UF drinking water system for Indonesia
UF drinking water system for Indonesia
Ultra filtration drinking water system Production capacity: 100 ton/hour Project area: Jambi city, Indonesia Operation and maintenance: SISKEM GROUP Completed date: 2008. 11. 01 Project function l Purify the municipal water to be high quality drinking water l Supply drinking water for 2500 houses connections. Process description Raw water → Raw water pump → Activated carbon filter → 10μm Pre-filter → UF system → UV generator → Product water tank → Drinking ↑ Ozone generator → Ozone and water mixture system Raw water quality (municipal water) PARAMETER UNIT RESULT A. Mikrobiologi 1. Escherichia Coli 2. Total Coliform PARAMETER UNIT RESULT - nil C. Fisika Coloni/ml 0 1. Odor Coloni/100 ml 0 2. Colour TCU 15 3. Total TSS mg/l 1000 NTU 5 - nil B. Kimia Anorganik 1. Arsenic mg/l 0.01 4. TURBIDITY 2. Fluorida mg/l 1.5 5. TASTE 3. mg/l 0.05 D. Kimia 4. Kadmium mg/l 0.003 1. Alumunium mg/l 0.2 5. Nitrit mg/l 3 2. FE mg/l 0.3 6. Nitrat mg/l 50 3. HARDNES AS CaCO3 mg/l 500 7. Sianida mg/l 0.07 4. Mangan mg/l 0.1 8. Selenium mg/l 0.01 5. Residu Chlorin mg/l 5 6. pH - 6.5-8.5 BOD ppm <5 COD ppm <5 Khromium Heksavalen Raw water tank location Water tower UF system location Raw water pump Raw water pump Activated carbon filter fuction l Activated carbon filter, which include the high quality coco activated carbon, used for removing organic matter, color, peculiar smell, suspended dust, and colloid… in the raw water. Activated carbon filter Activated carbon filter Cable box Cable box UF membrane l Hydrocompus UF membrane is a type of hollow fiber, internal pressure UF membrane module. Hollow fiber membranes have significant advantages over other types of membranes, including moderate energy requirements, large surface per unit volume, flexibility in operation, and relatively low operating cost. Our hollow fiber UF membranes are made of improved PVC, which is hydrophilic, pollution proof, anti‐acid and anti‐alcohol, and free of dirty block. UF membrane UF system l UF system MWCO 5000~500000 Dalton, membrane hole is about 0.002μ~0.1μ, remove the remained particle and bacterium… in order to purified the municipal water to be high quality drinking water. UF system UF system UF system UF system Ozone generator Control system l Entire system will be control by two ways: PLC and manual, you can control this system any way you like. Include the feed water level controller, pressure controller, and air control valve……It is full automatic. It is controlled and maintained very easily. PLC control panel Maintenance and operation l UF membrane work life more than 3 years l Activated carbon will be replaced every 6~8 months l PP cartridges of pre-filter will be replaced every 3~6 months l Entire system automatic running, 1~2 operator for the system maintenance. UF drinking water quality l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l - Turbidity : 0.21 NTU - TDS : 69.33 ppm - Color : 5 PtCo - Fe : ND (not detectable) - Hardness : 21.06 ppm - Cl : 2 ppm - Cr val 6 : ND - Mn : ND - SO2 : ND - Cu ; ND - Pb : ND - Organic Matter : 0.58 ppm - pH : 7.2 - NO2 : ND - NH4 :ND - Coli : 0 Grand Launching Ceremonial by The Major of Jambi City Drinking Together among the Executive of Jambi City Drinking test by Managing Director of Public Water Company of Jambi Toast by Board of Directors of Public Water Company
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