laboratory animal models for experimental cryptosporidiosis
laboratory animal models for experimental cryptosporidiosis
Research and Reviews in Parasitology. © 1994 Asociaci6n de 54 (I): 13-28 (1994) Editorial Parasitologos Espanoles Fornalba, S.A. Printed in Spain LABORATORY ANIMAL MODELS FOR EXPERIMENTAL CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS: A MINIREVIEW C.W. KIM Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine and Department of Microbiology, School of Medicine, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York, US.A. Received REFERENCE: KIM (C.W.), 1994.- Laboratory animal 15 March models 1994; accepted for experimental 28 March 1994' Cryptosporidiosis: a minireview. Research and Reviews in Parasitology, 54 (I): 13-28. SUMMARY: Mice, rats, guinea pigs and hamsters are suitable hosts for experimental cryptosporidiosis. Experimental studies in these hosts in the immunocompetent as provide data that are helpful in understanding the pathogenesis and immune response to Cryptospiridium well as the immunocompromised state. These animal models are valuable in the assessment of effective chemotherapeutic agents against cryptosporidiosis. Essentially all the experimental data in mice are based on infections with Cryptospidium parvum obtained from calves or humans. C. parvum is infectious for many strains of mice. Neonates are more susceptible to the infection than adult mice. In the BALBIc nude mice, the infection is accompanied by diarrhea, which is not present in normal mice. T cells appear to be important for recovery from infection in mice. The antibody response in infected mice is valuable in characterizing the antigenic composition of the parasite. The significance of antibody in controlling the infection is still unresolved, although there are now data to support its use for pasive immunotherapy. Several chemotherapeutic agents have been tested in mice, but only a very few compounds exhibit limited prophylactic or therapeutic activity. \ Suckling rats are susceptible to Cryptosporidium and shed oocysts for a longer period than do other laboratory animals. However, immunosuppressed adult rats can serve as a convenient rat model with very high perecentages showing infection as long as the immunosuppressive drug is administered. The availability of athymic (mu/mu) rats offers an ideal rat model to study the pathophysiological changes and immune response to the infection without the need for chemical immunosuppression. The immunosuppressed rat model is useful in the evaluation of the efficacy of anti-Cryptosporidium agents. The guinea pig shows the same lack of host specificity as other laboratory animal hosts to Cryptosporidium, but there is an additional species, C. wrairi, that is found in the guinea pig. Diarrhea is observed in some guinea pigs, not a consistent finding in other normal laboratory animals. Adult guinea pigs are infective like the neonates, although adults show some innate resistance as with other animals. One of the more interesting findings in guinea pigs is the demonstration of Cryptosporidium within the cytoplasm of M cells overlying Peyer's patches, suggesting that this may be the path for the Cryptosporidium antigens to provide the antigenic stimulus to the intestinal lymphoid cells. It may also explain the difficulty encountered in eradicating this parasite in the immunocompromised host. The hamster is the most recent of laboratory animal hosts to be reported to be susceptible to experimental cryptosporidiosis. As with other small laboratory animals, the neonates seem to be more susceptible, although adults are also susceptible when immunosuppressed with chemical agents. The aged hamsters also appear to be more susceptible to the infection than young adults. The hamster appears to be a suitable host for studying the efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents against cryptosporidiosis. KEY WORDS: Cryptospiridium, experimental cryptosporidiosis, mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters. CONTENlS Introduction Animal models Mice Cryptosporidium species Endogenous development Infection in neonates vs adults Immune response Treatment and control Rats Cryptosporidium species Infection in neonates and immunosuppressed Immune response Treatment Guinea pigs Cryptosporidium species Pathogenicity Immune response Hamsters Experimental in fections Treatment References 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 adult rats 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 14 CW. KI\I INTRODUCTION Cryptosporidium is a coccidian parasite that has been known since 1907 when TYZZER (1907) first described it in the gastric epithelium of laboratory mice and named it Cryptosporidium muris. In 1912, he (TYZZER, 1912) identified and named a new species, C. parVUI11, which was smaller than C. muris and, when transmitted to laboratory mice, developed only in the small intestine. Cryptosporidium infects more than 40 host species, including fishes, reptiles, birds and mammals, including humans (CURRENT, 1986). It was not until 1971, when the infection was reported in a calf (PA Cl ERA, THOMASSE & GARNER, 1971) that interest in the parasite and infection was rekindled among veterinarians. The first human cases were reported from the United States in a immunologically competent child (NIME er al., 1976) and in an immunosuppressed adult (MEISEL et al., 1976). Since then there has been an overwhelming number of reponed cases in immunologically competent individuals (TZIPORI et al., 1980 b; ANDERSON et al., 1982; BABB, DIFFERDING & TROLLOPE, 1982; FLETCHER, SIMS & TALBOT, 1982; CURRENT et al., 1983; TZIPORI et al., 1983 a; JOKIPll, POHJOLA & JOPIKll, 1983; BLAGBUR & CURRE T, 1984; Mc COLL & MOONEY, 1984; KOCH et al., 1985; SOAVE & MA, 1985; VANDEPITTE, ROBRECHTS & VANNESTE, 1985; WOLFSON et al., 1985; SOAVE & ARM· STRONG, 1986; HOLLEY & DOVER, 1986; LEVINE et al., 1988). The infection in immunocompetent individuals is self-limiting and the diarrhea is resolved without therapy, although it can be severe (DELMAN & OLDFIELD, 1988). In contrast, individuals with impaired immunocompetence develop a chronic, life-threatening diarrhea. Conditions of immunodeficiency have included congenital immunodeficiency (LASSER, LE\VIN & Rv I G, 1979; BIRD, SMITH & BRYCESON, 1980; SLOPER et al., 1982; CURRENT et al., 1983), those receiving immunosuppressive drugs (MEISEL et al., 1976; WEISBURGER et al., 1979; MILLER, HOLMBERG & CLAUSEN, 1983; LEWIS, HART & BAXBY, 1985), concurrent infections (STEMMER. MAN et al., 1980; WEI STEIN et al., 1981; FORGACS et al., 1983; WITTNER et al., 1984; NG et al., 1984), and especially acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (CURRENT et al., 1983; KOCH et al., 1983; PETRAS, CAREY & ALANIS, 1983; PITLlK et al., 1983 b; MALABRA CHE et al., 1983; PAPE et al., 1983; GOTTLlEB et al., 1983; COOPER et al., 1984; SOAVE et al., 1984; WHITESIDE et al., 1984 a; DOBBINS & WEINSTEIN, 1985; MODIGLlANI et al., 1985; ZAR, GEISELLER & BROWN, 1985). In AIDS patients, Cryptosporidiurn has involved other sites in addition to the intestinal tract, such as the respiratory tract (FORGACS et al., 1983; BRADY, MARGOLlS & KORZENIOWSKI, 1984; MA et al., 1984; MILLER et al., 1984), gall bladder (GUARDA et al., 1983; PITLIK et al., 1983 a; BLUMBERT, KELSEY & PERRONE, 1984), as well as the biliary tree and pancreas (GROSS et al., 1986), suggesting dissemination. One of the important aspects of cryptosporidiosis is wi t h the higher prevalence in young children gastrointestinal symptoms in both rural and urban environments throughout the world, including Australia (CURRE T et al., 1983), Wales (CASHIORE & JACKSO:--:, 1983), Denmark (HOLTEN-ANDERSON, GERSTOFT & HENRIKSEN, 1983), England (HUNT et al .. 1984; WYLLlE, 1984; ISAAcs et al., 1985), New Zealand (CARTER, 198.+), Bangladesh (SHAHID et al., 1985), India (DAS et al., 1987), Chile (WEITZ et al., 1987), and Israel (S-\LLOi': et al., 1988). The infection is also present in the African continent, including Liberia (HOJLYNG, MOLl:lAK & JEPSEi\, 1984) and Rwanda (DE MOL et al., 1984; BOGAERTS et al., 1984). In the United States, the incidence has been high in day-care centers (ALPERT er al., 1984, 1986; DIERS & Mc CALLlSTER, 1989). Routine microbiological examination in Newfoundland and Labrador has revealed Cryptosporidiurn oocysts in 1,4070of the faecal samples from infants and children under 10 years of age (RATNA\I et al., 1985). The rate was much higher (10,8%) in Venezuelan children with acute diarrhea (PEREZ-SCHAEL et al., 1985) and still higher in Haitian children, 16,3% in an urban hospital and 17,5% at a rural dispensary (PAPE et al., 1987). In Costa Rica, oocysts were detected in faeces of 4,2% of rural and 4,4% of urban children with diarrhea, although there was no infection in infants who where wholly breast-fed (MATA et al., 1984). OOCYSIS were rarely found in stools of infants receiving only breast milk in Haiti as well (PAPE et al., 1987). The infection has been observed in the United States in chil-dren who travelled through endemic centers, such as the African continent (SOAVE & MA, 1985), and in England in children from Pakistan (FLEGG, 1987). The mode of transmission is assumed to be the faecaloral route, which may explain the higher incidence in young children. A person-to-person transmission or a hospital cross infection was suggested when an attending nurse was presumed to have contracted the infection from a 13-month-old baby (BAXBY, HART & TAYLOR, 1983). Since then person-to-person transmission among hospital personnel has been suggested to be common (KOCH et al., 1985). Waterborne outbreaks have been attributed to contaminated water supply (D'ANTONIO et al., 1985; ISAAc-RENTON et al., 1987; HAYES et al., 1989). Natural infections in calves, lambs, goats, monkeys, birds and other domestic animals have been reviewed (A GUS, 1983; TZIPORI, 1983, 1988; CURRE 'T, 1986; FAYER & U GAR, 1986; FERNANDEZ et al., 1988; CLR· RE T & BICK, 1989; DUBEY, SPEER & FAYER, 1990). Natural infection has also been reported in a pup (WILSON, HOLSCHER & L YLE, 1983), gazella (FENWICK, 1983), piglet (ARES et al., 1988), and C-57 brown mouse (HAi\IPTON & ROSARIO, 1966), as well as wild mouse (KLESIUS, HAYNES & MALO, 1986). Cryptosporidiutn has been reported to be one of the most common infectious agents associated with diarrhea of newborn calves in Canada (MORIN, LARIVIERE & COLLIER, 1976), United Kingdom (PEARSON & LOGAN, 1983; S ODGRASS et al., 1980), and the United States (MOON et al., 1978; Animal models for experimental Cryptosporidiosis POHLENZ et al., 1978 b) in the absence or presence of other enteropathogens. It was often difficult to draw a firm conclusion as to whether the parasite was solely or partially responsible for the diarrhea in neonatal calves (POHLENZ et al., 1978 b). It is even more difficult when there is concomitant infection. A more causal relationship of Cryptosporidium and clinical diarrhea was shown in artificially reared lambs (TZIPORI er al., 1981 a) and artificially reared deer (TZIPORI er al., 1981 b). Cryptosporidium may well be an opportunistic agent that appears when abnormal conditions in the host permit it to thrive. Although Cryptosporidium is generally found in the epithelium of the intestinal tract, it is found in the respiratory epithelium of turkeys (HOERR, RANCK & HASTINGS, 1978) and chickens (DHILLON er al., 1981), and in other sites, such as the epithelium of the common bile, intrahepatic and pancreatic ducts and the gall bladder of rhesus monkey (KOVATCH & WHITE, 1972), and the epithelium of kidney tubules of the black-throated finch (GARDINER & IMES, 1984). The real pathogenic nature of Cryptosporidium is not known, i.e., whether the damage to the mucosa is mechanical, mediated by destruction of cells by the liberation of parasite metabolites, or even a hypersensitivity reaction of the mucosa to the parasite antigens. The parasite appears to enhance epithelial cell ageing and extrusion rate (MATOVELO, LANDSVERK & POSADA, 1984) and may actually destroy the cell (HEINE er al., 1984). The mechanism of diarrhea is also not fully understood, since the degree of mucosal injury is insufficient to account for the diarrhea. It is thought to be secondary to profuse fluid secretion in the duodenum and proximal jejunum in AIDS patients (ANDREANI et al., 1983). A recent report has indicated that enterotoxic activity was present in stools of Cryptosporidium-uiiecica calves, and this activity may be responsible for secretory diarrhea in humans (GUARINO et al., 1994). Although the mechanism of the immune response in cryptosporidiosis is unknown, control of the infection by the immune system has been observed. Oral administration of immune anti-Cryptosporidium sp. bovine colostrum to a hypogammaglobulinemic child with a persistent infection resulted in remission of diarrhea and termination of oocyst shedding (TZlPORI, ROBERTON & CHAPMAN, 1986). On the other hand, oral administration of bovine colostrum containing antiCryptosporidium antibody failed to alter the course of the infection in others (SAXON & WEINSTEIN, 1987). The role of cell-mediated immune responses in C. parvum infection in any host species has not been clarified until recently. Cryptosporidium had not been cultivated outside the animal host until its life cycle was reported to be completed from the sporozoite to the infective oocyst in 8to lO-day-old chicken embryos via the allantoic route (CURRENT & LONG, 1983) and in human fetal lung, primary chicken kidney and porcine kidney cell cultures (CURRENT & HAYNES, 1984). Recently, in monolayers of 15 mouse fibroblast cell line L929 asexual multiplication was observed, including small numbers of garnetocytes (Mc DONALD er al., 1990). Screening for an antiCryptosporidium drug in this cell line was not altogether successful since greater concentrations of the drug, e.g., monensin, which inhibited the parasite, also had a toxic effect on the monolayer cells. Nearly 80 therapeutic agents, including coccidiostats and other anti protozoa compounds, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and anthelmintics had been tested against Cryptosporidium in the course of treatment ot in fections in humans and animals (CURRENT, 1986; FAYER & UNGAR, 1986). Most of the drugs were ineffective against Cryprosporidium. Preliminary reports suggested that a few AIDS patients may have responded to treatment with spiramycin (WHITESIDE er al., 1984 a, b; PORTNOY er al., 1984) or the combination of quinine and clindamycin (WHITESIDE er al., 1984 b). Amprolium was shown to although the reduce the number of Cryptosporidiurn, parasite was not eradicated in an AI DS patient (VELDHUYZEN VANZANTEN er al., 1984). Presumably the diarrhea due to Cryptosporidiurn in two AIDS cases ceased under treatment with highly purified, culture-derived recombinant interleukin-2 (KERN, Toy & DIETRICH, 1985). However, clinical data are lacking with regard to the immunomodulating ability of IL-2. Hence, to date., effective treatment for cryptosporidiosis in both animals and humans has yet to be identified. Much of the therapeutic study has been limit-ed by the lack of a simple in vitro cultivation system, as well as a good small animal model susceptible to the infection. ANIMAL MODELS Experimental cryptosporidiosis has been studied in many types of mammals, including calves (MOON & BEMRICK, 1981; POHLENZ er al., 1978 a, b; TZlPORI er al., 1980 a, 1983 b; FAYER et al., 1985), lambs (ANGLJS, TZIPORI & GRAY, 1982; TZIPORI et al., 1980 a, 1981 c, e, 1982 a), fetal lambs (KIM er al., 1988), piglets (MOON & BEMRICK, 1981; TZIPORI et al., 1980 a, 1981 d, 1982 b), and others. The disadvantages of using large animals for experimental infections are the high cost and the requirement of large quarters for maintenance. Therefore, the development of a reliable laboratory animal model is ideal for studies of pathogenesis, mechanism of immune response and the evaluation of various therapeutic agents for either prophylaxis or therapy. Several laboratory small animal models have been developed and proven to be suitable hosts for Cryptosporidium . Mice Cryptosporidium species C. muris and C. parvum were both originally observed in mice and identified as separate species by TYZZER (1907, 1912). C. muris, which is larger than C. parVUI11, 16 developed in the gastric glands of the stomach, while the smaller form was found in the intestinal tract. Two separate species were distinguished morphologically by light microscopy (UPTON & CURRE T, 1985) and later confirmed by ultrastructural studies (UNI et al., 1987). C muris was infectious for other hosts, including guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, and cats (lSEKI et al., 1989). Mice and cats were found to be highly susceptible, whereas guinea pigs, rabbits, and dogs showed low susceptibility. The entire endogenous development of this parasite occurred in the stomach and not in the small and large intestines of these experimental animals. The more common form, C parvum, has been shown to be infectious for numerous mammals, including humans. Thus, based on morphology and the site of infection, there are two species, C parvum and C muris, that infect mammals. Endogenous development umerous endogenous stages of Cryptosporidium sp. were observed in l-day-old white mice 6 days following an oral inoculation of oocysts of human and calf origin study in suckl(REESE et al., 1982). A more quantitative ing Swiss Webster mice revealed that following an oral administration of 1 x 105 to 1 X 106 oocysts, the sporozoites excysted within the lumen of the duodenum "and ileum, penetrated into the microvillous region of villous enterocytes, and developed into type I meronts with six or eight merozoites and type II meronts with four merozoites (CURRE T & REESE, 1986). The sequential stages of the life cycle of C parvum was recently confirmed by Nomarski interference-contrast microscopy of gut specimens of 4- to 5-day-old suckling BALB/c mice (SCAGLIA et al., 1991). Infection in neonates vs adults Essentially all the experimental data in mice are based on infections with C parvum oocysts obtained from calves or humans, although the earlier papers refer to it as Cryptosporidium sp. One of the early experimental infections in mice showed that sporulated oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. of human and calf origin orally inoculated into l-day-old white mice produced heavy infections, primarily in the brush border of the ileum, when examined 6 days later (REESE et aI., 1982). The ID50 for 5-day-old Swiss Webster mice was determined to be under (ER EST et al., 1986). If 1000 C parvum oocysts Cryptosporidium-Iaden calf faeces were dried, infectivity for 3- to 7-day-old mice was found to be reduced (ANDERSON, 1986). Cryptosporidium sp. has been shown to be infectious for at least eight laboratory strains of mice, including random-bred Swiss White and Porton and the inbred strains of CBA, CBA Nude, C57 Black, BALB/c, Porton, and Hairless (HR/HR-ADR) (SHERWOOD et al., 1982). One- to four-day-old mice were susceptible, while the infection was only transient in those of 21 days of age or older, even when immunosuppressed with cy- CW. KI~I c1ophosphamide. The infected mice did not manifest clinical illness, but parasites were detected in the faeces and confirmed in histological preparations even after faecal shedding had ceased. In BALB/c nude (athymic, nu/nu) mice of 6 days, the infection was accompanied by dial' rh ea (HEINE, MOON & WOODMANSEE, 1984), not present in normal mice. In addition to villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia of the small intestine, diffuse cystic mucosal hyperplasia and crypt abscess were observed in the large intestine at 56 days of age. These findings suggested that T cells were required for recovery from the infection. Adult mice, which had normal T-cell function but had a deficit in erythrocyte and granulocyte lineages, including intestinal mast cells (W/W\\), were inoculated with 106 oocysts (HARP & MOO, 1991). These mice were much more heavily infected 1 week later than were adult normal mice, although the recovery rate was similar. These findings suggested that, while the recovery of adult mice from the infection also required functional T cells, other factors were involved in the initial resistance of adult mice to the infection. Even nude mice were reported to be relatively more resistant to the infection at 42 days of age than at 6 days of age (HE! E, MOON & WOODMANSEE, 1984). To determine the factor(s) responsible for the relative resistance of adult laboratory mice to C parvum, COl and BALB/c germfree, conventional, and antibiotic-treated adult mice of 6-8 weeks of age were inoculated with 1 x 105 or 1 X 106 oocysts (HARP et al., 1988). Germfree mice of. both COl and BALBIc strains were colonized at day 7 following infection, whereas untreated and antibiotictreated (500 fAg/ml vancomycin, I mg/ml ampicillin and 100 fAg/m I gentamicin) conventional mice remained resistant to colonization. These results suggested that the micro flora in the intestine was not the sole determinant of resistance or susceptibility to colonization. The number of parasites seen in the intestinal tissues of adult germfree mice never equaled that seen in the neonate control mice. Interestingly, attemps to infect adult mice were successful only when adult BALB/c mice were inoculated via an unusual route, such as into the uterine horn (LIEBLER, POHLE Z & WOODMA SEE, 1986). There is evidence in adult mice that the mechanism of recovery from existing C parvum infection and resistance to initial infection are different (CURRENT & BICK, 1989). The innate resistance of adult mice to challenge may be more dependent upon physiologic, age-related mechanisms. When severe combined immune deficient (SClO) neonatal and adult mice which have no functional T or B cells and nude mice (NIH-IlI) which have defective T cell-independent B lyrnphocytes were infected with C parVUI11 oocysts, they developed chronic infections that persisted over 12 weeks (MEAD et al., 1991). Infections in neonatal mice were rapidly established while infections in adult mice were initially light but steadily increased to a comparable level of infection. The role of T or B cells in eradicating the infection was again evident when SCIO Animal models for experimental Cryptosporidiosis suckling mice developed progressively severe cryptosporidiosis that killed all animals within 7 weeks, while BALBIc mice were able to eradicate the infection (KUHLS et al., 1992). The mortality was 720/0 in adult SCID mice at 5 months and 0% in BALB/c adult mice. On the other hand, SCID mice have been reported to be initially resistant to C. parvum, which was attributed not to specific immune response but to nonspecific mechanisms associated with the presence of intestinal flora that stimulates gamma interferon (HARP, CHEN & HARMSEN, 1992). Adult mice of strains C57BL/6N, DBA/2N, CBA, C3H/HeN, and BLAB/cAnN were immunosuppressed with dexamethasone (DEX) and infected with C. parvum oocysts. Of these only C57BL/6N given 125 f..Ig/day developed chronic infections that persisted over 10 weeks, suggesting that the genetic background of the mouse played a role in determining susceptibility to cryptosporidiosis (RASMUSSE & HEALEY, 1992 c). Immune response The results in 6-day-old BALBIc nude mice had suggested that T cells were required for recovery from infection with Cryptosporidium (HEI E, Moo & WOODMA SEE, 1984). Recovery of adult mice from infection also appeared to require T cell-mediated immunity (UNGARet al., 1990). In adult athymic nude mice, a lack of T cells was crucial to the establishment of persistent Cryptosporidium infection, and reconstitution with a Tcell population that included CD4 + T cells was necessary for successful recovery from the infection. Lymphoid cells from histocompatible, Cryptosporidium sp.immune mice cured infected nude mice. When adult BALBIc mice were treated with mAb directed against CD4 + or CD8 + T lymphocytes or with neutralizing antiIFN-y or IL-2 mAb, chronic infection as evidenced by shedding of oocysts occurred with anti-CD4 + anti CD8 mAb treatment (UNGAR et al., 1991). Anti-CD8 mAb treatment alone did not allow infection. Treatment with anti-IF -y mAb greatly enhanced oocyst shedding but infection was self-limited. Treatment with anti-IL-2 mAb did not permit infection. These findings suggested that both CD4 + cells and IFN-y are required to prevent initiation of infection, whereas either alone can limit the extent (lFN-Y) or duration (CD4 + cells) of infection. The importance of CD4 + cells and IFN-y in the resolution of an established C. parvum infection was observed in SCID mice. When C. parvum-infected SCID mice were reconstituted with splenic cells from immunocompetent donors, the recipients were able to resolve the infection by 17 days postreconstitution (CHE , HARP & HARMSEN, 1993). Treatment of reconstituted SCID mice with either anti-CD4 mAb to deplete them of CD4 + cells or with IFN-y to neutralize IFN-y activity reduced or eliminated their ability to resolve the infection. These findings again indicated that the resolution of established cryptosporidiosis in immunologically 17 reconstituted SCID mice was dependent on both CD4 ~ cells and IFN-y. The role of cell-mediated immune response has been substantiated by in vitro studies in which spleen lymphocytes from multioral-infected mice demonstrated significant Ag-specific blastogenesis, while mesenteric Iymphocytes did not respond (WHITMIRE& HARP, 1990). Lymphocytes from lymph nodes of inbred SWR/JH-2Q mice exposed to C. parvum oocysts proliferated when cultured in vitro with soluble or particulate antigens prepared from oocysts (Moss & LAMMIE, 1993). Unlike the findings of WHITMIRE & HARP (1990), the lyrnphocytes from spleens had no proliferative response. Attempts to transfer C. parvum resistance by means of spleen or mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells to susceptible infant mice was unsuccessful (HARP & WHITMIRE, 1991). The antibody response of mice infected with C. parvum oocysts has been valuable in characterizing the antigenic composition of the parasite (LuFT et al., 1987). Our data suggested that carbohydrate moieties with molecular weights greater than 60000 were important immunogens in C. parvum infection. Antioocyst mAb-based immunofluorescence assay has been utilized to detect oocysts in faecal smears as well as those in tissue sections (ARROWOOD& STERLI G, 1989). Bovine immune serum was shown to neutralize the infectivity of sporozoites in neonatal mice (RIGGS & PERRYMA , 1987; FAYER,PERRYMAN& RIGGS, 1989). The greatest reduction in parasite number was found in mice treated with IgGI, IgA, or whey (FAYER, GUIDRY & BLAGBURN, 1990). Immune bovine serum and two surface-reactive antisporozoite mAb with neutralizing activity were used to identify sporozoite surface Ag by radioimmunoprecipitation/SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting (RIGGS et al., 1989). The results indicated that two different molecules capable of inducing neutralizing antibody were exposed on the surface of C. parvum sporozoites. Hence, it was suggested that neutralizing antibodies may be useful for pasive immunotherapy against cryptosporidiosis in neonatal animals and imrnunocompromised humans. C. parvum merozoites have been shown to share the neutralization-sensitive epitopes with the sporozoites (BJORNEBY,RIGGS& PERRYMAN,1990). As in human infections, bovine colostrum has been reported to have no protective effect in mice (Moo et al., 1988). Therefore, it was concluded that passive lacteal immunity was not an efficient means of protection against cryptosporidiosis in mice. Also, BALB/c neonates suckled by dams that recovered from C. parvum infection were susceptible to infection as were the neonates receiving orally administered antisporozoite monoclonal antibodies (ARROWOODet al., 1989). Monoclonal antibody (MAb5C3) was developed against 15-kDa surface glycoprotein of C. parvum sporozoites (TILLEYet al., 1991). When hybridoma supernatants containing the MAb5C3 were administered orally to suckling mice infected with C. parvum, a 75% reduction in CW. 18 developmental stages was observed at 72 h postinfection and a 67,5070 reduction in oocyst shedding at 6 days postinfection. These data indicated that the parasite might depend upon rapid elimination by the immune system, suggesting that passive immunotherapy may be effective. In congenitally athymic nude mice, a significant reduction in intestinal Cryptosporidium infection was demonstrated when oral passive immunotherapy with neutralizing MAb 17Al was administered rather than isotype control MAb 7.3A or no treatment. These findings again give support to the use of passive immunotherapy with neutralizing anti-Cryptosporidium antibodies as a treatment approach (BJOR EBYet al., 1991). A study using B cell-deficient (anti-u-treated) neonatal BALB/c mice has shown that even abrogation of Cryptosporidium-specific antibody responses had no detectable impact on the infection, suggesting that the role of specific in vivo antibody in the resolution of the infection was minor (TAGHl-KlLANl, SEKLA& HAYGLASS, 1990). More recent data have shown that when 3- or 4-week-old female C57BI/6 mice were first infected with LP-BMS murine leukemia retrovirus for 4 months and then inoculated with C. parvum oocysts, parasite colonization of intestinal villi and oocyst shedding were significantly reduced in immunosuppressed animals that received pooled bovine colostrum compared to those that did not receive colostrum (W ATZL et al., 1993). The passively transferred antibodies alone were unlikely to have provided the improved resistance, since nonimmune bovine colostrum contained no anti-Cryptosporidium antibodies. Hence, the findings suggested the therapeutic potency of normal colostrum in controlling cryptosporidiosis. To determine the impact of anticryptosporidial immune rat bile on the infection, microscopic analysis were done of intestinal sections of nu/nu BALBIc mice infected with C. parvum oocysts and treated with immune bile. The results showed less villus atrophy, crypt hyperplasia and fewer organisms per crypt than in untreated mice (ALBERT et al., 1994). The amelioration of the infection was believed to be due to C. parvum-specific IgA in the rat bile, giving support to the role for humoral immunity in controlling the infection. Treatment and control Many drugs have been tested, both prophylactically and therapeutically, against Cryptosporidium in mice. Sixteen antimicrobial agents were administered 4 days after inoculation with Cryptosporidium in day-old C57 mice, but none of the drugs arrested or modified the course of the infection as assessed by oocyst excretion and mucosal infection of the small and large intestines (TZlPORl, CAMPBELL& ANGUS, 1982). Several anticoccidial compounds were administered prophylactically to 1- to 3-day-old Porton or randomly-bred Swiss white mice two days before infection with Cryptosporidium and continued on the average for 7 days (A GUSet al., 1984). Based on excretion of oocysts in faeces and histological examination of KI~I the small and large intestines, nearly all of more than 20 drugs tested proved to be ineffective. The only drugs of any prophylactic promise were arprinocin and salinomycin. Studies in neonatal HSd:(lCR)BR Swiss mice that were treated with polyether ionophores (maduramicin and alborixin), a fluorinated 4-quinoline (enrofloxacin), and three analogs of pentamidine, all compounds, except for enrofloxacin and one of the pentamidine analogs [1,3-(4-imidazolinophenoxy) propane], resulted in significant reduction in oocyst shedding (BLAGBURNet al., 1991). These compounds had a prophylactic effect, since they were administered prior to infection with C. parvutn. When 7-week-old ICR mice were immunosuppressed with prednisolone acetate and then infected with C. parvum oocysts and 13 h later treated with azithromycin or lasalocid, the oocyst shedding was markedly reduced in medicated mice. In fact, some treated mice did not discharge oocysts (KlMATA, UNl & ISEKl, 1991), suggesting that both azithromycin and lasalocid had prophylactic or therapeutic activity. One of the measures in the control of cryptosporidiosis would be to identify disinfectants that would effectively inactivate the oocysts in the environment. Several disinfectants have been assessed for their effect on destroying Cryptosporidium oocysts by infecting mice following incubation of oocysts in the disinfectants (CAMPBELLet al., 1982). Only two common disinfectants, formaldehyde (10%) and ammonia (5%), proved to be effective in destroying the viability of the oocysts. In order to identify less toxic and more aesthetically suitable preparations for hospital use, Tegodor (Th. Goldschmidt) and FormulaH (Hoechst) were tested against Cryptosporidium oocysts using inbred Porton mice (ANGUSet al., 1982). either disinfectant destroyed the oocysts, even when exposure time to faecal homogenates containing the oocysts was increased to 6 hours. There was no improvement in efficacy at higher concentrations. Rats Cryptosporidium species The house rat, Rattus norvegicus, has been shown to be naturally infected with C. parvum (lSEKl, 1986). In earlier experimental work in rats, although the species of Cryptosporidium was not identified, it is probably safe to assume that it was C. parvum (TZlPORl et al., 1980 a; REESE et al., 1982). Natural infection with C. muris in the house rat, Rattus norvegicus, has been documented (lSEKI, 1986). Rats have also been experimentally infected with C. muris (lSEKl et al., 1989). Infection in neonates and immunosuppressed adult rats Suckling rats inoculated with bovine ileal hornogenates containing Cryptosporidium began to shed oocysts 5 days later and continued for 16 days (TZlPORl et al., 1980 a). Animal models for experimental Cryptosporidiosis However, the rats did not develop diarrhea or any other obvious illness, and the histological changes varied from no apparent lesions to moderate villous atrophy of the intestine and infiltration of mononuclear cells. Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts of calf and human origin administered orally into I-day-old rats produced heavy infections when necropsied 6 days later (REESE et al., 1982). As in mouse neonates, numerous endogenous were observed in the brush stages of Cryptosporidium border of the ileum and moderate numbers in the caecum and colon. Since normal adult animals were known to be refractive to infection with Cryptosporidium, a convenient adult rat model was developed by treating the animals with an immunosuppressive drug, cyclophosphamide (REHG, HANCOCK & WOODMANSEE, 1987). Female SpragueDawley rats weighing 200 to 250 grams were administered cyclosphosphamide at a concentration equivalent to 50 mg/kg/day in the drinking water for 14 days before inoculation with 1 X J04 or more oocysts. Eighteen days following inoculation, 800/0 or more of the animals showed infection of the ileum. The infection cleared the small intestine approximately 7 days after withdrawal of the immunosuppressant, but oocysts continued to be shed in the faeces for an additional 5 to 7 days after the parasites were no longer attached to the enterocytes of the small intestine. The histologic findings correlated with the faecal smear results, although the percentage of animals infected as detected by histologic examinations was higher during the prepatent period. Although cyclosphosphamide-treated adult rats were susceptible to Cryptosporidium, because of the delayed toxicity induced by cyclophosphamide in rodents, it was not possible to investigate latent infection. Therefore, female Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with another immunosuppressant, dexamethasone, specifically to study active and latent cryptosporidiosis (REHG, HANCOCK & WOODMANSEE, 1988). Dexamethasone was administered for 14 days or for 3, 7, and 14 days prior to inoculation with 1 X J05 C. parvum oocysts of bovine origin. Dexamethasone in dosages of 0,0625, 0,125, and 0,25 mg/kg was well tolerated, whereas higher dosages produced toxicity. The optimal drug dosage was 0,25 mg/kg. Withdrawal of dexamethasone resulted in clearance of the infection. In contrast to cyclophosphamide, it was necessary to administer dexamethasone for only 7 days before oocyst inoculation and 1 X J03 oocysts were sufficient for infection. The infection peaked at 7 days compared with 14 days in the cyclophosphamide model, but the infection was most severe in the terminal ileum as in cyclophosphamide-treated rats. The results indicated that the infection can remain latent for as long as JO weeks after withdrawal of the immunosuppressant and an overt infection could become reactivated if immunosuppression was reinduced during that period. Since immunosuppressed patients easily develop cryptosporidiosis when treated with corticosteroids (MEISEL et al., 1976; MILLER, HOLMBERG & CLAUSE , 1983; 19 MEAD et al., 1976; HOLLEY & THIERS, 1986), rats were rendered more susceptible to Cryptosporidium by treating them with hydrocortisone acetate (BRASSEUR, LEMETEIL & BALLET, 1988). Male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 200 to 250 grams, received subcutaneous injections of 25 mg of hydrocortisone acetate twice weekly for 8 weeks, each rat receiving a total dose of 400 mg. The rats were on a low-protein diet and infected with 1 X J05 Cryptosporidium oocysts. The rats shed oocysts from days 2 to 9 following infection and developed a persistent infection for more than 38 days. Excretion of oocysts decreased subsequently, suggesting that a progressive degree of protection was developing in these rats. Low-protein diet alone was found to be more effective in maintaining the infection than hydrocortisone acetate alone, suggesting that susceptibility to Cryptosporidium infection could be enhanced by protein malnutrition. Availability of athymic (rnu/rnu) rats offered an ideal rat model to study the pathophysiological changes and immune response to infection with Cryptosporidium, without the need for chemical immunosuppression (GARDNER et al., 1991). NIH rnu/rnu male rats were orally inoculated with 2,5 X 106 to 6 X J07 Cryptosporidium oocysts of calf origin within 24 h of birth. The infected rats began to shed oocysts 5 days following infection with diarrhea and failed to resolve the infection. In contrast, the immunocompetent rnu/ + (furred) littermates showed a self-limited disease and no diarrhea. These findings indicated that homozygosity for the rnu gene in the suckling rat was sufficient to permit persistent, symptomatic cryptosporidial infection without the need for chemical immunosuppresion. Active infection of both immunocompetent and immunocompromised rats caused functional derangement of lactase and some derangement of alkaline phosphatase activities. The lactase deficiency suggested that in addition to epithelial cell disruption, lactose intolerance may sometimes contribute to the diarrhea seen with cryptosporidiosis. In order to develop a laboratory animal that would develop respiratory cryptosporidiosis, which occurs in AIDS patients, Lewis rats were immunosuppressed by subcutaneous injection of methylprednisolone acetate at 2 mg/JOO g body weight and inoculated intratracheally with J06 oocysts of C. parvum . The rats developed an infection consisting of all known developmental stages in the epithelium lining airways from the trachea to the terminal bronchioles (MUELBROEK, OVILLA & CURRE T, 1991). This study will undoubtedly lead to studies of pathophysiology of respiratory cryptosporidiosis of which very little is known at present. Immune response To determine whether the heterozygous littermates of rnu/rnu rats were capable of mounting a cell-mediated response to Cryptosporidium given orogastrically, the rats were tested by the ear lobe assay (GARD ER et al., 1991). NIH rnu/ + rats mounted a cell-mediated immune c.w. 20 response to subcutaneous 3,5 Jig of Cryprosporidium antigen, as evidenced by an increment in the thickness of the ear lobe. Similar testing in the mu/mu rat showed no response, which is consistent with the belief that these animals lacked sufficient T-lymphocytes to display a cellmediated immune response. The role of humoral immunity in the recovery from cryptosporidiosis is poorly understood, but there is humoral immune response to Cryptosporidium antigens administered orogastrically in the rat. However, the development of antibody to specific macromolecules associated with Cryptosporidium infection was restricted to the immunocompetent mu/ + rats, which exhibited specific immunogobulin binding in response to Cryptosporidium antigens administered orogastrically (GARDNER et al., 1991). Serum from infected mu/mu rats, on the other hand, did not show detectable binding to Crypantigen, suggesting that profound Ttosporidium lymphocyte defects impair humoral immune responses. Whether exposure to the purified IgG components of hyperimmune antiserum could neutralize the ability of C. parvum sporozoites to infect rats was tested by incubating the sporozoites at 37° C for 30 minutes. When the treated sporozoites were inoculated, per rectum, into 5-day-old Lister rats, there was great reduction in infectivity and specific neutralization was associated with the IgG fraction (HILL, DAWSO & BLEWETT, 1993). tosporidial activity, azithromycin consistently prevented ileal infection, whereas spiramycin was ineffective (REHG, 1991 b). The efficacy of azithromycin was dose-related, 200 mg/kg/day being the minimum dose that prevented the infection. Azithromycin also eliminated an established infection of the small intestine but the infection recurred when the drug was stopped, suggesting that azithromycin is a potentially useful anticryptosporidial agent but it requires long-term continuous administration. When dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), an immunomodulator that up-regulates the immune system, was assessed for its anticryptosporidial activity in Sprague-Dawley rats that were immunosuppressed with dexamethasone, the oocyst shedding was significantly reduced (RASMUSSEN, ARROWOD & HEALEY, 1992). The authors suggested that the therapeutic effect of DHEA may be in restoring the immune system of the host. Anticryptosporidial agents have also been assessed in rats immunosuppressed with a regimen of 25 mg of hydrocortisone acetate and challenged with 105 C. parvum oocysts. Of the 15 drugs tested, sinefungin (10 mg/kgl24 h) and lasalocid A (10 mg/kgl24 h) exhibited the highest anticryptosporidial activity (LEMETEIL et al., 1993). When sinefungin was administered prior to or on the day of oocyst challenge, it successfully prevented the infection (BRASSEUR, LEMETEIL & BALLET, 1993). Treatment The dexamethasone-treated rat model (REHG, HA COCK & WOODMANSEE, 1988) was used to assess the efficacy of arprinocid (REHG & HANCOCK, 1990.). Arpronicid, an anti coccidial agent, has been reported to be highly effective against Eimeria oocysts in broilers (RUFF, ANDERSO & REID, 1978), but only relatively effective against Cryptosporidium in mice (ANGUS et al., 1984) and hamsters (KIM, 1987 b). Female Sprague-Dawley rats treated with dexamethasone were inoculated with 1 x 105 C. parvum oocysts and dexamethasone was administered with the drinking water. The rats were given arprinocid in their feed for 11 days. Arprinocid had a substantial parasitistatic effect at 50 and 25 mg/kg/d but not at 12,5 mg/kg/d. Hence, it was concluded that arprinocid may be a useful agent for treating cryprosporidiosis (REHG & HANCOCK, 1990). Dexamethasone-immunosuppressed rats infected with C. parvum were used to assess 23 suflonamides. Sulfadimethoxine and sulfamethazine exhibited both prophylactic and therapeutic activities (REHG, 1991 a). However, when sulfadimethoxine was stopped after 10 continuous days and immunosuppression was continued for another 11 days, the infection returned to the level seen in the control rats that did not receive the sulfonamide. Hence, success depends on continuous administration of the sulfonamide. When dexamethasone-immunosuppressed rats infected with C. parvum were used to assess the macrolides azithromycin and spiramycin for anticryp- KI\I Guinea pigs Cryptosporidium species infection of the guinea pig with Crypsp., the parasite measured 1,0-4,0 um in tissue sections of the small intestine (JERvIS, MERRI L & SPRINZ, 1966). Thus, both in its size and the site of infection, it resembled C. parvum originally described by TYZZER (1912). Another species was designated C. wrairi, based on its larger size (4,0-7,0 Jim in diameter) and longer duration of the endogenous cycle (up to 15 days) compared to C. parvum, and on its different site of infection (posterior ileum) compared to C. muris (VETTERLING et al., 1971). Inoculation of infected ileal scrapings produced infection only in guinea pigs and not in mice, rabbits, chickens, and turkeys. However, C. wrairi was assumed to be synonymous with C. muris (LE VI E, 1984). A strain of Cryptosporidium that differed in certain respects from C. wrairi was reported in guinea pigs in the United Kingdom (ANGUS, HUTCH ISO & MUNROE, 1985). This finding indicated that more than one strain can occur in the guinea pig. It resembled other isolates of Cryptosporidium in its lack of host specificity. Cryptosporidium closely resembling the U.K. isolate has also been observed in naturally infected guinea pigs (GIBSON & WAGNER, 1986). It became apparent that both C. muris and C. parvum can ·infect guinea pigs. Recent host range and antigenicity studies have shown that Cryptosporidium oocysts isolated from guinea pigs In natural tosporidium Animal models for experimental Cryptosporidiosis were not infectious for adult mice but were for suckling mice. Oocysts isolated from mice infected with guinea pig Cryptosporidium were not infective for guinea pigs. These findings suggested that Cryptosporidium sp. from guinea pigs and C. parvum were distinct species and, thus, the authors felt that C. wrairi should be retained as a separate species (CHRISP et al., 1992). However, the fact that monoclonal antibodies raised against oocysts and sporozoites of C. parvum reacted with those of Cryptosporidium sp. from pigs indicated that they were genetically related. Although Cryptosporidium sp. from guinea pigs has been shown to be related to C. parvum, electrophoretic profiles showed striking differences in the outer oocyst wall proteins. Cryptosporidium sp. from guinea pigs had a banding pattern clustered between 39 and 66 kDa with a smaller number of bands> 100 kDa, whereas C. parvum had a wide molecular size range of bands. Also, oocysts from guinea pigs inoculated into suckling mice produced WO-fold fewer oocysts by day 7 postinoculation than did mice infected with oocysts of C. parvum (TILLEY & UPTO , 1991). The authors hypothesized that Cryptosporidium sp. from guinea pigs was evolutionarily derived from C. parvum and represented an isolate in the process of being adapted to guinea pigs or that the two were derived from a common ancestor. Pathogenicity The initial report of Cryptosporidium infection in the guinea pig revealed that the parasite was embedded in the striated border of the epithelial cells covering the villi and was most numerous toward the tips, and the infection was greatly influenced by the nutritional status of the host (JERVIS, MERRIL & SPRINZ, 1966). The pathologic changes in the guinea pig consisted of necrosis and sloughing of enterocytes at the villous tips of the small intestine, inflammation, hyperemia and edema of the lamina propria, and hyperplasia of crypt epithelium (GIBSON & WAGNER, 1986). The Cryptosporidium in the tissue sections was small, measuring 1- to 4- I'm. Diarrhea was observed in 36070and mortality was associated with diarrhea in 11% of the animals. Diarrhea was absent in guinea pigs that were naturally infected with C. wrairi, although the posterior ileum was heavily infected (VETIERLI G et al., 1971). Ultrastructural studies revealed the intracellular nature of C. wrairi by the way in which it penetrated the host cell (VETIERLING, TAKEUCHI & MADDEN, 1971). In experimental cryptosporidiosis, when 5-day-old guinea pigs were experimentally inoculated with pooled caecal/colonic contents from an infected guinea pig, the ileum was heavily infected with severe villous stunting and fusion and infiltration of macrophages and eosinophils into the lamina propria (ANGUS,HUTCHISON& MUNROE, 1985). The most interesting aspect of this study was that older guinea pigs (24-day-old) became infected after exposure to contaminated environment. Even 16-week-old 21 guinea pigs were susceptible, as evidenced by organisms in the ileum when necropsied at 8 and 12 days postinfection. The susceptibility of adult guinea pigs, in addition to the neonates, was further substantiated in a study in which 6-week-old guinea pigs became infected with doses as low as 325 oocysts (CHRISP et al., 1990). The neonates were still infected at 2 weeks postinfection, whereas the older animals were all infected for only I week postinfection, suggesting that there may be some innate resistance in the older animals. There were no significant differences in morphometric measurements of the ileum between the two age groups. One of the most interesting and highly significant findings was the demonstration of Cryptosporidium within the cytoplasm of M cells overlying Peyer's patches (MARCIAL & MADARA, 1986). This was the first observation made of the real intracellular localization of Cryptosporidium. The significance of this observation is that this may be the path for Cryptosporidium antigens to provide antigenic stimulus to the intestinal lymphoid cells. It may also explain the difficulty encountered in eradicating this parasite in the immunocompromised host. Immune response Evidence for specific immune response to Cryptosporidium was demonstrated in guinea pigs that were completely refractory to reinfection when challenged by reinoculation with Cryptosporidium oocysts (CHRISP et al., 1990). No Cryptosporidium or morphological changes were observed in the ileum at 1,2,3, or 4 weeks postinfection, despite challenge with five times the original inoculum. Since Cryptosporidium is attached to enterocytes of the small intestine, the mucosal immune response can be assumed to be important in resistance to reinfection by Cryptosporidiurn as it is for other enteropathogens. The essential component of mucosal immunity appears to be not only the localization of Cryptosporidium in the enterocytes, but its transport by the M cells to the intestinal immune system, as has been demonstrated by MARCIAL & MADARA(1986). Guinea pigs appear to be capable of mounting a specific humoral antibody response to Cryptosporidium, although IgG mayor may not be responsible for the protection of the animals from reinfection (CHRISP et al., 1990). The anamnestic response in guinea pigs reinoculated at 10 weeks after the first inoculation was not marked, probably because antibody titers were still high. The effects of hyperimmune bovine colostrum (HBC) raised against C. parvum on oocyst shedding after infection with C. wrairi showed that incubation of sporozoites with HBC markedly reduced shedding after intraintestinal injection when compared to PBS and non-immune colostrum controls. However, per os administration of HBC following oral inoculation of C. wrairi did not affect oocyst shedding, and similarly, HBC had no effect when administered simultaneously with inoculation of C. wriari (HOSKINS et al., 1991). cw. KI~I 22 Hamsters A weaning male Golden hamster that was suffering from proliferative ileitis was found to be naturally infected with Cryptosporidium sp. (DAVIS& JENKI s, 1986). The parasite, which measured only 1 to 3 /lm in diameter, was visible along the enterocyte villous border of the intestine. Transmission electron microscopic preparations revealed various endogenous stages, including trophozoites, first and second generation schizonts, macrogametes, microgametes, and oocysts embedded in or lying above the microvillous surface of enterocytes. There was loss of microvilli that were displaced by the parasite. Experimental infections The first account of experimental cryptosporidiosis in Syrian golden hamsters was reported in neonates that were inoculated with Cryptosporidium oocysts from calves (KIM, 1987 a). Four- to five-day old hamster neonates were inoculated with 1 x 103 or 3,45 X 103 oocysts and necropsied starting at day 2 up to day 26 postinfection. Oocyst shedding was observed as early as 2 days following inoculation, peaking at 6 days and declining thereafter. Infection with various developmental stages in the ileum paralleled oocyst shedding, starting at day 2 postinfection, peaking on day 8 and declining thereafter. A higher percentage of infected animals was detected on histological examination than on stool examination. The histopathology consisted of displacement of microvilli by the parasite, hypercellularity of the lamina propria, bridging of villi, and an acceleration of sloughing of senescent and presenescent epithelial cells from villous tips into the lumen. Oocyst shedding has been reported to be more intense in aged (20-24 months) than in young (8- to 12-week-old) Syrian golden hamsters following intragastric inoculation with 106 C. parvum oocysts. Also, colonization of the parasite was absent in the young hamsters. Moreover, splenocytes from aged hamsters exhibited significantly lower T, B, and natural killer cell activities than those from young hamsters. These studies suggested that susceptibility to infection with Cryptosporidium may be greater in the aged than had been previously realized (RASMUSSE & HEALEY, 1992 a). Cryptosporidiosis was established in adult female outbred white hamsters weighing 80 to 100 grams by immunosuppression with 8 to 10 mg of hydrocortisone acetate subcutaneously (ROSSIet al., 1990). The hamsters were then inoculated with either 0,5 x 105 or 1 X 105 oocysts. None of the hamsters manifested diarrhea but oocyst shedding began 3 to 5 days postinfection, peaking on day 9 and decreasing thereafter followed by a lower peak on day 13. The total number of shedding oocysts were reported to be about a thousand times greater than the infection dose. Treatment Arprinocid, 6-amino-9-(2-chloro-6- fl uorobenzyl) purine, an anticoccidial drug was first shown to be active against Eimeria (RUFF, ANDERSON& REID, 1978; MILLER et al., 1977). Blockage of the hypoxantineguanine salvage pathway (WA G, SIMASHKEVICH& STOTISH, 1979) and inhibition of the hypoxantine transport (WA G et al., 1979) were suggested to be the modes of action of arprinocid in Eimeria. The chemotherapeutic effect of arprinocid was evaluated in 5-day-old hamsters that were inoculated with 1 x 103 sporulated oocysts (KIM, 1987 b). In animals treated with 2 mg or 4 mg of arprinocid, there were significantly fewer oocysts shed in the faeces as well as fewer developing stages in the ileum than in the untreated animals. In 12-day-old hamsters inoculated with 2,3 x 10.1oocysts immediately after weaning and each treated with a total of 4 mg of arprinocid, very few oocysts were shed in the faeces when examined 8 days postinfection, and the developing stages in the ileum were fewer and peaked earlier than in the untreated animals. These findings suggested that arprinocid had a parasitistatic, rather than a parasiticidal, effect on Cryptosporidium when administered therapeutically. Arpinocid also induced a parasitistatic effect in adult hamsters that were immunosuppressed with dexamethasone and infected C. parVUI11 (unpublished). When Syrian golden hamsters (20-24 months) were treated with dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), an immunomodulator known to up-regulate immune parameters, there was significant reduction in oocyst shedding and colonization in the ileum than in the untreated hamsters (RASMUSSEN& HEALEY, 1992 b). 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