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21.10.2008 0:42:50
sadržaj oktobar 2008.
Komentari / Comments
Intro / Uvodnik
Treći rođendan
/ Third birthday
Investment / Investicije
Preduslovi za uspešne investicije
Prerequisites for successful investments
Vojvodina na pravom putu
Vojvodina on the Right Track
Atraktivno tržište za investicije
An attractive market for investments
Real Estate / Nekretnine
Zemlja velikih potencijala
Novi koncept života
A country with great potential
A new concept for living
Investirajmo u budućnost
Grad usred Beograda
Invest in the Future
A Town in the Middle of Belgrade
Najnoviji privredni trendovi
Grad mogućnosti
Latest economic trends
City of opportunities
Obećana zemlja za greenfield investicije
A Promised Land for Greenfield
Grad u gradu
Važne godine
City within a City
Banca Intesa kreditira gradnju
Banca Intesa Construction Loans
Nisko-energetske zgrade
Low-energy buildings
Vaša sigurna investicija!
Your Safe Investment!
Treći međunarodni sajam nekretnina i investicija „oktobar 2008.
3rd International Property and Investment Fair „october 2008
general sponsor
opening party sponsor
official airline company
welcome sponsor
00intro.indd 2
21.10.2008 0:43:02
Fairs / Sajmovi
Izgradi Profit
Build profit
Culture / Kultura
ISSN 1820-6190 = Belre
COBISS.SR-ID 145212684
Izdavač / Publisher
Dynamic Communications Group d.o.o
Cara Nikolaja II 90, |Beograd
Telefon: 011/2434346
E mail: [email protected]
Povratak na bulevar zvezda
Return to the Star Boulevard
Ukradeno iz notesa
Art direktor / Art Director
Olivera Sinadinović
Notebook Excerpts
Teslina ostavština za budućnost
Stručni saradnik
/ Professional collaborator
Milan Nikolić
Tesla’s Legacy for the Future
Agenda 2009
Agenda 2009
Tourism / Turizam
Nove turističke mete na mapi Evrope
New hot spots for tourists on
the map of Europe
Oaze odmora i zdravlja
Oases of relaxation and wellness
Mercedes-Benz GLK-Klasa
Glavni i odgovorni urednik
/ Editor in chief
Ivana Todorović
Saradnici / Contributors
Svetlana Palić, Snežana Prljević,
Jelena Anušić, Vladimir Anušić
Prevodilac / Translator
Nikola Todorović
Štampa / Print
TIM Agency
CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji
Narodna biblioteka Srbije,
Beograd 659
BELRE.../glavni i odgovorni urednik
Ivana Todorović.-.- Beograd
(Cara Nikolaja II 90) :
Dynamic Communications Group,
2007 - (Beograd : Belpac).- 30 cm
Dobropoljska 48
ISSN 1820-6190
Annually / Godišnje
00intro.indd 3
21.10.2008 0:43:07
ve godine BelRE Sajam nekretnina i investicija slavi svoj treći rođendan i tradicionalno okuplja investitore, vlasnike zemljišta, graditelje, konsultante, projektante,
izvođače radova, agencije za posredovanje i krajnje
Uz svesrdnu institucionalnu podršku, pre svih,
Agencije za strana ulaganja i promociju izvoza (SIEPA) i grada Beograda, BelRE još jednom potvrđuje
da Beograd jeste grad budućnosti južne Evrope. Ove
godine i Njihova Kraljevska Visočanstva Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar i
Princeza Katarina prihvatili su patronat i organizovanje svečanog prijema
za učesnike sajma na Belom dvoru.
Izlagači iz Italije, Rusije, Španije,
Dubaija, Bugarske, Slovenije, BiH i
Crne Gore čine BelRE bogatijim,
raznovrsnijim i svakako, najvažnijim
regionalnim događajem.
Kriza na tržištu nekretnina u Zapadnoj Evropi usmerila je graditelje
u zemlje jugoistočne Evrope gde su mogućnosti i potencijali tek otkriveni.
Na BelRE konferenciji, razmeniće se mišljenja o
projektima i urbanom razvoju gradova i regiona, podsticajima za investicije, zakonskim propisima, uticaju
svetske finansijske krize na razvoj tržišta nekretnina,
trendovima u izgradnji i drugim aktuelnim temama.
Nakon tri godine, možemo da kažemo da je BelRE
postao događaj broj jedan i nezaobilazna tačka okupljanja investitora u nezaustavljivom razvoju tržišta
nekretnina u regionu.
Trudili smo se da štivo koje držite u rukama bude
pravi vodič zainteresovanima za ulaganja.
Ivana Todorović
his year, the BelRE Real Estate and Investments Fair is celebrating its third birthday
with a traditional gathering of investors,
landowners, developers, consultants, designers, contractors, real estate agencies, and end users.
With the sincere institutional support provided,
above all, by the Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) and the City of Belgrade,
BelRE will once again prove that Belgrade is the City
of the Future in Southern Europe. This year, Their
Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Princess Katherine have accepted to be the patrons at the
reception ceremony for the Fair’s participants at the
White Palace, which they will organise.
Exhibitors from Italy, Russia, Spain, Dubai, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Montenegro
enrich and diversify the BelRE Fair, assuring its position as the premiere regional event.
The real estate crisis in Western Europe has directed
the developers towards the countries of South Eastern
Europe, whose possibilities and potentials have only
recently been discovered.
At the BelRE Conference, we will exchange opinions on the projects and urban development of cities
and regions, on investment incentives, legal regulations, effects of the global financial crisis on the development of real estate markets, trends in development,
and other current topics.
After three years, we can state with certainty that
BelRE has become the number one event and an inevitable point of assembly for investors in the unstoppable real estate market of our region.
We did our best to turn the text you are holding
in your hands into a real guide for all those interested
in investing.
Ivana Todorović
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Intervju – Dr Oliver Dulić, ministar životne sredine i prostornog planiranja
Preduslovi za
uspešne investicije
Neophodno je uložiti maksimalne napore u narednom periodu na pojednostavljivanju
administrativnih procedura i istovremeno raditi na jačanju kapaciteta lokalnih samouprava u
oblasti urbanističkog planiranja. Sa druge strane, neophodno je jasno definisati kriterijume za
investitore, ko i pod kojim uslovima može da se bavi tim poslom, kako bismo sačuvali javni
interes i javna dobra.
mnogim zemljama zaštita životne sredine
je povezana sa prostornim planiranjem što
se pokazalo kao veoma uspešna praksa. Od
skoro, i Srbija ima Ministarstvo zaštite životne sredine i prostornog planiranja čiji je ministar
dr Oliver Dulić, sa kojim razgovaramo o tome koliko
prostorno planiranje utiče na biznis i privredu te kako
poslovno i privredno okruženje učiniti povoljnim za
Prostorno planiranje predstavlja stratešku osnovu za razvoj jednog
društva i države. Koliko uređen prostor u svakom smislu može biti
podsticajan za investiranje? Strani investitori najviše zamerki daju na
sporost administracije i komplikovanu proceduru za dobijanje dozvola
za gradnju. Prosečan rok za dobijanje dozvole je 270 dana. Najavili ste
da ćete pojednostaviti dozvole za gradnju koje će se dobijati za 100 dana
i na jednom šalteru?
„„Neophodno je uložiti maksimalne napore u narednom periodu na pojednostavljivanju administrativnih
procedura i istovremeno raditi na jačanju kapaciteta
lokalnih samouprava u oblasti urbanističkog planiranja. Izradom novog zakonodavnog okvira definisaće
se novi, pojednostavljeni postupak za izdavanje dozvola.
Sa druge strane, neophodno je jasno definisati kriterijume za investitore, ko i pod kojim uslovima može da
se bavi tim poslom, kako bismo sačuvali javni interes
i javna dobra. Osim što je neophodno jasno definisati prava i obaveze investitora, neophodno je razvijati instrumente koji će garantovati pravnu sigurnost
građanima u procesu izgradnje objekata. To je složen
proces, prevazilazi nadležnosti izvršne vlasti, zadire u
sudsku praksu i zahteva ozbiljna sistemska rešenja“,
kaže ministar Dulić.
Šta stoji u strategiji prostornog razvoja Srbije, koji su prioritetni ciljevi?
„ „U skladu sa Zakonom o planiranju i izgradnji, u
postupku je donošenje Odluke o izradi Strategije prostornog razvoja Republike Srbije. Nosilac aktivnosti na
izradi Strategije biće Republička agencija za prostorno
planiranje. U Programu za izradu Strategije uzete su u
obzir specifičnosti Srbije, analiza stanja socio-ekonomskog i ekološkog sistema, proces tranzicije, objektivnih
ograničenja razvoja i potrebe transformacije postojećeg
sistema planiranja. Biće urađena i strateška procena
uticaja na životnu sredinu, kao instrumenta njene zaštite. Na taj način će se okončati dosadašnja praksa
planiranja u kojoj je zaštita životne sredine uglavnom
sektorski tretirana.“
Kako razviti periferna i manje razvijena područja? Da li postoji strategija
za smanjenje razlika u razvijenosti?
„ „U okviru Strategije prostornog razvoja jedan od
prioriteta biće razvoj regionalnog planiranja i podsticanje razvoja nerazvijenih područja. Usvojena je Strategija regionalnog razvoja Srbije, koja sa ekonomskog
aspekta daje osnovu budućeg razvoja naše zemlje, a
predstavljaće osnovu za definisanje strateških prioriteta, mera i instrumenata, kao i pojedinačnih programa i
projekata za sprovođenje Strategije i smanjenje razlika
između razvijenih i nerazvijenih regiona.“
Najavljeno je da će Ministarstvo finansirati i opštinske prostorne
planove čime će se uvesti red i suzbiti dosadašnja divlja gradnja i
„ „Kada govorimo o prostornim planovima opština,
namera nam je da polazeći od savremene evropske
prakse planiranja uradimo razvojne prostorne planove
regionalnih celina“, naglašava ministar.
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„Osnovna funkcija prostornih planova opština biće
interesno povezivanje opština i stvaranje funkcionalnih ili razvojnih regiona. Tim pre, jer se lokalne samouprave suočavaju sa manjkom kadrova, investicija,
a regionalne razlike su jako izražene, među najvećim
su u Evropi.
Sa druge strane, u susret evropskim integracijama
i korišćenju predpristupnih instrumenata i fondova
Evropske unije, neophodno je definisati regionalni
nivo planiranja i upravljanja u prostoru. Prostorne
planove opština treba projektno i programski orijentisati radi povećanja efikasnosti, a istovremeno sprovesti programe i projekte jačanja kapaciteta lokalnih
samouprava, kao i izvršiti decentralizaciju u oblasti urbanističkog planiranja. Na taj način bi stvorili efikasan
sistem za uređenje građevinskih područja i izgradnju
pojedinačnih objekata.
Naglašavam da će deo novog zakona o planiranju i
izgradnji biti i sankcije za one organe koji se ogluše o
obavezu donošenja prostornih i urbanističkih planova.
Nedonošenje tih planova predstavlja najbolju podlogu za arbitrarnost i korupciju, i mi nemamo nameru
da tolerišemo situaciju da se zakonski rokovi krše bez
ikakvih opravdanja i bez ikakvih posledica.
S druge strane, lokalnim samoupravama koje uđu
u proces izrade prostornih i urbanističkih planova,
Ministarstvo će pružiti dodatnu pomoć da taj posao
obave u najkraćem roku, uz
potreban nivo kvaliteta.“
Takođe se priprema i tzv. „bela knjiga“ o investitorima. Kažite nam nešto više o tome.
„„Imajući u vidu da je ve-
snovna funkcija
planova opština biće
interesno povezivanje
opština i stvaranje
funkcionalnih ili
razvojnih regiona.
Tim pre, jer se
lokalne samouprave
suočavaju sa
manjkom kadrova,
investicija, a
regionalne razlike su
jako izražene, među
najvećim su u Evropi.
liki broj građana oštećen,
neophodno je izgraditi
sistem u kome će građani
dobiti sve podatke o statusu
i kredibilnosti investitora,
kao i o izvođačima radova.
Razvijanjem informacionih sistema u tom sektoru
na nacionalnom i lokalnom
nivou, biće dostupni podaci
o planiranim aktivnostima,
sprovođenju planova i akterima u oblasti planiranja i
izgradnje. Bela knjiga investitora predstavlja samo prvi
korak u tom složenom procesu. “
Šta mislite o Sajmu nekretnina i investicija BelRe i o ideji da se ovakva
vrsta sajmova pokrene u Beogradu i Srbiji?
„ „Takvi sajmovi su korisni za razvoj građevinskog
sektora, pa i stanogradnje u okviru te važne privredne
grane.“ „
Ivana Todorović
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20.10.2008 23:32:31
Interview – Oliver Dulic, M.D, Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning
for successful
It is necessary to invest a maximum of efforts in the following period in order to simplify the
administrative procedures and, at the same time, work on boosting the capacities of local
governments in the field of urban planning. On the other hand, we must clearly define the
investor criteria – who can engage in that business and on what conditions, in order to protect
the public interests and public resources.
n many countries, environmental protection is
connected to spatial planning, which was shown
to be a very successful practice. Recently, Serbia
also opened its new Ministry of the Environment
and Spatial Planning, headed by Minister Oliver Dulic, M.D. We are discussing with Minister Dulic the
effect of spatial planning on business and economy
and how to make the business and economic environments more favourable for investments.
Spatial planning represents a strategic basis for development of the society and the state. In general, in what way can spatial planning stimulate
the investments? Foreign investors mostly object to the slowness of our
administration and the complicated procedure for obtaining building
permits. The average time required to obtain the permit is 270 days.
You made an announcement, stating that you are going to simplify the
building permit procedures, making them possible to obtain in 100 days
and all in one place?
„ “It is necessary to invest a maximum of efforts in
the following period in order to simplify the administrative procedures and, at the same time, work on
boosting the capacities of local governments in the
field of urban planning. Creating a new legal framework will define a new and simplified procedure for
issuing permits.
On the other hand, we must clearly define the investor criteria – who can engage in that business and on
what conditions, in order to protect the public interests and public resources. In addition to the necessity
of clearly defining the rights and duties of investors,
we must also develop the instruments which will guarantee the citizens’ legal safety during the building development procedure. This is a complex process which
surpasses the authority of the executive government,
enters the field of court practice, and demands serious
systematic solutions,” Minister Dulic says.
What are the priorities listed in Serbia’s Spatial Development Strategy?
„ In accordance with the Planning and Construction
Act, we are currently in the process of issuing a Decree for producing the Spatial Development Strategy
for the Republic of Serbia. The activities on producing
the Strategy will be headed by the Republic Agency
for Spatial Planning. The Programme for producing
the Strategy takes into account Serbia’s specific issues,
the analysis of the current state of socio-economic and
ecological systems, the transition process, objective
limitations of development, and the need to transform
the existing planning system. They will also complete a
strategic evaluation of environmental impact, as an instrument of environment protection. This way, we will
end the current planning practice which mainly treated
environment protection within the specialised sector.”
How to develop the peripheral and less developed areas? Is there a strategy for reducing the differences in development?
„“One priority of the Spatial Development Strategy is
going to be the development of regional planning and
the stimulation of development in undeveloped areas.
The Regional Development Strategy of Serbia, which has
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This has an even greater importance, since the local
governments are facing the lack of trained professionals and the lack of investments, and the regional differences are highly pronounced – they are among the
largest in Europe.
On the other hand, since we are working our way
towards European integrations and the use of European Union’s pre-accession instruments and funds, we
must define the regional level of planning and spatial management. Municipal spatial plans should be
oriented, through design and their programmes, in
such a way that their efficiency is increased. At the
same time, we must implement the programmes and
projects required to strengthen the capacities of local
governments, while at the same time decentralising the
field of town planning. In this way, we could create an
efficient system for the development of construction
areas, and for the construction of specific structures.
I would like to emphasize that a part of the new
Planning and Construction Act will include sanctions
for those authorities who decide to ignore their duty
to produce and enact spatial and town plans. Not having those plans represents the best possible grounds
for arbitrary decisions and corruption, and
we do not intend to tolerate the situation in
he basic function of municipal spatial
which legal deadlines are breached without
plans will be to connect the municipalities
any excuse and with no consequences.
through common interests, creating functional
On the other hand, the Ministry will ofor developmental regions. This has an
fer additional aid to the local governments
who enter the process of developing spatial
even greater importance, since the local
and town plans, so that they may complete
governments are facing the lack of trained
those tasks in the shortest time possible, while
professionals and the lack of investments, and retaining the necessary level of quality.”
the regional differences are highly pronounced
– they are among the largest in Europe.
been approved, will provide an economic framework for
our country’s future development, and will also act as the
basis for defining the strategic priorities, measures, and
instruments, as well as specific programmes and projects
for implementing the Strategy and reducing the differences between developed and undeveloped regions.”
An announcement was made, stating that the Ministry is going to finance the municipal spatial plans,
which will bring order and suppress the current illegal
construction and corruption.
“When we speak of the municipal spatial plans,
our intention is to use the modern European planning
practices and produce the spatial plans for development of regional units,” the Minister emphasizes.
“The basic function of municipal spatial plans will
be to connect the municipalities through common interests, creating functional or developmental regions.
Preparations are also under way for producing a “White
Book” on investors. Can you share something more about
this publication?
„ “Bearing in mind that a large number of citizens
have suffered damages, it is necessary to create a system
which will allow the citizens to obtain all data on the
status and credibility of investors, as well as contractors. After the information systems for that sector are
developed, at both national and local levels, the data
on planned activities, fulfilment of plans, and all participants in the field of planning and construction will
become available. The White Book of Investors is just
the first step in that complex process.”
What is your opinion of the Real Estate and Investment Fair, BelRe, and
of the idea to start having fairs of this type in Belgrade and in Serbia?
„“Such fairs are useful for developing the construction
industry, including residential development, which is a
part of that important economic branch.” „
Ivana Todorovic
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20.10.2008 23:32:55
Intervju – Dejan Jovanović, državni sekretar za regionalni razvoj
Zemlja velikih
Ravnomerniji razvoj regiona će omogućiti da svi građani osete rast životnog standarda,
a ne samo žitelji Beograda ili Novog Sada.
snovni cilj politike regionalnog razvoja je
podizanje životnog standarda građana i
kvaliteta života u svim lokalnim zajednicama. Razlike u stepenu razvijenosti regiona
u Srbiji su velike. Prema indeksu razvojne ugroženosti,
odnos između najrazvijenijeg i najnerazvijenijeg okruga
je 1:7. Ta statistika govori nešto što je očigledno i što
građani osećaju, a to je da u Srbiji postoje oblasti koje
ekonomski jako zaostaju, i kojima treba pomoć i podrška. O ovoj temi razgovaramo sa Dejanom Jovanovićem,
državnim sekretarom za regionalni razvoj.
„Pojam regionalnog razvoja je relativno nov u javnom životu Srbije, dok je u zemljama EU on jedan
od temeljnih činilaca političkog života i teritorijalne
organizacije. Zato intenzivno razgovaramo sa partnerima iz inostranstva, bilo da su u pitanju predstavnici
ministarstava ili stručnih tela, i učeći iz njihovih iskustava stvaramo i osmišljavamo koncept koji je najbolji
za Srbiju. Ta iskustva sadržana su i u nacrtu Zakona o
regionalnom razvoju koji smo sačinili, a koji će detaljno obraditi tematiku o kojoj govorimo. Naš posao će
takođe biti i privlačenje domaćih i stranih investicija
u određene regione“, kaže državni sekretar.
„Poznato je da su problemi nerazvijenih sredina nezaposlenost, loša infrastrukutra, odsustvo investicija,
nedostatak stručnog kadra usled odlaska u razvijenije
krajeve ili inostranstvo“, dodaje on. „Mi ne možemo
kriviti ljude što u potrazi za boljim životom odlaze u
Beograd ili Novi Sad. Ti gradovi su politički, kulturni i
ekonomski centri i pružaju ogromne mogućnosti kako
investitorima, tako i običnim građanima koji žele bolje
plate ili obrazovanje. Naš cilj je da i u ostalim sredinama stvorimo uslove koji će ta mesta učiniti privlačnim
za život. Ravnomerniji razvoj regiona će omogućiti da
svi građani osete rast životnog standarda, a ne samo
žitelji Beograda ili Novog Sada. Naravno, to podrazumeva investicije, ulaganja u infrastrukturu, otvaranje
novih radnih mesta, ali i društveni konsenzus i saradnju svih subjekata – na nacionalnom i lokalnom
nivou“, smatra Jovanović.
Koji su osnovni mehanizmi za zaustavljanje rasta
regionalnih dispariteta?
„To su razvojni projekti, koji se najvećim delom
finansiraju iz sredstava Nacionalnog investicionog
plana. Izdvojena sredstva koriste se za unapređivanje
lokalne komunalne infrastrukture, za izgradnju industrijskih zona i biznis inkubatora. Veliku važnost u razvoju regiona imaju i mala i srednja preduzeća. Postoji
linearna veza između razvijenosti određenog regiona i
broja malih i srednjih preduzeća koja posluju u njima,
što najbolje ilustruje činjenica da je u Južno-bačkom
okrugu i u Beogradu, koji spadaju u najrazvijenije regije Srbije, koncentrisan i njihov najveći broj, dok on
u najnerazvijenijim opštinama ne prelazi 1%.“
Vlada je u januaru 2007. godine usvojila Strategiju
regionalnog razvoja Srbije za period od 2007. do 2012.
godine. To predstavlja prvi ozbiljniji korak u procesu
rešavanja problema regionalnih dispariteta. U strategiji
je podsticanje ravnomernog razvoja operacionalizovano kroz tri cilja: podizanje regionalne konkurentnosti,
smanjenje regionalnih neravnomernosti i siromaštva i
izgradnju institucionalne regionalne infrastrukture.
Donošenje Zakona o regionalnom razvoju predstavljaće korak napred jer će konkretnije i efikasnije
urediti ovu oblast. On će definisati ciljeve regionalnog razvoja, institucije koje će ih sprovoditi na nacionalnom i regionalnom nivou. Takođe, biće utvrđeni
i načini za statističko merenje i praćenje razvoja po
EUROSTAT metodama.
Zakonom je predviđeno osnivanje Nacionalne razvojne agencije i Fonda za regionalni razvoj. Oni će
preuzeti aktivnosti sektora za infrastrukturne projekte pri Ministarstvu ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja
i Agencije za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća. Cilj
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20.10.2008 23:33:00
zakona je i kontrolisanje i povlačenje sredstava iz
predpristupnih fondova EU, Nacionalnog investicionog plana i državnog budžeta. U procesu njegovog
stvaranja učestvuju predstavnici institucija na republičkom, pokrajinskom i lokalnom nivou, kao i veliki broj
saradnika i eksperata iz javnog i civilnog sektora.
„Koristili smo se iskustvima i smernicama EU“ kaže
Jovanović „jer su upravo članice EU najdalje otišle u
procesu ravnomernog regionalnog razvoja. To je i u
skladu sa našim težnjama ka evropskim integracijama,
kao i sa prostom činjenicom da će upravo evropski fondovi predstavljati jedan od osnovnih motora razvoja u
nerazvijenim područjima. Nacrt zakona bi trebalo da
se uskoro nađe na javnoj raspravi. U zakonu će se naći i
metodologija ocenjivanja i razvrstavanja opština prema
stepenu razvijenosti, čime će se obezbediti plansko i
kontinuirano ulaganje u nerazvijene opštine. Usvajanje
Zakona biće značajan korak ka ispunjenju naših ciljeva i postizanju boljeg života za sve građane. Naravno,
njegovo donošenje daće okvir za sprovođenje politike
regionalnog razvoja, ali tek tada nas sve zajedno očekuje
naporan rad. Mi u Ministarstvu ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja smo optimisti, smatramo da naša zemlja
ima velike potencijale, i da ćemo, ako udružimo snage i
vredno i odgovorno radimo, uspeti da od svakog grada,
varoši ili sela napravimo mesto privlačno za život.“
Privlačna za život je svakako opština Inđija. Ona se
često ističe kao veoma uspešan primer jer se našla na
18. mestu u Evropi na listi 25 najboljih evropskih de-
i u Ministarstvu
ekonomije i
regionalnog razvoja
smo optimisti,
smatramo da naša
zemlja ima velike
potencijale, i da
ćemo, ako udružimo
snage i vredno i
odgovorno radimo,
uspeti da od svakog
grada, varoši ili sela
napravimo mesto
privlačno za život.
stinacija za strana ulaganja
zbog brze i uslužne administracije, dobre infrastrukture i primene najmodernijih
informacionih tehnologija.
Postavlja se pitanje kako
preslikati taj uspešan primer na manje razvijene delove zemlje?
„Uspešne i za investitore atraktivne opštine karakteriše dobra infrastruktura, a to znači postojanje dobrih
puteva, vodovodne i kanalizacione mreže, postojanje
elektrifikacije i gasifikacije. To takođe podrazumeva
postojanje dobre poslovne infrastrukture tj. uređenih
parcela u vidu industrijskih zona, jednostavne administrativne procedure i privlačnih uslova koje opština propisuje za nove investitore“, ističe državni sekretar. „Ne
treba zanemariti ni činjenicu da su im potrebni i obučeni
i ljubazni kadrovi zaposleni u lokalnoj javnoj administraciji i kvalifikovani kadrovi koje opština može ponuditi
investitorima za zapošljavanje. Uspešne lokalne samouprave, poput Inđije, moraju i aktivno promovisati svoje
mogućnosti i različitosti potencijalnim investitorima.
Dakle, da bi jedna lokalna samouprava bila zanimljiva
investitorima mora imati sve preduslove za to i raditi na
aktivnom privlačenju istih. Naravno, neophodno je da
država stane iza celog procesa, u tesnoj saradnji sa partnerima na lokalnom nivou, sa institucijama i ljudima
koji su direktno zainteresovani za regionalni razvoj.“ „
Ivana Todorović
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Interview – Dejan Jovanovic, State Secretary for Regional Development
A country with
great potential
A more balanced regional development will allow all citizens to feel the growth of the standard
of living, and not just those who reside in Belgrade and Novi Sad.
he main goal of regional development policies is to raise the citizens’ standard of living
and improve the quality of life in all local
communities. There are large differences in
development of Serbia’s regions. The Human Development Index shows that the ratio between the most
developed and least developed regions in Serbia is
1:7. Those statistics merely serve to state the obvious, which the citizens already feel – there are regions
within Serbia which are lagging far behind from an
economic standpoint, and those regions require aid
and support. We discuss this subject with Dejan Jovanovic, State Secretary for Regional Development.
“Regional development is a relatively new term in
Serbia’s public life, even though it forms one of the
foundations of political life and territorial organisation in the EU member states. For this reason, we
are holding intensive talks with our foreign partners,
both representatives of various ministries and experts
from professional authorities, and we are using their
experiences to learn and to create a concept which
would be best-suited for Serbia. Those experiences are
included in the draft of the Regional Development
Act we produced, and which will serve to define the
subject we are currently discussing in more detail,”
the State Secretary says.
“It is well known that the main issues of undeveloped regions are unemployment, poor infrastructure,
lack of investments, and the deficit of professionals
who are migrating to the more developed regions or
leaving the country,” he adds. “We cannot blame the
people who leave for Belgrade or Novi Sad, seeking a
better life. Those cities are the political, cultural, and
economic centres and offer enormous possibilities to
both investors and ordinary citizens who desire better
salaries or education. Our goal is to change the other
environments by improving their conditions and
turning them into attractive places to live. A more
balanced regional development will allow all citizens
to feel the growth of the standard of living, and not
just those who reside in Belgrade and Novi Sad. Of
course, this requires investments, improving the infrastructure, opening new work positions, as well as
society-wide consensus and cooperation between all
subjects, at both national and local levels,” Jovanovic
What are the basic mechanisms for halting the
growth of regional disparities?
“Development projects, which are mostly financed
from the National Investment Plan, serve as those
basic mechanisms. Allocated funds are used to improve the local utility infrastructure and to develop
industrial zones and business incubators. Small and
medium companies are very important for regional
development. There is a linear relationship between a
certain region’s state of development and the number
of small and medium companies operating within
that region, which is best illustrated by the fact that
most such companies are located in the South Backa
region and in Belgrade, which are two of Serbia’s best
developed regions, whereas the least developed municipalities have only up to 1% of such companies.
In January 2007, the Government approved the
Regional Development Strategy of Serbia 2007-2012.
This is the first serious step in the process of solving
the issue of regional disparities. The strategy has three
practical goals intended to stimulate balanced development: increasing regional competitiveness, reducing the regional disparities and poverty, and developing the infrastructure of regional institutions.
Enacting the Regional Development Act will be another such step forward, because it will help organise this
field more efficiently and in a more concrete manner.
It will define the goals of regional development and the
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ogy for grading and ranking municipalities in accordance with their state of development, which will allow
us to plan continued investments in undeveloped municipalities. Passing the Act will be a major step toward
the fulfilment of our goals and achievement of better
life for all our citizens. Of course, its passing will also
provide the framework for implementing the regional
development policies; only then will the hard work
start for us all. Those of us employed in the Ministry
of Economics and Regional Development are optimists; we believe that our country has great potential,
and that if we join our forces, work hard, and take responsibility for our work, we can turn every city, town,
and village into an attractive place to live.”
One of those attractive municipalities is certainly
Indjija. This municipality is frequently pointed out
as a successful example, because
it ranked 18th on the European
hose of us
list of top 25 foreign investment
employed in the
This ranking is a result of
Ministry of Economics sites.
Indjija’s swift and helpful admininstitutions which will implement and Regional
istration, good infrastructure, and
those goals at the national and lo- Development are
the application of latest informacal levels. Additionally, the Act will optimists; we believe
tion technologies. The question
establish the methods for statistical
is – how to copy that successful
that our country has
measurement and monitoring of
example and apply it to the less
development in accordance with great potential, and
developed parts of the country?
that if we join our
the EUROSTAT methods.
“Good infrastructure is the
The Act stipulates the found- forces, work hard, and
main feature of successful municiing of the National Development take responsibility
palities which are attractive to the
Agency and the Regional Develinvestors; this includes good roads,
for our work, we can
opment Fund. They will take over
water supply and sewer grids, and
the activities of the Department turn every city, town,
electrical power and gas lines. The
for Infrastructural Projects of the and village into an
municipality also needs to have a
Ministry for Economics and Re- attractive place to live. good business infrastructure, i.e.
gional Development, and those of
plots arranged in industrial zones,
the Agency for Development of Small and Medium
easy administrative procedures, and attractive terms
Companies. One of Act’s goals is to control the withof business operations offered to the new investors
drawal of funds from the pre-accession funds of the
by the municipality,” the State Secretary emphasizes.
European Union, funds from the National Invest“We must not neglect the fact that employees in the
ment Plan, and the State Budget. Work on the Act
local public administration must be well-trained and
involves representatives of State, provincial, and local
polite, and that there are qualified professionals which
institutions, as well as a large number of associates
can be offered to the investors for employment. Sucand experts from the public and civil sectors.
cessful local governments, such as Indjija, must also
“We utilised EU’s experiences and guidelines” Joactively promote their potential to prospective invesvanovic says, “because EU member states have made
tors, showcasing their differences. Thus, for the investhe most progress in the process of balanced regional
tors to become interested in a certain locale, the local
development. This is also in accordance with our leangovernment must fulfil all prerequisites and engage in
ings toward European integrations, as well as the simactively attracting those investors. Of course, the State
ple fact that European funds will represent one of the
must support the entire process, in close cooperation
basic vehicles of development in undeveloped areas for
with local partners, institutions and people who are
us. A draft of the Act should soon be presented for
directly interested in regional development.” „
public debate. The Act will also contain the methodolIvana Todorovic
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u budućnost
vo su teška vremena u celom svetu. Čini se
da ozbiljni problemi vrebaju sa svih strana i
investitori traže sigurnost. Kako će ova kriza
uticati na investicije u Srbiji?
Na prvi pogled se čini da bi klima nesigurnosti mogla otežati investiranje u Srbiju. Međutim, to ne mora
da bude tako. Nedavni događaji su pokazali da rizik
postoji i u najrazvijenijim državama. Zato će u narednih nekoliko godina investitorima biti veoma važno
da se prošire na zemlje u razvoju, kao što je Srbija.
Investitori će procenjivati prilike oprezno i temeljno.
Ovi faktori bi trebalo da idu u korist Srbije, i da predstavljaju povoljnu mogućnost za investicije. Finansijski
haos u kome je Srbija bila 90’ih godina je prošlost.
Drugim rečima, moramo iskoristiti krizu u svetskoj
ekonomiji kao priliku da se pojavimo u najboljoj svetlosti. Privlačenjem investicija tokom ovog nesigurnog
perioda, možemo da izgradimo reputaciju Srbije kao
dinamične države koja je prijateljski naklonjena biznisu. Vrlo je dobro što MMF u svojoj ovogodišnjoj oktobarskoj prognozi predviđa da će se nivo privrednog
rasta Srbije zadržati na oko 6 % u 2009. godini, bez
obzira na usporavanje rasta u zapadnim ekonomijama.
Ukoliko vešto prebrodimo ovu svetsku krizu mogli bi-
smo da očekujemo da iz nje izađemo sa mnogo većom
ulogom u svetskoj ekonomiji.
Ovo je vreme da pregnemo na posao i da se usredsredimo na fundamentalne stvari. Moramo da udvostručimo
napore koje ulažemo da bi poboljšali našu pravnu i finansijsku infrastrukturu. Moramo da uvodimo novine i da
dobro upotrebimo naš intelektualni kapital. Moramo da
investiramo u budućnost i da poboljšamo naš obrazovni
sistem. Moramo da mogućnostima za biznis damo publicitet i predstavimo ih stranim investitorima. Saradnja sa
finansijerima iz inostranstva će nam omogućiti da sprovedemo projekte, uvođenjem svežih snaga i odgovornosti.
Zato je BelRE toliko važan. Prethodni sajmovi su
mnogo pomogli da dođe do uspešne realizacije raznih
poslovnih poduhvata, i siguran sam da će ovogodišnji
sajam biti podjednako plodan za strane investitore i
domaći biznis.
Godinama nastojimo da stvorimo stabilnu sredinu za međunarodno poslovanje. Iako još mnogo toga
mora da se uradi, investitori su to primetili, kao i multinacionalne kompanije koje rade na uspostavljanju
uporišta za buduće poslovanje u Srbiji. „
NJ.K.V. Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar
U Beogradu, 14. oktobra 2008.
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Invest in the Future
hese are historically difficult times across
the world. Trouble seems to be everywhere and investors are seeking safety.
How will this turmoil affect the investment in Serbia?
An uncertain climate might seem to make Serbian
investment a tough sell. However, that may not be
the case. Recent events have shown that risk exists
even in the most developed countries. Therefore, in
the coming years, investors will see a strong imperative
to diversify into emerging economies such as Serbia.
Investors will evaluate opportunities conservatively
and thoroughly. These factors should work to Serbia’s
benefit, presenting an opportunity for investment.
The financial disarray of the last decade in Serbia is
In other words, we must approach the global economic turmoil as an opportunity to put our best foot
forward. By attracting investment during this complex
period, we can establish Serbia’s reputation as a dynamic and business friendly country. We have a strong
case: the IMF, in their October 2008 outlook, forecasts
Serbian growth to hold steady at about 6% in 2009 in
spite of the slowdown in the West. If we weather the
global predicament skillfully we can expect to emerge
with a possible larger role in the global economy.
This is the time to work hard and focus on fundamentals. We must redouble efforts already underway
to improve our legal and financial infrastructures. We
must innovate and put our intelectual capital to good
use. We must invest in the future and also improve our
educational system. We must publicize opportunities
to foreign investors. Cooperation with financial entities from abroad will enable us to carry out projects by
incorporating fresh voices and accountability.
That is why BelRE is so essential. Past events have
played an instrumental role in many successful ventures, and I am certain that this year’s fair will be equally fruitful for foreign investors and local business.
We have worked hard for many years to create a
stable environment for international business. While
there is more work to be done, investors have noticed
those efforts, as have the multinational companies who
are working on establishing a foothold in Serbia. „
Belgrade, 14 October 2008
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Najnoviji privredni
BDP,miliona USD
BDP po glavi stanovnika, USD
BDP, realna stopa rasta, %
Zaposleni, 000
Nezaposleni, 000
Izvori: Republički zavod za statistiku Srbije, Ministarstvo finansija, Narodna banka Srbije
Bruto domaći proizvod (BDP)
Stopa inflacije, g-z-g, %
Prosečna mesečna neto plata, EUR
Stopa nezaposlenosti, %
Devizne rezerve na kraju godine, miliona USD
Javni prihodi, % od BDP
Javni rashodi, % od BDP
Bilans javnih finansija, % od BDP
Javne finansije
Spoljnotrgovinska razmena
Izvoz roba i usluga, miliona USD
Uvoz roba i usluga, miliona USD
Bilans roba i usluga, miliona USD
Trenutni bilans računa, miliona USD
Trenutni bilans računa, % od BDP
Upliv SDI, miliona USD
nažan rast – Tokom 2007. godine, privreda
Srbije je nastavila snažan rast po procenjenoj
stopi od 7,5%. Privredni dohodak po glavi
stanovnika dostigao je cifru od oko 5.600
američkih dolara, što je porast od 35% u odnosu na
prethodnu godinu. Snažan BDP je u najvećoj meri
rezultat strelovitog rasta uslužnog sektora. U prvoj
polovini 2007. godine, sektor saobraćaja je porastao
za 21,4%, a pratili su ga sektori finansijskih usluga,
trgovine, hotela i restorana, sa stopama rasta od
20,0%, 19,3% i 12,2%. S druge strane, industrijska
proizvodnja je porasla za 4,4%, što se može porediti
sa stopom rasta iz 2006. godine.
Umerena inflacija na monetarnom polju, cene na
malo su porasle za 10,1% u poređenju s decembrom
2006. godine. Iako je Narodna banka Srbije uspela
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da postigne ciljanu inflaciju od 5,4% putem restriktivne monetarne politike, promene cena komunalnih
usluga i struje doprinele su, zajedno sa porastom cene
nafte na svetskom tržištu, umerenom porastu inflacije
u poređenju s prošlom godinom.
Skok izvoza – Izvoz je naglo porastao u periodu
od januara do decembra, dostigavši cifru od 8,83
milijarde američkih dolara, odnosno za 37,3% više
u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. Snažan izvoz je rezultat složenih faktora, među kojima su i privatizacija
i efekti restruktuiranja u realnom sektoru, liberalizacija trgovine s područjem jugoistočne Evrope, preferencijalni tretman na tržištu Evropske unije, kao i
naklonjene prilike na polju spoljne trgovine. Tokom
posmatranog perioda, stopa ukupnog uvoza je porasla
u sličnoj meri, za 39,3%, što je proizvelo spoljnotrgovinski deficit od 9,53 milijardi dolara, što predstavlja
jedan od najvećih izazova za makroekonomsku politiku tokom narednih godina.
Uravnotežen budžet – Državni budžet je ostao u
ravnoteži tokom 2007. godine, uz suficit od 0,5%.
Smanjenje pozitivnog bilansa – u poređenju s prethodnim godinama – je delimično proizišlo iz nedavno usvojenih poreskih olakšica koje su prouzrokovale
usporenje rasta državnih prihoda.
Pojačana likvidnost – Spoljna likvidnost države
ostala je stabilna, uz rekordne nivoe deviznih rezervi i
smanjen odnos javnog spoljnog duga i BDP. Pojačane
ogromnim uplivima kapitala, ukupne devizne rezerve
su do kraja 2007. godine premašile iznos od 16 milijardi američkih dolara, od čega su rezerve NBS iznosile gotovo 14,5 milijardi američkih dolara. Nadalje,
ukupan javni spoljni dug – koji je krajem novembra
iznosio 9,1 milijardi američkih dolara, činio je oko
25% bruto domaćeg proizvoda Srbije.
Porast greenfield investicija – Posle rekordnog
upliva SDI u iznosu od 5,5 milijardi američkih dolara
tokom 2006. godine, iznos stranih investicija u prošloj
godini je, iako visok, ipak bio smanjen u odnosu na
2006. godinu. Tokom 2007. godine, upliv SDI – cifra
koja predstavlja ukupne investicije stranih preduzeća –
je dostigao cifru od 3,569 milijardi američkih dolara.
Tokom 2007. godine, struktura SDI po zemlji porekla je uglavnom ostala u skladu sa prethodnim godinama. Listu su predvodili investitori iz Evropske unije, s
tim što je udeo zemalja jugoistočne Evrope bio u porastu. Krajem decembra, Austrija je bila vodeći investitor,
a pratile su je Grčka, Luksemburg, Crna Gora i Italija.
Po najnovijim statističkim podacima, bankarski
sektor zabeležio je najveći upliv SDI u 2007. godini,
u iznosu od 1,102 milijarde američkih dolara. Slede
telekomunikacije sa 605,2 miliona američkih dolara
SDI. Nadalje, nekretnine su privukle značajan iznos
stranog kapitala prošle godine – 388,8 miliona američkih dolara, a u proizvodnu industriju je u istom
periodu uloženo 503,2 miliona američkih dolara.
Kada je u pitanju analiza SDI po tipu, tokom
2007. godine zabeležen je veći broj greenfield projekata. Indijska kompanija “Embassy Group” obevezala
se da će izgraditi najmoderniji IT park, što predstavlja revolucionaran projekat. Austrijski “Kronospan”
objavio je izgradnju fabrike drvenih pločastih materijala čija je vrednost 50 miliona eura, a nemački “Future Biotec” se obavezao da će investirati isti iznos u
pogon za proizvodnju bio dizela. „
02investicije.indd 21
20.10.2008 23:33:12
Latest economic
trong Growth Over the course of 2007,
Serbia’s economy continued to grow at a
strong rate estimated at 7.5%. In per capita
try s economic out
outterms, country’s
put reached about US$5,600–a
vioous year. Robust
gain against the previous
as largely
GDP performance wa
driven by the soaringg outtoor.
put of the service sector.
s-In H1 2007, the transportation sector saw
a 21.4% increase,
followed by financial services, trade,
hotels and restaurants,,
with respective growth
3%, and
rates of 20.0%, 19.3%,
heer hand,
12.2%. On the other
n rose by
industrial production
4.4.%, which is comparable
0 rate.
the corresponding 2006
n – On
Moderate Inflation
ettail pricthe monetary front, retail
% relative
es increased by 10.1%
to December 2006.. While
the National Bank off Serbia
n target
hit the core inflation
of 5.4% by pursuingg a tight
liity and
monetary policy, utility
electricity price adjustments,
along with world oi
oill price
tee inflahikes led to moderate
t last
tion rise compared to the
year’s figure.
anuaryExport Surge – Januarynccreased
December exports increased
sharply reaching US$8.83bn
nst the
or 37.3% up against
previous year. Strong export
performance resulted from
complexity of factors including privatization and restruc-
turing effects in the real sector, trade liberalization
within the South East Europe area, preferential access
to the EU market, as well as favorable terms of
external trade. Over tthe respective period,
total imports grew byy a comparable rate of
39.3% leading
ng tto US$9.53bn foreign tra
ade deficit, as one of
the m
major challenges for the
policy in
tthe coming years.
Balanced Budget
– The country’s state
balanced in the course
of 200
2007 running a 0.5%
us. The reduced posisurplus.
tive ba
previous yea
years–partly resulted
from rece
ent tax breaks leading
to a slowd
dow in state revenues’
ered Liquidity – The
country’s eexternal liquidity
d sta
stable, with recordhigh fore
eign currency reserves
and a re
duc public foreign
DP ratio. Fuelled by
massive rece
receipts on the capital side oof th
the balance of payments, ffore
foreign currency reserves to
otal over US$16bn
by end 2
2007, out of which the
NBS’ re
accounted for
nearly U
US$14.5bn. Further,
total p
ubl foreign debt–
standingg at US$9.1bn at end
up roughly
25% off SSerbia’s Gross Domestic P
– Fo
FDI in
o of US$5.5bn
02investicije.indd 22
20.10.2008 23:33:13
GDP per capita, USD
GDP, real growth rate, %
Employed, 000
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Inflation rate, y-o-y, %
Average net monthly salary, EUR
Unemployed, 000
Unemployment rate, %
Foreign Currency Reserves, end of year, USD mn
Public revenues, % of GDP
Public expenditures, % of GDP
Balance of public finance, % of GDP
Public Finance
Foreign Trade
Export of goods and services, USD mn
Import of goods and services, USD mn
Balance of goods and services, USD mn
Current account balance, USD mn
Current account balance, % of GDP
Inward FDI, USD mn
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Finance, National Bank of Serbia
in 2006, last year was marked with massive, yet decreased amount of foreign investment. In 2007, inward FDI–the figure indicating total investment of
foreign companies–reached US$3.569bn.
In 2007, the structure of FDI by country of origin
remained mostly in the line with that in the previous
years. Investors from the European Union topped the
list, with the increased portion of South East Europe
countries. By end December, Austria was a leading
investor, followed by, Greece, Luxembourg, Montenegro, and Italy.
According to the latest statistics, the banking sector recorded the biggest FDI inflow in 2007 with
US$1.102bn, followed by telecommunications with
US$605.2mn of FDI. Furthermore, real estate attracted a significant amount of foreign capital last
year–US$388.8mn, while manufacturing industries
saw US$503.2mn influx over the respective period.
In terms of FDI breakdown by type, a growing number of Greenfield ventures were recorded
throughout 2007. In a ground-breaking project,
Indian Embassy Group pledged to build a €428mn
state-of-the-art IT park, Austrian Kronospan announced construction of a plywood manufacturing
plant worth €50mn, while German Future Biotec
committed itself to invest the same amount in a biodiesel production facility. „
02investicije.indd 23
20.10.2008 23:33:16
Vojvodina na
pravom putu
repoznavši najnovije svetske trendove globalizacije, pokrajinska Vlada, koja je 2004.
godine i osnovala VIP Fond, u proteklih
nekoliko godina uložila je velike napore u
ostvarivanju jednog od najvažnijih ciljeva - internacionalizacije vojvođanske privrede. Pod tim se podrazumeva ne samo proces privlačenja stranih direktnih
investicija već i podrška domaćim preduzetnicima i
kompanijama prilikom započinjanja poslovanja, ali i
u osvajanju novih, inostranih tržišta.
Počev od 2001. godine, ukupan priliv stranih direktnih investicija u Vojvodini iznosi preko 3,6 milijarde, a
to su investicije koje su obezbedile 50.000 radnih mesta.
VIP Fond se trudi da predstavi Vojvodinu kao region idealan za snabdevanje postojećih klijenata bilo
da su oni u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, EU ili
u Rusiji. Kvalitet radne snage je još jedan
od razloga da investicije dolaze, a upravo
nam postojeći investitori pokazuju da su
ovde zaista pronašli visoku produktivnost i dobar kvalitet rada.
Naši prioriteti u budućnosti tiču se
svih onih aktivnosti kojima ćemo još
više ojačati svoju poziciju i još jednom
potvrditi da je naš region atraktivan za
ulaganje. Pre svega, mi želimo da ulažemo u obrazovanje, jer smo svesni da upravo ono čini
ključni faktor za razvoj zemlje, čini nas konkurentnim i upravo na taj način ojačaćemo i samu privredu. Upravo iz ovog razloga, a u saradnji sa Univerzitetom u Novom Sadu i pokrajinskom Vladom, u
Vojvodini je pokrenuta inicijativa za započinjanjem
programa dokvalifikacija pojedinih obrazovnih profila, za koje je procenjeno da će, usled očekivane ekspanzije vojvođanske privrede, postati deficitarni. Ne
želeći da čekamo da problem rešavamo, odlučili smo
da ga preduhitrimo.
Uz uspešnu saradnju sa svim lokalnim samoupravama u Vojvodini, sa pokrajinskom i republičkom
administracijom, ali i uz podršku privatnog sektora,
uspelo nam je da svake godine konkurentnost Vojvodine podižemo na viši nivo i zajednički stvaramo
bolje društveno-ekonomsko okruženje.
Do sada smo realizovali projekte ukupne vrednosti
106,8 miliona evra, koji su Vojvodini doneli 3.100
radnih mesta.
Najpozitivniji je svakako primer nemačke kompanije Draexlmaier, koja je svoje poslovanje započela u maju
ove godine. Ovaj proizvođač iz sektora prateće automobilske industrije trenutno zapošljava gotovo 1.000
ljudi, broj koji sledeće godine treba da se poveća na čak
1.800 zaposlenih. Dolazak ove kompanije je konkretan rezultat gotovo trogodišnjih aktivnosti pokrajinske
Vlade i Fonda za podršku investicija u Vojvodini.
Treba spomenuti i investiciju još jednog proizvođača iz sektora prateće automobilske industrije, nemačku kompaniju Bauerhin, sa kojom je VIP Fond
radio šest meseci, a kao rezultat tih aktivnosti, trenutno u Inđiji u tri smene radi 250 radnika. Prema planu projekta, u naredne tri godine, ovde će zaposlenje
naći ukupno 500 Inđijaca.
Pored ovih, u 2007. godini, kroz direktnu podršku VIP Fonda, realizovana je i investicija slovenačke
kompanije Maksim iz Celja, koja će kroz greenfield
investiciju u fabriku za toplo cinkovanje, u Inđiji
zaposliti 100 radnika. Rumunska kompanija Netex
Group otvorila je u Novom Sadu call centar, u kome
trenutno radi dvadesetak mladih stručnjaka.
Najznačajniji projekat u 2008. godini svakako je
investicija danskog proizvođača pumpi, kompanije
Grundfos, sa kojom je VIP Fond radio punih 9 meseci, a koja se odlučila za greenfield investiciju u Inđiji.
Zahvaljujući ovom projektu biće otvoreno 500 novih
radnih mesta.
U ovom trenutku, VIP Fond radi na više od 50
investicionih projekata, za koje očekujemo da donesu
najmanje još ovoliko radnih mesta u ovoj i sledećoj
Inicijativu razvoja malih preduzetnika VIP Fond podržava kroz poslovne inkubatore, koji postoje na teritoriji
AP Vojvodine, i to u Zrenjaninu, Senti i Subotici. Danas
u ovim poslovnim inkubatorima posluje 28 firmi u kojima je zaposleno preko 100 ljudi, što je inicijativa koja
doprinosi daljem razvoju privrede i naravno popravljanju pokazatelja ukupnog ekonomskog okruženja. „
Branislav Bugarski, direktor VIP Fonda
03komentari.indd 24
20.10.2008 23:35:35
03komentari.indd 25
20.10.2008 23:35:45
Vojvodina on
the Right Track
aving recognised the latest trends in globalisation, the Provincial Government, which
founded the VIP (Vojvodina Investment
Promotion) Fund in 2004, invested great
efforts over the past several years to achieve one of its key
goals – the internationalisation of Vojvodina’s economy.
This not only involves the process of attracting foreign
direct investments, but also the support given to local entrepreneurs and companies who are starting their
businesses or trying to conquer new foreign markets.
Since 2001, the total inflow of foreign direct investments in Vojvodina has exceeded 3.6 billion, and
those same investments have provided employment
for 50,000 workers.
The VIP Fund strives to present Vojvodina as an
ideal region for supplying the existing clients, whether
they are located in the Southeast Europe, EU, or Russia. Workforce quality is another reason which keeps
the investments coming, and the examples of existing
investors show that those investors discovered our high
efficiency and the good quality of our work.
Our future priorities are related to all activities which
will serve to strengthen our position and re-confirm our
region as an attractive place for investments. Above all,
we wish to invest in education, because we are aware that
education is the key factor for the development of our
country. The education will increase our competitiveness
and, consequently, bolster the economy itself. For this very
reason, we created an initiative, in cooperation with the
University of Novi Sad and the Provincial Government,
to begin the continuing education for certain educational
profiles, which are likely to become in demand due to the
expected expansion of Vojvodina’s economy. We did not
wish to wait and then have to deal with the issue; instead,
we elected to prevent the issue from ever occurring.
With our successful cooperation with all of Vojvodina’s
local governments, as well as the Provincial and State administrations, and also with support of the private sector,
we have managed to continually raise Vojvodina’s competitiveness to a higher level, year after year, working together to create a better socio-economic environment.
So far, we have realised projects with a total value of
106.8 million euro, providing Vojvodina with 3,100
additional work places.The most positive example is that
of the German “Draexlmaier” company, which begun its
business operations in May of this year. This manufacturer
of automotive products currently employs nearly 1,000
people, and this number should increase to as many as
1,800 employees next year. The coming of this company
is a result of the activities of the Government of Vojvodina
and the Vojvodina Investment Promotion Fund, which
took nearly three years.
The investment of another manufacturer of automotive products, the German company “Bauerhin,” also
bears mentioning. The VIP Fund spent six months
working together with this company; as a result of those
activities, the company now employs 250 workers in Indjija, who work in three shifts. According to the project
plan, a total of 500 of Indjija’s citizens will find employment with this company over the next three years.
In addition to these investments, the Slovenian company “Maksim” from Celje realised its investment in 2007
through direct support provided by the VIP Fund. This
company’s Greenfield investment in the warm galvanisation plant in Indjija will provide jobs for 100 workers. The
Romanian “Netex Group” opened its call centre in Novi
Sad and currently employs twenty young professionals.
The most important project in 2008 is certainly
the investment of the Danish pump manufacturer,
“Grundfos,” which the VIP Fund worked on for nine
months. The company decided to have a Greenfield
investment in Indjija. Thanks to this project, another
500 new positions will be opened.
At this moment, the VIP Fund is working on more
than 50 investment projects, and we expect that those
projects will bring at least as many work places in this
year and the following year as the ones before.
The VIP Fund supports the incentive for development of small entrepreneurs through business incubators
located on the territory of AP Vojvodina, in Zrenjanin,
Senta, and Subotica. Today, 28 companies are operating
within these business incubators, employing over 100
people, and this incentive adds to the future development of our economy and, of course, to the improvement of global economic environment indicators. „
Branislav Bugarski, Director of the VIP Fund
03komentari.indd 26
20.10.2008 23:35:46
03komentari.indd 27
20.10.2008 23:35:47
Atraktivno tržište
za investicije
nvesticije su neophodan uslov za razvoj privrede
svake zemlje. Republika Srpska, polako ali sigurno postaje tržište koje je sve interesantnije za
strane ulagače, posebno za ulaganje u nekretnine.
Uslovi poslovanja u RS značajno su poboljšani u poslijeratnom periodu, a posebno u odnosu na početak reformi. Dobar dio ekonomskih pokazatelja je pozitivan.
Porezi i drugi troškovi poslovanja niži su od velikog
broja zemalja u okruženju, radna snaga je kvalitetna,
veliki tržišni potencijali, dobar
geo-strateški položaj i drugo.
No, sa druge strane rješavanje krupnih političkih pitanja,
velika nezaposlenost, niska stopa izvoza, nizak tehnološki nivo
privrede i veliki spoljno-trgovinski deficit su trenutni faktori koji
naš prostor za neke strane investitore čine u određenoj mjeri
neizvjesnim i rizičnim. No, uprkos svim političkim nedostacima
BiH koji se odražavaju i na ReNIKOLA VUKMIROVIĆ
publiku Srpsku ona u poslednje
vrijeme doživljava veliki ekonomski oporavak i tendenciju daljnjeg razvoja.
Ambijent za privlačenje investitora u RS je povoljniji od ambijenta u drugom entitetu-FBiH. Razlozi leže
u jednostavnijim i bržim procedurama kod izgradnje
objekata kroz jednostavniju administrativnu strukturu
RS, kao i provedeni projekt „giljotina“ propisa kojim
je smanjen broj zakonskih i drugih propisa za preko
40%, a odnose se na izgradnju i promet nekretnina.
Najveći problem još uvijek predstavlja sporost rada
sudova zbog njihovog nedovoljnog kadrovskog i tehničkog kapaciteta.
Najpovoljniji ambijent za tržište nekretnina predstavlja područje Banje Luke i Trebinja. Banja Luka
je politički, administrativni i ekonomski centar RS.
Nju atraktivnom čini i turistički potencijal rijeke Vrbas koja se našla na listi najzabavnijih svjetskih rijeka
za rafting. Činjenica je da je Banja Luka bila domaćin Evropskog prvenstva u raftingu i da je izabrana
za organizatora Svjetskog prvenstva u raftingu 2009.
godine. Najveća potražnja je za stambenim objektima
čije cijene rastu iz dana u dan pa trenutno iznose od
2000 do 2500 KM po m².
Jedan od najprivlačnijih gradova RS je i Trebinje.
Pored domaćih javljaju i strani investitori, a najčešće
Rusi, Slovenci, državljani Srbije, Crne Gore i drugi.
Cijene nekretnina su približne cijenama u Banjoj Luci.
Cijena zemljišta po m² kreće se preko 100 KM po m²,
a cijena stanova oko 2000 KM po m². Sigurno će u
Trebinju biti prisutan daljnji rast ulaganja u nekretnine, posebno u stambene i turističke objekte obzirom
na geografski položaj na tromeđi Srbije, BiH i Crne
Gore, izgradnju aerodroma, blizinu najpoznatijeg
najvećeg turističkog centra Hrvatske - Dubrovnika,
prirodne ljepote i istorijske znamenitosti (manastiri,
tvrđava, kulturni objekti, prirodne rijetkosti i sl.).
Posebnu atraktivnost ovaj grad će imati zbog razvoja
vjerskog turizma.
Procjenjuje se da će do 2010. god cijena kvadratnog metra stana u Banjoj Luci dostići čak do 5000
KM (procjene agencija za promet nekretnina). Kako je
potražnja veća od ponude stanovi se u najvećom broju
slučajeva prodaju unaprijed.
Dalji razvoj tržišta nekretnina podrazumjeva i unapređenje metoda procjene vrijednosti nekretnina koje
se za sada još uvijek malo primjenjuju, a posebno kada
su u pitanju stambeni objekti.
Uspjeh onih koji su već investirali u ovo tržište, kao
i njihove namjere daljnjeg investiranja su garancija još
većih i boljih mogućnosti na tržištu nekretnina. Svojim položajem u regionu, tržištem koje je tek otvoreno
za strana ulaganja, otvorenošću i gostoprimstvom stanovništva nude se mogućnosti stranim ulagačima da
upoznaju novo, atraktivno i netaknuto tržište za razne
vrste stranih investicija. „
Prof. dr Nikola Vukmirović, direktor Republičke agencije za razvoj malih i
srednjih preduzeća Republike Srpske
03komentari.indd 28
20.10.2008 23:35:52
03komentari.indd 29
21.10.2008 1:04:25
An attractive market
for investments
he investments are a necessary prerequisite for
the development of each country’s economy.
Slowly but surely, the Republic of Srpska is
turning into a market which is becoming increasingly more interesting to the foreign investors, especially when it comes to real estate investments. Business
conditions in the RS have improved considerably in the
post-war period, and particularly when compared to the
beginning of reforms. A large portion of the economic
factors are now positive. Taxes and other business expenses are lower than those in many other neighbouring countries; there is an excellent workforce, large market potentials, good geo-strategic position, and other advantages.
On the other hand, the resolution of major political
issues, vast unemployment, low export rates, economy’s
low technical level, and a large foreign deficit are all factors at the moment, which makes our area somewhat
shaky and hazardous for some foreign investors. However, despite all the political shortcomings of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, which also reflect on the Republic of Srpska, our country has lately experienced a considerable
economic recovery, with a tendency for future growth.
The setting which attracts investors to the RS is
more favourable than that of the other Entity – Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The chief reasons
for this are the simpler and quicker construction procedures carried out through the more straightforward
administrative structure of the RS. Another reason is
the implemented “Guillotine” Project which reduced
the number of laws and other regulations related to
the development and sale of real estate by over 40%.
The biggest remaining problem is the slowness of
court procedures because of their reduced number of
employees and diminished technical capacity.
The regions of Banja Luka and Trebinje possess the
most favourable real-estate environments. Banja Luka
is the political, administrative, and economic centre of
the RS. Its attractiveness is increased by the tourist potential of Vrbas River, which was ranked among world’s
best rafting rivers. Banja Luka has been the host of the
European Rafting Championship, and it was chosen
to organise the World Rafting Championship in 2009.
The biggest demand is for residential structures, with
prices growing on a daily basis. Current prices range
between 2,000 and 2,500 KM per square metre.
Trebinje is one of the most attractive cities in the RS.
In addition to local investors, Trebinje is also receiving
calls from foreign investors, most often Russians, Slovenians, citizens of Serbia, Montenegro, and others. Real
estate prices are similar to those of Banja Luka. Land
prices exceed 100 KM per square metre, and apartment
prices are around 2,000 KM per square metre. Trebinje
will certainly continue to see an expansion of real estate investments, especially for residential and tourist
structures, particularly because of its geographic position at the tri-state border between Serbia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, and Montenegro, the development of an
airport, the proximity of Croatia’s largest tourist centre
of Dubrovnik, and its natural beauties and historical
monuments (monasteries, fortress, cultural sites, natural rarities, et al). This city will become particularly attractive because of the expansion of religious tourism.
According to the estimates, by 2010, the price
of apartments in Banja Luka will reach 5,000 KM
(evaluations done by real estate agencies). Since the
demand exceeds the supply, most apartments are sold
in pre-sales.
Further development of the real estate market
requires the improvement of real estate evaluation
methods, which are still applied infrequently, especially when it comes to residential structures.
The success of those who have already invested in
this market, as well as their intentions to continue
investing, are a guarantee of bigger and better opportunities for the real estate market. With its regional
position, a market only recently opened for foreign
investments, its transparency, and the hospitality of
its people, the Republic of Srpska offers the foreign
investors the option to discover a new, attractive, and
untapped market for various foreign investments. „
Prof. Dr. Nikola Vukmirovic, Director of the Republic Agency for Development
of Small and Medium Companies of the Republic of Srpska
03komentari.indd 30
20.10.2008 23:36:00
03komentari.indd 31
20.10.2008 23:36:01
real estate
Intervju – Slobodan Mihajlović, izvršni direktor kompanije „Blok 67 Associates“
Novi koncept života
ompleks Belville, smešten u srcu Novog
Beograda, predstavlja potpuno nov koncept stambenog naselja. Po mnogo čemu
jedinstven, Belville je pravi mali grad usred
Beograda i predstavlja trenutno najveći projekat u
oblasti nekretnina u regionu. Slobodan Mihajlović,
izvršni direktor kompanije „Blok 67 Associates“ o samom projektu kaže:
„Kompleks Belville je projekat ogromne površine,
koji u Srbiji i bivšoj Jugoslaviji nije odavno građen
‘u jednom komadu’. S druge strane, sam sadržaj, 14
stambenih zgrada i dve poslovne zgrade, dovoljno govori o tome koliko je naš zadatak kompleksan. Kad to
pomnožimo sa visinom koja varira od 10 do 13 spratova, dolazimo do jedne impresivne količine kvadratnih
metara koji se prave u istom trenutku. Iza realizacije
projekta stoji jedna vrlo dobro organizovana ekipa koja
je podeljena po strogim pravilima posla.“
Rok za završetak radova je veoma kratak. Koliki je profesionalni izazov
predstavljala ta činjenica?
„„Prvi fizički radovi su počeli u julu 2007. godine. Doneli smo kratke akcione planove kako bi u maju 2009.
stigli do cilja. Te mere su bile toliko efikasne da smo
trenutno preko 45 dana u plusu, što znači da radimo
brže nego što je predviđeno planom. Ipak ovaj uspeh
nije posledica nikakvog trika u stilu Dejvid Koperfilda,
već izuzetno dobro planiranih koraka i akcija. Očekujemo da početkom februara sledeće godine počnemo
da predajemo objekte preduzeću Univerzijada 2009.
Uhvatili smo ritam koji nije uobičajen za ovdašnje a čak
ni za evropske uslove i na to smo veoma ponosni.“
U projektu učestvuju domaće firme, jedina međunarodna firma je
MACE koja je zadužena za tehničku kontrolu i praćenje projekta prema
međunarodnim standardima?
„„Ovaj projekat je poseban primer dobre organizacije.
Akcionari Delta Real Estate i Hypo Alpe Adria Bank
a.d. Beograd dali su svoj veliki doprinos u pripremi
realizacije. Glavni izvođač poslova je Delta Invest, koji
za pojedine faze angažuje 8 podizvođača, i imamo još
oko 12 instalaterskih firmi za specijalizovane instalacije. Sve firme koje učestvuju u realizaciji koriste novu
tehnologiju rada koja će verovatno biti kriterijum za
sledeće projekte a brzina i poštovanje rokova će biti
ključni faktor za dobijanje posla. Sa ponosom želim
da istaknem da su sve firme koje su angažovane na
realizaciji projekta iz Srbije. Rukovođenje od strane
Delta Investa je zaista maestralno, i kao jedinu stranu
firmu uvek ističemo MACE koji je kvalifikovan na
svetskom nivou za rukovođenje projektima.“
Sektor nekretnina je pokretač cele privrede. Koliko su ovakvi projekti
važni za Srbiju?
„„Zbog pauze u proizvodnji nekretnina, u situaciji smo
da nas dočekuju isti problemi koje su prošle mnoge druge zemlje u tranziciji. Imamo primer Poljske, Rumunije,
Mađarske, Slovačke, Češke, Rumunije, Bugarske - u svim
tim zemljama upravo je sektor nekretnina bio prvi koji je
pokretao neke dalje razvitke. Veliki projekti predstavljaju
generator koji pokreće celu ekonomiju. Mi na građevini danas imamo negde oko 3500 radnika, oni primaju
plate, zajedno sa svojim familijama troše taj novac ovde
u Srbiji, takođe imamo veliki broj snabdevača od kojih
nabavljamo robu uglavnom domaće proizvodnje - sve to
samo po sebi donosi aktivnost u ekonomskom sistemu i
poboljšanje situacije. Sektor nekretnina u ovom trenutku
i u budućih nekoliko godina sigurno može da bude pokretač, koji će poboljšati ekonomski sistem Srbije.“
Šta mislite o sadašnjoj situaciji na tržištu nekretnina u Srbiji?
„„Ovu fazu možemo nazvati fazom kupca. Oni su ti
koji diktiraju tempo, kad imaju novca kupe, kad nemaju – čekaju. Prodavci pak nemaju nikakav motiv da
promovišu svoje proizvode jer je potražnja mnogo veća
od ponude. Ako pak pogledamo situaciju očima kupca
vidimo da se suočavaju sa nizom velikih problema. Na
tržištu nema dovoljno nekretnina, naročito u stambenom sektoru. Ono što je u ovom trenutku glavna
odlika srpskog tržišta nekretnina je nedostatak kontinuirane proizvodnje. Takođe, nasleđene su zakonske
regulative koje u sadašnjim uslovima više nisu efikasne.
Došli smo do jedne situacije gde se sektor nekretnina
i gradnje pretvorio u oportunizam jer su u taj proces
ulazili ljudi koji nisu imali dovoljno stručnog znanja
ili nisu poštovali pravila te je došlo do stvaranja velikog
problema sa dosta nezavršenih zgrada i oštećenih kupaca. Zato, u ovoj dinamičnoj ekonomskoj grani koja
pokreće ogromna sredstva za projekte u budućnosti
moraju da se postave dobre osnove i uslovi koji su jasni
04nekretnine.indd 32
21.10.2008 0:46:34
za domaće i strane investitore. Neophodno je napraviti
legalan okvir koji će tačno definisati ko sve može da se
bavi tom aktivnošću i omogućiti da klijenti kao krajnji
korisnici, i u krajnjoj liniji pokretači celog ovog sistema, imaju maksimalnu zaštitu. Kad budemo imali više
stanova na tržištu, konkurencija će dovesti do toga da
se stabilizuju cene a klijenti će moći da biraju između
više proizvoda. Tada će doći trenutak kad će se i sami
investitori više angažovati oko kupaca.“
Belville je i konceptualno drugačiji što ga opet čini jedinstvenim.
„„Da. Iz 70-tih godina smo izvukli zaključke da ne želimo da ovako veliki projekti postanu spavaonice, jer je taj
koncept pokazao loše rezultate. U razvoju ovog projekta
rukovodili smo se idejama koje proklamuje urban dizajn
koji se bavi problemima organizacije urbanih sredina i pitanjima šta to treba da sadrži jedno naselje, grad, region, da
ektor nekretnina
u ovom trenutku
i u budućih nekoliko
godina sigurno može
da bude pokretač,
koji će poboljšati
ekonomski sistem
bi svi koji tu stanuju, mogli
lepo da žive i da se osećaju
prijatno. On je danas toliko
širok i sveprisutan problem u
savremenom svetu, da je čak
stigao i do UN koje imaju
deklaraciju o urban dizajnu. O važnim elementima za
udoban život budućih stanara vodili smo računa kad je
projektovan kompleks Belville. Imamo zonu u kojoj će
se odvijati poslovne aktivnosti, zgrade za stanovanje u
čijim prizemljima imamo lokale u kojima će se odvijati
preduzetničke aktivnosti. Ispod samog naselja nalaze se
podzemne garaže a na obodu naselja nalaze se jasno odvojene zone za parkiranje, što sprečava nagomilavanje velikog
broja vozila u naselju.U neposrednoj blizini imamo šoping
mol Delta City sa svim svojim sadržajima. Takođe parcela
koja se nalazi u okviru celog kompleksa namenjena je za iz33
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real estate
gradnju obdaništa, staračkog doma i škole. Razmišljanje o
projektu Belville sa naše strane nije bilo u sistemu „napravi
i prodaj“ već je naša želja da promovišemo novi koncept
života. Posvetićemo se održavanju kompleksa i posle uručenja stanova našim klijentima. Nije jednostavno održavati
kompleks počevši od zelenila pa do stvari koje se ne vide
npr. generatora koji se aktiviraju u slučaju nestajanja struje, sistema protivpožarne zaštite, ventilacija u podzemnim
garažama. To su stvari koje se ne vide ali moraju da budu
u funkciji 24 sata 365 dana godišnje. Ako to zapustimo na
početku, kasnije ne pričamo o održavanju, nego o popravljanju i tu nema leka. Mi razmišljamo drugačije.“
Kompleks Belville će biti korišćen za smeštaj učesnika letnje Univerzijade 2009?
Poseban odnos prema klijentu dokazuje i činjenica da ste otvorili i prodajni paviljon. Kažite nam nešto više o tome?
Šta mislite o Belre Sajmu nekretnina i investicija i o ideji da se ovakva
vrsta sajmova pokrene u Beogradu i Srbiji?
„„Želja nam je bila da napravimo i pokažemo naš proizvod na licu mesta kako bi klijenti mogli da ga vide pre
kupovine. Prodajni paviljon se sastoji iz stana u prirodnoj veličini koji predstavlja početnu tačku za razmišljanje svakog klijenta. U istom prostoru nalaze se i naši
savetnici prodavci koji klijentima pomažu da na jednom
mestu mogu da dobiju sve podatke koji su im potrebni
da donesu važnu životnu odluku kao što je kupovina
stana. Omogućili smo ljudima da kroz proces kupovine
prođu na jedan pristojan, civilizovan način. Mislim da je
to tajna uspeha jer klijenti to umeju da cene.“
„„Sajmovi su jako važna stvar za sektor nekretnina, jer
„Za vreme Univerzijade u Beogradu će biti između 13 i
20.000 stranih posetilaca što je za Srbiju izuzetno važna
stvar. Naš kompleks u kome će učesnici biti smešteni
biće svakako centar dešavanja. Kao što je rekao jedan od
sekretara FISU, Svetske federacije za univerzitetski sport,
„sportisti često zaborave kakvo je cveće bilo na stadionima ali se uvek sećaju u kakvom su krevetu spavali“.
Mi se stvarno trudimo da učinimo sve što je moguće da
Belville bude pravi dom iz koga će svi učesnici poneti
najleše uspomene.“
tako pratimo kretanja u ovoj oblasti. Smatram da su
događanja ove vrste neophodna. BelRE je definitivno
mesto gde se razmenjuju iskustva i upoznaju partneri.
Nadam se da će sledeće godine biti toliko izlagača da
ćemo se preseliti u najveću halu sajma. BelRE ima
regionalnu perspektivu i pravo je mesto za investitore
iz inostranstva koji na licu mesta mogu da dobiju kvalitetnu informaciju, jer su tu koncentrisani svi važni
učesnici ove industrije.“„
Ivana Todorović
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Interview – Slobodan Mihajlovic, Executive Director of “Blok 67 Associates”
A new concept
for living
he Belville Complex, located in the very
heart of New Belgrade, presents a completely new concept for a residential neighbourhood. With its many unique features, Belville is actually a small town in the midst of Belgrade,
and this project is currently the largest real estate
project in the region. Slobodan Mihajlovic, Executive
Director of “Blok 67 Associates” provided the following comment about the Project:
“The Belville Complex covers a huge area, and it
has been a very long time since the last project of that
scope was built ‘all at once’ in the region of Serbia and
former Yugoslavia. On the other hand, the Project’s
contents – 14 residential buildings and two office
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buildings – serve to show the complexity of our task.
were already experienced by many other transitioning
When we multiply these values by height, which varcountries. We have the examples of Poland, Romaies from 10 to 13 floors, the number of square metres
nia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania,
being built at one time is quite impressive. A highly
and Bulgaria – in all those countries, the real estate
organised team is behind the realisation of this projsector was the first one to push some further develect, and that team is strictly partiopments. Large projects are a gentioned in accordance with the rules
erator which provides steam for the
he real estate
of this operation.”
whole economy. We have about
3500 workers on the construction
sector can
The deadline to complete the works is very
site now, they receive wages, and
short. Did you find that to be a difficult profecertainly act as
they and their families spend that
ssional challenge?
money here in Serbia. We also have
the motor which
a large number of suppliers which
„ “The first physical works began
will improve
in July of 2007. We made some
provide mainly local goods – all
brief action plans in order to reach
Serbia’s economic those factors by themselves result
the goal in May of 2009. Those
in more activities in the economic
system now and in system and the improvement of
measures were so efficient that we
are currently 45 days ahead, which
the next few years. current situation. The real estate
means that we are working faster
sector can certainly act as the mothan planned. Still, this success is
tor which will improve Serbia’s ecohardly a result of a David Copperfield-style illusion; it
nomic system now and in the next few years.”
is a result of extremely well planned steps and activiWhat do you think about the current state of Serbia’s real estate market?
ties. We expect to start turning the structures over to
„ “We can refer to this phase as the ‘Consumer
the Universiade 2009 company at the beginning of
Phase.’ Consumers are the ones setting the pace;
February of next year. The rhythm we are following is
when they have the money, they make purchases,
unusual for the local conditions, and even for Euroand when they don’t – they wait. Sellers, on the other
pean conditions, and we are very proud of that.”
hand, have no motivation whatsoever to promote
Local companies are participating in the Project, and the only internatitheir products, because the demand is several orders
onal company is MACE, which is in charge of technical supervision and
of magnitude larger than the supply. On the other
tracking in accordance with international standards?
hand, if we look at the situation through the eyes of
„“This Project is a specific example of good organisa- consumers, we can see that they are facing an array
tion. The shareholders, Delta Real Estate and Hypo
of huge problems. There are too few properties on
Alpe Adria Bank a.d. Belgrade provided great conthe market, particularly in the residential sector. The
tributions during the time while we were preparing
main problem of Serbia’s market at this moment is
for realisation. The main contractor is Delta Invest,
the lack of continual manufacture. Also, we inherited
which employs as many as 8 subcontractors for cersome legal regulations which are no longer efficient
tain phases, and we have about 12 other companies
in today’s conditions. We have a situation where the
working on specialised systems. All the companies
real estate and development sector has turned to opengaged in the realisation are using new work techportunism because the process was entered by people
nologies, which will likely become a standard in fuwho lacked sufficient expertise and those who broke
ture projects, and their speed and observance of deadthe rules, which caused the big problem of many
lines will be a key factor in obtaining future work.
buildings being left unfinished and buyers who sufI can proudly emphasize that all companies engaged
fered damages. For this reason, this dynamic branch
in the realisation of this Project are from Serbia. The
of economy, which moves the huge funds required
management of Delta Invest is truly brilliant, and we
for such projects, must receive a good base and condialways point out that MACE, a company with worldtions in the future, in a manner which is clear for both
wide qualifications in project management, is our
local and foreign investors. It is necessary to produce
only foreign company.”
a legal framework which will clearly define who can
The real estate sector is the motor of the entire economy. How imporwork in this field and allow the clients, as end-users,
tant are projects like this one for Serbia?
and, at the end of the day, the true movers of this en„ “Because of the pause we had in the development tire system, to enjoy maximal protection. Once more
of real estate, we are now facing the same issues which
apartments are on the market, the competition will
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stabilise the prices, and clients will be able to choose
from multiple products. The moment will come then
when the investors themselves will take a greater interest in their buyers.”
Belville also has a different concept, which makes it unique.
„“Yes. 1970s taught us that we do not want such large
projects to become dormitories, because the results of
that concept were poor. In developing this project, we
were guided by ideas publicised by urban design, which
deals with the issues of organising urban environments
and the question of what the contents of each neighbourhood, town, and region should be, so that all their residents could enjoy nice lives and feel comfortable. In the
modern world, this problem is so wide and all-encompassing that it even reached the United Nations, which
issued a Declaration on Urban Design. During the design of the Belville Complex, we paid special attention
to the elements which would play an important role in
the lives of future tenants. We have a zone for business
activities, residential buildings with ground-floor shops
and space for entrepreneur activities. Underground garages are located under the entire neighbourhood, and
clearly separated parking zones are located at its edges,
which prevents the piling of huge numbers of vehicles
inside the neighbourhood itself. In the immediate vicinity, we have the Delta City shopping mall with all its
contents. In addition, there is a plot within the complex
which is intended for the kindergarten, nursing home,
and school. Our thoughts on the Belville Project were
not of the “build and sell” type; rather, we wanted to
promote a new concept of living. We will dedicate ourselves to maintaining the complex after the apartments
are turned over to our clients. Maintaining the complex
is far from simple, starting with the greenery all the way
to the “invisible” systems, such as the emergency power
generators, fire protection systems, and underground
garage ventilation. These things are not visible, but have
to remain in operating conditions 24 hours a day, 365
days a year. If we neglect these things at the beginning,
then we will not be able to discuss maintenance at the
later date, only repairs, and that is no way to solve the
issue. We think differently.”
Your special treatment of clients is proven by the fact that you opened
a sales pavilion. Can you tell us a bit more about it?
„ “Our wish was to create and show our product on
the site, making it possible for our clients to see it
before the sales. The sales pavilion consists of one actual-size apartment, which represents a starting point
for every client’s thoughts. Our sales advisors are located in the same area, providing the clients with a
one-stop location where they can receive all the data
required to make the important life decision of buying an apartment. We made it possible for the people
to go through the purchase procedure in a decent,
civilised manner. I think this is a key to success, because the clients know how to appreciate it.”
The Belville Complex will be used to house the participants of the 2009
Summer Universiade?
„ During the Universiade, Belgrade will receive between 13 and 20,000 foreign visitors, and this is incredibly important for Serbia. Our complex, which
will house the participants, will certainly be the cen-
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tre of all happenings. As stated by one of the FISU
(International University Sports Federation) secretaries, ‘the athletes can often forget the kind of flowers at
the stadiums, but they always remember what sort of
bed they had to sleep in.’ We are really doing our best
to turn Belville into a true home, which will provide
only the nicest memories to all participants.”
What is your opinion of the BelRE Real Estate and Investment Fair, and
the idea to start having such fairs in Belgrade and Serbia?
„“Fairs are very important for the real estate sector,
because they are our way to track the movements
in this field. I believe that events of this type are
necessary. BelRE is definitely the place to exchange
experiences and meet partners. I hope that we will
have so many exhibitors next year that we will have
to move to the Fair’s largest exhibition hall. BelRE
possesses a regional perspective, and it is the right
place for foreign investors who can obtain top quality information on the spot, since all the key participants of this industry will be gathered in one
place.” „
Ivana Todorovic
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real estate
Grad usred Beograda
Živim u Belvilleu, stanujem u Beogradu…
Kompleks Belville je smešten u samom srcu Novog
Beograda i predstavlja potpuno novi koncept stambenog naselja. Belville je pravi mali grad usred Beograda, a ono što ga čini posebnim i jedinstvenim, pored
gotovo savršene lokacije, jesu inovativnost u načinu
gradnje, funkcionalnost, savremena tehnička rešenja
i nesvakidašnji sistem uređenja površina u okviru samog kompleksa.
Novi standard gradnje
Kompleks Belville čini: 14 stambenih zgrada sa 10
do 13 spratova, ukupno 1.858 stanova i 14 različitih
tipova i veličina stambenih jedinica - od garsonjera do
četvorosobnih stanova, veliki broj garaža, zatvorenih
i otvorenih parking mesta, koja u zbiru prevazilaze
broj stanova. Brižljivo izabran položaj svih stanova sa
terasama i obiljem svetla, funkcionalnost zajedničkih
prostora, savremena tehnička rešenja i pažnja koja
se ogleda u svakom detalju učiniće da se stanovnici
Belvillea u svim delovima kompleksa osećaju kao kod
kuće. Potvrda kvaliteta celokupnog kompleksa jeste i
činjenica da je upravo Belville izabran za smeštaj učesnika predstojeće Univerzijade 2009.
Odlični lokali, odlična lokacija!
Kompleks Belville pruža izuzetne mogućnosti za
poslovne i uslužne delatnosti. U prizemlju svih stambenih objekata nalaze se lokali koji će obezbediti dinamičan život kompleksa tokom čitavog dana. Lokali
su projektovani kao manje jedinice, ali se prema željama korisnika mogu spojiti u veće celine, tako da
se može očekivati raznolik sastav trgovačke i uslužne
ponude. Svi predviđeni sadržaji na nivou prizemlja
su međusobno povezani, kako pešački, tako i saobraćajno, a natkriveni su nadstrešnicom sa rasvetom, što
omogućava normalno funkcionisanje kompleksa u
svim vremenskim uslovima.
Obezbeđena garaža, siguran ljubimac!
Belville je jedno od retkih naselja u Beogradu u
kome je broj garaža, otvorenih i zatvorenih parking
mesta u zbiru veći od broja stanova, pre svega zato što
je određeni broj parking mesta predviđen za posetioce. Stanari koji sebi obezbede parking mesto mogu
mu pristupiti jednim pritiskom na dugme daljinskog
upravljača. Sve garaže su obezbeđene protivpožarnom
zaštitom, a dodatni kvalitet pruža lift koji vodi od garaže do željenog sprata, odnosno stana. Prateći najnovije trendove i standarde, jedan deo garaža u Belvilleu
predviđen je i za osobe sa invaliditetom, te su ta parking mesta šira od ostalih.
Da bezbrižno rastu…
Poseban značaj kompleksa Belville ogleda se u spoljašnjem uređenju, sa puno zelenih površina, šetališta i najmodernijih igrališta za decu, napravljenih od
prirodnih materijala. Saobraćaj je ograničen unutar
kompleksa, što daje mogućnost slobodnog kretanja
najmlađih stanovnika. Po završetku Univerzijade, kao
uspomena na ovu značajnu manifestaciju, jedan broj
sportskih sadržaja ostaće u naselju, na raspolaganju
stanovnicima Belvillea.
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Banka u komšiluku...
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank a.d. Beograd ima ekspozituru u centru Belvillea. U njoj Vas u svakom trenutku
očekuju ljubazne i nasmejane komšije, spremne da
izađu u susret Vašim ličnim potrebama – savetom,
uslugom ili pozajmicom.
...i Delta City!
Prvi i najveći šoping-mol u regionu, nalazi se u
neposrednoj blizini Belvillea. Kao pravi „grad u malom”, Delta City predstavlja uspešnu kombinaciju
raznovrsnih maloprodajnih objekata i zabavnih sadržaja. Njegova blizina predstavlja veoma očiglednu
prednost za stanovnike Belvillea.
Post-prodajni servis 00 -24h!
Ovaj servis pružiće stanovnicima Belvillea besprekorno održavanje zgrada, popravke svih elemenata
koji su pod garancijom u bilo koje doba dana i noći,
ali i usluge hauzmajstora kao što su menjanje sijalica
u hodniku, održavanje liftova, instalacije u zgradama
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i zelenih površina. Post-prodajni servis takođe obuhvata i redovnu godišnju proveru svih ugrađenih aparata i sistema.
Za buduće generacije...
Jedna od glavnih obaveza koje smo preuzeli u izgradnji kompleksa Belville je čuvanje i zaštita okoline.
Prateći najnovija tehnološka rešenja u projektovanju i
gradnji stvorili smo naselje i domove koji imaju minimalni uticaj na okolinu. Upotrebom čistih građevinskih tehnika, bez negativnih uticaja na okolinu, eliminisanjem emisije štetnih materija i primenom rešenja
koja omogućavaju minimalnu potrošnju vode i energije uspostavili smo ravnotežu između potreba njegovih stanovnika i okoline. Želja nam je da budućim
generacijama ostavimo zdravo i čisto okruženje. „
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A Town in the Middle
of Belgrade
I live in Belville, I reside in Belgrade...
The Belville complex, located in the very heart of
New Belgrade, symbolizes a never-before-seen concept
in residential neighbourhoods. Belville is an actual small
town in the midst of Belgrade, and what makes it so
special and unique, in addition to its practically perfect
location, are the innovations used in its construction,
the functionality it offers, its modern technical solutions, and the extraordinary manner in which the areas
located within the complex itself are developed.
A New Construction Standard
The Belville Complex is comprised of 14 residential
buildings, ranging from 10 to 13 floors, with a total
of 1,858 apartments (there are 14 different types and
sizes of residential units, ranging from studios to fourroom apartments), as well as a large number of garages,
closed and open parking spaces, which exceed the
number of apartments. The carefully chosen positions
of all apartments, which are equipped with balconies
and offer plenty of light, their functional shared areas,
modern technical solutions, and painstaking attention
devoted to every single detail, will make the residents
of Belville feel right at home in all parts of the complex. The fact that Belville was selected to house the
participants of the upcoming 2009 Universiade serves
as an ample acknowledgement of the high quality of
the entire complex.
Excellent Shops, Excellent Location!
The Belville complex offers extraordinary possibilities for businesses and services. Shops will be located on
the ground floor of each residential structure, ensuring
that life in the complex will remain dynamic throughout the day. The shops were designed as small units, but
can also be merged into larger connected areas, and we
can expect to see a diverse composition of commercial
contents and various services. All planned ground-floor
contents are linked through both pedestrian and traffic
connections and covered with illuminated canopies,
allowing the complex to operate normally regardless
of the outside weather conditions.
Secured Garage, Keeping Your Beloved Car Safe!
Belville is one of few Belgrade’s neighbourhoods with
a number of garages and open and closed parking places
which exceed the number of apartments, primarily because a certain number of parking places is reserved for
the visitors. Those residents who acquire a parking place
will be able to access it with a single touch of a remote
control. All garages are fully equipped with fire protection, and the elevator, which leads from the garage to
each floor or apartment, offers additional comfort. By
following the latest trends and standards, a portion of garages in Belville is designed for access of people with disabilities, containing wider-than-normal parking places.
For a Carefree Childhood...
One of Belville’s special values is its exterior design, with many green areas, promenades, and modern
playgrounds for children, built from natural materials.
Traffic is restricted inside the complex, allowing the
youngest residents to move around in safety. After the
Universiade, as a memento of this grand event, the
neighbourhood will retain some of the sports contents,
which will be available to Belville’s residents.
The Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank Next Door...
The Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank a.d. Belgrade has a
branch office in the centre of Belville. Kind and joyful neighbours will be there for you at all times, ready
to help you with your personal needs – advising you,
offering you one of their services, or a loan.
...and the Delta City!
The first and largest shopping mall in the region is
located in Belville’s immediate vicinity. As a true “city
within a city,” the Delta City represents a successful
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combination of diverse retail shops and entertainment
contents. Its proximity represents an obvious advantage for all residents of Belville.
After-Sales Service, 24 Hours a Day!
This service ensures that Belville’s residents will
enjoy spotless building maintenance and repairs of
all elements under warranty at any time of day or
night, as well as the Superintendant services, such
as changing the light bulbs in corridors, servicing
elevators, maintaining the building infrastructure,
and tending the green areas. The After-Sales Service
includes a regular annual check of all installed machinery and systems.
For the Future Generations...
One our main commitments in developing the Belville complex is the preservation and protection of the
environment. By following the latest technological solutions in design and construction, we managed to create a
neighbourhood which has a minimal impact on the environment, as do the homes within that neighbourhood.
By using clean construction methods, with no harmful effects on the environment, and by eliminating the harmful
substances and choosing solutions which reduce the water
and power usage to a minimum, we have established a
balance between the needs of Belville’s residents and the
environment. Our desire is to allow the future generations to enjoy a healthy and clean environment. „
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real estate
rošlo je osam godina od kada se Beograd
ponovo otvorio prema svetu, a Agencija
Beobuild već treću godinu detaljno prati
i beleži celokupan razvoj grada. U proteklom periodu, Beograd je prošao kroz značajne
promene praćene snažnim prilivom kako stranih tako
i domaćih investicija. Upravo je sektor nekretnina taj
koji je nosio ovaj investicioni ciklus, a Beograd kao
centar regiona video je dolazak brojnih investitora
koji novim projektima polako menjaju lice prestonice
Srbije. Protekle godine pamtiće se po obimnim rekonstrukcijama ulica, modernizaciji infrastrukture
kao i po najavama nekoliko velikih projekata koji
trasiraju put budućeg razvoja. Beograd ulazi u period
nove građevinske ekspanzije predvođene izgradnjom
savremene saobraćajne i transportne infrastrukture,
koja će stvoriti uslove za razvoj u oblastima izgradnje
poslovnih, trgovinskih i stambenih kompleksa. Najave
gradskih vlasti da će se vratiti velikim infrastrukturnim
projektima ukazuju nam pravac u kome će se grad
razvijati tokom naredne decenije.
Razvoj poslednjih godina pokazao je jasnu razliku
u nivou investicija između različitih delova grada. Investitori su se, razumljivo, opredeljivali za one delove
sa razvijenom infrastrukturom i jasnim vlasničkim
odnosima. Naime, sa jedne strane reke Save, na Novom Beogradu, gradi se oko milion kvadratnih metara
poslovnog i stambenog prostora, na relativno maloj
teritoriji u ovom trenutku. Tokom ovog perioda, Novi
Beograd je video izgradnju brojnih blokova, gde neki
spadaju u najveće „greenfield” investicije u ovom delu
Evrope. Nasuprot tome, u „starom” delu Beograda
intenzitet gradnje je, u poređenju sa Novim Beogradom, dosta slabiji, iako se radi o većoj teritoriji sa više
stanovništva. Nivo investicija na Novom Beogradu
nedvosmisleno ukazuje, da su se investitori opredelili za građevinski prostor okružen infrastrukturom,
koja kvalitetom i kapacitetima zadovoljava moderne
standarde i omogućava dobru komunikaciju sa ostalim
delovima grada. Novi Beograd, kao jedan od najboljih
primera modernog urbanog planiranja u Evropi, pokazao se kao idealan za razvoj velikih poslovnih i stambe-
nih centara. Dalji infrastrukturni razvoj, izgradnjom
novih saobraćajnica, mostova i transportnih sistema,
omogućiće stvaranje novih kvalitetnih lokacija za gradnju, sa obe strane reke.
Novim Beogradom dominiraju novi kompleksi,
uglavnom poslovno-komercijalne namene. Primetan
je niži nivo investicija u segmentu stanogradnje, nasuprot trenutno rastućoj potrebi za stambenim prostorom i izuzetno visokim cenama kvadrata u Beogradu.
Visoke profitne margine, deficit na tržištu i državno
osiguranje kredita otvara velike mogućnosti investitorima da značajnije ulože u ovaj sektor. Jedan od
prvih investitora koji je uvideo velike potencijale u
navedenom delu tržista je „Blok 67 Associates”, koji
predvodi trku sa najvećim građevinskim poduhvatom
u Srbiji, stambenim kompleksom „Belville” ukupne
površine od skoro 400.000 kvadratnih metara. Koliki
potencijal leži u stanogradnji dokazuje činjenica da
je više od polovine (1.800 stanova) već rezervisano za
prodaju, iako se primopredaja očekuje tek za kraj leta
2009. godine. Velike investicije u ovaj sektor najavila je i izraelska kompanija „Engel East Europe” koja
planira da izgradi kompleks sa pet stambenih kula
ekskluzivnog stambenog prostora na obali Dunava,
vredan skoro 300 miliona evra. Međutim, iako govorimo o nekoliko velikih projekata u ovom sektoru, to
je i dalje daleko od realnih potreba koje se procenjuju
na više od 100.000 stambenih jedinica u narednoj
Sektor komercijalnog prostora namenjenog trgovini doživeo je veoma značajnu ekspanziju, posebno u
poslednje 4 godine. Beograd, kao najveće regionalno
tržište sa rastućom kupovnom moći stanovništva, ima
posebno veliki potencijal u razvoju modernih tržnih
centara. Potrošači u Beogradu traže kvalitetna mesta
potrošnje, praktično uklopljena sa sadržajima za zabavu i odmor. Srpsko tržište već ima tradiciju u ovoj sferi,
ali u borbi za kupce investitori su doneli nove standarde i koncepte. „Delta Real Estate” investirala je u prvi
beogradski moderni tržni centar koji ispunjava svetske
standarde – „Delta City”. Ovaj tržni centar praktično
je otvorio novo poglavlje, a njegov uspeh izazvao je brzi
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odgovor drugih investitora. Zbog toga se u Beogradu
tokom narednih godina očekuje izgradnja najmanje 7
sličnih centara, svaki sa preko 50.000 kvadratnih metara površine. Kompanija „MPC Properties” je daleko
odmakla sa svojom investicijom u komercijalni centar,
koji bi po površini i sadržaju trebao da pretekne „Delta
City”. U toku je izgradnja objekta od 130.000 m² koji
će biti otvoren na proleće 2009. godine. Rastuće tržište
i nove lokacije za izgradnju privlače i strane investitore,
tako da su ulaganje u komercijalni prostor najavile i
poznate kompanije, „Plaza Centres”, austrijski „Spar”,
švedska „Ikea” i drugi. Prostora za dalji razvoj svakako
ima jer dvomilionsko tržište u Beogradu zahteva mnogo više objekata ove vrste, koji će kroz veću ponudu
kvalitetnih usluga i proizvoda unaprediti konkurenciju
i time sniziti cene.
Segment prvoklasnog poslovnog prostora je deo
tržišta koji je doživeo najveću ekspanziju u proteklom
periodu. Stotine hiljada kvadrata kancelarijskog prostora izgrađeno je u Beogradu, kako bi se, bar delimično, zadovoljile potrebe brojnih preduzeća. Najbolji primer je „Airport City Belgrade” koji je postigao
veliki uspeh, predstavljajući potpuno novi koncept
poslovnog parka. Ovaj kompleks, koji se gradi na
Novom Beogradu, je prvi poslovni park u regionu.
Do sada je izgrađeno 6 modernih zgrada sa pešačkom
zonom između, a u toku je i gradnja 2 poslovne višespratnice od po 20.000 m² površine. Svi objekti u
popularnom ACB-u su pod najmom velikih svetskih
i domaćih korporacija, a po tvrdnjama investitora,
kompanije „Africa Israel”, tražnja prevazilazi brzinu
gradnje. S pravom možemo očekivati da će ovo biti
pravi poslovni grad kada se završi, kao i prva gradska
četvrt sa objektima isključivo poslovne namene. Tempo izgradnje poslovnog prostora na Novom Beogradu
i dalje ne posustaje, a to pokazuju i objekti koji će biti
završeni u narednih nekoliko meseci. Među njima se
ističu Veranova poslovna zgrada u Bloku 23 na 50.000
m² i Sava City sa 35.000 m².
Centar starog dela grada je već uveliko izgrađen, a
veliki razvojni projekti biće vezani za kapitalne reurbanizacije. Samo Savski amfiteatar i obala Dunava nude
rotekle godine
se po obimnim
ulica, modernizaciji
infrastrukture kao
i po najavama
nekoliko velikih
projekata koji
trasiraju put budućeg
razvoja. Beograd
ulazi u period
nove građevinske
i transportne
infrastrukture, koja
će stvoriti uslove za
razvoj u oblastima
izgradnje poslovnih,
i stambenih
prostor za izgradnju više
miliona kvadratnih metara
površine modernog poslovnog i stambenog prostora,
nakon izmeštanja železničke stanice i luke „Beograd”.
Kruna prvog velikog ciklusa razvoja Beograda će svakako biti Savski amfiteatar,
ogroman prostor na priobalju reke Save, koji će izgradnjom i urbanizacijom ujediniti novi i stari deo grada.
Datum početka uređivanja
Savskog amfiteatra je i dalje
nepoznat, pošto on najviše
zavisi od izgradnje budućih
infrastrukturnih pravaca.
Tu se, pre svega, misli na
izmeštanje železničke infrastrukture i saobraćaja na
železničku stanicu Beograd
Centar, odnosno Prokop,
zatim završetak izgradnje
unutrašnjeg magistralnog
prstena i obilaznice oko Beograda. Prvi korak je već
načinjen - krajem 2008. godine počinje izgradnja mosta preko reke Save koji spada među najbitnije deonice
UMP-a. Realizacija ovih projekata, posebno stanice
Prokop i novog mosta na Savi, pokrenuće novi veliki
investicioni ciklus kroz izgradnju milion ekskluzivnih
kvadrata u Savskom amfiteatru.
Šta sledi? Gradski urbanisti sa velikim ambicijama
gledaju na takozvani „Treći Beograd”, na levoj obali Dunava koji svojom površinom i konfiguracijom
terena nadmašuje oba postojeća dela grada. Iako urbanizacija Trećeg Beograda nije blizu, prvi koraci u
tom pravcu biće napravljeni u godinama koje su pred
nama. Izgradnja treće obale obeležiće početak nove ere
u razvoju Beograda u 21. veku. „
Agencija Beobuild
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City of opportunities
ight years have passed since Belgrade once
again opened itself to the outside world,
and the Agency Beobuild for the third consecutive year follows and monitors the development of the city. In the past period, Belgrade
underwent through important changes, accompanied
by large inflows of both foreign and domestic investment. The real-estate sector was one of the main pillars
of the investment cycle, and Belgrade, as the center
of the region witnessed the arrival of many investors
who, through their new projects, slowly change the
face of the capital of Serbia. The previous period shall
be remembered by comprehensive reconstruction and
modernization of infrastructure, and by initiation of
a number of important projects, which chart the path
of the future development. Belgrade is entering into
a period of rapid expansion, led by the construction
of modern transport infrastructure, which will create
the necessary conditions for development of business,
retail and dwelling complexes. Announcements of city
authorities that they will return to big infrastructure
projects show us the way in which the city will develop
in the forthcoming decade.
The development in recent years shows a clear distinction in the level of
investments between the
he previous
different parts of the city.
Investors have mainly
period shall
opted for those parts
be remembered
with more developed
by comprehensive
infrastructure and with
clear ownership relations.
reconstruction and
Namely, on one bank of
modernization of
the river Sava, in New
Belgrade, in a relatively
infrastructure, and
small area, one million
by initiation of a
square meters of business
number of important
projects, which
chart the path of the
future development.
and residential premises is currently under construction.
During this period, New Belgrade saw the construction
of numerous blocks, whereas some of them represent
the biggest greenfield investments in this part of Europe.
By contrast, in the “old” part of Belgrade, the intensity
of construction, in comparison with New Belgrade, is
considerably lower, although it comprises a larger and
more inhabited area. The level of investment in New
Belgrade unambiguously demonstrates the fact that the
investors have opted for developing an area surrounded
by modern infrastructure, which by its quality and capacity meets modern standards and enables rapid access
to other parts of the city. New Belgrade, as one of the
best examples of modern urban planning in Europe,
proved itself as ideal for development of big business
and dwelling centers. Further development of infrastructure, by building of new thoroughfares, bridges
and mass-transit systems enables creation of new urban
development locations, on both banks of the river.
New Belgrade is dominated by new complexes,
mostly business and retail. A significantly lower level of
investment in the segment of housing construction is
noticeable, despite the growing demand for residential
housing space and exceptionally high prices in Belgrade.
High profit margins, deficit on the market and state
insurance of housing loans opens up great possibilities
for investors to make further investment in this sector.
One of the first investors which saw great potential in
the above-mentioned market segment is “Blok 67 Associates”, which leads the race with the currently biggest
construction endeavor in Serbia, the Belville residential
complex, covering the total area of 400,000 square meters. The large potential that lies with housing construction is showed by the fact that more that a half housing
units (1,800 apartments) are already reserved, although
the commissioning is expected at the end of the summer
2009. Big investment in this sector is announced by the
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Israeli company “Engel East Europe”, which plans to
build a complex of five exclusive residential towers on
the bank of the Danube, worth almost EUR 300 million. Nevertheless, albeit we are speaking about a few
large projects in this sector, it is still a far from satisfying the demand, which is estimated to be more than
100,000 housing units in the next decade.
The retail sector underwent through a significant
expansion, especially in the last four years. Belgrade, as
the biggest regional market with a growing purchasing
power has an especially large potential for development
of modern shopping malls. The consumers in Belgrade
want high-quality venues for shopping, complemented
by entertainment and relaxation facilities. The Serbian
market has already developed a tradition in this sphere,
but, in the struggle for attracting consumers the investors brought new standards and concepts. “Delta Real
Estate” invested into the first Belgrade’s shopping mall
which is up to the world standards – the “Delta City”.
This shopping mall practically opened a new chapter,
and its success caused a rapid response from other
investors. Because of that, in forthcoming years the
construction of at least seven similar malls is expected,
covering more than 50,000 square meters each. The
“MPC Properties” company went far with its investment into a commercial center, which should surpass
the “Delta City”. The construction of a 130,000 square
meters building is currently underway, which will be
opened in spring 2009. The growing market and new
locations for development attract foreign investors too,
so the investment in commercial is announced by famous companies, such as “Plaza Centers”, the Austrian
“Spar”, the Swedish “IKEA” and others. The space for
further development certainly exists, since the local market, comprised out of two million consumers demands
more venues of this kind, which will, by enlarging the
choice of high-quality services and products enhance the
competition, and thus lower the prices.
The segment of high-end business premises is the
part of the market which witnessed the biggest expansion in the past period. Hundreds of thousands
of square meters of business premises were built in
Belgrade in order to, at least to an extent, satisfy the
needs of numerous enterprises which relocate centers
of regional operations into Serbia. The best example
is the “Airport City Belgrade”, which is deemed as a
success, representing a brand new concept of business
park. This complex, being built in New Belgrade, is
the first business park in the region. Until now, six
modern buildings with a pedestrian zone between
them were built, and the construction of two modern high-rises, covering 20,000 square meters each,
is currently underway. All buildings in the popular
ACB are rented by large foreign and domestic corporations, and according to the investor, the company
“Africa Israel”, the demand outstrips the pace of the
We can justifiably expect that, after its completion,
this will become a veritable business city, as well as the
first block exclusively consisting of business premises.
The pace of construction of business space is not losing
momentum, which is clearly demonstrated by buildings which will be completed in forthcoming months.
Among them, the Verano office building in Blok 23,
covering the total area of 50,000 square meters, and
the Sava city, covering the total area of 35,000 square
meters, stand out.
The center of the old part of the city is already developed, and big development projects will be linked
to capital re-urbanization schemes. Just the Sava amphitheatre and the bank of the Danube offer the space
sufficient for the construction of few million square
meters of modern office and dwelling space, after the
relocation of the train station and the Belgrade port.
The crown of the first grand cycle of development of
Belgrade shall be the Sava amphitheatre, vast space
located on the bank of the river Sava, which will, by
rapid development and urbanization unite the old and
the new part of the city.
The date of commencement of development of the
Sava amphitheatre is still unknown, since it depends
mostly on the construction of future infrastructural
objects. Under that term, above all are considered the
construction of the Beograd – Centar railway station,
also known as Prokop, and the completion of the internal thoroughfare ring. The first step is already made
– at the end of 2008, the construction of the new
bridge over the Sava is scheduled to begin, which is
among the most important components of the internal
thoroughfare ring. The realization of these projects,
especially the Prokop train station and the new bridge
over the Sava river will push forward a new investment
cycle, through the construction of a million square
meters of exclusive space in the Sava amphitheatre.
What comes next? The city’s urban planners are
looking at the third bank of Belgrade, so called “Third
Belgrade” with ambition, which, located at the left
bank of the Danube, by its area and terrain configuration, surpasses both existing parts of the city. Although
urbanization of the “Third Belgrade” is not envisaged
in the near future, first steps in that direction will be
made in the incoming years. The development of the
third bank shall mark the beginning of a new era in the
development of Belgrade in the 21st century. „
Agency Beobuild
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real estate
Industrijske zone Beograda
Obećana zemlja
za greenfield
Investitorima se nudi zemljište za koje su oni uglavnom i zainteresovani: parcele uz važne
saobraćajnice, kao što su autoput Zagreb - Beograd i Beograd-Niš, i uz reke Dunav u Grockoj i
Savu u Obrenovcu.
eograd ima veliki potencijal za greenfield
investicije. Reč je o
hiljadama hektara livada i oranica u rubnim gradskim
opštinama, koje nova gradska
vlast, formirana prošlog avgusta,
priprema za investitore.
Miroslav Čučković, član Gradskog veća iz redova stranke G17
plus, prepoznao je ovaj potencijal
grada i kandidovao posao izgradnje industrijskih zona pred gradonačelnikom Draganom Ðilasom.
- Gradonačelnik smatra da je
to važan posao koji treba da obavimo. Dobio sam podršku da u najskorije vreme formiramo industrijske zone u opštinama Surčin, Obrenovac, Mladenovac i Grocka - kaže Čučković.
Posao nove gradske uprave je, prema njegovim
rečima, da oslobodi investitore zamornog obilaska
opštinskih i gradskih šaltera ili privatnih prodavaca u
potrazi za adekvatnim zemljištem za svoju greenfield
- Naš je posao da formiramo industrijske zone, infrastrukturno ih opremimo i definišemo imovinskopravni status. Zemljište koje je tako pripremljeno,
predajemo republičkoj Agenciji za strana ulaganja i
promociju izvoza SIEPA, koja ga zatim nudi investitorima - objašnjava Čučković.
Do sada su definisani okviri industrijskih zona u
četiri beogradske prigradske opštine. Investitorima se
nudi zemljište za koje su oni uglavnom i zainteresovani. Parcele uz važne saobraćajnice, kao što su autoput
Zagreb - Beograd, Beograd-Niš, trasu obilaznice koja se
gradi, i uz reke Dunav u Grockoj i Savu u Obrenovcu.
Opština Surčin nudi najviše zemljišta i najprivlačnija je za investitore zato što se na njenoj teritoriji nalazi
aerodrom “Nikola Tesla”, što se do nje stiže za desetak
minuta automobilom od centra Beograda autoputem
Beograd-Zagreb. Razdaljina je svega 20 kilometara.
Postojeća industrijska zona Surčinu ima tri dela:
prvi deo, severni nalazi se između mesta Surčin i Dobanovci, drugi deo je između Surčina i Jakova, a treći
u blizini naselja Petrovčić koje se naslanja na opštinu
Pećince. Ukupno se nudi 3.118 hektara , a cena ara
kreće se od 500 do 10.000 evra. U Surčinu, prema
planovima gradske uprave, industrijska zona treba da
se proširi na novih 8.000 hektara! Za sada su ugovoreni projekti izgradnje modernih golf terena, koji će
obuhvatiti 300 hektara. Golf terene u Surčinu projektuje Piter Haradine, svetski priznati golf arhitekta. U
planu je i izgradnja karting staze na osam hektara sa
tribinama za 20.000 gledalaca.
Obrenovac je opština sa oko 76.000 stanovnika,
smeštena 30 kilometara jugozapadno od Beograda.U
Obrenovcu, koji je i ranije bio industrijski kraj, već
postoji formirana industrijska zona Urovci u kojoj
je još samo jedan i po hektar nezauzetog zemljišta.
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Nova industrijska zona u Obrenovcu planirana je da
bude na mestu današnje stare kasarne Vojske Srbije.
Kompleks je površine 55 hektara i ima izlaz na reku
Savu. U toku su razgovori o razmeni zemljišta između
Vojske i opštine. Za ovaj kompleks Vojska bi dobila
odgovarajući broj stanova za svoje pripadnike. Nedostatak stanova veliki je problem u Vojsci Srbije, u kojoj
gotovo 20.000 porodica čeka da reši stambeno pitanje.
Treći deo Obrenovca, koji po planu treba da postane
industrijska zona, nalazi se u selu Ušće u blizini Termoelektrane B i veličine je oko 200 hektara.
Mladenovac je opština od oko 56.000 stanovnika
smeštena na udaljenosti od 54 kilometra južno od Beograda. Do Mladenovca se stiže autoputem BeogradNiš, ali može i magistralnom cestom preko sela Ralje
i planine Avala. Kroz Mladenovac ide železnička pruga
U Mladenovcu postoje tri industrijske zone, a ukupno se investitorima nudi oko 270 hektara zemljišta.
Prva zona nalazi se u južnom delu grada, u blizini
lokalnog stadiona i ima završenu gasnu infrastrukturu.
Druga zona formirana je u blizini i naziva se Jug II,
dok je treća na severnom ulasku u grad.
Opština Grocka trenutno nudi najmanje hektara
investitorima, oko stotinu. Gradska vlast pokušava da
objedini vlasnike zemljišta kako bi sto hektara moglo
da bude ponuđeno kao celina jednom investitoru.
Prednost opštine Grocka je u njenih 24 kilometra
obale uz reku Dunav koje se nudi investitorima za
izgradnju marina i turizam raznih oblika.
Industrijske zone Beograda, motor su budućeg razvoja ne samo prigradskih opština nego grada u celini.
Vreme “prljave” i teške industrije smeštene u centru
grada završeno je. Budućnost je u ekološki čistim tehnologijama, ušuškanim u zelenilu prigradskih naselja.
Nova gradska vlast prepoznala je ovaj potencijal koji
bi trebalo da prepolovi nezaposlenost u Beogradu. „
Svetlana Palić
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Belgrade’s Industrial Zones
A Promised Land
for Greenfield
For the most part, the land offered to the investors is the land they are already interested in:
plots next to the important thoroughfares, such as the Zagreb – Belgrade and Belgrade - Nis
highways, and by river Danube in Grocka and river Sava in Obrenovac.
elgrade has a lot of potential for Greenfield investments. There are thousands
of hectares of meadows and arable land
located within city’s borderline municipalities, and the new city government, which was
formed last August, is preparing that land for the
Miroslav Cuckovic, a City Council Member from
the G17+ party, recognised this potential and sent a
proposal for the development of industrial zones to
Mayor Dragan Djilas.
- The Mayor believes that this is an important job
which we should do. I received support for my idea to
quickly form the industrial zones in the municipalities of Surcin, Obrenovac, Mladenovac, and Grocka
– Cuckovic says.
In his words, the job of the new city government is
to free the investors from the tedious task of visiting
municipal and city offices or private sellers in search of
adequate land for their Greenfield investments.
- Our job is to form the industrial zones, outfit
them with infrastructure, and define their legal ownership status. We will then turn the prepared land over to
the Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency,
SIEPA, which will offer that land to the investors –
Cuckovic explains.
Until now, we have defined the borders of industrial
zones in four of Belgrade’s rural municipalities. For the
most part, the land offered to the investors is the land
they are already interested in - plots next to the important thoroughfares, such as the Zagreb – Belgrade and
Belgrade - Nis highways, the route along the bypass
which is under construction, and by river Danube in
Grocka and river Sava in Obrenovac
The Surcin municipality can offer the most land,
and it is the most attractive one for investors, because
the “Nikola Tesla” Airport is located on its territory,
and because it can be reached from downtown Belgrade in ten minutes by car, via the Belgrade – Zagreb
highway. The distance is a mere 20 kilometres.
Surcin’s existing industrial zone has three parts: the
first (northern) part is located between Surcin and Dobanovci, the second part is between Surcin and Jakovo,
and the third is close to the Petrovcic village, which is adjacent to the Pecinci municipality. The total area of land
offered is 3,118 hectares, and the price per 100 square
metres ranges between 500 and 10,000 euro. According
to the plans of the city administration, Surcin’s industrial
zone should be expanded by 8,000 hectares! For now, the
project for development of modern golf courts, which
will include 300 hectares, has been agreed on. Golf courts
in Surcin will be designed by Peter Harradine, a world
famous golf architect. There are also plans to develop a
go-cart track on eight hectares, with enough space on
the stands to accommodate 20,000 spectators.
Obrenovac is a municipality with around 76,000 citizens, located 30 kilometres southwest of Belgrade. Obrenovac, which was previously an industrial area, already has
an industrial zone, Urovci, which only holds one and a
half hectares of unoccupied land. A new industrial zone in
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Obrenovac is planned at the current site of the old Serbian
Army barracks. The complex has an area of 55 hectares,
and an access to river Sava. Talks are currently being held
on the subject of exchanging the land between the Army
and the municipality. In exchange for this complex, the
Army would receive an appropriate number of apartments
for its members. The lack of housing is a huge problem
for the Army of Serbia, with nearly 20,000 families waiting in line to solve their housing issues. The third part
of Obrenovac planned to become an industrial zone is
located in the village Usce, near the Thermal Power Plant
B, and this area is around 200 hectares in size.
Mladenovac is a municipality of around 56,000 residents, located 54 kilometres south of Belgrade. Mladenovac can be reached via the Belgrade-Nis highway, as
well as by using the local road crossing the village Ralja
and the Avala Mountain. Mladenovac is also crossed
by the Belgrade – Nis – Sofia railroad.
There are three industrial zones in Mladenovac, and
the total land area offered to investors is around 270
hectares. The first zone is located in the south part of
the town, near the local stadium, and it possesses full
natural gas infrastructure. The second zone was formed
near the first, and is referred to as “Jug II” (“South II”),
and the third is at the town’s northern entrance.
The municipality of Grocka can currently offer the
smallest area to investors, just about a hundred hectares. Town authorities are trying to unite the landowners in order to offer the hundred hectares as one
unit to a single investor. The advantage of Grocka is
represented by its 24 kilometres of Danube riverbank,
which are offered to the investors for the development
of marinas and various forms of tourism.
Belgrade’s industrial zones are the engine of future
development not only for the rural municipalities, but
for the city as a whole. The time when “dirty” and
heavy industries were located in the city centre is over.
The future is in the environmentally clean technologies,
tucked within the greenery of rural suburbs. The new
city authorities have recognised this potential which
can reduce Belgrade’s unemployment by one half. „
Svetlana Palic
04nekretnine.indd 53
21.10.2008 0:47:33
real estate
Grad u gradu
Na nekadašnjoj ledini vredni brigadiri započeli su sa pripremom terena za novi deo Beograda
koji će od spavaonice, kako su ga nekada zvali, prerasti u grad sa širokim bulevarima,
modernim zgradama i Beogradskom arenom kao epicentrom sportskih i kulturnih
a BelRe-u izlažu svi oni koji imaju nešto
da ponude: od zemljišta, preko ideja, investicionih projekta do konsultantskih
usluga, izvođenja radova, ali i svi oni koji
žele da investiraju.
Početak ove, sada već tradicionalne sajamske manifestacije, vezuje se za Novi Beograd. Prvi BelRe je održan
u ultramodernoj novobeogradskoj hali Ekspo XXI. Ima
u tome i simbolike: krenulo se s novim sajmom, u modernom prostoru, da bi se ostvarila vizija entuzijasta koji
su želeli da Srbiji, Evropi i svetu pokažu nešto novo.
Otimano od močvare
Interesovanje za BelRe-om se uvećavalo, tako da je
on „prešao” preko Gazele i održao se, po drugi put,
pod kupolama Beogradskog sajma. Ove godine je još
više izlagača i treći rođendan BelRe obeležava na istom
mestu – na Beogradskom sajmu.
I kao što Gazela i ostali mostovi spajaju obale reka
i izvorni Beograd sa Novim, tako i BelRe spaja investitore i sve one koji se bave nekretninama.
Prve strane investicije do nas su stigle baš u oblasti
nekretnina, pri čemu se ostvarivala vizija novog sajma,
ali se nastavljao da gradi Novi Beograd, koji je aprila
ove godine napunio šezdeset godina.
Nastanku Novog Beograda kao moderne naseobine
i njegovih blokova koji su sinonim za način gradnje u
ovom delu glavnog grada Srbije, prethodila je dobra
priprema terena za njegov nastanak.
Najvažniji datum u novobeogradskoj istoriji je 18.
april 1948. godine. Samo u prve tri godine kroz frontov-
re početka gradnje, močvarno
zemljište je nasipano peskom iz Save
i Dunava da bi se izdiglo iznad plavnih
rečnih i podzemnih voda. Na toj ledini, po
uzoru na Korbizjeove gradove, nikla je
moderna urbana celina.
ske i omladinske radne brigade je prošlo oko 200 hiljada
njegovih graditelja – srednjoškolaca, studenata, radnika i
inžinjera iz svih krajeva nekadašnje Jugoslavije. Najbrojnije među njima bile su seoske brigade iz Srbije. Radilo se
i danju i noću, bez tehnike: ručno je sejan pesak i mešan
malter, a konjska zaprega je prenosila teži materijal.
Pre početka gradnje, močvarno zemljište je nasipano peskom iz Save i Dunava da bi se izdiglo iznad
plavnih rečnih i podzemnih voda. Na toj ledini, po
uzoru na Korbizjeove gradove, nikla je moderna urbana celina. Duboki su koreni ovog grada koji ima
dah savremene arhitekture, široke bulevare, najduža
i najlepša šetališta uz reke. Novi Beograd je svedok
najvećeg javnog rečnog poljupca na svetu: ušća Save
u Dunav. Smešten je na površini od 4.096 hektara.
Nalazi se na nadmorskoj visini između 72 i 110 metara
(najniža tačka se nalazi na ušću Save u Dunav, a najviša
je na Bežanijskoj kosi).
Prvi urbanistički plan
Još 1923. bio je izgrađen prvi urbanistički plan koji
je predviđao da se Beograd proširi i pređe na levu obalu
Save. Uslovi nisu dozvoljavali da se ta ideja ostvari. Tri
godine posle Drugog svetskog rata 11. aprila 1948.
godine postavljen je kamen temeljac Novog Beograda
i u proleće 1948.godine, na levoj obali Save, počelo je
da se gradi naselje okruženo (sa svih strana) peskom i
močvarnim tlom. Objekti su nicali jedni za drugim,
a četiri godine kasnije (1952.) je osnovana Opština
Novi Beograd.
Pretvoren u najveće gradilište u zemlji, ovaj deo
Beograda je neočekivano brzo postao „grad u gradu”.
I mada je dugo smatran najvećom spavaonicom u Srbiji, po urbanističkoj postavci koja je zasnovana na
međunarodnim idejama, arhitekturi internacionalnog
duha, Novi Beograd je prerastao u jedinstveni grad
svetla, sunca i budućnosti. On je odraz cele jedne epohe, njene estetike i etike, i na najbolji način ilustruje
kvalitete i mane arhitekture toga vremena. Danas je
Novi Beograd metropolis koji i dalje raste.
04nekretnine.indd 54
21.10.2008 0:47:34
Novi Beograd je, svojim razvojem tokom proteklih šezdeset godina, pratio mnoge trendove koji su
nastajali u savremenoj urbanističkoj i arhitektonskoj
praksi. Zahvaljujući delimično povoljnim prirodnim
uslovima, koji nisu postavljali velika ograničenja, on
je postao laboratorija u kojoj su mnogi naši stručnjaci
pronalazili i davali adekvatni ton. Zato svaki njegov
deo ili blok ima svoju fizionomiju i svaki je priča za
Ipak, oni koji su se pozabavili nastankom i razvojem
baš novobeogradskih blokova, kažu da se tek u prvim
novobeogradskim naseljima koja su građena za tržište,
pojavljuje se potpuno nov pristup arhitekturi, koji su
se nametnuli kao posledica promena u arhitektonskim
trendovima, u svetu ali i kod nas, tako da su se pojavila rešenja koja teže ka iskustvima tradicionalnih
spontano nastalih gradova. Forme postaju raznolike,
ulična mreža čovekomerna, javni sadržaji prepleteni.
Čest primer je i pokušaj reintegracije uslužnih delatnosti, naročito kroz specifične stambene tipove (lokal
u prizemlju – stan na spratu).
Novi Beograd i dalje dobija nove zgrade, poslovne
centre i parkove. Dobijaće ih i dalje, jer jednom započeto stvaranje novog i lepog dela Beograda – Novog
Beograda se nastavlja. „
Snežana Prljević
04nekretnine.indd 55
21.10.2008 0:47:35
real estate
Važne godine
1713. – Prvi potpuniji dokument
o naseljavanju teritorije sadašnjeg
Novog Beograda zabeležen je u
Kruševskom pomeniku.
1884. – Sagrađen je železnički
1923. – Prvim urbanističkim planom Beograda predviđeno je proširenje Beograda na levu obalu
1924. – Prve ideje o izgradnji Beograda postavio je arhitekta Đorđe
Kovaljevski, ali su njegovi planovi
ostali neostvareni.
1927. – Otvoren vojno-civilni aerodrom ispod Bežanijske kose.
1933. – Na području današnjeg
Starog Sajmišta počele su da se
grade prve kuće.
1934. – Otvoren je lančano-viseći most „Kralj Aleksandar I”. U ratu
je ovaj most srušen i na njegovim
stubovima izgrađen je most „Bratstvo-jedinstvo“, poznatiji kao Brankov most.
1937. – Izgrađeno Sajmište. To
je prvi realizovani arhitektonskourbanistički kompleks u Novom
1941. – Gestapo pretvara sajamski
prostor u koncentracioni logor.
1946. – Nikola Dobrović uradio
je prvu skicu urbanističke regulacije Novog Beograda, koja je
bila osnova za raspisivanje daljih
1947. – Počela je prva faza izgradnje i trajala do 1950. godine.
1948. – 11. aprila omladinske i
frontovske brigade započinju izgradnju Novog Beograda.
1949. – Bežanija je izdvojena iz sa-
stava Zemuna i pripojena području grada Beograda.
1950. – Izrađen je GUP Beograda
sa idejom da se na levoj obali Save
izgradi novi grad.
1952. – 30. maja obrazovana Opština Novi Beograd.
– 23. novembra održani izbori za
odbornike u NOO Novi Beograd.
– 5. decembra održana prva sednica NOO Novi Beograd
1955. – 1. septembra Bežanija pripojena Novom Beogradu
1956. – Formirana Direkcija za izgradnju Novog Beograda.
1958. – Započeta je druga faza
1960. – Usvojeno je urbanističko
rešenje centra Novog Beograda.
1961. – Podignuto je naselje Ledine.
04nekretnine.indd 56
21.10.2008 0:47:36
1964. – Izgrađena je zgrada Skupštine opštine, a naknadno, 1974.
godine, aneks zgrade.
1965. – Izgrađena je zgrada društveno – političkih organizacija
Jugoslavije, nekada poznata i kao
zgrada C-e K-a, a danas kao PC
1965. – Izgrađena zgrada Muzeja
savremene umetnosti.
1968. Izgradnjom nove železničke
pruge i autoputa kroz Novi Beograd, počinje treća faza izgradnje.
1966 – 1970. – Izgrađen je most
1970. – Premeštena trasa železničke pruge Beograd- Zemun.
1977. – 14. maja otvoren je Centar
1979. – Izgrađen je hotel „Interkontinental“.
1980. – Izgrađena je Zapadna ka-
pija Beograda.
1980 – 1990. Izgrađeno je naselje
„Bežanijska kosa“ ( Prva faza).
1988 – 1990. Izgrađen je hotel
„Hajat ridžensi“.
1991. – Krajem godine i početkom
1992. godine počela je izgradnja
„Beogradske arene“.
1994. – Završen je Jugoslovenski
biznis centar, najkompletnija urbanistička celina izgrađena u Novom
1995. – Podignut je spomenik
žrtvama palim u logoru „Staro sajmište”.
1999. – Od 24. marta do 9. juna
avijacija NATO-a bombardovala
je Beograd, uključujući ciljeve i na
Novom Beogradu.
2000. – 14. oktobra opština je prvi
put proslavila svoju slavu Pokrov
Presvete Bogorodice.
2003. Skupština opštine donela je
odluku o grbu i stegu opštine.
2004. – Osnovano preduzeće
“Centar za razvoj lokalne ekonomije Novog Beograda” (CRLE) Otvorene su dve petlje kod Beogradske
2005. – Posle dve godine renoviranja, otvoren je poslovni centar
2006. – 28. jula u bloku 70. otvoren je Opštinski uslužni centar.
Otvorena je Kancelarija za mlade.
Renovirana je šalter sala Opštine.
2007. – 2. oktobra Centar za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća,
Agrobanka a.d. i Klub privrednih
novinara, od nominovanih 47 opština iz Srbije, proglasili su Novi
Beograd za Gradsku opštinu budućnosti.
Snežana Prljević
04nekretnine.indd 57
21.10.2008 0:47:53
City within a City
At what was once an empty field, hard-working crews began preparing terrain for development
of a new part of Belgrade. This new district, once referred to as the “Dormitory,” will grow to
become a city with wide boulevards, modern edifices, and the Belgrade Arena as the epicentre
of sports and cultural events.
elRe counts among its exhibitors all those
who have something to offer: from land,
ideas, and investment projects, all the way
to providers of consultancy services and
contractors; in addition, all those who wish to invest
are notably present.
The beginnings of what is now a traditional fair
are tied to New Belgrade. The first BelRe was held
in the ultra-modern New Belgrade Expo XXI Exhibition Centre. This holds some symbolism: a new fair
started in a modern space, to fulfil the vision of enthusiasts who wanted to present something new for
Serbia, Europe, and the entire world to see.
method of construction employed in this part of Serbia’s capital, were preceded by a skilful preparation of
terrain which would give birth to the new city.
The most important date in New Belgrade’s history is April 18, 1948. In the first three years alone,
around 200 thousand of its builders passed through
the military and youth work crews – high school and
college students, workers, and engineers from all
parts of former Yugoslavia. The most numerous were
the village crews from Serbia. Work was done day and
night, with no access to technology: sand was sifted
by hand, mortar was mixed by hand, and horse carriages were used to move the heavier materials.
Before the start of construction, the
marshland was filled with sand from Sava
efore the start of construction, the
and Danube rivers, to raise it above the
marshland was filled with sand from Sava levels of flood waters and underground
and Danube rivers, to raise it above the levels streams. Inspired by le Corbusier’s cities,
the empty field gave birth to a modern urof flood waters and underground streams.
ban entity. Deep are the roots of this city,
which offers a breath of modern archiInspired by le Corbusier’s cities, the empty
tecture, wide boulevards, and the longest
field gave birth to a modern urban entity.
and prettiest promenades, both upstream
and downstream along both rivers. New
Belgrade stands witness to the largest river embrace in
Hijacked from the Swamp
the world – the confluence of Sava and Danube rivers.
The interest in BelRe grew, and the fair “crossed”
The city covers an area of 4,096 hectares. Its elevation
the “Gazela” bridge, taking place under the domes of
ranges between 72 and 110 metres above mean sea
the Belgrade Fair on its second year. This year brings
level (the lowest point being at the confluence of Sava
even more exhibitors, and BelRe is celebrating its
and Danube, and the highest at Bezanijska Kosa).
third birthday at the same place – the Belgrade Fair.
In the same way that “Gazela” and other bridges
The First Master Plan
join the riverbanks and the Old Belgrade with New
Belgrade, BelRe joins the investors and all those dealThe first Master Plan, completed in 1923, contained
ing in real estate in one place.
the idea of expanding Belgrade to the left bank of river
Our first foreign investments were in the field of
Sava. The conditions did not allow that idea to come to
real-estate, which was in compliance with the new
fruition. Three years after World War II, on April 11,
fair’s vision, and New Belgrade continued to grow,
1948, the keystone of New Belgrade was placed, and
celebrating its sixtieth birthday in April of this year.
in spring of 1948, development of a residential neighCreation of New Belgrade as a modern settlement
bourhood began on Sava’s left riverbank, surrounded
and its “blocks,” which are synonymous with the
from all sides by sand and marshlands. The structures
04nekretnine.indd 58
21.10.2008 0:48:06
began to appear one after another, and four years later
(1952), the New Belgrade Municipality was founded.
Turned into the largest construction site in the
country, this part of Belgrade surprisingly quickly
grew into a true “city within a city.” Although it was
long considered to be the largest dormitory in Serbia,
the urban planning concepts used for its development
were based on international ideas and world architecture, and New Belgrade grew to become a unique city
of light, sun, and the future. It reflects an entire era,
its aesthetics and ethics, and serves to illustrate all the
qualities and faults of the architecture of that time.
Today, New Belgrade is a growing metropolis.
The development of New Belgrade during the
1960s followed many of the trends created in the
modern urban planning and architectural practice.
Thanks to the relatively favourable natural conditions, which did not pose many limitations, it became
a laboratory for our experts, who used it as a place of
discovery, providing it with an adequate tone. For this
reason, every part of New Belgrade and every one of
SP Arh. Bioinženjering d.o.o.
Konsalting i investiranje Italija - Srbija
SP ARH. Bioinženjering d.o.o.
Ul. Niška 16
Tel: + 36 24
its “blocks” has its own physiognomy, and each tells
a different story.
Still, those who researched the creation and development of New Belgrade’s blocks say that the first
neighbourhoods of New Belgrade showed a completely new approach to architecture, which was
forced upon us as a result of changes in global and
local architectural trends, and the solutions which appeared were leaning towards the experiences of traditional, spontaneously formed cities. The forms began
to vary, the street network adapted itself to human
needs, and the public contents intertwined. Another
common example is the attempt to reintegrate services in the structures, particularly in some specific
types of residential buildings (shops on the ground
floor, apartments on the floors above).
New Belgrade continues to gain new buildings,
business centres, and parks. It will continue to grow,
because the creation of a beautiful new part of Belgrade – New Belgrade – will carry on. „
Snezana Prljevic
SP Arh. Bioinženjering d.o.o.
Projektovanje,Inženjering i Izgradnja
Consulenza Globale Italia - Serbia
Fax + 36 24
MB : 20195045
PIB: 104587354
Dr.Arch. Sperti Giovanni
Consulenza Tecnica
E-mail: [email protected]
Analisi investimenti
Ing. Pedron Alvise
Via A. Palladio, 9
Tel/Fax +39.0421.71928
Mob. +39.347.1391171
email:[email protected]
Tehniþki prevodi
Analiza investicija
04nekretnine.indd 59
21.10.2008 0:48:07
1713 – “Krusevski pomenik” is the
first detailed document referring
to settlement of the area which is
today New Belgrade
1884 – The railway bridge is built
1923 – Belgrade’s first Master Plan
includes an expansion of the city to
the left bank of river Sava.
1924 – Architect Djordje Kovaljevski proposes the first ideas for developing Belgrade, but his plans were
not fulfilled
1927 – Military and civilian airfield
is opened below Bezanijska Kosa
1933 – First houses are built at the
location of today’s Old Fairgrounds
1934 – Suspension chain bridge“King
Alexander I” is opened. This bridge
was demolished during the war, and
its pillars were used to construct the
“Brotherhood-Unity” bridge, better
known as “Branko’s” bridge.
1937 – Construction of Fairgrounds is completed. This is the first ar-
chitectural-urban complex built in
New Belgrade.
1941 – Gestapo turns the Fairgrounds into a concentration camp.
1946 – Nikola Dobrovic completes
the first sketch for the urban planning regulation of New Belgrade,
which was used as a basis for further competitions.
1947 – First phase of development
begins and lasts until 1950.
1948 – On April 11, youth and military work crews begin works on the
development of New Belgrade.
1949 – Bezanija is separated from
Zemun and added to the territory
of the City of Belgrade.
1950 – The Master Plan of Belgrade
is completed, with an idea to develop a new city on the left bank of
the Sava River.
1952 – On May 30, the Municipality
of New Belgrade is formed.
On November 23, the first elections
for representatives in the Council of
New Belgrade are held.
On December 5, the first session
of the Council of New Belgrade is
1955 – On September 1, Bezanija is
added to New Belgrade.
1956 –Agency for Development of
New Belgrade is formed.
1958 – Second phase of development begins.
1960 – Urban planning solution
for the centre of New Belgrade is
1961 – Ledine neighbourhood is
1964 – Municipal Hall is built. The
annex is built at a later date, in
1965 – The tower for social and political organisations of Yugoslavia,
formerly known as the “CK” building, and now known as the “Usce”
Business Centre, is built.
04nekretnine.indd 60
21.10.2008 0:48:07
1965 – Museum of Modern Art is
1968 – Third phase of development
begins with the construction of the
new railroad and the highway through New Belgrade.
1966 – 1970 – “Gazela” bridge is
1970 – Route of the “Belgrade-Zemun” railroad is moved.
1977 – “Sava” Centre opens on May
1979 – “Intercontinental” hotel is
1980 – The West Gate of Belgrade
is built.
1980 – 1990 “Bezanijska kosa” neighbourhood is built (first phase).
1988 – 1990 “Hyatt Regency” hotel
is built.
1991 – Construction of the “Belgrade Arena” begins at the end of the
year and at the beginning of 1992.
1994 – Yugoslav Business Centre,
the most complete urban division
in New Belgrade, is completed.
1995 – A monument is erected to
the victims of the concentration
camp at the Old Fairgrounds.
1999 – March 24 – June 9, NATO air
forces bomb Belgrade, including
targets in New Belgrade.
2000 – On October 14, the Municipality celebrates its Slava for the
first time – “Shroud of the Most Holy
Mother of God.”
2003 – Municipal Assembly passes
the decision on the Municipal coat
of arms and flag.
2004 – The company “Centre for
Development of the Local Economy
of New Belgrade” (CRLE) is opened.
Two interchanges at the Belgrade
Arena are opened.
2005 – After two years of refurbishment, the “Usce” Business Centre is opened.
2006 – On July 26, the Municipal
Service Centre opens in Blok 70. The
Youth Office is opened. Customer
care hall in the Municipal building
is refurbished.
2007 – On October 2, the Centre for
Development of Small and Medium
Companies, Agrobanka a.d, and the
Economic Journalist Association
select New Belgrade as the City
Municipality of the Future from 47
nominated Serbian municipalities.
Snezana Prljevic
04nekretnine.indd 61
21.10.2008 0:48:10
real estate
Banca Intesa
kreditira gradnju
ao odgovor na aktuelnu situaciju na
ća otvorenih u Banci. Na taj način projekat otplaćuje
građevinskom tržištu Srbije koja se ogleda
sam sebe što ide u prilog investitoru koji ne mora ništa
u povećanoj tražnji, Banca Intesa je u svoju
da plati Banci, sve dok ne završi izgradnju. U skladu sa
ponudu uvrstila specijalni kreditni proiztim se i otplata kredita vrši od priliva ostvarenih provod Intesa Gradnja, namenjen svim investitorima koji
dajom jedinica objekta koji je predmet kreditiranja.
grade stambene i poslovne objekte za dalju prodaju,
Uz ovakve jedinstvene pogodnosti koje nudi Banca
omogućujući im na taj način efikasnu i pouzdanu reIntesa, investitorima se pruža mogućnost da lakše i
alizaciju gradnje.
brže realizuju nekoliko projekata istovremeno. TaKorišćenjem Intesa Gradnja kredita mogu se ostvakođe, posebna pogodnost kod ovih kredita je što se
riti brojne pogodnosti koje se direktno i efikasno
akcenat prvenstveno stavlja na analizu projekta, a ne
ostvaruju bez potrebe za kompenzacijama i diskontona analizu preduzeća.
vanjem prodajnih cena stanova. Takva vrsta pogodnoInvestitori koji žele da iskoriste sve prednosti koje
sti omogućava da se u toku gradnje ne javlja potreba za
ovi specifični krediti omogućuju treba da: osnuju
prodajom stanova po nižim cenama, što investitorima
novo preduzeće (SPC-Special Purpose Company) koje
obezbeđuje dovoljno sredstava za gradnju, a istovreće biti predmet kreditiranja, da obezbede učešće u mimeno pruža sigurnost, lišavajući potencijalne kupce
nimalnom iznosu od 15% vrednosti investicije (kroz
svakog rizika. Naime, uz
lokaciju, projektnu dokupomoć Intesa Gradnja krementaciju) i pravosnažno
ontinuirano širenje i
dita omogućena je sigurna
Rešenje o odobrenju za
unapređenje ponude, u
investicija kako za investiizgradnju, kao i da izabepogledu kvaliteta usluge i za
tora, tako i za kupce staru adekvatnog izvođača
nova. Ovakav direktan vid
radova koji minimum dve
privredu i za stanovništvo,
pomoći se sa jedne strane
godine posluje u sektoru
vodeći je princip za
ostvaruje bržom prodajom
građevine i ima mogućnost
poslovanje Banca Intesa kako
stanova uz povoljne stamda obezbedi garanciju za
do sad tako i u budućnosti.
bene kredite Banca Intesa,
dobro izvršenje posla.
dok se sa druge strane zaDosadašnje poslovanje
hvaljujući obezbeđivanju dovoljne količine novca za
Banca Intesa ukazuje na njenu otvorenost prema kliizgradnju, sama gradnja odvija bez zastoja.
jentima i spremnost da se izađe u susret njihovim speBanca Intesa pruža svoju podršku tako što finansicifičnim zahtevima kako bi se u partnerskom odnosu
ra do 85% vrednosti projekta u minimalnom iznosu
zajednički pronašlo rešenje koje će na najbolji način
od 500.000 evra, prati izvođenje radova na izgradnji
odgovarati potrebama klijenata i tržišta.
objekta i pomaže u prodaji stanova. U skladu sa razvojDetaljnije informacije o Intesa gradnji kreditima
nim procesom gradnje objekta ostvaruju se povoljni
dostupne su pozivanjem Službe Intesa gradnja putem
uslovi, a nakon overe mesečnih stanja i izveštaja supertelefona: 011/201 14 55; 011/201 13 81 ili direktno
vizora Banke, sredstva se puštaju u tranšama.
kontaktiranjem Client Manager-a Banca Intesa.
Sa željom da izađe u susret potrebama svojih klijeBanca Intesa – Pouzdan partner
nata, Banca Intesa je uskladila i način vraćanja kredita, pa je otplata zaduženja usklađena sa dinamikom
Banca Intesa kao lider domaćeg bankarstva i pouzprodaje objekta, tako da investitori kredit vraćaju tek
dan partner za 1.3 miliona klijenata, fizičkih i pravnakon dobijanja tehničkog prijema/upotrebne dozvole
nih lica, nastoji da zadrži poziciju važnog subjekta
iz sredstava od prodatih stanova, poslovnih prostora i
u ekonomskom razvoju zemlje kroz nove ponude i
garaža prikupljenih na namenskim računima preduzeaktivnosti.
04nekretnine.indd 62
21.10.2008 0:48:11
Gotovo sve najuspešnije domaće i strane
kompanije koje posluju na tržištu Srbije,
nalaze se među više od 114.000 korporativnih klijenata Banca Intesa. Sa ukupnim
plasmanima privrednim subjektima koji,
uključujući cross border kredite, iznose
1,4 milijarde miliona evra, Banca Intesa je jedan od najvećih kreditora privrede
Srbije. Dugogodišnje poverenje korporativnih klijenata dokazuje i visina ukupnih
depozita privrednih subjekata koji premašuju 913 miliona evra. Banca Intesa je u 2008.
godini ostvarila
plasmana korporativnim klijentima u iznosu od 274
miliona evra što je za 33% više u poređenju sa
krajem 2007. godine.
Kontinuirano širenje i unapređenje
ponude, u pogledu kvaliteta usluge
i za privredu i za stanovništvo,
vodeći je princip za poslovanje
Banca Intesa kako do sad tako i
u budućnosti. „
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Banca Intesa
Construction Loans
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s an answer to the current status of Serbia’s
construction market, which is characterised
by increased demand, Banca Intesa added a
special loan product called Intesa Construction. This product is targeted at all the investors who are
working on developing residential and business structures for resale, providing them with a more efficient
and more reliable way to realise the construction.
Using an Intesa Construction loan carries numerous benefits with it, all of which are achieved directly
and efficiently, without a need for compensations and
discounted apartment prices. Benefits of this type
remove the need to sell apartments at lower prices
during construction, provide the investors with sufficient funds to complete the building process, and,
at the same time, confer security by eliminating all
risks for the potential buyers. Specifically, an Intesa
Construction loan ensures a safe investment for both
the investor and the buyers of his apartments. On one
hand, this type of direct aid is realised through a faster
sale of apartments with favourable housing loans approved by Banca Intesa, and, on the other hand, the
construction itself can progress without delay, as sufficient funds for construction have been secured.
Banca Intesa shows its support by financing up to
85% of the project’s value, in the minimal amount of
500,000 euro, by monitoring the execution of construction works, and by helping with apartment sales.
Favourable terms are awarded in accordance with the
structure’s development cycle, and a portion of funds is
released after the endorsement of each monthly status
update and each report made by the Bank’s supervisor.
Wishing to meet the needs of its clients, Banca Intesa has also adjusted its repayment plan; the repayment is synchronised with the sales schedule, which
means that the investors only have to repay the loan
after receiving the Technical Acceptance Certificate/
Certificate of Use and Occupancy, out of the funds received from the sales of apartments, business premises,
and garages, which are collected on the company’s special purpose accounts opened with the Bank. In this
manner, the project pays itself off, which is a benefit
for the investor who doesn’t have to pay anything to
the Bank until he finishes construction. Accordingly,
the loan repayment is done from the inflow of cash
resulting from the sales of units in the credited structure. With such unique possibilities offered by Banca
Intesa, the investors have an opportunity to realise several projects at the same time with more ease and at a
greater speed. Also, one of the special conveniences of
these loans is the fact that the emphasis is on analysing
the project, and not the company.
The investors who wish to utilise all the advantages granted by these specific loans should do the
following: found a new company (SPC – Special Purpose Company), which will receive the loan; procure
a share of the funds in the amount of 15% of the
investment value (through obtaining the site or preparing project documentation); and receive a lawful
Approval for Construction Certificate, along with
selecting an adequate contractor with a minimum of
two years of experience in the field of construction
and which can provide a guarantee for the successful
completion of works.
The business operations of Banca Intesa so far
show the Bank’s openness towards its clients, and its
readiness to meet their specific demands, so that the
Bank and the client, as partners, can jointly discover a
solution which would best suit the needs of the client
and the market.
You can obtain more detailed information about
Intesa Construction loans by calling the Intesa Construction Service at 011/201 14 55 or 011/201 13
81, or by directly contacting the Client Manager of
Banca Intesa.
Banca Intesa – A Reliable Partner
As the leader in domestic banking and a reliable
partner with over 1.3 million clients, both private
individuals and legal entities, Banca Intesa intends
to retain the position of an important subject in the
economic development of the country through new
offerings and activities.
Nearly all of the most successful local and foreign
companies operating in Serbia’s market are listed
among the corporate clients of Banca Intesa, whose
number exceeds 114,000. With a total value of loans
provided to legal entities in excess of 1.4 billion euro,
Banca Intesa is one of the largest creditors of Serbia’s
economy. The amount of total deposits made by legal
entities, which exceeds 913 million euro, also proves
the long-term trust of corporate clients. In 2008,
Banca Intesa achieved a dynamic growth in loans given to corporate clients in the amount of 274 million
euro, which is 33% more than at the end of 2007.
The continued growth and advancement of its offerings, with respect to the quality of services for both
corporate clients and citizens, has been a guiding
principle for the business operations of Banca Intesa,
and will remain so in the future. „
04nekretnine.indd 65
21.10.2008 0:48:16
real estate
Trend budućnosti u građevinarstvu
Dok je naša civilizacija dugo uživala skoro neograničene zalihe jeftine energije, to vreme se bliži
kraju. Nafta, gas, ugalj postaju sve skuplji jer smo
već iscrpeli i iskoristili najbolje od toga. Zbog nemilosrdnog korišćenja prirodnih rezervi i zagađenja
koje proizvodimo, na putu smo prirodne katastrofe.
Sada smo na preokretu gde više ne možemo nastaviti rad sa istim rešenjima kao u prošlosti. To je slučaj
u mnogim sektorima počevši od proizvodnje energije,
poljoprivrede, transporta do zgradarstva.
Pronaći nova rešenja, graditi drugačije
U sektoru zgradarstva, to se prevodi gradnjom novih zgrada koje koriste manje ukupne energije i koje
koriste energiju iz obnovljivih izvora. Cilj je da se za-
visnost od fosilnih goriva svede na minimum, zadržavajući ili čak poboljšavajući nivo komfora unutar
Šta to u stvari znači kada se planira gradnja nove
zgrade? To znači da se pitanje energije postavi kao
najvažnije. To znači korišćenje odlične toplotne izolacije, brigu o toplotnim mostovima, brigu o pravilnoj ventilaciji, planiranje korišćenja pasivne solarne
energije i obnovljive energije za grejanje i za sanitarnu
toplu vodu.
Da li se to može uraditi u Srbiji?
Sve zapadno-evropske zemlje su usvojile obavezne norme da nateraju investitore u građevinarstvu
da uvećaju energetsku efikasnost u novogradnji i da
se usmere ka nisko-energetskim zgradama. U Francuskoj, na primer, u 2012. godini, sve nove zgrade
04nekretnine.indd 66
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će morati da troše manje od 50 kWhpe⁄m² godišnje
(kilovat sati primarne energije po kvadratnom metru
godišnje) za grejanje i toplu vodu. Dodatno tome,
postoje finansijski podsticaji za upotrebu obnovljive
U Srbiji, ništa od toga još ne postoji. Tako da, u
ovom momentu, nema načina da izgradnja niskoenergetskih zgrada postane naširoko prihvaćena. Uprkos tome, sva potrebna građevinska rešenja postoje u
Srbiji da bi se izgradila takva nisko-energetska zgrada.
Prema tome, ima mesta za kompanije da budu pioniri
i da urade bolje u ovom domenu.
Prva nisko-energetska stambena zgrada u Srbiji
Firma Kuće Beodom je jedan od ovih pionira u
Srbiji. Kuće Beodom trenutno gradi prvu niskoenergetsku zgradu u Srbiji. Realizacija je nazvana
Amadeo, kao referenca njihovom italijanskom arhitekti studiodosi. Amadeo je napravljen od monolitnih zidova sa velikim opeka blokovima, obezbeđujući odličnu i zdravu toplotnu izolaciju. Grejanje i
hlađenje obezbeđuje geotermalna toplotna pumpa
koja štedi do 75% energije. Sanitarna topla voda se
greje sa solarnom energijom, koristeći 12 solarnih
kolektora. Korišćena su specifična rešenja, kao što je
Schoeck Isokorb da bi se toplotni mostovi sveli na
minimum. Prozori su sa nisko-emisionim staklom
punjenim argonom.
Ova realizacija otvara novi način razmišljanja i
gradnje. Novi način zasnovan na odgovornom razvoju koji će postati sve važniji.
Za više informacija o Kuće Beodom realizacijama
i nisko-energetskim zgradama uopšte, možete posetiti
njihov web sajt www.beodom.com.
04nekretnine.indd 67
21.10.2008 0:48:25
Trend of the future in construction
A turning point
While our civilization has enjoyed almost unlimited
supply of cheap energy for a long time, that time is coming to an end. Oil, gas, coal are bond to become more
expensive because we have already extracted and used the
best of it. On top of that, because of our ruthless use of
natural ressources and the pollution we have been pouring out, we are heading for a natural disaster.
We are at a turning point where we cannot anymore
carry on the same solutions that have been working
in the past. That is true in many sectors, from energy
production, agriculture, transportation to housing.
Finding new solutions, building differently
In the housing sector, that translates into making
new buildings that use less total energy and that use
energy from renewable sources. The goal being to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels to a minimum,
while keeping or even increasing the level of comfort
inside the buildings.
What does it means concretly when planing a new
construction? It means putting energy concerns as the
most important ones. It means using excellent thermal insulation, taking care of thermal bridges, thinking of ventilation, planning for using passive solar energy and using
renewable energy for heating and sanitary hot water.
Can it be done in Serbia?
All western european countries have put in place
compulsory norms to force real-estate developers to increase the energy efficiency of new buildings and move
toward low-energy buildings. In France, for instance,
in 2012, all new buildings will have to use less than 50
kWhpe⁄m².year (kilowatt hour of primary energy per
square meter and per year) for heating and hot water.
In addition, financial incentives exist for the use of
renewable energy.
In Serbia, there is nothing in place yet. So, at the
moment, there is no way development of low-energy
buildings can become widespread. Despite of that,
all building solutions are already available in Serbia
to implement such a low-energy building. Therefore,
there is a space for pionnering companies to do better
in this domain.
First low-energy residential building in Serbia
Kuće Beodom is one of those pionners in Serbia.
Kuće Beodom is currently building the first low-energy
residential building in Serbia. This realization is named
Amadeo, a reference to its Italian architect studiodosi.
Amadeo is made of monolithic walls with large clay
blocks, providing excellent and healthy thermal insulation. Heating and cooling is powered with a geothermal heat pump that saves up to 75% of energy.
Sanitary hot water is produced with solar energy, using
12 solar collectors. Specific solutions, such as Schoeck
Isokorb have been used to reduce thermal bridges to a
minimum. Windows are low-e with argon fill.
This new realization is opening up a new way of
thinking and doing construction. A new way centered
on responsible development that will become increasingly important.
For more information on Kuce Beodom realizations
and on low-energy buildings in general, you can visit
their website www.beodom.com.
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21.10.2008 0:48:33
real estate
„IVERA“doo Beograd
Vaša sigurna
ilj kompanije „Ivera“ je da na tržištu Beograda ponudi originalnu i prepoznatljivu
paletu stambenih i poslovnih objekata i da
tako ostvari svoju viziju unapređenja životnih i radnih prostora. „Ivera“ insistira na izuzetnom
kvalitetu i funkcionalnosti gradnje kao i prilagođenosti potrebama modernog savremenog čoveka. Poslovanje „Ivere“ odlikuje: visok kvalitet usluga, zakonito
poslovanje, pravna i finansijska sigurnost, profesionalnost, brzina, fleksibilnost, poverenje…
„Naša misija je prvenstveno da radimo u skladu sa
zakonom, što nije uvek lako realizovati u poslovnom
okruženju“, objašnjava Verica Veljanovski, direktor
investicija u „Iveri“. „Na nivou kompanije, pored
timova koji se bave trgovinom i proizvodnjom, imamo i investicioni tim sastavljen od stručnih i edukovanih arhitekata, inženjera, pravnika, finansijskih
stručnjaka, i ekonomista koji svaki projekat prate
od početka do kraja. Upravljanje projektima koje
realizuje naš investicioni tim koristeći odgovarajući
program DotProjekt je nešto što nas izdvaja od drugih investitora. Ceo investicioni ciklus, od donošenja investicione odluke, ugovaranja lokacije, izrade
projektno tehničke dokumentacije, saradnje sa javnim preduzećima radi obezbeđenja odgovarajućih
priključaka infrastrukture, preko dobijanja potvrde
o prijemu dokumentacije (građevinske dozvole), finansiranja, ugovaranja i praćenja izgradnje, kontrole dinamike izvođenja radova, kvaliteta i vrednosti
izvedenih radova, pa do prodaje stanova, radi se u
okviru naše kompanije. Finansijsku podršku projektima koje realizujemo, ostvarujemo putem kreditnih
linija dobijenih od NLB LHB banke koja nas prati
u našim poslovima.“
O visini prodajnih cena stanova na tržištu nekretnina gospođa Veljanovski kaže: „Prodajnu cenu nekretnina određuju odnos ponude i potražnje, cena
koštanja objekta i lokacija. Cene rastu od 20% do
30% godišnje. Stanovi različitog kvaliteta na istoj
lokaciji se neopravdano prodaju po istoj ceni. In-
vestitori koji grade nekvalitetno i mimo zakona su
naša nelojalna konkurencija iz dva razloga. Prvo, kod
davanja ponude vlasnicima parcele radi ustupanja
parcele za izgradnju građevinskog objekta, takvi investitori nude vlasnicima mnogo veću površinu u novoj
zgradi jer su im troškovi nekvalitetne gradnje mnogo
niži - korupcijom i protivzakonito dobijaju građevinsku dozvolu za izgradnju zgrade veće površine. Drugo, krajnjem kupcu prodaju izgrađene stanove nižeg
kvaliteta po ceni visokokvalitetnih stanova te tako
ostvaruju ekstra profit do 40%. Napominjem, da sa
visokim kvalitetom gradnje i gradnjom u skladu sa
zakonom, investitor može da se ostvari max profit od
8 - 12%. Zato je neophodno da država i Grad uvedu
standarde kvaliteta gradnje i postave zakonske okvire
na osnovu kojih će se izgradnjom baviti samo oni koji
su u prethodnom periodu radili pošteno, stručno i
Kupci nemaju stručnu i pravnu pomoć od države
ili od agenata preko kojih kupuju stanove. Oni treba
da budu stručni ljudi koji će znati šta utiče na prodajnu cenu nekretnine i koji će potpuno štititi kupce.
Naša kompanija ne prodaje stanove preko posredničkih agencija prvenstveno zbog njihove nestručnosti.
Mislim da je potrebna stalna edukacija učesnika na
tržištu nekretnina: investitora, agenata za kupoprodaju nekretnina i kupaca.“
Gospođa Veljanovski navodi osnovne probleme
investicione izgradnje: „To su visoke i nerealne cene
ustupanja parcela od strane vlasnika i korisnika parcele investitorima radi izgradnje objekata; odgovornost
i nadoknada štete investitoru za nekvalitetno obavljen
posao od strane ovlašćenih stručnih lica – projektanata i inženjera koji svoju nestručnost pokrivaju licencama; pribavljanje građevinske dozvole i dozvola
za obezbeđenje infrastrukturnih priključaka; obaveze
investitora koji finansira izgradnju objekata da plati
PDV državi uključujući i stanove koje je izgradio suinvestitorima koji su mu prethodno ustupili parcelu
za gradnju.
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21.10.2008 0:48:34
Radi rešavanja navedenih problema u oblasti investicione izgradnje neophodno je regulisati određenim porezima vrednost ustupanja parcele za gradnju.
Takođe, potrebno je, na nivou grada Beograda, usaglasiti rad javnih preduzeća koja odobravaju priključenje novih objekata na infrastrukturu i to tako da
se na jednoj lokaciji obezbedi spoljna infrastrukturna
mreža za sve priključke istovremeno (vik, grejanje,
električni vodovi, ptt). U javnim preduzećima treba
sprovesti poštovanje rokova za izdavanje potrebnih
akata i dozvola neophodnih za projektovanje i priključenje novog objekta na infrastrukturu. Regulisati
u oba smera imovinsko pravne odnose i refundiranje
troškova spoljne infrastrukturne mreže između javnih
preduzeća i investitora. Potrebno je izrađivati urbanističke planove u saradnji sa predstavnicima javnih
preduzeća, kako bi se istovremeno za lokacije gde se
radi DUP predvideli i investicioni radovi za izgradnju
svih vrsta infrastrukturnih mreža. Urbanističke planove i sve lokacije koje se dodeljuju preko tendera, sve
propise kojih se treba pridržavati kod projektovanja i
podnošenja dokumentacije za dobijanje građevinske
dozvole treba postaviti na sajt Sekretarijata za urbanizam, kako bi bili dostupni, konstantno, svakom licu.
U Sekretarijatu za urbanizam organizovati interne
procedure tako da svaki zaposleni radi po propisanoj
metodologiji koja će takođe biti transparentna i na taj
način onemogućiti da svako od njih donosi odluke
prema subjektivnom tumačenju zakonskih propisa.
Dosadašnje subjektivno tumačenje propisa od strane
pojedinaca i loša organizacija Sekretarijata za urbanizam su proizvodili ogromnu korupciju. Treba se pridržavati zakonskih rokova od strane svih institucija u
celoj proceduri dobijanja dozvola za gradnju (javna
preduzeća – EDB, Beogradske elektrane, Vodovod i
Kanalizacija, PTT, sekretarijat za saobraćaj, sekretarijat za urbanizam, MUP-protivpožarna zaštita). Do
sada smo za neke građevinske dozvole čekali i po 8
do 12 meseci, što je nedopustivo, jer je zakonski rok
za svaki akt 15 - 30 dana. Usporena procedura dobijanja građevinske dozvole itekako povećava troškove
Uprkos svemu, ne odustajemo, jer smo optimisti,
i mi smo tu da sprovodimo promene. Radimo po zakonu i gradimo sa stilom. Naši klijenti su nam na prvom mestu. Poštujemo klijentove želje i osluškujemo
pažljivo njegove potrebe. Ne pratimo trendove, već ih
kreiramo“, zaključuje gospođa Veljanovski. „
04nekretnine.indd 71
21.10.2008 0:48:37
“IVERA” doo Belgrade
Your Safe
he goal of “Ivera” is to offer an original and
recognisable range of residential and business
structures on Belgrade’s real estate market,
and, in that way, to achieve the company’s
vision of improving the space for living and the space
for work. “Ivera” insists on top quality and functionality in construction, as well as the ability to adapt to
the needs of modern men. “Ivera’s” business activities
are distinguished by a high standard of our services,
lawful business operations, legal and financial safety,
professional approach, speed, flexibility, trust...
“Our primary mission is to work in compliance
with the law, which is not always easily realised in the
business environment,” explains Verica Veljanovski,
Director for Investments at “Ivera.” “At the company level, in addition to the sales and manufacturing
teams, we also have a Team for Investments, comprised of professional and educated architects, engineers, lawyers, financial experts, and economists, who
follow each project through - from the beginning to
the end. Project management realised by our Team
for Investments, aided by the DotProjekt software,
is something which distinguishes us from the other
investors. The entire investment cycle, from making
the decision to invest, contracting the site, producing
project technical documentation, through procurement of the building permit, financing, contracting
and supervising construction, monitoring the work
execution schedule, quality, and value of executed
works, all the way to the sale of apartments, is done
within our company. The projects we realise receive
their financial support by means of credit lines provided by the NLB LHB Bank, which follows our
business operations.”
Ms Veljanovski says the following on the subject of
apartment prices on the market: “the sale price of real
estate is determined by the ratio of supply and demand,
the cost of structures and sites. Prices grow by 20% to
30% annually. It is inexcusable that apartments of differing qualities located at the same site are sold at same
prices. Those investors who build poorly and ignore
the laws represent unfair competition to us for two reasons. First of all, when making their offers to parcel
owners in order to turn the parcels over to them for
construction, such investors can offer the owners much
larger areas in the new building because the expenses of
their low-quality construction are considerably lower
– they obtain building permits for much larger buildings through corruption and illegal activities. Secondly,
they sell the low-quality apartments they built to buyers at the same price as top quality apartments, thus
making up to 40% in extra profit. I would like to point
out that by using high quality building methods and
by building in accordance with the law, an investor can
achieve a profit in the 8% - 12% range. For this reason,
the State and the City must introduce the building
quality standards and lay out legal frameworks to allow
only the ones who worked with honesty, expertise, and
professional care in the previous period to continue
working in the field of development.
The buyers do not receive any professional or legal
assistance from the State or the agents who negotiate
the sales of apartments. Those agents should be professionals who are aware of what affects the price of real estate, and who will work to provide complete protection
for the buyers. Our company does not sell apartments
through brokerage agencies primarily because of their
incompetence. I think that participants in the real estate
market require continuous education – this applies to
the investors and sales agents, as well as the buyers.”
Ms Veljanski names the basic problems of investment development: “High and unrealistic prices for
purchasing parcels from their owners and users for
the purpose of construction; responsibility and reimbursement of damages to the investor for poor work
done by licensed professionals – designers and engineers who cover their incompetence with licenses; obtaining building permits and permits for infrastructural connections; the duty of the financing investor
to pay VAT to the State, including VAT for the apart-
04nekretnine.indd 72
21.10.2008 0:48:38
ments built for the co-investors who previously gave
their parcel for development.
In order to resolve the above mentioned issues in the
field of investment development, it is necessary to regulate, through taxes, the process of turning over a parcel
for construction. Also, it is necessary to coordinate, at
the city level, the work of all public companies which
must approve the connection of new structures to the
public infrastructure, so that the external infrastructure is provided for all connections at the same time
(water supply and sewers, heating, power lines, telecommunications). Public companies must be forced
to observe the deadlines for issuing required acts and
permits required in the design of a new structure and
for connecting that new structure to the public infrastructure. Property legal rights should be regulated in
both directions, as should the reimbursement of expenses for the exterior infrastructural grids between the
public companies and the investors. Town plans must
be developed in cooperation with the representatives
of public companies, in order to plan the investment
works for developing all types of infrastructural grids
for sites which are being planned in detail. Town plans
and all tender-awarded locations, as well as all regulations which must be observed during design and during
the process of submitting documentation for procuring
a building permit, should be placed on the web site of
the Secretariat for Urban Planning, making them con-
stantly available to all people. Internal procedures in the
Secretariat for Urban Planning should be organised in
such a way that every employee has to work in accordance with prescribed methodology, which will also be
transparent, and in that manner disable their ability to
make decisions according to subjective interpretations
of legal regulations. The current subjective interpretation of legal regulations by certain individuals in the
Secretariat for Urban Planning and their bad organisation are generating a large amount of corruption. Legal
deadlines must be observed by all institutions during the
building permit procurement procedure (public companies – Belgrade Power Distribution, Belgrade District
Heating, Water Supply and Sewers, Postal and Telecom
Service, Secretariat for Transportation, Secretariat for
Urban Planning, Ministry of the Interior – Fire Protection). Until now, we had to wait 8 to 12 months for
some building permits, which is impermissible, because
the legal deadline for issuing each act is 15 – 30 days.
The slow procedures for obtaining building permits certainly increase the expenses of investments.
Despite everything, we will not give up, because
we are optimists, and because we are here to implement changes. We work in compliance with the law,
and we build with style. Our clients are in the first
place. We respect the client’s wishes and listen carefully to his needs. We do not follow the trends – we
create them,” Ms Veljanovski concludes. „
04nekretnine.indd 73
21.10.2008 0:48:38
Miloš Rajšić, direktor kompanije “Dynamic Communications Group” (DCG)
i direktor organizacije BelRe sajma
Izgradi Profit
elRE je već treću godinu zaredom okupio
investitore, vlasnike zemljišta, graditelje,
konsultanate, projektante, izvođače radova
iz Srbije i okolnih zemalja, predstavnike
opština i institucija, građane zainteresovane za ovu
oblast. Tu su pored domaćih i izlagači iz Bugarske,
Dubaija, Italije, Španije, BIH, Crne Gore, Slovenije
i Rusije. BelRe je idealna prilika da se sretnu svi oni
koji odlučuju o tržištu nekretnina i čuju iskustva onih
koji uspešno grade.
Miloš Rajšić, direktor kompanije “Dynamic Communications Group” (DCG), koja je organizator Saj-
ma kaže: „Ponosni smo što smo pokrenuli BelRE jer je
to jedinstvena manifestacija te vrste na području bivše
Jugoslavije. BelRE je skraćenica od Belgrade Real Expo
a naziv smo osmislili sa željom da ovaj sajam postane
brend po ugledu na BEMUS, BITEF, BELEF. Ovde se
predstavljaju projekti i ideje, novi trendovi u izgradnji,
generalni i detaljni planovi razvoja gradova i regiona.
Pre tri godine, kad smo pokrenuli BelRE, Beograd je proglašen za grad budućnosti južne Evrope
na takmičenju Gradovi regioni koje je organizovao
Financial Times, a Srbija je dobila status kopredsedavajućeg u OECD-u. Mislili smo, i nismo pogrešili,
05sajmovi.indd 74
21.10.2008 0:00:55
da je to bio pravi trenutak za pokretanje ovakvog
sajma jer smo želeli da Beograd zaista postane centar
okupljanja investitora u ovom delu Evrope. Početak
je bio težak ali se ispostavilo da je sajam izuzetno
uspešan i značajan za region i svake godine postaje
sve veći. Sajmovi ovog tipa su vrlo važni jer privlače
one koji imaju sredstva da investiraju i time lančano
doprinose sveopštem ekonomskom razvoju u smislu
zapošljavanja, bogatije ponude, izgleda naših gradova i podizanju životnog standarda. Hteli samo da
organizacijom ovakvog događaja pokažemo da smo
spremni za nove izazove.“
Sajam svake godine prati i konferencija koja okuplja važna imena iz
ovog sektora?
„ „BelRE konferencija okuplja predstavnike relevantnih institucija i sve one koji učestvuju u razvoju
investicionog tržišta u Srbiji i regionu. Ove godine,
pored lokalnih graditelja, imamo i strane učesnike koji
govore o svojim iskustvima o razvoju nekretnina u zemljama EU i Rusije.
Takođe BelRE magazin je svojevrstan putokaz kroz
srpsko tržište nekretnina i njega su tokom ove godine
imali priliku da čitaju učesnici svih značajnijih evropskih sajmova nekretnina koje smo posetili: MIPIM
(Kan), Real Vienna (Beč), FDI Expo (London), Expo
Real (Minhen). Magazin ćemo predstaviti i u Moskvi,
na najvećem ruskom sajmu nekretnina kao i na svim
ostalim važnim sajmovima
sledeće godine. Tako da
BelRE živi i posle završetka
sajma. Ova razmena informacija je veoma važna jer
časopis predstavlja pravi
mali investicioni vodič za
strane investitore da steknu
pravu sliku o tržištu nekretnina u Srbiji i regionu.“
Da li je Srbija pogodna za investicije? Koliko je sektor nekretnina
važan za razvoj zemlje?
„ „Prvi investitori koji
elRE magazin
je svojevrstan
putokaz kroz srpsko
tržište nekretnina.
Magazin ćemo
predstaviti i u Moskvi,
na najvećem ruskom
sajmu nekretnina
kao i na svim ostalim
važnim sajmovima
sledeće godine. Tako
BelRE živi i posle
završetka sajma. Ova
razmena informacija
je veoma važna jer
časopis predstavlja
pravi mali investicioni
vodič za strane
investitore da steknu
pravu sliku o tržištu
nekretnina u Srbiji.
su došli u Srbiju bili su u
oblasti nekretnina jer su
one polazna tačka za druga ulaganja. Npr. ako hoćete da napravite fabriku
morate prvo da kupite zemlju, obezbedite potrebne
dozvole, napravite projekat, nađete izvođača radova,
nadzor itd. Sve zemlje iz regiona su prošle kroz tu fazu,
tako da se u Srbiji danas mnogo gradi, a gradiće se još
više, jer će tržište to diktirati. Mi ćemo biti prisutni da
sve takve akcije dodatno podržimo“. „
I. T.
05sajmovi.indd 75
21.10.2008 0:01:02
Milos Rajsic, Director of “Dynamic Communications Group” (DCG)
and Managing Director of the BelRe Fair
Build profit
hird year in a row, BelRe has gathered
investors, landowners, developers, consultants, designers, and contractors from
Serbia and the surrounding countries,
along with the representatives of municipalities and
institutions and citizens interested in this field. In
addition to the local ones, exhibitors from Bulgaria,
Italy, Spain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Russia are present at the Fair. BelRe is
an ideal opportunity to meet all those who make
decisions in the real estate market, and to hear the
experiences of those whose construction is already
well underway.
Milos Rajsic, Director of “Dynamic Communications Group” (DCG), which organises the Fair,
“We are proud of our decision to start BelRE, because it is a unique event of this type in the region of
former Yugoslavia. BelRE is short for ‘Belgrade Real
Expo,’ and we came up with the title with the aim of
turning this fair into a brand-name, like ‘BEMUS,’
‘BITEF,’ and ‘BELEF.’ Here, we showcase projects
and ideas, new trends in development, master plans
and detailed plans for cities and regions.
Three years ago, when we first started BelRE,
Belgrade was awarded the title ‘City of the Future
in Southern Europe’ at the Cities and Regions contest organised by the ‘Financial Times.’ At that same
time, Serbia was allowed to co-chair in the OECD.
It was out belief, and we were not mistaken, that
it was the right moment to start a fair of this sort,
because we really wanted Belgrade to become the
gathering point for investors in this part of Europe. The beginning was difficult, but it turns out
that the Fair has become a great success and that
its importance for the region is considerable; also,
with each passing year, the Fair has expanded in
size. Fairs of this type are vital, because they attract
those who have the means to invest, thus becoming
a link in the chain of all-encompassing economic
development which includes new jobs, richer supply, better prospects for our cities, and an increase
in the standard of living. By organising an event of
this type, we wanted to show that we were ready for
new challenges.”
Each year, the Fair is accompanies by a Conference which draws together some important names from this sector?
“The BelRE Conference gathers the representatives of relevant institutions, as well as all those who
wish to participate in the development of investment
markets in Serbia and the region. This year, in addition to the local developers, we also have foreign
participants who speak of their experiences in the
field of real estate development in EU countries and
Additionally, the BelRE magazine is a unique
roadmap to Serbia’s real estate market, and during
this year it was available to the participants of all
major European real estate fairs we visited: MIPIM
(Cannes), Real Vienna (Vienna), FDI Expo (London), and Expo Real (Munich). We will also present
our magazine in Moscow, at Russia’s largest real estate fair, as well as all the other major fairs next year.
In that way, BelRE maintains its presence even after
the Fair itself is over. This exchange of information
is very important, because the magazine is a compact
guide for foreign investors which allows them to gain
an accurate image of the real estate markets in Serbia
and the region.”
Is Serbia well-suited for investments? What is the importance of the
real estate sector for the development of the country?
“The first investors who came to Serbia were those
from the field of real estate, because real estate is the
starting point for other investments. For example, if
you want to build a factory, you must first purchase
the land, obtain the necessary permits, produce the
designs, find a contractor, provide supervision, etc.
All countries in our region have completed that
phase, and for that reason, there is a lot of ongoing
construction in Serbia today, and there will be even
more development, because the market will demand
it. We will be there to provide additional support for
all such actions.” „
I. T.
05sajmovi.indd 76
21.10.2008 0:01:03
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05sajmovi.indd 77
21.10.2008 0:01:04
Darko Bajić, reditelj
Povratak na bulevar
utor kultnih ostvarenja „Crni bombarder”, „Početni udarac”, „Balkanska pravila”,
Darko Bajić je započeo jednu posebnu
misiju, koja bi trebalo da vrati Beogradu
deo nekadašnje magije, ali i da donese mnogo sreće u
živote svih onih koji razumeju lepotu gledanja filma
u mračnoj bioskopskoj sali.
Verujete li u mogućnost ponovnog oživljavanja bioskopske kulture u
„Film i bioskop izgledaju danas kao požutele razglednice iz prošlosti. Zato novo, staro mesto bioskop ‘’Balkan’’, predstavlja poslednji ili prvi bastion odbrane od
usamljenosti i nemuštog jezika kiča i užasne zabave
koje jede naše slobodno vreme. Ideja je da Balkan bude
sigurna kuća domaćeg filma. Međutim, to je samo pokušaj koji neće uspeti bez podrške gledalaca i njihove
ljubavi prema domaćem filmu. Zato, ugasite televizore
i dođite u bioskop. Tamo ćete sresti ljude koji odobravaju ili negoduju, čućete njihove reakcije, osetiti
njihovu emociju. Smejaćete se i nećete biti usamljeni.
Mislićete i podeliće te to sa drugima.
Srpski film trenutno samo preživljava. Prosta reprodukcija. Pomoć koju država pruža svodi se na moralnu
podršku davljeniku. Kažu: neka se sami promovišu po
svetu, a ako uspeju onda su naši. Za razliku od fondova
država u okruženju, koji dobijaju petostruko veća sredstva i veliku podršku na svetskim festivalima televizija
filmu naplaćuje reklame kao i najbogatijim firmama
u zemlji, ili sva prava na vaš film uzme zauvek. Porez nas ne štiti, ne oslobađa one koji ulažu u kulturu.
U bioskopima se prikazuju domaći filmovi samo za
vreme kratkih pauza od jeftinih američkih filmova.
Nekažnjena piraterija na svakom ćošku. Nerešena autorska prava. Još uvek bez zakona o kinematografiji.
Kad sve zveri rastrgnu gladijatora-producenta u areni,
njemu ostaje slava i zarada od 10 % i dugogodišnji
ponižavajući put do novog projekta.
Akcija postavljanja zvezda najuticajnijim i najvećim srpskim glumcima
svakako je važna zbog podsećanja na nekada bogatu kinematografiju
prepunu klasika. Da li je, pored odavanja priznanja velikim glumačkim
imenima, i to bio razlog ovog poduhvata?
„„Bulevar Zvezda” posvećen je velikanima naše kinematografije: postavku prve zvezde u čast legendarnog
glumca Danila Bate Stojkovića direktno je prenosila
Televizija Studio B. Tim povodom prikazan je ciklus
Batinih filmova, uskoro se planiraju dodele novih zvezda uz odgovarajuće filmske retrospektive. Uvedena je
još jedna novina u saradnji sa Studiom B: direktan prenos premijere filma ’’S.O.S. – spasite naše duše’’ našeg
velikog autora Slobodana Šijana, i ova vrsta promocije
domaćeg filma će postati praksa, baš kao što je ’’Balkan’’ prvi na bioskopski repertoar stavio dokumentarce i studentske filmove, puštao i filmove za decu, a
uskoro će se naći mesta i za animirana ostvarenja. Do
kraja godine učestvujemo u organizaciji dve značajne
manifestacije: Festivala autorskog filma i Studenskog
filmskog festivala. U planu su i premijere novih filmova, retrospektive, ciklusi...
Šta su bioskopi nekada značili za kulturni život i društveni život Beograda?
„Trenutno postoji kriza bioskopa u celom svetu. Elektronska kamera pokušava da kopira filmsku kameru, a
kućni bioskop pravi bioskop. Autori prave filmove sa
namerom da gledaoci svojim reakcijama u bioskopu
obogaćuju svoje iskustvo, činom zajedničkog gledanja
i međusobnom komunikacijom. Tehnologija će napredovati, kao i kvalitetniji projektori, bioskopi će brže
dobijati digitalne kopije filmova. Sve to će to dovesti
do brže direktne razmene novih filmova, bez posrednika. Moći ćete da gledate premijeru filma u bioskopu
u vašem gradu u isto vreme kada i svi u svetu. To će
biti novi život bioskopa. Ovaj trenutak naša kinematografija mora dočekati spremna jer je to velika šansa
za promociju našeg filma u svetu. Očekujem da ministarstva kulture, prosvete i sekretarijati za kulturu svih
gradova u Srbiji podrže akciju „Povratak u bioskop’’,
kao što su to učinile mnoge evropske zemlje. Bioskop
je bio i ostao institucija kulture.
06kultura.indd 78
21.10.2008 0:06:28
Rekli ste da je vaše poslednje ostvarenje „Na lepom plavom Dunavu“ prvi
srpski evropski film. Šta ste pod tim mislili?
„Evropska tema. Provokativan kao moji raniji filmovi.
Spoj srpske i evropske glume. Spoj različitosti podneblja, kultura, uticaja, sistema, života ali istog osećanja
i razmišljanja o životu i istini. Energija glumaca iz različitih zemalja koji su ovaj tekst prihvatili kao svoje
istine dala mi je snagu da sa velikom strašću uđem u
realizaciju ovog filma. Prihvatanje ovog teksta, pretvorila se u zajedničku misiju: slobodnu misao nasuprot
klišea nametnutog (birokratskog) tumačenja. Možda ja
želim da ubedim gledaoce u svoju istinu, ali oni mogu
da izađu iz sale kada god to požele, i zato je bioskop
možda poslednji bastion slobode mišljenja i kreativnog
sukoba različitih stavova.
Naslovi „Rat uživo“ i „Crni bombarder“ spadaju u vaša najangažovanija
ostvarenja. Smatrate li da domaći film i dalje ima tako veliki uticaj da
može da utiče na stvarnost ili da je efektno rezimira?
„Nikada nisam mislio da film može da promeni stvarnost. Ali može da podstakne razmišljanje i da bude
vaš način angažovanja u vremenu u kome živite. Na
kraju to pokazuje i polemika tokom devedesetih da
li film „Crni bombarder“ liči na događaje koji su se
dešavali ili da je film možda podstakao da se to upravo
desi. Noć pred 5. oktobar veliki broj lokalnih stanica
ikada nisam
mislio da film
može da promeni
stvarnost. Ali može
da podstakne
razmišljanje i da
bude vaš način
angažovanja u
vremenu u kome
u Srbiji emitovalo je ovaj film.
Tako je ovaj film posle jedne decenije ponovo postao stvarnost.
„Rat uživo“, domaći kandidat
za Oskara je na festivalima u
Americi, otvorio je polemiku o
ratu u Srbiji. A koliko je u tome
uspeo, govore i nagrade ali i to
što su otkupljena svetska prava.
Siguran sam da film kao redak medij promoviše slobodu autorskog mišljenja, i pronalazi put do ljudi koji
samostalno misle.
Na koji način doživljavate svet medija koji je u poslednjoj deceniji postao
„Gomila neukusnih, neprofesionalnih, fast fud programa čiji je jedini cilj da brzo iskoristite slobodno
vreme i da niočemu ne mislite. Daleko je to od udisanja života punim plućima. A ono o čemu treba da
razmišljate ili ono kako treba da mislite potrudiće se
oni. Moram priznati ipak jedno, da njihova režija slike
globalne stvarnosti deluje poprilično dobro. Kao profesor filmske režije dao bi im desetku za opšti dojam
ali bi im spustio dve ocene zbog vidljivih dramaturških
konstrukcija. „
Milan Nikolić
06kultura.indd 79
21.10.2008 0:06:35
Darko Bajic, Film Director
Return to the
Star Boulevard
he author of cult works such as “The
Black Bomber,” “Pocetni udarac” (“First
Strike”), and “Balkan Rules,” Darko Bajic
engaged on a special quest which seeks to
reunite Belgrade with a piece of its former magic, and
bring much joy to the lives of those who understand
the beauty of enjoying a movie in the darkness of a
cinema auditorium.
Do you believe it is possible to resurrect Belgrade’s cinema-going culture?
„ Both films and cinemas today look like yellowed
postcards from times past. For that reason, the newold site of the “Balkan” cinema represents the last – or
first if you will – bastion of defence from the loneliness
and from the tongue-tied kitsch and terrible entertainment which eats up our free time. The idea is for “Balkan: to become a safe house for our cinematography.
However, this is only an attempt at this idea, and it
will not succeed without the support of viewers and
their love for the national films. That’s why you should
turn your TV sets off and come to the cinema. There
you will find people cheering or booing, hear their
reactions, and feel their emotions. You will laugh, and
you will never feel lonely. You will reflect, and share
those reflections with others.
At this moment, Serbian film is just merely alive.
It consists of simple reproductions. The aid offered by
the State can be compared to giving moral support
to a drowning man. What they are saying is this: let
them promote themselves in the world, and if they
succeed, we will treat them as our own. Unlike the
funding provided by the surrounding countries, which
receive five times the money and huge support at the
world festivals, the rate our television charges for our
film commercials is the same as the rate for the richest
companies in the country – and the other option is
for the television to snatch all rights to your movie –
forever. The taxes provide no protection, because those
who invest in culture aren’t exempted. Our cinemas
show domestic films only during the short interludes
between cheap American movies. Unsanctioned piracy
thrives at every corner. Intellectual properties remain
unsolved. We still do not have legislation for cinematography. Once all the beasts are done tearing up the
gladiator-producer in the arena, he is left with glory,
a 10% profit, and a long, humiliating road leading to
a new project.
The action of awarding stars to Serbia’s most influential and greatest actors is certainly important because it reminds us of the once rich
06kultura.indd 80
21.10.2008 0:06:36
cinematography filled with classics. Was that another reason for this
endeavour, in addition to the acknowledgement of great names in
„ The “Star Boulevard” is dedicated to our cinematography’s great contributors: awarding the first star
to legendary actor Danilo Bata Stojkovic was directly
broadcast by the Studio B TV station. For this occasion, they showed a retrospective of Bata’s films,
and we are planning to award some new stars soon,
followed by appropriate film retrospectives. Another
novelty was introduced in cooperation with Studio
B: direct broadcast of the film premiere for “S.O.S. –
Save Our Souls” of our great author Slobodan Sijan,
and this type of promotion for national films will
become common practice – just like “Balkan” was the
first cinema to include documentaries and studentproduced movies in its repertoire, just like they added
children’s films, and just like they will soon find a time
slot for animated works. By the end of the year, we
will participate in the organisation of two important
events: the Author Film Festival and the Student Film
Festival. We are also planning the premieres of new
movies, retrospectives, and film series...
What was the importance of cinemas for Belgrade’s cultural and social
„ There is currently a crisis of cinemas in the entire
world. Electronic cameras are trying to copy film cameras, and home cinemas are trying to emulate true
cinemas. The authors create movies with the intention
for the viewers to enrich their experiences through
reactions of other viewers in the cinema, through the
act of joint movie-going, and through interpersonal
communication. The technology will move on, we will
have higher quality projectors, and cinemas will be
able to obtain digital copies of movies more quickly.
All this will lead to a faster exchange of new films,
without brokers. You will be able to see the premiere
showing of a new movie in your local cinema at the
same time as everyone else in the world. This will be
the new life for cinemas. Our cinematography must
be ready for this moment, because it will be a great opportunity to promote our films in the world. I expect
the Ministries of Culture and Education, and the Secretariats for Culture in all of Serbia’s cities to support
the “Return to Cinema” action, as did many European
countries. The cinema was, and remains today, a cultural institution.
You said that your latest film, “On the Beautiful Blue Danube,” is Serbia’s
first European film. What did you mean by that?
„ Its theme is European in nature. It is thoughtprovoking, like my earlier films. It contains a link
between Serbian and European acting. It is a combination of climates, cultures, influences, systems, lives,
but it represents the same feeling and same reflections
on the natures of life and truth. The energy of actors from various countries who accepted this movie
script as their own truths gave me the strength to dive
into the realisation of this film with great passion.
Accepting the script turned into a common mission:
free thought, as opposed to the clichés of imposed
(bureaucratic) interpretations. Maybe it is my wish
to convince the viewers of my own truth, but they
can leave the auditorium whenever they wish – and
that may be why the cinema is the last bastion for
the freedom of opinion and creative clash of opposed
The titles “War Live” and “The Black Bomber” are counted among your
most engaged works. Do you think that the influence of domestic
films is still so huge that it may affect the reality or summarise it effectively?
„ It was never my belief that film can change reality.
What it can do, however, is to set people off to begin
thinking and to represent your way of engagement in
the time you live in. In the end, this is shown by the
nineties’ debate on whether “The Black Bomber” resembled the events which were occurring, or whether
the film may have instigate those same events. In the
night prior to October 5, 2000, many local TV stations in Serbia were showing this very movie. Thus,
the film became reality after a decade. “War Live,” our
candidate for the Academy Award, opened up discussions on the war in Serbia at America’s film festivals.
Whether it succeeded or not can be induced from the
awards it won, but also from the fact that world-wide
rights for the movie were sold. I am certain that film
is one of the rare types of media which promotes the
freedom of author’s opinions, and which finds its way
to the free thinkers.
How do you see the world of media which have come to dominate over
the past decade?
„ A bunch of tasteless, unprofessional, “fast food”
programmes, with the sole aim of quickly using
up your free time without a single thought. This is
far from enjoying life in its fullest. They will take
care of the things you need to think about, or even
of your way of thinking. I have to give them one
thing, though – their direction of the picture which
shows global reality looks pretty good. As a Professor of film direction, I would give them an A+ for
the general impression, but I would have to drop
the grade by two points for visible dramaturgical
constructions. „
Milan Nikolic
06kultura.indd 81
21.10.2008 0:06:38
Ukradeno iz notesa
Nebojša Bradić,
ministar kulture i pozorišni reditelj
...o odgovornosti i umetnosti (povodom režije
„Male trilogije smrti“ E. Jelinek)
anas kada bi svi više voleli da budu žrtve, pitanje odgovornosti pojedinca ima ogroman
značaj. Veoma je teško spasiti moral ili bar nešto što je
od njega ostalo. Sa osećajem lične odgovornosti gube
se i konture indentiteta. Traganje za njim je lutanje,
postavljanje pitanja.
Toni Parsons, pisac
.....o rađanju nove kulture života
rojni intervju koje sam uradio posle 2000.
godine, pokazuju jednu dinamičnu, štaviše konfliktnu kulturnu scenu. Reč je o
dinamici posebne vrste, budući da ona,
paralelno sa opštim kretanjem društva, teži uspostavljanju novih vrednosti i nekom novom izrazu, ali na
vrlo krhkoj podlozi. Taj put obično nije lak, posebno
ukoliko se uzme u obzir nasleđeni balast prethodne
decenije, zatim aktuelna dominacija medijske kulture
i činjenica da vrhunska kultura ponovo osvaja svoje
mesto u javnom prostoru i skreće pažnju na sebe. Takođe i određenje u smislu poruka koje ona šalje kao
i koncepta estetike koju predstavlja, predmet su konflikta, pre nego dijaloga, među različitim pogledima,
stavovima i poetikama. Danas, devet godina kasnije,
potvrđeno je da se kao i u dramskoj radnji iz konflikta
ipak rađa rešenje koje gledaocu pruža mogućnost da
se, u skladu sa sopstvenim doživljajem sveta, opredeli.
Bitno je da postoji mogućnost izbora. Ovaj mali isečak iz ogromne palete intervjua, a samim tim i stavova najaktuelnijih savremenika, prenosi deo njihovih
razmišljanja tokom decenije potrage.
oja generacija je imala mnogo više optimizma nego što imaju mladi ljudi danas. Verovali smo u budućnost ubeđeni da ćemo živeti neki
lepši i bolji život nego što su živeli naši roditelji. Danas je to nezamislivo, jer je pritisak pod kojim ljudi
žive i stvaraju mnogo veći. Samim tim prisutni su i
strahovi od vezivanja i davanja sebe drugoj osobi. Mi
smo sanjali drugačije snove. Autentični zvuk rock and
roll-a, kao i velike rock zvezde bili su prirodna pozadina, okvir naših života. I tu nema nekih bitnijih razlika
među narodima. Negde je zavladao dolar, negde euro.
Savršeno dobro znam o čemu govorim. I vi ste nekada
bili deo tog rock and roll-a, tog sveopšteg optimizma
i posebnog osećanja sveta. Ono što Beograd svojom
kulturom i ljudima danas ima da predstavi pomalo
podseća na sedamdesete. Ne osećam nikakve granice
kada sam ovde. Beograd je, zaista, velika tajna Evrope
i drago mi je da sam uspeo da je dotaknem.
Biljana Srbljanović, pisac
...o svojim komadima
ad god pišem, ja pišem komade o sebi. Bavim
se svojim dilemama, pogrešnim odlukama,
ubeđenjima. Kad bih se vratila toj vrsti političkog teatra pisala bih o svojoj zbunjenosti. S druge strane,
mladi ljudi moraju da uvide šta je to što žele da budu
ili da se prosto utope u mnoštvo.
06kultura.indd 82
21.10.2008 0:06:38
Zorica Tomić, kulturolog
Predrag Ejdus, glumac
...o medijskoj kulturi
....o aktuelnom položaju umetnosti
edijska kultura je svojevrsni agent kapitala
koji je, nas u tranziciji, zapljusnuo poput
cunamija, što će reći da obe snage deluju združenim
snagama. Mogućno je i da smo zato, nenaviknuti na
tu vrstu društvene klime i na te komunikativne obrasce, zbunjeniji i blokiraniji od razvijenog dela planete,
koji raste u svetu bespoštedne konkurentske logike.
Stevan Bodroža, pozorišni reditelj
...o savremenoj pozorišnoj umetnosti
ini mi se da svaka umetnost mora u sebi da
ima jednu dimenziju duboke kritičnosti i zabrinutosti nad moralnim statusom čoveka. Pozorište
je u tom smislu posebno moćno upravo zbog toga što
je ono i dan danas jedan kolektivni ritualni čin koji
vodi određenim spoznajama. Samim tim, pozorište je
umetnička forma koja ima snagu da neguje čoveka
kao moralno biće.
Kristina Kovač, muzičar
...o promenama u kulturi
rudim se da ispratim kulturna događanja u
gradu, a koncerti su mi posebno zadovoljstvo,
jer ih tokom devedesetih gotovo nije ni bilo. Počeli
smo da se otvaramo prema svetu, bar u tom smislu.
Takođe, mislim da pozorišni repertoari danas imaju
predstave za sasvim različite ukuse, tako da vrlo često
odlazim da pogledam nešto novo.
Sanja Ilić, kompozitor
...o muzici koju stvara
vek tragam za onim što je vredno i autentično.
Želim da moja muzika bude sofisticirana, a ne
da predstavlja površno koketiranje sa različitim stvarima. Nakon dugogodišnjeg bavljenja muzikom naučio
sam da postupam prema osećaju koji se rađa tokom
Iskrenost prema sebi je
ne samo u umetnosti,
već i
u životu.
vaki naš trud u umetnosti zaseniće bilo koji
skandal i afera koja se eventualno dogodi.
Stefan Arsenijević, reditelj
...o svom doživljaju vremena
spraznost je sve veća i veća, a u brzini se mnogo toga izgubi. Površnost u pristupu stvarima je
prirodna posledica takvog načina življenja. Stvari su,
čini mi se, dovedene do ekstrema i ja, najiskrenije, ne
mogu da zamislim dalje ubrzavanje. Zbog toga je sasvim prirodno što se ljudi okreću alternativnim, zapostavljenim, ali u svakom slučaju suštinskim stvarima
da bi ponovo uspostavili kontakt sa sobom.
Ana Sofrenović, glumica
...o komunikaciji u domenu umetnosti
olela bih da naši reditelji više putuju ne samo
na premijere svojih predstava, već i na festivale širom sveta. Komunikacija te vrste je od suštinske
važnosti, jer kod nas tradicija polako postaje sama
sebi svrha. Ali vidim i jednu novu generaciju, stasalu
devedesetih, koja nosi drugačiju snagu i energiju.
Tatjana Mandić Rigonat, pozorišni
...o umetnicima, svojim savremenicima i konstituisanju novih vrednosti
a sam za treću Srbiju koju čine ljudi koji imaju
šta da kažu, znači autentične ličnosti. Oni obično nemaju mogućnost da se iskažu, a ne pronalaze
se u dve posvađane Srbije. Nije problem u tradicionalnom i modernom, to je lažna dilema. Problem
je u prepoznavanju vrednosti, koje nisu date jednom
za svagda, pa plutaju na površini vremena. Naprotiv,
svako vreme ih iznova definiše i uspostavlja. Tu je
prostor za nas umetnike, ali i među nama ima puno
maskiranih lažnih veličina koji se predstavljaju kao
kosmopolite, a u stvari su retrogradni i staromodni.
Kada će kultura prestati da bude eskapistički prostor?
Kada, recimo, drugi Dnevnik počne udarnom vešću
koja se tiče pozorišta ili fima. Ja ne znam da li je u
ovoj zemlji Paris Hilton važnija od mene.
06kultura.indd 83
21.10.2008 0:06:39
Notebook Excerpts
umerous interviews I’ve conducted since the year 2000 paint a cultural scene which is dynamic,
even conflicting. This dynamic is special, considering that it strives to set new values and present
a new expression, parallel to the general trends of the society, but its foundations are quite fragile.
That road is usually not so easily travelled, especially if we take into account the inherited ballast of
the previous decade, the actual media culture domination, and the fact that high culture is once again conquering its share of the public space and turning everyone’s attention to itself. Also, both its direction, as seen in
the messages it sends, as well as the concept of aesthetics it represents, are likely to cause conflict, rather than
dialogue, among the differing views, opinions, and poetics. Today, nine years later, we have a confirmation
that, just like in a plot of a drama, conflict always yields a solution which allows the viewer to take up a stance
in accordance with the viewer’s own experience of the world. The possibility of choice is important. This small
excerpt from the enormous bouquet of interviews, which represent the views of our most appreciated contemporaries, transmits some of their thoughts from the decade of exploration.
Nebojsa Bradic,
Minister of Culture and Theatre Director
...on responsibility and the art (in relation to
the production of A Small Death Trilogy by E. Jelinek)
oday, when everyone would prefer to be a victim, the question of one person’s responsibility has an enormous bearing. Preserving morale, or
what’s left of it, is a difficult task. Along with the sense
of personal responsibility, one also loses the contours
of identity. To look for it is to wander around, asking
Tony Parsons, Author
.....on the birth of a new culture of life
y generation possessed a whole lot more optimism than today’s youth. We believed in
the future, convinced that we would live a nicer and
better life than that of our parents. This is unimaginable today, because the pressure under which people
live and create is far greater than it used to be. For
this reason, the fear of relations and the fear of giving oneself to another person are both present. We
had different dreams. The authentic sound of rock
and roll and the great rock stars were a natural background, the outlines of our lives. There is no major
difference between the nations of the world there. In
some places, the dollar rules supreme; in others, it
is the euro. I know perfectly well what I’m talking
about. You too were once a part of that rock and roll,
that all-encompassing optimism, and you too once
had a special feeling of the world. What Belgrade’s
culture and people can offer today bears some small
resemblance to the 1970s. I do not feel any boundaries when I am here. Belgrade truly is Europe’s big
secret, and I am glad I was able to touch that secret.
Biljana Srbljanovic, Author
...on her plays
henever I write, I write plays about myself. I
deal with my own dilemmas, my own wrong
decisions, my own convictions. If I were to return to
that type of political theatre, I would be writing about
my own confusion. On the other hand, young people
have to realise what they want to be, or else – merge
with the crowd.
Tatjana Mandic Rigonat,
Theatre Director
...on artists, her contemporaries, and establishment of new values
am for a third Serbia, which is made up of people who have something to say – those who have
authentic personalities. They usually lack the ability
to express themselves, they cannot find themselves
in either of the two warring Serbias. Traditional and
modern are not the issue here, that dilemma is false.
The issue is the recognition of values, which are not
set in stone, and which float upon the surface of time.
On the contrary, each new era redefines and establishes values of its own. We, the artists, should fill this
06kultura.indd 84
21.10.2008 0:06:39
space, but we have in our midst a number of false
authorities masquerading as cosmopolites, while in
reality they are conservative and old fashioned. When
is the culture going to cease being the area for escapism? Only when, let’s say, the Evening News Report
begins with breaking news related to theatre or film. I
do not know if Paris Hilton is more important in this
country than I am.
Zorica Tomic, Culturologist
Sanja Ilic, Composer
...on his music
am always on the lookout for something valuable and authentic. I want my music to be sophisticated rather than represent a shallow flirtation
with different things. After many years of creating
music, I learned to follow the feelings that arise during my time of creation. Self-honesty is the most
important thing of all, not just in art, but in life as
...on the media culture
he media culture acts as an agent of sorts for
the capital which struck us like a tsunami during our transition; that is to say, both have joined
forces to act together. It is possible that, because we
are unaccustomed to that type of social climate and
those forms of communication, we appear to be more
confused and more frozen that those coming from
the more developed parts of the planet, those who
grew in the world of ruthless competitive logic.
Predrag Ejdus, Actor
...on the current state of art
ll the efforts we invest in art will be quickly
overshadowed by just about any scandal or affair which may happen.
Stefan Arsenijevic, Director
...on his experience of time
Stevan Bodroza, Theatre Director
...on contemporary theatre art
t seems to me that all art must contain within itself a measure of deep criticism and concern over
the moral status of men. In that respect, the theatre
has special powers, particularly because it remains
to this day a collective ritual which leads to certain
epiphanies. With it, the theatre is a form of art which
has the power to nurture the man as a moral being.
Kristina Kovac, Musician
...on cultural changes
try to keep up with the cultural events in the
city, and concerts are a special pleasure of mine,
because they were practically none during the nineties. We have begun opening ourselves to the world,
at least in that sense. Also, I think that today’s theatre
repertoires are filled with plays for varied tastes, so I
frequently visit the theatres to see something new.
he void grows larger and larger, and much is
lost in haste. A shallow approach to all things
is a natural result of that way of living. The things
have, seems to me, been taken to the extremes, and I
sincerely cannot imagine any further acceleration. For
that reason, it is only natural that people should turn
to alternative, neglected, but essential things, in order
to re-connect with themselves.
Ana Sofrenovic, Actress
...on communication in the domain of art
would like for our directors to travel more, not
just to the premiere showings of their plays, but
also to festivals around the world. Communication of
that sort is of the essence, because tradition is slowly
becoming its own purpose here. Still, I can see a new
generation, which came to age during the nineties,
carrying with it a different sort of strength and energy.
Milan Nikolic
06kultura.indd 85
21.10.2008 0:06:40
Intervju – Vladimir Jelenković, direktor Muzeja Nikole Tesle
Teslina ostavština
za budućnost
uzej Nikole Tesle je jedinstvena institucija nauke i kulture u našoj zemlji i
svetu. Jedini je muzej koji čuva originalnu i ličnu zaostavštinu Nikole Tesle
koja predstavlja neprocenjivu vrednost za čitavo čovečanstvo i dragocenost koju treba sačuvati i podeliti
je sa drugima. Muzej svake godine radi na brojnim
projektima za šta je potrebno mnogo energije i ljubavi
prema bogatom opusu našeg velikog naučnika. Razgovaramo sa Vladimirom Jelenkovićem, direktorom
Muzeja, dugogodišnjim novinarom i urednikom,
čovekom kome je OEBS dodelio priznanje „Čovek
Tokom jubileja, 150 godina od rođenja Nikole Tesle 2006. godine, muzej
je organizovao oko četrdeset izložbi širom sveta, od Perta preko Beča,
Strazbura… do Vankuvera gde Vam je uručena Povelja tog grada. Posle
tolikih putovanja, šta mislite, da li svetska publika razume Teslin genije?
„ Ta 2006. godina bila je izuzetno značajna za ponovno fokusiranje čitave svetske javnosti na genijalnog naučnika i pronalazača. Ako gradovima koje ste
nabrojali dodamo i mnoge druge Prag, Budimpeštu,
Pariz, Miluz, Hanover, Zagreb, Osijek, Vukovar, i desetine gradova u našoj zemlji u kojima su gostovale
izložbe Muzeja Nikole Tesle, ako u taj spisak uvrstimo i brojne međunarodne stručne simpozijume, nove
knjige, dokumentarne filmove, video radove, likovna
dela i izložbe, a sve to priređeno u Teslinu čast u broj-
nim gradovima u Americi, Kanadi, Latinskoj Americi, Japanu, Italiji, Austriji, Nemačkoj, Grčkoj... onda
zaista možemo da kažemo da su mnogi, možda više
nego ikada ranije, shvatili značaj Teslinog genijalnog
opusa koji je izmenio tehnološku sliku 20. veka, a u
isto vreme prepoznali Teslu i kao preteču nove ere bežičnih tehnologija i telekomunikacija koje su danas
deo naše svakodnevice i postaju tehnološko obeležje
početka našeg novog veka.
Teslin muzej ušao je u registar Uneska, u domen pod nazivom „Pamćenje sveta”. Šta to, zapravo, donosi Srbiji?
„ Ta činjenica predstavlja najviši oblik zaštite nekog
kulturnog dobra. To jeste priznanje ali i velika obaveza – čuvanja i omogućavanja što većem broju ljudi
da je koriste. Od početka septembra 2006. godine,
kada je izrađen i usvojen projekat, Muzej Nikole Tesle
ušao je u veoma složen postupak pripreme i obrade
arhivske građe koji će omogućiti da se postepeno, Teslina arhiva daje na uvid javnosti. Posle niza decenija
raznih ograničenja taj ključni deo Tesline zaostavštine
će biti dostupan javnosti, uključujući i određene segmente za on-line korišćenje. Muzej na taj način postaje svetski centar koji, koristeći se najsavremenijim
tehnologijama, čuva jedinstvenu zaostavštinu jednog
svetskog velikana, a u isto vreme postaje i mesto koje
na nov način otvara uvid u bogatu arhivsku građu i
postaje ishodište novih istraživanja i inovativnih projekata.
06kultura.indd 86
21.10.2008 0:06:41
Svojevremeno ste izjavili da Vam je želja da se vrati stara
raskoš zdanju koje je 1987. godine proglašeno za spomenik kulture. Uspeli ste u naumu – trenutno završavate
adaptaciju izložbenog prostora.
„Zgradu je projektovao Dragiša Brašovan,
jedan od najznačajnijih srpskih arhitekata
između dva rata. Naknadnom adaptacijom
prostora za potrebe Muzeja grandiozni hol
Genčićeve vile izgubio svoj prvobitni arhitektonski oblik. Više od pola veka kasnije,
zahvaljujući preciznom i rafiniranom projektu koji je napravio naš poznati arhitekta Petar Arsić, uspeli smo da vratimo stari
sjaj celokupnog rešenja glavnog hola, koji
asocira na otvorene tremove vila građenih
u duhu paladijanske arhitekture i u kome
će se nalaziti centralni deo buduće stalne
postavke Muzeja.
Kakvi su Vam planovi za naredni period?
„ Otvorićemo jedno potpuno novo poglavlje u istraživanju Tesline zaostavštine.
Reč je o najvećoj svetskoj kolekciji novinskih isečaka koji sadrže članke o Tesli, njegove brojne intervjue i autorske
tekstove, koje je sam veoma pažljivo izdvajao i čuvao. Posebno me raduje buduća knjiga o neostvarenim
patentima Nikole Tesle, zasnovajedno potpuno Šta očekuje buduće posetioce Muzeja?
na na obimnim istraživanjima ponovo poglavlje u
„Nadam se da ćemo uspeti da realisvećenim svim Teslinim izumima
istraživanju Tesline zujemo i jednu nesvakidašnju izložbu
koje je realizovao, a nije uspeo da
čiji je centralni motiv portret Nikole
zaštiti. Ovo će biti prvo publikozaostavštine.
Tesle koji je 1916. godine naslikala
vanje ove građe u svetu. Samo u
princeza Vilma Ljvov-Parlagi, ekstravagantna mađarska
Teslinoj ličnoj zaostavštini postoje ovi podaci, jer
aristokratkinja nastanjena u Americi i Teslina prijateljinijedan patentni zavod u svetu nema obavezu da
ca. U ovom slučaju Tesla ne samo što je načinio izuzečuva patentne prijave koje su odbijene ili, kao što je
tak, jer nije imao običaj da pozira umetnicima, već se
i toga bilo u Teslinom slučaju, prihvaćene ali nisu
na određeni način i aktivno uključio u nastajanje porbile plaćene.
treta. Naziv „Plavi portret“ nastao je tako što je Tesla,
U okviru izdavačke delatnosti u planu je i objavkome se nije dopalo osvetljenje u princezinom ateljeu,
ljivanje knjige o Teslinom ocu, proti Milutinu Tesli,
načinio sopstveni svetlosni aranžman i pozirao pod svekoja sadrži malo poznate detalje iz života ovog pesnitlošću jakih svetiljki filtriranoj kroz plavo staklo. Iako
ka i prosvetitelja i njegov uticaj na sina Nikolu.
se godinama verovalo da je portret trajno nestao, uspeli
Obradićemo obimnu građu koja se odnosi na Tesmo da ga pronađemo u jednom nemačkom muzeju.
slin svakako najgrandiozniji pojekat „Svetskog sisteUkoliko uspemo da ga donesemo u Beograd, biće to
ma“ na Long Ajlendu. Transkripcija i prevod blizu
prilika da svi zajedno prvi put vidimo ovo delo čija je
1500 dokumenata koji obuhvataju rukopisne beleške,
fotografija prvi put objavljena 1919. godine u poznaproračune, skice, brojna merenja, rezultate različitih
tom časopisu „Elektrikal eksperimenter“, a potom na
eksperimenata i Teslinu bogatu prepisku sa velikim
naslovnoj strani američkog magazina „Tajm“ 1931. gobrojem značajnih ličnosti američkog naučnog i drdine, povodom obeležavanja Teslinog 75. rođendana,
žavnog establišmenta, omogući će nam, da do 2010.
što je ovaj portret učinilo svetski poznatim. „
godine objavimo ovu izuzetno važnu i nikada do sada
Olivera Sinadinović
publikovanu arhivsku građu.
06kultura.indd 87
21.10.2008 0:06:46
Interview – Vladimir Jelenkovic, Director of the Nikola Tesla Museum
Tesla’s Legacy for
the Future
he Nikola Tesla Museum is a unique institution of science and culture in our country and the world. It is the only museum
which keeps the original and personal legacies of Nikola Tesla, the value of which is priceless for
all mankind; those treasures must be protected and
shared with others. The Museum is engaged on various projects all year long, which requires a lot of energy and a lot of love for our great scientist’s rich opus.
We are talking with Vladimir Jelenkovic, Director of
the Museum, long-time journalist and editor, the man
who won the “Man of the Year” award from OSCE.
In 2006, during the 150th anniversary of Nikola Tesla’s birth, the Museum organised forty exhibitions across the world, from Perth, via Vienna,
Strasbourg... all the way to Vancouver, where you were presented with
the Charter of that city. After all the trips you have completed, what do
you think – does the world public understand Tesla’s genius any better?
„ The year 2006 was extremely important for making
the entire world re-focus on the genius scientist and
inventor. If we add to the list of cities you mentioned
many others – Prague, Budapest, Paris, Mulhouse, Hannover, Zagreb, Osijek, Vukovar, and dozens of cities
in our country which hosted the exhibitions from the
Nikola Tesla Museum, if we add to that list the numerous international professional symposiums, new books,
documentaries, videos, visual art and exhibitions, all in
honour of Tesla, in many cities in the United States,
Canada, Latin America, Japan, Italy, Austria, Germany,
Greece... then we can truly say that many people, perhaps more than ever before, now understand the significance of Tesla’s genius works, which changed the image
of technology in the 20th century. At the same time,
they recognized Tesla as the progenitor of the new era of
wireless technologies and telecommunications which we
now take for granted, and which have become the technological symbol of the beginning of our new century.
Tesla’s Museum was entered in the UNESCO Register, under a category
titled “In Memory of the World.” What does this signify for Serbia?
„This registration represents the highest form of protection which can be awarded to a cultural property.
It is an acknowledgement, but, at the same time, a
great obligation – to preserve the property and allow as many people as possible to use it. Since the
beginning of September 2006, when the Project was
completed and approved, the Nikola Tesla Museum
entered a highly complex procedure of preparing and
processing the archived documents which will make
it possible to gradually open Tesla’s archives to the
public. After many decades of various limitations,
this key part of Tesla’s legacy will become available to
the public, including some of its segments which will
be provided for on-line use. In this manner, the Museum shall become a world centre which will utilise
the latest technologies to preserve the unique legacy
of one of world’s greatest people. At the same time, it
will become a place which will provide a new way to
view the rich archives and the source of new research
and innovations.
You once stated that you wished to return former glory to the edifice
which was declared to be a Heritage Monument in 1987. Your goals
were successful – you are currently on your way to complete the refurbishment of the exhibition hall.
„ The building was designed by Dragisa Brasovan,
one of the most important Serbian architects between
the two great wars. After the area was refurbished for
Museum’s needs, the grandiose entrance hall of the
Gencic Villa lost its original architectural shape. More
than half a century later, with the aid of a precise and
refined design done by our renowned architect Petar
Arsic, we managed to restore old glory to the entirety
of the main entrance hall, which resembles the open
porches of villas built in the spirit of Palladian architecture. The entrance hall will hold the centrepieces
of Museum’s future permanent exhibits.
What are your future plans?
„ We are going to open a whole new chapter in the
research of Tesla’s legacy. I am talking about world’s
largest collection of newspaper clippings which contain articles on Tesla, his numerous interviews and
texts he authored, which he carefully set aside and col-
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21.10.2008 0:06:48
lected. I am particularly happy to announce a future
book on the unaccomplished patents of Nikola Tesla,
which is based on the voluminous research devoted to
all of Tesla’s inventions which he realised, but did not
manage to protect. This will be the first publication
of these materials in the world. Only Tesla’s personal
legacy contains this data, because no patent institute
in the world is bound to retain copies of all patent
applications which were declined, or, as was the case
with Tesla, which were approved but never paid.
Our publishing branch plans to issue a book on
Tesla’s father, the Priest Milutin Tesla, which contains
the lesser known details from the life of this poet
and educator, and the influence he had on his son
We will process the volumes of materials which are
related to Tesla’s grandest project, the “World System”
on Long Island. Transcribing and translating nearly
1500 documents which include hand-written notes,
calculations, sketches, numerous measurements, results of various experiments, and Tesla’s rich correspondence with many important people from America’s scientific and state establishments, will enable
us to publish these incredibly important and never
before published materials by 2010.
What can Museum’s future visitors expect?
„ I hope that we will manage to realise an unusual
exhibition, which will be centred around the portrait of Nikola Tesla painted in 1916 by Princess
Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy, an extravagant Hungarian
aristocrat who resided in America, and one of Tesla’s
friends. In this particular case, not only did Tesla
make an exception, because he was not in the habit
of posing for artists, but he also took an active part,
in a way, in the portrait’s creation. The name “Blue
Portrait” came to being because Tesla, who did not
like the lighting in Princess’ studio, made his own
lighting arrangements and posed under the light
of strong bulbs filtered through blue glass. Even
though the portrait was long believed to have disappeared, we managed to discover it in a German
museum. If we manage to bring it to Belgrade, it
will be an opportunity for all of us to see this work
of art live for the first time; a photo of the painting
was first published in 1919 in the famous “Electrical
Experimenter” magazine, and then on the cover of
American “Time” magazine in 1931, in honour of
Tesla’s 75th birthday, which gave world renown to
this portrait. „
Olivera Sinadinovic
06kultura.indd 89
21.10.2008 0:06:48
Agenda 2009
vaku godinu u Beogradu obeležavaju brojni
tradicionalni kulturni događaji koji se uvek
odvijaju u isto vreme poput Bitefa, Bemusa,
Belefa, Oktobarskog salona, Festa ili Sinemanije, ali i iznenađenja kojih je poslednjih godina
sve više. Poznati svetski autori, bilo da je reč o muzici, filmu, pozorištu ili vizuelnoj umetnosti sve češće
dolaze u Beograd, kako bi se sreli sa svojom publikom
na ovim prostorima. Većina njih, prvi put.
Noć muzeja
Kao i prethodnih pet godina i ovo proleće će biti
u znaku, sada već tradicionalne Noći muzeja. Ovoga
puta „odličan provod u muzejima“ što je zvanični slogan
manifestacije zakazan je za 16. maj. Pokrovitelj događaja
je Skupština grada Beograda, a muzeji će za posetioce
biti otvoreni i u drugim gradovima Srbije. Prošle godine, recimo, manifestacija je održana u čak 23 grada.
Dosadašnje iskustvo je pokazalo da Noć muzeja spada u
najuspešnije kulturne projekte s obzirom na veliku posećenost (zvanično najmasovnija kulturna manifestacija) i
interes ljudi različitih obrazovnih profila i generacija.
Morikone za Dan zaljubljenih
Legenda filmske muzike koji je dao sopstveni pečat
brojnim remek delima sedme umetnosti, Enjo Morikone (Ennio Morricone), nastupiće u Beogradskoj Areni
14. februara. Ovaj, Oskarom nagrađeni kompozitor
održaće koncert za sve ovdašnje poštovaoce njegovog
briljantnog opusa. Morikone je komponovao muziku
za preko 500 filmova među kojima su Leonovi vesterni
poput „Dobar, Loš, Zao”, „Bilo jednom na divljem
zapadu”, „Za šaku dolara” i hit film sa Robertom de
Nirom „Bilo jednom u Americi” kao i filmove drugih
reditelja poput „Stvar” (Džon Karpenter), „Nesalomivi” (Brajan de Palma), „Malena”, „Crvena Sonja”,
„Bagzi”, „Na liniji vatre”, „Lolita” i mnogi drugi.
Univerzijada kod nas
XXV Letnja Univerzijada, kao internacionalni
sportski i kulturni događaj, biće održana u Beogradu
od 1. do 12. jula. Univerzijada je, posle Olimpijskih
igra, najveće i najmasovnije sportsko takmičenje koje se
može organizovati u jednoj zemlji. Organizuje se svake
druge godine u nekom od gradova zemalja – članica
Međunarodne federacije univerzitetskog sporta. Orga-
nizacija Univerzijade se dodeljuje po sličnom principu
kao i organizacija Olimpijskih igara i predstavlja veliku
čast i odgovornost za državu i grad kojima je dodeljena. Beograd, kao grad domaćin Univerzijade, trudiće
se da zadovolji najviše standarde prilikom organizacije
jednog tako značajnog takmičenja.
Stiže Depeche mode!
Još jedan događaj koji će obeležiti leto 2009.godine.
Na Ušću će, u okviru Tuborg green Festa, biti održan
koncert grupe Depeche mode. Reč je njihovoj turneji
„Tour Of The Universe 2009“, tokom koje će posetiti 28 evropskih gradova. Članovi jednog od najvećih
svetskih bendova koji postoji čak 29 godina i ima iza
sebe preko 70 miliona prodatih albuma, izjavili su da
u Beogradu očekuju posebno dobar provod, jer znaju
da imaju veliki broj fanova na našim prostorima.
Prvi put – Beograd u znaku svetlosti
„Beograd svetlosti”, nov i jedinstven kulturni događaj
kod nas posvećen svetlu, premijerno će biti predstavljen
u periodu od 15. do 21 septembra na više lokacija u
prestonici, kao što su Arhitektonski fakultet, PC Ušće,
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka i Galerija O3one. Ovaj
festival i radionica trebalo bi da posluže kao platforma
za kreativne inovacije, eksperimente, umetničke i stručne razgovore, kao i razmene ideja na temu osvetljenja.
Gosti prvog „Beograda svetlosti” biće neki od najvećih
svetskih stručnjaka za osvetljenje, među kojima je i međunarodna grupa „Transnacionalni svetlosni detektivi”,
čiji će članovi-osnivači održati svoj godišnji simpozijum
na temu svetlosnog identiteta grada, 19. septembra u PC
Ušće. Za studente Beogradskog univerziteta predviđeno
je održavanje radionice na Arhitektonskom fakultetu,
od 16. do 18. septembra, posvećene svetlosnom identitetu Beograda. Naime, oni će zajedno sa stolkhomskom Svetlosnom laboratorijom i članovima tokijske
Umetničke akademije, a pod mentorstvom nekih od
najvećih svetskih dizajnera svetla, proučiti Beograd očima „svetlosnih detektiva”. Svetlosni identitet prestonice
biće između ostalog proučavan posredstvom karakterisanja heroja i delikvenata svetla, dobrih i loših primera
osvetljenja, te skiciranjem noćne panorame Beograda
budućnosti. Po završetku radionice, „svetlosni detektivi” će svoje rezultate i iskustva podeliti sa publikom u
Galeriji O3one i na 25. spratu u PC Ušće.
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06kultura.indd 91
21.10.2008 0:06:52
Agenda 2009
very year, Belgrade is distinguished by numerous traditional cultural events, always
held at the same time of the year, such as
“Bitef,” “Bemus,” “Belef,” “October Salon,”
“Fest,” and “Cinemania.” These established events
are supplemented by a growing number of “surprise”
events. Renowned, world-famous music, film, theatre,
and visual arts authors are coming to Belgrade with
increasing frequency in order to meet their audiences.
For most of them, this is their first Belgrade visit.
Night of Museums
Just like previous five years, this spring will also be
characterised by an event which has already established
itself as traditional – Night of Museums. This time,
the “great pastime at the museums” (the official slogan
for the event) is scheduled for May 16th. The event is
sponsored by the Assembly of the City of Belgrade;
however, museums in other Serbian cities will also
open their doors for visitors on the night of the event.
Last year, for example, the happening was held in 23
cities across Serbia. The experience so far shows that
the Night of Museums is one of the most successful
cultural projects, thanks to the huge attendance (officially, it is the best-attended cultural manifestation)
and the diverse education and age of people who show
interest in the event.
Morricone for St. Valentine’s Day
The legendary soundtrack composer, who
placed his own mark on numerous masterpieces
of the Seventh Art, Ennio Morricone, will perform at the Belgrade Arena on February 14th. This
Academy Award-winning composer will organise a
concert for all local admirers of his brilliant opus.
Morricone composed the music for more than
500 films, including Sergio Leone’s westerns such
as “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” “Once Upon
a Time in the West,” “For a Fistful of Dollars,” and
the Robert De Niro-starring blockbuster “Once Upon
a Time in America,” as well as the films directed by
other renowned directors, such as “The Thing” (John
Carpenter), “The Untouchables” (Brian De Palma),
“Malèna,” “Red Sonja,” “Bugsy,” “In the Line of Fire,”
“Lolita,” and many, many others.
The Universiade Is Here
The XXV Summer Universiade, an
international sports and cultural event, will be held in
Belgrade from July 1st until
July 12th. After the Olympic Games, the Universiade
is the largest and most visited
sporting competition which can
be organised by one country.
The Universiade is held every
two years in one of the cities of a
country which is a member of the
International University Sports
Federation. Organisation of the
Universiade is awarded similarly
to the organisation of Olympic Games, and represents a great honour and responsibility for the
country and the city to which it is awarded. As
the host of the Universiade, Belgrade will strive to
fulfil the highest standards in organising a competition
of this magnitude.
Depeche Mode are Coming!
This is another event which will
mark the summer of 2009. Depeche
Mode will stage a concert at Usce,
during the Tuborg Green Fest. This
concert will be a part of their “Tour
of the Universe 2009” which will
include 28 European cities. Members of one of world’s largest bands, which
has been on the stage for 29 years and which
has sold 70 million albums, stated that they
expect their visit to Belgrade to be particularly
fun, because they know they have a lot of
fans in this region.
06kultura.indd 92
21.10.2008 0:06:53
First Time – Belgrade Marked by Light
“Belgrade of Light,” a new and unique cultural event,
dedicated to light, will premiere in the period between
September 15th and September 21st at multiple locales
within the Capital, including the School of Architecture, “Usce” Business Centre, “Magacin” in Kraljevica
Marka Street, and the “O3one” Gallery. This festival
and workshop should serve as the platform for creative
innovations, experiments, art discussions, and profes-
Uz pokroviteljstvo
Agencija za strana ulaganja i
promociju izvoza Republike Srbije
sional talks, as well as an exchange of ideas on the subject of lighting. The guests of the premiere “Belgrade of
Light” will be some of world’s greatest lighting experts,
including the international group “Trans-National Light
Detectives.” Founding members of this group will hold
their annual symposium on the subject of city’s lighting
identity on September 19th, at the “Usce” Business Centre. Students of the Belgrade University can participate
in the workshop which will be held at the School of
Architecture from September 16t until September 18th,
dedicated the the light identity of Belgrade. Together
with the Stockholm Laboratory of Light and members
of the Tokyo Academy of Arts, and under the tutelage
of world’s greatest lighting designers, they will examine
the city of Belgrade through the eyes of “light detectives.” Some of the methods used to study the Capital’s
light identity will include a characterisation of “heroes”
and “delinquents” of light, good and bad examples of
lighting, and the sketching of future Belgrade’s nighttime panorama. After the workshop is over, the “light
detectives” will share their results and experiences with
the general public in the “O3one” Gallery, and on the
25th floor of the “Usce” business centre. „
Agencija za strana ulaganja i promociju izvoza Republike Srbije (SIEPA) raspisuje Konkurs za dodelu nagrade
Za izvozni uspeh potrebno je imati viziju,
ali i veliku snagu i upornost da istrajete
meðu jakom konkurencijom. Najboljim
izvoznicima koji uspešno promovišu nove
vrednosti naše ekonomije u svetu SIEPA
peti put odaje priznanje dodelom nagrade
za najbolje izvoznike u kategorijama:
u kategoriji malih i srednjih preduzeæa
Pravo uèešæa imaju sva izvozna preduzeæa
sa centrom poslovnih aktivnosti na teritoriji
Republike Srbije. Prijava je dostupna na
internet adresi www.siepa.gov.rs.
Rok za podnošenje prijava je 1. decembar
2008. godine. Prijave dospele nakon ovog
datuma ne mogu biti uzete u razmatranje.
Prijave slati na adresu:
Vlajkoviæeva 3/5 11000 Beograd
Milica Zatezalo
[email protected] • 011/3398 772
Ines Novosel
[email protected] • 011/3398 774
06kultura.indd 93
21.10.2008 0:06:54
Koliko i u kojoj oblasti su nam
bitne investicije u kulturi?
U potrazi za što većim brojem mišljenja na ovo pitanje kontaktirali smo ljude različitih
profesija, ali potvrđenih u oblastima kojima se bave. Dilema je otvorena – da li je lako otkriti
koja je oblast kulture trenutno najviše zapostavljena? Možda je najbolje da svaki čitalac krene
od sebe i da na taj način da odgovor na pitanje šta mu to u našoj kulturnoj sredini najviše
Neda Todorović, profesor novinarstva na
Fakultetu političkih nauka u Beogradu
a bi se razvijala vrhunska kultura (ona za manjinu odabranih, za elitu ) neophodno je u
društvu kakvo je naše, posle ratova, raspada zemlje
i u jeku surove tranzicije, uložiti u – elementarnu
kulturu. Jer, ona je najviše pogođena onim što se na
ovim prostorima događalo u toku proteklih dvadeset
godina. Primere nije neophodno navoditi: oni su na
svakom koraku vidljivi, od navijačkog divljanja do
saobraćajne nekulture. Ovo su, kaže jedan naš uvaženi istoričar, prve generacije za poslednjih dvestotine godina manje obrazovane od svojih roditelja. I, dodala
bih, daleko manje vaspitane.
Takvo ulaganje u elementarnu kulturu podrazumeva programe (pre)vaspitanja – učenje građana svih
uzrasta uljudnosti. Jedan od dobrih primera uticanja na svest bila je popularna televizijska kampanja pod
naslovom „Nije teško biti fin“. Programi, prilagođeni uzrastu, koje bi finansiralo Ministarstvo kulture i
odgovarajuće nevladine organizacije, primenjivali bi se u obrazovnim institucijama (od predškolskog uzrasta, preko osnovne i srednjih škola do univerziteta, ali i u svim institucijama i firmama čiji zaposleni komuniciraju sa građanima). Ovakve, dobro osmišljene i modernom vremenu primerene programe snažno
bi podržali mediji (izdavačka delatnost, štampa, radio, televizija, internet) gde bi se objavljivali, odnosno
emitovale serije tekstova (emisija) u kojima bi se na popularan način propagirala uljudnost. Necivilizovano
društvo osuđeno je na propast.
Sanja Domazet, pisac
ad u društvu nastane kriza, posle materijalne uvek dolazi duhovna beda. Bojim se da se od ove prve društvo lakše oporavlja ukoliko ima dobre ekonomiste, ali je iz duhovne bede izlaz
daleko komplikovaniji nego što to, možda, na prvi pogled izgleda,
pošto zahteva ozbiljnu strategiju. Smatram da bi novac valjalo, pre
svega, uložiti u teatar, film i izdavaštvo, zatim u obnovu i popunjavanje muzejskih fondova, kao i u izgradnju novih biblioteka, gde
god u Srbiji nedostaju. Društvo budućnosti je društvo znanja, tako
da, ulažući u kulturu, ulažemo, zapravo u budućnost. Ne postoji
investicija dragocenija i važnija od te.
06kultura.indd 94
21.10.2008 0:06:55
Lena Bogdanović, glumica
ovoriću iz ugla svoje profesije. Najhitnije investicije su
neophodne za projekte mladih stvaralaca, debitanata. Dakle, za mlade
reditelje, scenariste, pozorišne autore.
Toliko divnih scenarija sam pročitala
u poslednje vreme, a nijedan od njih
nije realizovan. Jednostavno, nema
razumevanja za talenat ovih ljudi, kao
ni neophodnog poverenja. A samo
tako možemo obezbediti život kulturi, ako tragamo za novim, svežim,
Biljana Willimon, slikarka
onkretno, u likovnoj umetnosti nedostaju investicije. To ne
kažem zbog toga što sam likovni umetnik, već zbog toga
što sam razočarana činjenicom da talenat i inventivnost više nisu
garancija za uspeh. Slike više niko ne kupuje, a u poduhvate umetnika se malo ulaže. Popularniji su printovi i reprodukcije kakve
recimo možete videti u radnjama sa brendiranim nameštajem.
Galeristi takođe nemaju nikakvu pomoć, a politička podobnost
umetnika je i dalje presudna. Takođe, volim operu, a mislim da se
ona u Beogradu ne neguje sa zasluženom pažnjom. Niko se ne zanima za operske umetnike i njihov status, a bez opere nema visoke
kulture bez obzira na to što ona, kao ni nijedna druga vrhunska
umetnost, nije predmet masovnog obožavanja i ukusa gomile.
Darko Bajić, reditelj
a bi investiranje u kulturi bilo podstaknuto i logikom tržišne ekonomije morala bi se pre svega osloboditi poreza sva sponzorstva u kulturi. Dakle, oni
koji bi želeli da sponzorišu ili učestvuju u produkciji dela kulture, bili bi tako direktno povezani sa konkretnim projektom. Ulaganje u produkcionu bazu kinematografije (studija, scensku tehniku, rasvetu, ton, labaratoriju) bi omogućilo kontinuiranu
i bogatiju produkciju. Stvorila bi se sjajna atmosfera za koprodukcije i profesionalna
ponuda za velike svetske filmske kuće. Primer su Bugarska i Rumunija koje su obnavljajući svoju filmsku bazu, stvorile uslove za snimanje najvećih svetskih hitova.
Ulaganje i investiranje u bioskopsku mrežu je izazov za novog ministra kulture
i specijalnog savetnika za film predsednika Republike Srbije da korenitim sistemskim promenama, adekvatnim budžetom i donošenjem novog zakona o kinematografiji omoguće domaćim
autorima i producentima da od siromašnih beležnika na filmskoj traci, prerastu u stvaraoce sa vizijom i
maštom. Da u svet pošalju novu sliku Srbije. Koliko je to važno možda najviše govori i činjenica da je film
redak bastion slobodnog mišljenja i autorske vizure (dokument o nama samima) u vremenu ataka medija
nalik na orvelovsko predskazanje.
06kultura.indd 95
21.10.2008 0:06:57
What is the scope of investments
required for our culture and which
cultural area needs them the most?
Seeking as many opinions on this issue as possible, we contacted people of various professions,
all established in their fields. There is an open dilemma – is it hard to find out which cultural
area is neglected more than others at this time? Perhaps the best solution is for each reader to
start from his or her own experience, and in that manner provide an answer to the question of
what it is that our cultural environment lacks the most.
Neda Todorovic, Professor of
journalism at the School of Political
Sciences in Belgrade
n order to develop “high culture” (intended for the
minority of chosen ones, the elite), the society such
as our own, which has suffered through wars, dissolution, and which is currently undergoing ruthless transition, must invest in the basic culture. The basic culture
was affected the most by events transpiring in this region over the past twenty years. I do not even need to
give you examples: they are visible at every street corner,
from the rage of sports fanatics to the lack of manners
in traffic. As one of our distinguished historians says,
these are the first generations in over two hundred years
which have less education than their parents. I would
also add that they are far less mannered.
Such investment in basic culture includes the (re)education programmes – teaching manners to citizens of
all age groups. One of the finest examples of changing
the consciousness was the popular TV campaign titled
“It’s not hard to be nice.” Age-appropriate programmes,
financed by the Ministry of Culture and the appropriate
non-government organisations, would be applied in all
learning institutions (from pre-school facilities, through
elementary and secondary schools, to the university,
but also in all institutions and companies where employees must communicate with other citizens). Such
programmes, with strong concepts and suitable for the
contemporary times, would need to receive strong media support (from publishers, papers, radio, television,
and the Internet), which would publish or broadcast
series of articles (shows) encouraging people to be nice.
Every uncivilised society is doomed to failure.
Biljana Willimon, Painter
ractically speaking, the visual arts are in need
of investments. I am not saying this because
I am a visual artist myself, but because I am disappointed by the fact that talent and inventiveness
are no longer a guarantee for success. No one buys
paintings anymore, and little is invested in artists’
endeavours. Second printings and reproductions,
such as those seen in brand-name furniture stores,
are more popular. Gallery owners also receive no
aid, and the artists’ political favour is still the decisive factor. Also, I love opera, and I do not believe that Belgrade nurtures opera with the care it
deserves. Few people take an interest in opera artists and their status, and without opera, there is no
“high culture,” despite the fact that it is not the subject of mass admiration and general public tastes,
just like all other masterpiece arts.
Lena Bogdanovic, Actress
shall speak from the standpoint of my own profession. The most urgent investments are those
necessary for the projects of young artists, who are
first-time performers. Thus, those who need them the
most are young directors, screenwriters, theatre authors. I have read a plethora of wonderful scenarios
lately, and not a single one of them has been realised.
Simply put, there is no understanding for the talent
of those people, and there is a lack of necessary trust.
That is the only way we can ensure prolonged life for
the culture – search for something new, fresh, and different.
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21.10.2008 0:07:01
Darko Bajic, Film Director
n order to encourage the investments in culture
through market economy principles, the first
thing to do is to abolish taxes on all cultural sponsorships. In that manner, those who wish to sponsor
or help the productions in some area of culture will
be directly connected to specific projects. Investing
in the production bases of cinematography (studios,
scene technology, lighting, audio, and laboratories)
would enable a more continuous and more diverse
production. It would create a great setting for coproduction and would present a great offer for the
world movie companies. We have such examples in
Bulgaria and Romania, which managed to create conditions for filming world’s greatest movie hits while
re-establishing their cinematography bases.
Investing funds in the cinema chains is a challenge for our new Minister of Culture and the Special
Advisor for Film of the President of the Republic of
Serbia. With thorough system changes, an adequate
budget, and by enacting a new Cinematography Act,
they would allow the local authors and producers to
grow from poor scriveners of the film tape into vision-
ary, imagination-driven inventors. They could send a
new image of Serbia into the world. The importance
of this is perhaps best shown by the fact that film is
one of the rare bastions of free opinions and authors’
visions (documenting ourselves), at a time of media
attacks which are not unlike the Orwellian prophecy.
Sanja Domazet, Author
hen a society undergoes a crisis, spiritual
poverty always follows the material one. I am
afraid the latter is easier to recover from, if there are
good economists within the society, but the spiritual
poverty requires a far more complex and serious exit
strategy than it may seem at the first glance. I believe
that money should be invested, above all, in theatre,
film, and publishing, followed by the recovery of museum collections and filling the gaps therein, as well
as the construction of new libraries, wherever they are
needed in Serbia. Society of the future is a society of
knowledge, and by investing in culture, we are really
investing in the future. There is no investment more
precious and more important than that one.
06kultura.indd 97
21.10.2008 0:07:01
Investicije u srpskom turizmu
Nove turističke mete
na mapi Evrope
Koja su očekivanja modernog turiste?
Pre svega mir i tišina, netaknuta priroda, zanimljivi
i šaroliki sportski i rekreativni sadržaji, kvalitetni wellnes i spa programi, odlična gastronomska ponuda kao
i visok kvalitet smeštaja. Zahvaljujući prelepoj prirodi,
kulturnom i istorijskom nasleđu, odličnom geostrateškom položaju, povoljnim klimatskim prilikama i
srdačnošću i neposrednošću stanovništva, Srbija može
ispuniti ova očekivanja i postati nova meta na svetskim
turističkim kartama.
Naša zemlja poseduje ogromne potencijale za razvoj
turizma. Glavni grad - Beograd već je postao vrlo interesantna “city break” destinacija, kao i drugi veći gradovi. Tu su i atraktivne lokacije za lov, ribolov, aktivan
odmor u prirodi, boravak na selu, turizam avanture
(kao što je splavarenje Drinom), banjski, planinski,
nautički, etno i eko turizam u očuvanim prirodnim
sredinama kao i autentične manifestacije poput Exita
i Guče.
Ipak, iskorišćen je samo mali deo turističkih potencijala. Šta nam nedostaje? Smeštajni kapaciteti, skijališta, žičare, bazeni, plaže, zabavno-rekreativni parkovi,
traking i trim staze, šetališta, rečne marine…
Ograničavajući faktor je i saobraćajna i komunalna infrastruktura za koje treba obezbediti ogromne
količine novca. Potrebna su i velika ulaganja u rekonstrukciju i adaptaciju hotela i odmarališta koja moraju
svoju ponudu prilagoditi savremenim turističkim trendovima. Pored napora države, u ovoj oblasti potrebni
su i investitori koji će u saradnji sa javnim sektorom
pokrenuti razvoj srpskog turizma.
Predstavljamo vam velike projekte koje će sigurno
postati omiljene turističke destinacije na mapi Evrope.
Stara Planina
Srbija bi do 2012. godine trebalo da dobije prvi
deo modernog turističkog centra na Staroj planini, u
koji će biti uloženo oko 240 miliona evra, dok bi ceo
kompleks trebalo da bude završen do 2015.
Planira se izgradnja staza za alpsko skijanje za
14.000 skijaša raznih kategorija, žičara u dužini od
40 km i staza u dužini od 100 km na Babinom zubu.
Skijaški kompleks na planini treba da se poveže i dopuni smeštajnim centrima i objektima sledećih kapaciteta: 9.000 ležajeva, 12.000 skijaša, 6.500 dnevnih
posetilaca i 3.100 zaposlenih. Ukupna investiciona
vrednost iznosi 400 miliona dolara. Predviđeno je da
Stara planina ima kapacitet od 26.800 skijaša i 22.000
Nakon završetka ovog kompleksa biće poboljšan
i imidž Srbije jer će ovaj moderni centar sigurno postati jedna od najvećih evropskih zimskih turističkih
Srebrno jezero, najveći projekat na Balkanu
Stotinak kilometara od Beograda, u blizini Velikog
Gradišta, nalazi se Srebrno jezero – jedno od najpoznatijih turističkih izletišta u Srbiji. Srebrno jezero
godišnje poseti više od 200.000 turista. Bogato je
ribom (som, smuđ, šaran, amur...) i tim povodom
se pominje u Guinnesovoj knjizi rekorda jer je iz
ovog jezera izvađen najveći šaran na svetu, težak oko
44 kg.
Projekat Silver Lake Resort predviđa investicije od
50 miliona evra i ima sve šanse da postane jedna od
najboljih turističkih ponuda u Srbiji, a i na Balkanu. Kompleks predviđa hotele visoke kategorije, vile i
apartmanska naselja, zone zabave, golf teren, sportske
terene, bazene, marinu kao i zone sporta, rekreacije,
zdravlja i lepote. Ovaj turistički centar povećaće potrebu za brojnim delatnostima u ovom kraju, kao što
su trgovina, poljoprivreda, lokalna domaća radinost...
Srebrno jezero je zamišljeno i kao jedinstvena turističko ribolovačka destinacija, te je zbog toga osnovan i
konzorcijum “Silver Lake Vode” čiji je zadatak da ovaj
lokalitet ekološki zaštiti, da radi na poštovanju i implementaciji ekoloških standarda i očuvanju jedinstvenih
ribljih vrsta. „
mr Jelena Anušić
07turizam.indd 98
21.10.2008 0:10:30
Preko milion turista u Srbiji boravilo je u prvih šest
meseci ove godine, što je
19 odsto više u odnosu na
isti period prošle godine,
objavila je Turistička organizacija Srbije. U istom
periodu Srbija je ostvarila
devizni priliv od turizma
od oko 420 miliona dolara,
što je 16 odsto više nego
u istom periodu prošle
Dunav - velika šansa vojvođanskog turizma: Vojvodina bi, sudeći po onome što pripremaju
stručnjaci iz oblasti turizma, pokrajinska vlada i njeni fondovi,
u narednih pet godina trebalo
da dobije četiri marine svetskog
ranga na Dunavu, Palić bi mogao
da postane Meka za savremene
nomade, a šansa su nam i banje,
golf turizam...
07turizam.indd 99
21.10.2008 0:10:42
Investments in Serbian Tourism
New hot spots
for tourists on
the map of Europe
What are the modern
tourist exepectations?
Above all, a modern tourist expects peace and
quiet, untamed nature, interesting and varied sports
and recreational contents, top quality wellness and
spa facilities, excellent gastronomic offerings, as well
as high quality accommodations. Thanks to its beautiful nature, cultural and historic heritage, excellent
geographic position, favourable climate, and cordiality and sincerity of its people, Serbia can meet those
expectations and become a new hot spot on the world
travel maps.
Our country possesses huge potentials for the development of tourism. The capital city of Belgrade has
already become an appealing “city break” destination,
just like other big cities. The offer also includes attractive hunting and fishing reserves, active nature-based
vacation programmes, village tourism, adventure expeditions (such as rafting on the Drina River), spa,
nautical, ethno, and eco tourism in our intact natural
environments, as well as the authentic events such as
“Exit” and “Guca.”
Still, only a few of the tourist potentials have been
tapped. What’s missing? Accomodations, ski resorts,
ski lifts, swimming pools, beaches, amusement parks,
According to the figures published by the Tourist Organisation of Serbia, over one million tourists have visited Serbia in the first six months of
this year, which is an increase of 19 percent compared to the same period last year. In that same
period, the tourism-based foreign currency inflow was 420 million dollars, which is 16 percent
more than in the same period last year.
trekking and fitness trails, promenades, river marinas...
One of the limiting factors is the traffic and utility
infrastructure, which requires large sums of money.
A lot of funds must also be invested in the reconstruction and adaptation of hotels and vacation resorts, which must adjust their offerings to the modern
tourist trends. In addition to the efforts made by the
State, this field also needs investors, who will initiate
the development of Serbia’s tourism in cooperation
with the public sector.
We would like to present you with several large
projects which are certain to become the favourite
tourist destinations on the map of Europe.
Stara Planina
(“Old Mountain”)
Danube – The Big Opportunity for Tourism in
Vojvodina: Judging by what is being prepared
by the tourism experts, provincial government,
and its funds, Vojvodina should gain four worldclass marinas on the Danube in the next five
years, Palic could become a Mecca for modern
nomads, and we also have opportunities for spa
and golf tourism...
By 2012, Serbia should complete the first part of
the modern tourist centre on Stara Planina, an investment of some 240 million euro, and the entire
complex should be done by 2015.
There are plans to develop a trail for alpine skiing
which should accommodate 14,000 skiers of various
categories, a 40 km long ski lift, and a 100 km long
trail on “Babin zub.” The ski complex on the mountain must be connected together and supplemented
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21.10.2008 0:10:46
with accommodation centres and structures for the
following capacities: 9,000 beds, 12,000 skiers, 6,500
daily visitors, and 3,100 employees. The total investment value is around 400 million dollars. The total
planned capacities for Stara Planina are 26,800 skiers
and 22,000 beds.
The completion of this complex will certainly improve Serbia’s image, because this modern centre will
undoubtedly become one of Europe’s largest winter
tourist destinations.
Srebrno Jezero (“Silver Lake”),
the Largest Project
in the Balkans
Located a hundred kilometres from Belgrade, near
Veliko Gradiste, Srebrno Jezero is one of the bestknown tourist destinations in Serbia. Srebrno Jezero
is visited annually by more than 200,000 tourists. The
lake is rich with fish (catfish, zander, common carp,
grass carp...), and is mentioned in the Guiness Book
of World Records as the place where the largest common carp in the world was caught, weighed at 44 kg.
The Silver Lake Resort Project calls for investments in the amout of 50 million euro, and it has
every chance to become one of the top tourist offerings in Serbia and the Balkans. The complex should
contain luxury hotels, villas, and apartments; entertainment zones, golf courts, sports courts, swimming pools, a marina, as well as sports zones, recreation zones, wellness zones, and beauty zones. This
tourist centre will expand the business activities in
this region, requiring additional commerce, agriculture, and crafts... Srebrno Jezero is also intended as
a unique site for fishing tourism; for that purpose,
the “Silver Lake Vode” consortium was founded,
with the aim to protect the ecology of this site,
ensure the ecological standards are observed and
implemented, and its unique fish breeds are preserved. „
Jelena Anusic, MSc
07turizam.indd 101
21.10.2008 0:10:47
Zdravstveni turizam
Oaze odmora
i zdravlja
Klasičan „godišnje odmorski“ tip turizma je iscrpljen koncept, danas se javlja čitav niz drugih
vidova zahteva turističke tražnje. Ljudima nije dovoljan odmor koji podrazumeva samo sunce,
pesak i plaže tj. koncept tri „S“ (Sun, Sea and Sand). U poslednjih petnaest do dvadeset godina
trend u razvijenim zemljama i EU jeste takozvani Wellnes i SPA turizam koji podrazumeva
privlačenje ne samo bolesnih već i zdravih turista koji žele da kvalitetno provedu svoje
slobodno vreme.
rbija je nedavno usvojila strategiju razvoja
turizma do 2015. godine. Ovaj dokument
definisao je četiri klastera za razvoj turizma:
Beograd, Vojvodinu, Jugoistočnu Srbiju i
Jugozapadnu Srbiju.
Turistička privreda je svakako jedna od najperspektivnijih grana u globalnim razmerama u kojoj se gotovo svakodnevno menjaju zahtevi i potrebe turističke
tražnje i kojoj je potrebno izaći u susret brzim prilagođavanjem turističke ponude u najširem smislu reči.
Klasičan „godišnjeodmorski” turizam, donedavno
dominantni vid turizma, ustupa mesto i drugim oblicima i vidovima turizma među kojima, svakako, značajno mesto zauzima i „putovanje i odmor radi zdravlja”. Sa 34 lečilišta koliko ih ima, Srbija je iskoristila
tek manji deo potencijala koja pružaju bogata i brojna
izvorišta termalnih i mineralnih voda. Lekovita voda
i čist vazduh u planinskim krajevima, poput Zlatibora, Zlatara, Tare i Divčibara, kao i drugim mestima,
pružaju mogućnosti za razvoj zdravstvenog turizma,
koji u Srbiji ima 160-godišnju tradiciju. Radi se o
potrebi razvoja ovog vida turizma na modernim tržišnim principima, tj. primeni koncepcije marketinga
i menadžmenta u kreiranju i poslovne i destinacijske
turističke politike.
Zdravstveni turizam ušao je i u nacionalni investicioni plan iz kojega se godišnje za te potrebe izdvaja
oko pedeset miliona eura, što ni izbliza nije dovoljno
za njegov ubrzani razvoj. Takođe, jedan od problema je
postojeća loša infrastruktura koja onemogućava bolju
iskorišćenost. Potrebna su i značajna ulaganja u smeštajne kapacitete kao i kapacitete ukupne turističke
ponude. Zdravstveni turizam jeste ogroman izvozni
potencijal Srbije i to je jasno naznačeno u Strategiji
razvoja turizma. Master planovi koji su urađeni za turističke destinacije Zlatibor/Zlatar, Sokobanju, Palić
ukazuju na pravce delovanja, posebno i u domenu potrebnih investicionih ulaganja i ukupnog prestrukturiranja u zdravstvenom turizmu (vlasnička transformacija, kao i ona u domenu tržišne orijentacije, poslovnog
prilagođavanja, tehnoloških inovacija i sl).
Mađarska, Slovenija, Bugarska, Rumunija, kao i niz
drugih zemalja sa razvijenim zdravstveno rekreativnim
turizmom (Nemačka, Francuska) mogu biti dobar
primer za ugled u razvoju ovog vida turizma. Prema
mišljenju profesora dr Ognjena Bakića, rektora Univerziteta Educons iz Sremske Kamenice, naša zemlja
ipak treba da sledi svoj sopstveni osećaj u razvoju
zdravstvenog turizma a da se implementiraju najbolja
rešenja iz inostrane prakse prethodno pomenutih zemalja.
– Brojem od oko 140 termomineralnih izvora i oko
40 banja, Srbija se ubraja među najbogatije zemlje u
Evropi. Imamo veoma kvalitetne atraktivne izvore
vezane za zdravstveni turizam, kao što su mineralni
izvori, voda, vazduh. Sudar dva klimata na našem Zlatiboru, ta naša „fabrika crvenih krvnih zrnaca“ može
da postane značajan izvoznik zdravstvenog turizma Srbije – ističe profesor Bakić, koji je učestvovao u preko
trideset studijskih projekata za potrebe kreiranja poslovne i turističke politike (na području bivše SFRJ,
Zajednice Srbije i Crne Gore i Srbije )
– Pošto je „godišnje odmorski“ tip turizma iscrpljen koncept, javlja se čitav niz drugih zahteva tu-
07turizam.indd 102
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07turizam.indd 103
21.10.2008 0:10:49
rističke tražnje. Ljudima nije dovoljan odmor koji
podrazumeva samo sunce, pesak i plaže tj. koncept tri
„S“ (Sun, Sea and Sand). Potrošači imaju druge želje
i zahteve. U poslednjih petnaest do dvadeset godina
trend u razvijenim zemljama i EU jeste, pored ostalog
i takozvani „Wellness turizam“ – objašnjava prof. dr
Ognjen Bakić.
„Salus per aquam“ ili SPA, odnosno „lečenje vodom“, će prema prognozama međunarodnog SPA
udruženja i demografskim karakteristikama Evrope,
u narednom periodu imati najveću stopu rasta, i to u
oblasti programa koji se baziraju na medicini, a koji
obuhvataju terapiju vodom. U našim banjama potrebno je razviti i Wellness turizam, koji podrazumeva
privlačenje svih onih koji žele da preduprede razna
oboljenja koja ih mogu sustići u životu, ali i onih koji
žele da unaprede kvalitet svog života.
– Činjenice govore da je četrdeset odsto turističkog
prometa Srbije u oblasti banjskog turizma. Danas je
osnova zdravstvenog turizma u onom što se naziva SPA
i Wellnes. Suštinu Wellnesa treba shvatiti na način
kako se upravo tražnja menja. To je Wellbeing, koji
predstavlja novi način življenja, shvatanja slobodnog
vremena, ishrane. Pojava onoga što je danas turistički
proizvod u obliku SPA i Wellnesa leži u potrebi tražnje
modernog turiste da kvalitetno provede svoje slobodno
vreme – smatra prof. Bakić nakon tridesetogodišnjeg
iskustva u visokom obrazovanju i naučno-stručnim
israživanjima u turizmu.
Profesor dodaje da je obrazovanje, razvoj i obuka menadžerskih kadrova vitalna komponenta održavanja konkurentske sposobnosti u turističkoj industriji Srbije.
Ovo je područje koje je indikativno kako po brzom
razvoju tako i primeni mnogih novih rešenja, i zato
je neophodno pored formalnog obrazovanje razviti i
neformalno obrazovanje tj. stalno edukovanje, tokom
radne karijere (LLL- Long Life Learning). Ministarstvo
ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja Vlade republike Srbije
je prepoznalo važnost ove potrebe, što uostalom proističe i iz pomenute Strategije, te je 2007. godine odvojeno
dva miliona eura (program iz NIP-a) za edukaciju zaposlenih u turizmu. Napravljeno je sedam programa od
kojih se jedan odnosio na inovaciju znanja menadžera u
oblasti zdravstvenog turizma. Kroz tu edukaciju prošlo
je oko 520 ljudi. To je bio jedan kamenčić bačen u
vodu koji bi trebalo dalje da proizvede koncentrične
krugove da se čitav niz godina na određen način ljudi
doškoluju. Potreba tržišta i novih ulaganja u zdravstveni
turizam, svakako i u sve druge vidove turizma, sve će
se više bazirati na povezanosti privrede sa fakultetima i
univerzitetima – zaključuje profesor Bakić.
Turistička privreda u Srbiji je u zamahu i treba dobro iskoristiti sve njene potencijale. „
mr Jelena Anušić
dravstveni turizam jeste ogroman izvozni potencijal Srbije i
to je jasno naznačeno u Strategiji razvoja turizma.
07turizam.indd 104
21.10.2008 0:10:51
breathtaking sea and golf view
5 swimming pools
near 3 signature golf
luxury finishes
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natural stone floor
furnishing packages
“Totally Romantic” pool bar & BBQ
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Vojvođanski Bulevard 46/16
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tel.: +381 65 613 23 23
07turizam.indd 105
Obrenovićeva 124 III/8
18000 Niš
105318 28 92
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e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.bellabulgaria.com
21.10.2008 0:10:54
Oases of relaxation
and wellness
The traditional “vacation” type of tourism is a worn out concept; today, we can see a
whole array of different demands for tourist offerings. People are no longer satisfied
with the “three S holidays” (Sun, Sea, and Sand). Over the past fifteen years, the trends
in developed countries and the EU have moved toward the so-called Wellness and Spa
tourism, which not only includes ailing tourists, but also healthy ones who wish to
spend their free time engaged in healthy activities.
erbia recently adopted the Tourism Development Strategy until 2015. This document
defines four clusters for the growth of tourism: Belgrade, Vojvodina, Southeast Serbia,
and Southwest Serbia.
At the global level, the tourism industry is certainly
among those with the most potential. The demands of
tourists change on a daily base, and the tourism industry must accommodate them by quickly adjusting the
tourist offerings in the widest sense of that word.
The traditional “vacation” tourism, which was the
dominant form of tourism until recently, is quickly
being replaced by other forms and types of tourism.
Among them, an important spot is reserved for “health
travel and relaxation.” With its 34 health resorts, Serbia has only tapped a few of the potentials offered by
its numerous rich thermal and mineral water springs.
Therapeutic waters and clean air in the mountainous
regions, including Zlatibor, Zlatar, Tara, and Divcibare, offer many possibilities for the development
of health tourism, which has a 160-year tradition in
Serbia. This form of tourism must be developed on
modern market principles, by applying the
marketing and management concepts
in creating the business policies and
choosing the tourist destinations.
Health tourism is included in the National
which reserves a sum
of about fifty million
euro for that purpose annually –
nowhere near enough for its expedited growth. Additionally, one of the main problems is the poor existing
infrastructure, which disallows the better use of its
capacities. Accommodation capacities require considerable investments, as do the general tourist offerings.
The Tourism Development Strategy clearly states that
health tourism is one of Serbia’s biggest export potentials. The Master Plans which have been completed for
the tourist destinations of Zlatibor/Zlatar, Sokobanja,
and Palic, indicate the routes which must be taken,
particularly in the area of necessary investments and
the general re-structuring of health tourism (changes
in ownership structure, as well as the market orientation, business adjustments, technology innovations,
and similar).
Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, along with
many other countries with well-developed health and
recreational tourism (Germany, France) can serve as a
good example we can examine when developing this
form of tourism. In the opinion of Professor Ognjen
Bakic, PhD, President of the Educons University from
Sremska Kamenica, our country should nevertheless
follow its own hunches in the development of health
tourism, while at the same time implementing the best
solutions discovered in practice by the aforementioned
- The figure of around 140 thermo-mineral springs
and around 40 spas places Serbia among the richest
European countries. We have top quality attractive resources tied to the health tourism, such as the mineral
springs, water, and air. A clash of two climates present
in our Zlatibor, our “Red Blood Cell Factory,” can
07turizam.indd 106
21.10.2008 0:10:56
07turizam.indd 107
21.10.2008 0:10:59
become an important export product of Serbia’s health
tourism – emphasizes Professor Bakic, who has participated in over thirty studies completed for the purposes
of creating business and tourist policies (in the area of
former SFRY and Serbia and Montenegro).
– Since the “vacation” type of tourism is a worn out
concept, a whole array of different demands for tourist
offers is emerging today. People are no longer satisfied with the “three S holidays” (Sun, Sea, and Sand).
Consumers have other desires and requirements. Over
the past fifteen to twenty years, the trends in developed
countries and the EU have moved towards the socalled Wellness tourism – Professor Ognjen Brkic explains. According to the estimates of SPA associations
and Europe’s demographics, Salus per aquam (or SPA
for short), or “water healing,” will enjoy the highest
growth rate in the following period, particularly in the
area of medical-based programmes which include water therapies. Our spas need to develop their wellness
tourism and in doing so, attract all those who wish to
prevent various diseases that can occur, as well as those
who wish to improve the qualities of their lives.
– The fact is that forty percent of Serbia’s total
tourism turnover comes from spa tourism. A base for
health tourism today is what is referred to as SPA and
Wellness. The essence of wellness must be taken from
the currently changing demands. The well-being represents a new way of life, a new way of treating free time,
and new eating habits. The appearance of what
has been shaped into a tourist product under the name of SPA
and Wellness lies in the
modern tourist’s
need to spend
his free time
engaged in quality activities – Professor Bakic believes
after a thirty-year experience in higher education and
scientific research in tourism.
The Professor adds that education, development,
and training of managerial staff are vital components
required for Serbia’s tourist industry to remain competitive.
– This is a field distinguished both by its rapid development and the application of numerous new solutions, and for this reason, it is necessary to continue
the informal education after the completion of formal
education, i.e. to pursue continued education over the
course of one’s work career (LLL – Life Long Learning). Serbian Ministry of Economics and Regional
Development recognized the importance of this requirement, which is derived from the aforementioned
Strategy, and allocated two million euro (from the National Investment Plan) in 2007 for the education of
people employed in tourism. Seven programmes were
created, one of which was related to the innovation of
managers’ skills in the field of health tourism. Around
520 people passed this education. This is just a small
pebble, but it should create an avalanche in the industry – causing the people to continue their education
in some manner over many years. The needs of the
market and new investments in health tourism, as well
as the other forms of tourism, will increasingly depend
on the interconnection of economy and universities –
Professor Bakic concludes.
Tourism in Serbia is enjoying a
boost, and we should utilise
all its potentials to their
fullest. „
Jelena Anusic, MSc
ealth tourism is
included in the
National Investment
Plan, which reserves
a sum of about
fifty million euro
for that purpose
annually – nowhere
near enough for its
expedited growth.
07turizam.indd 108
21.10.2008 0:11:00
07turizam.indd 109
21.10.2008 0:11:04
Novi standardi u svetu kompaktnih SUV vozila
zražajnim dizajnom, koji kombinuje već dugo vremena cenjenu ćoškastu formu terenca, uz tipične
dodatke koji prate Mercedes-Benz putnička vozila, Novi Mercedes-Benz GLK ima snažan karakter koji će mu omogućiti da postavi nove standarde u
svetu kompaktnih SUV vozila. Ovo neverovatno multitalentovano vozilo je mnogo više od same pojave koja
se svojom funkcionalnošću i atraktivnošću ističe od
konkurencije. GLK zbližava snažne različitosti u karakteristikama koje zadovoljavaju potrebe različitih situacija pri vožnji. Smelost forme novog modela predstavlja odraz praktičnosti i zapanjujuće jasan, poseban izbor
snage i snažnog karaktera, kojim novi model ima sve što
je potrebno za nove standarde u klasi kompaktnih SUV
vozila, koje su potrebne da bi se savladalo svaki način
vožnje i profili puta – kako na asfaltu, tako pri terenskoj vožnji. Upravo spoj, ranije smatranih kontradiktornosti, uz vrhunsku dinamiku u vožnji i izuzetna
bezbednost zajedno sa neuporedivom udobnošću koja
je rezultat AGILITY CONTROL suspenzije (kontroli
prilagodljivog oslanjanja). U međuvremenu, varijabilni
4MATIC – pogon na sve točkove, udružen sa silama
poslednjih elektronskih sistema upotpunjuju on-road
performanse i fantastičnu off-road prilagodljivost. Upravo je ovakva kombinacija ono što omogućava da GLK
ostvari najneverovatnije zahteve i opravdanje koje mu
u imenu daje slovo `G`, kao podsećanje na prauzorni
Mercedesov terenac G-Klasu.
GLK-klasa može da se pohvali izuzetnom fleksibilnošću zahvaljujući svom AGILITY CONTROL ogibljenju, kojim pokušava da pomiri konflikt sa kojim se
oduvek susreću vozila u SUV klasi: inžinjeri koji rade na
razvoju šasija pokušavaju da stvore vozilo koje je podjednako sportski agilno i udobno, ali koje može da se izbori
sa svim izazovima terenske vožnje. Ukoliko je akcenat
stavljen na sportsko, aktivno upravljanje, ogibljenje, ponajviše amortizeri moraju biti podešeni tvrdo, što samo
po sebi isključuje legendarnu udobnost koja je zaštitni
znak Mercedes-Benz-a i limitira ključne karakteristike
potrebne za terensku prohodnost. Nasuprot tome, ukoliko je vozilo namenski konstruisano za komfornu vožnju
i terensku sposobnost, time što ima meko ogibljenje,
njegova dinamika u vožnji će biti značajno smanjena.
’’Amplitude-responsive damping’’ nudi rešenje za ovaj
problem: umesto krutog setovanja amortizeri ovde koriste sile za prigušenje koje su fleksibilne, to jest, mogu
da se prilagode datim uslovima. Tokom normalne vožnje
na lošim putevima ili ukoliko se vozilo kreće malom
brzinom van puta, sistem je podešen da reaguje meko
zarad komfora putnika kao i zbog terenskih sposobnosti.
Da bi se putnici osećali sigurno tokom žustre vožnje ili
prilikom izvođenja naglih manevara, amortizeri se automatski prebacuju na tvrdo setovanje obezbeđujući tako
visok nivo upravljivosti i stabilnosti.
Motori koja su poslednja reč tehnike obezbeđuju
izuzetno visok nivo uglađenosti tokom vožnje i impresivne performanse kompletnoj GLK gami vozila. Treba
spomenuti i manju potrošnju goriva i emisiju izduvnih
gasova u poređenju sa svojim rivalima. Kupci mogu da
biraju između četiri modela: poklonici dizela mogu da
se odluče za GLK 220 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY ili GLK
320 CDI, dok oni koji preferiraju benzince mogu da
izaberu GLK 280 ili GLK 350, u oba slučaja V6 motore.
07turizam.indd 110
21.10.2008 0:11:06
Sets New Standards in the World of Compact SUVs
ith its striking design, which combines
the long-appreciated angled look of an
all-terrain vehicle, and the typical accessories of Mercedes-Benz passenger vehicles, the New Mercedes-Benz GLK possesses a robust
personality which will allow it to set new standards in
the world of compact SUVs. This amazing multi-talented vehicle is much more than its appearance would
indicate – and the utility and attractiveness of that appearance sets it apart from the competition. The GLK
combines strong diversity in its features, which can meet
the needs of varied driving situations. The new model’s
daring form represents a reflection of practicality and an
astonishingly clear, special choice of power and force of
personality, which provides the new model with everything needed to set new standards in the class of compact SUVs, required to conquer every type of driving
and every type of surface – both on the tarmac and off
the road. This combo of features, previously thought to
be contradictory, provides the top driving dynamics and
extraordinary safety, together with the incomparable
comfort resulting from the AGILITY CONTROL suspension (variable traction control). In the meantime,
GLK 220 CDI 4M Off-Roader: 42,987.- EUR
GLK 320 CDI 4M Off-Roader: 49,997.- EUR
GLK 280 4M Off-Roader: 47,200.- EUR
GLK 350 4M Off-Roader: 49,560.- EUR
*cena sa pdv-om
*the price includes VAT
the variable 4MATIC all-wheel drive, combined with
the powers of latest electronic systems, complements the
on-road performance and fantastic off-road adjustability.
This combination is what allows the GLK to satisfy even
the most implausible demands, and to justify the letter
“G” in its name, reminiscent of the exemplary Mercedes
all-terrain vehicle, the renowned G-Class.
The GLK-Class can pride itself on its extreme flexibility, thanks to its AGILITY CONTROL suspension,
which succeeds in resolving a conflict of aims that afflicts
the SUV segment especially: this is because the chassis engineers seek to create a vehicle that is as sporty and agile as
it is comfortable and smooth, plus, at the same time, capable of travelling off-road. If the focus is placed on sporty,
dynamic handling, there must be a certain firmness about
the tuning of the suspension and particularly the shock
absorbers, which both precludes the desired ride comfort
typical of the Mercedes-Benz brand and imposes restrictions on the vehicle’s abilities in off-road terrain. If, on the
other hand, the vehicle is purpose-built for ride comfort
and off-road expertise by fitting softer dampers, its driving dynamics will of course suffer. “Amplitude-responsive
damping” provides the solution: here, the shock absorber’s
smoothing forces are of a flexible nature, rather than having a rigid setting. During normal driving along moderately contoured roads or off-road excursions at low speeds,
the system is tuned for soft response to the benefit of the
occupants’ sense of wellbeing and the vehicle’s off-road
abilities. In order to keep the occupants feeling at their
ease when driving at a brisker pace or performing abrupt
evasive manoeuvres, the dampers switch to a firmer setting
in such situations to ensure maximum handling stability.
The cutting-edge engines ensure a smooth ride and
impressive performances for the entire GLK range of
vehicles. When comparing the GLK to its rivals, it is
also important to mention its low fuel consumption
and reduced emissions. The buyers can choose from
four models: diesel lovers can opt for the GLK 220 CDI
BlueEFFICIENCY or the GLK 320 CDI, while those
who prefer petrol can choose either the GLK 280 or the
GLK 350, both fitted with V6 engines. „
07turizam.indd 111
21.10.2008 0:11:10
08tabele.indd 112
21.10.2008 1:35:49
A Gradnja Invest
Stevana Branovačkog 6
11000 Novi Sad
tel: + 381 11 275 9884
fax: + 381 21 456695
[email protected]
Agencija za ekonomski
razvoj opštine Prijedor
Zanatska bb
78000 Banja Luka
tel: + 387 52 241 600
fax: + 387 52 241 601
[email protected]
Agencija za razvoj opština
istočne Hercegovine - ARIH
Zavođska br.2
89230 Bileća
tel: + 387 59 372 036
fax: + 387 59 372 036
[email protected]
Agencije za lokalni razvoj
Gradiška (ALORG)
Kozarskih ustanika bb
78400 Gradiška
tel: + 387 51 813 165
fax: + 387 51 813 165
[email protected]
Banca Intesa ad Beograd
Milentija Popovića 7b
11070 Novi Beograd
Call center: 011 310 88 88
08tabele.indd 113
A GRADNJA INVEST NOVI SAD strives, and will always strive to build high-quality apartments - the
ones we would like to live in ourselves, apartments
built according to European standards. We use the
top quality materials and construction techniques.
Each apartment is outfitted with high-quality Italian
and Spanish cermaic tiles, extra class oak parquet,
solid wood doors with brass knobs, and a room arrangement which guarnatees the best utilization of
the residential space and a pleasant stay.
A GRADNJA INVEST NOVI SAD se trudi i uvek će se
truditi da pravi veoma kvalitetne stanove - upravo
onakve u kakvima bismo i mi želeli da živimo, stanove po evropskim standardima. Koristimo najkvalitetnije materijale i tehnologije gradnje. Svaki stan
je opremljen sa kvalitetnom italijanskom i španskom
keramikom, hrastovim parketom ekstra klase, vratima od punog drveta sa mesinganim kvakama i rasporedom prostorija koji garantuje najbolje iskorišćenje stambenog prostora i prijatan boravak.
Prijedor Agency for Economic Development “PREDAPD” is founded in September, 2003, and formally
registered 8 of December, 2003. As a Municipality
service it cooperates with Department for Economics
and Public Affairs of Municipality Prijedor. PREDAPD mission is entrepreneurship promotion, giving
support to small and medium enterprises, creating
conditions for opening new workplaces, and general
improvement of economic situation in Municipality
of Prijedor.
Prijedorska Agencija za ekonomski razvoj opštine
Prijedor PREDA-PD osnovana je u septembru 2003.
godine, a zvanično registrovana 8. decembra 2003.
godine, od kada sinergijski djeluje kao opštinski servis sa Odjeljenjem za privredu i društvene djelatnosti
opštine Prijedor. Misija Agencije za ekonomski razvoj
opštine Prijedor je promovisanje preduzetništva, podrška razvoju malih i srednjih preduzeća, stvaranje
uslova za otvaranje novih radnih mjesta i poboljšanje ukupne ekonomske situacije na području opštine
Agency for development of east Herzegovina municipalities, (ARIH), was established to achieve the
common interests of municipalities from the region
east Herzegovina. Agency is working without the
intention of gaining profit. Agency founder is Association of municipalities Eastern Herzegovina, which
consists of municipalities: Trebinje, Bileća, Ljubinje,
Berkovic, Gacko, Nevesinje and East Mostar. Agency
business is regulation and development of economy
in east Herzegovina region
Agencija za razvoj opština istočne Hercegovine,
ARIH, osnovana je radi ostvarivanja zajedničkih interesa opština sa područja regije istočna Hercegovina
u oblasti razvoja bez namjere sticanja profita. Osnivač Agencije je Savez opština istočne Hercegovine,
koji čine opštine: Trebinje, Bileća, Ljubinje, Berkovići,
Gacko, Nevesinje i Istočni Mostar. Djelatnost Agencije je regulisanje i unapređenje poslovanja privrede
In March 2004, the Municipality of Gradiska reached
a decision to found the Agency for Local Development of Gradiska (ALDG). The main goal of ALDG is
to provide continued education and specialisation
for the staff and young people who are using every
option to improve their knowledge and utilising
new approaches and methodologies in their work.
The basic goal od ALDG is to provide support for
the economic development initiatives and to create
a competitive economic environment in this field.
The primary task of ALDG in the period 2005-2012
is to implement the development projects financed
by the Municipality, structural fonds of RS/B&H, and
those financed from the EU financing sources.
Opština Gradiška je u martu 2004 godine donijela
odluku o osnivanju Agencije za lokalni razvoj Gradiška (ALORG). Glavni cilj ALORG-a je kontinuirana edukacija i specijalizacija osoblja i mladih ljudi koji koriste sve mogućnosti kako bi unaprijedili svoja znanja
i iskoristili nove pristupe i metodologije u svom radu.
Osnovni cilj ALORG-a je podrška inicijativama ekonomskog razvoja i stvaranje konkurentnog ekonomskog okruženja za poslove u ovoj oblasti.ALORG-ov
prioritetni zadatak, u periodu 2005-2012, je implementacija razvojnih projekata finansiranih od strane
Opštine, strukturnih fondova na nivou RS/BiH i onih
finansiranih od strane EU finansijskih izvora.
Banca Intesa is the leading bank in the domestic
market, a reliable parter for 1,3 million clients, both
individuals and legal entities. Banca Intesa operates
as a part of the Italian Intesa Sanpaolo Group which
is among the strongest European bank groups and
among the top 10 worldwide based on its market
Banca Intesa holds the leading position in the domestic banking sector with its 2,9 billion euro in assets and a market share of 12,5%, as well as with its
total deposit of 1,9 billion euro and total investmetnt
that has reached 1,7 billion euro.
Banca Intesa je vodeća banka na domaćem tržištu,
pouzdan partner za 1,3 miliona klijenata, fizičkih i
pravnih lica. Posluje u okviru italijanske grupacije Intesa Sanpaolo koja se po visini tržišne kapitalizacije
svrstava u najsnažnije evropske bankarske grupacije
i među prvih deset u svetu.
Banca Intesa sa bilansnom sumom od 2,9 milijardi
evra i tržišnim učešćem od 12,5 % zauzima lidersku
poziciju domaćeg bankarskog sektora, a vodeća je i
po visini ukupnih depozita od 1,9 milijardi evra i ukupnih plasmana koji su dostigli 1,7 milijardi evra.
21.10.2008 1:36:06
Baza Nekretnina d.o.o
Vladimira Popovića 14
11070 Novi Beograd
tel: + 381 11 311 2474
tel: + 381 11 212 0264
fax: + 381 11 212 0513
[email protected]
Specialised Real Estate portalBIGGEST REGIONAL
REAL ESTATE DATA BASE IN ONE PLACE www.bazanekretnina.com is the Real Estate portal with
most up-to-date offer of the Residential and Commercial property in Serbia. Advantage of our portal,
in comparison to the other Real Estate portals, is the
fact that www.bazanekretnina.com is part of one
of the biggest real estate networks in Europe. That
means that users of our portal can explore not only
the property from Serbia but they can review the
offers from other countries in the region. More importantly, properties advertised on our portal www.
bazanekretnina.com are also advertised on the other
networked Real Estate portals across Europe so they
are available for viewing to greater number of potential investors.
Specijalizovani portal za nekretnine NAJVEĆA BAZA
NEKRETNINA NA JEDNOM MESTU www.bazanekretnina.com je portal sa najaktuelnijom ponudom
stambenog i poslovnog prostora u Srbiji. Ono što je
prednost našeg portala u odnosu na druge nekretninske portale je činjenica da www.bazanekretnina.
com čini jedan od najvećih umreženih portala za
nekretnine u Evropi. To znači da pored informacija o
prodaji domaćih nekretnina, naši korisnici mogu da
pretražuju ponudu nekretnina i iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, Italije, Austrije i drugih zemalja regiona. Međutim
ono što je najvažnije, nekretnine oglašene na portalu www.bazanekretnina.com se takođe prikazuju
na mnogobrojnim umreženim portalima u regionu i
dostupne su velikom broju stranih investitora širom
Bella Bulgaria is a Real Estate company, with many
years of experience in buying properties overseas.
Bella Bulgaria is a market leader in selling properties in Bulgaria, offering professional assistance and
cooperation during the whole purchase procedure,
no matter apartment, house, villa, off plan or a plot of
land to build on. We are also offering legal advice and
assistance by our professional solicitors and consulting services. Bella Bulgaria has offices in Scandinavia,
Serbia and Bulgaria
Bella Bulgaria je kompanija koja se bavi prometom
nekretnina i koja poseduje dugogodišnje iskustvo
u kupovini poseda u inostranstvu. Bella Bulgaria je
lider na tržištu prometa nekretnina u Bugarskoj i
nudi profesionalnu pomoć i saradnju tokom čitave
kupoprodajne procedure, bez obzira na to da li je
u pitanju stan, kuća, vila, pretprodaja, ili plac za izgradnju. Takođe nudimo pravne savete i pomoć koju
pruža naš ekspertski tim advokata, kao i konsultantske usluge. Bella Bulgaria ima filijale u Skandinaviji,
Srbiji i Bugarskoj.
“Beogradske nekretnine” is first magazine specialized
for advertising real estate. Becouse of this, magazine
advertise the largest number of companies which
have business in this area (real estate agencies, building companies, investitors etc.). Support of magazine
is web site www.imovina.net
“Beogradske nekretnine” je prvi specijalizovani oglasnik za nekretnine na teritoriji Beograda i okoline.
Kao takav okuplja na jednom mestu najveći broj
firmi koje se bave ovom delatnošću (agnecije za nekretnine, građevinske firme, investitore itd.). Podrška
oglasnika je i internet sajt www.imovina.net
“Beyond” is an International Real Estate company established in Belgrade. The company performs multiple operations in the area of intermediation in buying
and selling of residential and commercial properties
as well as investing in wide range of projects such as
developing of residential and commercial buildings,
hotels, land banking and other. We offer consulting
and tailor made real estate solutions.
“Beyond“ je internacionalna kompanija sa sedištem
u Beogradu. Delatnost kompanije sastoji se iz posredovanja u prometu stambenih i privrednih nepokretnosti kao i prilikom ulaganja u širok spektar
investicionih projekata kao što su gradnja stambenih i poslovnih zgrada, industrijskih objekata, hotela,
placeva i sl. Nudimo usluge konsaltinga i predlažemo
finansijska rešenja u skladu sa ciljevima koje klijent
ima u oblasti nekretnina.
Blok 67 Associates is a company dealing with the
sales of properites in Belville Complex, one of the
biggest investments on the real estate market in
the last ten years. The biggest attempt ever in this
region is a sales of more than four thousand units
with completely new sales concept, with higly professional and skilled team of experts meeting the
needs of even the most demanded buyer.
Blok 67 Associates je kompanija koja se bavi prodajom nekretnina u kompleksu Belville, jednim od
najvećih investicija na tržištu nekretnina u poslednjih
deset godina. Najveći poduhvat ikad na ovom prostoru je prodaja više od četiri hiljade proizvoda sa
potpuno novim konceptom prodaje, sa visoko profesionalnim iskusnim timom stručnjaka koji izlaze u
susret i najzahtevnijem kupcu.
Bella Bulgaria
Srbija: Vojvodjanski Bulevar
46/16;26000 Pančevo
- Obrenovićeva 124 III/8 18000 Niš
Bugarsaka: KC Bendita BL.A.AP 43
9007 Zlatni Pjasci
Danska: Nørregade 10
3300 Frederiksværk
Srbija: tel: + 381 65 613 23 23 - Pancevo; tel: + 381 60 318 28 92 - Nis
Bugarska: tel: + 359 885 73 72 10
Danska: tel: + 45 50 20 40 02
Danska: fax: + 45 47 72 00 90
[email protected]
Beogradske nekretnine
Bul. Oslobođenja 61
11070 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 383 5341
tel: + 381 11 383 5342
fax: + 381 11 383 5341
fax: + 381 11 383 5343
[email protected]
Beyond Real Estate
Despota Djurdja 13/I
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 292 03 77
fax: + 381 11 292 03 78
[email protected]
Blok 67 Associates d.o.o.
Bul. Mihaila Pupina 6/8
11070 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 222 68 22
fax: + 381 11 222 68 95
08tabele.indd 114
21.10.2008 1:36:07
Capital House
Kneza Mihaila 7,
11000 Belgrade
tel: + 381 11 262 9595
tel: + 381 11 328 1653
fax: + 381 11 328 7617
[email protected]
CB Richard Ellis doo
Genex Business Center A 305
Vladimira Popovića 6
11070 Belgrade
tel: + 381 11 222 3407
fax: + 381 222 3646
[email protected]
City of Leskovac
Pana Djukica 9/11
16000 Leskovac
tel: + 381 16 254 445
fax: + 381 16 254 445
[email protected]
Colliers International
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115D
11070 Novi Beograd
tel: + 381 11 313 9955
fax: + 381 11 313 9958
[email protected]
Diplomat nekretnine
Kolarčeva 4
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 303 7487
tel: + 381 11 334 8785
fax: + 381 11 303 7487
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 115
Capital House, an well established, Real Estate Company in Serbia. We provide the complete services
in the following areas: Real estate, Constructions,
Investments. Capital house provides complete Low
Advice in: Sales contracts, lease contracts,all necessary documents for construction or adaptation of a
property (Urban-planning conditions, building permit, sketch design, general design).
Capital House se bavi izdavanjem i kupoprodajom
stanova, kuća, poslovnog prostora i lokala, izgradnjom novih i rekonstrukcijom starih objekata, investiranjem u izgradnju novih ili kupovinom već
postojećih stambeno-poslovnih objekata. Pružamo
potpunu pravnu podršku kod kupoprodajnih ugovora, ugovora o zakupu, pribavljanja prateće dokumentacije za izgradnju ili adaptaciju objekata.
CB Richard Ellis is the world’s largest commercial real
estate services firm advising more clients than any
other property adviser. Our core services include
consultancy, valuation and development advisory,
research, office agency, real estate marketing, residential and mixed use. Individual expertise, combined with access to market intelligence that few
companies can match, helps us achieve, and surpass,
our clients’ business goals.
CB Richard Ellis je vodeća međunarodna kompanija
na polju komercijalnih nakretnina, čija referentna
lista klijenata svedoči o tržišnoj superiornosti kompanije. Ključne delatnosti kompanije obuhvataju:
konsalting, procenu vrednosti nekretnina i razvojni
konsalting, istraživanje tržišta, izdavanje poslovnih
prostora, plasman nekretnina na tržištu, prodaju i izdavanje stambenih prostora i stambeno-komercijalnih nekretnina. Profesionalni tim i tržišna ekspertiza
kojom vrlo mali broj kompanija na svetskom nivou
može da se pohvali, omogućava nam da ispunimo i
nadmašimo poslovne ciljeve naših klijenata.
City of Leskovac is the regional center of Southern
Serbia, area 1025 km2 with 156.000 inhabitants and
144 settlements.Between 5 rivers and 5 mountains.
Pan-European corridor 10 (highway, railway).3 dominant department of industry: hemical,food,textile. 3
industrial zones: -northern - 59,6 ha infrastructural
fully equiped. - eastern - 247,1 ha - infrastructural
equiped, - southern 110,5 ha - infrastrucural equiped.
Biggest brownfield investments last 2 years: Actavis,
KSK Clothing, Bulcvat. Biggest greenfield investments last 2 years: Interlemind, SPEBO clinic. Welcome to city of Leskovac
Grad Leskovac je regionalni centar južne Srbije, površine 1025 km2 sa 156.000 stanovnika i 144 naseljenih
mesta. Nalazi se između pet reka i pet planina, na koridoru 10. Tri dominantna sektora industrije: hemijska, industrija hrane, tekstilna. Tri industrijske zone:
severna-59,6 ha kompletno opremljena infrastrukturom, - istocna - 247,1ha- infrastrukturno opremljena,
- južna 110,5 ha-infrastrukturno opremljena. Najveće
brownfield investicije u poslednjih dve godine: Actavis, KSK Clothing, Bulcvat. Najveće greenfield investicije u poslednjih dve godine: Interlemind, SPEBO
clinic. Dobrodošli u Leskovac!
Colliers International, Serbia was established in Belgrade in 2000 and has since become the unquestionable market leader in comprehensive real estate services. Colliers in Serbia incorporates 55 professionals
with offices in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis. Colliers
International, Serbia service lines include: Investment Advisory, Valuation and Market Analysis, Tenant Representation, Brokerage, Landlord Representation, Property Management, Marketing Advisory and
Legal Advisory. In addition, there are four available
departments for brokerage: Commercial, Retail, Residential and Land and Industrial.
Colliers International, Srbija je osnovan u Beogradu
2000-te godine kada postaje neprikosnoveni tržišni
lider u širokom sprektru usluga iz oblasti nekretnina.
Colliers u Srbiji zapošljava 55 profesionalaca u ukupno tri kancelarije – u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu.
Colliers International, Srbija nudi usluge iz sledećih
oblasti: investicioni konsalting, procene vrednosti
i tržišna istraživanja, posredovanje i ekskluzivno
zastupanje pri prodaji i izdavanju, upravljanje nekretninama, marketinški konsalting i pravne usluge
Iz oblasti posredovanja na usluzi su četiri odeljenja:
odeljenje za kancelarijske prostore, maloprodajne
prostore, stambene prostore i odeljenje za zemljište/magacine.
Real estate brokerage includes complete legal coverage, from the verification of documents, valuations,
advertisements, and presentations, to the preparation of sales agreements. Whether you have a property you wish to sell, or you are in need of purchasing
one, give us a call and you will be satisfied. The number of our satisfied clients is growing every day, and
we are sure that YOU will become one of them.
Posredovanje u prometu nekretnina podrazumeva
potpunu pravnu sigurnost od provere dokumenta
cije,procene,oglašavanja i prezentovanja do izrade kupoprodajnih ugovora.Ako imate nekretninu
koju želite da prodate ili imate potrebu za kupovinom nekretnine javite nama i bićete zadovoljni
Broj naših zadovoljnih klijenata svakodnevno se
povećava,bićete zadovoljni i VI
21.10.2008 1:36:34
Dubai Dunes Properties
1704 Sh Essa Tower, Sh Zayed Rd,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
tel: + 971 4 343 3315
fax: + 971 4 343 3183
[email protected]
Dubai Dunes Properties is a specialized real estate
development company with a core focus on the
Middle East Region’s dynamic and vibrant real estate sector. Dubai Dunes Properties seek to develop
unique and integrated real estate projects that deliver value for clients and investors. Dubai Dunes offers
one-window operation with services ranging from
identification of opportunities, in-depth research,
concept development and construction of wideranging real estate projects.
Dubai Dunes Properties je kompanija specijalizovana za izgradnju nekretnina, čiji je osnovni fokus
dinamičko i vitalno tržište nekretnina Bliskog Istoka.
Dubai Dunes Properties želi da gradi jedinstvene, integrisane projekte nekretnina, koji svojim klijentima
i investitorima obezbeđuju prave vrednosti. Dubai
Dunes nudi sve usluge na jednom mestu, uklljučujući i pronalaženje prilika, detaljno istraživanje, konceptualni razvoj i izgradnju širokog spektra projekata
Business and Investment portal www.ekapija.com
has been created to facilitate the flow of business
and investment information throughout the region
of South Eastern Europe and to enable easy and
timely access to those information. eKAPIJA provides
its services via two media - business portal eKAPIJA,
available on www.ekapija.com and business bulletin eKAPIJA, which is delivered daily (weekdays)
via email.
Investicioni sistem www.ekapija.com je biznis portal
koji ima za cilj da ubrza i pojednostavi pristup kvalitetnim poslovnim i investicionim informacijama u
regionu jugoistočne Evrope i da svojim klijentima
omogući brz i pravovremeni prisutup datim informacijama. eKapija sistem obezbeđuje servise koristeći
dva popularna medija - internet portal www.ekapija.
com i dnevni bilten eKAPIJA koji se šalje svakodnevno putem email-a
Marina Dorcol is a mixed use project, which is
planned to cover up to four hectares of surface area
, of up-market residential, office, retail and commercial premises situated in downtown Belgrade. The
Project is being developed by Engel Marina Dorcol
doo, a partnership between Capital Investment &
Consultancy doo and Engel East Europe N.V (London Stock Exchange AIM: EEE) one of the largest residential developers in Central and East Europe. The
Project’s prime location, at the heart of downtown
Belgrade, its size and unique concept involving the
Marina at Dorco l off the Danube river, makes it Belgrade’s mos t promising and attractive project.
Marina Dorćol je višenamenski projekat koji se sastoji od najkvalitetnijeg stambenog, poslovnog, maloprodajnog i komercijalnog prostora, na površini od 4
hektara u samom srcu Beograda. Projekat je razvijen
od strane Engel Marina Dorćol doo, partnerstva između Capital Investment & Consultancy doo i Engel
East Europe N.V (Londonska berza AIM:EEE), jednog
on najvećih graditelja u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi.
Centralna lokacija ovog projekta, u srcu donjeg dela
Beograda, njegova veličina, kao i jedinstveni koncept
koji uključuje marinu na Dorćolu na obali Dunava,
čini ga jednim od najperspektivnijih i najatraktivnijih
projekata današnjice.
ENJUB Co.Ltd. is company for land development,
construction, reconstruction, sale and rental, transactions of housing, commercial and other projects.
The company was founded in 1990. ENJUB’s programmes are based on domestic and foreign experiences, where it carries out land development
projects, explores the market and clients, finds and
prepares sites for construction, organizes designing
and consulting and contracting of various commercial, housing and other projects, and provides their
financing, sale and rental.
ENJUB d.o.o. je preduzeće za posredovanje pri izgradnji, rekonsrukciji i prometu stambenog, poslovnog i drugog prostora. Preduzeće je osnovano 1990
godine. Programi ENJUB se baziraju na domaćim i
inostranim iskustvima, na bazi tržišnih potreba, istraživanja i razvojnih planova. Odgovarajući na potrebe
tržišta, razvio je svoje poslovanje na projektovanje i
izvođenje javnih, poslovnih i stambenih zgrada.
official regional investment promotion agency with
a specific goal to facilitate FDI inflow into the region
of Vojvodina, through activities such as location marketing, investment climate benchmarking, advisory
assistance to foreign investors in analyzing investment decisions and establishing a business, ‘aftercare’ services for existing investors, policy advocacy
to improve FDI regulatory framework, development
of business incubators and technology parks. VIP
services to potential and existing investors are free
of charge.
Fond za podršku investicija u Vojvodini osnovan je
od strane Skupštine AP Vojvodine, sa ciljem da podstiče strana ulaganja u AP Vojvodini. Osnovne aktivnosti obuhvataju pružanje konsultantskih usluga
stranim investitorima - informacioni “one stop shop”
sa svim relevantnim informacijama neophodnim za
donošenje odluke i olakšavanje procesa investiranja
u Vojvodini; poslovnu edukaciju svim nivoima vlasti,
po pitanju privlačenja stranih direktnih investicija;
marketing investicionih potencijala Vojvodine; razvoj
poslovnih inkubatora i tehnoloških parkova. VIP Fond
svoje usluge stranim investitorima ne naplaćuje.
eKapija.com d.o.o.
Vladimira Popovića 14
11070 Novi Beograd
tel: + 381 11 212 0511
tel: + 381 11 311 2474
fax: + 381 11 212 0513
[email protected], event@
Engel Marina Dorćol doo
Vojislava Vučkovica 5/A, Senjak
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 3691 495
fax: + 381 11 3692 351
[email protected]
ENJUB d.o.o.
Bul. Mihajla Pupina 20/III
11070 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 260 1673
tel: + 381 11 267 5767
fax: + 381 11 260 0747
[email protected]
Fond za podršku
investicija u Vojvodini,
“Vojvodina Investment
Promotion – VIP”
Zmaj Jovina 4/I
21000 Novi Sad
tel: + 381 21 472 3244
fax: + 381 21 472 1921
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 116
21.10.2008 1:36:35
Grad Kragujevac
Trg Slobode 2 34000 Kragujevac
Gradonačelnik: tel: + 381 34 306 106
Član Gradskog veća za privredu i
privatno preduzetništvo:
tel: + 381 34 306 136
Gradonačelnik: fax: + 381 34 335
Član Gradskog veća za privredu i
privatno preduzetništvo:
fax: + 381 34 331 676
[email protected]
[email protected]
Grad Kruševac
/City of Krusevac
Gazimestanska 1/ Gazimestanska
street 1, 37000 Krusevac
tel: + 381 37 414 700
fax: + 381 37 430 332
[email protected]
Grad Niš/ City of Niš
7 Juli br. 2/7 Juli Street No.2,
18000 Niš/18000 City of Nis
tel: + 381 18 504544
fax: + 381 18 504545
[email protected]
Grad Šabac
Gospodar Jevremova 6
15000 Šabac
tel: + 381 15 346 711
tel: + 381 15 364 100
fax: + 381 15 346 800
[email protected]
Grad Subotica
Trg slobode 1.
Subotica 24000
tel: + 381 24 666 626 874
fax: + 381 24 626 874
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 117
City of Kragujevac, as the most favorable investment destination in Central Serbia in the last three
and a half years has the investment of over 400
milion EUR in production and trade capacities and
residental complexes “Plaza”, “Mercator”, “Tuš”, “Supernova”, “Metro”, “Forma ideale” have already invested
in Kragujevac. But, the most important investment
not only for the economy of the city, but also for the
Serbia itself is “Fiat”, that helped in revitalisation of car
industry, and that step is at the same is at the same
time strong signal for other investors. The money invested in Kragujevac is certain profit ! It is time for you
to invest in Kragujevac that is declared to be “City of
the future”and the best city for housing and in 2008,
was among the first 3 cities in Serbia certified as the
city with favorable business environment.
Kragujevac, kao najpoželjnija investiciona destinacija centralne Srbije, u poslednje tri godine beleži
ulaganja od preko 400 miliona eura u proizvodne i
trgovačke lance, stambene kompleks. Za investiranje
u Kragujevac već su se opredelili “Plaza”, “Merkator”,
“Tuš”, “Supernova”, “Metro”, “Forma ideale”. Međutim,
po značenju ne samo za privredu Grada već i države
Srbije, svakako najvažniji “Fiat”, čijim dolaskom se vrši
kompletna revitalizacija auto industrije, a taj korak
ujedno predstavlja i snažan signal za druge investitore. Iz svega navedenog nesumljivo je da vaš novac
uložen u Kragujevac znači siguran profit! Vreme je
da investirate u Kragujevac koji je u 2007. godini
proglašen “Gradom budućnosti” i najboljim gradom
domaćinom u Srbiji, a 2008. godine je među prva tri
grada u Srbiji, dobio sertifikat kao grad sa povoljnim
poslovnim okruženjem!
A medieval Serbian capital, Krusevac is nowdays administrative, cultural, educational, information and
sports center of the Rasinski District. 65000 people
live on the Krusevac town territory and additional
145000 on the territory of the municipality covering
the area of 854km2. Average population density is
154 inhabitants per km2, which is above the state and
Rasinski district average. Krusevac geographic location is relatively favorable. Its immediate surrounding
are mountain massifs of Kopaonik, Goc and Zeljin (on
the west) and Veliki i Mali Jastrebac (on the south).
Zapadna and Juzna Morava, along with Rasina, are
largest rivers in the area. The municipality has excellent connections with major road routes. M-5 main
road runs through the territory of the municipality,
connecting it with M-1 (Belgrade-Nis) major road.
Kruševac, nekada srednjovekovna srpska prestonica,
danas predstavlja administrativni, kulturni, obrazovni, informativni i sportski centar Rasinskog okruga.
Kruševac ima 65.000 stanovnika na teritoriji grada
i preko 145.000stanovnika na teritoriji opštine, koja
zahvata površinu od 84 kvadratna kilometra.Prosečna gustina naseljenosti je 154 stanovnika na kvadratnom kilometru ,što je znatno iznad proseka za
Srbiju i Rasinski okrug.Geografski položaj Kruševca
je relativno povoljan.Neposredno okruženje Kruševca čine planinski masivi Kopaonika,Goča i Željina sa
zapada, velikog i Malog Jastrepca sa juga. Zapadna i
Južna Morava sa Rasinom, čine najveće vodene tokove ovog područja. Opština ima odlične saobraćajne
veze sa glavnim putnim pravcima. Kroz opštinsku
teritoriju prolazi magistralni put M-5 koji povezuje
opštinu sa magistralnim putem M-1 Beograd-Niš.
City of Nis has an excellent location, infrastructure
and the city authorities truly supporting the local
economic development. There are Greenfield and
Brownfield locations within industrial zones, innovative centers and prosperous business environment.
The success of the investment projects is guaranteed
by the efficient administration and highly educated
labor, for City of Nis invests in the future. Welcome
to the European city, City of Nis.
Grad Niš ima jako povoljnu lokaciju, infrastrukturu i lokalnu vlast istinski orijentisanu ka lokalnom
ekonomskom razvoju. Na raspolaganju su greenfield i brownfield lokacije u industrijskim zonama,
inovativni centri i odlična poslovna klima. Uspeh
investicionih projekata je zagarantovan efikasnom
administracijom i visoko obrazovanim kadrom, jer
Grad Niš investira u budućnost. Dobrodošli u evropski Grad, Grad Niš.
Šabac is the City of great potential, long tradition in
a industrial production and spirit wich stand to the
future and prosper. Šabac is a reliable partner to everyone who want more and better and to everyone
who want to work a lot and make a great incomes.
We have a big complex of infrastructure suited land
to offer,fast and effective obtaining of all constructions licences and expert cooperators for best way
realisation of any kind of ideas. We are sure that
Šabac is Your reliable partner!
Šabac je grad velikih potencijala, duge tradicije u industrijskoj proizvodnji i duha koji podržava napredno i novo. Šabac je pouzdan partner svima koji žele
više i bolje, svima koji su spremni da rade puno, ali i
da dosta zarade. Budućim partnerima nudimo veliki
kompleks komunalno opremljenog zemljišta, brz postupak dobijanja dozvola i stručne saradnike koji će
na najbolji način realizovati sve zamisli. Sigurni smo
da je Šabac Vaš pouzdan partner!
Subotica – attractive divesity! Centuries of tradition
and culture are a guarantee of our experiences and
readiness to cooperate in all branches behalf of improve environment.Excellent geographic position of
Subotica, on the crossroads of Europe’s main traffic
corridors, long-term economic and creative experiences, suitable building locations, and great potential in tourism development,are an advantage we
offer our investors.
Subotica – privlačna raznolikost! Viševekovna tradicija i kultura su garancija naših iskustava i spremnosti
za daljnu saradnju u svim oblastima radi poboljšanja
uslova življenja.Dobra geografska pozicija Subotice,
na magistrali glavnih evropskih saobraćajnih koridora, dugogodišnja privredna i stvaralačka iskustva, odgovarajuće lokacije i veliki potencijal razvoja turizma,
naša su prednost koju nudimo investitorima.
21.10.2008 1:36:42
Grad Vranje
Petog Kongresa 1
17000 Vranje
tel: + 381 17 402 347
fax: + 381 17 421 576
[email protected]
Grad Zrenjanin
/ The City of Zrenjanin
Trg Slobode 10
23000 Zrenjanin,
Autonomna pokrajina Vojvodina
tel: + 381 23 564 585
tel: + 381 64 811 6523
fax: + 381 23 534 115
[email protected]
Gradska opština
Novi Beograd
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 167
11070 Novi Beograd
tel: + 381 11 3106785
tel: + 381 11 3115009
tel: + 381 11 3441159
tel: + 381 11 2276403
fax: + 381 11 3115872
fax: + 381 11 3115009
fax: + 381 11 3441032
fax: + 381 11 3186262
Gradska razvojna agencija
Banja luka
Cara Lazara 42
78 000 Banja Luka
tel: + 387 51 433 460
fax: + 387 51 433 461
[email protected]
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank a.d.
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 22 26 000
fax: + 381 11 22 26 797
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 118
City of Vranje, situated in the south of Serbia represents administrative, trade,educated, cultural and
sports center of Pcinjski county. Priority of the city is
enhancing development of small and medium sized
enterprises, thus creation of new job opportunities.
The efforts of City of Vranje were fruitfull so far, e.i.
from year to year number of unemployed persons
is decreasing. Interests of foreing investors is increasing, and the City of Vranje is providing various
incentives: extremely good geographical position
(Corridor X), qualified experienced workforce and
favorable business environment are some of the
advantages of City of Vranje.
Grad Vranje nalazi se na jugu Srbije i predstavlja administrativni, privredni, obrazovni, kulturni i sportski
centar Pčinjskog okruga.Prioritet grada je ubrzani razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća, i samim tim otvaranje
novih radnih mesta. Dosadašnji napori su urodili plodom, odnosno iz godine u godinu broj nezaposlenih
lica se smanjuje.Takođe, povećano je interesovanje
investitora, kojima grad pruža razne olakšice. Izuzetno povoljan geografski položaj(koridor 10), kvalifikovana radna snaga, povoljno poslovno okruženje,
prednosti su Vranja u odnosu na druge sredine.
The best in Serbia, second in the South East Europe
according to World Bank’s project “Doing business in
South East Europe 2008”
- Free construction land in new industrial parks
- Industrial parks fully equipped with infrastructure
- Free zone in Zrenjanin (one of 3 in Serbia)
- Geographical and transportation advantages (access to road, rail, river, air transport)
- Qualified, experienced and affordable workforce
- Very long industrial and business tradition
- Quick and efficient administration
Najbolji grad u Srbiji i drugi u Jugoistočnoj Evropi po
uslovima poslovanja (Svetska Banka – „Poslovanje u
JIE za 2008.“)
-Besplatno građevinsko zemljište u novim industrijskim parkovima
- Industrijski parkovi potpuno opremljeni infrastrukturom
- Slobodna zona Zrenjanin (jedna od 3 u Srbiji)
- Pristup glavnim transportnim mrežama (putni, železnički, rečni, vazdušni transport)
- Kvalifikovana i iskusna radna snaga
- Duga industrijska i poslovna tradicija
- Efikasna i brza administracija
The city municipality of New Belgrade is the most
attractive part of Belgrade with respect to potential possibilities for investment in new structures.
Numerous investors have recognized the many excellent sites for construction in New Belgrade, the
modern publi utility infrastructure, the possibility to
start developing quickly, efficient construction operation units, and the support provided by the local
public authorities and that of the City of Belgrade.
New Belgrade’s key partners in investment development and property management are the Centre for
Development of Local Economy, the Belgrade Land
Development Agency, and the New Belgrade Business Space Public Company.
Gradska opština Novi Beograd je najatraktivniji deo
Beograda po potencijalnim mogućnostima ulaganja u nove objekte. Brojni investitori prepoznali su
u Novom Beogradu odlične građevinske lokacije,
modernu komunalnu infrastrukturu, mogućnost
brzog započinjanja gradnje, efikasnu građevinsku
operativu, podršku lokalne javne uprave i grada
Beograda. Najvažniji partneri Novog Beograda u
investicionom razvoju i upravljanju nekretninama
su Centar za razvoj lokalne ekonomije, Direkcija za
građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda i Javno
preduzeće Poslovni prostor Novog Beograda.
The City Development Agency offers direct support
to both existing and prospective small and medium
companies and entrepreneurs, stimulates their
growth, and adds to the increase of GDP and the
opening of new work places. The Agency operates
as a legal entity and a non-profit organisation, and it
si supervised by the City Assembly and the Mayor.
Gradska razvojna agencija pruža neposrednu
podršku kako postojećim tako i potencijalnim
malim i srednjim preduzećima i preduzetnicima, podstiče njihov razvoj i doprinosi rastu
društvenog bruto proizvoda i otvaranju novih
radnih mjesta.Agencija djeluje kao pravno lice i
neprofitna organizacija, a nadzor nad radom Agencije vrši Skupština Grada i Gradonačelnik
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank a.d. Beograd has been operating
in Serbia since 2002 as a part of Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank
International, most successful regional bank of the
Alps-Adriatic region. Now it is one of the top five most
significant financial institutions in the country, present
in all major economic centres, whose stable and relevant financial potential enabled orientation towards
long term investment financing, making Hypo AlpeAdria-Bank a.d. Beograd one of top players in the banking market to incite economic development of Serbia.
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank a.d. Beograd has built the image of a highly professional and secure institution
which recognizes market needs and understands
its clients, and makes partnership relationships with
them. In the market it is known as a flexible bank able
to reach decisions quickly and finalize business deals
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank a.d. Beograd posluje u Srbiji
od 2002. godine, kao deo Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International, najuspešnije regionalne banke alpskojadranskog regiona. Danas je to jedna od pet najznačajnijih finansijskih institucija u zemlji, prisutna
u svim većim privrednim centrima, čiji je stabilan i
značajan finansijski potencijal omogućio orijentaciju ka dugoročnom investicionom finansiranju, pa
je tako Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank a.d. Beograd postala
jedna od najznačajnijih banaka u podsticaju privrednog razvoja Srbije.
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank a.d. Beograd izgradila je
imidž visoko profesionalne i sigurne institucije koja
prepoznaje potrebe tržišta i razume svoje klijente, i
sa njima uspostavlja partnerski odnos. Na tržištu je
poznata i kao banka koja fleksibilno i brzo donosi
odluke i efikasno završava poslove.
21.10.2008 1:36:44
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Rent
d.o.o. Beograd
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6
11070 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 222 7000
fax: + 381 11 222 6999
[email protected]
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Rent d.o.o. Belgrade, established in
2006 is as a member of a Hypo Leasing Group and
is the first financial institution in the Serbian market
that offered operative leasing option. Hypo AlpeAdria-Rent deals with business leasing of vehicles,
properties and watercrafts in the Serbian market.
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Rent d.o.o. Beograd osnovan je
2006. godine kao članica Hypo Leasing Grupacije i
prva je finansijska institucija koja je na srpskom tržištu
ponudila mogućnost poslovnog zakupa (operativnog lizinga). Hypo Alpe-Adria-Rent bavi se poslovnim
zakupom vozila, nekretnina i plovila na tržištu Srbije.
Iberian International
C/ de la Alhambra. Zenia Park II
Local 8
03189, Orihuela Costa
tel: + 34 902 345 300
fax: + 34 965 707 630
[email protected]
Information and
Technologic Center
# 6, 2nd Brestskaya Street
125047 Moscow
Russian Federation
tel: + 7 495 250 0036
tel: + 7 495 781 4403
fax: + 7 495 250 1471
[email protected]
Ivera d.o.o
Beogradska 36
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 243 2202
fax: + 381 11 243 4817
[email protected]
“Kastor” agencija za
nekretnine Subotica
Trg Lazara Nešića br.3/II-35
24000 Subotica
tel: + 381 24 553 503
fax: + 381 24 55 5711
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 119
We are a Property Estate Agent with offices both in
the UK and Spain. Offering a large range of properties, in Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece & Belice in the
USA - with a profesional team that offers a 1st class
service, .
Mi smo agencija za nekretnine sa ekspoziturama
u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu i Španiji. Nudimo širok
spektar nekretnina u Španiji, Italiji, Turskoj, Grčkoj
i Belizu u SAD - a naš profesionalni tim nudi prvoklasne usluge.
The Moscow urban cadastre provides all the stakeholders with relevant, trustworthly and legally valid
information for decision-making, planing of investments, designing and supervision over the city development from the city authorities and society. This
information includes thet data about current state
and utilization of the city terrutory, city planing regulations, construction and architectual projects under
way, worth of separate urban areas.
Gradski katastar Moskve pruža svim zainteresovanim
stranama relevantne, pouzdane i pravno valjane informacije potrebne za donošenje odluka, planiranje
investicija, projektovanje i nadzor gradnje u okviru
grada od strane gradskih vlasti i društva. Ove informacije sadrže podatke o trenutnom stanju i iskorišćenosti gradskog područja, gradskim planskim regulativama, izgradnji i arhitektonskim projektima koji su
u toku, kao i vrednosti pojedinih delova grada.
The company IVERA Investments was founded with
the aim of introducing a new line of business to
IVERA d.o.o. - residential and business real estate development investment. With the goal of strenghtening the lineup of apartments and business premises
at the Belgrade real estate market, we have always
ensured the highest level of services, in accordance
with the company’s already established business
policies. We develop in style and according to your
tastes. We do not follow the trends in construction we create those trends for you.
We respect your wishes and listen carefully to your
needs. You, our clients, are at the first place. The living space we build is of extraordinary quality, and
adjusts easily to the modern life. With us, your living
style will move to a higher level of quality.
IVERA Investicije nastala je sa ciljem da se u poslovanje firme IVERA d.o.o. uvede nova aktivnost poslovanja - investiranje u izgradnju stambenih i poslovnih
objektata. S ciljem da na tržištu Beograda osnažimo
paletu ponude stanova i poslovnih objekata uvek
smo, shodno već utvrđenim načelima poslovanja
firme obezbeđivali najviši kvalitet usluga.
Mi gradimo sa stilom i po vašem ukusu. Ne pratimo
trendove u građevinarstvu, već ih kreiramo za vas.
Poštujemo vaše želje. Osluškujemo pažljivo vaše
Vi, naši klijenti, ste na prvom mestu. Gradimo životne prostore izuzetnog kvaliteta i funkcionalnosti uz
prilagođavanje savremenom životu. Sa nama, vašem
životu ćete dati još jedan viši nivo.
The “Kastor” Agency from Subotica, founded in 1991,
offers full real-estate services to its clients. Our slogan
created by the citizens of Subotica, in an independent newspaper survey on authorised real-estate
brokers. After many years of successful business operations, we can now proudly add another term to
the slogan above - DEPENDABLE.
Agencija “Kastor” iz Subotice je osnovana 1991 godine i klijentima pruža potpunu uslugu u prometu
nepokretnosti . Naš slogan POZNATI, PRIZNATI I TRAŽENI, je kreiran od strane samih građana Subotice
u nenaručenoj novinskoj anketi o radu ovlašćenih
posrednika u prometu nepokretnosti. Sa ponosom
ističemo da posle višegodišnjeg uspešnog poslovanja, pored navedenog slogana, može se dodati i
21.10.2008 1:36:45
King Sturge d.o.o.
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6
11070 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 220 0101
fax: + 381 11 220 0102
[email protected]
Kozarska Dubica
Svetosavska 5.
79240 Kozarska Dubica
tel: + 387 52 410 303
fax: + 387 52 411 373
[email protected]
Kuće Beodom d.o.o.
Cvetanova Ćuprija 173G
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 346 0269
fax: + 381 11 346 0269
[email protected]
Legat Co.d.o.o.
Kralja Milana 33
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 364 0815
fax: + 381 11 364 0816
[email protected]
Lokalna agencija za razvoj
Novi Grad
Petra Kočića 10
79220 Novi Grad
tel: + 387 52 720 690
tel: + 387 52 720 692
fax: + 387 52 720 690
fax: + 387 52 720 692
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 120
King Sturge operates through a global network of
offices and associated offices. Its core business is
in providing property and related services in the
commercial sector but also provides residential
agency and consultancy services. It is one of the
largest European independent property consultants, with over 3,800 staff working in 150 owned
and associated offices throughout the world.
King Sturge was listed 16th in the 100 Best Companies to Work .
„King Sturge“ je jedna od najvećih nezavisnih evropskih konsultanatskih kompanija u oblasti nekretnina
sa sedištem u Londonu, preko 150 predstavništava
širom sveta, 3.800 zaposlenih, 286 pratnera i 1,904
radnika samo u Evropi. Predstavništvio u Beogradu
postoji od 2001.godine, a tim koji uspešno funkcioniše u poslednjih sedam godina biće uskoro udvostručen.
The Municipality of Kozarska Dubica has a favourable
geographic position and good traffic connections.
It is located in the northwestern region of the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, by the
lower basin of the river Una and the middle basin of
the river Sava. The Municipality is spread across the
northwestern slopes of Kozara mountain and northeastern slopes of Prosara mountain, and takes up an
area of 499 square kilometres. Geographically, it also
belongs to the Pannonian Plain region, with an average elevation of 200 m above mean sea level.
Opština Kozarska Dubica ima veoma povoljan geografski položaj i dobru saobraćajnu povezanost.
Smještena je u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Republike
Srpske i Bosne i Hercegovine, u donjem toku rijeke
Une i središnjem toku rijeke Save. Prostire na sjeverozapadnim padinama Kozare i sjeveroisto nim padinama Prosare,na površini od 499 km2 , a geografski
pripada i oblasti Panonske nizije, sa prosječnom
nadmorskom visinom od 200 m
Kuće Beodom is a real-estate development doo focused on designing and building low-energy residential buildings. We implement energy efficiency
and we use renewable energy (such as solar and
geothermal) in all our buildings. Our first realization, Amadeo, is the first of this kind in Serbia. We
are developing more projects, raising quality to new
highs in Serbia.
Kuće Beodom doo se bavi razvojem nekretnina sa
fokusom na dizajn i izgradnju nisko-energetskih
stambenih zgrada. Mi implementiramo energetsku
efikasnost i koristimo obnovljivu energiju (kao što je
solarna i geotermalna) u svim našim zgradama. Naša
prva zgrada, Amadeo, je prva takve vrste u Srbiji. U
procesu smo razvoja više projekata, podižući kvalitet
u Srbiji na novi veći nivo.
The Legat Co. Ltd. is one of the leading companies
in domain of real estate brokerage operations within
the territories of both Belgrade and Serbia. The Legat
has been operating on Belgrade real estate market
for ten years and has succesfully carried out the land
acquisition related procedures and timely obtaining
of relevant documentation for construction of bussines facilities such as Merkator,Gorenje, Perutnina
Ptuj, Hyundai, Famis, etc. Beside the actual offer of
flats, houses and office spaces for sale in Belgrade,
Cacak and Valjevo, the company deals with finding
and providing attractive locations in the city of Belgrade and its surrounding areas which are suitable
for construction of both residential and busines facilities as well, all supported by Legat´s lawyers office
within the company.
Legat Co d.o.o. je jedna od vodećih firmi u oblasti
posredovanja u prodaji i kupovini nekretnina na teritoriji Beograda i Srbije. Iza Legata stoji deset godina
iskustva i uspešno realizovani poslovi na pronalazenju lokacija i pribavljanju dokumentacije za izgradnju objekata kao sto su Merkator, Gorenje, Perutnina
Ptuj, Hyundai, Famis itd. Pored aktuelne ponude stanova, kuca i poslovnih prostora u Beogradu, Čačku
i Valjevu, Legat pronalazi i obezbeđuje atraktivne
lokacije u Beogradu i okolini, pogodne za izgradnju
stambenih, komercijalnih i privrednih objekata, uz
rešavanje imovinsko-pravnih probelma i angažman
Legatove advokatske kancelarije na pribavljanju
kompletne dokumentacije za izgradnju objekata.
The local agency for development of the Novi Grad
Municipality (“The Agency”) was officially founded in
accordance with the Decree issued by the Municipal
Assembly on December 29, 2004, and changes and
additions to the founding Decree were enacted on
April 8, 2005 in accordance with the Stimulation of
Development of Small and Medium Companies Act
(“Official Gazette of RS” issue 64/02). The Agency is a
non-profit organisation dedicated to the Municipality’s strategic develpment and to creating a competitive economic environment for business operations,
implementation of development projects, financed
by the Municipality, the structural funds of the RS
and B&H, as well as through the development programmes of the EU, UN, World Bank, and other international financial institutions.
Lokalna agencije za razvoj opštine Novi Grad ( u
daljem tekstu: agencija) je zvanično osnovana uz finansijsku i tehničku podršku Opštine Novi Grad, i to
Odlukom Skupštine opštine od 29.12.2004.g., uz Izmjene i dopune Odluke o osnivanju od 08.04.2005.g.,
a u skladu sa Zakonom o podsticanju razvoja malih i srednjih preduzeća ( Sl.glasnik RS broj 64/02).
Agencija je neprofitna organizacija usmjerena na
strateški razvoj opštine, i kreiranje konkurentnog
ekonomskog okruženja za poslovanje, implementaciju razvojnih projekata, finansiranih od strane opštine, strukturnih fondova na nivou RS/BIH, ali i iz EU,
Razvojnih programa UN-a, Svjetske banke i drugih
međunarodnih institucija.
21.10.2008 1:36:46
Lokalna razvojna agencija
“Šipovo projekt”
Gavrila Principa bb.
70270 Šipovo
tel: + 387 50 371 240
fax: + 387 50 372 210
[email protected]
Terazije 3/VII
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 303 4944
fax: + 381 11 322 5009
LRA “SIPOVO-PROJEKT” was founded with the aim of
creating an integral support system for the local economic development of the Sipovo Municipality. Out
mission is to encourage the development of small
and micro commercial entities on the principles of
entrepreneurship, with the goal of increasing the
speed of development in the Sipovo Municipality.
Agency’s tasks include: fulfilment of taks from the
European Small Company Act, preparation and producion of development projects, planning strategies
and programmers; encouraging the transfer of new
knowledges and technologies; consultancy services,
et al.
LRA “ŠIPOVO-PROJEKT” Šipovo je osnovana sa ciljem
da bude generator integralnog sistema podrške lokalnom ekonomskom razvoju opštine Šipovo.Naša
misija je podsticanje razvoja malih i mikro privrednih
subjekata na principu preduzetništva u cilju bržeg
razvoja opštine Šipovo. U sadržaju rada Agencije
su: sprovođenje zadataka Evropske povelje o malim
preduzećima, priprema i izrada razvojnih projekata,
strategija planova i programa; podsticanje transfera
novih znanja i tehnologija; konsalting usluge i dr.
Lufthansa, the biggest foreign airline on this market,
with market share of more than 22% has 41year long
history of flying to Belgrade starting from 1967 after
receiving permission to introduce 2 flights a week
from Belgrade to Frankfurt via Budapest and Munich.
Today Lufthansa has 5 direct flights daily from Belgrade to Germany, 2 to Frankfurt and 3 to Munich,
total of 35 flights weekly. Our passengers have excellent connections flying from Belgrade via Germany
to 208 destinations in 81 countries.
Lufthansa, najveća inostrana avio kompanija na
ovim prostorima sa udelom u tržištu većim od
22% , ima dugu, 41-godišnju istoriju letenja za
Beograd, počevši od 1967. godine kada je dobila
dozvolu za uvođenje 2 redovna leta nedeljno iz Beograda za Frankfurt preko Budimpešte i Minhena.
Danas Lufthansa ima svakog dana 5 direktnih letova
za Nemačku, 2 za Frankfurt i 3 za Minhen, odnosno
ukupno 35 letova nedeljno. Leteći iz Beograda preko
Nemačke putnici imaju vezu do 208 destinacija u
81 zemlji.
Mace is one of the world’s largest and most diverse
project and construction management companies,
with a reputation for finding the best solutions to
complex construction problems.We are able to offer
a wide range of consultancy services such as project
audits, process improvement, design management,
value engineering, risk management etc..
Mace je jedna od najvećih i najuspešnijih kompanija u oblasti gradjevinskog i projekt menadžmenta.
Mace sebe vidi kao inovatora u praksi i kompaniju
koja podržava stalni industrijski razvoj i inovacije u
raznim oblastima građevinarstva.Mace obezbeđuje
različite vrste usluga u ovoj oblasti, kao što su upravljanje procesom, dizajn menadzment, inzenjerske
usluge, upravljanje rizikom i sl.
“MEPEX CONSULTING” was established in January
1990. as one of the first private construction companies in former Yugoslavia. It is specialized construction company engineering type. Licensed and
experienced in design and construction office and
housing space.
Kompanija MEPEX CONSULTING osnovana je januara
1990. godine kao jedno od prvih privatnih preduzeća ovog tipa u Jugoslaviji. Građevinsko preduzeće je
inženjering tipa - obuhvata projektovanje, organizaciju gradnje objekata visokogradnje i niskogradnje (zapošljava veći broj inženjera sa licencama za
projektovanje i izvođenje svih vrsta građevinskih,
građevinsko-zanatskih i instalaterskih radova),
MPV is a well established German investment group
and developer. Recently, we extended operations in
Montenegro with mission to create beautiful, desirable, environmentally friendly, high-quality homes in
premium coastal locations. Our house designs combine the best of Mediterranean style with luxurious
modern living which offer unique and safe property
investment opportunities.
MPV je deo ugledne nemačke internacionalne grupe
koja se bavi investicijama i izvođenjem građevinskih
projekata. U Crnoj Gori gradimo stanove za odmor po
visokim svetskim normama na najboljim primorskim
lokacijama. Projekte odlikuje jedinstvena kombinacija moderne mediteranske arhitekture, savremenog
unutrašnjeg uređenja i udobnosti stanovanja. Visoka
svest o očuvanju okoline i naročita briga o prirodnim
resursima su naš prioritet.
Mace d.o.o Beograd
Bul Mihajla Pupina 6
11070 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 220 02 50
fax: + 381 11 220 02 65
[email protected]
Savski nasip br.3
11070 Novi Beograd
tel: + 381 11 318 04 45
fax: + 381 11 318 09 75
[email protected]
Stari Grad 390
85330 Kotor
tel: + 382 82 325 251
fax: + 382 82 325 251
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 121
21.10.2008 1:36:53
Opština Ada
Trg Oslobođenja
24430 Ada
tel: + 381 24 852 106
fax: + 381 24 853 342
[email protected]
Opština Istočna Ilidža
Vojvode Radomira Putnika 2
71123 Istočna Ilidža
tel: + 387 57 316 026
fax: + 387 57 316 026
Opština Kikinda
/Kikinda municipality
Trg srpskih dobrovoljaca 12
23300 Kikinda
tel: + 381 230 21 000
fax: + 381 230 410 117
[email protected]
Opština Knjaževac
Miloša Obilića 1
19350 Knjaževac
tel: + 381 19 733 119
fax: + 381 19 733 119
[email protected]
Opština Koceljeva
Municipality of Koceljeva
Nemanjina 74
15220 Koceljeva
tel: + 381 15 556 322
tel: + 381 15 556 537
fax: + 381 15 556 587
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 122
Municipality of Ada is located in North Banat, Province of Vojvodina and covers an area of 228.6 square
kilometers. Proximity of good connection with Belgrade (150 km), Novi Sad (75 km), Hungarian (45
km) and Romanian (65 km) border through major
motorways makes Ada an excellent location for
manufacturing activities. Sites in the existing industrial zone are accessible at very favorable prices and
have complete utility infrastructure. They are waiting for investors, especially in traditionally routed
industries such as metalworking, textile industry
and agriculture.
Opština Ada se nalazi na severu Banata i prostire
se na površini od 228,6 km2. Dobra povezanost sa:
Beograd (150km), Novi Sad (75 km), Mađarskom granicom (45km) i granicom sa Rumunijom (65 km), kao
i glavnim saobraćajnicama čini Adu idealnu lokaciju
za proizvodne aktivnosti. Lokacije u industrijskoj zoni
su dostupne investitorima po veoma povoljnim cenama i opremljene su sa kompletnom infrastrukturom. Vodeće industrije u ovoj opštini su: metalska
industrija, tekstilna i poljoprivreda.
Istocna Ilidza Municipality is located in the central
part of the Republic of Srpska, in the foot of Olympic
mountains, and adjacent to Sarajevo, the capital of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. The municipality is spread
across 29 square kilometres, inhabited by approximately 20,000 residents. The Municipality is distinguished by good traffic connections, roads (Sarajevo
- Podgorica; Sarajevo - Belgrade;), the proximity of
railroad and the international airport - 1 km. The Municipality has a developed business and industrial
zone, and industrial zone 2 is currently under construction. Thanks to the above listed advantages and
other favourable conditions, there are many local and
foreign investors present in Istocna Ilidza. The current
value of investments is around 500 million marks. After all the investments are implemented, from 1000 to
1200 new work places are expected to open.
Opština Istočna Ilidža je smještena u centralnom
dijelu Republike Srpske, nalazi se u podnožju olimpijskih planina i naslanja se na Sarajevo – glavni grad
Bosne i Hercegovine. Opština se prostire na teritoriji od 29 km2 na kojoj živi oko 20.000 stanovnika.
Opštinu karakteriše dobra saobraćajna povezanost,
putevi (Sarajevo - Podgorica; Sarajevo - Beograd;)
blizina željeznica i međunarodnog aerodroma – 1
km. Izgrađena je poslovana i industrijska zona te industrijska zona 2 u fazi izgradnje. Zahvaljujući prednjem i drugim pogodnostima prisutan je veliki broj
domaćih i stranih investitora. Trenutna vrijednost
investicionih ulaganja je oko 500 miliona maraka.
Nakon završetka tih investicija očekuje se od 1000
do 1200 radnih mjesta.
Kikinda Municipality is in the Republic of Serbia and
occupies the territory of north-west Banat. Kikinda
is the centre of North-Banat district and has borders
with five municipalities and two countries: Romania
and Hungary. There are five border crossings in the
near Kikinda surrounding of 120 km there are over 4
million people. The municipality consists of the town
of Kikinda and 9 settlements on the overall area of
782 km2 with population of 67002.
Opština Kikinda nalazi se u Republici Srbiji i zahvata
teritoriju severozapadnog Banata. Centar je Severno-banatskog okruga I graniči se sa pet opština i
državama Rumunijom i Mađarskom. U njenoj neposrednoj blizini nalazi se pet graničnih prelaza, a u
okruženju od 120km živi preko 4 miliona stanovnika. Obuhvata grad Kikindu i 9 naseljenih mesta
na ukupnoj površini od 782km2 u kojoj živi 67002
Knjazevac is located in Eastern Serbia on the border
with Bulgaria. The greatest potential of the County
is the mount Stara Planina with its peak Babin Zub,
with a great potential for tourism development and
sport and cultural events. Knjazevac is a famous fruit
and vineyard area. The most developed economic
branches are machine industry, furniture, textiles,
food industry as well as leather and footwear.
Knjaževac se nalazi u istočnoj Srbiji na granici sa
Bugarskom. Najveći potencijal opštine predstavlja
Stara planina sa vrhom Babin zub, koji pruža mogućnosti za razvoj turizma i održavanje sportskih
i kulturnih manifestacija. Knjaževac je poznat kao
voćarsko-vinogradski kraj. Najzastupljenije grane
privrede, po kojima je grad poznat, su mašinska
industrija,industrija nameštaja, tekstilna, prehrambena i industrija kože i obuće.
Want to do business in Serbia? Do it in Koceljeva!
Why? Layout: 80km west from Belgrade on M21
highway, 30km river port distant and Istanbul-EU
and Budapest South Adriatic railway lines: Industrial zone: over 30 hectares urbanized and supplied
ground! HR: Well educated, productive, valuable human capital . Our investors-best recommendations!
Rauch Fruchsafte, Asamer Holding, Pichler Ziegel
from Austria, ZA Fruit Germany, Fenix RF...
Koceljeva je lepa varošica 80 km zapadno od Beograda na magistralnom putu M21, 30km od rečne
luke i od pružnih pravaca Istambul-EU i Budimpesta
-Južni Jadran. Poseduje urbanizovanu i opremljenu
industrijsku zonu od 30ha. Kvalitetna i kvalifikovana
radna snaga - potencijal i kapital! Dosadašni investitori -najbolja preporuka budućim: Rauch Fruchsafte,
Asamer Holding , Pichler Ziegel, Ausrtija, ZA Fruit,
Nemačka, Fenix, RF...
21.10.2008 1:36:54
Karađorđeva 56
78250 Laktasi
tel: + 387 51 532 108
fax: + 387 51 533 403
Opština Loznica
Karadjordjeva br.2.
15300 Loznica
tel: + 381 15 882 921
tel: + 381 15 898 400
fax: + 381 15 882 921
Opština Mali Iđoš
Maršala Tita 32
24000 Mali Iđoš
tel: + 381 24 730 010
fax: + 381 24 730 010
Opština Paraćin
Ul. Tome Živanovića br. 10
35250 Paraćin
tel: + 381 35 563 007
fax: + 381 35 563 165
[email protected]
Opština Pirot
ul. Srpskih vladara br. 82
18300 Pirot
tel: + 381 10 305 500
fax: + 381 10 313 901
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 123
Laktaši Municipality: Place where we create a new
quality of life! We are recognisable by the tradition of
private entrepreneurship, exceptional geo-strategic
position, abundance of natural resources and developed entrepreneurship infrastructure. Our power is
-considerable investment potentials, specially in the
scope of agricultural and spa tourism
-fast and efficient administration that always supports investor
-functional business zones provided by Strategy of
Development till 2015.
Your success in our municipality is also our success!
Mjesto gdje stvaramo novi kvalitet života! Prepoznatljivi smo po tradiciji u privatnom preduzetništvu,
izuzetnom geostrateškom položaju, obilju prirodnog
bogastva i razvijenoj preduzetničkoj infrastrukturi.
Naša snaga je u:
-značajnim investicionim potencijalima, posebno u
oblasti poljoprivrede i banjskog turizma,
-brzoj i efikasnoj adminisraciji koja je uvjek na strani
-funkcionalnim poslovnim zonama predviđenim
Strategijom razvoja do 2015. godine
Vaš uspjeh je i naš uspjeh.
Loznica is located in SEE in the west of Serbia, bordering Bosnia and Herzegovina, and has easy access to
regional market of 14 mn consumers. Loznica has efficient administration, skilled labor force, developed
infrastructure, rich natural resources and excellent
tourism potentials. Free land available for Greenfield and Brownfield investments comprise more
than 200 ha.
Loznica se nalazi u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, na zapadu
Srbije, graniči se sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom, što
obezbeđuje jednostavan pristup regionalnom tržištu od 14 mil. potrošača.
Loznica nudi efikasnu administraciju, iskusnu radnu
snagu, razvijenu infrastrukturu, bogate prirodne
resurse i odlične turističke potencijale. Zemljište
pogodno za grinfild i braunfild investicije obuhvata
više od 200 hektara.
Mali Idjos is a Municipality located in the Republic
of Serbia. It is located in the Vojvodina Province, and
the Northern Backa Region. According to the 2004
data, the Municipality covers an area of 181 square
kilometres (of which 16901 hectares are agricultural
land, and 44 hectares are forested areas). Municipal
centre is the town of Mali Idjos. The Municipality
consists of that town and three other villages. According to the 2002 data, municipal population was
13494 residents. According to the 2004 data, the rate
of birth was -9.4‰, and the number of employees of
the municipality is 2081.
Opština Mali Iđoš je opština u Republici Srbiji. Nalazi
se u AP Vojvodina i spada u Severno-bački okrug. Po
podacima iz 2004. opština zauzima površinu od 181
km2 (od čega na poljoprivrednu površinu otpada
16901 ha, a na šumsku 44 ha. Sedište opštine je grad
Mali Iđoš. Opština Mali Iđoš se sastoji od 3 naselja. Po
podacima iz 2002. godine u opštini je živelo 13494
stanovnika. Po podacima iz 2004. prirodni priraštaj
je iznosio -9,4‰, a broj zaposlenih u opštini iznosi
2081 ljudi.
Paraćin town in the heart of Serbia, 156 km south
of Belgrade.New Industrial zone ‘’Zmic’’ great industrial potential, the total area 46,27 ha; Property
of the municipality of Paraćin;Position:nearby the
corridor 10;Prepared documentation plan of the
detaile regulation;Transform station of the power
TS 2x 630 KVA constructed; At present, is construction of infrastructure, to the point of entrance into
the industrial zone.
Paraćin gradu srcu Srbije, 156 km južno od Beograda.
Nova Industrijska zona ‘’Zmič’’ veliki industrijski potenijal, ukupne površine 46,27 ha; Korisnik zemljišta
Opština Paraćin; Pozicija: pored Koridora 10;Urađena
dokumentacija Plan detaljne regulacije; Izgrađena
trafo stanica TS 2x 630 KVA; U toku je izgradnja infrastrukture do take ulaza iu industrijsku zonu.
Pirot is situated almost in the centre of the Balkans, on the half way Nis-Sofia, in the middle of
the Panonian plane in Podunavlje and the Tracka
plane at the mere European border, on the shortest
way to Asia . The municipality of Pirot has around
70.000 inhabitants and it encompasses the territory
of 1.235 km2, and that makes it one of the largest
municipality in Serbia. Pirot lies in the valley of the
river Nisava, on the international highway to Near
and Middle East. Pirot lies in the northwest part of
the Pirot’s valley (its length is 14 km, and its width is
3-9 km). The southern edge of the Pirot’s valley is surrounded by the Vlaska mountain , and Suva planina
is on the west. The valley narrows on the north and
becomes a narrow valley of the river Nisava between
Suva planina and Svrljiske planine.
Pirot se nalazi skoro u samom središtu Balkana, na
pola puta izmedju Niša i Sofije, na sredini izmedju
Panonske nizije u Podunavlju i Tračke nizije na samom rubu Evrope, na najkraćem putu za Aziju. Opština Pirot ima približno 70.000 stanovnika i prostire
se na površini od 1.235 km2 , što je čini jednom, po
prostranstvu, najvećih opština u Srbiji. Smešten je
u dolini reke Nišave, na medjunarodnom putu za
Bliski i Srednji istok. Grad Pirot je smešten u severozapadnom delu pirotske kotline (dugačke oko 14km,
i široke 3-9 km). Južni obod pirotske kotline omeduju
ogranci Vlaške planine, na zapadu je Suva planina. Na
severu se kotlina sužava i prelazi u usku dolinu reke
Nišave izmedju Suve planine i Svrljiških planina.
21.10.2008 1:36:55
Opština Sokobanja /
Municipality of Sokobanja
Svetog Save 23
18230 Sokobanja
tel: + 381 18 830 155
fax: + 381 18 830 253
[email protected]
www.opstinasokobanja.com, www.
Opština Zvornik
Svetog Save 124
75400 Zvornik,
tel: + 387 56 232 200
fax: + 387 56 232 221
[email protected]
Paradise Angels
85310 Budva
tel: + 382 67 558 376
crnogorski, italy:
tel: + 382 69 22 44 45
[email protected]
[email protected]
PHIWA d.o.o.
Matije Korvina 17
24000 Subotica
tel: + 381 24 647 222
fax: + 381 24 647 220
Pink Nekretnine D.O.O.
Džordža Vašingtona 26
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 3347654
tel: + 381 11 3346252
fax: + 381 11 334 7654
08tabele.indd 124
Sokobanja is located in the Souteast Serbia, 30km far
from the Coridor 10, 220km from Belgrade, 180km
from Sofia and 60km from Nis.Sokobanja is one of
the most attractive Serbian spa centre, and besides
being the health resort, it has marvelous possibilities for development of a choice of activities such
as sport, conventions, recreation as well as countryside tourism. A number of projects are currently
underway, aimed at creating conditions for the rapid
development and attracting investors.
Sokobanja se nalazi na jugoistoku Srbije, udaljena je
30 km od Koridora 10, 220km od Beograda , 180km
od Sofije i 60 km Niša. Sokobanja spada u najatraktivnije srpske banje i pored zdravstvenog, ima ogromne mogućnosti za razvoj sportskog, kongresnog,
rekreativnog i seoskog turizma. Opština je započela
realizaciju brojnih projekata, koji će omogućiti brži
razvoj opštine i privlačenje investitora .
The Municipality of Zvornik is located in the eastern
part of the Republic of Srpska and B&H. It is spread
accorss an area of 387 square kilometres, inhabited
by approximately 65,000 residents. It is counted
among the moderately developed municipalities
of the RS. The total annual commercial revenue
exceeds 380 million KM. There are 240 companies,
1000 entrepreneurs, and 40 authorities with 10,000
employees at this moment. Natural resources: Drina’s
water potential, mineral water springs, quartz sand,
brick clay, limestone.
Opština Zvornik se nalazi u istočnom dijelu Republike
Srpske i BiH.Prostire se na površini od 387km2, gde
živi oko 65.000 stanovnika.Spada u srednje razvijene
opštine u RS. Ukupan godišnji prihod privrede preko 380 miliona KM. Preduzeća ima 240,preduzetnika
1000,ustanove 40, gde trenutno radi oko 10.000 zaposlenih. Prirodna bogatstva: hidropotencijal Drine,
izvori mineralne vode, šume, kvarcni pjesak, opekarska glina, kamen krečnjak.
Newly built apartments on the Krimovica location,
10km far from Budva, on a beautiful, tame mediterranean slope with a view of thesea. The complex
will be fenced with stone with a 24/7 security andmaintenance. The apartments are completely independent architectural entities, two or three of them
harmoniously fitted into one building as becomes
the mediterranean, the facades and the yard are
made of stone with fences of wrought iron. The most
beautiful three beaches of the montenegrin seaside:
Jaz, Ploce i Trsteno are at a 2,5-4km from our villa.
The apartments are fully furnished up tothe smallest details.
Novoizgrađeni apartmani na lokaciji Krimovica, udaljenoj 10km od Budve na prelepoj, pitomoj mediteranskoj padini sa pogledom na more. Kompleks će
biti ograđen u kamenu sa dvadesetčetvoročasovnim
obezbeđenjem i održavanjem. Apartmani su potpuno nezavisne arhitektonske celine, skladno uklopljene po 2 ili 3 u jednom objektu. Kako Mediteranu
dolikuje, fasade i dvorište su urađeni od kamena, sa
ogradama od kovanog gvožđa. Tri najlepše plaže crnogorskog primorja nalaze se na udaljenosti od 2,5
do 4km od vaše vile: Jaz, Ploče i Trsteno. Apartmani
su opremljeni u potpunosti, do najsitnijeg detalja.
The company: “Phiwa” plc, a daughter of the “Walther
group” Our strength is many years of experience and
international investments activities. That gives you
guaranty for your plans and extremely high level of
the building quality according to German standards
and rules. Our professional behavior includes also
the possibility of a flexible accommodation to the
wishes of our clients as well as the cultivation of the
connections with the municipalities and clients.
Fair and honest running of all the processes and observing of all the contracts is natural and obvious
and are the basis to make business. That is why we
are reliable and preferable partner.
Firma „PHIWA“ d.o.o. Subotica je deo matične kompanije „Walther Gruppe“. Naša je snaga u našem
dugogodišnjem iskustvu i internacionalnom investicionom poslovanju. To Vam garantuje sigurnost
planiranja i visok kvalitet gradnje prema nemačkim
standardima i normativima. U naše profesionalno
ponašanje spada i mogućnost fleksibilnog prilagođavanja željama naših klijenata, kao i negovanje
odnosa sa opštinama i klijentima.
Korektno i pošteno poslovanje i pridržavanje svih
ugovora za nas su sami po sebi razumljivi i predstavljaju osnovu našeg poslovanja. Sve nas je to učinilo
pouzdanim i omiljenim partnerom.
Investment construction and adaptation of residential/business space forms the foundation of business
operations for the Pink Real Estate construction company from Belgrade. The ten years of business operations are distinguished by a high level of professionalism and experience. A real estate agency also
operates within the company. We perform estimates
and provide legal advice. Our motto is - experience,
quality of service, satisfied clients.
Građevinsko preduzeće Pink nekretnine iz beograda svoje poslovanje bazira na investicionoj gradnji
i adaptaciji stambeno poslovnih prostora. Desetogodišnje poslovanje ovog preduzeća odlikuje visok
stepen profesionalizma i iskustva. U okviru preduzeća radi i agencija za promet nekretnina .Vršimo procenu. Dajemo pravne savete. Naš moto je iskustvo,
kvalitet usluga, zadovoljni klijenti.
21.10.2008 1:36:56
Poslovni sitem
Stankom. a.d.
Kraljice Katarine 53
11030 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 35 31 701
tel: + 381 11 35 31 702
fax: + 381 11 3549 331
[email protected]
Preduzće za proizvodnju
trgovinu i usluge
Milutina Bojića br. 6,
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 334 3600
fax: + 381 11 334 3600
Preduzeće „Europa
Exclusive“ d.o.o.
Miloša Pocerca 23,
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 306 7722
tel: + 381 11 301 8991
fax: + 381 11 264 5207
[email protected]
[email protected]
Stankom ‘s market position is based on more than
7.000 newly built apartments. Stankom gas has gasified more than 10.000 households. Constantly persuing to ensure BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE, Stankom
was the first to build not only the apartments but
also the enviromenet: green areas, sports grounds
and other facilities. Stankom has always seeked
for better quality of its products. Therefore , at the
beginning of 2006, Stankom got ISO 9001: 2000
Stankomova pozicija na tržištu utemeljena je na više
od 7000 novoizgrađenihstanova. Stankom gas gasifikovao je više od 10.000 domaćinstava. Konstantno
nastojeći da omogući BOLJI KVALITET ŽIVOTA, Stankom je bio prvi koji ne samo da je gradio stanove već
je gradio i okruženje: zelene površine, sportske terene i druge kapacitete. Stankom je uvek težio boljem
kvalitetu svojih proizvoda. Shodno tome, početkom
2006. god. dobio je sertifikat ISO 9001:2000.
The EUROSTAN Company, as a mediator in the real
estates turnover in Belgrade, is developing it’s business activity on the experiences of similar companies
in the country with a long tradition in the operation
of the real estate market. Putting forward it’s knowledge and good will, EUROSTAN made up a team of
people of different professions, extensive life and
working experience, a team whose aim is not only
to participate but to be the best as well.
Preduzeće EUROSTAN, kao posrednik u prometu nekretnina u Beogradu, razvija svoju poslovnu aktivnost na iskustvima sličnih firmi iz zemalja sa dugom
tradicijom postojanja trzišta nekretnina. Stavljajući u
prvi plan znanje i dobru volju, EUROSTAN, je sastavio
tim od ljudi različitih profesija, bogatog zivotnog i
radnog iskustva, tim kome cilj nije samo da učestvuje
već i da bude najbolji.
Europa Exclusive’ Company is one of the top three
companies in real estate business on Serbian market. It was founded in August 2nd 2001. and since
then it has been registered for performing following
- investments in construction & development,
- intermediating in buying & selling of real estate
- intermediating in renting of real estate properties,
- building and selling of business offices,
- engineering, consulting, projecting, realization and
Preduzeće “Europa Exclusive” je jedna od tri najveće kompanije u oblasti nekretnina na tržištu Srbije.
Osnovano je 02. avgusta 2001. godine i od tada je
registrovano za vršenje sledećih poslova:
- investicije u građevinarstvu
- posredovanje u prometu nepokretnosti
- posredovanje u izdavanju nepokretnosti
-projektovanje, izvođenje radova i nadzor…
Exhibition Company “Privet Expo” works at advertising and exhibition service market since 1992 and as
official organizer of specialized realty events; “SECOND HOME”, “MREF”,”NEDVIJIMOST”, offers Serbian
partners wide abilities at developping Russian real
estate market. SECOND HOME provides residential
realty abroad of any level of comfort and location.
MREF helps to find investors for realty projects and
to present both commercial and residential objects
at Russian market
Izložbena kompanija “Privet Expo” prisutna je na tržištu usluga oglašavanja i izlaganja od 1992. godine
kao zvanični organizator manifestacija specijalizovanih za nekretnine: “SECOND HOME”, “MREF”, “NEDVIJIMOST”. Ova kompanija nudi srpskim partnerima
širok spektar mogućnosti na ruskom tržištu nekretnina koje je u usponu. SECOND HOME prikazuje rezidencijalne nekretnine svih vrsta i na velikom broju
lokacija. MREF pomaže pri pronalaženju investitora
za projekte nekretnina i prezentuje komercijalne i
rezidencijalne objekte prisutne na ruskom tržištu.
The agency VHS is providing high level professional
service with full legal security, a fast and satisfying
purchase and sale of real estates. The agency has
years of experience in real estate business. One of
the founder is the member of the Association of
agents of real estates – UPPN. We have all kinds of
flats and apartments, all structures, new building,
luxury flats houses, summer cottage, business premises and properties. The Agency VHS has in Belgrade
tree offices in Djusina street 10, Dobracina street 6
and Drinčićeva street 8 and in Republika Srpska in
Agencija VHS pruža maksimalnu profesionalnu
uslugu uz punu pravnu sigurnost,brzu i zadovoljavajuću prodaju i kupovinu nepokretnosti. Agencija
ima dugogodišnje iskustvo u prometu nekretnina.
Jedan je od osnivača i član asocijacuje Udruženja
posrednika u prometu nekretnina-UPPN.U ponudi
ima stanove svih struktura, novogradnji,salonskih
stanova,kuća,vikendica,lokala i placeva.Agencija
VHS ima u Beogradu tri poslovnice, u Đušinoj 10,
Dobračinoj 6, Drinčićeva 8 i u Republici Srpskoj -u
127055 Moscow
Russia Suschevskaya str 21
office 403
tel: + 7 495 783 87 73,
tel: + 7 495 783 87 74
fax: + 7 499 978 76 21
[email protected]
Privredno društvo
“VHS Trade” d.o.o.
Đušina 10,
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 303 5737
fax: + 381 11 2637114
08tabele.indd 125
21.10.2008 1:36:56
PROFITIM nekretnine
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 9
11070 Novi Beograd
tel: + 381 11 313 0450
tel: + 381 11 313 0451
fax: + 381 11 313 0452
[email protected]
Republička agencija za
razvoj malih i srednjih
Vuka Karadžića 4/7
78000 Banja Luka
tel: + 387 51 247 440
fax: + 387 51 247 630
[email protected]
Vlajkovićeva 3/V
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 3398 550
fax: + 381 11 3398 814
[email protected]
Small Steps Holding d.o.o.
Bul. Cara Lazara 94
21000 Novi Sad
tel: + 381 24 730 214
tel: + 381 62 432 675
fax: + 381 24 730 214
[email protected]
SP ARH Bioinzenjering
Niška 16
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 243 3624
fax: + 381 11 243 3624
[email protected]
08tabele.indd 126
SPArh.Bioinzenjering d.o.o.
Preduzece za projektovanje,konsalting,inzenjering i izgradnju
Profitim has along-term experience in real estate
business. It is a member of Association of Real Estate
Agents. Our efficient software enables rapid searches
of our rich offerings, cross-referencing of data (client/
seller matching) and providing our clients with all
required information. The company also contains a
section in charge of the construction and financial
investments in real estate investments.
Profitim ima dugogodišnje iskustvo u prometu nekretnina. Član je Udruženja posrednika u prometu
nekretnina UPPN. Naš efikasan softver omogućava
brzo pretraživanje bogate ponude, ukrštanje podataka (spajanje kupaca i prodavaca) i pružanje svih
potrebnih informacija klijentima. U okviru agencije
postoji i deo zadužen za građevinska i financijska
ulaganja u poslove prodaje nekretnina.
It’s goals are: increasing of the share of SMEs in the
overall economy of the Republika Srpska; having a
greater share of production activities and servicies
in the gross domestic product by SMEs; improving
technological development, competitiveness and
market penetration for SMEs; helping to increase
the number of businesses and creating more new
workers in these enterprises; providing education for
entrepreneurship and professional training; establishing regional cooperation with neighboring countries to share experience and realiying comparative
regional advantages for the Republic economy.
Ciljevi djelovanja: povećanje učešća malih i srednjih
preduzeća u ukupnoj privredi Republike Srpske; promjena strukture djelatnosti sa povećanjem učešća
proizvodnih djelatnosti i usluga u ukupnom društvenom proizvodu; povećanje tehnološkog razvoja,
konkurentnosti i otvaranje novog tržišta za mala i
srednja preduzeća; povećanje broja poslovnih subjekata i novozaposlenih radnika u ovim preduzećima;
obrazovanje za preduzetništvo i obuka preduzetnika; uspostavljanje regionalne saradnje sa susjednim
zemljama radi razmjene iskustva i ostvarivanja regionalnih komparativnih prednosti za preduzetništvo
Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency
(SIEPA) is a government organization dedicated to
effectively helping foreign investors and buyers. Services offered to potential investors are free-of-charge
and readily available: providing statistics, economic
and legal investment related information, database
of Greenfield and other investment opportunities,
with site visit organization, assistance in obtaining
registration, licenses, permits and other documentation, identifying local partners and suppliers, including meeting facilitation, presenting ready-to-invest
projects, maintaining investment and exporters databases, delivering sector analysis and studies.
Agencija za strana ulaganja i promociju izvoza Srbije
(SIEPA) je vladina organizacija posvećena efikasnoj
pomoći stranim investitorima i kupcima. Glavne
usluge koje se nude potencijalnim investitorima
su besplatne i uvek spremne: pružanje statističkih,
ekonomskih i pravnih informacija vezanih za investicije, baza podataka Greenfield i drugih investicionih prilika, uz organizovanu posetu lokacijama,
pomoć u pribavljanju registracija,licenci, dozvola
i ostale dokumentacije, identifikovanje lokalnih
partnera i dobavljača,uključujući i organizovanje
sastanaka, predstavljanje projekata spremnih za
investiranje, održavanje baze podataka investicija i
izvoznika,pružanje analiza i studija po sektorima.
Business Park Menagement Company. It was founded by a composition of Austrian capital and capital
of Mali Idjos Municipality. Business Park Small Steps
is located at the southern entrance of Mali Idjos Municipality, right to the highway-exit at Feketic. From
here, there are 500 metres to the next settlement.
The ground-space of the industrial zone, by the end
of the first phase, is 40 ha. Building of infrastructure
on the new-formed parcelas is in process.
Preduzeće za upravljanje biznis parkom. Osnivan od
strane opštine Mali Iđoš i austrijskog kapitala. Biznis
park Small Steps se nalazi kod južnog ulaza na teritoriju opštine Mali Iđoš, pored samog isključenja sa
autoputa kod Feketića, na udaljenosti pola kilometara od naselja. Veličina industrijske zone u prvoj fazi,
iznosi 40 hektara. U toku je izgradnja infrastrukturnog opremanja novoformiranih parcela.
Engineering,Consulting,Investments, and Constructions Company. The owner and the staff are active
in Serbia since the 1998. Actualy we are building
new residential and business space more that 1.200
m2 in Beograd and we are planning new project for
3200 m2 in Vracar. Our Company design , finance and
build our project.
Kompanija za Inženjering, Konsalting Investiranje i
Izgradnju Vlasnik sa timom firme je aktivan u Srbiji
od 1998. Trenutno gradimo novi stambeno-poslovni
objekat od preko 1.200 m2 u Beogradu a u planu je
novi projekat od 3200 m2 na Vračaru. Naša Kompanija dizajnira, finansira i gradi sopstvene projekte.
21.10.2008 1:36:57
Stan Ovink is a real-estates company. It was founded
in May 26th 1990 and it is situated on Vracar, Rudnicka 6 Street. Mr Vinko Cajevic is the general manager and owner of the Stan Ovink.At all locations:
-all structure apartments,
Legal protection, geodesies services, providing credits. The long-standing business is the proof of our
quality and success.
Stan Ovink je preduzeće za promet nekretnina.
Osnovano je 26. maja 1990.god. Sa sedištem na
Vračaru, Rudnička 6, čiji je direktor i vlasnik Vinko
Čajević. Na svim lokacijama:
stanovi svih struktura,
-poslovni prostori.
Pravna sigurnost, geodetske usluge, obezbeđujemo
kredite. Dugogodišnje poslovanje je dokaz našeg
kvaliteta i uspešnosti.
Laze Kostića 12,
21000 Novi Sad
tel: + 381 21 539 041
fax: + 381 21 427 010
[email protected]
www.stanart.co.yu www.m2fotonekretnine.com.
The “Em na kvadrat” (Square M) magazine is a unique,
luxury fitted monthly magazine in the local market,
used as a guide throught the world of real estate,
architecture, civil engineering, interior furnishing,
design and living culture. The Square M is distributed
in Serbia, Montenegro and the Republic of Serpska.
Magazin “Em na kvadrat” je jedinstven, luksuzno
opremljen mesečnik na domaćem tržištu, koji služi
kao vodič kroz svet nekretnina, arhitekture, građevinarstva, enterijera, dizajna i kulture stanovanja.
“Em na kvadrat” se distribuira u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i
Republici Srpskoj.
We are an architectural and engineering firm, based
in Ravenna, Italy. A multidisciplinary team leaded
by Stefano Dosi, engineer & university professor,
and Claudia Cirolli, architect, involved in technical
services for industrial premises (ENI, Italgas, Ecofuel
etc) as in architectural services for private investors
(hotels, commercial, offices, residential).We also work
in Serbia since 2007, developing 4000sqm residential
premises in Belgrade
Mi smo arhitektonska i inženjerska firma sa sedištem
u Ravenni, Italiji. Multidisciplinarni tim koji vodi Stefano Dosi,inženjer i univerzitetski profesor,i Claudia
Cirolli, arhitekta, angažovana kako na tehničkim projektima za industrijske premise (ENI, Italgas, Ecofuel
i sl.) tako i na arhitektonskim projektima za privatne
investitore (hoteli, trgovinski, rezidencijalni i poslovni
objekti).Od 2007 godine poslujemo u Srbiji, razvijajući 4000 m2 rezidencijalnih objekata u Beogradu
Founded in 2001 as company for planning and construction of commercial and residential structures.
It deals with technical control, expert supervision
and engineering. It controls whole process from
obtaining land to technical acceptance and winning inspection certificate. It use natural materials:
giter blocks and other stoneware. Company has
planning department, purchase dpt., administration and workers.
Osnovano 2001. godine preduzeće se bavi projektovanjem i izgradnjom poslovnih i stambenih objekata.
Vrši poslove tehničke kontrole, stručnog nadzora i
inženjeringa. Kontroliše ceo proces od pribavljanja
zemljišta do tehničkog prijema i dobijanja upotrebne dozvole. U izgradnji se najčešće koriste prirodni
materijali: giter blok i drugi opekarski proizvodi.
Preduzeće ima projektni biro, službu nabavke, administraciju, operativu.
TOMING-CONSULTING d.o.o. is a company for operations with real estate for the needs of home and
foreign investors and construction engineering, professional counselling to customers and realization of
projects from idea to implementation. It is specialized for Southeastern Europe markets. It cooperates
with well recognized companies and is qualified for
development, leadership, investing and managing
projects realization as well as for developing business processes of logistics and distribution.
TOMING-CONSULTING d.o.o. je preduzeće za poslovanje nekretninama za potrebe domaćih i stranih
investitora, građevinski inžinjering, stručno savjetovanje kupcima te realizaciju projekta od ideje do
izvođenja. Specijalizirano je za tržište jugoistočne Europe. Preduzeće sarađuje sa priznatim preduzećima
te je usposobljeno za razvoj, vođenje, investiranje i
upravljanje projekata te razvijanje poslovnih procesa
logistike i distribucije.
Stan Ovink
Rudnička 6
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 245 1161
fax: + 381 11 383 5249
[email protected]
Stanart DOO
via R. Murri 21,
48100 Ravenna,
tel: + 39 054 446 0441
fax: + 39 054 446 0441
[email protected]
Tehnicom Construction
Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 37
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 306 0763
fax: + 381 11 306 0834
[email protected]
Toming-Consulting d.o.o.
Šaleška cesta 21
3320 Velenje
tel: + 386 3 898 7170
fax: + 386 3 898 7180
[email protected]
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Trimo Inženjering d.o.o.
Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 99 b
11070 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 2129724
fax: + 381 11 2129 726
[email protected]
Udruženje posrednika
u prometu nekretnina –
Kneza Mihaila 7
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 3287221
[email protected]
YU KAPITAL holding
Dobračina 29
11000 Beograd
tel: + 381 11 303 7320
fax: tel: + 381 11 262 1924
[email protected]
Trimo will become the first choice for all buyers of
pre-fabricated steel facilities. We control the technologies of the future and assure top quality building materials. In the construction process we are
committed to participating in all phases, from the
draft concept to the completed facility. Complete
solutions are our answer to any project. We strive to
implement the boldest architectural ideas. Trimo has
its own development, design, assembly and service
departments as well as its own production line. Any
buyer can therefore obtain an efficient and complete
quotation for pre-fabricated facilities: from draft concept to completed facility.
Trimo Inženjering d.o.o. je preduzeće koje se bavi
inženjeringom, proizvodnjom, montažom i održavanjem čeličnih montažnih objekata. Deo je Trimo
grupe sa sedištem u Trebnju, Slovenija, a sopstvena
proizvodnja prefabrikovanih sendvič panela organitzovana je u Šimanovcima nadomak Beograda.Trimo poseduje sve potrebne ateste za teritoriju Srbije
i Crne Gore kao i licence za izvodjenje gradjevinskih
radova i izradu projektne dokumentacije.
Real Estate Agents Union - UPPN is a professional association of real estate firms and agencies with clear
goals and mission: regulation and standardization
of real estate market, establishing principals and
regulations in legal protection of participants in real
estate market, rising the level of services and their
professionalism, training of all real estate market participants, establishing standards in real estate
Udruženje posrednika u prometu nekretnina – UPPN
je strukovno udruženje preduzeća i agencija u prometu nekretnina sa jasnim ciljevima i misijom: uređenje i standardizacija tržišta nekretnina, formiranje
zakonskih okvira i regulisanje pravne zaštite učesnika
na tržištu nekretnina, podizanje nivoa usluga i njihova profesionalizacija, edukacija svih učesnika na tržištu nekretnina, uspostavljanje standarda modernog
poslovanja u prometu nekretnina...
Yu Kapital is a holding company founded in 2003,
with great experience in privatization, consulting,
development and realization of the projects for investors, ventures and projects related to real estates
and investments in general.Company provides land
in industrial and commercial zones , conducts thorough feasibility analyses, macro and micro location
insight, investment potential overview, demand
analysis, competitive profiles, resale analysis along
with improvement of funding models and their
Yu Kapital je holding kompanija osnovana 2003, sa
iskustvom u privatizaciji, konsaltingu, razvoju i realizaciji sopstvenih i projekata investitora vezanih za nekretnine i investicije uopšte. Firma obezbedjuje lokacije u industrijskim i komercijalnim zonama,sprovodi
detaljne studije izvodljivosti , analizira: makro i mikro
lokacije, pravi preglede investicionih potencijala. Na
zahtev investitiora, takodje, izradjuje: analize konkurencije, analizu preprodaje sa unapredjenjem finansiranja modela i praćenje njihove realizacije.
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