Greek Columns - Show Address


Greek Columns - Show Address
Spring 2013
Greek Columns
Becky Druetzler, Director of Greek Life
Over the past few years, a programming collaboration has developed between the offices of Greek
Life, Health Education and Outreach Programs, and Counseling and Consultation Services. For the
2012-13 academic year, our focus has centered on several outcomes from the University’s Alcohol
Task Force regarding education for residential students.
Inside this issue:
Executive Board
Order of Omega
Top 100 Greeks
Greek Excellence
Sorority Updates
Fraternity Updates
Inside This Newsletter
 Fraternity and Sorority
 Results of 2013 Greek
Excellence Awards
 Greeks awarded in Top
100 Students
 Order of the Omega
Both sexual assault awareness and risks related to alcohol were topics addressed in our initial programming in September. The program consisted of a 40-minute video, “Spin the Bottle: Sex Lies and
Alcohol”, from the Media Education Foundation, which addresses the influence of social media and
pop culture in attitudes toward alcohol use and sexuality. Staff chose this video because of the candor
of students from multiple universities who were featured. Following the video presentation,
participants engaged in small group discussion with members of their respective organizations.
Included in the discussion was an opportunity to clarify perceptions of campus environments and
student behaviors, as well as the interface with the stated values of the respective organization. To
deliver this program, student facilitators from each fraternity and sorority were recruited and received
training to lead the post-presentation discussion. Because of the number of affiliated students
involved, video presentations had to be scheduled on three separate evenings. Over 70% of those
surveyed indicated that they had a greater awareness of peer influence on alcohol use in social
situations, while 80% were more aware of how the social choices of guests impacts the liability of
their respective organization. Eighty-five percent of respondents agreed that, as a result of their
discussion, their membership identified how they could effectively create an environment that
challenges unhealthy behaviors.
In January, a second program focused on the negative consequences of alcohol was presented to
fraternity and sorority new members, the majority of whom are first year students. The primary
alcohol awareness program for these students up to this point had been the Red Cup Culture
presentations held during Welcome Week. Lindsey Weiss, Butler sophomore and member of Delta
Gamma, introduced staff to Norm and Dawn Finbloom , who were seeking opportunities to speak to
college communities following the death of their son, Brett, from alcohol poisoning last August.
Brett would have entered the University of Oklahoma last fall and was well known among students
from Carmel. The Finblooms spoke about the Indiana Lifeline Law and stressed the importance of
taking the responsibility and courage to step up and call for help if a friend has had too much to drink.
Other speakers included Dr. Levester Johnson, Vice-President for Student Affairs, Bill Weber of
BUPD, and Nathan Pagryzinski, Interfraternity Council President. Student response was very
favorable. Nearly 90% of those surveyed afterward indicated they were now more likely to call for
help if someone was impaired from using alcohol or other substances, while 85% were willing to
establish an understanding with peers to call for help if someone became impaired. Ninety percent
also indicated that they had a greater understanding of Butler’s Community of Care as it relates to the
fraternity and sorority community. As one student shared, ” It was really moving. Those parents were
very emotional and a lot of the new members in the crowd connected with them. It definitely made
people more aware of how to be safe and prevent something bad from happening like what happened
to their son.”
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Panhellenic Association And Interfraternity Council
The Exec Boards of both
Butler University’s
Panhellenic Association and
Interfraternity Council are
excited to contribute to
Butler’s Greek community.
Utilizing resourses in the
Indianapolis area, both
organizations have
strengthened internally in
order to bring the most they
can to Butler’s campus. This
year’s Panhellenic
Association and
Interfraternity Council
“The Nu Upsilon Chapter at
Butler University was
established in 1993 and
recognizes those fraternity
men and women who have
Panhellenic Association -
Interfraternity Council-
Allie Steuer, President (Alpha
Phi); Kate Trinkle, VP of
Communications (Alpha Phi);
Jessie Munn, VP of Special
Events (Delta Gamma); Erica
Grabinski, VP of Conduct
(Kappa Alpha Theta); Sara
McDonald, VP of
Educational Programming (Pi
Beta Phi); Em Svetanoff, VP
of Recruitment (Pi Beta Phi)
Nathan Pagryzinski, President
(Sigma Nu); Will Butler, VP of
Recruitment (Phi Kappa Psi); Larry
Don, VP of Programming (Sigma
Nu); Tony Rhinehart, VP of
Finance (Sigma Chi); Brandon
Smith, VP of Conduct (Phi Kappa
Psi); Kyle Hoff, VP of
Communications (Delta Tau Delta)
Order of the Omega:
Honoring Fraternity and Sorority Leaders
Order of Omega is a national leadership honor society for fraternity and sorority members. To be eligible for membership, applicants must be juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards in the
areas of scholarship, leadership, involvement within their respective organization and within the Greek,
campus, and local community. A local chapter may induct up to 3% of the total fraternity/sorority membership on its campus.
Since 1993, more than 500 Butler students have been invited to join Order of Omega. The most recent
group of 37 were inducted in November. Congratulations go to the following students by college:
attained a high standard of
character, service and
leadership in interfraternal
activities, as well as
academic pursuit. Those
inducted into membership
serve many student
organizations across campus,
College of Business
Thomas Brueggeman (Delta Tau Delta)
Olivia Lahr (Delta Delta Delta)
Joel McVey (Phi Delta Theta)
Kelsie Mitchell (Pi Beta Phi)
Kevin Odenwald (Lambda Chi Alpha)
Anne Shelton (Kappa Alpha Theta)
JT Thomas (Sigma Nu)
as well as the fraternity and
sorority community”
College of Communication
Courtney Dubay (Kappa Alpha Theta)
Brady Sage (Alpha Phi)
Katie Zeiger (Delta Gamma)
College of Education
Abby Barnett (Delta Gamma)
Andrea Brackman (Delta Delta Delta)
Lauren Chapman (Alpha Phi)
Adam Hibshman (Sigma Nu)
Emily Seibert (Kappa Kappa Gamma)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Katie Bergamini (Kappa Alpha Theta)
Kyle Faulkner (Phi Delta Theta)
Erica Grabinski (Kappa Alpha Theta)
Karina Hamamouche (Kappa Alpha Theta)
Arielle Hemrick (Delta Gamma)
Nathan Holt (Sigma Nu)
Mike Keller (Delta Tau Delta)
Emily Kile (Kappa Kappa Gamma)
Nicole Larsen (Kappa Kappa Gamma)
Nathan Pagryzinski (Sigma Nu)
Katie Palmer (Pi Beta Phi)
Claire Roberts (Delta Delta Delta)
Heather Wolfgang (Alpha Chi Omega)
Caitlin Wunderlin (Pi Beta Phi)
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Craig Fisher (Sigma Nu)
Alexandra Foster (Alpha Phi)
Allie Gritzman (Kappa Alpha Theta)
Leslie Hersberger (Alpha Chi Omega)
Nick Jackson (Delta Tau Delta)
Whitney McGillem (Alpha Chi Omega)
Ian Ray (Sigma Nu)
Evan Zahn (Delta Tau Delta)
Greek Columns
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59% of Butler’s
Top 100 were
Greek Students!
Top 100 Greek Affiliated Students 2012-2013
Alpha Chi Omega – Brittany Foerg, Kiley Miller,
Danielle Morano, Caroline Rogers, Megan Rogg,
Amy Schwinghammer*, Sami Smith
Corey, Courtney Dubay,
Katherine Filchak, Courtney
Foye, Meghan Frey, Erica
Alpha Phi – Lauren Chapman, Alexandra Foster,
Grabinski, Allie Gritzman,
Emily Hayden, Julie Klensch, Karissa Miller, Ashlynn Karina Hamamouche*,
Morrill, Henna Patel, Kate White
Marissa Kampe, Anne
Delta Delta Delta – Shannon Burke, Hayley Cole*,
Laura Hoffman,
Kappa Kappa Gamma –
Kelly Borter, Emily Kile,
Delta Gamma – Lindsey Hodgen, Karly Keiper,
Emily Seibert
Briana Sever
Lambda Chi Alpha – Kyle
Delta Tau Delta – Cody Benefiel, Ryan Frazier,
Graden, Josh Phelps, Kevin
Derek Friederich*, Nick Jackson, Michael Keller*,
David Korb, Christopher Savas, Bradley
Vogelsmeier***, Evan Zahn
Phi Delta Theta – Kevin
Bozymski*, Hitesh Dube,
Kappa Alpha Theta – Katie Bergamini, Linnea
Andrew Erlandson, Kyle
Faulkner*, Joel McVey, Andy Schubert*
Phi Kappa Psi – Tony Bergamini*, Alex
Morris, Drew Talkington, Stevan Tomich*
Sigma Nu – Nathan Holt, Ian Ray*
*-denotes Top 10 Male/Female
***-denotes Top Male Student
Greek Excellence Awards
This past March, Order of Omega hosted the 2013 Greek Excellence Awards. The following are those who
received awards and recognition
Outstanding Campus Leadership
Alpha Chi Omega
Delta Tau Delta
Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Delta Theta
Sigma Nu
Outstanding Educational
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Phi
Lambda Chi Alpha
Sigma Nu
Outstanding New Member
Education & Programming
Alpha Phi
Delta Delta Delta
Lambda Chi Alpha
Sigma Nu
Outstanding Philanthropy and
Community Service
Delta Delta Delta
Outstanding Scholarship
Kappa Alpha Theta
Phi Delta Theta
Innovation Award
Lambda Chi Alpha
Sustainability Award
Sigma Nu
Greek Man of the Year
Brad Vogelsmeier
Delta Tau Delta
Greek Woman of the Year
Briana Sever
Delta Gamma
Chapter Advisor of the Year
Randy Claybrook
Delta Tau Delta
(Above) The Ladies of Alpha
Faculty Advisor of the Year
Chi Omega
Marv Recht
(Below) The Men of Phi Delta
Sigma Chi
Emerging Sorority Leader
Molly Swigert
Alpha Chi Omega
Emerging Fraternity Leader
4 Star Chapter Award
Bryant Dawson
Alpha Chi Omega
Lambda Chi Alpha
Alpha Phi
Rising Star Award
Phi Delta Theta
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Tau Delta
Lambda Chi Alpha
5 Star Chapter Award
Sigma Nu
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Alpha Chi Omega
Founded in 1885, 164 real,
strong, women now call
Butler’s Alpha Chi Omega
home! Alpha Chi is an
advocate against domestic
violence and locally supports
The Julian Center, a shelter for
abused women and their
children. Alpha Chi chapter
supports their philanthropy
through their yearly Frisbee
Fling tournament, Walk
Against Domestic Violence, as
well as many other fundraising
throughout the school year.
Alpha Chi Omega proudly
claimed the number one GPA
on campus for the past two
semesters and continues to
strive towards academic
excellence. In addition to high
academic standards, over half
of all chapter members are
involved in campus leadership
positions outside of the chapter.
Alpha Chi Omega also values
character, personal
development, and appreciation
of the arts.
Alpha Phi
Our home, Alpha Phi, was established on Butler's campus in
1967. We have grown into a
wonderful family and we could
not be happier about gaining 57
new sisters this year. With each
passing year our commitment to
our philanthropies has never
wavered and we are proud two
sponsor two philanthropic events.
In the fall we host Bounce for
Beats, and in the Spring we celebrate 500 hours of service with
our Phiesta event. The money we
raise goes to support the Alpha
Phi Foundation and Cardiac
Care. In addition to our philanthropy, Alpha Phi’s are dedicated
to service and volunteering on
and off campus, participating in
events such as Relay for Life,
Dance Marathon, Gleaners Food
Bank and much more! On top of
that, almost 100% of all Alpha
Phi’s 161 members are involved
in different organizations
or clubs, or giving back to the
community through volunteer
work, you can find a Tri Delta
involved in just about anything.
Tri Delta is passionate about
raising money for our philanthropy, children's cancer research, through our many exciting philanthropy events including Carnival for a Cure, Sundaes for St. Jude, and FlapJack
Attack. We are especially
proud of of partnership with St.
Jude Children's Research Hospital, raising over $34,000 for
the hospital this past year alone.
We proudly welcomed 47
women into our chapter this
past semester, and have
been able to bond through
sisterhood activities such
as Butler Basketball viewing parties, craft nights,
and even a trip to the Children's Museum! We are
excited to see how our
chapter will continue to
grow and what the future
has in store!
(many in leadership positions)
ranging from SGA, Cheerleading, Butler University
Student Foundation, Program
Board, Butler Ambassadors
for Change and many more!
Delta Delta Delta
The Delta Lambda chapter of
Delta Delta Delta here at Butler
University is dedicated to
providing its members with a
meaningful, rewarding membership that does not just last
four years, but lasts for life.
You may recognize a Tri Delta
woman on campus representing
our colors: silver, gold, and
blue. The women of Tri Delta
are always actively involved on
campus or in the community.
Whether it is studying for a
class, participating in athletics
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Delta Gamma
Delta Gamma, Alpha Tau
Chapter is consistently striving
to "do good." This year, we
raised just over $15,000 for our
philanthropy, Service for
Sight:Aid to the Blind and
Joining Forces, and have
volunteered more than 150
service hours so far this
semester. Our participation in
events on campus granted
Greekend and Homecoming
wins. This year, we received a
beautiful member class of 57,
the biggest member class in
Alpha Tau history. Before
Initiation, we were the
"winners" of Freshman Skits,
which is a very exciting event
on campus that is the first
bonding experience for the new
members. The 57 new
members are officially
considered our sisters after our
recent incredibly memorable
Initiation. At Founder's Day,
two of our chapter advisors
received the Delta Gamma
Cable Award, which is a
tremendous honor that
recognizes alumna who have
evidenced unusual loyalty and
devotion through many
years of service. Alpha
Tau is very proud to
represent the Delta
Gamma Fraternity.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Alpha Theta is the first
Greek-letter fraternity known
among women and was
founded in 1870. Our colors
are black and gold, and our
flower is the black and gold
pansy. Our symbols are both
the kite and twin stars. The
women of the Gamma chapter
of Kappa Alpha Theta have had
a busy semester so far. With
welcoming 55 new girls, we
could not be happier to have
expanded as a chapter. Two of
these new members will be sent
to Chicago in June to attend
Kappa Alpha Theta’s Emerging
Leaders Institute, which will
provide leadership training that
we hope can be brought back
and implemented on Butler’s
campus. One of our biggest
events this semester was Cocoa
for Theta, a philanthropy event
involving a hot chocolate bar
with funds being donated to the
Theta Foundation. We are also
working with Be The Match to
assist in increasing their
registry for bone marrow
donors. Currently, we are
planning a new and improved
version of our fall philanthropy
event, and we are very excited
to present it to campus next
Kappa Kappa Gamma
The Mu Chapter of Kappa
Kappa Gamma initiated 56 new
members and could not be
happier to welcome them. Our
Kappa Kick Off helped us raise
over $4,000 for Coburn. We are
going to be hosting a
Kappaccino in the upcoming
week for them as well. We go
and read every Tuesday and
Thursday for our Reading is
Fundamental philanthropy to
children in daycare. Our
symbol is the golden key and
our colors are light blue and
dark blue. We recently turned
our kitchen into a mini theatre
for the March Madness
tournament. We had a lot of our
sisters on the executive board
for Butler's Dance Marathon
and a lot of us went not only to
support them but the Riley kids
as well. We have many
sisterhood events and could not
be prouder of our family we
have here at Kappa Kappa
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Pi Beta Phi
Pi Beta Phi is a sisterhood of
unique and inspiring women,
dating back to 1867. Pi Phi
works to foster the personal
growth and development of its
members socially,
academically, and
through philanthropic efforts.
Academics are important to the
women of Pi Beta Phi and our
chapter is currently ranked in
the top 20% of all Pi Phi
chapters nationally! Pi Phi
always has something exciting
going on from formals and
Mom's Day, to sisterhoods
and movie nights planned each
year. Philanthropy is also
something the women of Pi
Beta Phi are passionate about
whether it's reading to an
elementary school class to
promote our philanthropy, Read
Lead Achieve, or by supporting
the philanthropies of the
other sororities and
fraternities on campus. Pi Phis
are very involved on campus
from participating in academic
honor societies, Butler's dance
team, being class officers,
studying abroad, completing
internships, and much more! At
Pi Beta Phi every day is
different. Some nights we get
dressed up and go out to dinner
with our sisters, stay in and
watch movies together, or
spend hours together in the
library working on homework,
but one thing remains the sameWe love our sisters!
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Delta Tau Delta
Delta Tau Delta was founded in
1858 at Bethany College in
present day West Virginia as a
bulwark against corruption of
the Neotrophian Literary
Society, a prestigious
organization that allowed
students to practice and
demonstrate their public
speaking and writing skills. The
values of Truth, Courage, Faith,
and Power were the founding
principles of this secret letter
fraternity with an initial
membership of only 8 men.
While much has changed since
the founding of our fraternity,
these four commanding ideals
still guide Delta Tau Delta’s
Sigma Nu
(Above) Some
brothers of Sigma
Nu took a trip this
past fall break to the
Sigma Nu
Headquarters in
Lexington, VA
members today as they strive to
become men of excellence both
in character and spirit
throughout their collegiate
careers. The men of Delta Tau
Delta’s Beta Zeta chapter
firmly place their confidence in
the principles of friendship,
conscience, aspiration, selfrestraint, opportunity,
understanding, loyalty, and
strength. In addition, our
fraternity encourages its
members to labor for the
beautiful and good; to improve
the communities in which we
live, to inspire lifelong learning
and growth; to commit
themselves to a higher calling
of purpose; and to reject narrow self-interest. In pursuit of
these aims, Delta Tau Delta’s members sacrifice much, aware
of the knowledge that sacrifices - although taxing - are often
necessary for the betterment of society, yet wholly cognizant of
and secure in a brotherhood that promises to support them in
even their most arduous endeavors.
The Epsilon Mu Chapter of
Sigma Nu has had an
outstanding 2012-2013 school
year! Our fall semester began
with a successful chapter retreat
to the Ransburg Scout
Reservation in Bloomington,
IN. While there, the chapter
was able to set goals for the
upcoming academic year, bond
as a brotherhood during
numerous outdoor activities,
and volunteer time improving
the camp. Our philanthropy
efforts for the fall semester
were extremely successful as
well. During our annual
Voodoo Week, the brothers
were able to raise over $6,000
for the US Dream Academy.
Our chapter has consistently
been very involved on campus
with 46% of our members
holding a leadership position
within a student organization.
Recently, our very own Craig
Fisher was elected President of
the Student Government
Association. At the beginning
of the Spring 2013 semester,
our chapter was pleased to
welcome 36 new members after
a very successful Rush Week.
This new candidate class has an
average GPA of 3.6 and
upholds our values of Love,
Truth, and Honor to the highest
regard. With the addition of our
new members, the Epsilon Mu
chapter is the largest fraternity
on Butler’s campus, and one of
the largest Sigma Nu’s in the
nation. Moving forward, our
chapter will continue to build
upon recent success and
hopefully, push the Epsilon Mu
chapter to unprecedented
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Sigma Chi
For over seven generations, the
Rho chapter of Sigma Chi has
enjoyed a successful presence
at Butler University. We are the
oldest continuously chartered
Greek-letter society at Butler
and are the fifth oldest within
the entire Sigma Chi fraternity
of over 225 chapters. Our chapter, chartered in 1865, traces its
heritage to the closing months
of the American civil war when
Butler and Sigma Chi (both
founded in 1855) were less than
ten years old.
Phi Delta Theta
The Indiana Gamma chapter of
Phi Delta Theta has been very
busy this semester, staying true
to its principles: friendship,
sound learning and rectitude.
At the end of March, our chapter held its 1st annual Easter
Egg Hunt for 50+ Butler area
children- even Blue II and Trip
showed up! Additionally, our
chapter initiated 22 new members, and will initiate 5 more in
May. Brothers also traveled to
Cincinnati for our Spring Formal, rooting on the Dawgs at
the same time! In the near future, our chapter looks forward
to participating in and fundraising for philanthropic eventsnamely Spring Sports Spectacular and Relay for Life. We
also continue to give back to
our community, with such
events as Keep Indianapolis
Beautiful coming up. Finally,
Indiana Gamma is having its
Spring Scholarship Dinner,
inviting professors and mentors
who inspire us.
Phi Kappa Psi
2013 has been off to a great
start for us so far! We recently
took first place in the Spring
Sing competition. Now we are
excited for our spring
philanthropy event, PhiPsi 500,
starting on April 22nd-27th
where we complete more than
500 philanthropy hours during
the week. We are also looking
forward to the Walk Against
Domestic violence along with
Alpha Chi Omega and Kappa
Kappa Gamma! Live Ever, Die
Never. Go Dawgs!
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Lambda Chi Alpha
As a college student at Boston
University, Warren A. Cole
(Boston 1912) founded Lambda
Chi Alpha on November 2, 1909,
with the expressed objective
purpose of bringing about the
association of college students of
good moral character in the
various collegiate institutions
within the United States and
Canada; to foster a high moral
and spiritual standard of life
based on Christian ideals; to
promote honorable friendship; to
cultivate intellectual excellence;
to secure for members the
greatest advantages in college
life; to establish brotherly love,
mutual aid, close personal
connection between alumni,
undergraduates and colleges; and,
to bind them together for mutual
pleasure and interest in college,
as well as after life by testing
each with courage, self-control,
obedience, democracy, and
courtesy toward all with whom
they may come in contact.
Today, Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is one of the largest men’s general
fraternities in North America with more than 275,000 initiated members, with nearly
200 active subsidiaries (called chapters) at colleges and universities. It was the first
fraternity to eliminate pledging in the early 1970s, and remains a leader in the fight
against hazing, alcohol abuse, drugs, and other challenges facing today’s college
Lambda Chi Alpha serves as a co-curricular experience to complement higher
education by providing young men with opportunities for academic achievement,
Greek Life
Contact Information:
Director of Greek Life: Becky Druetzler
[email protected], AU 312 (317) 940-6590
Panhellenic Association/Interfraternity Council/
Alpha Kappa Alpha/Sigma Gamma Rho
AU 310
Greek Life Website: