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wolphin picture
1. Egg White mask
Image Source: www.livestrong.com
The egg white yolk helps to banish blemishes and soothe irritated skin. Eggs are a
source of protein which when applied to skin, diminishes large pores. Eggs are also
high on Vitamin A and this will help smooth those acne lesions. The protein also acts
as a mild astringent for oily skin and prevents the skin from sagging. To prepare;
whisk the egg white into a creamy froth, squeeze half a lemon into the bowl and
whisk some more. Apply using your fingertips or use a soft bristled pastry brush.
Wait for at least 30 minutes for the egg white to dry. Rinse the mask off with warm
water then pat your face dry with a clean towel (Source)
2. Tea bags to rejuvenate eyes.
Source: www.weheartit.com
Drop two teabags into a cup of hot water for few minutes. Remove them and make
sure you squeeze out all excess water. Refrigerate the bags until they cool then
place them over your eyes for at least 10 minutes. This will help reduce puffiness on
your eyes and help you look more awake. (Source)
3. Olive Oil as lotion
Source: www.abcnews.com
Before you reach out for that lotion, consider using olive oil instead. Olive oil
provides intense moisture to the skin and protects your skin from sunlight exposure.
Your skin will remain smooth and supple. Apply it either as a night cream or as a
daily moisturizer when the skin is damp. (Source)
Also see: 18 Health Tricks You Should Know About Your Body.
4. Lemon Juice
Source: www.livestrong.com
Lemon juice has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that make it a natural and
recommended way to heal acne. You can either slice a lemon and rub it across your
face directly or add a few drops of honey to the lemon before you apply it. Apply
directly to the area with blackheads, then wait for about 10 minutes and rinse off with
cold water. (Source)
5. Avocado and carrot face mask
Image Source: www.all-thenews.com/
Avocados help improve skin health and give you a soft look and an instant glow. A
homemade facial mask will tone and rejuvenate your skin. Cut a ripe avocado in half
then peel and mash one of the halves. Cook the carrot until it becomes soft. Cut it up
and add it to the mashed avocado. Add olive oil to the mixture and blend the mixture.
Before applying the mixture, make sure your face is clean. Smooth the mask over
your face and avoid getting any of the mixture in to the eyes. Leave the mask in
place for 20 minutes then rinse your face with warm water. Rinse again with cold
water to close the pores then use a dry towel to pat your face. (Source)
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6. Oatmeal
Source: www.huffpost.com
Oatmeal contains both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that make it ideal
for sensitive skin. It can also treat a variety of skin disorders like eczema, sunburns
and poison ivy. You can use the oatmeal in a couple of ways; pour one cup of
oatmeal (plain) into your bathtub and fill it with warm water. Add a few drops of
lavender oil and soak in the solution for 15 to 30 minutes. This will cleanse your skin,
soften it, protect it from exterior irritants and lock in moisture. You can also use
oatmeal as a face mask. Mix whole oatmeal with warm water to form a paste then
add a spoonful of honey. Rub this onto your skin in circular motions. It will cleanse
your skin, alleviate dryness and relieve inflamed skin. (Source)
Also see: 6 Scary Food Ingredients We have Everyday!
7. Milk and milk powder
Source: www.speedyremedies.com
Milk is a wonderful cleanser. Use raw milk but if your skin is oily, use skimmed milk.
Mix a tablespoonful of organic honey, one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and milk
powder to form a paste. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 10 minutes, the
rinse off. The mixture will heal acne scars and give you a smooth glowing skin.
8. Baking soda
Source: www.howstuffworks.com
Use baking soda to remove stains and discolorations from teeth. You can brush your
teeth with it to make them whiter and brighter. It helps remove stains that are caused
by coffee, tea, soda, smoking and chewing tobacco. It also helps fight bad breadth
and helps remove plagues deposits that contribute to tooth decay. (Source)
9. Coffee grounds
Image Source: www.organicauthority.com
They help add shine and condition your hair naturally. Work the ground on your
clean wet hair and massage for several minutes then rinse. (Source)
Also see: 10 Creepiest Food Facts.
10. Aloe Vera and lemon juice to degrease hair
Source: www.stylecraze.com
Mix Aloe Vera and lemon juice then massage this onto the roots after shampooing
your hair. Let it sit for some minutes then rinse off your hair. This will help get rid of
oiliness on your hair and keep the scalp healthy and moisturized. (Source)
11. He got lost in the desert and tried to kill himself by
slitting his wrists. He was so dehydrated however, that
the blood clotted his wounds. He was rescued 9 days
later while 186 miles (299 km) away. He lived off bats,
snakes and his urine and had lost 40lbs (18kg).
Image Source: www.netstorage.discovery.com
12. At 17 years old, he was the only survivor of a plane
crash after he got ejected with his seat and landed
upright in the middle of a street.
Source: www.news.com.au
On January 21st 1985, George Lamson Jr. was on the Galaxy Airlines Flight 203
that crashed and burst into flames, about 2.4 km from the end of the runway. 71
people were aboard that flight but only three survived the impact. Unfortunately, one
died on the 29th of January and the other on February 4th. The only survivor was
George Lamson Junior, who got thrown clear of the aircraft only to land upright, still
seated on his seat, on the South Virginia Street. His father had been one of the three
initial survivors but he succumbed to his injuries while at the hospital.(source0
Amazing Stories Of People Who Survived Against
All Odds
13. For 133 days, Poon Lim was lost at sea in an eight
feet raft. He drank the blood of birds and caught sharks
using a nail, water jug and rope.
Source: www.borsonline.hu
14. While in high school, she was sucked out of an
airplane after it got struck by lightning. Still strapped to
her chair, she fell 3.2 kilometres onto the ground and
lived. She was the only survivor and had to walk for 9
days to find civilization.
Image Source: Wings of Hope
15. Skydiver Joan Murray approached ground at 80 miles
per hour after her parachute failed, and she landed on
fire ants. The shock from being stung more than 200
times caused an adrenaline surge that kept her heart
beating and allowed her to survive.
Source: www.joanmurray.com
16. For two months, this Swedish man survived in a car
that had been snowed over. He fed on snow and survived
due to the “igloo effect”
Image Source: www.theguardian.com
# 1. Timing Trick. We easily adjust to timing latency/ errors. For example; press a
button and after 300 milliseconds, you get a beep. Do this for some time and you
tend to adjust and the beep becomes less apparent. The trick now is to remove the
delay after you have adjusted to it. When you press the button, have the beep
happen instantly. The timing adjustment your mind has will make you believe the
beep happened before the button was pressed. It‘s incredible! You can try a visual
version of the trick by clicking here.
#2. Do a false belief test on children aged 4-5 years to see if they recognize that
other people view the world differently and have different beliefs that are based on
experiences. The Wikipedia explanation of the same is ―In the “appearance-reality”,
or “Smarties” task, experimenters ask children what they believe to be the contents
of a box that looks as though it holds a candy called “Smarties”. After the child
guesses (usually) “Smarties”, it is shown that the box in fact contained pencils. The
experimenter then re-closes the box and asks the child what she thinks another
person, who has not been shown the true contents of the box, will think is inside. The
child passes the task if he/she responds that another person will think that there are
“Smarties” in the box, but fails the task if she responds that another person will think
that the box contains pencils.”
#3. This is cruel: bet a friend that they can‘t tell the difference between whole
/2%/1%/ skim milk through taste, or some other combination. Have them blindfolded
and then they can start tasting the milks. Use orange juice to replace the last milk.
Their brain will be prepared for milk and when they unexpectedly taste the acidity, a
gag reflex is caused, and sometimes vomiting. It would be good if you kept a bucket
handy in case they vomit.
#4. Look at the hairline of your friend as they speak, it makes them feel insecure.
#5. If you‘ve got a waste bottle you want to get rid off while walking with a friend,
hand it to him while continuing the conversation. In most cases, the person just picks
the bottle automatically without thinking. You can also try with other objects.
#6. If you want to be liked more by your friends, ask them to do things for you like
favors. People often think that they will be liked more if they do favors for others.
What actually happens is that, their subconscious thinks that “I’m doing something
for this person, so I must like and care about them.” and it works like magic.
#7. Place something on the table and hover your hand a foot above it. Ask a friend to
hover their hand about half the distance between your hand and the object. Tell
them: “I bet you I can grab (object) before you do. Once you see my hand move,
grab for the (object).” Quickly grab the object so that by the time they are realizing
that your hand has moved and theirs needs to move, you will have grabbed the
object. Check out a visual demonstration here.
Image Source: www.buzzfeed.com
#8. Interrupt the count when playing with a friend rock paper scissors, by asking a
personal question. Immediately they answer, resume the count like nothing has
happened. Most times, the friend will throw the scissors as an automatic defense
#9. Ask your friend, what is 1 +1? What is 2+ 2 what is 4 + 4? What is 8+8? Name a
vegetable. More often than not they will say carrot for some reason.
#10. To convince people that you are a mind reader, ask your friend to hold their
hand up. They should think of one of the fingers and not tell you which one. Gently,
use your finger to push against each of the fingers, one by one. Unconsciously, they
will put up some tiny resistance when you touch the finger they had chosen. To
convince them, throw in a meaningless gesture before you tell them which finger it
was so as to deflect them from the actual method you used to determine. It works
every time and you will leave them in awe!
#11. When negotiating, practice silence. Many people are uncomfortable with silence
and will break it by giving a key point. It works and you should try it.
#12. Ask your friend a question while you nod your head, they will be more inclined
to agree with you.
#13. Someone tells a joke while you are in a group and everyone laughs. The person
you look at first while laughing is the one you are closest to.
#14. In sports, if a friend is really engrossed in their game and you are trying to mess
them up, ask “Wow, you are really good at blah what are you doing to affect it?‖ or
something close to that. They will start to over think and soon start to lose more
#15. When a friend is trying to count things and you really want them to mess up,
say some other numbers in an order and not randomly. The brain latches faster onto
#16. Most songs have a popular part. Sing that or the chorus then immediately say
something that distracts a friend from the song for a moment. After some time, the
song will stick in their head. Try it.
#17. Buy a rubber arm or hand from a Halloween store and do the rubber illusion.
You will freak your friends out. You can check out the demonstration here.
#18. Get a friend to lie down on their belly, with their hands stretched out over their
heads (like superman in flight) with their face down. Ask them to close their eyes and
to have them shut the whole time. Grab their wrists and lift their upper body to a 45°
angle. Hold them steady for two minutes in that position. Slowly and gently lower
them back until their hands are flat on the floor. They will get a sensation that their
body is not stopping when it reaches level and that they are sinking into the floor.
The brain tends to believe that the body is level again before it does and the
continued movement is interpreted as moving past the ground.
#19. Act disinterested and bored when in a group, if the speaker does not use their
hands. When they use hand motions, act interested. Within a month or so people will
be waving their hands emphatically when speaking to you. If you get help from
friends, this tends to work incredibly fast. One class tried this with their psychology
professor and filmed it. He denied that he was waving his hands around and when
they showed him the video, they all got A‘s in the class.
#20. Ask a friend to trace the letter E (uppercase) on their forehead using their
finger. If you can read the E, then they are empathetic because they are doing what
is best for you. If the E is facing them then they aren‘t empathetic and are thinking
only of themselves.
Try some of these tricks and tell us whether your friends fell for them.
17. Scallions
Image Source: wearenotfoodies.com
Regrow them using their discarded roots. Leave an inch of the scallion attached to
the root then put them in a glass of water. Place the glass of water in a room that‘s
18. Garlic
Image Source: www.endoriot.com
Garlic sprouts can be grown from the garlic clove and have a mild flavor from that of
garlic. The sprouts can be added to pasta, salads and other dishes. When they begin
to sprout, have them placed in a glass that has little water.
19. Bok Choy
Source: www.imgur.com
In a well lit area, place the Bok Choy‘s root ends in water. Give them 1-2 weeks then
transplant them to a pot that has soil. It will grow a new full head.
20. Carrots
Source: www.projectfidgetyfingers.blogspot.com
Carrot greens can be regrown from carrot tops. Have the carrot tops put in a dish
that has little water. Place the dish in a room that is well-lit or on a window sill. Carrot
greens are a bit bitter but when chopped up together with garlic and sweetened with
vinegar, they can be used in salads.
21. Basil
Source: www.cepsinthecity.blogspot.com
Basil cuttings can be used to grow new basil. Put basil clippings that have stems of
3-4 inches in a glass of water. Place them in direct sunlight and when the roots get to
2 inches long, transfer them to pots. With time, they will grow into full basil plants. Be
sure to change the water constantly though, so they don‘t get slimy.
22. Celery
Source: www.imgur.com
You can use the leftover celery bottom for this. Cut the base off and place it in a
shallow bowl or saucer in the sun. The leaves will thicken and grow with time in the
middle of the base. Transfer it to soil after 3 days.
23. Romaine Lettuce
Source: www.healthybodynow.net
Romaine lettuce can be grown from the bottom of a lettuce head. Put stumps of the
romaine lettuce in a ½ inch water. Make sure the water level is at ½ inch. Few days
after, transplant the romaine lettuce into soil once new leaves and roots appear. The
leaves can grow up to twice the size. Cabbages can also be regrown in the same
24. Cilantro
Image Source: www.imgur.com
If you place the stems of cilantro in a glass of water, they will grow. Transplant them
when the roots become long enough, to a pot that has soil. Place them in a room
with ample lighting. The plants will be fully grown in a few months.
25. The Big Freeze
source: www.media.mnn.com
The Big Freeze refers to a scientific theory on the end of the universe and it spells
disaster for everyone. According to the theory, a fixed amount of energy exists in the
world and as it runs out, the universe slows down. Since heat is produced by energy
particle movement, there‘s slow loss of heat. A slowdown in movement also exists
and eventually everything will come to a halt. T.S Eliot once said, “This is the way
the world ends: not with a bang but with a whimper.”
26. Solipsism
source: www.photobucket.com
The philosophical theory Solipsism, states that we can verify nothing else except the
existence of the mind. It‘s a silly theory at first since, it‘s hard to deny that the world
we live in exists but the problem is that it‘s hard to verify that anything except your
consciousness exists. Could some of the plausible dreams you have had in life show
that maybe whatever is around us is just a dream? We do however have family and
friends we can verify by touch, right? But people on LSD, report that they are able to
see and touch their most convincing hallucinations, yet we never assume their
illusions are real. What then can we verify? We can only prove our thoughts.
27. Idealism
Image Source
Idealism is the belief that things exist as an idea in the mind-specifically in
someone‘s mind. The idea by famous idealist and philosopher, George Berkeley,
was dismissed by his peers. One of them especially, closed his eyes and kicked a
stone to refute the idea. If the stone had only existed in the friend‘s mind then he
wouldn‘t have kicked it, eyes closed. Berkeley also stated that an all-powerful and
omnipresent God existed, who perceived everything and everyone simultaneously.
Whether this is plausible or not – I‘ll let you be the judge.
28. Eternalism
Image Source
This theory contrasts presentism. It states that time has many layers actually, and
can be compared perhaps to a sponge cake which unlike time, does not divide
philosophers. The layers exist simultaneously but a particular observer sees a layer
depending on where he is standing. In other words, Justin Bieber, World War II and
dinosaurs exist at the same time but they can only be viewed from a particular point.
This view makes the future appear hopeless and free will becomes an illusion.
29. Brain in the Vat
Image Source
This thought experiment is by scientists and philosophers who believe that the
external world is verifiable independently. So, where is the problem with this?
Imagine that we are brains-in-vats merely and our perceptions are being
manipulated by evil scientists or aliens. How would we know that it‘s happening?
Can we disapprove the idea that it‘s possible this situation is indeed the case for us
right now? The Brain-in-vat theory is a modern version of the Descartes Evil Demon
problem. The same point is made here- it‘s impossible to prove anything else exists
except our consciousness. The theory however employs some slightly different
thought experiments. The Matrix was in fact based on this particular scenario.
30. Multiverse theory
Image Source
We have all by now heard of the multiverse or parallel universe theory, unless you
have been living under a rock. The parallel worlds are said to be like ours in so many
ways and with only minor differences. An infinite number of universes exist according
to the theory.
The implications of the theory I think are much like those of the Fringe series: In one
universe you are a dictator, in another you never got to be born, in another you lie
eight feet under the ground because you were killed by a dinosaur -get the picture
31. Reading can help prevent Alzheimer’s.
Image source: www.dailynewsdig.com
A recent study found that people who read are two and a half times less likely to be
diagnosed with Alzheimer‘s Syndrome later on in life. Although this does not mean
that reading will prevent the disease, it proves a slight relationship between reading
and prevention.
32. Being a reader means you’re more likely to learn
something new every day.
source: www.worksmartlivesmart.com
An education professor, Anne E. Cunningham wrote a research paper and
discovered that reading frequently does actually make you smarter. Not only does it
help you retain knowledge, but it helps you to remember that knowledge later on in
life. Whether or not you realize it, reading stockpiles your brain with new information,
and you never know when it may come in handy.
33. People who read are more likely to vote, exercise, and
be more cultural.
source: www.dailynewsdig.com
A study by the National Endowment for the arts concluded that reading makes you
more engaged throughout life, taking advantage of any activities that may spring up
during your life.
34. Reading can be therapeutic.
source: www.dailynewsdig.com
According to Cristel Russell, a behavioral researcher, reading can help with any
stress or turmoil occurring in your life. If you‘re going through a break-up, or simply
just need to relax, try a new book.
35. Reading enhances your memory.
source: www.dailynewsdig.com
Every time you read something new, your brain ‗makes room‘ to fit it in. With these
new spaces, you can take advantage of any new information that may arise.
36. Reading actually does make you seem sexier,
especially to women.
source: www.dailynewsdig.com
A study found that reading makes you seem more intelligent, which is looked
upon favorably by women. So, the more you read, the more appealing you will
37. Reading helps to boost your analytical thinking.
source: www.dailynewsdig.com
Reading helps you to recognize various patterns that occur in writing. If you are
looking for a law or medicine career, this is important!
38. Reading expands your vocabulary, so you’ll sound
like a genius.
source: www.dailynewsdig.com)
The more you read, the more words you will come across. The more often you read
these words, the more likely you are to understand them, and use them in your own
writing and speaking.
39. Fiction books increase your ability to empathize with
source: www.dailynewsdig.com
A study done by the University of Buffalo has concluded that access to possible
realities and fictional story lines opens you up to new emotions and feelings. It also
helps you to empathize with people, by understanding different cultures.
40. People who read are more likely to get ahead when it
comes to their careers, and life in general.
source: www.dailynewsdig.com
Honor Wilson-Fletcher said that reading ―opens doors and makes life easier, so at
the end of the day it doesn‘t matter what you read. What‘s more, it really can make
you feel good!‖ This is very true, and it outlines how important it is to read, if you
want to live a successful life.
41. Sudden-Death Mosquito
Image credits: Centers for Disease Control
These mosquitoes are created for sudden and quick death. These mosquitoes are
released to mate with the females which in turn release the lethal genes from
the males mosquitos and are transferred to the females which kills them or
kills the young ones in her, so that they can’t reproduce. Scientists at British biotech company claims that it can control the spread of the dengue fever ―It involves
irradiating male insects, causing mutations that make them sterile‖ claims the
42. GloFish
Glofish is a genetically modified zebrafish which glows in dark. The fish has been
ccomes in bright fluorescent colours like red, orange and green.
Source: www.glofish.com
It all started in 1999 when Dr. Zhiyuan Gong and his colleagues were working on a
fluorescent protein which was originally extracted from a jellyfish. They inserted the
gene into a zebrafish embryo and allowed it to integrate into zebrafish genome.
These fish were created trying to create a fish(fluorescent) that can detect pollution
by fluorescing in the presence of environmental toxin. These fish absorbs light and
then re-emit it, which makes them look like they are glowing. GLofish the first
genetically modified animal to be available as a pet.
43. Dolly the Sheep
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
Dolly the Sheep is the first cloned mammal created from a single microscopic cell
from a single parent. Dolly was created in 1996 and lived until 2003 where she died
of a lung cancer which is common in older sheeps. She was cloned at the Roslin
Institute in Midlothian, Scotland by Ian Wilmut and his colleagues. Normally offsprings are a result of interaction of sex cells but in case of dolly‘s birth, sex
cells were not involved she was created using the process of nucleus transfer. Dolly
was fertile and produced 6 lambs in total till her death.
44. Vacanti Mouse
Source: www.news.bbc.co.uk
The Vacanti Mouse created in 1995 by Dr. Charles Vacanti, at the University of
Massachusetts was a laboratory mouse which had a human ear grown at its
back. The ear was actually made by seeding cow cartilage cells into a
biodegradable ear-shaped mold.It was created to show that the transplantation of
fabricated cartilage structures into human body is possible.
45. See-Through Frog
Source: www.news.nationalgeographic.com
The magnificent see-through frog was created to silence the world against
dissection of the animals. This see-through frog does not require dissection to see its
organs, blood vessels and eggs. We can see how organs grows, how cancer
spreads through the skin of the frog. It truly a miracle in genetic engineering.
46. Ruppy
Source: www.asterling.com
A cloned beagle from South Korea popularly called Ruppy, which means Ruby the
puppy, glows under ultraviolet light. Ruppy was created by Byeong-Chun Lee. Ruppy
was cloned by using viral transfection of fibroblasts cells with a protein, forming a red
fluorescent gene. Now, that a pet i would love to have.
47. Landmine Detecting Plants
image source
A company called Aresa Biodetection from Copenhagen has created a plant which
can come handy in combat areas. These plants can actually detect land mines
buried under the ground. Whenever flowers from the plant hit nitrogen dioxide
which will reach the land mines buried under the ground the plant will change
it’s color to red.
48. Enviropig
Source: www.ideaconnection.com
A genetically modified pig has been created for making the environment a little less
polluted and safe to live in. The pig genetically modified pig produces 65%
less phosphorus in its feces.
49. Fuel Excreting Genetically Modified Bugs
Source: www.changethethought.com
A researcher at silicon valley boasts of creating a genetically modified bugs which
eat agricultural waste and excrete diese
50.Mendenhall Ice Caves, Alaska
It‟s an unbelievable sight of a massive glacier, with such vibrant blue ice
melting all around.A small, unseen stream tumbles down the slopes of Mt.
McGinnis. As it peters out, it disappears under the icy border of the Mendenhall
Glacier.The water tunnels its way underneath the glacier, assisted only by the
movement of air, forming the ice caves. There are chunks of ice hanging there
ready to fall.
51.Naica Mine, Mexico
Photo credit: Carsten Peter(via nationalgeographic)
The Naica Mine of the Mexican state of Chihuahua is a working mine that is best
known for its extraordinary selenite crystals.
Surprisingly, The Naica mine gets hotter as you go down because it lies above
an intrusion of magma about a mile below the surface. Within the cave itself,
the temperature goes as high as 112 degrees Fahrenheit with 90 to 100
percent humidity—hot enough that each visit carries the risk of heatstroke
52.Red Beach, China
Photo credits: MJiA
The Red Beach is located in the Liaohe River delta, near Panjin City, China. It is
based in the biggest wetland and reed marsh in the world. The sand itself isn‟t
red. The red is caused by a type of sea weed that grows abundantly in the
saline-alkali soil. In autumn, this weed turns flaming red, and the beach looks
as if it was covered by an infinite red carpet that creates a rare red sea
53.Zhangye Danxia Landform, China
Photo credits: unbelievableinfo.blogspot.it
ZhangyeDanxia Landform is literally a massive piece of art that spans more than
400 square kilometers in the Linze and Sunan counties of the Gansu Province in
northwest China. The unusual colors of the rocks are the result of red
sandstone and mineral deposits being laid down over 24 million years. The
resulting „layer cake‟ was then buckled by the same tectonic plates responsible
for parts of the Himalayan mountains.
(Note: Click on images for a better view)
54.Common Baron Caterpillar
The Common Baron caterpillar feeds on mango trees and cashew nuts during its
larvae stage, using remarkable camouflage to hide from predators by seemingly
disappearing into foliage. Once metamorphosed it transforms into a light brown
butterfly.It is a medium-sized nymphalid butterfly which is a native to India and
Southeast Asia.(source)
photo credit
55. Uroplatus phantasticus
Uroplatus phantasticus, also known as the Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko is a species
of gecko which is only found in Madagascar. It is an arboreal species that relies on
its natural camouflage in the northern and central tropical forests of
Madagascar.Other names for it are the eyelash leaf tailed gecko or the fantastic
leaf tailed gecko.This creature is a master of disguise and you might have a hard
time to distinguish this creature from the leaves since all 9 cm of the gecko
literally looks exactly like a leaf, right down to the grungy, dead leaf tail.(wiki)
56. Berries.
The older you get more difficulty is to learn new
Researches have suggested berries in daily diet reduce or even reverse declining
brain function, they are rich in antioxidants which help protecting brain cells from
oxidation and free radical damage, which means slow down your brain aging.
Blueberries are possibly the best brain food on earth: they have been linked to
reduced risk for Alzheimer‘s, shown to improve both memory and learning
57. Fatty fish
Seafood like salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, and sardines are packed with
omega-3 fatty acids, powerful and versatile nutrients that are essential for a
healthy mind. About 40% of the fatty acids in brain cell membranes are DHA, one
of the main omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil. Experts believe it‘s probably necessary
for transmitting signals between brain cells.
Image credit
In a 2006 study, researchers at Tufts University found that people who ate fish 3
times a week and had the highest levels of DHA in their blood slashed their risk of
Alzheimer’s disease by 39%. (source)
58. Coffee
A recent Finnish study of 1,400 longtime coffee drinkers reveals that people who
sipped between three to five cups of coffee a day in their 40s and 50s reduced
their odds of developing Alzheimer‘s disease by 65 percent compared with those
who downed fewer than two cups a day.
Researchers believe that coffee’s caffeine and ample antioxidants are the keys to
its protective affects.(source)(more about coffee)
59. Chocolate
Sweeten your brain-boosting diet with the dark kind (at least 70% cocoa); it
contains flavonoids, another class of antioxidants that some research links to brain
health. Other flavonoid-rich foods include apples, red and purple grapes, red wine,
onions, tea, and beer.
image credit
Eat it: Frequently, as part of a healthy total calorie intake. Up to half an ounce
daily has also been shown to lower blood pressure.(source)
60. Yogurt
Being deficient in B12 can bring on serious memory loss, even dementia, as we
age, explains Dr. David Smith, a researcher at the University of Oxford‘s Oxford
Project to Investigate Memory and Aging (OPTIMA). An important source of vitamin
B12, yogurt helps hold off many of the cognitive problems that can come with age,
like memory loss and cognitive decline, he says. Smith and his colleagues have
discovered that B12 ―stops the brain from shrinking,‖ a known marker for cognitive
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61. Green Vegetable
Research suggests the darker the color of the vegetable (like dark green broccoli
and spinach), the higher the concentration of protective antioxidants. Choose dark
and diverse colored veggies to cover your bases.
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If you are not a fan of green vegetables, put them into soups or pasta to mask the
flavor. Recommendation: 2 servings per day (1 cup = 1 serving). (source)
62. Avocado, oils, nuts, and seeds
They all contain another important antioxidant: vitamin E. In one study,
researchers found that people who consumed moderate amounts vitamin E — from
food, not supplements — lowered their risk of AD by 67%.
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63. If your throat tickles, scratch your ear!
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Tickle in your throat: It‘s not worth gagging over. Here‘s a better way to scratch
your itch: Scratch your ear. ―When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it
creates a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm,‖ says Scott Schaffer,
M.D., president of an ear, nose, and throat specialty center in Gibbsboro, New
Jersey. ―This spasm relieves the tickle.‖
64. Experience supersonic hearing!
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If you‘re stuck chatting up a mumbler at a cocktail party, lean in with your right
ear. It’s better than your left at following the rapid rhythms of speech, according
to researchers at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. If, on the other
hand,you’re trying to identify that song playing softly in the elevator, turn your
left ear toward the sound. The left ear is better at picking up music tones.
65. Overcome your most primal urge!
Need to pee? No bathroom nearby? Fantasize about Jessica Simpson. Thinking
about sex preoccupies your brain, so you won’t feel as much discomfort, says
Larry Lipshultz, M.D., chief of male reproductive medicine at the Baylor College of
66. Feel no pain!
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German researchers have discovered that coughing during an injection can lessen
the pain of the needle stick.According toTaras Usichenko, author of a study on the
phenomenon, the trick causes a sudden, temporary rise in pressure in the chest
and spinal canal, inhibiting the pain-conducting structures of the spinal cord.
67. Clear your stuffed nose!
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Forget Sudafed. Here‘s an easier, quicker, and cheaper remedy to relieve sinus
pressure is by alternately thrusting your tongue against the roof of your mouth,
then pressing between your eyebrows with one finger. This causes the vomer
bone, which runs through the nasal passages to the mouth, to rock back and forth,
says Lisa DeStefano, D.O., an assistant professor at the Michigan State University
college of osteopathic medicine. The motion loosens congestion; after 20 seconds,
you‘ll feel your sinuses start to drain.
68. stomach problems like heartburn or
acid reflux?
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Consider sleeping on your left side. Studies show that patients who sleep on their
left sides are less likely to suffer from acid reflux. According to Dr. Anthony A.
Star-poli, a New York City gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine
at New York Medical College, when you sleep on your right side, your stomach is
higher than the esophagus, allowing food and stomach acid to slide up your
throat. However, when you sleep on your left side, you turn the situation around
and stomach acid slides down.
69. Cure your toothache without
opening your mouth!
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Just rub ice on the back of your hand, on the V-shaped webbed area between your
thumb and index finger. A Canadian study found that this technique reduces
toothache pain by as much as 50 percent compared with using no ice.The nerve
pathways at the base of that V stimulate an area of the brain that blocks pain
signals from the face and hands.
70. Make burns disappear!
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When you accidentally singe your finger on the stove, clean the skin and apply
light pressure with the finger pads of your unmarred hand. Ice will relieve your
pain more quickly, Dr. DeStefano says, but since the natural method brings the
burned skin back to a normal temperature, the skin is less likely to blister.
71. Stop the world from spinning!
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One too many drinks left you dizzy? Ah, luckily there‘s a remedy. Put your hand on
something stable. The part of your ear responsible for balance — the cupula —
floats in a fluid of the same density as blood. ―As alcohol dilutes blood in the
cupula, the cupula becomes less dense and rises,‖ says Dr. Schaffer. This confuses
your brain. The tactile input from a stable object gives the brain a second opinion,
and you feel more in balance. Because the nerves in the hand are so sensitive, this
works better than the conventional foot-on-the-floor wisdom.
72. Unstitch your side!
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If you‘re like most people, when you run, you exhale as your right foot hits the
ground. This puts downward pressure on your liver (which lives on your right
side), which then tugs at the diaphragm and creates a side stitch, according to
The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Men. The fix: Exhale as your left foot
strikes the ground.
73. Stanch blood with a single finger!
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Pinching your nose and leaning back is a great way to stop a nosebleed — if you
don‘t mind choking on your own O positive. A more civil approach: Put some
cotton on your upper gums — just behind that small dent below your nose — and
press against it, hard. ―Most bleeds come from the front of the septum, the
cartilage wall that divides the nose,‖ says Peter Desmarais, M.D., an ear, nose,
and throat specialist at Entabeni Hospital, in Durban, South Africa. ―Pressing here
helps stop them.‖
74. Make your heart stand still!
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Trying to quell first-date jitters? Blow on your thumb. The vagus nerve, which
governs heart rate, can be controlled through breathing, says Ben Abo, an
emergency medical- services specialist at the University of Pittsburgh. It‘ll get
your heart rate back to normal.
75. Thaw your brain!
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Too much Chipwich too fast will freeze the brains of lesser men. As for you, press
your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as much as you can.
―Since the nerves in the roof of your mouth get extremely cold, your body thinks
your brain is freezing, too,‖ says Abo. ―In compensating, it overheats, causing an
ice-cream headache.‖ The more pressure you apply to the roof of your mouth, the
faster your headache will subside.
76. Prevent near-sightedness!
Poor distance vision is rarely caused by genetics, says Anne Barber, O.D.,
an optometrist in Tacoma, Washington. ―It’s usually caused by near-point stress.‖
In other words, staring at your computer screen for too long. So flex your way to
20/20 vision. Every few hours during the day, close your eyes, tense your body,
take a deep breath, and, after a few seconds, release your breath and muscles at
the same time. Tightening and releasing muscles such as the biceps and glutes can
trick involuntary muscles — like the eyes — into relaxing as well.
77. Wake the dead!
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If your hand falls asleep while you‘re driving or sitting in an odd position, rock your
head from side to side. It‘ll painlessly banish your pins and needles in less than a
minute, says Dr. DeStefano. A tingly hand or arm is often the result of
compression in the bundle of nerves in your neck; loosening your neck muscles
releases the pressure. Compressed nerves lower in the body govern the feet, so
don’t let your sleeping dogs lie. Stand up and walk around.
78. Impress your friends!
Next time you‘re at a party, try this trick: Have a person hold one arm straight out
to the side, palm down, and instruct him to maintain this position. Then place
two fingers on his wrist and push down. He’ll resist. Now have him put one foot
on a surface that’s a half inch higher (a few magazines) and repeat. This time his
arm will cave like the French. By misaligning his hips, you’ve offset his spine, says
Rachel Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., co-owner of Results Fitness, in Santa Clarita,
California. Your brain senses that the spine is vulnerable, so it shuts down the
body’s ability to resist.
79. Breathe underwater!
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If you‘re dying to retrieve that quarter from the bottom of the pool, take several
short breaths first — essentially, hyperventilate. When you‘re underwater, it’s not
a lack of oxygen that makes you desperate for a breath; it’s the buildup of carbon
dioxide, which makes your blood acidic, which signals your brain that somethin’
ain’t right. ―When you hyperventilate, the influx of oxygen lowers blood acidity,‖
says Jonathan Armbruster, Ph.D., an associate professor of biology at Auburn
University. ―This tricks your brain into thinking it has more oxygen.‖ It‘ll buy you
up to 10 seconds.
80. Read minds!
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Your own! ―If you‘re giving a speech the next day, review it before falling asleep,‖
says Candi Heimgartner, an instructor of biological sciences at the University of
Idaho. Since most memory consolidation happens during sleep, anything you read
right before bed is more likely to be encoded as long-term memory.
―we all get rare occasional hair in our food but Ingesting unwanted hair is more
likely to occur at fast food restaurants.‖
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―Apparently, real strawberries are expensive. So fast food companies like
McDonald‘s choose to use a ridiculous concoction of 50 chemicals to effectively
imitate the flavor of one real-world food. These chemicals include ethyl acetate,
phenythyl alcohol and solvent.‖
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―FDA laws allow for an average of 30 insect fragments per 100 grams of peanut
butter. In that same half cup of peanut butter, you‘ll also find at least one rodent
hair (on average). Yum! Now that‘s good eating!―
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―Shellac is a type of finishing product that is typically used to improve the shine of
wood and furniture. However, it can also be used to improve the shine of certain
foods, such as jelly beans. Where does shellac come from? Why, it‘s secreted by an
insect in Thailand called the Kerria Iacca of course!―
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―Food production companies have long sought ways to combat unhealthy microbes
found on processed foods such as lunch meat and hot dogs. A few years ago, the
FDA approved the use of bacteriophages (a.k.a. viruses) that help kill these
dangerous microbes. So, basically, viruses are purposely being added to your food
to improve shelf life.―
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―While cocaine was long taken out of Coca-Cola long ago, the current formula is
still formulated to get you high. Each can of Coke contains 10 teaspoons of sugar.
This is 100 percent of your recommended daily intake. In normal circumstances,
the extreme sweetness of this much sugar would immediately cause you to vomit
uncontrollably. However, since all that sugar is addictive and keeps you coming
back for more, Coca-Cola adds phosphoric acid -– an ingredient that cuts the
sweetness to manageable levels.―
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―Choosing to ―eat healthy‖ at a fast food restaurant isn‘t necessarily a good idea.
To prolong crispness, packaged salads are dusted with Propylene Glycerol, a
chemical commonly found in antifreeze. In its concentrated form, the chemical
has been known to cause eye and skin irritation‖
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―Many fast food chicken items contain beef additives used to enhance flavor and
juke health stats. Chicken McNuggets, the Wendy‘s Grilled Chicken Sandwich, and
KFC Grilled Chicken Sandwich are a few examples. Check the ingredients, and
you‘ll see no sign of such atrocities. That‘s because such beef additives are listed
as ―extract‖ or ―essence.‖―
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―A more accurate name for Kraft Singles and other packaged cheeses is ―cheeselike substance.‖ Any cheese product labeled as processed or pasteurized includes
additives, chemicals and flavorings that account for up 49 percent of the total
product. As a result, that cheap cheese in your grocery store has just enough real
cheese in it to allow companies to call it cheese
A zebroid (also zedonk, zorse, zebra mule, and zebrule) is the offspring of any
cross between a zebra with female animal from the equidae family.A zorse is the
result of crossbreeding a horse and a zebra. A zonkey is the result of crossbreeding
a donkey with a zebra. The Zony is the result of crossbreeding a pony to a zebra.
All these three are called zebroids.
check this out
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This amazing cross bread between male lion and female tiger result to hybrid a
Liger.they are the biggest of all the big cats, growing to almost the lion and tigers
combined size.
Below shows a liger and its trainer Dr. Bhagavan Antle at a Renaissance Festival in Massachusetts,
USA, October 2005.
copyright, Andy Carvin photo credit
This amazing hybrid is a result of mating of a female bottlenose dolphin with a
male False Killer Whale.These remarkable animals have been known to occur in
the wild, but so far there are only two living examples of wholphins in captivity,
and they both call the Sea Life Park in Hawaii home.
check this out
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A cama is a hybrid between a male dromedary camel and a female llama,
produced via artificial insemination.due to the huge difference in sizes of the
animals which disallow natural breeding. A Cama usually has the short ears and
long tails of a camel but the cloven hooves of a llama. Also most noticeably is the
absence of the hump.
Cama’s parents shown behind, a camel and llama
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A Leopon is the result of breeding a male leopard and a female lion. The head of
the animal is similar to that of a lion while the rest of the bodies carries
similarities to leopards. The most successful breeding programme was at the
Koshien Hanshin Park in Nishinomiya City, Japan.
check this out
95. Toast of Botswana
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It is the hybrid offspring of a sheep and a goat. Although sheep and goats seem
similar and can be mated, they belong to different genera in the subfamily
Caprinae of the family Bovidae. Sheep belong to the genus Ovis and have 54
chromosomes, while goats belong to the genus Capra and have 60 chromosomes.
check this out
96.Wolf Dog
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A wolfdog is a canid hybrid resulting from the mating of a wolf and a dog.
check this out
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The Cheetoh is a breed of domestic cat, derived from crossings between specific
Bengal cat and Ocicat bloodlines. Being a new breed, it is rare. Because it is partly
derived from the Bengal, a domestic–wild hybrid cat, the Cheetoh is itself a
Isn’t it amazing?
98.Hybrid Pheasant
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The Golden Phesant has commonly been crossed with the similar Lady Amherst‘s
Pheasant. The result is a hybrid with distinguished colors from its parents.
check this out
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A zorse is a cross between a zebra stallion and a horse mare. The zorse takes the
color or dominant color gene of the mare and the zebra sire gives it
check this out
After ―painting‖ your nails, simply put the hand below these tiny tubes, and pimp
the air with your other hand.
Quick,easy and accurate way to apply butter on bread.
Umbrella That protects from rain and also enables you to collect water in chamber
which you can carry around your waist.
For more accurate lipstick.
You can rotate its sole by 180 degree.
Well described in photo below.
For sleeping in metro or train.
Not even single drop of rain.
Well weird one ,i couldn‘t understand its use.
This one is cool.
Top 10 Brain-Damaging
No Breakfast People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower
blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain
causing brain degeneration.
Overeating It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease
in mental power.
Smoking It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer
High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the
absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with
brain development.
Air Pollution
Sleep Deprivation Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body.
Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about
a decrease in brain efficiency.
from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
Head covered while sleeping Sleeping with the head covered
increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of
oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
Working your brain during illness Working hard or studying
with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as
damage the brain.
Lacking in stimulating thoughts Thinking is the best way to
train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking
the brain.
Rarely Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of
1. Saturn‘s moon Titan has plenty of evidence of organic (life) chemicals in its
2. Ever wondered how the pull of gravity is calculated between heavenly
bodies? It‟s simple. Just multiply their masses together, and then divide the
total by the square of the distance between them.
3. SETI is the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence – the program that analyzes
radio signals from space for signs of intelligent life.
4. The Milky Way galaxy we live in: is one among the BILLIONS in space.
5. The very furthest galaxies are spreading away from us at more than 90% of the
speed of light.
6. The Universe was once thought to be everything that could ever exist, but
recent theories about inflation (e.g. Big Bang) suggest our universe may be
just one of countless bubbles of space time.
7. If you fell into a black hole, you would stretch like spaghetti.
8. The swirling gases around a black hole turn it into an electrical generator,
making it spout jets of electricity billions of kilometers out into space.
9. The opposite of black holes are estimated to be white holes which spray out
matter and light like fountains.
10. A day in Mercury lasts approximately as long as 59 days on earth.
11. As the earth turns, the stars come back to the same place in the night sky every
23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds. This is a sidereal day (star day).
12. When Neil Armstrong stepped on the Moon for the first time, he said these
famous words: “That‟s one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.”
13. From the moon, astronauts brought back 380 kg of Moon rock.
14. During the moon landing, a mirror was left on the Moon‟s surface to reflect a
laser beam which measured the Moon‟s distance from the Earth with amazing
15. The distance to the planets is measured by bouncing radar signals off them and
timing how long the signals take to get there and back.
16. Spacecrafts toilets have to get rid of waste in low gravity conditions,
Astronauts have to sit on a device which sucks away the waste. Solid waste is
dried and dumped in space, but the water is saved.
17. The Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet smashed into Jupiter in July 1994, with the biggest
crash ever witnessed.
18. The first rockets were made 1,000 years ago in China.
19. Jupiter has no surface for a spacecraft to land on because it is made mostly from
helium gas and hydrogen. The massive pull of Jupiter‘s gravity squeezes the
hydrogen so hard that it is liquid.
20. To save fuel on journeys to distant planets, space probes may use a nearby
planet‟s gravity to catapult them on their way. This is called slingshot.
21. Einstein‘s theory of general relativity shows that gravity not only pulls on
matter, but also space and even ‗Time‘ itself.
22. With powerful telescopes, astronomers can see galaxies 2 billion light years
away. This means we see them as they were when the only life forms in Earth
were bacteria.
23. The slowest rotating planet is Venus, which takes 243.01 days to turn around.
24. When things are falling, their acceleration cancels out gravity, which is why
astronauts in orbits are weightless.
25. The moon‘s gravity is 17% of the Earth‘s so astronauts in space suits can jump 4
m high on the moon.
1. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. Unless you‘re trying to give your
face a bit of a workout, smiling is a much easier option for most of us. Anyone
who‘s ever scowled, squinted or frowned for a long period of time knows how it
tires out the face which doesn‘t do a thing to improve your mood.
2. Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood the number is reduced to
206. The reason for this is that many of the bones of children are composed of
smaller component bones that are not yet fused like those in the skull. This
makes it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. The bones harden
and fuse as the children grow.
3. We are about 1 cm taller in the morning than in the evening. The cartilage
between our bones gets compressed by standing, sitting and other daily
activities as the day goes on, making us just a little shorter at the end of the day
than at the beginning.
4. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. While you may not be
able to bench press much with your tongue, it is in fact the strongest muscle in
your body in proportion to its size. If you think about it, every time you eat,
swallow or talk you use your tongue, ensuring it gets quite a workout throughout
the day.
5. The hardest bone in the human body is the jawbone. The next time someone
suggests you take it on the chin, you might be well advised to take their advice
as the jawbone is one of the most durable and hard to break bones in the body.
6. You use 200 muscles to take one step. Depending on how you divide up muscle
groups, just to take a single step you use somewhere in the neighborhood of 200
muscles. That‘s a lot of work for the muscles considering most of us take about
10,000 steps a day.
7. The tooth is the only part of the human body that can‟t repair itself. If you‘ve
ever chipped a tooth you know just how sadly true this one is. The outer layer of
the tooth is enamel which is not a living tissue. Since it‘s not alive, it can‘t
repair itself, leaving your dentist to do the work instead.
8. It takes twice as long to lose new muscle if you stop working out than it did to
gain it. Lazy people out there shouldn‘t use this as motivation to not work out,
however. It‘s relatively easy to build new muscle tissue and get your muscles in
shape, so if anything, this fact should be motivation to get off the couch and get
9. Bone is stronger than some steel. This doesn‘t mean your bones can‘t break of
course, as they are much less dense than steel. Bone has been found to have a
tensile strength of 20,000 psi while steel is much higher at 70,000 psi. Steel is
much heavier than bone, however, and pound for pound bone is the stronger
10. The feet account for one quarter of all the human body‟s bones. You may not
give your feet much thought but they are home to more bones than any other
part of your body. How many? Of the two hundred or so bones in the body, the
feet contain a whopping 52 of them.
Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the
If you‘ve ever had a covering of stubble on your face as you‘re clocking out at 5
o‘clock you‘re probably pretty familiar with this. In fact, if the average man never
shaved his beard it would grow to over 30 feet during his lifetime, longer than a
killer whale.
Every day the average person loses 60-100 strands
of hair. Unless you‘re already bald, chances are good that you‘re shedding
pretty heavily on a daily basis. Your hair loss will vary in accordance with the
season, pregnancy, illness, diet and age.
Women‟s hair is about half the diameter of men‟s
hair. While it might sound strange, it shouldn‘t come as too much of a surprise
that men‘s hair should be coarser than that of women. Hair diameter also varies
on average between races, making hair plugs on some men look especially
One human hair can support 3.5 ounces.
The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger. And
That‘s about the
weight of two full size candy bars, and with hundreds of thousands of hairs on
the human head, makes the tale of Rapunzel much more plausible.
the nail on the middle finger of your dominant hand will grow the fastest of all.
Why is not entirely known, but nail growth is related to the length of the finger,
with the longest fingers growing nails the fastest and shortest the slowest.
There are as many hairs per square inch on your
body as a chimpanzee. Humans are not quite the naked apes that
we‘re made out to be. We have lots of hair, but on most of us it‘s not obvious as
a majority of the hairs are too fine or light to be seen.
Blondes have more hair. They‘re said to have more fun, and they
definitely have more hair. Hair color determines how dense the hair on your
head is. The average human has 100,000 hair follicles, each of which is capable
of producing 20 individual hairs during a person‘s lifetime. Blondes average
146,000 follicles while people with black hair tend to have about 110,000
follicles. Those with brown hair fit the average with 100,000 follicles and
redheads have the least dense hair, with about 86,000 follicles.
Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than
toenails. If you notice that you‘re trimming your fingernails much more
frequently than your toenails you‘re not just imagining it. The nails that get the
most exposure and are used most frequently grow the fastest. On average, nails
on both the toes and fingers grow about one-tenth of an inch each month.
The lifespan of a human hair is 3 to 7 years on
average. While you quite a few hairs each day, your hairs actually have a
pretty long life providing they aren‘t subject to any trauma. Your hairs will likely
get to see several different haircuts, styles, and even possibly decades before
they fall out on their own.
10. You
must lose over 50% of your scalp hairs before it
is apparent to anyone. You lose hundreds of hairs a day but you‘ll
have to lose a lot more before you or anyone else will notice. Half of the hairs
on your pretty little head will have to disappear before your impending baldness
will become obvious to all those around you.
11. Human hair is virtually indestructible. Aside from it‘s
flammability, human hair decays at such a slow rate that it is practically nondisintegrative. If you‘ve ever wondered how your how clogs up your pipesso
quick consider this: hair cannot be destroyed by cold, change of climate, water,
or other natural forces and it is resistant to many kinds of acids and corrosive
1. The average adult heart beats 72 times a minute; 100,000 times a day; 3,600,000
times a year; and 2.5 billion times during a lifetime.f
2. Though weighing only 11 ounces on average, a healthy heart pumps 2,000
gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels each day. c
3. A kitchen faucet would need to be turned on all the way for at least 45 years to
equal the amount of blood pumped by the heart in an average lifetime.a
4. The volume of blood pumped by the heart can vary over a wide range, from five
to 30 liters per minute.e
5. Every day, the heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. In a
lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back.a
6. Because the heart has its own electrical impulse, it can continue to beat even
when separated from the body, as long as it has an adequate supply of oxygen. c
7. The fetal heart rate is approximately twice as fast as an adult‘s, at about 150
beats per minute. By the time a fetus is 12 weeks old, its heart pumps an
amazing 60 pints of blood a day.g
8. The heart pumps blood to almost all of the body‘s 75 trillion cells. Only the
corneas receive no blood supply.c
9. During an average lifetime, the heart will pump nearly
1.5 million barrels of blood—enough to fill 200 train tank
10. Five percent of blood supplies the heart, 15-20% goes to
the brain and central nervous system, and 22% goes to
the kidneys.a
11. The ―thump-thump‖ of a heartbeat is the sound made by A healthy heart pumps
the four valves of the heart closing.a
approximately 2,000
12. The heart does the most physical work of any muscle
gallons of blood a day
during a lifetime. The power output of the heart ranges
from 1-5 watts. While the quadriceps can produce 100 watts for a few minutes, an
output of one watt for 80 years is equal to 2.5 gigajoules.a
13. The heart begins beating at four weeks after conception and does not stop until
14. A newborn baby has about one cup of blood in circulation. An adult human has
about four to five quarts which the heart pumps to all the tissues and to and from
the lungs in about one minute while beating 75 times.g
15. The heart pumps oxygenated blood through the aorta (the largest artery) at about
1 mile (1.6 km) per hour. By the time blood reaches the capillaries, it is moving at
around 43 inches (109 cm) per hour.g
16. Early Egyptians believed that the heart and other major organs had wills of their
own and would move around inside the body.d
17. An anonymous contributor to the Hippocratic Collection (or Canon) believed
vessel valves kept impurities out of the heart, since the intelligence of man was
believed to lie in the left cavity.f
18. Plato theorized that reasoning originated with the brain, but that passions
originated in the ―fiery‖ heart.f
19. The term ―heartfelt‖ originated from Aristotle‘s philosophy that the heart collected
sensory input from the peripheral organs through the blood vessels. It was from
those perceptions that thought and emotions arose.f
20. Prolonged lack of sleep can cause irregular jumping heartbeats called premature
ventricular contractions (PVCs).b
21. Some heavy snorers may have a condition called obtrusive sleep apnea (OSA),
which can negatively affect the heart.b
22. Cocaine affects the heart‘s electrical activity and causes spasm of the arteries,
which can lead to a heart attack or stroke, even in healthy people. a
23. Galen of Pergamum, a prominent surgeon to Roman gladiators, demonstrated
that blood, not air, filled arteries, as Hippocrates had concluded. However, he
also believed that the heart acted as a low-temperature oven to keep the blood
warm and that blood trickled from one side of the heart to the other through tiny
holes in the heart.f
24. Galen agreed with Aristotle that the heart was the body‘s source of heat, a type of
―lamp‖ fueled by blood from the liver and fanned into spirituous flame by air from
the lungs. The brain merely served to cool the blood.f
25. In 1929, German surgeon Werner Forssmann (1904-1979) examined the inside
of his own heart by threading a catheter into his arm vein and pushing it 20
inches and into his heart, inventing cardiac catheterization, a now common
26. On December 3, 1967, Dr. Christiaan Barnard (1922-2001) of South Africa
transplanted a human heart into the body of Louis Washansky. Although the
recipient lived only 18 days, it is considered the first successful heart transplant. e
27. ―Atrium‖ is Latin for ―entrance hall,‖ and ―ventricle‖ is Latin for ―little belly.‖a
28. A woman‘s heart typically beats faster than a man‘s. The heart of an average
man beats approximately 70 times a minute, whereas the average woman has a
heart rate of 78 beats per minute.b
29. Blood is actually a tissue. When the body is at rest, it takes only six seconds for
the blood to go from the heart to the lungs and back, only eight seconds for it to
go the brain and back, and only 16 seconds for it to reach the toes and travel all
the way back to the heart.c
A large-buxomed
30. French physician Rene Laennec (1781-1826) invented
female patient
the stethoscope when he felt it was inappropriate to
prompted a physician
place his ear on his large-buxomed female patients'
to invent the
31. Physician Erasistratus of Chios (304-250 B.C.) was the
first to discover that the heart functioned as a natural pump.f
32. In his text De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem, the father of modern
anatomy, Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564), argued that the blood seeped from one
ventricle to another through mysterious pores.f
33. Galen argued that the heart constantly produced blood. However, William
Harvey‘s (1578-1657) discovery of the circulation system in 1616 revealed that
there was a finite amount of blood in the body and that it circulated in one
34. The right atrium holds about 3.5 tablespoons of blood. The right ventricle holds
slightly more than a quarter cup of blood. The left atrium holds the same amount
of blood as the right, but its walls are three times thicker.g
35. Grab a tennis ball and squeeze it tightly: that‘s how hard the beating heart works
to pump blood.a
1.36. In 1903, physiologist Willem Einthoven (1860-1927) invented the
electrocardiograph, which measures electric current in the heart.e
Amazing facts about the kidney.
1. The blood flow in kidneys is higher than the blood flow in heart, liver and brain.
2. Kidneys measure around 4.5 inches in length.
3. Kidneys are no bigger than a standard computer mouse or a cell phone.
4. Each individual kidney weighs around 4-6 ounces.
5. In case of new born human babies, the kidney to body weight ratio is 3 times the kidney to
body weight ratio in adults.
6. In case of adults, kidneys form only 0.5% of the entire body weight.
7. Exactly half of one single kidney is capable of doing the job that is performed by two
kidneys together.
8. Each individual kidney consists of at least 1 million and up to 2 million nephrons.
Nephrons are nothing but very tiny filters that are capable of filtering blood and eliminating
the waste materials.
9. In a single hour, kidneys receive around 120 pints of blood.
10. Though the kidneys weigh on 0.5% of the entire body weight, they actually receive more
arterial blood compared to other organs in body. Almost 25% of the blood pumped by the
heart goes to the kidneys.
11. Once a person reaches the age of 40, the number of functional nephrons present in each
kidney start falling at a rate of 1% a year.
12. Despite the decline in the number of functional nephrons in kidneys after the age of 40,
the kidneys continue to function normally because the nephrons have a tendency of enlarging
once the demise begins.
13. If the nephrons in both kidneys are taken out and placed end to end horizontally, they will
cover a distance of 16 kilometers.
14. If one kidney is taken away and the functional capacity of the other kidney is reduced to
just 75%, it can still sustain life. This happens because the nephrons are capable of enlarging
and handling excess load. This is known as hypertrophy.
15. Kidneys are responsible for maintaining a constant amount of fluid in the body. The
entire blood in the body gets filtered around 400 times in a day through the kidneys.
16. When dehydration sets in, kidneys stop producing enough urine until hydration is restored
and blood volume increases.
17. If the blood pressure in kidneys fall, they start sending out signals to the rest of the body.
As a result of these signals, the blood vessels throughout the body become smaller to increase
the pressure. This ensures that blood reaches every part of the body.
18. If the oxygen content of the blood falls, the kidneys can sense that as well. Once the
kidneys sense a lack of oxygen, they create a hormone which triggers increased production of
red blood cells. RBCs are responsible for carrying oxygen. As RBC count increases, the
oxygen content of the blood also increases.
19. Kidneys pump around 400 gallons of recycled blood every day.
20. Kidneys filter and return around 200 quarts of fluid into the bloodstream each day. Nearly
2 quarts are lost in form of urine while the remaining 198 quarts are recovered.
21. Kidneys are connected to bladder with the help of two tubes known as ureters. It is the
bladder where the urine is stored. The urine that we excrete is stored anywhere between 1 and
8 hours. Interesting fact is that we don‟t urinate until the bladder is half full. Once the half of
the bladder is full, signals are sent to the brain which in turn tells us that it is time to urinate.
22. Yet another interesting fact about kidneys is that they are capable of activating vitamin D
in our body. This vitamin is usually produced by special skin cells when they are exposed to
sunlight. If the skin fails, the job passes on to the livers. If the liver fails, the job finally goes
to the kidneys.
23. Some children are born with only one kidney. For them, the single kidney eventually
grows to the extent where its weight is equal to the combined weight of two kidneys.
24. Excessive antacids and milk can cause kidney stones.
25. Pancreas are stimulated by sugar to produce insulin that keeps sugar levels at check. If the
sugar level in body increases, excess insulin is produced. This forces the body to excrete
extra calcium through urine, which is yet another cause of kidney stones.
26. Throughout the day, the kidneys filter and produce around 1000 to 2000 milliliters of
urine. So in general we excrete around 1.5 liter urine on an average in a single day.
27. Malfunctioning kidneys can lead to the development of anemia. Studies reveal that most
anemic patients usually suffer from some kind of kidney disease.
28. Kidney disease can never be reversed. Its progression can only be slowed down.
29. High BP and diabetes can both lead to failure of kidneys.
30. When the kidney functions are completely lost, it is known as ESRD or End Stage Renal
31. People suffering with ESRD can live longer with help of kidney transplant or dialysis.
32. The first ever kidney transplant was conducted by Yuri Voronoy, a Russian surgeon in
year 1933. The transplant failed.
33. The first ever successful kidney transplant was conducted by Dr. Joseph E. Murray in
December 1954. The transplant was between two identical twins. The operation took place in
Massachusetts at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital.
34. Nearly 500 million people globally (which nearly 10% of global adult population) suffer
from some kind of kidney problem/damage. This leads or millions of premature death every
year because of Chronic Kidney disease induced cardiovascular diseases.
35. Nearly 1.5 million globally go through kidney transplant or kidney dialysis.
So, that concludes out 35 interesting facts about human kidneys. If you know other facts
about kidneys and want to share them, you are most welcome. Just don‟t get to scientific and
keep things intelligible for everyone. Cheers!
1. Humans are not the only living beings to have a liver. Any living creature with a spinal
column or a backbone has a liver. In short every vertebrate in this world has a liver.
2. Artificial liver replacement in humans or any other vertebrate is not yet possible.
3. Liver protects our body from harmful substances or toxin that we put in our body either
deliberately or unintentionally through food we eat or drink.
4. The liver also protects our body from the toxins by cleaning the blood from chemicals that
are spontaneously within our body because of day to day activities.
5. The chemicals removed from the blood are sent into our intestines in form of bile. These
chemicals are then removed in form of feces or stool. These chemicals may also be sent into
the kidneys where they are filtered out from the body in form of urine.
6. Liver is responsible for producing bile. Bile is very important because it helps in digesting
food. Of course, without bile the body would simply fail to remove toxins from the body.
7. The bile produced by the liver is also important because it helps to breakdown fats into
smaller particles so that the pancreatic lipase can digest fat better.
8. Bile produced by liver is also responsible for the characteristic brown color of the stool.
9. Our body produces a chemical known as bilirubin. This is pretty toxic and if it goes
unfiltered into the kidneys, it can damage them. The liver actually filters and makes bilirubin
safe before sending it to the kidneys. The kidneys then filter out the bilirubin from the body
along with urine. This is what gives the characteristic yellow color to our urine.
10. Yes, we did say that artificial liver replacement is not possible but liver transplant is
possible. One very interesting fact about liver is that it can sustain and survive heavy damage.
It can grow back.
11. Liver transplant usually involves cutting out a certain part of the liver from the donor and
giving it to the receiver. The part of the liver that is cut out from the donor can actually grow
12. Yet another interesting fact about liver is that it never uses sugar for energy. It only stores
sugar. In reality, liver is the storehouse of any excess sugar that we consumer. It stores this
sugar in form of a compound known as glycogen. Between meals when our body needs
sugar, the liver breaks down the glycogen to form glucose. This glucose is then used by the
remaining body as energy fuel.
13. Almost all medicines that we consume are processed by the liver. Because our body is not
capable of using the medicines as is, the liver breaks them down in a form that the body can
14. The liver is responsible for producing enzymes and chemicals that helps the blood to clot
in the event of bleeding due to a cut.
15. Liver is also responsible for making cholesterol. While high levels of low density
lipoprotein or (bad cholesterol) is actually bad, cholesterol is also required for building cells
as well as hormones. Hormones are necessary for normal functioning of the body because
they can be rightly termed as the messengers in our body. Absence of hormones will lead to
abnormal body functioning because they will fail to communicate properly.
16. Liver is responsible for performing over 500 different vital functions of the body.
17. Of all metabolic organs present in our body, liver is the most complex of all and is also
the largest of all.
18. At any given point in time, liver contains 10% of the total blood in the body. It filters
around 1.4 liters of blood every single minute.
19. „Hepar‟ is the Greek term for liver. It is because of this Greek name that most liver related
medical terms actually start with „hepatic or hepato‟.
20. The Greeks considered the liver to be the home of all human emotions. According to
Greeks, the liver was the organ which was closest to divine presence.
21. The Greeks used to practice what we today call as hepatoscopy. It is a practice where the
Greeks used to sacrifice goats and oxen and examined their livers to determine whether they
will earn victory in a battle or war.
22. The first ever liver transplant in human history was carried out by Dr. Thomas E. Starzl in
year 1963 at University of Colorado Medical School. The transplant was not successful
because of the lack of effective immunosuppressive drugs. He made another attempt in 1967
and the transplant was successful.
23. Human liver is actually an iron warehouse. It also contains extra minerals and vitamins
which allows a person to perform throughout the day.
24. Our body that is up and running is because of the blood. If blood wasn‟t there right from
the beginning, we would not even exist. This blood was actually made by liver even before
our birth.
25. The liver weighs around 3 pounds and is reddish-brown in color. The liver has two parts –
the right lobe and the left lobe. The right lobe is bigger than the left lobe.
We can survive without a
stomach. This, combined with removal of spleen, ¾ of liver,
80% of intestines, a kidney, a lung, and all the organs from
the groin area wouldn‟t kill you.
Stomach is actually located a
bit higher up the body than most people think.
Hydrochloric acid in stomach
kills bacteria and viruses entering with the food. The enzyme
protease, however, flourishes in such an environment.
When blushing, parallel to
face, stomach blushes too.
Burping releases the air you
intake with food. In some cultures, it‟s a compliment to the
„Borborygmi‟ is the scientific
term for stomach rumble.
Stomach can hold up to half a
gallon (over 1.5 litres) food or drink.
Stomach resists hydrochloric
acid only thanks to the constant renewal of its lining. When
this process is not fast enough, ulcers appear.
Stomach acid can dissolve
most metals.
In fact, digestion only starts in
stomach. Small intestines do the major part.
Food leaves stomach as a
semi-fluid, called „chyme.‟
Stomach is generally the same
size in most of us, contrary to common beliefs.
We register over 90 % of total
incoming information with our eyes.
Eye lens act as filter of the
ultraviolet light. If surgically removed, retina can detect it.
Reading in feeble light will not
do any harm to your eyes.
If elderly people at one
moment start reading without eyeglasses, they should get their
eyes checked for cataract development.
Blink lasts less than 1/10th of
a second.
Women blink more often than
men. Several million times a year.
The more you talk, the more
you blink.
Eyes can heal a corneal scratch
in just two days.
Tears first appear at age of 1-2
Up to 50 million people in the
world can‟t see.
Eye colour, similar to skin
colour, depends on the amount of melanin.
successful eyeball transplant is the complexity of the optic
Rod-shaped cells in your eye
detect shapes, and cone-shaped cells: colour.
have two differently coloured eyes.
Each eye has a blind spot.
eyes, perform most movements.
Most wide-spread eye colour
is brown.
Dogs see colours differently
than humans, not distinguishing clearly green, yellow or red.
Diabetes can cause blindness.
You read up to 25% slower
from a computer screen than on paper.
Brain of the ostrich is smaller
than any of its eyes.
Eyelashes are renewed twice a
Colossal Squids have eyeballs
almost one foot in diameter (28 cm).
Some people can see a candle
light from 14.5 miles (over 20km).
There have been attempts to
transplant shark cornea to humans.
Cornea takes the
needed from air, as it has no own blood supply.
After brain, eyes are the most
sophisticated body part.
The Mayans did not spare
efforts to make their children become cross-eyed.
Most colour blind people are
Your eyebrows are separated
by what‟s called the Glabella.
Only 15% of human eyeball is
Quantity of tears diminish
with age.
Your eyes have around 125
million light sensitive cells.
Normally one of your eyes is
stronger than the other.
When crying, tears drain into
nasal passages and nose gets runny.
Iris is 8 times more unique
than fingerprint.
Red-eye effect on pictures is
caused by the capillaries in your eyes.
A necktie too tight doubles the
risk of glaucoma.
involuntarily close.
Blinking uses more than 200
Human eye has still better
resolution than digital cameras on the market.
The special enzyme in tears
lysozyme is capable of destroying most bacteria.
Teeth have own nerves and
blood supply.
The visible part of teeth is
named the crown.
Tooth enamel is the hardest
matter in the body.
Teeth layers are 4: root, pulp,
dentin and enamel.
Tasting food only works if you
soak it in saliva.
Our tongue print is as unique
as our finger and toe print and … our smell.
Tongue has anywhere from
3,000 to 10,000 taste buds. Pigs have almost 20,000.
The name of the small
thing dangling over your tongue? Uvula.
Bacteria in mouth are more
numerous than population of North America.
At age of 3 one has 20 teeth.
After losing them, an adult person would maximally grow 32
Mouth cools or heats the food
to the right temperature.
Saliva starts the digestion and
acts as lubricant for mouth.
In a lifetime, you could fill
with saliva 2 Olympic-size swimming pools drooling.
Tongue is the most powerful
muscle for its size.
Tongue is the only muscle not
attached by both ends.
You always chew on the side
of your stronger arm.
Frenulum stops you from
swallowing your tongue.
The vermilion border is where
lips meet the adjacent normal skin.
Humans have 3 pairs of
salivary glands.
Lips tend to dry faster than
rest of the body because they have no sweat glands.
Lip skin has only 3 to 5 layers
of cells.
Lips get thinner with age due
to decreased production of collagen.
Sneeze speeds out of mouth at
105 mph (170 km/h); cough develops “only” 63 mph (100
km/h) .
More than 10% of us grind
teeth while sleeping.
Food needs only 7 seconds to
reach from mouth to stomach.
Skin, being the largest organ,
stretches around 20 sq. feet (2 m ).
The three layers of skin topdown are the epidermis, dermis and the so-called hypodermis
or subcutaneous layers.
Unlike normal skin, scar tissue
has no sweat glands, nor hair, and differs in colour from the
surrounding skin.
Melanin helps in protection
from sun.
Callous forms when one area
of skin is subjected to repeated or continuous pressure.
Skin cells are born, die and
reach the epidermis within less than a month.
Each minute 41,000 dead skin
cells leave your epidermis. This way our body loses up to 10
pounds (4.5 kg) annually!
The more, the darker: this is
how the pigment melanin determines the darkness of skin.
Great part of domestic dust is
in fact dead skin.
Lips are red because of the
multitude of tiny capillaries, full of oxygen-rich blood.
Epidermis, being the outer
layer, is formed of mainly dead cells, thick from 0.1 mm to
1.6 mm.
Pale lips could indicate that
the person is anaemic.
The dermis hosts all sweat
glands, along with blood vessels and nerves.
Some of the nerves are directly
connected to muscles. In case of pain, they can command the
Hypodermis, being mostly fat,
is great at absorbing shocks, and also hosts the hair follicles.
Palms, soles of the feet and
lips are the only areas of the skin without a hair follicle.
One square inch (6.5 cm ) of
skin holds 630 sweat glands.
Depending on the hair colour,
one has on the head alone anywhere between 80,000 and
140,000 hair follicles!
Goose bumps, goose pimples
or goose flesh appear when one is cold or feels fear, pleasure
or sexual arousal.
More than 30 million bacteria
live on a square inch (6.5 cm ) of skin. Luckily, the great
majority are harmless.
Each of us has more bacteria
on the skin than there are people in the world.
We grow over 6 feet (2 m)
nose hair in a lifetime.
Skin can be grown
laboratory, multiplying the initial size 10,000 times!
Lamborghini models are often
named after famous corrida bulls.
Most antibiotics don‟t interfere
with alcohol. Historically, gonorrhoea patients were not
permitted to drink for 21 days as doctors feared that if drunk,
patients might go promiscuous and spread the infection.
The highest peak in America
has just been renamed – from Mount McKinley to Denali.
In 2015, a study in Norway
found out that a vitamin A overdose may increase lung cancer
risk for both smokers and non-smokers.
Expectedly, Christmas is the
least popular day to watch porn online.
Barcelona is amongst the most
accessible cities for people in wheelchairs.
More Americans died from
guns last 60 years in times of peace than on battlefields in all
wars in American history combined.
In the period 1936-39, every
second Red Army general was executed by Stalin.
Air pollution kills more people
than malaria and HIV/AIDS combined.
At full speed, a train would
need up to 1.6 km (a mile) to come to a complete stop. If the
train driver can see you before braking, it‟s already too late.
On average, we spend two
weeks of our life waiting at the traffic lights.
The paradox of the plankton:
limited resources support incredibly numerous plankton
An early British toilet
manufacturer produced a device named “Waterloo” (in honour
of the Battle of Waterloo). The word was subsequently
abbreviated to “loo.”
“The Crusader” is an U.S.
assault rifle, designed especially for Christians. It costs over
1,100 EUR (1,400 dollars) and has a safety selector with
options: “Peace” for safe, “War” for semi-automatic, and
“God wills it” for full automatic mode.
The crash of the interplanetary probe Mariner 1 cost 80 million dollars. It was due
to a forgotten overbar (a horizontal line written above a
mathematical symbol) over the letter R in one of the formulas
that went unnoticed and screwed the orbit calculations.
The world‟s two biggest beer producers plan to merge in a
$100 billion merger.
Since 1960, each decade the
world spends more money on armament than all military
expenses during the two world wars combined.