December 2007 - Sacramento Association of REALTORS
December 2007 - Sacramento Association of REALTORS
PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 538 Sacramento, CA Sacramento Association of REALTORS® 2003 Howe Avenue Sacramento, California 95825 Sacramento December 2007 I n si d e This Issue President's Perspective Page 2 New Members Page 4 REALTOR A PUBLICATION OF SACRAMENTO ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® Market, This Year was Professional, Passionate and Positive in Many Ways SAR Building Dedication to James Sandman 2007 Installation Longtime Member and REALTOR® Tracey Saizan was elected SAR President for 2007. Tracey has lived by her “Passion for Professionalism” and decided to make this the theme for 2007. Professionalism was prevalent throughout the year as REALTORS® remained dedicated and fully focused on the improvement of SAR. New educational courses, including those focused on commercial real estate, were SAR’s 2007 President is award- developed, the SAR building was remodeled and productive and insightful meeted gifts by MC Dave Howe ings paved the way towards professionalism. Other highlights of the year are listed below. James Sandman provided outstanding service to SAR for 19 years Christmas CanTree CanTree at Downtown Plaza and clients. Celebrating its 25th year, the Christmas CanTree and Salvation Army once again teamed up to provide the Sacramento needy with enough food to last through the holidays. The CanTree showed its growth and strength by constructing three giant trees made from cans of food. These trees were on public display at three local malls (Downtown Plaza, Country Club Plaza and Sunrise Mall) for all to marvel upon. Main Meeting Speaker Jan Hargrave, President Tracey Saizan and EVP Nelson Janes The 2nd Annual IRCD proved a success as hundreds of REALTORS® showed up to enjoy the sweet taste of foods from faraway lands and exotic entertainment. A group of panelists representing diverse cultures shed light on any misconceptions about their traditions. A day of fantastic food, memorable music and exciting dance was one participants will not soon forget. Page 8 Page 11 Masters Club President Jennifer Burke addresses luncheon attendees January Calendar of Events Page 12 C.A.R. Chief Economist Leslie Appleton-Young spoke to a huge crowd of 600 SAR Members The November Main Meeting brought in a record 600+ REALTORS® and Affiliates, due mostly to the 2008 C.A.R. Economic Forecast presented by their Chief Economist Leslie Appleton-Young. She offered valuable and realistic information about next year’s market. Aside from the intriguing speaker, the Main Meeting featured representatives from various cell phone companies and offered SAR Members unbeatable deals. Volunteering for Rebuilding Together has given SAR the chance to help those of the community who are in need. By working directly on a person’s house, this effort is not only productive, but fun as well. Volunteers painted, constructed a fence, put up drain pipes and updated home. SAR is proud to help this fabulous organization! REALTOR Stephen T. Webb joyfully participates in Rebuilding Together Masters Club Golf Tournament Roy Macy of Comstock Mortgage enjoys the annual Masters Club Golf Tournament Race for the Cure SAR WEBSITE: SAR Members and staff support the Race for the Cure Continuing the tradition, your Sacramento Association of REALTORS® formed a dedicated team for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. All benefits from this event go to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. SAR was proud to follow Association President Tracey Saizan across the finish line. This year's Masters Club Luncheon theme was “Survival of the Fittest” and Masters Club President, Jennifer Burke, has been just that. Not only has Jennifer been elected President, but has also served as Chair of the Masters Club Golf Tournament Committee. Leigh Rutledge handled the microphone as MC, contributing her always lively personality to the occasion. Fall 2007 Rebuilding Together Christy Edelman with Dad and President-elect Alan Wagner Main Meeting Record Attendance with Speaker Leslie Appleton-Young October’s Main Meeting was one of the most entertaining yet, with professional speaker, distinguished author and nonverbal communication expert Jan Hargrave taking center stage at the SAR Mack Powell Auditorium. Jan wowed her audience by revealing secrets on how to read nonverbal actions. Members left with much more insight into their peers and clients. Masters Club and Clients Luncheon International REALTOR® Celebration Day Ethics Corner, Masters Club Corner Mr. James Sandman, the SAR Executive Vice President of 19 years, was honored at the September Main Meeting. Hundreds gathered to participate in the celebration and pay homage to a man who led SAR for nearly two decades. The SAR Mack Powell Auditorium was filled with pictures of Mr. Sandman and his former staff and peers. The SAR building was dedicated to him and renamed the James Sandman REALTOR® Center. He will be remembered. Jan Hargrave Christmas CanTree Page 5 MLS Statistics Volume 9 • Number 12 2007: In Spite of a Challenging Government Watch Page 6 ® REALTOR® Jay Emerson receives his prize from MetroList’s Bill Miller (left) and Dave Howe (right) A cloudy day turned out to be beautiful for the 28th annual Masters Club Golf Tournament. Chair Jennifer Burke again orchestrated a fantastic event that raised over $15,000 for local non-profit organizations, while golfers hit the links and enjoyed a day of golf and an evening of great food and entertainment. 2007 Business and Technology Expo A real estate trade show aimed directly at our Members made its annual appearance in full force, with this year’s theme focusing on the evolution of real estate through the years. The venue offered educational seminars, nationally known speakers and the latest and greatest in real estate technology. Sacramento Association of REALTORS® 2003 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 922-7711 Fax (916) 922-1221 or Fax (916) 922-3904 MetroList 1164 W. National Dr. Suite 60 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 922-2234 or (916) 922-7584 2007 SAR Board of Directors Tracey Saizan President Charlene Singley Secretary/Treasurer Alan Wagner President-Elect Leigh Rutledge Immediate Past President Directors Ed Anderson Doug Covill Sally Dunbar Barbara Harsch Patrick Lieuw Betty Pomeroy Cathryn Snow Lorin Brown Judy Covington Kathy Fox Gina LaPlaca Carl Olson Sherri Radovich Dave Tanner green REALTOR® work shirts and has been seen at various volunteer opportunities including Rebuilding Together and the Great American River Clean-Up. SAR President, SAR expresses its gratitude to this selfless group: Tracey Saizan Chair Telly Tasakos, Nancy Jones-Wegge, Chris Little, Jennifer Merica, Andrea Parker, Kathleen Russell, Judy Schoer, Dave Tanner, Alan Wagner, Marvelene Weyer, Priscilla Sheen Thank You, Committees Many may view SAR as a “Real Estate Machine,” pumping out seemingly endless educational opportunities, orchestrating exciting Main Meetings and offering the latest in real estate products and information. All of this is made available to you, our Members, in a manner that appears seamless. What is really the case is that SAR could not be as productive or as functional without its many Committees helping make these decisions. From education to mediations, these Committees deserve recognition and should have some time to bask in the spotlight. SAR Mission Statement The purpose of the Sacramento Association of REALTORS® is to enhance the ability of its Members to practice their profession ethically and effectively through ongoing training and accountability. Vision Statement Our vision is to promote the highest level of professionalism and ethics and to affect changes in the real estate industry to benefit our Members and the community at large. Education Committee – This committee meets monthly to review class proposals and select those that most appropriately meet your educational needs. They also develop innovative programs customized for particular groups like new REALTORS® and brokers. Here to Serve You SAR Staff Feel free to call us direct. Nelson Janes – 916.437.1201 Executive Vice President Greg Wilson – 916.437-1204 Director of Finance and Operations Aaron Truby – 916.437.1203 Staff Accountant Janelle Fallan – 916.437.1208 Director of Public Affairs and Commercial Division Pat Lowell – 916.437.1206 Director of Professional Standards Judy Wegener – 916.437.1207 Director of Education and Communications Traci Sarria – 916.437.1202 Education Assistant Liliya Mishchuk – 916.437.1212 Meetings & Events Coordinator Todd Nicholson – 916.437.1214 Building Superintendent Janet Whitney - 916.780.5846 Commercial Real Estate Advisor Debbie Anno - 916.437.1202 Administrative Assistant Daniel Allen – 916.437.1225 IT Manager Devyn Henry – 916.437.1226 Executive Assistant Tony Vicari – 916.437.1205 Public Affairs Assistant Deborah Grinnell – 916.437.1209 Director of Meetings and Events Special thanks to this Committee: Nancy Manly – 916.437.1217 Director of Member Services Lyndsey Harank – 916.437.1221 Member Services Robin Mayer – 916.437.1216 Member Services Denise Stone – 916.437.1219 Member Services Amelia Warrington – 916.437.1218 Member Services Barbara Wells – 916.437.1220 Member Services Hometown Hero Chair Shirley Delao, Kevin Cooper, Tina Deller, Charlene Singley, Dick Swayne Housing Opportunity Committee – This Committee is responsible for promoting first-time homebuyer and affordable housing programs to SAR Members. The Housing Opportunity Committee strives to educate Members and alleviate any fears produced by negative press. You can look forward to an Informational Phone Bank with KVIE in the future, to answer any questions the public may have. We look forward to this Committee’s plans for next year and would like to thank: Government Relations Committee – Do you ever wonder who fights for the rights of REALTORS®? What has been done about private property transfer taxes? Who speaks up against point-ofsale fireplace retrofits? What has been done about the proposal of mandatory Sacramento rental inspections? This Committee is backed by SAR’s key player in the political arena, Eric Rasmusson. With his help, the Government Relations Committee discusses these issues and decides which SAR supports and which it does not, all the while keeping the benefit of REALTORS® in mind. CanTree Committee – There are few REALTORS® in Sacramento who have not heard of or participated in SAR’s Christmas CanTree program. This Committee works hard and relentlessly each year securing funds and planning events to help collect more donations and canned food than the years before. Check out their canned food (Christmas Tree) masterpieces on display at each of the following local area malls: Downtown Plaza, Country Club Plaza and Sunrise Mall. Community Relations Committee – SAR reserves a certain amount of energy for public exposure and volunteer work. The Community Relations Committee handles donation requests and recruiting for certain volunteer efforts. This Committee proudly displays its lime- SAR Retail Center Thank you, Committee: Chair Diana Perparos, Linda Bennett, Riley Chavis, Randolph Ervin, Eva Garcia, Bobbi Glassel, Monica Harris, Vallene Indvik, Kevin Nunn, Brian Rosa, Scott Short, Charlene Singley, Alita Turner, Stephen T. Webb, Marvelene Weyer, Mary Willett Chair Leigh Rutledge, Nancy Arndorfer, Lorin Brown, Paula Colombo, Doug Covill, Judy Covington, Brian Holloway, Michelle Lehman, Carl Olson, Steve Ostrom, Bob Rosenberg, Tracey Saizan, Charlene Singley, Dick Swayne, Dave Tanner, Richard Wilks Carl Carlson – 916.437.1223 Director of Retail Operations Doreen Lambrite - 916.437.1224 Retail Center Specialist Kimberly Mar – 916.437.1222 Retail Center Assistant Hometown Hero Committee – This group focuses on honoring those Members who have made a dedicated mark on their community through volunteer efforts. These Members are honored during certain Main Meetings throughout the year and receive checks for their favorite charities. Chair Peter Lee, Vice Chair Gloria Allen, Ken Erickson, Tom Gunnette, Jim Hanson, Evelyn Hernandez, Shirley Hunt, Jeff Jurach, Mo Jaiyeoba, Yong Sook Kim, Chris Little, Dave Lovenvirth, Analyn Miller, Deniece RossFrancom, Gyan Sharma, and Scott Short A big thanks is due to this group for giving SAR a legislative voice: SAR Member Services A big round of applause goes out to this group: Chair Jim Hanson, Frank Babcock, Robert Baker, Ginger Berenguer, David Boliard, Robert Campbell, Steve Cassani, Peggy Coughlin, Kathy Fox, Michelle Kloss, Desmond Lenz, Chuck Manly, Tim McGuire, Pam Poore, Nicole Saizan, Wayne Saunders, Pauline Sheppard, Tim Weisbeck PAC Trustees – The Political Action Campaign Trustees (PAC for short) are your connection to local and statewide elected officials. With the help of SAR’s Legislative Advocate Eric Rasmusson, this group decides which political campaigns and issues to support. Focus on the issue or campaign, with a strong tendency to support issues benefitting the Real Estate Industry and community at large. Thank you to these politically savvy REALTORS®: Chair Carl Olson, Jennifer Burke, Paula Colombo, Doug Covill, Judy Covington, Steve Ostrom, Leigh Rutledge, Dave Tanner, Richard Wilks Masters Club Steering Committee – Choosing who is eligible for Membership into the SAR Masters Club takes a group of knowledgeable and experienced people, and this Committee proves to be just that. Along with processing Masters Club applications, this group also takes on organizing the Educational Roundtables, meetings, mixers, golf tournament and various charitable activities. SAR is grateful for all the work you do. Thanks to: President Jennifer Burke, Sandi BurdenBradley, Doug Covill, Liz D’Amelio, Glenn Fong, Gina LaPlaca, Lori Logan, Patti Martinez, Brian McMartin, Ron Murphy, Susan Parker, Wendi Reinl, John Royball, Ted Russert, Aileen Santee, Bruce Slaton, Dianne Slutsky, Andrew Thielen, Patrick Vogeli, Richard Wilks Professional Standards – Upholding the REALTOR® Code of Ethics, disciplining Members and arbitrating Member disputes are all part of the Professional Standards Committee’s duties. Without a body overseeing the Code, the benefit of being a Member would lose its strengths and advantages. SAR would like to thank its Enforcers: Pat Croyle Chai;, Pamela Petterle, Vice Chair; Edward Anderson, Nancy Arndorfer, Betsy Berretty, George Bott, Cleo Brown, Tommie Hall, Barbara Jaramillo, Rick Keltner, Richard Kitowski, Rebecca Kucala, Ted McGregor, Laura Mikulecky, Leigh Rutledge, Helen Sims, Dave Tanner, JaCi Wallace, R.T. Willsey Equal Opportunity/Cultural Diversity Committee – This group focuses on developing and promoting programs in the areas of minority outreach, fair housing, affirmative marketing, fair lending practices and cultural awareness. Equal Opportunity is responsible for planning and executing the International REALTOR® Celebration Day, a highly entertaining and “tasty” event that celebrates diversity throughout the real estate community. This event has become a favorite of SAR Members. SAR extends it appreciation to: Chair Scott Short, Lynn Adams, Angel Alvarez, Victor Banda, Brit Bertino, Rico Castillo, Riley Chavis, Kevin Cooper, Edna Crawford, Johnny Delgadillo, Eva Garcia, Monica Harris, Bob Ingols, Ana Kihumba, Juan Lashley, Patrick Lieuw, Tara McDaniel, George Mijares, Marty Swingle, Sarah Tam, Alita Turner, Ka Xiong, Tatyana Zeakovi Young Professionals Council – The purpose of the Young Professionals Council is to provide networking, social continued on page 3 Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm 2 President's Perspective Sacramento REALTOR® is published monthly by the Sacramento Association of REALTORS® for the benefit of its membership. Advertisements and statements of fact and opinion are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion or endorsement on the part of SAR officers, members or staff. All material copyright 2007, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved. Sacramento REALTOR® Sacramento REALTOR® Newsletter Editor: Judy Wegener Publisher: Ned Foley, Foley Publications Design & Layout: Eric Ulibarri, Foley Publications To Advertise: Foley Publications 1-800-628-6983 Editorial Policy The Sacramento Association of REALTORS® (SAR) welcomes articles of educational interest to its members. Published articles will feature the author’s name, title and company; however, no direct compensation will be paid to the author. SAR reserves the right to edit submitted articles for length, grammar, and appropriateness. Articles will be printed in SAR’s publications on a space available basis. Attempt will be made to publish submitted articles in a timely manner; however, submission of an article does not guarantee when, or if, it will be published. December 2007 President's Perspective and educational opportunities to young Members paving a path to success and innovative growth in the real estate industry. At its monthly meeting this group plans mixers at various clubs and restaurants and coordinates various volunteer opportunities. We would like to thank these enthusiastic REALTOR® and Affiliate Members: Chair Jeff Mrizek, Brit Bertino, Lawrence Castaneda, Alyssa Lozano, Lindsey Morin Mondragon, Ricardo Rivera, Ramona Selman, Kellie Swayne, Michael Williams Grievance Committee – This Committee serves as SAR's Grand Jury on disputes. They provide means for REALTORS® and real estate consumers to settle differences without litigation. Thank you, Grievance Committee: Bruce Werking, Chair; Paula Swayne, Vice Chair; Gilbert Chan, Robert Davis, Mindy Demain, Maggie Frisch, Susan Gibson, Alicia Guzman-Foster, Tina Jones-Horn, David Kirrene, Beth Mergens, Susana Redding, Richard Rumsey, Ted Russert Budget Committee – The Budget Committee works with staff to develop the annual budget and then compares budget to actual revenue and expenses each month. Any variances to the budget are brought to the committee for review and recommendations to the Board of Directors. Thank you, Budget Committee: Chair Charlene Singley, Lorin Brown, (continued from page 2) Steve Cassani, Doug Covill, Judy Covington, Patrick Lieuw, Leigh Rutledge, Tracey Saizan, Richard Swayne, Dave Tanner and Alan Wagner Board of Directors/Executive Committee – You elect seven of your 14 Directors each year for two-year terms. They meet monthly and guide the policy of the Association by reviewing activities and recommendations of SAR Committees. They also guide policy by being kept aware of political and legal issues affecting the industry and the Association. The policies that develop are implemented by staff and volunteers. Your Board serves as the central clearing house of the organization and your Directors serve as Ambassadors and information resources throughout Sacramento. Catherine Snow, Dave Tanner Business and Technology – This group planned and executed the 2007 Business and Technology Expo. From January to August, the Committee brainstormed, collaborated with numerous businesses and lined up nationally known speakers for the September 6th event. Brokers and Managers. The purpose of this Forum is to provide education, information and networking opportunities by means of influential and informative speakers and announcements of upcoming events. Thanks to those Members who bring this forum to life every month and to President-Elect Alan Wagner for moderating. Patrick Lieuw, Chair; John Adams, Frank Babcock, Judy Covington, Kimberly Hamersley, Lacey Bridget, Tim McGuire, Lori Mode, Alicia Pagliere, Kellie Swayne, Sarah Tam, Izzy Y-Devine and Richard Zuniga Legislative Forum – This forum is open to all SAR Members interested in gaining further insights into local issues. Each forum features an elected official who dialogues with the group, providing two-way communication between SAR Members and our representatives Broker/Manager Forum – This monthly Forum is open to all Member continued on page 10 Special thanks to: The Executive Committee is comprised of your Officers who also serve as four additional Directors. They, along the Executive Vice President, oversee all Association activities and develop the issues and activities in to the Agenda for meetings of the Board. SAR greatly appreciates the time that they give to these important duties: OFFICERS: SAR President Tracey Saizan, President-Elect Alan Wagner, Immediate Past President Leigh Rutledge, Secretary/ Treasurer Charlene Singley. DIRECTORS: Ed Anderson, Lorin Brown, Doug Covill, Judy Covington, Sally Dunbar, Kathy Fox, Barbara Harsch, Gina LaPlaca, Patrick Lieuw, Carl Olson, Betty Pomeroy, Sherri Radovich, C U S T O M I Z E D H O M E L O A N S ALL YOUR CLIENTS’ HOME LOAN ANSWERS NOW IN 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS! Christy Andrei (916) 567-5354 Fluent in Romanian John Kim (916) 419-1508 Nahid Murtaza (916) 567-5339 Fluent in Farsi Linda Morgan (916) 419-1506 Bob Capparelli (916) 419-1505 Michael Quihuiz (916) 567-5350 Sherri Radovich (916) 567-5345 Russian Mark Shelton (916) 567-5359 Robyn Sims (916) 419-1502 John Burgess (916) 567-5327 NATOMAS HOME LOAN CENTER 2281 Del Poso Center Rd., Sacramento, CA 95835 (916) 419-1501 OFFICE • (916) 419-1513 FAX SACRAMENTO HOME LOAN CENTER 1950 Arden Way, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 567-5300 OFFICE • (916) 567-5305 FAX Programs subject to change. We have loan offices and accept applications in Washington Mutual Bank. FA - many states: Washington Mutual Bank - ID, OR, UT, WA; and Washington Mutual Bank fsb - ID, MT, UT. December 2007 Sacramento REALTOR® 3 New SAR Members October 2007 New REALTOR® Members Anne T. Cardrino Prudential CA Realty Tatyana Chernioglo Keller Williams Realty Julie A. Cole McMartin Realty Thuy P. Crinklaw GreatWest GMAC Real Estate Christine E. Dariotis G B C, REALTORS Jeremy Estes High Priority Realty Christopher M. Gaco AtHome Realty Noel M. Garcia AtHome Realty Kira S. Gnapp Prudential CA Realty Jeffrey R. Grenz Coldwell Banker-Diez & Leis RE Lien N. Ha Century 21 All Professional Nida J. Halog Elite Realty Services Hina F. Abid American Heritage R.E. Srvs Pete A. Agmata Jr AtHome Realty Christopher Agustin 21st Century Real Estate Jeret A. Arnaz American Heritage R.E. Srvs Jessica C. Ayala Berean Homes & Loans, Inc Debra R. Bailey Lyon RE Fair Oaks East Stephen Blume Century 21 All Professional Jarrett J. Breshears Keller Williams Realty Randy K. Brown S S V Incorporated Renee L. Cabral Bruce A Mills, Inc. Maria C. Campos Prudential CA Realty Walter L. Hames III Lyon RE Folsom Michelle D. Hamiel Prudential CA Realty Mardi L. Harmer Lyon RE Folsom Eugene H. Heise Old Valley Homes Touyia T. Her Elite Realty Services Londa C. Hillard Real Estate Solutions Paul Ivanyuk Bridge Real Estate Company Inc Shelly L. Jagd Lyon RE Natomas Nichoel L. Jennings RE/MAX Gold Folsom Ke Rose Johnson ZipRealty, Inc. William R. Johnston Jr Langdons Homebuyers Assistance Nikolay Kalmykov Global Financing, Inc. Tracee A. Kennedy Park Place Properties Barbara A. Kuhl Realty Source Lawrence L. Lambert Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Jeanne R. Lee The Saunders Company Erik J. Lemke Realty World-Superior Realty Elizabeth S. Leppanen VGC Real Estate Group Megan K. Little-Mier Little Real Estate Services Chuyia S. Lo Elite Realty Services Gilbert Lozano Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Daniel J. Lozano Global Financing, Inc. Sumi McBeth Mack J McBeth Realty Mone L. McLucas ZipRealty, Inc. L O W F I X E D - R AT E G O L D E N 1 M O R T G A G E L O A N S Start Them Packing! Get your clients moving into a new home courtesy of a Golden 1 mortgage loan. PEACE OF MIND Your clients’ interest rate will not change during the life of the loan. CONVENIENCE Free pre-approval and timely loan decisions. SECURITY Our Rate Lock Protection Policy guarantees their rate against increases for 30 to 60 days depending on your preference. FLEXIBILITY Conforming loan amounts up to $417,000 ( for 1-unit or single-family property) and nonconforming loan amounts up to $1.5 million. SELECTION Choose from a variety of home loans to fit your clients’ financial needs. AFFORDABILITY Competitive, low interest rates and up to 100% financing on certain fixed terms. Contact The Golden 1 today to learn about the many ways we facilitate real estate lending. Call one of our helpful Real Estate Loan Officers at (916) 732-2900 or 1-800-462-1663. Matt Mesplou S S V Incorporated Dean E. Miller RE/MAX Gold Gold River Michelle D. Misciagna Paula Willhite & Assoc. R.E. Kurt E. Munch 5K Realty David H. Murray Sunrise Real Estate Francis V. Nguyen Century 21 All Professional Thomas J. Pellegrini American River Real Estate Inc Dean Petrisor Members Realty & Loans Joyce A. Pribble Century 21 All Professional Nelly Ramil AtHome Realty Maria G. Ramirez Premier Realty Bradley A. Read Century 21 All Professional Ciciro A. Reyes AtHome Realty Mario B. Sarino AtHome Realty Aram N. Sarkissian Dean Adams Res. Loan Bkg Erich A. Scharf Norine Chalmers, REALTOR Bob B. Scott Kraft Real Estate Jennifer L. Scruggs RE/MAX Gold Sacramento Tim A. Shanahan Realty World Greater Sacto Prp Eileen M. Shea Prudential CA Realty Corlyn M. Skinner Prudential CA Realty Ken A. Skultety First Financial & Realty Serv Madeline M. Spitz Windermere Dunnigan Realtors Connie S. Stewart Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Scott F. Tabarango Lyon RE Fair Oaks Sabrina E. Vanderford Prudential CA Realty Betty J. Varvell Keller Williams Realty Virginia Vela Amity Real Estate Service Brenda J. Vieira Lawrence Realty Michelle Visentin Burke Realty Group, Inc. Deborah A. Wacker Cook Realty Daniel H. Williams LGL Properties Ricky Y. Wong Elite Realty Services Lori Worthen Massey Advantage Inc. Henry J. Wrigley Realty Source Kristie A. Wubben Newpoint Realty Services New Designated REALTORS® Shannon A. Basford Global Financing, Inc. Alfred W. Brown CRB Group Garry L. McGee Perfect Financial Solutions Thomas J Westlake Westlake, T J, Broker New Affiliate Members Can you join? Absolutely! SM Brett Dodge Dodge & Associates Appraisal Debbie Kemper Southern Living at Home Denisa Myrick Denisa Myrick * EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 4 * Membership is open to anyone who lives or works in most of the immediate area. Sacramento REALTOR® Better Banking. Proven Service.SM December 2007 Government Watch By Eric Rasmusson, Legislative Advocate December 2007 eration of electronic signs. In doing so, they are being forced to address other sign issues among them obviously real estate signs of several different types. Directional signs at new homes were always a target of local sign ordinances but in recent years sales people have addressed that controversy with the human directional signs we see now on street corners in new growth areas. Traditional on-site real estate signs are a simple issue and are left to homeowners associations to regulate. Off-site real estate signs however always seem to grab the most attention. Off-site “permanently affixed” signs are expressly prohibited by most jurisdictions, though if the sign is placed on private property with the owner’s permission, there is some question as to the ability of the city to regulate such signs. Signs - Signs Everywhere There Are Signs As 2007 comes to a close, many local governments within SAR’s jurisdiction have begun looking at their sign ordinances. I suppose that shouldn’t be too big of a surprise as inventory is obviously on the rise but complaints and the extreme competition of a super heated market really don’t seem to be the factors that they once were. It seems that cities are being forced to update their sign ordinances in order to deal with the increased popularity and revenue gen- However, signs that are permanently affixed off-site in the public right of way have become a bit more prolific and are getting the attention of code enforcers. I believe we’ll see a move toward increased enforcement, increased fines and penalties for off-site signs in the public right of way pointing to a listing some distance away. Off-site open house signs are always on the table for discussion when sign ordinances are dicussed. They are prohibited in bike lanes, sidewalks, median strips and generally all public rights of way though if they are placed with some discretion the code enforcement community has shown a willingness to work with REALTORS®. Expect most new ordinances to still allow open house signs on private property with the owner’s permission, but only during the hours of operation of the open house. Some cities may also seek to limit the total number of signs a REALTOR® can place. Now more than ever it is important for REALTORS® to show some restraint in the use and placement of signs. While I understand that there is significant pressure to find creative ways to physically market properties that may not be receiving the attention their owners had hoped, not showing some restraint may very well end up resulting in a change in the ability to use these age-old marketing methods. We’ll endeavor to keep you updated as to the changes as the process winds its way through to completion. We may also call on Members to communicate the need for reasonable signage to various elected officials and staff. Committee Spotlight: Young Professionals Council In late 2006, the idea of creating a committee aimed at younger REALTORS® was discussed. With four generations of REALTORS® working side by side in the real estate industry, it is beneficial to establish connections between the veterans of the business and the hip rookies. The idea of a group for young REALTORS® was created for this purpose, to expand the ever growing industry that is real estate. mission statement and a purpose. The first meeting took place in January 2007 and began the process of establishing itself among SAR’s many Committees. After much debate, the name Young Professionals Council (YPC) was chosen to best reflect the image these young REALTORS® wished to portray. Staying true to its name, Members who joined this group would be limited to REALTOR® and Affiliate Members in their 20s and 30s. This group would need a name, a The Young Professionals Council set decided on monthly meetings that would take place on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. A mission statement was articulated: “The Purpose of the Young Professionals Council is to provide networking, social and educational opportunities to young Members paving a path to success and innovative growth in the real estate industry.” To attract more Members and keep current Members in contact with each other, the YPC decided to host mixers at some of the newest and most attractive clubs and restaurants in Sacramento. Just this year there were networking 1031 mixers at such fine restaurants as Lucca, Chops, Il Fornaio, Mason’s (At the Park). The Council even rented a 55’ yacht for a private, floating mixer on the Sacramento River! The YPC is also very active with all SAR events, including the 2007 Tech Faire Expo and the Masters Club Golf Tournament. To join this fabulous group, you must be an SAR Member (REALTOR® or Affiliate) in your 20s or 30s and eager to excel in your career as a real estate professional. (Mixers are open to all SAR Members.) Contact Liliya Mishchuk at (916) 437-1212 or [email protected] for more details. TAX DEFERRED EXCHANGES EXPERIENCE Asset Preservation has successfully facilitated over 125,000 exchanges and is a leading national Qualified Intermediary. EXPERTISE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT EVICTION SERVICES Arbour Real Estate Management Inc. Law Office of Gary Link Inc. 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Learn the ease of performing a Section 1031 tax deferred exchange. We can show you how. Call 800-282-1031 or visit EVICTIONS 10,000 + trials WWWSACRAMENTOLANDLORDCOM 1-800-553-8428 4HISISASHAREDADVERTISEMENT%ACHADVERTISERISASEPARATEANDINDEPENDENTBUSINESSNEITHERISINPARTNERSHIPWITHTHEOTHERNORINAJOINTVENTUREWITHONEANOTHER .EITHERADVERTISERWARRANTSORGUARANTEESTHESUCCESSORQUALITYOFSERVICESOFTHEOTHER4HISINFORMATIONPROVIDEDINTHISADISNOTAWARRANTYORGUARANTEEOFSUCCESS December 2007 SECURITY for owner clients STAY & SAVE $$ PROGRAMTM We have exchange counselors, accountants and attorneys on staff to address the most complex improvement and reverse exchanges. Bill Angove Vice President [email protected] An IRC §1031 “Qualified Intermediary” Call 800-282-1031 for a §1031 Power of Exchange™ brochure Sacramento REALTOR® 5 Christmas CanTree PAC support “A Quarter Century crucial in 2008 Strong!” While the Presidential election may get the spotlight in 2008, SAR leaders will be focused on state and local offices, where the political impact on local REALTORS’® ability to succeed is so great. Yes, it’s Political Action Committee (PAC) fundraising time again. If you have been a Member of SAR for more than a year, chances are you’ve heard of the term “CanTree.” There’s also a good chance you’ve participated, donated or volunteered during the “CanTree Season.” December is the month in which CanTree culminates and is celebrated at SAR’s Main Meeting. This meeting is where the Salvation Army joins SAR and thanks all those who have donated to this wonderful cause. SAR and the Salvation Army have partnered for the last twenty-five years to collect and distribute canned foods for the needy of Sacramento, and for twenty-five years this partnership has been mutually beneficial. The Salvation Army receives the financial support they need to fill Christmas food baskets for thousands of families. SAR receives an opportunity to give back to a community that supports their livelihood. The last couple of years have yielded record amounts of food collected and cash donated to the CanTree. Recent year-end contributions have consecutively produced over $100,000. Led by Chair Jim Hanson, the CanTree Committee miraculously met their goal and raised $102,000 for the Salvation Army. Considering the challenges the real estate industry has faced in 2007, SAR Members are to be congratulated for their awesome efforts. Through the California Real Estate Political Action Committee (CREPAC) and the local Board of REALTORS® PAC (BORPAC), the SAR PAC Trustees direct funds to local candidates who support Members’ ability to do business. PAC Trustees will begin interviewing local candidates in March, after the filing deadline. From left to right: (bottom row) Julie Kloss, Chicago Title; Sally Dunbar, Lyon RE Fair Oaks; Kathy Chigbrow, Lyon RE Fair Oaks; Dennis Jay Johnson, Lyon RE Fair Oaks; Celia Darby, Lyon RE Sierra Oaks (top row) Alan Wagner, SAR Presidentelect; Michael Lippi, Coldwell Banker – Metro; Desmond Lenz, Big Valley Mortgage display the CanTree check for Salvation Army. What sort of candidates will local REALTORS’® dollars support? They will be candidates and elected officials who support REALTORS® and the real estate industry, regardless of party affiliation. Further, the city and county races SAR CanTree Top Contributors Affiliate Offices: Big Valley Mortgage - 1st Place Donor Chicago Title Company - 2nd Place Donor Old Republic Title - 3rd Place Donor REALTOR® Offices: Lyon Real Estate – Fair Oaks - 1st Place Donor Lyon Real Estate – Sierra Oaks - 2nd Place Donor Coldwell Banker – Metro - 3rd Place Donor Corporate Donor MetroList Services, Inc. The entire CanTree Committee works year-long, planning and participating with everything from decorating to organizing fundraisers. This committee, the Salvation Army and all contributors, both large and small, deserve a big “thank you” from SAR and the community for making this 25th year the most special to date! In considering which current office holders to support, SAR PAC Trustees look at an individual’s record on real estate issues. Some of the issues include: •Private property transfer taxes •Sign ordinances •Point of sale regulations •Mandatory rental inspections •Flood control The 2008 dues billing will ask members to consider investing $197 in political action as “the true cost of doing business.” One of the most important services SAR and C.A.R. provide is representation in the halls of government at all levels. Members’ investment will support candidates who represent their rights and support the real estate industry’s position on important issues. New SAR Bylaw Changes SAR held its annual meeting during our recent December Main Meeting. Attending Members voted in favor of the following changes. Jim Hanson receives a framed picture of his alter ego Miss A-Meal from Salvation Army’s Captain John Brackenbury. PAC Trustees focus on are generally nonpartisan. •SAR Membership requirements concerning civil and criminal convictions of applicants will be toughened. •SAR will impose term limits on SAR Directors. Board Members will be allowed no more than four consecutive two-year terms without being absent for at least one two-year election cycle •No more than two Directors from any given firm during an election cycle will be allowed to run for a position on the SAR Board of Directors. REALTOR® Emeritus Designees At the recent Main Meeting, SAR acknowledged the following SAR Members who are receiving the REALTOR® Emeritus designation by the National Association for forty cumulative years of Membership and Service. Edward Albers Chuck Manly Lew Ritz Perry Georgallis Congratulations, Gentlemen! We are grateful for your dedicated service and Membership. Happy Holidays! From your staff at The Sacramento Association of REALTORS® 6 Sacramento REALTOR® December 2007 GET PACKING with JTS Communities New Broker Incentive Program Earn more money and receive an exciting trip every time you sell a JTS Home! Now, for a limited time, JTS is offering a special incentive program for our most valued broker partners. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SEE THE WORLD WITH JTS! When you sell your first home you get an all inclusive, 2 night stay at a Lake Tahoe resort PLUS the broker co op Second home you get an all inclusive, 3 night stay in Napa Valley PLUS regular co op Third home you get an all inclusive, 4 night stay in Las Vegas, NV PLUS regular co op Fourth home you get an all inclusive, 5 night stay in Cancun, Mexico PLUS regular co op Fifth home you get an all inclusive, 7 night stay in Hawaii PLUS regular co op Go to for more information on our communities. Restrictions may apply. Please see JTS sales agent for details. This program is subject to change and/or termination at any time. JTS foley oct07.indd 1 December 2007 Sacramento REALTOR® 9/6/07 12:37:42 PM 7 Ethics Corner Masters Club Corner Professional Standards Activity By Jennifer Burke, Masters Club President According to CAR & NAR, Articles 1, 2, 9, 12, and 16 are the Articles of the Code of Ethics most frequently violated. SAR statistics tend to confirm this. Listed below is the Professional Standards Activity for the years of 2005 and 2006. ETHICS & ARBITRATION ACTIVITY 2005-2006 2005 2006 Arbitrations Filed 9 8 Arbitrations Withdrawn 3 3 Arbitration Hearings 3 2 Ethics Cases Filed 21 21 Ethics Cases Dismissed 10 Or Withdrawn 10 Ethics Hearings 10 10 3 6 23 18 Appeal Hearings Client Mediations REALTOR® Mediations 3 Articles Violated #1 (2 violations) #2 (1 violation) #3 (2 violations) #9 (2 violations) #12 (3 violations) #16 (1 violation) 3 #1 (7 violations) #2 (2 violations) #3 (1 violation) #8 (2 violations) #9 (5 violations) #12 (5 violations) #16 (2 violations) #17 (2 violations) In addition to publishing statistics, the Board of Directors of the National Association of REALTORS® in 1999, approved the ability of local associations to publish the names, articles violated and discipline imposed of Members who have two (2) ethics violations within a three (3) year period, which The Sacramento Association of REALTORS®’ Board of Directors adopted. The following Member has been found in violation 2 times within 3 years: Timothy Yee with violations of Articles 1 & 12. A letter of warning was placed in Yee’s file for 1 year on the first violation and an additional letter of warning has been placed in his file for 2 years on the second violation. 2008 is just around the corner! Have you submitted your Masters Club application? You can find the application on the SAR website at All applications must be received no later than Tuesday, January 15, 2008. mail. If you cannot access the application form on our website and need an application to be mailed, please call Pat Lowell. If you have any questions, please check the Masters Club Standing Rules or contact Pat Lowell at (916) 437-1206 or [email protected]. Here is a list of application procedures. 1. The deadline is Tuesday, January 15, 2008. All applications must be received (not postmarked) at SAR by the end of the business day on January 15, 2008. 2. The qualifying amount is $4 million in production AND a minimum of 8 transaction ends OR a total of 30 closed ends. 3. Application is individual. If you work for a team, each team member must meet the qualification amount. Credit for application is based upon the names entered into the MLS at either 50% or 100%. 4. If you are a Life or Outstanding Life Member, you are eligible to just pay the dues; fill out the first and last page of the application and attach your payment. Dues are $65. Please read the Standing Rules on the website as to the entitlements for “Dues only” Members. 5. If you were a previous Masters Club Member and have not paid dues for three years or more, you will start over as a New Member. 6. Applications will not be sent by Save the Date Be sure to mark your calendars for the Masters Club Awards Luncheon which will be held on Friday, April 4th at the Downtown Sheraton. This luncheon is the largest formal affair SAR hosts. Over 400 REALTORS® and Affiliates applaud SAR’s top producing agents. Invitations will be mailed in March. Loaves and Fishes At this time of year we should be thinking about the less fortunate in our community. Whenever a month has a fifth Monday, Masters Club Members, other REALTORS®, Affiliates and their friends and families prepare and serve guests at Loaves and Fishes. The next opportunity to come out and volunteer is Monday, December 31st. What a great way to end 2007! For more information contact Bruce Slaton at [email protected]. Wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2008. -- Jennifer Burke Your buyer's home purchase loan approval is only as good as the lender behind it! When your buyers remove their loan contingency mid-escrow, you want a lender who will still be there for you when it's time to close escrow. Get your buyers preapproved FREE! NGet your buyers preapproved FAST! N Get your buyers the peace of mind they deserve, while you get the satisfaction of relying on a strong, established lender Downey Savings. Home loans -- since 1957. We’re on Call for You! This information is provided to assist real estate professionals only and is not intended for distribution to or for use by the general public. This information is not intended nor should it be construed as an advertisement to promote credit as defined by Title 12, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 226.2. Programs, rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Loans subject to credit approval. Other restrictions apply. ©2007 Downey Savings. All rights reserved. 8 Sacramento REALTOR® December 2007 REALTORS® In Action SAR would like to acknowledge and thank all Members who have contributed to the REALTOR® Action Fund in 2007. We ran the first half of the list in our November Sacramento REALTOR®. Here is the remainder of the list of Members contributing $197 and more. Gina LaPlaca, ABR,CRS, Coldwell Banker-Dunnigan Nick LaPlaca, CRS, CRB, Coldwell Banker-Dunnigan Roberta A Lautrup, Lyon Real Estate Sierra Oaks Daniel C Lawson, RE/MAX Gold of Fair Oaks Gary T. Lee Jr, RE/MAX Gold of Greenhaven Kyung Seob Lee, Metro Financial Services, Inc. Lynn Luk Lee, CRS, Coldwell Banker-Dunnigan Way J Lee, The Way R E Service Dan J. LeKander, Diversified Properties Julie K. Lewis, Lewis Real Estate Patrick J Lieuw, RE/MAX Gold of Greenhaven Barbara R. Loftis, Century 21-Haley & Associates Inc Shanda L. Lusich, Laguna Creek R E Services Hoa Lisa Luu, Hoa Lisa Luu Angelica M. Lynn, Westcoast Mortgage Group and Realty Robert A. Machado, CPM, HomePointe Property Mgmt Jamie B. Madison, Coldwell Banker-Doug Arnold Sandra C. Manzo, Keller Williams Realty Tony F. Marine, Jr, West Coast Realty & Investments Michael D Marks, Neighborhood Real Estate Ser Patti R Martinez, Lyon Real Estate Catherine Ashley McAlister, Ashley Real Estate Mack J C McBeth, Mack J McBeth Realty Claude McBride, Equity Realty & Mortgage Kathryn A. McCraw, Windermere Dunnigan REALTORS® Gary A McEnerney, Steele Realty & Invest, Inc James E McGinnis, Cal Pacific Brian McMartin, McMartin Realty Jennifer L. Merica, Lyon Real Estate George B Mijares, GM Realty Laura Mikulecky, CRB, CRS, GRI, Keller Williams Realty Raul O. Molina, Century 21 Select Real Estate Victor E Mora, HomeMart Realty Services Jeffrey A. Mrizek, Advocate Financial & Realty Group Jannay M. Murphy, Century 21 Select Real Estate Debra M. Murray, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Jon Nastro, CRS, Keller Williams Realty Jeffrey M. Natividad, AtHome Realty Brian K. Newell, Frontier Realty Katherine M. Nickerson, Volkin Management Group, Inc. David W Ohara, Windermere Dunnigan REALTORS® Ronald D. Oland, Century 21 Distinctive Carl J Olson, Riverpoint Realty Susan Olson, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Theodore J. Olson, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Karla F Oppliger, Coldwell Banker-Dunnigan Steven V. Ostrom, e-PRO, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Kim A Pacini, Lyon Real Estate Sierra Oaks Rosemarie Phelan, Davis & Davis Associates Thomas S. Phillips, Lyon Real Estate Sierra Oaks Lynn M. Poelman, Lyon Real Estate Fair Oaks East Betty J Pomeroy, CRS, RE/MAX Gold of Fair Oaks Patti G Priess, Windermere Dunnigan REALTORS® Gerald W. Quinlan, Help-U-Sell River Valley Homes Gina L. Ramirez, AtHome Realty Juan Luis Ramirez, Elite Realty Services Susana M. Redding, Keller Williams Realty Debbie M. Regan-Vance, McCarthy Real Estate Marjorie J Reid, GRI, CRS, Lyon Real Estate Sierra Oaks Wendi Reinl, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Richard J Resch, TerraQuest Realty Rafael B. Reyes-Spindola, Realty Source Pam Robertson, GRI, P R Real Estate Co Brian F. Ronquillo, AtHome Consulting Group, Inc. Rodney B Rose, GRI, Home Real Estate John G. Royball, The Daniel Realty Group Clare J Rumph, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Ted Russert, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Leigh A Rutledge, GRI, Windermere Dunnigan REALTORS® Saul Ruvalcaba, Delta Homes and Lending Nicole R. Saizan, Realty World White House R E Tracey A Saizan, CRS, Realty World White House R E Virgilio C. Sanchez, Elite Realty Services Allyn R Sandos, Lyon RE Natomas Toni R Sasse, The Souza/Sasse Group Judy A Schoer, GRI, Judy Schoer, REALTORS® Sharon Sedlar, Lyon Real Estate Sierra Oaks Cynthia J. Sergeant, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Scott T. Short, Empire Home Loan Corp Charlene Singley, GRI, Lyon Real Estate Claire Black Slotton, Coldwell Banker-Doug Arnold Cathryn L Snow, Lyon Real Estate Fair Oaks East Kellie L. Swayne, Windermere Dunnigan REALTORS® Paula Swayne, Windermere Dunnigan REALTORS® Richard R Swayne, Windermere Dunnigan REALTORS® Cindy E. Swinger, GRI, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Dave R Tanner, RE/MAX Gold Laguna Andrew Thielen, Lyon Real Estate Downtown Ned Tompkins, CRS, Ned Tompkins, REALTOR® Ling L. Tseng, RE/MAX Gold Davis Bryan F Turner, West Sacramento Land Co Jay Urcuyo, JP Mortgage & Real Estate Corporation Rick T. Van Dermyden, Keller Williams Realty Vance J. Vasu, Lyon Real Estate Elk Grove Raul J. Venzon, Metroville Real Estate & Mortgage Alan Wagner, RE/MAX Gold Laguna Norman W. Wagner, RE/MAX Gold Laguna Marti Walker, Lyon Real Estate Downtown JaCi Wallace, Lyon Real Estate Downtown Shirley Wang, JP Mortgage & Real Estate Corporation Lorene A Warren, Lyon Real Estate Shelley L Weisman, Lyon Real Estate Rocklin Bruce Werking, Werking Realty Colleen M Wifvat, Windermere Dunnigan REALTORS® Richard A. Wilks, Prudential CA Realty Tina Wilks, Prudential CA Realty Cecil O. Williams, Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv Scott Williams, Cook Realty R T Willsey, CCIM, ABR, RT Willsey, CCIM Anne Wolfe, Wolfe Realty Linda D Wood, G B C, REALTORS® Alice Woodside, Lyon Real Estate Sierra Oaks Geoff Zimmerman, Windermere Dunnigan REALTORS® Discover the Difference! Proudly serving REALTORS® and Homeowners in Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado & Yolo Counties Since 1981 CALL TODAY “Customer Satisfaction is Our Only Goal.” Receive a $20 credit on your Termite Inspection Fee and/or a $50 credit towards any Termite Repairs by redeeming this ad. Call Today 1-866-245-4913 Toll Free TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION (916) 969-7567 California State LicensePR0182 List of property managers servicing the Sacramento Region Phil Adams – Folsom, Eldorado Hills, Fair Oaks,Cameron Park, 916-923-6181x118 Kent Kincaid – Lincoln, Rocklin, East Roseville and Granite Bay 916-923-6181x131 Ernest Alexander – North and South Natomas (zip codes 95833,95834,95835) 916-717-0232 George Dahdouh – Laguna (95757,95758) Galt 916-271-3804 Renee Cabral – South East Sacramento (zip codes 95828, 95829, Elk Grove 95624) 916-923-6181x152 Wes Richie – Sacramento 95842, Antelope 95843, North Highlands 95660, Rio Linda 95673, West Roseville 95678 Cathy Galligan – Carmichael, Fair Oaks, Orangevale 916-923-6181x168 Cathy Stratton – Citrus Heights (95610, 95621) Foothill Farms (95841 Sacramento) East Sacramento (95819) 916-923-6181x120 Jim Hall – South Sacramento- (zip codes 95823, 95832, 95831) (Greenhaven/Pocket), Land Park (zip code 95818), Mid-Town (zip codes 95816, 95814), West Sacramento (zip codes 95691, 95605) 916923-6181x122 Linda Stover – College Greens (95826), Rosemont (95827) Rancho Cordova/Gold River (95670), Anatolia (95742) Mather (95655) 916-548-7712 Geri Wells – Sacramento 95815, 95821,95825, 95864 Arden Oaks/Arden Fair 916-849-5541. Jan Windsor – Carmichael 95608, Arden Oaks/ Arden Fair (95864,95821,95825 East Sacramento 95819) 916-923-6181x132 Barbara LeMaster – Small Commercial, Apartments (16 units or more) Sacramento County 916-923-6181x128 BRUCE MILLS Work: (916) 923-6183 ext. 110 Cell: (916) 548-7712 Management Class 2nd Tuesday each month at 7pm 1401 El Camino Ave., Ste. 200 • Sacramento, CA 95815 [email protected] REALTORS® – if you have any questions in reference to tenant/landlord situations please give me a call That M&M made life as a landlord simpler and more cost effective. December 2007 Sacramento REALTOR® 9 President's Perspective on city councils, the county commission and special commissions responsible for important community services and safeguards ranging from flood control to public utilities. While open, the Forum also consists of Committee Members who can make recommendations to the Government Relations Committee and public policy issues Regional Meeting Coordinators SAR’s Regional Meeting Coordinators oversee the implementation of what are now 8 different Tuesday morning meetings held throughout Sacramento. The Coordinators attend each meeting, ensure an interesting speaker is on hand to discuss topical information, facilitate the meeting, assist with the caravan if one is held at that location, and help lead discussions when appropriate. (continued from page 3) We thank our Regional Meeting Coordinators for their dedicated efforts: CENTRAL: Izzy Y-Devine. Eva Garcia, Sherri Radovich; ELK GROVE: Daniel Camarena; ORANGEVALE: Pamela Poore; GREENHAVEN/ POCKET: Karla Oppliger, Paula Swayne; WEST SACRAMENTO: Joanie Kapell; NATOMAS: Amber Granata, Gail Blevins; FOLSOM: Brie Cropp, Jack Falk; DOWNTOWN/MIDTOWN: Rob McQuade Real Estate Finance Forum (formerly known as the Affiliate/Finance Forum) - Under the professional direction of Affiliate Sherri Radovich, SAR held the Real Estate Finance Forum each first Thursday of the month. With the current market and the need to stay up-to-date with financial industry changes, 40-50 SAR Members attended the Forum regularly. Typically a guest speaker would discuss a topic of interest to those present, while representatives from various government agencies would report on activities in their particular organizations. SAR appreciates the hard work of Sherri Radovich and all those who participated in this forum. Scholarship Trustees - This year SAR’s Scholarship Program awarded $35,750 to 29 outstanding high school and university students. This fundraising achievement ranks second only to 2006, when $52,500 was raised for 30 student awards. The Scholarship Trustee Committee spent many hours on fundraising, going over applications and interviewing our talented award recipients. Over the past three years, this core group has raised over $117,000 for 86 of Sacramento's most outstanding young scholars. Congratulations Scholarship Trustees: Chair Perry Georgallis, Peggy Adams, Carol Kellogg, Sherri Radovich and Judy Schoer. Commercial Sectors Moving Forward How commercial real estate sectors are moving forward was the message from C.A.R. and NAR at the Commercial Division membership lunch held at SAR in October. Robert Kleinhenz, economist with C.A.R., and James Marelli, NAR, both emphasized the differences between commercial and residential real estate. For example, NAR reports there has not been the same level of overbuilding in commercial as residential. Further, the portfolios of commercial investors usually are more diverse than those of residential investors. As of September, a record $257 billion in commercial real estate transaction volume had occurred nationwide. In 2006, nearly $307 billion worth of commercial real estate traded hands. Kleinhenz outlined opportunities in the segments of multi-family, office, industrial and retail. Sectoral strengths in the Sacramento employment include state and local government, professional and business services and retail trade. Sacramento is considered well-diversified for a state capital. In multi-family, for example, he noted that the renter share is larger in California than in the U.S. Home ownership rates peaked in 2001. The previous peak was 1993. LA, San Diego and San Jose are in the US top Ten for the lowest multi-family vacancy rates. Sacramento is 12th. Drivers of the office segment include financial services and business services. Sacramento office vacancy rates are projected at about 14% in 2008, down from 16% in 2007. With respect to office space, the average national vacancy rate is 12.7%. Sacramento is forecast to be 14% in 2008. San Francisco has one of the lowest in the nation at 10%. Industrial vacancy rate is forecast to remains steady through 2008. Marelli described NAR’s improved services for commercial REALTORS®. He noted there are currently about 200 commercial divisions, like SAR’s commercial division. NAR is developing a commercial version of the residential MLS system. He encouraged people to “attend” the online convention Dec. 4-6, at Members can get more commercial information from NAR by emailing RCA@ 10 Sacramento REALTOR® December 2007 MLS STATISTICS for September 2007 MLS STATISTICS for October 2007 MLS STATISTICS for October 2007 Data for Sacramento County and the City of West Sacramento Data for Sacramento County and the City of West Sacramento SALE PRICE BRACKET BASED ON FINAL SALES SINGLE FAMILY HOME RESALES Monthly Statistics Current Month New Listings Published Total Listing Inventory Number of New Escrows Number of Closed Escrows Month's Inventory Mon Dollar Value of Closed Escrows Median Mean Mode 3,239 10,088 1,221 770 13.1 Months ## $257,817,795 $305,893 $334,828 $250,000 - $299,000 Year-to-Date Statistics Last Month 2,702 10,043 911 707 14.2 Months # $248,350,363 $320,000 $351,273 $250,000 - $299,000 01/01/07 to 10/31/2007 12,060 8,912 $3,380,964,354 $340,000 $379,372 Number of New Escrows Number of Closed Escrows Dollar Value of Closed Escrows Median Mean Change Last Year 19.9% 0.4% 34.0% 8.9% -7.7% N/A* N/A* N/A* 1,075 3.8% -4.4% -4.7% $431,176,741 $360,000 $400,722 $300,000-$349,999 -28.4% N/A* 01/01/06 to 10/31/2006 N/A* 11,954 $4,910,639,959 $370,000 $410,795 10,839 Change -40.2% -15.0% -16.4% Change -25.4% -31.2% -8.1% -7.6% CONDOMINUM / PUD RESALES Monthly Statistics New Listings Published Total Listing Inventory Number of New Escrows Number of Closed Escrows Dollar Value of Closed Escrows Median Mean Mode Year-to-Date Statistics Number of New Escrows Number of Closed Escrows Dollar Value of Closed Escrows Median Mean Current Month 254 847 88 43 $10,029,410 $207,000 $233,242 $200,000 - $249,999 01/01/07 to 10/31/2007 995 749 $183,049,849 $220,000 $239,594 Last Month 261 839 78 53 $11,718,513 $197,000 $221,104 $200,000 - $249,999 907 Change -2.7% 1.0% 12.8% -18.9% -14.4% 5.1% 5.5% Last Year N/A* N/A* N/A* 73 $18,404,593 $227,600 $252,118 $200,000 - $249,999 01/01/06 to 10/31/2006 N/A* 719 $228,725,841 $235,000 $254,706 Change Selling Price UNDER $140,000 $140,000-$159,999 $160,000-$179,999 $180,000-$199,999 $200,000-$249,999 $250,000-$299,999 $300,000-$349,999 $350,000-$399,999 $400,000-$449,999 $450,000-$499,999 $500,000-$549,000 $550,000-$599,000 $600,000-$649,999 $650,000 - $699,999 $700,000-$749,999 $750,000 - $799,999 $800,000-$849,999 $850,000 - $899,999 $900,000-$949,999 $950,000-$999,999 $1,000,000 and over Total -41% -46% -9% -7% Change 4.2% -20.0% -6.4% -5.9% Median: The midpoint at which an equal number of homes sold above and below this value. Single-Family Residential % of Total Condo/ PUD Percent of Total Residential Income Residential Lots/Land Other Residential* 20 20 14 26 121 162 150 85 59 36 22 13 9 12 3 5 3 1 1 4 4 2.6% 2.6% 1.8% 3.4% 15.7% 21.0% 19.5% 11.0% 7.7% 4.7% 2.9% 1.7% 1.2% 1.6% 0.4% 0.6% 0.4% 0.1% 0.1% 0.5% 0.5% 8 2 6 1 10 6 5 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.6% 4.7% 14.0% 2.3% 23.3% 14.0% 11.6% 0.0% 7.0% 2.3% 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 2 0 0 2 4 1 4 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 4 1 0 2 2 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 770 100% 43 100% 18 7 19 Type of Financing (SFR, condo, PUD only) Financing Method Cash Conventional FHA VA Other † LENGTH OF TIME ON MARKET # of Units 52 670 13 6 72 813 % of Total 6.4% 82.4% 1.6% 0.7% 8.9% 100.0% (SFR, condo, PUD only) Days on Market (DOM) 1-30 31 - 60 61 - 90 91 - 120 121 - 180 181+ # of Units 268 183 142 109 68 43 813 % of Total 33.0% 22.5% 17.5% 13.4% 8.4% 5.3% 100.0% † includes: 1031 exchange, interest buy down, Cal Vet, contract of sale. * half-plex, 2-on-1, mobile home Mean: The arithmetic average of the total number of residential sales divided into total residential sales dollar volume. Mode: The price range within which the most number of homes were sold. *To ensure the greatest possible accuracy, SAR, with the assistance of MetroList, has refined its search methods. Last year's reported listing inventory covered a date range rather than all homes on the market at a specific date. This representation is based in whole or in part on data supplied by MetroList. MetroList does not guarantee, nor is it in any way responsible for, its accuracy. Data maintained by MetroList does not reflect all real estate activity in the market. All information provided is deemed reliable but it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. For the most current statistical information, visit - about us - statistics This representation is based in whole or in part on data supplied by MetroList. MetroList does not guarantee, nor is it in any way responsible for, its accuracy. Data maintained by MetroList does not reflect all real estate activity in the market. All information provided is deemed reliable but it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. For the most current statistical information, visit - about us - statistics Based on Multiple Listing Service data from MetroList. © 2007 SAR. Based on Multiple Listing Service data from MetroList. © 2007 SAR. Compiled monthly by Sacramento Association of REALTORS® (916) 437-1208 Compiled monthly by Sacramento Association of REALTORS® (916) 437-1208 MLS Sum Page 2 MLS Sum Page 1 A QUALIFIED 1031 EXCHANGE INTERMEDIARY “Trust Your Exchange to the National Leader” • • • • • • Nationwide Exchange Services Forward and Reverse Exchange Expertise Legal Counsel on Staff Seminars - Newsletter Updates Free Consultation and Review Secure Funds Guaranteed by: “The First American Corporation” Chris Cammarata East Bay Kim Nettleman San Jose Michele MacMartin Sacramento Business Development Manager Business Development Manager Business Development Manager Call Today - 800.833.4343 December 2007 Sacramento REALTOR® 11 January Calendar of Events Meetings subject to change. Sunday 6 Monday 7 WCR (A) 12:00 – 1:30pm New Member Orientation (B) 12:30 – 4:30pm 13 20 27 Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Holiday – SAR Closed Commercial Forum (A) 7:30am – 3:00pm New Member Orientation (B) 8:30am – 12:30pm Interns (B) 2:00 – 3:00pm Real Estate Finance Forum (B) 9:00 – 10:30am CanTree (B) 10:15 – 11:30am REVEI (T) 12:30 – 3:30pm PAC Trustee (B) 2:00 – 3:30pm 8 9 Regional Meeting (A) 8:30 – 9:30am REVEI (T) 9:30am – 12:30pm Installation Lunch (A) 12:00 – 2:00pm Exams (T) 2:00 – 4:30pm Friday 4 Saturday 5 10 11 12 New Member Orientation (B) 8:30am – 12:30pm Interns (B) 2:00 – 3:00pm GRI (A) 8:00am – 5:00pm Realtist (A) 9:00 – 11:00am Equal Opportunity/Cultural Diversity (B) 11:15am – 12:30pm REVEI (T) 12:30 – 3:30pm Risk Management (A) 9:00am – 12:00pm HUD Home Class (A) 10:00am – 12:00pm 14 15 16 17 18 Commercial Intro (A) 9:00am – 12:00pm License Renewal (A) 9:00am – 12:00pm New Member Orientation (B) 12:30 – 4:30pm Commercial Advanced (A) 1:30 – 4:30pm Regional Meetings REVEI (T) 9:30am – 12:30pm Exams (T) 2:00 – 4:30pm New Member Orientation (B) 8:30am – 12:30pm Interns (B) 2:00 – 3:00pm YPC Forum (A) 9:00 – 10:00am Board of Directors (A) 9:00 – 11:00am WCR Luncheon (A) 11:00am – 2:00pm REVEI (T) 12:30 – 3:30pm Legislative Forum (B) 9:30 – 10:30am 21 22 23 24 25 SAR Closed Regional Meetings WINForms Desktop (A) 9:00am – 12:00pm REVEI (T) 9:30am – 12:30pm Exams (T) 2:00 – 4:30pm New Member Orientation (B) 8:30am – 12:30pm Escrow Coordination Secrets (A) 8:30am – 12:30pm Interns (B) 2:00 – 3:00pm REVEI (T) 12:30 – 3:30pm Broker/Manager Forum (A) 9:00 – 10:00am 28 29 30 31 February 1 SAR Closed for Staff Development 1:00 – 2:00pm Pro Standards Training (A) 9:00am – 1:00pm REVEI (T) 12:30 – 3:30pm 19 26 February 2 SAR Educational Offerings All classes listed below are held at SAR's Mack Powell Auditorium. To register online, visit Questions - contact Traci Sarria or call 916.437.1210. (Please contact us for non-member pricing) Risk Management by Design* Instructor: Robert Brand Friday, January 11 9:00am – 12 noon Cost: $10 if paid by Monday, January 7 3 DRE Credits WINForms Desktop Instructor: David Lovenvirth Tuesday, January 22 9:00am – 12 noon Cost: $10 if paid by Friday, January 18 “Excel National Bank achieves #1 SBA lender status in the Sacramento Region.” FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR Escrow Coordination Secrets Instructor: Diana Turnbloom Wednesday, January 23 9:00am – 12 noon Cost: $10 if paid by Friday, January 18 3 DRE Credits UÊÌiÃÊÉÊÌià UÊ>ÃÊ-Ì>ÌÃÊÜÌ Ê ÃÌÀi UÊ >ÀÊ7>à ià UÊ ÛiiViÊÉʵÕÀÊ-ÌÀià UÊ"vwÊViÊÕ`}à UÊi`V>ÊÉÊ*ÀviÃÃ>Ê*À>VÌVià UÊ`ÕÌÊÛ}Ê>VÌià UÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>Ìà UÊ7>Ài ÕÃià UÊÕÌÊ,i«>ÀÊEÊ`ÞÊ- «Ã Accredited Buyer Representative Designation Wednesday - Friday, February 27-29 8:30am - 5:00pm Cost: $399 * This course is approved for continuing education credit by the California Department of Real Estate. However, this approval does not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructor, authors or lecturers. You must attend 90% of the class and have proof of identification to qualify for DRE Credits. Aaron Beckman -iÀÊ6ViÊ*ÀiÃ`iÌ £È°Çn£°ÓÇäÎ >LiV>JL>iÝVi°V Anna Sangha ÕÃiÃÃÊiÛi«iÌ £È°Çn£°ÓääÓ >Ã>} >JL>iÝVi°V Daljit Bains -iÀÊ6ViÊ*ÀiÃ`iÌ £È°Îää°ÇÇÓ `L>ÃJL>iÝVi°V 7iÊÊvÀÜ>À`ÊÌÊÜÀ}ÊÜÌ ÊÞÕÊÊÞÕÀÊiÝÌÊ«ÀiVÌt ÎääÊ>À`}ÊÛ`°]Ê-ÕÌiÊ££ÎÊÊÊUÊÊÊ,ÃiÛi]Ê ÊxÈÇn 12 Sacramento REALTOR® December 2007