 300 315 330 345 400 415 430 445 500 515 530 545 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 915 - lv lv lv A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1044 1059 1114 1129 1144 1047 1102 1117 1132 1147 - P - - lv 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 944 951 1006 1014 1021 1036 1051 1106 1121 1136 1151 1206 1216 1224 1231 - - - - 1145 A 1159 1202 1221 - 1223 1231 1238 1246 1253 105 - 1200 1215 1230 1245 100 115 130 145 200 215 230 245 300 315 330 345 400 415 430 445 500 515 530 545 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 915 930 1236 - 1244 1251 106 - 114 121 136 - 144 151 206 - 214 221 236 - 244 251 306 - 314 321 336 - 344 351 406 - 414 421 436 - 444 451 506 - 514 521 536 - 544 551 606 - 614 621 636 - 644 651 706 - 714 721 736 - 744 751 806 - 814 821 836 - 844 851 906 921 936 951 1006 - 1238 1246 1253 108 116 123 138 146 153 208 216 223 238 246 253 308 316 323 338 346 353 408 416 423 438 446 453 508 516 523 538 546 553 608 616 623 638 646 653 708 716 723 738 746 753 808 816 823 846 - 1246 1254 101 116 124 131 146 154 201 216 224 231 246 254 301 316 324 331 346 354 401 416 424 431 446 454 501 516 524 531 546 554 601 616 624 631 646 654 701 716 724 731 746 754 801 816 824 831 854 - 1253 101 108 123 131 138 153 201 208 223 231 238 253 301 308 323 331 338 353 401 408 423 431 438 453 501 508 523 531 538 553 601 608 623 631 638 653 701 708 723 731 738 753 801 808 823 831 838 901 - 108 123 138 153 208 223 238 253 308 323 338 353 408 423 438 453 508 523 538 553 608 623 638 653 708 723 738 753 808 823 838 - 135 205 235 305 335 405 435 505 535 605 635 705 735 805 835 - 117 147 217 247 317 347 417 447 517 547 617 647 717 747 817 847 - P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1214 1217 1229 1232 1244 1247 1259 102 114 117 129 132 144 147 159 202 214 217 229 232 244 247 259 302 314 317 329 332 344 347 359 402 414 417 429 432 444 447 459 502 514 517 529 532 544 547 559 602 614 617 629 632 644 647 659 702 714 717 729 732 744 747 759 802 814 817 829 832 844 847 859 902 914 917 929 932 944 947 101 116 131 146 201 216 231 246 301 316 331 346 401 416 431 446 501 516 531 546 601 616 631 646 701 716 731 746 801 816 831 - lv lv lv lv lv lv ARR Camden Yards - - ARR Lexington Market - Par k Tra n Lin sfer es ing ss Ad dre LIGHT RAIL 617 632 647 702 717 732 747 802 817 832 847 902 917 932 947 1002 1017 1032 1047 1102 1117 1132 1147 1202 Hunt Valley 108 - B30 C60 Univ. of Baltimore/ Mt. Royal 101 - Silver Penn Station 1253 - 17 LV Timonium - 459 519 539 559 619 639 659 719 739 759 819 839 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 1245 100 17 14 17 17 Shuttle to: North Avenue 1217 1236 1232 1251 1247 106 102 121 444 504 524 538 544 554 604 614 624 634 644 654 704 714 724 734 744 754 804 814 824 830 840 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 1245 P P P P B30 lV Lutherville 1214 1229 1244 1259 Silver Lutherville A A A A 440 500 520 534 540 550 600 610 620 630 640 650 700 710 720 730 740 750 800 810 820 826 836 841 856 911 926 941 956 1011 1026 1041 1056 1111 1126 1141 1156 1211 1226 1241 - C60 SATURDAYS SOUTHBOUND North Avenue 1200 1215 1230 1245 77 lv Timonium 117 147 206 217 247 306 317 327 347 412 417 432 452 512 532 609 617 647 717 747 817 847 917 947 1017 1047 1117 1147 1217 - 51 J 17 Penn Station 130 135 205 230 235 305 335 405 425 445 505 525 545 605 635 705 735 805 835 905 935 1005 1035 1105 1135 1205 1235 - 17 lv Hunt Valley 108 118 123 138 153 157 208 218 223 238 253 257 308 318 323 338 353 403 408 413 423 433 443 453 503 513 523 533 553 600 608 623 638 653 708 723 738 753 808 823 838 853 908 923 938 953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1153 1208 1223 - 16 lv 614 629 644 659 714 729 744 759 814 829 844 859 914 929 944 959 1014 1029 1044 1059 1114 1129 1144 1159 Univ. of Baltimore/ Mt. Royal 101 111 116 131 146 150 201 211 216 231 246 250 301 311 316 331 346 356 401 406 416 426 436 446 456 506 516 526 546 553 601 616 631 646 701 716 731 746 801 816 831 846 901 916 931 946 1001 1016 1031 1046 1101 1116 1131 1146 1201 1216 - 51 lv -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A 600 A -A 615 A 630 A -A 645 A 700 A -A 715 A 730 A -A 745 A 800 A -A 815 A 830 A -A 845 A 900 A -A 915 A 930 A -A 945 A 1000 A -A 1015 A 1030 A -A 1045 A 1100 A -A 1115 A 1130 A -A 1145 A Lexington Market 1253 100 103 108 123 131 138 142 153 200 203 208 223 231 238 242 253 300 303 308 323 330 338 348 353 358 403 408 418 428 433 438 448 458 503 508 518 533 538 545 553 601 608 623 631 638 653 701 708 723 731 738 753 801 808 823 831 838 853 901 908 923 931 938 953 1001 1008 1023 1031 1038 1053 1101 1108 1123 1131 1138 1153 1201 1208 1238 422 442 502 516 522 532 542 552 602 612 622 632 642 652 702 712 722 732 742 752 802 808 818 823 838 853 858 908 923 935 938 942 953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1058 1108 1123 1138 1153 1208 1223 BALTIMORE COUNTY Baltimore Highlands 4200 Baltimore St P ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Nursery Road 3825 Balto-Annapolis Blvd North Linthicum 450 N. Camp Meade Road Linthicum 200 Hawthorne Rd Ferndale 10 Broadview Rd Cromwell/Glen Burnie 7350 Balto-Annapolis Blvd BWI Business District 678 Elkridge Landing Rd BWI Marshall Airport International Pier BWI 420 lv lv Camden Yards 1246 1253 1256 101 116 124 131 135 146 153 156 201 216 224 231 235 246 253 256 301 316 323 331 341 346 351 356 401 411 421 426 431 441 451 456 501 511 526 531 538 546 554 601 616 624 631 646 654 701 716 724 731 746 754 801 816 824 831 846 854 901 916 924 931 946 954 1001 1016 1024 1031 1046 1054 1101 1116 1124 1131 1146 1154 1201 1231 436 506 536 606 636 706 736 804 830 900 930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 - 1210 1240 110 139 159 219 239 259 319 348 410 440 510 515 540 610 615 640 710 740 810 840 910 940 1010 1040 1110 1140 - 411 BWI Marshall Airport International Pier BWI, Paid Parking Cromwell/Glen Burnie Cromwell AP 2/09-NF lv Patapsco 1238 1245 1248 1253 108 116 123 127 138 145 148 153 208 216 223 227 238 245 248 253 308 315 323 333 338 343 348 353 403 413 418 423 433 443 448 453 503 518 523 530 538 546 553 608 616 623 638 646 653 708 716 723 738 746 753 808 816 823 838 846 853 908 916 923 938 946 953 1008 1016 1023 1038 1046 1053 1108 1116 1123 1138 1146 1153 1223 435 500 505 520 530 535 540 550 600 605 610 620 630 635 640 650 700 705 710 720 730 735 740 750 800 803 806 816 821 829 836 851 856 859 906 921 929 933 936 940 951 959 1006 1021 1029 1036 1051 1056 1059 1106 1121 1129 1136 1151 1159 1206 1221 North Linthicum 1243 114 143 214 243 313 346 416 446 516 544 614 644 714 744 814 844 914 944 1014 1044 1114 1144 - 1158 A 410 LV SATURDAYS NORTHBOUND CAMDEN YARDS TO PENN STATION bwi MARSHALL airport to hunt valley cromwell station/glen burnie to hunt valley lv lv lv -A 458 A -A -A 528 A -A -A 558 A -A -A 628 A -A -A 658 A -A -A 728 A -A -A 758 A -A -A 828 A -A -A 858 A -A -A 928 A -A -A 958 A -A -A 1028 A -A -A 1058 A -A -A 1128 A -A -A 1158 A 510 540 610 640 710 740 810 840 910 940 1010 1040 1110 1140 - 506 521 536 551 606 621 636 651 706 721 736 751 806 821 836 851 906 921 936 951 1006 1021 1036 1051 1106 1121 1136 1151 1206 1228 1258 128 158 228 258 328 358 428 458 528 558 628 658 728 758 828 858 928 958 1028 1058 1128 1158 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1210 1240 110 140 210 240 310 340 410 440 510 540 610 640 710 740 810 840 910 940 1010 1040 1110 1140 - -A 1228 A -A 1210 1240 lv Hunt Valley P& R ARR ARR BWI Marshall Airport 1236 1246 1251 106 121 125 136 146 151 206 221 225 236 246 251 306 321 331 336 341 351 401 411 421 431 441 451 501 521 528 536 551 557 606 621 627 636 651 706 721 736 751 806 821 836 851 906 921 936 951 1006 1021 1036 1051 1106 1121 1136 1151 1206 1221 427 452 457 512 522 527 532 542 552 557 602 612 622 627 632 642 652 657 702 712 722 727 732 742 752 755 758 808 813 821 828 843 848 851 858 913 921 925 928 932 943 951 958 1013 1021 1028 1043 1048 1051 1058 1113 1121 1128 1143 1151 1158 1213 - 320 29 14 Cromwell Station/ Glen Burnie 1217 1232 1247 102 117 132 147 202 217 232 247 302 312 317 322 332 342 352 402 412 422 432 442 502 509 517 532 538 547 602 608 617 632 647 702 717 732 747 802 817 832 847 902 917 932 947 1002 1017 1032 1047 1102 1117 1132 1147 1202 420 445 450 505 515 520 525 535 545 550 555 605 615 620 625 635 645 650 655 705 715 720 725 735 745 748 751 801 806 814 821 836 841 844 851 906 914 918 921 925 936 944 951 1006 1014 1021 1036 1041 1044 1051 1106 1114 1121 1136 1144 1151 1206 - P 120 35 BWI Business District 678 Elkridge Landing Rd, Parking Cromwell Station/ Glen Burnie 1214 1229 1244 1259 114 129 144 159 214 229 244 259 309 314 319 329 339 349 359 409 419 429 439 459 506 514 529 535 544 559 605 614 629 644 659 714 729 744 759 814 829 844 859 914 929 944 959 1014 1029 1044 1059 1114 1129 1144 1159 506 516 526 536 546 556 606 616 626 636 646 656 706 716 726 736 742 752 757 812 827 832 842 857 909 912 916 927 942 957 1012 1027 1032 1042 1057 1112 1127 1142 1157 459 519 539 559 619 639 659 719 735 810 815 840 852 910 940 1010 1015 1040 1110 1140 36 311 17 BWI Marshall Airport P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 500 510 520 530 540 550 600 610 620 630 640 650 700 710 720 730 736 746 751 806 821 826 836 851 903 906 910 921 936 951 1006 1021 1026 1036 1051 1106 1121 1136 1151 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 452 512 532 552 612 632 652 712 728 743 758 828 858 902 928 958 1028 1058 1128 - 20 310 North Linthicum 450 N. Camp Meade Rd, Parking Linthicum 200 Hawthorne Rd. Ferndale 10 Broadview Rd. Cromwell/Glen Burnie 7350 Balto.-Annap. Blvd., Parking North Linthicum 1200 1215 1230 1245 100 115 130 145 200 215 230 245 300 305 325 345 405 425 445 500 515 530 545 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 lv Patapsco 452 512 532 552 612 632 652 712 732 752 812 832 852 912 932 1017 1047 1117 1147 1217 1247 - lv Camden Yards 445 505 525 545 605 625 645 705 725 745 805 825 845 905 925 945 1005 1035 1105 1135 1205 1235 105 10 160 Baltimore Highlands 4200 Baltimore St., Parking Nursery Road 3825 Balto-Annap. Blvd, Parking Lexington Market 433 443 453 503 513 523 533 543 553 603 613 623 633 643 653 703 713 723 733 743 753 803 813 823 833 843 853 903 913 923 933 953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1153 1208 1223 1238 1253 8 150 Convention Center Howard @ Pratt Sts. 14 P& R BWI Business District 91 Patapsco 800 W. Patapsco Ave., Parking Patapsco P& R 27 Cherry Hill 1700 Cherry Hill Rd. Univ. of Baltimore/ Mt. Royal 426 436 446 456 506 516 526 536 546 556 606 616 626 636 646 656 706 716 726 736 746 756 806 816 826 836 846 856 906 916 926 946 1001 1016 1031 1046 1101 1116 1131 1146 1201 1216 1231 1246 lv Penn Station 413 418 428 433 438 443 448 453 458 508 513 518 528 533 538 548 558 603 608 618 628 633 638 648 658 703 708 718 728 733 738 748 758 803 808 818 828 833 838 848 858 903 908 918 931 938 953 1001 1008 1023 1031 1038 1053 1101 1108 1123 1131 1138 1153 1201 1208 1223 1231 1238 lv North Avenue 406 411 421 426 431 436 441 446 451 501 506 511 521 526 531 541 551 556 601 611 621 626 631 641 651 656 701 711 721 726 731 741 751 756 801 811 821 826 831 841 851 856 901 911 924 931 946 954 1001 1016 1024 1031 1046 1054 1101 1116 1124 1131 1146 1154 1201 1216 1224 1231 lv Lutherville 358 403 413 418 423 428 433 438 443 453 458 503 513 518 523 533 543 548 553 603 613 618 623 633 643 648 653 703 713 718 723 733 743 748 753 803 813 818 823 833 843 848 853 903 916 923 938 946 953 1008 1016 1023 1038 1046 1053 1108 1116 1123 1138 1146 1153 1208 1216 1223 lv Timonium 416 456 516 546 616 646 716 746 816 846 914 944 1014 1044 1114 1144 1214 - lv Hunt Valley 356 401 411 421 426 431 436 441 451 501 511 521 531 541 551 601 611 621 631 641 651 701 711 721 731 741 751 801 811 821 831 841 851 901 911 921 936 951 1006 1021 1036 1051 1106 1121 1136 1151 1206 1221 Lutherville BWI Marshall Airport 502 522 542 552 602 612 622 632 642 652 702 712 722 732 742 752 802 812 822 832 842 852 902 917 932 947 1002 1017 1032 1047 1102 1117 1132 1147 1202 North Avenue North Linthicum 459 519 539 549 559 609 619 629 639 649 659 709 719 729 739 749 759 809 819 829 839 849 859 914 929 944 959 1014 1029 1044 1059 1114 1129 1144 1159 lv lv lv Penn Station Patapsco A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Univ. of Baltimore/ Mt. Royal Camden Yards 445 505 525 545 605 625 645 705 725 745 805 825 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 Lexington Market Lexington Market ARR ARR Camden Yards Univ. of Baltimore/ Mt. Royal LV Patapsco Penn Station LV 6 120 27 External Connection to WMATA Metrobus Route B30 available at BWI Marshall to Greenbelt Metro/ Washington DC Call (202) 637-7000 or Visit for More Info. 23 hunt valley TO CROMWELL STATION/GLEN BURNIE HUNT VALLEY TO BWI MARSHALL AIRPORT PENN STATION TO CAMDEN YARDS North Linthicum North Avenue lv 19 Camden Yards Howard @ Conway Sts. Hamburg Street S. Howard @ Hamburg Sts. Westport 2400 Kloman St. Cherry Hill info.asp?page=1368 27 51 weekdays NORTHBOUND BWI Marshall Airport Lutherville lv Cromwell Station/ Glen Burnie Timonium lv Cromwell Station/ Glen Burnie Hunt Valley lv 15 19 Westport CAMDEN YARDS TO PENN STATION bwi MARSHALL airport to hunt valley cromwell station/glen burnie to hunt valley lv 5 Interstate 95 P& R 27 Timonium Call (410) 263-7964 or Visit 64x Lutherville Call (800) 270-9553 or Visit 64 University Ctr. - Baltimore St. Howard @ Baltimore Sts. 1 40 Times are approximate. All stations arenot shown. lv Smith Ave @ Newberry St P North Avenue External Connection to Annapolis Transit Route C60 available at Cromwell to Annapolis 21 19 Hamburg Street External Connection to CORRIDOR TRANSIT Route J available at Cromwell to Laurel & Arundel Mills 61 Lexington Market Howard @ Lexington Sts. Camden Yards BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport lv 19 Convention Center MTA Website: 11 Centre Street Howard @ Centre Sts. University Center - Baltimore Street Ravens Football: Hamburg Street 3x University of Balto. - Mt. Royal Mt. Royal Ave. @ Dolphin St. Cultural Center Howard @ Preston Sts. Johns Hopkins Hospital Lexington Market for More Information lv 3 Cultural Center - State Center Orioles Baseball: Camden Yards for More Information Sto p 98 North Avenue 500 W. North Ave., Parking Centre Street hunt valley TO CROMWELL STATION/GLEN BURNIE HUNT VALLEY TO BWI MARSHALL AIRPORT PENN STATION TO CAMDEN YARDS 33 University of Baltimore - Mount Royal Inner Harbor Events: Convention Center BALTIMORE CITY Mt. Washington 27, 58 60 (on Kelly Ave) Cold Spring Lane 1700 W.Cold Spring Ln 33 Woodberry Clipper Rd @ Union Ave - Hampden Shuttle North Avenue 500 West North Avenue P 13 Penn Station 1500 N. Charles Street P (Paid Garage) 3, 11, 61, 64, MARC Train U of Balto./Mt. Royal Mt. Royal Ave @ Dolphin St. Cultural Center Howard @ Preston Sts - 21, 27, Metro Subway Centre Street Howard @ Center Sts 19, 27 Lexington Street Howard @ Lexington Sts - 5, 19, 27, Metro Univ. Center/Balto. St Howard @ Baltimore Sts 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 19, 20, 27, 36, 40, 91 120, 150, 160 , 310, 311 Convention Center Howard @ Pratt Sts 7, 19, 27, 35, 320, 410, 411, 412, 420, 120, 160 Camden Yards Howard @ Conway Sts MARC Train Hamburg Street S. Howard @ West Cross St Westport 2400 Kloman St 27,51 Cherry Hill 1700 Cherry Hill Rd 27, 29, 51 Patapsco 800 W. Patapsco Ave P 14, 16, 17, 51, 77 60 Woodberry Clipper Rd. @ Union Ave. Penn Station First Mariner Arena Events: University Center - Balto. St. 58 Cold Spring Lane 1700 W. Cold Spring La. North Avenue P& R Artscape: Univ. of Balto. - Mt. Royal Call (800) 270-9553 or Visit LIGHT RAIL 27 Woodberry External Connection to HOWARD TRANSIT Route Silver available at BWI Marshall to Columbia and Jessup WEEKDAYS SOUTHBOUND Mount Washington Smith Ave. @ Newberry St., Parking N Mount Washington Maryland State Fair: Timonium Fairgrounds 6/09 9 P 9 9 P 9 P 9 P 8,9 P 60 (on Falls Rd) 60 P& R Light Rail Stops for Attractions and Special Events: Maryland Transit Administration 6 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21202 8x Falls Road Falls Rd. @ Railroad Ave., Parking P& R (This document available in alternative format upon your request) 83s 8 Baltimore Beltway Call (800) 632-9063 or Visit for More Information Important MTA Telephone Numbers: Local Bus, Metro Subway, Light Rail, Commuter Bus and MARC Train information: 410-539-5000 Toll free: 1-866-743-3682 TTY: 410-539-3497 Lost & Found: 410-333-2387 Police: 410-454-7720 9 Timonium Business Park 60 Business Park Drive Lutherville 150 W. Ridgely Road, Parking Univ. of Baltimore/ Mt. Royal About MTA Fares: 1. Exact fare is required. Use coins or dollar bills. Fareboxes do not give change. 2. Basic fares on MTA Local Buses, Light Rail and Metro Subway: $1.60 one-way, $3.50 Day Pass (unlimited daily travel). 3. Basic fares for seniors and persons with disabilities: 55¢ one-way, $1.20 Day Pass (unlimited daily travel). 4. Senior citizens (age 65+), persons with disabilities and Medicare Cardholders must show one of the following to be eligible for reduced fares on MTA transit services: s a valid MTA Senior/Disability photo ID card, or s any valid government issued photo ID with proof of age, or s a valid disability ID from another transit agency and any valid government issued photo ID, or s a Medicare card and any valid government issued photo ID. 5. Qualifying customers must keep one of the above in their possession at all times while boarding and riding MTA services and when purchasing reduced fares. Additionally, one of the above must be presented when requested by MTA Police officers, fare inspectors, bus operators, Metro Subway station managers, and other MTA officials. Timonium Fairgrounds 2335 Greenspring Rd., Parking 98 Shawan Rd 1101 Schilling Rd 265 Schilling Rd 10903 Gilroy Rd 300 West Warren Rd 2335 Greenspring Rd 60 Business Park Dr 150 West Ridgely Rd Falls @ Railroad Rd Lexington Market YOUR RIDE IS HERE. External Connection to RABBIT TRANSIT Route 83s available at Timonium Park & Ride to York County, PA M 9 Timonium Fairgrounds Hunt Valley Pepper Road McCormick Rd Gilroy Road Warren Road Timonium Timonium Business Pk Lutherville Falls Road Camden Yards tel: 410-539-5000 P& R BALTIMORE COUNTY Gilroy Road 10903 Gilroy Rd. Warren Road 300 W. Warren Rd., Parking Patapsco ICE Y SERV EEKDA W R IE L EAR MARC Train Service to/from Washington D.C. 9 Warren Road P& R North Linthicum ALLEY & AIRPORT V T N U H RSHALL & BWI MA ONIUM M I T / Y ALLE / HUNT V ELL STATION W CROM RNIE U GLEN B & TATION PENN S N YARDS CAMDE Park & Ride METRO Subway BWI Marshall Airport T RAIL : H G I L MTA E BETWEEN SERVIC Local Bus Connection LIGHT RAIL STOPS Cromwell Station/ Glen Burnie HOURS EKDAYS E W . M . S :00 P TURDAY . TO 11 A S M . . A M . 0 6:0 :00 P NDAYS . TO 11 U S M . . A M . 0 P 0 7:0 . TO 7:0 M . A 0 0 : 11 Gilroy Road Penn Station & Camden Yards P& R Hunt Valley 98 Shawan Rd., Parking Pepper Road 1101 Schilling Rd. McCormick Road 265 Schilling Rd. . py Ex AD McCormick Road Hunt Valley & BWI Marshall Timonium & Cromwell Non-Peak trips extended to Hunt Valley from Timonium 1. Select correct day of the week and destination of travel. 2. Select the location closest to your boarding point, then read down to the time a bus will be at this location. 3. All bus stops are not shown in the timetable or on the map. 4. Destinations are shown to the right of your starting point. 5. Route patterns, express and supplemental seasonal services are noted in footnotes. 6. All times are approximate. 7. Buses will stop at designated bus stops only. 8. Transfer points are shown by listing the intersecting bus routes on the map. rg bu ris ar TRANSIT N RATIO MINIST Light Rail Stop Locations, Parking Information, and Connecting Buses: Pepper Road LEGEND: -H lto Ba L I A R T LIGH AND MARYL How to Use the MTA Timetables Timetables should be read left to right for stops and down for times: Cómo utilizar los horarios de la Administración de Transporte de Maryland (MTA) Los horarios deben leerse de izquierda a derecha para las paradas y hacia abajo para los horarios: 1. Seleccione el día de la semana correcto y el destino del viaje. 2. Seleccione la ubicación más cercana a su punto de abordaje, luego busque debajo el horario en que el autobús se encontrará en dicha ubicación. 3. El horario o el mapa no indican todas las paradas del autobús. 4. Los destinos se indican hacia la derecha de su punto de salida. 5. Los recorridos, servicios expresos y suplementarios en días especiales se detallan en las notas al pie. 6. Todos los horarios son aproximados. 7. Los autobuses pararán únicamente en las paradas de autobús designadas. 8. Los puntos de trasbordo se muestran al elegir las rutas de autobuses que se cruzan en el mapa. Sobre las tarifas de la MTA: 1. Se requiere una tarifa exacta. Utilice monedas o billetes de dólar. Las máquinas automáticas de cobro de boletos no dan cambio. 2. Tarifas básicas para los autobuses locales, tranvía eléctrico (Light Rail) y tren subterráneo (Metro Subway) de la MTA: $1.60 boleto de ida, $3.50 boleto para todo el día (viajes ilimitados durante todo el día). 3. Tarifas básicas para personas mayores de edad y para personas con impedimentos: 55¢ boleto de ida, $1.20 boleto para todo el día (viajes ilimitados durante todo el día). 4. Los ciudadanos mayores (más de 65 años), las personas con impedimentos y los titulares de Medicare deben presentar algo de lo siguiente para ser elegibles para tarifas reducidas de los servicios de transporte de la MTA: s una identificación con fotografía válida de persona mayor/con impedimentos para la MTA, o s cualquier identificación con fotografía válida emitida por el gobierno con comprobante de edad, o s una identificación de discapacidad válida de otra agencia de transporte y cualquier identificación con fotografía emitida por el gobierno válida, o s una tarjeta de Medicare y cualquier identificación con fotografía válida emitida por el gobierno. 5. Los clientes que califiquen deben traer consigo algo de lo mencionado en todo momento al abordar y viajar en los servicios de la MTA y al adquirir boletos con tarifas reducidas. Además, deberán presentar algo de lo mencionado cuando los oficiales de Policía de la MTA, inspectores de tarifas, operadores de autobuses, administradores de estaciones del tren subterráneo y demás funcionarios de la MTA se lo soliciten. Números telefónicos importantes de la MTA: Información sobre autobuses locales (Local Bus), el tren subterráneo (Metro Subway), el tren eléctrico (Light Rail), Autobús Commuter (Commuter Bus) y el Tren MARC: 410-539-5000 Línea gratuita: 1-866-743-3682 TTY: 410-539-3497 Objetos extraviados: 410-333-2387 Policía de la MTA: 410-454-7720 Sitio web de la MTA: (El presente documento está disponible en formatos alternativos a solicitud del interesado). Hunt Valley BWI Marshall Airport 2009 P& R LIGHT RAIL INSTRUCTIONS Cromwell Station/ Glen Burnie INSTRUCCIONES: North Linthicum EFFECTIVE JUNE 14, lv lv lv lv lv LV ARR ARR 512 527 542 557 612 627 642 657 712 727 742 757 812 827 842 857 912 927 942 957 1012 1027 1042 1057 1112 1127 1142 1157 1212 521 536 544 551 606 614 621 636 644 651 706 714 721 736 744 751 806 814 821 836 844 851 906 914 921 936 944 951 1006 1014 1021 1036 1044 1051 1106 1114 1121 1136 1144 1151 1206 1214 1221 528 543 551 558 613 621 628 643 651 658 713 721 728 743 751 758 813 821 828 843 851 858 913 921 928 943 951 958 1013 1021 1028 1043 1051 1058 1113 1121 1128 1143 1151 1158 1213 1221 1228 536 551 559 606 621 629 636 651 659 706 721 729 736 751 759 806 821 829 836 851 859 906 921 929 936 951 959 1006 1021 1029 1036 1051 1059 1106 1121 1129 1136 1151 1159 1206 1221 1229 1236 600 630 700 730 800 830 900 930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 - 523 538 553 608 623 638 653 708 723 738 753 808 823 838 853 908 923 938 953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1153 1208 1223 1238 541 556 611 626 641 656 711 726 741 756 811 826 841 856 911 926 941 956 1011 1026 1041 1056 1111 1126 1141 1156 1211 1226 1241 1256 545 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 1245 100 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 1245 100 115 1221 1236 1251 106 121 136 151 206 221 236 251 306 321 336 351 406 421 436 451 506 521 536 551 606 621 636 651 706 721 736 751 806 821 836 851 906 921 936 951 1006 1021 1036 1051 1106 1121 1136 1151 1206 1227 1242 1257 112 127 142 157 212 227 242 257 312 327 342 357 412 427 442 457 512 527 542 557 612 627 642 657 712 727 742 757 812 827 842 857 912 927 942 957 1012 1027 1042 1057 1112 1127 1142 1157 1212 1236 1244 1251 106 114 121 136 144 151 206 214 221 236 244 251 306 314 321 336 344 351 406 414 421 436 444 451 506 514 521 536 544 551 606 614 621 636 644 651 706 714 721 736 744 751 806 814 821 836 844 851 906 914 921 936 944 951 1006 1014 1021 1036 1044 1051 1106 1114 1121 1126 1136 1151 1156 1206 1221 1243 1251 1258 113 121 128 143 151 158 213 221 228 243 251 258 313 321 328 343 351 358 413 421 428 443 451 458 513 521 528 543 551 558 613 621 628 643 651 658 713 721 728 743 751 758 813 821 828 843 851 858 913 921 928 943 951 958 1013 1021 1028 1043 1051 1058 1113 1121 1128 1133 1143 1158 1203 1213 1228 1251 1259 106 121 129 136 151 159 206 221 229 236 251 259 306 321 329 336 351 359 406 421 429 436 451 459 506 521 529 536 551 559 606 621 629 636 651 659 706 721 729 736 751 759 806 821 829 836 851 859 906 921 929 936 951 959 1006 1021 1029 1036 1051 1059 1106 1121 1129 1136 1141 1151 1206 1211 1221 1236 100 130 200 230 300 330 400 430 500 530 600 630 700 730 800 830 900 930 1000 1030 1100 1130 - 1253 108 123 138 153 208 223 238 253 308 323 338 353 408 423 438 453 508 523 538 553 608 623 638 653 708 723 738 753 808 823 838 853 908 923 938 953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1143 1153 1208 1213 1223 1238 111 126 141 156 211 226 241 256 311 326 341 356 411 426 441 456 511 526 541 556 611 626 641 656 711 726 741 756 811 826 841 856 911 926 941 956 1011 1026 1041 1056 1111 1126 1141 1156 1211 - 115 130 145 200 215 230 245 300 315 330 345 400 415 430 445 500 515 530 545 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 - 130 145 200 215 230 245 300 315 330 345 400 415 430 445 500 515 530 545 600 615 630 645 700 715 730 745 800 815 830 845 900 915 930 945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 - 1221 1236 1251 1227 1242 1257 1236 1251 106 1243 1258 113 1251 106 121 - 1253 108 123 - - -
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