
The Aura-Soma Pomanders are delightfully fragrant liquids that allow you to remain vibrant in all
situations by essentially protecting, cleansing, refreshing and strengthening your energy field.
When Should The Pomanders Be Used?
The Pomanders can be used any time of the day and as often as desired. They can also be shared with others. Most practitioners use a selected Pomander with their
clients during therapy sessions to help bring relaxation and a positive exchange of energy or information. After the treatment the practitioner then uses a chosen
Pomander on themselves to strengthen their own energy in order to be ready for their next client, or situation.
How Should The Pomanders Be Used?
Three drops of the Pomander should be placed in your left hand. Rub your hands together and pass the fragrance of the Pomander through your
aura. Then inhale the aroma deeply at least three times to allow the Pomander to permeate your whole being.
Why Should The Pomanders Be Used?
The Pomanders come into their own when your energy is depleted as a result of over activity or mental stimulation – or from giving too much of
yourself to others. The Pomanders bring back the vibrancy to your energy fields. Pomanders are very popular with practitioners or carers.
Original White Pomander - Keynote: Brings in light and renewal; helps clear perception.
White provides clarity and new beginnings. It may cleanse the atmosphere to bring the light in and renew the energy. It is helpful
during detoxification and brings balance to all the chakras. If you feel negativity gathering around you, White brings the light for
you to better understand the situation.
Pink Pomander - Keynote: Brings warmth and caring to love yourself.
Pink pomander surrounds you in a loving atmosphere to help bring out the best in you. It brings emotional well being by bringing in love, care and
warmth. The Pink is specific for harmonising group energies and neutralising aggression. It protects you when you open up to true love.
Deep Red Pomander - Keynote: Brings grounding and protection from earth energies.
Deep Red is helpful for grounding after meditation or any therapy session. It provides the strongest protection from energy zapping. It is the most
energising and restores after fatigue, or depletion through drug use. It helps with all kinds of fears linked to survival issues – money, housing,
Red Pomander - Keynote: Brings grounding of purpose; everyday protection and revitalisation.
Red pomander is for everyday situations (whereas the Deep Red is more for extreme situations). The Red stimulates bringing back energy in a very
gentle way during periods of tiredness. It helps to overcome disappointment and shyness. Good for grounding. Both Red and Deep Red de-stress
the electromagnetic field.
Coral Pomander - Keynote: Helps to learn how to love and care in a new way.
Coral helps you to learn how to love and care in a new way. It is an awakening energy and heals unrequited love issues especially of yourself helps to love the parts of you that are most difficult to love and to feel how those parts of yourself respond. It helps with acceptance of responsibility
with a sense of joy, not dread.
Orange Pomander - Keynote: Brings insight; helps with regression; shock absorber.
Orange pomander allows informational content from past experience to be accessed without the need to bring emotional cathartic aspects into the
present. It opens the door to greater insights and is good for all shock situations. Orange also helps to let go of the negative effects of past trauma.
Gold Pomander - Keynote: Helps release irrational fears; reconnects with innate wisdom.
Gold pomander helps to reconnect with your wisdom. It promotes wisdom and joy and can heal peer group difficulties by connecting you to the
confidence within. Gold assists in breaking habitual and emotional patterns by addressing the underlying fears.
Yellow Pomander - Keynote: Brings back the sparkle; antidotes nervousness and negative thoughts.
Yellow pomander helps allay nervousness and anxiety and is useful for accessing knowledge. It assists when you feel negative or depressed as it
encourages fun and laughter. Yellow is specific for patterns of repulsion or addiction and is helpful in cases of detoxification.
Olive Green Pomander - Keynote: Helps cleanse and refreshes your space.
Olive Green helps overcome anxieties, fears and disappointments that have to do with your feelings. It encourages feminine leadership from the
heart i.e. co-operation rather than competition. It enhances the ability to stand up for your truth. Good for when you are at a crossroad or making a
10. Emerald Green Pomander - Keynote: Helps to find your own space; goes to the heart of things.
Emerald Green calms, balances and centres you, bringing peace to your emotions. It connects you with your heart’s truth. It helps when confined to
close situations, or when having difficulty with others. It provides the space to find your own way and to release old ideas, making better decisions.
11. Turquoise Pomander - Keynote: Helps creative communication of the heart from your feeling side.
Turquoise encourages creativity and communication from the heart. It keeps inspirational communication flowing and is useful for all creative
pursuits - writing, painting, dancing, bodywork. Great for stage fright or technophobia. It encourages independence and responsibility for feelings
and actions.
12. Sapphire Blue Pomander - Keynote: Helps with communication that comes through you; lifts you from suffering.
Sapphire Blue supports the highest communication of love, fostering inspiration and devotion. It deepens the peace within. As you become more
peaceful you become more clear, you expend less energy in your own pre-occupations and have more energy available to do what you need to do.
13. Royal Blue Pomander - Keynote: Brings inner peace; inner seeing.
Royal Blue provides protection when channeling. It amplifies the perception of all the senses. It enhances the pleasure and enjoyment that comes
from listening to music. It opens the imagination and intuition. With difficult relationships it helps to relate and communicate more clearly and
14. Violet Pomander - Keynote: Brings calmness and healing; beautiful before your meditation.
Violet opens perception and awareness of the higher realms, helping you to connect with your mission and purpose. It helps to see what you can
do to serve others, or life in general. It supports the process of relaxation in a dynamic rather than merely passive way. It aids transformation and
helps to overcome grief/ loss.
15. Deep Magenta Pomander - Keynote: Brings energised compassion; deep caring.
Deep Magenta is the carer’s carer. It is helpful when you give all your energy to others and need to receive caring for yourself. It leads to selfknowledge and helps you find your purpose. It energises and soothes together. It harmonises the intellect and instinct to open you to the quality of
consciousness and understanding.
Please Contact Marie Henson
Mobile 0407 397 124
Email [email protected]