

Arnold Kaufman. Assistant Business
Ihave received one of the many frivolous
citations for parking oil the asphalt near the
Physical Sciences building. Iexpect to resist this
successfully in court This does however absorb
time during which I might otherwise be doing
something useful at UCI.
I urge you to apply some administrative restraint to the ParkingCorps. Thesituation caused
by the maldistribution of parking spaces is un
pleasant enough already without their efforts to
make it still worse.
Don L. Bunker
Professor of Chemistry
Dear Bartelby T. Scrivner,
Although you have adopted this as your pen
name, we stilldon't know who youare. (Unless,of
course, you are an escapee from the Melville
Archives, as has been suggested.) At least Mark
Twain's publisher knew whereto send the royalty
cheeks. Until this information is obtained, we
cannot print your letters.
Bill Belts
for The New University
apprenticeship programs.
The Selective Service System today released a
list of significant changed in their Regulations
which will affect young men facing the draft
process in the future. The changes will
supplement the amendments to the Selective
Service Act which were recently signed into law
by the President The regulation changes are
scheduled lor publication today in the ■Federal
Register." They are expectedto become effective
throughout the more than 4.()()() local draft boards
in early December. Prior to their effective date,
interested persons may submit their written
views on the prospective Regulations to the
Director of Selective Service.
One of the major changes concerns 2-S student
deferments. Undergraduatecollege students who
were not enrolled on a lull-time basis and making
satisfactorv progress toward a baccalaureate
degreeduring the regular 1970-71 academic year
will not qualify for 2-S deferments. The Regulations also will set similar criteria for students in
junior college's, trade and technical schools, and
New U: Mr.
how did you happen to
Second class
postage paid, Newport Beach,
! Ca.
Please address ail letters and manuscripts
to The New University, 3id Floor Commons,
University of California, Irvine, Ca. 02664.
All opinions expressed are those of the individual wnterfs , and not necessarily those
of the New University, the ASUCI, or the
University of California.
Vol. 4/ No. 15/ Friday. November 19, 1971
The New University is published twiceweekly on Tuesday and Friday the entire
months of October, November, Febiuary,
April and May; the iirst week a, Decemb^,,
March and June; and the last Ihree weeks of
January by the Communications Board of
the Associated Students of the Universuy
of Californ a, Irvine.
THE STAFF: Bill Betts, editor; Rick Teplitz, managing eduor; Bob Gooawm, associate editor; Al Rodriguez, business manager; Jan Buckwald, advertising manager;
Pam Leistner, production manager; Maik
ResiQ, editorial elector; Ka^.hy McKenna,
campus news editor; Dave Johnson, sports
editor; Dave Wilson, tine arts editor; Lee
Ann Whites, Laura Uddenberg, et. al.,
women's ed.io.s; Mark Northcross, news
research editor; Mark Peterson and Robert
Crim, contributing editors; Robert Silien,
photo editor; Brad Donenfeld, John B !air
and Jerry Woodward, photographers; Rob
Sawchuk, Jim Thrasher, Pete Williams and
Jack McCalister artists; Charlie Deise,
■-jxanna Poe, Gary Singer, Mark Weber, Ron
Hooven, Lee Solow, Arlene Lowe, Chris
Vaughn, Stu Ahshuler and Ken Bentley, re-
Steve Greenberg and Richard Ulyate, copyreaders; Steve Goldberg, proofreader; Mike Kruetzer and Bill Helfman,
business staif
become a member of the apathists?
Apathist: Well, it wasn't that I actually did
anything. One day. I sort of came across these
people who were just sitting around, doing
nothing.Ihadnever seen anyonepractice apathy
in a group before, but that's what was happening.
Later, someone tried to start a discussion about
the party stance on major issues, but no one was
interested enough to talk to him. Some members
suspected himof havingunapathetic views, but it
wasn't important enough to them to try and stop
New U: Do you think the apathist party has
much of a future if you never do anything?
Apathist: Ithink that when people begin to
realize the best course of action lies in doing
nothing, then our membership will increase
sharply. You see. the only way to achieve real
Early this year, a National Security Agencycomputer specialist proposed attaching
miniature electronic tracking devices to 20
million Americans. The "transponders" would
transmit the wearers' locations by radio to a
computer andcouldbeused "for arrests following
riots or confrontations" and for "monitoring
aliens and political sub groups."
Such devices seem to be the bitter fruits of a
rapidly developing field, referred to
euphemisticallyby its adherents as "Behavioral
Engineering." One of its chief apostles,
psychologist Robert S.Schwitzgebel.is urging the
government to consider increased useof devices
"designed tocontrol groupbehavior." Notingthat
the government already spends much of its
budget on prisons, cops, judges, etc. ("social
control hardware"). Schwitzgebel proposes
shifting "just a small portion" of the defense
budget away from the development of weaponry
to "devices for measuring and positivelyreinforcing desirable behaviors of large groups."
(The governmsnt could easily accomplishthis, he
added, "because 80r; of the manufacturingassets
in the United States is controlled by about 2.000 of
the largest corporations."
Schwitzgebel may become the Father of Big
Brother. In 1964 he proposed and tested a system
for keeping watch on parolees by requiring them
to wear small electronic devices that would
continually transmit their location to a base
This "electronic rehabilitation system" has
been developed further by Schwitzgebel's twin
brother. Ralph, whoconducted a governmentsubsidized study of "coercive behavior modification
techniques." Published earlier this year, it
described electronic devices for measuring the
erection of a penis that could be linked to the
personal transmitters, thus providing the capability of "precisely monitoring sex offenders
within the community."
l II
The establishment of a new classification
alsoisoneof thesignificant items in the
of changes. This classification will be anadminis
trative holding category, and men in Class l-II
will have inactive files and will not be considered
for induction unless they are reelassified 1-A. Heginning with the 1972 prime selection group, a l-II
be set and with a lew
cut-off number will lottery
numbers above the
exception^, men with
be placed in Class 1cutoff number will remain or
II lor their period of prime exposure to the draft.
The new Regulations also will establish time
limits for personal appearances. Each registrant
will be entitled to such time tor his personal appearance with his local board as is reasonably
necessary lor a lair presentation of his claim.
Normally.15 minutes willbe deemed adequatefor
this purpose. Healso willbeallowed to bringup to
three witnesses to the meeting. Thesame criteria
will pertain to a registrant whoelects tomeet with
his appeal board, except that he will not have the
right to bring witnesses.
change is to do absolutely nothing. We're trying to
get people to realize that the world will work
better without them getting involved in fouling
things up any more than they alreadyare.
New I': Will therebean apathy ticket in the next
we haven't
Apathist; Gee ... I don't know
involved in politics.
really thought about
What do you think? not that it really matters. Of
course, if any apathist decides to run hecould be
something Uh on the other
_ uofhodoing
would take the time to accuse him''
However, if he just ran. but conducted no campaign. Isuppose that would be acceptable.Also, it
he did win. he would probably abstain on any vote
he might participate in.
New U: Is there anywherea non-apathist could
pick up information about the party'.'
Apathist: Why would you want to? Well
suppose by wordof mouth: we'reall tooapathetic
to write anything down.
New Y: One last question, suppose someone
wanted to join the apathists, what should he do?
Apathist: Well, first of all. if he is interested
enough to want to join, wedon't want himbecause
he's obviouslynot apathetic enough. On theother
hand, if he wants to join, it doesn't matter to me.
Of course, one good way is to be a member of anyof any collegein
Associated Students
— organization
'v of their members canbe
the United States 95'
called true apathists they never do anything!
Passing almost completely unnoticed in the.
furor surrounding Fres. Nixon's freeze order was
the formatiofi of the apathisl party, political arm
(it the apathetic minority. Due to this reporter's
diligence in uncovering stories thai our readers
would rather not hear about, an interview was
secured with the leaderof theIrvine branch of the
Apathist party. Realizing the peril of granting an
interview, this member has asked that he bepermitted to remain anonymous. You see. the
a\owed purpose of thie apathist party is to let
anyone do anything they want, as long as they are
not the ones doing it. Thus, if it were known by his
fellow apathists that this person actually did
something,—he might be instantly banished from
the party
but probably no one would care
November 19, 1971
... ...
Barton L. Ingraham of Berkeley's School of
Criminology,defendingthe implementation of the
Schwitzgebel's system, went on to suggest that
"further control" could be developments in
electro-physiology. Not onlymight "complete and
continuous surveillance" of a person who had
demonstrated "criminal tendencies" be possible,
but "automatic deterrence or blocking" of the
criminal activityby electronic stimulation of the
brain prior to the commission of the act is also
Electronic stimulation of the brain can make
the prospect of human robots under the control of
a mad scientist or politician a reality. Electrical
impulses injected into the brain can induce,
inhibit or modify such phenomena as movement,
desire, rage, aggression,fear, pain and pleasure.
At the Yale School of Medicine, Dr. Jose
Delgado hasimplanted radio transceivers intothe
heads of his experimentalsubjects so that he can
monitor and control their activities and emotions
from a distant location. Computers have already
been tested on subjects in mental "hospitals."
The machines are programmed for undesirable
behavior and send out inhibitory instructions.
One experimenter using such electronic
stimulation of the brain ordered his subject to
close his hand into a fist.Theman couldnot resist.
"Doctor." he said, "your electricity is stronger
than my will." Another human guinea pig
reported. "I don't know what came over me.Ifelt
like an animal."
In another brain control experiment, a man.
given a button wired into a pleasure center of his
brain, "pushed himself to the point of orgasm."
And a "therapist" was almost seduced by an
"attractive, cooperative woman under the
influence of brain waves.
In "Physical Control of the Mind." Delgado whose work is funded in part by the Defense
Department predicted that ESB could become
a "master controlof human behavior by means of
man-made plans and instruments."
Although maintaining law and order through
brain control would "require a government with
virtually total powers." Ingraham sees several
things in its favor: I) it would be "completely
effective" 2) it would obviate the need for the
"massive changes in the social system"
necessary it crime were to be eliminated,and3) it
"would be relatively cheap."