Algunas aportaciones de patólogos mexicanos a la Anatomía


Algunas aportaciones de patólogos mexicanos a la Anatomía
Algunas aportaciones de patólogos mexicanos a
la Anatomía Patológica actual.
Reynaldo Falcón Escobedo
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Hospital Central Dr. Ignacio Morones Prieto
San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.
Dr. Isaac Costero Tudanca
Dr. Ruy Pérez Tamayo
Dr. Jorge Albores Saavedra
• Carcinoma de células transicionales, puro
• Carcinoma de células transicionales con
carcinoma epidermoide
• Carcinoma de células transicionales con
• Carcinoma epidermoide
• Carcinoma verrucoso
• Afecta a mujeres cuyas edades oscilan entre
34 y 81 años
• El cuadro clínico es similar al del carcinoma
• Puede ser exofítico o polipoide
• Su tamaño es variable (2 a 6 cm)
• Metástasis: 3/8 casos
Carcinoma neuroendocrino de células grandes de
vesícula biliar.
Carcinoma neuroendocrino de células
grandes de la ampolla de Vater.
Carcinoma de células pequeñas
de la vesícula biliar.
Carcinoma de células
de la vesícula biliar.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology 19(1):91-9, 1995
Clear cell carcinomas of the gallbladder and
extrahepatic bile ducts.
Celeste Vardam, M.D., Jorge Albores-Saavdera, M.D.
Carcinoma cribiforme de
vesícula biliar
Adenocarcinoma foveolar de
vías biliares extrahepáticas
Hiperplasia fisiológica de
células C
Células de Cajal en vesícula biliar
Neoplasia Intraepitelial
Pancreática de tipo Espumoso
Papiloma urotelial invertido con
estructuras papilares
Senos de Aschoff-Rokitansky asociados con
abundante moco extracelular simulando carcinoma
Int J Gynecol Pathol, 1997;16(3):291-3.
Dr. Alberto G. Ayala
Honorary member of the Mexican Association of Pathologists
Honorary member of the Spanish Society of Pathologists
Received the “Harlan J. Spjut” award given by the Houston Society of Clinical Pathologists, 1992-1993. This award
is given annually to individuals who have demonstrated to be true scholars and teachers.
Received the Ashbel Smith Professorship Award, from M D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1996.
Received the Charlie Lemaistre Oustanding Achievement Award from The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center in September 1997.
Award, Annual meeting of The Radiological Society of North America: “Cum Laude 0682MK Giant Cell Containing
Lesions of Bone. K.W. McEnery, M.D., A. Yasko, M.D., A.K. Raymond, M.D., A.G. Ayala, M.D. November 29 to
December 4, 1998.
Professor Emeritus Ashbel-Smith, given by The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
retirement, 2,000
Center, upon
Award, Texas Society of Pathologist Annual Meeting, Galveston, Texas. Prestigious "Caldwell Award." February 10,
The Distinguished Alumnus Award conferred by the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston Texas
in December 18, 2012
Award on “Excellence in the Professional Development “Distinguidhed (“A la excelencia en el
Profesional) conferred by the University of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey Mexico, September 18, 2013.
The Arthur Purdy Stout Recognition
Award conferred by the Arthur Purdy
Stout Society.
March 2013,
Baltimore, Marylan
Artículos predilectos
Entre otras publicaciones la descripción de la
cápsula de la próstata y el artículo sobre “Clear
cell cribriform hyperplasia of the prostate
gland” son publicaciones predilectas. Asi como
tambien hay otro artíiculo publicado en
Cáncer sobre “Osteosarcoma de células
pequeñas”. Otra publcacion muy apreciada es la
descripción de la “Muscularis Mucosae” en la
vejiga urinaria. Hay muchas otras más de las
cuales tambien estoy muy orgulloso. Otro
ejemplo es el articulo “Chest wall hamartoma”.
Am J Surg Pathol 1986 Oct;10(10):665-71.
Clear cell cribriform hyperplasia of prostate. Report of 10 cases.
Ayala AG,, Srigley JR, Ro JY, Abdul-Karim FW, Johnson DE.
We report 10 patients with clear cell cribriform hyperplasia of the prostate. Their ages ranged from
62 to 87 years, with a mean of 72 years. The clinical diagnosis in all patients was benign nodular
hyperplasia; all the patients are alive and have shown no evidence of recurrent disease. Follow-ups
ranged from 1 month to 7 years (median: 12.5 months; mean: 24.6 months). Pathologically, this
lesion has a cribriform arrangement of clear cells with a complex papillary growth simulating the
cribriform pattern of prostatic carcinoma. In fact, in five of the 10 cases, the referring diagnosis was
either carcinoma or possible carcinoma. Cytologically, however, there is no nuclear atypia, mitosis,
or prominent nucleoli, and typically there is a double epithelial cell layer at the periphery of the
involved acini. In summary, clear cell cribriform hyperplasia is a benign hyperplastic process with a
complex papillary-cribriform structure and should not be confused with prostatic carcinoma. The
key feature for the diagnosis is the preservation of nodular configuration with a bland cytology and
double cell layer lining the involved acini.
Cancer. 1989 Nov 15;64(10):2162-73.
Small cell osteosarcoma. A clinicopathologic study of 27 cases.
Ayala AG, Ro JY, Raymond AK, Jaffe N, Chawla S, Carrasco H, Link M, Jimenez J, Edeiken J, Wallace S, et al.
Department of Pathology, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston 77030.
We report a study of 27 patients with small cell osteosarcoma (SCO), 17 from the M. D. Anderson Cancer
Center (MDAH) and ten from the Pediatric Oncology Group (POG). There were 12 male patients and 15
female patients; 19 were white, five were black, and three were Hispanic. They ranged from 6 to 28 years
of age with a median of 14 years. Histologically there were three patterns: Ewing's-like, lymphoma-like, and
spindle cell. All cases showed osteoid formation and a few had chondroid areas. There was cytoplasmic
glycogen in ten cases. Initial treatment for MDAH patients included intraarterial infusion of cisplatin in ten,
amputation in four, partial mandibulectomies in two, and biopsy with local radiotherapy and systemic
chemotherapy in one. All POG patients had resection or amputation followed by adjuvant chemotherapy.
Twelve patients are alive, of whom nine have had significant follow-ups for 25 to 90 months. Fourteen
patients are dead of lung, spine, and brain metastases from 1 to 23 months after initial diagnosis. One
patient is alive with lung relapse at 4 months. In summary, SCO is a high-grade variant of osteosarcoma,
with an incidence of up to 4% of all osteosarcomas, that affects patients of the same age group and has the
same anatomic location as conventional osteosarcoma. Currently, SCO appears to have a prognosis that is
the same as or slightly worse than that of conventional osteosarcoma. Furthermore, although intraarterial
infusion is effective for the primary tumors in the bone, distant metastases are difficult to control.
Dr. Mario A. Luna
Dr. José Jessurun
Dra. Leticia Quintanilla-Martínez