St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church


St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church
St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church
116 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11217-3596
Serving Park Slope, Prospect Heights and Boerum Hill since 1870
Rev. Thomas W. Ahern, Pastor
Mr. Joseph Bichotte, Deacon
Sr. Ellen Glavey, Religious Education Coordinator
Mr. Andrew Violette, Director of Music
Mrs. Nilsa Peña, Parish Secretary
Mr. Brendan Moloney, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Rev. Agnelo Pinto, In Residence
Rev. Charles P. Keeney, In Residence
Msgr. Robert Harris, in Residence
Monday to Friday:
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Monday to Thursday 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
No evening hours
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
9:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Appointments appreciated
Rectory Office
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 NOON
1:30 PM
St. Monica Hall
Sterling Place
[email protected]
9:00 AM (English)
Wednesday 7:30 PM (Spanish)
HOLY DAYS: As announced
First Friday of each month, check for time.
Speak to a staff person about the process of becoming
a Catholic and/or receiving Eucharist and Confirmation.
RECONCILIATION: Confessions heard Saturdays
4:00 - 4:45 PM or by appointment.
BAPTISM: Parents should call at least two months in
advance for preparation dates.
MATRIMONY: Couples should meet with a priest or
deacon at least six months in advance.
COMMUNION OF THE SICK: Please call to arrange
communion for the sick, homebound, or hospitalized.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sunday morning - English
and Spanish.
Phone number: 718-857-2559;
Visit our Website
St. Augustine R.C. Church
Page 2
Mass Intentions for the Week
Sunday, January 11
5:00 Thanksgiving to St. Anthony (Dom & Jackie Angelone)
9:00 +Carmen Melendez (Arelie Melendez)
10:30 +Elisa Garrastegui (Manuel Garrastegui)
12:00 Margarita Santos (Robert Sanchez)
1:30 +Dolly Sylvester (Ginette Brice)
Monday, January 12
9:00 Tony Reid - Gift of Life
Tuesday, January 13
9:00 Paul Loney
Wednesday, January 14
9:00 +In memory of Colin R. Hayes (Jean Prahl)
Thursday, January 15
9:00 +Margaret Ahern
Friday, January 16
9:00 Cristina Melian - Gift of Life
Saturday, January 17
9:00 +Mary McDonald
5:00 Hana & Mina Yukueda (Matsuzaki) - Gift of Life
Sunday, January 18
9:00 Moya Dowdican - Gift of Life
10:30 +Carlos Crespo
12:00 Catherine Barton - Gift of Life
To ALL of you who helped with our Advent and Christmas
preparations and Liturgies.
Collection (12/7/2014 - $4,552.00
Attendance - 401
Per Capita (Adult) - $11.35
Christmas Flowers - $917.00
Collection (12/14/2014) - $5,948.00
Attendance - 418
Per Capita (Adult) - $14.23
Collection (12/21/2014) - $5,896.00
Attendance - 420
Per Capita (Adult) - $14.04
Christmas Parish - $8,223.00
Catholic Charities (12/25/2014) - $2,560.00
Upcoming Events in February
Celtic Spirituality Presentation… “Celebrate the
feast of St. Brigid on Sunday, February 1, at 4:00 p.m.
in St. Augustine Church. Join us for an informal hour of
poetry, music and prayer centered on the story of St.
Brigid and the Celtic Spirituality that formed her.”
Mardi Gras Party… Saturday, February 14, 6:00 9:00 p.m. at St. Monica Hall. Join us for this pot luck
supper as we bring the three language communities of
our parish together right before Lent begins.
Ash Wednesday - February 18… to begin the sea-
Gregorian Chant Mass - Sunday, February
22… Our first Chant mass was well received and well
Golden Age group… will be meeting on Thursday, January
15th at 10:00 a.m. in the rectory. Please join us for brunch and
conversation. All 50+ are welcome.
RECTORY OFFICE… will be closed on Monday, January 19 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. No Religious
Education Classes.
Fiction Writing Workshop… If you are interested in
writing fiction or have written fiction already and would like to
discuss your work, please consider attending an evening devoted
to fiction on tomorrow, January 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory.
You must call the rectory extension 12 to sign up. For those who
would like to continue, there will be opportunities to meet during
January and February.
Liturgy of the Hours
Morning Prayer: Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays - 8:308:55 a.m.
Evening Prayer: Saturdays - 4:30-4:55 p.m. in Sanctuary area.
All welcome to join us. Instruction available.
Please note: We will be scaffolding around the building in
order to replace the roof. It is an enormous project. Thank you
for your patience. The scaffolding will be up for the next year.
son of Lent we will offer Mass at 9:00 a.m. in English
and a Tri-lingual Mass at 7:30 p.m. (ashes will be distributed at both masses). Ashes will also be distributed
at a 12 noon service.
attended. We will be celebrating another Chant Mass on
the First Sunday of Lent. The Gregorian Chant Masses
fulfill the Sunday obligation.
Families, Fathers & Children… Many, many thanks
to all of you who helped with the food, activities and gifts
that made our Christmas Party such a success! Special thanks
to Rimonds Blot and her team of nurses from Sloan Kettering
for their amazing generosity. And special thanks to James
Palmaro for leading the interactive music again this year.
Seventy-four parents and children benefitted from the work
and generosity of over 25 volunteers. As Families, Fathers &
Children continues our work to provide services to families
that are impacted by incarceration and to the neighborhoods
that they live in, holiday festivity and food is part of the work
– bringing cheer to those whose lives are marginalized
through no fault of their own, you are an important part of the
work. So, again, thank you!
St. Augustine R.C. Church
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Is 42:1–4, 6–7 or Is 55:1–11 / Acts 10:34–38 or
1 Jn 5:1–9 / Mk 1:7–11
A lay-minister acquaintance of mine keeps a framed copy of
his baptismal certificate on his office wall. He says, “My
diplomas show that I’ve learned a lot of things about theology, liturgy, and Scripture. That’s great, but my experience
of Christ and my call to ministry come out of my baptism,
and I need to remind myself of that every now and then.”
I was intrigued by his words. Baptism is the initiation
into a community whose sole purpose is to worship and
serve the Lord using the gifts God has given us. Most of us
were baptized as infants, and we rarely take the time to reflect on what we’re called to do by God.
In baptism, we’re given the grace to live a transformed
life following the commandments to love God and neighbor.
How many times have we fallen short and needed to reconcile with God?
Mark’s story of Jesus’ baptism is a scant four verses.
Jesus is baptized and hears God tell him, “You are my beloved Son.” After that, Jesus prevails against temptation and
sets about his own mission without looking back. Our baptism gives us the grace to do the same, whatever mission we
are called to.
Two good spiritual exercises for this week would be to
ask God whether we’re doing what he has asked of us and to
reflect on the ways in which our lives have brought us closer
to God or taken us away from him.
Then it’s up to us to continue to serve God in the grace of
baptism and in the company of the people who share this
faith with us.
Mary Katharine Deeley
[email protected]
Would you like to register as a parishioner?
Yes, I would like to become a member of St. Augustine
Church .
Name __________________________________________
Address ________________________________________
Phone #: (
) ___________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
We pray for the sick…
Recemos Por los enfermos. . .
Requests for public prayers for the sick should be made by the
sick person her/himself or a family member, since at times the
person does not wish the illness to be made public. Please call
the parish secretary. The names will remain on the sick list for
three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested by a family.
Miguel Perez
Felix Delerme
Robert Zampardi
Dorinda Baéz
Alex Ramos
Tiffany M. Rios
Doris Davila
Julie Elle Brittner
Mary Jo Katan
Jean Brathwaize
Hector Davila
Anibal Salamo
Pat Callahan
Lana Sullivan
Ms Dellis Bood
John P. Shan
Paul Callahan
Carmelo Batista
Beulah Joel
Christopher Neves
Pedro R. Garsed
Emilia Gutiérrez
Gladys Cruz
Maire O’Connell
Eli Ojo Oraegbu
Esteban Carrero
Jose Colon
Iris Vincent
Doris M. Soto
Rafael A. Rodriguez
Carmen M. Mercado
Santos M. Vidal
Robert Katan
Sam Velasquez
Barbara Mangilardi
David Heffelfinger
Olive Bouaz
Anthony Tuitt
Mithra Emami
Lydia Labiosa
Helena Severin
John Morrison
May Louise Davis
Eileen Ford
Isabel Vargas
Sonia Bonilla
Nilda Morales
Betty Flynn
Daisy Rijo
Richard Attreche
Hector Ortiz
Yvette Reyes
Yvette Sendker
Carolyn M. Hunter
Gloria Jane Hunter
Carmen Torres
Angelo M. Ramos
Helen & Carlos Shover
Trina Vidal
Barbara Merrill
Col. Ret. Will Merrill
Alyssa St. Cyrus
Carmen Rodriguez
We pray for members and friends serving in the military:
Rezamos por miembros y amigos que estan sirviendo en el
Servicio Militar: Sgt. Estephen Shirverts, Col. Will Merrill, Lt.
Jeanell Merrill, Capt. Peyton Hurley, Manny Otero, PFC Anthony J. Jolimeau, Paul Valdez, Jorge E. Moreira, Jerry
Moreira, Kathleena Hurd, David Garcia, Samantha Vega, L.C.
US Marine Corps, Capt. Richard Martinez, US Marines, Airman Clara Lyde, 2 Lt. Ignacio Naudon.
We pray for the deceased… Dora Cuccurullo.
Do you (or someone you know) live alone? Would
you like a daily phone call just to say hello? St. Augustine has a
"buddy" network up and running, and we would be happy to
pair you (or someone you know) with a phone buddy. Contact
Rosemary at 718-638-7365 and leave a message, or email
[email protected].
Please cut and place form in the collection basket, bring to
the rectory or mail to:
Learning about the Traditional Latin Mass
St. Augustine R.C. Church
116 Sixth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Our Lady of Peace, 522 Carroll St.
12:00 Class about the Traditional Latin Mass
Sung Mass with Gregorian Chant
Saturday, January 17th
Don’t forget to visit our website for more announcements @
Page 4
Rev. Thomas Ahern, Pastor
Email Address: [email protected]
Recemos Por. . .
Si usted tiene a una persona que usted desea ser rogado, favor
déjenos saber inmediatamente y rogaremos por ellos. Los
nombres quedarán en la lista de enfermos por tres semanas y
repetida después de eso si usted nos llama. Favor de ver la lista
de los enfermos y los difuntos en la pagina 3. Gracias.
Monday, January 12
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M
Tuesday, January 13
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M
Wednesday, January 14
8:30 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours: Lauds - C
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M
9:45 a.m. Chair Yoga Class - C
7:30 p.m. Haitian Charismatic Group - M
Thursday, January 15
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M
6:30 p.m. Sant’Egidio - C
7:30 p.m. Centering Prayer - C
Taller de escritura de ficción... Si usted está interesado
en escribir ficción o ha escrito ficción ya y quisiera hablar de su
trabajo, por favor considere asistir a una velada dedicada a la
ficción el mañana 12 de enero a 7:30 p.m. en la rectoría. Debe
llamar a la rectoría extensión 12 para inscribirse. Para aquellos
que deseen continuar, habrá oportunidades de reunirse durante
enero y febrero.
Oficina de la Rectoría… estará cerrada el Lunes 19 de
enero en observación del Día de Martin Luther King, Jr. No
habrá clases de religión.
A todos los que ayudaron con nuestras preparaciones de Adviento, Navidad y las liturgias.
Próximos eventos en febrero
Presentación de Espiritualidad celta... "Celebrar la fiesta de
St. Brigid el domingo, 1 de febrero, a las 4:00 p.m. en la
iglesia San Agustín. Únete a nosotros para una hora informal de poesía, música y oración centrada en la historia de
St. Brigid y la espiritualidad celta que le formó."
Fiesta de Mardi Gras. Sábado, 14 de febrero, 6:00-9:00
p.m. en el Salón de Santa Mónica. Únete a nosotros para
esta cena mientras traemos a las comunidades de los tres
idiomas de nuestra parroquia antes de Cuaresma comienza.
Miércoles de ceniza - 18 de febrero para comenzar la temporada de Cuaresma ofreceremos Misa de 9:00 en inglés y
una misa trilingüe a las 7:30 p.m. (cenizas serán distribuidas en ambas misas). Las cenizas también serán distribuidas en un servicio a las 12:00 medio día.
Misa de Canto Gregoriano - domingo 22 de febrero...
Nuestra primera misa de canto fue bien recibida y bien
asistida. Estaremos celebrando otra misa de canto el primer
domingo de la Cuaresma. Las misas de canto gregoriano
cumple con la obligación del domingo.
Friday, January 16
8:30 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours: Lauds - C
9 :00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M
Saturday, January 17
8:30 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours: Lauds - C
10:00 a.m. Food Pantry - M
3:30 p.m. Haitian Legion of Mary - C
4:30 p.m. Liturgy of the Hours: Vespers - C
Sunday, January 18
1:15 p.m. Rosary Society - R
Readings for the Week
Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14
Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:2128
Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:2939
Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45
Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk
Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:1317
1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10;
1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42
Club de los Mayores de Edad… próxima reunión será este
Jueves, 15 de enero a las 10:00 a.m. Todos 50+ bienvenidos.
¿Usted (o alguien que usted conoce) viven solos?
¿Quieres una llamada diaria sólo para decir hola? San Agustín
cuenta con una red de "amigo" y nos encantaría introducirle a
usted (o alguien que usted conoce) con un amigo de teléfono.
Póngase en contacto con Rosemary al 718-638-7365 y deje un
mensaje o por correo electrónico a [email protected].
St. Augustine R.C. Church
Page 5
Cuando se planta un césped nuevo, debe regarse constantemente. Los jardineros dicen que esto “teje” el césped
al suelo. Lo mismo sucede cuando se injerta una rama a un
árbol: el cataplasma que los une debe estar húmedo en
todo momento. El agua es lo que mantiene unidas a las
células de nuestro cuerpo. Con razón las religiones de todas las épocas y culturas han usado tanto este símbolo.
Cuando Jesús se sumerge en el Jordán para ser bautizado,
se “teje” a todo aquello que lo precedía. Al sumergirse en
el Jordán, se hizo uno con el pueblo de Israel que había
cruzado el río para llegar a su Tierra Prometida. Junto a
Juan Bautista, Cristo se tejió a la tradición profética que
presagiaba la venida del Reino de Dios. Jesús se había
convertido plenamente en humano en las aguas del vientre
de María y al participar del rito del Bautismo del arrepentimiento, se sintió identificado con nuestra frágil y pecaminosa humanidad. Por las aguas del Bautismo Cristo continúa injertando nuevos miembros a su Cuerpo, la Iglesia;
gracias a nuestro destino de vida eterna, por estas aguas
somos limpiados del pecado y recibimos la promesa de la
gracia. Para nosotros, como para Jesús, las aguas bautismales también inauguran nuestra misión de proclamar la
Buena Nueva.
Mesi anpil ak tout moun ki te édé nan preparasyon lavan ak Fet
Nouel Litiji.
Golden Age Club… Reyinion Jedi, 15 Janvye ak 10:00
a.m. nan presbite-a.
Rectory Office… va femen nan Lindi, 19 Janye, jou fet
Martin Luther King, Jr. Pap genyen klas edikasyon relijes.
Tanpri Note… Nou va mété skafol a koté bildinn legliz la
pou ranplasé wof la. Sa se yon gro projè. Mesi anpil pou
pasians ou. Skafol va la pou jis lot ané.
Opportunities for a better Tomorrow… Ofri anpil
edikasional (GED pou laj 17+) ak treninn pou travay (laj 22+)
programs. Lokal: 4em Avenue ak 27th Street; rele 718-3690303 pou enformasion.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
POR FAVOR NOTE: estaremos poniendo andamios
alrededor del edificio con el fin de re-emplazar el techo. Es
un proyecto enorme. Gracias por su paciencia. El andamio
estará hasta el próximo año.
Nuevo en la Parroquia? Quiere inscribirse
como parroquiano?
Si, me gustaría ser miembro de la parroquia y recibir los
sobres de ofrendas por correo.
Nouvo pèsonn nan pawas la?
Eské ou vlè pou rejistré kom yon pawasyen?
Wi, mwen vlè pou rejisté kom yon pawasyen nan Legliz
St. Augustin ak resvwa anvlope.
Nom ________________________________________
Nombre ______________________________________
Adrès _______________________________________
Dirección _____________________________________
Téléfon: (
Telefono (
) ________________________________
) _________________________________
Email: _______________________________________
Email: ________________________________________
Favor de cortar la forma y echar en la canasta de ofrenda
o envie por correo:
St. Augustine R.C. Church
116 Sixth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tanpri koupé fòm la e mété li nan basket koleksyon-an,
ou poté-l nan presbitè pou nou:
St. Augustine Church 116 Sixth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217

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