2012 AnnuAl RepoRt - Sacred Heart Health System


2012 AnnuAl RepoRt - Sacred Heart Health System
2012 A n n ua l R e p o rt
A M e ssag e fr o m t h e Pr e sid e n t
Dear Friends of Sacred Heart,
On behalf of Sacred Heart, I would like to personally thank each of you for your gifts of support to our Sacred
Heart ministry during the past year. We continue to be blessed with your donations that are having a direct
impact on the patients we serve all along the Gulf Coast. We have so much to be thankful for this past year, as
you will see in the pages of this Annual Report, but, most all, we are thankful for you.
You Care
Your continued belief in our mission of caring for all, with special attention to the poor, is allowing us to grow
and expand quality healthcare services for our patients who are coming to us in growing numbers each year.
Please know that 100 percent of your gifts are directed to the mission of your choice. A few of the items that
your gifts helped to purchase last year included a state-of-the-art ultrasound machine for our Emergency
Department and several new ventilators to help with our patients who are having difficulty breathing. Our
inpatient oncology unit in Pensacola was renovated for our patients, thanks to your gifts.
In addition, at the Emerald Coast, your gifts helped to establish cancer services for our patients so that they now
are able to receive their treatment closer to home. Our older residents at the Haven of Our Lady of Peace received
new furniture because you wanted them to enjoy their surroundings. You care and are concerned about the
patients who rely on Sacred Heart for their care . . . Thank you.
When your gifts come together to support new equipment or new services for our patients, it is exciting to know
that you are making a difference in the patient-centered care of Sacred Heart’s mission. This past year, we were
pleased to welcome 38 new members to our “Order of Cornette” level of giving ($10,000 or more cumulativegiving history). This now brings our community of donors at this level to 753 members.
As we are confronted by growing numers of people with even greater healthcare needs than ever before, we
are excited about our ability to meet those challenges due to the expanding vision of our Health System’s new
President & CEO, Susan Davis. Susan and I join together to express our sincere appreciation for your generosity
in partnering with Sacred Heart in God’s healthcare ministry along the Gulf Coast. We could not do what we do
without your support. Thank you again for your gifts.
Sincerely yours in His service,
Henry Roberts
President, Sacred Heart Foundation
Susan Dav
President, President/CEO, Sacr
Sacred He
art Found d Heart Health Syst
em, with
Henry Rob
T o mmy H u y n h : Wa l k i n g a n d I n s p i r i n g O t h e r s
After 74 days in the hospital and more than 15
months in a wheelchair following a motorcycle
accident, it truly is a miracle
that Tan “Tommy” Huynh is
able to walk today without
assistance. He was so badly
injured after a car collided
with his motorcycle on
Nov. 24, 2010, that his family
was informed seven times
that he would not live. But the reason he is alive
today is thanks to a wide variety of dedicated
Sacred Heart healthcare professionals – from our
trauma team to critical care to rehabilitation staff.
When paramedics arrived on the accident scene,
they found the 25-year-old Tommy unresponsive
with very high blood pressure. He was rushed to
Sacred Heart’s Level II Emergency/Trauma Center, where a CT scan revealed he was bleeding
internally and had swelling of the brain. He also
(L) Motorcycle accident survivor Tommy Huynh (seated, center) is surrounded by a
few members of his “fan club:” (seated, L-R) April Vanhousen, RN, and Toni Bryant,
RN, both of 5 West; (standing, L-R) Kenny Brooks, RN, of the Emergency/Trauma
Center; and Robin Armstrong, RN, of Interventional Radiology.
had an injured spleen, an artery injury and multiple
fractures in his skull, ribs, right femur and left wrist.
Quickly, a team that included cardiothoracic, neuro,
ENT and critical care specialists descended upon
Tommy to save his life. “He had nine different injuries that each could have killed him,” says his dad,
Dan Livingston of Pensacola.
The dedicated staff of third-floor nurses and the
neurology physicians and nurses on 5 West at
Sacred Heart helped nurse Tommy back to health.
Staff members even recall the day he stood up and
took his first step in his hospital room – Jan. 12,
2011. Tommy was discharged on Feb. 10, 2011. He
continues to attend physical therapy sessions twice
a week for one hour “walking around the therapy
room to help stretch out the muscles and ligaments in my left leg,” says Tommy.
The fact that Tommy had the availability of Sacred
Heart’s Level II Adult and Pediatric Emergency/
Trauma Center in our community made the critical
difference in saving his life. Approximately 90,000
adults and children needing emergency care are
treated and cared for each year at Sacred Heart.
With an infectious smile and indomitable spirit,
Tommy truly is a walking inspiration. He earned his
driver’s license in September and continues to visit
his nurses on the third and fifth floors at Sacred
Heart. When his nurses see him, their faces light up!
Tommy looks forward to getting back to work soon.
“Before his accident,” says Dan, “Tommy owned his
own business installing security systems, and he
worked on foreign cars. He has also helped the
homeless, and some of the people he helped even
came to visit him in the hospital, including one
woman who says he saved her life.”
C r e a t i n g a B e t t e r Pa t i e n t E x p e ri e n c e
Construction continues on the Sacred Heart
Hospital-Pensacola campus on the addition of five
floors on top of the Sacred Heart Regional Heart &
Vascular Institute. This bed expansion will ensure
that we have adequate capacity and an enhanced
clinical environment that is focused on patient
safety. Our mission is to provide care to all, with
special attention to the poor, and this expansion
will allow Sacred Heart to meet the growing
healthcare needs of our patient population. Two
new units that are going to be added in this
expansion are a Palliative Care Unit to provide
special care for patients at the end of life, and a
Geriatric Care Unit to meet the specific needs of our
frail elderly patients.
Sacred Heart Hospital-Pensacola is committed to
providing “Healthcare That is Safe, Healthcare That
Works, and Healthcare That Leaves No One Behind.”
We hope that you will consider a gift directed
to this expansion that will invest in healthcare
in our community for years to come. For more
information on naming opportunities or to learn
more about how you can support the future of the
Sacred Heart mission, please call 850-416-4660.
Want to get updates on the progress of the project? Visit the Sacred Heart Health System Web site at www.sacred-heart.org. Click on the
Sacred Heart Expansion icon. Via the Web cam, you can watch real-time video of construction.
Did you know that last year the SHHP Emergency Room had 87,504 visits and the SHHEC Emergency Room
had 25,379 visits? Your gifts assisted in the purchase of a state-of-the-art ultrasound machine for the
Pensacola Emergency Room that is assisting our physicians with treatment and diagnosis of our patients.
Thank you for helping us to care for patients who need Sacred Heart for their emergency healthcare!
R ach e l a n d A ddis o n :
E x p e r i e n c i n g L i f e s a v i n g C a re
“Fantastic” and “awesome” are the words Rachel
Newkirk uses to describe the dedicated nurses
in the Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery (NICU) at
Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart. Her daughter,
Addison Elizabeth, spent 74 days in the NICU after
being delivered during an emergency C-section
in June 2011 when her mother experienced a lifethreatening rupture of the main artery that supplies
blood to the kidneys. While Rachel went to surgery
to have a stent placed in her artery, Addison was
whisked away to the NICU.
Both Rachel and Addison were given a 50 percent
chance of survival because their case was so rare, but
they survived thanks to the expertise of the doctors
and nurses of Sacred Heart Children and Women’s
Hospital. Addison weighed 2 lbs., 3-1/2 oz. when she
was born. As a result of her emergency, Rachel had to
wait three days before she could see her baby.
We couldn’t do what we do for our patients
without your support. Thank you!
“I will never forget those nurses in the NICU,” says
Rachel, a resident of Santa Rosa Beach. “They made
us feel that Addy Beth was just as precious to them
as she is to us. They always made sure she had a cute
bow, headband or diaper cover to sport. On the
fourth day, I had forgotten the infant-safety password
and wasn’t physically ready to leave my room to visit
her in the NICU, so two nurses went out of their way
and came to my room and made sure I was Addison’s
mother before they let me see her.”
Addison is a healthy little girl today, is attending
“Early Steps” developmental therapy at Sacred Heart
and is on track for her adjusted age.
Lyla Thompson
B e n j ami n F o u s t :
Beating the Odds
T u c k e r W hi t e :
Doing great!
New mom, Cara White, went into labor early in
Dothan, Ala., on the morning of Feb. 25, 2009, and
was transported to Sacred Heart Women’s Hospital.
Her son, Tucker, was born at 27 weeks, weighing 2 lbs.,
11 oz., and was 15-½ inches long. Tucker was in the
care of our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit doctors
and nurses for 75 days! Look at Tucker now! He is
doing great because of the amazing care that he
received here at Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart. Once near death inside his mother’s womb, tiny
Benjamin Foust is now known as the “Miracle Baby,”
thanks to the skilled, caring staff of Sacred Heart
Women’s Hospital, the Perinatal Center and the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. His mother, Maira,
Dr. James Thorp, maternal/fetal medicine specialist, with Benjamin and Maira Foust.
was put on long-term bedrest in the hospital
while Benjamin was closely monitored and treated
for several weeks for fetal hypothyroidism and
“It’s beyond gratitude what I feel for Dr. Thorp,” says
Maira. “If it wasn’t for these doctors and our faith,
Benjamin wouldn’t be here today. I am so grateful
to have lots of sleepless nights, diapers to change
and a baby to rock.”
Because of your gifts, we were able to support the purchase of six Giraffe Omnibed Isolettes for our tiny
and vulnerable babie s in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and a new ultrasound machine for our Labor
& Delivery Unit. Last year, Women’s Hospital in Pensacola delivered 3,647 babies and Sacred Heart
Hospital on the Emerald Coast delivered 885! Our nurses also were busy delivering 118 sets of twins in
Pensacola and six sets at the Emerald Coast! Your gifts are helping our babies have better outcomes!
ter leaving the
Ly l a Th o m p s o n :
Breathing Easy Now
Born at Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald
Coast, little Lyla Thompson was diagnosed with
a collapsed lung and was rushed to the NICU at
Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital.
“As for the amazing team that is SHH Pensacola
NICU, thank you! I could sleep at night knowing
that Lyla was in their care. Having a concerned
father who is a nurse, too, was probably irritating
to them at times but, they never showed me
any of that. They answered all my questions and
addressed all my fears. I am impressed by their
dedication to provide excellent care to babies
in distress. These doctors and nurses are high
G ai l R a p p a :
Growing Awareness
About Ovarian Cancer
S ha n a W a t l e y :
D ia n n e H igh t o w e r :
Feeling Secure During Surgery
“I had a total left-knee replacement at Sacred Heart on the Emerald
Coast on Feb. 23, 2012. All the way from pre-registration until I
checked out of the hospital on Feb. 25, I received professional and
quality care. I felt at ease and secure throughout this experience,
even though I was not looking forward to it. I know that I am
probably facing another replacement soon for my right knee. I
will definitely be going to Sacred Heart for that procedure. I feel
confident that I will get the same exceptional care I received this last time.”
Surviving Breast Cancer
When Shana Watley was diagnosed with breast
cancer in May 2011, she told her physician, “I don’t
care how toxic the treatments are, I just want to be
here for my daughter as long as possible.”
At age 37, Shana was diagnosed with Stage 3
infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Under the care of
Dr. Tarek Eldawy and Dr. Thomas Sunnenberg with
Sacred Heart Medical Oncology Group, she began
Dianne Hightower
of Santa Rosa Beach
Before she was diagnosed with
ovarian cancer, Gail Rappa of
Cantonment attributed her
frequent urination to menopause,
her sideache to lifting her
grandson too much and her
painful, irregular bowel movements to aging. Since
her diagnosis, she has been urging women to
become familiar with the symptoms of this deadly
disease and to see their doctor immediately if they
suspect ovarian cancer.
“My success as a survivor is because of Sacred Heart,”
says Gail. “If Sacred Heart didn’t have Dr. Steven
DeCesare, who was the area’s only gynecologic
oncologist at that time, I would have had to go to
Tampa or Birmingham. He is wonderful – he stays
on top of the very latest information. And
Dr. Sunnenberg is so positive and told me I could
call him anytime.”
her treatment at
Sacred Heart Cancer
Center within a few
days of diagnosis.
“It’s a fast-growing
type of breast cancer
that requires very
aggressive therapy,”
says Shana. “When
I was diagnosed, I
immediately knew that I had the best cancer care
team in the world right here at Sacred Heart.” Shana,
a medical laboratory scientist who works in the
Clinical Laboratory at Sacred Heart in Pensacola,
says, “I knew I had friends taking care of me, and
that’s comforting to know. I feel very blessed. It’s
very humbling – the amount of love and support
I’ve received.”
Kay B o n n :
Surviving Ovarian Cancer
“In February 2010, I was diagnosed with Stage 3
ovarian cancer, often called “the silent killer.” But
thanks to the excellent care of my Sacred Heart
doctors -- Dr. Thomas Johnson, oncologist, and
Dr. Steven Decesare, gynecological oncology surgeon
– during the past two-and-a-half years, I am very
much alive and enjoying remission. We are privileged
to have the beautiful new Sacred Heart Cancer Center
here on the Emerald Coast.”
Kay and Steven Bonn
Shana is now in remission and back to work in
the lab diagnosing cancer in blood, tissue and
bone marrow. “I know what our patients are going
through,” she says. She’s thrilled to have her health
back so that she can focus, once again, on enjoying
life with her daughter.
Gail received care in both the inpatient cancer unit
at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola and Sacred
Heart Medical Oncology Group’s outpatient center
in the Cancer Center. “The inpatient nursing staff is
amazing – so knowledgeable and understanding
of my concerns. And the new Cancer Center is
so dynamic. I love the private patient areas. And
the nurses there are incredible. They let you know
exactly what to expect after treatment.”
In Pensacola last year, there were 1,489 patients newly diagnosed with cancer and 386 were newly diagnosed at the
Emerald Coast! Because of your gifts, the inpatient oncology unit at SHHP was renovated to provide an environment
that was pleasing to our cancer patients during their stay here at the hospital. Your gifts also helped initiate cancer
services at SHHEC. The ability for our patients to receive their cancer treatments close to home was made possible because of you. Thank you for caring about our patients and their families dealing with cancer all along the Gulf Coast.
Shana and her daughter, Hensley, enjoy quality time on the beach any chance they get.
A n n ab e t h
Pr e s t o n :
Finding Fantastic Autism
Services in Pensacola
Every Gift Makes a
On a recent summer vacation to Michigan, 8-year-old Ella
Hoffmaster of Pensacola told her mom she wanted to set up a
lemonade stand to raise some money for a very important cause.
“When she came to me with the idea, I thought she was trying to
raise money for another American Girl doll,” says Ella’s mom, Jill.
“She said, ‘No mom. I want to help the kids out who don’t have any
hair’ – referring to the pediatric cancer patients she has seen during
trips to the hospital.”
With the help of her cousins, Ella set up a lemonade stand and sold
refreshing drinks and sweet treats to other vacationers staying at the
In just one day, Ella and her cousins made $100, which she presented
to Children’s & Women’s Hospital to help the children! Kids helping
kids is a great thing!
Walk ing for
“When Preston was diagnosed with autism, I called
every institution I could – UCLA, Boston, Cleveland
Clinic, all of them – to find the best place for therapy
for my child,” says Kat Clemmons Lea of Pensacola. “I
was ready to pick up my family and move to make
sure he got the best therapy available. But it turns
out that the best therapy in the country was right
here at Sacred Heart.”
Thanks to the presence of the Autism Center on
the campus of Sacred Heart Hospital-Pensacola,
Preston can take advantage of one of the latest
therapies available for children with autism, Applied
Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. The Autism Center
provides therapy for children in their natural learning
environments. When an environment is structured
for learning according to the needs of a child with
autism, he or she has a better chance of learning
how to change or learn certain behaviors that will
allow him or her to better navigate their world.
Since starting therapy in May 2012, Preston, 2, who
does not yet speak, has now mastered many signs
and is adding more daily. He is able to sit down with
an activity for up to 20 minutes at time, and regularly
responds to his name. “Before therapy,” says Kat, “Preston
knew maybe a few signs, sometimes responded to his
name, and could barely sit still at a table.”
Nearly one in 88 children in the U.S. is considered
on the autism spectrum. Through the Sacred Heart
Autism Center, children in our community now have
access to specially trained therapists, a child-friendly
environment and fantastic community support.
No matter how bad the Brown family’s journey through
cancer became, “it was nothing we couldn’t get
through because we were able to hold our little girl,”
says Misty Brown of Cantonment, mother of Annabeth
Brown. At age 2, Anna was diagnosed with high-risk
B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She is a
patient of Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, pediatric oncologist, of
Nemours Children’s Clinic at Sacred Heart.
The Center partners with Autism Pensacola and
the University of West Florida. UWF provides the
research component and interns aid in helping
expand the program to provide more services for
more children and their families.
Did you know that we had 20,576
visits to our Pediatric Emergency
Room last year? Your gifts helped
to purchase new monitors for our
Pediatric ER to assist in the treatment
and diagnosis of our young patients.
Thank you!
On the day Anna was diagnosed, “she received two
blood transfusions and two platelet transfusions that
night before they could do her first bone-marrow
biopsy,” says Misty. “The doctors told us that 95
percent of her blood was cancer and that she had an
85 percent chance of survival. She started ‘memho’
– that’s what Anna called her chemo – immediately,
and within four weeks she was in remission.”
Anna continued chemo, and for two years the Brown
family’s life was “a whirlwind of clinic visits, stays in
Children’s Hospital, middle-of-the-night ER
visits for unknown fevers, medications and
side effects to the medications,” says Misty. In
addition to hair loss and mouth sores, Anna
suffered difficulty walking as a result of joint
stiffness and muscle soreness. Today, Anna is
a bubbly, active child who is the Leukemia &
Lymphoma’s Society’s 2012 Light the Night Walk
C ardia R o b e r t s :
Co u n s e l i n g Yo u n g Ca m p e r s
When she was 14 years old, Cardia Roberts of Pensacola was diagnosed with lupus –
an autoimmune disorder that causes chronic inflammation in many different body
systems including the joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart and lungs.
A few months after her diagnosis, Dr. Brandon Dorion, a pediatric rheumatologist
at Nemours Children’s Clinic, suggested that Cardia attend Kids’ Arthritis Camp – a
three-day, two-night camp for children with arthritis, lupus and other rheumatic diseases.
Miracle Camp was the first time that Cardia got to meet other teens her age who were battling the same
problems that she was – and she got to be a kid again.
Now 17, Cardia is looking forward to serving as a counselor at the 2013 camp to help other kids just like her!
Nich o l as K e n s l e r :
Learning to Love Veggies
“Miracles really do happen at Miracle Camp,” exclaims
Jennifer Kensler, whose son, Nicholas, 16, did a
complete dietary turnabout and became a veggie
fan virtually overnight after participating in Sacred
Heart’s first Fun & Wellness Camp at Miracle Camp in
July 2012. The purpose of the camp is to inspire its
young participants to become more active and eat
At camp, Nicholas
was most inspired
by Carlos Miller, an
adult who shared
his weight-loss
testimonial. “He
made a big
impression on
Nicholas,” says
By mid-September, Nicholas had lost a total of
8 lbs. “Now he eats broccoli and spinach every
day,” says Jennifer. “I am so proud of him! Nicholas
has Asperger’s and, like most kids on the autism
spectrum, has issues with food taste and textures.
Until camp, he was a pasta, chicken nugget and
cheeseburger kid. He NEVER ate anything green in
his 16 years of life. Now it is grilled chicken, broccoli,
salad, turkey burgers and whole-wheat pasta!”
One of the reasons that Nicholas has struggled
with weight issues is, at age 2, he was diagnosed
with a rare disease, glycogen storage disease type
9 (GSD9), which causes Nicholas to have severely
low blood sugar during periods of fasting. “Since
there are no medications to control GSD 9, it’s very
important that he eats on a regular basis,” says
Jennifer. “When he was young, he was such a picky
eater that we let him eat what he liked because at
least he was eating something!”
D o n o r s u p p o r t a l l a l o n g t h e g u l f c o as t
In April, Emerald Coast donors, Foundation Development Board and Guild board
members celebrate the dedication and opening of SHHEC’s new Heart & Vascular Center
with its one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art Hybrid Cath Labs. Sandestin Tennis Club held its first Serve2Cure round-robin tournament to benefit Sacred
Heart Cancer Services for women on the Emerald Coast. Tennis enthusiasts raised $15,500.
Celebrating another successful SHHEC Capital Campaign are (L-R) Roger Hall, SHHEC
President; Susan Davis, SHHS President/CEO; Lenice Dorman, cancer patient; Henry Roberts, Foundation President; Stella Borst of Sacred Heart Medical Oncology Group-Santa
Rosa Beach; and cancer specialists Drs. Tom Johnson and Mose Hayes. The Sacred Heart
Foundation’s Emerald Coast Development Board successfully completed its fifth Capital
Campaign by raising $558,240 in private support.
Laura and Wayne Dugas (L) with Roger Hall, SHHEC President. The Dugas family
proudly attended the dedication of the new Judy and Steve Turner Heart & Vascular
Center at SHHEC.
Nina Jeffords (right), SHHEC Vice President/CNO, with Steve and Judy Turner. Steve and
Judy are committed to making sure quality healthcare is available wherever they are. We
deeply appreciate the support they have given to make the Steve & Judy Turner Heart and
Vascular Center a reality on the Emerald Coast!
In partnership with Your Country 102.7 WXBM, the three-day Radiothon live, on-air
remote takes place in the lobby of Children’s Hospital. This event netted more than
$60,000 this year to support the needs of children who seek care at Sacred Heart.
Enjoying the 2012 Radiothon are (L-R) Marty White, WXBM; Claude and Melanie
Duval, 2012 Jail ‘n Bail Sponsors; and Lindsey Marie, WXBM.
The goal of the 2012 Charity Golf Classic was to “top off” the Foundation’s fundraising
initiative for Sacred Heart Cancer Center’s Emerald Coast expansion – and so it did. This
year’s Classic, dedicated to the memory of John J. “Jack” McGill who gave unselfishly of
himself to raise awareness, community support and contributions of private support for
SHHEC, raised $213,817.
Representatives of the Mother Seton Guild at Sacred Heart-Pensacola present their gift in
the amount of $40,000 to Henry Roberts, President of Sacred Heart Foundation. Funds
raised through the Gift Shop, book sales and other fundraisers support Sacred Heart’s mission of caring for all children along the Gulf Coast, with special attention to the poor.
Guglielmo Ianni and his team teed it up for a big day on the links. Proceeds from this
event benefitted the Sacred Heart Cancer Center’s Emerald Coast expansion and the
Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Colorectal Cancer Screening Fund.
Walmart and Sam’s Club stores held a six-week regional campaign to raise funds
for Children’s Hospital. As a team, our region raised more than $200,000 to help in
the care of sick and vulnerable children all along the Gulf Coast. Bob Hart (L) and Jon
Kurpil, Walmart Market Managers.
In supporting the new Sacred Heart Cancer Center Emerald Coast expansion, Barb
and Gene Speni thought there was no better thing to do than to make their gift in
loving memory of mom, mother-in-law and Nana.
Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward and his team at the Log-A-Load for Kids Golf
Tournament. Thanks for their continuing support of our young patients!
In October of 2011, Sacred Heart held its first “Paddle for a Cure” to support patients
in need who are coping with pancreatic and colon cancers. Held on Little Sabine
Bay on Pensacola Beach, the fundraiser was coordinated by Cindi Bear Bonner and
Heather Kelly. The net proceeds of $16,000 helped support the purchase of new
equipment used in the treatment of cancer patients.
Creative Learning Academy holds an annual Father-Daughter Ball for area girls and
their fathers as a fundraiser for Children’s
Hospital at Sacred Heart and Creative
Learning Academy. Over 200 fathers and
daughters attended the event and over
$2,000 was raised for Children’s Hospital.
Celebrating a gift of $200,000 from the Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation’s
(DCWAF) annual event are (L-R) Gerald Christie, SHHEC Board of Directors President;
Henry Robert, Foundation President; Nina Jeffords, SHHEC Vice President/CNO; Roger
Hall, SHHEC President; Jeanne Dailey, DCWAF board member; and Peter Molhesky,
DCWAF board member. Funds will benefit the hospital’s “Children in Need” programs
and services.
Sacred Heart leaders and staff having fun at the first “Boo Bash at the Beach” for
Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart. Coordinated by the “Sweet Potato Queens,” the
event netted more than $13,900.
Chuck Simpson, Sacred Heart Foundation Emerald Coast Development Board Chair,
is surprised to receive the President’s Award from Roger Hall, SHHEC President, in
recognition of Chuck’s generous dedication and outstanding leadership during the Heart
& Vascular Services Campaign and Sacred Heart Cancer Center Emerald Coast Expansion.
Geanna Wilkerson, owner of Geanna’s Art Gallery, is pleased to present a check in the
amount of $4,500 to benefit Sacred Heart Cancer Center’s Emerald Coast expansion.
Funds were raised through her “Evening of Art” event.
Celebrating another successful Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) Employees’
Golf Tournament are (L-R) Cathy Laird of Sacred Heart Foundation; tournament organizers Doug Gibson and Ron Doolittle; Henry Roberts of Sacred Heart Foundation;
and Bill Ellis and Bobby Rogers, also tournament organizers. The tournament raised
$8,000 for new equipment for the Neonatal & Pediatric Transport Ambulance.
James Bledsoe, husband of Dana Bledsoe,
President of Children’s Hospital, and their
daughter, Olivia, having fun at the FatherDaughter Ball.
More than $46,000 was raised during Publix’s three-week campaign to support
Children’s Hospital. They had some “extra fun on the field as part of the festivities.
Funds will be used to help purchase much-needed equipment to provide care to our
young pediatric patients.
Celebrating a successful 2012 Preemie Cup are (front row, L-R) Christina Amjad, Kathryn
Hendrix; (back row, L-R) Cathy Laird, Tiffany Pena, Jeff Fairchild, Wendy Fairchild, William
Paden and Stephanie Bell. The Preemie Cup Regatta, Silent Auction and Paddle for the
Preemies events raised a combined $33,000 in net proceeds in April to benefit the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Children’s Hospital. These funds will be used to assist in the
purchase of state-of-the-art cerebral-function monitors to help in the care of our tiny and
Many thanks go to the dedicated Log-A-Load for Kids Bass Tournament Committee
vulnerable babies.
for providing a fun time on the river in support of the kids! The annual bass tournament together with the Log-A-Load for Kids Golf Tournament raised more than
$31,500 for the purchase of new equipment for Children’s Hospital
At a recent Caduceus Society meeting are (L-R) Leonard Olson, Sacred Heart Foundation
Director and Caduceus Society Liaison; Dr. Tom Fox, Emerald Coast chapter President; Dr.
Mose Hayes and his wife, Leah; and Roger Hall, SHHEC President.
The 2011 Sandestin Triathlon raised $20,000, which was used to support the Emerald
Coast expansion of the Sacred Heart Cancer Center.
Port St. Joe Lions Club comes together to celebrate their final payment on their gift to
support bringing Sacred Heart on the Gulf to their community.
More than 300 people rode for a reason during the 9th Annual Riding for a Reason motorcycle fundraiser for Miracle Camp in March, raising $6,600 for pediatric medical camps for
children diagnosed with cancer, asthma, arthritis and diabetes. The ride is sponsored by the
Florida Blue Knights, Panhandle Chapter XXVI, and the Beulah Fire Department.
UWF held its 2nd Annual Dance Marathon in March, with several of Children’s Hospital “miracle kids” joining in the fun. The event raised more than $3,000 to support
the care of children all along the Gulf Coast.
300 Hearts is an annual giving group where each
member makes an annual gift of $300 to support
women’s and children’s services at Sacred Heart. The
members then vote on the direction of their gift at
the end of the year. 300 Hearts is in its fourth year
and has already made a huge impact on the quality
of care within Sacred Heart Health System. Over the
previous three years, we have raised more than $62,000!
During this three year period they voted to purchase a
specialized monitor for our at risk mothers, a Pediatric
Critical Care Crib with a heater to keep our young
babies warm while they are receiving treatment and a
ventilator and five Smart Pumps which supply critical,
life-sustaining intravenous medications for infants while
being transported to Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart
in the Pediatric and Neonatal Ambulance.
Thank you for supporting 300 Hearts! To learn more
about how you can join us in our mission of caring for
all, please call 850-416-4660.
Join Us for a Night of Merriment
at the Cordova Mall Ball!
Roger and Raisa Webb, presenting sponsor, enjoy Mall Ball with Henry Roberts,
Foundation President.
Tickets for the 18th Annual Cordova Mall Ball are now available for
purchase! This year’s event will be held Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013 from
8 p.m. to midnight at Cordova Mall to benefit sick and injured children at Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart. The event is coordinated
by the Krewe of Les Petits Enfants (Order of the Small Children) and
presented by Wendy’s.
Last year, more than 2,200 people attended this sold-out event that
raised more than $326,000 for Children’s Hospital. Net proceeds
from the 2012 event were used to purchase several Giraffe Omnibed
Isolettes for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Great bands, fabulous food and a wonderful silent auction are in
store! For more information, call the Sacred Heart Foundation, 850416-4660 or visit www.sacred-heart.org/mallball.
Some of our dedicated Cordova Mall Ball Committee members at the blessing of the
Children’s Hospital Rooftop Healing Garden.
Zion plays with bubbles in the
Rooftop Healing Garden just off the
third floor of Children’s Hospital.
Recent additions to the garden
include a pergola that will offer
some shade, and play equipment is
scheduled for installation soon. From
tie-dying T-shirts to an ice-cream
social, the Child Life Department has
coordinated several activities in the
garden to enable young patients to
get outdoors and enjoy some fresh
air and sunshine.
Sacred Heart HospitalPensacola
Caduceus Society
2012 Foundation
Board of Directors
Dick and Carolyn Appleyard
enjoying the Mall Ball
Emerald Coast
Development Board
Nancy Creekmore
Chuck Dickinson
Tom Fox, DO
Peggy Geppert
Steve Jay
Joe Johnston, Sr.
Elton King
Richard Lipton
Robert McGill, III
Ron Moliterno
Barry Parks
Christopher Pierce
Dorothy Anne Robinson
**Executive Member
Simpson, Chairman
Roger Webb, Chairman**
Elizabeth Moore**
Gerald Adcox, Secretary/Treasurer**
Chuck Dickinson
Bob Hart
Jimmy Jones. MD**
Sister Ellen Kron, DC
Bill Maloy*
Dan McMillan
Henry Roberts**
Charles ”Chuck” Simpson
Development Board
Gerald Adcox
Dennis Barnes
Millie Benjamin
Miller Caldwell
Barry Cole
Julie DeCesare, MD
William Dunaway
Tony Gentry
William Hart
Michael Johnson
Jimmy Jones, MD
Harold Knowles
James Reeves
Vicki Snider
Cyndi Warren
Franklin D. Abbott, Jr., M.D.
Mary Alfano-Torres, M.D.*
Ramak Amjad, M.D.*
William F. Bailey, M.D.
Timothy Beiswenger. M.D.*
Paul T. Baroco, M.D.
William B. Blanchard, M.D.
Stuart F. Bonnin, D.M.D.
Michael A. Brown, M.D.
Gary D. Cumberland, M.D.
E. Jean Dabezies, Jr., M.D.
Julie A. DeCesare, M.D.
Steven L. DeCesare, M.D.
T. Joseph Dennie, M.D.*
William J. Dobak, D.O.
Stephanie Duggan, M.D.*
Tarek M. Eldawy, M.D.
William W. Goldsmith, D.O.
Michael L. Goodman, M.D.
Tony R. Hampton, M.D.
Bradley B. Hawkins, M.D.
Jimmy E. Jones, M.D.
Lawrence King, III, M.D.*
Nathan P. Knutson, M.D.
Kenneth W. Long, M.D.
Gerald C. Lowrey, M.D.
John L. May, M.D.*
Dee McLeod, M.D.
David K. Mehta, M.D.
Mary B. Mehta, M.D.
Kurt L. Morrison, D.O.*
Dina M. Navarro, D.O.
Raymond Noellert, M.D.*
Antonio E. Pena, M.D.
Joseph E. Peterson, M.D.
Albert A. Post, M.D.
Amos L. Prevatt, M.D.
Darrell Pugh, M.D.
Sharon L. Seidel, M.D.
Richard S. Slevinski, M.D.
Jim W. Smith, M.D.
Charles D. Stavely, D.M.D.
Thomas D. Sunnenberg, M.D.
Jason M. Tanner, M.D.
James W. Ward, Jr., M.D.
Sacred Heart Hospital
on the Emerald Coast
Caduceus Society
a group of giving physicians
Angel D. Morrobel, M.D.
Lan Q. O’Donnell, O.D.
Michael T. O’Donnell, D.M.D.
Katia Diequez Otero, M.D.
Gary M. Pablo, M.D.
Robert K Persons, D.O.
Kapil Puri, M.D.*
Lourdes F. Quiray, M.D.
R. Alex Rusynyk, D.O.
Jeffrey A. Schievenin, M.D.
William E. Schmidt, M.D.
Charles P. Stroble, M.D.
Sam H. Traughber, M.D.*
David L. Zielinski, M.D.
Stephen J. Zimmerman, M.D.
The Caduceus Society members are physicians who make an annual
gift of $2,000.00 to the ministry of their choice. The Caduceus Societies
in each of our hospitals continue to increase in numbers each year.
During the past year, membership in the Caduceus Societies has
increased by 14 new members for a new total of 83 participating
physicians for all three hospitals.
The Caduceus Society members in Pensacola are focused on meeting
patient-care educational and certification needs of associates. Because
of their gifts, 34 associates were able to increase their knowledge and
improve their skill set so that they are better able to serve our patients.
The members in Pensacola also support the prescription needs of
inpatients who are being discharged from the hospital and are unable
to purchase needed medications upon discharge. This program helps
reduce inpatient readmissions and return visits to the Emergency
Department because these patients are able to take the medications
that they need to resolve their illness.
David C. Adams, M.D.
Joseph R. Agostinelli, D.P.M
Nitin Bawa, M.D.*
The Emerald Coast Caduceus Society members provide regular
William R. Burden, M.D.
financial assistance to both Hope Medical Clinic (Destin, Fla.) and
Sacred Heart Hospital on the
Steven J. Clark, M.D.
Gulf Caduceus Society
Crossroads Clinic (Valparaiso, Fla.). These clinics provide free medical
Timothy D. Douglass, D.C.
care for the working poor. Examples of assistance to patients at
Thomas L. Cook, M.D.
Patrick A. Ferry, M.D.
these clinics can include: colonoscopies, foot screenings for diabetic
Elizabeth F. Curry, M.D.
Mara J. Fiorentino, M.D.
patients, oncology care for cancer patients, cardiology care and/or
Thomas L. Curry, M.D.
orthopedic assistance when needed. They also support various needs
Susie N. FitzHarris, M.D.
of children in crisis as well as the Okaloosa Coalition on the Homeless.
Thomas M. Fox, D.O.
Gerardo J. Diequez Gomez, M.D.
To learn more about how you can join the Caduceus Society, please
Mose S. Hayes, M.D.*
850-416-4663 in Pensacola and 850-278-3703 at the Emerald Coast.
Membership as of August 2012
* Denotes new 2012 members
Perry D. Hight, M.D.
Kimberly P. Hood, M.D.*
Jose R. Jimenez, M.D.
Did you know that the oldest resident at the Haven is 102! The Haven of our Lady of Peace takes care of
Thomas R. Johnson, M.D.
Ajay Labroo, M.D.
“God’s Older Children” and they were able to purchase new wheelchairs and new furniture for our wonWilliam J. Markowski, M.D.
derful residents because of your gifts. We appreciate your compassion and concern for our older patients.
Sean M. McWilliams, M.D.
Sacred Heart Foundation’s Order of the Cornette awards are dedicated to donors whose cumulative giving is $10,000
or more through 6/30/2012. The awards were named for the Daughters of Charity, who often relied upon the kindness
and support of others to carry out their mission. Any omission is unintended and deeply regretted.
Red - Moved Up Green – New Members
Dream Maker - ($5,000,000.00 + )
Dugas Family Foundation
The St. Joe Company & St. Joe
Community Foundation
Miracle Maker - ($1,000,000.00 + )
D. W. McMillan Foundation
Miss Barbara R. Grimaldi
James Stephen Turner Charitable Foundation
Krewe of Les Petits Enfants
Mother Seton Guild
Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Charity Golf Classic
Sacred Heart Health System Associates
Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort
Walmart and Sam’s Club
In memory of Mrs. Willie Daniel Witt
Your Country 102.7 WXBM
Guardian Angel - ($500,000.00 + )
The James H. Baroco Foundation, Inc.
Blue Angels Classic/Boeing Championship
Cordova Mall
Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation, Inc.
Florida Forestry Association/Log-A-Load for Kids
Hilton Sandestin Beach, Golf Resort and Spa
Patricia and Gerald Mills, Sr.
Charles H. and Shirley Simpson Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Warriner
Guiding Light - ($250,000.00 + )
Alfred I. duPont Foundation, Inc.
Deborah, Avery, Miller III, and Miller Caldwell
The Chadbourne Foundation
Fayette and Jewell D. Dennison
Bill Greenhut and Family
Howard Group
The Kugelman Foundation
Levin & Papantonio Family Foundation, Inc.
DeWitt and Susan Lovelace
Constance Niehaus
Magna Carta Group, LLC
Tom and Lynn McKenzie
Eric and Peg Nickelsen
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Olson, Jr.
Preemie Cup Regatta
Rebels with a Cause for Miracle Camp
Regions Financial Corporation
Sharon and Steve Riedel
Sacred Heart Health System
Sacred Heart Hospital Guild - Emerald Coast
Crawford M. Sandefur
South Walton Utility Co., Inc.
Quint and Rishy Studer
Styles Media Group
George G. & Amelia G. Tapper Foundation
United Way of Escambia County
Walmart Foundation
Walmart #1222 - Pensacola Boulevard
Walmart #990 - Pace
Generous Spirit - ($100,000.00 + )
In Memory of Mrs. Remetha Benjamin
Bob and Patti Bonezzi
Books are Fun
Buffalo Rock Pepsi-Cola
Clear Channel Radio - WYCL, WMXC, WRKH, WKSJ, WTKX
Coastal Community Bank
Thomas L. Cook, M.D.
Craftsmen Specialist of N.W. Florida, Inc.
Allyn and Blanche Donaldson
Eckerd Corporation Foundation
Ecological Resource Consultants, Inc.
ECUA Employees Golf Tournament
Escambia County Chapter of Credit Unions/
Credit Unions For Kids
First American Title Insurance Company
Florida Department of Health
Food World Senior Bowl
GAC Contractors, Inc.
Gannett Foundation/Pensacola News Journal
Irene W. and C.B. Pennington Foundation
John R. Hartman and Katherine M. Hartman Revocable Trust
Hope On Wheels Hyundai Dealers
Dorothy and Dr. Bob Isom, FACS
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kerrigan
Kerrigan, Estess, Rankin, McLeod & Thompson
Keith and Rose Ann Knight
In memory of Janet L. Knowles given by
Ralph E. Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kovach
Mr. and Mrs. Rex J. Lysinger
Magic Broadcasting
Meridian Bioscience, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McGill, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McGill, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Muller
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
RE/MAX Southern Realty #490234
Regional Utilities
Sacred Heart Hospital - ARVIDA/Howard Group Charity Classic 2003
Sacred Heart Hospital - Pharmacia Charity Classic at Burnt Pine 2002
Sam’s Club #6361 - Fort Walton Beach
Sam’s Club #8119 - Pensacola
Sam’s Club #8151 - Panama City
Ms. Catharine D. Smith
Gene and Barbara Speni
Monica Ward Stone and Family
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Sunnenberg
Walmart #818 - Panama City Beach
Walmart #919 - Fort Walton Beach
Walmart #944 - Crestview
Walmart #1032 - Lynn Haven
Walmart #1134 - DeFuniak Springs
Walmart #1207 - Callaway
Walmart #1224 - Creighton Road
Walmart #1362 - Destin
Walmart #1605 - Mobile Highway
Walmart #2114 - Chipley
Walmart #2533 - Gulf Breeze
Walmart #3484 - Blue Angel Parkway
Wendco Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Wilder
Marion G. Wright
Healing Heart - ($50,000.00 + )
300 Hearts
Accenture LLP
Jane K. Araguel, P.A.
Association of Philippine Physicians
Rita D. Baroco
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Barrett
Mrs. Annette P. Barth
Jake and Betty Belin
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Butler
C. W. Roberts Contracting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Carr
Gerald and Linda Christie
Community Foundation of Northwest Florida
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cox, Jr.
Crystal Bay Senior Living at Sandestin
Katherine S. Dearinger
Deep South Crane Rentals, Inc.
Destin Woman’s Club
Mary and Charles Dickinson
George and Hilda Duren
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. Edmands, Jr.
Robert and Karen Emmanuel
Joseph and Susan Endry
Escambia County Health Facilities Authority
Escambia Lodge No. 15, F. & A.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Faddis
FairPoint Communications
Ann Ruth Figg
Florida Panhandle Breast Cancer Association
The GE Foundation
Drs. R. Howard and Helen S. Griffen
Raymond and Harriet Haas
H.J. Heinz Company
Home Place Furniture
Charlotte B. Sanchez Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Jackson
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Elton and Pat King
Kiwanis of Niceville-Valparaiso
Lilienthal Investment Foundation
Louise Hauss Miller Foundation
Magidson Family
Walter E. Markle
Frank D. and Carla A. May
Patricia F. McIlroy
McLane Company, Inc.
Merrill Lynch
Margaret Gonzalez Miller
Panhandle 4-Wheelers Club, Inc.
Pediatrix Medical Group
Pensacola Pathologists, P.A.
Pierle Family Charitable Foundation
Port St. Joe Lions Club
Prudential Coastal Properties
Joe and Suzanne Quinlan
Woodrow Wilson Ratliff
RE/MAX #49097 Horizons Realty
The Red Ribbon Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Henry and Jane Roberts
Sacred Heart Associate Activities Team
Sandestin Owners Association, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Schutty, Jr.
Emma P. Simpson
St. Baldrick’s Foundation
Tom Thumb Food Stores
United Way of Okaloosa-Walton Counties
Vorst Family Foundation
Walmart #1375 - Marianna
Walmart #1620 - Brewton
Walmart #3439 - Navarre
Walton County Public Works
Willliam D. Weatherford
Marlene R. Weller
West Florida Medical Center Clinic, P.A.
Dr. and Mrs. Randall L. Williams
Hope A. Wormser
Paul and Shelah Zmigrosky
Helping Hand - ($25,000.00 + )
Ace Hardware Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Adcox, Jr.
In loving memory of Gerald Adcox, Sr. by VonDell Adcox
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Albrecht
Alys Beach - EBSCO Industries, Inc.
American Dairy Queen Corporation
Amoco Oil Company
Anesthesia Cooperative of the Panhandle, PLLC
The Appleyard Family Foundation
Harry and Linda Arnold
Mr. Anthony Baroco
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Baroco
Ms. Vicki Baroco
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Bell, III
Marianne Berrigan-Grant
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Blanchard
Dana and James Bledsoe
Blount-Bowden Charity Classic
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Bonnin
Debbie and Ben Bostic
BP America Inc.
The Family of Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Buckingham
Joanne L. Bujnoski, MD
Ron W. Burch
Albert and Ollie Sue Butler
Van Ness and Jonnye Butler, Jr.
Edith G. Carter
Chandler Construction Co., Inc.
Copy Products Company - Fort Walton Beach
Cox Communications
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Crunk
Dairy Queen #41750 - Niceville
Daughters of Charity National Health System
Dave’s House Washing, Inc.
Darwin D. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Davis
Jim and Elizabeth DelMauro
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Earley & Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holland
Edwin Watts Golf Shops, Inc.
Buddy and Joyce Elmore
Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon
Patrick and Olivia Emmanuel
Brent and Lori Faison
Mr. Frank Flautt, Jr.
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse
Florida Freedom, Inc.
Fred Waters Baseball Clinic, Inc.
Les and Theresa Fritz
Thomas Sandifer Gibson & Mary Atkeson Gibson
Goldring Gulf Distributing Co.
Grand Chapter of Florida Order of the Eastern Star
Greater Pensacola Tennis Association
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Greenwald
Gulf Coast Region Mustang Club
Roger and Susan Hall
John Daniel and Frances Dorchester Harrell
Bets and Gap Haynes
Health Check Incorporated
Peter Heckathorn and Janet Ikeda
Hematology-Oncology Associates
Reynolds and Stacey Henderson
Hygeia Coca-Cola
James J. Marks Foundation, Inc.
Jones Microbology Institute
Laura and Chuck Kaiser
Kiwanis Club of Big Lagoon
Kiwanis Club of Port St. Joe
Kiwanis of Pensacola
Kiwanis of Warrington
Kooter Brown’s
Krewe Du YaYa’s
The Krystal Company
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph E. Kuhn
Langhorne Cardiology Consultants, M.D.’s, P.A.
The Lewis Bear Company
The Runnels Family Holdings Davage and Bonnie Runnels
Richard Lipton
Mr. Patrick J. Madden
Ms. Philomena Madden
James and Kim Martin Gulfside Landscaping, Inc.
Dedicated to the memory of Jim McCormick Jemco Plastering, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McLaughlin
Dr. and Mrs. David J. McMahon
Richard and Demetria McNeese
McRae’s, Inc.
Medical Practice and Management Partners
Mr. and Mrs. Collier Merrill
Mickelson Construction Services, Inc.
MMI Mechanical Contractors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Murdock
Robert E. and Charlotte L. Nedley
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Neilson, Jr.
Nemours Children’s Clinic
Newman-Dailey Resort Properties, Inc.
Ms. Antonia B. Noonan
Mrs. Rita O’Connell
Leonard and Karen Olson
Vincent J. Pasquarello
Pen Air Federal Credit Union
Pensacola Bay Center
Pepsico Foundation
PGA Tour, Inc.
Pink Ribbon Pensacola, Inc.
Porsche Club of America North Florida Region
Preble-Rish, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Amos L. Prevatt
Publix Super Markets #0481 - Panama City
Publix Super Markets #0896 - Navarre
Publix Super Markets #1241- Panama City Beach
James Earl Ray
RE/MAX #490484 -On the Coast
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Reily
Billy Joe and Carol Rish
Ralph Rish
Jay and Jessica Rish
Russenberger Foundation
Patrick and Beverly Ryan
Sacred Heart Hospital Medical/Dental Staff
Sandbaggers Charity Golf Classic
Don Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schmidt
Security’s Lending Hand Foundation
Christopher Shawyer, PharmD
Shipes Landscaping, Inc.
Justine Simoni
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Smith
Sockeye’s Beach and Sport
Southern Wine & Spirits
Charles D. Stavely, DMD
Katharine S. Stinebiser
Superior Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Sutherland, Jr.
United Way of Northwest Florida
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Van Diver, III
Tutta S. and Cyril E. Vetter
Vision Bank
Noel and Bill Wade
Billy and Mickey Walker
Walmart #3785 - N. Navy Blvd.
Whitney National Bank
Hunter and Carol Whittington
Mr. and Mrs. Norris L. Wood
Joe and Judy Zito
Good Samaritan - ($10,000.00 + )
Sarah and Frank D. Abbott, Jr., M.D.
David C. Adams, M.D. and Mary L. Adams, M.D.
Sharlene and Shane Adkison M.D.
Joseph R. Agostinelli, D.P.M., Colonel, USAF Retired
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Allan
Mr. James M. Altamura
Aluma-Form/Dixie Manufacturing Company
Amerigroup Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Ramak Amjad
Michael and Kimberlee Anderson
Dick and Carolyn Appleyard
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.
Kathryn J. Ault
Captain Joe H. and Carolyn Ausley
Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Robert and Barbara Bagby
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey
Dick and Laverne Baker
Dennis Barnes - Barnes Insurance and Financial
Given in Loving Memory of Dodi Barnett
by Jim Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Baroco, Jr.
Mary Jane and Steven Barone, Sr.
BBVA Compass Bank
Milton and Janice Beal
Mike and Doris Beam
Sally N. Bean
Beckman Coulter, Inc.
BellSouth Advertising and Publishing
Miriam P. Birdwhistell
Coy and Katherine Blevins
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Boger, Jr.
Boyd Brothers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bradley
Major General (Ret.) and Mrs. Bill V. Brown
Margaret J. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Brown
Ferdinand M. Bumagat, M.D.
Nancy and Rex Buzzett - The Buzzett Family
C-D Jones & Company, Inc.
Cajun Specialty Meats, Inc.
Calendar Girls of 30A
Mary Reedy Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Campbell
Capital City Bank
K. Caraway, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Carlan
Carmike 10 #73012 - Panama City
Carmike 10 #73066 - Pensacola
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Julia and Richard Carrell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Carron
Dr. Craig C. Cartia
Cat Country 98.7
Liz Cauley
The Ted Ciano Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christ and Family
Clements Antiques of Florida, Inc.
Coastlife Construction, Inc.
The Coldewey Family
Combined Federal Campaign
Comfort Systems USA - Southeast
Lamar and Tracy Conerly
In memory of Wallace W. Cooey given by
Thelma Cooey
Carl and Wanda Coppenger
Margaret M. Costin
Cox Media
Allen and Cathy Cox
In Memory of Reverend James E. Cronin
In Memory of Fred Crawford Given By His Family
Mr. and Mrs. Milton S. Culotta
Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Cumberland
Elizabeth F. Curry, M.D. and Thomas L. Curry, M.D.
Jimmy and Deborah Curtis
Dr. and Mrs. E. Jean Dabezies, Jr.
Dave and Darrell Dabria
Dairy Queen #18214 - Bagdad
Dairy Queen #41751 - Scenic Highway
Dairy Queen #15151 - Tallahassee
Dairy Queen #F05 - Panama City
Anthony and Martha Danis
The Daughters of Charity
Steven L. DeCesare, M.D. and Julie A. DeCesare, M.D.
Dean F. and Laura Dennison
Hugh and April DePaulis
Destin Bass Pro Shops
Dr. and Mrs. William Dobak
Dr. Timothy and Malinda B. Douglass
Jim, Stephanie, Danielle, AJ, and Stephen Duggan
Eckerd Drug #1166 - 9th Avenue
Tarek Eldawy, M.D. and Abeer Abutaleb, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ellis
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ellis
Emerald Coast Federal Credit Union
Frederick P. Ernst
Escambia County Medical Society Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Evans, Jr.
Gail and David Ewing
William W. and Carol S. Fearon
Richard and Rosalene Feller
Christi and Patrick Ferry, M.D.
In memory of VADM Jack Fetterman
Fiorentino Family Foundation
in memory of Al Fiore (08/10/1932 - 1/19/2005)
First United Methodist Church of Port St. Joe
Mr. Michael and Dr. Susie N. FitzHarris
Lawrence and Ann Flanagan
In Memory of Juanita Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Fleshman, III
Florida Hospital Research & Education
Foundation, Inc.
Peter and Elese Fodor
Mrs. Myra C. Forester
FormSystems, Inc.
Goody’s Family Clothing - Panama City
Dr. Goodman-Green
Donna Sue Gore
Grand Boulevard at Sandestin
Grand Pointe, Inc.
Greater Pensacola Aquatic Club, Inc.
Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green
Liz Greenhut
Guernsey and Associates
Guglielmo’s Italian Grill & Pizza - Guglielmo Ianni
Gulf Atlantic Constructors, Inc.
Gulf Breeze Optimist Club
Gulf Coast Wings of Hope, Inc.
Gulf Power Company
Gulf Power Foundation, Inc.
Foscue Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Fox
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Jessie B. Frayer Trust
Fred’s Inc. #2248 - Milton
Jeff and Susan Friedman
Frito-Lay, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gaston
Peggy Geppert
Walter and Jan Givhan
GMAC Residential Funding Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. William Goldsmith
Gerardo J. Dieguez Gomez, M.D. and
Katia Dieguez Otero, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Green
H. M. Yonge & Associates, Inc.
Hancock Bank
Hard Rock Cafe - Destin
In Memory of Doris Bjornberg Harper
- The Harper Wright Families
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Heidecker
Mr. and Mrs. George Hendricks
Mike and Linda Hensley
Hershey Chocolate U.S.A.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Higgins
Jennifer Purvis Hight and Perry D. Hight, M.D.
Hill-Kelly Dodge, Inc.
Jack and Myra Hirschhorn
In Memory of Craig & Steven Hogan
In Loving Memory of Kaylie May Hollis Fund
Dr. and Mrs. George H. Holmes
Taylor and Laurie Hood
In loving memory of Kenneth Michael Hook
Jan and E.W. Hopkins
Mrs. Leota Jane Hosler
Huff Developments, LLC
Lance and Mary Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Hughes
Guglielmo Ianni, Michelle and Gabriela
Independent Order of Foresters, Court 1621
Keith and Laura Irwin
Jambalaya’s Grill & Oyster Bar
Steve and Emily Jay
Steve and Nina Jeffords
jehle-halstead, inc.
Jersey Mike’s Subs
John and Mary Jewell
Suzanne M. and Jose R. Jimenez, M.D.
Jitney Jungle Charitable Foundation
John Webb Winter Golf Tournament
Carla & Tommy John, M.D.
Greg and Linda Johnson
Michael and Phyllis Johnson - State Farm Insurance
Dr. Thomas and Venetia Johnson
Kevin and Sheryl Johnston
Estate of Helen M. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy E. Jones
Robert and Nettie Joseph
JRJ Properties, Inc.
Junior Service League of Port St. Joe
In memory of Mom, Chris and Lori Kelleher
Kids Triathlon
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Dr. Stephen G. Kimmel
Kinsey, Troxel, Johnson, Walborsky & Bradley, P.A.
Kiwanis Club of Milton
Kiwanis of DeFuniak Springs
Kiwanis of Fort Walton Beach
Kiwanis of Playground Area
Kiwanis of Santa Rosa Sunrise
Albert Klein, Jr. and Family
Klocke & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Krynicki
Pippa and Jerrald Kuenn
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Moore
Mr. Larry L. and Dr. Patricia McNames Kunkel
Ed and Betsy Moreau
L. Pugh & Associates
Morette Company
La Petite Academy - Niceville
Larry and Lynn Morris
La Petite Academy - Pickwood Drive
Angel D. Morrobel, M.D. and Maria Morrobel,
The Labroo Family
Kevin and Donna Figg Lacey
The Mullet Foundation, Inc.
Kevin W. Lahey
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Murray, Jr.
Jon and Jo Ann Laible In Memory
Dr. Dina M. Navarro and family
of Margaret Laible
NBC Securities, Inc.
Laidlaw Education Services
Kurt and Anissa Neubauer and Family
Deanie and Lex Lancaster
W.J. & Jane C. Noonan Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lastinger, Jr.
Bob and Ginger Norcross
Mr. and Mrs. George O. Layman
Northeast Pensacola Sertoma Club
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lee
The Novak Family
Clifford and Wanda Leppanen
Martha and Rob Obbink
Ken and Robin Lloyd
Drs. Michael T. and Lan Q. O’Donnell
Dr. Kenneth W. Long
Ogden Services Corp.
Robert A. Lopp
Gerald C. Lowrey, M.D. - In Memory of George Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Olinger
& Amy Lowrey
O’Sullivan Creel, LLP
Luke and Regina Lundskow
Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Pablo
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Lynch
Erma Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Julian B. MacQueen
Panhandle Anesthesiology Associates, P.A.
Drs. William and Nancy Maloy
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Parks
Mandalay Beach Resort, LLC
In memory of Evelyn Pate by Mayor Frank Pate
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffries Mann
Pediatric Associates, P. A.
Dr. William and Terri Markowski
Peg Leg Pete’s
Marriott’s Legends Edge at Bay Point
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Pena
Dorothy C. Martin
Pensacola Beach Yacht Club
Stanley and Rosemary Martinek
Pensacola Big Game Fishing Club
Brian and Sherri Matson
Pensacola Ice Pilots
Drs. Arthur and Elizabeth Mazyck
Pensacola Men’s Baseball League, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William G. McArdle, Jr.
Pensacola Pediatrics, P.A.
Claudette and Jack McGill
Pensacola Runner’s Association
Nancy and Bill McKelvy
Pensacola Sports Association
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McKern
The Perez Family
Denis and Maureen McKinnon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Persons
Dee McLeod, M.D.
Joseph E. Peterson, M.D.
Dr. Sean M. McWilliams
Chris, Colin and Dr. Claudia Pierce
Mercy Hospital, Inc., Miami, FL
In loving memory of Cecilia R. “Sylvia” Pierce
Melba B. Meyer Charitable Trust
by Linda Maria Pierce
Ms. Jane J. Mills
John and Kathy Pleune
Ron and Dawn Moliterno
Porsche of Destin - Bryan & Brandon Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Albert A. Post
Calvin and Betsy Moore
Rick and Debbie Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby B. Price, Sr.
Bambi and Tom Provost
Michael L. Psikogios, M.D.
Publix Super Markets #0153 - Santa Rosa Beach
Publix Super Markets #0677 - Destin
Publix Super Markets #0766 - Fort Walton Beach
Publix Super Markets #0801 - Crestview
Publix Super Markets #0823 - Lynn Haven
Publix Super Markets #0885 - Sandestin
Publix Super Markets #1005 - Panama City Beach
Publix Super Markets #1317
Dr. and Mrs. Darrell and Patricia Pugh
Dr. Kapil and Katrina Puri
Lourdes F. Quiray, MD
Ratcliffe Foundation
RBC Bank
RE/MAX Real Estate Center #490173
RE/MAX Agency One #490291
RE/MAX Coastal Properties #490347
Re/Max Southern Realty #490277
Susan and Jim Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Reynolds
Richcor, Inc.
Buzz and Debbie Ritchie
Rite Aid Corporation
The Roach Foundation, Inc.
Ralph and Margaret Roberson
Judge Wilkes C. and Mrs. Dorothy Anne Robinson
Louise Robison
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Rogers, Jr.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Rosemary Beach Trading Company
Edie and Paul Rosenblum
Raymond L. and Sarah C. Roton
In memory of Elizabeth B. Ruby
Dr. and Mrs. R. Alex Rusynyk
Saint Thomas Health Services - Nashville, TN
Sam’s Fun City
Sanders Brothers Electric, Inc.
Sandestin Lions Club
Sandestin Real Estate
Santa Rosa Beach Community Church
Henry, Samantha, Emma, Elizabeth, Caroline
and Steven Savoie
Joe and Susan Scarborough
Sidney and Marsha Scarborough
Lori and Dr. Jeff Schievenin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Schlenker
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Schloss
Linda and Dr. William E. Schmidt and Family
Seaside Community Development Corp.
Drs. Sharon Luent and Myron Seidel
The Seton Fund of the Daughters of Charity
Sherry’s Cake Shop
Dr. and Mrs. Morris N. Simhachalam
Mrs. Zachary A. Simpson
Clay and DeEtta Smallwood
Bill and Trisha Smith
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Smith
William and Becky Smith
Teresa Smith and Steve Piskun
Socks Galore/Hanes
Soft Rock 94.1
South Gulf County Volunteer Fire Department
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Spence, Jr.
Spencer Gifts LLC
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Judge and Mrs. William Stafford
Dr. Robert D. Stainback and Dr. Judith A. LaMarche
Steel Systems of Pensacola, Inc.
Henry and Ann Blair Stovall
David and Marilyn Stowe
Peter C. and Doris J. Stratakis
Rafaela & Charles P. Stroble M.D.
Studer Group
Subway Development of Northwest Florida
Sweet Potato Queens Inc.
Melody and Scott Teel
The John Newell Wade Foundation
The O’Kelley - Hemminghaus Foundation
The Star & The Times Newspapers,
Gulf/Franklin Counties
Ms. Carrie Thomas
Dr. Ruben B. Timmons
Raymond and Kathleen Timothy
Tuck and Sandra Todd-Atkinson
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Trawick
Triad Isotopes, Inc.
Trustmark National Bank
In memory of Blaise H. Vallese, Jr.,
James M. Vallese and Evelyn Vallese Given
by Theresa Anne Vallese and James Paul Vallese
Jon and Teri Vice
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Walker
Walmart #5845 Niceville
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett W. Walton
Walton County Snowbirds, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett W. Walton
The Walton Sun
Warren Hollow Metal Doors & Frames
Washington High School Student Government
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Waterfield
Sherri Hemminghaus Weeks
Julie and Rick Welch
West Florida Area Health Education Center
Bill and Brenda Westfall
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Westhoff
Subway @ Sacred Heart
White Wilson Medical Center
Charles B. and Betty White
In Honor of Our Loving Parents - Given by David
and Tina Whitfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Whitford
Norman and Mary Ann Wiginton
Dr. and Mrs. Darrell Willis
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Wilson, Jr.
Patricia S. Windham
Robert “Bob” and Mary Rita Wish
Women’s Civic Club of Panama City Beach
Peggy Wood Family
Bob Woolf in loving memory of Phyllis Woolf
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wright
Dr. David and Michelle Zielinski
Zimmer Southeast, Team McMilion
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Zimmermann
Sacred Heart Donors
Visionaries - ($50,000.00 + )
Accenture LLP
Children’s Miracle Network
Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation, Inc.
Robert and Karen Emmanuel
Bill and Connie Greenhut
Krewe of Les Petits Enfants
Preemie Cup Regatta
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Sunnenberg
Your Country 102.7 WXBM
Humanitarians - ($25,000.00 + )
300 Hearts
Alfred I. duPont Foundation, Inc.
Cordova Mall
​Craftsmen Specialist of N.W. Florida, Inc.
D. W. McMillan Foundation
Ruth and Wally Edmands
Florida Forestry Association/Log-A-Load for Kids
Meridian Bioscience, Inc.
Mother Seton Guild
Pink Ribbon Pensacola, Inc.
Sacred Heart Hospital Guild - Emerald Coast
Sandestin Investments, LLC
Walmart #3439 - Navarre
Guardians - ($10,000.00 + )
Amerigroup Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Ramak Amjad
The James H. Baroco Foundation, Inc.
Community Foundation of Northwest Florida
Dave’s House Washing, Inc.
Darwin D. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. William Dobak
Goldring Gulf Distributing Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Goodman
Guglielmo’s Italian Grill & Pizza - Guglielmo Ianni
Dr. Jerome J. Hermel and Mrs. Mary D. Barton
Matt, Mitzi, Mallory, and Maddie Holdbrooks
Guglielmo Ianni, Michelle and Gabriela
Michael and Phyllis Johnson - State Farm Insurance
Estate of Helen M. Jones
Krewe Du YaYa’s
Drs. William and Nancy Maloy
Brian and Sherri Matson
Tom and Lynn McKenzie
Martha and Rob Obbink
Chris, Colin and Dr. Claudia Pierce
John and Kathy Pleune
Dr. Kapil and Katrina Puri
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Reily
Henry and Jane Roberts
Sam’s Club #8119 - Pensacola
Joe and Susan Scarborough
Soft Rock 94.1
Gene and Barbara Speni
Henry and Ann Blair Stovall
Sweet Potato Queens Inc.
Melody and Scott Teel
Triad Isotopes, Inc.
In memory of Blaise H. Vallese, Jr.,
James M. Vallese and Evelyn Vallese Given
by Theresa Anne Vallese and James Paul Vallese
Walmart #1134 - DeFuniak Springs
Walmart #1207 - Callaway
Walmart #1224 - Creighton Road
Walmart #1362 - Destin
Walmart #2114 - Chipley
Walmart #3484 - Blue Angel Parkway
Walmart #5845 Niceville
Walmart #818 - Panama City Beach
Walmart #990 - Pace
Willliam D. Weatherford
Julie and Rick Welch
Hunter and Carol Whittington
Paul and Shelah Zmigrosky
Benefactors - ($5,000.00 + )
Dick and Carolyn Appleyard
Mr. and Mrs. Reubin Austin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Baroco
Mrs. Juanita Bender
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Blanchard
Books are Fun
William R. Burden, M.D.
Cat Country 98.7
Clear Channel Radio - WYCL, WMXC, WRKH, WKSJ, WTKX
Cypress Development, LLC
Jim, Stephanie, Danielle, AJ, and Stephen Duggan
ECUA Employees Golf Tournament
Buddy and Joyce Elmore
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Fox
Hank’s Furniture, Inc.
Hard Rock Cafe - Destin
IHOP - #360109
The Kugelman Foundation
Dr. Kenneth W. Long
Magna Carta Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olson
Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Pablo
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Papantonio
Pepsico Foundation
David G. Powell
RE/MAX Southern Realty #490234
Raymond L. and Sarah C. Roton
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
Charles H. and Shirley Simpson Family Foundation
Spencer Gifts, LLC
The John Newell Wade Foundation
TK 101 and 107.3 HIt Music NOW
United Way of Escambia County
Walmart #1605 - Mobile Highway
Walmart #1620 - Brewton
Walmart #2533 - Gulf Breeze
Walmart #5872- Santa Rosa Beach
Walmart #944 - Crestview
Wendco Corporation
Patrons - ($1,000.00 + )
Walker’s Ace Hardware #04549
Ace Hardware Corporation
Active Network
David C. Adams, M.D. and Mary L. Adams, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Adcox, Jr.
In loving memory of Gerald Adcox, Sr.
by VonDell Adcox
ADX Communications of Escambia, LLC
Dr. Mary Alfano - Torres
The Allstate Foundation
Dane Andreeff
The Appleyard Family Foundation
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.
Ascension Health
Captain Joe H. and Carolyn Ausley
Mr. Joseph Bagly
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Barberi, Jr.
Dennis Barnes - Barnes Insurance and Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Baumann
Nitin Bawa, M.D.
Mike and Doris Beam
Dr. Timothy Beiswenger
Ms. April Bell
Bere Jewelers
Bisayan Connection, Inc.
BLAB Network, Inc.
Blackwater East Corp. dba The Local Yokel
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Bonnin
Stella Borst
Kathy Bosso, D.D.S.
Brighton Collectibles - Destin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Brown
Michael C. Brown
Patricia D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Buehler
Donors are listed for gifts, pledges and gifts-in-kind received from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Pledge
payments are not included. Any omission is unintended and deeply regretted. Due to space limitations and printing
costs, donors of less than $100 are not listed. Please contact the Foundation to make a change to your listing.
Mr. Michael E. Burke
Calendar Girls of 30A
K Caraway, RN
Carmike 10 #73012 - Panama City
Maria Carmona
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carroll
Chico’s FAS, Inc.- Chico’s #0058 - Sandestin
Chico’s FAS, Inc.- Chico’s #0685 - Cordova Mall
Frances A. Childre
The City of Pensacola
Clark, Partington, Hart & Larry, Bond, Stackhouse, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Clarke
Coastal Vascular & Interventional, LLC
Cobalt The Restaurant
Coca-Cola Refreshments, Inc.
Combined Federal Campaign
Compass Bank
Cosmo’s Restaurant And Bar
Cox Business
Ms. Sherry L. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cox, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Crane, Jr.
CrossTown Band
Peggy Crunk
Dave and Darrell Dabria
Dairy Fresh, LLC - Dothan
Dairy Queen #41750 - Niceville
Anthony and Martha Danis
Steven L. DeCesare, M.D. and Julie A. DeCesare, M.D.
Delta Delta Delta - Pensacola Alumnae Chapter
Dr. and Mrs. T. Joseph Dennie
Destin Roofing, Inc.
Mary and Charles Dickinson
Vickie E. Dollhausen
Dugas Family Foundation
E. Cornell Malone Corp
Emerald Bay Development Corp
Frederick P. Ernst
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office - David Morgan
Escambia Lodge No. 15, F. & A.M.
Fall Invitational Golf Tournament
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G. Farris
First Day Entertainment
The Fish House
FormSystems, Inc.
Foscue Foundation
Fred’s Inc. #1163 - Bonifay
Fred’s Inc. #2248 - Milton
Fred’s Inc. #2298 - Marianna
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frishman
William Fullerton
Shari Gann
Geana’s Art Gallery & Custom Framing
Glen Gill
Golden Corral #0578 - Panama City
Golden Corral #0647 - Destin
Golden Corral #0668 - Langley Avenue
Gerardo J. Dieguez Gomez, M.D. and Katia Dieguez Otero,M.D.
Governors Gate Apartments
Jennifer H. Griffin
Gulf Blue Vacation
H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc.
H2O Technologies
Dr. Tony Hampton
Bradley B. Hawkins, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Mose Hayes
Peter Heckathorn and Janet Ikeda
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Heidecker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. George Hendricks
Mrs. Judith S. Heninger
Ms. Amy Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hudson
Huff Developments, LLC
John Hybart
IHOP - #360100
IHOP - #360149
IHOP - #360162
IHOP - #360172
IHOP - #360173
Independent Order of Foresters, Court 1621
Dr. Nathan Knutson
Bobbie Labryer
Dr. Susan J. Laenger
Dr. Robert D. Stainback and Dr. Judith A. LaMarche
LA-Z-BOY Gallery
Julia F. Leroy
Lifeguard Ambulance Service
Heidi Lipe
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lundstrom
Marriott’s Legends Edge at Bay Point
Rosalind Marshall-Exum
Dr. and Mrs. John L. May
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mazza
Robert McFarlane
McGuire’s Irish Pub
Dr. Sean M. McWilliams
Med Assets
Mellow Mushroom
Mr. and Mrs. Collier Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Moore
Dr. Kurt Morrison
Angel D. Morrobel, M.D. and Maria Morrobel, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Murdock
Dr. Dina M. Navarro and family
Navy Federal Credit Union
NBC Securities, Inc.
Terry Neill, M.D.
Nemours Children’s Clinic
We were able to purchase a state-of-the-art jet
ventilator, new smart pumps and new cerebral function
monitors to help in the care of our babies because of
your donations. Our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit had
858 admissions last year, so please know that your gifts
have provided equipment that is helping our “littlest
patients” grow and thrive! We appreciate your support!
Lisa Jaacks
Debra Jenkins
Dorothy R. Jennings
Jewelers Trade Shop
Suzanne M. and Jose R. Jimenez, M.D.
Jones Microbology Institute
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kelley
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence King, III
Kiwanis of Niceville-Valparaiso
Paula M. Knight
Knights of Columbus Council 7968
NewsRadio 1620
Phuong Nguyen
Raymond Noellert
NRO Charitable Giving
The Oar House on Bayou Chico
Oh Snap! Cupcakes
Oriole Beach Elementary School
Panhandle Charitable Open, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Park
Wanda C. Paryzek
Peg Leg Pete’s
Pensacola Beach Yacht Club
Pensacola Bay Center
Pensacola Pathologists, P.A.
Pensacola Pediatrics, P.A.
Pensacola Research Consultants, Inc.
Pete Moore Automotive Team
Photo by Fischer
Dennis R. Piner
Dr. and Mrs. Albert A. Post
Dr. and Mrs. Amos L. Prevatt
Publix Super Markets #0153 Santa Rosa Beach
Publix Super Markets #0766 Fort Walton Beach
Publix Super Markets #0885 - Sandestin
Publix Super Markets #0896 - Navarre
Publix Super Markets #1189 - Gulf Breeze
Publix Super Markets #1225 - Pace
Publix Super Markets #1241Panama City Beach
Publix Super Markets #1296 - Perdido Key
Publix Super Markets #1303 - Eglin Pkwy.
Publix Super Markets #1316 - 9th Ave.
Publix Super Markets #1317 - University Pkwy.
Publix Super Markets #1318 - Mobile Hwy.
Publix Super Markets #1343 - Nine Mile Rd.
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
Dr. Raul C. Ramos
RE/MAX #490484 -On the Coast
RE/MAX #490291-Agency One
RE/MAX #490347 Coastal Properties
RE/MAX Southern Realty #4 90277
Mrs. Sandy Redenbacher
Regions Financial Corporation
Jerilynn Renfroe
Ms. Ribaudo and Ms. Larsson
Judge Wilkes C. and Mrs. Dorothy
Anne Robinson
Mr. Bill Salter
Sam’s Club #6361 - Fort Walton Beach
Sam’s Fun City
Santa Rosa Beach Community Church
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Schloss
Linda and Dr. William E. Schmidt and Family
Security’s Lending Hand Foundation
Dr. Christopher Shawyer
Sherry’s Cake Shop
Shirley’s Deli Catering
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Florida
Richard S. Slevinski, M.D.
Tara L. Smith
Southeast Neurocritical Care Associates
Ms. Megan Starnes
Stephen T. Holman, P.A.
Brandon Stroupe
Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Studstill
Dr. Jason Tanner
Claryssa Taylor
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
The Melting Pot
Tijuana Flats Burrito Co
Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse
Charles M. Trainor
Tropical Smoothie Cafe, LLC
Tuscany Italian Bistro
Valley Crest Companies
Clara Varnum
Virginia College, LLC
Walmart #1032 - Lynn Haven
Walmart #1222 - Pensacola Boulevard
Walmart #919 - Fort Walton Beach
Walmart Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Ward, Jr.
Waste Management, Inc.
Wells Fargo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Westhoff
Woodfin Cabassa Orthodontics
Dr. David and Michelle Zielinski
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Zimmermann
Joe and Judy Zito
Friends - ($100.00 + )
10th Avenue Hair Design
32 Degrees Yogurt Place LLC
A-1 Hurricane Fence Industries
Sandra C. Aaron
Jane M. Abbey
Brenda S. Abbott
Jessica Abbott
Ms. Sharon E. Abele
Ace Unlocks of Pensacola
Christopher Acob
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Adams
Denise L. Adams
General and Mrs. Jimmie V. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Adams
Mr. Mike Addison
Dorothy L. Addy
Adventures Unlimited Outdoor Center
Dr. Ghosn A. Issa and Dr. Rafah Aflak
Mary and Joseph R. Agostinelli, D.P.M., Colonel, USAF (Ret.)
Jennifer L. Agrecy
Natalie Aguiar
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Aiken
Airgas South, Inc.
Alaqua Animal Refuge
Janice Aldneza
Alberto Aldveza
Christa Allen
Donna Allen-May
Debra Alonso
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 340
American Legion Post 235
Joyce E. Ammer
Anne Ammons
Clarlitha Anderson
Ms. Kari Anderson
Sheilia Anderson
Leanne L. Andreas
Ms. Alicia Andrews
Robert L. Andrews
Ms. Teresa R. Andrews
APL Federal Credit Union
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Appel
Appleyard Agency
Applied Systems Engineering, Inc.
Ashley L. Archie
Shamia Archie
Armstrong Electric Co., Inc.
Amy Arnold
Mr. and Ms. John H. Arnold
Arrington’s Home Furnishings
Raeann Arsenault
James G. Arunasalam
As You Wish
Doanie C. Ashby
David Atkins
Susan L. Atkinson
Norman Atwell
Austin and Stevens Inc
Jacquelyn B. Austin
Lauren E. Ayers
Laura G. Ayotte
Tina Babb
Ms. Ruth A. Bacher
Mr. Larry S. Bacon
Ms. Ann T. Baggett
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Baggett
Mr. Joseph A. Bahillo
Briana Bailey
Dick and Laverne Baker
Michele Baker
Valarie R. Baker
Vicki S. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. William Balchunas
Ms. Heather Ballard
Bank of America
Ms. Anai Barangan
Mr. Ricky Barfield
Ms. Tracy Lee Barger
Barnes Cabinets
Kevin Barnes
Robbie Barnes
Baroco Electric Construction Co.
Mrs. Laura S. Barr
Ms. Nancy K. Barr
Janet M. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Barri
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Barrineau, Jr.
Barrow Fine Furniture
Molly Barrow
Susana E. Baxley
Bayside Women’s Association
Beachside Furniture-Interiors
Sheena Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Beaudette
Holly Beczkowski
Wayne Bedsole
Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Behr
Dr. William W. Belk
Mr. Brian Bell
Scott J. Bell
Sharon W. Bell
Ms. Meagan Belongia
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Benjamin, Jr.
Cheryl Bennett
Ms. Kristi Bennett
Ms. Linda Bennett
Mr. David W. Bentley
Ernestine Berg
Andrea Bergnan
Berkadia Commercial MTG, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Berthelot
Cheryl Best
Best Paw Forward
Ms. Sheri Bigner
Betty Billups
Carol A. Binion
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Miriam P. Birdwhistell
Andra Bissell
Christine M. Blackmon
Robin M. Blackmon
Blackwater Bistro
Elaine M. Bladow
Ellen Blaise
Shirley K. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bland
Julia Blatz
Malori Blatz
Dana and James Bledsoe
Mary B. Blocher
Michael and Cherie L. Blomberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Blount
Blue Angel Music
Blue Knights Motorcycle Club
Bluewater Orthopedics, PA
Ms. Patricia Boatner
Richard Bock
Ms. Georgia Bodie
Carol L. Boesel
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bond
Boogie, Inc.
Ms. Lee-Margaret Borland
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Bos
Chastity Bouwkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bowersox
Mary Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Boyett
Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Bracewell
Mr. and Mrs. C. Donivan Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bradley
Teressa Bradley
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Bradley
Mark Brady
Vanessa N. Brannon
Ms. Julie Brantley
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton H. Breeland
Barbara J. Breemen
John Brennan
Cathy Bridges
James and Janet Briggs
Diane Brim
Larry Britt
Shelia Broadfoot
Earl B. Brock
Ms. Kimberly D. Brock
Martin T. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Brooks
Ms. Catherine C. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Brou
John W. Broussard
Gail D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brown
Mr. Gregg Brown
Karen Brown
Luciane Brown
Melinda Brown
Mr. Neil Brown
Rochelle J. Brown
Mr. Roy Brown
Shartari Brown
Kristen Browne
Dana Broxson
Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Broxson
Ms. Kimberly Bryant
Buffalo Rock Pepsi-Cola
Jesica Bullock
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bullock
Ms. Sonya Bumgarner
Janet Burch
Carrie Burdette
Margaret E. Burdine
Susan B. Burke
Ms. Judy Burns
John T. Burr
Ashley Burris
Adrienne Butcher
Mr. and Ms. Les Butsch
Scott Bytell
Mr. Fisher Cabinet
Martha S. Cadden
Donna Cahill
Minh T. Cai
Kimberly Calabretta
Deborah Calder
Deborah, Avery, Miller III, and Miller Caldwell
Ms. Beth Callis
Margie Caluger
Calvin Bentley Charitable Foundation Trust
Ms. Vera Campbell
Vickie Campbell
Captured Moments
Ms. Kathy Carducci
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Carlan
Robin Carlisle
Janet Carlo
Patricia Carlyle
Ms. Doris Carmichael
Carmike 10 #73066 - Pensacola
Carmike Cinemas #073045
Adon Carnley
Leslie Carnley
Wanda Caro
Joe Carpenter
Kathleen Carpenter
Carpenter’s Campers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Carr
Carr Riggs & Ingram, LLP
Cambridge Carruth
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Cartee
James E. Carter
Rachael L. Carter
Ms. Sandy Carter
Ms. Candace Cassady
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cassidy
Shannon Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Cathey
Perry Cattau
Jimmy Cauley
Celebrations The Florist
Center for Sight of NWF, P.A.
Heather Chaffin
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Champlin
Luci Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. William Chandler
Ms. Belinda Chapnick
Charles Schwab
Ms. Tiffany Charney
Katherine L. Chastain
Dana Chastain-Saunders
Ray Chatfield
Ms. Carol Chavez
Ms. Jessica Cheatwood
Ms. Vannah Cheek
Carol A. Cheney
Mr. John E. Cheney
Letecia L. Chenier
Michelle Chennault
Chico’s FAS, Inc.
Chico’s FAS, Inc.- Chico’s #0378
Chico’s FAS, Inc.- Chico’s #0718
Chico’s FAS, Inc.- Soma #5057
Chico’s FAS, Inc.- White House Black
Market #3121
Linda J. Chiles
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Christman
Mr. and Mrs. Alton H. Christopher
Drinda S. Chuites
Anna L. Church
Church of the Resurrection
Ms. Candy Ciccolella
Diane L. Clark
Donna Clark
Elena Clark
Jennifer Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Clark
Tara Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Clausell
Climate Control of Pensacola, Inc.
Mary Cline
Renea Clowdsley
Tanya Clunan
Coastal Paddle CO, LLC
Coastal Skin Surgery and Dermatology
Coastline Striping
D.G. Cobb
Len W. Cobb
Alvin G. Coby
Liv Colbert
Ms. Kathy Colcord
James J. Coldwell
Christine Cole
Teresa M. Coleman
Cary Collins
Sue B. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Comer
CommStructures, Inc
Community Coffee Company, LLC
Community Health Ministries
Tabita Como
Brian Condon
Mrs. Julaine W. Condon
Confetti Couture Events
Ralph M. Connell
Blake Constantine
Containers, Inc.
Bonnie Coon
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon B. Coon
CO-OP Financial Services
Cynthia Cope
Jessica Cope
Mr. Jim Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Corbett
Thomas Corbin
Cordova Rotary Club, Inc.
Cynthia Corey
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cosby
Jessica Cotita
Reverend and Mrs. Edward M. Cotten
Ms. Adair Cotton
Ms. Laena Coughlin
Courtyard by Marriott - GBMC, LLC
Ashley D. Cox
Chrystal Cox
The Crab Trap Restaurant
Susannah K. Craig
Dr. and Mrs. Harry R. Cramer, Jr.
W. H. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crelly
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crima
Carolyn Crisp
Derek Crisp
Mr. John Crisp
Amy Croley
Dorothy Cromartie
Sherry Crosby
Michele Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Randy V. Crowder
Annette M. Crowe
Crown Health Care Laundry Services, Inc.
Stephen V. Crume
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Crump, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Crunk
CTS Amencia
Arthur Culver
Angelina A. Cura
Vikki Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Cushing
Cypress Lakes Golf Club
Cleo DaCunha
Malia Daehler
Newman-Dailey Resort Properties, Inc.
Dairy Queen #41751 - Scenic Highway
Dairy Queen #41753 - Panama City Beach
Dairy Queen #41938 - Santa Rosa Mall
Dairy Queen #42098 - Lynn Haven
Katie L. Dake
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Dalen
Naomi M. Dalton
Mr. Sam Dalton
Oanh Dang
Vera M. Danly
Mr. Robert D’Aquin
Ms. Melba A. Darden
David C. & Nancy M. Roach TTES
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Davidson
Darnelle Davies-Grayson
Mr. Allan Davis
Mr. Anthony Davis
Colonel and Mrs. Duane M. Davis
Davis Dunn Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Davis
Ms. Lee Ann Davis
Louise R. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Davis
Sandi J. Davis
Ms. Susan Davis
Melissa A. Day
Mr. and Ms. Clinton R. Dean
Ms. Kathleen J. Deaton
Debco Management, Inc.
Mr. Dennis DeBon
Janet L. Deck
Lyne S. Deininger
Hector Delgado
Dean F. and Laura Dennison
James T. Denny
Timothy Depaulis
Ms. Tammy Derwick
Destin Glass
Kathryn Detjens
Ms. Amber DeVenney
Mr. and Mrs. Tom DeVoursney
Ms. Jeanette DeVries
Robert Dewald
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dewine
Monica Dey
Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Diamond
Charlene Dickerson
Mr. David Dingess
Celia Dionne
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Joseph D. Distefano
Dixie Baggett
Stephanie E. Dixon
Janice Doddlidge
William Dodge
Dog House Deli
Annie Dombeck
Allyn and Blanche Donaldson
Ms. Amy Donegan
Dooney & Bourke
Mr. and Mrs. Silvio D’Orazio
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Doty
Ms. Heather Doyle
Evelyn D. Drain
Yvonne H. Drake
Linda R. Draper
Willie R. Dubose
Heather Ducote
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Dugas
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Duggan
Lynn Dukes
Jennifer Dumond
Kathleen R. Dunagan
Emily Dunaway
Mr. and Mrs. Loan Dunaway
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dunaway
Dunn Diabetes & Wellness Center
Linda S. Dunwoody
Michelle L. Dupree
Ms. Stephanie DuPree
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Durant
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Durham
Ms. Barbara Dykes
Jessica Dykes
Jonathon Dyster
Judith Early
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Earnest
Peggy J. East
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy G. Eddins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Eddins
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Edler, Jr.
Ms. Angela Edmondson
Karena Edwards
Jennifer D. Eggart
Gregory Eisert
Jeanne Eitzmann
Diane Elaison
Doris A. Elbert
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Elbert
Lindsey Ellington
Landon H. Ellis
Mancill C. Ellison
Ben C. Ellmer
John T. Emanuel
Emerald Coast Medical Spa
Emerald Coast Smiles by Design
Emerald Cup Golf Tournament
Patrick and Olivia Emmanuel
Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Emmons
Michael R. Enderson
Donna M. Engleman
Mr. and Mrs. John C. English
Elizabeth R. Epstein
Charlene R. Erickson
Ms. Lori Erickson
Escambia River Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Escape Wellness Spa
Lee E. Eslava
Ms. Kristina Evans
Express Employment Professionals
Express Personnel Services
Dr. Ken Exum
Henry L. Faccini
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fairchild
Rhonda Faulk
Christian E. Faulkenberry
Angela Fay
Carol P. Featherstone
Jim Fee
Pamela Fenoff
Mr. Charles Ferenchick and Dr. Raina Ferenchic
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ferguson
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Michael L. Ferguson
Pamela Ferrand
Donicia Fike
Joseph C. Filice
Ryan Fillingim
Marjorie S. Fink
James D. Finlay
Fiorentino Family Foundation in memory
of Al Fiore (08/10/1932 - 1/19/2005)
Fish Camp Restaurant, LLC
Bobby W. Fisher
Fisher Cabinet Company, LLC
Fishin Chix, LLC
Five Points Liquor and Wine
Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming
Linda W. Flemming
Ms. Evelyn G. Florentino
Florida State Employees Credit Union
Shannon D. Floyd
Colonel and Mrs. Michael M. Flynt, USAF (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Flynt
Maeve A. Foley
Rebecca Follenius
Barbara J. Fontaine
Ms. Christine Fontinel
Allan T. Ford
Ms. Brenda Foreman
Sandra Forester
Jerald Forrester
Dr. Henry A. & Dr. Mary Foscue
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Fransen
Ms. Chelsea Frantz
Malinda Franz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Frazier, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Frazure
Fred’s Inc. #1075 - Atmore
Fred’s Inc. #1535 - Brewton
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Frie
Nina Fritz Studios
Darlene C. Fromm
Carol K. Froude
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fuller
Fulton & Rabinowitz
Ms. Lori Fulton
Funny Cars
Furniture Mart
Fusion Spa Salon
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B. Gabree
Gadsden Street United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gagnon
Michelle Gallagher
Ms. Christina Galvan
Mr. Christopher Gandy
Ms. Kathy D. Ganey
Lynne Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Garmeson
Ms. Ashley Garrett
Helen E. Garrett
Joe Garrett
RADM and Mrs. Richard T. Gaskill,
USN (Ret.)
Lois Gaston
Mary K. Gatterdam
Donald E. Gault
Laura D. Gay
Mr. and Mrs. George Gedney, III
Ms. Penny A. Geiger
Hector N. Gemina
Heather Gentry
Ms. Lauren Gentry
Gent’s Formal Wear
Michelle Getz
Wendy Gibson
Chanel Giddens
Timothy S. Gilbert
Barbara L. Gipson / Gipson Revocable Trust
Walter and Jan Givhan
Global Grill
Ms. Rosaland Glover
Dwight and Belinda Gobeli
Anita S. Godwin
Mr. Carl Godwin
Charles R. Godwin
Dr. and Mrs. William Goldsmith
L. V. Golson
Elizabeth Gonzalez
Janet C. Goodale
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Goodman
Sheila Goodman
Feliksa Gorczynski
Gordie Hinds
Erin Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gorman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Goss
Sally D. Grace
Bobby M. Graham
Callie Gray-Bobbitt
Charles Grayson
Cindy Green
Green Earth Landscape Services
Elizabeth Green
Margaret Green
Joseph C. Greene
Marjorie L. Greenwald
Ms. Johana Griggs
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grimes
Tammy Grimes
Marie Groh
Ms. Dorothy J. Grove
Ms. Joan Grove
Sheila Groves
Patricia E. Guerney
William Guilford
Gulf Breeze High School
Gulf Coast Tent Rental
Gulf States Automation
Captain and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gulledge
Bruce Gulley
Cheryl D. Gulley
Mr. and Mrs. Ted G. Gund
Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Gunter
Misty Guy
Ms. Tasha Guy
Mrs. R.R. Gwinn
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Hacker
Ms. Theresa Haddock
Ms. Sherry Hadley
Angiliene Hafler
Mr. Ryan Hahn
Ann K. Hakenson
Mary D. Haley
John Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Hall
Mr. Wendell Hall
Thomas F. Halls
Ms. Michelle Haman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hamel
Mr. and Mrs. Randal S. Hamilton
Mr. Rick Hamming
Ms. Alice Hammond
Jane L. Hammond
Susan Hangstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Justan Hansen
Winfried H. Hansen
Happy China Restaurant
Maxine Hardin
Shirley A. Hardison
Phyllis C. Hargrove
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Harlin
Nicole Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Harrell
Ms. Ida M. Harrigan
Calvin R. Harris
Ms. Clara M. Harris
Diana Harris
Jennifer Harris
John M. Harris
Lee Harris
Susan J. Harris
Ms. Lavonda C. Harrison
Mr. Steven L. Harrison
Harry T’s
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hart
Joey Hart
Teresa K. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. W. Christopher Hart
Audrey Harter
Dan Hartman
Mr. Daryl Harwood
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hassett
Hatch Mott MacDonald
Stacie Hatfield
Dr. and Mrs. Everett S. Havard
Virginia Hawkins
Mr. John Hawley
Lynda Hawthorne
Ms. Marion Hawthorne
Ms. Angela Hebert
Ms. Michelle Hedman
Maxine K. Hedrich
Pamela Heflin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Hefner
John H. Heimbach
Patricia Helms
Mary F. Henderson
Margaret Henley
Jennifer Henry
Mike and Linda Hensley
Dr. Martin Herman
Ms. April Herndon
Amy Herrington
Wanda Herrington
Louis R. Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hess
Monica Hester
Ms. Meghan Heubach
Hewes and Company, llc
Mr. and Mrs. Colin R. Hicks
Cynthia Hicks
Hanna Hicks
James L. Hicks
Highpointe Hotel Corporation
Racheal Hignite
Hiles-McLeod Insurance, Inc.
Hilton Garden Inn Pensacola Beach
Hilton Sandestin Beach, Golf Resort & Spa
Ms. Jackie M. Hobbs
Dr. Kenlyn Hobley
Angie Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hodge
Roy Hogan
Christine F. Holland
John A. Holland
Ms. Louwana Hollar
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Holley, III
Frank Hoover
Douglas E. Hopkins
Michael D. Hoppner
Jeff Howard
Michelle K. Howell
Tamella B. Howell
Thomas J. Howerton
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoxeng
Dorthea A. Hoyt
Stephen Hubbard
Ms. Jill Hudson
Dora C. Huelsbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Hufford
Susan J. Hughes
Mr. and Ms. Scott Humbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Hummel
David L. Humphreys
Mr. Kenneth Humphreys
Hunter Furniture & Home Stores
Judith A. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Willis L. Hunter, Jr.
Penny R. Husser
Frann Hutchings
Ms. Brook Hutson
Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Hutto
Anthony Huynh
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hyde
Terri Imfeld
Ms. Mellisa Imlay
IMS - Shared Business Services
Indoor Plant People
Rodney Infinger
Maureen Ingram
Intrawest Shared Services, Inc.
John L. Irving
Mrs. Kay S. Irwin
Isle of Capri Casino
Dorothy and Dr. Bob Isom, FACS
J. Millers Furniture
Joseph J. Jackson
Lester T. Jackson
Orlanda G. Jackson
Lisa Jacobson
Angela James
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Jandora
Cecil A. Jarman
Kenneth S. Jarrell
Ms. Lindsey Jeffcoat
Mr. Jason Jernigan
Kimberly Johns
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Ms. Elizabeth Johnson
Elizabeth M. Johnson
Mr. Robert N. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Johnston, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Johnston
Patricia M. Johnston
Kevin and Sheryl Johnston
Tommy Johnston
Alma Jones
Ms. Amy Jones
Amy C. Jones
Mr. Bill Jones
Cynthia Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy E. Jones
Karen Jones
Mr. Kenneth Jones
Melanie Jones
Morton Jones
Peggy Jones
Steven M. Jones
Barksdale Jordan
Elaine Jordan
Colonel and Mrs. C.D. Jordan
Ms. Kylie Jordan
Natalie Jordan
Ron Jordan
Tara L. Joslyn
JRJ Properties, Inc.
Mr. Eric Jumper
Ann Kachelhoffer
Norman Kahler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kamm
Nadine Kastanakis
Kat Enterprises of Pensacola, Inc.
Susan C. Kearney
Mr. Bert C. Keene
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Kelley
Mr. Michael Kelley
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellogg
Ms. Karen A. Kelly
Ms. Kristine A. Kelly
Scott Kelly
Michelle M. Kelson
Kelton Co.
Bernard Kemp
Mark E. Kemp
Patricia Kendall
C. Laney Kennedy
Mr. Leo Kennedy
Amy Kennedy-Helf
Anne Kenney
Jennifer Kensler
Kent’s Special Events and Party Supplies
Mr. Timothy J. Keohane
Debbie Keremes
Jill E. Kerr
Kevin Welch, M.D. Dermatology
Bibiana B. Key
Sharon A. Key
Ms. Judi E. Kicker
Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Killen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Enzor L. Kimbro
Audrey Kimmel
Mary L. King
Shannon M. King
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur B. King
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kinsey
Donna J. Kinzelman
Dr. Matthew G. Kinzelman
Joan E. Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kirk
DeAndra R. Kirkland
Lee Allie Kirkland
Judith P. Kirkpatrick
Richard L. Klein
Captain and Mrs. C.F. Klusmann, USN
Keith and Rose Ann Knight
Ryan Knight
Zenobia Knight
Julie S. Knowlton
Kacey L. Kolek
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Kostick
John Kostishack
Paulette M. Kozlovski
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Krynicki
James L. Kubik
J. P. Kuhns
Justin H. Labrato
Ms. Debra T. Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lack
Mary Lou LaCour
Kevin W. Lahey
Angela Laing
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Laird
Ms. Sara L. Lairmore
Lakewood Financial Services, Inc.
April K. Lambert
Mr. Mark Lamia
LTC and Mrs. Charles A. Lancaster, USN (Ret.)
Deanie and Lex Lancaster
Lillian A. Land
Mr. and Mrs. Britt Landrum
Jesse Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Langham
Linda Langley
Lanier Sailing Academy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Larry
Suzanne Lattimore
Ms. Kathryn Lauderdale
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lauterbach
Krystle Lauziere
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lavery
Jacquelyn Law
Le Richelieu in the French Quarter
Linda Ledford
Bryan Lee
Jada Lee
Jane T. Lee
Julie Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lee
Lisa M. Lee
Lois A. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Randy B. Lee
Chad Leidner
Jenny Leidner
Mr. Mark Leidner
Becky Lemke
Lionel O. Leon
Ms. Violett P. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Leuze
Katie Levan
Lyle C. Levesque
Austin Lewis
Dr. Fawn Lewis
Marie M. Lewis
Zarah A. Lewis
Liberty Sertoma Club
Mr. and Mrs. Joel I. Libowsky
Martin S. Libowsky
Dan Lindemann
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Linder
Sandra Lindsey
James F. Link
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Little
Joyce D. Little
Judy S. Little
Paul A. Littlefield
Litvak Beasley & Wilson, LLP
Living Truth Church
Rebecca Livingston
Elvire Lizzire
Holly A. Lohr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lokken
Douglas Long
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Long
Sharon L. Long
Joseph T. Loughlin
Trina Love
Mr. Gary Lowry
Patcharawade Loyd
Vicki S. Lucas
Carla M. Ludlam
Jennifer M. Lutes
Luxe Home Interiors
Catherine Lynch
Louise Lynn
Mrs. and Mr. Jennifer W. Lyons
William MacAlpine
Veronica Macias
Charlotte Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Maddux
Celina Madsen
Ms. Christi Maeda
Magnolia Lawn Services
Kevin Maher
Megan Maher
Donna R. Majors
Hossein and Teresa Maleki
Knox Mallette
Malouf Furniture & Design
William Mann
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Manna
Mr. Alan Manning
Kimberly Manning
Teresa Marcum
Sherrie Marker
Christi Marsden
Franklin D. Martin
Kathy J. Martin
Rebecca Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Martin
William C. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Martin
Linda Kay Martinez
Kimberly A. Masek
Heather Mason
LaPaige Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Masoner
Anne Massey
Mr. Robert Massey
Lisa L. Masterson
Michael Materese
Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Mathis
Michael J. Matroni
Mr. and Ms. Franklin D. Matson
Ricardo E. Maula
Maxim Healthcare Services
Donna M. Maxwell
Dixie H. May
Brandon Mayne
Katie Mayo
Julie A. McBee
Marie C. McCallum
Paula McCammon
Damon McCardle
Mr. Dale McCarthy
Claudia McCaw
Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. McClarren
Vivian McClelland
Ms. Amanda McClure
Cheryl H. McCollum
Kevin McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Don McCormick
Ms. Carol McCrady
Ronald McCreary
Lillian S. McDonald
Michael McElvy
Tiffany McElvy
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McGhee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McGill, III
Brenda McGinty
Tammy McGuckin
Ronald McHaney
Candace O. McIver
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. McIver
Denis and Maureen McKinnon
June A. McLain
Lisa McMahan
Gloria McMillan
Debra McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. McNew
Ms. Rebecca McQueen
Jill McVay
McVean Trading & Investments, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Neil E. McWilliams
Mike and Susan Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Meadows
Mr. Stuart J. Meaux
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Meehan
Dr. David K. Mehta and Dr. Mary Mehta
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Meister
Members First Credit Union
Merchant Services - A First Financial
USA LTD Company
Stuart E. Merrick
Terri W. Merrick
W.C. Merrill
Ina Messinger
Doreen A. Miano
Mickelson Construction Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mikesich
Ms. Christina M. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Miller
Patty Miller
Mrs. Rebecca J. Miller
Milton Chevy
Linda Milton
Jessica Minchew
Veronica Minturn
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Mishey
Susan G. Mistal
Duncan Mitchell
Rodney P. Mitchell
Brittney Mixon
Endia Mohead
Mr. Robert G. and Dr. Marinella Monk
Ms. Karen Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Montgomery
Tara Montgomery
Dawn Montoya
Ann Moody
Douglas Moody
Reverend Michael P. Mooney
Vera D. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers
Krystal Nall
Ms. Tammy L. Nall
Philip A. Napier
Elizabeth Nash
Ms. Suzette Neary
Robert E. and Charlotte L. Nedley
Mr. Christopher Neff
Ramon Negron
Mr. Jacob E. Nelson
Michele R. Nelson
Barbara Nero
Lisa Neuenfeldt
Marlon Newbon
Ms. Berenice B. Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Newitt
Newman-Dailey Rental Management, Inc.
Newman-Dailey Resort Properties, Inc.
Thomas H. Nicholas Trust
Vickie L. Nichols
Stephanie Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Nickelsen
Dennie Nickoloff
Ms. Sheri L. Nida
Russ Noblitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nolan
William W. Paden
Mr. Jonathan Padgett
Andrea Page
Katherine Page-Johnson
Julie Palmares
Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. #1265
Anthony J. Parker
Charles Parker
Deborah Y. Parker
Amber Parks
Stefanie Parnther
Victoria Patrinely
Audrey Patterson
Ms. Emily Patterson
Mr. John D. Patterson
Deborah Patti
Ms. Nina Patton
Marcus Paul
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Paxton
Jeannette M. Payne
Pediatrix Medical Group
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Pena
Lorraine Pena
Paula Pendarvis
Patricia Pendleton
Pensacola Lighthouse Association
Pensacola Little Theatre
Pensacola Nail Lounge, Inc.
Thanks to your gifts last year to the Sacred Heart Women’s Care Center
(formerly Seton Center), our 13 OB/GYN residents trained on a new
colposcope that is assisting with earlier detection of cancer in women.
You are truly making a difference!
Athena Moore
Barbara J. Moore
Calvin and Betsy Moore
Lakesha Moore
Sarah P. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moore
Tiffany T. Moore
Jean R. Moorer
Michelle Moore-White
Morgan Stanley
Mrs. Autumn Morris
Ms. Dianne E. Morris
Mr. Sean Morris
Wendy Morris
Gregory K. Morrow
Marquita and Marvin Morrow
Tammy Morrow
Robert S. Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Griffith H. Moses
Shannon M. Moxley
Mr. and Mrs. Arup Mukherjee
Brian Mullahey
Peggy Sue Mullen
Arbutus D. Mullins
Frederic T. Munstereifel
Ms. Elizabeth Murphy
Keesha Murphy
Mr. Robert Murphy
Mr. Jon Ervin and Ms. Nancy A. Noll
Eric B. Nordstrom
Tammy Norsworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Northup
Sharon A. Nowak
Virginia A. Nowling
NW FL State College Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Odea
Mike O’Hara
Thomas R. O’Hare
Janet Ohnezeit
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Olliff, Jr.
Mr. George Olliff
Marsha L. Olson
Brianna O’Neal
Margenia C. O’Neal
Ms. Teresa O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. William O’Neal
Peter O’Neill
Oops Alley
Jennifer R. Opitz
Order of Sons of Italy in America
Charlene Orsi
Dr. Teodoro Ortega
Elzie L. Owens
Gary W. Owens
Michael Owens
Marion Pacsuta
Pensacola Opera
Pensacola Pet Resort
Pensacola Professional Fire Fighters
IAFF Local 707
Pepito’s Restaurant, Inc
Perdido Health Club
Roger W. Perman
Amelia Perrin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Perry
Mr. Gary Persaud
Ms. Susan P. Pershing
Jamieson Peterman
Patricia D. Peterson
E. E. Pfalzer
Kerry Pham
Ngoc Quy Pham
Mr. and Mrs. David Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Phillips
Mr. Josh Pickett
Linda Pierson
Cheryl A. Pilling
Pinnacle Construction Group, LLC
Randall Pinner
Nancy Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Place, Ret.
Kristy L. Pogue-Middleton
Peggy Pons
Ed Porento
Mr. H. C. Porter
Karen L. Porter
Ms. Linda L. Porter
Ms. Margaret J. Porter
Patricia A. Posey-Goodwin
Patrick M. Potter
Anne Powell
Christine Powell
David H. Powell
Pam Powell
Ms. Patsy Presley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Price
Shanda Price
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy K. Pridgeon
Jennifer Prisella
Proffitt PR, LLC
Progress Energy Foundation
Progress Energy Service Company, LLC
Bambi and Tom Provost
Michael W. Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Ptacek
Publix Super Markets #0383 Fort Walton Beach
Publix Super Markets #0481 - Panama City
Publix Super Markets #0677 - Destin
Publix Super Markets #0801 - Crestview
Publix Super Markets #0823 - Lynn Haven
Publix Super Markets #1005 Panama City Beach
Publix Super Markets #1173 Panama City Beach
Publix Super Markets #1258
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Puglia
Christine Puneda
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Purdy
Ms. Maretta S. Purnell
Angela H. Purvis
Sherri Pyle
Mr Ngoc Quach
Ms. Gillian Queen
Carol O. Quina
Sandra M. Raia
Romel and Ann Ramos
Wesley R. Ramsey
Melissa Rasberry
Ruth Ray
Mathew and Catherine Raybourn
RE/MAX #490173 Real Estate Center
RE/MAX #490353- Gulf Properties
RE/MAX #49097 Horizons Realty
Ms. Amelia Read
Debbie Reak
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ream
Red Lobster Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Reda
Travis A. Reed
Stephanie Reedy
Robert Reeves
John and Fran Ragan
Mr. Damien Rehorn
Marciell L. Reichler
Relentless Pursuit Charters
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Remich
Judy B. Remsburg
Kim V. Reneau
Mr. and Mrs. James Renfroe
Rosanne Rengel
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Resmondo
John E. Retzloff, D.O.
Merilee Retzloff
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Reynolds
Kathleen R. Reynolds
Erin Rhone
Jason Richards
Gregory Richardson
Brian Richburg
Richey’s East, Inc.
Tina M. Richter
Mr. Devan R. Rickert
Daryl Riddle
Aref Rifai
Randall Rigsby
Carla Riley
Anton Rimpf
Ms. Penelope M. Risher
Elizabeth L. Risner
Rite Aid #7099 - Atmore
Rite Aid Corporation
RLYNN, Inc. dba: The UPS Store #4969
Martin and Angelia Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Robbins
Ashley Roberts
Carlesha Roberts
Rebecca J. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Robertson
Scott Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. Ross A. Robins
Donna Robinson
Ms. Jessica Robinson
Valerie Robinson
Camie M. Robison
Rock Hard Designs
Angela Rodgers
Mr. George Rogers
Mr. Roger Rogers
Mr. Thomas Rogers
Mr. Christian Rominger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rongstad
Ronnie’s Car Wash
Mario A. Rosal
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Roselli
Judith Rosenmarkle
Teresa Ross
Mr. Ray Rostorfer
Rotary Club of Pensacola, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rowell
Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Runnels
Alethache Russ
Debra C. Russell
Mr. Terry Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Ruyle
Jeffery Ryan
Nick Saba
Tiffany Sacher
Robert Sackheim
Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Sacks
Salon L
Sammy’s Management Company, Inc.
Sam’s Club #8151 - Panama City
Crawford M. Sandefur
Maria Sandoval
Mr. David E. Sanna
Ms. Patricia A. Sansom
Santa Rosa Gastroenterology, Inc.
Aurelio Santiesteban
Cathy Sartori
Christa Saucier
Lisa Saville
Dwayne Saunders
Katie Saunders
Saving Faith Ministries, Inc.
Robert O. Sawtell
Sidney and Marsha Scarborough
Ms. Yvonne Scelson
Lawrence R. Scheetz
D. F. Schermerhorn
Grace Schifley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Schlenker
Ashley Schlossberg
Belinda Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schmidt
Arthur W. Schnitzer
Jessica Schrock
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schroeder
William M. Schroeder
Schurr Sails
Emmy L. Schuster
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Schweich
Ms. Audrey Scott
Ms. India Scott
Marcia Scott
Ruby Scott
Scotts Lawn & Landscape
Scrap Happy
Rickita Scribber
SDI Health, llc
Seacrest Interiors
Lee V. Seals
SeaWorld Adventure Park
Segers Aero Corporation
Ms. Lisa Sepuoveva
Mr. Baxley Sernor
Ms. Sara Servold
Kerrie J. Sessions
Kicia Severinsen
Betty F. Sexton
Danielle Shaffer
Ms. Allison Shamrell
Ms. Barbara Shapiro
Ms. Emily Shavnore
Melissa A. Shaw
G. Edward Shehee, D.M.D.
Ms. Jenieffer Sheldrick
Karen G. Shelton
Jane L. Shirey
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Shoaf
Susann M. Shoff
Alan Shore
Ms. Jennifer Sikora
Mr. Jameson S. Silcox
Miguel Silva
Susan B. Silver
Julie Simpson
Rebecca Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Les Sizemore
Ms. Suzy Lavern Skaggs
Ms. Susan M. Skirten
Ms. Sharon Skrabacz
Debra A. Slade
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Slepsky
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Slichter
Ms. Karen L. Slocum
Dorothy M. Sluka
Blanchard T. Smith
Ms. Brandi Smith
Carmen Smith
Charles Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Smith
Jerry D. Smith
Ms. Jessica Smith
Juanita Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smith
Karen Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Nathine D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Smith
Raymond Smith
Ms. Rebekah Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Smith
Smokeys Barbeque
Tina M. Snodgrass
Eduardo Solis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Soltis
Sonny’s Real Pit Bar B Que
Ms. Amy Sorrells
South Walton Utility Co., Inc.
Southern Garden Florist
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Southern, Jr.
SPA 98
Adrianna M. Spain
Ms. Theodora Spurlock
St. James Bay
St. Paul Catholic School
John Stacey
Kimberly Stacey
John F. Stahl
Robert L. Stallworth
Anna M. Stamm
Ms. Michelle Stancil
Standardized Sanitation Systems, Inc.
Judy Stanley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stanley
Star Brite Carpet Cleaning
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Starks, Sr.
Jessica Stein
John Stein
W. David Stephens
Mike Stern
Ms. Linda Stevens-Cook
Angela Stewart
Jennifer R. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Stickney, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Stimpson
Stinky’s Fish Camp
Mr. Doug Stinson
Michael Stitt
Mr. Jason Stoddard
Stacey Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Stone
David and Marilyn Stowe
Susan Strait
Shelly Strange
Ms. Naomi Strano
Jacqueline Street
Mr. and Mrs. Stan L. Strobel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Stroehl
Mr. Robert S. Stuart
Jenny Stuckey
Studer Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Studer
Mr. Sam Stump
Kathy L. Summerlin
Marc T. Sumner
Sun & Skin Care Research, Inc.
SunQuest Cruises
Susan Campbell Jewelry
Ellen Sweatt
Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Swennes
Ms. Laura Sykora
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Szecila
Fred Szymanski
Mary M. Tackett
David H. Tait
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Tait
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Talbot, II
Tammy A. Tamayo
Jennifer Tampary
Stacy M. Tampary
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Tappan
Mary Taratino
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Tate
Amy R. Taylor
Ms. Samantha Taylor
Lauren J. Tennant
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Terry
Terry Thacker
The Greenskeeper
The Liberty Lanes Bowling Center
The Ned Herrmann Group, Inc. dba:
Herrmann International
Anna Thoma
Ms. Roberta Thomas
Stacy Thomas
Cathy C. Thompson
Jamie Thompson
John Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thompson
Stewart M. Thoms
Col. (Ret) and Mrs. Leroy W. Thornal
Henry B. Thorsen
Ms. Robin Tibbits
Theresa C. Tierney
Catherine B. Tilley
Joan Timmons
Don B. Tinker
Lydia Toenes
John H. Toesch
Ms. Stephanie Toh
Stephanie Tolbert
Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Tomlinson
Clara Tortoriello
Ms. Tari-Lynn Tousignant
Mr. and Ms. Richard H. Trahan
Robert Trainor
Carla Tramel
Martha L. Trammell
Lan Tran
Julie Traugott
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Trawick
Cheryl Traylor
Thomas H. Treadwell
Edward Trest
Ruth V. Trigonis-Quesad
Mr. and Mrs. Randall P. Trombley
Tumulo Enterprises, Inc.
Lilia T. Tungol
Robert Turner
Robert L. Turner
Rob Tuttell
Two Times A Lady
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tylavsky, III
Rachel Tyner
Anna A. Ullius
Ms. Jennifer Ulm
United Way of Baldwin County, Inc.
University of West Florida
Mark Urbanavage
USA Gymnastics - Emerald City Gymnastics
Randolph R. Utterback
UWF Recreation
Mary D. Vail
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Vallimont
Mr. and Ms. Bob Viarengo
Dr. and Mrs. Rickey Viator
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Vick
Jessica Vickers
Ms. Brandy Villella
Vision Construction Enterprises, Inc.
Dorothy Voigtlander
Vorst Family Foundation
Tamara Vranich
Angela R. Wachsman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wade
Noel and Bill Wade
William D. Wainwright
Michael J. Waldo
Courtney Walker
Mary Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Walker
Linda D. Wall
Brian S. Wallace
Deborah A. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Waller
Walmart #1375 - Marianna
Walmart #3785 - N. Navy Blvd.
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Harry O. Walp
Walton Republican Women Federated
The Walton Sun
Jessica Ward
John Ward
Tamantha W. Ward
Ms. Tracy M. Ward
Kimberly D. Warner
Elaine Washam
Ms. Paula Watson
Lisa Watson-Wangelin
Melanie Weaver
Jaime L. Webster
Susan L. Weddeke
Mr. Thomas B. Weekley
Jeff and Sheri Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weidman
Beege Welborn
Jacqueline L. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Welch
Dain P. Wells
Ms. Ethel G. Wells
Ms. Samantha Wells
Pam Welty
Venecia Wenze
Gene C. Wesley
Danielle West
Larry T. Westman
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Westmark
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Westmark
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wharton
Ms. Cynthia White
Jessica White
Lonnie White
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. White
Karen White-Trevino
David Whitfield
Thyra W. Whitford
Mr. Steve Whitlock
Whitney National Bank
Robbie Whybrew
Caroline L. Widmaier
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Widman
Donald K. Wiggins
Stacy Wiggins
Beverlee Wilkerson
Ruth Wilkerson
Mr. Christopher and Dr. Diane Wilkinson
Kendall Wilkinson
Jennifer Williams
John Williams
Myra Williams
Ramona D. Williams
Sylvia Williams
William Williams
Willie L. Williams
Mrs. Natasha Williamson
Carol A. Willis
Melinda Wills
Elizabeth A. Wilson
James Wilson
Leann Wilson
Mark A. Wilson
Mary Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Wilson, Jr.
Shelia R. Wilson
Wilson, Robertson & Cornelius, P.C.
Wilsons Leather
Gerald Winchenbach
Mr. Daniel Windham
Wine World Wine Bar
Phyllis F. Wingate
Sharon J. Winter
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Winter
Donna L. Wisdom
Astrid L. Wistedt
Wendora Witaszek
Ms. Emily Witte
Woerner Development, Inc.
Linda J. Womack
Donna J. Wood
Sarah Woods
Connie M. Woodward
William Woolever
Jane L. Wooten
Mary Wright
Mr. Frank Wyler
Hyunmo Yang
Jean Yao
Jim Yarling
Stephanie Yates
Ms. Wen-Hsuan Yeh
Amy Younce
Mr. Jim Young
LuAnn Young
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Young
Mr. and Mrs. Willis C. Young
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Youngblood
Jennifer Zabel
Frank Zaborowski
Christine H. Zajac
Lourein Zawawi
Robin A. Zehr
Nettie R. Ziel
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ziemba
Mr. Benjamin Zimmern
Angela Zink
David Zinke
The Zoo - Gulf Breeze
Ms. Allison L. Zornes
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Zuccaro
Sacred Heart Foundation
Financial Information
For the Year Ended June 30, 2012
Current Assets
Other Assets
Total Assets
$ 14,561,136.39
Current Liabilities
Other Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
$ 13,543,304.14
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 14,561,136.39