Spring 2016 - Giving at UC San Diego


Spring 2016 - Giving at UC San Diego
A publication exclusively for Chancellor’s Associates
at the University of California, San Diego
Top of the Class: Annual Awards
To Fete Outstanding Scholars
FOR more than 40 years, UC San Diego
Chancellor’s Associates has recognized
the university’s most exemplary teachers
and researchers
through the
Faculty Excellence
Awards. This year
is no different.
Six outstanding
researchers and
Terry August
community leaders
will be honored at the annual awards
event, which takes place from 5:308 p.m., Thursday, April 14, at the Sanford
Consortium for Regenerative Medicine.
The evening will be hosted by Faculty
Excellence Awards Selection Committee
Chair Karen Garsson ’88 and will include
brief video profiles on each award
recipient, as well as the presentation
of citations and $2,500 awards by
Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla.
This year’s honorees include:
Elsa Cleland, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Ecology,
Behavior and Evolution
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Cleland exemplifies commitment both to
undergraduate mentorship outside the
classroom and to diverse students.
Terrence August, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Innovation,
Technology and Operations Management
Excellence in Graduate Teaching
August is known for his enthusiasm,
knowledge and ability to clarify
difficult concepts.
David O. Brink, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
Excellence in Research in Humanities
and Social Sciences
Brink is an internationally recognized
scholar in the foundations of ethics,
history of moral philosophy and
philosophy of law.
Darwin Berg, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
of Biology
Excellence in Research in Science
and Engineering
Berg is a world leader in neurobiology,
specifically in nicotinic signaling in the
central nervous system.
Teddy Cruz, M.Des.
Professor of Public Culture
and Urbanism
Excellence in Community Service
Cruz is an influential architect who
has created programs to foster
collaboration between UC San Diego
and the regional community.
Anya Gallaccio
Professor of Visual Arts
Excellence in Performing and Visual Arts
Spring 2016
inside THIS ISSUE 2
Message From
The Chancellor
Donor Spotlight
Judith Morgan
Celebrating 50 Years of
Chancellor’s Associates
ESTABLISHED in 1966, Chancellor’s
Associates has helped UC San Diego
achieve extraordinary success over the
past 50 years. Your gifts have established
nine Chancellor’s Associates Endowed
Chairs to help recruit and retain
renowned faculty, have assisted with
scholarship support for ambitious and
deserving students, and have funded
cutting-edge research projects that
transform our world and the way we live.
Now, it’s time to celebrate! In honor of our
golden anniversary, Chancellor Pradeep
K. Khosla will host the annual Donor
Recognition Celebration at the Audrey
Geisel University House on Wednesday,
June 22, 2016. Please save the date for this
special opportunity so we can honor and
applaud you, our Chancellor’s Associates.
More information will be forthcoming.
Gallaccio is a world-renowned sculptor
whose work transforms the nature of
its medium.
We hope you will be able to join us in
celebrating the important contributions
of the university’s most exemplary
members. RSVP to [email protected] or
visit chancellorsassociates.ucsd.edu
for more information.
Message From
the Chancellor
AS one of the top 15 research universities
worldwide, UC San Diego is a catalyst for
change, sparking discoveries that advance
society and drive economic impact. Our
stellar faculty continually play an integral
role in our ability to have this type of
profound impact.
As you’ll see in the cover story, the
Chancellor’s Associates Faculty
Excellence Awards winners clearly
exemplify the collaborative and
exceptional nature of our faculty. They
are outstanding teachers, researchers,
innovators and community citizens. Their
work, like the work of all our scholars,
keeps UC San Diego at the forefront of
academic excellence, helping to shape new
leaders, pursue cutting-edge research and
enhance vital services.
upstart university to one of the top-ranked
public research universities in the nation.
We are extremely fortunate to have them
on campus and to have generous friends
like you, our Chancellor’s Associates
donors, to support them. For 50 years,
Chancellor’s Associates has been an
important part of the Triton family,
helping transform UC San Diego from an
With kind regards,
From Your Chancellor’s
Associates Chair
I have been having a wonderful year learning
and seeing friends at UC San Diego. I hope that
you have enjoyed our programming, as well.
Have you had a chance to bring a friend to an
event or activity this year?
As you know, our goal is to double the size of
our Chancellor’s Associates group this year,
and, with your help, we can! One way we can
reach this goal is to each invite just one friend,
Linda Masters
colleague or family member to join us. In fact,
this year we have 50 new donors who have joined our circle.
These friends bring more of the community even closer to the
university and all of the benefits that it offers San Diego.
Our new friends have joined us at an auspicious time. This year
marks the 50th anniversary of Chancellor’s Associates. Since
1966, our group has been an important part of UC San Diego’s
journey to become a world-class campus of distinction. I hope
that you will all join me at the 2016 Chancellor’s Associates
Donor Recognition Celebration on June 22 at the Audrey Geisel
University House, the Chancellor’s home, to learn more about how
we plan to celebrate this happy milestone.
Linda Masters
Thank you for your ongoing support. Your
continued generosity, loyalty and vision
help us lay the foundation for our future.
Pradeep K. Khosla, Chancellor
University of California, San Diego
An Inside Look:
Faculty Excellence Awards
Selection Committee
EACH year, a small group of Chancellor’s Associates
comes together to review the nominations for Faculty
Excellence Awards and determine the winners. This year, six
Chancellor’s Associates took on this challenge, including three
UC San Diego alumni, all with backgrounds in a wide range of
professional fields.
Under the leadership of Selection Committee Chair Karen
Garsson ’88, the process moved fluidly and efficiently. Each
committee member had the opportunity to ask incisive
questions, to use a sample nomination rubric for evaluating
each nominated faculty member, and to have an inclusive
discussion about nominees before choosing award winners
who demonstrate their devotion to excellence in teaching,
research and service.
A special thank you to Garsson and the rest of our
outstanding 2016 Selection Committee: Walter Eckhart,
Marsha Korobkin, Andrew Tess ’06, Danielle Valenciano ’97
and Caroleen Williams. The Chancellor’s Associates team
greatly appreciates your thoughtfulness and collegiality.
If you would like to volunteer to serve on the 2017 Faculty
Excellence Awards Selection Committee, please contact
Emily Jerome at (858) 822-2540 or [email protected].
Donor Spotlight: Judith Morgan
FOR 50 years, Judith Morgan and her late husband,
Neil, followed the development of UC San Diego as
journalists, while getting to know the faculty and the
growing university. Judith wrote about the first class of
undergraduates, who arrived on campus in 1964, and has
remained closely connected to the university as a member
of the UC San Diego Foundation board of trustees.
As ardent supporters of education and civic engagement,
Judith and Neil donated their time and financial
support to help ensure that UC San Diego fulfills the
Judith Morgan
multidisciplinary vision of founder Roger Revelle,
whose biography they co-authored in 1996. In 1995, the couple was presented
with a Chancellor’s Associates Distinguished Service medal for their outstanding
contributions of time, resources and creativity. Neil was also honored in 2000 with the
inaugural Chancellor’s Medal, in part for his dedication to connecting the community
and campus.
Last year, the couple once again showed their support for UC San Diego with the
establishment of the Judith and Neil Morgan Endowed Fellowship to support up to two
doctoral students annually in the fields of humanities and humanistic social sciences.
The gift will help with archival or field research, dissertation support and student
support in perpetuity to help the university attract and retain top graduate students.
According to Judith, the couple’s long-term connection with UC San Diego reflects
values important to their family: civic engagement, global citizenship and love of
learning. She is also proud to be a member of the Chancellor’s Associates, she says,
because the group “has remained a steadfast sounding board for the chancellor,
spreading the word as university advocates and providing philanthropy to projects
that have made a difference between dreams and realities.”
Support for Stellar Students
YOUR annual support is making an incredible impact in growing the
Chancellor’s Associates Scholarship Program, one of Chancellor Pradeep
K. Khosla’s top priorities. Since the beginning of the program in fall 2013, your
donations have provided more than 215 students from underserved communities
with life-changing scholarships.
Many of you have had the opportunity to speak with several of these bright,
ambitious scholars at various Chancellor’s Associates events. For those of you who
have not yet met a Chancellor’s Associates Scholar, please join us for our annual
Donor Recognition Celebration on June 22, where you will get a chance to meet
some of these talented and deserving students.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Together, we are enabling these students to
reach for the stars.
Mix and Mingle at Our
New Meet-Ups
THIS summer, we’re launching a new
program series designed to get you
out and about around campus. Called
Meet-Ups, the informal, quarterly
gatherings will bring Chancellor’s
Associates together to explore
UC San Diego through private tours
of the Stuart Collection and Geisel
Library, as well as offer opportunities
to socialize, with happy hours before
ArtPower! performances and more. The
Meet-Ups will be in addition to our regular
colloquium series, with invitations and
event announcements sent via email.
We look forward to meeting up with you!
Ensuring Excellence with
an Endowed Gift
AS Chancellor’s Associates, you are
among UC San Diego’s most loyal and
engaged donors and have helped the
university grow tremendously. Now, you
have the opportunity to make a single gift
or multiyear pledge that will extend your
participation with Chancellor’s Associates
in perpetuity. With a minimum gift of
$70,000 (or a pledge of $14,000 per year
for five years), you establish an endowed
gift that enables the university to build on
its achievements, striving for excellence in
education, research and service.
Your generosity supports undergraduate
scholarships, creates faculty endowed
chairs and allows the Chancellor to meet
needs for exciting projects, programs
and research opportunities.
For more information on how you
can provide an endowed gift through
Chancellor’s Associates, please call
Jennifer Brown at (858) 534-3901.
Thank you to our Chancellor’s Associates family.
Maureen R. Dulbecco and
Renato Dulbecco, M.D.*
Daniel Taner Halicioglu ’96
Junling Sun, Ph.D. ’93 and
Hong Huan Gai
Denise Bevers ’97 and
Lon A. Bevers
LCRD Gregory A. Chauncey and
Mrs. Naomi Broering-Chauncey
Hadley M. Dettmer ’93 and
Ethan D. Dettmar
Dr. Walter Eckhart and
Karen Lane
Faiya and Milton* Fredman
Audrey S. Geisel
Steven R. and Susan O. Hart
Family Trust
Robert Hemphill and
Leah Bissonette
Charles L. Johnson, Ph.D. ’77, J.D.
Paul Katz ’78
Joan Lachman and
Leon Lachman, Ph.D.
William A. Lee, M.S. ’79, Ph.D. ’82
Paula H. and Brian M. Powers
Bebe L. and Marvin Zigman
Elaine P. Antoniuk
Betty Beyster and
J. Robert Beyster, Ph.D.*
Ambassador Diana L. Dougan and
Mr. J. Lynn Dougan
Marilyn B. and David J. Dunn
Nori and Stanley M. Faer
Diana G. Fakhrai, ’01 and
Jacob Poorman
Hans J. Muller-Eberhard* and
Irma Gigli, M.D.
Salah M. Hassanein and
Zandra Rhodes
Joan Jacobs
Melinda W. Johnson and
Mark A. Johnson ’88, Ph.D.
Sally R. Kadifa and Abdo G. Kadifa
James Kaplan ’84
Katie A. Keller
Julie Kenyon and
Kern Kenyon, Ph.D. ’66
Carol A. and George W. Lattimer
Katherine B. MacDonald, Ph.D. and
Kevin J. MacDonald ’94
Ellen J. Marks ’73
Sharon B. Marshall and
Lawrence F. Marshall, M.D.
Linda and Daniel C. Masters
Barbara J. Peterson and
Paul A. Peterson
Wendy S. Pincus ’91
Richard L. Sandstrom ’72, M.S. ’76,
Ph.D. ’79 and
Sandra S. Timmons ’81
Gwendy L. Scampavia ’80 and
Anthony J. Scampavia ’80
Suzan and Gad Shaanan
Eli Shefter, Pharm.D. and
Elizabeth Carol Lancaster, M.D.
Kathliene Sundt and
Jon C. Sundt ’86
Elizabeth M. Van Denburgh ’78
Inhwa and David R. Wada
Kathryn A. Watson
Ann Woolley* and R.B. Woolley Jr.
Nancy Appleton
Feroza Ardesehir and
Suresh Subramani, Ph.D.
Gary D. Aronson, J.D.
Diane M. Jacobs ’86, Ph.D. ’91 and
Robert P. Baizer ’87
Melissa G. and Michael Bartell
Yvetta Barkhodaee
Dawn E. Beattie ’84
Paul B. Bergman and
Sandra T. Chong
Joan and Eugene F.* Bernstein
John A. and Diane Berol
Marilynn Boesky and
Roger Boesky, J.D.
Jewell H. and James T. Bonner
Katherine H. Bower ’68
Constance Mullin Branscomb and
Lewis M. Branscomb
Blanca and Robert W. Brownlie ’85
Rolenda L. Campos and
Jose P. Campos
Nathan C. Chappell and
Briana Chappell
Roberta “Bonnie” and
Stephen S. Clarey
Kay Weston Cohn and
William A. Cohn
Robin I. Comer and
William T. Comer, Ph.D.
Ruth Gilbert and
Stacy Cromidas, Esq.
Valerie and Jack Cumming
Jerome Shaw and
Joyce Cutler-Shaw, M.F.A. ’72
Liz Dernetz and
Wayne J. Dernetz, J.D.
Dr. Margaret DeYoung and
Howard M. DeYoung
Elisabeth Eisner Forbes and
Brian Forbes
Joan M. Elliott ’82, M.S. ’85 and
Thomas R. Elliott ’84, M.S. ’89
Janet R. and Mark L. Evans
Kim Farinsky and
Kenneth Farinsky
David A. Farrer ’70
Danah H. Fayman
Diane Feurerstein and
Elliot Feurerstein, J.D.
JoAnn Flaim and
Stephen F. Flaim, Ph.D.
Susanna and Michael Flaster
Edward and Beryl Flom
Pauline Foster
James K. Whitesell, Ph.D. and
Marye Anne Fox, Ph.D.
Joy Frieman and
Edward A. Frieman, Ph.D.*
Pamela Fruge
Matthew Fust
Karen A. Garsson ’88 and
Steven Garsson
Bobbie and Jon S. Gilbert
Faye J. Girsh and
Villi Jepsen Girsch
Deanna L. and
Edward L. Goldberg
Julia Gorman and
John G. Gorman, M.D.
Dona Jean* and
Larry Gratt
Jim Allison and
Renita Greenberg
Dr. Punj K. Gupta ’01
Carolyn S. and
Samuel Gusman, Ph.D.
Salma Haider and
Thomas T. Haider, M.D.
Lucy and James* Haugh
Pamela Hemker and
David Hemker
Barbara Hirschman and
H. Paul Hirschman, M.D.
Rosanne R. and Joel O. Holliday
Robert A. Hooper ’69, J.D. and
Virginia Gordon
Maryka and George R. Hoover
David K. Jordan, Ph.D.
Martha Kaplan
Patricia and George E. Karetas
Flora L. and V. Wayne Kennedy
Barbara Ann Kent and
Jerry Kent, Ph.D.
Robert F. Kibble
Kevin J. Kinsella
Sherry Kline and
Lawrence E. Kline, D.O.
Marsha M. and
Alvin J. Korobkin, J.D.
Brad Kraft ’87
Sally K. Krause* and
Lawrence B. Krause, Ph.D.
Sally Ledden, J.D. and
Patrick J. Ledden, Ph.D.*
Stanley W. Legro, J.D.
Violet Lehrer and
Matthew N. Lehrer ’91
Arleen and Robert Lettas
Angela M. Leung ’15
Bill Russo and
Jo Anne Levatin ’71, M.A. ’73
Aaron Liao ’05
Christopher J. Cannon, J.D. and
Anne E. Libbin, J.D.
Polly and Fah Seong Liew
Anni Lipper and Arthur Lipper III
Butchau Lo and Anna S. Wong
Tony A. Lopez ’07
Dr. Antonio Grillo-Lopez and
Mrs. Maria Lopez
Sophia F. Lum ’91, M.D. and
Wesley S. Low ’87, M.D.
Susan and Mark Lyon
Nancy J. Lyons ’68
Suresh Mahajan, Ph.D.
Rebecca S. Martin and
Dr. Robert S. Martin
Nancy and Robert B. McLeod
Kris W. and James L. McMillan
Betty Joan Maly, M.D. and
John C. Meyers, M.D.
Zoe L. Miller ’71
Judith B. and Neil* Morgan
Sara F. Moser
Garna G. and Steven R.* Muller
Anju Multani and
Pramod Multani, M.D.
Paul N. Muret and Paige Muret
Arlene and Louis K. Navias
Jayne M. and Jeff L. Nilles
Kathleen Norris and
Michael Norris ’75
Carol Crow Ostroff
Dr. Francis A. Packer and
Shinhee Packer
Nadine E. Padilla ’85
Linda F. Palmer and
Douglas A. Palmer ’72, Ph.D.
Catherine and Robert Palmer
Robert H. Palmer and
Catherine Palmer
Dr. David E. Parker and
Dorothy Parker
Edward Pelavin and
Arlene D. Pelavin
Barbara P. Penn and
Nolan E. Penn, Ph.D.
Donna L. and Daniel C. Peterson
Kathy and Howard Pippen
continued on page 5
HONOR ROLL (continued)
Claudio Ponte de Albuquerque
’03, Ph.D. ’10
Allison and Robert E. Price
Devin H. Redmond ’95
Mary V. Rodney ’88 and
Alec R. Rodney ’88
Mason P. Rosenthal and
Lynne Rosenthal
Lawrence M. Stolurow, Ph.D.* and
Sue R. Rosner, Ph.D.
Colette Royston and
Ivor Royston, M.D.
Carl A. Scragg, M.S. ’73, Ph.D. and
Patricia A. Seitas
Patricia Shanahan, Ph.D.
John C. Shannon and
Niloofar Behzadi-Shannon
Janice S. Shulak
Susan B. Silbernagel and
Bernard G. Silbernagel ’66 Ph.D.
Georgiana Doerr Simmons and
William Simmons
Christine and
F. Stanley Skowronski
Sandra and Frank Spalding
Elena Stasik
Shannon Stone ’95 and
Jefferson Stone ’95
Elizabeth and Joseph* Taft
Adele S. Tanaka
Irving Tashlick and
Arlene Tashlick
H. Perry Taubman
James M. Taylor ’80, J.D.
Arthur L. Terr, Ph.D.
Donna J. Thal, Ph.D.
Carol K. Tohsaku ’83 and
Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku, M.A. ’80,
Ph.D. ’83
Linda C. Tu and
Charles Wuching Tu, Ph.D.
Danielle C. Valenciano ’97 and
Mr. Boris Herring
Suzanne N. Valentine ’89 and
John David Valentine
Sathappan Venkatachalam and
Dr. Meena Sathappan
Pamela K. Wasserman and
Fred W. Wasserman, Dr.P.H.
George W. Webb, Ph.D. ’67 and
Zus van Thillo
Suzanne L. and
Edward Weissman
Caroleen L. Williams
Elizabeth Fong Wills and
Christopher Wills, Ph.D.
Rachel D. York ’71
Mrs. Sybil York
Maryvonne Abbott and
Curtis Abbott ’76
John K. Adler ’86
Anne S. Anthony and
Harry A. Anthony, Ph.D.
Joan Arnett and
William A. Arnett ’71, M.S. ’76
Dana M. Baldwin
Shelley Bayer and
Richard A. Bayer ’77, J.D.
Paulyne Becerra
Meredith H. Blair
Barbara Bloom
Ronne Froman and
Linden S. Blue
Ana and Ivan Boesky
Marilyn and Charles D. Bohle
Gregory J. Botwin ’10
Barbara R. Cambon and
John D. Cambon, Ph.D. ’74
Gale L. Chan, MA ’85
Barbara Uehling Charlton and
Ric Charlton
Carlene Chen and
Michael C. Chen ’87, M.D.
Joan S. Chlebowski, M.D. and
Rowan T. Chlebowski, M.D.
Celine H. Hu and George H. Chu
Carol Dillon and
Thomas Dillon, Ph.D.
Ann Parode Dynes, J.D. and
Robert C. Dynes, Ph.D.
Dawn R. Eagleson Grob ’87 and
Matthew S. Grob
Julia S. Falk and
Thomas H. Falk*
Dorothy A. Fanestil and
Darrell D. Fanestil, M.D.
Henrietta and Arnold* Farber
Susan Farmer and
Dr. Gerald Farmer
Christopher Ficara ’06
Cindy and Arthur D. Folker
Lee and Frank M. Goldberg
Rosalia Gonzales and
Adolfo Gonzales, Ed.D.
Fan Chung-Graham, Ph.D. and
Ronald Graham, Ph.D.
Rebecca Grijalva and
J. Ernesto Grijalva ’81
Keiko Hawkins* and
Bruce W. Hawkins Ph.D. ’84
Ann C. Hertelendy ’96
Kevin Jeffrey Huey ’04
Catherine Ingrassia and
Joseph D. Ingrassia ’87, M.S. ’92
Becky Ivans-Downer and
Russell Downer
Dr. Aniruddha and Aparna Joshi
Nadege Jouret and
Dr. Guido Jouret
Nancy O. Kaehr, M.D. and
Michael Kaehr
Loren F. Kaye ’78
Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla and
Thespine Kavoulakis
Joan and Allan Kleinman
Marna S. Kramer ’74 and
Michael L. Kramer ’74
Mary Marjorie and
Dexter C. Kubota
Lori M. Kupfer ’84 and
Todd S. Kupfer ’83
Akira Kuwashima
Frank Lazzaro
Linda C. Lee ’90
Ann S. Lemke and
James U. Lemke, Ph.D.
Jules Pincus* and
Teddie S. Lewis
Rebecca Liu and Theodore Liu
Barbara S. Majure
James O’Brien, Ph.D. ’97
George D. O’Neill, Jr
Lisa and David Orton
Anne Otterson
Glenn Butler* and Sigrid U. Pate
Gregory W. Perry ’74
Evelyn and Ernest Rady
Donna Rivas and
Dr. Jaime B. Rivas ’88, M.D.
Mary Lee Roberts and
Harry Roberts, M.D.*
Elisabeth F. and Alan A. Rubin
Cameron Lee Fosterling and
Harry E. Schnepf II ’77, Ph.D.
Kenneth Schochet and
Gayle Weiss
Shelli Segal-Elimelech and
Moshe Elimelech
Lisa S. Smith
Nilla Stennes and
Richard L. Stennes, M.D.
Hannah and Eugene L.* Step
Suzi and Mike Sterner
Andrew M. Tess ’06
Carol Boetger Mann and
Alan D. Vier ’79
Molli Wagner, Pharm.D. and
Arthur* Wagner, Ph.D.
Sylvia and Aaron* Wechter
Kathleen Wenger and
Dennis R. Wenger, M.D.
Armi K. and Albert N. Williams
Knox Williams
Karin E. Winner
Rita L. and Richard C. Atkinson
Muffett Bowie
Robert K. Burkett
Cynthia and James Carol
Carol Littlejohn Chang and
R. Jeffrey Chang, M.D.
Lanna Cheng, Ph.D. and
Ralph A. Lewin, Ph.D.*
Ruth Chigos and
David Chigos, Ph.D.
Kathy Curtis and
Gary A. Curtis ’69
Frances W. Dalton
Gina Dronet ’76, J.D.
Eloise S. Duff and
Russell E. Duff, Ph.D.
Susan M. Engelhorn and
Sheldon C. Engelhorn ’72
Erik T. Engelson ’82, M.S. ’84
Phyllis F. and Daniel J. Epstein
Olivia R. and Ghassan A. Fares
Olivia Farrell and
Peter C. Farrell, Ph.D.
Deborah M. Pate, D.C. and
John V. Forrest, M.D.
Harriett J. Fremland, M.D. and
Tom Bates
Deborah Friedlaender, M.P.I.A. ’90
and Mitchell H. Friedlaender*
Elaine Galinson and
Herbert J. Solomon
Alison F. and George L. Gildred
Harry E. Gruber, M.D. and
Joan Cunningham
Sook Hansen and
Ronald R. Hansen
Deborah A. and
David A. Hawkins
Carol Dean and
Richard H. Hertzberg
Jerri-Ann Jacobs and
Gary E. Jacobs ’79
Joan K. Jacobs and
Irwin M. Jacobs, Sc.D.
Mitra Jamshidi, M.D. and
Javad Jamshidi, M.D.
Lorena and Peter L. Jensen
Keith A. Johnson
Joan P. and Ira R.* Katz
Lisa McVay and
Donald W. McVay, J.D.
Molly Moores
Michael R. Morrell ’83
Evelyn* and Thomas A. Page
Lois Roon
Elaine M. and Gerald Schleif
Donald* and Darlene Shiley
Molly C. and Edward T. Shonsey
Lanny Shulman, O.D., Ph.D.
Karen M. and Christopher D. Sickels
Kimberly Querrey and
Louis A. Simpson
Marion H. and Kwan L. So
Barbara L. and Robert W. Starkey
Renee Taubman
Mary Rand Taylor and
Ronald R. Taylor
Sally B.* and John M. Thornton
Kenneth and Dixie Unruh
Carol Veit and
Lawrence A. Veit, Ph.D.
Erna Viterbi* and
Andrew Viterbi, Ph.D.
Patricia and Christopher Weil
Pat and Bob Whalen
First-Class Mail
U.S. Postage
Inside Chancellor’s Associates is
published by UC San Diego Advancement
Operations and Campaign
Elizabeth H. Powell, J.D., CSPG
Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor,
Advancement Operations and Campaign
Permit No. 1909
UC San Diego Chancellor’s Associates
9500 Gilman Drive # 0083
La Jolla, CA 92093-0083
Jennifer Brown
Director, Chancellor’s Associates
Emily Jerome
Manager, Donor Programs and Stewardship
Laura Margoni
Designed and produced by UC San Diego
Creative Services and Publications
For additional information about Chancellor’s
Associates, visit chancellorsassociates.ucsd.edu
or call Jennifer Brown at (858) 534-3901.
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Around Campus
TRAVEL: Feeling adventurous? Triton
Travel provides a unique opportunity to
immerse yourself in cultures around the
globe. Exclusively for those with a passion
for lifelong learning and exploration, these
guided tours offered by the UC San Diego
Alumni office are now open to Chancellor’s
Associates, as well as university friends
and parents.
Upcoming excursions include a visit to
Provence, France; cruising the Danube,
Main and Rhine rivers; and exploring the
cities of Seville, Malaga and Granada, Spain.
Contact Jennifer Brown at (858) 534-3901.
EVOLUTION: Ancient DNA data have
provided insights into the recent history of
our species. In particular, methodological
improvements over the past decade have
advanced our ability to recover small
fragments, target specific sequences,
identify damage patterns and obtain
genome scale data.
UC San Diego Alumni Weekend returns,
and we have an awesome lineup of events
this year to help you revisit, rediscover and
reconnect UC San Diego, on campus and
around town. Whether you live nearby or
are coming from across the country, we
invite you to bring family and loved ones to
spend a weekend with fellow Tritons.
The Center for Academic Research and
Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA)
symposium brings together researchers at
the forefront of ancient DNA research and
population genetics to share insights about
human migration and adaptation.
Dates: June 1-4. Location: Varies.
Date: April 29, 1-5:30 p.m. Location: Conrad
T. Prebys Auditorium, Salk Institute.
Information: [email protected].
For additional events and more information
please visit http://calendar.ucsd.edu.
For specific Chancellor’s Associates events
visit www.chancellorsassociates.ucsd.edu.