KOROBRI LA HOMSTED Danny Marmina Jentian


KOROBRI LA HOMSTED Danny Marmina Jentian
Danny M arm ina Jentian
Danny M arm ina Jentian
© Copyright Bamyili Press 1979
ISBN 0 86822 017 5
Danny Marmina J e n t i a n i mi n r a i t i m s t o r i .
Queeni e J e n t i a n i mi n a lbum la ol a p i t j a .
Wan F r a i d e i moni ng ol a Bamy i l i
K o r o b r i men bi n go langa Metarenka
homsted bl a dens langa ol a t u r i s
gadem wanbal a munanga Toyot a.
Ola t u r i s bi n kamad l anga
homsted gadem t ubal a bi g red bas,
en jad l o t t u r i s madbi bi n kam
burrum e b r l k a n t r i .
Jad l o t Korobr i men bi n kamad
l anga homsted madbi hafpas l eben.
Burrum j ea j ad bosmen bl a j ad
homsted bi n tok l anga j ad Ko r o b r i
songmen en bambumen bl a s t a t Kor obr i
foro klok.
Wen imin haf pas t h i r r i , jad l o t
Kor obr i men bin bei ndi n mi j al p gadem
wai t pe i n t r e i d i bla go dens bla ola
Jad l o t Korobri men bin dens fo
nafen awa bla ola t u r i s en burrum jea
jad l o t Korobri men bin abum ten
mi n i t res.
Burrum jea af t a ten mi n i t res,
jad l o t Kor obri men bin s t a t i g i n bla
jat lot turis.
Wen jad Korobri bin b i n i j , debin
abum big baba-kiyu jad l o t Korobri men
gadem ola t u r i s .
Ola Korobri men bin gobek hom
langa Bamyili gadem jad Toyota, en
ol j a t l o t t u r i s bin gobek langa
olabat kemp bla s i l i p .
Private M ail Bag 25
Katherine, N T. 578 0
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