Fripp For a Cure – FRIPP ROCKS!


Fripp For a Cure – FRIPP ROCKS!
Published at Fripp Island, South Carolina
Fr i p p Fo r a Cu re – F R I P P R O C K S !
Chris Assaf
n 2009, Flo Kamradt was diagnosed with breast cancer and opted for a double mastectomy.
Obviously, this was an extreme measure but, as a nurse, Flo never thought her name and
cancer would be in the same sentence.
In 2012, Flo and her husband, Mike, moved to Fripp Island. The 2013 FRIPP FOR A CURE
golf tournament absolutely blew them away. Flo was astounded by the community spirit and
sheer number of signs honoring loved ones who had been diagnosed with cancer.
While playing that day, Flo wasn’t feeling well. She shared her symptoms with her teammates
who went home and called a Fripp Island resident who was battling ovarian cancer. Two days
later, Flo received a call. The two women met and Flo realized she had to do something.
Flo contacted a doctor at Beaufort Memorial Hospital (BMH). They discovered a six inch
tumor on her right ovary. BMH worked with their partner, the Medical University of South
Carolina (MUSC), and Flo underwent a five and a half hour robotic surgery.
Flo’s tumor was deemed borderline but could have quickly become malignant if left
unchecked. Flo believes it was truly God's work, her girlfriends on Fripp, and the Cure
tournament that saved her life. So, while she has not been treated at Keyserling Cancer Center, she feels blessed to live in a
community that can provide convenient and outstanding care.
Registration is now open for this year’s FRIPP FOR A CURE. With a theme of FRIPP ROCKS!, the Golf Tournament will
take place on October 13th at our Ocean Point Course. The Grand Finale party will be held at the Beach Club on Friday,
October 16th. You may sign up for both events at the Ocean Creek Pro Shop.
Hole Sponsorships are also available. For $100, you may order a sign remembering or celebrating your loved one. It will be
placed prominently on the golf course on October 13th. You may order your sign at the Ocean Creek Pro Shop or contact Ted
and Rita Michals at [email protected].
While participating in
events will probably
n o t s a ve yo u r l i f e …
Boating & Fishing
16 like Flo believes hers was
2 saved…you will be
helping to save the lives of
In Memoriam
2 others. Please come
Island Clubs
9-12 c e l e b r a t e . W h e n w e
present that final check to
Island Services
Keyserling Cancer Center
Island Sports
14-15 at 9:00 pm on October
5-8 16 , all the world will
know once again just how
4 amazing Fripp Island is!
Sea Rescue
Flo and her husband Mike celebrating life with their grandchildren.
Appreciation for “Fripp for a Cure” sponsors on page 14
In Memoriam
Jerry Hammett
Splinters from the Board
Meghan Johnson, Administrative Assistant
In August’s Board of Directors meeting these Resolutions were addressed:
Resolution 712: First Reading – To Consider Request to allow Captain John Fripp
Villas Phases 1 & 2 Exclusive Access Across FIPOA Right of Way for a Parking
Area. This motion was tabled.
Resolution 713: First Reading – To Amend Current Restrictions for Parking on
Rental Properties. Purpose: To amend the restrictions for parking at rental
properties. The number of passes issued will be limited to the number of parking
spaces listed for each property in the BlackSky system. Exemptions will be issued
by the Chief of Security on a case by case basis.
Action: Motion made and seconded to approve in one reading. Motion approved
unanimously. Action: Motion made and seconded to approve Resolution 713.
Motion approved with one opposed.
Resolution 714: First Reading – For the Board of Directors to Give its Advice and
Consent to the Appointment of a Chair and Committee Members to the NonStanding Licensing Committee. Purpose: To create a protocol for licensing
companies doing business on the rights of way on Fripp Island. The end result
would create limited licensing agreements and set minimum licensing fees.
Action: Motion made and seconded to approve in one reading. Motion approved
unanimously. Action: Motion made and seconded to approve Resolution 714.
Motion approved unanimously.
*Three Town Hall Meetings were held in September to discuss the Proposed
Vehicle Access Fee Plan.*
Part 1: Guest Pass Access Fee
6 days – 12 days - $25
13 days – 19 days - $50
20 days – 26 days - $75
27 days – 34 days - $100
35 days and over - $125
Part 2: Decal Fees
First 5 free, after that $25 per decal per year.
*prorated in 2016; if listed on deed, decal is free.
To see the General Manager's report and full minutes of this and other FIPOA
m e e t i n g s , p l e a s e g o t o :
FIPOA neither endorses, recommends, nor disapproves persons or
companies that advertise in The Trawler
The Trawler
Founded January 1978
Published by and for the Members of the
Fripp Island Property Owners Association
Publishers: FIPOA Board of Directors
Coordinator: Tina Reeves
Layout & Design: Cyndi Follrich
Advertisements: Stewart DeWitt
To write to The TRAWLER, please send to:
FIPOA Letter to the Editor,
225 Tarpon Blvd Fripp Island SC 29920
Or email [email protected]
Letters must be 250 words or less.
Deadline for November TRAWLER
is October 30th.
FIPOA Board Meeting Schedule
October 10, 2015 - 9:00 a.m.
November 14, 2015 - 9:00 a.m.
at the FIPOA Administrative Office
(This schedule is subject to change.)
All meetings are open.
Board of Directors
2015 – 2016
Rick Raible – President –
[email protected]
Jim Wolbrink – Vice President –
[email protected]
Frank Belatti – Secretary –
[email protected]
Wayne Kemmerer – Treasurer –
[email protected]
Chris Assaf –
[email protected]
Ralph Burchfield –
[email protected]
Martin Goodman –
[email protected]
Dennis Kautz –
[email protected]
Ann Lyman – [email protected]
Scott Thompson –
[email protected]
Receive notice of minutes and other pertinent
information as it happens. Send an email to
[email protected]
with “add me to the minutes list” in the subject
Or write FIPOA, 225 Tarpon Blvd,
Fripp Island, SC 29920 with your name and email
address. We would like to have EVERY owner
subscribe to this service.
Email addresses will be kept confidential.
September 2015
Island Services
Tips on Computer Safety
(The first in a series)
f o r Fre e
Carl Koellman
’m a Windows PC user, not an electronics techie as I still don’t have
a smartphone (Oh, that poor man! Is he a Luddite?). I am familiar
with computing hardware. You can practice safe computing and not
spend money. Except for your computer and Internet access cost,
here’s how to protect your Windows environment for free.
Firewall: Firewalls prevent the bad guys from accessing your computer,
and prevent your computer from exposing your sensitive data to the
Internet. There are software and hardware firewalls—try to use both.
The built-in software firewalls in Vista/7/8/8.1/10 are adequate and
they’ve served me well. Put a router between the PC and your modem
as a hardware firewall. Ok, the router isn’t free but it won’t cost much.
The Linksys E1200 wireless router is good, easy to use, and costs under
$50. For Windows XP both firewall types are critical. Search for
compatible software firewall like Comodo, Tinywall, and ZoneAlarm (you
really need to get away from Windows XP).
Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware: Windows 8/8.1/10 have Windows
Defender anti-virus software built-in. For Windows Vista/7, install the
free Microsoft Security Essentials. For Windows XP see if AVG (free
version) is compatible (did I say you really need to get off XP?). For
malware detection and removal, install and run Malwarebytes (free
version), Spybot Search & Destroy, Adwcleaner, and JRT (Junkware
Removal Tool) occasionally.
Good Internet Habits: Run the latest version of your browser
(Chrome, Firefox, and/or Internet Explorer). Stop using Outlook
Express for email—Windows Live offers better safety. Be careful how
you install programs; make sure you don’t install unwanted stuff by
mistake. Delete emails from persons or entities you don’t know. Don’t
open unfamiliar mail attachments. Run the free version of CCleaner
from Piriform to clear out crap files.
If you absolutely, positively have to stay with XP, I can do an article on
how to protect yourself if there’s interest.
Safe computing!
Mike Binkowski, Chief of Security
ith the recent change in parking allotments
many homeowners are unaware of the number
of vehicles permitted at their properties. Currently,
only rental properties are limited to the vehicle
allotment. (See Splinters from the Board in this issue,
Resolution 713.)
To review the parking allotment for your property:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Owners tab on the right side.
3. Click on the Owners Log In button in the
upper right corner
4. Sign in with your e-mail address and password
5. Click on the Occupancy Report button located
in the upper right corner (This report may take
a while to load.)
6. Next to the address, on the far left, is the
number of parking spots allotted for the
If you have any questions on your parking allotment,
please contact me at (843)838-2334 or on my cell
phone (843)263-3307 or by e-mail at
[email protected]. I will happy to
review and re-evaluate your parking area.
The FIPOA is looking for volunteers! All committees need you, Finance, Grounds, PEC, etc.
If you have an interest in contributing to your POA, please call (843)838-4155. Or go to:
September 2015
The Trawler
Island Services
Angie Hughes Appointed New District Manager
Fripp Island Public Service District
he Fripp Island Public Service District (PSD) Commission is pleased to announce the selection of Ms. Angie Hughes to the
position of District Manager. Angie joined the staff of the PSD as Office Manager in 2003, after working with the Fripp Island
Resort as Assistant Payroll/Personnel Admin-istrator. She has been managing PSD office
operations as current District Manager Ernie Wilson’s primary assistant for the past twelve
years, and is very familiar with PSD services, customers, and operations.
On June 30, with Ernie’s expected retirement, and the June 19th resignation of Rodney Due,
Ernie’s expected replacement, the PSD Commission selected Ms. Hughes as the new District
Manager, effective on or before December 31. In the interim, Ernie has agreed to remain as
District Manager to help transition Ms. Hughes into the position.
Angie is a Michigan native who moved to Beaufort in 1999 to be near her extended family.
She earned an Accounting Certificate at Technical College of the Lowcountry in 2004, and
she has developed a deep knowledge of PSD operations during her 12 years as Office
Manager. Angie has worked closely with Ernie in PSD budgeting, bond borrowing,
legislatively-required audits, and banking. She is the primary PSD contact for customers,
vendors, and county and state officials. She has provided essential support for all PSD field
operations, including potable water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, fire and
emergency response, erosion control, and Fripp Inlet Bridge maintenance. She has provided excellent and efficient administrative
support to the 6-member PSD Commission and for the biennial election of Commissioners.
Angie and husband John live in Beaufort with their family. With 12 years of on-the-job training and glowing
recommendations from her supervisors at both the PSD and Fripp Resort, Angie is well qualified for the District Manager
position. Her first managerial task will be to hire and train her replacement as Office Manager.
Please welcome Angie Hughes as our new PSD District Manager!
Fripp Wins Recertification as a COMMUNIT Y WILDLIFE HABITAT
ant to help wildlife in South Carolina’s Lowcountry? Want to attract more nature lovers to Fripp?
You may know that Fripp is one of only four nationally Certified Community Wildlife Habitats in
South Carolina, a significant achievement we proudly display at the entrance to our island. YOU have the
“secret” for boosting Fripp’s growing reputation as a beautiful, relaxing wildlife-filled destination to attract
more neighbors and visitors inclined to “walk gently on the earth.” It’s right in your own yard,
unimproved lot or on your porch, deck, patio or balcony! Because our tiny island is a miracle of nature,
your property has ALL the natural elements for the prestigious National Wildlife Federation (NWF) to
certify it as a Backyard Habitat.
These simple requirements are nothing more than NEARBY food, water, cover and places to raise
young. EVERY property on Fripp Island has these—in spades! Our numerous lagoons and lakes satisfy
the fresh water needs of wildlife; our maritime forests, dunes and marshes, trees, bushes, other yard
plantings AND EVEN POTTED PLANTS meet the other requirements, evidenced by the abundance of
diverse wildlife on Fripp (over 80 species of birds, for just one example).
In other words, you don’t have to do ANYTHING to the landscape, but you DO need to fill out a
form and send the NWF $20. You’ll be rewarded with a fancy official certificate and a one-year NWF
membership that includes a subscription to National Wildlife—Yeah, we know. There’re lots of
experienced folks on Fripp to answer your nature questions, but if you join NWF and read National Wildlife, you’ll soon know a
heckuva lot yourself! Just e-mail Karen Natoli at [email protected] for an NWF form or for help with your online submission—or
just click on this link!
The Trawler
September 2015
B e a u t i f u l P r o p e r t i e s o n Fr i p p I s l a n d
he Fripp Island Property Enhancement Committee asked property owners to send pictures of beautiful properties,
manicured or natural, on Fripp Island. Owners can send in pictures of their house or a neighbor’s house. We are sharing
some of the pictures of properties that owners on Fripp Island believe to embody the beauty of the island.
If you would like to share your favorite property with other owners, please email Tina Reeves, [email protected]
with the address of the property and pictures. We are looking for examples of properties to share and to inspire. Properties
submitted should have landscaping that is nature friendly without the use of multiple screens. Fripp Island’s wildlife can sometimes
make it challenging to find landscaping materials that will not become a buffet for our deer.
The following pages highlight a few examples of beautiful properties that maintain their yards in a manner that embodies the
spirit of Fripp Island.
The Thomas Family Property, 14 Fiddlers Trace
cont. next page
Median Sales
Fripp Island Real Estate Update
through August 31, 2015
According to Beaufort County Multiple Listing Service there are
322 properties for sale on Fripp Island consisting of 48 condos,
120 homesites and 154 single family homes.
The following figures compare year to date sales on Fripp Island
through August 31st of each year.
September 2015
Median Days
on Market
For more information please contact:
Charles Patty, Broker In Charge
Fripp Island Real Estate Company
email: [email protected]
The Trawler
Beautiful Properties on Fripp Island (cont.)
The Sealey’s, 514 Remora Circle
cont. next page
The Trawler
September 2015
Beautiful Properties
on Fripp Island (cont.)
The Anderson Family Property, 407 Tarpon Boulevard
Moving to Fripp Island?
Also, Fripp Island provides a Mentoring Program to provide support, encouragement and
information to new homeowners and owners who have finally made their move to Fripp. Mentors
are available to answer questions and introduce newcomers to Island activities.
September 2015
The Trawler
How I F o u n d Fr i p p Is l a n d
roperty Owner Joan Barnes posted an email on a local forum
sharing how she and her husband became owners on Fripp Island.
Her email started a wonderful trend of others sharing their stories. We
will be sharing their stories with you.
If you would like to share how you became an owner on Fripp Island,
please email your story to [email protected]. Please title
the email “How I Found Fripp Island.”
Here is the email that started it all:
My husband and I decided to rent a week on Fripp in
2000. Our 1999 beach vacation was a disaster! Our two
sons were 8 and 6 and spending two hours in a restaurant
at night waiting to be seated did not go over with any of us.
We decided to “try something new” and booked our next
vacation at Fripp...a small island that we knew very little
about but had seen an ad in Southern Living and decided to
check it out.
Our whole family had a great experience and on our
second trip to Fripp the following year, we purchased a
homesite. We began building a second home/rental
property even though it was pretty far from our home in
Thanks, Joan
1st a Renter, then an Owner within 1 Year
New Fripp Owners 7/1/15 to 8/30/15
John & Sharon Blanchard, Oquossac ME
Susan Beyer, Lebanon OH
Stuart Carpenter, Aiken SC
Andrew & Stacey Cimowsky, Atlanta GA
Jeffrey & Linda Fink, Concord NC
Robin & Joe Fishburne, Greenville SC
Ben Gruenebaum, Fripp Island, SC
James & Jennifer Laughlin, Columbia SC
Douglas & Nancy MacDonald, Florence SC
Michael & Tonya Norwood, Fort Mill SC
Alex & Sandra Oliveri, Lawrenceville GA
Fripp Partners LLC c/o Monte Runfola, Charlotte NC
New owners on Fripp Island: the FIPOA website information will
help with the transition.
The Trawler
And another:
Twenty years ago, while attending a CME on
Hilton Head, we decided that we wanted to
find something more low key, so after leaving
Hilton Head we came to Fripp for a few days
and stayed in the Tennis Villas. Fripp was just
what we were looking the time we had
two children a 3 and 5 year old. From that
summer on, we came to Fripp at least once a
year. In 2002 while on vacation we found a
home to purchase as our vacation home.
However, before we could close in September
my husband was hit head on by a drunk driver
and we saw our dream fade. Four children, a
home, a medical practice took first priority so
a 2nd home now would have to go on hold.
Fast forward to 2013, while on Spring Break
our home was lost in a fire. Needless to say we
were devastated. What else could
that year at Christmas to help morale we
decided to come to Fripp, our Happy Place. In
years past, we had always stayed on the
Ocean Creek side of the island. But this time,
since it was short notice, I rented a home
from VRBO on Porpoise Drive. The owners
were lovely people, their house was a
wonderful break for our family. At this time
we were still going to rebuild on our property
in the mountains of Kentucky. But our ways
are not always His ways.... We decided to
revisit Fripp and again stayed at The Crew's
on Porpoise. It was at this time they told us
that their house was on the market...we looked
at many houses on the island, but kept coming
back to Porpoise Drive. After our two
youngest children shadowed at Beaufort
Academy and loved it, we decided to make an
offer. They accepted, and now the rest is
history. We live at our “Happy Place.” We are
both 49, not retirement age, began as renters
both from the resort and VRBO for over 20+
years, and look forward to raising our children
and entertaining our future extended family
and grandchildren on this wonderful Island.
Nick & Pam Raschella
September 2015
Island Clubs
Fr i p p I s l a n d Fr i e n d s o f M u s i c
ome to only one of our world-class concerts and you’ll be enchanted—join our Island
of Music as a Friends of Music member and have even MORE fun! Enjoy five concerts
with meet-the-artist receptions for the price of three! Our musical selections for the 2015-16
Season are top-notch. After you’ve attended just one concert, you’ll look forward to them all!
You won’t simply HEAR our concerts, you’ll EXPERIENCE them! Of course, our live
musical performances are unmatched in the Lowcountry, but you’ll also see first-hand the
repartee among artists, feel the enthusiasm of our appreciative audiences—and sense the
artists responding to the audience! Your concert enjoyment doesn’t end there; concertgoers
are invited to the post-performance reception with scrumptious hors d’oeuvres by Harold’s
Catering, not to mention refreshing wine and punch—after all those standing ovations, you’ll
be hungry and thirsty! Even better, the reception creates an inviting atmosphere to meet the artists and chat with fellow music
lovers. We guarantee you a delightful evening with music, food, drink and conversation in pleasant company!
Fripp Island Friends of Music begins its 32nd Season, Sunday, October
18th, with Thomas Pandolfi, back by popular demand! One of the truly
outstanding pianists of his generation, the Julliard-trained virtuoso
performs his acclaimed show, “One Singular Night,” featuring music of
George Gershwin and Marvin Hamlisch.
We invite you to attend as many or few of our concerts you like. We are pleased to have
“held the line” on our low $25 individual admission for another season. We are strongly
committed to bringing wonderful live music to the Lowcountry, and if you sign up as a
member NOW, you can attend FIVE concerts and post-performance receptions, for the
price of only THREE. That’s the best musical deal—maybe the best entertainment
“package” in the Lowcountry! Click on the link below for a listing of upcoming
performances and a membership form.
Please visit the FIPOA Website
If you are looking for anything
on Fripp Island please try our
community guide
September 2015
The Trawler
Island Clubs
Fr i p p I s l a n d
Wo m e n ' s C l u b
Ann Dany
he annual 4th of July Cake Walk is a very popular
event sponsored by the Women’s Club to support
our humanitarian work throughout the year, both on
Fripp Island and for non-profit charities in the Beaufort
community. The Cake Walk was originally started by
Paul Field, founder and leader of Fripp Island Sea
Rescue, as a means of raising funds for their
organization. In 2004 they chose another source for
funding. It was then that the Women’s Club decided to
take over the sponsorship and management of the
annual event.
The Cake Walk is traditionally held after the parade of golf carts. Residents and guests
gather at the Beach Club to purchase tickets and view the display of cakes made and
donated by members of the Women’s Club and many other talented bakers on the island. In
2014 it was moved to the large deck at the Beach Club which provided more space and easy
access for everyone. This year we were able to add a second ring allowing the Walk to have
20 discs each, making the line move faster. About 300 people participated in the march
around the circles, with 25 volunteers helping
out and over 80 cakes donated. This year’s
fundraiser netted an astonishing $1,527
which included ticket sales and cash
Our special thanks to the following and
others who helped support the Cake Walk:
Stuart Mitchell, Collins, Kelsey, Kathy Klutz,
Dave Tindall for making new number discs,
Merilyn Smith for painting them, those who loaned us their wagons to transport
the cakes, the ticket sellers, the circle and music monitors and callers, the cake
bakers, the cake transporters, the cake table people, the event participants, the
hours spent by many people to set-up, take-down and clean-up, Fripp Island Resort for use of their facilities and tables, the
Community Centre for loaning us their large tent, Doug Haberlie and Dave Tindall for setting it up and taking it down, Patrick
and Barbara Cotter for use of their tent, the photographers, and especially the woman in charge of this event from beginning to
end—Sheila Tindall. Your efforts made this year’s Cake Walk a great success. A sincere thank you and deep appreciation from
the Women’s Club.
Our first General Membership meeting will take place at the Community
Centre on Wednesday, October 21st, 2015 at 10:00 am. We invite all women
to join us and register as a FIWC member as we begin another year of exciting
programs. Our guest presenter will be Arlene Jacquette, PhD, who will speak
about “A day in the life of a Foreign Service Officer.” As always, we welcome
everyone to stay for the social following the meeting where you can enjoy
delicious sweet and savory delights and refreshments provided by our own
members while meeting new people and old friends. Please note that our next
membership meeting will be November 18th. FIWC will sponsor the
November Community Centre Fellowship dinner on November 11th, so please
plan to attend. You will not be disappointed with the menu.
Remember to visit us on our website: and like us on Facebook.
The Trawler
September 2015
Island Clubs
Michael Beach
Recent Events
Overnight Boat Trip to Charleston – May 12 to 14, 2015. Yacht Club boats traveled from Fripp to Charleston and docked at
Ashley Marina. Events included a reception at the Courtyard Marriott, dinner at Magnolias and a dinner cruise the following
evening in Charleston Harbor. (photos below)
Beaufort Lunch – June 25, 2015. Members traveled by boat and car to Beaufort Marina for a terrific lunch at Saltus. (below)
September 2015
The Trawler
Island Clubs
Yacht Club cont.
Morgan River Sand Bar Extravaganza – July 29, 2015. Fripp Island and Dataw Island Yacht Clubs met on a sand bar in the
Morgan River as the tide went out and partied until the returning tide covers the sand bar. (photos below)
See the video on our web site at:
cont. next page
The Trawler
September 2015
Island Clubs
Yacht Club
Remembering Jerr y Hammett
he Fripp Island Yacht Club lost our good friend and long-time Chaplain when Jerry Hammett passed away on August
first. Jerry shared humor, inspiration and friendship with everyone he met. We will miss you, Jerry. God’s speed.
Upcoming Events
Golf Tournament and Evening Event – October 9.
Annual Meeting and Pot Luck – November 7.
Christmas Boat Parade – December 4.
Holiday Lunch – December 10. Since Dockside Restaurant will not reopen by this date,
we will identify an alternative location for this event.
Commodore’s Ball – January 16.
Fr i p p I s l a n d Ya c h t C l u b
he Fripp Island Yacht Club is open to Fripp Island owners and long term renters who have an interest in boating and
appreciate a social organization that includes both fun boating events and shore events throughout the year.
With nearly 400 members, the Yacht Club is a great group to join to make new friends and experience terrific, fun-filled
activities (boat not required!).
Annual Membership is only $35 for couples or singles.
See details, membership application, 2015 schedule, and photos from past events on our web site at
For FIYC questions, email Michael Beach at [email protected] or call 843-838-5629.
The Community Involvement Committee has been working diligently to get
all Fripp groups to add their open events onto our Island-wide calendar.
This is your one-stop place to see what’s happening when you are on the island.
September 2015
The Trawler
Island Sports
Fr i p p I s l a n d Wo m e n ' s G o l f A s s o c i a t i o n R e p o r t
Joyce Zanone
ummer has come and gone with a lot of happy visitors.
Soon our residents will return from their vacations and
our golf groups and tournaments will be in full swing.
Th e N o m i n a t i n g
Committee is in the
process of selecting
officers for the 2016
FIWGA Board of
Directors. Voting will be
held at the Annual
luncheon in September.
Please mark your calendar
to play golf and attend
the meeting.
Be sure to sign up for the FIWGA Championship
tournament in September. If you’re not sure if you have
e n o u g h l e a g u e p l a y, c o n t a c t B a r b a r a H e s s a t
[email protected]. Barb will be happy to help you.
If you are not already a member of the 18 hole ladies, we
want to invite you to join the FIWGA. If interested, give
President Jan Pringle a call
or send her an email,
[email protected].
The ladies of the FIWGA
are looking forward to your
return, and as you can see,
so are your ‘deer’ friends.
The Trawler
September 2015
Island Sports
Ni n e Ho l e Me n ' s G o l f Gr o u p
Mike Wilt
uly and August featured typical Fripp weather meaning it
was hot and humid. None of the nine scheduled outings
were affected by weather and as is normal during this time of
the year, attendance was smaller than during the spring and
fall months. However a variety of different games were
played and everyone survived the hot weather. In August the
starting time was moved back to 8:00 am to achieve a head
start on the hot weather and in September the starting time
goes back to 8:30.
Games during this time period included bear creek, reverse
bear creek, team stableford, three low net, two low net, one low
net, and even/odd where teams counted one low net on the odd
number holes and two low net on the even holes. In addition
one week the group played a scramble format from the new
blended blue/white tees to give everyone a chance to
experiment with the new format.
Weekly winners included Steve Schnobrich, Joe Studer, Frank
Golden, Pete Simone, Mike Jahn, Howard Harmon, Gerry
Weithman, Jim Click, Duffy Howard, Ed Smith, John
Dunphy, Johnny Jones, Steve St. John, Mike Virostek, Rusty
Prophater, Shelby Nussbaum, Gus Ferraro, Pat Reilly and Brian
Flynn. Multiple winners out of the nine events included John
Dunphy – five times, Steve Schnobrich and Rusty Prophater –
three times, Pete Simone, Duffy Howard – twice.
In September the group will play at Ocean Creek and in
October at Ocean Point, beginning at 8:30 am. Upcoming
events include the nine hole Beat the Pro event on September
16 and the annual outing and dinner on Sunday, October 4.
The annual dinner and golf will occur on Fripp and final details
are being completed.
There are currently approximately 62 active members in the
group. The Foretees website is being used for the men’s ninehole group. To sign up to play every Wednesday morning at go
to the website at
To advertise in The Trawler, contact Stewart DeWitt (843) 838-5970.
Online ads are clickable links to your website.
The Trawler
September 2015
Boating & Fishing
G r e a t We a t h e r a n d F i s h i n g
G r e e t F i s h e r m e n a n d B e n e fi t
Captain Ralph Goodison
he Fripp Island 25th Annual Kingfish Tournament was greeted with great
weather and fishing. Fifteen boats fished the two day tournament. The carnival
atmosphere and entertainment at the weigh-ins added to the excitement of the
First Place Kingfish: with a 41.4 lbs. Kingfish was Captain Danny Furlong and his
crew on “Soul Mate.” (photo below left)
2nd Place Kingfish: with a 33.6 lbs. Kingfish was Captain Jim Dufresne and his
crew on “Knot Golfin.”
Aggregate Weight: 2 Kingfish at 51.2 lbs. was Captain George Tangalos and his
crew on “Miss Lia.” (photo below right)
First Place Spanish: with a 4.65 lbs. Spanish was Captain Marion Tisdale with his
crew on “Chicken Dinner.” (photo at right)
2nd place Spanish: with a 4.45 lbs. Spanish Captain George Tangalos and his crew
on “Miss Lia.”
1st Place Spanish on “Chicken Dinner”
Highest Aggregate Weight & 2nd Spanish on “Miss Lia”
Winning “Soul Mate” crew left to right. Danny Furlong, Hunter
McMillan, Betty Furlong, Shane Furlong, Beth McMillan,
Kaitlynn Kirk, & Stuart Mitchell
The Big Winner was FRIPP FOR A CURE with a donation of approximately $6,000 to the Keyserling Cancer Center.
Lewis Turner, Marina Director thanked the fisherman for their participation and Chef Dee Doolittle for a great cookout, as
well as the many volunteers that helped with the tournament. Thanks were also extended to families of Scott Corley, Bill
Rouch, Rodney Hinton, Gail Tieder, and Sea Island Marine for their generous support which help to make the tournament a
September 2015
The Trawler
Sea Rescue
Michael Beach
Sea Rescue Case Activity
here have been a total of 17 Sea Rescue missions so far this year, with three
in May, five in June, two in July and one in August. Helicopter training
with the US Coast Guard was cancelled on August 18 due to lightning storms
between the Charleston helicopter base and Fripp. The next helicopter training
mission is presently scheduled for September 15 at 7:00 pm in the Fripp Inlet.
Tuesday 6/4/15, 5:30 pm: Fripp boater contacted Sea Rescue to advise his boat
was aground south of St. Phillips Island and the engine would not start. Bob
Newman and Bill Lyman dispatched in R1 and towed the disabled boat back to
Fripp Marina.
Monday 6/15/15, 6:07 pm: Fripp Island Security called to advise that the two
kayakers from the Resort were in trouble and needed assistance. Robbie White and
Bob Bicknell took R1 out and located the kayakers in Old House Creek about one
mile NW of the Fripp Marina. Both adults were ok, but one kayak was overturned
and they were unable to get back to the Marina. Both boaters and their kayaks
were transported back to the Marina.
Tuesday 6/16/15, 3:07 pm: The Marina called to advise that a 28 foot fishing boat
had been coming in across the sand bars outside Fripp Inlet, had run aground and fouled both engines. Barry Stean
and Mark Draves were on a training mission in R2 and responded to the location. Ralph Burchfield and Robbie
White also dispatched in R1 in case the R2 (the smaller boat) had difficulty towing the much larger boat that was
disabled. Favorable tides and good seamanship allowed the tow to be completed with R2 back to the Marina.
Saturday 7/4/15, 6:52 pm: The Marina called to advise that a boater had taken refuge under the Hunting Island
fishing pier when his engine failed during a severe thunder and lightning storm. FISR contacted the captain who had
moved to safety in the Hunting Island nature center. Cliff Spann, Tee Cooper and Mark Draves dispatched to the
location and relocated the 16’ skiff and boater to Russ Point landing once the lightning stopped and the winds had
Wednesday 7/22/15, 2:05pm: Boater called FISR to advise that two adults and two children were stranded on a 17’
Carolina Skiff in Trenchard's Inlet near the entrance to Skull Creek and the motor would not start. Barry Stean and
Cliff Spann dispatched in R1 and towed the boat back to Russ Point.
call Beaufort County Dispatch at 911 or Fripp Island Security at 838-2334.
September 2015
The Trawler
Fripp Island Security Depar tment Christmas Fund
225 Tarpon Blvd
Fripp Island SC 29920
The Trawler
September 2015

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