Saint Bruno Church - St. Bruno`s Catholic Church
Saint Bruno Church - St. Bruno`s Catholic Church
Saint Bruno Church MISSION STATEMENT St. Bruno Parish is a multi-cultural community, founded in 1912, that welcomes everyone to worship God, especially through the Holy Eucharist & Perpetual Adoration, to grow in the faith and to serve the less fortunate in order to be light & truth for others. 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 6, 2011 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS: Sunday 8:00 A.M., 12:00 P.M., 6:00 P.M. Domingo 10:00 A.M. Spanish Saturday 8:00 A.M., 4:30 P.M. (Vigil) Sabado 7:00 P.M. (Vigilia) Weekdays 8:00 A.M., 6:00 PM except Wed. 7:00 PM First Fridays and Holy Days: 8:00 AM & 7:00 PM 3RD FRIDAYS: 8:00 PM (SUNG ADORATION/OUR LADY’S PRAYER GRP) Filipino Mass bawat huling Linggo ng buwan 3:00 P.M. ANOINTING OF THE SICK/UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Please call the parish office when you know of anyone who would like to receive the sacraments but is unable to come to the church. Favor de llamar a la Oficina cuando usted sepa de alguien que quisiera recibir los sacramentos pero no puede venir a la Iglesia. BAPTISMS/BAUTIZOS: “The Little Parish with a Big Heart” 555 West San Bruno Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066 Tel.: (650)588-2121 Fax: (650)588-6087 Website: OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA TUE.-SAT. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 2:00 - 5:00 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: (650)588-2121 Ext. 14 Saturday 9-11 a.m. PASTORAL STAFF/PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Rev. Michael Brillantes Pastor Rev. Santos Rodriguez Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Joseph H. Lavulo Deacon Rev. Mr. Ramon de la Rosa Deacon Bea Zamora Administrative Assistant Lupita Mendoza Front Desk Secretary Painisaipalesi Lautaimi Youth Minister Aulola Lavulo Pastoral Council Chair Maritza Aberouette Finance Council Chair Kacey Carey DRE Teresa Navarro CCD Spanish Veronica Rodriguez Confirmation Kathie Bassett R.C.I.A. Marco Carranza Maintenance * PARISH OFFICE CLOSED ON MONDAYS * Primer Sábado: 11:00 A.M. Clase Pre-Bautismal Segundo Sábado: 12:00 P.M. Bautismos Third Saturday: 11:00 A.M. Baptismal Class Fourth Saturday: 12:00 P.M. Baptisms CCD SCHEDULE/CATECISMO: Grades 1 - 7 Saturdays: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. CONFIRMATION CLASS: Grades 8-12 Tuesdays starting with 6:00 P.M. Mass CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES: Saturdays: 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Wednesdays: 6 pm to 9 pm MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO: Arrangements must be made at least six months before the tentative date of the marriage. Hacer arreglos por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS): For adults interested in the Catholic Faith; those preparing to receive the Sacraments: Thu. 7:00 pm Main Hall Upper Room RICA (INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS): Para adultos interesados en la Fe Católica, por favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial. WELCOME TO ST. BRUNO CHURCH/ BIENVENIDOS At our Sunday Mass, we come together from all our small communities and celebrate our oneness in Christ. Take a little time to get to know the folks you are celebrating Mass with. En nuestra misa del domingo todas nuestras pequeñas comunidades nos juntamos para celebrar nuestra unión con Cristo. Tomen un poco de tiempo y trate de conocer a la persona que está a su lado acompañándolo en la Misa. . Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday 12:00 p.m. REFLECTIONS/REFLECCIONES Matthew 5: 13-16 You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Domingo 5 del Año- A Mt 5:13-16 Vosotros sois sal de la tierra y luz del mundo. No Sugar nor Pepper The Vatican II wrote some words that may seem farfetched but are still relevant today. The joys and hopes, the sadness and the anxieties of the people of our time, especially the poor and afflicted, are the joys and hopes, sorrows and anxieties of the followers of Christ. (GS 1). The gospel had spoken of salt of the earth and light of the world, and ends up saying the same thing without losing its relevance today. Neither the salt nor the light are defined by themselves, instead they are defined by what they give light and flavor to. This means that no one can be happy alone. Moreover, neither the salt nor light are luxury items that are used only for certain occasions, instead, they are necessary elements in everyday life. By the order of Nero, some Christians were smeared with fish and oil, suspended on poles and set on fire to light up the night in the gardens of the emperor. Ignatius of Antioch wrote of them: "They were truly light the world." The mission of being the “light” can take a Christian to such extremes. The theme of moral perfection, expressed in the Sermon on the Mount, signifies the great hope that God has placed in man. The man that causes a lot of evil is also capable of doing good, even heroism, and God knows this. If one is unable to realize moral perfection, one should try to do what he can, perhaps more than he thinks he is capable. But it is necessary to enter into that path: life will be more fulfilling and worth living, it will become nothing less than light and salt that gives flavor and meaning to the lives of others who are insistent on not going on that same blessed path. We part with this statement: it may happen that those who spend their lives in hidden occupations or spend long periods in silent prayer or being sick in bed contribute more to the illumination of the world instead of those dealing in passionate discussion of political theology or religious commitments. Prideful words in meetings and publications can overload the soup with salt that will make it unpalatable. The correct measure provides the best spice: not sugar nor pepper, but salt and light. Because of the variety of tastes, some people may prefer it bland and others prefer it strong. Similarly, some people prefer the “legs of the action” and others “knees in prayer.” The truth is that neither salt is stored canned and light is not placed under a bucket. The Christian then should not leave the world without making a positive impact in order to better the world by making the hopes and fears of men his own and making a good difference. This means that the Church and the disciples of Jesus should make their presence known and felt the same way that it takes to do all that is required in having a good and successful celebration. Ni azúcar ni pimienta El Vat II escribió unas palabras que pueden ir quedando lejos pero no pierden actualidad Los gozos y las esperanzas, las tristezas y las angustias de los hombres de nuestro tiempo, sobre todo de los pobres y de cuantos sufren, son a la vez gozos y esperanzas, tristezas y angustias de los discípulos de Cristo. (GS 1). El evangelio había hablado de sal de la tierra y luz del mundo, y viene a decir lo mismo sin que estas palabras pierdan tampoco su actualidad. Ni la sal ni la luz se definen por sí mismas, sino por otra cosa a la que dan luz y sabor. Quiere decir que nadie es feliz a solas. Por otra parte, ni la sal ni la luz son artículos de lujo para algunas ocasiones, sino elementos necesarios en la vida ordinaria. Por orden de Nerón algunos cristianos fueron untados de pez y aceite, suspendidos en mástiles y prendidos en fuego para que iluminaran la noche en los jardines del emperador. De ellos escribió Ignacio de Antioquia: “Eran verdaderamente luz del mundo”. La misión de ser luz puede llevar a un cristiano a semejantes extremos. El programa de perfección moral, expresado en el Sermón del Monte, significa las grandes esperanzas que Dios tiene depositadas en el hombre. El hombre que hace mucho mal es capaz también de hacer el bien hasta el heroísmo, y Dios lo sabe. Si no es capaz de realizar con perfección todo ese programa, debe intentar cuanto pueda, quizá más de lo que piensa. Pero es necesario entrar por ese camino: la vida será una vida realizada que vale la pena vivirse; se convertirá, sin más, en luz y sal que da sabor y sentido a la vida de los demás que se obstinan en no entrar por ese camino. Partimos de esta afirmación: puede suceder que quien gasta su vida en ocupaciones ocultas o pasa largos ratos en oración silenciosa o en la cama de enfermo, contribuya más a la iluminación del mundo que con apasionadas discusiones sobre compromisos religiosos o teología política. La inflación de palabras en reuniones y publicaciones puede cargar la sopa de tanta sal que la haga intragable. La justa medida ofrece el mejor condimento: ni azúcar ni pimienta, sino sal y luz. La variedad de gustos hace que unos lo prefieran soso y otros cargado. De igual manera, unos prefieren las piernas de la acción y otros las rodillas de la oración. Lo cierto es que ni la sal se almacena en conserva ni la luz se pone debajo de un cubo. Tampoco el cristiano debe salirse del mundo, sino encarnarse en él para mejorarlo haciendo suyas las esperanzas y temores de los hombres. Quiere decir que la Iglesia y los discípulos de Jesús deben hacer notar su presencia lo mismo cuando se trata de socorrer una necesidad que cuando se trata de celebrar una fiesta. Fr. Santos Rodriguez Padre Santos Rodríguez World Day for Consecrated Life February 6, 2011 PRAYER LIFE / VIDA DE ORACION PERPETUAL ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ( 24/7 ) For information, please call (650)588-0572 ADORACION PERPETUA DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Para informacion, llame al (650)588-0572 “In His Presence is fullness of joy” Ps. 16:11b “For where your treasure is, “Could you not there will your heart be also.” Luke 12:34 watch one hour with Me?” “Be still and know that I am God.” Ps.46:10 Matt. 26:40 SPECIAL PRAYER REQUESTS We pray for the healing and full recovery of Maritza Aberouette, Kathie Bassett, Timothy Bommarito, Jorge Buccat, Bernard Chan, Carmen de Court, Jaimee Figueras, Martha Gallardo, Joe Rio Gomez, Manase Maafu, Frances Metcalf, Frank and Norma Miranda, Tranquilino Nilo, Joaquin Ochoa, Fr. Mamerto Sigaran. May the Holy Spirit guide all of us, especially Gregory Joseph and Lindsey Aaron, who are trying to discern their true vocation in life. We pray for the eternal repose of the souls of: Roberto Esquivel, Donaciano Garcia, Teresita Parulan, Rafael Lorovico, and Stephen Siat. May the Holy Spirit comfort all those who are mourning the loss of a loved one. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — If you share your food with the hungry, provide housing for the homeless, then light shall break forth upon you (Isaiah 58:7-10). Psalm — The just man is a light in the darkness to the upright (Psalm 112). Second Reading — My message to you, says Paul, was not clever words of wisdom but the proclamation of Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). Gospel — You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world. In your good deeds, your light shines before others, leading them to glorify God (Matthew 5:13-16). “...Both the sinner and the righteous person have need of My mercy. Conversion, as well as perseverance, is a grace of My mercy” (Diary, 1577) READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Gn 1:1-19; Mk 6:53-56 Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Mk 7:1-13 Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7:14-23 Gn 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30 Gn 3:1-8; Mk7:31-37 Gn 3:9-24; Mk 8:1-10 Sir 15:15-20; Ps 119; 1 Cor 2:6-10; Mt 5:17-37 [20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37] Mass Intentions SATURDAY, February 5th 4:30 pm Mary Carmen Ochoa Miguel Angel Ozuna Xavier de la Cruz Krista Budesa—Healing Ranola Family—Thanksgiving Karlina Rey—Sp. Int. Sebers Family—Sp. Int. Audrey/Francisco Mattturano-Sp. I Art Berringer—Sp. Int. Marina & David Lynn—Sp. Int. Audrey & Francisco Matturano—Special Intention Betty Olden & Lorraine Olden—Special Intention Robert Austrum and Lazaro Gracia—Special Intention Djojara Chaboub and Zdenca +Remedios Hernandez +Marina Serrano +Romeo Babao, Sr. 7:00 pm +Margarita Padilla de Orozco +Roberto Duran—1st Death Anniversary +Marco Cesar Hernandez—1st Death Anniversary SUNDAY, February 6th 8:00 am Fortune Gutierrez—Thanksgiving 10:00 am Ruben & Norma Gomez—25th Wedding Anniversary 12:00 pm Lucy Kaloucava—Thanksgiving 6:00 pm +Carolina De Jesus MONDAY, February 7th 8:00 am +Joseph Mildenberger 6:00 pm +Myrna De Jesus Basco—1st Death Anniversary TUESDAY, February 8th Feast of Sts. Josephine Bakhita & Jerome E. 8:00 am +Meta Aberouette—Death Anniversary 6:00 pm +Josue Ganaden WEDNESDAY, February 9th 8:00 am Rudy Gutierrez—Healing & Speedy Recovery THURSDAY, February 10th Feast of St. Scholastica 8:00 am Lourdes Matatquin—Birthday/Thanksgiving 6:00 pm Rog & Dee Villaflor—Special Intention FRIDAY, February 11th Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes 8:00 am Rhaniel & Melen Rivera—Thanksgiving / Special Intention PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Lord Jesus, Grant saintly priests to the world, priests who live close to the Eucharist, who have a deep spiritual life, who work and suffer, yet with a joyful heart; priests who dedicate each minute of their lives for the salvation of souls and Your Kingdom. Fr. Marcial Maciel, L.C. - Founder of the Legionaries of Christ ST. BRUNO CHURCH GIFT SHOP Gifts for Major Religious Occasions OPEN: Wednesday 6:00 pm—9:00 pm Saturday 4:00 pm—8:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am—2:00 pm/5pm– 7pm Contact: Terry & Francis Cruz 515-2591 St. Bruno Parish News Dear Parishioners: Please turn your cell phones OFF before entering the church. Thank you! Queridos Feligreses: Por favor APAGUE su cellular antes del entrar a la iglesia. Gracias! WORLD DAY OF THE SICK Our late Holy Father, Pope John Paul II established the World Day of the Sick. We encourage everyone to attend and bring a friend or someone in need of God’s healing love. WHAT: Mass with Anointing of the Sick WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 12 12:00 p.m. WHERE: St. Mary’s Cathedral It will be “a special time of prayer and sharing, of offering one’s suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding everyone to see in his sick brother or sister the face of Christ who, by suffering, dying and rising, achieved the salvation of mankind.” ADVANCED DIRECTIVES FOR HEALTH CARE Everyone is welcome to attend this important presentation. When: Sunday, February 13th 2:00 p.m.. Topic: “ADVANCED DIRECTIVES FOR HEALTH CARE” Speakers: Mr. Chris Douglas - from the Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County and Ms. Francine Serafin-Dickson - from the Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County Our Guest Speakers will talk about Physicians’ Orders for LifeSustaining Treatment (POLST) forms. NOTE: For more information, please call Cristina 573-2937. MASS FOR THE SICK HERE IS FEB. 13TH 3:00 P.M. World Day of the Sick is on February 11th. Here in our parish, we will be having a Mass with the Anointing of the Sick next Sunday, February 13th, at 3:00 p.m. Bring someone in need of God’s healing love. TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA Invita a Jesús a tu barca, y encuentra la verdadera paz. Ven al Taller de Oración y Vida Fecha de Inicio: Lunes, 31 de Enero 2011 Hora: 7:00 p.m. Lugar: Iglesia de San Bruno CORPUS CHRISTI MONASTERY 210 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park Tel. 650.322.1801 or Tour Coord. 310.892.0108 The holy relic of St. Mary Magdalene will arrive on Sunday, Feb. 20th: 11 a.m. Mass, Veneration after Mass until Vespers at 5 p.m. Benediction immediately following Vespers YOUR CONTRIBUTION / SU CONTRIBUCION We are grateful for your consistent financial support each Sunday. Please remember us in prayer and offering even when you are not able to be present. Agradecemos mucho su ayuda financiera de cada semana. Por favor recuérdenos en sus oraciones y en sus ofrendas aun cuando no pueda estar presente. JAN. 29th and JAN. 30th 1st Collection: $3583.55 2nd Collection: $ 949.55 WEEKLY CALENDAR/CALENDARIO SEMANAL Saturday, Feb. 5 Sábado 8 AM-12 PM CCD classes (CHURCH, MAIN HALL, CONFER. RM) 11 AM - Clase Pre-Bautismal (IGLESIA) 12:15 PM - Funeral Mass of +Donaciano Garcia (IGLESIA) 2 PM - 15Ñera of Yanaris Ortega (MAIN HALL) 6 PM –12 AMPresentation of Lord Jesus -Hisp. Comm (MAIN HALL) Sunday, Feb. 6 Domingo 11 AM - 4 PM Audition of SFC (UPPER ROOM) 1230P –5 PM MFCC (MAIN HALL) Monday, Feb. 7 Lunes 6 PM Alcoholics Anonymous in Spanish (ST. GABRIEL) 7 PM Esquipulas (UPPER ROOM - small room) 7 PM Talleres de Oración y Vida (IGLESIA /St. MICHAEL) 7 PM Estudio de Biblia (MAIN HALL) Tuesday, Feb. 8 Martes Feast of Sts. Jerome Emiliani & Josephine Bakhita 6 PM Confirmation students start class with the Mass (CHURCH) 7 PM Fe y Esperanza Hispanic Choir (UPPER ROOM2) 8 PM Tongan Choir (CHURCH) 8:30 PM CFC Choir Practice (MAIN HALL) Wednesday, Feb. 9 Miercoles 6 PM Novena to Mother of Perpetual Help (CHURCH) 6 PM- 9 PM Confession (CHURCH) 7 PM Mass with Our Lady’s Prayer Group (CHURCH) 6:30 PM Soldiers of Christ (UPPER ROOM) Thursday, Feb. 10 Jueves Feast of St. Scholastica 5 PM Overeaters’ Anonymous (ST. GABRIEL) 6 PM Guadalupana Get-together (MAIN HALL) 7 PM Legion de Maria (ST. GABRIEL’S HALL) 8 PM Tongan Choir (CHURCH) Friday, Feb. 11 Viernes Our Lady of Lourdes 2 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Mtg Spanish (ST. GABRIEL) 5:30 PM Alma de Cristo Choir (UPPER ROOM) 7 PM Tongan Community Gathering (MAIN HALL) 7 PM Fe y Esperanza Choir (UPPER ROOM) 7 PM La Purissima (ST. MICHAEL’S HALL) 7 PM Couples for Christ Gen. Assembly (MAIN HALL) EL MOVIMIENTO DE CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD EN LA ARQUIDIOCESIS DE SAN FRANCISCO Se complace en inviter a todos aquellos cursillistas, que un día tuvieron la dicha de vivir los tres dias del cursillo, A vivir y convivir lo fundamental cristiano a través del compartir en nuetra familia cursillista. Es por eso que los estamos invitando a vivir nuestras ULTREYA todos los lunes a las 7:30 pm en los salones de la Iglesia san Carlos Borromeo, que están localizados a un lado del auditorio en el Segundo piso Dirección: 713 South Van Ness Avenue, SF Para más información llamar al 650.302.8354 / 415.264.5031