Dia del Nino Sponsorship - Bienvenido al Instituto de Computación


Dia del Nino Sponsorship - Bienvenido al Instituto de Computación
F e b r u a r y
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XI Concurso Día del Niño
XI Kid’s Day Contest
Instituto de Computación ABCS 6065 Hillcroft, Suite 513, Houston, Texas 77081
T: 713.271.7227 F: 713.271.1617 www.InstitutoABCS.com © 1990-2002 by Concurso Día del Niño
Letter from the President
Dear Sponsor:
It is our honor to invite you and your company to join in the XI Concurso Día del Niño (Kid's Day
Contest), a successful project founded in 1990 to celebrate and reward the youth of our community.
What is Dia del Niño?
Jorge Ferragut
Instituto de Computación ABCS
6065 Hillcroft, Suite 513
Houston, Texas 77081
Organization Committee
Margaret F. Vázquez
Instituto de Computación ABCS
Marcello Marini
Public Relations Director
Telemundo Canal 48
Lydia Cantú
Promotion Director
Radio Unica
Emilio Martínez-Paula
La Informació Newspaper
Evelio Fernández
Goya Foods
Carlos Vázquez
The Gallup Organization
It means “Day of the Child” in Spanish and is a holiday founded by UNICEF in 1990 and celebrated
every April 30th around Latin America.
For 11 years, we have celebrated the day in Houston with a contest, promoting computer education for
the young people of Houston. Our message: "With computer knowledge, we can be free and
independent". Children need tools to prepare them for today's jobs and tomorrow's opportunities.
These tools are incentives that promote the spirit of progress and triumph!
With support from many local businesses, the Concurso Día del Niño has given countless children and
their families, these very tools to success.
On April 30th, children from Grades 3-12, participate by submitting essays on a computer-related topic.
Winning essays are chosen for their creativity, content, grammar, and the number of children per
Every year, more than 300 contestants are awarded computer systems, computer training, software,
computer furniture and a vast array of encyclopedias and books, totaling over $30,000. Other winners
get bicycles, skateboards and other toys. Moreover, many prizes have been awarded to students who
have demonstrated exceptional ability to overcome a wide range of handicaps. Concurso Día del Niño
acknowledges and celebrates ALL children!
In 2002, we will award twelve computer systems. The computers will go to one winner from
elementary school, one from junior high, and one from high school. The other nine will go to the HISD
school with the most participants, for the school's computer lab. Depending on the number of
sponsorships, more computer systems could be rewarded.
As we grow, we have sought ways to reach out to more students in our community. With this in mind,
we have enlisted the help of two of Houston's top Hispanic television and radio personalities, Mr.
Marcello Marini (KTMD/Telemundo) and Ms. Lydia Cantú (Promotions Director for Radio Unica AM
1320). We have also sought the large-scale involvement of Houston Independent School District.
This year, to help give even more children the educational tools they need, we need the help of
organizations like yours. We would be honored to have you as a sponsor for the XI annual Concurso
Día del Niño.
We will hold a reception in May at the Telemundo studios, to give the winners their computers and to
recognize our generous sponsors with plaques. The sponsors will get the chance to speak live on the
Channel 48 program, “Nuestra Gente”. In August, Telemundo's cameras will be there as we inaugurate
the new computer center at the winning school.
Following my letter, you will find a brief history of Concurso Día del Niño, and a participation form,
which you can mail or fax to us.
Once again, I thank you for your support. It is my deepest hope we can work together in this project to
celebrate the children of our community, by giving them the promise of a better tomorrow!
Best regards,
Jorge Ferragut, M.S
Instituto de Computación ABCS 2002 Sponsorship Invitation Package
© 1990-2002 by Concurso Día del Niño
Brief History & Overview
UNICEF, an organization of the United Nations, has designated April 30th Día del Niño (Children's
Day) and it is celebrated throughout Latin America.
Lydia Cantú and the Radio Unica
Director are pictured receiving a
sponsorship plaque for their
participation in the Concurso Día
del Niño
In 1990, Mr. Jorge Ferragut and his family founded the Concurso Día del Niño in Houston, to be
celebrated on April 30th. In 1992, the first Concurso Día del Niño was launched. We have counted on
many sponsors and individuals to bring the Concurso to our community.
The main reason the Ferragut family brought the Concurso Día del Niño to Houston was to share their
vision of the future with a community that desperately needs to acquire the computer skills essential to
getting ahead and succeeding in today's rapidly changing world. We believe that the free democracy we
all enjoy in this great country opens the doors to countless opportunities.
Promotional Campaign
The Concurso Día del Niño has proven to be a prestigious campaign in which participating businesses
from the private sector not only satisfy their interests in regards to the Hispanic community, but also
contribute in a positive way to the progress and development of the community in unique cooperation
with the public sector.
The Gonzalez family, pictured with
Jorge Ferragut, upon receiving their
new multimedia computer system.
The promotional campaign for the Concurso Día del Niño begins on March 25th and ends on April
25th. Throughout this period, ads in the newspapers Buena Suerte and La Información, radio stations
KXYZ Radio Unica, and television channel 48 Telemundo, among others, will run. There will be
approximately 20 weekly newspapers ads (all sponsors will be announced), about 100 radio spots, and
100 television spots (only the major sponsors will be announced in the TV ads).
On April 29th the winners will be announced using the above-mentioned media.
Participation in Television, Radio and Newspaper
Information regarding the Concurso Día del Niño will be televised in “Nuestra Gente” with host
Marcello Marini, in KTMD channel 48's, in various segments in Radio Unica, and in articles published
in papers La Información and Buena Suerte, among others.
Announcement of Winners
Winners will receive a letter informing them of their prizes, and inviting them to the awards ceremony
in the Telemundo studios.
Award Ceremony Concurso Día del Niño
The Award Ceremony has historically taken place at the office of Instituto de Computación ABCS or in
Telemundo, around May 25th. The winning students, their families, and the Concurso's Sponsors share
this special day in a family-oriented environment with hors d'oeuvres and sodas. This event will be
reported on television, radio and newspapers.
Instituto de Computación ABCS 2002 Sponsorship Invitation Package
© 1990-2002 by Concurso Día del Niño
Brief History & Overview
The Concurso Día del Niño has been honored with six Mayoral Proclamations, a proclamation from the
Hon. Judge Robert Eckels, the Tejano Center, Telemundo, Catholic Charities, and Tertulia Cubana.
Evelio Fernandez, Vice-President of
Goya Foods, receives a sponsorship
plaque for their generous support of
the Concurso Día del Niño.
The following sponsors have shown their support for this event: KTMD Telemundo Canal 48, Hispanic
Broadcasting Corporation, Goya Foods of Texas, The Gallup Organization, Houston Independent
School District, First State Bank, Instituto de Cultura Hispana, Radio Unica, Houston Hispanic Forum,
Texas Colonial Home, Victoria Beverage Co., Instituto de Computación ABCS, Buena Suerte
Newspaper, La Información Newspaper, Amigos Bookstore, Bass Computer Inc., Clínica Hispana,
Dodo's Chicken Restaurant, Don Barato Bazaar, New Age Electronics, Salinas Garage, among others.
Parents and Children
Children, along with their parents, write a ½ page to a ¾ page essay on this year's theme, which is
“Internet without Limits”. In doing so, children and parents come together to learn the importance of
computers in today's education.
For the last ten years, each Concurso has awarded more than $30,000 in prizes to over 300 winners.
Prizes include computer systems, computer training, software, computer furniture, books, bicycles,
skateboards, etc. Also, each winner will receive a thank you letter along with any promotional discounts
that sponsors wish to provide. This year, a computer lab will again be rewarded to the HISD school with
the most participants in the contest.
Posing for a picture at the Channel
48 studios, the Tennant family is all
smiles with their new computer.
Schools Awarded with Computer Labs
For three years the Concurso has rewarded the HISD school with the most contestants. The most recent
1999 Holland Middle School
2000 Holland Middle School
2001 Reagan High School
Themes for the Concurso Día del Niño
This year the theme is “Internet without Limits”. Other themes for the Concurso Día del Niño have
Importance of Computers in Education
Computers as Tools for Development
Computers in Surveys and Public Opinion
Computers in the Communication's Industry
Computers as Tools for Inventory Control
Importance of the Internet for the Hispanic Community
Importance of Parent's Knowledge of Computers
Importance of Computers in School
Importance of Computers in the New Millennium
Importance of Computers
Internet without Limits
Instituto de Computación ABCS 2002 Sponsorship Invitation Package
© 1990-2002 by Concurso Día del Niño
Sponsorship Information
Types of Sponsorships
Regular Sponsors
Regular Sponsors will appear in all print advertisements, be mentioned in all radio and television
appearances and participate in Award Ceremony.
Public Relations Director for
Channel 48, Marcelo Marini, poses
with Jorge Ferragut and the Director
of Reagan High School as they
inaugurate the school’s new
computer lab which was won in the
Concurso Día del Niño.
Main Sponsors
Main Sponsors will appear in all print advertisements, participate in one television program
(“Nuestra Gente” hosted by Mr. Marcelo Marini), and will be mentioned in all other radio and
television appearances. Main Sponsors will participate in the Award Ceremony.
Major Sponsors
Major Sponsors will appear in all print media plus participate in two "Nuestra Gente" television
programs. Major Sponsors may be present when the Concurso winners are announced on a live
broadcast in April. Major Sponsors will also participate in the Award Ceremony.
Sponsor Benefits
Besides the immeasurable satisfaction of directly contributing to the progress and development of
the children of our community, all Sponsors receive a wall plaque in recognition of their
Sponsorship. Sponsors will also enjoy the media coverage that the Concurso receives on TV, radio,
and print.
Celso Alonso, owner of Amigos
Bookstore, receives a sponsorship
plaque for his contribution to the
children of Houston in the
Concurso Día del Niño.
Instituto de Computación ABCS 2002 Sponsorship Invitation Package
© 1990-2002 by Concurso Día del Niño
Participation Form
Concurso Día del Niño
Authorized Sponsor
Participation Form
Together, we can make a difference !
And, it's as easy as 123…
1. Choose your Type of Sponsorship (see Page 4 for descriptions).
2. Complete Sponsor Form and Mail Check (This page).
3. Attend Award Ceremony in May 2002 (Event will be broadcast live on radio and prerecorded for
Sponsorship Contributions
Please select one of the following contribution amounts:
Regular Sponsor Amount:
Main Sponsor Amount:
Major Sponsor Amount:
Sponsor Information
Please complete the information below to which your receipt will be mailed.
Corporation Name:
Contribution Procedures
Sponsor Deadline:
Make checks payable to:
Mail Contributions to:
Program questions:
March 20, 2002
Concurso Día del Niño
Concurso Día del Niño
Attn: Jorge Ferragut, Jr.
6065 Hillcroft Ste. 513
Houston, TX 77081
Jorge Ferragut, Jr - 713.271.7227
[email protected]
Instituto de Computación ABCS 2002 Sponsorship Invitation Package
© 1990-2002 by Concurso Día del Niño