KE 33 2016 08 17


KE 33 2016 08 17
Aug. 17, 2016
VOL. 141NO. 33
Keota VFW Auxiliary
The VFW Auxiliary meets the third
Tuesday of each month, typically at
the VFW building.
School District
School Registration
If you are new to the community
and need registration packet information, please call the Keota
Schools Central Office at 641-6362189 to request the packet information.
Back To
School Night
Keota CSD will have their back to
school night on August 23rd from
Holy Trinity
Annual Picnic
Holy Trinity will be holding their
annual picnic on August 27th following 5:00 mass.Please come join
in fellowship
Blood Drives for the
month of August
Ainsworth, IA – Ainsworth will
host a community blood drive from
2:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Monday,
August 22 at Ainsworth Community Church, 322 Washington St.
Washington, IA – Washington
will host a community blood drive
from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Thursday, August 25 at United Presbyterian Church, 209 E. Main St.
Riverside, IA – Riverside Casino
and Resort will host a community
blood drive from 11:00 am to 4:00
pm on Wednesday, August 31 at
3184 Iowa St, inside the Riverside
Bingo is held every Friday at the
Keokuk Care Center at 1:00 pm
Keokuk County
Farm Bureau
Annual Meeting
Farm Bureau will hold its annual
meeting with speaker Laurie Johns
on Tuesday August 30 at 6:30pm
at the Keokuk County Expo fairgrounds.Reservations
NeededPlease call 641-622-2310 $8.00 a
Board Meeting
The Keota School Board meets the
second Thursday of each month,
typically at 6:30 p.m.
Keota Unlimited
Keota Unlimited meets the second
Monday of each month in the Libertyville Savings Bank conference
room at 7 p.m.
Continued on page 2
Local News
2, 3, 6
Opinion/ Editorial
Public Notices
Choices is located at 114 West 2nd Street in Washington. Transportation is available for Keokuk County residents.
Choices Drop-in Center provides individuals with depression,
bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia with a safe place to relax,
with homely comforts such as couches, a TV, books and games.
Choices Drop-in Center in Washington accepting Keokuk County residents
By CJ Eilers
News Editor
Keokuk County residents with mental health symptoms now have a new
option for support, through the Choices Drop-in Center in Washington.
Choices is run by First Resources
Corporation, with the center being
funded by South East Iowa Link (SEIL)
Mental Health and Disability Services.
The Drop-in Center opened its door
last year to Washington County residents and last month chose to also allow residents of Keokuk County to use
their facility for “drop in” for connecting with support groups and access to
other community resources. There is
no cost involved for group sessions or
any of the services provided.
“Choices is a consumer run drop
in center that provides important
supports for persons with psychiatric
needs,” Jill Boileau, the facilitator of the
drop-in center said. “Everyone is a participant and helps maintain the center.
Individuals can relax, be themselves,
be accepted and safe, and find the
encouragement they need to rebuild
their lives.”
The Drop-in Center features a meeting room, foozeball table, tv and movies to watch, and a safe environment
for anyone seeking help. The center is
open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with two meals
and two group sessions hosted Monday through Friday. A monthly calendar is developed by the participants
about what they wish to cover during
the group sessions, with topics including overall mental, recovery plans and
support. More than 45 individuals visit
regularly, with 200 visits each month.
Transportation is being offered from
Keokuk County to Washington twice
a week on Tuesday and Thursday by
Choice, with SEIL paying the expenses.
Reservations must be made by 6 p.m.
the day before by calling 319-591-8176
and they can pick individuals up anywhere.
“By offering transportation from
Keokuk County, we’re hoping to grow
our numbers, and people will benefit from this,” Boileau said. “I think it’s
a great opportunity to come and see
what [First Resources] is about. There’s
great support here, not only from
the facilitators, but also the participants.
A lot of people are apprehensive about
coming in for the first time, but because this a peer run facility, it becomes
comfortable for them and they take an
active role in their own recovery.”
Aaron Sieren Joins Keota School Board
Amie Van Patten, Regional Editor
The August 11 school board meeting was called to order with the reading of the mission statement, which
will be a new addition at every board
meeting.Aaron Sieren was sworn in
as new board member.Superintendent Phelps thanked him for his dedication to the school and for taking
on this role.
Resignations were approved for
Andrea Bennett, as elementary associate, Leon Griener as bus driver
and Molly Sprouse as assistant varsity
volleyball coach.New hires included Barbara Wildboer as bus driver
and Sky Hahn as assistant volleyball
coach. Josh Smith was also hired as
the Elementary principal/ curriculum director.
The FFA program received approval to travel out of state for a carcass
judging field trip.Principal Nathan
Carlson expresses to the board that
this is an excellent opportunity for
the students and that we are lucky to
have an FFA advisor who is getting
our students involved.He reported
how lucky the district has been when
it has come to the FFA department to
have wonderful advisors.
replace a 30x22 section of the flooring.This piece will not impair use of
the gym for sporting activities due to
the location.The insurance company
has kept this portion of the insurance
claim open, but as of now they are
confident that after replacing the section and sanding, the gym floor will
show no signs of damage.During the
fire, plastic had been laid out which
Phelps and board members believe
could have helped in preserving the
floor. Rodd Hill has been checking
Front row left to right: Aaron Sieren, Superintendent Dennis Phelps, storage closet to make sure that any
Board secretary Cherie Westendorf. Back row left to right:Board damaged equipment and uniforms
President Bill Kindred, Pat Hammes, Jim Tinnes and Scott Flynn
are reported as well for the insurance
A non-action reading of the 1st read- the metal trusses are ok but there will claim. Carlson reported ITS will be in
ing of School Board policy was per- be decking at the approximate size to check the computers and electronformed.Mr. Phelps reported that he of 27x34 feet that will need replaced. ics as part of the insurance claim to
would like to be able to adopt a new The insulation and rubber membrane make sure there is no damage.Hopes
way of presenting the agenda so that will also be replaced. Starting August are that starting October 1,
non-action and action items as well 12, contractors will be in to begin the
SEIREN to page 6
as old and new business can be ad- process of replacing ceiling tiles.
Before the fire Serv Pro had begun
dressed together.The board will look
at a copy of this agenda format at the the cleaning of the gym.The AthletSeptember meeting and vote at that ic boosters had put their half down
for this work.The district will refund
An update of the fire damage to them for half per previous meeting
the gymnasium was presented with approval.The gym floor has been
reports that the insurance company dried out and the school has decided
and contractors have determined that to wait until this coming summer to
Smith to soar high
with the Eagles
Amie Van Patten, Regional Editor
A 2003 HLV graduate, Josh Smith
grew up in Victor, where he was
very active in school by participating in athletics and band. In
2007, he graduated from Wartburg
College with a BA in World and
American History Education. He
then began his teaching career at
English Valleys, where he taught
mostly Middle School Social Studies, and also coached Junior High
Football, Varsity Baseball, and Varsity Boys Track.
In 2009, Josh returned to HLV
as the High School Social Studies
Teacher. He also coached Varsity
Baseball, Assistant Varsity Football, Junior High Boys Basketball,
and Junior High Boys Track and
also served on several professional committees. In 2015, Josh began
the graduate program through
Drake University.He will graduate
from this program in December of
2016 with a Masters of Science in
Educational Leadership.
Josh recently became married on
July 3, 2016 to his wife Theresa
whom teaches High School Mathematics at HLV and also coaches
Cross Country and Varsity Girls
Track. In his spare time, you can
find Smith cheering on the Iowa
Hawkeyes or Chicago cubs or attending about any sporting event.
Smith and his wife like to stay active whether it be going on bike
rides or walking their chocolate
lab, Murphy. He now has a new
tam to root on, so welcome to Keota Mr. Smith and Go Eagles!
Celebrate the End of Summer by Saving Lives
Sigourney Police Department and
Keokuk County Sheriff’s Office to Participate in sTEP
Summer is coming to an end, and
before we know it, school will be
starting and Labor Day will be here.
There will be last minute family vacations, shopping trips, and end-ofsummer celebrations, which mean
more people will be traveling on
Iowa roadways.
The Iowa Department of Public
Safety’s (DPS) Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) warns that
some of those drivers may be driving
impaired, and that puts anyone who
is sharing the roadway with them at
a higher risk of being involved in a
crash. In an effort to remove these
dangerous drivers, there will be a
noticeable increase in traffic en-
This Week’s Color
In The Keota Eagle
Is Brought To You By
forcement across Iowa from August
23 – September 5, 2016.
Almost one-third of all traffic
crash fatalities in the United States
and Iowa involve drunk drivers.
That means an average of 10,000
people in the United States have
died needlessly every year since
2010. According to the Center for
Disease Control (CDC), 28 people,
nationwide, die every day in motor
vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts
to one death every 53 minutes.
During the 2014 (the last year statistics are available) Labor Day holiday
weekend, 40 percent of the fatalities
in traffic crashes involved drunk
drivers, which was the highest percentage in over five years.
In contrast, the simple act of wearing a seat belt is the single most effective thing a driver or passenger
can do to protect themselves in a
crash. A National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA) report shows that seat belts save over
13,000 lives per year. That is more
than the population of most Iowa
towns, and it only takes approximately four seconds to buckle up.
This Labor Day holiday and every day, buckle up and don’t drive
drunk. Working together, we can
help keep people safe on our roads!
Picture of the week
Grace Shemanski enjoys a stop in front of the state capitol
as her week representing the Keokuk County Expo begins
Farmers Cooperative
Visit Your Friendly Co-op
641-636-3748 or
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Keokuk County
The Keokuk County Supervisors meet
weekly on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at the
Keokuk County Courthouse boardroom.
Meetings for AA (open) are held in the
Wellman Municipal Building basement
every Thursday at 8 p.m.
Alzheimer’s Support
Alzheimer’s Support Group meetings
are held the first Monday of each month
at the Presbyterian Church in Washington at 6:30 p.m.
Farmers Market
Farmer’s Market will be held on the corner of Broadway and Fulton on Monday nights through August 29
The Keota Eagle deadline for all content
and advertisements is Friday at noon.
Submissions can be dropped off at the
office, mailed to P.O. Box 18 Keota,
Iowa 52248, or emailed to keotanews@
Ronald J. Namer
Keota Music
August 18-August 24
August 18- Tanner McClenahan,
Kevin Miller, Addyson Anderson,
Joseph Tarrence, M/M
Max Edwards
August 19- Josie Schoofs, M/M Larry Hultman
August 20- Haven Aller, Terry Hegewald, Sharon Lyle, Connie Vincent,
M/ Tom Edwards, M/M
Rex Brejnik, M/M Christopher
Hahn, M/M Robin White
August 21- Katherine Sieren, M/M
Dennis Hammes
August 22- Broke Dahlquist, Sarah
Greiner, Rex Sheetz, Marilyn Sieren,
M/M John Carr,
M/M Denny Lyle
August 23- Curt Bell, Carly Slaughbaugh, Andi Kelin, Dick Norenberg,
Scott Mosier, M/M
Dave Shemanksi, M/M Charlie
Sieren, M/M Sam Stoutner, M/M
Chad Wickencamp
Make Time
News Review and Keota Eagle
staff collect school supplies
for local communities
The News Review and Keota Eagle
staff are collecting school supplies to
be evenly distributed between the
five districts we serve. Items needed
include pencils, erasers, pens, clorox
wipes, kleenex, folders, zip lock bags,
markers, crayons, scissors, folders
and various items that classrooms
could benefit from. You may drop
off items in our Sigourney office
Monday through Friday 8 am- 4pm.
If you have any questions call 641622-3110
Brock Family Reunion
The descendants of the James A.
and Sarah E. Brock family met for
their annual reunion, Sunday, August 7, 2016 at the Autumn Park
Apartments, Community Room, in
Washington hosted by Tracy Baumert. There were 18 in attendance.
Following the blessing, by Gene Baumert, a bountiful, cooperative dinner at 1 p.m. was enjoyed by all.
Those in attendance were: Larry and Connie Baumert of Marion;
Loretta Streigle of Sigourney; Kathy
Brower of Richland; Gene Baumert
of Keota; Richard, Jody, and Anita
Adler, and Amanda, Brooklyn, and
Devilyn Ruggles all of Mt. Pleasant;
Marle Baumert and Lynn Zimmerman of Ainsworth; Rashawn and
D’Anthony Thyen of Waukegan, Il;
Gwen Thyen, Kolten Thyen-Pennington, and Tracy Baumert of
Loretta Streigle of Sigourney was
the eldest in attendance, and three
year old Devilyn Ruggles of Mt.
Pleasant was the youngest.
The guessing game was won by
Amanda Ruggles, and all enjoyed
playing bingo. Picture taking and
visiting rounded out the day.
To bring up our attendance all
descendants of Brocks, Bucks, McGuires, Bells, and Moores makrk
your calendars for the first Sunday in
August 2017 when the next annual
reunion will be held at the Autumn
Park Apartments in Washington.
Visit us online!
To Dedicate the
Margaret Siskow Hospice Room
Margaret was the founder of Hospice in Keokuk County
Sunday, August 21 - 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
at Keokuk County Health Center
The Public is Welcome To ATTend
John and Mary Ellen Henry
Henrys 50th anniversary
John and Mary Ellen Henry will
celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary on August 20th. John Henry
and Mary Ellen Weber were married
on August 20, 1966 at St. Peter &
Paul Catholic Church in rural Keota. They have lived in rural Keota where
they raised their family.
Their children are Patrick (Holly)
Henry of Tama; Lisa Henry (James
Pugliese) of Pacifica, CA; and Jackie
(Adam) Webb of Oskaloosa. Their
grandchildren are: Eric and Michael
Henry; Zachery and Benjamin Pugliese; and Riley, Sierra, and Avery
The Henrys celebrated their anniversary with their entire family
during the first week of August with
various activities.
Their children request family&
friends to send cards of congratulations on John & Mary Ellen’s 50th
year of marriage to: 29001 253rd
Street Keota, IA 52248.
Keota Senior Center Keota Community
Lunch Menu
Schools Menu
Submitted by Milestones
Area Agency on Aging
Wednesday, August 17: Pot roast,
boiled new potatoes, grilled onions,
baby carrots, strawberries, vanilla ice
cream, wheat dinner roll or bread/
riday, August 19: Potato crusted
fish fillet, scalloped potatoes, lima
beans with corr., orange wedges,
wheat dinner roll or bread/margarine
Monday, August 22: Swedish meatballs, herbed buttered noodles, baby
carrots, ambrosia salad, wheat dinner roll or bread/margarine
Wednesday, August 24: Loose meat
burger, wheat hamburger bun, tater
rounds, tomato slices, broccoli cauliflower raisin salad, wheat dinner roll
or bread/margarine
Goodwin Senior
Dining Center
Senior Dining Menu
August 18- August 24
August 18- Chicken Breast, rotini
pasta salad, lima beans, rice crispy
August 19-Cheese burger, oven
baked potatoes, baked beans, cantaloupe
August 22- Potato crusted fish with
tartar sauce, crispy cube potatoes,
peas, key lime bar
August 23- BBQ Ribs, sweet potato
puffs, apple sauce, cookie
August 24- Roast Beef, cheesy potatoes, 7 layer salad, oatmeal cake
Breakfast ( All students have white
or chocolate milk and juice choice of
apple and orange)
August 24- Cheese Omelet, WG
toast, orange smiles
August 25- WG Pastry, fresh mixed
August 26- Yogurt, WG Chocolate
chip muffin, pears
August 29- WG French toast stick,
August 30- WG Cinnamon Roll,
mixed fruit
August 31- WG Cereal, String
cheese, apples
August 24- Spaghetti and meat
sauce, garden spinach salad, seasoned pea(9-12), french garlic bread,
August 25- Taco Salad, WG Tortilla chips and salsa, refried beans, cinnamon puff, pineapple tidbits
August 26- Cream Chicken on biscuit, mashed potatoes, green beans,
orange wedges
August 29- Hamburger on bun,
leaf lettuce and tomato, sweet potato
fries, fruit cocktail, rice crispy
August 30- Macaroni and cheese,
meatballs seasoned peas, WW Bread
and jelly, fresh carrots, apple wedges
August 31- Chili, WG Corn Chips,
Cauliflower and cucumbers, cinnamon roll, orange smilies
Church Services
Bethel United Methodist
A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corp.
P.O. Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441
(USPS 293-620)
Amber Kephart, Regional Manager
Amie Van Patten, Editor
Published Every Wednesday
Address Correspondence To:
P.O. Box 18, Keota, IA 52248
Billing Inquires:
Contact Mid-American billing at
1-800-558-1244, ext. 124, Hampton, IA 50441
Holy Trinity Parish
The Keota Eagle
Circulation & Subscription Inquiries:
Contact Mid-America circulation at
1-800-558-1244, ext. 122
Send Inquires To
P.O. Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441, or
email [email protected]
Credit Cards are accepted.
Subscriptions - $37.00 Per Year
Postmaster: Send address changes to:
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Phone 1-800-558-1244, or email
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Advertising Rate:
$7.60/column inch (2.0278)
$10 black and white photo fee
$50 for obituaries
KEOTA-Ronald J. Namer, age 83, of Keota, died Wednesday, August 10,
2016, at the English Valley Care Center in North English.
Ron was born June 28, 1933, in
Mallard, Iowa, to Norman and
Jeanette (Cone) Namer and graduated from Mallard High School in
1951. On May 26, 1953, he married Irene Fry in Graettinger, Iowa. Following marriage the couple
worked their way across the state,
landing in Keota in the fall of 1979. Ron was manager and salesperson
at Singer Sales for 20 years. He
also worked at Barron Motor Supply in Sigourney and Iowa City for
several years. Ron was a member
of Holy Trinity Parish - St. Mary
Catholic Church and also served
with the Keota Fire Department
and Q.R.S. He enjoyed outdoor life
and his grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Survivors include six children: Allen Namer of Clinton, Wanda (Arthur) Wilkins of Morrison, Illinois, Kathleen Robertson of Ottumwa,
Valerie (Dave) Decker of Deep River, Laurie (Randall) Altenhofen of
Harper and Gary Namer of Keota; 23 grandchildren; 41 great grandchildren; four great great grandchildren; two sisters: Marilyn Halder
of Laurens and Rosella Erickson of Wilmer, Minnesota and numerous
brothers and sisters-in-law. He was preceded in death by his parents;
wife: Irene in 2008; sister: Jean Weisaar; two brothers: Warren Joseph
Namer in infancy and Paul Namer and daughter-in-law: Mary Namer.
Funeral mass will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 13, 2016,
at Holy Trinity Parish - St. Mary Catholic Church in Keota, with Rev.
Charles Fladung officiating. Burial will be at Holy Trinity Cemeteries
- St. Mary Cemetery in Keota. Visitation will be from 4:00 p.m. until
7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 12, 2016, at Powell Funeral Home in Keota,
where there will be a wake service at 4:00 p.m.
A memorial fund has been established for the Keota Fire Department
or Keota Q.R.S. Powell Funeral Home and Cremation Service in
Keota is caring for Ron and his family. Tributes may be made at www.
Pastor Nick Needham
6 miles East of Sigourney on Highway 92. - Website:
Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.
Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Alive at Five every first and third
Sunday at 5 p.m.
You may subscribe at our office by contacting
us locally during business hours at
641-636-2309, or at
Periodicals Postage Paid At Keota, IA
Keota Farmer’s Market
Mondays from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
on the Corner of Broadway and Fulton
MONDAY, AUG. 22: Pork Chops & Sandwiches
Proceeds to benefit the Kewash Trailhead Project
Bring your friends and neighbors and join us for some
Fresh Produce, Home-Baked Goods and Crafts.
109 N Lincoln St.
Pastor Rev. Charles Fladung - 641622-3426
Email - [email protected]
Deacon Jim Striegel – 641-634-2896
Bookkeeping – Bulletins – Secretary
Kara Sobaski – 319-461-4501
Email – [email protected]
Parish Office Phone – 641-636-3883
Office hours are - Wednesday &
Friday from 9 - 11 a.m.
Bulletin deadline is Wednesday at 9
a.m. For ease in relaying messages
for bulletin, send via email to: [email protected].
On Saturdays before the start of the
4 p.m. Mass, at either Saint Mary or
Holy Trinity, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 3
– 3:30 p.m.
United Church of Faith
Pastor Michael Druhl
201 North Ellis Street, PO Box 208
Keota, IA 52248-0208
[email protected] - email - webpage
Keota UCF – face book page
Sunday Worship Service - 9:00 AM
Thursday, August 18 – Communion @ KHCC @ 10 AM
Sunday, August 21 – Liturgist:
Cherie Westendorf
Usher: Penny Morris
Greeters: Jill & Levi Lyle
Candle Lighters: Jill & Levi Lyle
Musician: Craig McClenahan
Ollie Baptist Church
Gary Reeves, Pastor
208 South 3rd St
Worship: 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.
Thursdays: 9 a.m. Sewing and
Prairie View United
Methodist Church
Pastor, Dave Peterson
27131 Highway 78, Ollie Sun, August 14 9:00 a.m. Sunday
Worship w/Communion, followed
by fellowship
Tuesday, August 16 9:00 a.m. Bible
Sunday, August 21 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship followed by fellowship
Richland United
Methodist Church
Bethel United
Methodist Church
Pastor Nick Needham
319-329-6070 - Located 6 miles east
of Sigourney on Hwy. 92
Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship at 10:30 a.m.;
Grace Family Church
Rev. Dar Eckley, Pastor
23536 Hwy. 78, Box 64, Ollie
Sunday Worship - 10:15 a.m; Sunday school-10:15 a.m.
RocKnowledge Youth Group is
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish
Rev. Charles Fladung
Rectory: 641-636-3883
109 N. Lincoln St., Keota
Saturday Night Mass: 5 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Tim Schoepf, Pastor
106 W. South St., Richland
Phone: 319-456-2251
Worship Times: Adult Sunday
School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday
Service, 10:30 a.m.
St. Joseph
Rev. David Brownfield
235 11th St. Wellman
Sunday Mass at 8 a.m.
Ss. Joseph and Cabrini
Rev. Robert Striegel
St. Joseph, 1174 Reed St., East Pleasant Plain and St. Frances Xavier
Cabrini, 308 W. Main, Richland
Sunday Mass at 8:30 a.m. at St. Joseph
Sacrament of Penance 8 a.m. Sunday
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Opinion / Editorial / Local
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
A Column In Search Of A Name
The descendants of the Oscar and
Bessie Baumert family met for their
annual reunion Sunday July 10, 2016
at Holy Trinity Parish Hall in Keota.
There were 66 in attendance. Following
the blessing by Gene Baumert, a bountiful cooperative dinner at 1 pm was enjoyed by all.
Those in attendance were: Marjean
Shipley of Carrollton, TX and Joe Brasie of Houston, TX; Joanne Riemer
of Umatilla, FL: Sandra Killin of Des
Moines, Dr. Paul Jr. and Julie Baumert,
and Paul III (Trey) Baumert of Pleasant Hill; Jerilyn and Les Lehs, Shelly
Baumert, LeAnn Williams, Breanna,
Jamari, and Jasyia Williams of Cedar
Rapids; Larry and Connie Baumert; Bill
and Carolyn Toomer of Marion; Dillon, Alissa, Korrah and Lola Hammes
of Coralville; Brock Baumert of Iowa
City; Pearl Hammes of Cedar Falls;
Justin, Jennifer and Jordan Baumert of
Victor; David, Amanda, Lyla, Aidan
and Wyatt Smothers of Millersburg;
Marilyn Van Fleet of North English;
Frances Baumert, Loretta Streigle, Peter
and Patty Hammes, Aaron and Tammy Steigle, Ben, Missy and Korben
Hammes of Sigourney; Cheryl Steffen
of Ottumwa; Sue and Pat Pfannebecker, and Samantha and Bentlee Hervey
of Hedrick; Trenten, Jessica, Gracyn,
and Maverick Hervey of Martinsburg;
Greg and Kathy Brower of Richland;
Mark Baumert and Lynn Zimmerman
of Ainsworth; Gwen Thyen, Tracy Baumert, Nathan Baumert, Emily Baumert,
Jeremy and Caleb Peterson all of Washington; Ethan and Kelsey Hammes of
Wellman; Dennis and Judy Baumert,
and Gene Baumert of Keota.
Frances Baumert of Sigourney was the
eldest in attendance and her great-granddaughter three month old Lola Hammes
of Coralville was the youngest. A get
well card was signed for Irene Baumert
of Burlington. A guessing game and a
beanbag game were played and everyone
enjoyed playing Bingo with many prizes
given. There was a surprise appearance
by Vada Sue for all to see. Picture taking
and visiting rounded out the day. The
2017 Baumert reunion will be held the
second Sunday in July at the St. Mary’s
Hall in Keota.
Keokuk County Farm Bureau
Annual Meeting Aug. 30
The Keokuk County Farm Bureau Board of Directors will have
the 98th annual meeting on Tuesday, August 30, 6:30 p.m. at the
Expo Fairgrounds in Sigourney.
This year’s featured speaker will be
Laurie Johns, Iowa Farm Bureau’s
Public Relations Manager. Johns is
responsible for providing information about Farm Bureau activities
and policies to print and broadcast
media, authors monthly commentaries on ag issues and works with
county Farm Bureau members to
effectively tell agriculture’s story.
Many have seen Laurie in Farm Bureau’s “Iowa Minute” on television.
Highlights of the 2015-16 year
will be the main focus of the evening with the scholarship winners
and recipients of the Teacher Supplement Grants recognized.
Laurie Johns, Iowa Farm Bureau’s Public Relations Manager, will the featured speaker at this year’s event.
Farm tenants and land owners are
encouraged to attend August 23
the third consecutive year, dropping
by 6.5 percent from 2015. Every crop
reporting district in the state saw a
decline in rental prices.”
The two and a half hour workshop
is designed to assist landowners,
farm tenants and other agri-business professionals with current issues related to farmland ownership,
management and leasing arrangements. Attendees will gain a better
understanding of current cash rental
rate surveys and factors driving next
year’s rents such as market trends
and input costs.
Each registrant will receive a 100page workbook with resources regarding land leasing agreements
such as surveys, sample written lease
agreements and termination forms,
along with many other publications.
Sieren graduates from University of Nebraska
Sara Elizabeth Sieren of Keota was
among nearly 800 graduates who
received degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln during the
summer all-university commencement ceremony Aug. 13 at Pinnacle
Bank Arena.
Sieren earned a master of science
from the Office of Graduate Studies.
Melanie Simpson, Willa Cather professor of biochemistry at UNL, associate director of the University of
Nebraska’s Center for Biotechnology
and a member of the Fred and Pame-
closed “back problem.” Her treatment cost $25,000, and when she
was later diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer, her bills skyrocketed to more
than $200,000.
Another issue that I am very up
to date on is the denial of mental
health care for people in the state of
Iowa. With more and more facilities
being shut down, the need for these
services is over the roof but the government is closing these facilities left
and right.
With new health care rules it is no
wonder that people are frustrated.
How fair is it to determine the value
of ones life based on denial of coverage? Just food for thought. Have a
great week.
Welcome back and we hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer
For incoming 7th graders (or
any new student in gr. 8-12 to the
district), there will be 7th Grade
Orientation on Tuesday, August
23 at 3:00 PM. Parents are welcome
to attend, but it is not required. The
7th graders may bring in their school
supplies, try out their lockers, and
tour the building.
“Back to School Night” will
be Tuesday, August 23 from 5:306:30 PM for all KCSD students.
Students may bring in their school
supplies on this night. The first day of school for the
Keota Community School District is Wednesday, August 24,
2016.New for the Jr.-Sr. High this
year: Classes begin promptly @
8:15 AM (this is 5 minutes earlier
than last year). The first bell will ring
at 8:12 AM! School will dismiss at
3:16 PM (unless noted different on
the school calendar). 4 year old preschool will meet
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
starting Monday, August 29th. 3
year old preschool will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays starting Tuesday, August 30th.
New this year for grades
7-12: There will be a “Homework
Intervention Program” that will
run after school from 3:16-3:45 PM
Monday through Thursday (except
on early out days). The “Homework
Intervention Program is explained
in more detail in the Parent-Student
Junior High/High School students
in who are new to the district should
make an appointment with the
Guidance Office to get your schedules completed before the first day
of classes. Call the high school at
641-636-3491 to make arrangements
with the guidance office.
Time for Back to School
Farmland Leasing Meetings
to Increase Understanding
of Rental Agreements
Washington County Extension is
hosting a farmland leasing meeting
on August 23 at 6:00 pm at the Washington County Extension Office. The
annual meeting is offered to address
questions that land owners, tenants
or other interested individuals have
about leasing farmland.
Topics will include land values and
cash rent trends, cost of production,
methods for determining a rental
rate, legislative updates regarding
leases and communicating with tenants or landlords.
“More than half of Iowa’s farmland
is rented, and strong landlord/tenant
relationships are important for the
long-term viability of Iowa’s valuable
farmland,” said Alejandro Plastina,
assistant professor of economics and
extension economist at Iowa State
University. “Cash rent values across
the state of Iowa have declined for
Amie Van Patten, Regional Editor
I have recently been looking into
the health care system and how families are being failed. My most recent experience comes from knowing that insurance can tell you yes
or no when it comes to a very needed procedure. And of course my
thoughts are this- I don’t get to say
yes or no when paying the premium,
we have to do it regardless. Don’t
get me wrong, I could understand an
insurance company saying no to a
non-necessity item such as a tummy
tuck etc. However, if a person needs
a procedure to maintain their everyday living then who are we to say
they cannot receive it? I am not sure
how an insurance company could
say, “No, you don’t need a life saving
organ transplant” or “No chemo for
An example is in 2007, CIGNA denied a liver transplant for a 17 year
old patient. Another is a 12 year old
boy with a prosthetic arm being told
he has maxed out his lifetime insurance use. And again, a lymphoma
patient lost his health care coverage
while still undergoing chemotherapy. Insurance said it terminated his
policy because he didn’t disclose a
note that a doctor once wrote in his
file -- that he didn’t know about -indicating he had a small aneurysm
and gallstones. A final example is a
patient was diagnosed with a thyroid
disorder, lupus and fluid in her heart,
insurance revoked her coverage on
the grounds that she had an undis-
la Buffett Cancer Center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center,
delivered the commencement address. Chancellor Ronnie Green presided over the ceremony.
The graduates are from 37 states
and 43 countries.
How to help kids transition back to the classroom
As a new school year draws nearer,
parents can employ several strategies
to help their kids readjust to the rigors of the classroom.
The dawn of a new school year
is an exciting time. Kids may not
want to say goodbye to days spent
lounging by the pool, but such disappointment is often tempered by the
prospect of returning to school with
For parents, getting kids ready for
a new school year is about more than
updating their wardrobe or organizing carpools with fellow parents.
Reacclimating kids to the routine of
school after a relaxing summer is a
significant undertaking, and the following are a handful of ways for parents to get a head start as the school
year draws closer.
* Establish a routine over the last
few weeks of summer. Summer vacations typically lack the structure
of the school year, and that lack of
structure can help kids unwind and
make the most of the freedom that
summer vacation provides. But as
summer starts to wind down, parents
can begin to reintroduce some structure into their kids’ lives to make the
transition back to school go more
smoothly. Plan morning activities so
kids can readjust to waking up early
each day. In addition, serve breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same
time you typically serve it during the
school year so kids’ bodies can begin
to readjust as well.
* Take kids along when shopping
for school supplies. If you plan to
buy your child a new computer or
other supplies for the upcoming
school year, take him or her along on
your shopping trips. Kids who get to
choose their supplies might be more
excited about returning to school
than those youngsters who are given what they need without offering
their input.
* Monitor or assign summer reading. Many students are given summer reading lists to keep their minds
sharp over the summer and prepare
them for upcoming coursework. Parents should monitor kids’ progress
on such reading lists and even discuss the books with their kids when
possible. Read the books along with
them if you think it will help engage
them. If kids were not assigned summer reading lists at the end of the
school year, assign your own books,
rewarding kids when they finish a
new book. Kids who read throughout the summer may be more likely to start the school year off on the
right foot than those who don’t crack
a book all summer.
* Encourage kids to sign up for
extracurricular activities. Many
school-aged athletes get a head start
on the new school year by trying out
for sports teams. Such tryouts often
commence a week or two before a
school year is scheduled to begin,
and this can help kids ease their way
back into the school year. But even
nonathletes can begin pursuing extracurricular activities before the
first school bell of the year rings.
Theater programs may begin auditions or encourage interested youngsters to attend orientation meetings
before the dawn of the school year,
and such sessions can be a great and
pressure-free way for kids to ready
themselves for a new school year.
The arrival of a new school year
can be both exciting and daunting.
But parents can help their youngsters
readjust to school in various ways after a relaxing summer.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Starts at $8.50 for 25 words! Call 641-622-3110
General laborers and welders. Must
provide own transportation. Apply
directly to Huber Slats 1497 170th
Street Wellman, IA or call 319-6532809.SK33-4
Drivers: Local, Regional and OTR.
Great hometime, top benefits. Signon bonus, cdl-a. Stutsman, Inc.,
Hills, IA, [email protected],
Help Wanted: Need Key Carrier/
Supervisor at True Value store in
Sigourney. Part time for Saturdays
and Sundays. Please apply at the
CNA, LPN and RN local and travel positions available in a variety
of specialties. Competitive wages
and benefits. Apply at or call 1(800)365-8241.
Caring Full or Part-time RN/LPN’s
needed! Work close to home.
Provide one-on-one pediatric skilled
care. Call Heartland Home Care, Inc.
EOE 1-319-339-8600 www.hhciowa.
com (INCN)
Pharmacy Director, southeast
Nebraska Critical Access Hospital.
Requires BS Pharmacy, excellent
organizational, customer service,
planning skills. Healthcare pharmacy
management experience preferred.
Competitive salary, benefits. Apply: Information: HR 402729-6850. (INCN)
Class A CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great
Pay, Home Weekends, and Benefits!
Potential of $60,000 plus per year!
Contact Tony 608-935-0915 Ext 16 (INCN)
Owner Operators, Lease and
Company Drivers Wanted! Sign
On Bonus, Mid-States Freight
Lanes, Consistent Home Time, No
or 877-811-5902, CDL A Required
Help Wanted: Custom Farming
Operation Looking for fall help. $1525 per hour. Class A CDL preferred.
Farrowing Technician
VMC Management is looking for a Farrowing
Technician for a 1,250 breed to wean swine farm
near Keswick. Responsibilities include feeding
sows, processing piglets, an assisting the farrowing
manager in daily tasks. Previous swine experience
is preferred and rotational weekends are required.
Call Ed at 319-461-6958 for more information.
The Keokuk County Highway Department is seeking one hard working individual for seasonal work
in our maintenance department. Must be able to
work outdoors and with others. Possession of a valid
Iowa Class “B” CDL w/air brake endorsement would
be highly desirable for this position. Applications can
be obtained from the Keokuk County Highway Department, 101 South Main Street, Sigourney, IA 52591.
Phone number: (641) 622-2610. Applications will be
accepted until the position is filled. Keokuk County is
an equal opportunity employer.
Cell Ph. 319-330-6092
Keota, IA 52248
Keota Lawn and
Power Equipment
Sales and Service
105 South Green, Keota
Dean Redlinger
A 3rd Generation Family Business
using the latest technology to
solve all of your pest problems!
Call Phil Laux, Dalton Laux or Nick Berg at
Serving and supporting the
community since 1971
Friday, Sept. 9, 2016
Farm & Livestock Equipment
Farm Trucks – 4 wheelers
Shop & Lawn Equipment
Ad deadline: Wed., August 24th
Items may be brought to site - Beginning Mon., Aug. 29th
Phone: 319-646-6775
For Rent: Small 1-2 bedroom house
in Sigourney ideal for retire person
or couple near the catholic church.
No smoking or pets. References
required. Please call (641)6738460. SK33-3
For Rent: Medium size 2 bedroom
apartment with patio. No Pets. Partly
furnished. Call 641-660-9601 or 641622-2101. Ask for Cindy.
House For Sale: 3 bedroom home
with attached one car garage in Gibson. Payments cheaper than rent.
Call 319-530-3859.
HOUSE FOR SALE - 3 Bed House,
$49,500. Poss. CONTRACT! 610 8th
Ave NE, Belmond, Call or text 515851-9790.SKNtfn*
3 bedroom house with 2 car attached
garage, high efficiency furnace,
central air, appliances provided. No
smoking, no pets 641-660-9840
SK 33-2
Jim Tinnes
207 W. Washington, Keota
Located at Duwa’s Auction Building, 1½ mi West of Wellman, IA on Hwy. 22
For Sale: 2005 Ford Taurus SE 4
door, 135,000 miles, needs work.
$1,200 OBO.
For Sale: For Sale: Used Club Car
golf carts. Don Bermel, 641-6600732.SK18tfn
GUNS: Lowest price on transfers
and new firearm orders! ammo,
reloading, muzzle loading, supplies.
Green Mountain wood pellet Grills.
Myles Miller Refrigeration, 641-6222643
Nancy Morrison & Becky Adrian
Yard Sale: Joyce Seip, 804 E.
Pleasant Valley, Sigourney; Saturday,
Aug. 20 and Sunday, Aug. 21, 8:00
a.m.-3:00 p.m.: Many household
items. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Garage Sale: Gina Garrett. 125 Ives
St South English. Friday August 19
5-8pm Saturday August 20 8-noon
Lots of miscellaneous, household,
vintage and up-cycling resourcesincluding table saw, antique 3 piece
dresser set, 2 wooden tool chests,
old tools, Detroit Jewel range,
kitchen table and six chairs. Photos
at SK33*
Garage Sale. 220 W Pleasant Valley
August 20 8-noon. Power tools,
chains, shovels, rakes, lots of misc.
No early birds.
Garage Sale: Oskaloosa - 1410
Westfield Drive (across from Harvest
Point). Sat. Aug. 20 8-12. Patio
grills, fountains, weight set, Schwinn
Air-dyne, 1500-lb. loading ramp,
den popcorn machine, lrg. Men’s
clothing, and more.
PUBLIC MEETING: 7 p.m. on the
first and third Monday of every
month at the Keota City Hall. Special
meetings will be posted at City Hall.
Hours: Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 10-8, Tues. 10-6,
Fri. 9-4, Sat. by appointment only
Olde English
Barber Shop
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MARKETPLACE is published in the following MID-AMERICA PAPERS:
Buffalo Center Tribune • Butler County Tribune-Journal (Allison) • Clarksville Star
Eagle Grove Eagle • The Leader (Garner, Britt) • Eclipse News-Review (Parkersburg)
Eldora Herald-Ledger • Grundy Register • Hampton Chronicle • Pioneer Enterprise
(Rockwell) The Sheffield Press • Wright County Monitor (Clarion)
OTHER MID-AMERICA NEWSPAPERS: Calmar Courier • Hardin County Index
(Eldora) Graphic-Advocate (Lake City) • Ida County Courier (Ida Grove) • Keota Eagle
News-Review (Sigourney) • Ogden Reporter • The Outlook (Monona) • Postville Herald
The Sun (New Sharon)
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English Valley
Well and
Pump Service
Bill Van Dee
Trenching and
North English, IA
Bug Man
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Reasonable Rates
Greg Rasplicka
Records / Local
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Report of the Program helps Iowa caregivers
Keota Chief plan for long-term financial security
of Police
Reporting period
July 30- August 12
Complaints or service calls received-15
Citations Issued-3
Tiwari, Dependra- Failure to
obey stop sign, Alternative enforcement
Beneiel, William E- Failure to
obey stop sign, Alternative enforecement
Sharma, Alok- speed, Alternative enforcement
Public Notice
Ordinance No. 256
BE IT ENACTED by the City Council of the
City of Keota, Iowa:
SECTION 1. Title V, Chapter 2, Section 5,
subsection “B” of the Keota Municipal Code is
hereby repealed and the following adopted in
lieu thereof:
b. Vacancies. The position of any resident
Trustee shall be vacated if such person moves
permanently from the City. The position of any
nonresident Trustee shall be vacated if such
person moves permanently from the Keota
Community School District or into the City. The
position of any Trustee shall be deemed vacated if such Trustee is absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Board, except
in the case of sickness, temporary absence
from the city or just cause. The board president
upcoming meeting for any reason. Any Trustee
that is removed due to missing three (3) conin the same manner as an original appointthe unexpired term for which the appointment is
SECTION 3. REPEALER. That all other
herewith are repealed.
That if any section, subsection, sentence,
clause, or phrase of this ordinance is, for any
reason, held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this ordinance. The City Council of
the City of Keota, Iowa, hereby declares that it
would have passed this ordinance, and each
section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof,
irrespective of the fact that anyone or more
sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and
phrases be declared unconstitutional.
SECTION 5 WHEN EFFECTIVE. This Orpassage, approval and publication as provided
by law.
Passed by the Council the 15th day of August, 2016, and approved the 15th day of August, 2016.
I certify that the foregoing was published as
Ordinance 256 on the 17th day of August, 2016.
By Brenda Schmitt, Suzanne
Bartholomae and Laura Sternweis,
Iowa State University Outreach
and Extension
AMES, Iowa – As the state’s older
population continues to increase,
many Iowans eventually will be
providing some level of care for an
elderly parent or relative. Although
taking on that caregiving role may
have an emotional benefit, it also
may have a negative financial impact, if the caregiver has to take time
off from paid work or quit working
That’s why Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is piloting “Finances of Caregiving,” a
program to help Iowans protect their
own long-term financial security as
they plan for taking on a caregiving
According to,
about 350,000 Iowans are informal
family caregivers. “Providing care
does not always mean that the person lives with you,” said Brenda
Schmitt, a human sciences specialist in family finance with ISU Extension and Outreach. “It may mean
that you provide transportation or
other services for someone who still
lives in his or her own home. For
most working Iowans, this requires
flexible work schedules or using
personal leave days, sometimes
without pay,” Schmitt said.
“When making the decision
whether to leave work or reduce
your work hours to become a caregiver for an aging parent or other
relative in need of constant care, you
have several areas to consider. How
will it affect your current spending
plan? How will it affect your retirement? Losing a couple years of
contributions when you’re near retirement may not make a big difference in your account balance. But,
the longer you have until you plan to
retire, the greater the impact on your
retirement savings,” Schmitt said.
Caregiving has financial risks,
said Suzanne Bartholomae, a family finance state extension specialist and adjunct associate professor
in human development and family
studies. “Family caregivers absorb
many costs and may have reduced
income and retirement savings as
a result of their caregiving responsibilities. One research study found
that caregivers spent an average of
$8,000 of their own money on longterm care-related expenses. Iowa
caregivers can protect their own financial security through planning
and understanding their options,”
Bartholomae said.
That’s where “Finances of Caregiving” comes in. ISU Extension
and Outreach started with an earlier curriculum – “What Every Adult
Child Should Know,” developed by
Celia R Hayhoe and the National
Endowment for Financial Education
– and adapted and updated it for use
in Iowa. The five-week program involves face-to-face group workshops
combined with learning online.
In the first lesson, participants
begin to document their own financial situation. They also take a look
at the finances of the person for
whom they are or will be providing
care, to see what resources might be
available to pay for that care.
Next, participants begin to organize legal documents for the person
receiving care, so that as the caregiver they can make necessary financial and medical decisions. They
also can lay the groundwork to be
paid for providing care, if resources
are available.
Farm Crops Contest
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Eighty FFA members displayed 588
exhibits in the Farm Crops contest
judged Thursday at the 2016 Iowa
State Fair.
Complete results below:
Premier Exhibit Award
Champion: Savannah Wilz, Agripower FFA, Eddyville
Reserve Champion: Andrew Rock,
Calamus- Wheatland FFA
Sweepstakes Trophy
Champion: Chelsi Bailey, Nashua
Plainfield FFA
Reserve Champion: Jacob Looney,
Calamus- Wheatland FFA
Field Corn
Champion: Savannah Wilz, Agripower FFA, Eddyville
Reserve Champion: Jamie Glanz,
West Delaware FFA, Manchester
Champion: Dylan Schrock, Mid
Prairie FFA, Wellman
Reserve Champion: Riley Burns,
Calamus- Wheatland FFA
Small Grains, Legumes and Special
Champion: Andrew Rock, Calamus- Wheatland FFA
Reserve Champion: Regan Maloy,
Agripower FFA, Eddyville
Champion: Chelsi Bailey, Nashua
Plainfield FFA
Cernek, DeWitt Central FFA
Sheaf Grains
Champion: Jacob Looney, Calamus- Wheatland FFA
Reserve Champion: Emma Olson,
Calamus- Wheatland FFA
Forages, Grasses and Legumes
Tri-County FFA, Thornburg
Reserve Champion: Jacob Looney,
Calamus- Wheatland FFA
Crop Display
Champion: Morgan Wells, Agripower FFA, Eddyville
Reserve Champion: Briana Versteegh, Agripower FFA, Eddyville
Chapter Award
1) Calamus- Wheatland FFA
2) Nashua Plainfield FFA
3) Agripower FFA Eddyville
4) DeWitt Central FFA
5) West Delaware FFA Manchester
6) Mid-Prairie FFA Wellman
7) Waverly- Shell Rock FFA
8) Montezuma FFA
9) Williamsburg FFA
10 tie) South Tama County FFA
10 tie) Tri-County FFA Thornburg
As the program continues, participants examine the financial implications of caregiving that specifically will affect their retirement. In
addition, they learn about communication techniques they can use with
their families when discussing these
difficult issues. “Some people think
they can’t get it all done, but you
work at your own pace,” Schmitt
Another round of “Finances of
Caregiving” pilots will begin this
fall, and Bartholomae expects pilots
to continue through 2017. This is an
example of research in action, she
said. ISU Extension and Outreach
specialists will be evaluating the
pilots as they progress to determine
the most effective way to make the
program available statewide.
“Family members are a key partner in the long-term care of older
adults. They often provide care support and services when no formal
service is available. Care and support provided by family members is
essential to maintaining the health
and well-being of Iowa families and
communities,” Bartholomae said.
For more information about “Finances of Caregiving,” contact any
ISU Extension and Outreach county
office to get in touch with a human
sciences specialist in family finance.
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Sports / Local
Attention flag football coaches and players 2016 Flag Football Games Homecoming Week Wednesday, Sept 21
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
I would like to recognize the flag football league;
coaches, sponsors and the flag football players, this
year at the first home game vs. the Eddyville Blakesburg Rockets on Friday, September 2. I would like
the players and coaches to meet at the South End
Zone by the scoreboard at 6:30 p.m. SHARP in their
flag football jerseys. We will parade in front of the
home stands while being announced by team, then
we will meet at the North End Zone under the goal
Lil Cheerleaders will Cheer and Lil
King & Queen announced in between
7p.m. K - 1 League Vikings vs
East Field
7p.m. 2 - 4 League Bears vs
Cowboys South Field
7p.m. 2 - 4 League 4gers
North Field
At Sigourney High School Football
Field Home of the Cobras Wednesday
Night Lights
6p.m. 2 -4 League Packers vs Seahawks
North Field
6p.m. 2 -4 League Steelers
South Field
6p.m. K - 1 League Ravens vs
East Field
posts at 6:45 p.m. to form a tunnel for the Varsity SK
Cobras to run through. Head football coaches for the
flag football teams and all their players who are wearing their jerseys will get into the game for free.
Thank you,
Alan Sellers, Flag Football Director
All fans, parents, siblings need to sit
in stands or on the track!
In case of rain, games will be rescheduled!
Encourage Kindness
Flag football coaches and players
Team: Vikings
Coach: Jeremy Krumm
Colors: Gold & Purple Sponsor: Caseys
General Store
Easton Krumm
Ryker VanDenHeuvel
Cooper Vermillion
Nolan Randall
Easton Mercer
Henry Molyneux
Cotter Dietrich
Owen Mather
Dayne Chittick
Sully Stanley
Griffin Hall
Team: Ravens
Coach: Chuck Moore
Colors: Purple & Gold
Sponsor: OJ Davis Trucking
Cooper Moore
Graham Moore
SEIREN from page 1
the gym will be able to be used. Hill
has begun adjusting schedules so
that the loss of the gym will be addressed during volleyball season.
Carlson reported that back to school
night would be held August 23rd
from 5:30-6:30 with staff and administration present. Phelps will start a
new tradition that he has carried out
at the other schools he has worked
out. There will be a flag raising
ceremony at 8:15 for upper grades
on August 24 and then he will meet
with the students. This is a tradition
that has always showed a positive
impact at other districts and hopes
are that it will become a tradition at
Keota as well. The next board meeting will be held September 8 at 6:30
in the library.
Lance Walden
Brynn C1arahan
Blake Brown
Aathan Kitzman
Landon Fisch
Carson Davis
Jacob Brissee
Na/in Hardwick
Collyns O’Rourke
Jordan Tremmel
Team: Packers
Coach: Steve Menke
Colors: Kelly Green & Gold
Sponsor: Arnold Motor Supply
Keaton Leathers
Raiden Kerkove
Levi Jaeger
Dillon Menke
Cason Kerr
Nash Baker
Hunter Sellers
Cody Silvers
Cael Silvers
Blake Baker
Brayden Sines
Eli Haines
2nd-4th Grade
Team: Cowboys
Coach: Josh Power
Colors: Navy & White
Sponsor: MidWestOne Bank
Lincoln Power
Caden Meyer
Landon Crow
Kenneth Moore
Kaen Kopp
Cain Weber
Christian Lisk
Team: Seahawks
Coach: Erik Strand
Colors: Neon Green & Navy
Sponsor: Clarahan Trucking
Cooper Strand
Billie Kindred
Brody Griener
Owen Menke
Blake Gretter
Bailey Gretter
Chase Clarahan
Brennan McGuire
Team: Bears
Coach: Mark O’Rourke
Colors: Orange & Navy Blue
Sponsor: Pizza Ranch
Carson O’Rourke
Isaac Bruns
John Berg
Christian Williams
Rylan Vos
Ashton Schwab
Team: 4gers
Coach: Adam Clark
Colors: Grey & Red
Sponsor: KCHC
Ty Goldman
Aiden Knepper
Solon Yates
Jonathan Aller
Davian Thompson
Ike Molyneux
Brady Clark
Team: Steelers
Coach: Jason McKay
Colors: Black & Gold
Sponsor: Precision Structures Inc.
Advertising Connection
for The Keota Eagle
Give Her A Call Today At
or email: [email protected]
2016 K - 1 Flag Football Schedule
Wed Aug 24
Ravens vs Packers
Picture Night!!
Bears vs Vikings
Fri Sept 2
Recognition Night at High School Football
Game at 6:30pm
Wed Aug 31
Ravens vs Bears
Vikings vs Packers
Wed Sept 7
5 :30pm
Ravens vs Vikings
Packers vs Bears
Wed Sept 14
5: 30pm
Ravens vs Packers
Bears vs Vikings
Wed Sept 21
Games will be played at High School Football Field Homecoming
6pm Ravens vs Bears East Field at High
7pm Vikings vs Packers East Field at High
Wed Sept 28
5 pm
Ravens vs Vikings
Packers vs Bears
All K - 1 games will be played on the Far
East Field at the Sports Complex!
Wed Sept 21
2016 2nd - 4th Flag Football Schedule Wed
Aug 24th
Packers vs Bears
East field
Picture Night!
Cowboys vs 4gers
West field
Falcons vs Steelers
East field
Colts vs Seahawks
West field
Wed Aug 31
5 :30pm
Packers vs Cowboys
East field
Falcons vs Bears
West field
Colts vs 4gers
East field
Seahawks vs Steelers
West field
Wed Sept 7th
5 :30pm
Packers vs Falcons
East field
Colts vs Cowboys
West field
Seahawks vs Bears
East field
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Wed Sept 14
Packers vs Colts
East field
Seahawks vs Falcons
West field
Steelers vs Cowboys
East field
4gers vs Bears
West field
Games at Sigourney High School Football
Packers vs Seahawks
North field
Steelers vs Colts
South field
4gers vs Falcons
North field
Bears vs Cowboys
South field
Wed Sept 28
5 pm
Packers vs Steelers
East field
4gers vs Seahawks
West field
Bears vs Colts
East field
Cowboys vs Falcons
West field
Director will reschedule any rainouts!
Packers vs 4gers
Bears vs Steelers
Cowboys vs Seahawks
Falcons vs Colts
and check out all the photos of events from
around the county
Mary Schwering,
Family Practice Nurse Practitioner
Steelers vs 4gers
Now Keota eagle is!
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West field
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Accepting New Patients
Cole McKay
Ayla Hall
Levi Molyneux
Jayden Smith
Cael Moore
Drew Fisher
Landon eonrad
Kaleb Bolinger
Team: Packers
Coach: Tony Jones
Colors: Green & Gold
Sponsor: Sigourney Body Shop
Grayson Jones
K/ayton Wehr
Brayden Wood
Wyatt Wehr
James Jondle
Jayden Thompson
Braxton Milford
2016 Flag Football K-1
Team: Bears
Coach: Ken Jackson
Colors: Orange & Navy
Sponsor: County Bank
Jordan Jackson
Aiden Greiner
Tyson Osweiler
Aspen Galindo
Ryker Vos
Levi Myers
Braden Hemsley
Paxton Wehr
Gram Mitchell
Easton Olsen
Drew Meiners

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