Teurlings Traditions. - Teurlings Catholic High School


Teurlings Traditions. - Teurlings Catholic High School
Pg. 40
Pg. 47
Father Hampton Davis
Michael H. Boyer
Asst. Principal of
Bruce Baudier
Asst. Principal of
Marty Heintz
Aline Norwood
Director of Faith
Josette Surratt
Director of
Sonny Charpentier
Tiffany Dugas Parks
(TCH ‘98)
139 Teurlings Drive
Lafayette, LA 70501
Phone: (337) 235-5711
Fax: (337) 234-8057
Find us on Facebook:
Teurlings Rebels
The magazine for Alumni and Friends of Teurlings Catholic High School
Page 22
Page 24
Page 30
Page 33
Father Hampton Davis
From the Principal
School History
Dancing With the
Campus Ministry
Then & Now - TCH Rebel
Alumni Spotlight - Sister
Edith Turpin
Alumni Spotlight Constance Koury
Homecoming 2014 Recap
Alumni Association
Rebel Births
Annual Report
Teurlings Catholic develops each individual’s ability
To Channel His Spirit for the glory of God.
Church Parish Owners
Reverend Hampton Davis, III
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Very Reverend Thomas James
Our Lady of the Assumption Church
Reverend Peter Emusa
St. Bernard Church
Reverend David Broussard
St. Elizabeth Seton Church
Reverend Gary Schexnayder
St. Genevieve Church
Reverend Brian Taylor
St. Leo the Great Church
Very Reverend Robie Robichaux, JC
St. Patrick Church
Reverend Keith LaBove
St. Peter Church
Reverend Mark Ledoux
Sts. Peter & Paul Church
Reverend Tom Voorhies
Greetings & Blessings to all of our TCH Alumni!
I hope that you are as excited as I am about our renewed and revitalized
Alumni Magazine!
As I prepared to embrace the Chancellor's privilege of handing out
diplomas to my 1st TCHS Graduating Class in May of 2011, I composed
the following "Ode to TCH" as part of my homily at the Senior Mass. I share
it with you now to remind you that as Rebel Alum's you are never far from
our thoughts and prayers. Please come visit us soon!
Christ's Peace, Our Lady's Prayers and our love,
Fr. Hampton Davis, Chancellor
Ode to Teurlings Catholic High School
There is a valid distinction between the School and Teurlings,
even though the separate threads are closely interwoven.
The School is buildings, classrooms, athletic fields and people.
Teurlings is mood, emotion, inspiration and personality. One is physical, and the other is spiritual.
One is tangible, and the other intangible.
The School speaks of academic achievement, extracurricular activities, challenge, self-awareness,
character, passion and vocation. Teurlings speaks of friendship, loyalty, servant-leadership,
tradition, prayer, discipleship, and Eternal Life.
The School reminds us that its goal is to prepare us for life, and that our time on campus is
temporary. Teurlings makes it clear that its primary purpose is to prepare us for Heaven,
and that “Once a Rebel, always a Rebel!”.
The School is respected, but Teurlings is loved. The School eventually prepares our diplomas and bids
us farewell at graduation, but one can never leave Teurlings.
(Adapted from “The University and Ole Miss” by Frank E. Everett, Jr.)
Mission Statement:
Teurlings Catholic develops each individual’s ability To Channel His Spirit for the glory of God.
Louisiana State Department of Education
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Diocese of Lafayette
National Catholic Education Association
Louisiana High School Athletic Association
Graduation Requirements: A minimum total of
26 units is required for a Teurlings Catholic High School
diploma; 24 units are required for a
Diocese of Lafayette diploma and for participation
in all TCH graduation exercises.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Course Units for a Teurlings Catholic diploma:
National Association of Secondary School Principals
Louisiana Association of Principals
Kiwanis International
National Honors Society
National Beta Club
Catholic Forensic League
National Forensic League
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Lafayette Chamber of Commerce
Social Studies
Physical Education
4 Units
4 Units
4 Units
4 Units
4 Units
2 Units
6 Units
TCH 2014
Louisiana 2014
National 2014
ENG - 22.7
MATH - 20.8
READ - 23.0
SCIENCE - 21.1
ENG - 18.9
MATH - 18.9
READ - 19.5
SCIENCE - 19.1
ENG - 20.3
MATH - 20.9
READ - 21.3
SCIENCE - 20.8
Academic Clubs—Service Clubs—Athletics—School Spirit
4-H Club
Literary Rally Team
National Honor Society
Quiz Bowl Team
XL Program
Art Club
School Play
Speech and Debate
Beta Club
Key Club
Rebels for Life
Rebel Ambassadors
Student Council
Campus Ministry Class
Retreat Team
Eucharistic Ministry
Liturgical Sacristans
Music Ministry
Pro-Life Ministry
Cross Country
Track & Field
Varsity Cheerleaders
Junior Varsity Cheerleaders
Rebel Revue Dance Team
Drum Line
Written by Mike Boyer
This year, Teurlings Catholic welcomed 211
freshmen into the class of 2018, along with several
new student transfers from other high schools.
Teurlings Catholic is not just a great “college prep”
school, but a “life-prep” school. Keeping our
mission in mind and heart, we gather each school
day “To Channel His Spirit” for the glory of God. We
are committed to providing academic excellence
and spiritual nourishment as our Rebels become
adults who will lead and serve in a Christ-centered
Teurlings Catholic is thriving with 735 total students
this year, the highest enrollment in school history.
The large number of students reflects a confidence
in TCH throughout the community that we provide a
great education and life experience for students
who are willing to work hard. That group bears the
Teurlings Catholic hallmark of a Christ-centered
willingness to work with God’s children, helping
them to grow and prepare to be productive, positive
and caring citizens.
Teurlings Catholic High School is in existence today
because of the time, effort and work of many people
through the years. The school was originally
envisioned by the colorful Monsignor William J.
Teurlings, a pioneer cleric in the Diocese of
Lafayette. It was one of his dreams to have a
school to service the people of his parish, St.
Genevieve. Shortly before his death, activity toward
the creation of the school accelerated until the
opening of the school and dedication in 1955.
Over the decades, the pastoral leadership of the
school has been evident. Monsignor Charles Fortier
was named pastor of St.
Genevieve on
October 1, 1954. Father
Teurlings High School
opened under his
pastorate and he served
as principal in 1963.
During his administration
the gymnasium was
constructed. Monsignor
Rudolph Arlanti was
named pastor of St. Genevieve on June 15, 1965.
His first job was to get Father Teurlings High School
ready for the fall semester. The parents gave him
their Saturdays to put in an extra water well, repaint
the school, and clean up the grounds. Monsignor
Alexander O. Sigur, Reverend Charles Marin,
Reverend Jerome Frey, S.M., were all very active
with religious education on the Teurlings campus.
Reverend Floyd Calais eliminated the oxidation pond
at Teurlings. He had city sewage installed at a
bargain rate not to mention the new land reclaimed
from the removal of the oxidation pond. Reverend
Joseph Brennan was responsible for the ground
breaking of the Chapel on the school campus which
took place on May 7, 1984. In the late 1980's,
Teurlings Catholic became an Inter-parochial school
and Fr. Brennan became the first Chancellor.
Fr. Jody Simoneaux followed as Chancellor. He was
closely involved with the construction of new
administrative offices, athletic weight room facility,
and the new thirteen classroom wing. Reverend
Marty Borcherding served as the third Chancellor and
oversaw the construction of the Terri L. Baudier
Athletic Facility. Our current Chancellor, Reverend
Hampton Davis, is the visionary responsible for the
completion of the Teurlings Catholic athletic stadium
and the Guidance / Religious Formation Building.
Reverend Bede Becnel was the first principal of
Teurlings Catholic. He was followed by Sister
Angelle Bell, William Michot, Sister Julie McDougall,
Sister Ann Caroline Stromer, Harry Greig, Louis
Hanemann, George Laird, Bruce Baudier, and
Michael Boyer.
The efforts of these religious and educational leaders
have formed Teurlings Catholic over six decades.
The traditions of the past have been carefully carried
on the shoulders of those who came before. Fads,
hairstyles, clothing, music, technology, cafeteria food,
and academics have all changed from one
generation to another. The one thing that has
remained constant is the family-like and
Christ-centered academic institution envisioned by
Reverend Teurlings years ago.
Once a Rebel, always a Rebel!!!
Realtor Specializing in Residential Sales and Investment Properties in the Acadiana Area.
Jamie Knight
Class of 1998
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Brett Huval - Class of 1993
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C. C. Kleinpeter
Office: (337) 501-5091
Fax: (337) 507-3807
P. O. Box 523
Carencro, LA 70520
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C.C. Kleinpeter - Class of 1993
Written by Marty Heintz
Academic excellence. That is not just a “buzz phrase” at
Teurlings Catholic High School, but a part of our tradition and
heritage, found in our crest, in our history, in our present and in
our future.
When I arrived on the TCH campus in 1989 as a history teacher,
Teurlings Catholic had a goal: to provide a Catholic-centered
college preparatory education. In the last 25 years, that goal has
not changed, but the means to that end does look radically
different today. In fact, if those of you who graduated in the
1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s or even the 1990’s popped into a
classroom today, you might be surprised at what you see.
As I walked down the hallway (yes, enclosed hallway) of the
liberal arts building today (yes, we have an entire building of 13
classrooms dedicated to the study of English, history, foreign
languages, speech/debate, and fine arts) observing teachers and
classrooms, I passed four English rooms where students were
busy brainstorming, writing, peer editing and rewriting essays –
all without ever touching a piece of paper, thanks to the use of
laptops and notebook computers. At the end of the hour, all
submitted the paper electronically, where it was checked via the
web for plagiarism, grammar, spelling, etc. and sent to the
teacher who will read and grade the paper electronically.
Students will then receive the graded results, sent electronically
to them via our school management software.
Across the hall in a geography classroom, the teacher was using
a large wall-mounted interactive projection device to move
around a map with his students, instantly linking on the screen
with websites and resources to help those ninth graders learn
about the countries being studied.
In a US History classroom, a class of 11th graders were
participating in an active discussion about the causes of World
War I. Nothing usual about that – except these 11th graders are
earning college credit here on the TCH campus for their work
through our Dual Enrollment program. Qualified 11th-12th
graders can earn anywhere from 3-33 hours of college credit by
taking a high school and college course concurrently on the
campus in American History, World History, French, English,
Human Anatomy, College Algebra or Trigonometry, Psychology,
Sociology, Communications, and Fine Arts Survey – at a fraction
of the cost of taking a course on the college campus.
Across the hall, seniors enrolled in Dual Enrollment World
History were also involved in an active discussion, but instead of
voicing their comments, they were busy typing them into an
online discussion forum on their personal computer devices and
responding via the same media. No longer does a “shy” or
“unsure” student have to fear raising that hand to respond in front
of everyone.
As I left the building and walked past what you old-timers would
call the “Jr. High Building” (now devoted to religious studies since
there are no more junior high students on campus) I saw a
religion class presenting prayers each had written. Those
prayers were not just read by
the student, but were presented
electronically with music and art.
As I walked a little further
towards the original red brick
campus, I passed the art room
where the teacher was using a
document camera to project a
line drawing on the screen for
the class to view, allowing each
to comment and duplicate the
work on their own.
I then came to a science room, where there are no hard-bound
textbooks. Instead, students have access to an electronic book
both at home on their personal computer and at school via the
projector and Promethean board in the front of the room.
Two rooms over, students were working in small groups, going
over electronic results of an experiment. The experiment had been
done in the science lab at the other end of the campus, but the
results were being tabbed back in the classroom and logged on
the Promethean board in the front of the room for all to see.
A little further on, students in advanced math and calculus were
using computers in the classroom for all their work, including
solving problems – and getting an instant grade thanks to online
software programs that not only provide the problems and grade
the solutions, but that can provide remediation to students who
need the extra help.
Back on the other end, in Mrs. Dona Dugas’ room (some things
really do not change), Biology II students were exploring DNA
interactively, zooming in and out of diagrams, back to the
electronic textbook, and zipping out to a website showing active
DNA research, and back again to the diagrams and notes on the
electronic board.
As I rounded by the office and came to the computer classroom
and my final stop, I watched students in the publications class
working on computers, designing pages for this year’s Rebel Yell
Yearbook, using graphics skills learned via both that class and
introduction to business computer applications.
Admittedly, the face of the classroom has changed – but some
things remain constant. There is still homework (it’s just
electronic). There are still tests (but some are online, some are on
those electronic Scantron forms). Our students still take
standardized tests (and continue to score well above state and
national norms) and complain about the workload (seven tough
college prep courses for most students these days). Teachers still
shake their heads in bewilderment at some of the things
students say and do in class. We still “write up” girls for shorts and
skirts that are too short, boys for hair that is too long, and
everyone for being tardy to class or talking during Mass.
And, yes, one other important thing has not changed – students at
TCH excel in the classroom and in life – and those of us who
teach Rebels wouldn’t trade our job for any other out there!
Msgr. William J. Teurlings, a pioneer cleric
in the Diocese of Lafayette, envisioned a
school to service the people of his parish,
St. Genevieve. Msgr. Teurlings searched for
property to build a high school. He found
the land that he wanted but felt the price
was too high. However, with advice from
trusted friends, he decided to buy the twenty
-five plus acreage for $25,000, and the land
for Teurlings High School was acquired.
Shortly before his death, activity toward the
creation of the school accelerated, until the
opening of the school and dedication in
During the years 1955-59, the school grew
and expanded its facilities until it had a full
four-year high school program. With much
energy and work, the school was officially
accredited by the State Department of
Education in 1959. Over the years, the name
of the school has undergone change, which
reflects, to a large extent, the growing
experience of the school itself. Originally, the
school was called Father Teurlings High
School. The school held this name until 1967,
when the name
was changed to
Teurlings Central
High School, as
a result of
between St.
Church and the
church parishes,
which the school
serviced. At
some point in the
early 1970's
however, the school adopted the simple title
of Teurlings High School. This title held on
only briefly until the principal at the time, Sr.
Julie McDougall changed the name to
Teurlings Catholic High School.
Sister Myra Banquer, Superintendent of
Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Lafayette,
announced the formation of a tri-parish
corporation, which would assume ownership
of Teurlings Catholic High School in 1991.
St. Leo the Great and St. Elizabeth Seton
church parishes joined St. Genevieve as
members of the corporation. The plan
included joining Sts. Leo-Seton Elementary
School with St. Genevieve Elementary
School as feeder schools creating a strong
base of support for Catholic education on the
northside and especially for the high school.
Bishop Edward O’Donnell created in 1999 a
multi-parish ownership for Teurlings Catholic
High School. In addition to the three current
owner parishes and affiliated elementary
Schools and approved by the Louisiana
State Department of Education. The
school is affiliated with the National
Catholic Educational Association, the
National Association of Secondary School
Principals, Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development and the
Louisiana Association of Principals.
Athletic teams participate under the
auspices of the Louisiana High School
Athletic Association.
Monsignor William J. Teurlings
schools, three new parishes and their
respective elementary schools joined the
system that was to be Teurlings Catholic.
Those parishes and schools include: St. Peter
and Carencro Catholic, Immaculate Heart of
Mary parish and school, and St. Bernard
parish and school.
Teurlings Catholic High School is intensely
proud of its 4,500 alumni. One of the
school’s greatest assets is the
achievement record of its many
outstanding graduates. Many of the
prominent leaders in the Lafayette area,
as well as throughout the country, were
among the many students nurtured
through their crucial adolescent years at
Teurlings Catholic High School.
The opening of St. Genevieve Middle School
during the 2002-2003 school year brought an
end to the long-standing configuration of
Teurlings Catholic Junior/Senior High School.
Beginning with the 2003-2004 school term,
Teurlings Catholic became a traditional high
school with grades 9th thru 12th.
In June 2006, two additional parishes were
added to the multi-parish ownership of
Teurlings Catholic High School. St. Patrick
parish and Our Lady of the Assumption parish
were accepted by Father Jody Simoneaux,
Chancellor of Teurlings Catholic.
Teurlings Catholic High School is accredited
by the Southern Association of Colleges and
To Channel
His Spirit
The students of Teurlings Catholic High School had an exceptional year
last year excelling in both academics and athletics. We would like to
congratulate all students of 2013-2014 for an outstanding year!
$6 Million in Scholarship Opportunities
National Champion 4-H Shotgun Team
Junior Olympic Boxing Champion
Bronze Medalist Boxing Olympic Qualifier
4th National Hip Hop Dance Championships
9th National Cheerleader Championships
Volleyball, Wrestling State Champions
Hip Hop Dance State Champions
Cheerleaders LHSAA State Champions
JV Cheerleaders LHSAA State
Diocesan Senior Student of the Year
2 Eagle Scouts
Girls Soccer Quarterfinalist
Football, Baseball, Softball Regional
Boys Soccer, Girls Bowling Regional
Girls & Boys Basketball Bi-District Playoffs
State 7th Boys Golf
State 11th Boys Swimming
State 12th Girls Tennis
State 13th Girls Swimming
State 17th Girls and Boys Track
Boys Golf Regional Runners-up
9 District Literary Rally Champions
District Champions Football, Volleyball
District Champions Girls Track, Boys Golf
District Runners-up Baseball, Softball, Girls
4 District Literary Rally Runners-up
State Champion Speech Humorous
State Golden Glove Boxing
State Champion Literary Rally
State Champion Boys Javelin
State Champion Wrestling 120
State Runners-up Wrestling 132 and 160
State Runners-up Boys Swimming 100
2 State Runners-up Literary Rally
State Runner-up Speech Declamation
State 3rd Wrestling 126, 152, 170, 220,
State 3rd Boys Swimming 100
State 3rd Girls 1600 Relay
State 4th Wrestling113 and 145
State 4th Boys Discus and Girls 300
State 5th Wrestling 138 and 195
State 5th Girls Javelin and 800 Relay
State 6th Wrestling 138
State 7th Girls Swimming 100
State 7th Girls 400 Relay
State 9th Girls Golf
5 Academic All State Football, Girls
Basketball, Girls Soccer
4 Academic All State Volleyball, Boys
3 Academic All State Girls Track
2 Academic All State Boys Basketball,
Boys Tennis, Boys Track
2 Academic All State Wrestling, Girls
Bowling, Softball
1 Academic All State Baseball, Boys
Bowling, Girls Cross Country
1 Academic All State Girls Golf,
Girls Tennis
State MVP Volleyball
4 All State Football
3 All State Baseball
2 All State Volleyball, Girls Soccer, Boys
Soccer, Softball
2 All State Freshman Girls Soccer
1 All State Boys Track, Freshman Boys
11 All District Football
10 All District Baseball
8 All District Girls Soccer
7 All District Boys Soccer, Softball
7 All District Volleyball
1 All District Boys’ Basketball
Individual District Champion Girls Cross
Volleyball District MVP
Boys Soccer District MVP
Girls Soccer District MVP
Softball District MVP
2 LHSCA Boys Soccer All-Stars
2 LHSCA Girls Soccer All-Stars
2 Baseball LHSCA All-Stars
1 LHSCA Football All-Star
6 All Acadiana Wrestlers
5 All Acadiana Football
3 All Acadiana Volleyball, Girls Soccer,
2 All Acadiana Boys Golf, Softball
1 All Acadiana Boys Soccer
State Volleyball Coach of the Year
All Acadiana Volleyball Coach of the Year
District Volleyball, Boys Golf, Girls Track
Coach of the Year
2 Football Scholarships Louisiana College
Volleyball and Golf Scholarship Texas
Southern University
Boys Golf Scholarship to Louisiana College
Boys Soccer Scholarship
Northern Kentucky
Boys Soccer Scholarship LSU-Alexandria
Softball Scholarship Ball State University
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Class of 1999
Written by Bruce Baudier
I served as Principal at TCH from 1985-1986 through 1996-1997. Following a three-year stay at Mire Elementary, I then
returned to TCH in 2000 as Head of the Physical Education Department as well as Head Cross Country and Track Coach.
I was assigned to the Assistant Principal position in the 2008-2009 school year. Areas of my responsibilities include
overseeing day-to-day operation of the school and discipline.
Some of the “additions/improvements” done in the last number of years include:
*Drug screens – Every student is tested at least once every school year. Representatives from SECON come to
school and administer the screens. Reports are sent to the administration to be handled as per school drug policy.
*School Resource Officer “SRO” Officer Marty Deroussel with the City of Lafayette Police department is on campus
during the school day as well as various after-school activities. “Officer Marty” continues to be a tremendous help
throughout the school day. He also assists with any “fender benders” students may have, handles morning and
afternoon traffic, clarifies legal questions from kids during break and lunch, assists with the safety drills, and
coordinates lockdown drills if warranted through the Lafayette City Police.
*Emergency Preparedness – Fire drills, lockdowns, and tornado drills are each held
periodically throughout the year in case a “real life” situation occurs.
*First Responders – TCH sent three faculty members to a weeklong “First Responders”
course. Emily Lancon, Lauren Delahoussaye, and Joe Heintz are all trained in handling
emergencies should they occur on campus.
*Lockdown/Strobe Notification – We hope to have this facet of emergency procedures up
and running in a few months. If and when TCH goes into a lockdown situation there will be 5
strobe lights activated around the perimeter of the school. A sign will be placed close to the
strobe explaining that “…if the light is blinking DO NOT ENTER campus as the school is shut
down.” This will minimize accidental interference with the lockdown effort.
Written by Aline Norwood
At Teurlings Catholic High School, we have been
blessed with a wealth of enthusiasm from the
Chancellor, administration, faculty, staff, students,
and parents. Everyone is eager to pitch in from one
side or another. Whether it be from the side of the
school--to produce quality education and give that
extra attention to make our families feel special or
whether it be from the side of parents and the
community--to spread the good word of their
experiences here and to volunteer time and treasure
to maintain the momentum, everyone is enthusiastic
about TCH.
Our Annual Appeal for the Enhancement of
Technology improves the school environment and
operations, and encourages giving, especially from
those who have a vested interest. A TCH parent can
witness a return on their investment within a
calendar year from the improvements to the
school’s technology; new computer labs, mobile
computer units, Promethean Boards, new servers,
fiber wiring throughout the campus, new computers
and laptops in every classroom, etc.
The Capital Campaign is an intensive fundraising
effort designed to provide funds for specific needs,
i.e. building modernization, plant expansion,
endowment growth, or debt reduction. Since 2000,
when the TCH Master Plan was developed, we
have seen tremendous facility growth: a classroom
wing with 13 new classrooms, five reconstructed
and enlarged classrooms in the Theology wing, the
Terri L. Baudier Athletic Complex and Fieldhouse,
the refurbishing of the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Chapel, the addition of two basketball offices and
locker rooms, new flooring in the gym, a new
multi-purpose building for athletic training and
practices, a faith formation and guidance building,
and the dream-come-true Rebel Stadium.
To you whose loyalty and
generosity made all of this
possible, Teurlings
Catholic is deeply
indebted. We ask that you
continue to support us as
we continue to merit your
trust and patronage.
Mrs. Aline Norwood, TCH Development Director
since 1997, works as a public administrator in
specialized areas of the school such as
communications and publications, supplemental
financing, special events, marketing, endowments,
enrollment management, alumni affairs, public
relations, and strategic planning.
440 Broussard Street - Breaux Bridge, LA 70517
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
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Class of 1980
Class of 2011
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For more information, contact
Ann Dugas at (337)235-5711 ext.100
or [email protected]
Diamond Level Sponsor ($5,000)
Includes headline sponsorship with company logo on top of
large sponsor banner, recognition on TCH website
(www.tchs.net), full page ad in the program, 3 tables
(24 tickets) with priority seating, food trays, beverage package;
5,000 votes for your favorite couple
Sapphire Level Sponsor ($2,500)
Includes company name on sponsor banner, recognition on TCH
website (www.tchs.net), half-page ad in the program, 2 tables
(16 tickets) with food trays;
2,500 votes for your favorite couple
Ruby Level Sponsor ($1,000)
Includes recognition on TCH website (www.tchs.net), one-fourth
page ad in the program, 1 table (8 tickets) with snack tray;
1,000 votes for your favorite couple
General Admission ($75)
Individual general admission tickets for Dancing With the Rebel
Stars are now available.
Proceeds benefit Facility
Improvements and Enhancement
of Technology at Teurlings
Catholic High School.
Pictures courtesy of
Jay Faugot Photography
Written by Josette Surratt
In January 1895, a few days shy of his 23rd birthday, a brave and
determined Dutch priest landed in New Orleans. In October of
that year, he was appointed pastor of a region that consisted of
120 miles of coastal lowlands which we now refer to as Cameron
Parish. At this most difficult post, Father Teurlings experienced
many challenges, including fatigue, discomfort, and ultimately,
typhoid malaria. But none of these factors could daunt his
indomitable spirit.
When he was 34 years old, he assumed the duties of Pastor at St. John the
Evangelist Parish in Lafayette, La., and his deep interest in Catholic education
became evident. In 1923, after establishing what is now Cathedral Carmel School,
Father Teurlings turned his sights toward the opening of St. Genevieve’s Catholic
School in 1945. As this school continued to grow, it became apparent that a high
school would be needed; and, in the fall of 1955, Father Teurlings High School was
opened. Because of the vision and perseverance of Monsignor William J. Teurlings,
future generations have been able to reap the benefits of a Catholic education.
Teurlings Catholic High School has experienced tremendous growth since its creation
in 1955, as evidenced by the establishment of the Office of Faith Formation. This
office encompasses all aspects of spirituality on the TCH campus, which includes both
the Theology curriculum and Campus Ministry. Faith formation relies on instruction
from Religious Studies to educate and support the student’s faith life. The four years
of study are divided into six semesters, each one focusing on different key teachings
of the Catholic Church. We have also incorporated the “Come, Lord Jesus” program in
all four grade levels.
With a firm foundation based on God’s teachings, the students are then able to put
their faith into action through the many opportunities offered on our campus. Some of
these include: weekly liturgies, Reconciliation, weekly rosary, First Friday Adoration,
retreats, revivals and service projects. Our objective is to provide an environment
where our students can deepen their faith and then carry that message to others. The
desire to serve others is reinforced through freshmen visits to the nursing home,
sophomores “Feeding the Hungry” at Thanksgiving, juniors providing Christmas
presents through “Child Smile,” and seniors making a contribution from their Lenten
The mission that motivated Monsignor William J. Teurlings continues to impact the
lives of all who attend Teurlings Catholic High School. He laid the groundwork for us
to continue to develop each individual’s ability “ To Channel His Spirit” for the
glory of God.
Dawn Bourque
Aucoin (TCH ‘88)
Amy Bergeron
(TCH ‘11)
Lauren Delahoussaye
(TCH ‘02)
Jake Dueitt
(TCH ‘98)
Dona Broussard
Dugas (TCH ‘72)
Tiffany Dugas
Parks (TCH ‘98)
Elizabeth Robichaux
Froeba (TCH ‘07)
Maria Latiolais
Hanes (TCH ‘98)
Jed Hebert
(TCH ‘83)
Joe Heintz
(TCH ‘92)
Emily Champagne
Lancon (TCH ‘04)
Anna Morrogh
Proctor (TCH ‘82)
Celebrating 150 years
of teaching experience at TCH!!!!!
Robbie Richard
TCH (‘96)
Brad Taylor
TCH (‘07)
Written by Emily Hawkins (TCH 2015)
It is possible to find blue wigs and random outfits in
the backpacks of some Teurlings students. It is also
possible to find us studying scripts alongside biology
notes, to see us carrying suspiciously large boxes or
singing whole-heartedly to religious music on
Tuesdays. This is not unusual for us in the slightest,
but we still get a few odd looks from people who
don’t quite get it. “What’s that for?” they ask,
eyebrows arching in interest. “Campus Ministry,” we
answer, as if it explains everything.
But Campus Ministry is more than its odd collection
of skit items and knowledge of Christian music.
Teurlings’ Campus Ministry is the sum total of its
students’ efforts to bring themselves and others into
a deeper spiritual life by offering the Holy Trinity in a
way that is felt and seen more than it is heard.
Retreats are one such example of this mission in
action. Senior and junior Campus Ministers put on
scheduled retreats throughout the year for sixth
through eighth graders at many feeder schools, and
for Teurlings’ own freshmen, sophomores, and
juniors. These annual retreats allow them the
Campus Ministry Club members visit Holy Family School
to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
Students of TCH sing praise during the September
Rebel Revival.
opportunity to further their relationship with God
and others in their community of faith. Although
the retreats begin with praise and worship music,
dancing, humorous skits, and “icebreakers” for
games, the retreats progressively become more
meaningful with testimonies given by some of the
ministers and opportunities for prayer, allowing
students to reflect on their lives in a loving,
God-centered environment.
Campus Ministers also host Rebel Revivals every
other month for all students at Teurlings. These
“revivals” are essentially miniature-retreats meant
to jumpstart one’s faith when school and other
stressors begin to weigh students down. Though
they last only an hour and a half, Rebel Revivals
give a much-needed push to the spirituallyhungry. Lindsey Hargrave, a senior Campus
Minister, says, “You get to spend time bonding
with others who believe the same way as you
do…and just be in the presence of the Lord.”
Similarly, Rebel Renewals are held for ministers
and sacristans by Campus Ministry director,
Ramey Badeaux, and Theology teachers Caroline
Savoie and John Paoletti. It is a time for the
spiritual leaders at school to expand on their own
faith in order to better guide those around them.
While the club’s primary focus is to serve as disciples of Jesus, the entire school is called to serve.
“Everyone gets the chance to show what it’s like to have a Christ-like spirit and live it,” says Julia Daigle,
a senior. This ethic is embodied in prayer at the beginning of class, holding doors open for teachers and
other students, rosaries in the chapel every Friday, and sharing in Mass every Thursday. But it also is
reflected in larger activities that impact people outside of the classroom.
Each grade, as a component of their Theology curriculum, participates in a class service project every
year. Freshmen visit the nearby nursing home, while sophomores feed over 400 people in the community
on Thanksgiving through the donation and preparation of meals. Juniors purchase, wrap, and deliver gifts
to the children of incarcerated individuals as part of the Child Smile Project and also visit the nursing
home in the spring. By far, the largest of these projects, however, is the senior Lenten fundraiser which—
as the name suggests—takes place over the course of Lent. Seniors raise funds and through collection at
Mass, a faculty-student basketball game, and other activities, which culminate in the presentation of a
check to the chosen organization at the Passion Play.
Another, more extensive example of the school’s ministry will take place during Mardi Gras break of this
year. Twenty-five Teurlings students will be travelling to Puerto Rico as part of a mission trip there,
offering their services to those in need. This includes anything from helping and interacting with orphans
to building or helping clean. This sacrifice of time, resources, and love is a central theme of the Teurlings
family—and what it permanently embeds into the hearts of those who walk its halls.
Graduating does not make individuals magically forget the lessons learned at Teurlings. Alumni and
current seminarian Kyle White credits the availability of the sacraments on campus and the ability to
participate in a club like Campus Ministry as a fundamental reinforcement of his faith while in high school,
and later in his life of ministry. It is this atmosphere that allows for students to root themselves more
permanently into Christ’s teachings, and to provide the foundations to keep them grounded after
As Father Hampton Davis, Chancellor of Teurlings Catholic, reminded us at the beginning of this year:
“We cannot give to others what we have not yet received ourselves.” Teurlings Campus Ministry
constantly provides the opportunity for spiritual growth as well as an avenue to give to others.
During the Fall, Teurlings Catholic
students participated in a number
of ministry activities including the
Senior Retreat (see above praying
at the grave of Charlene Richard),
serving meals for our annual “Feed
the Hungry” service project, and
delivering gifts for the Child Smile
Project in December.
Written by: Dawn Aucoin (TCH “88)
And 5,6,7,8…For 28 years, the Rebel Revue
Dance Team has been entertaining crowds,
performing superior routines, and competing
nationally. This year is one for the record books.
Four out of the 17 members are second-generation
Rebel Revue dancers. Their mothers practiced in
the main breezeway, danced at Clark Field, and
traveled to Orlando, Florida for national
competitions. Although times have changed, much
of the rooted traditions of the squad have stayed the
same. The dancers and their mothers compared
experiences on the squad and reflected on past and
present memories.
Describe practices for the Squad.
Then: We always practiced in the main
breezeway enduring the cold, rain, and distractions
from students catching the bus. The Captains/
Co-captains were in charge and ran the practices.
Now: We practice in our new multipurpose
building, cafeteria, or at a studio off campus. The
practices are led by the Coach or Assistant Coach.
Compare the routines of today to those from the
Then: The squad performed pom, high kick,
and themed dances. Our routines were pretty easy
compared to today’s routines. The most difficult
elements in the dances were double turns and jump
splits. We had no hip hop at all.
Now: Our routines include difficult tricks,
turns, and leaps. We attend extra technique
classes, Pilates, and tumbling to have routines
that are nationally competitive in jazz, hip hop
and pom divisions.
What is/was the most enjoyable part of being on
the team?
Then: The comradery we shared, staying up
all night at Thursday night sleepouts (sleeping all day
Friday-sorry teachers), “Crazy Day” at camp, just
being a “family”.
Now: Dancing at the football games, being
together daily, and the sisterhood bond we share
within the team.
How has the squad changed?
Then: Back then, we danced strictly for fun
not competitively. You had to be on the Rebellette
Pep Squad before you could try out.
Now: We are competitive like the other sports
on our campus and are ranked among the top 10
teams in the nation. A dancer needs extensive
training before trying out for the squad.
What traditions have stayed the same?
We still attend summer camp, State Competition,
and, of course, the National Dance Team
Championship in Disney World. We also continue
the “Big Sis - Lil Sis” tradition. The duties of the
Captain/Co-captain have remained the same. A few
new traditions have begun with our own Rebel
Stadium including dancing on the sidelines and
dancing with the Drum Line in the stands. But most
importantly, a tradition of praying before every
practice has confirmed why we chose Teurlings
Catholic High School for our daughters.
Rebel Revue Generations: (left to right)
Alexis Thibodeaux (‘18), Nicole Smith Howse (‘98), Laurel Prejean
(‘17), Shantelle Bajat Prejean (‘88), Charley Prejean (‘15), Dawn
Stutes Gibson (‘99), GiGi Gibson (‘18)
New Fiber
(4) HP Proliant
Gen8 Servers
(8) NetGear Managed
(21) Aruba Access
Check out the all NEW Teurlings Catholic High School website!!!!
(32) HP ProOne All-In-One
(62) Microsoft Surface Pro3
(34) Microsoft Surface RT
(53) HP Revolve 810 laptops
(60) Toshiba Tecra laptops
(30) HP ProBook 4530 laptops
(31) Dell Optiplex 380 desktops
(15) Dell Latitude E5500 laptops
(38) Ceiling-mounted projectors
(21) Promethean ActivBoards
(11) ActivExpressions/Votes
Class Sets
 (11) ActivSlates
 (4) ActiView Document Cameras
 Daktronics Jumbotron (stadium)
Leslie Bergeron
Technology Director
[email protected]
Dexter Bergeron
Systems Director
[email protected]
Josh Mosley (TCH ‘03)
Jake Mosley (TCH ‘05)
Mike Mosley (TCH ‘08)
Pictures courtesy of
John Couvillion (‘80) , Jay Faugot Photography &
the Rebel Yell Yearbook Staff
of 1960
Pictured: Sister Edith Turpin (far right)
Written by Sister Edith Turpin
I love Teurlings and I cherish the years I was at
school there. I had wonderful teachers and
classmates. I was in the second graduating
class with 7 girls and 14 boys.
I was blessed to have met Msgr. Teurlings
before his death. St. Genevieve and Teurlings
students gathered in front of his home to
present him with a little donation. It was my joy
to do this for the group. Shortly after his death
the Parish put out some of his "treasures" for
sale or auction (I am not sure). My mother
picked up a copy of St. Therese's first edition of
her autobiography in French for me.
It was that book that influenced my choice and
decision for Carmel. I felt that St. Therese,
through her simple "little way" had the answer
for true happiness and holiness. Her life had
meaning and her focus was totally on God.
Even though I did pretty well at Teurlings
(Student Council president, Homecoming
Queen, a very nice and handsome boyfriend
etc.. etc... ) I still felt very empty inside and I felt
my life was going the wrong way until I chose
Carmel to pray for the world, the Church and
those I love so dearly.
Licensed in
the state of
Class of 2009
My journey in Carmel has been full of peace,
joy and true meaning for me. This doesn't
mean that I did not have many sacrifices to
make and some sufferings as well. It's been a
journey with Jesus, the One I love and hope to
be with for Eternity.
I am presently Prioress of my little
community in Covington, La. I entered Carmel
in Lafayette in 1960 and volunteered to help
the New Orleans Carmel in 1992. We moved
from New Orleans to Covington in 1995 - 20
years ago!
$125 Per Player
Deadline: March 12, 2015
Sponsorships available
4-person scramble
Proceeds will go to the
TCH Foundation
Registration Forms Available
(TCH ‘86)
By helping someone in need
while celebrating the birth of Christ,
we hope to spark a chain reaction
of love, compassion and generosity.
P.O. Box 1017
Carencro, LA
[email protected]
Lane’s Promise is run by
Kelly Leger
Class of 1994
P.O. BOX 737
(832) 857-0712
[email protected]
Louisiana Association for Justice
Executive Director Constance A. “Connie” Koury
Constance A. “Connie” Koury began a private practice
in Lafayette in 1980, working in her uncle's law firm for
two years before becoming a sole practitioner. During
the 12 years of her general civil litigation practice,
which had an emphasis on personal injury cases, she
was named Outstanding Businesswoman of Lafayette
and served on numerous professional and civic boards,
including an appointment to the mayor’s Vision
Lafayette health-care committee.
In 1992, Koury was nominated as and chosen to serve
as special counsel to the governor, and in 1994 she
became the state’s first female executive counsel to
the governor. While in those capacities, she
coordinated the governor’s legislative packages,
advised the governor and state agencies on legal
matters and served on various boards and
commissions, including the State Bond Commission.
The governor assigned her to represent the Board of
Regents and the state during the United States vs.
Louisiana litigation involving higher education. She
became the chief negotiator for the state parties in the
litigation, which resulted in a 1994 settlement of the by
then decades-old desegregation litigation. (In 2006,
three years after becoming general counsel to the
Board of Regents, the United States District Court for
the Eastern District
of Louisiana determined
that the state had fully
complied with the terms
of the settlement and
dismissed the lawsuit.
The Teurlings Catholic Alma Mater was written by
1971 Teurlings Catholic graduate Constance Koury.
The melody for the Alma Mater is based on the song,
“Turn Around Look at Me,” by The Vogues 1968.
You have given a path we can follow
Loving all, loving God.
You have guided our goals and our morals
Needing one, needing all.
Teurlings’ spirit will live forever
Its love will bring us life.
We needed something to love and guide us
Bring us faith, bring us joy.
You are that something to love and guide us
Something safe, something sure.
You are always right behind us
Teurlings drive, Rebel fight.
Oh, our memories will live forever
And our gains will all shine through.
You are that something to always guide us
Turn around! You’ll be there.
Koury returned to private
practice in 1996 and
in1997 she was appointed the first female first
assistant attorney general for the state of Louisiana.
Her duties included supervising the operations of an
office of over 500 employees (188 of whom were
attorneys), supervising the issuance of legal opinions
and handling the attorney general’s legislative
activities. In 1999, she was inducted into the Louisiana
Hall of Fame for Women in Government. As first
assistant she again served as the state’s chief
negotiator in complicated litigation requiring
coordination of state agencies and intense
negotiations with the United States Department of
Justice. Settlements were reached in 1999 and 2000,
which led to juvenile justice reform of the state’s
juvenile detention centers and the ultimate dismissal
of the litigation.
Koury returned to private practice in 2000 until
December 2003, when she became general counsel
to the Louisiana Board of Regents. In addition to
advising and representing the board and its staff on
legal issues, she led the agency’s legislative efforts,
participated in policy decisions and co-advised the
Council of Student Body Presidents.
She joined Louisiana Association for Justice as its
Executive Director in 2011.
Koury earned a baccalaureate degree from the
College of Education at the University of Louisiana at
Lafayette in 1975. She taught high school and
coached debate at Teurlings Catholic High School in
Lafayette for two years and was named Louisiana’s
Outstanding Debate Coach for 1977 before attending
Louisiana State University Law Center and earning a
juris doctorate degree in 1980.
Dave Pierret
Backflow Preventers * Testing * Installations * Repairs
Licensed & Insured - LMP #954
Residential Building Contractor
LA Lic. 882328
Dave Pierret - Owner
Corey Pierret
417 B Young St.
Ste. 304
Youngsville, LA 70592
LJP 7120 (WSPS)
Water Supply
Katie Williamson Photography
Specializing In…
Senior Portraits, Engagements,
Maternity, Child and Family,
and Newborn Photography
[email protected]
Katie Williamson (TCH’03)
Physical Therapy Services, L.L.C.
1220 N. Berard St.,
Ste. B
Breaux Bridge, LA 70517
Ph (337) 332-6120
Using Life Insurance as a
Charitable Gift
If you are thinking about making a charitable donation to TCH, you
may want to consider doing so through a life insurance policy. Giving a
life insurance policy as a charitable gift can benefit both the recipient
and the donor in several ways. If the donor gives a policy to the school
(i.e. the donor makes the school the policy owner but still pays the
policy’s premiums), then the school will both receive the death benefit
and be able to use any cash that the policy accumulates as needed.
The donor will also receive a charitable income tax deduction for the
amount of premium paid each year. If the donor retains ownership of
the policy but names the school as the policy’s beneficiary, then the
donor’s estate will receive an estate tax charitable deduction after he
or she passes away. This deduction will reflect the size of the policy’s
death benefit. If the donor transfers an existing policy to the school,
then the donor receives an income tax deduction for the year of the gift
equal to the lesser of his/her basis in the policy or the policy’s value. In
all cases, the school will receive proceeds from a gifted policy
income-tax free. Perhaps the most significant
benefit of using a life insurance policy to give
back to TCH is that doing so allows donors to
make a much larger gift than they could with
any other type of asset. This is because life
insurance allows donors to leverage large sums
of money that the school will receive
income-tax free for pennies on the dollar.
Contact Aline Norwood - Development Director
for more information (337) 235-5711 or
[email protected]
October 31, 2014
TCH vs. Westgate
40 Year Reunion
Atchafalaya Club the Levee in Henderson
Entertainment by our very own classmate Gregg Martinez and the Delta Kings
Send us pictures from your reunion!
Email “[email protected]”
5 Year Reunion
The Station
Broussard, LA
Harold D. Register, III
Class of 2005
Spouse - Jardin Register, RN
Daughter - Kamryn Elise Register
(20 months old)
Married - December 31, 2011
*Graduated ULL 2009 HONORS
*Graduated Southern University
School of Law 2013 HONORS
The mission of the organization will be to develop, strengthen and
preserve the past, present, and future relationships within the
Teurlings Catholic family, as well as to foster a spirit of faith, loyalty
and fellowship among alumni and provide opportunities for alumni
to interact with current students.
A newly revitalized Teurlings Catholic High School Alumni Association is
being formed. If you would like to become involved in the development of
the association, please email Tiffany Dugas Parks at “[email protected]”.
Informational meeting - Wednesday, March 25, 2015
TCH Library - 6:00 pm
For more information email Tiffany Dugas Parks “[email protected]”
TCH Alumni Association’s 1st Annual “Crawfish Boil”
*Crawfish, Drinks, Music...Tour our school!
*Catered by “Crawdaddy’s of Acadiana”
RSVP to Tiffany Dugas Parks “[email protected]”
Crawdaddy’s of Acadiana
Drive Thru: 337-504-4127
Catering: 337-962-1265
Owner - Seth Citron (TCH ‘98)
3015 NW Evangeline Thruway
Lafayette, LA 70507
Liz Webb Hebert (TCH ‘01) was selected as one of
The Daily Advertiser’s “Top 20 Young Professionals
under 40” in Lafayette. The awards recognize the top
twenty rising professionals under forty years of age
from all five Acadiana Parishes—people who have
demonstrated they have a clear vision and ability to
lead our community into the coming decades.
Nationally, “20 Under 40” Awards are some of the most
popular and most prestigious honors that can be given
to local community and young professionals.
Congratulations to the 2014 Louisiana EMT Basic
of the Year, Callie Callais (TCH ‘07). “ Callie
wins the hearts of every patient she encounters
with her caring and electric personality,” said
Operations Manager Kelly Legania. “We constantly
get reports of positive remarks for Callie from dispatch, fellow co-workers and management. She is
the definition of a quintessential team player.”
Congratulations to Camille Quebodeaux (TCH
‘13) and the LSUE Lady Bengals - 2014
NJCAA Champions. The Lady Bengals earned
the program's third NJCAA Division II national
crown in four years. Camille received her
Softball NJCAA Division II National
Championship ring in December 2014.
Send us your information and picture to print in our Fall
2015 edition of “Teurlings Traditions”.
Email ‘[email protected]” with your story and picture .
Mary Irene Dupuis, born March 16, 2014, daughter of Lorali Lemaire Dupuis (TCH ‘04)
and Seth Dupuis
Lilah Grace Lancon, born April 2, 2014, daughter of Emily Champagne Lancon (TCH ‘04)
and Zac Lancon
Emmie Marie Bergeron, born April 28, 2014, daughter of Regina and Nicholas Bergeron
(TCH ’98)
Copeland Drew Daley, born April 30, 2014, son of Stacey Allen Daley (TCH ’05) and Will Daley
Jude Emery Hayes, born June 3, 2014, son of Lily Mestayer Hayes (TCH ‘04)
and B.J. Hayes (TCH ‘04)
Greyson Edward Bienvenu, born June 9, 2014, son of C.C. McLeod Bienvenu (TCH ’97)
and Jeff Bienvenu
Jackson Doyle Brogden, born June 10, 2014, son of Jency Dueitt Brogden (TCH 2000) and
Jeremy Brogden.
Olivia Antoinette Dueitt, born June 24, 2014, daughter of Angelle Hebert Dueitt (TCH 2004)
and Jett Dueitt (TCH 2005).
Colin Matthew Collette, born June 26, 2014, son of Ashley and Dusty Collette (TCH ’03)
Asher Litton Diaz, born July 2, 2014, son of Elise Romagosa Diaz (TCH ’04) and Josh Diaz
Maddox Michael-Menou Bruchez, born August 17, 2014, son on Nicole Bergeron Bruchez
(TCH ’03) and Jules Bruchez
Tripp Dronet, born September 9, 2014, son of Hannah Pierrottie Dronet (TCH’03)
and Michael Dronet
Lucas Reid Dugas, born October 17, 2014, son of Micah and Tyler Dugas (TCH ‘01)
Owen Charles Camel, born November 2, 2014, son of Amanda Landry Camel (TCH ’03)
and Adam Camel (TCH ’03)
Ardyn Bishop Rood, born November 7, 2014, son of Patti Duplechain Rood (TCH ‘98)
and Chris Rood (TCH ’00)
Stella Ryann Viator, born November 16, 2014, daughter of Ariana Angelle Viator (TCH ‘08)
and Scott Viator (TCH ‘02)
For this child I have
prayed and the LORD
has granted the desires
of my heart.
~1 Samuel 1:27~
E-mail 2015 Rebel births and
weddings to “[email protected]”.
We would love to celebrate your
story in our next issue.
Stella Cakes
University of Louisiana
For More Information Contact:
Kylin Fernandez (TCH ’13)
[email protected]
[email protected]
*Sponsorships Needed*
Ariana Angelle Viator ~ Class of 2008
Academy Travel Inc.
Donna DeBarbieris
Specializing in Disney Destinations
(337) 412-6969
[email protected]
David J. Duhon, DDS
Class of 1971
3233 Amb. Caffery Parkway
Lafayette, LA 70506
Office 337-981-9923
Fax 337-981-9983
Let me help your Disney dreams come true!!!!
I also book:
*Europe, Africa, China, Canada, Costa Rica and US
*All Cruise Lines: Disney, Carnival, Royal Caribbean,
Norwegian, Celebrity, Windstar, Princess and more…
*Universal Studios
*Sandals, Beaches
*Mexico, Bahamas, Caribbean
*Ski Trips
Contact me with your destination
Annual Appeal for the
Enhancement of Technology
The goal of an annual fund is to generate dollars to enhance the
environment of learning at Teurlings Catholic. It is more than a
dollar-raising campaign. It is designed to involve as many donors
as possible, at whatever levels of giving they can participate, in a
concerted educational focus. Since 1999, the appeal has
enabled Teurlings Catholic to excel in the global community by
providing our students with state-of-the-art vehicles of technology.
TCHS Foundation
The purpose of the foundation is to assure the longevity of
Catholic education at Teurlings Catholic High School by investing
in an endowment trust fund. An endowment consists of funds
that have been set aside by a school to produce income; only
the interest earned is made available for the needs of Teurlings
Catholic. Unrestricted memorial gifts and proceeds from the
Rebel Open are designated for the foundation.
Capital Campaign
Is an intensive fundraising effort designed to provide funds
for specific needs, i.e. building modernization, plant expansion,
or debt reduction, within a specified period of time. Through
recent years, TCH has witnessed the additions of new
classrooms, an athletic field house, a multipurpose building,
a Faith Formation/Guidance building, and a stadium for football,
track, and soccer. The TCH master plan projects phases of
other future improvements including more classrooms,
a roof to cover the entire courtyard, paving the
student parking lot, and a second gymnasium.
For more information, contact the Development Office at Teurlings Catholic.
Aline P. Norwood, Development Director “[email protected]” (337) 235-5711 Ext. 105
Teurlings Catholic develops each individual’s ability
To Channel His Spirit for the glory of God.
Asst. Principal/Discipline
Asst. Principal/Academics
Development Director
Director of Faith Formation
Athletic Director
Amie Adams
Dawn Aucoin
Ramey Badeaux
Dexter Bergeron
Leslie Bergeron
Lori Beslin
Nicole Blazek
Brian Bolner
Kyle Bourque
Adrienne Brame
Pilar Burson
Tisha Collado
Tony Courville
Lauren Delahoussaye
Officer Marty Deroussel
Kathy Dodson
Linda Doherty
Mike Doherty
Becky Ducharme
Jake Dueitt
Toni Dueitt
Dona Dugas
Tiffany Dugas
Stacy Freeman
Nichole Frey
Richey Garrett
Sidney George
John Gott
Ceata Hackett
Maria Hanes
Michael H. Boyer
Bruce C. Baudier
Marty C. Heintz
Aline P. Norwood
Josette C. Surratt
Mark “Sonny” Charpentier
Meredith Hebert
Terry Hebert
Vern Hebert
Joe Heintz
Emily Lancon
Roberta LeBlanc
Carrieanne Ledet
Vivica Marino
Cathryn Martin
Kent Masson
Rise’ Nicholson
Roland Pautz
Anna Proctor
Ella Richard
Robert Richard
“Building a student’s character to carry on the message of Christ,” is
the most important meaning of Catholic school excellence to Mr. Kyle
Bourque, TCH Teacher of the Year. “…it is not only offering facts to
students but also giving them a well-rounded education.”
Sophomore Claire Champagne thinks Mr. Bourque is charismatic.
“He understands his students. He takes very difficult information and
converts it into various concepts all of us can understand.”
Teurlings Catholic is not the first school to have chosen Kyle Bourque
as Teacher of the Year. Prior to TCH, he was honored at Vermilion
Catholic in Abbeville, LA.
Milton Rohm
Caroline Savoie
Norma Schexnailder
Lauren Schomaker Jeffrey
Liz Snyder
George Stonecipher
Allison Stroderd Babin
Josette Surratt
Brad Taylor
Lisa Taylor
Michael Thibodeaux
Kristy Underwood
Craig Wall
Chair Elect
Kevin Leblanc
Donald Richard
Jennifer Hebert
Becket Breaux
Susan Blakely
Danielle Caillier
Adam Champagne
Ricky Landry
Bryan Riche’
Jeff Roesch
Standing: Ricky Landry, Becket Breaux,
Adam Champagne, Bryan Riche’
Seated: Kevin Leblanc, Susan Blakely,
Dianne Caillier, Jennifer Hebert
Not Pictured: Donald Richard, Jeff Roesch
Reverend Hampton Davis
Co-Owner Pastors Very Reverend Thomas James
Reverend Peter Emusa
Reverend Paul LaFleur
Reverend Gary Schexnayder
Reverend Brian Taylor
Very Reverend Msgr. Robie Robichaux
Reverend Keith LaBove
Reverend Mark Ledoux
Reverend Tom Voorhries
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Our Lady of the Assumption Church
St. Bernard Church
St. Elizabeth Seton Church
St. Genevieve Church
St. Leo the Great Church
St. Patrick Church
St. Peter Catholic Church
Sts. Peter & Paul Church
Standing– Fr. Emusa, Fr. Schexnayder,
Fr. Ledoux
Seated – Fr. LaFleur, Fr. Davis, Fr.
Not pictured: Fr. James, Fr. Taylor,
Msgr. Robichaux, Fr. Voorhies
“It is with grateful hearts that we have chosen to send our
daughters to Teurlings Catholic High,” declare Adam and Melanie
Champagne. “The spiritual and academic preparation delivered
by qualified and dedicated teachers and staff members will have
long lasting impacts as Annie and Claire become productive and
compassionate adults.”
Adam and Mel are always on the go with their children’s involvement in school and extracurricular
activities such as the school play, speech and debate, quiz bowl, volleyball, basketball, Rebels for
Life, and music ministry. In addition to helping with student activity involvement, they are also avid
volunteers at Teurlings Catholic on the Advisory Council, RABC, Hospitality, Adoration, Grandparents’
Day, and Open House committees. They give much of their time, talents, and treasure in support of
programs such as the Annual Appeal for the Enhancement of Technology and Tuition Assistance
Programs. Father and daughter also teamed up on Thanksgiving Day to help serve meals for the
TCH Feeds the Hungry project. The TCH Family is very grateful to the Champagnes.
RABC Committee Chairs:
Janet Ray
Carla Thousand
(not pictured)
Catholic Schools Week – Nessie Laviolette
Hospitality – Brenda Riche
Silent Auction – Lori Beslin,
Jan Delahoussaye, Janet Ray
Student Incentives – Carla Thousand
Swap Shop – Laurie Friloux
Teacher Luncheons – Carlene Latiolais
Sports Representatives:
Basketball (Boys)
Basketball (Girls)
Cross Country
Soccer (Boys)
Soccer (Girls)
Charlene Taylor
Rachel Hidalgo
Antoinette Brown
Sandra Thibodeaux
Marla Roy
Nicole Vidrine
Monica Breaux
Paula Ratcliff
Janice Camel
Antoinette Brown
Track & Field
Rebel Revue
Rebel Cheerleaders
Monica Breaux
Lisa Breaux
Sandy Trosclair
Steven Lemaire
Cheryl Leger
Brandy Quebedeaux
Vice President
Denise Richard
Roddy Richard Memorial Award (est. 1999)
This fund was established in Roddy Richard’s name to
perpetuate his memory in a way that is personal and
meaningful to his family, his friends, and his Alma Mater.
Interest generated by the fund will financially assist a high
school student with tuition and fees to attend Teurlings
Catholic High School. The student selected each year is
one who best exemplifies the traits that made Roddy (TCH
’83) special—one who is always a cheerful example to other
students, displays the qualities of leadership, serves and
participates at his church parish, and has maintained a
strong academic grade point average.
Nick Weber Memorial Award (est. 2002)
This fund was lovingly established in Nick’s name by his
parents Tessie and Keith Weber, his family, his classmates
of TCH 2001, and his many friends to carry on his memory.
Interest generated by the fund will financially assist a high
school student with tuition and/or fees to attend Teurlings
Catholic High School. The student selected each year is
one who best exemplifies the traits of Nick—always willing
to help others, is courteous and honest, participates in a
variety of school activities, demonstrates a deep
appreciation for the closeness of family and friends, and
genuinely loves Teurlings Catholic High School.
Terri L. Baudier Memorial (est. 2009)
Mr. Bruce Baudier, daughter Brie, family members, and
friends of former TCH Assistant Principal Terri Louque
Baudier (TCH 1996 – 2008) have established the Terri L.
Baudier Memorial Award to perpetuate her memory and
champion the causes she believed in. Mrs. Baudier loved
TCH and every student that walked through its “main
breezeway.” She believed the good in every student was
only a conversation away. She encouraged the underdog
and rallied behind their efforts. Mrs. Baudier was a hard
worker and admired those who willingly took on extra
responsibilities and worked for the betterment of the school
and its student body. Fairness and compassion are two
qualities that allowed Mrs. Baudier to be a model for
Catholic education and these qualities serve as a guide for
the selection of our honoree.
Amie Devillier Delahoussaye Award (est. 2009)
A cash award established by C & R Fabrication, Inc. in
recognition of the accomplishments of a Teurlings Catholic
softball graduate, based on the following qualifying
standards: The TCH senior who has been a Lady Rebel
varsity softball player for a minimum of 2 years; The TCH
student who has been accepted and is in the process of
enrollment within a college or university for the fall semester
immediately following graduation from Teurlings Catholic;
The TCH student who has earned a G.P.A. of 3.4 or higher.
Dolores “Dee” Zimmerman Fund (in progress)
The essence of school spirit and always at the forefront,
Dee (TCH ‘71) loved Teurlings and the families who grew
up there and her love did not diminish after graduation . She
became a source of information for all things Teurlings as
she kept classmates and friends connected. Contributions
are earmarked for an award to recognize her love and
support of her Alma Mater.
Brandon Latiolais Award (est. 2000)
Dr. and Mrs. Terry Latiolais have established this award in
memory of their son Brandon (TCH ‘94) who left a
remarkable impression on his Alma Mater and on all who
knew him. It will serve to maintain Brandon’s persona at
TCH while allowing future generations to know about him as
well. The scholarship is a cash award in recognition of the
academic accomplishments of a Teurlings graduating
student, based upon that student’s ACT scores and future
educational plans.
Crossroads Catholic Bookstore Scholarship (est. 2002)
Members of the Board of Directors of Crossroads Catholic
Bookstore sponsor this award. The Crossroads Scholar is a
student who is entering Teurlings Catholic from one of our
feeder schools, i.e., Sts. Leo Seton Elementary, St.
Genevieve School, Immaculate Heart of Mary School, St.
Bernard School, Our Lady of the Assumption or Carencro
Catholic. The family of the student should be recognized as
parishioners in one of the TCH owner church parishes, i.e.,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of the Assumption, St.
Elizabeth Seton, St. Genevieve, St. Leo the Great, St.
Bernard, St. Patrick , St. Peter or Sts. Peter & Paul.
TCH Memorial Award (est. 1980)
Presented to a graduating senior who has exhibited ability
and determination during his or her years at Teurlings
Catholic High School.
Pvt. Mark E. Graham Character Award (est. 2008 )
Graduating seniors who best exemplify the core values of
character - caring, honesty, respect, responsibility, and
citizenship – and provide examples of being a positive role
model for others. This cash award is given regardless of
family background, race, financial status, academic
achievement or physical condition. Anyone can earn respect
and admiration by being a person of character; the Mark W.
Graham Foundation’s aim is to honor students whose lives
and achievements demonstrate an enduring commitment to
qualities associated with goodness. Award is issued by the
Mark W. Graham Foundation.
Jenni B. Schexnailder Scholarship (est. 2006)
Passionate about beliefs, loyal, tough, caring, feisty,
curious, candid, champion of the underdog, opinionated,
kind, fun-loving, a big heart, and a beautiful smile. These
are the words used by family friends, and teachers to
describe Jenni a 1999 graduate of TCH. Jenni never met a
stranger and was always a true friend to those who
needed her. Jenni’s mother Norma, a teacher at TCH, her
father Maurice, her sister Holli (TCH ‘02), and brother David
(TCH ‘03), established this award to recognize a student for
the tenacity, determination, and independent spirit that
Jenni would have admired.
Holy Family Catholic High School Scholarship Fund
(est. 2013)
Established by community leaders to assist Catholic
students continuing their education at Teurlings Catholic
High School after eighth grade graduation from Holy Family
Catholic School.
Tiffany Dugas attended the Jostens Yearbook Conference.
facilitated the curriculum vertical alignment and research into Common Core
State Standards and the new ASPIRE Test facilitated. Director of Faith
Formation Josette Surratt also met with feeder school 8th grade religion
teachers and campus ministers, along with teacher Kyle Bourque and
Campus Minister Ramey Badeaux..
Marty Heintz and Stacy Freeman attended the Annual Conference of the
International Society of Technology and Education in San Antonio.
Ceata Hackett and Marty Heintz completed the Google Tools for
Educators 25-hour course.
Lauren Schomaker, Kyle Bourque, Liz Snyder, Mike Thibodeaux,
Tiffany Dugas, and Richey Garrett complete graduate courses.
Mike Boyer, Marty Heintz, Aline Norwood, Bruce Baudier, Toni Dueitt,
Leslie Bergeron and Josette Surratt attended quarterly diocesan
meetings for administration, curriculum, development, discipline, and
Lauren Delahoussaye, Joe Heintz, and Emily Lancon attended the
Acadian Ambulance First Responders Certification course and are now
certified to handle emergency situations.
Amie Adams and Ceata Hackett received one-to-one initiative training
within our upper level math courses.
Brad Taylor and Maria Hanes obtained their CDL licenses.
The entire TCH faculty participated in a profession development enhancement
development enhancement through PD 360 on management and incentives
of our common core curriculum.
English teachers Vivica Marino, Carrieanne Ledet, and Rise’ Nicholson;
math teachers Amie Adams, Ceata Hackett, Emily Lancon, Kristy Underwood,
and Roberta LeBlanc; science teachers Dona Dugas, Roland Pautz, Lauren
Schomaker, Kyle Bourque, and Emily Lancon; social studies teachers
Cathryn Martin, Linda Doherty, and Lauren Delahoussaye; and Assistant
Principal Marty Heintz attended Diocesan Common Core workshop.
Amie Adams, Ceata Hackett, Cathryn Martin, and Lauren Schomaker
attended the Louisiana Tech Dual Enrollment seminar.
Vivica Marino, Amie Adams, and Marty Heintz attended a Common Core
workshop on in Marksville, LA.
Mike Boyer, Marty Heintz, Aline Norwood and Josette Surratt completed
a study on “The Spiritual Catholic Administrator”.
Carrieanne Ledet compiled the questions for the Diocesan Quiz Bowl
and Marty Heintz moderated a competition room.
Ceata Hackett and Marty Heintz attended a math instructional workshop.
Amie Adams, Kristy Underwood, Brad Taylor, Vivica Marino, Norma
Schexnailder, Kent Masson and Marty Heintz will attend the SDE
Common Core Conference.
Carrieanne Ledet and Nicole Blazek attended the National Council of
Teachers of English Conference in Boston.
Cathryn Martin attended the National Council for the Social Studies
Conference in St. Louis.
This school year, Religion and Sociology Teacher/ Music Minister Liz Snyder
finished her Master’s Degree in Social Studies Education at Northwestern
State University. Religion Teacher/ Baseball Coach Mike Thibodeaux finished
his Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Eastern Kentucky
Kristy Underwood attended a Baton Rouge seminar on students with
special needs.
Ceata Hackett and Marty Heintz completed online course using Google
Apps in the classroom.
Robbie Richard, Brad Taylor, Jake Dueitt, Joe Heintz, and Richey Garrett
attended the LHSAA Coaching Clinic in New Orleans.
Father Hampton Davis, TCH Chancellor, conducted a training session
for TCHS religion teachers in December. In attendance were theology
teachers Adrienne Brame, Caroline Savoie, Liz Snyder, George Stonecipher
and Mike Thibodeaux, as well as Director of Faith Formation Josette Surratt.
TCHS faculty hosted meetings with our feeder school curriculum directors and
8th grade teachers. Under the direction of Assistant Principal Marty Heintz,
TCH teachers Vivica Marino, Rise’ Nicholson and Nicole Blazek (English);
Amie Adams, Brad Taylor and Kristy Underwood (Math); Dona Dugas
(Science); Cathryn Martin and Nicole Frey (Social Studies); and Stacy
Freeman, Pilar Burson, and Meredith Hebert (Foreign Language)
Administration, faculty, and staff members attended Mass and reflection
retreat lead by Fr. Hampton Davis, Chancellor at mid-term.
Volleyball coach Terry Hebert was named District Coach of the Year, All
Acadiana Coach of the Year, and All State Coach of the Year.
Cathryn Martin, Linda Doherty, Robbie Richard, Lauren Delahoussaye,
Nicole Frey, Liz Snyder and Jake Dueitt attended the Diocese of
Lafayette Social Studies Teacher Collaboration Meeting February 18 at
Teurlings, along with teachers from throughout the diocese. Assistant
Principal Marty Heintz facilitated the meeting to discuss curriculum reform
and changes, as well as social studies books, resources, and teaching
Dona Dugas, Lauren Schomaker, Emily Lancon, Kyle Bourque and Terry
Hebert attended the Diocese of Lafayette Science Teachers
Collaboration Meeting on Feb. 25 at Sacred Heart High School in Ville Platte.
Technology Director Leslie Bergeron and Facilities Director Dexter Bergeron
attended a meeting in Baton Rouge on Feb. 19 to learn about the
requirements for new computer based standardized testing that will be
implemented in Louisiana next year.
Leslie Bergeron and Amie Adams attended a combined Technology and
Curriculum Meeting for the Diocese of Lafayette at St. Thomas More on
February 11 to discuss online learning opportunities.
On February 13, Ceata Hackett attended a Lafayette Parish workshop to
discuss curriculum changes in Algebra II.
On February 5, Ceata Hackett and Marty Heintz facilitated an afternoon
workshop for TCHS staff on Google Drive, Google Documents, and other
Google applications.
Leslie Bergeron, Rise' Nicholson, Nicole Frey, Dona Dugas, and John
Gott are completing a 25-hour course in the use of Google Drive, Google
Documents, and Google applications through the Diocese of Lafayette.
Tony Courville and Richey Garrett completed over 7 hours of training in
athletic management recently. Coach Courville also completed an additional
six hours in webinar instruction in athletic weights and conditioning
techniques, as well as
Amie Adams, Ceata Hackett, John Gott, Emily Lancon, Roberta LeBlanc,
Kristy Underwood, Brad Taylor, and Marty Heintz attended the Diocesan
Math Collaboration meeting on Tuesday, March 18 at Notre Dame.
Vivica Marino, Carrieanne Ledet, Kent Masson, Norma Schexnailder,
Nicole Blazek, Rise’ Nicholson and Marty Heintz attended the Diocesan
English Collaboration meeting on Tuesday, March 11 at Catholic High of New
Leslie Bergeron, Marty Heintz, Lauren Schomaker and Dona Dugas are
preparing for the diocesan EEF Grant that will bring additional laptops to our
campus in the science classes.
Dona Dugas is attending the National Science Teachers’ Association
annual conference in Boston the first week in April.
Tony Courville, Joe Heintz, Richey Garrett, Jake Dueitt, Kent Masson,
and Robbie Richard attended a football coaching clinic at LSU on March 2728.
Liz Snyder, Richey Garrett, Lauren Schomaker, and Kyle Bourque are
continuing to work on their graduate studies at UL and Northwestern.
Nick Miller
Nick Miller, TCH Outstanding Student, was also
selected Outstanding Student of the Diocese
“Throughout my life, I have grown and been shaped by
many different influences. My family inspires me daily
to work hard to achieve my goals. Sports teach me the
values of mental toughness and determination as well
as training my body to increase self-esteem. Most
importantly, God is influencing my life day in and day
out, calling me to do good for others and to use my
talents for a good cause. God calls all of us to use the
talents He gave us for the greater good, which we are
all capable of if we believe in ourselves and work to
achieve our goals.”
While maintaining a 4.0 GPA, Nick has shown skills of
leadership as a Eucharistic Minister, altar server, and
member of the Beta Quiz Bowl Team. He designed and
ordered soccer sweatshirts and petitioned for a high
school soccer PE class. He helped put on retreats for
young students receiving the sacraments of 1st
Communion and Reconciliation.
William J.
Nick Miller
The highest award
bestowed upon any
TCH graduate
(pictured left)
American Legion Award
Macy Miller and Charlie Pucheu-Morvant
(pictured above)
Rebels of the Year
Tran Doan and Jacob Rees
(pictured left)
Diocese (Grants/Reimbursements)
Interest Income
Restricted Donations
Church Parish Contributions
Miscellaneous Fees & Funds
Mandated Services (State)
Administrative Expenses
Teacher Materials & Supplies
Library Expenses
Athletic Department Expenses
Finance Office Expenses
Development Office Expenses
Employee Benefits
Plant Expenses
Other Expenses
Academic Departments
Student Tuition Assistance $35,705.00
Maurice Schexnailder
Cell 337-247-5913
Mitch Schexnailder
Cell 337-247-5914
508 Eraste Landry Road
Lafayette, LA 70506
[email protected]
Ph: 337-234-8098
Fax: 337-234-8107
Teurlings Catholic High School
139 Teurlings Drive
Lafayette, LA 70501
To update your alumni profile and address, please visit www.tchs.net/alumni/alumni-profile-update.