Luty, 7 - St Ferdinand Church


Luty, 7 - St Ferdinand Church
Page Two
Fi h Ordinary Sunday
Mass Intentions
MONDAY — February 8, 2016
8:00 AM –Deceased members of the DeBartolo & Carave e
Families rq. Family
12:00 PM (Noon) - Miguelito Perez
7:00 PM –Mass in Polish
TUESDAY — February 9, 2016
8:00 AM – Mass in English
12:00 PM (Noon)- Mass in English
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
ASH WEDNESDAY — February 10, 2016
6:30 AM – Mass in English/Polish
8:00 AM – For the Souls of Na vidad Ong rq. Antonio Ong
9:30 AM- Mass in Polish
12:00 PM (Noon) - Mass in English
3:00PM- Service
6:00PM – Mass in English
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
THURSDAY — February 11, 2016
8:00 AM – Mass in English
12:00 -(Noon)- Mass in English
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
FRIDAY — February 12, 2016
8:00 AM – Mass in English
12:00 -(Noon)- Mass in English
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
SATURDAY— February 13, 2016
7:00 AM- Mass in Polish
8:00 AM – Maria Magiera
5 :00PM - Julia Pesce rq. Family
SUNDAY— February 14 — First Sunday of Lent
7:00AM– – o Boże błogosławieństwo oraz opiekę Matki
Najświętszej dla członków Kół Żywego Różańca, ich rodzin oraz
ks.kapelana, zmarych członków Kół Różańcowych: Irena
Zawiślak, Aleksander Papiernik, Władysław Mit, Maria Hunt,
Helena Grabińska, Bernard Klepacki, Adolf Twardak, Aniela
Sąder, Stanisława Markocki, Zbigniew Góralczyk, Zofia Nicpoń,
Barbara Colowski, Zofia Zygadło, Janina Borek, o zdrowie i
Boże błogosławieństwo oraz opiekę Matki Najświętszej w
czasie choroby dla zięcia, o zdrowie dla mnie i całej mojej
rodziny, +Jan i Ewa Kabat,Maria i Jan Budzioch oraz ich dzieci,
+Franciszek Budzioch, Wiktoria i Leon Sendowicz, +Maria
Wdowiak w 3-ą rocznicę śmierci, dla Patrycji z okazji urodzin o
dary Ducha św.
8:30 AM –Poor Souls
10:00 AM –Mass in English
10:15 AM – o zdrowie i potrzebne łaski dla Ani za
wstawiennictwem św. Jana Pawła II, o radość wieczną dla
Janusza Boksa, Jerzy Sikorski w 14-ą rocznicę śmierci, +Anna
Frączek w 47-ą rocznicę śmierci, Władysława i Roman Frączek
12:30 PM – +Donald Suwalski
3:00 PM – Mass in Polish
5:00PM+W& E Young rq. L. Carave e
7:00 PM- Mass in Polish
February 7, 2016
The sanctuary lamps
this week are lit for:
For our family
We Welcome in Baptism
Lenka Anna Tabaka daughter of Thomas and Anna
(Bogusz) Tabaka
Sophia Lily Zalewski daughter of Piotr and Monika
(Kapinos) Zalewski
Alan Bezhnar son of Taras and Barbara (Bogdan)
Jaden Cesar Hernandez son of Jesus Armando and
Melissa (Gomez) Hernandez
Luke Laurence Mastalerz son of Rudolph S.
Mastalerz and Sarah E (Bate) Mastalerz
Lincoln Marie Grandsart daughter of Leonardo
Clement and Dawn Marie (Tuytens) Gransdart
John Aleksander Jemiolo son of Wieslaw and
Monika (Rygiel) Jemiolo
Rest in Peace
Janina Borek
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Held each Thursday following
the 8:00 a.m. Mass un l
Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed in English everyday
from Monday to Friday following 8:00 a.m. Mass.
Please take a short break from your busy life and join
the ladies in prayers. On every Saturday right a er 8:00
a.m. Mass prayer to St. Anne is being said. Please stop
by the Church and offer to God at least a few moments
of your me.
February 7, 2016
Fi h
Ordinary Sunday
Remember in Prayer
Our Stewardship
of Treasure
As members of the parish faith community, it is our
responsibility to remember both in concrete and
spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each
week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn,
remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings.
Irene Rowe
Mary Ayello
Anthony R. Coco
Lo e Chrapla
Violet Del Vacchio
Edward Waytula
Pat Ostrowski
William Keleher
Arlene Garcia
Diana Krzyzanowski
Nick Paolino
Jean Staniszewski
Laura Schofield
Calvin Upton
Julie D’Agos no
Luna Family
Brianna Jurczykowski
Susan Milostan
Robert Malek
Michael F. Coco
Tish Vanoni
Jodi Mack
Geraldine Mack
Agnes Coco
Ester Baran
Isabell Beyer
Deadra Kusek
Stanley Podgorny
Laverne Greco
Steve Johns
Barbara Alderson
Anna DeBold
Kathleen Barr
Lesley Barr
Mary Hal n
Virginia Starsiak
Veena Bhat
Pat Flynn
Veronica Segovia
Frances Skrabacz
Marion Watermann
Richard Behrendt
Joseph Biancalana Sr.
Joseph Biancalana
Steve Garorowski
Grace Miceli
Dolly D’Agos no
Jerry Mack
Wiliam Reynen
Julia Szyelik
Jim Jezuit
George Keehn
Donald Trainor
Maureen Keith
Dolly Aloisio
Michael Spano
Judy Fahey
Lee Ready
John Ready
Gack Fahey
Jadwiga Glowacz
Petronella Latuszek
Jack Fahey
Jany Aloisio
Margery Janz
Jody Panek
Chris ne Gross
Zareli Saavedra
Helen Szostak
Be y Hotcaveg
Mary Lynn Remijan
Wiliam Remijan
Arle e Prasteher
Richard Wojcichowski
Frank De Marco
Stefan Wiśniewski
Carmela DiTata
Stanisław Cwieka
John Brown
Joanna Grzeszkowiak
Felix Aquino
Marry Henning
Teri & Fred Bauer
Lena Dorado
SUNDAY, February 31 2016
Envelopes — $6,507.00
— $3,039.00
$ 9,546.00
Thank you for sharing your „TREASURE”
with St. Ferdinand Parish
““Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send?
Who will go for us?’ ‘Here I am,’ I said, ‘send me!’” (ISAIAH 6:8)
Every day – in li le ways and in big ways – God asks, “Whom
shall I send?” Whether it is someone to take on a new ministry
or just someone to open a door for a stranger, God constantly
provides doors of opportunity. The next me you hear God
calling, have the courage to walk through the door and say
“Here I am, Lord.”
Thank you!
Sincere THANK YOU to all who give their me
to keep our church clean. Thank you for your
faithfulness and dependability. Please know
that your help is very much valued and
We invite anyone able to help with the church cleaning.
Please join us weekly on Mondays at 5:00 pm
and Fridays at 10:00 am. Thank you!
SATURDAY, February 13
5:00 PM
J. Lohrmann
E. Mele, E. DeLeon
SUNDAY, February 14
8:30 AM
SPC Jeffrey Foerster ;
SA Andrew Rios
Pvt2 Nicholas Whelan;
CPL Derrick Mateja
10:00 AM
N. Rodriguez
B. Koziol
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
J. Zarate
H. Syodia,
M. L. Perz
T. Czosnyka, T. Kass
M. Barnhart, R. Serran, J. Banez
E. & T. Anaya
J. Zarate, S. Kass
M. Syodia; H. Syodia
J .Zarate, M. Madrano
February 7, 2016
Fi h Ordinary Sunday
Page Four
Christians, Muslims and Jews all share compassion and care for the sick, Francis says
Praying for a loved one’s health and healing, tenderly caring for them and asking very human ques ons about why people suffer
are experiences Chris ans, Muslims and Jews all share, Pope Francis has said.
In his message for the World Day of the Sick, which is celebrated on February 11, the Pope expressed his hope that the day of
prayer – and the en re Year of Mercy – would promote an encounter of people of different religions and lead to greater
understanding among them.
In his message, which was released this month, the Pope said: “Every hospital and nursing home can be a visible sign and se ng
in which to promote the culture of encounter and peace, where the experience of illness and suffering, along with professional
and fraternal assistance, helps to overcome every limita on and division.”
The main Catholic celebra on of the World Day of the Sick 2016 was scheduled for Nazareth, a city in Israel with a large Muslim
and Chris an popula on.
With the Holy Land hos ng the celebra on, Pope Francis chose the Gospel account of the wedding feast at Cana as the biblical
inspira on for his message, which looked at Mary’s concern for the wedding guests, the servants’ willingness to fill jars of water
and Jesus turning the water into wine.
“How much hope there is in that event for all of us,” the Pope wrote. “In Mary’s concern, we see reflected the tenderness of
God. This same tenderness is present in the lives of all those persons who a end the sick and understand their needs, even the
most impercep ble ones, because they look upon them with eyes
full of love.
“How many mes has a mother at the bedside of her sick child, or a
child caring for an elderly parent, or a grandchild concerned for a
grandparent, placed his or her prayer in the hands of Our Lady,” the
Pope wrote.
The miracle of changing water into wine is the work of Jesus, he
said. But “he wants to employ human assistance in performing this
miracle. He could have made the wine appear directly in the jars.
But he wants to rely upon human coopera on, and so he asks the
servants to fill them with water. How wonderful and pleasing to
God it is to be servants of others!”
When one is sick, especially when one is seriously ill, he said, it
naturally provokes a sense of crisis and gives rise to “ques ons that
dig deep”, the Pope wrote. “Our first response may at mes be one
of rebellion: why has this happened to me? We can feel desperate,
thinking that all is lost, that things no longer have meaning.”
But even when one’s faith in God is tested, he said, faith gives
people the strength to trust in God’s mercy and to “see how illness
can be the way to draw nearer to Jesus who walks at our side,
weighed down by the cross”.
Pope Francis prayed that God would grant Catholics the same
readiness to serve those in need that Mary showed at the wedding
in Cana, especially when those in need are sick.
“At mes this service can be ring and burdensome,” the Pope said.
“Yet we are certain that the Lord will surely turn our human efforts
into something divine. We too can be hands, arms and hearts which
help God to perform his miracles, so o en hidden.”
Page Five
Fi h Ordinary Sunday
(from Ash Wednesday, to the Paschal Triduum,)
Abs nence from meat is to be observed by all Catholics 14
years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays
of Lent.
Fas ng is to be observed on Ash Wednesday by all Catholics
who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are bound
by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are
permi ed if necessary to maintain strength according to
one‘s needs, but ea ng solid foods between meals is not permi ed. The special Paschal fast, as well as abs nence, are
prescribed for Good Friday and encouraged for Holy Saturday.
February 7, 2016
WEDNESDAY, February 10
6:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (Polish)
12:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m. (Polish)
Prayer Service:
3:00 p.m.
One of the disciplines of Lent is
fas ng. As Catholics, we fast on
Ash Wednesday
and Good Friday. As individuals, we may
“give up” a food
or an ac vity for Lent. The Church
fasts even at liturgy: we omit the
Gloria and the singing of the
“Alleluia”. In this spirit of fas ng,
it is our custom at St. Ferdinand
to seal the bap smal font as a
reminder of the simplifica on
called for during the season. It
further points us to Easter, when
we all renew our bap smal promises and are sprinkled with
“bap smal water” blessed a the
most important liturgy of the
Church’s year, the Easter Vigil.
We, therefore, encourage parents
who seek the bap sm of their
infant in the upcoming months to
plan for a celebra on a er Easter
Sunday, rather than during Lent.
There is no be er me to celebrate Bap sm than within the
Easter Season. To schedule a
Bap sm, please call the Parish
Office at 622-5900. EX. 225
2015 marked the 30th year of Simbang Gabi in the Archdiocese of
Chicago. It was indeed an honor that St Ferdinand Church was the
place chosen to celebrate it. This year was also the 22nd year of this
novena of masses at St Ferdinand Parish. It was the Saturday evening
of December 19,2015, with the concerted collabora on of dedicated
individuals that this solemn, memorable celebra on happened. The
2015 Simbang Gabi Filipino Organizing Commi ee would like to extend the deepest
apprecia on to all,who in one way or the other,have shared in pu ng together this
beau ful Filipino tradi on of preparing for Christmas.
February 7, 2016
Fi h
Ordinary Sunday
Page Six
“But now faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13
Dear Parishioners and Friends of MOP,
As we have recently returned from our annual mission trip to Kenya and Uganda,
we would like to express our most hear elt gra tude to You for your generosity in
suppor ng the African missions! We are coming back with hearts filled with joy, as
we have witness goodness happening in many ways through the hands of the
sisters and brothers of the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) thanks to your abundant love and generous support.
In Uganda, we were thrilled to see a well-established mission that serves 450 orphaned boys and girls in
the two houses. We were welcomed by a group of children playing trumpets, singing Christmas carols
and performing dances. Then, we joined the MOP brothers and sisters in their joyful service by tending
to the children, washing their clothes and cleaning the house. While the work at the mission is difficult
because of its nature, as well as the external condi ons such as high temperatures, the brothers and the
sisters never complain. In contrary, they serve the sick, the des tute and the abandoned with a smile
according to their mo o “Joyful Service with the Crucified Christ.” We no ced that the older children
were helping the younger and the disabled ones to get dressed, cleaned and fed. We were moved while
listening to the tes monies of the youth thanking their Chicago sponsors for making it possible for them
to con nue their educa on in high school and college. We were inspired listening to the voca on stories
of the brothers and sisters, who o en, at a very young age, and some mes facing numerous challenges,
decided to give their lives to Christ and to the poor.
In Kenya, we worked at the Good Shepherd School. The school, run by the MOP brothers, is a ended by 120 children ages 3-7
from the local slums. Here, children, who are o en neglected by their parents, receive their educa on, get school supplies and
school uniforms, as well as a warm meals and love from their teachers and the brothers. Their classrooms are simple and the
playground has only one structure to play on-an abounded vehicle with some car res, but
children o en return to school in the evening and during weekends because here, they feel
safe. It was upli ing to see the fruits of the Chicago support in the school: new school supplies,
new books, more nutri ous meals for children. In Kenya, we also visited a quarry where men,
women and children excavate and cut stone for a daily salary that o en does not exceed 1
USD. A er a prayer led by the MOP brothers, a meal sponsored by a Chicago donor, was
distributed to over 150 of workers. Many in the community have been touched by the loving
hands of the brothers: the elderly women who hang out by the school, the boys and the girls
who greet us as we walk through the slums back to the monastery, the workers who stop their
work at the mission to eat lunch prepared for them, the woman and the young boy who joined us for a mass in the morning…..This
very young Kenyan mission feels like a home where everyone belongs.
We want to con nue suppor ng the Missionaries of the Poor during this Extraordinary Year of Mercy and especially during Lent.
During all masses on Sunday, February 14th, we will have a short presenta on of our experiences from the mission trip. During
Lent, we will be se ng up “Trees of Hope” project through which you can support the Good Shepherd School in Kenya. The trees
with envelopes will be set up at the back of the church. You will be able to return the envelope with your dona on during the
regular collec on or turn it to the parish office. Your dona on of $ 20 dollars will allow the bothers to purchase the required
uniform for a child. The amount of $10 will guarantee a child shoes and a
backpack. Yearly tui on for school is $ 30. Books and supplies are $ 20 and the
food program is $ 60 per year. The total cost of the school program for one year
is $ 140 per child. Please support this project once again, without your help we
won’t be able to con nue this wonderful work.
The MOP brothers assure you of their con nued prayers in your inten on. May
God bless you abundantly for your generous support and your love for the poor!
For more informa on, please contact Marta at (847)312-6144
or Ania at (773) 936-2235.
MOP Chicago Support Team
February 7, 2016
Fi h Ordinary
Praise be Jesus Christ!
My name is Marek Cembor
and currently I am studying in
the second year of theology
at Mundelein Seminary. I
came to the United States
three years ago, encouraged
by the Rector of Bishop
Abramowicz Program who was at that me visi ng Polish
seminaries and presen ng the needs of the Archdiocese of
Chicago. As there is s ll a great number of seminarians and
priests in Poland, I was allowed to transfer to Chicago. My
first year here I spent on learning English and ge ng familiar
with the American culture. When finally I managed to pass
the required language exam, I was accepted to con nue my
forma on to priesthood in Mundelein. Even though I do not
have any family in the United States, I can feel here like
home, thanks to kind, wonderful people I meet every day. I
look forward to my pastoral internship at St. Ferdinand
With prayers,
Marek Cembor
Are you an adult who has not celebrated the sacrament of
Confirma on? Adult Confirma ons will be held during the
spring months throughout the. Archdiocese. Prepara on
groups are forming now. To register or for informa on
please telephone (312) 534-8032 or go to
Want to learn more about Scripture? Check out The Word
Made Clear, a website dedicated to studies on each Gospel
and the Biblical Roots of the Mass. Creator of the site, Rev.
James P. McIlhone, is the Director of Biblical Forma on for
the Archdiocese of Chicago. Visit
to listen to Fr. McIlhone’s audio presenta ons on the
Page Seven
Monday — February 8, 2016
10:00AM — Friendship Club (Convent)
6:00PM — Cub Scout (Convent)
6:00PM — Troop #51 (Jason Torba Center)
Tuesday — February 9, 2016
10:30AM — Irving Park Women’s Club (Convent)
5:00PM — Radosc (Jason Torba Mee ng)
6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel)
ASH Wednesday — February 10, 2016
12:00pm — ladies of St. Anne Board <tg (Convent)
2:30PM — Jr. Legion of St. Mary (Convent)
5:00PM — Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena (Church)
6:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent)
6:00PM — Polonia Group Dance (Jason Torba Center)
6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel)
6:30PM — Legion of Mary (Small Convent)
Thursday — February 11, 2016
2:30PM — Jr. Legion of Mary Adora on (Church)
6:00PM — Girl Scouts (Convent)
7:00PM — Filareci (Chapel)
Friday — February 12, 2016
9:00PM— Legion of Mary (Convent)
4:30PM — Fish Fry (All Halls)
6:30PM—- Pilgrim Virigin (Convent)
Saturday —February 13, 2016
8:00AM — Polish School (School building)
1:00PM — Polish Scouts (Convent)
6:00PM — AA Mee ng (Convent)
6:30PM — Lednica (Chapel)
Sunday— Febraury 14, 2016
8:00AM— Rosary Group Mee ng (Jason Torba Center)
10:15AM — Polish School Mass (Church)
11:00AM — Word of Life (Convent 2)
11:00AM — Ziarno (Canning Hall)
2015 Contribu on Statements are prepared
by REQUEST only for any registered parishioner. Please call the Parish Office 773-6225900 ex. 225 with your name, address and
envelope number. The statement can be
either picked up at the office or it will be mailed to your
home address . Thank you!
The deadline for bulle n ar cles is 3:00 p.m. on the
previous Friday preceding the Sunday of publica on. All
ar cles can be can emailed to:
bulle n@sain or drop it off at the office.
Thank you!
February 7, 2016
Fi h Ordinary Sunday
Page Eight
Page Nine
Fi h Ordinary Sunday
w języku polskim
9:30 rano i 7:30 wieczorem
w języku angielskim:
Rano: 6:30; 8:00; 12:00;
Wieczorem: 6:00 pm
godz. 3:00 po południu
Wstrzemięźliwość od potraw mięsnych musi być przestrzegana
przez wszystkich Katolików, którzy ukończyli 14 rok
życia, w Środę Popielcową oraz we wszystkie piątki w okresie
Wielkiego Postu.
W Środe Popielcową wszyscy Katolicy, którzy ukończyli 18 rok
życia a nie przekroczyli 59 lat, zobowiązani są do zachowania
Postu. Osoby które mieszczą sie w tych granicach wiekowych
mogą sporzyć jeden posiłek . Dwa mniejsze posiłki dozwolone są
w przypadku gdy są one konieczne do utrzymania się danej
osoby na siłach , ale jedzenie pomiędzy posiłkami nie jest
dozwolone. Paschalny Post jak również wstrzęmieźliwość od
pokarmów mięsnych obowiązuje w Wielki Piątek i zachęca się do
ich przestrzegania również w Wielką Sobotę.
Zapraszamy do uczestnictwa w Nowennie do
św. Jana Pawła II na światowy Dzień Chorych
rozpoczyna się 2 lutego, w ciagu tygodnia po
Mszy św. o godz. 7:00 wieczorem, w sobotę po
Mszy św. godz. 7 rano i w niedzielę przed Mszą
św. o godz. 10:15
W roku 2016 Światowy Dzień Chorego przypada
na 11 lutego
(czwartek). Jest to
obchodzone 11
ustanowione przez
papieża Jana Pawła II w dniu 13 maja 1992 roku
– w 75 rocznicę objawień fa mskich. Celem
obchodów jest objęcie modlitwą wszystkich
cierpiących, zarówno duchowo, jak i fizycznie, i
zwrócenie uwagi świata na ich potrzeby.
February 7, 2016
w każdy piątek
godz. 2:00 po południu — w j. angielskim
(wraz z dziećmi i młodzieżą szkolną)
6:00 wieczorem — w j. angielskim
7:00 wieczorem — w języku polskim
Każda niedziela Wielkiego Postu
o godz. 6:15 wieczorem w j. polskim
Drogi Krzyżowe w para ii św. Ferdynanda
w języku polskim o godz. 7:00 wieczorem
2/12/16- Koła Różańca
2/19/16- Grupa Miłosierdzia
2/26/16- Zespół Radość
3/4/16- Koło Podhalan
3/11/16 – Kandydaci do Bierzmowania
3/18/16 - Klub Dobrego Pasterza
3/25/16- Kapłani
February 7, 2016
Fi h Ordinary Sunday
Page Ten
„Tak więc trwają wiara, nadzieja, miłość- te trzy: z nich zaś największa jest Miłość.”
(1 Kor 1-13)
Drodzy Parafianie oraz Przyjaciele MOP,
W Styczniu wróciliśmy z wyjazdu misyjnego do Kenii i Ugandy. Pragniemy złożyć Wam,
serdeczne podziękowania, za Wasze pełne hojności wsparcie misji w Afryce! Wracamy
z sercami wypełnionymi radością, ponieważ byliśmy świadkami dobra, które działo się
na naszych oczach na wiele sposobów, przez ręce Misjonarzy Ubogich (MOP) a dzięki Waszemu wsparciu i dzięki Waszej miłości
do ubogich.
W Ugandzie cieszyliśmy się widokiem dobrze działającej misji, która służy 450 osieroconym chłopcom
i dziewczętom zamieszkującym dwa domy. Zostaliśmy przywitani przez dzieci, które zagrały dla nas na
trąbkach, zaśpiewały kolędy i wykonały wykreowane przez siebie tańce . Później przyłączyliśmy się do
pracy sióstr i braci MOP opiekując się dziećmi, piorąc oraz sprzątając. Chociaż praca na misji jest
ciężka, między innymi z powodu wysokich temperatur, bracia i siostry MOP nigdy nie narzekają.
Wręcz przeciwnie, wykonują swoją pracę służąc chorym, oraz opuszczonym z uśmiechem, wedle
mo a „radosna służba z Chrystusem ukrzyżowanym”. Zauważyliśmy, że na misji starsze dzieci
pomagają młodszym i niepełnosprawnym przy ubieraniu, karmieniu oraz myciu. Byliśmy poruszeni
słuchając historii młodzieży, która dziękowała sponsorom z Chicago za umożliwienie im kontynuacji
nauki w szkole średniej i na studiach wyższych. Inspirowały nas opowiadania o odkrywaniu powołania
opowiadane przez braci i siostry, którzy, często w bardzo młodym wieku, oraz na przekór wielu
przeszkodom, zdecydowali się oddać swoje życie Bogu i ubogim.
W Kenii pracowalismy w szkole Dobrego Pasterza. Do szkoły prowadzonej przez braci uczęszcza 120 dzieci w wieku od 3-7 lat ze
slamsów. Tutaj dzieci, często zaniedbane przez swoich rodziców, otrzymują edukację, przybory szkolne, mundurek,buty, ciepłe
posiłki oraz miłość nauczycieli i braci. Chociaż klasy są bardzo ubogie a jedyną atrakcją placu zabaw jest wrak porzuconego
pojazdu i kilka opon, dzieci często powracają na teren szkoły po południu oraz w weekendy, ponieważ tutaj czują się bezpieczne.
Z radością patrzyliśmy na owoce donacji z Chicago: nowe przybory szkolne i książki,
nowe mundurki oraz wzbogacone posiłki da dzieci.
W Kenii odwiedziliśmy także kamieniołom, gdzie kobiety, mężczyźni oraz dzieci
wydobywają i kruszą kamień za dzienne wynagrodzenie, które często nie przekracza
jednego dolara. Po modlitwie prowadzonej przez braci, rozdany został posiłek
sponsorowany przez Chicagowskich darczyńców ponad 150 osobowej grupie
robotników. Wiele osób z lokalnej społeczności doświadcza miłości braci: starsze
kobiety które przebywaja na terenie szkoły, młodzi ludzie, którzy pozdrawiają nas kiedy
idziemy przez slamsy, pracownicy misji, którzy zasiadają do posiłku, kobieta oraz młody
chłopak, którzy przyszli do kaplicy na poranną mszę świętą…Ta ciągle jeszcze bardzo
młoda Kenijska misja wydaje się być domem, w którym każdy ma swoje miejsce i do
którego każdy może przyjść.
Pragniemy kontynuować naszą pomoc misjonarzom MOP, szczególnie podczas Nadzwyczajnego Roku Miłosierdzia. W niedzielę
14 lutego, podczas każdej mszy świętej wolontariusze opowiadać będą o swoim doświadczeniu pobytu na misjach. Podczas
Wielkiego Postu będzie możliwość wzięcia udziału w projekcie „Drzewka Nadziei” z którego dochód przeznaczony zostanie na
Szkołę Dobrego Pasterza w Kenii. W tyle kościoła ustawione będą drzewka z kopertkami. Ofiary w kopertkach będzie można
złożyć podczas regularnej składki lub zostawić w biurze parafialnym. Za ofiarę $20 bracia mogą zakupić wymagany mundurek dla
dziecka a za $10 plecak i buty. Roczna opłata za szkołę to 30 dolarów. Książki i przybory
szkolne kosztują $20 a wyżywienie jednego dziecka wynosi $ 60 na rok. Całkowity koszt
rocznego utrzymania dziecka w szkole to $ 140. Bardzo prosimy o ponowne wsparcie tego
projektu, bez waszej pomocy nie bedziemy w stanie kontynuowac tego wspanialego dziela.
Bracia i siostry Misjonarze Ubogich zapewniają o modlitwie w Waszej intencji. Niech Bóg
obficie Was wynagrodzi za Wasze wsparcie oraz za miłość do najbardziej potrzebujących!
Po więcej informacji prosimy o kontakt z Martą 847-312-6144 lub Ulą 773-987-4419.
Chicagowscy Wolontariusze MOP
February 7, 2016
Fi h Ordinary Sunday
"Ojczyzna jest nasza matką ziemską.
Polska jest matka szczególną.
Niełatwe są jej dzieje, zwłaszcza na przestrzeni ostatnich stuleci.
Jest matka, która wiele przecierpiała i wciaż na nowo cierpi. Dlatego też ma
prawo do miłości szczególnej"...
Page Eleven
św. Jan Paweł II
Zapraszamy na Mszę św. za Ojczyznę, w której polecane są Bogu ofiary
katastrofy smoleńskiej oraz zanaszą Ojczyznę, Polskę w środę, 10 lutego godz.
7:00 wieczorem.
Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus
Nazywam się Marek Cembor i
obecnie jestem klerykiem drugiego
roku teologii. Do Stanów
Zjednoczonych przeleciałem trzy lata
temu, kiedy to ówczesny Rektor
Seminarium Biskupa Abramowicza
odwiedzał polskie seminaria
zachęcając kleryków do
kontynuowania formacji do
kapłaństwa w Archidiecezji Chicago.
Pierwszy rok po przyjeździe
spędziłem głównie na nauce języka i
poznawaniu amerykańskiej kultury.
Gdy wreszcie udało mi się zdać
wymagany egzamin z angielskiego,
zostałem przyjęty do w seminarium
w Mundelein. Mimo że w Stanach
nie mam żadnej rodziny, to właśnie
dzięki licznej i bardzo życzliwej
Polonii czuję się tutaj jak w domu.
Dlatego też jestem bardzo
wdzięczny, że moją praktykę będę
mógł odbywać właśnie w parafii św.
Z modlitwą,
Marek Cembor
February 7, 2016
Fi h Ordinary Sunday
Page Twelve
Serdecznie zapraszamy na celebrację Dnia Walentynkowego podczas
pierwszego w tym roku Piątkowego Obiadu Rybnego 12 lutego. Gościnnie wystąpi zespół
Twist of Faith, który poprowadzi nas poprzez dekady muzyki i zabierze w świat
szczególnych wspomnień! Przyjdź z rodziną, zabierz przyjaciół i zjedz smaczny i
niedrogi Wielkopostny obiad w miłej i rodzinnej atmosferze!
Panierowana BIAŁA RYBA — $8.00
Obiad z Łososia—$9.50
DORSZ w cieście piwnym — $9.00
Panierowany OKOŃ — $8.50
Woda — $1.00
Panierowane KREWETKI — $9.00
Wino — $2.00
Pieczona TILAPIA — $8.50
Krewetki — $7.00
Soda — $1 lub .50c
Pieczone ciasto — $1.50
Paluszki serowe — $3.00
Frytki — $1.50
Piwo krajowe — $2.00
Piwo importowane — $3.00
„Ostra” Lemoniada — $3.00
Nachos z serem—$2.00
Zupa Clam Chowder — $2.00
Zupa Warzywna — $2.00
Porcja pizzy z serem — $2.00
Cała pizza — $8.00
Pieczony ziemniak — $1.00
Zapraszamy na Drogę Krzyżową w każdy piątek o godz. 2:00 po
poludniu w j. angielskim lub o godz. 7:00 wieczorem w j. polskim
Możliwość odebrania obiadu na Drive-Thru dla osób niepełnosprawnych.
Godziny wydawania obiadów od 4:30 do 7:30 wieczorem
Przyjmowane od godz. 4:00 do 7:00 wieczorem
ZADZWOŃ: 773 622-3022
Prosimy zaznaczyć czy obiad zostanie odebrany na Drive-Thru
February 7, 2016
Fi h
Ordinary Sunday
My home parish--St. Constance, on Chicago’s northwest side--has
a vibrant Polish community. This is not surprising, given that the
church was founded a hundred years ago to serve the large Polish
popula on at the me. But my wife and I didn’t know any of this
when we joined in the 1980’s, which explains why we were both
confused when we a ended a Sunday morning Mass back then
and wondered what everybody was saying. As we got more and
more involved with the place, I told Gail that we should learn
conversa onal Polish. Yeah. That never happened. In fact, I’ve
joked since then that I know only two things in Polish: Dziękuję
(Thank you), and, because I got dra ed once to hand out
Communion at a Polish Mass: Ciało Chrystusa (Body of Christ). But
today’s Gospel reminds me that I actually know a third Polish
phrase (and this one is the most ingrained in me): Nie bój się (Do
not be afraid).
My wife knows it, too, because I’ve said it to her enough over the
years. I learned it from a guy at work. Chester passed away long
ago, but he used to be the maintainance guy at my old work
locale. He was a character, Chester--the kind of guy who might not
last long in today’s more bu oned-up corporate environment--but
we always had a good rapport, and my life is be er for having
known him. Anyway, Chester was changing a fluorescent tube
pre y much directly over my desk years ago, and he told me I was
OK--that I didn’t have to move--as he opened up his ladder right
next to me. I nodded and kept on working, but with all of the fumbling going on overhead, I asked him if he was sure I was safe
Page Thirteen
Copyright 2015 by John B. Reynolds ([email protected])
si ng where I was si ng. That’s when he said it: Nie bój się. Do
not be afraid. Chester said it to me several more mes, too, in
different contexts, reinforcing my recall. I hope the words never
leave me.
I read somewhere once that the Bible has 365 references to not
being fearful or afraid. You know. One for every day of the year. I
don’t know about that, but I know that Jesus tells us certainly
several mes in the Scriptures to not be afraid, to live lives of faith
rather than lives of despair. Today’s Gospel is an example. Here,
Jesus directs Simon to “Put out into deep water and lower your
nets for a catch.” Simon at first sounds red and exasperated, but
in the end complies: “Master, we have worked hard all night and
have caught nothing, but at your command, I will lower the nets.”
When he does, and when the catch is so great that it fills two
boats to the point of sinking, Simon falls before Jesus and says,
“Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” Proximity to
Godliness has that effect on people. Look at Isaiah in the first
reading (“Woe is me”) and at Paul in the second reading (I am…
not fit to be called an apostle”). Personally, I think a li le
trembling before the King of the Universe is a good thing. But only
to make us appreciate the awesome goodness we’re involved
with, not to paralyze us. Perhaps this is why we get the Fear not
message so many mes in the Book. Perhaps, also, this had
something to do with Chester’s direc on to me over and over and
over again. Nie bój się. Do not be afraid
St. Ferdinand Parish
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Marcia Codak
Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President
Legion of Mary: Miss Aurora Almeida — President
Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Polish Altar Servers — Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator
English Altar Servers: Fr. Pawel Adamus, Moderator
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President
Bro. Dr. James Drangsholt, Director of Music/Liturgy,
Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President
Lector & EM Coordinator
Polish School Parents’ Assn.: Mrs. Bogusława Łakomy, Pres.
Mr. Kamil Duda, Polish Music Director
Radość: Ms. Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher
Dcn. Irv Hotcaveg, Deacon Emeritus
Kropeczki: Sr. Dorota Domin
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler
Lednica Group: Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski
Polonia: Ms. Anna Krysinski 847-529-2555
Parish Council
Mrs. Sophie Kass—President, Stanley Mastalerz, Anthony
MOP: Mrs.Marta Robak 847-312-6144
Mangiaracina, Peter Holod, Irene Heidelbauer, MaryAnn Barnhart,
St. Ferdinand Athletic: Mrs. Linda Ward
Joyce McGiniss, Elizabeth Kata, Maria Gal, Br. James Drangsholt,
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club:
ExOfficio Members: Dr. Lucine Mastalerz , Sr. Dorota Domin
Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President
St. Ferdinand School Board:
Parish Finance Committee
Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Chairperson
Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Robert Groszek, Tadeusz Czosnyka,
St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Michael McGinniss, President
Edith Anaya, Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Mr. Gene Szaben, Greg Ramel, Teens of Our Church: Fr. Pawel Adamus —Youth Minister
ExOfficio Members: Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz-Parish Accountant, Sr.
The Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy:
Kamila Wojdyla, Irene Heidelbauer, Dr. Lucine Mastalerz
Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator
Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President
Parish Organizations and Prayer Groups
Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lesak
Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator
Chapel Choir – Conductor Julie Tupiak 773-742-2611
Fish Fry: Mrs. Pat Wenzl and Mrs.Mary Ellen Leavy Coordinators Word of Life — Dito Camara 773-344-8514
Holy Spirit Missionary Association: Sr. Elwira Dziuk
Friendship Club: Mrs. Patricia Flynn, President
Notre Dame Athletics: Mrs. Linda Ward
Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator
Notre Dame Board of Directors: Ms. Sue Miller & Ms. Judy Becker
Knights of Columbus—Mater Christi Council:
Mr. Edward Weyna, Grand Knight
Support Staff
Mrs. Zofia Mazurek, Parish Secretary
Sr. Kamila Wojdyla, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulletin Editor
Mr. Kamil Duda, Website Designer/Editor
St. Ferdinand Parish
Phone: (773) 622-5900
Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor
Rev. Pawel Adamus, Associate Pastor
Rev. Michael Wyrzykowski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Albert Judy, OP — PT Associate Pastor
Rev. Raymond O’Connor, CMF — Weekend Help
Br. James Drangsholt, OSF — In Residence
Dcn. Pawel Barwikowski
8:00 AM & 12:00 Noon
W ciągu tygodnia
7:00 PM
8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Anticipated)
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM (Chapel)
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
10:15 AM
3:00 PM
7:00 PM
Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty
6:30 PM — 7:00 PM
Saturday / Sobota
8:30 AM — 9:00 AM
First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca
6:00 PM —7:30 PM
St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022
Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal
Notre Dame High School for Girls Office: 773-622-9494
Irene Heidelbauer— Principal
Religious Education Office: 773 622-3022 ex. 352
Sr. Dorota Domin
St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-622-3022 ex 303
Sr. Dorota Domin — Principal
Christian OutReach (COR): 773 622-9732
Mr. Michael McGinniss, Director
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979
Sr. Dorota Domin—Superior Sr. Kamila Wojdyla,
Sr. Anna Gorska
For Children: a pr e-Baptism class is required for Baptism of the
first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:30PM in the Church, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of
each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registration, the
sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English on the second Saturday
each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the
12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Polish on
the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of
the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at
For Adults: Classes ar e taught thr ough the Rite of Chr istian Initiation Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call
Stan Mastalerz, the RCIA Director at 773/865-4151 for more information.
Must be arranged at least four months prior to the
ceremony. Please call the rectory.
St. Ferdinand #639
5900 Barry Avenue
Chicago, Illinois. 60634
Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska
630– 308-2609
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Wednesday, 7:00AM
Cover through 16 (ads on page 14 and 15)
Page 16 is church copy
February 7, 2016
Fifth Ordinary Sunday