Recycle your bale/ silage wrap, twine and grain bags


Recycle your bale/ silage wrap, twine and grain bags
Recycle your bale/
silage wrap, twine
and grain bags
It’s free and simple
2016 summer and fall collection dates:
June 27-July 2 October 24-29
Shake to remove debris and keep as clean
as possible.
Roll grain bags and tie securely with twine or use
a grain bag roller (where available).
Bag your bale/silage wrap and twine.
Collection bags are available from your RM
office or collection site.
Return to your nearest collection site.
to find a site near you.
Please note that this is a pilot program and only available
in select regions. Drop off times may vary by site. Check
online for collection site hours of operation.
Only clean, dry and separated plastics (twine, bale/silage wrap
and grain bags) will be accepted.
No unrolled grain bags, loose twine, nylon twine/netting, feed or seed bags.
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For more information: 1-877-622-4460