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View/Download PDF - Messiah Lutheran Church
Messiah Lutheran Church Information Guide
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Sunday School Opportunities Today
Youth Sunday School Openings:
Messiah Lutheran Church *1801 W. Plano Pkwy. * Plano, TX * 972-398-7500
Rev. Dr. Victor J. Kollmann, Senior Pastor
[email protected] *
Bible Class Opportunities
Pastor Kollmann
What Heaven Will Be Like
Pastor Otte
Why Do You Lutherans
Do What You Do?
Growing Marriages
in Christ (GMC)
Kara Tobaben
The Armor of God
Conf. Rm.
Dick Huechteman
Randy Huechteman
Financial Peace
Preston Dellinger
Comparative Religion
Joan Konkel & Cathy Dalton
Meet Messiah
Family Rm.
2 years
3 years
4 years
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Ninth-Twelfth Grade
Youth Rm.
Grades 5-12 in Youth Room (E213S)
Christen Marsh, Mary Hooper
Carmen Sorenson, Sandy Parks
Joanie Gragert, Sarah & Michael Sisk
Dawn Johnson, Meredith Carpenter
Steve Livingston, Danielle Kler
Sandra Hooper-Murcott, Carissa Patton
Dianne Kiehne, Rachel & Devon Kiehne
Chris and Stephanie Price
Christina and Steven Knoernschild
Charlene and Zach Travis and Matt Lee
David Schroeder and Linda Roberge
Michael Neumann and Olivia Brown
Elizabeth Ledford and Jodi Sorenson
SUNDAY NURSERY-An attended nursery for infants until walking
steadily is in the Education Building, E123N. Care for steady walkers
through age 3 is in room E125N. Caregivers available from 8:00am –
12:15pm. A vibrating pager system allows parents to be called by the
caregivers. We also have a cry room located at the back of the Sanctuary.
Maps to the Education Building can be found at the Guest Information Desk in the Lobby.
for ways to find financial peace or looking for
what the Bible tells us Heaven will be like.
help getting your financial house in order?
Dave Ramsey, author of “Total Money
Makeover,” provides biblically based guidance
DO? If you’ve ever been asked that question,
to managing your money.
you might want to come to Pastor Otte’s
topical study on Sunday mornings. Taking
MOSAICS-Messiah Mosaics is a class geared at
place in the UPPER ROOM Bible Study, each
anyone in their 30s or 40s, married or single.
segment will look at what Lutherans believe,
This is a discussion based class that examines
where it comes from, and how that forms the
how God's Word influences our daily walk
basis of “Why we do what we do.”
with Christ. New study-A comparative
discussion of other religious beliefs including
GMC–All day, every day, an invisible war rages
Islam, Mormonsim and various Protestant
around you. A cunning devilish enemy seeks
denominations against the foundation of
to wreak havoc on everything that matters to
Lutheran beliefs.
you - your emotions, your mind, your family,
your future. The Armor of God Bible study is
MEET MESSIAH-If you would like to know
an action plan for putting on your armor and
about Messiah, meet at the Guest Information
developing a personalized strategy to secure
Desk at 9:30am. A few of our members will
victory against the enemy.
take you on a tour of our campus, and answer
questions you may have about our church.
ADULTS-PROVERBS-This class is currently
studying the book of Proverbs.
Messiah Lambs Early Childhood Center
Amy Myers, Director
[email protected]/ 972-398-7560.
Messiah Lambs Early Childhood offers a Christ-centered program to children
who are 6 weeks through Kindergarten. Our caregivers and teachers are
exceptional and offer many opportunities for children to grow spiritually,
developmentally and cognitively. Our school is growing, and we would be
happy for you to be a part of this exciting ministry. Registration for the
2016-2017 academic school year is currently open. For more information,
please contact the Lambs' office at 972-398-7560.
Messiah Lambs is also selling Kidstuff coupon books. Each book
sells for $25 and includes coupons to great stores like Michaels,
Macy's, Hobby Lobby, Barnes & Noble, as well as great family fun
places such as the Dallas Zoo, Legoland, and Jump Street. Stop by
the Lambs' table outside the gift shop today to pick up your copy.
Mid-Week Bible Study Opportunities
General Announcements & Fellowship Opportunities
Thursday evening, from 6:30–8p.m
(see schedule on back page) The
current study is, “The Best Yes,” by
Lysa Terkeurst. If you find yourself living with the stress of an
overwhelmed schedule and aching
with the sadness of an underPASTOR WELMER’S WEDNESDAY MEN'S
whelmed soul, this study is what
Wednesdays at 12:00 Noon, in the Conference you need! Rise above the rush of endless
demands and discover your BEST YES today!
Room. The current topic is the Old
If you are interested or have questions, please
Testament book of Proverbs.
contact Carla: 972.922.0723, or
[email protected].
Facebook Page Link: https://
STUDY GROUP. Karrie Looney is leading a
study called, “Looking for Lovely,” which will
go through October. For those starting class in groups/241852702671552/
September, the study is set up as one that you
The Tobaben Careciple Fellowship Group is
can come into it at any time, and still learn a
currently going through a study series titled,
lot. Cost for workbook is $13. To reserve a
“A Man Named Luther,” by Lutheran Hour
book or for more information, e-mail Ellen
Ministries. All Messiah friends are welcome to
Thorne, [email protected]. They meet in
Room E247N on the 2nd floor, down the back join us for discussion, fellowship, coffee and
treats. This group meets in the Reception
hallway. Free baby-sitting is offered with
Room at church the 2nd Sunday of each month
advanced notice to Amy Plenger,
from 7:00-9:00 PM.
[email protected].
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets on Tuesdays
from 9:30AM-11:00AM in the Conference
Room. The current Lifelight study is on the
Old Testament book of Joel.
To join the team go to (or
contact me and I’ll help you)
Click on “Find a Walk”
and “Dallas, TX” information.
Click on “Register;” then “Find a Team”
495 McKinney Pkwy, McKinney, TX 75071
Saturday, October 1
We will meet at the brewery at 10:30 AM, the tour starts at 11.
$5 per person includes samples. Lunch afterwards at Square
Burger in McKinney Square For more information contact
Mike Wolfe at 717-309-4888 or email Katherine at [email protected]
link for the signupgenius
Dining Out Club
BIBLE FELLOWSHIP GROUPS are open to guests and members alike. They welcome new
participants. Please call the leader listed below if you want more information.
Debbie Kelly, 972-480-8923
Richardson, Plano,
1st & 3rd Sundays, 6-8pm
Rich Tobaben, 972-596-6749
2nd Sundays, 7-9pm
If you want to donate towards the team,
go to the same website. Click on “Donate.”
Enter a walker’s name, or the team name,
to make your donation. Thank you.
Not ready for Prime Timer Players
Oktoberfest at Fraconia Brewing Company
Carla Detrie leads a class for women that meets
in Room E245N. Please join us every other
We are listed under
Messiah Marches for Memory
Click “Join” and follow the
Questions? Contact Ellen Thorne:
[email protected]
Thursday, October 20, 2016, at 7 p.m.
Dos Charros Tex Mex Restaurant
108 University Village Drive, Richardson
(NE corner of Beltline Road and Plano Road)
Sign up in Pastor Kollmann’s Bible Class,
at the Information Center,
or call John or Kathy Douglas
(972) 495-5668
Messiah Moms’
When: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month
Playgroup Information at 9:30 am & 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each
Who: Moms of
children age 5 and
under, of course older
siblings and older
kids welcome but we will try to focus
activities for those under 5. Non-members
welcome, so grab a friend and come join us.
“Having Fun Serving the Lord
in the Prime of Life”
month at 9:30 am
Where: This month we will meet at the Frogg
Coffee Bar and Creperie in Allen at the 832
Market Street, Allen TX at 9:30. We will meet
on the following dates this month: September
20th and 24th.
Contact Karrie Looney @ 469-831-6023 or
[email protected] for more
Chickasaw Cultural Center,
Sulphur, Oklahoma Bus Trip
Lunch at Gordon Biersch Brewery
The Shops at Legacy, Plano
Annual Planning Meeting
Gaylord Texas Resort Ice Display and Christmas
Around the World
David Boneau
NOV 10
11:30 am
Men’s Retreat
Friday Sept. 23rd. 5PM –9PM and
Saturday Sept. 24th, 7:30AM – 4PM
Spring Hill Retreat Center,
Richardson, Texas
Bill Harland
Coordinating Team
Randy & Joan
The September 22nd Prime Timers activity is a bus trip to the
Chickasaw Cultural Center at Sulphur, Oklahoma leaving the
Church at 7:30am, and returning at 5:30pm. The educational
and entertaining experience will include a talk and video on the
history of the Chickasaw and
Choctaw Indian tribes, a stroll through an air conditioned
life size nature diorama with animals in natural settings,
authentic traditional food for lunch, a museum of crafts
and tools, a full size stockade enclosed village with
different types of authentic buildings and a
demonstration of Indian dancing. The center provides
motorized transportation for those who need assistance.
Cost: $40.00 per person (Cost covers the retreat setting,
food and drinks, your book, handouts, and M&M’s)
Leap Over a Wall by Eugene H. Peterson
Focus: The Life of King David
Pastor Otte leads the topic, but You provide the excitement!
New this year is the addition of a Friday evening Fire Pit activity!
You can register in the church office and pick up your book.
Information changes are an ongoing process, but each year we
print a membership directory, so we encourage members to
submit changes so the information is as
accurate as possible. Please submit any changes, including
changes to address, phone numbers, email, name, etc. to Kim
Johnson at [email protected]
Lunch at Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant
Thursday, October 20th, 11:30 am
The Shops of Legacy
7401 Lone Star Dr., Ste B120, Plano, TX 75024
And, if you can help us with updated information on
members in your family, or those you are close to and know
their new information, we would appreciate it greatly if you
could send that to us as well.
Sign up at the Primetimers table. For more information contact Bill
Harland at [email protected].
You may not have any changes to your information, but do we
have your most current email address in our system? If you are not
currently receiving email announcements, or are not sure if we have your email
address, please email Kim.
Our visit to Frisco’s Museum of the American Railroad has been postponed until
next year. The extensive display improvements, originally scheduled for
September completion, are only partially finished. We’ll re-schedule when they’re
done so we can have a much better visit.
Children & Youth News
Amy Plenger-972-398-7524 or [email protected]
Elizabeth Ledford-972-398-7509 or [email protected]
MAKE THIS CLAIM As soon as we have one final helper for first grade,
all of our Sunday School classes will be fully staffed! Contact Amy or
swing by the classroom in E111S to show your interest in serving.
Golf League Registration
Messiah’s golf league has begun, and continues every Thursday through October
27th. We are excited to play a new course this season and also to compete in a
new two person format. This is a semi-competitive league that offers fun and
fellowship for all skill levels.
Location: Woodbridge Golf Club in Wylie, TX
Time: Tee times beginning at 5pm
Cost: $15 per evening and includes 9 holes of golf, cart, and beverage. Plus a $45 league fee.
Format: two person, handicapped Stableford scoring format
CAREGIVER TRAINING for youth age 12 and up is scheduled for
Sunday, Oct. 9th at 12:15 after worship service. These are paid
opportunities! Email and survey link distributed via email to youth and
their parents. Contact Amy if you didn’t receive it.
TWO BIG EVENTS on one day! Next month, as we celebrate Reformation
on Oct. 30th, the 3rd graders have an opportunity to receive their own copy of Luther’s Small
Catechism as part of the Footprints of Faith series. That evening families are invited to
participate in a candy and activity filled evening at Trunk or Treat.
Find a partner and register today. Contact Rebekah Myer by email [email protected]
with your desire to play.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS now for the Sunday School Christmas programs. Dec. 4 th and Dec.
11th. Little Bit of Christmas will be presented by the littlest witnesses on the first Sunday in
December during the SS hour. Elementary classes will present their Christmas pageant the
following week, also during the SS hour. Rehearsal and tryout schedules will be published in the
October Messenger.
ZUMBA Fitness Classes
ZUMBA is moving to Saturday mornings. Let our fitness instructor help you meet your
fitness goals.
When: Saturday mornings at 9am beginning on October 1st and continuing through
December 17th.
Where: Messiah Lutheran Gym- Cost: $60 for all twelve weeks of classes or $7 walk-in
To register either email Rebekah Myer at [email protected] or complete
the online registration at
MYM (Messiah’s Youth Ministry) RETURNS
TONIGHT! MYM is Sundays, 5 to 7 PM for grades 5
-12. We hang out, eat dinner supplied by parent
volunteers, and have a Biblical discussion each
week. This year our discussions will be inspired by
various movie clips. We love talking about how to
see God in our everyday lives, and movies are a
great way to get that conversation started! We hope to see many students there tonight!
Upward Sports
Upward Sports basketball and cheerleading registration will open on October 1st.
Many volunteers are needed to make the season a success. Volunteer
opportunities include coaching, selling concessions, scorekeeping, or refereeing.
Trunk or Treat 2016
Messiah will host Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October
30th. Volunteers are needed to help make this a fun event. If you would like
to help plan or volunteer on the day of the event, please let Rebekah Myer
know via email at [email protected].
MYM Bowling – Jonathan Beyer (who bowls competitively and is super awesome at it) has
helped set up a special MYM bowling event for us! All grades (5-12) are invited. We will bowl at
Plano Super Bowl (2521 K Ave Plano, TX 75074) on October 1st, 3 to 5 PM. Cost is $10 per
person. Sign up in Sunday School!
Messiah Fall/Winter Bowling League
Do you love to bowl and fun fellowship? Consider joining Messiah's bowling team!
- When: Tuesday evenings at 6pm
- Where: Plano Super Bowl
- Contact: Randy Huechteman at [email protected] for more information.
Junior High Pine Cove- On November 4-6, your junior high students will have an opportunity to
participate in a weekend retreat at Pine Cove! We will venture out to Tyler, TX, and enjoy the
great outdoors, food, devotion, fellowship, and group development games! Please email Matt Lee
if your students are interested! Payment ($55 total) is due October 16 to hold your place for this
Messiah Serves: Our Social Ministries and Outreach
Fall Sermon Series
Dawn Johnson – 972-948-8966 – [email protected]
God Created You to Make A Difference
September 18-Prepare for Persecution
October 9-Don’t Write Anyone Off
September 25-Do Good Things Quietly
October 16-No One is Unfit
October 2-Break Down A Few Walls
October 23-Pray First and Pray the Most
Thank you for all who have supported and participated in this
year’s Community Day of Service! Information on a few of the
organizations we served is available on the Social Ministries &
Outreach table if you would like to learn more. We had a wonderful and
successful weekend serving others and Sharing His Light. I had fun and
truly enjoyed the fellowship while serving others.
Special Thanks to the Trinity River Chapter of Thrivent Financial
for their financial support of our service project of making
sandwiches during our community day of service events.
Retirement and Estate Strategies Workshop
This event will seek to answer common questions
about retirement like:
 How to accumulate and distribute money for
 How to pass on money to heirs or charities in a
tax-wise manner.
 Increasing the probability of investment success.
 Multigenerational IRA planning… and more.
One of our service projects this year was putting together
“Blessing Bags” for Emily’s Place. I’m extending the collection for the list of
supplies needed to the end of September. The list of supplies included in
the “Blessing Bags” for the residents is short, but always in need. This was
the first year that Emily’s Place participated in our Day of Service; however
I’m hoping to develop a long term relationship with them.
Please call 972-521-0011 or email
[email protected] to reserve a
place for yourself and a guest. Lunch is provided at
the noon events. Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres
will be served at the evening events.
Please consider stopping by the Social Ministries & Outreach table to pick up
a list of items needed for the “Blessing Bags.” Items donated can be dropped
off either in our collection area or the Social Ministries & Outreach table. A sign will be in
place: “Blessing Bags” for Emily’s Place with their logo that is pictured above. Below is a brief
description of Emily’s Place and additional information is available with the list of needs.
Friday, September 23rd at Noon
Thursday, September 29th at 6:30pm
Friday, September 30th at Noon
Ridgemont Associates-Thrivent Financial
1101 Central Expy S., Suite 175
Allen, TX 75013
Our Fall Service Project Is Just Around The Corner…
Sunday School classes for the Fall are officially under way, cooler
temperatures will hopefully soon arrive and one of our favorite annual
outreach project is almost here.
Tuesday, October 4th at 6:30pm
The Hope Center
2001 W. Plano Parkway, Ste. 7500
Financial guest speaker Brian Naber, CFP®, FIC,
RICP, will cover the basics of Retirement and Estate Plano, TX 75075
Strategies to help attendees start to build strategies
Tuesday, September 27th at Noon
including asset dispersal in a tax-wise manner and
Buca Di Beppo
designing a strategy for passing on a legacy to
8580 State Hwy 121
children, community, or causes you care about.
Frisco, TX 75034
This event is hosted by your local Thrivent Financial
Thursday, September 22nd at 5:30pm
representatives Sean Scruggs, Matthew Swarbrick,
Landon Winery in Historic Downtown McKinney
and Jason Jupiterwala.
(wine and hors d'oeuvres will be served)
101 N Kentucky St.
McKinney, TX 75069
Fall Harvest/Thanksgiving Boxes for Meals on Wheels - Every year Social
Ministries and Outreach participates in a service project benefiting local
Meals on Wheels clients. During the last couple of weeks in October and
the first couple of weeks in November, we shop for food to fill Fall
Harvest/Thanksgiving boxes, which will be distributed to local Meals on
Wheels clients just before Thanksgiving. This is a wonderful and touching service project we
do each year that I encourage you to participate in.
Please note that all collection projects are located in the designated collection area next to
the Family Room in the chapel building. Questions about any of our collection projects you
can contact me at [email protected] or 972-948-8966. Details regarding our ongoing
collections can be found at
If you would like more information about our Social Ministries & Outreach programs or
Lutherans for Life and the opportunities we have to Share God’s Light, I can be reached at
(972) 948-8966, or [email protected] .
Pray for One Another This Week
Shiloh, friend’s grandbaby, thanks for healing in
progress; prayer for upcoming surgery that they
can remove as much of her tumor as possible.
(Jenny Holben)
Erma Quiram-Diagnosed with breast cancer. Teri
Jim, our good friend, who needs heart surgery, but
has liver complications. (John & Kathy Douglas)
Rene, aunt of Kay Ross, for recovery from a stroke
Lisa, a neighbor, is recovering from a recent kidney and for full recovery in rehab.
transplant and gaining strength and function each
day. Thank you, Lord. (Anita & Gordon Hanson)
Reagan Felthous, granddaughter of Tim & Marla
Johnson, strength and courage to persevere until a
Robert Albin, (uncle), has stage 4 cancer; Jeff
resolution is found for her condition.
Jordan (cousin), is getting a biopsy to determine
treatment on Monday. (Becky Florsheim)
Frances Morin, I am leaving for my new life
9/11 survivor families along with the families of
firemen, police and church who had members or
family who perished in that attack. (Suzi Checki)
Steve Chambers, that he may come to church and
come to know Christ. (Samantha Chambers)
Artina, BFF, sister in Christ, thanksgiving for her
and our wonderful friendship. (Ellen Sykora)
Men attending the Men’s Retreat, may God open
our hearts and eyes to His words as we study the
life of David. (John Sweitzer)
Joyce Laux, prayers for successful surgery for
kidney stones on September 19th.
adventure in AZ and want to thank Messiah staff
and members.
Carleton & Lois Cassady, Mike’s mom & dad, they
are both having heart catheterizations the next two
Mondays. Carleton on the 19th and Lois on the 26th.
Bible Class/Sunday School
Grace Community Church
Visitation Team-Dalton
May God Bless America; Bless Corky, Phyllis,
Wade family, prayers of peace and healing for their Karin and John; May Marianne be peaceful in her
family as they mourn the loss of their son Xander. last days. (Dorothy Rigg)
(Michael & Erin Garrett)
Boy Scouts
Bob Duchow, Thanksgiving for his 80th Birthday.
(Fred & Michelle Duchow and family)
Cadem Stephens family, neighbors of Linda
Frank Murry, friend of Steven Slagel, for a full
Halenkamp, 12 year old grandson passed away
recovery of his stage 4 cancer.
this week after a long struggle with cancer. Please
pray for peace and comfort for his family.
Dale Zadow, mobility; John, strength and healing
from a blood clot; Dennis Brooks, from pneumonia;
Lynette Westbrook, healing from surgery.
Lettie Hall, from a fall. (Jerry & Jane Baedke)
Wylie Oliver, son-in-law of John & Cherlyn Bruce,
for his illness and weakness of his kidneys.
Isabella, daughter of Shellie & Tony Fontana,
encouragement and joy in final preparations for
wedding to Matthew Trader on Oct. 14th.
Christina, friend, healing, she is undergoing a bone
marrow transplant. (Katherine Wolfe)
Jerry Huse, son, that new treatment for CLL cancer
will be successful. (Mel Huse)
(continued on next page)
Carol Avellanet
Milo Berg
Elizabeth Brondos
Arlene Case
John Fey
LaVerne Foster
Freda Hafeman
Roger Hawk
Kerwin Kaaz
Betty Ladishew
Jean Osburn
Tony Raines
Harold Thenhaus
Deanna Weldon
Together in the Lord This Week
Please pray for good outcomes for both.
Sherry B., friend & Ian’s Godmother, peace of
Spirit as Sherry awaits the results of a PET scan
Ivan, healing from accident. (Glen & Mary Cudly)
that will determine if she either has the removal of
Drew Spradling, friend of the Kuncaitis family,
part of/ whole rib or to undergo extensive radiation
hospitalized with unknown infection that is affecting treatments. (Mike Lakvold)
his heart.
Jeff Marquett, healing.
RECOVERY: For Healing-Marge Anderson,
Linda Bender, Joyce Laux, Reagan Felthous,
Harold Lehrmann, Lynette Westbrook,
Ron Harwick, Ann Murphy, Connie Nottoli,
Lisa Schroeder, Lynda Stricker, Ricky Switzer,
Larry Trimpe, & Dale Zadow. Vonda Hendersonhip, Sonia Anazagasty-knee, Ken Lynn Trimpebroken foot, Ruby Moeller-hip, Ellarea Poeck-foot,
Leah Lewis-ear, Marian Collins-broken foot, Joe
Davidson-hip, and Norma Hester-foot surgery.
8:30 AM
9:45 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Women’s Bible Class (Kollmann)
The Gathering
Joyful Ringers
Sanctuary Choir
9:30 AM
1:00 PM
6:15 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Men’s Lunch and Bible Study
Cherubs/Choristers/Youth Choir
Worship Service
Praise Team
Sanctuary Orchestra
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
7:45 PM
Primetimers trip to Oklahoma
Women’s Bible Class (Looney)
Millennial Choir/Orchestra
Women’s Bible Class (Detrie)
Church Council
Messenger Crew
Women’s Retreat/Men’s Retreat
(Off Campus)
Pinochle Club
Craft Night
9:30 AM
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Women’s Retreat/Men’s Retreat
(Off Campus)
Bible Class/Sunday School
Grace Community Church
Visitation Team-Konkel
8:30 AM
9:45 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM