the hairgain cure - Oxytarm and 30 Days Waistline


the hairgain cure - Oxytarm and 30 Days Waistline
When Hair Matters
Tested and recommended
by the most awarded
hairdressers in Norway
and Mona Grudt Miss Universe 1990
HAIRGAIN provides hair
regrowth and reduces hair
loss. In addition the products
provides more beautiful and
thicker hair.
Mona Grudt, Miss Universe 1990
The hair is a part of your personality and is, in the same
way as your skin, influenced
by the life you lead and the
food you eat. We are all
differently disposed when it
comes to the growth of hair,
but the supply of the right
minerals and vitamins results
in an increase of the hair
growth and more beautiful
HAIRGAIN has a documented
effect on hair - both regarding reduction of hair loss and
the building of thicker and
more illustrious hair.
World Championship - 3 Bronze
European Championshop - 1 Gold
Nordic Championship - 8 Gold
Norwegian Championship - 4 Gold
Australian Open - Gold
Wiener Mode Price - Gold
Golden Rose in Paris - Gold
Salon Entrepeneur of the Year
Leadership of the Year
Have won both male and female
Studio Alf (A Norwegian chain of hairdressers) recommends Hairgain.
Studio Alf has long experience with hair and hair care and is one of the best hairdressers, not only in Norway, but in the world.
Studio Alf has recommended hairgain to its customers since 2000.
Studio Alf was founded and is run by Alf Johan Fjeld. He’s the only hairdresser in the world who have won awards both in the
male and female category. He’s also been awarded Salon Entrepeneur of the Year and Leadership of the Year awards,
With their comprehensive coursing Studio Alf hairdressers are always up to date on hair fashions and trends.
- When hair matters
HAIRGAIN contains unique extracts developed by Medeq Pharma. The active ingredients
in HAIRGAIN contains proteins which correspond to the hair’s own building blocks and a
mixture of standardized extracts from minerals and vitamins.
An international team of researchers developed HAIRGAIN wtih a goal to create a natural product taht would increase the growth of hair, provide beautiful and thick hair and
stop hair loss. Studies and tests have shown that the product actually gives thicker and
more illustrious hair and that loss of hair in many cases have been stopped or considerably reduced.
Fig. 1
An understimulated follicle, not supplied
with enough nourisment for growing.
Fig. 2
Follicle supplied with enough nourisment and stimulated correctly so that
the hair starts growing gain.
Fig. 3
Follicle stimulated correctly and
receiving proper nourisment.
HAIRGAIN is the natural solution for beautiful hair
Most people have between 90.000 and 130.000 strands of hair on the head and lose
about 50 strands each day. After only a few weeks most of that hair will grow back out
from the same follicle.
The reason for increasing loss of hair is usually the body’s lacking ability to supply the
scalp and follicle with enough nourisment to maintain a good growth of hair (see fig. 1,
2 and 3). Lack of nourisment will not only result in hair loss, but may also give fine and
brittle hair before it finally stops growing.
Studies show that hairgain stimulates the growth of hair
Over a period of 18 months, researchers have studied HAIRGAIN. During the first 6 months one group of test subjects received
hairgain while the other group received placebo (tablets without active ingredients). The subjects who received hairgain could
already early in the study report of an improvement.
As you can see from the graphs below, the hairgain group experienced gradually improving effect as the study went on and after
6 months the effect was evaluated as good (score 5.7). After 12 months it was evaluated as very good (score 7.9).
The subjects’ own evaluations of the effect correspond well with the pictures taken after 6 and 12 months respectively. The graph
below and to the right shows that the hair growth score was 32.4 % after 6 months and increased to 63.9 % after one year. During
the study as many as 90 % of the test subjects experienced an increase in hair growth.
Photographic measurement of the hair growth
The subjects’ assessments of the treatment
HairGain™ for 12 months
Placebo for 6 months and
HairGain™ for 12 months
month mnd mnd mnd mnd mnd mnd mnd mnd mnd
The study was published in the reputable periodical The Journal of International Medical Research in January 2001.
After a very stressful period in her life, Elin Fargerheim from Tønsberg, Norway began losing hair.
Lots of hair. She found hair on her pillow and in
the shower, and after a while her thick and curly
hair became thin, brittle and lifeless. Hairgain was
the solution.
Three years ago was a very stressful period for Elin Fargeheim
(48) and as a result she lost a lot of hair.
“I kept hoping I was just going through a period of “shedding
hair,” recalls Elin. “After a while my hair became thin and brittle
and I felt terrible.” At the time she was working as a stewardess something that didn’t help the situation. “I’m a bit vain, I’ll
admit that and everyday felt like a bad hair day.”
Lost two thirds of her hair
Elin tried iron supplements, vitamin B and B12 injections and
her hairdresser cut the hair shorter. She was desperate and
tried everything: shampoos, oils and products to clean the
scalp. But nothing helped stop the hair loss. In the end her
voloumous curls were gone and the hair lifeless and flat.
The hair grew back!
Two years ago Elin was recommended the food supplement
“After using it for about a month I stopped losing hair. After a
while the hair became thicker and started to cover more of my
scalp. It felt like a miracle!”
Elin admits that her hair is still not as thick as it used to be. But
its getting there and her curls have returned.
“I’ve used Hairgain for two years now and I’m scared to stop
in case the hair loss returns. I had no idea how important my
hair was to my self image until I lost it. Thanks to Hairgain my
confidence have returned and I feel great.”
“Losing two thirds of my
hair was a nightmare!
I’m so grateful to have
discovered HAIRGAIN!”
HAIRGAIN - what is it?
HAIRGAIN is a food supplement in tablet form that provides thicker and more
illustrious hair. hairgain may also stop loss of hair and increase the growth of
new hair.
When can I expect results?
This may vary from person to person but after 4-6 weeks hair loss will gradually
be diminished and then come to a complete stop. You will also notice that your
hair becomes thicker and more illustrious. The longer one uses HAIRGAIN, the
better the result.
Will I get thicker hair if I use HAIRGAIN?
Yes, as well as better-looking skin and nails.
How do I use the product?
Take 2 tablets daily preferably for at least 12 months.
Will my hair become more illustrious?
Yes, and in addition hair will grow faster.
Will I grow more hair on my arms, legs or on my face?
Is there anyone who should not use HAIRGAIN?
People who are allergic to fish and/or byproducts fro fish should not use HAIRGAIN.
How effective is HAIRGAIN?
According to a study published in the Journal of International Medical Research
in 2001, 90 % of the subjects within the research project gained more hair
when using hairgain. The average regrowth weas 30 % after 6 months and 64
% after 12 months.
Med-Eq AS
Farmannsveien 18-22, N-3111 Tønsberg,
Phone: +47 33 35 90 60
Fax: +47 33 35 90 69
E-mail: [email protected]