looking ahead i we`re not ~~~!!~~jtor marbles dick


looking ahead i we`re not ~~~!!~~jtor marbles dick
March 23, 1945
Published by and for the Employees of the Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Penna.
Copyright, 1045, Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, P enna.
In this spnng of 1945, as t he war
~nte r
· its dccjf-ii\·c phase in
]~ urop c,
let's take a look lo see just where
company stands in its war-tim e
function; what more may be expected of us by our government,
and how the happenings of the next
few months in Europe and in th e
!Pacific may affect our activities here
at Hamilton cllll'ing the rest of
the year.
We all know more or Jes about
he various precision war instruments from Marine Chronometers
to Time Fuzes that have been flowing from our plant to the arm ed
'C't'\'ices for severa l years past. We
1a\'e been told by officers of the
!Army and ~avy how indispensable
our product8 ha\'C been pro,·en in
var use at our four "E" award ceremonies in 1943, 1944, aancl 1945.
In bui!cljng and maintaining this
·ar production we haYe seen great
hifts in our personnel as the manpower of the land was transformed
into tbe greate t victory-bound
Army and Navy our country ha
~ve r had.
We have witn ssed the
replaeement of the 581 men and
women now listed on our sen ·ice
laque, with young recrnils who
avP d0ne a 11-rnrvrlous job, con~icl­
ring the urgency which allowed
li ttle time for training . We have
·een the percentage of women in ou r
mploy jump from 38% to about
'0% in this war period. We have
.een our highly skilled work rs and
1pen·isory Rlaffs whittled by draft
ntil \ ' ffY few men und er t hirty
ears of age are left with 11s even in
ssential positions. despite the fact
hat it has become next to impossile lo find or train adequate ~kill ed
eplacement in man~' of these
,ey jobs.
We know that the future requireents fo1· many of our war prodcts are enti rely dependent on when
he wa1· ends in Elll'ope and in the
, acific. ·we know that as our comitments on ch ronom eter contrnds
1ear completion, the armed serviees
(Continued on page 2)
The American Red Cross not only
eeds your financial support. but al~o
eeds more blood donors than before.
It is most important that appointnents for donating blood be made
I.ND KEPT. Due to absenteeism,
ancellations and rejections in the
ast, the Red Cross Blood Donor
nit has had to rely on "drop-ins"
fill their quotas. This procedure
as resulted in consirleni.b le C'Onsion - especially dming the late
fternoon hours. In some ca es doors have been turned away becau e
frigeration units were temporarily
ti!. So, if you make an appointent to donate blood be sure to
eep it. encl an alternate, or cancel
in advance if you can't get there.
his will keep "overcrowded peris" from occlll'ring and eliminate
uch confusion. It will al o assure
tr boys getting every drop of urntly needed blood plasma that
y donor is willing to give.
Your co-operation is earnestly retested.
Vol. 3, No. 3
Erl. 11ote: This fr1111011.< w<1r correspondent's eyewit11e.<8 ar·count of what
happen.< when a U. S. Army attack.< is a good thing for all of ,,. to think
ahout 11•IH•11 ...:,0111eour remark~, " Jt's all over but the ..,,huuti110!"
\Vhen you ~ee an army go forward
lo attack, it'· just a nameless and
faceless crowd of khaki without any
identity beyond the weapons it carri es. Th e~e are not men anymore,
but just a bazooka or a BAR, and
fi,·e men will not be five men but
will be a tank and 800 men will be
a l'l'lliser. So the fellows who nm
the batt leH will say to put a bazooka
here and send a tank clown t his road
and "I need four BARS before I can
go there."
But the soldiers, name less and
faceless and without identity anymore as they may seem, know better.
Take the fellows I saw fighting in
the forest of the Siegfried Line
around Aachen. They were lying
down. An attack nearly always starts
with you lying down, and the Germans sensing that you're coming and
sending out feeling fire lo discourage you perh aps or anyway catch
you when the time comes to get up
on yom two legs and move them
forward. It's not bad to li e down
under, "fee ling fire" that hasn't felt
Then the whistle blows. Then the
HNgeant or the lieutenant, whoever
the foreman on the job happens to
be, says lo come on darlings, no
one's going to hlll't you and you
have to lift out of your foxhole and
go to work. make yolll' legs mo,·e
forward and make yourself move
forward on your forward-moving
leg.. Th e feeling fire becomes concent.ratecl fire. The areas of tearing
steel stop flying aimlessly and nozzle clown and concentrate on you.
You move forward slowly. taking a ll
the cover you can, dropping behind
'a log and waiting there until it feels
safe-or Rafer anyway-to scuttle to
another log forward or hump of
ground or bush.
I ha 1·e a lways wonclrrecl what kept
the fe llows moving forward, wha t
the foreman's whistle got the
fellows out of the foxholes and onto
their legs and what made them
move their legs forward into the
death valley. There are many answers. One of them is not foreman 's
whjstle. Oh no, it is easy eno ugh
to cluck out on the foreman 's whistle
or, if you can't do it just then. right
there in the foxhole. you certainl y
can do it the first time you halt yolll'
forward movement to ta ke em·er.
Because by then the foreman is up
to his ears in his own life-and-deat h
and e\·erybocly else around you i ~
and nobody is watching you, you're
on your own more or less and the
fe llow nearest you is twenty feet
away maybe and hidden deep or, if
not hidden. is dead.
It has been quite a few years now
that I\·e been watc hing the fellows
move forward under fire. and it's
nearly always the same. They a ll
do it. The namelrss. faceless men.
robbed of their identity by the job
of war, all move forward even whrn
they can cluck out of it in one way
or another. And t he reaso n. It hink.
is that each man knows if he does
not do his job then somebody on his
side is going to get killed, maybe
just one man or e\·en a whole platoon of fifty-three men. And he
knows. too, that the people who
work with and around him will
know by the resu lts t hat he has
Defending Champ
clucked out on his job and they will
not call him "shiftl ess" or "lazy"
or "irresponsible" or anything easy
like that. They will call him a
I think if this were understood as
clearly by our home front workers
as it is by our war front workers.
then there would be as little rrbsenThe ~eeoncl wateh made by the
teeism or job-jumping on the home
Hamilton Watch Company-a 16
front a on the front line.
size, 17-j ewel pocket watc h-was one
of the unusual timepieces exhibited
befo1·e the Lancaster County Historical Society at their Ma rch 2nd
meeting. The di splay was assembled by John J. Bowman, loca l jeweler and nationally-prom inent horologi st, to help illuslrnte his paper
read befo1·e the Society on the histo1y of watchmaking in Lancaster.
Mr. Bowman described the early
apprenticeship system of learning
watchmaking and went on to te ll
how his father. Ezra Bowman, established the Bowman Teehnical School
which is now in its 58lh year and has
trained 3000 expert watchmakers.
H e then told of the accomp lishments of the Hamilton Watch Company in making Marine Chronometers for the U. S. ~ avy. Prior to
the war, he said. Mai·ine Chronometers were handmade products of
hereditary workmen abroad and a
year was required to make a single
chronomete r.
·when the war made the need for
Marine Chronom eters imperative,
the H am ilton ·w atch Company accepted the cha llenge and now proThis picture was taken an June 26, an "Upland Lawn" in Lancaster ; duces more Marine C hronomete rs in
and the occasion was Hamilton's annual Employees' Picnic. That it was a a month than were manufactured in
day of goad clean fun is evidenced by the men's high stiff collars and the a year throughout the world prior
gcils' well - starched shirtwaists and dresses. The young blade with the to the war.
peg-tap trousers and "sailor" leaning nonchalantly against the tree (exMr. C. M. Kendig, H amilton's
treme right foreground ) is Francis Meyer of Watch Design.
president, was a guest and spoke
Oh , yes, we forgot ta mention that it was June 2 6, 1909 .
Feat Accomplished Only
Once in AAU History
Dick Vaughan, Cost Analyst, is
representing the Hamilton Watch
R ecreation Association in the Annual National Wrestling Championslrips of t he Amateur Athletic Union
of t he United States, which are
being held March 23 and 24 at
the Dallas Sportatorium in Dallas,
T exas. Dick is defending the unlimited heavyweight crown which he
won la t year when the championships were he ld at the Baltimore
YMCA. Our banner bearer is seeking first p lace payclirt for the third
time, ince he a lso carried off top
honors in 1937 in the heavy division
while wrestling for the Newton, New
Jersey, Boys' C lub . There has been
only one heavyweight wrestler in
the history of the national AAU
(organized in 1888) to win the coveted diadem th ree times.
It was the year 1927 when Dick
Vaugh an launched his wrestling caree r in the Newton, New Jersey, High
School gym and he has been wrestling a lmost continuously ever since.
For fom years, 1933- 1936, he was
New J ersey State AAU champi on in
the " light heavy" division. It was
after Vaughan had won t he AAU
heavy erown in 1937 that he got his
(Continued on page 3)
H am il ton Recreation Association
members and guests tripped the light
fantastic and app lauded the many
special acts at a colorful St. Patrick's
Day party and dance held at the
Lancaster Armory on Saturday evening, March 17. The Arm trong Activities Association Orchestra suppl ied the melodious background for
dancing. Now and then the orchestra was relieved of its duties and
"Skip " Wise of the Specialties Assemb ly Dept. and Ralph Ulmer of
the Friction J eweling D ept., both
members of the Hamilton Novelty
Band, rendered several numbers of
"hi ll-bill y" character . The master
of ceremonies for tbe evening, Paul
H arni sh of the Balance and Flat
Steel Dept., sang several Irish ballads in his rich booming bass.
A 45-minute intermission program
featmed such stellar artists as Mr.
H elm and his Ripley's "Believe it
or not" act and Miss Mary Potts,
a newcomer to Lancaster, and her
golden voice. Mr. H elm amazed
everyone with his vocal imi tations
of musical instrum ents.
Carel were played by those who
desired to sit and listen instead of
dance and listen. Prizes were award-eel to those who played for more
than two hours. The chairman
for the successfu l event was Miriam
Dautrich of Watch Research, who
received t he plaudits of one and a ll
for the magnificent job accomplished. Members of the Ordnanee
Unit at the Marietta Depot were the
honored guests for the eveni ng.
'l'he Hamilton Watch Company Employee Newspaper
Wallace Bork, Chair., Prod. Control
Jean Gainer, Persomiel
Richard Ford, Maintenance
Horace Winchell, Xlgy. Lab.
Hazel Keller, Case Office
Virginia Styer, ll'orks Lab.
R. A. Preston, Personnel Consultant
Production, M. N. Rivenburg
Cartoonist, Charles Shindel!, Jr.
Sports, Kenneth Weeks
General News, J . V. Blankmeyer
7'imel11 Topics is indebted to the following people for photographs in this issue:
Francis Meyer, "Picnic/' Page 1, "Yecker ," Page 4, Choir Banquet/' pnµ:r 3 ;
Robert Fickes, Elapsed Time Clocks, Page 3; M. Aiiller, "Carter & Buddy,"
Pnge 4; 1V. Bork, "Markert," Page 4; Elva Shoenwker, ' 1 Lcm Bair," Page 3.
Copyright, 1945, Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Penna.
Quotation or reproduction forbidden unless permission has been granted.
Looking Ahead
(Continued from page 1)
are anticipating requirements from
American companies of more than
a million watches for delivery this
year and next. And we know that
our war activities up to this time
have disrupted our normal personnel and machine facilities for making such watches as much of our resources were shifted to other types
of inst.rument manufacture. Accordingly we have been able to assume
only a very small portion of this
Finally, we anticipate that the
next. few months, even as progressive victories herald the end of the
war, will be perhaps the toughest
one · of the war on the home industrial front.
Draft. boards are already scraping
t.he bott.om of the manpower barrel.
Most of the younger men who up
to now have been deferred as essent.ial to war production will be arbitrarily taken to fill large quotas assigned local draft boards despite the
eff ct on our war deliveries. This
will challenge the ingenuity of our
supervisory organization in order to
fill key jobs so vacated; and, at the
same time, cause the least interrupt.ion of current war production.
This critical period, according to
the be t foreca ters of the country,
will not extend beyond the next two
or three mont.hs, however. By then,
they predict the war in Europe to
be over and that. our armed forces
will be returning their older" men
back to civilian life in considerable
volume month aft.er month. They
also anticipate that, despite the need
for a large volume of war production until the Japanese war is finished, there will be a considerable
cancellation of war contracts which
will free many workers now engaged
in war industry. To meet the employment needs of these two groups,
the forecasters report that the government will encourage partial reconversion of war industries to the
production of civilian goods. All of
this, of course, is as speculative as
were the expressed beliefs in high
government circles last Fall that
December would witness the capitulation of the Germany Army. Apparently chastened by the lesson of
this over optimism, there is always
the po sibility that our forecasters
are now leaning too far on the
conservative side.
But no matter when the war ends,
the fact remains that there is still,
and will be for months to come,
plenty of need for hard work and a
serious attitude toward the war by
those of us here at home until
Tokyo surrenders.
The only sensible course then for
all of us here at Hamilton, from management and supervisors, through to
the last worker at the bench, is to
stand ready to meet each successive
development in these final stages of
the war and adapt our actions accordingly. Management must be
constantly on the alert to institute
changes in production and procedures as they are indicated so as to
reduce temporary lulls in work to a
minimum, and to activate reconversion just as rapidly as our facilities
are released by contract termination.
It is important that fornmcn and
job bosses for a time at lea t improvise as best. they can in order to
fill key jobs left vacant by draft
calls. And many bench workers will
likely be required to train for and
develop new ski lls at operations different than those which have up to
now engaged them in our war work.
Yes, 1945 promises to present many
tests. The way we all meet them
will decide how successfully Hamilton's whole war-time operation will
be viewed by our communit.y and
nation for many years to come. It
is the last Jong mile of the raee that
proves the mettle of the winner.
We believe that the eomplctc Hamilt.on employee fam il y will not be
found wanting-will write the final
inspired chapter of the most. momentous period of de\·clopmcnt in
our company's history-that it will
do this by overcoming al 1 of the
unforeseen obst.acles to be encountered in the period of transition just
ahead and will reassumc its position
in the postwar period as America's
outstanding company of precision
watch manufacturers. It will be only
by such co-opera ti \'e enterprise on
the part of a ll .of us that adequate
employment for those of our present workers who intend to continue
here after rccom·ersion will be assured. and jobs prese1Ted for our
returned veterans who arc ent itl ed
to the ones they left hrrc in our
keeping while they were away fighting our war.
Common colds constitute a major
medical and economic problem, and
are one of the majo1· causes of absenteeism in industry due to sickness. Here at Hamilton they account for an average of 50% of the
weekly sick list, and have, on occasions, run to nearly 90% of the
weekly sick list. A recent check revealed that an average of 38 Hamilton people a week stay at home
at kast. one day as the result of
catching cold.
This means il:hat common colds
cost the company a minimum of 300
man hours production time a week
or 15,200 man hours per year; and
represent a Joss to Hamilton employees of nearly S13,680 in wages.
Most people have at least two
colds a year, one in the spring and
the other in the fal I. It is not uncommon, however, for some people
to have as many as five or six colds
a year while others 8ccm to have a
continuous cold .
Actually, the time is not far distant
when the first signs of spring will be
visible. It is during the next month
that important paper work shou ld be
done to make the Victory garden
ent.erprise more successful than it
was in 1944. It is during this time
that your garden program should be
mapped-just like a military campaign is mapped months in advance
of its execution-to inRure best results. Now, seed catalogs can be
studied, newer varieties of vegetables selected and old standbys can
be reordered. Vegetable that fai led
to fit into the fami ly menu can be
diRcarded and kinds more suitable
can be substituted. Possibly a greater vari ety can be raised rather than
concentrating on a certain f e w
Maybe last year's results show
surpluses that can be eliminated th~
year. All these problems can ])
olved before actual planting begin1
In any event you'll find that a fe
hours spent now in laying out an
planning your 1945 Victory garde
will pay big di \'iclends at ha1Te,
About 80 Hamilton Victory gar
den plots will again be available thi
year (early in April) and can be
cured by making application to Ke
Weeks in the Personnel Dept. Th
locations will be approximately th
same as la t year and the plot wil
again be plowed and fertilized a
Company expense.
. No specific antidote is known at
present for preventing common
colds, although vaccines and serums
have benefited some people. But
there are several protective measures that can and should be taken
by e\'eryone, namely:
1-Keep your resistance. high so
that you will not become easily infected.
2-Get. as much exercise in the
fresh air a,nd sunshine as possible, particularly in the spring,
fall, and winter months.
3-Try to get eight hours sleep
eve1y night. Doctor say that
the hours before midnight are
the important ones in overcoming fatigue.
4-Eat well-balanced meals and
include plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and milk.
5-Dress according to the weather
and avoid chilling. Chilling is
one of the predominant causes
of the common cold .
If you do take cold, the quickest
way to overcome it is to stay at
home and in bed right at the start.
A light diet including plenty of
water and fruit juices helps rid the
system of infection that has started.
A void chilling at any cost and remember, Yery few colds would develop into serious 01· prolonged illness if the infected person were wise
enough to take proper care of himself at the very start. Don't hesitate
to call a doctor if simple home remedies fail to check the infection
Colds spread like wildfire. If you
have a cold think of those working
with you and cover your face with
a handkerchief when coughing or
sneezing. Frequently washing your
hands will also help to prevent
spreading the infection.
The First Aid Department has
suggested that if several windows
were opened and the room given a
good airing during the rest period
that this source of infection might
well be eliminated.
George Witmer, Service Dept.,
raises rabbits for fun-and profit.
It all started back in December.
George's youngster had two rabbits
and one died. A second rabbit was
procured just to k€ep the remaining
one from getting lonesome; and
presto 1 Before he knew it, George
was feeding eight rabbits! Figuring
that he had something pretty good.
George bought several more rabbits,
and presto !-now he has 53 with four
more litters expected momentarily 1
Incidentally, George is anxious to
"We, the American people, would
contact other Hamiltonians who are rather die on our feet than live on
interested in raising rabbits.
our knees."-Franklin D. Roosevelt.
By following the plan suggest.ed
in the chart below, a family of four
can enjoy a plentiful supply of fresh
vegetables throughout the summer.
The plot is 20 ft. by 30 ft. If your
garden is larger or smaller, increase
or decrease allotted space proportionately.
Crops which remain in the garden
throughout the ent.ire growing seaRadishes
Swiss Chard or
son (tomatoes, onions, etc.) arc bc1
located where they will not be di,
turbed- near the "back" of th
"Early" crops like peas, Jcttuc
radishes, etc., hould be planted to
gether so that when they are har
vested the space can be used agai
for "fall " crops such as turnip1
parsnips, late cabbage, etc.
Half lettuce
Half radishes
1- y2 ft.
2- ft.
B eets
2-· ft.
2- ft.
P eas
Bush Beans
Approx. 2" Apart in Row
When peas are past plant
Seed approx. 3" apart
in row
Bush Beans
2-Yz ft.
7 or 8 hills
to row
Stagger 12 plants
in 2 rows
2Yz- ft.
2- h ft.
3-Yz ft.
Set out plants
as early as possible after last
killing frost
3- Yz
A- One to Two Wks. Before Last Killing Frost.
B - Two to Three Wks. After Last Killing Frost.
Approx. Date of Last Killing Frost for Central
Pennsylvania Is May 1st.
De pite the fact that the first de"A friend is one who understand
tective story was written only 103 and knows you through and through
years ago, this type of fiction makes who knows your faults and failin
up one-fifth of a ll new no\·els pub- well, but really likes you, too."
lished in the English language today.
-Nathan Olney Moo
Timely Topics
The bridegroom-to-be is stationed
at Ft. Benning, Ga.
Eileen Walters, Fuze Mfg., has
promised to become the bride of
The engagement of Josephine Pvt. Samuel H. Nissley of Mount
Bowerti. Fuze Assembly Dept., to Joy. Pvt. Nissley is stationed at
Sgt. Blaine L. Frey of Manheim Camp Bowie, Texas.
R. 1 was recently announced by her
parents. Sgt. Frey is stationed at
Ft. Bragg, N. C.
:\nnouncement is made of the engagement of Barbara J. Depew. li'uze
Mildred Jones, Fuze Assembly,
Mfg. Dept., and Pvt. Jay H. Hany
of Columbia R. 1. Pvt. Harry is and Cpl. Roy Dabler, USMC, were
sen·ing with the U.S. Army in Italy. united in marriage on February 24
in the Holtwood Presbyterian
Cpl. Len G. Frayer, formerly of Church with Rev. Shea officiating.
our Dial Department, reports from Cpl. Dabler is stationed at the
somewhere in the Paeifie area 1.hat Phi ladelphia Navy Yard.
he iR now engaged lo a WAC. that
the Red Cro ·~ obtained the ring for
Vera: Jane Rineer, Bal. & Flat
him in Australia, and that they'll Steel Dept., and Edw. A. Gainer,
be married a · soon as they can get an employee of Armstrong Cork
back to thi. country after the war. Co .. were married on February 17
(That's what we call combining busi- in St. James' Lutheran parsonage,
ne~;: with pleasme ! )
Columbia, by Rev. Chas. Naugle.
Lottie E. Duke, Timing and Casing, and S 2/ c Chas. E. Douts of
Pequea R. 1 were married on February 19 in Elkton, Md., with the
Rev. R. J. Stingill officiating. Seaman Douts is stationed at Bainbridge, Md.
Miss Mildred L . Schopf, Lancaster, and Pvt. Thomas E. Au lt, formerly of the Machine Shop, were
man·ied at the parsonage of St.
John's Lutheran Church on Saturday, March 3, with the Rev. J. H.
Musselman performing the ceremony. Pvt. Ault is now stationed
at Indiantown Cap with the Ordnance Dept.
oha:~::!·:~::::~~:~h•l I
College. While there, he wrestled on
"Uncle Charley" lVIay;;er's crack undefeated teams and lost only four of
his bouts in fom years-fom bouts
that offered the toughest kind of
The champion hips, which are
open to any registered amateur athlete in the world, will be truly international in scope this year; for,
of the 75 entries to date, six are
from the Western Athletic Club of
Vancouver, Canada, and ten are
from the University of Mexico.
The "grunt and groan" affair is
conducterl on a straight elimination
basis with the loser in the fina ls
gaining second place, while the losers in the semifinals wrestle for the
third place medal.
Dick is in the pink of condition
for his first round bout, tipping the scales at slightly O\·er 225
pounds. Dick's rigorous self-imposed training schedule, which he
diligently followed for the past three
months, included at least three miles
of roadwork every morning, a brisk
half hour of wrest ling every evening
in the F. & M. gym, enlargement
upon and combination of the above
mentioned on week ends, woodchopping, etc.
The HRA may well rest assured
that Dick will do a Jot of mighty
conscientious wrestling tonight and
tomorrow in the Dallas Sportatorium-win, lose or draw.
The All-Hamilton Choir was tendered a bonquet by the management
of the Homilton Wotch Compony on February 8 at the Stock Yard Inn.
About 80 members were honored by the company for participating so
loyally in the past yeor's concerts. Vocal refrains, ably assisted by an
accomplished accordionist, highlighted the affair between various courses.
'/foa Know
(Answers on page 4)
Dorothy Krall, Production Clerical, and Richard J. Zwally, QM 2/ c
USN, of Lancaster, were married in 1-Is there a world standard for
threads on screws?
the chapel at the Cape May Naval
Base. Cape May, N. J., on February 2-When a Hamilton watch is to be
14. Chaplain K. E. Heim, USNR,
exported it is always equipped
officiated at the double ring cerewith a waterproof strap. (True
mony. The bridegroom is . tationed
or false?)
3-W'hich can carry more weight in
Pfc. H. Leaman Bair, formerly of rrboard a sub-chaser.
proportion to its own weight: a
the Mechanical Planning and MaJanet King, Payroll Dept., and
bicycle or a horse?
chine Shop Departments, and now
"Somewhere in France,'' recently be- Robert Bahner, Storekeper l/c, 4-Which of these countries sold
came engaged to Mi s Joan Jensen USNR, were married on March 10
the most Hamilton watches prior
of London, England. Lem is sta- in the 1-ectory of St. Luke's Evanto the war? (a) China, (b)
tioned at Allied Supreme Command
Colombia, (c) Mexico, (d) Costa
Headquarter . Best wishes, Lem,
bridegroom has just returned from
and best of luck.
16 months duty in the South Pacific. 5-When the three little kittens
found their mittens, what did
they have to eat?
Jean Bender, Spring Room, will
become the bride of Edgar S. Funk 6-Hamilton watches were sold and
serviced in the following places
of Washington Boro on April 1. The
before the war. Which is the
ceremony will be performed in the
name of a famous island? (a)
Church of God, Landisville, by the
Iraq, (b) Cyprus, (c) Palestine,
Rev. R. H. Daihl.
(d) Surinam.
E lva Myers. Escape, and Pfc. C. 7-Every Hamilton watch shipped
to distributors in the republic of
L. Todd of Canton,
. Y., were
Colombia prior to the war travmarried on February 23 in Atlantic
elled there by Air Express. (True
City, N. J ., by Chapla in A. S. Feller.
or false?)
Pfc. Todd is a veteran of the African, Sicilian, and Italian campaigns
and is now stationed at Haddon
Hall, Atlantic City, N. J.
Ferne Kottler, Statistics, and Roy
Vandersloot were married March 12
The following members of the
in Elkton, Md., by the Rev. John
J. Bunting. The bridegroom is em- Hamilton family no<v serving in the
armed services visited the plant beployed by Speny & Hutchinson.
tween Feb. 12 and March 14. 1945.
The engagement of Miriam A.
AssemRDM 2/c Abram Miller
Doutrich, Physical Research, to
S 2/c Donald Kirchner
Wm . H. P. Fisher, III, SM/ s USN, bly Dept., and Sgt. Truman Gregg,
A/S George Peterman
was announced by her mother at a Vintage, were married on March 2
Pvt. Clayton Miller
dinner party on March 5. SM/ s in the First Evangelical and ReT /Sgt. Miles K. Ament
Fisher has just returned from active formed Church by the Rev. Dr.
T /Sgt. Harold Blackburn
duty overseas. Miriam \vas chairman Wm. H. Bollman. Sgt. Gregg reS 2/c James Hostetter
of the H.R.A. St. Patrick's Day cently returned from 44 months
duty in the South Pacific and is
Pvt. George H. Austin
dance committee.
stationed at Camp Gruber, Okla.
3/c USNR Geoffrey Taylor
S 2/c Robert Dorsey
The engagement of Betty MumS/Sgt. Harry Blackburn
m. Timing and Casing Department,
ABQM Paul J ames Mackredis
to Pvt. Elmer Eckert of East PetersTo Noontime Moviegoers
S 2/ c C. Richard Gamber
burg was announced by her parents
Please use the back stairs
S l / c RM Mildred Hendry
on March 6. The bridegroom is
Pvt. Marvin Myers
now stationed on the European
when going to the Movie
T /3 Carl C. Stauffer
ront with the U. S. Army.
Theater on the fourth floor of
1st Lt. Howard Reidenbaugh
_.\nnouncement is made of the enthe new office building. Your
HA l /c J ulia E. Reisinger
agement of Betty Loder, Prod.
co-operation will be appreciHA l /c Neva H . Young
lerical, to Sgt. Henry Hamburg,
S l / c Earl Eshleman
r .. of Walla Wall a, Washington. I,________________,
F l /c Daniel E. Funk
Here is pictured our new elapsed time clock room temperature timing
rock which extends the whole width of the south room of our Timing &
Casing Department. Here hundreds upon hundreds are timed to conform
to rigid Army-Navy specifications. Besides the room temperoture timing
tests, each elapsed time clock is put through heat and cold tests-from
13 ° below :zero to 122 ° above :zero, F.
Official U. S. Navy Photo
It tokes accurate timing to enable our Novy to dispatch invasion forces
from ship to shore in the skilled deadly manner that our enemies hove
come to dreod and fear. Accurate timing that only Hamilton mounted
chronometer watches and Hamilton comparing watches can achieve .
We've established a new renowned name in navigation-it's HAMILTON!
Timely Topics
*- - -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- - -*
NOW 581
* * * * * *
The following membe1·s of 1he
H a milton family have left to join
their Comrades in uniform Rince
the last nam es were added to our
Honor Roll:
Vincent Pierce
Harry Brubaker
Clara Seward
Attilio Grossi
Dexter StmgiH
Robert H enry
Phares Urban
Earl Ko er
Elvin Myers
Dol'othy Bl'eitigan, of the ChronomC'tC'r Assembly D epartment, was the
piano accompanist, a nd Abram
Longend erfer, of the Balance & Flat
Steel D epartm ent, was the baritone
~o loi st.
Over 1800 people were in the appl'eciative audience to hear the
group. D I' . HaJTy A. Sykes directing,
rend er its second concert since its organization. The Lancaster Chorus'
rendition of "The Messiah" took in
fi l'e-sixths of the entire work, considerably more than usually prcsented.
Hamiltonians who arc in th e chorus include: Soprano-Margaret P.
Dommel, Damaskeening; Julia L.
Heida, E -cape; Jane E. H ershey.
Inspection; Eleanor Shrum, Fuze
P acking. Alto-Sara Bushong, E sf'ape; H elen R inick, Balance StaIT.
T enor - Edward Bosti ck. Machine
Shop; Franci s E. Meyer, Watch Design. Bass---Henry Breiter, Inspection; Abram Longendel'fer, Bal. &
F lat Steel; Robert Q. Stetler, Standard Cost; Horace Winchell , Crystallography Lab.
Julia E. Reisinger, HA 1/ c (above)
and Neva H. Young HA 1/ c (below) , both former members of
Fuze Mfg., are
on their way to
Nav a l
Training Sta t ion at Great
Lakes, Ill. Both
girls enlisted in
the WAVES on
D ecember '28 ,
1944. went to
Hunter College
for boot training and then to
Bethesda, Md ..
for ho s pit a l
training. Having r ece nt l y
c ompleted a
four - w ee k s
course at Bethesda, they are now on
their way to Grea t Lakes wh ere they
will compl ete their training.
Betty Miksch, secretary to G. E .
Shubrooks, revises monthly the Jist
of addresses of former members of
Chemical & Metallurgical R esearch
and M etals Processing now in the
armed services. Copies of this list
are then passed on t o laboratory
supervisors who post them in their
departm ents, thereby encouraging
correspondence between present employees of each departm ent and
their form er co-workers. There are
nine names on the list at present
and each boy is getting more " Jet~
ters from hom e" as a result of
this procedure.
On behalf of the H a milton ·watch
Company, Timely Topics wishes to
extend a hearty and sincere welcome
to the new employees who have
joined the Hami lton fami ly dming
the last month.
L oretta Flora,
l\!J plvin
William Whi te, Robert P . Wolferd , Doris
Balance & Flat Steel- Elva Cunninghum,
Erma. H err, Robert Jackson.
Mildred H endry, S 1/c R.M ., formerly a member of om Spring
Room , is now a radio operator in
a New York C ity Coast Guard Station. Mildred reteirnd her ba~ ic
"'PAR" training rtt Palm Beach,
Fla. Later an airplane fabric shop
in San Di ego. Calif., was her hom e
base for some time. Until just .recently she was training in radio
work at Atlantic City.
Balance Staff-Elizabeth Lcslwn.
Chem. & Jllet .- H arry Wi ttel.
Dealer's Service- John Pfeiffer.
Dial -,Thomas Doyle, Geraldine Smith
C harles Wi tmer.
Escape- Mary Shay.
F11,ze Assembly- Betty Jane Ca111 11 u1uf.
Hairspring-Anna L. Remy.
Jewel Pinishing - Catherine Bell, Audrey
J1farhine Shop- E dgnr Sides, Edgnr ~'e ntz.
1110.inteuance - .JuspPr nraun~art , Chnrlcs
Doman I. H. Eshle11rnn , H. Richnrd
Lenox, Harry J{. Srn ith.
School- Almeda Hughes, Edward
P/ate-Vinette Bair, Albert C linger , Carl ~tta M. Miller, Lester l<11yde r, Beulah
Wolto n.
Service-Steven C. Thacher.
Spring Room. - G eo rge Bauman , Jarnes
Traffic- L ee Harlan.
Train - J ea n Afflebach, I ra Platt, Mary
S/Sgt. Jam es L. King , formerly in
our Production Planning D epartment, is now recuperating from a
shrapnel wound in a hospital "somewhere in France." H e reports that
. he spent some 60 days in the front
line bef.ore being wounded , dming
wluch time he "felt hke a fugitive
from the Jaw of averages."
Good luck to you, Jim .
Cpl. K enneth E. ·wolf, formerly
of Timing and Casing, is now stationed at the Mia mi Beach, Fla.
edi stribution Station for reassign~
H e has been a radio maintenance man for the patit 27 months
A Jetter from Lt. M ark B. Enck in the Emopean and Asiatic-Pacific
"Somewh ere in Germany," tate~ theati-es of operations. His brother.
that he is now in comm and of the Cpl. H erbert Wolf, is now in France.
Bn. Mortar Section of the 701st
T ank Bn. Lt. Enck was commisT / 5 John E. Kirk reporls from
sioned at Ft. Knox, Ky ., in April
of 1943 and has been overseas since "somewhere in Germany" that he is
fine, received his Hamilton ChristApril of 1944.
mas box okay, and mailed us a copy
of the "83rd Spearhead ," an Army
weekly published by the 83rd Infantry Division, covering news in
the Normandy - Luxembomg - Germany Sector.
Thanks, John. It's an intere ting
Up to and Including March 7, 1945
and unique newspaper.
Games Pins
H. R. A. MEN'S
Carl Yecker, formerly a member
of the Watch Design and now a
T ech. Sgt. in New Guinea. recently
sent Bud Neiman, Flat Steel, this
picture of himself (center) and two
of his buddies. Carl says that he's
attached to Officers' H eadqu arters
and has the pleasure of working
with three WACs most of the time.
The Lancaster Chorus of 120 voices,
12 of which are Hamiltonians, presented Handel's beautiful oratorio,
"The Messiah," on March 12 in the
McCaskey High School auditorium.
As soon as H en Zeigler's, TM 3/c,
ship docked in Pearl H arbor he
ru shed to a telephone and call ed up
Cpl. F . D. "Titter" Carter . The
latter sent back t his picture of the
two men taken on the island of
Oahu shortly after they had done a
bit of swimming at Waikiki Beach.
H en and "Titter" were former members of the Finishing and Timing
and Casing Depts., respectively.
Cpl. C. R. Rothfu s, formerly of
Bal. & Flat Steel, wrote from "Somewhere in France" on February 12,
1945: " . . . Have just received my
very elabornte Christmas gift and
can't express my g rat it u cl e and
enough thanks for same. It is the
most useful and appreciated gift I
reC'e1ved . . . I - hear many compliments on the fine performance of
Hamilton watche8. One fellow to ld
me that his H amil ton ha8n't gained
or lost a minule in the two years
he's been over-cas. Om di,·ision is
entirely equipped with H am il ton
Pfc . H arry D . P a rm er, a former
Timing a nd Casing Departm ent
member, reports that his outfit l'ecently received co mm endation for
" helping to clean the Germans out
of the Colmar pocket." H e a lso
ays, " ... Pl ease keep yom job up
there and we'.11 do the same with
ours over here ! . .. "
Okay, H arry, we're doing om best
to get you guys back here!
Automatic- Lillian Andrews, .J ohn \V. An·
To The Folks Back Home
Hoin . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69
Mattern ... .... ...... 63
Wise .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . 63
Ganse .. .. .
Erisman .. . .. .. . .. . .. 69
Snavely .. .. .. . .. . . . .. 42
Centini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
H eenon .. .. .. . . . . . . .. 54
Buckwa lter .. .. .. .. .. 66
Kuhns . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . 57
Ln"'rcnce . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
R a lph Ulmer . . . . . . . . 72
Slauglt . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. 54
164 .27
Sherri ck . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
H ergenrother . . . . . . . . 48
Schneid er .. .. .. .. .. .. 63
Koser . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . 60
Herr . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . 54
Bob Ulmer . . . . . . . . . . 60
Burkh a rt . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Fichtner .. .. . .. .. .. .. 69
M imnall . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Hartman . . . . . . .. . . . . 54
Johnso11 . . . . . . . . . . .
Coble .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 69
Leaman . .. . .. . . . . . .. . 57
Klin e .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. 63
Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Youtz .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. 60
Erb . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. 63
149.1 2
Remley .. . .. .. . .. • .. . 21
Nelson .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. 66
Dobbs .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . 57
'ilvius . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 45
Hibner .. .. .. .. . • . • .. . 51
Shanab rook .. .. .. .. .. 12
W eeks . . . . . . . .
Scheffer .. . .. . .. . .. .. . 54
Rad cliffe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
W agner . .. . . .. .. ..
Davis . . . . . . • . . .
Sch aeffer . . . . • . . . . . . . . 18
Preston .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39
K au fhold . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Smith . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 12
Denlinger .. .. .. . .. . .. 45
Breiter .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 36
Witmer .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 6
Ki•singer ....... ... .. 17
Triple-Mattern, 683 ; Single - Erisman
241 ; Dial- 951; Print Shop-2626.
Lt. John C. Conl in, formerly of
the Service Dept., has been assigned
to the Chanute Field Station of the
A.A.F. Training Command after
completing 35 missions as a pilot in
the 306th Bombardm ent Group in
the European Theatre of Operations.
H e holds the Distinguished Flying
Cross and the Air M eda l with five
oak leaf clusters.
Pfc . Gehm an Mi ll er recently visited his form er co-wo1·kers in the
Service Dept. H e is now stationed
at F. S. Ord, California.
~-' l/nJwtztj to
T / 4 Louis C. Markert, fo rmer
member of the Plate Dept., writes
to \li.7a lly Bork from "Somewhere in
France" : ". . . I ('an't regale you
with tales of heroism and clanger.
That is not my line. You know I
work in a headqu arters, and although my job is not filled with
glamour, it is important. Some time
ago, I took a trip to an outfit in the
sou thern part of the line, where I
acted as an in8tructo r in my line.
I assum e you know my line-cryptography. That, in case you are
puzzled , is 'the ~c i e nce of wri tin"
in cipher coded messages.' Catch
on? Anyway, it is of a highly secret
natm e and beyond that I can't
tell you.
"Our headquarters is a rather nice
one. At least we sleep on c·otH whi ch
is all right. They aren't fcatl~erbecls
by a long sight but far better than
foxho les; I know, for the cold
ground was my bed for quite some
tun e. The glm-y of roughing it is
OK for novels; perhap some humans really like i t. but I am not in
that class. If you wish to try it, go
out and dig yom e lf a foxhole about
7' x 3' x 4', put a shelter ha lf over it
try to slep in it while it rains t~
beat heck. To make it better, keep
your mmd focused on the fact that
th e next shell migh t have yom location down pat and visit you. Then
wh en 'Bed-check Jerry' co mes over,
and all the ack-ack goes up, that,
too, adds to the enjoyment .. .''
Edward Hodgens. veteran Service
D ept. employee, was a recent H amilton Yisitor. Ed retired in D ecember of 1944.
(Questions on page S)
1. No . For this rca on parts
of a machine gun made in
this country may not be interchangeable with the parts
of a gun of identi cal design
made in Britain.
2. F alse.
3. Bicycle.
4. (c) Mexico .
5. Pie.
6. (b) Cyprus.
7. True.
OFFERED- A ride to or from New Providence, Pa. , or intri·mecli nte points to coincide with 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. shift.
Write T. T ., Box I.
WANTED-Hamilton employee will pay
top price for 1939 (or later model) used
car in good condition. Reply to Timely
Top ics, Box 2, giv ing yPar, makt', model.