our neroes reaching out to chilc - Twin City Dental | Bangor, ME 04401


our neroes reaching out to chilc - Twin City Dental | Bangor, ME 04401
q ca.i
our neroes
We know that many of you contribute to the wellnessof your communities.You also
participatein, and lend your expertiseto, national and international organizationsthat
help others.We're interestedin what you're doing and we want to hear from you. Like
the butterfly effecttheory suggests,
eventhe smallestactionscan havea huge impact.
One good deedgeneratesanother,and so on.
out to chilc
providersin action
When you pay it forward by donating your time, suppliesand funds to others,you're
using your talentsand good fortune to improve the livesof others.No matter how you
defineit, helping othersis heroic, and we believeit doesmakea difference.
Meet our hero Dr. Louise Desjardins-King of Twin City Dental in Bangor,Maine.
Shejoined our network last year during a specialpromotion in her areacalledthe First
Five Contest.As one of the first five in her territory to join our PPO network, shewon
a few hundred dollarsin Staplesogift cardsand SmileMakers@
promotional items.
But insteadof keepingit, Mike King, Dr. King's spouseand
office administrator,usedthe SmileMakersdiscount coupons
to order toothbrushesfor a local homelessshelter.The shelter
at that time had about 50 people,so they made up 50 gift bags
containingtoothbrushesand toothpaste.
Dr, Louise
The recipientsat the BangorArea HomelessShelterwere so
grateful,it inspired the Kings to help them on a regularbasis.
In addition to expressingtheir appreciation,shelterassociates
noted that the demand for emergencyshelterand related
serviceshasbeen at an all-time high lately,and that rising
costscombined with dwindling governmentfunding make
community donationsall the more important.
Dr. King alsoparticipatesin a local program that assists
familiesin need during the holidays,and shecontributesto organizationssuch as the
EasternMaine Medical Center'scancercenterin Brewer.But as a dentist,shebelieves
the bestway for a dental office to help others is by providing free der.rtalcare.Two
yearsago,sheprovided28 freedenturesand other dentalsen,iccsto thosr irr rrcccl.
resultingin about $37,E00worth of care.Someof the tree servicesalso helpedrvith
a differentialresearchstudy,and the resultswere presentedto an internationalpeer
reviewcommitteein Europelast year.
Originally from Canada,Dr. King graduated
from the University of Montreal and speaks
fluent French.Sheearnedher master'sdegreeat
the University of Donau in Austria, specializing
in the masticatorysystemand dental occlusion
sciences.Shepracticedin New Brunswick,
Canada,near the U.S. border for I I years,where
many of her patientscamefrom Maine. Now
residingin Maine, she enjoysthe biggercity
while stayingaccessible
to both her Canadian
and American patients.
for the fun of it
froma patient?
[email protected]
Eachquarter,we'd like to
featurea story about our
providersin action, and
Pleaseallow us to tell your
story about helping others.
No matter how big or
seeminglysmall - all acts
of kindnessare welcome.
your provider network
the newslettereditor at
[email protected]
Shareyour ideasand storieswith the editorat [email protected].
GR 5997 Rev.3-l I 02011 Ameritas Life InsuranceCorp. Aneritas Group, a division ofAmeritas Life
InsuranceCorp. (AmeritasLife), a UNIFI company,offersgroup dental,eyecare and hearingcareproducts
nationwide. In New York, these products are offered through First Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. ofNew York
(First Ameritas),a UNIFI company.Ameritas,the bison symbol, "We're Ameritas.We're for people.",First
Ameritas, First Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York, "We're First Ameritas. We're for people." and a
UNMCCollegeof DentistryandAneritasG
When the University of NebraskaMedical Center (L
and studentshost a free children'sDental Day each1
for the kids to come to the collegefor dental care.\,!
SealantProgram,though, faculty and studentstake t
by visiting children in their schools.
Gwen Hlava, professorand chair of the dental colleg
Hygiene,said the program is in its ninth year and pr
Nebraska.Ameritasis a financial sponsorof the wes
Program,servingrural communitiessuch as the Pin
Nebraska-SouthDakota border. However,last year \
program in Lincoln thanks to additional funding fro
For this program, schoolsare selectedbasedon the r
for free and reduced-feelunches.This helpsidenti$r
Qualifying studentsreceivea full dental exam and cl
applicableteeth.The program teachesgood dental h
flossingand avoiding sugarydrinks to help them ma
participantsalsoget a goody bag filled with dental pr
and caregiverswho are unable to take time off from
dentist really appreciatethat this program takesplac
"It's difficult to imagine,but someunderserved
sharea toothbrushwith family members,"Hlava voice
after receivinghisgoodybagand toothbrush,confided
sistersat home,so volunteersmadesurehe had enottg
S t L t t i . ' n 1 . , , r 1t ]t , ,' r r r , lL l r . r r : ' .: , , : i l r . . . . , 1 . : : ti l. : , ' - : . : t :
which can inspirethem to be more grateiul,caringc
faculty,along with participatingstudentsand their p
program. In fact, UNMC has receivedawardsfrom (
StateSchoolNursesAssociationin recognitionof its
In addition to the sealantprogram, dental
collegehygieniststudentsand AmeritasGroup
volunteersvisited a Lincoln elementaryschool
on Valentine'sDay and discusseddental care
with studentsin kindergartenthrough fifthgradeclassrooms.Studentslearnedabout proper
brushing techniquesand participatedin activities.
During this event,all 400 goody bagsfilled with
dental supplies,an English/Spanish
dental health
flyer and a little Valentine'sDay notepadwere
distributedto the kids. LincolnJournalStar
newspaperand KOLN/KGIN TV reporterswere
there to capturethe moment. If you'd like to see
more pictures,checkout our Facebook@
fan page
at facebook.com/AmeritasGroup.
In recognitionof the UNMC Collegeof
Dentistry's 1Othanniversaryof Dental
Day, and to celebratethe partnership
betweenthe dental collegeand Ameritas
Group, Dr. John Reinhardt,deanof the
dental college,was presentedwith a bison
award by Roxann Brennfoerder, vice
presidentof group businessdevelopment
underwriting, while dental collegefaculty,
staffand studentscheered- and enjoyed
a pieceof celebratorycake.This major
milestone was covered in the Lincoln
Journal Star and Omaha World Herald