people - Ad Lib Unlimited


people - Ad Lib Unlimited
10:53 AM
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is dedicated
,nab hukhgk
Nelli Fink
k”z hcm vhrt ‘r ,c v”g khygb vra
Nellie Fink was a rare individual, a woman of uncommon
wisdom, unusual charisma and inordinate strength. Rather
than take it easy upon her retirement as CEO of an
international corporation, she devoted all her energy, verve
and professionalism to Invei Hagefen and networked
tirelessly to create shidduchim.
No less than
our survival as a
Invei Hagefen was close to her heart. Join us in
perpetuating the legacy of this dynamic woman by
contributing to our efforts, helping us to create new life in
Klal Yisroel.
depends on
this simple equation
6619 13th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219
Fax 718.256.7578
AD•LIB Unlimited • 718.382.0900
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PARTNER with Invei Hagefen to create new PARTNERS in Klal Yisroel
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There are THOUSANDS of Singles in our community
in their mid-thirties and older who have not been
successful in meeting their mate.
And many more
in their mid-twenties are fast approaching that mark.
That translates into thousands of homes not built and
millions of children not born.
Each individual who remains alone is
one too many.
The personal pain is searing, the loneliness and
agony is hard to endure . . . and the fear
of remaining single forever is unbearable.
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Our nation lost
over 6 million
during the
devastating Holocaust,
and we have yet to
recover what we lost.
The current “Singles’ Crisis”
is a tragic situation that is
hampering our growth
and affecting our future.
Can we stand by idly
as so many souls are lost . . .
so much potential remains untapped . . .
and so many people are in pain?
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Today, the “Singles’ Crisis” is on
everyone's radar screen and many
organizations and individuals are
making a concerted effort to help.
That was not the case 15 years ago,
when the issue was shied away from
and whispered about.
At the 74th National Convention of
Agudath Israel, Invei Hagefen took the
initiative and brought this topic out
into the open.
The snowball effect of
this increased awareness was
enormous and Invei Hagefen
is proud to stand at
the forefront of this
shidduch movement,
while serving as an advocate
for the older Singles.
a grassroots organization founded by a small group of
dedicated men and women more than a decade ago, is
intent on bringing couples together under the chuppah.
The needs of
this population
are numerous
and the reasons
many are unmarried
are manifold.
Some may have no social
connections, some may simply need
reassurance and guidance . . .
while the vast majority have
just not yet been set up with
the right person.
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State-of-the-Art Shidduch Database
manned by teams of
committed Shadchanim
One-on-One Interviews
conducted face to face
Personal Mentoring Program for Singles
• Mentor Training for Shadchanim
• Education and Guidance for Singles
• Library of Dating Materials
for Shadchanim and Singles
funded by and produced for Invei HaGefen
Weekend and Motzei Shabbos Programs
• Sunday Morning Workshops
• Confidential Dating Hotline
• Medical and Rabbinical Advisors
Invei Hagefen
is headquartered in a discreet location
on the outskirts of Borough Park; its nondescript facade gives
no inkling of what goes on within its walls. Inside, a wealth of
services are coordinated and provided for the Singles’ benefit.
available to Shadchanim and Singles
Our Database
of thousands of names is completely
confidential and inaccessible to Singles. Aside from our
Shadchanim, no one else is able to log on to view our
Singles’ profiles.
Interviews are conducted on Sundays and evenings. Unlike
on-line dating services, we actually meet every one of our
clients in person, before suggesting a shidduch; ensuring
that our Shadchanim gain a better perspective of the
individual and his/her needs.
A Personal Mentor is assigned to each Single, and is available
24/7 to provide encouragement, advice or a listening ear. Our
mentors are warm and caring individuals with lots of common
sense. Our mentoring program helps the Singles receive the
personal attention they so desperately need and connects
them to families in the community, providing a secure
mooring to those who live on their own.
Our Shadchanim and Mentors attend special training
sessions that provide them with the necessary skills and
knowledge to positively impact Singles as they offer
assistance in navigating the complex dating process.
Our Weekend Programs and Sunday Workshops,
conducted with Rabbinical sanction, provide Singles with an
ideal setting to meet. Separate seating venues provide a
singular opportunity to form a positive impression of others
based on their vocal participation, and have proved to be
very successful.
Our Shadchanim and Mentors work with the Singles on Callers to our Confidential Dating Hotline (718-854-0681),
an individual basis – coaching them, building their self
esteem, and helping them overcome their anxieties. When
necessary, professionals are consulted. We work closely with
Rabbonim, social workers, psychologists and family therapists.
open Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 pm to 10 pm, can
remain anonymous while they consult with our trained
volunteers about dating related issues.
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Although the preponderance of
our amazing work is volunteer-driven,
maintaining an efficient and modern
office incurs serious costs.
Working with
older Singles
a lot of time,
effort and patience.
Their needs are complex and the dating process,
difficult as it is for everyone, is only exacerbated
with each additional year of age. Expenses for
office upkeep, full-time Shadchanim, weekend
programs and seminars are high, and Invei
Hagefen is doing the best it can, “stretching” the
organization's limited budget.
Since its inception
Invei Hagefen has been
instrumental in hundreds
of shidduchim –
whether by initiating the shidduch and seeing it
through, or by revitalizing a shidduch that
didn’t work out in the past. And then there are
the many who met their match elsewhere, but
wouldn’t have seen its potential or been able
to follow through with it if not for Invei
Hagefen's support and mentoring.
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“As we anticipate walking down the aisle
towards a shining future together, v”ht,
we can't help but recall our own separate,
lonely roads of singlehood...”
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Phone calls.
Late Nights.
Waiting for Answers.
Tossing and Turning.
Yes or No.
When will it be?
A ray of hope,
An organization is born.
Reaching out,
Lists, Referrals, Information.
The date is entered.
Enter Invei
Sharing the pain and the frustrations.
Sharing the hopes and the dreams.
Trying to change the statistics.
The task is formidable.
As difficult as splitting the sea.
But Invei and its staff do not give up,
Their Motto:
If only one match is made,
Our efforts, out time and our trouble,
Will have all been worthwhile.
And then,
One weekend
One glorious weekend!
Dedicated volunteers who pushed and who pulled,
'til they got us to come,
'til they got us to talk.
Don't ask,
But finally, we crossed paths.
And the rest
Is the beginning of our history
(starting soon, with Hashem's help).
So, we just want to say
We can’t thank you enough.
And on behalf of all the Singles out there,
Our brothers and sisters in Klal Yisroel
Who are waiting to chart their own routes,
Please don't give up.
For, every new couple that you bring together
Is another link in our chain that will last forever.
reah tk ktrah jmb
With a Brocha for much continued Hatzlocha,
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$3,600 approximate cost
per shidduch
200 singles, on average,
are set up per week
700 to 1000 hours of work
are put in, in a regular week
1000+ hours per week
are accrued when special
programs are scheduled
6-7 volunteers work alongside
every paid employee
Board of Directors:
Aliza Grund
Leah Gelernter
Rabbi Yoel Kramer
Phillipe Muller
Fruma Schiffenbauer
Yati (Jacob) Weinreb
Mendel Zilberberg
Zissie Zilberberg
with Invei Hagefen to create new
partners in Klal Yisroel.
Your dollar infusion is one of the
quickest ways to engender a
future for thousands of families.
With your donation
you can become
an integral component
in setting up beautiful
Jewish Families.