09-19-13 FR - Fluvanna Review


09-19-13 FR - Fluvanna Review
September 19-25, 2013 | One Copy Free
Page 10
Page 12
Obamacare 101 page 6
Quarles vs Ware
In Fluvanna House Race
Page 14
Lake Board to Supervisors:
Delay Water Vote
Page 8
Quote of the week:
Photo of the week
Send your best Fluvanna photo to
[email protected]
“We have to teach
expectations, not
just expect children
to behave.”
– Jen Valentine.
Page 10
A 9/11 flag ceremony held at the sheriff ’s office drew about 40 people.
Letters............................. 4
Photo by Lisa Hurdle.
Fluco sports in review... 16
Calendar .......................18
Property transfers .......20
942 Jefferson - Lake Monticello
SEPTEMBER 19-25, 2013 • VOLUME 33, ISSUE 38
General: The Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley
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Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29
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Kristin Sancken, Christina Dimeo Guseman,
Ruthann Carr and Valerie Davis
Photographer: O.T. Holen,
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Mailing Address:
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2987 Lake Monticello Rd.
(434) 591-1000
Fax: (434) 589-1704
Member of the
Press Association
Circulation 6,200
Fluvanna County honors the fallen with a
flag that bears the names of those who died
on Sept. 11, 2001. Photo by Lisa Hurdle
Cover design by Lynn Stayton-Eurell and Lisa Hurdle.
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2 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | September 19, 2013
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September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
McAuliffe is the answer
Which candidate for governor has the
right skills, experience, and policies to create
Terry McAuliffe’s platform emphasizes
“Mainstream solutions” like encouraging
junior colleges and businesses to work
together to develop work skills. His platform emphasizes transportation improvements, business incentives, diversifying our
economy, improving healthcare, supporting
public schools, and positioning Virginia to
take advantage of emerging markets.
Ken Cuccinelli’s platform resembles
the “voodoo economics” foisted on us by
Reagan: cut taxes and expect miracles. He
claims that cutting corporate taxes by 1%
to 2% will lure business away from other
states. He opposed Governor McDonnell’s
transportation improvement program. He
opposes the Affordable Healthcare Act but
has no plan for improving healthcare.
McAuliffe fixed troubled companies
and started new businesses. (Greentech,
his startup, now has 100 employees – it
takes time to grow in the tough automobile
market.) Cuccinelli worked in private practice and government offices.
Cuccinelli supports the coal industry
and proposes to deregulate mining. (His
campaign received $111,000 from power
companies.) McAuliffe has managed energy
businesses, and his platform balances
support for nuclear, oil, coal, and alternative energy.
Businesses and their employees want to
live where state government seems friendly
and modern.
McAuliffe’s business experience and
salesmanship, plus his forward-looking policies, will lure businesses and employees to
Cuccinelli doesn’t understand that no
major business will spend the time, expense,
and disruption of relocation only to save
1% or 2% on state taxes. Deregulation may
benefit coal and uranium company profits,
but doesn’t attract other businesses. Most
employees won’t want to move to a state
that disregards worker safety and public
safety, governed by a right-wing radical
who denies the science of global warming
and opposes birth control, abortion, homosexuality, and gay marriage.
– Dave Miller, Palmyra
Coming home
On Sept. 20, the family of Ms. Lila Roland
will be bringing her back home after over
70 years to celebrate her 93rd birthday.
We plan to take our mother, grandmother,
great- grandmother, and great-great-grandmother to her hometown, Fluvanna County,
to visit her old high school, S. C. Abrams,
if it still exists. Please post as we hope that
any family members who are in the area
will come to greet her. I can be reached at
443-851-1066. Ms. Roland currently resides
in Baltimore, Maryland with her daughter
and granddaughter.
– Dr. Jeannette Taylor,
granddaughter of Ms. Lila Roland
Sarvis to visit
I wanted the Fluvanna community to
know that Robert Sarvis, the Libertarian
candidate for governor this year, is making
a stop in Cartersville which is right across
the river. On Sept. 21 around 6 p.m. there
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4 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | September 19, 2013
will be a meet and greet at the Cartersville
Ruritan club located at 2168 Cartersville Rd.
This will be good for citizens in the
neighboring counties to get out and meet
Mr. Sarvis and hear his ideas for the state in
person. If you or members of your community are fed up with the status quo and do
not favor Cuccinelli or McAuliffe then they
should definitely give Robert Sarvis a listen.
Also I believe it is every Virginians right to
be as educated as possible on every candidate that is running.
– Kory Clayton, Cartersville
Vote local
Eat Local has become a popular catch
phrase. But vote local should be at the top
of our mind in this coming state and local
elections. The stakes are every bit as high as
our choices for national offices. The folks we
elect for state wide and county wide offices
have a dramatic effect on our daily lives.
Education is important for our local social
and economic development. County supervisors and School Board members set the
stage that determines whether our schools
maintain quality or begin a decline that
becomes hard to reverse. Don’t have kids?
School quality is one of the biggest factors
in real estate values. Good schools attract
quality housing construction that adds to the
tax base and helps keep taxes low. We need
to elect board members who recognize the
importance of improving schools. Fluvanna’s
recent test scores indicated a strong position
at the high school level. But, scores for lower
grades were not nearly so positive, in many
cases ranking below state averages. This is
a clear wake-up call – if corrective action is
not taken a downward trend can only follow.
The budget for the schools is controlled by
the county supervisors. Without economic
and financial support, the school board and
school administrators are limited in their
corrective actions.
Some supervisor candidates seem to have
just written off development in Fluvanna
County. “Do nothing, invest nothing” is their
mantra. But this is a self-fulfilling attitude.
I have spent years as a professional researching companies as investments. One
clear lesson is that companies that don’t
grow are on the way down. It is less expensive to fix potential problems today when
they are small than to have to repair badly
broken systems in the future.
So turn out and vote local. The issues are
– Stephen Schoene, Palmyra
Vote Franklin
I am a recent transplant to Fluvanna from
Fairfax County, where I was born and raised.
I was attracted to Fluvanna by the fresh
air, outdoor activities, and star-filled night
skies. We had much of this in Fairfax when I
was a small boy but over-population, noise
and air pollution, and over-development
were the side effects of progress. Fluvanna
was a welcome change – the people were
friendly, the pace of life was slower, and the
quality of life was far richer.
After moving here and getting settled
I decided to get involved any way I could
to preserve the rural lifestyle, fresh air and
unspoiled country living. One of the first
people I met was Elizabeth Franklin through
Fluvanna Taxpayers Association. I was impressed by her dedication and service to the
citizens of Fluvanna while harnessing her
journalistic background to ferret out the
facts and make sure the county government
was not going to repeat its recent missteps
of overbuilding and overspending in the
name of progress. Understandably so, this
resonated well with me. It was an easy decision to lend my support to Elizabeth when I
found out she would be running for the Columbia District’s Board of Supervisor seat.
I know that Elizabeth will always have
the interests of the citizens and taxpayers in
mind. She does the research, gets the facts
and asks the tough questions. She not only
is a great communicator but passionately
cares that citizens be fully informed about
county policies and actions affecting their
lives and wallets. She already has alerted affected citizens in my district about possible
mandatory public water hookups. Elizabeth
is a true public servant and I know that I will
sleep more comfortably at night once she is
active on the Fluvanna Board of Supervisors.
I invite all Columbia District residents to get
to know Elizabeth in the coming weeks and
decide for yourselves. She will be at Old Farm
Day, the wine festival, and various meet and
greets to reach out to her fellow constituents.
– Jake Keck, Palmyra
More on health care
The Fluvanna Coalition for Affordable
Health Care wishes to thank the many Fluvanna citizens (and a few from neighboring
jurisdictions) who came out to learn about
the various options available under the new
Affordable Care Act at our Sept. 11 health
care forum. Our two panel members, Rod
Manifold (executive director of Central Virginia Health Services) and Carolyn Englehard
(director of Health Policy at the University of
Virginia School of Medicine), made excellent
presentations and were full of useful information in response to the many and varied
questions from the audience.
For folks unable to attend, we suggest you
view the eight minute Kaiser Foundation
video and watch it multiple times to get an
overview of the complexity of healthcare:
http://kff.org/health-reform/video/youtoonsobamacare-video/. You can get more information going to: https://www.healthcare.
gov/families/. The health insurance marketplaces will be open for business on October
1 through March 2014.
We will be planning a follow-up meeting
this winter after the details of the new health
insurance marketplaces become available on
Oct. 1, and to assist our citizens by providing
further information about the options.
– Mozell Booker, Overton McGehee,
Kathy Swenson Miller, Marvin Moss
and Linda Parker
Corrections: The concluding sentence in last week’s article about the school library’s lack of new
books was inadvertently left off. It was: “Likewise, one could donate new or gently-used books (before
donating, contact Lucas at [email protected] to make sure books are relevant and age-appropriate).”
The concluding sentence in an article about Charles Allbaugh winning a health care award should
have read: “In addition to his work at CVHS, Allbaugh has mentored other health center Chief Financial
Officers, and has served on various finance committees with the Virginia Community Healthcare Association, health center’s statewide membership organization.”
The FlucoFinder column was contributed by Sandra Carlson. The name was incorrect in last week’s
column. Also, the date for the middle school fundraiser is Sept. 23 - Oct. 4. The dates were incorrect
in the column.
Also, the new school news site is called “The Fluco Beat” and it can be found at www.theflucobeat.
com. The name of the site and web address were reported incorrectly.
We strive for accuracy. The policy of this newspaper is to promptly correct errors of fact
brought to our attention. We encourage readers to notify us of errors or the need for clarification in any of our content. Please email the editor at [email protected].
September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
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Fluvanna gets the
news on Obamacare
First things first – the Affordable Care
Act, also known as Obamacare, will not
affect those on Medicare.
Nearly 100 people crowded into a Fluvanna County Library meeting room Wednesday
(Sept. 11) to hear how the ACA could change
the insurance game for them. Rod Manifold,
executive director of Central Virginia Health
Services and Carolyn Engelhard, a University
of Virginia Health Policy Analyst, spoke to
the group and answered questions.
Open enrollment for the health care exchanges – a marketplace where people age
64 and under can buy healthcare – begins
Oct. 1 and lasts through March 31, 2014.
While the ACA will make things different for some employers – mainly requiring
businesses with more than 50 employees to
offer health care to full-time employees or
pay a penalty – the emphasis on Wednesday’s presentation was for the estimated 1.2
million Virginia adults without insurance.
The night started with a short video by
the Kaiser Family Foundation that explained the ACA in the simplest terms.
““I’ve watched this video at least five times
in the past couple days and I see something
new every time. It’s helpful to listen to it and
watch it again,” Manifold said. “While you
can get deep into the weeds of this policy,
we’re going to try and keep it simple.”
In short, beginning Jan. 1 2014, health care
insurance should become cheaper for millions of Americans who are either under- or
uninsured, Englehard said. That’s because one
aspect of the ACA requires all health insurers to
provide coverage in basic areas such as:
• Hospital visits
• Maternity care
• Doctor visits
• Mental health care
• Prescription drugs
Englehard said right now, health insurance companies charge up to 7 percent
more to insure women than men. The ACA
makes that illegal.
Depending on a person’s income, tax
subsidies are available to pay for health
care. A person can make up to 400 percent
of the federal poverty level and still receive
the tax credits, Englehard said.
Many in the audience questioned if more
choices of coverage will be available.
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Englehard said it’s an unfortunate fact
that it’s harder to get a lot of insurance
companies to offer plans in rural areas. At
the minimum, she said she hoped at least
two companies will compete for Fluvanna
dollars so there will be a choice.
There will be four plans: bronze, silver, gold
and platinum. The bronze plan would have
the cheapest premiums, but pay less money
toward health care costs. The converse is true
of the platinum plan, Manifold said.
Mary Ridgwell was in the audience. She
is self-insured and pays about $900 per
month for health care.
“I am definitely going to the website,”
Ridgwell said. “I am concerned that a
doctor will not continue accepting the insurance plans.”
Lois Fulks is a nurse practitioner at the
University of Virginia and came because
she will be dealing with patients who have
new coverage.
“It’s terrible that monthly (insurance)
premiums are so steep in an age when
student loans are on the rise,” Fulks said.
“My advice is ‘Don’t smoke. Exercise and
watch what you eat. Diet and exercise are
the cheapest insurance.”
Minel Foss came to learn more about the
ACA and said she did learn a lot. Foss is concerned; however, the government will not
be able to afford it.
To watch the video and work on interactive insurance calculators, go to www.kff.org
The numbers
According to the Virginia Health Care
Foundation “Profile of the Uninsured”
(completed in March 2012)
Between 2009 and 2010, the number
of uninsured Virginians soared by 10
percent, significantly higher than the
increase in the nation as a whole (US
average increase: 7%).
Nearly 15 percent of Virginians under age
65 are without medical insurance (14.6%).
The vast majority of Virginia’s uninsured are U.S. citizens (78.6%)
The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal
Analysis reports in part:
• Virginia is one of the 10 wealthiest states in the country, yet fails to
provide adequate support for those
who cannot access or afford health
coverage. Despite its high per-capita
income, Virginia ranks 23rd nationwide in the number of uninsured.
• Individuals in Virginia pay a higher
percentage of the premium cost for
employer-provided insurance than
workers in any other state in the
country and are in the top 10 in the
percentage paid for family workplace
insurance. (Prior to health reform implementation.)
• The percentage of Virginians who get
health insurance at work has steadily
declined over the last decade.
• While the number of uninsured nationally has fallen, the number of uninsured Virginians continues to climb.
To see the information for yourself,
visit www.vhcf.org/
Supervisor, Columbia District
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October 19th
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A fire truck and fireman on display
Palmyra Volunteer Fire Company.
Expressions Face Painting will be on site
with beautiful creations.
Bouncy slides • Funnel Cakes
Kettle Corn
Vendors: Makeup, Jewelry, Bags,
Crafts and Food.
The Fluvanna SPCA
The Kona Ice Truck
Silent auction of creative baskets and donated
gift certificates from local businesses.
T-shirts will be on sale as well as hamburgers
and hot dogs, water and soda.
Serving Fluvanna as:
• Teacher, 25 years at Fluvanna Middle School
• Coach, 25 years Fluvanna Baseball, Basketball and Football
• Fireman, 29 years Volunteer at Kents Store Fire Dept.
• Rescue Squad Member, 15+ years Volunteer Kents
Store Rescue Squad
• Youth Director, 5 years at Byrd Chapel United Methodist
• Hometown Hero Award from Allen & Allen, 2012
• Community Builder’s Award, 2013
• Mike, his wife, Kristie, and their two sons, Ben and Luke,
make their home in Kents Store.
Paid for and authorized by Friends of Mike Sheridan
A l l i Fu n R u n 5.
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e rs o f
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A n y ti m e F it n
e a v a il a b le a
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e s s.
A n y ti m e F it n
Proceeds from these fundraisers will benefit the Fluvanna Youth Soccer Association
and will fund two college scholarships for a Fluvanna female and male athlete
Vendors and volunteers needed. For information, to rent vendor space, to volunteer
or to donate, email: [email protected] Look on Facebook for “Alli Fun Day”
September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
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Lake tells supervisors: wait on water
The Lake Monticello Owners’ Association unanimously approved a resolution
asking Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors to suspend a vote on any water resolution until many questions are answered
and made available to county residents as
soon as possible.
As Board member Charles Harrelson
said, “Basically we’re asking them to come
up with better proposals because these
The vote was taken Thursday (Sept. 12)
at a special meeting.
County Supervisor Joe Chesser (Rivanna)
told the audience economic development
can’t wait and the county needs to get
water to Zion Crossroads one way or the
Chesser outlined three plans:
• With the help of Louisa County and
the oversight of the James River Water
Authority, getting water from the
James River;
• Contracting with Aqua Virginia to
build a pipeline from its plant near
Lake Monticello;
• Getting water from the Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women on Rt.
Chesser fielded questions from both
the LMOA board and the audience. Two
things were clear: most were against doing
anything and Chesser didn’t have all the
answers. A champion of economic development, Chesser said something had to
be done to get water to Zion Crossroads,
You Need Us
designated in the county strategic plan as
a growth area.
“What I’ve found is it is difficult to get
anything done in this county,” Chesser
said. “When you see an opportunity, you
go after it. I think there’s a better chance at
economic development with the Aqua Virginia proposal.”
For the group assembled, the Aqua Virginia proposal was a hard sell. Aqua Virginia provides water to Lake Monticello and
many during the evening said they pay the
highest water and sewer rates in the state.
At a Board of Supervisor meeting held
weeks earlier, County Attorney Fred Payne
advised the Board to not sign the Aqua Virginia proposal.
Rick Kelly, Republican candidate for the
Rivanna seat being vacated by Chesser,
said he looked over the Aqua proposal and
decided it “violates a constitutional prohibition against eminent domain.”
“That should end it right there.”
Tony O’Brien is also running for the
Rivanna Board of Supervisor seat. While he
did not weigh in on one proposal, O’Brien
echoed Chesser in saying getting water to
Zion Crossroads is essential to economic
“Our county resolve to make big decisions is very small,” O’Brien said. “If you’re
worried about taxes in the long run you
have to change the trajectory. Core services
will continue to deteriorate and property
values will decrease while taxes increase. If
we always look for the very best deal, we’ll
continue to lose.”
We Need You
O’Brien criticized the administration and
the other supervisors for not being at the
meeting and leaving Chesser to present
“This isn’t a one-man show,” he said.
“The county hasn’t done a good job of presenting this to the people.”
Len Gardner said he’s been a resident
of Fluvanna for 37 years and has watched
the county deal with water issues for 20
of those years – as a supervisor and as a
reporter and editor and part owner of the
Fluvanna Review. He said the mains issue
is getting water to Zion Crossroads and
summed up the situation as a chicken and
egg scenario.
“The reason there is no development up
there is there is no water,” Gardner said. “I
think getting water from the James River
is the best plan. While we do not have
an immediate need, Louisa County does
have the need and the resources to do it.
I believe they’d have it done in rapid order
and we would have access. We would pay
nothing except for withdrawal in Columbia
and have to buy it from Louisa – but you
have to buy it from someone.”
Marilyn Kozak said the problem as she
sees it is caused by “shortsightedness.”
“There seems to be no strategic planning,” Kozak said. “Do we learn from past
mistakes or do we continue to make the
same ones?”
Chesser said “the community needs to
answer that.”
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September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Principals lay out plans
to improve schools
Carysbrook Elementary and Fluvanna
Middle School are hoping to be in the
same stratospheric rankings as Fluvanna
County High School in coming years. While
the high school has consistently ranked
among one of the top ten high schools in the
state according to SOL scores, Carysbrook
and FMS are still
struggling to make it
above the fiftieth percentile – particularly
in mathematics.
Stribling and Yardley
presented their plans
of the two schools
to the school board
on Wednesday (Sept.
11), which defended
the use of frequent
testing to monitor
student progress.
“We need meaningful assessment. Assessments are not tests. They’re not grades. Assessments give us information,” said Stribling,
principal of Carysbrook Elementary which
serves grade three and four. “When you take
assessments with teacher insight and dedication, that leads to meaningful instruction.”
“If we don’t look at data, then we can’t
drive instruction,” said Farquharson, principal of the middle school. “At the beginning
of the year there were a lot of conversations
about whether or not we’re testing kids too
much. If we don’t test, we don’t know what
we need to teach. If we start off the year and
we don’t do a pre-assessment, we’re just
randomly throwing things out. We need to
know what we need to spend just a little bit
of time on and what we’re going to spend a
lot of time on.”
A slew of acronyms were thrown at the
school board including MAP, IA, AIMSweb,
LDS, and RTI, each of these representing an
assessment, monitoring program, or intervention used with students.
While the recent focus on literacy in
third and fourth grade has paid off, making
English SOL pass rates increase, the new
focus will be on math and science. Only 50
percent of Fluvanna fifth graders passed the
math SOL this year.
“The SOL tests have gotten harder, we need
to adjust our expectations,” said Carysbrook teacher Jennifer Flood. Flood will
be using a new mathematics curriculum
called ‘Math Investigations’ which will
focus on hands-on learning.
“Children will be developing their own
survey question, test their survey question,
and go out to collect data,” said Flood. “Then
they will determine
what’s the best way
to present that data
– should I used a bar
graph, a line plot?
What’s going to be
In addition to
making test scores
better, administrators have put a heavy
emphasis on citizenship and personal
responsibility. Some
of the more creative
hanging a golden plunger from the ceiling
if students keep the bathrooms clean, or a
golden broom in front of the classroom the
janitors have deemed to be the best cared
for by students.
“We have to teach expectations, not just
expect children to behave,” said Carysbrook
Assistant Principal Jen Valentine.
Farquharson echoed much of what the
Carysbrook administrators had to say, but
also mentioned her particular focus on
‘gap groups.’
“We know that there are disparities
between our gap groups,” said Farquharson. “We want to make sure we’re catching
our black students and students with disabilities and meeting and exceeding state
and national academic expectations.”
School Board Member Bertha Armstrong
asked for specific ways the school district
is focusing on diversity issues. To which
Brenda Gilliam, Director of Curriculum and
Instruction, replied that the next October
staff day will feature a presentation from
Donna Ford from Vanderbilt University
on “Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms.” Administrators will also begin a
book study on identifying and retaining minority students in gifted programs.
“We want to make sure
we’re catching our black
students and students
with disabilities and
meeting and exceeding
state and national
academic expectations.”
– Yardley Farquharson
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10 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | September 19, 2013
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September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Remembering 9/11
Crowds gathered all around Fluvanna to remember the victims of the Sept. 11 2001 attack.
On the anniversary of that terrible
morning 12 years ago, Fluvanna County
gathered to remember and to dedicate.
At 11:30 a.m., the Fluvanna Sheriff’s
Office dedicated a flag pole in the center
circle of the library/sheriff’s complex on
Commons Boulevard.
At 6 p.m., Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire
and Rescue held a memorial and tribute to
those who lost their lives in the terrorist
Close to 3,000 people died when 19 terrorists hijacked four planes intending to
crash them into monuments of U.S. power:
the Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon and a fourth, suspected bound for
the White House or the Capitol, crashed
in a Pennsylvania field when those aboard
the plane charged the cockpit trying to
overtake control.
At the flag dedication ceremony, Fluvanna Volunteer Fire Department Chaplain
David Jewell opened with a prayer.
“We take this opportunity to honor our
brothers and sisters fallen in service to you
and those who died on this day 12 years
ago,” Jewell said. “As we dedicate this flag
pole, we remember not only the horror but
the joy we get from the dedicated first re-
Photos by Lisa Hurdle
sponders who saved those they could. Let
us keep in our thoughts the families of
those who lost people on this day.”
Nora Johnson stood at the back of the
crowd. She came, she said, to honor her
friend and Lake Monticello neighbor whose
husband died in the South tower.
“I just happened to be here checking out
some books and she’s been on my mind,”
Johnson said. “I thought I should stop. She’s
on vacation because she tries to forget. I
was thinking about her.”
Bill Hughes, who is challenging Charles
Rittenhouse for the Cunningham School
Board seat, came to the ceremony and, like
many, recalled what he was doing 12 years
Hughes lived in Nassau County, New York
and worked for the county workforce services. He was supposed to have a meeting
in Tower Two, he said, but was running late,
having just finished a vacation.
“I saw the TV at the rental place and saw
the plane hit,” Hughes said. “I thought it
was science fiction.”
From Jones Beach on Long Island, Hughes
said you could see straight into Manhattan
at the Twin Towers, even though its more
than 20 miles away. It was from there he
saw the towers fall.
12 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | September 19, 2013
His secretary, who was riding the Long
Island Railroad to cover the meeting for
him, was turned back as authorities cut off
all transportation into the city.
“Now today we’re still in wars that emanated from 9/11,” Hughes said. “Freedom
isn’t free.”
Sheriff Ryant Washington told the crowd
gathered at the dedication the story of how
the flag pole came to be.
He said when ground was broken in 2002
for the new building there weren’t plans in
place for one.
“I didn’t know any other government
building without a flag pole,” he said.
So after a little searching, Washington
contacted an organization called Woodmen
of the World that provides flagpoles.
“They said, we donate them but we don’t
put them up,” Washington said.
Lt. Tom Brennan knew of a Boy Scout,
Alex Lockey, who was working on becoming an Eagle Scout and looking for a project.
Lockey planned and erected the pole. Then
the Fluvanna Garden Club asked Washington if they could landscape the area.
“I told them I don’t own the land, but
they’re welcome to do what they want,” he
The group mulched the area and planted
small bushes and flowering plants. They
also keep the spot weeded.
If a flag is flown at night, it has to be illuminated. In stepped Lou Persinger, who
donated the labor and materials to make
that happen, Washington said.
After the crowd heard the story, an Honor
Guard was called forth to raise the flag. It
stopped at half staff to commemorate those
who died in the 9/11 attacks.
Board of Supervisor Mozell Booker (Fork
Union) attended.
“I think every time there is a ceremony
on this day, you relive where you were,”
Booker said. “I watched TV so much I had
to eventually turn it off. I had family and
friends who lived in New York who were
desperately trying to find loved ones. It
became personal very quickly.”
Board of Supervisor Bob Ullenbruch
(Palmyra) was also in the crowd.
“That dedication shows the amount of
support the county gets from within - individual contractors who are willing to step
up. Landscapers. Trades people. It’s really a
wonderful thing,” Ullenbruch said.
Woodmen of the World displayed an
American flag during the ceremony on
which was printed the names of those who
died in the terrorist attack.
September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Candidates for 65th District answer questions
William Quarles (D) is challenging incumbent Lee Ware (R) to represent citizens
in the 65th District of the Virginia House of
Delegates. The 65th District lies east of Rt.
15 and consists of Fluvanna’s Columbia and
Fork Union districts. The Fluvanna Review
sent the same questions to both candidates.
Below are their answers.
1. What have you done to help Fluvanna
in our floundering business climate? We
are a bedroom community with very
little business base.
Quarles: Like many rural communities,
Fluvanna has struggled through the recession to establish a solid, enduring business base. If elected, I want to help local
leaders and citizens of Fluvanna create an
atmosphere where businesses new and old
thrive. This would include working closely
with the Fluvanna Chamber of Commerce
to establish economic incentives for businesses to locate to the county. I would also
make it my mission to improve the longterm sustainability of businesses by investing in business-related education and
the infrastructure of existing commercial
centers. Unfortunately, many residents of
Fluvanna are unaware of what their current
representation has done for them on the
business front.
2. Getting water to the Zion Crossroads
area has dominated economic development talk in Fluvanna for at least 10
years. What would you do to help Fluvanna in that quest?
Quarles: Getting water to the Zion Crossroads area has been a constant issue for the
people of Fluvanna. Although this is primarily a local issue, there are ways that the
General Assembly can assist with upgrades
to the infrastructure necessary for providing
water. When elected, I will work with county
officials, the board of supervisors and interested organizations and individuals to determine exactly what the needs are and how
we can best support the county’s plan.
3. What are your recommendations
regarding the water issues in Fluvanna?
Quarles: None of the proposed solutions
to the county’s water issues have stuck,
but the needs of the people are too great
to continue doing nothing. When elected,
I will make sure that I am always available
William Quarles (D) is challenging incumbent Lee Ware (R) to represent
citizens in the 65th District of the Virginia House of Delegates.
to discuss these concerns with a critical and
pragmatic eye, and then do whatever can be
done at the state level and within the House
of Delegates to help solve this problem.
While this is primarily a local issue, as your
delegate, I will advocate on your behalf to
move this process forward. When I served
as the chairman of the Goochland Board
of Supervisors, I often found that out-ofthe-box thinking was the key to solving
complex problems just like this one.
4. Why should someone vote for you?
What are your credentials?
Quarles: I’m asking for your vote
because I think that you deserve better. You
deserve a delegate that will advocate for
common-sense policies, not an extreme
social agenda. I began my career as a public
school teacher in Richmond and Varina,
and I’ve spent the last 30 years working as a
supervisor and instructor of nuclear chemistry at North Anna. I served on the Goochland Board of Supervisors for eight years,
including three as chairman, and currently
serve as Vice President of the Goochland
Education Foundation. Now, I’m running to
give you a say in the General Assembly.
5. What is your vision as to the role a
state delegate plays in helping people
at the county level?
Quarles: A delegate must meet, see,
speak with and get to know his or her con-
stituents on a very
personal level. They
are called to hear
your stories, internalize your grievances and make it a
point to listen to the
issues that matter
most to you. A delegate is the people’s
conduit, and as such,
it is their job to be
your voice in the legislature. If they are
willing to put people
above politics, it is
my firm belief that
a dedicated, hardworking, common
sense delegate can
be a force for positive change in any
Del. Lee Ware answered the questions in this manner:
Your questions numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4
allow for a combined answer, as follows:
The principle service that a legislator provides to local communities is to ensure that
the state maintains a stable, as low-as-possible rate of taxation and spending to foster
both business development and fiscal wellbeing – and opportunities, for individuals
and families.
The state government’s foremost responsibilities are to provide for a quality public
education (including college), safe and effective public transportation systems, and
the public safety, i.e., enforcement of the
laws, etc.
Thankfully, the House of Delegates has,
for many years, paved the way in each
of these respects. For example, Virginia
remains one of the top three states in which
to operate – or to begin – a business, thus
fostering job-creation for Virginians – and
tax revenues for state services. As a ranking
member of the Finance, Commerce & Labor,
and Agriculture, Chesapeake, & Natural Resources committees, I have cast hundreds
of votes to help us achieve these objectives.
(By the way, for all of our diverse industries,
agriculture, including forestry, remains
the principal engine of our private-sector
economy.) That the state just concluded the
fiscal year with a healthy surplus testifies
to the legislature’s – and the Governor’s –
prudent stewardship of the public purse.
Without question, the nationwide economic recession of recent years has dramatically affected the state’s ability to assist
localities in capital investment. Water-line
projects such as that proposed for Zion
Crossroads are, while largely a local responsibility, eligible for some state assistance. My decade-plus contribution to fiscal
policy for the Commonwealth, coupled
with my delight in assisting local officials
throughout the 65th District, has resulted in funding for a water-line project in
Goochland and development of a new state
park in Powhatan – both this past year. For
Fluvanna I cooperate with Del. Rob Bell,
who represents the western portion of the
county, in numerous ways in the House to
further the county’s best interests.
It bears remarking in this vein that,
unless the federal government reins in its
outrageous deficits, Virginia, and all the
states, will find it increasingly difficult to
share fully in funding projects for localities.
What happens – or does not happen – in
Washington, D.C., has serious, immediate
repercussions for Richmond, that is, for
Virginians’ state government, and what the
state must bear from Washington all too inevitably impacts our counties, too.
My service in the legislature began in
1998. In the fifteen years since, I have been
endorsed by virtually every major voters’
association, such as Farm Bureau, and by
leading business groups – such as the National Federation of Independent Business.
More important, owing principally to my
attempt to respond to every constituent’s
and every locality’s request for assistance
with a state program or agency, I have been
re-elected by the voters every two years. I
pledge to continue, and to expand upon,
this demonstrated record in asking voters
to re-elect me to the House this November.
6. What is your favorite flavor of ice
cream and why?
Quarles: My favorite ice cream flavor
is vanilla, because vanilla ice cream mixes
well with all the other flavors. You can
create endless varieties!
Ware: Ice cream? Mint chocolate chip.
To find out more about each candidate
visit their websites.
Quarles: www.quarlesfordelegate.com
Ware: www.delegateleeware.net
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14 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | September 19, 2013
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Cutting the ribbon at Ace Hardware
International Day of Peace
Dear Neighbors:
May Peace prevail in your hearts,
in your homes, and on Earth!
Saturday, September 21st is the International
Day of Peace. To mark the day, Grace and Glory
Lutheran Church will dedicate a Peace Pole on
church property, 683 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy.,
opposite Fluvanna County Library. The Pole
bears the Peace message inscribed in 8
Debra Lucado, Renny Megahan, Jeff Craig and Joe Chesser cut the ribbon.
Photo by Page H. Gifford
different languages.
A brief dedication service at 3:00 p.m. will be
Attracting shoppers locally and supporting the newly stocked Fluvanna Ace Hardware (formerly Do It Best) was Joe Chesser’s message to the group of well-wishers gathered at Friday’s (Sept. 12) ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Among the spectators cheering co-owners Renny Megahan and Jeff Craig were
members of the Fluvanna Chamber of Commerce: Scott Valentine, Debra Lucado, Jonathon Oliver, Tracey Williams, Vicki Karabinus and Karen Bowles. Tony O’Brien and Rick
Kelly, candidates for Board of Supervisors, were also on hand to give support.
Valentine, President of the Fluvanna Chamber of Commerce, also stepped forward
before the ribbon was cut to give a few words of support for local businesses in general
and praise Megahan and Craig for being proactive in business and retail.
The store is located at 114 Crofton Place, under the big red Ace sign that can’t be
missed. For more information, call 591-0670. What you don’t see in the store can be
ordered online at www.acehardware.com and shipped to the store for pick-up.
followed by refreshments and fellowship in the
church. The community is cordially invited to
join us in this significant event!
The Rev. Ken Albright, Pastor (434) 531-3551
Visit our website:www.graceandglory.org
Office: (434) 589-2217; [email protected]
683 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy., Palmyra • (Rte. 53, opp. Fluvanna Public Library)
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September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
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The Wheelers
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Page 9
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Fluco sports in review
Brooke and Chris compiled this information with the
oversight of journalism teacher Elizabeth Pellicane
For the Fluco golf team, last week
brought a storm of matches, with
events on Sept. 9, 10, and 12. The
week started off on a challenging
note with the team losing a home
match against Stuarts Draft and
Louisa. The Flucos held a score of
188, compared to Louisa’s score
of 177. Senior Zach Hubbard continued to be the top scorer for Fluvanna, finishing the match with 43
The next day, the golf team faced
off against Louisa again, this time at Louisa.
The result was the same, unfortunately,
bringing its only hope for a win during the
week to the Sept. 12 match against Powhatan. The Flucos’ desire for a win remained
fruitless there too, as they fell to Powhatan,
one of the top golf teams in the state.
Although the Flucos didn’t snag a win last
week, they have been more successful than
in years past. “We’ve improved a lot from
last year, but we still have a lot of improvement to do. We’re getting better, slowly but
steadily,” said junior Christian Baber. The
Flucos looked to improve during their next
match against Charlottesville on Sept. 17.
The Fluvanna varsity volleyball squad
continued its winning streak Sept. 9 when
they defeated the Waynesboro Little Giants
3-1. “We’re just getting to learn how to
play with each other in some new spots
and we’ve done well so far,” said returning
player Maddy Kline. The Flucos continue to
play a smart and agile game and have been
keeping the ball alive on their side. “We’re
only going to get better,” said Kline.
Junior varsity volleyball also had a successful night as they beat Waynesboro
in the first and last match, winning 2-1
overall. “We had good communication,”
said sophomore Avery Haislip. The Lady
Fluco matches for the week of Sept. 16
include Albemarle High School, Orange
County High School, and Harrisonburg.
Middle school cross country
The Flying Flucos put up a fight Sept.
11, and brought home a victory against the
Louisa Lions. The top three middle school
girls to score were Kristen Cabrera, coming
in at 13:39, Saige Haney at 14:20, and
Haley Kennedy at 14:41.
“They did an outstanding job,” said Coach Rose
Brogan. The boys reciprocated the win, with
Chris Newton, Bradley
Holtz, and Jack Easter finishing in the top three slots
for Fluvanna. Both girls and
boys Middle School cross country teams
competed against the Lions for the second
time on Sept. 17.
Girls’ high school cross country
On Sept. 14, the cross country team participated in the Woodberry 5K Invitational.
The junior varsity team placed 1st in their
division with a total of 44 points. The top
three Fluvanna runners included Kristen
Cabrera, Haley Kennedy, and Saige Haney.
“I think the team did very well, considering
the toughness of the course,” said sophomore Mia Scalzo. The varsity cross country
team did a fantastic job as well and finished
in fourth place with a total of 137 points.
“I think the rest of the season will go really
great because of the strong team we have,
and our great coaches,” said Scalzo. The
top three runners in the varsity race included Nicki Douma with 20:14, Devon Burger
with 21:27 and Ellie Smialek with 22:51.
The next cross country meet will be a districts match at Charlottesville High School
on Sept. 25.
Boys’ high school cross country
The cross country boys also participated
in the Woodberry 5K, and had a successful
day. The boys’ junior varsity cross country
team was represented by Josh Carlton and
Jamie Fletcher. It was a strong finish with
Fletcher finishing 18 seconds ahead of
Carlton. “This year’s team is growing a lot
and we have made a lot of improvement,”
said sophomore Keegan Campanelli.
Meanwhile, the boys’ varsity team finished tenth out of 18 teams. Travis Moe led
Fluvanna with a time of 18:02, followed by
Jonathan Corbin and Andy Guess with times
of 19:03 and 19:15 respectively. “I think we
have been pretty successful and will be able
to become faster and stronger though hard
work and dedication,” Campanelli said. The
boys’ next meet will be at CHS on Sept. 25.
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16 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | September 19, 2013
Huddle Up Fundraiser
On October 21, 2013,or as soon thereafter as papers can be done, proceedings will be commenced under the authority of Section 58.1-3965
et seq. of the Code of Virginia 1950 (as amended) to sell the following
parcels for payment of delinquent taxes in Fluvanna County, Virginia.
2.0 acres located in the Cunningham Magisterial District,
2440 Thomas Jefferson Parkway
Fluvanna County, Virginia
Tax Map Parcel: 29-A-105 listed in the name of Roger Lee Crawford
proceeds collected
at the door benefits
the Huddle Up
1.584 acres located in the Palmyra Magisterial District,
2318 Troy Road
Fluvanna County, Virginia
Tax Map Parcel: 5-5-1 listed in the name of Roger Lee Crawford
Providing Full Service
Veterinary Care for Cats and Dogs!
Friday, September 20th • 10 pm
$5 Cash Cover at the Door Benefits Huddle up
10 Centre Court
South Boston Road (Rt. 600)
Near Lake Monticello Fire Dept.& CVS
(540) 832 - 1751
Walk-In Rabies Clinic
$10 Rabies Vaccines
Saturday, October 12th
8 a.m. - 12 noon
Are you up to date on
your shots?
You’re never too
old to be carded!
Be 5yo5ur
to g e t
Pets must be in carriers or on leashes. One year vaccines will be given if owner does not have proof of a previous
rabies vaccination. If you have more than 5 pets, you may call or stop by to pre-register.
Wellness exams • Puppy/Kitten visits • Spay/Neuter •Microchipping,
Surgery, Dental cleanings & Dental surgery•Digital X-ray•Laser therapy
In-house lab blood results while you wait
Welcomes Dr. Ashley Zeni
A graduate of Texas A&M University, where she received both her bachelor’s degree and her veterinary degree. She graduated Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine in 2004, alongside Drs. Davis and Bejar!
Dr. Zeni has spent the last 9 years practicing in Northern Virginia. However, her heart was always drawn
to Charlottesville. Dr. Zeni is very excited to be joining the Crossroads Animal Hospital team, and looks
forward to serving the Charlottesville community. Dr. Zeni’s professional interests include feline medicine,
internal medicine, cardiology and ultrasound. In her personal time, she enjoys running, yoga, cooking and
traveling, both locally and internationally. She shares her home with two furry cats, Tutu and Mo.
Purchase a dinner special at regular price
then receive 50% off the second special
Open 7 Days a Week
Like us on
Dr. Jesse Bejar
Dr. Ashley Zeni
Dr. Erin Davis
Sun. 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Mon. - Thurs 7 a.m. -9 p.m.
Fri. -Sat. 7 a.m.- 10 p.m.
Located at Zion Crossroads across the
street (Rt.15) from Walmart/Lowes
265 Turkeysag Trail, Palmyra • Located across the street from Food Lion
434-591-0209 • 434-591-0208
Gordonsville, Va. 22942
65 Jefferson Court
Exit #136
September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Community Calendar _______________________________________
Art association
The Fluvanna Art Association will conduct its Annual
Art Show and Sale Sept.18 – Oct. 28 at the Fluvanna
County Library. Meet and greet the artist at the awards
reception Sept. 21, from 1 to 3 p.m. also at the library.
For information on materials see FluvannaArt.com or
call 434-589-6284.
Primary school
A fall festival fundraiser will be held for West Central
Primary school on Sept. 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Look for food, games, raffles and vendors.
Beulah homecoming
Beulah Baptist Church in Kents Store, VA will celebrate their 153rd Homecoming on Sunday, Sept. 22.
Sunday school begins at 9:45 a.m., followed by the
worship service starting at 11:00 a.m. A covered dish
lunch will be served after the worship service.
Law enforcement academy
The Fluvanna County Sheriff’s Office is hosting a
Citizens Law Enforcement Academy program starting on Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. at the sheriff’s office at
160 Commons Blvd. The deadline to enroll is Sept. 20.
The academy is held 2 ½ hours each Tuesday for 10
weeks. For more information call 434-589-8211 or
email [email protected]. (The classes do not
certify an individual as a law enforcement officer or
auxiliary deputy.)
Free estate planning
On Thursday, Sept. 26, JABA in partnership with the
law firm of Williams Mullen will host Central Virginia
Wills for Seniors. The day-long event – for Fluvanna
County residents also – is designed to provide local
people of low income who are 60 or older the opportunity to complete a basic estate plan for free. This
Featured Properties
service includes a basic will, power of attorney, and
advance medical directive. The event marks the sixth
time that JABA and Williams Mullen have partnered
to make these critical services available at no cost.
The event will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at JABA at
674 Hillsdale Drive, in Charlottesville. Appointment
required. For more information or to apply for an appointment, please contact Rose Farber at (434) 8175253, [email protected].
Fields of Faith
The Fluvanna County High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes invites you to their annual Fields of Faith
on Friday Sept. 27, 2013 at the completion of the
Varsity Football game with Albemarle. This year we
will have athletes from UVA as our speakers along with
great music for the event. We hope you plan to come
spend a great evening in fellowship with us. Visit fieldsoffaith.com for more information. See you at the field!
Bybee Church tutoring
Bybee’s Road Baptist Church will provide tutoring in
reading, writing and math for kindergarten through
5th grade children each Wednesday from 5:30 to
7:00 p.m. starting on Oct. 2 and ending on Nov. 20.
Dinner will be provided for the children. Registration is
required by calling the church at 434-589-8529. The
church is located at 4989 Bybee’s Church Rd. in Troy.
Singleton show
Stylish Contemporary Ranch
• Lake Monticello, Fluvanna
• $319,000 #504755
• Hrdwd flrs, prof lndscp, pool
• Betsy Gunnels, 434-996-9797
Farmette near Gordonsville
• Louisa
• $205,000 # 513609
• Inground Pool
• Tom Woolfolk, 434-242-1991
Richard Singleton, local Scottsville photographer, will
be showing a series of photographs titled “Water,
Earth, Sky: Light” at Thistle Gate Winery (about 5
miles East of Scottsville on Rt. 6) during the month of
October. The opening will take place on Friday, Oct. 4,
from 5-7 p.m. Pictures included were taken in Ireland,
England, Nova Scotia, and the USA, including Virginia.
Yeck talk
Author Joanna Yeck will be signing books, drinking
coffee, and chatting informally with many Buckingham
and Scottsville friends and cousins at Baine’s in Scottsville on Oct. 5 from 1 to 3 p.m. She is the author of
The Jefferson Brothers and an expert on Buckingham
history. Yeck was awarded a Jefferson Fellowship at the
International Center for Jefferson Studies (2010) and
her regional history, “At a Place Called Buckingham”…
Historic Sketches of Buckingham County, Virginia (Slate
River Press), was published in 2011.
Computer classes
Wade Built 4/3 Bedrooms
• Forest Lakes
• $459,000 # 513073
• Bsmt,2 car grge, cul de sac
• Pat Arndt, 434-981-2650
1st Time on the Market!
• Dick Woods Rd, Ivy
• $269,900 # 511815
• 3Br, bsmt, garage, 3 acres
• Tracey McFarlane, 434-882-0067
Providing Resources to Inspire, Develop and Empower
(PRIDE), Inc. will be offering computer classes for beginners including: Introduction to Computers on Monday,
Oct. 7, from noon to 2 p.m.; Introduction to Searching the Internet on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013 from noon to
2 p.m. Classes have been developed for beginners of
all ages to learn computer Registration is required. All
classes are held at New Fork Baptist Church in Palmyra.
Contact Barbara Cary, at 434-842-3095 or a4pride@
gmail.com for more information. Visit PRIDE’s Facebook
at http://www.facebook.com/A4pride.
Stroke clinic
The Rotary Club of Fluvanna County is sponsoring a
stroke clinic on Saturday, Oct. 19 at Saints Peter and
Paul Roman Catholic Church on Rt. 53, south of Lake
Monticello. The clinic is presented by the Martha Jefferson Hospital Neuroscience Center. Nurses will be
present to test glucose levels, take heart pressure and
answer questions. This the first time that Martha Jefferson has taken this program off-campus.
Game day
Play your favorite game: Mahjong, Canasta, Hand &
Foot, Bridge and Board Games and more at Sts. Peter
& Paul Church in Palmyra on Sunday, Oct. 20 from 2
p.m. until 6 p.m. Call Joan at 434-589-6269 or Betty
at 434-589-3231 for tickets or information. Tickets
are $12 per person and no tickets will be sold at the
door. Reservations must be made before Oct. 15.
There will be raffles, door prizes and refreshments.
Market bazaar
The Kents Store Volunteer Fire Company is hosting a
Market/Craft Bazaar on Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The bazaar is looking for vendors. Contact Sarah @
434-589-2852 or [email protected].
Craft fair
Save the date for another great annual “Holiday Arts and
Craft Fair” to be held Nov. 9, 2013 from 8 a.m. until
2 p.m. at Sts. Peter & Paul Church in Palmyra in conjunction with St. Joseph’s Shrine of St.Catherine Drexel.
There are tables still available so call Patricia Amato at
434-589-7811 to apply or for more information.
Hair show
Salon DeShano will hold its 10th anniversary hair show
event on Nov. 9 from 6 to 9 p.m. The goal is to raise
$10,000 to benefit Valley Mission. Tickets available at
Salon DeShano.
Drivers needed
Fluvanna Meals on Wheels is looking for regular or
substitute route drivers in the Kidd’s Dairy Store area
(Rt. 6-West River Road) Monday-Friday during the
lunch-time hour. Meals are shuttled to Kidd’s Dairy
Store for pickup by route driver for distribution to
clients. The route takes approximately one hour to
complete so won’t you consider helping a neighbor
in need? Please call our office at 434-589-1685 or
send us an email at www.fluvannamealsonwheels@
Syrian relief collection
Local Anglicans are inviting churches of all traditions,
charities and community organizations to join them in
sending emergency relief to Syrian refugees. Offerings will be collected this Sunday and throughout the
month in participating congregations. Collected funds
should be sent to the attention of Bill Bray, Missions
Chair, All Saints Anglican Church in Charlottesville. For
details contact Bill at 434-227-0811 or 295-6488.
Large Wooded Lot
• Lake Monticello
• $164,500 # 513574
• 3br, 3B Home Large deck too!
• Connie Fairchild, 434-466-8660
Would you like to rule the world, but are
unsure of how to do it? Gage will show
you the way. Handsome and intelligent,
he appreciates the finer things in life,
and is happy to show you just how he
likes things. Gage would like a quieter
home with humans who will happily cater to his whims.
2 Acre parcel, ready to build
• Fair Oaks, Scottsville
• $49,950 # 512888
• Home site cleared, w.o.bsmnt
• Joseph Griffin, 434-327-2554
434-589-0777 • 434-589-1882
18 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | September 19, 2013
Fluvanna SPCA
5239 Union Mills Road, Troy, VA
(434) 591-0123.
Quality Roofing
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and Seamless Gutters
Serving the Fluvanna and
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• Choice of Colors
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Custom Home Builder
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Retaining Walls,
Walkways, Patios,
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Fork Union, VA 23055
FREE ESTIMATES • (434) 589-7800
[email protected]
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about all our landscaping & lawn care
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Highlight your
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Service Directory
For information including special rates
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September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
TANKER DRIVERS! Earn up to $.51 per Mile! New
Fleet Volvo Tractors! 1 Year OTR Exp. Req. – Tanker
Training Available. Call Today: 877-882-6537 www.
Property transfers
Property transfer deeds are provided by the Fluvanna County Circuit Court.
• Cardinal Point, LLC to Ryan, Christopher & Karin
Ann; 113 Ironhound Court, Troy, Lot 9 Mountian
Meadows Sub.; $173,500.
• Bomberger, John C. TR & Boomberg to Nataro,
Salvatore A. & Monica D.; 22 Fairwood Place, Lot
204, Phase 12, Lake Monticello, $220,000.
• Sycamore Square, LLC to NVR, Inc.; 172 S. Pantops Drive; Lot 10 Phase 4, Sycamore Square,
• Berry, Keith Mitchell to Sheler, Monty Lee; 16 Turkeysag; Lot 91, Phase 8, Nahor Lake Monticello,
• Atlantic Trustee Services, LLC to The Farmers
Bank of Appomattox; Lot 7, Antioch Estates, 2
Acres; $110,891.94 Deed to foreclose.
• Booysen, Lilian Beatrice to McLaughlin, Renica S.
& ET AL; 202 Miles Jackson Road, 0.96 Acres;
• Joppaz, LLC to Hydraulic, LLC; Lot 305, Phase 9,
Knollwood Lake Monticello, $170,000.
• Boothe, Virginia Anne to Fitzgerald, James P.;
2936 Jefferson Drive; Lot 4, Phase 8, Nahor Lake
Monticello; $186,000.
• Monarch Land, LLC & Liberty Homes to Frye, Helen D.; 54 Carriage Hill Road, Lot 16, Needham
Village, $150,750.
• Surety Trustees, LLC to Beneficial Financial I. Inc.;
2 Acres (Lawson) $64,927.46 Deed to foreclose.
• Wheeler, Patrick D. & Natasha A. to Nichols, Calvin & Diane S.; 464 Humminghbird Road, Scottsville, 3.947 Acres.; $68,000.
• Kitchen, Ivey B. & Margaret S. to Hamm, James
A. Jr & Anita C.; 1725 Haden Martin Road, 3 Parcels, Cunningham Mag. District; $56,000.
• Fannie Mae to Mitchell, Melanie C.; 262 Stage
Junction Road, Columbia, 2.03 acres; $44,000.
• Surety Trustees, LLC to Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corp.; Lot 2, Beales Lane Subdivision,
$119,000. Deed to foreclose.
• Surety Trustees, LLC to JP Morgan Chase Bank,
National, Lot 241, Phase One, Lake Monticello, (Heather H. Buglia and Ryan K. Buglia)
$196,872.64. Deed to foreclose.
• Minnis, Kristen M. to Carpenter, Daniel G. & Kelly
Re.; 60 Bolling Circle; Lot 49, Phase 2, Shadwell,
Lake Monticello, $223,000.
• Bennett, George E. & Clime, Kar. to Dugger, Clark
Terrell & Kate A.; 1305 Broken Island Road, Lot
11, 10.383 Acres; $410,000.
• Liberty Homes, Inc. to Fincham, Logan E.; 49 Partridge Berry Lane, Troy, Lot 11, Sycamore Landing, $188,665.
• Pace, Nancy Gentry FKA Gentry to Watson, Frances M.; 15 Wildwood Drive; Lot 326 Phase 3,
Montpelier Lake Monticello, $115,000.
• Sigmon, Mary H. to Walther, Brandon D.; 723 Nahor Manor Road, 2.01 Acres; $155,000.
• Eager, Patricia Bentz to Holt, Russel M. & Martha
G.; 1086 Broken Island Road, Lot 27, .82 Acres,
Lot 28, .90 Acres, $77,000.
• Federal National Mortgage Assoc. to Spradlin,
Jennifer L.; 774 Jefferson Drive; Lot 151, Phase
2, Shadwell, Lake Monticello, $155,000.
• Federal National Mortgage Assoc. to Stewart,
Amy Johnson; 28 E. Point Road, Lot 76, Phase 6,
Riverside Lake Monticello, $144,000.
• Mercogliano, Anthony J. to Sinclair, Thomas W.
Patrick, 233 Miller Road, Troy, Lot 21-38 Hunters
Lake, $235,000.
• Grisser, Michael S. & Tracy R. to Sanders, Charles R.
Jr. & Neil S.; 7460 Pepers Ferry Blvd., Fairlawn, VA;
Lot 14, Phase 3, Broken Island Sub.; $414,000.
• Bennett, Neil R. & ET AL to Secretary of Veterans
& Affairs; Lot 408 Phase 5, Tufton, Lake Monticello, $9,341.78 Deed to foreclose.
• Eager, Patricia Bentz, TR to Meade Construction,
LLC; 300 Preston Avenue; 0.74 Acre, Lot 11 Two
Rivers Subdivision; $42,000.
• NVA Properties, LLC to Liberty Homes, Inc.;
Lots 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 & Sycamore Landing;
• Eveland, Richard T. and Linda to Bessett, Steven James and Mich.; 142 Ruritan Ridge Lane,
Scottsville, VA; Lot 1, Ruritan Ridge Sub.; 10.382
Acres; $562,500.
• The Secretary of Housing and Urban to Ginger
Investments, LLC; Lot 241, Phase 8, Lake Monticello, $81,587.
20 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | September 19, 2013
ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS: Advertise Your upcoming
auctions in Virginia Newspapers for one low cost of
$300. Your 25-word classified ad reaches over ONE
MILLION Virginians! Call this paper or Adriane Long at
804-521-7585 (Virginia Press Services).
Drivers – HOME WEEKLY & BI-WEEKLY Earn $900$1200 wk BC/BS Med. & Major Benefits. No Canada,
Totally restored historic landmark, candidate for
conservation easement. $3,995,000. 540-448-0393
AUCTION: 4 BR Home in Spotsylvania. RESERVE: $180K.
Sept. 26 at 6 PM. 2,923 sq. ft., 0.96 acres. 9702
Courthouse Rd. CottonwoodAuctions.com 540.437.9500
VAL #877
LAND DEAL! On Sontag Road in Franklin County Unrestricted acre lot. $19,900 and I’ll finance. NO
closing costs - NO credit check - 540-294-3271
ON-SITE ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, September 21
- 9:30 a.m. Amelia, Va. Woodworking Machinery, Guns,
Antiques, 100’s of Antique Tools. For Pictures, Listings,
& Info Visit: www.tilmansauction.com 804-347-4963
VAL #348
AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Become an Aviation
Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial
aid if qualified – Housing available. Job placement
assistance. SCHEV certified. Call AIM 888-245-9553.
Auction, Granite & Marble By Malave’, Inc., Equipment,
Vehicles, Inventory & More Greensboro, NC– Guilford County,
9/26/13 at 9am, Auction at Greensboro Coliseum Special
Events Center Meeting Room 3, Iron Horse Auction Co., Inc.,
800.997.2248, NCAL3936, ironhorseauction.com
AUCTIONS – Roofing Company Liquidation, Online
Auction Only, Bid September 17 thru September 26, Items
Located in Maryland & Florida. Motley’s Auction & Realty
Group, 804-232-3300, www.motleys.com, VAAL #16.
Medical Billing Trainees Needed! Train to become
a Medical Office Assistant. No Experience Needed!
Training & Job Placement available at CTI! HS Diploma/
GED & computer needed. 1-888-424-9419.
GRANT is now available in your area. Grant covers
Computer, Medical or Microsoft training. Call CTI for
programs details. 1-888-528-5546.
Newspapers for one low cost of $300. Your 25 word
classified ad reaches almost ONE MILLION Virginians!
Call this paper or Adriane Long at 804-521-7585
(Virginia Press Services).
DRIVERS-CDL TRAINING now offered in Roanoke 540857-6188 or Spotsylvania 540-582-8200! Attend 4
Weeks or 10 Weekends. Guaranteed Financing and Job
Placement Assistance Available. 1-800-646-2374.
65 Driver Trainees needed! No experience needed!
Learn to drive a truck at Shippers Choice! Job ready in 4
weeks! Good pay & benefits! 1-800-874-7131
Offers Excellent Benefits & Hometime. CDL-A req.
888-362-8608. Recent Grads w/a CDL-A, 1-5 wks
Paid Training. Apply online at AverittCareers.com Equal
Opportunity Employer
CDL-A Drivers: Looking for higher pay? New Century
is hiring experienced company drivers and owner
operators. Solos and teams. Competitive pay package.
Sign-on incentives. Call 888-705-3217 or apply online
at www.drivenctrans.com
DIVORCE – Uncontested, $350 + $88 court cost. No
court appearance required. Estimated completion time
twenty-one days. All telephone inquiries welcome with
no obligation. Hilton Oliver, Attorney. 757-490-0126.
DIVORCE WITH OR WITHOUT children $125.00. Includes
name change and property settlement agreement. SAVE
hundred. Fast and easy. Call 1-888-733-7165, 24/7.
Vintage Country Charmer w/acreage! 4-Large Bedrooms,
2-Baths, 4-Fireplaces, Huge Kitchen, New Appliances,
Awesome Setting, REMODELED & UPDATED! Near Smith
Mountain Lake $199,900. Rob @ReMax 540-420-2922
STEEL BUILDINGS Blowout! Best savings & possible
clearance buildings. Used for Garages, Workshops, &
Shelters. Various Sizes Available and LOW payments.
CALL NOW 1-800-991-9251 Heather
We Can Help Sell Your S tuf f! 30 wor ds or less.
per Week
For $10 your ad will appear for TWO WEEKS
on FluvannaReview.com (with FREE PHOTO)
and in the next two printed issues of the Fluvanna Review
Deadline for print ads is MONDAY BY NOON.
OUR WEBSITE with free photo:
1. On FluvannaReview.com click on “Classifieds”
2. Click on “Post an Ad - $10”
3. Login or click on “Register”
4. Select a category
5. Write your ad and upload photo
6. Pay with your credit card via Pay Pal.
Phone: Contact Edee @ 434-207-0221
e-mail: Contact Edee at [email protected]
FAX: 434-589-1704, attention Edee
Payment: In advance. We accept: Visa,
Master Card, Discover, checks and cash.
All real estate advertised in the Fluvanna Review is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race,
color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin…” The Virginia Fair Housing Law also makes it illegal to discriminate because of elderliness (age 55 and over). The Fluvanna
Review will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All real estate advertised in this paper is available on an equal opportunity basis.
Liquidation, LOVIN’ RIDGE SUB., RT. 659
Columbia, 2+ Acres Each, Paved Road,
No Restrictions, Modular & Prefab Homes
OK, Construction Services Available, From
$15K, Owner Financing 434-531-0671
Methodist Church, 1674 Zion Rd., Troy, VA
is hosting the 5th. annual Harvest Bazaar on
Oct. 26th., 9 to 2PM. Crafters of wood/soft
goods/flower pots/arrangements/garden
items, etc. needed. Call Kim Fawcett (434)
591-0848 or email: [email protected]
Optometric Assistant: Team player
interested in a career in eye care. Eye care,
medical office, computer , and or optical
dispensing experience preferred.
Monticello/Palmyra. P/T or F/T. Fax resume:
(434) 591-0111 or call 591-0262. EOE.
Drivers – Quality company wants quality
drivers! $1K sign on. Home weekends.
CDL-A, 2 years verifiable OTR experience,
good MVR. Call: (540) 832-7615, ext. 1118
MUSIC or ART LESSONS: For ages 16 +,
in or near Lake Monticello. Learn realistic
watercolor, acrylic, or oil painting – study
guitar, mandolin or electric bass with Lake
Monticello teacher, Troy Weidenheimer.
$25 per one-hour weekly lesson in your
home, in four-week sessions. Visit www.
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Enjoy the beautiful drive to this sale to be
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September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Happiness in the Children’s Garden
Kids love to play in the dirt and Nancy Beum’s six special
education students are no exception. With a lot of help from
Fluvanna Master Gardeners and donations from Ground
Effects, their garden at Carysbrook Elementary is coming
“The children learn about the growth cycle of plants,
what is involved to grow their own vegetables and plants
and that they can even sell them to make some money,”
Beum said.
Every Tuesday morning the children don boots and grab
garden tools to work alongside Master Gardener volunteers.
Most recently the students shoveled topsoil donated by
Ground Effects into two new raised beds.
The garden started more than 10 years ago and was first
located at Central Elementary. After the new high school
opened in 2012, Beum’s class shifted to the old middle school
building on Rt. 15 north of Fork Union. The site chosen for
the garden was the north side of the building where several
instructional trailers once stood.
That proved to be quite a hurdle to overcome, as the soil
was dead and compacted. The solution? Volunteers built
raised beds and filled them with healthy soil. The beds are
spaced far enough apart to allow wheelchair accessibility
and paths are covered in mulch.
The rainy summer revealed low spots in which water
stood. Volunteers brought in two truckloads of what Extension Agent John Thompson referred to as “good, old, Virginia
red clay” and filled in the low places.
Some students helped shovel dirt into buckets while others
dumped the dirt onto the paths. Everyone enjoyed tramping
down the dirt to compact it. Aides Heath Hughes and Chuck
Taylor helped guide the work.
Soon students will plant cold weather crops of spinach
and broccoli. The beets planted weeks ago are already
peeking out of the dirt in one of the raised beds.
Lynn Snyder began working with the students the year
Photo by
Ruthann Carr
after she became a Master Gardener – at least 10 years ago,
she said.
“The kids are so endearing, I guess that’s why I kept doing it,”
Snyder said. “The stories I could tell you about their surprise at
pulling turnips out of the ground or digging for sweet potatoes.
We try to change it up a little every year just so they can experience new things. We’ve even had field trips to my house when
they wanted to do watermelons and there was no room in the
garden. They planted them at my house, came back in August
to mark their names on them and then I brought them in for
them to enjoy.”
Beum said a few years ago, volunteers urged her to apply
for a grant for a greenhouse. They erected it at Central Elementary and students started several seedlings which made
it into the garden. It was taken down and will be put up at the
new location once Beum decides the best place.
One of the students who works in the garden isn’t an official
member of Beum’s class.
“She earns the privilege to work out in the garden by
doing her homework and completing class work,” Beum
said. “Since its inception, I would say around 60 students
since I have been here have benefited from the garden.”
The lessons gleaned from the garden are endless she said.
“They learn that there are fun and not so fun parts of
gardening, such as weeding, hoeing, and being out in the
heat but they can eat of their ‘fruits’ too,” she said. “We have
had strawberries and cherry tomatoes that the kids could
eat and pick. One year we grew a massive sunflower that
was over 10 feet tall and we saved the head and when it was
dried the children could see how it was made with all the
sunflowers packed together in a pattern. They also learned
that the birds liked them.”
Master Gardener Lucretia Blythe has worked with the students in the garden for years.
“The greatest joy is working with the kids and seeing their
fascination with worms, insects, caterpillars, frogs - and dirt,”
she said.
Blythe recently led the children in another garden activity: writing thank you cards to the people at Ground Effects.
“The kids all completed the sentence, “What I most love
about gardening is..,” Blythe said. “The responses were
mostly predictable, ‘planting beans, picking peppers,’ except
for one indecipherable single-word response which I studied
and examined. At last I determined she had intended the
word ‘HAPPINESS.’ That says it all, no?”
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22 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | September 19, 2013
September 19, 2013 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
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Tom Morace
Diane Miller
705 Terre Haute Lane
Call Tom
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Lisa Rogers
Jen Sample
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lot on Blenheim Road near
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Like new MOVE-in Ready All new paint All new carpet
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Screened in porch,Formal dining room, walk to Beach 4.
$219,900 • Call Tom 434-962-1625
$1600 • Call Rachel 434-589-7653
Great Location at Lake
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Larry A. Miller
21 Xebec
Rural setting with breathtaking views of the blue ridge mountians.
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3 Bedroom, 2 bath, hardwood floors, central ac, open kitchen.
Kyle Miller
1 Highland Road
202 Village Blvd.
You can’t go wrong at
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Step inside to this wellmaintained home with 3
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Private yard with exterior storage shed.
Never do yard work again!
This is a MaintenanceFree Adult Community w/
Amenities-Enjoy The Life
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$149.850 • Call Lisa 434-531-0064
$204,000 • Call Larry 434-960-9479
398 Justin Drive
13 Blacksmith Terrace
If you’re looking for top
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$249,000 • Call Lisa 434-531-0064
$249,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625
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Owner financing
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Priced to sell!
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Over seven beautiful wooded
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Carl Heimlich • 434-989-2274
Freshly painted, new
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178,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625
$99,000 • Call Lisa 434-531-0064
117 Shawnee
130 Landover
Located at the Blue
Green resort at Shenandoah Crossings, Enjoy
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in kitchen with breakfast nook, spacious master suite with cathedral
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$224,000 • Call Larry 434-960-9479
[email protected]
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Beautiful three plus
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$89,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625
We are looking for someone to join our ever expanding property management team! If you like working with people, are energetic, detail oriented and can multi task this
may be the position for you! Part time with possibility of full time. Please call Tom or Diane 434-589-7653 or email [email protected] to inquire further.

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