
U -A
Volume 21
Number 5
Although the wheels of time turn ever so slowly .... be assured
they are turning. And so it is with the progress we are making.
Fo~ instance:
Our Pilgrimage to the Philippines. This could have been real
big business .... not so much for us .... we are not seeking that
big a business. We are happy and content i~ . the knowledge that
we· have an exceptional group and that all we want out of life
is a fair shake and a recognition for that which we earned and
deserve. But look what it is doing for the Philippines.
President Marcos has ,turned loose his Philippine Army and
Constabulary to aid directly the autonomous police of Manila.
Their orders? Clean up the city! Get rid of the hoodlums! Prepare
for the 25th Commemorative Anniversary and the arrival of the
He has directed that the huge cross at Mount Sumat be completed and proper facilities for feeding and resting be ready for
April 9th. He has also decreed that overnite quarters and accomodations be furnished and ready for occupancy on Corregidor by
the same date. The housekeeping detachment on The Rock has
been increased and they are to clean up and improve the roads
to the historical sites where so m'l-ny of us stood off the oncoming
Through us and . through this Pilgrimage one tremendously
deserving group comes in for some limelight and overdue recognition. I am writing of the Various Chapters of the Phillippines
Scouts. For reasons not entirely clear to me, they were left out of
the planning stages of this PIlgrimage. Through correspondence
with your Commander, they have not only been included, they
have won what they deem to be a coveted spot for themselves in
that " ... the Scouts will meet each plane and lead their American
_ buddies to their respec~ive bill ets." _~n the words of their C2m mander, t ey wanted·" to be the fm.t to meet us and shake our
hand. I know you feel as I do .. .I . that if any group deserves this
honor, it surely is the Scouts,
Our own State Department has 19iven us their blessing and your
attention is invited ,to their latest letter printed eleswhere in
The Quan.
We were working hard in an attempt to determine what hap·
pened to some of that $400-million that we have mentioned so
many times this past year. Although their answer is rather
lengthy, your Commander urges I you read that letter (printed
elsewhere in this issue) and the entire picture will be painted for
you. Your attention is invited speciflcally to abollit the ninth
paragraph wherein House of Representatiyes Bill 1027 is mentioned. Although we have lost out ,in our initial bid for additional
recognition, we have opportunity still ,to make something of this
Charlie Towne, from Tacoma, has virtually single-handedly
started a project that may have far-flung benefits. Through his
efforts, we now have direct liaison with Madigan General Hospital
in WashingJton State. There they have established a Special Clinic
for the sole .purpose of attending to our Retired Ex·POWs residing
in their jurisdictional area. They have also promised that they will
not only pass on their findings to Walter Reed but will urge
Walter. Reed to establish a like accomodation for alI- Retired
When the Commander asked our wives to write him with the
complaints each has noticed in their respective husbands, the immediate response was highly gratifying. However, we still need
more le~~ fr~1I!. the~~L31dies wh.Q. ~av~ leame_d . to_ live _with -USbe£~r~ we can .tak~ that tr~p to ~ashi~ton, D. .talk to ~. A.
OffICIals. We mdIcated ~hIS pro)e<:t wIll t~ke apprOXImately ~Ighteen months to ~ccomphsh . We sull h~ve hopes we can do It. SO
pl~as~, Dea,r WIves, get ,those letters m to us soonest.
In closing for this issue, your Commander wishes to report that
we still have about.forty slots remaining to be filled for our flight
to the Philippines and we'll be most happy to hear from those who
might still be undecided.
Each of you who make that trip will, in effect, be once more
working for Uncle Sam and I need not tell you what a fine feeling
that is.
.;- -
Bob Considine
On or about the 15th of January 'the. actual flight departure a~d
arrival time in Manilla wiH be established and each member wIll
be advised accordingly. Excellent meals, liquor and beverage are
included. '
A valid passport is required for each person and must be obtained
in person and upon making application, proof of birth and 2 passport pictures are required. The passport may be obtained as follows:
CORREGIDOR"":":"'The ghosts
of Douglas MacArthur and I
Skinny Wainwright roam this
place where the American flag
bit the dust and ro"se again in
You can feel their presence in
every anointed ruin. You have
U. S. State Department Passport Agency
the eeriest feeling that you'll
run , into them and their ragged
The following cities will issue passports: New York, Boston~
bu.t unruffled men just around
Washington D. C., Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, San
the next bend in the road.
Francisco, Seattle, and Hawaii.
The pathetic old guns we
Local County Clerk
planted here in the odd hope
In the event the State Department Passport office is not located
we could make the place imclose to your home, you may apply and obtain passport applipregnable stand rusted and
cation from your local County Clerk. This city official will
warped and shrapnel-pocked togive you the necessary application form. Two passport pictures
day. Melinda Tunnel, the final
are required with proof of birth, and in applymg tor your
redoubt as Japanese troops
passport, this must be done in person. Upon completion of all
swarmed across the water from
formalities, your local County Clerk will forward the necessary
Bataan early in May, 1942, is as
documents on to the U. S. State Department Passport Agency.
cool and silent as any other VISAS:
No visas are required for the Philippines. Those persons taking
The voice of a guide shep- the optional tours to Hong KonSl or Japan; the Japanese governherding a group of camera-laden ment does require a visa and this form will be sent to all tour
tourists echoes as he chants, members visitmg japan by BradeI,l Toureast, Inc: No visas are re"step right this way, please, for quired for Hong Kong. (Non-U.S. citizen; Philippine visa is reGeneral
head- quired)
quarters." It - is marked- by -a - SM-AtJjP('7X:-Il~tON. cheap wooden sign i.uuminated All members are required to havf a smallpo~'i'nation certifiby one dull electric light. Equal. cation issued not later than 3 yelj.TS prior to .~e-entry date: to the
ly shrouded are rue alcove in U.S. and duly certified by the Health. Dep!trtme!lt. .
which President Quezon lived CHOLERA INNOCULATION: : .
with his fumily and the off- All members are required to have Ii chol~ra innoculation._
branching passageway where dog- OPTIONAL INNOCULATION: ;
tired American nurses patched Contact your local doctor regarding his opinion aQ~ recommenda-.
up broken men and sent them tions for optional innoculations. i '
back to fight.
THE JAPANESE left their May be obtained from any international air carrier office or local
calling cards. The great gash in public health office, or by writing to Braden Toureast, Inc., 210 .
the stonework at the mouth of Post St.,' San Francisco, California. This International Certificate
the tunnel is still raw. Skinny of Vaccination is to be used when you receive your smallpox vaccitold me about that particular nation as well as cholera, and MUST be carried with you tqroughshell when I helped him write out your trip to the Philippines and return to the. Ynite~ ,States.
his book after the war. He was TRAVEL CHECKS:
about to leave the tunnel one In order to ,safeguard your currency, it is recommended -prior to
morning for a breath of fresh your departure that you obtain travelers checks from your local
air. He paused momentarily be- bank or other authorized agencies.
hind the steel door that protect- BAGGAGE AND PERSONAL EFFECTS INSURANCE:
ed the opening at that time, It is recommended that your baggage and personal effects be in- .
paused to light up the last of the sured during your stay in the Orient. For example, insuring for a
cigars his friend MacArthur had period of l~ days in the amount of $500 is $6.25 with a slight
wiHed him before being spirited graduation premium 'cost for' each $100 additional· insurance covered.
off to Australia.
1£ desired, please request the application from Braden Toureast,
The pause saved his life. The 210 Post St., San Francisco, California and your application with
Japanese shell hit at that in- detailed instructions will be forwarded to you.
stant, chewing a great hunk out BAGGAGE:
'' .
_ . ~.--'o--'-.........l' -\~..!LtJ
-of-the.-t-uflnel's-ma~·nd-un=-r --~61:l1'<t'Ilembers-WIllLrayer-;rboar'd -~Ort~'Wesr 1r' Lmes .Jet carter
hinging the steel door. The lean aIrcraft and may carry 2 normal SIZe SUItcases, total.welgh~ not to
old cavalryman lost the hearing exceed 66 lbs. plus one small camera ba&" and one ladles vam~y case.
in one ear and lived to undergo CLOTHING FOR ~HE PJ:lILIPPINES:
the deg,r adation of surrender and :rhe norma! weather I~ ManIlla ~e month of Apnl. WIll be ~I?pro~years of pitiless imprisonment.
Imately 85 degrees m :the dayume; there~ore, hgh~ clothm~ IS
Skinny worried t'hroughout ~ecom~ended. Th~ evenmg wear.for t~e la?IeS attendmg func.tI<;>ns
those years that when the war IS semI and cocktaIl dresses; and If desu'ed, formal dres~ ~or ladles.
ended and he was released he For the men, tuxedos will not be requiced. Suggested, IS a dark
would be court-martialed for suit with white shirt and tie, or Barong Tagalog (I'liilippine shirt).
surrendering this island and its C.LOTHING FO~ HONG KONG· TAPAN: .
battling bastards. Instead, Pres- Smce the weather m Hong Kong ana Japan WIll be approXImately
ident Truman pinned the Con- 80" during the daytime, light clothing is recommended. In Japan,
gressional Medal of Honor on in the evenings, the temperature will be approximately 55 therehim, while tears streamed down fore, a very light overcoat is recomfnended.
the old warrior's gaunt cheeks.
The once impeccable parade <:omm~TClal aI!~ra(ts permit o?ly 44.100. of baggage ~r, .~rson;
, grounds of Corrt;gidor have sur- otherwIse, addltlonal excess weIght WIll be charged_ the ndlVld1;Ial.
rendered to the ultjmate victor
- - -~
of the wart'hat raged her~the
lush jungle. It has grown over .
almost. everything, smothering
good and evil, fiiend-i:md foe. It
. 0
This will be the last Quaq prior to the Pilgrimage to
Bataan.Time- is· getting short, you must make up your mind
at once: Th~re will be a 3 planes' leaving, one from N. Y.,
Chieago and San Francisco. To qualify for one of the · seats
yo~ must have been a paid member for the past 6 months
prjor to _ 4eparture. If you need any information call Art
Bressi; 7P -;;?~6-4826 today.
(Cont. on
Page ,2
Dedicated to those persons both living and dead who fought against
..,,9~tl!helming odds against the enemy at the outbreak of World War II.
Official Publication of the
(Including any Unit or Force of the Asiatic Fleet, Philippine Archipelago,
Wake Island, Mariana Islands, Midway Island and Dutch East Indies.)
8051 Elm Drive
Allentown, Penna.
Brigadier General Clifford Bluemel, Ret ..................... Honorary Commander
Colonel Charles A. McLaughlin ............................ Honorary Vice·Commander
Col. Ray M. O'Day .:................................................Honorary Vice-Commander
National Commander:
Arthur A. BreSsi
21 Winding Hill Dr.
Mechanicsburg, Pa.
' Sr. Vice Commander:
Henry J. Wilayto
432 Pleasant St.
Belmont, Mass.
Jr. Vice Commander and Treasurer
, Austin Patrizio
414 Richmond ,PI.
Leonia, N. J. 07605
Joseph T. Poster
Elm Drive
Allentown, Pa.
Seroice Officer:
John Ray
48 Liberty Ave.
West StiftleI'ville: Mass.'" J'"
...... _.,,,. ., I ' '. _
Adjutant ..............................:.................................................................J. Walter Foy
Judge Advocate ..........................................................;.............Robert W. Leverinc
'» ". !'~."
February, 1967
'•• ,
- ,,~ "'
Ken Curley
James Cook
Mark Wohlfeld
John Emerick
Captain Ann Bernatitus John Sandor
Enos Gould
Jim Cavanaugh
Harold Spooners
Simme Pickman
Rev. Albert D. Talbot
Albert Senna
Maj. Gen. E. P.
Maurice Mazer
King. Jr., Ret.
Joseph A. Vater
James McEvoy
LeWIS Goldstein
Nick Bosko
Vince Anderson
Phil Arslanian
Art Akullian
Albert I. Cimini
Samuel M. Bloom. M.D.
Ken Stull
Harry Menozzi
John Ray
Samuel B. Moody
Mrs. Mary Prescott .................................................................................... President
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott ....·....·..·..·_ ..·....·....·.......................................Vice-President
~~: ~~~~~~m~~t~~..~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::',:::::::::::::::::::rS;;:::Z
Mrs. Adeline Baptista ..·..·...............................................:.................:........Chaplain
Joseph A. Vater. 18 Warbler Dr., McKees Rocks, Pa. ,15136................Editor
Jim Cook, 2352-D, Cloverdale Ave., Winston - Salem N. C. 27103
. . -Associate E~itor
December 29, 1966
Mr. Arthur A. Bressi
National Commander
Walter J. James, Jr.
American Defenders of Bataan
619 St;lte Office ,Bldg.
~ Atl,inta, Georgia 3~3.4 and ~rregi~or, I?c.
Kenneth A. Heinrich
After -the invocation and in accordance with approval and in.
structions from ,t he National Commander, Mr. Arthur Bressi, this
first meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Daniel O.
Conrad, at 8 P.M. December 7th, 1966 in the Brown Room of the
American Legion Country Club at Avondale Estates, Georgia.
Those in attendance were. the following:
Mr. Russell Rawlins, Hazelhurst, 'Georgia
Mr. W. A. James, 619 State Office Bldg., AtlaIllta, Ga.
Mr. Ralph A. Lasiter, 1102 No. Carter Rd., Decatur, Ga. , .
Mr. Charles A. Cook, Jr., 1135 Hilburn Dr. SE, Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. Wiley A. Harless, 142 Wilshire Rd., Rome, Ga.
Mr. Grady H. Burnett, 2412 No. View Dr., Austell, Ga. i
Mr. Rowe W. Smith, 406 E. 3rd St., Rome, Ga.
Mrs. Mary McGinnis Harless, 142 Wilshire Rd., Rome, Ga.
Col. Arnold D. Amoroso, 1053 Oakdale Rd. NE, Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. John N. Scott, Route #1, Molena, Georgia
Dr. Sam H. Dillard, 2012 Campellton Rd. SW, AtlaIllta, Ga.
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney H. Ruskin, 2663 Fair Oaks Rd., Decatur, Ga.
Mrs. Alfred A Weinstein, 380 Whitmore Dr. NW, Atlanta, Ga.
" ME' !,r~ ~mi!!tJ 20~5. faJrgr:een p~., StQpe Mountain, Ga. 1
, ThOse who responded by letter or phone call and were unable
to attend this particular meeting on December 7rth did pledge
their interest and assistance during future meetings were:
Mr. H. Okay Parker, P.O. Box 124, Columbus, Georgia.
Mr. Edgar L. Pope, Rte. 2, Box 136P, Donalsonville, Ga.
(100% Disability)
Mr. Sam F. Caldwell, 708 So. Alder St., Ocilla, Georgia.
Mr. John S. Koot, 2184 Zelda Dr. NE, Atlanta, Georgia.
The Chairman noted to those present of the receipt of messages
from Mrs. Davidson of Lawrenceville, Ga. who informed me that
her husband, Gibson C. Davidson, was killed in an auto accident ,
last April and Mrs. Carole Metcalf stated her husband, W. L.
Metcalfe, passed away at Ft. Gordon (Georgia) Hospital on February 27th, 1966. Both Carole and Mrs. Davidson extend their
best wishes for our success.
The letter of approval and instructions from our National '
Commander, dated 3rd November 1966 was read as were also the
Constitution and By-laws of American Defenders of Bataan and
Corregidor, Inc., especially ,those pertaining the petition of this
State Chapter. '
Following discussion, the articles of Petition for Charter of thlS
Chapter, known as The Gen. Edward P. King Chapter of Georgia
and SE Area American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor, were
read and accepted by those present without hesitation.
In accordance with instructions the Acting Officers were appointed as follows:
State Commander-Daniel O. Conrad
State Vice-Conimander-Charles A. Cook, Jr.
State Jr. Vice-Commander-John N. Scott
Mechanicsourg, Pa. 17055 ,
Dear Commander Bressi:
This is further in regard to
your letters of September 9 and
October 28, 1966, and the pilgrimage of the ' American Def end ers 0 f B ataan an d C orregI.
dor to the Philippines, April
7-10, 1967.
I read your letter of October
28 with great interest and was
d t 0 see th a t J;0ur arrangepease
ments were procee mg we . We
also had a good report from our
Embassy in Manila. It confir~ed
D f d
th;it the PhI'l'Ippme
e en ers
organization is scheduling fUJ;}ctions and making arrangements
to provide facilities for your
1 200
orne mg I e ,
American visitors are expected
and the Philippine contingent
may go as high as 125,000. We
are told that the Filipinos plan
a counterpart system, so as to
look after each American visitor,
in many cases possibly· even taking them into their homes.
You may be iniereste~ to
know that our army Attache,
Colonel Willard A: Smith, oui
Veterans' Adm,inistration Manager, Mr. Gordon R.-Elliott, and
our Information Service Director, Mr. James N. Tull, are all
serving on an advisory group assisting the Philippine Coinmittee, which is directed by Under
Secretary of Defense Arellano.
Colonel Smith is a Bataan Veteran himself and has extended his
tour in the Philippind-in order
to be on hand during the pilgrimage.
From what you have told me
and from the Embassy's report,
we in the Department of State
feel sure that the Defenders' Pilgrimage will mark a significant
milestone in Philippine-American relations at an importallt
time }Vhen ~ilipin9s are less inclined to remember the shared
tri~ls of the past. Each of your ,
Arlington Heights, Ill. 60004
Col. Arnold D. Amoroso
Wiley A. Harless
142 Wilshire Road
Rome, Georgia 30161
Hazeihurst, Georgia
Ralph H. Laster
1102 N. Carter Rd.
Decatur, Georgia 30030
Dillard III, D.D.S,
2012 CH.
S W.
amp bell ton Rd .,.
Atlanta, Georgia 30311
Roy Castleberry
811 N. Canal
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220
Edgar D. Whitcomb .
636 N. Poplar'
Seymour, Indiana 47274 ,
Cdr. George E. Morris, Jr.
690 - 64th St. South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33707
Edward A. Woda'
Room 203 - Bon Durant Bldg.
Pueblo, Colorado 81002
J. Fred Moran
62 S. Main St. 7 7
N::!!~~=' 01 5
209 Kona St.,
Santa Ana, Calif. 92704
Calvin E. <;:buim
77-ID Palmyra Drive
JO:~~?::Y Calif. 95628
A-~12 Parkview Apts.
Collingswood, N. J. 08107
Frank Gyovai '
919 West New York
Aurora, III. 60506
William L. Arnold
1739 Maurine,
Billings, Montana 59102
Glenn E. Collar
3455 Highway 246
Lompoc, Calif. 93436
members has a host of Filipino
friends. I am confident their retum to the Philippines will be
a great success and result in further strengthening the ties between our two countries.
We wish your project all success. We trust you will keep us
advised of any further developments or any problems in which
we may assist you.
Samuel D. Berger
Sta.te Secretary-Mrs. Alfred H. Weinstein
State Chaplain-Dan Conrad
State Judge Advocate-H. Okay Parker
State Directors: l.-Col. A. D. Amoroso
2.-Charles A. Cook, Jr.
3.-Wiley A. Harless
4.-John S. Koot
It was decided by the membership that meetings will be held
quarterly on the first Wednesday of January, April, July and
Uctober effective April 5, 1967 at the Brown Room of the American Legion Country Club, Avondale Estates, Georgia at 8 P.M.
and there after as d'uecte d b y 'the Board 0 f D'Ireotors.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Signed-Daniel O. Conrad
Daniel O. Conrad, Chairman, for the
American Defenders of Bataan & Corregidor
Arnold S. Johnson
Box 75
Roslyn, South Dakota 57261
Alex N. Jones
726 Grove Acres
Pacific Grove, Calif. 93950
Michael Pinkovsky
142 Ent Road,
Bedford, Mass. 01730
Henry C. Lilly
Box 31
Spanishburg, West Virginia 25922
January' 1 has brought an increase in monthly compensation
'p ayments to parents and children of servicemen and veterans
who died of service-connected
causes, the Veterans Administration said this week.
Legislation calling for increases in Dependency and Indemnity
Compensation (DIC) rates was
signed into law by President
Johnson on November 3.
Monthly payments for children will be increased from $77
to $80 for one child; from $110
to $115 for two children; from
$143 to $149 for three children
and from $28 to $29 for each
child in excess of three.
In the case of dependent .par~nts, monthly phyments are increased from $83 to $97 for a single parent and the maximum income limitation is extended from
by Edgar Guest
There was a book he'd pl.anned
to write,
Which none will ever read.
He gave his life in one swift
To serve his country's need.
And there was one who might
have found
A gentler way to fame.
He sleeps today in ''foreign
Upon a cross his namel
Who knows how great is freedom's price,
Or who can truly tell
The sum of all their sacrifice
Who fought for truth and fell?
But 'tis the glory and pride
Of freedom's brave and bold,
For what is right they put aside
The joy of growing old; ,
They gave the books they might
have penned
And all they might have done,
Closing a lifetime's dreams to
Twixt dawn and set of sun.
$1750 to $1800.
, Changes in income deductions
for parents were made in the
new law to bring it into line
with the pension and income
rules for veterans' widows.
Sept. 2 (PNS)-Was Gen. Yamasrhita'~ ,treasure buried in Cagayan?
Speculations have c-ontinued
to mount . here that it is &Omewhere in the province.
Digging here, diggings there•these make Cagayanos more
' suspicious than ever that prospectors are getting oloser to their
Local residents have observed
'recently arrivals of new fac;es,
asking , about places here. with
unusual interest, and eqUipped
with complete maps a~d other
pieces of equipment.
• A , Chinese .·from the soutPoame to make some prospecting;
a wife of a 'ranking government
official also came allegedly to
finance an excavation of a pri'v ate lot near the Cagay-an provincial jail, where J~pan~se soldiers once were confmed; ' an engineer reportedly ~as s pen t
thousands of pesos m the treasure hunt.
The patio around the cathedral and ' tower of St. Peter's Cadledrall, incliUding t~e old
churchyard, used someumes as
cemetery, have been pockmarked
with excavations.
There have been diggings
made near the Cagayan high
school and several other places
in the town.
N ear Callao Cave in Penablanca and along the beach in
the northern coastal town,
people here have noticed frequent visits by Japanese. They
were observed to have included
-mw...,a -in- theil'.o.:itiRNQT)\ Callao,
Penablanca · and the coastal
towns of Gonzaga, Sta. Ana ~nd
Buguey. Yamashita's retreat~ng
forces, which reportedly carned
the treasure, slipped through
these beaches.
People here surmise that if the
Japanese were unable to haul
the treasure further, they could
have buried it in the beach and
can not be very far.
Ben E. King, who made the
'Bataan Death March after the
fall of Corregidor early in World
War JI died late Saturday, Dec.
11 1966 in an Austin hospital.
Funerall is 'pending with Hyltin-Manor Funeral Home.
Awarded the Silver Star and
Purple Heart, King, 58, was a
veteran of 17 years' duty in the
Army. He retired from the Army
in 1947 as a lieutenant colo~el.
He lived at 4108 Ridgelea Dnve.
He was a Japanese prisoner. of
wat for '3~ montl'lsl,A:fter leavmg
the ATmy, King became ~ pr.ofessional rearl estate appraIser m
An honorary life member of
the Austin Reaft Estate Board,
he was also a member of St.
David's Episcopal Church, the
Men's Downtown Bible Class of
the First Baptist ehurch, the
National Teaching Staff of -the
American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, .the Apprai~l
Institute of Amenca and TraVIS
Post No. 76 of the American
Survivors include hIS Widow,
Mrs. Marie King, Austin; mother, Mrs. Vera King, Austin; two
sons, Spec. 5 Richard K~ng,
Vietnam and Robert King,
Austin; , daughter, Mrs. Gail
Lerche, Harlingen, and one
February, 1967
Small Bits
" ~~~~l~ :~d;~~l afou:~~sh
, Page 3
' In a bit of round-about conesAs most readers of the Quan probably know, the ashes of almost Cloverdale Ave., Winston-Salem, Box 1493, Sheridan,. Wyo. ', A pondence from the Anned Forceleven-hundred prisoners of war who died in Osaka were preserved N. C., should be home from the change of address and is associat- es Affairs Division, Embassy of
by the Reverend Shinkai Yamaguchi in Juganji Temple until re- hospital at this printing. Not~, ed with an architect in Sheridan. the Philippines, Washington,
moved by American troops after the surrender. Since that time the Jim has a new address. For hiS Is glad to be back Ito Gods Coun- D. C. 20036, from a good friend,
good priest has held annual memorial services according to the "Shelf of Books" he has received try. Wants to have information Colonel Patrocinio D. LaPus, it
Buddhist rites. He built within the temple precincts a "treasure "Spotlight of Singapore" by Col. on Joseph T. Hume who left has been learned that Pres':dent
tower" in which to display the hundred photographs of the dead Dennis Russell Roberts. Jim will Cabanatuan for Japan a few Marcos of the Philippines would
sent to him by grateful parents. This year he has finally completed review it in a future issue. Also months earlier than Art. Joe like to have the names of Vetera much larger shrine, "The tower of th~ '~ight Nations." Much of John Freeman donated a copy was from the 28th Bomb Sqdn. ans of the Philippines who were
this was done with the help of a local organization whose name of a book Jim will write on lalter. and later the "Foot Locker" 5th decorated by the U. S. Governcan be rough~y translated as the International Friendship and True Get well Jim, we need your Pen! and was reported 1(0 return to ment during the defense and libPeace Society.
Write Jim a get well card.
GloversVlille, N., Y. _ Stan Daw- eration campaigns in the PhilipI was invited to attend and participate in the twentieth annual
JOE AND HELEN VATER, son can you help Art?
memorial service and dedication of the new building. I was asked, 18 Warbler Dr., McKees Rocks,
Since this project would asnot because of any virtue on my part but because I was for two Pa. the other half of the Quan Calif., 1st Sgt. of A-Co., 803rd sume the magnitude of a flood
years in cha,r ge of a stateside Nisei unit and learned some of the Staff, wishes to thank the many Eng. and his wife Freda, send tide, it , is requested by COMlanguage while my son Bob was the youngest of the war victims; who sent cards at Christmas regards. Freda (a great gal) MANDER ART BRESSI of the
he was just seventeen when he went into acion at Aglaloma Point. time. We had an enjoyable holi- writes about a clerk who she ADB&C that any and all of our,
Wha.t might have been a sorrowful pilgrimage was made joyful day, Joey home from college, met at the Long Beach V. A. membership readers please forby the wop.derful treatIllent and , !riendship ,accorded me. ': Father Ghu~e al1~ Mary liel~,n off on ,Her name, Miss Lily Williams" . wjlrd.• this information directly
Shinkai"-If I may so speak oof him in English-has been described the High School Vacation. Had 67 West 51st St., Long Beach, to Colonel LaPus in Washingas "jovial" and it is hard to think of him as priest or minister. The a wonderful New Years Party Calif. She was a young girl in ton. I
Buddhist faith lays great stress on good works and gives no thought with ADBC Buddies, Chuck the Philippines and had planned
In his letter of request, Coloto sin; it is not exclusive and respects all other religions ,that try to BIoskis, Ken Curley, "Swede" to marry a Lt. Jackson W. Burk- nel LaPus stated: "Afthough the
bring light into this .dark world.· It was thus no surprise to learn Emerick, Bob Neil and Walter ha~ter from one of the Infantry background of this request has
the Yamaguchi-sarna had just returned from Rome, where he pre- Macarovich and their lovely Co's. Somewhere Jackson was not been stated, it can be safely
sen ted to Pope Paul a beautiful model of the new shrine; a photo· wives. A good time was had by lost in the group. Miss Williams assumed that the President' of
graph shows His Holiness clasping the Buddhist's hand with both all.
has tried to trace him, but no the Philippines contempl ate s
DANIEL O. CONRAD, success. If anyone can shed any awarding the correspo n din g
his own.
Amol1g the high-points of my visit was first of all meeting with 1727 Ellington St., Decatur, Ga. light on this case, write her, I Philippine decorations on the octhe little girl who had long been my pen-friend and who had often sends application for a Gen. Ed. am sure you could help an casion of the 25th Anniversary of
laid flowers before Bob's picture. Although now married and a P. King Chapter of Georgia and Aching Heart.
the Fall of Bataan and Corregmother she was granted three days leave from her duties as nurse South East Area. AD.B.C.MRS . GERTRUDE C . idor which will be celebrated in
in a great hospital and joined our party in what became festivities . good luck boys. Members from HORNBOSTEL, 120 Grance the Spring of 1967. Veterans of
Another was the moment When rhe baton garu-majorettes-came the area should make it a point Rd., Singapore 10, Singapore is these campaigns are expected to
prancing out and the band of Japan's token army blared out Souza's to attend the meetings, you living with one of her daughters, a homecoming to the Philip"Thunderer," the regimental march of my own 301st Infantry in sure will make friends you could enjoys reading the Quan. She pines for this celebration."
the "old war." I damn near broke down.
never replace.
has been ill, and won't be able
Again, please direct your ansI was taken to palaces and temples and had the rare privilege
JOSEPH L. BARNA, 430 to travel to Manila.
wers to Colonel LaPus if you
of offering incense at the High Altar of the mother-temple of the Livingston Rd., West Mifflin,
COL. RAY (Chi,t Chat) were decorated in the PhilipJudo sect, where I also had the honor of being presented to the Pa. sends good wishes and offers O'DAY, had been hospitalized pines, as soon as possible.
Patriarch. I was tendered a dinner in the old style, my feet pushed suggestions for the Quan. Joe and is now home, I haven't reunder the low table and my back supported on pillows and props, has written several articles for ceived any info regarding Ray'S
while the little nurse kneeled comfortably at my side and kept my publication.
sickness, will report anything
thimble of sake full for close to four long hours.
G. B. GILBERT, 15H Willow new I hear.
(Cont. from Page 1
I came home in love with the Japanese people, and especially ~~~~eg~~r, o~o~h:~Unr::!!n\;e~~
ROLOC COLOR SLIDES, winds its way through the bare
with the women, from the pin-up chambermaids to the old peasant
Box 1715, Wash. D .C. 20013. bones of riddled barracks rows,
women who shine shoes on Tokyo sidewalks. Friends have asked is leading the way in suggesting Produoed by Lt. Col. M. W. the wrecked house where Macme how I can ex~lain this intense feeli~~ of -£riendshi~ when I re- the ear~ayment of 1967 dues. A
L ' " IT £.
r'~~J·i.~" HhJ.,.".., t t r -;-,
. IS rFA'rttrtlI'- uvea wan !t:"dn; ana~, me,~~-:""'I
meUlUCL .r rOll ' rI"LUVL "uu me 111 u-ea[mem Our ooys suUered. 1
RYNAKlJ HYARS;- -:>CRIi:' 2, com~any sells color shdes m- boy and it remorsely inches up
cannot. I can only believe that Japan is somehow a reborn country, Box 120, Fairdale, N. D. sug- cl.udmg many from the Phil!p- the' broken steps and cracked
willing to go as far as I go though they have much to remember gests all who are making the pII~es, sO",le 100, you can rec~~ve walls of dIe building that was
too: 273,000 men, women, children, and babies eliminated in one Philippine Trip should pool the a .hst of p1ct.u~es from the Phlhp- headquarters for U. S. Armed
unspeakable night of fire-bombing over Tokyo, when Japan was photo'S so that a good pictorial pmes by wntmg to them.
Forces Far East.
out on her feet, navy and airforce had ceased to exist and a naval history of the trip is made.
A big "small. bit" is the fact
blockade would have brought peace. My guide, interpreter, and
DOCTOR MARK (Handle over 2600 of the
stands outside that ghostly headfriend, Tomohiro Yamada, mentioned the war just once: he held Bar's) HERBST, 515 - 3rd St., Quan were matled. Than~~o quarters. It is an ancient s-taff,
my finger, pressed it into a two-inch gash deep into his skull: "The N. W. Canton, Ohio and his th h d
k f
ff rs
same bomb that killed my father." He was seven at ,the time.
'wife are making the P. I. Trip.
e .ar wor 0 your 0 1
taken from one of the ·
espeoally Joe ~nd Helen. Poster. Spanish ships sunk by Adm.
What I did not see in Japan impressed me more ,than what I He is taking his friend John We have cont1~ued to. mcrease Dew's flotilla in Manila Bay.
saw. No policemen; well, yes, a few traffic cops, unarmed, watch- Robellt Arther of Akron.
our membership espeClally the
ing particularly bad corners. No painted faces, no lipstick smears;
NATHAN D. SUTTON, 439 paid dues which is almost 1300 Its flag ~~~ hit oneddaJ.. and b~­
even the two geisha dancing for tourists before a Shinto temple Camron, Box 5184, APO 96519, to date. Send your changes of gan to s I e. towar
e eart .
showed their own beautiful ba-r e faces. No litter; the woman who a civil service employee has re- address, we had 148 changes for Th~ee Amencans sprang out of
controls the taxi stand at Daimaru has a dustpan and dustbrush cently been transferred to Mis- the Dec. issue.
theIr foxholes, raced thr?ugh
to k ee p th e Sl'dewa lk c1ean around h er. N
. : shot
it be0 sums; no even a ong
awa A'Ir B ase, M'1sawa, Japan.
J. A. MIH<?K: 3113 Hu.nsmgfore and
it hit
the and
MacArthe railroad tracks where we find -them at home. No paperbacks Nat hopes to meet the old gang
11 K
er ane, OU1SV1~, y., IS one, thur waxed eloquent in this comfull of rape, and murder,' except, at the bookstore in the Airport, l'n Man1'la Reports he is glad
t d
t b t
t th
0 our s ea ~ con n u ors 0
e munique describing this little
where they are the ~nly American litera'tures offered. No Beetles. he returned to Japan and in- Quan matenal. Thanks.
footnote to history.
Back in Los Angeles, as I walked beside the porter with my bag- tends to spend the next 3 years
. h Iong gold en cur1s an d earrmgs.
I cou ld seemg
I n thfe M
of th,os'd
e h ero'1C,
wa kAe"h
gage I saw a man (? ) Wit
t h e country. The new LapoIlte, Ind. writes' of his. obnot help remarking to the porter: "You wouldn't see thalt in Japan." generation has the better out- . .
h J
some 0
ac r. ur s a1 es sug"N 0, sa.
h D e Japanese d
. d e wor Id_''
e apanese
ar gested that t h e fl a~ b e pu t away
e nIcest
peop1e m
100k'm l'f
1 e.
Memorialtoont Guam.
I agree we
P. S. The Osaka camps cannot be located today. Some were deWILLAlRD A. WHATLEY, have forgiven the Japs for their ~or keeps. They pomted ou~t that
stroyed in the final ,b ombing, and a typhoon has changed the 206 East Victory, Temple, Texas past actions. I am only sorry to It helped the enemy batt.erles on
shoreline. I am sure aerogrames would be welcome; address:
served in 7th MatI. Sqdn., 19th realize and feel ashamed that Bataa!l an~ the enemy ~I~ forces
Reverend Shinkai Yamaguchi, Juganji Temple, 3,12 Yamate- Bomb, Clark Field, made death our government hasn't as yet to pmpomt the position .of
cho, Hiraokashi, Osaka. Rotarians attention: He is a member.
march to O'Donnel, stayed to saw , fit to erect a memorial to _headquarters. MacAr~ur was 1!1I would- have -made -thi!t longer but it would then have-'become a June- 1942 - transferre'd to Cab- our beloved dead in the P. I. censed by t'he suggest~on. He said
travelogue. My total stay was only four days, plus time on the Japan anatuan Camp #1 and stayed We spenet billions throughout that the flag would fly as long
Airlines, but it left me drained of emotions. The little I knew of till June 21, 1944, Went to the world but when a memorial as there was a man left around
the language came back 'to me; fortunately, for right of{ the bat in Bilibid and sailed for Japan, to our dead runs over the esti- to raise it. And, by God, it did.
Osaka my interpreter went off home and people began calling on July 16, 1944. Worked in coal mated cost, we waste a year re- I A trim wooden cross rises next
the phone. Finally a pin-up in kimono knocked on my door and mine Fukuoka Furye Shuyeshe studying the plans. Small wonder I to Battery Hearn. On it, written
spoke so clearly I understood her every word: Minna sam a ga anata are
till 5war
was over.
. E ngl'IS h and J apanese, IS
. t h'IS
of them
at theStates
V.A. there
Hos- we h ave peop1e losmg
elf m
o mallte imsu. Everyone is waiting for you. I followed her down
patienoe and their heads
I'nscrl'ptl'on' "May the souls of
and found a reception committee of ladies and gentlemen, some P ital, Temple, Texas. Send
the unknown
of the
from the Peace Society, others from ,the Fujunkai, the Womens along all the names, Will.
Q-I have a G .!. home loan with Philippines, the United States
Club. None of them had any spoken English, though like most eduJOE B. MILLER, Tomatchi,
a savings and loan institu- and Japan rest in peace."
cated people they can reaa ilt: I excused my tardiness and tried to N.M., 87325 sends his wishes for
tion. Recently I was notified
k d
a successful new year to all his
y1 hmar e
rna k'e conversatIOn
WI·th my f ew word s. Someone h and ed me a VISt h at t h
e 'Interest rate on my
b pl'ace £is neat
. .
balance would be l'ncreased out y 'd
oun on ky ere on
card and I was a bl e to read t h e name, t h en one b y one t h ey fTil·ends.
ey are Wh
nown as
came up and I was able to ma e out most 0 t e names, O't ma y o n e percentage pomt e- bl ed'
· · tWI
. 1e Grand Portale, M1·nn. 55605
e dmg eart stones.
name was wntten
' a smg
cause 0 ftIe
cost 0 f
k' exth ere came a lad y wh ose given
new as part 0 t e wor or eace, et-wa no wa,
blood d
c h aracter, w h 1C
as they say, but when used alone, the ancient name of Japan, the American Legion. Glad to have A-No. Loans guaranteed by the turn to a
re .
name of one of the battleships, and Ithe name of a Japanese colony you aboard, Bernie. He served
Veterans Administration do
Now as we s-tood there near
we once had in Florida. I blurted out "Yamato!" and the crowd in the 60th C.A.C.
not contain interest rate es- the cross a soft rain fell on Corroared with laughter. Turning over the card she showed me her
calation clauses. You contin- regidor, and the stones around
name in roman letters: Kazu. Since kazu means either number or 9408 Farmington Court, Richue to pay the same rate the cross were transformed befirst I have no idea how it comes to be written as a woman's mond, Va. has a fOster of the
agreed upon when you made fore our eyes and the symbolism
name with the character for Yamato.
12th Q .M. stationed at Fort Wm.
the loan.
I was almost too much to bear.
Gordon T. Fish
Page 4
John Hinkle
P. O . Box 5183
Greenville, Mass.
Lawrence R . McGuire
Check this list of bad 'ad·
715 Leonard St., N. E.
dresses. If you know correct adGrand Rapids, Michigan 49503
dre,sses for any , of these men Lyall-Dillon ..
,please send it on to the , Quan.
HI Cmbt. Spt. Gp.
Check your Christmas Card list,
San Francisco, Calif. 96328
if any of your buddies aren;t reo ' John P. Markovich
ceiving the Quan send it along to
V. A. Hospital Bldg. 14-A
us, after checking we
Perry Point, Md. 21902
future iSllues. By any chance if Albert E. Puckett
yo~ stop receiving the Q\lan"
R . F. D. #1
wnte to us, there' is always a
Wellington, Md.
chance a plate could be lost. Mr. Stewart A. Boog'
1613 Patricia Circle
By all means when you mo.Ye
LasVegas, Nevada 89100
please send us a change as soon Richard H. Barnes
a~ you can, especially you memU. S. A. Element
bers of the ' Armed Services.
When sending a change either
APO 1I, New York, N. Y.
type or print with a complete General Clyde Box
APO and Zip riumber. We do
Det. #5 Shape
A. P. O. 224
our.d~e$.t .;.AQ i_keep, the, mai'Fng
New York,.N. Y: 'I0000 f'
• • 1tstraight but we do make mis- Capt. R. H . Clark C-981896
takes. If your Quan isn't properA P 0 185
ly addressed, correct it and send
New York, N. Y.
it to us.
Col. Jerome Friolo
c. O. 1631 St. AB Sqd.
LjCoL Ace Faulkner
U. S, A. Eng. Dist. Alaska Bldg. 21
APO 202
New York, N. Y.
700 Elmendorf A. F, B.
Col. Robert J. Lawler ,
Anchorage, Alaska 99504
U. S. Cob APO 742
Mr. R. H. Larkin
New York, N. Y.
3018 W, Corrine Dr.
M/Sgt. Harry E. Neece
Phoenix, Arizona 85029
EUrp. Sel. Hq. Reg. Box 33
:;jSgt. John Aldrich
A. F. 12011I60
A. P . O. 757
New York, N. Y.
6314th Support Wing
Nat Romano
A, P. O. 970, San Francisco, Calif.
Delaware Ave.
Albany, N. Y..
Robert Faubion
Lt. Col. P. H. Rafferty
RA 15042224
2nd Tramp. Co,
102 Oswego St.
Fort Ord, Calif.
Baldwinville, N. Y.
John Feldt
Selby B. Riggs
~p~: S. Altair (AKS-32)
APO San Francisco, Calif. 94101
New York, New York
Col. L. J. Fitzpatrick
LCDR W . H. Sparks
1350 San Pablo Navy Section MAAG
Los Angeles, Calif.
APO #85 % PM
Mr. James Gerochi
Box 2199
New York, N. Y.
Gardena, Calif. 90247
M/Sgt. Sidney T. Wright
R. G. Godfrey
~~~ ~~R (3804)
4810 Alro Dr.
New York, N. Y.
Concord, Calif. 94521
MjSgt. Nemesio s. Sencil-~O 686593
H . W , Hundley
- . .t:t.9::cO'.~~ntr'Eftlf. Gp. 1CdllST.,
US-.A:rmy epot '"
APO 1~2
Japan, APO 343 ,
San Francisco, Calif. 96343
New York, N. ~.
Joseph Johnson
M jSgt. Edward Zlarke
i~~ CS S:dn .
Sunnyvale, Calif. 94088
New York, N. Y.
Eleanor O. Lee
Ted Spaulding
P. O. Box 803
Minot, N. D.
Los Gatos., Calif.
Harry Brunivitz
Mr. Harold A. Seeger
1529 Elizabeth St.
655-57 - 3rd Ave.
Chula Vista, Calif. 92010
Scranton, Pa. 18500
Louis Sirois
John Kusiak
-U. S. Reservation House 13
AW 2201734 HQTS 41st Air Div.
Lewisburg, 'P a. 17837
CMR Box 3710, APO 328
San Francisco SCO, Calif. 96328
Steve Morris
4700 Samson St.
MjSgt. James H. Smith
Philadelphia 39, Pa.
1350 San Pablo St.
Los Angeles 33, Calif.
James T. Stasko
528 Carothers Ave.
David Rudin '
Carnegie, Pa. 15106
315 Windsor Ave.
Wilton, Conn. 06897
John W. Yancik, Jr.
SM/Sgt. John Aldrich
Pottstown, Pa.
C. M. R.3907
Eglin AFB, Florida 32542 '
Mrs. Harold A. Rosenquist
20 Sprey Ct.
Mr. Ralph Cooper
Warwick, R. I. 02889
101 E. 51st Place
Hialeah, Fla. 33010
N . A. Davis
Donald R. Flood .
Denton, Texas
1I881 South West 1I8 Terr.
Miami, Fla. 33157
MjSgt. Vivien E. More
314 S. W. 19th St.
James L. Garland
San Antonio, Texas 78200
Box 844
Coc~ ~ea.~p, .f.l,a.., ~mg ... ... ...... ...l •
Major Jphp. ~" ~p~W •.
2712 Sanger Ave.
Raymond Geier
Waco, Texas 76707
Gen. Delivery
Cape Coral, Fla. 32920
Thomas E. Richards
Route I
M/Sgt. Marcel Remy
Church Hill, Tenn. 37642
MacArthur Hotel
FlI - 5th St.
Frank Abrahams
tdiami Beach, fla . 33100
% Wilson Hotel
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Mr. Sandy Storar
225 Lagoon Dr.
Robert W. Willcox
Ft. Meyers, Fla. 33905
P. O. Box 3306
Tacoma, Wash. 98499
Clifford J. Lanning
Box 161
Don McCartney
Ellijay, Ga.
Fort-Monroe, Va.
Joseph Kopacz
Robert E. Wantland
Dixon, III. 61021
449 W . 7100 So.
Charles Root '
Bountiful, Utah
1I7 Ponderosa Dr.
Sgt. Flen L. Wohlfred
Streator, III. 61364
P _ O. Box 23
MjSgt. Everett H . Stigge
Papin, Wis.
1725 E. 53rd St.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wasko
Chicago 15, III.
P. 0.241
Enrique Asidao ,
Mannington, W. Va.
93rd Evac. Hosp.
Fort Riley, Kansas
Ross D. Lewellen
Charles Barnuni
3225 Omaha Rd. ,
1706 Brookwood Dr.
Box 32
Cape Girard.e au, Maine
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
Address Changes,
December: 27, 1966
Dear"Commander Bressi:
Reference is made to your 'letter of December 12, 1966, addressed to Mr. Marion J. Coltrin, Executive Director, regarding the disposition of money in
h W Cl'
t e a r alms Fun .
!he press release to which you
refer appears to relate to S. Res.
251 which was adoped by the
United States Senate on May 19,
1966. This resolution authorized
the resumption of a study, examination and review of the admin' istration of the Trading With
the Enemy Act and the War
Claims Act of 1948 by the Subcommittee on Trading With the
Enemy Act, Committee on the
Judiciary, United States Senate.
This work has been carried on
Iu, h S
t e - ubcommittee 'since 1952:
In effect, the Subcommittee is
charged presently with the responsibility of reviewing the program inaugurated by the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission under Title II of the War
Claims Act of 1948, as amended
by Public Law 87-846, approved
October 22, 1962. The work of
the recently closed Office of
Alien Property, which adminis'tered the Trading With the EnA
'll b i d b
emy ct, WI
e comp ete
the Civil Division of the Dcpartment of Justice. In this connection, there are v e r y few
enemy assets which remain to be
liquidated. Of the $415 million
deposited' into the War Claims
Fund approximately $229 million has already been paid to
claimants under Title I of the
War Claims Act and for other
'disbursements as authorized by
the Congress. The remaining
balance has been earmarked for
the payment of claims under Title II of the War Claims Act.
Sectio~ 6(b) of Title ~ of the
- ~r ClalIDs- Act" ilU'thorned--tiIe
predecessor War Claims Commission to receive, adjudicate and
provide for the payment of any
claim filed by any prisoner of
war for compensatIon at the rate
of $1.00 per day for violation by
the enemy government by which
he was held as a prisoner of war,
of its obligation to furn'ish him
with quantity or quality of food
to which he was entited as a
pnsoner of war under the terms
of the Geneva Convention of
July 27, 1929.
Thereafter, several bills were
introduced in the 8~nd Congress
which proposed to pay American
, prisoners of war an additional
$1.50 per day for violations by
the enemy government of its obligations under the Geneva Convention with respect to the labor
and inhumane treatment of prisoners of war.
During the hearings before
the Committee on Interstate and
Foreign Commerce, House of
Representatives, the Commission, as well as other witnesses,
pointea out 'that the United
United States had paid enemy
governments for labor performed by their prisoners herd by the
United States Government during World War II. Evidence in
possession of the Commission
showed that our prisoners were
required to perform heavy labor
for which no payment has been
made. Also, the Commission had
aquired evidence shOWIng widespread failure on the part of enemy governments of World 'W ar
II to observe the requirements
of humane treatment of prisoners. The Commission strongly
recommended the approval of
this legislation by the Congress
and that such claims should have
priority over other categories of
claimsarisingoutofWorld WadI.
On April 9, 1952, legislation
was approved as Public Law 303,
82nd Congress, providing for the
February, 1967
payment of the additional $1.50 this program in the total amount
per day benefits for violations by of $2;019,865,930 against the ad·
the enemy government of the ditional amount of $235 million
provisions of the Geneva Con- which has been transferred' into
vention of July 27, 1929 with re- the War Claims Fund to -·date
spect to the labor and mhumane for the payment of these claims.
treatment of prisoners of war.
Thus far 4,678 awards have been
As a result of the enactment made in the aggregate amount
of Public Law 303, the Commis- of $75,301,752.80. A large numsion was faced with the task of ber of these claims have been deestablishing the procedures nee- nied and many claims remain to
essary to the implementation of be adjudicated. It is not possible
its provision. The necessity for a to estimate the total amount
more extensive background re- which will be available for the
search concerning the obliga- payment of these awards in the
tions of detaining enemy govern- War Olaims Fund. However, the
ments under the provisions of program will be completed on
the Geneva Convention, in gen- May 17, 1967. At that time the
eral, and more particularly the Commission will have additional
violations of those obligations re- information reg a r din g the
lating to inhumane treatment amounts of awards and the baland labor of prisoners of war by ance of money in the War
-such · governments. In ' -this con} Claims Fund; if any: "I t does not
nection, the records of the De- appear that there will be any
partment of' Defense were re-ex- monel remaining in the Fund at
amined and the reports of vari- the completion of the program.
ous military Commissions and
As a matter of information,
Boards of inquiry studied_ Con- several amendments were added
ferences were held with represen- to the bill during the consideratatives of various interested vet- tion of the war damage bill, erans and prison of war groups, H.R. 7283, 87th Congress, which
includng the American Defend- was eventually enacted as Pu~lic
ers of Bataan & Corregidor, and Law 87-846. However, the s e
the testimony of a great number amendments were taken out of
of former prisoners of war, con- the bill with the understanding
cerning prison camp conditions that in the event there remains a
as related to the pertinent provis- balance in the War Claims Fund
ions of the Geneva Convention after the payment in full of
of 1929, was procured, analyzed claims provided for under the '
and incorporated into the Com- bill, consideration would be givmission's record of precedents.
en to legislation providing for
This program was concluded payment to those categories of ·
on March 31, 1955. Awards for persons who were covered under
these benefits under Public Law the amendments.
303 amounted to $73,301,771
These amendments are as £01which, of course, was paid out of lows:
the' War Claims Fund. This
Amendment No.5 would have
amount is included in the total authorized payment of war
amount of $229 million paid out claims to persons presently Unitof the Fund.
ed States nationals who were not
Under Public Law 744, 83rd such nationals at the time the
Congress, approved August 31, loss occurred. '
1954, the ~oetaIy-of-Hea::ltrr,
t Nf..o
. tr-"-~-u""i~~~"~,
Education and Welfare, in coop- authorized the Foreign Claims
eration with the Administrator Settlement Commission to deter·
of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary mine the amount of validity of,
of Labor and the Secretary of and provided for the payment of
Defense, was authorized to con- claims of certain United States
duct a study of the Mortality nationals who, while nationals of
rate and the mental and physical the United States or any governconsequence of the malnutrition ment allied or associated with
and other hardships suffered by the United States during World
prisoners of war and report the War II, were detained as internresults of such study to the Pres- ees, or who, while serving in the
ident for transmittal to the Con- armed forces of any government
gress within one year. A report allied with or assOClated wIth the
was, in fact, submitted (House United States, were interned as
Document No. 296, 84th Con- prisoners of war during World
gress, 2d Session) but no further War II, and who have since beaction was taken by the Congress come United States nationals.
authorizing further studies or
Amendment No.9 would have
providing additional compensa:- authorized 'and directed the Fortion to former prisoners of war eign Claims Settlement Commisor their heirs. However, the sion to receive and determine
Commission understands that a the validity and amount . of
second survey is presently being claims of refugees from certain
conducted by the National Acad- Communist countries who sufemy of Sciences, Washington, fere~ loss or destruction of, ?r
D. C. In addition, a bill, desig- phySIcal da~age tc;>, property. m
nated H.R. 1027, was introduced such countnes dunng the penod
in the 89th Congress which, if beginning May 8, 1945 and endenacted, would amend Title 38 ing January I, 1952.
e Com!11ission\s ~''fesJX)md- ''
of the United States Code to' pro- '
vide an automatic 50 per cent billty regardmg World War II
disability rating for certain for- clai~s lies solely in th~ adminismer prisoners of war. The Veter- tratIon of the War Claims Act C?f
ans Administration is charged ~948, a~ amende~: Therefore, It
with the administration of this IS not m a positIOn to suggest
title of the Code. However, the that, if any course of action your
bill was not passed by the Con- organization should take regardgress prior to its adjournment on ing additional benefits to exOctober 22, 1966.
prisoners of war. As stated above,
As noted above, the residual compensation for forced labor of
amounts in the War Claims prisoners of war has already
Fund have been earmarked for been provided for and paid unthe payment of war damage der section 6(d). (Public Law 303)
claims of American citizens who of the War ClaIms Act. '
have not been eligible heretoWhether or not . additional
fore to receive compensation for cO~llpensation shC?uld. be paid to
their war losses. These claims are pnsoners of war, m view of these
provided for under Public Law payments under section 6(d) of
87-846, approved October 22, the Act, appears to .be a matter
1962, which added Title II of of CongressIOnal polIcy on which
the War Claims Act of 1948 as the Commission cannot approamended.
'priately comment.
A total of 22,708 claims were
Andrew T. McGuire
filed with the Commission under
General Counsel
February, 1967
~h'e last Japanese offensiv~ ~n ~ataa:n began on Good Friday
i{;PrIl 3", 19~2). ~he war. was m Its fIfth m~mth and the third since .
. ~ beleaguered FIl-AmerIcan forces had organized a defensive poSItIon that stretched across. the Bataan Peninsula from Orion .to
Bagac. Although these forces had executed a brilliant withdrawal
from nort~, south .and central Luzon into Bataan, time and logistics
were workmg agaInst them. With their rations less than a fourth
of the normal !lmount, many of the soldiers were weak and sick.
In contrast, Tapanese .tro~ps and supplies ?ad been building up
north .of the O!I~m-B,a&ac Im.~. Towa:d Apr~l the Japanese artipery
~nd aIr force became mcreasmgly actIve whIle their reconnaissance
screen o~rated wel~ forward to mask preparations for battle . . On
the mor!lmg of AprIl 3 seventeen batteries of Japanese artillery began a sI~-hour barrage .that heralde~. the 10ng-ex.J?ected offensive.
~nemy dive !:>Offilbers, WIth no OppoSItIOn from antiaircraft guns or
mterceptor aIrcraft, struck and smashed the 'Fil-American positions.
Tapanese tanks and shock troops poured into gaps formed by the
. It ~as. under the~e circumstances that Company C,S03d Engin~er. AVIation Battah?n, which had been working on Cabcaben
AIrfIeld was ordered I~tO battle on Limay Ridge to reinforce the
, ~l ~...t" I9-f..ant1:~ Ju(Ap}er\can) and the 57th Infa:ntry (Philippine
S~outs). C~mpany C comprised the former members of the 3d Engme~r. R~gIment, Hawaiian Division-all volunteers-and were
quahfied m the use of engineer equipment and infantry weapons.
The. company had been engaged on Luzon since July 1941 in the
construction and defense of airfields under attack.
. .BY .midnight, t~e co~pany had taken over the positions of a
?hIhpp~n~ A~y umt whIch was sent to the rear. After spending a
ratherqUlet mght, outposts ~et .strong fo:ward Japanese elements
a!ld dro}?ped back ~o the . mam ~m~ of reSIstance. From this positlOn engmeer mach me gunners mfhcted sharp losses on hostile patrols. In turn they d! ew fire from Japanese mortars and grenade
Hostile aircraft was an addi- drawn to the vicinity of Little
tional ~reat. From Limay Ridge Baguio. .
the engmeers coiIld see Manila
Company C soon left the airand its airfields across the bay. field, and at about S:OO a.m.,
At 10:00 A.M. Japanese aircraft having marched and fought with
began to take off from Nichols full packs for 25 kilometers, was
Field in formations 6f three. met by company trucks which
The. defenders were trusting that took them to the engineer camp.
the Jungle and the rough terrain After a breakfast of ginger tea
wou~d make it difficult for pilots and boiled rice, the men dug
to pIck out their firing line. But fox holes aJong a line that ran
when the planes reached them 1,500 yards from the main road
and circled overhead, Japanese to the beach, and by 11:30 a.m.
ground troops fired smoke gren- were ready once more to meet an
ade~ ~at outlined the American attack. An hour later, the compOSItlOns.
pany was ordered to report with
Hardly had th.e first grenades arms and ammunition at the
_ .explod.ed..Y;,b an. ilie,.dive ,bomooFS _ tent of the commander. Most of
attacked the -well-defined targets. the me~ thought artpey were
In reply, American 75mm guns ~o be shIfted to a new sector, but
mounted on half-tracks moved mstead, they were told of the
up and made things plenty hot surrender of all troops on Bafor the Japanese. While neutral- taan and that .they must consider
izing the mortars and grenade themselves prlsoners of war.
launchers, the muzzle blasts of
the 75's raised clouds of dust
t~at betray~ their own posiAn interest rate of six percent
tIOns to the dIve bombers, which per annum may now be charged
destroyed a number of guns. by lenders on home, farm and
This action gave the other business loans which are to be
tr~~ _ti~e to strengthen their guaranteed or insured by the
Veterans Administration, the
japanese a~tacks the rest of agen,cy announced today. The
the day were successfully repuls- maXImum permissable rate until
ed. The same sort of ground and today was five and three-fourths
air action continued for the percent.
The new six percent rate will
next three ,d ays. A~ approximat~­
ly 9:00 p.m., Apnl 7, the engI- be applicable to loans guaranneer company was ordered to teed or insured by the VA which
withdraw from the line to the are dosed by lenders on or aftmain coastal road. After four er October 3, but only if the
days of continuous fighting, the lender had not made a prior
men, having quelled the attack, firm commitment to make the
believed that they were headed loan at a lower rate. The infor rest but soon found out ,t hat creased rate will also apply to
the Japanese had ,broken VA direct loans where the agenthrough the line at various cy has not previously committed
-vei-nts-, a'nd--thltt ~this- wa$'~ gen- ' -to-make the 10an"'3.t the-old rate.
eral withdrawal from the battle The interest rate of loans made,
position to avoid a flanking at- quaranteed, or insured by the
VA pl'ior to October 3 is not aftack and possible encirclement.
After reaching the coastal fected in any way.
The VA said it authorized the
road, Company C set up a roadblock and served as rear guard. increase to make G.I. loans more
The last of t:):le 57th Infantry competitive, thereby attracting
pas~e?- south~ard tprOl-lgh,. the~r additional money into the G.!.
loan market making it easier for
pqSItI~ns at abo.u t 11:00 p,m.,
followed 'two hours later by the veterans to make mortgages to
31st Infantry, Ke~ping in com- purchase homes. Lenders are
bat formation, t Ii e tngineers permitted to make G.I. mortga~e
fought several times with lapan- loans on no down payment baSIS,
ese patrols. The road itsel came but may require a down payment
under enemy artillery fire, but as a matter of lending policy.
The Veterans Admlmstration's
this was very inaccurate and
caused little trouble. At a1bout action parallels that of the Fed4:00 a.m. Company C reached eral Housing Administra t ion
Cabcaben Airfield, which was which also announced an inoccupied by a few light tanks crease to six percent in the interand their crews. The engineer est rate which may be charged
detachment which had been sta- on loans insured by that agency
tioned there to guard the con- under Section 203-(b) of 'the Nastruction equipment had with- tional Housing Act.
Page 5
Readers who wish to know
When .and where the Americans
l~nded to recapture the Phii}ippmes . from the Japanese might
benefIt from the following , compHation:
Oct. 17-'IS - Offshore islands
at Leyte Gulf seized by the 6th
Ranger Infantry Battalion (US
6th Army).
Oct. 20-The 10th and 24th
Corps of the US 6th Army, the
1st Philippine Infantry and
some Allied troops landed at the
coasta~l 'towns of northeastern:
Nov. 12-The US lIth Airborne Division landed at Tacloban. '
Dec. 7-The US 77th Division
landed in Ormoc City.
Dec. 15-The 19th RCT of
the 24th Infantry Division seized offshore islands sou th of
Mindoro .
Jan. I-Elements of the 24th
Division landed simultaneously
at Mindoro's eastern and western
coasts (near Bongabong and
Jan. 3-Landings at Maxinauque.
Jan. 9-The 1st & 14th Corps,
US 6th Army, supported by the
US 7th Fleet, and land-based 5th
and 13th airforces landed at Lingayen Gulf.
Jan 29-30-The US II th
Corps landed ~t Suhic Bay.
Jan. 31-'rhe US 11th Airborne Division made an amphihious landing at Nasugbu,
Feb. 3-The 511th Parachute
ReT of the II th Airborne Division jumped into Tagaytay.
Feb. 15-The 151st RCT of
the 3~t.h I~JaI)H.1' ""I;>iyisiqn lande at southern "'Bataan.
Feb. 16-The 503rd Parachute Inf. supported by the amphibious assault made by the
34th RCT, 24th In£. Div., jumped into Corregdor.
.F~~. 2S-The 41st Infantry
DIVISIon, US Sth Army seized
central Palawan (near Puerto
March I-Landings at Lubang Island, off Mindoro.
March 3-Units of the 24th
Division seized Burias Island
and offshore islands north of
March IO-The 41st Infantry
Division landed near Zamboanga City.
March 12-Landings made at
March 16-E,l ements of the
24th Division landed a:t BasiIan
island (south of Zamboanga
March IS-The 40th Infantry
Division landed near Iloilo City.
March 2 I-More
near Calapan, Mindoro.
I\f.'a iCIr 1.Z3"-=Uindrngs-near
Jose, Mindoro.
March 26-The American Division invaded Talisay , 1.0 kilometers south of Cebu City.
March 29-The 40th Infantry
Division landed at ,the BagoPulupandan sector, Negros Occidental.
Aprill I-The 15Sth RCT and
a brigade of the 1st Cavalry Di-.
vision made an amphibious
landing at Legaspi in Albay.
April 2-The 41st Infantry
Division invaded the islands
around Sulu Ar~hipelago.
-April 3-Landing at Mashate.
April 9-Seizure of islands in
the Calamian Group, north of
11-Landings ' made
near Tagbilaran, Bohol.
Aprill 16-Seizure of islands
south of Palawan.
By Maximo V. SoUren
. The executive board of the Veterans Federation -of the PhilippI~~S passed a resolution in which they "VEHEMENTLY R.£JECT.t,D any proposal to construct Japanese Buddhist shrines in
.liataan or CorregIdor."
The V.FP board on the other \h and, "agreed in principle that
such shnnes may be constructed in the place where l,;eneral Yamashita's forces were routed," i.e. in : the Mountain Province.
'l'hese decisions were transmitted to me by Col. Simeon C.
Medalla, VH' preSIdent, and actmg Secretary-l,;eneral Phuomeno
P. .Padilla.
Now that the veterans themselves have voiced their sentiments
it's time for .President Marcos (who IS honorary president of th~
VP.l<) to reconsider l11S plan to petmlt the Japanese government to
se~ UP} shnne on Mt. ::,amat in Hataan. By tIle woras "vehemently
reJe~t, the veterans leave no dO\.Jbt as to what they mean. They
don t want a Japanese shrine or monument on Bataan.
, Not only our veterans and other Filipinos are aghast at the proJect to construct a Japanese s'h rme Qnt such a sacred battlehel<1 as
.liataan. Even fo~eign~rs living in Manila have expressed shock; not
only ra,t our havmg YIelded to the Japanese request but at the fact
that I okyo had tne nerve and the ·gall to even propose it.
, What's so surprising about the japanese move? When the Impenal Japanese }<orces lI~vaded the l'nilippines in December, 1~41, .
~e were amazed at theIr knowledge of our terrain and our adminIstratIve set-up. We discovered t.t;lat their geodetic maps of our
waters were tar more accurate and up-to-date than our own.
We may have won the war, but- it seems we never learned from
it. Now the Japanese ~~ve gotten the jump on us once agam. 'l'hey
keep m, theIr ~e,cr~,t . hIes an ,exhaustIve 'study of the "ten most
mtlUentIal famIlIes m the .Phllippmes. They nave, ,by pamstakmg
ob,s ervatIon and research, mas~ered our psycnolOgy. 'lOKYO has oy
thIS tIme, r:ached the conclusIOn ' that am It has to do IS dangle
a m~ltImIllIon dol,lar reparations program and the prospect of extenSIve loans and mvestment and 't he Filipinos will jump through
the hoop for them.
The greedy Filipinos the Japan~se encounter here and in their
own capItal only demonstrate this point. Perhaps those Japanese
experts on the Filipino character have by now narrowed down
their list of the most effective weapons against our officials or
busin~ssmen ~o four: wine! womert, Hattery and cold cash.
Let s prove . them wrong. W e'v~ imported Japanese transistors,
motor cars, flxtures, elevators and farm equlpment by the ton.
We've stripped our torests to teed the bottomless maw ot the Japanese lumber and plywood industry, and gIven them a near-monopoly
on the produce of our copper and iron mines. But there are thmgs
that n~lther moneY ,nor olackmaIl: can buy. A?d 0Ile. o~ lne~e, :!
hope, IS a toehol . Ill ' Bataan. Eac;:h square-too"r . f-'land~ ~n t11~t
battleground was ,pa~d for. d~rly by the blood a,nd sa<;rifices of
tens of thousands of Filipinos.
The Veterans Federation of the ' Philippines suggests that if we
hav~ to allow the .Japan~e a shri~e f.or their war, dead, it should
be m the Mountam.Provmce at tl\e SIte where General Yamashita
acknowl~dged, defeat. This would ~e a more approp~}ate location,
bec~use m ~lus area the Japanese $uffered no less tnan 50,000 casualtIes. In fact, a group of ~OO Japanese war veterans is tentatively
scheduled to make a pilgrimage to .Baguio and the Mountain Province within the next few weeks. •
What most Filipinos don't seem l to recall is 'that even in defeat
the Japanese showed themselves intransigent. Yamashita styled
himselt the "Tiger of Malaya" (a sobriquet earned !by his conquest
of the vaunted British fortress of ~ingapore in less than six days)
~nd was chagrined to find himself beaten and surrounded by a
force of 20,000 Filipino guerrillas of the USAFIP-Northern Luzon.
Following the .formal surrender of Japan on Sept. .1, 1945, Yamashita indicated that he was willing to- give up but refused to surrender to Col. R. W. Volckmann, commanding officer of the
USAFIP-NL, because he was a "mere colonel." Volckmann therefore agreed to ferry Yamashita and his officers to Baguio under
a "£lag of truce" where his surrender could be formally accepted by
an officer of "proper rank," Lt. Gen. Walter Krueger, head of the
U. S. Sixth Army. Volckmann sent Yamashita and his oHicers do-wn
the mountains to Camp Spencer in Darigayos Cove, Luna, La
Union. At the camp, the Japanese general arrogantly .demanded a
staff or command ca·r to transport him to Baguio.
Unfortunately for '\;amashita, the base commander was a Filipin~Lt. CoI:- Froilau" Maglaya. Maglaya milly tui"ii'ed'-aowrit'1ne
general's demand. "I was under orders to get him to Baguio," he
reminisces today, "but I'd be damned if I transported him in style."
And so Maglaya commandeered the most decrepit six-by-six truck
he could find and piled Yamashita and 14 generals (including an
admiral who had led the first wave in the attack on Pearl Harbor)
into the rear of the vehicle. "When Yamashita climbed up," Maglaya recollects "he was so heavy he almost could not make it. And
so I gave him a shove. You can be sure that it was far from gentl~: "
In those days, it was not as easy to forget that it was under the a~gis
of Yamashita's command that Japanese and Korean troops put
Manila to the torch and conducted the brutal rape of Manila ..
April 17-The U.S. 10th
Corps, comprising the 24th and
the 31st Infantry .Divisions,
made simul,taneous landings
near MalaJbang (Lanao), Parang
(Cotabato), and Cotabato City
, April 26-Landing at DUmaguete City.
May 10-The ' IOSth RCT of
the 40th Division, and the
American Division, ,l anded at
the shores of Macaja'l ar and Butuan bays, and seized Cagayan
de Oro, Nasipit and Butuan
, July 12-Landings at Sarangani Bay (near Dadiangas, Cotabato).
July 31-Landing at Sibuguey
Bay (near Kabasalan, Zamboanga del Sur).
'Febru~ry, 1967
American Defep!1~r!! Q.f.
Bataan Be Corregidor, Inc.
18 Warbler ' Dr.
McKees I.tocks; Pa. 15136
1..,- _
Noll' .f.vaUable ••.
-An mumtnattng record of mo:nento~" events. tnf!uenCed tn large measure bl/
r ~t~~t~gut8~e~ ,A7Ii~~~~' ,8~ldter :: :' ,
The Reports of General MacArthur Include two volumes being publlshed by ihe Department of the . Army In tour
books reproduced exactly lIB they were prlnted by General MacArthur's Toyko iHe8.dQ.uii.rtets 1li -iOOo.oNow - avauablt.
. these Reports should . be of wide lnterest and value tel" the general public, lIB' well lIB to 8tlidehts 'of m1l1tary affalrs.
These materials, In Army and National Archives custody. have been avaUable or -research although ' they · have not
been ealiUy acceealble. Volume f and Volume I Supplement, recently Issued: are lis.ted below. _ ,
14WIS. Volume 1. The Campaign of MacArthur In the Pacific. Conta1nlng nuu"terous m~p~, In coia'r: -this ":olume
narrates the operations of forces under General MacArthur's command, from the J.apaneBe attack- on' LuZOn 'tlif l94l
through the surrender In 1945. Chapters deallng with ,the reconquest of Borneo! plans ' fot the invasion-of J1I.pani and
the Japanese surrender, make a dletlnctly new contribution.
I .
: V'
Catalog No. D 101.2:M l1/v.l
. ~loth, $10.00 ,
i .-
File No. 014.13
Public ~elations ' Informational Summary No. 506
SUBJECT: Result of Trial of Sukeo NAKAJIMA 'and six ethers.
From the column, "Cross(by Sgt. Wm. D. Cox)
Country, Ch~tt€r" we find that
_ The four man EIGHTH Army Military Commission having Art Bressi="has· re-enlisted in the
heard the ' prosecutions case against these &eveil accuse~ today re- AI;my and ' likes it so ,much he is
turned a verdict of guilty on all seven accused. The. accused were persuading everyone_to join... .'!;
I that
Henry .Wilayto , and his
sentenced as follows:
bride ·~recently. returned from a
Sukeo NAKAJIMA-Death by hanging (Commanding Officer) 16,000 _ mil~ honeymoon"; that
.Sadaliaru HIRAMATSU-Death by hanging ' (!'Big Glass .
, "Bop Neil. of Belle Vernon, Pa.,
Eye") .
' , :' ,-'
and Robert E. Levis are the only
Kun,io 1'0SHiZAWA--:-Death by hanging (",¥ushmouth")
single ex-prisoners .'left .in that
I clj~trict. the re~t have _married."
Tamotsu KIMURA-Death qy hanging ("Rivot Tooth")
Harumi ~ KAWA TE-Death by hanging, CPunk")
FmJD QUAN No.2 (Dec. 23,
Takeo KARISHITA-Life' im'prisonment a( hard labor
1946) . comes a poem 'by S/Sgt:
("Buick") ;PiI}kovsky:
Rikio SHlOIRl-=-Life impris6nment at hard labor' ("Shorty")
Following one of the longest trials on record at the Yokohama
District War Crimes Trial Court House, Yokohama. Japan, the
Sukeo NAKAJIMA commission reconvened 21 February 1947 for
its final session. Following a weeks deliberation, in dosed session,
the four man EIGHTH Army Commission, headed b Colonel
seven ~ccused war ~rimi~als w~re meted ~ut subject to rulings
,by the Commanding General, United States EIGHTH Army.
To take life easy. this was
With over three months in trial. scores of witnesses were produced by both the prosecution and defense panels. Four former
Prisoners of War survivors of the Mitsushima Camp. Magano,Japan, testified in behalf of prosecution. Their opposition introduced
a number of Japanese witnesses, both civilian and former camp p~r­
sonnel. The principal charge against these seven accused. was 10cludcil in two specifications involving the death of scores o~ Am~r­
ican and Allied Prisoners of War. These Japanese engaged 10 dally
acts of brutality against all the internees, charged prosecution. and
through their brutal treatment, the withholding'of foods, medicines
and other supplies, they brought death to these prisoners.
I dreamt last night of a large
dry farm
With Donald Duck and Airraid to give, it some chann
And the big detail to gather
To feed our carabao every day.
From among the innumerable affidavits introduced by prosecution, are the following excerpts: "We were addressed· by the commandant and threatened witli death arid dire penalties for any attempt to escape or for other breaches of regulations" ... On this
day. November 29. 1942, all personnel. including the ~eri?u~~y ill.
were ordered outside, nak.ed. for measurement and welghmg
"There was a sharp frost and thic~ ice on the gr~)Und" . .' . One dead
officer was kicked by the Japanese because he did not nse to attend
!!he weighing" ... "Those who could not adapt themselves to the
diet of half-c'o oked {barley. died of diarrhea and starvation" . . .
"He (NAKAJIMA) weeded out the sick according to his own ideas,
ignoring the doctor, and .sent most out to work. ' ~any returned to
sick quarters shortly' af.terwards to die" ... "All men in the hospital were made to go outside in freezing w'e ather and stand at attention all night, three men died" . . . "All camp personnel looted
Red Cross supplies" ... "Teas was beaten to death."
The prosecution representatives for ,Legal Section, General
Headquarters, Supreme ~ommander for the Allied Powers, were
Mr. Max Schiffman. New York Attorney. of 2155 East 24th Street,
Brooklyn, New York, and Mr. Alexander Pendelton of 89 Val~ey
Circle, Mill Valley, California. In his closing argument. Mr. Schl!fman stated before the commission that prosecution had proven Its
case beyond a 'reasonable doubt. and requested the penalty of death
for each defendant.
Q-What procedures are neces. sary to have other than honorable dischar~e reviewed in
accordance WIth the new
I a w s signed by President
. Johnson?
A-An exemplary rehabilitation
certificate may be issued
wben certain requirements
are met. such as evidence
that over a period of not less
thitn 3 years the veteran has
rehabilitated himself. T his
evidence includes notarized
statements from employers,
law enforcement officers. and
not less than 5 persons who
have known the veteran for
this period. to the effect that
he is of good character and
has shown exemplary conduct. Applications, and instructions will soon be avail,
able at U . S. Employment
Service offices, and will be
handled by the Department
of Labor, not the Veterans
Return Requested (Please print or type).
I dreamt last night I was eating rice
And soup that had a greeny
And corn starch pudding to
sweeten our taste
And watery lugao good substitute for paste.
. I dreamt last night of a bamboo bed
Upon .which I had laid my
weary head
And that thousands of bedbugs lived in all the cracks
And that my clothes were full
of little gray-backs.
I dreamt last night I had beri-.
qeri . .
And to me 'my chow they had
fo carry
And chill and fever would
take ~e .down
And make 'me shake like an
old coon houn'.
I dreamt -last night I had
. dysentery
And to the latrine I could not
And paralyzed joint'S from
dreadful Dip:
And vitamin deficiencies I
could not w?-ip. ,
Dreams like that would make
any man quake
-The QU-AN .first .appeared on
Nov. -29..- 1946, with letters of
greetings hom ' Generals Wain~right ~nd ,King in the 8-page
Issue. - . , " . . .
APO 500
21 Feb 47
Permit No. 2648
Please Send 90rrect Address When
Non Profit Org.
- ~ittsourgh.
. 15W/S; Volume I. Supplement.
~CArthur In Japan: The 0llcupatlon:
Describes the mUltary
phases of the Occupation through DeCember 1948. This volume, containing a number of photographs and maps, In-'
clUdes chapteni on troop movements, dlllpoeitions, and locations; relief of prlsox1ers of war and lnternees; demob1l1zatlon and dtsarmament of the Japanese Armed Forces; and other related subJect$. ' , .
, .
Catalog No. 0 101.2M l1/v.l/supp.
....,;Cloth. $5.25
Send Check to Supt. of, Docum~nts, Oovern~ent Printing Offlce\ Waehlngton;' D' 7ci. 20400
. •.
By Maximo V. Solwen
We are, indeed, a country famous for "last-minute rallies." For
more than a year now, we've known that the Philippines will have
to play host to the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the
fall of Bataan. and Corregidor next April, 1967. Yesterday, Presi- .
, dent Marcos was alarmed when he was infonned by 'the architects
, assigned to the task ,t hat it was impossible to complete in time for
the occasion the erection of a 120-foot "Cross" on Mount Samat
, in Bataan' as a .memorial to the fallen Filipino and American troops
1 who battled there.
, This is a memorial which, in fact, should have been put up years
ago. The truth is that it takes an approaching si,l ver jubilee -to spur
' us to action. About 1,500 American veterans among those who
! fought in the Ba-taan and Corregidor campaigns are expected to
arrive in Manila .this year for the ceremonies. But even if no
.: America'ns were coming, don't you think our Filipino dead deI serve a "Cross"?
I We've honored dozens of Filipino politicians and even a few
unknowns by renaming streets in Manila and other cities, as well
I as highways after ·them. Not a few of those so glorified even colIlaborated with the Japanese. What about remembering the for19otten men of Bataan and Corregidor-the living and the dead-at
25th Anniversary rites. although I wish they would change the
title of the group. It's being called the committee for the "Fall of
Bataan and Corregidor 25th Celebration," I don't think that the
historic defeat is something that should be "celebrated."
Tourism Commissioner Manuel H. Nieto has {been designated
'chainnan with Press Secretary Jose D. Aspiras as oo-chairman. De,fense Undersecretary for Munitions Manuel Syquio. and three private sector representatives will shor~ly . be announced as members
'of the committee-one of them from the Blue Ladies and another
'from the association of war widows.
'J1he President instructed Nieto and Aspiras to mobilize all the
heads of veterans organizaions for an urgent meeting this weekend to map out plans for the coming affair, which is less than six
months away.
The tentative plans outlined by the Palace cal~ fpr the construction of a chapel beneath the projected "Cross" on lV~t. Samat.
one wing of which is to be devoted to a museum. The ChIef Executive himself is donating , the captured. swqrd of the, late G~neral
Tomoyuki Yamashita, the commander of $e Japanese .forces.m the
Philippines. Local veterans are ~ing asked 'to turn m. thelT war
paraphernalia, such as helmets, flreanns and other wartIme mem.
entoes, for display in the museum..
At the same time. the department of natIonail defense IS forw~rd­
ing a request to the US government for the Americans to proV1~e,
if possible, one each of ,their discarded P40's and P-26's-:-~e. aIrcraft in use when the Japanese aidorce attacked the Phlhppmes.
. The latter were -the obsolete planes the fledging Philippines air
force had to take up into ,the air -to meet ~e swift Zer.o and ~aya­
busha fighters of the Japanese. I wonder If the. Amen cans wIll. be
happy to give us a replica of ,t he P-~6, because It rn,ay only ~em~nd
us of the fact that what we are gettmg from US mIlIary assls'tance.
now -as in those days is stirll junk.
Some good may come out of the f!an~ic ~fforts to spr~~e .up Corregidor and Bataan for th~ for~hcomlI~g Jub.llee. Many F~lIpmos a~d
foreigners have been makmg sIght-seemg tnps to Corregldor despIte
the complete absence of any restaurant facili~ies or other .accommodations there. According to reco{ds, the pnvate hydrofOIls that
ply between Manila and The Rock ~transp<:>rt no less than. 1,000
yisitors per month. Now Malacanang IS rushmg the construct~~n. of
a restaurant a modest hotel 5ln<J some cottages to house vlsltmg
delegates and families of the war dead who may wish ~o make a
"sentimental journey" to -the site. The anny corps of e!1gmeers and
the department of public works have also bee~ advls~d to rush
a concrete or asphalt highway from the hydrofOil landmg on the
beach at Bataan to Mount Samat.
If these projects can be finished ~ith the same dispatch with
which the Manila Summit was orgamzed, we may be able to convert the Bataan area ' not only into a center of pilgrimage but
into a thriving beach resort. Speaking of -the Summit.. perhaps we,
will have to hold another international conference of equal magnitude in Manila fairly soon. The streets are beginning to break up
again and the potholes are starting to reappear.