Holistic Energy Magic - the Llewellyn Booksellers Website


Holistic Energy Magic - the Llewellyn Booksellers Website
May / June 2015
Manifest Success in All Areas of Life with
Holistic Energy Magic
A Personal Guide to the Psychic Realm from
Llewellyn’s Complete
Dictionary of Dreams
to a More Creative Life
And much more!
Opening the door to spiritual evolution and magical living
The Great Work
The Great Work is the “Life Work” of every incarnating person, known under
many names in many languages and esoteric systems – East, West, North, and
South – Ancient and Modern. It continues from past lives into the present and on
into future lives and lives between lives. It is our Raison d’être, the reason we exist:
to become more than we are and all we can be.
It has been known as Alchemy, as the Tao, practiced as Yoga and Magic, symbolized in the Holy Grail and the Philosophers’ Stone, visualized as the ultimate goal
of the Wiccan Great Rite and as Buddhahood itself. It is not any single system – as
the great American Witch Queen, Lady Sheba, said to me 44 years ago: If it works,
use it!
For Eliphas Levi (1810–1875), one of the first modern ceremonial magicians, The
Great Work is the creation of man by himself, and the perfect emancipation of his
will. With this, a single man could use Nature’s own Forces to alter the face of the
world. The early Gnostics described this force as the fiery body of the Holy Spirit.
The Great Work is also the practice of all psychotherapy, self-improvement, personal empowerment programs, and is really the goal of all systems of self-understanding
and life-planning. It adapts to the changing times, the culture and to the person.
While any of the ancient and “foreign” systems are valid, every sincere and dedicated
study of esotericism can become the Great Work of your life. It can be a system of
your own choice, or it can be a guided program adapted to the pace of modern life.
In her new book, The Great Work – Self-Knowledge and Healing Thorough the Wheel
of the Year, Tiffany Lazic brings together contemporary practices and techniques
into a practical guide, year-round, season-by-season transformational program anyone can understand and use today.
The real point I’m making: Everyone should undertake the Great Work as their lifework integrated with their daily life. Treat it seriously with dedication and discipline,
keep a daily journal, listen to your Higher Self, make Conscious the Unconscious. It
doesn’t matter whether you start with Wicca or Shamanic study, or study Astrology
for knowing and understanding Self and those around you. Develop your psychic
skills as part of your everyday “tool kit,” have a daily meditation program as part
of a life-long endeavor with the goal of growth and development. This goal can be
applied to any comprehensive system that involves both physical and non-physical
levels of consciousness: Tantra, Yoga, any of the Martial Arts, use of the Magick
Mirror, Ritual Magick, Kabbalistic Path working and Skrying, Dream Work, selfstudy of Analytic and Depth Psychology, Herbal Alchemy, and more.
Remember: The more you know, the Deeper and the Higher you can go. In this
New Age, the emphasis is on self-study and self-responsibility, on the disciplined use
of a journal, and the serious integration of your “spiritual” work into your daily life.
Nature-Based & Pagan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Tarot & Divination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Astrology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Annuals & Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Magick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Alternative Health & Self-Help . . . . . . 21
Paranormal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Astrological Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Order Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
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T h e T h i r d a n d Fo u r t h R e l e a s e s i n t h e
Ne w L l e w e l l y n’s S a b b a t E s s e n t i a l s S e r i e s
Well-rounded introductions to Midsummer and Lughnasadh, these attractive books are the third and
fourth releases in the new Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essential series, which explores ways both old and new of
celebrating the cornerstones of the witch’s year. With rituals, lore, recipes, correspondences, and more.
Deborah Blake
Melanie Marquis
240 pp • 5 x 7
240 pp • 5 x 7
Look for
in the n ON
of New Wt issue
Melanie Marquis
240 pp • 5 x 7
Kerri Connor
240 pp • 5 x 7
Diana Rajchel
240 pp • 5 x 7
n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n
© Sharon Dauster Photography
Book of Witchery
Ellen Dugan • 360 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
Formerly available as 7 Days of Magic, new and advanced material
has more than doubled the witchy wisdom within these pages. As
you learn daily magickal correspondences and themes, you’ll build
a solid foundation of knowledge and open up amazing possibilities for highly effective spellwork and witchery.
The Enchanted Cat
Ellen Dugan • 192 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
Cats have long been associated with magick and mystery. A naming ceremony, lists of magickal cat names and correspondences,
spells, and charms for your cat’s collar are just a sampling of the
feline-friendly magick included in The Enchanted Cat. This book is
a uniquely magickal exploration of our enduring fascination with
the feline mystique.
Save 30% $14.99 $10.49
Natural Witchery
A Guide to the
Psychic Realm from
The Garden Witch
The Natural Psychic
Ellen Dugan • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Join fan-favorite author Ellen Dugan in an incredible exploration of the three
P’s of psychic experiences (premonition, precognition, and postcognition) and
the four main types of psychic abilities (intuition, clairvoyance, clauraudience,
and empathy). The Natural Psychic shows how to identify your own psychic
abilities and provides training tips based on your unique skills.
Written with Ellen Dugan’s trademark humor and no-nonsense advice, this
engaging book presents a vast array of practical information in an easy-tofollow and memorable way. Enhanced with stories and real-world knowledge
from Ellen’s life, this helpful handbook also offers lively lessons on psychometry, mediumship, divination, paranormal phenomena, psychic first aid, and
energetic cleansings.
Ellen Dugan • 288 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
Use your appreciation of nature and an awareness of the
magickal energies present in all things to enhance your natural
witchery. Empower your witchery and add richness and depth to
your everyday life by developing your intuition and psychic skills.
Natural Witchery features straightforward how-tos, spells, rituals,
and more to help you live a more magickal life.
How to Enchant a Man
Ellen Dugan • 264 pp • 7 x 7
Unleash your passionate, playful goddess within. Blending
magickal techniques and the principles of female empowerment,
this fun, easy-to-follow guidebook demonstrates how to attract
true love and rekindle romance. With confidence and a positive
attitude, you’ll learn how to draw love energy into your life to keep
the flames of passion burning brightly.
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
Practical Protection Magick
Ellen Dugan • 240 pp • 6 x 9
This helpful handbook is chock-full of protection witchery and psychic self-defense techniques you can use to keep yourself and your
home strong, secure, and protected. Ellen Dugan teaches how to
pinpoint your psychic strengths, set boundaries, and diagnose a
problem with divination. Learn to defend against many different
forms of negativity threatening your home and well-being.
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Everyday Witchcraft
Deborah Blake • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Ly de Angeles • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Written for the busy witch, Everyday Witchcraft is all about creating
a spiritual practice in just a few minutes per week. This practical
guide shows that even simple acts can add meaning to your life.
From five-minute rituals to daily mini divinations, you can easily
make the wisdom and practices of Witchcraft an enriching part of
each day.
Here is a manual aimed at the serious student—the practicing
Witch. Witchcraft takes the trainee step-by-step through the philosophy, the disciplines, the meaning and practice of ritual, and the
attitudes required for successful spellcrafting. It specifically implies
that a Witch does have certain psychic powers, either inherent or
that can be developed.
The Witch’s Bag of Tricks
Wiccan Beliefs & Practices
Melanie Marquis • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Gary Cantrell • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Increase your power and reclaim the spark of excitement you felt
when you took those very first steps down your magickal path.
The Witch’s Bag of Tricks is the first of its kind to offer solitary eclectics a solution to the problem of dull or ineffective magick, and will
help you boost creativity and cast powerful spells that work.
Modern Wicca is a vibrant, uplifting nature religion practiced
by hundreds of thousands of people in the United States alone.
Wicca is also a lifestyle, and those who walk its path have solemnly
dedicated themselves to the service of the Goddess and God.
Written for the solitary witch or non-traditional small coven, this
crucial text includes Wiccan ethics, and much more.
A Witch’s Travel Guide to Astral Realms
Whispers from the Woods
D. J. Conway • 224 pp • 6 x 9
Sandra Kynes • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Previously titled Flying Without a Broom, this updated guide by
popular author D. J. Conway shows how astral exploration can
enhance both your spiritual and daily life.
Explore a variety of tree mysteries and traditions and discover how
to live in harmony with the earth’s sacred rhythm. Learn the essentials of the Celtic Ogham and tree calendars, including instruction
in meditation, shamanic journeys, feng shui, and spellcraft. The
second half of the book offers a wealth of information on fifty trees,
including their attributes, lore, powers, and more.
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
“THE BEST book I have ever read on the subject.”
—Silver RavenWolf
True Magick
The Small-Town Pagan’s Survival Guide
Amber K • 360 pp • 6 x 9
Bronwen Forbes • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Selling more than 200,000 copies, True Magick has struck a chord
with Witches, Pagans, and magicians around the world. Presented
here for the first time is the revised and expanded anniversary
edition. New material includes six more chapters, recommended
reading for each chapter, and more than one hundred added exercises.
For all Pagans who are living in a small community, this wonderfully unique book offers guidance on fitting in, connecting with
other Pagans, and practicing in peace. Pagans from communities
across the country offer hard-won wisdom and advice on essential
issues, such as getting along with non-Pagan neighbors, finding
and creating ritual tools, and raising Pagan children.
Spellcasting for Beginners
A Practical Heathen’s Guide to Asatru
Michael Furie • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Patricia M. Lafayllve • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Bring love, money, healing, blessings, and more into your life with
over seventy simple spells and rituals. This easy-to-use, essential
guide provides a comprehensive introduction to magical techniques. With clear and concise instructions, learn the basics of
spellcasting, study the forms and tools of magic, and discover how
to design your own spells.
This book explores the deities, history, rituals, magic, and religion
of Asatru from the unique perspective of a Gythja (Godwoman)
within that path. The Heathen tradition revealed here describes the
entire structure of Asatru and shows how its ancient themes, ideas,
and practices are relevant to modern spiritual seekers.
Solitary Witch
The Path of a Christian Witch
Silver RavenWolf • 608 pp • 8 x 10
Adelina St. Clair • 216 pp • 5 x 8
This bestselling book has everything a teen Witch could want and
need between two covers: a magickal cookbook, encyclopedia,
dictionary, and grimoire. It relates specifically to today’s young
witches and their concerns, yet is grounded in the magickal work
of centuries past. Information is arranged alphabetically and
divided into five distinct categories.
This inspiring book shows how one woman blended Christian
traditions with the magic and beauty of a Wiccan practice. With
warmth and heartfelt reverence, St. Clair discusses Christianity,
Witchcraft, and the commonalities between them, including:
monotheism vs. polytheism, magical practice, the teachings of
Christ, goddess worship, praying the rosary, and more.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
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Animal Magick
Animal Omens
D. J. Conway • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Victoria Hunt • 192 pp • 5 x 7
This popular book shows you how to access the spiritual powers of familiars—real or mythical animals—for personal enrichment. Whether you have a companion animal, collect glass
animals, or “talk” to animals in your dreams, you can further
develop this connection for extraordinary magickal results.
Combining ancient wisdom with modern living, this portable
pocket guide presents true animal encounter stories along
with each animal’s spiritual significance. Foster a closer connection to nature as you learn about yourself with this inspirational guide to animal wisdom.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
Animal Speak
Chip Richards • Boxed kit includes a 46-card
deck and a 124-page book
Reconnect with the wisdom of nature through the messages
of our planet’s most threatened species. By honoring the
insight they bring to us, we deepen our connection to our
own path and calling, while awakening our role in the preservation and balance of life.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
Meet Your Power Animal CD
The Dragon Keeper’s Handbook
Ted Andrews • 400 pp • 7 x 10
Scott Alexander King • Nine Tracks
Meet and work with animals as totems and spirits by learning
the language of their behaviors within the physical world. It
provides techniques for reading signs and omens in nature,
so you can open to higher perceptions and even prophecy. It
reveals the hidden, mythical, and realistic roles of forty-five
animals, sixty birds, eight insects, and six reptiles.
Meeting Your Power Animal helps you experience the sheer
joy of meeting your power ally. Imbued with instruction
suited for both the beginner and the seasoned journeyer,
the CD guides the listener deep into their subconscious self
where they are invited to explore their inner landscape and
come face to face with their Power Animal.
Dragons for Beginners
Animal Voices Oracle
Tarot of Pagan Cats
Animal Voices connects kids (and adults!) with unique messages from our planet’s most endangered species. They are
calling to all of us now. If you listen closely, they will share
with you their wisdom and teach you to walk in peace with
all of creation.
Shawn MacKenzie • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
The fascinating truth about dragons—how they evolved, what
they really look like, and how to safely interact with them—is
documented in this unique guide. Discover scientific facts on
three major Dragon species; their role in art, magic, and religion; and how to safely go Dragon watching, raise an orphan,
and save these majestic beasts from extinction.
Shawn MacKenzie • 312 pp • 6 x 9
With hard science and myth, empirical wisdom, and original
line drawings, The Dragon Keeper’s Handbook is the draconic
enchiridion for the modern world, providing everything you
need to know about these fierce, complex, and wondrous
beings. This handbook shows us how human and Dragon
lives are bound together.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
Chip Richards; Art by Susan Farrell • Boxed kit includes a
31-card deck and a 100-page book
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and
instruction booklet
Journey with the enlightened felines and welcome their
unique secrets. Cats—cute, mysterious, mischievous, or aloof—
seem to live in a world between worlds, a realm of magic
and power. Access their unique wisdom with this beautifully
illustrated deck, featuring traditional Rider-Waite imagery
and Pagan symbols.
Dancing with Dragons
Tarot of the Animal Lords
The Witch’s Familiar
D. J. Conway • 320 pp • 7 x 10
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes 78 cards and instruction booklet
Call on the wisdom of these mythical creatures for spiritual
fulfillment, knowledge, health, and happiness. Whether you
are a practicing magician, a devotee of role-playing games, or
a seeker looking to tap the dragon’s vast power, this book will
help you connect with these magnificent creatures.
With this deck, you can tap into animal energies with ease.
These images combine animal and human figures while
maintaining the recognizable compositions of traditional
tarot. The charming use of colors coupled with rigorous
research creates a gem of poetry and sensibility.
The Secret Language of Animals Oracle
Raven Grimassi • 192 pp • 6 x 9
Explore the fascinating history of familiar spirits where you’ll
learn about the three types of familiars: physical, astral, and
spiritual. Learn how to call a familiar to you, and how to
choose an appropriate name. Your magic will become even
more powerful when you combine forces with a familiar face.
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
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The Wisdom of Birch, Oak, and Yew
From the Cauldron Born
Penny Billington • 360 pp • 6 x 9
Kristoffer Hughes • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Tune into the wisdom of three trees sacred to Druids—birch, oak,
and yew—and use their powerful lessons and natural gifs to transform your life. Written by a Druid with more than twenty years of
practical experience, this book will guide you through a one-of-akind journey of magical self-discovery.
The tale of Taliesin and the cauldron of Cerridwen speaks from the
heart of the Celtic Pagan tradition. In From the Cauldron Born, you
are invited not only to read the story but to live it. Join Kristoffer
Hughes on a yearlong journey of rituals based on Wales’s most
profound legend.
Save 30% $19.99 $13.99
The Path of Druidry
The Book of Celtic Magic
Penny Billington • 360 pp • 71/2 x 9
Kristoffer Hughes • 360 pp • 6 x 9
Penny Billington presents a clear, structured course of study.
Captivating Welsh mythic tales from the Mabinogion illustrate key
concepts—animal energy, trees as healers, the Wheel of the Year,
shapeshifting, and more. Through hands-on exercises, this book
offers rich instruction in all aspects of practicing Druidry today.
Delve into the depths of a magical current that spans over three
thousand years. Hughes, Chief of the Angelsey Druid Order, invites
you to explore the pantheon, myths, and magic of his native
Wales. Complete with contemplative exercises, spells, invocations,
magical tools, and a glossary of terms, this step-by-step guide is a
definitive source of real Celtic magic.
Celtic Tree Magic
Voice of the Trees
Danu Forest • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Mickie Mueller • Boxed kit includes a 25-card deck and a 216-page book
Explore the powerful magic of the twenty-five trees in the ogham
tradition. With this lovely and lyrical handbook, you’ll enrich your
spiritual practice with authentic Celtic wisdom and practical techniques. Celtic Tree Magic provides exercises and hands-on tips, folklore and myth, each tree’s magical correspondences and healing
attributes, and more.
This beautifully crafted oracle sheds light on the mysterious teachings of the ogham, the sacred Celtic tree alphabet. This multifaceted oracle can be used to create meditations and affirmations,
work tree magic, and embark on a journey filled with healing,
prosperity, and love.
Save 30% $26.99 $18.89
Druid Magic
Celtic Myth & Magic
Maya Magee Sutton, PhD & Nicholas Mann
368 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Edain McCoy • 464 pp • 7 x 10
Besides explaining the history of Druidry and how it is practiced
today, Druid Magic features practical uses of the powerful and
unique methods of this ancient Celtic people. Included are their
techniques for shapeshifting and runes, as well as explicit directions for performing rituals for Sabbats.
Druid Power
Amber Wolfe • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Find your way to the Otherworld and back again—richer, wiser,
healed, and whole. This innovative guide introduces techniques
for self-transformation through Celtic faerie craft and Elemental
magic. Reawaken your connection to the magick of the natural
world through traditional ceremonies, guided journeys, and
unique exercises.
Celtic Magic
D. J. Conway • 224 pp • Mass Market
This companion-sized paperback is chock-full of magical knowledge for everyday life. With a list of Gods and Goddesses and their
corresponding powers, useful tables that explain incenses and
candles, and much more, this compilation of folklore, spellwork,
ritual, meditation and divination will enhance your life and bring
new meaning to your magical practice.
Align yourself with the energy of Celtic gods, goddesses, heroines,
and heroes for personal enrichment. Celtic Myth & Magic explains
how to use creative ritual and pathworking to align yourself with
the energy of these archetypes, whose potent images live deep
within your psyche. Enrich esbat, Sabbat, and life tradition rituals
with Celtic Myth & Magic.
The Healing Power of Trees
Sharlyn Hidalgo • 288 pp • 6 x 9
This wise and inspiring book introduces all fifteen revered trees
of the Celtic Tree Calendar and their unique gifts of healing, guidance, and higher consciousness. Perform guided meditations and
go on journeys to discover the totems, guides, and deities for each
species. Travel through the Wheel of the Year and learn about each
tree’s ruling planets, rune symbol, and much more.
Save 30% $17.95 $12.57
The Llewellyn Tarot
Anna-Marie Ferguson • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck
and 288-page book
The adventurous spirit and Welsh heritage of Llewellyn George—
founder of a press now known as Llewellyn Publications—embodies The Llewellyn Tarot. This Rider-Waite-based deck beckons us
into a sensuous watercolor world featuring figures from Welsh
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
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Circle of Eight
Jane Meredith
312 pp • 6 x 9
“I love Jane Meredith’s focus
on local magic . . . [She’s] a true
originator of approaches to
magic and spirit that can
inspire us in these times.”
Circle of Eight is an exciting new approach to magic based on your geography,
your climate, and your unique life experiences. Providing instructions on how
to set up your own Circle of Eight and stories illustrating important magical
principles, this unique approach will radically reinvent your relationship with
traditional circle magic and the land around you.
Personal Healing Through
the Wheel of the Year
The Great Work
Tiffany Lazic • 432 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
The Great Work is a practical guide to personal transformation, season by season. Learn to be truly holistic by incorporating key physical, emotional, and
energetic practices into your personal life at times when the natural tides are
in harmony with your process. Discover how:
• Yule can alleviate a painful childhood
• Mabon can assist with determining life’s purpose
• And more!
The core essence of each festival is captured with eight key themes that reflect
human development and experience. With this invaluable resource for your
journey, you’ll develop an intimate connection with the earth’s impulse to
create balance and harmony.
Rituals of Celebration
Jane Meredith • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Each year, Jane Meredith plans meaningful rituals to celebration
the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter festivals. In Rituals of
Celebration, she shares her most memorable rituals and offers
how-to instructions for creating your own. Discover how the
changing seasons correspond with personal growth and how to
incorporate these themes into your spiritual celebrations. Craft
projects included.
Ancient Ways
Pauline Campanelli, Illustrated by Dan Campanelli
240pp • 7 x 10
This classic companion to Wheel of the Year is back in print!
Celebrate the seasons of the year according to the ancient Pagan
traditions. Prepare for and conduct the Sabbat rites, and harness
the magickal energy for weeks afterward. The wealth of seasonal
rituals and charms within are drawn from ancient sources but are
easily performed with readily available materials.
Wheel of the Year
Pauline Campanelli, Illustrated by Dan Campanelli
176 pp • 7 x 10
The Great Work at www.Llewellyn.com
Wheel of the Year can help you put the joy and fulfillment of
magic into your everyday life. The wealth of seasonal rituals and
charms are all easily performed with household materials. The
instructions are simple and concise enough that you can easily
adapt them to your own Pagan tradition.
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
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Herb Magic for Beginners
Jude’s Herbal Home Remedies
Ellen Dugan • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
Jude C. Todd, CH, MH • 384 pp • 6 x 9
From parsley to periwinkle, people enjoy herbs for their aroma,
taste, and healing abilities, but few are aware of the enchanting
powers harnessed within these multipurpose plants. Going stepby-step, you’ll learn how to gather herbs for magic, the basic rules
of magic, the elements of spellwork, magical correspondences and
spells, and how to make an herb altar.
Discover a simpler, more natural way of life. Learn how to make
a potent juice to flush out fat, what herbs to use to rid your pet
of fleas, and much more. This simple guide to self-care provides
herbalists with advice for family, pets, garden, and household.
Eight hundred remedies and recipes in all!
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Four Seasons of Mojo
Scott Cunningham • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Stephanie Rose Bird • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Magical herbalism is the use of the magical powers of plants to
create positive change. This revised and updated fifteenth anniversary edition of Scott Cunningham’s classic guide contains the
basics of herbal spell work, and the folklore and magical properties of over four hundred common herbs.
Each season has a powerful impact on our spiritual lives. A guide
to natural living with the help of herbs you can grow, find wild, or
purchase, Four Seasons of Mojo infuses ancient techniques, rituals,
and methods from around the world to use each season’s inherent
energies to supplement body, mind, and soul.
Magical Herbalism
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones
Scott Cunningham • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Stephanie Rose Bird • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Draw upon the power of herbs and create amulets, charms,
incenses, scented oils, and anointments. The herbs in these recipes are easy to find, and their uses are endless: as aids to enhance
psychic vision; for purification, protection, and arousing passion;
and for maintaining health and happiness. Included is an encyclopedia of 118 major herbs.
Hoodoo is an eclectic blend of African tradition, Native American
medicine, Judeo-Christian ritual, and European magick. Discover
the basic techniques of this path, filled with rituals, spells, charms,
and amulets for dealing with lovers, prosperity, pregnancy,
child-rearing, weddings, and more. This guide also explains how
to make the famous magical mojo bag.
Save 30% $13.99 $9.79
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
Mother Nature’s Herbal
The Wild & Weedy Apothecary
Dr. Judith Griffin • 432 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Doreen Shababy • 384 pp • 6 x 9
Learn about the time-honored traditions and healing practices of
cultures past and present, including Native and South American,
Mediterranean, East Asian, and others to recreate exotic entrees,
make perfumes, mix elixirs to treat ailments, and ultimately enjoy
a rich heritage of herbal craft.
Herbalist Doreen Shababy shares her deep, abiding love for the
earth and its gifts in this collection of herbal wisdom that represents a lifetime of work in the forest, field, and kitchen. This
guidebook is jam-packed with dozens of tasty recipes and natural
remedies, including Glorious Garlic and Artichoke Dip, Candied
Catnip Leaves, Lavender Lemonade, Garlic Tonic, and much more.
Llewellyn’s 2015 Herbal Almanac
The Essential Guide to Natural Skin Care
Llewellyn • 312 pp • 5 x 8
Hélène Berton • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
There are hundreds of ways to benefit from nature’s versatile plants
inside Llewellyn’s Herbal Almanac. Discover how to design your own
terrariums, enhance your culinary creations, and save your seeds
for a plant-share party. Learn about permaculture for herbalists,
critter-friendly gardening, and herbal pantry staples. From mint to
fennel, this practical almanac is your gateway to the herbal kingdom.
With this listing of wondrous botanicals for homemade beauty
products, it’s easy to customize your own lotions, creams, body
butters, face masks, lip balms, ointments, toners, and more. Find
ingredients that soften, tone, and hydrate skin and hair; tighten
pores; fade scars; stave off wrinkles; promote hair strength; fight
infection and fungus; and repel insects.
Scott Cunningham’s Herb Magic DVD
Garden Witch’s Herbal
Save 30% $17.95 $12.57
Save 75% $11.99 $3.00
Scott Cunningham • DVD, 60 Minutes
This is the ultimate home-study course in herbalism. Learn how
to harvest and cure natural herbs, and use them for magical
incense, sachets, talismans, herbal essences, and tinctures. Scott
Cunningham provides ancient recipes and helps you identify many
common and rare herbs on sight.
Ellen Dugan • 336 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
Deepen your connection to the earth and watch your magickal
skills blossom. Designed to enhance any Craft tradition, this
handy herbal reference provides the physical description, folklore, magickal qualities, and spellwork correspondences for a
wealth of flowers, trees, and herbs, and features forty-seven
botanical drawings.
Save 30% $19.95 $13.97
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
ta r ot & d i v i n at i o n
Easy Fortunetelling
for Daily Life
Easy Lenormand
Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin
Boxed kit includes 36-card deck and a 168-page book
Originally developed in the nineteenth century and widely used in Europe, the
Lenormand is a hugely popular form of fortunetelling for your daily life—everything from
romance, career, money, travel, and more. This fantastic kit includes a standard thirty-six
card Lenormand deck and a helpful guidebook with card meanings and basic reading
instructions. With tips and techniques for building up to the Grand Tableaux spread, the
Easy Lenormand is the perfect kit for divining practical answers to everyday questions.
The Essential Lenormand
Rana George • 408 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Leading Lenormand expert Rana George
explores how you can use the thirty-six-card
deck to uncover practical answers and provide clear predictions on any topic: relationships, work, finances, family, and creativity.
Along with meanings of individual cards,
the author provides dynamic lessons that
progress step by step to reveal useful advice
and clear answers on anything from simple
inquiries to critical dilemmas.
Cartomancy with the
Lenormand and the Tarot
Learning Lenormand
Lenormand Oracle
Lo Scarabeo • Hardbox includes 32 full-color
cards and 192-page book • Gold foil impressions
Patrick Dunn • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin
312 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Combining the simplicity of the traditional
but little-known Lenormand deck with
the familiarity of the tarot, Dunn creates a
unique format blending these two powerful
systems. Sharing his vast knowledge of symbolism, he introduces the Lenormand cards
and even shows you how to make your own
This is the first comprehensive English
workbook about the Lenormand deck, a
traditional French fortunetelling deck dating back to about 1850. Explore its history,
how to choose a deck, and how to use it for
both fortunetelling and personal insight. The
book features the authors’ signature teaching methods.
Save 30% $16.99 $11.89
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Marie Anne Lenormand is famous for
being Napoleon Bonaparte’s trusted card
reader. Let the Sibilla of the Salons guide
you toward self-understanding and insight
through this historically inspired oracle deck.
Included is a detailed instruction manual for
understanding and working with this unique
ta r ot & d i v i n at i o n
Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot
Understanding the Tarot Court
Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin • 480 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Mary K. Greer & Tom Little • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Combining never-before-seen material, an exploration of A. E.
Waite and Pamela Colman Smith’s personal lives, and practical
guidance to interpreting the cards, this groundbreaking book
introduces you to a new understanding of the Rider-Waite-Smith
tarot. With this thoroughly researched guide, you’ll discover Waite
and Smith’s true wisdom while developing your tarot skills.
Two esteemed Tarot scholars unmask the court cards with details
not found in any other book. Discover your significator and your
nemesis. Match the court cards with the zodiac signs, the MyersBriggs personality types, and the Jungian archetypes. Learn a variety of spreads that reveal childhood issues and career destiny, and
one to spark the creative writing process.
The Ultimate Guide to the Rider-Waite Tarot
Tarot Theory and Practice
Johannes Fiebig & Evelin Bürger • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Ly de Angeles • 312 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Learn new insights about the world’s most popular tarot deck.
Discover the primary meaning, spiritual meaning, daily meaning, prognosis, relationship meaning, and luck meaning of each
card. Also included: insight into tarot’s relationship with astrology,
the ten most important symbols of each card, and top-ten lists
(spreads, favorite ways to use a single card, etc.).
Ly de Angeles poses a bold new theory, suggesting tarot can
impact your reality . . . and your future. She also reveals insightful
correlations between tarot and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, astrology, and the four elements. Sprinkled throughout are exercises
and personal case histories that illuminate these complex ideas.
Tarot Spreads
Tarot Tips
Barbara Moore • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone • 192 pp • 6 x 9
Bring power, precision, and depth to your tarot readings with this
helpful and easy-to-use guide. Barbara Moore offers nearly seventy different themed spreads and clear instruction; develop a
reading style that is all your own as you learn to select spreads and
create your own, modify a classic spread, and perform a 78-card
Learning to read the Tarot is a continuous process of change and
growth, and sometimes it seems that Tarot cards raise more questions than they answer! Tarot Tips is a compendium of sage advice
and practical wisdom from two respected teachers with decades of
tarot experience. The seventy-eight tips cover common questions
of interest to beginning and advanced students alike.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
The New Tarot Handbook
Psychic Tarot
Rachel Pollack • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Nancy Antenucci with Melanie Howard • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Renowned author Rachel Pollack has spent more than forty years
studying the Tarot. This insightful guide distills her vast knowledge
and offers a direct, accessible approach to mastering the cards. Try
the unique spreads inspired by each Major Arcana card. Enhance
your understanding of the cards with information about numbers,
elements, astrology, and Kabbalah.
Read tarot cards using your own psychic skills. This friendly guidebook features a wealth of creative exercises that are compatible
with any deck, plus sample readings, spreads, and compelling
firsthand accounts from a seasoned reader and teacher to start you
on the path to trusting your intuition in reading the cards.
978- 0-7387-1975-7
The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals
Tarot 101
Mary K. Greer • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Kim Huggens • 360 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
What do you do with the reversed cards, of the Tarot deck?
Experienced and beginning Tarot readers alike often struggle
with interpreting reversed cards. This unique guide is devoted to
reversals—experiment with the eleven different methods of reading reversed cards and use the author’s interpretations to stimulate
your own intuitive ideas.
Become a professional card reader in just twenty-two lessons with
this complete course in tarot. This book offers an intuitive way to
learn by grouping the cards according to theme. Designed to be
completed at your own pace and used with any tarot deck, the
lessons contain tips, key terms, and extra exercises for advanced
How to Read the Tarot
The Thoth Companion
Sylvia Abraham • 192 pp • 53/16 x 75/8
Michael Osiris Snuffin • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
A simple and practical guide, How To Read the Tarot provides an
interpretive structure that applies to the card numbers of both
the Major and Minor Arcana. Learn five common tarot spreads
designed to answer common questions about love, money, health,
and more. For more insight, there’s a handy symbol dictionary for
interpreting hundreds of tarot symbols.
Penetrating the complex symbolism of The Thoth Tarot, this guide
will help you understand and use Aleister Crowley’s popular and
enigmatic tarot deck. All seventy-eight cards are examined through
the lens of Thelema, Qabala, and ceremonial magic—the spiritual
foundations upon which the deck was built.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
Save 30% $18.99 $13.29
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
Lo Scarabeo
Tarot • books • runes • stones • crystals • notebooks • journals • accessories
Infinity Tarot Deck
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes a 78-card deck and
instruction booklet
Inspired by the greatest mystical poet and one of the
world’s most powerful and sacred symbols, the Infinity
Tarot is a deck whose past has no beginning and whose
future has no end. Use the cards to explore the timeless,
boundless nature of the deepest inner realms and divine
your true destiny.
Egyptian Tarot Grand Trumps
The Tarot of Loka
Universal Tarot Grand Trumps
Mucha Tarot
Featuring stunning watercolor paintings on
papyrus from the Nile, these images contain
the mysteries of Egyptian magic. If the legends are true and tarot was born in ancient
Egypt, then this deck bears symbols and
imagery that go back thousands of years.
Newly updated and printed on the highest
quality cardstock with improved graphics,
revised instructions, and a hard box.
Inspired by the original Tarot card game
played in the south of France, this deck features elemental suits and stunning design
features that provide a truly unique reading
experience. With the option to use the deck
for divination, personal exploration, or as a
card game among friends, this is a versatile
kit that belongs in every collection.
Discover the wisdom and beauty of the major
arcana with the most intuitive and symbolic
modern cartomancy deck. This collection
of the major arcana is perfect for classical
readings. Newly updated and printed on
the highest quality cardstock with improved
graphics, revised instructions, and a hard
An extraordinary tribute to art nouveau pioneer Alphonse Mucha, this deck embraces
the fresh beauty of the dawning of the twentieth century along with the eternal wisdom
and understanding of the tarot. This special
edition contains full-bleed images and a
booklet that reveals every secret hidden
in the cards. The hard cardboard box has a
removable cover.
Lo Scarabeo
Boxed deck includes a 22-card deck and
instruction booklet
Lo Scarabeo
Boxed deck includes a 78-card deck and
instruction booklet
Lo Scarabeo
Boxed deck includes a 22-card deck and
instruction booklet
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Lo Scarabeo
Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards,
instruction booklet, and box with removable cover
Tarot • books • runes • stones • crystals • notebooks • journals • accessories
Lo Scarabeo
Eye-Catching iPhone 5 Covers
Personalize your iPhone 5 with a stylish, spirituality-themed cover. Each cover features a unique color and an illustration designed to transform an
ordinary phone into a fashionable accessory. Available with Celtic, Magic, or Wicca designs. (Cover Size 41/3 x 81/4)
Celtic iPhone Cover
Magic iPhone Cover
Wicca iPhone Cover
978-0-7387- 4125-3
978-0-7387- 4124-6
Color-Changing Himalayan Salt Lamps
These traditional Himalayan salt lamps are crafted from salt crystals found in the foothills of the Himalayas. As the salt crystals are warmed by the
bulb, they release charged ions, neutralizing contaminants in the air and changing colors in a pleasing, dynamic rhythm. These easy-to-use lamps
plug into any USB port and begin working immediately, creating a nurturing glow and drawing the negative energy that tends to accumulate in the
space where computer work is done. (Size 31/2 x 31/2 x 5)
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
ORACLE cards • books • relaxation & guided meditation cds & DVDs • journals • accessories
The Flower of Life
Sacred Rebels Oracle
The Flower of Life contains all possibilities, the essence of all
desire. The flower is a powerful creative symbol that holds
infinite divine potential. These cards are a portal to the potential that exists deep within you. Take a journey with the divine
Astar, a loving consciousness whose energy permeates this
deck. Through The Flower of Life cards, the love and truth that
exists inside us all streams to the surface and blossoms in the
Live your own unique, inspired life and share your light with
the world as a sacred offering. This oracle deck is filled with
striking imagery and beautiful heartfelt guidance to support
you in awakening your sacred, rebellious heart. Celebrate and
nurture your individuality. Become fully alive and express
your authentic truths. Use these cards to gain trust in your
own uniqueness and honor your creative power!
Denise Jarvie
Boxed deck includes 52 guidance cards and instruction booklet
Alana Fairchild, with Art by Autumn Skye Morrison
Boxed kit includes a 44-card deck and guidebook
Myths & Mermaids
Amber Logan and Kachina Mickeletto,
with Art by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
Boxed kit includes a 42-card deck and a 120-page guidebook
The mystical element of water is both bringer of life and
bearer of death, the herald of hope and the harbinger of
destruction. Who better, then, to ask for guidance and inspiration than the spirits of water themselves, the Water Fae.
Myths & Mermaids contains forty-two enchanting cards with
the artwork of world-renowned artist Jasmine Becket-Griffith,
paired with a guidebook channeling the wisdom, advice, and
card spreads ranging from concise yes/no readings to more
complex divinations.
Cat Wisdom Oracle
Dog Wisdom Cards
Mother Mary Oracle
A collection of photographs and kitten-inspired words of
wisdom, this deck is designed to celebrate the love that cats
bring to our lives. Featuring forty-five cards and a guidebook,
this fun and inspiring card set will encourage you to reflect on
your life from a new perspective.
Featuring 45 cards and guidebook, this fun and inspiring card
set will encourage you to reflect on your life from a new perspective, bringing out your playful side and encouraging you
to look on the bright side and have more fun.
Mother Mary loves you unconditionally, no matter your religious or spiritual background. This moving and powerful deck
explores the profoundly healing, protective, and soothing
energy of Mother Mary. Illuminating illustrations capture the
true essence of her extraordinary energy while the comprehensive guidebook offers detailed messages for each card as
well as practical healing processes and affirmations to help
you integrate the teachings of the Holy Mother.
Tanya Graham • Boxed kit includes 45-card deck and 124-page book
Tanya Graham • Boxed deck includes a 45-card deck
and a 124-page book
Alana Fairchild with Artwork by Shiloh Sophia McCloud
Boxed kit includes a 44-card deck and a 192-page book
See a full selection of Blue Angel Oracle decks, books, and more at www.Llewellyn.com
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
ORACLE cards • books • relaxation & guided meditation cds & DVDs • journals • accessories
Divine Lotus Mother CD
Meditations for Inner Peace CD
Celestial Reiki CD
Alana Fairchild
3 Tracks • Running time 58 minutes
Toni Carmine Salerno
4 Tracks • Running time 74 minutes
Robert J. Boyd
3 Tracks • Running time 62 minutes
Kuan Yin is one of the most called-upon goddesses on Earth;
when we connect with her, we are connecting with the Divine
Feminine. May these meditations bring you deep into connection with the Divine Lotus Mother, her gentleness, fierce
love and compassion, her endless devotion to your enlightenment and peace.
This inspiring series of guided meditations, composed and
spoken by bestselling artist and author Toni Carmine Salerno
will help calm the mind and create inner peace.
This sixty-minute soundtrack is ideal background music for
Reiki treatments, meditation or simply music to relax to.
Inspiring, heartfelt and soothing, this CD is ideal for Reiki students and practitioners. Composed and performed by Robert
J. Boyd, Celestial Reiki is infused with love, light and healing
vibrations that nurture mind, body and spirit.
Angelic Inspirations
Crystal Masters 333
Toni Carmine Salerno • 100 pp • 9 x 10
Alana Fairchild • 384 pp • 7 x 9
Toni Carmine Salerno • 112 pp • 81/2 x 11
Angelic Inspirations is a book that’s also an oracle, guiding
you with positive and uplifting messages from the Angelic
Realm. Filled with inspirational sayings, quotes, and affirmations, this beautifully presented, full-color book features over
forty brand-new artworks by best-selling artist and author Toni
Carmine Salerno.
Featuring eighteen full-color Crystal Angel Mandalas by artist
Jane Marin, Crystal Masters 333 shows how to combine the
natural healing properties of each crystal with wisdom teachings from the loving Ascended Masters, such as Mother Mary,
Kuan Yin, Jesus, the Buddha, Mary Magdalene, and Merlin.
In this beautifully presented, full-color book in a deluxe padded hardcover, bestselling artist and author Toni Carmine
Salerno offers reflections and meditations in honor of Mother
Nature and the feminine spirit. Featuring illuminating illustrations and depictions of nature and the Goddess, this is a
book to refer to time and again.
See a full selection of Blue Angel Oracle decks, books, and more at www.Llewellyn.com
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
Venus Signs
Star Guide to Weddings
Jessica Shepherd • 240 pp • 5 x 8
April Elliott Kent • 264 pp • 5 x 6
Explore your Venus sign and reacquaint yourself with your innermost desires and erotic strengths. Discover the must-have qualities
of your soul mate, how to keep a long-term relationship going,
how to align with your own feminine energy, and how to attract
your heart’s desire. Venus power will help you create, laugh, and
This cosmic cocktail of marriage insight is based on the sun sign of
your wedding day. See how your career, health, children, friends,
spiritual beliefs, and more can be influenced by the stars. This
entertaining guide also includes ideas for celebrating the special
day with flowers, colors, and other symbols.
Sun Signs & Soul Mates
The Sex Files
Linda George • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Rowan Davis • 336 pp • 51/4 x 6
This fascinating and inspiring book goes through the twelve sun
signs and explores the lighter and darker sides of each from the
perspective of the heart. Learn about each sign’s personality traits,
explore every pairing’s compatibility potential, and cultivate more
fulfilling and loving relationships.
Take a peek at your prospective lover’s hang-ups and turn-ons with
this spicy and fun guide. Get the foreplay 411 on men and women
of every sun sign and discover their sweet and sour sides. This
book will help you hook up with that perfect carnal companion
and steer clear of emotional train wrecks.
The Ex-Boyfriend Book
Rod Suskin • 264 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Rowan Davis • 216 pp • 5 x 6
Provide invaluable insight into a couple’s future life together with
this comprehensive guide to relationship analysis. Learn how
to recognize behavioral patterns, identify potential challenges,
predict relationship longevity, interpret composite and marriage
charts, and give practical advice for making the relationship work.
Check the astrological rapsheet of your ex and get all the answers;
his sun sign will also show you how to send him packing or how
to get him back. Even if you’re happily settled with a new mate,
reading up on an ex will remind you why you’re now better off!
Save 30% $21.95 $15.37
Save 30% $12.95 $9.07
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
The Astrological Elements
Bernie Ashman • 504 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Sally Cragin • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Many of us play the relationship game, regardless of how our sun
signs are supposed to get along. No matter your sign or your partner’s, this book will pinpoint the potential pitfalls and how to deal
with them. Build a stronger relationship by working through the
strategies suggested for your sign combination.
Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the people around
you—with sun sign astrology! This fun and easy-to-use guide
explores all twelve sun signs through the four elements of fire,
air, earth, and water, revealing what each is like as a friend, family
member, boss, co-worker, spouse, or romantic interest.
Love After Sex
Olivia • 264 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Kevin Burk • 368 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Gain insight into the ways people change as a relationship evolves,
so you can discover how to make love last. Find out how sex,
money, and power dynamics play out in relationships based on
the combinations of sun sign decanates (one-third of each sign)
of the people involved. It also features moon sign tendencies that
indicate how well you are able to emotionally nurture your lover.
Develop an integrated, synthesized approach to understanding
the birth chart. More than techniques, Astrology stresses the principles that make those techniques valid. Besides enriching your
understanding of the planets, signs, and houses, you’ll explore
the lunar nodes, eclipses, angles, retrograde planets, and aspect
patterns as well as gain a holistic understanding of the horoscope.
Composite Charts
Astrology for Beginners
John Townley • 528 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Joann Hampar • 240 pp • 6 x 9
For three decades, countless astrologers have added the composite
chart to their toolkits, opening up vital new insights into the nature
and prospects of all types of relationships. Now, the inventor of this
technique, John Townley, has updated and expanded his system
with the definitive guide to creating and interpreting these charts.
This step-by-step guide takes you through the language of astrological symbols. As each chapter unfolds, a new realm of your
horoscope is revealed, including chart patterns, zodiac signs,
houses, planets, and aspects. By the last lesson, you’ll be able to
read and interpret your chart, and gain valuable insight into yourself and others.
Save 30% $12.95 $9.07
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Predicting Events with Astrology
Insights into Evolutionary Astrology
Celeste Teal • 360 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Rose Marcus • 288 pp • 6 x 9
This expanded and revised edition offers brand-new material
and additional forecasting tips for life’s anticipated adventures
and choosing ideal times for planned events. This book covers all
essential applications of predictive astrology, including transits,
planetary aspects, progressions, the vertex, solar and lunar returns,
eclipses, and lunar nodes. 978-0-7387-1553-7
Shedding new light on soul growth and life’s most profound
mysteries, well-known astrologer Rose Marcus offers a collection
of original essays by today’s foremost evolutionary astrologers,
including founder Jeffrey Green. Contributors explore Pluto’s influence on the fulfillment of human potential, the dynamics between
twins, past life regression, planetary nodes, and more.
Predicting Weather Events with Astrology
Intuition and Your Sun Sign
Kris Brandt Riske, MA • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Bernie Ashman • 360 pp • 6 x 9
Discover how to predict large weather events, from hurricanes and
tornadoes to droughts and floods, with astrology as your guide.
Using past examples and sample calculations for the future,
Llewellyn’s bestselling astrology author explains how you can chart
weather events. Ideal for intermediate astrologers and weather
enthusiasts, this book is a valuable guide to astrometeorology.
Tap into the wisdom of your sun sign and put your intuition to
work for you. Let the cosmic bodies guide you in creating a more
trusting relationship with your inner soul. Popular astrologer
Bernie Ashman provides an in-depth guide to each sign and helps
you discover how to attract love and abundance, improve relationships, and increase self-confidence.
Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Predictive Astrology
Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Astrology
Kris Brandt Riske, MA • 288 pp • 8 x 10
Kris Brandt Riske, MA • 336 pp • 8 x 10
Forecasting your future gives you a remarkable edge in life. Learn
how to perform each major predictive technique: solar arcs, progressions, transits, lunar cycles, and planetary returns. Also featuring a basic introduction to horary astrology, this guide is the perfect
companion to Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Astrology.
Popular astrologer Kris Brandt Riske presents the essentials of
astrology in a clear manner, paying special attention to relationships, career, and money. She explains the meaning of the planets,
zodiac signs, houses, and aspects, and how to interpret their significance in your chart. Over thirty illustrations, including the birth
charts of several famous people.
Save 30% $29.95 $20.97
Save 30% $18.99 $13.29
Saturn Cycles
Aspect Patterns
Wendell C. Perry • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Stephanie Clement, PhD • 216 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
See how Saturn signals important changes in all areas of your
life—self, home life, career, and relationships—as it makes aspects
to the Ascendant, Imum Coeli, Midheaven, and Descendant. This
astrological guide also features fascinating case studies of celebrities such as Britney Spears, Oprah Winfrey, and the Dalai Lama.
Patterns are everywhere, from beehives to DNA strands to the stars
in the sky, and aspect patterns indicate how personality traits can
be seen in character development and decisions in relationships,
career, etc. Illustrated with numerous charts and examples of
famous personalities, this book finally makes understanding and
interpreting the many different patterns clear.
The Complete Book of Chart Rectification
Carol A. Tebbs, MA, CAP • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Robin Antepara • 192 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Provide the most accurate forecasts for your clients with this oneof-a-kind book that puts the practice of chart rectification within
easy reach. Learn to recognize consistent patterns where astrological indicators correspond with dramatic life events. You can then
link these life events with aspect “hooks” to derive the most likely
birth time. Includes celebrity case studies.
Planetary aspects are an essential part of chart interpretation. It is
the relationships between the stars and planets that let us grasp
the destiny of the individual. Aspects describe the complex configurations that influence what will happen to us over time. Topics
include oppositions, squares, conjunctions, trines, sextiles, and
many more.
The Complete Book of Spiritual Astrology
All Around the Zodiac
Per Henrik Gullfoss • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Bil Tierney • 480 pp • 6 x 9
Reach the heart of spirituality and life with this beautiful exploration into the sacred science of astrology, a tool for discovering
your soul’s true intention and purpose. Whether you’re new to
astrology or a long-time practitioner, this engaging book gives
you practical ways for achieving harmony and unity among body,
mind, and soul.
All Around the Zodiac is ideal for all who want to get new insight
into the dynamic qualities of each sign. This book begins by defining each of the signs, and then analyzes the meanings of all sixty-six pairs of signs and concludes by revealing the meanings of
the planets and houses in the signs.
Save 30% $24.95 $17.47
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
75% OFF
c a l e n d a r s , a n n u a l s , & d at e b o o k s
Llewellyn’s 2015 Woodland Faeries Calendar
24 pp • 12 x 12
Original, full-color artwork by Linda Ravenscroft
A year of faerie magic and beauty awaits you. Vividly illustrated by renowned fantasy artist Linda Ravenscroft, this gorgeous faerie calendar captures the whimsy
and grace of achingly beautiful nature spirits. Evocative portraits and scenes—
alive in sensuous detail—bring us oh-so-close to alluring nymphs, charming pixies, rapturous sprites, and other secretive, ethereal beings. Also features major
religious and British holidays, as well as moon phase information.
Save 75% $13.99 $3.50
Llewellyn’s 2015
Magical Almanac
336 pp • 5 x 8
Filled with practical spells, rituals,
and fresh ideas, you’ll find new
ways to deepen your craft and
enhance everyday life. Read compelling articles, grouped by element, on kitchen witchery, zodiac
magic, tarot and stones, backyard
magic, smudging, weather witching, and more magical topics.
Save 75% $11.99 $3.00
Llewellyn’s 2015
Herbal Almanac
312 pp • 5 x 8
Discover how to design your own
terrariums, enhance your culinary
creations, and save your seeds for
a plant-share party. Learn about
permaculture for herbalists, critter-friendly gardening, and herbal
pantry staples. From mint to fennel,
this practical almanac is your gateway to the herbal kingdom.
Save 75% $11.99 $3.00
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Llewellyn’s 2015
Astrological Pocket Planner
192 pp • 41/4 x 63/16
Plan important events, set goals,
and organize your life with
Llewellyn’s Astrological Pocket
Planner. Both beginners and
advanced astrologers can use this
award-winning datebook. Choose
optimal dates for job interviews,
weddings, beginning new projects,
and more.
Save 75% $8.99 $2.25
75% OFF
Llewellyn’s 2015
Witches’ Datebook
c a l e n d a r s , a n n u a l s , & d at e b o o k s
Llewellyn’s 2015
Witches’ Companion
Llewellyn’s 2015
Spell-A-Day Almanac
144 pp • 5 x 8 • spiral bound
288 pp • 5 x 8
264 pp • 5 x 8
Original Scratchboard Art
by Kathleen Edwards
This indispensable guide will keep
you one step ahead of the latest
Witch trends, Craft practices, Pagan
issues, and ideas in green living.
This year’s edition is filled with fascinating essays—building a child’s
book of shadows, prosperity magick
and the goddess Abundantia, and
much more.
Spellcasters of all levels can
enhance their daily life with easy
bewitchments, recipes, rituals, and
meditations. Also included: advice
for beginners, astrological data,
and daily color and incense recommendations to enhance each day’s
Today’s busy Witches can stay on
top of it all with this indispensable, on-the-go tool. You’ll find
fun, fresh ways to enhance your
practice—inspiring Sabbat musings
(Deborah Blake), tasty Sabbat recipes (Diana Rajchel), and flowers
(Tess Whitehurst).
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
Save 75% $11.99 $3.00
See all of our
New 2016 Almanacs,
Calendars, & Datebooks
in the next issue of
Llewellyn’s 2015
Sabbats Almanac
Samhain 2014 – Mabon 2015
312 pp • 5 x 8
Packed with rituals, rites, recipes,
and crafts, this essential guide
offers fun and fresh ways to celebrate the eight sacred Wiccan holidays and enrich your spiritual life
throughout the year. Get a unique
perspective on each Sabbat from
your favorite Wiccan and Pagan
Save 75% $12.99 $3.25
Gold: Israel Regardie’s Lost Book of Alchemy
The Golden Dawn
Israel Regardie; Edited & Annotated by Chic and Sandra
Tabatha Cicero • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Israel Regardie • 844 pp • 6 x 9
Famed occultist Israel Regardie sheds light on the psychological
and spiritual meaning behind the symbols and metaphors of
alchemy. Analyzing The True Book of Synesius—an important seventeenth century alchemical treatise—Regardie uses the language of
Jungian psychology, magnetism, and more.
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn took dozens of confusing magical traditions and united them into a practical whole.
Considered by many to be the book that started the modern occult
movement, The Golden Dawn addresses initiation, consecration,
invocation, meditation, Tarot studies, and all Qabalistic correspondences of the Hermetic Order.
The Tree of Life
The Middle Pillar
Israel Regardie; Edited & Annotated by Chic Cicero and
Sandra Tabatha Cicero • 552 pp • 6 x 9
Israel Regardie, Edited and Annotated by Chic Cicero and
Sandra Tabatha Cicero • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Since it was originally published, this book has caused a furor for
revealing real secrets of magick. Based on the Qabalah, it describes
the tools of the magician and how to use them; it was Regardie’s
primary desire to point out the fundamental principles of magic
that cut across all boundaries of time, religion, and culture.
Break the barrier between the conscious and unconscious through
the Middle Pillar exercise—a bridge into magic, chakra work, and
psychology. The Ciceros, who knew Israel Regardie personally,
have made his work more accessible by adding extensive notes
and explanatory chapters.
The Philosopher’s Stone
A Garden of Pomegranates
Israel Regardie; Edited & Annotated by Chic and
Sandra Tabatha Cicero • 552 pp • 6 x 9
Israel Regardie, Edited by Chic Cicero and
Sandra Tabatha Cicero • 552 pp • 6 x 9
This new edition is fully annotated with critical commentary and
explanatory notes from the famed occultists Chic and Sandra
Tabatha Cicero. Also included are new illustrations, a glossary, a
biographical dictionary, a bibliography, an index, and a new introduction.
When Israel Regardie wrote A Garden of Pomegranates, he designed
it to be a simple yet comprehensive guidebook outlining the complex system of the Qabalah and providing a key to its symbolism.
Since then it has achieved the status of a classic. It has been updated
with full annotations, critical commentary, and more.
Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition
The Celtic Golden Dawn
Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero • 792 pp • 7 x 10
John Michael Greer • 384 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Learn and live the Golden Dawn tradition with the first practical guide to Golden Dawn initiation. Presenting all of the rituals
and “Knowledge Lectures” clearly, free of jargon and complex
language, and with written self-check tests, this guide is a must
for self-initiation into one of the most important Western magical
A century ago, groups descending from the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn fused occult lore of the Western magical tradition
with nature spirituality of the Druid revival. Greer has re-created a
complete magical system based on the Celtic Golden Dawn traditions. His curriculum covers ceremonial magic, divination, magical
techniques, self-initiation, and more.
The Golden Dawn Enochian Skrying Tarot
Golden Dawn Magical Tarot
The Golden Dawn Enochian Skrying Tarot is tailor-made for Enochian
ritual work, Tattva skrying, and divination. Each card contains the
complete symbolism of the Enochian square that it represents,
including the elemental, astrological, geomantic, alchemical, tarot,
Egyptian god, archangelic, angelic, kerubic, and more.
This stunning deck masterfully blends traditional Tarot imagery
with the descriptions from Golden Dawn initiation ceremonies.
Written and created by internationally known adepts Chic Cicero
and Sandra Tabatha Cicero, this is the first Tarot deck to incorporate
the symbolism necessary for use in rituals.
The Essential Golden Dawn
Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn
Bill & Judi Genaw and Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero
Boxed kit includes 89-card deck and 432-page book
Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Written by recognized experts on the topic, this introduction to
High Magic is both straightforward and succinct. It explores the
origins of Hermeticism and the Western Esoteric Tradition, as well
as the rich history of the Golden Dawn and its founders. Learn what
the Golden Dawn tradition is and what it has to offer.
Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero
Boxed kit includes a 79-card deck and 240-page book
Lo Scarabeo
Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
The Golden Dawn is one of the most influential and respected systems of magic in the world. Inspired by the Esoteric Order of the
Golden Dawn, this magical tarot captures the esoteric spirituality
and mysticism of an ancient yet vibrant tradition. This stunning
tarot offers a path—built on the tenets of high magic.
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
The Book of Oberon
Brain Magick
Edited by Daniel Harms, James R. Clark, & Joseph H.
Peterson • 600 pp • 7 x 10 • Hardcover with Dust Jacket
Philip H. Farber • 264 pp • 5 3/16 x 8
A fascinating edition to the magical literature of the Elizabethan
era, this unique grimoire is a must-have. Dating from the time of
Shakespeare (c. 1580), The Book of Oberon is a meticulous transcription and translation of an old magic book recently acquired by
the Folger Shakespeare Library.
Recent discoveries in neuroscience suggest that the practice of
invocation is based in natural brain functions—this book is the first
to present a theory of magick based on the new research. Brain
Magick has everything you need to quickly develop skill in the
art of invocation, including more than seventy powerful magical
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
The Angelical Language, Volume 1
The Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies & Magic
Aaron Leitch • 336 pp • 6 x 9 • Hardcover
Migene González-Wippler • 400 pp • 6 x 9
The Angelical language channeled by alchemist Edward Kelley and
recorded by royal astrologer John Dee has mystified magicians,
linguists, historians, and cryptographers for generations. This fascinating, in-depth analysis reveals the truth behind the saga of two
Renaissance wizards who spoke with angels. Leitch’s masterwork provides the most comprehensive history and overview ever published.
Drawing upon every major branch of Western magic, The Complete
Book of Spells, Ceremonies & Magic includes the theory and practice of tarot and palmistry; details of how to work with the famous
grimoires; and techniques of evocation, visualization, meditation,
sex magic, and telepathy. Also featured are spells for love, wealth,
health, and protection.
The Angelical Language, Volume II
The Complete Magician’s Tables
Aaron Leitch • 600 pp • 6 x 9 • Hardcover
Stephen Skinner • 432 pp • 71/1 x 10 • Hardcover
This masterwork is the most comprehensive analysis of John
Dee’s Angelical language ever undertaken. For the first time, every
Angelical word in Dee’s books, journals, and personal grimoire is
recorded and cross-referenced in a number of ways, allowing the
reader to recognize root words, alternate spellings, and more. It
includes notes about each word’s definition, history, or usage.
The most complete collection of magician’s tables available, this
monumental work documents thousands of mystical links—spanning pagan pantheons, Kabbalah, astrology, tarot, I Ching, angels,
demons, herbs, perfumes, and more! Well-organized and easy-touse, The Complete Magician’s Tables can help you understand the
vast connections making up our mysterious universe.
Everything You Want to Know About
Magick (But Were Afraid to Ask)
The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy
Shawn Martin Scanlon • 360 pp • 6 x 9
The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa
and unnamed others, is considered one of the cornerstones of
Western magic. For more than three hundred years, this mysterious tome has been regarded as difficult or even impossible to
understand—until now. Occult scholar Donald Tyson presents a
fully annotated, corrected, and modernized edition.
Shawn Martin Scanlon presents the theories and practices of
magick in a straightforward manner. Understand the essential
principles of occult magick drawn from sources such as Israel
Regardie and Aleister Crowley. This invaluable reference includes
easy meditations, illustrated rituals, and much more.
Edited and annotated by Donald Tyson • 480 pp • 7 x 10
The Complete Magick Curriculum
of the Secret Order G...B...G...
Hands-On Chaos Magic
Louis T. Culling, Edited by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
360 pp • 6 x 9
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke offers illuminating commentary, definitions, and discussion points to render these profound magickal
practices even more accessible for contemporary magicians.
This irreverent guide to chaos magic emphasizes experimentation
and finding out what works best for you. Andrieh Vitimus presents
a revolutionary hands-on course of study for the average person,
offering an accessible and practical approach that makes it easier
to perform successful chaos magic that is uniquely your own.
Save 30% $19.95 $13.97
Foundations of Magic
Homemade Magick
J. F. O’Neill • 264 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Lon Milo DuQuette • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Can the psyche have an impact on magical practice? Without
emphasizing any school of magic or belief system, this secular
spell book is for people of all backgrounds. J. F. O’Neill introduces
the basics of spellcraft and explains the psychological preparation
needed to work magic. There are exercises for editing old memories and creating new ones, self-hypnosis, and much more.
Blending how-to instructions with entertaining anecdotes and
homespun wisdom, Lon Milo DuQuette shows readers how to
choose a magickal motto, perform a self-initiation ritual, make
magickal tools, raise children in a magickal home, and live life as
a true mage. Peppered with personal photos, this book will cause
joyous laughter along with deep truths.
Andrieh Vitimus • 408 pp • 6 x 9
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
The 13 Gates of the Necronomicon
The Dream World of H.P. Lovecraft
The Lovecraft Necronomicon Primer
Donald Tyson • 432 pp • 7 x 10
Donald Tyson • 336 pp • 6 x 9
T. Allan Bilstad • 288 pp • 53/16 x 6
In this authentic sourcebook for magicians, occult scholar
Donald Tyson uses H. P. Lovecraft’s story elements and
characters—alien races, ancient sorceries, the Dreamlands,
witches, and ghouls—as the foundation for a coherent system
of modern ritual magic based on the thirteen true zodiacal
Occult scholar Donald Tyson plumbs the depths of H. P.
Lovecraft’s cosmic visions and horrific dream world to examine, warts and all, the strange life of the man who created the
Necronomicon and the Cthulhu mythos. Here you will find
the roots of Lovecraft’s extraordinary cosmic vision laid bare.
Written for those curious about Lovecraft and his work, this
illustrated guide presents detailed descriptions of twenty-nine of the monsters, creatures, and gods that inhabit
Lovecraft’s macabre fictional universe, without any spoilers
that could ruin a future read of his stories.
Grimoire of the Necronomicon
Necronomicon Tarot
Donald Tyson • 672 pp • 7 x 10
Donald Tyson • 216 pp • 7 x 10
H. P. Lovecraft’s compelling character, Abdul Alhazred, is
brought to life in this epic tale detailing the mad sorcerer’s
tragic history and magical adventures. Originally a handsome
boy from Yemen, he ends up mutilated and cast into the
desert by the king. A quest to restore his body and reunite
with his true love takes him to fantastic realms, where he is
tormented by his dark lord.
Donald Tyson now unveils a true grimoire of ritual magic
inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. This grimoire
features ritual forms and invocations for the daily and yearly
rites of the Old Ones, individual rituals devoted to the seven
major figures of the mythos, and a grand ritual for personal
Save 30% $29.95 $20.97
Save 30% $11.95 $8.37
Donald Tyson, Artwork by Anne Stokes
Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and a 240-page book
Donald Tyson offers another innovative tribute to renowned
occult writer H.P. Lovecraft. Gruesome gods, sinister monsters, and other strange creatures lurk throughout this fully
functional tarot deck. All seven rulers of the Old Ones from
Tyson’s Necronomicon star among the deck’s trumps.
L l e w e l l y n’s Ne w S a b b a t E s s e n t i a l s S e r i e s
With rituals, recipes, lore, spells, crafts, correspondences, and more, the books in the new Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials
series explore the old and new ways of celebrating the seasonal rites that are the cornerstones in the witch’s year.
Look for
in the ne ON
of New W issue
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
© Ted Bruner
Magical Fashionista
Tess Whitehurst • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Discover how to select clothes, shoes, jewelry, and other accessories that will help you look and feel your best and manifest positive life changes. Put together empowering outfits every day—and
for every occasion—with simple guidance on everything from the
color, material, and pattern of clothes to gemstones, nail polish,
and tattoos.
The Magic of Flowers
Tess Whitehurst • 432 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
From African daisy to ylang ylang, Tess Whitehurst introduces how
to use 78 flowers for healing, spiritual growth, and other holistic
benefits. Exploring the subtle and whimsical realm of flower
magic, this one-of-a-kind, comprehensive, and convenient guide
covers aromatherapy, charms and rituals, herbal potions, divine
alignment, and other easy techniques for connecting with flowers.
The Good Energy Book
Tess Whitehurst • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Become a fountain of good energy in every area of your life!
Tess Whitehurst offers sparkling advice for creating, maintaining, and sharing positive energy. Using Tess’s holistic and easyto-follow system, discover how to keep your energy positive and
traverse any place, situation, or challenge with confidence, clarity,
and grace.
The Art of Bliss
Tess Whitehurst • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Bring harmony and balance to every area of your life. Tess
Whitehurst introduces you to the nine life keys: serenity, life
path, synchronicity, creativity, romance, radiance, prosperity, resilience, and synergy. Use the holistic blend of Eastern wisdom and
alchemical essences, manifest your true desires, and reconnect
with your natural state of bliss.
Save 30% $16.99 $11.89
Magical Housekeeping
Tess Whitehurst • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Let your home nourish your soul and uplift your spirits. In this
delightful book, intuitive counselor Tess Whitehurst reveals how
your home can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation
and manifestation. She offers a variety of simple ways to create
a harmonious home while enhancing your own happiness, intuition, and magical power.
Manifest Your Desires
Anytime, Anywhere
Holistic Energy Magic
Tess Whitehurst • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Popular author Tess Whitehurst incorporates diverse modalities—such as color
energy, symbol interpretation, and visualization—so that you can use the
power of your own mind, body, and spirit as well as crystals, herbs, and flowers to achieve positive conditions in your life. Holistic Energy Magic provides:
• A foundation for your success
• A spellbook of charms and invocations
• Ways to enhance your success, love, health, and happiness
• And more!
From cleansing your home to aligning with the divine, this accessible guide
helps you create the magical life you want.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
Crystal Resonance
The Healing Power of Tea
Kerry Nelson Selman • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Caroline Dow • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Crystal Resonance explores thirteen crystals and their complementary oils and essences, providing detailed information about the
main applications of each. Focusing on combinations that consistently offer the highest resonances, author Kerry Nelson Selman
also clearly shows how the healing works on an energetic level.
From the history of tea to growing a tea garden, this comprehensive book takes you on a fascinating journey into the world of teas
and tisanes. Whether you’re a new or expert tea drinker, Caroline
Dow provides you with “tea-rrific” knowledge, including explanations of different tea types as well as a list of ailments and what
blends will alleviate them.
Develop Your Medical Intuition
The Healing Power of Reiki
Sherrie Dillard • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Tune in to the energy body to assess and positively influence
health and well-being on every level. Discover step-by-step exercises, guided visualizations, true case studies, and practice advice
from author Sherrie Dillard’s twenty-five-year career as a professional medical intuitive.
Save 30% $15.99 $11.19
Raven Keyes • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
The art of Reiki has the power to heal our minds, bodies, and
spirits. The first Reiki master to practice in an operating room
under the supervision of Dr. Mehmet Oz, author Raven Keyes tells
moving stories of giving Reiki to rescue workers at Ground Zero,
PTSD survivors, professional athletes, trauma patients, and those
suffering from crippling emotional pain.
Vibrational Healing
The Healing Light of Angels
Jaya Jaya Myra • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Raven Keyes • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Explore the dynamic relationship between energy and health,
learn a variety of healing modalities, and determine which vibrational healing technique will work best for you. Discover your
energy type, physical body type, and life purpose. This groundbreaking guide is perfect for skilled healers and beginners who
simply want to live more balanced, vibrant, and healthy lives.
Renowned Reiki master Raven Keyes takes you from the sacred
sites of Glastonbury to the operating rooms of a New York City
hospital, sharing fascinating accounts of angelic intervention
along with way. This hands-on spiritual memoir also explores how
angels are involved in restoring balance to the Earth and shows
how to call on them in your daily life.
Healing Music for the Soul CD
The Complete Book of Chakra Healing
Robert J. Boyd • 5 Tracks • Running Time 64 Minutes
Cyndi Dale • 456 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
This magical journey will take you through experiences of
expanded awareness and deep healing. Allow the music to take
you in its flow like a leaf floating on a flowing river. Where it will
take you is up to you. The haunting music on this beautiful album
is a direct result of the expanded spiritual awareness Robert experienced at the Oneness University on the island of Savu Savu, Fiji.
This expanded edition of Cyndi Dale’s classic guide to the chakras
offers more than 150 pages of new information. Featured is an
abundance of original material and illustrations, including true
stories from Cyndi’s healing practice, detailed descriptions of energetic fields found nowhere else, and a wealth of information on
healing the earth as you heal yourself.
Chinese Healing Exercises
Unlocking the Healing Code
Steven Cardoza • 312 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Dr. Bruce Forciea • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Reduce pain, increase energy, stave off disease, reverse the signs
of aging, and lengthen your life with these eighty-eight simple
Chinese healing exercises. Gentle enough to be practiced by anyone—regardless of age, gender, or state of health—these exercises
can be done for as little as one or two minutes each day. Each exercise includes illustrations and instructions.
Bridging the gap between traditional and alternative healthcare,
Dr. Bruce Forciea introduces seven keys to unlocking this unlimited
healing power. His techniques help you choose and apply complementary healing methodologies. True stories highlight how
numerous people have found relief using this groundbreaking
program for healing.
The Holistic Way
Hospital Stay Handbook
Billy Roberts • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Jari Holland Buck • 264 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
The Nadi Technique is a simple and effective holistic system that
supports optimum health of body, mind, and spirit. This program
for self-healing encourages movement of in-flowing energy, or
prana. Using specific pressure points, meditation, visualization, and
affirmations, the Nadi Technique is designed to help you cultivate
positive thinking and attract good health, success, and happiness.
The hospital is both the best and worst place to be when ailing.
Through Jari Holland Buck’s life-saving lessons, become a patient
advocate, enforcing patient rights and ensuring your loved ones
receive the best possible care. Also learn how to bolster the mind,
body, and soul of a patient through prayer, positivity, and spiritual
Save 30% $21.99 $15.39
Save 30% $15.99 $11.19
Save 30% $18.95 $13.27
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
Daily Enlightenments
Nathalie W. Herrman • 408 pp • 5 x 7
Discover spiritual guidance for every
day of the year with this easy-to-understand handbook, in only five minutes a day.
365 Ways to Raise
Your Frequency
Melissa Alvarez • 432 pp • 5 x 7
From singing and cooking to visualization exercises and techniques for
reducing negativity, let this book be
your guide to creating joy daily.
The Steady Way to Greatness Living a Life of Gratitude
Melanie Barnum • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Sara Wiseman • 384 pp • 5 x 7
Use psychic development to master
the law of attraction and manifest the
life you truly desire, with success in
career, finances, love, and more.
Read this book and revel in the
beauty of the world. When you
walk through life with gratitude,
you reconnect with what’s truly
Save 30% $15.99 $11.19
Step Outside Yourself—
And into Creativity
99 Keys to a Creative Life
Melissa Harris • 240 pp • 5 x 7
Creativity is not just painting or writing; it is stepping outside the way we normally think
and looking at a situation from different angles. Author Melissa Harris reminds us that the
many small acts we perform on a daily basis can be used to view our lives in a new way.
99 Keys to a Creative Life is divided into three sections for easy reference:
• 33 Awareness Keys: Awareness practices deepen our ability to know what
accelerates our creativity
Garden of Bliss
Your Inner Gold
Using the metaphor of a secret garden, Debra Moffitt offers inspiration
and advice on connecting with the
Divine Feminine through nature.
This guide presents a seven-stage
model to help you discover your true
self and its relationship to your soul’s
Debra Moffitt • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Nanci Shanderá, PhD • 240 pp • 6 x 9
• 33 Intuitive Keys: These help to keep us on the creative path
• 33 Spiritual Keys: Ways to apply spirituality practices to our creative process
can also enhance our individual connection to Spirit
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
Three Journeys to Heaven
Evidence of Eternity
Marilou Trask-Curtin • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Mark Anthony • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Having died and returned to life three times, author Marilou TraskCurtin has learned life’s most profound lessons. Marilou had her
first near-death experience at age three and experienced two more
over the next two decades. In this book, she explores the nature of
near-death experiences and reveals how they changed her behavior, goals, and outlook.
Mark Anthony, medium and psychic lawyer, relays messages from
spirits to their loved ones in this remarkable exploration of life
after death. Evidence of Eternity is filled with inspiring true stories
and credible evidence from Mark’s own research. These stories
prove that your beloved family and friends do live on forever.
Dreaming of the Dead
Never Letting Go
Marilou Trask-Curtin • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Mark Anthony • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Since the age of three, Marilou Trask-Curtin has communicated
with spirits. In this book, she touchingly recounts her visitations
with spirits who offer advice, reassurance, or to let her know they
have died or are about to pass on—including beloved pets and
ghostly visitations from Samuel L. Clemens and Harriet Beecher
Stowe, among others.
This uplifting book will guide you through grief and inspire you
with evidence of the afterlife. Mark Anthony shares incredible true
stories of contact with spirits and their enduring messages of forgiveness, gratitude, and acceptance. Appropriate for all faiths, this
comforting book offers true healing and hope—with a little help
from the Other Side.
We Walk Beside You Always
Marilou Trask-Curtin • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Bridget Benson • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Death is not the end, but rather a glorious new beginning. After
a period of rest between lives, we return to earth to experience
love and right our past wrongs. Author Marilou Trask-Curtin has
experienced reincarnation first hand. In this fascinating book, she
describes how she lost touch with her past-life memories and then
regained them.
Your loved ones in spirit are only a thought away. With warmth
and honesty, Irish medium Bridget Benson shares inspirational,
uplifting true stories of the ways in which our family and friends
in spirit are still very much involved in our lives. Included are the
afterlife experiences of children, beloved pets, and the author’s
own awe-inspiring near-death experience.
Save 30% $14.99 $10.49
Everlasting Love
Our Children Live On
Patrick Mathews & Kathleen Mathews • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Elissa Al-Chokhachy • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Open the doorway to the afterlife and discover that even death
cannot break the true bond of love. Your dearest loved one is
always with you in spirit, and with help from Patrick and Kathleen
Mathews, you’ll learn how to continue your relationship with
renewed romance and spiritual understanding. Embrace happiness with the memorable stories featured in this book.
Find hope and comfort in this uplifting collection of powerful,
true stories that prove our children are with us forever. Eighty-two
heartfelt, moving testimonials clearly demonstrate that love and
life are eternal. Every incredible remembrance, including vivid
dreams, angelic presences, and transcendent moments, shows
unmistakable signs of our children’s undying love.
Forever With You
How to Talk to Me After I’m Gone
Patrick Mathews • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Alexandra Chauran • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Join medium Patrick Mathews as he communicates with those who
have passed over, sharing their experiences of the other side and
the profound impact their continuing presence has on us. With
warmth and sensitivity, Patrick answers questions about God and
angels, heaven and hell, what happens when we pass, and more.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
Communicate with your loved ones even after you’ve passed over
to the other side. By working with this book and creating your own
plans and documentation, you’ll create a legacy of communication
for your family and friends. This book also includes a crash course
for learning spirit communication so that you can practice with
your loved ones.
Never Say Goodbye
The Secret of Your Immortal Self
Patrick Mathews • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Guy Finley • 368 pp • 5 x 7
Along with a treasury of heartwarming and compelling true stories
from his work as medium, Patrick Mathews answers the questions
he’s most often asked about life in Heaven. Never Say Goodbye will
help you learn to recognize spirit communication and establish an
ongoing relationship with those in spirit.
Guy Finley’s amazing new book guides you to the crowning
moment of life: contact with the immortal Self. Providing powerful insights, key lessons, and practical steps, this book frees you
from the illusion of imagined self-limitation. Achieve a new level
of self-understanding, gain a more meaningful relationship with
the Divine, and let go of useless suffering.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
Dream Interpretation
for Beginners
Diane Brandon
312pp • 53/16 x 8
Decode the wisdom of your dreams to improve your relationships, enrich your
life, and achieve personal growth. Use dreams for spiritual unfolding as well
as improved problem-solving, creative inspiration, and deeper insight into
your life. Join dream expert Diane Brandon as she explores different dreams
types and meanings, dream recall and incubation techniques, precognitive
and clairvoyant dreams, and more.
Dream Sight
Dr. Michael Lennox • 408 pp • 6 x 9
Access the mysteries of the unconscious mind through an innovative and simple three-step approach: identify universal symbols,
consider the context, and pinpoint personal associations. Also
includes an overview of major dream types, such as nightmares,
recurring, and precognitive, plus in-depth, classic meanings for
over three hundred dream symbols.
Your Dreams
Ana Lora Garrard • 240 pp • 5 x 7
Can dreams predict the future, provide healing, or open the door
to a higher power? By showing you how to draw forth your innate
wisdom, this refreshingly simple book allows you to fully comprehend the messages in your dreams. Use your dream wisdom to
gain insight into your relationships, health, career, finances, and
spiritual growth.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
Decode Your Dreams
with Over 1,000 Symbols
Llewellyn’s Complete Dictionary of Dreams
Dr. Michael Lennox • 312 pp • 8 x 10
When it comes to dreams, we often need help making sense of the mystery.
Llewellyn’s Complete Dictionary of Dreams is designed to offer that help in
a simple and concise structure, using language that speaks directly to the
With more than 1,000 distinct terms—cross-referenced for ease of use—this
book presents prominent dream symbols along with clear and simple universal meanings to assist you in your personal dream interpretation.
Dream Exploration
Robert P. Gongloff •192 pp • 6 x 9
Analyze your dreams through this how-to guide’s twelve-step
program. Go beyond mere symbolism by exploring the themes
presented in your dreams and their relationship to your waking
life. Also included is a Theme Matrix that offers practical steps you
can take to incorporate your personal dream wisdom into your
everyday life.
Llewellyn’s Complete Dictionary of Dreams at www.Llewellyn.com
Save 30% $12.95 $9.07
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
Your Psychic Child
The Return of Intuition
You Are Clairvoyant
Sara Wiseman • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Kathryn Harwig • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
BelindaGrace • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Filled with practical advice for parents of intuitively gifted
and spiritually evolved children, this indispensable guide
helps you support, encourage, and raise uniquely gifted kids.
With warmth and humor, Sara Wiseman explains the psychic
awakening process and the talents that emerge from toddler
to teen.
This unique guide reveals the little-known, widespread
phenomenon of profound intuitive awakening occurring in
adults—usually around the age of fifty. Its inspiring true stories highlight the transformative power of intuition, revealing
how this life-changing gift can be used to help others, receive
messages from friends and family in spirit, and more.
Talk to angels and spirit guides for assistance; gain insights
into past lives to find healing; and get answers to important
questions through automatic writing. Written by clairvoyant
healer BelindaGrace, this inspiring guide features true-life
stories, easy exercises, and countless ways to use clairvoyance
to transform your life—and yourself.
Your Psychic Self
You Are a Medium
The Book of Psychic Symbols
Melissa Alvarez • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Sherrie Dillard • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Melanie Barnum • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Learn to recognize your natural intuitive abilities and
strengthen them to enhance your daily life. This guide
introduces the signs of intuition, different kinds of abilities,
psychic experiences, and forms of intuitive communication.
Understand the types of readers and explore your connection
with spiritual beings. Exercises are included.
Discovering your natural abilities to communicate with the
other side is as simple as taking a unique quiz to determine
your medium type. Once you know how your subtle abilities
work, you can develop your skills with this book’s simple exercises and techniques.
Expand your awareness of the symbols in your life, strengthen
your intuition, overcome challenges, and manifest your
desires. Intuitive counselor Melanie Barnum explains what
psychic symbols are, how we receive them, and where they
come from. She also shares amazing stories from her life that
clarify how the wondrous intuitive process works.
Discovering the Medium Within
Everyday Clairvoyant
Intuition for Beginners
Anysia Kiel • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Cyndi Dale • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Diane Brandon • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Anysia Kiel invites us to witness the wondrous, dramatic, and
beautiful moments that have shaped her life as a psychic
medium. Discover how she learned to develop and control
her gift for spirit communication and energy healing. Her
touching story, filled with miraculous spiritual encounters.
Cyndi Dale has provided intuitive consulting and healing to
more than 30,000 individuals. Now she shares true personal
stories and practical advice in an easy-to-follow Q&A format
on how intuition can help you with everything from everyday
concerns to major life decisions in three categories: relationships, work or destiny, and health.
Whether your intuition is naturally accessible or hidden, this
comprehensive book offers strategies to get in touch with
your inner voice. Dispelling myths associated with psychic
ability, Brandon focuses on how intuition can be applied as
a tool of empowerment and personal growth to help you
improve relationships, solve problems, and more.
The Clairvoyant Path
Ignite Your Psychic Intuition
Intution in an Instant
Michelle DesPres • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Teresa Brady • 288 pp • 5 x 7
Kathyrn Klvana • 240 pp • 5 x 7
Build a new life of peace, purpose, and higher consciousness by accessing your inner wisdom through your innate
intuition. Progressive psychic exercises and stories from the
author’s life as a clairvoyant medium combine to help you
cultivate higher senses, explore your soul’s history, and work
with your personal energy to change your life and your reality.
This innovative guide simplifies psychic development, providing quick and easy techniques and exercises for sparking your
intuitive abilities and using them to enhance your life every
day. Designed in an A-to-Z format, this book offers twenty-six
practical teaching tools, one for each letter of the alphabet.
This concise, friendly guide teaches you how to use a small
pendulum when asking intuitive questions, rather than the
classic forked stick. You can use the knowledge gained from
dowsing to improve your relationships, enhance your health,
even communicate with your pets! Save time, energy, and
money by using this simple form of divination.
Save 30% $17.95 $12.57
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
The Art of Spiritual Healing
Sex and Transcendence
Keith Sherwood • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Keith Sherwood • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Each of us has the potential to be a healer—to heal ourselves and
to become a channel for healing others. Learn to recognize and tap
this incredible energy source and remove the blockages that cause
disease and problems in your life. Become acquainted with your
three auras, project healing rays to others from your own chakras,
and much more.
Blending tantra, karma, past lives, and universal consciousness,
this book helps you reach new heights of sexual ecstasy and create a profoundly spiritual relationship. Discover spiritual foreplay
techniques for multiple full-body orgasms, and learn to sustain a
loving relationship built on trust and heightened passion.
Chakra Healing and Karmic Awareness
A Chakra & Kundalini Workbook
Keith Sherwood • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Dr. Jonn Mumford • 288 pp • 7 x 10
Here is a step-by-step approach to overcoming karmic baggage
and energy blockages. These easy techniques help you activate the
chakras, strengthen boundaries (the surface of auras), arouse the
kundalini, and embrace personal dharma. He also teaches how to
care for your energy system and condition it for physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Gain inner relaxation that will lead to better health, a longer life,
and greater control over your destiny with only a few minutes each
day. This practical system of personal training is suited for anyone
in today’s complex world and is one of the clearest, most approachable books on Yoga there is.
Chakra Therapy for Personal Growth & Healing
Chakra Awakening
Keith Sherwood • 256 pp • 53/16 x 8
Margaret Ann Lembo • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Because it is actually energy that determines a person’s physical,
emotional, and mental health and level of consciousness, this
guide will teach you how to heal yourself by healing your energy
system. Learn techniques to bring you back into balance and harmony with your self, your loved ones, and the world in which you
Bridging ancient spiritual wisdom and the law of attraction, this
in-depth, practical guide teaches simple techniques for activating
and balancing the seven chakras. Engage in step-by-step exercises
using gems, crystals, colors, essential oils, and other tools to foster
healing, manifest goals, and create positive change. Also included
are color photos of forty gemstones.
Save 30% $18.95 $13.27
Save 30% $11.99 $8.39
Chakra Insight Oracle
Caryn Sangster & Amy Edwards
Boxed kit includes a 49-card deck and a 148-page book
Chakra Insight Oracle is a powerful tool for connecting to and
understanding the age-old system of the chakras. The deck features seven cards for each of the seven major chakras, with each
card dealing with an aspect of that particular chakra. The deck is an
invaluable resource for self-healing and personal transformation.
Kundalini and the Chakras
Genevieve Lewis Paulson • 230 pp • 6 x 9
We all possess the powerful life force of Kundalini that can open us
up to genius states, psychic powers, and cosmic consciousness. For
over ten years, this trusted guide has been teaching people how
to safely and effectively use this potent natural energy for spiritual
The Awakened Aura
The Illuminated Chakras
Kala Ambrose • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Anodea Judith • DVD
Humanity is entering a new era; our auric energy bodies are experiencing a transformational shift as new crystalline structures form
within and around our auras. This groundbreaking guide contains
practical exercises, diagrams, and instructions that show you how
to use this energy to create powerful positive change in your life
and in the world.
The Illuminated Chakras is a guided journey, written, produced,
directed, and narrated by Anodea Judith. It is a tour-de-force of
mysticism, spirituality, and modern technology resulting in a
multi-sensory journey that will help awaken the elemental power
of each chakra and lead you to a state of being that can only be
called transcendent consciousness.
The Pursuit of Happiness
Cyndi Dale • 288 pp • 6 x 9
David Pond • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Complex and powerful, kundalini is often linked to sacred sex and
our spiritual mission. Renowned intuitive healer Cyndi Dale presents clear guidance to help you truly understand kundalini energy
and how to use it to transform your life. Recognizing and integrating kundalini is essential to achieving vibrant health, having more
meaningful relationships, and finding your life’s purpose.
David Pond offers unique and easy-to-follow guidance for experiencing true happiness in your life. Pond describes all seven
dimensions through which we experience life and gives practical
methods for developing and integrating each of these aspects.
When you’re fully engaged at each level, you gain a multidimensional awareness that serves as a powerful source of strength.
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
pa r a n o r m a l
Haunted Route 66
Richard Southall • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Take a haunted tour through spine-tingling history and paranormal activity along legendary Route 66! With chapters organized by
state, this one-of-a-kind travel companion details over one hundred
ghostly hot spots—with stories about Al Capone and the gang wars of
Chicago, Charlie Chaplin and the Venice Beach Boardwalk, and more.
Save 30% $15.99 $11.19
Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg
Patrick Burke and Jack Roth • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Ghost soldiers march in formation across a field . . . 150 years after
the battle is over. Based on scores of investigations conducted at
Gettysburg, this well-researched and respectful book presents firsthand reports of encounters with ghost soldiers, meticulous Civil
War military history, instruction on original paranormal investigation techniques, and more.
The Ghosts of Chicago
Adam Selzer • 360 pp • 53/16 x 8
From Resurrection Mary and Al Capone to the Murder Castle of H.
H. Holmes, the spine-tingling sights and sounds of Chicago’s yesteryear are still with us . . . and so are its ghosts. Professional ghost
hunter and historian Adam Selzer pieces together the truth behind
Chicago’s ghosts, and brings to light dozens of never-before-told
firsthand accounts.
Ghosts of the McBride House
Cecilia Back • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
Meet the Ghosts of
the Haunted South
Haunted Plantations of the South
Richard Southall • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Step into a mysterious world of haunted plantations, and meet the restless
spirits of soldiers, slaves, and planters who roam the antiquated halls. The
majestic homes featured in the book—spanning seven Southern states—contain dramatic history and true stories from the days before and during the
Civil War.
From the Gaither Plantation to the Appomattox Manor, discover a wealth of
fascinating facts and sordid ghost stories. This incredible guide takes you
into the awe-inspiring world of sweeping staircases, phenomenal pillars, and
ghastly ghouls.
Built in the oldest town in Oklahoma by physician George
McBride in 1895, this Victorian home serves as a beacon to the
dead, rife with spirits from the past. Each ghost has a personality of its own, including one entity whose antics are downright
terrifying. But instead of fleeing, the Back family remained. This
is their story.
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
The Ghosts on 87th Lane
M.L. Woelm • 288 pp • 6 x 9
This moving memoir chronicles the hair-raising experiences of an
ordinary woman living in a haunted house. How did she cope with
disembodied sobs, mysterious scratches appearing on her throat,
and a phantom child’s voice crying “Mommy!” in her ear? Discover
how frazzled nerves wreak havoc on the author’s health and marriage, until she finds validation and understanding.
Mysterious Minnesota
Adrian Lee • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Join ghost hunter and historian Adrian Lee on a compelling tour
of Minnesota’s most haunted historic places. His chilling firsthand
investigations into thirteen famous locations—including encounters with Fort Snelling’s resident spirits, Wabasha Street Caves’
ghostly gangsters, and the restless souls of criminals and murder
victims —will send shivers down your spine.
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
pa r a n o r m a l
The Uninvited
Ultraterrestrial Contact
Steven LaChance • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Philip J. Imbrogno • 336 pp • 53/16 x 8
In this terrifying, true firsthand account, Steven LaChance reveals
how his family was driven from their Union, Missouri, home by
demonic attackers. LaChance chronicles how the demonic predators demonstrate their wrath and power; and when the entities take possession of the current homeowner, LaChance must
engage in a hair-raising battle for her soul.
Ultraterrestrial Contact investigates the most extreme and bizarre
UFO reports and presents a radical new quantum approach to
understanding the contact phenomenon. When Philip Imbrogno
collaborated on Night Siege, the more sensational cases of “high
strangeness” remained unpublished. This book reveals, for the first
time, the details of these controversial reports.
978- 0-7387-1959-7
True UFO Accounts
Interdimensional Universe
David Godwin • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Philip Imbrogno • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
This incredible collection of true accounts from the much-loved
FATE magazine includes stories on Roswell, alien agendas, and
personal encounters. It features fascinating articles by some of
the most prominent names in the field, such as Kenneth Arnold,
George Adamski, Stanton T. Friedman, John Keel, and Ray Palmer,
the founder of FATE magazine.
Imbrogno sheds new light on classic UFO cases, government
cover-ups, and the hidden connections between UFOs and other
unexplained phenomena. He personally investigated four of the
best-known UFO flaps of the modern era and shares information
never released before, including photographic evidence that
something very unusual is taking place on planet Earth.
The UFO Phenomenon
John Michael Greer • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Stan Romanek, as told to J. Allan Danelek • 288 pp • 6 x 9
In The UFO Phenomenon, John Michael Greer moves beyond
the familiar debate of whether or not UFOs are extraterrestrial in
origin. This unique work examines stranger and more rewarding
topics—the nature of apparitions, the history of secret American
aerospace technologies, and the role of popular culture in defining experienced reality.
Stan Romanek’s gripping tale is the world’s most documented
extraterrestrial contact case. In print for the first time, Romanek
relives his personal experiences, from his first sighting of a UFO
to terrifying abductions, to capturing an extraterrestrial on film—
the famous “alien in the window” video footage featured on Larry
King Live.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
Save 30% $17.95 $12.57
Save 30% $17.95 $12.57
Alien Dawn
Haunted Files From the Edge
Colin Wilson • 408 pp • 6 x 9
Philip J. Imbrogno • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Alien Dawn presents Colin Wilson’s investigation into strange and
unexplained phenomena, including UFOs, poltergeists, ancient
folklore, time slips, out-of-body experiences, mystical awareness,
and psychic travel to other worlds. This is one of the most comprehensive explorations of the subject undertaken, with conclusions
sure to startle the reader, whether believer or skeptic.
Pulled from more than thirty years of investigations, Philip
Imbrogno presents a thrilling collection of never-before-published
spooky cases involving run-ins with angry spirits, phantasms,
monsters, and poltergeists. The mystifying cases presented here,
supported by eyewitness testimony and photographic evidence,
are among those that defy explanation.
Encounters with Flying Humanoids
The Fog
Ken Gerhard • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Rob MacGregor & Bruce Gernon • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard has traveled the world collecting
evidence on the Mothman, the Owlman, and other strange “bird
people” that have been sighted throughout history. Packed with
famous historical cases and dozens of chilling first-person accounts,
this is the first book to focus exclusively on flying humanoids—a
wide array of airborne entities that feed off our deepest fears.
How can you explain the thousands of bizarre occurrences of the
Bermuda triangle? By presenting an exciting new theory of the
Bermuda Triangle based upon the co-author’s firsthand experiences, reports of other survivors and scientific research, the
authors intelligently discuss how a meteorological phenomenon—
an electronic fog—could be the culprit.
Files From the Edge
Strange But True
Philip J. Imbrogno • 336 pp • 53/16 x 8
Edited by Corrine Kenner & Craig Miller
264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Save 30% $18.95 $13.27
Philip Imbrogno presents the most shocking cases of his career,
complete with eyewitness reports and never-before-released photographs. This scientific investigation into the bizarre realm of High
Strangeness phenomenon features never-before-published, meticulously documented research on the weirdest of the weird—abductions, encounters, and sightings of alien creatures; and more.
Save 30% $14.99 $10.49
For almost fifty years, FATE magazine readers have been reporting
their encounters with the strange and unknown. In this collection,
meet loved ones who return from beyond the grave, hear mysterious voices warning of danger, see guardian angels, and witness
the miraculous.
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
pa r a n o r m a l
True Ghosts
The Sallie House Haunting
Edited by Andrew Honigman • 336 pp • 53/16 x 5
Debra Pickman • 288 pp • 6 x 9
From the vaults of FATE magazine—true stories of paranormal
encounters. Over the past sixty years, FATE magazine has published
thousands of true ghost stories—personal accounts from ordinary
people who have had extraordinary run-ins with the spirit world.
This collection features the best of these spine-tingling, bizarre,
heartwarming, and sometimes humorous haunting experiences.
This is the firsthand account of Tony and Debra Pickman’s experiences in the now notorious Sallie House. They reveal untold
stories, describing Sallie’s seemingly protective fascination with
their infant son, and what it was like to live with menacing entities
that terrorized their family. The Pickmans share historical research,
personal photographs, and journal entries.
True Ghosts 2
Missing & Presumed Dead
David Godwin • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Gale St. John and Diana Montane • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
From the vaults of FATE magazine, here are more true stories of
encounters with the denizens of the spirit world. This collection
brings you more of the best of these bone-chilling and bizarre
personal accounts.
This fascinating look at one of America’s most well-known psychic
crime profilers offers readers a rare insider’s perspective on the
mysterious world of the psychic detective. Developing a successful
career in search and rescue where she uses certified cadaver dogs,
Gale St. John has helped find a variety of missing persons, from
innocent young children to Mafia bosses.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
True Ghosts 3
Is Your House Haunted?
Edited by David Godwin • 336 pp • 53/16 x 8
Debi Chestnut • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
From the vaults of FATE magazine comes the latest bone-chilling
edition of true paranormal encounters. Since 1948, FATE has published true eyewitness accounts from ordinary people who’ve had
extraordinary run-ins with the inhabitants of the spirit realm. This
collection brings you dozens of compelling stories of ghosts, vortexes, and divine guidance.
A door slams shut by itself. The scent of pipe tobacco drifts through
an empty room. This friendly beginner’s guide to ghosts and
hauntings offers practical advice on identifying, and putting a stop
to, any paranormal activity that’s creeping you out. It also includes
a paranormal FAQ and advice on talking to children about ghosts.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
True Casefiles of a Paranormal Investigator
Grave’s End
Stephen Lancaster • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Elaine Mercado, RN • 192 pp • 6 x 9
Go behind the scenes on a fascinating adventure of paranormal
phenomena with professional researcher and investigator Stephen
Lancaster. From the merely incredible to the downright terrifying,
Stephen brings you face to face his most gripping, bizarre, and
notorious ghostly encounters. If you don’t close this book believing . . . you never will.
When Elaine Mercado and her family bought their home, they had
no idea that they were embarking on a thirteen-year nightmare.
This book is the true story of how one family tried to cope with
living in a haunted house. It also describes how, with the help of a
parapsychologist and a medium, the family discovered the secrets
buried in the house at Grave’s End.
House of Spirits and Whispers
Ghostly Tales
Annie Wilder •192 pp • 6 x 9
Billy Roberts • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
In 1994, Annie Wilder and her children moved into a one hundredyear-old house in an historic Mississippi River town. It felt like—and
proved to be—a very haunted house. Covering a decade’s worth of
ghostly activity and supernatural events, this unusual story is the
true account of Wilder’s experiences living in a haunted house.
This eclectic mix of true stories collected over thirty years by a
leading psychic medium includes poltergeists, murderers, and
spirits—a broad spectrum of the supernatural. From a man who
is seen at his own funeral to a mother who comes back from the
grave, this book will arouse both fear and mirth in paranormal
enthusiasts everywhere.
Haunted Stuff
Ghosts, Apparitions, and Poltergeists
Stacey Graham • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Brian Righi • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
The infamous Bettycombe Skull. The haunted doll of Key West. The
ghost of Marilyn Monroe. These are just a few of the stories in this
fascinating book. Objects with restless spirits attached can come
from auctions, antique dealers, estate stales, and inheritance.
These true accounts will make you look closer at the antiques on
your shelf.
Join seasoned paranormal investigator Brian Righi on a tour
through four thousand years of history, hauntings, and ghost
huntings. After learning the history, launch a paranormal investigation of your own with Righi’s guide to modern ghost hunting,
full of detailed advice culled from his seven years of experience.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
Save 30% $15.99 $11.19
w w w . L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
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The depth of this interpretation considers all the basics
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