13-14 PVSD Student Handbook revised


13-14 PVSD Student Handbook revised
Pequea Valley School District
PO Box 130 Kinzers , PA 17535
District Office: 717-768-5530
District Student Handbook
Pequea Valley School District will create an environment that inspires each individual to excel.
The Pequea Valley student is a resourceful, continuous learner who values and demonstrates the
knowledge, skills, and character needed to succeed in a global community.
July 11, 2013
Dear Student and Parents:
As educators we expect the best from our students and know they can achieve to their fullest
potential academically, behaviorally and socially. The purpose of this document is to
acquaint parents and students with the information that they need to be successful in school.
In this handbook, we have tried to combine guidelines, policies and regulations to
communicate with parents and students the expectations of the district. This year we have
combined all the student handbooks to make it easier for both parents and students. There
are building specific materials in this handbook but if you have questions about a specific
building, please contact the principal.
A separate form will be issued to your students regarding reception, reading and
understanding of this document. Student and parent/guardian should complete this form. It
can be returned to the respective school within the first week of school.
Here is to another great year!
Dr. Erik B. Orndorff
Pequea Valley High School
Principal: Arlen Mummau
Dean of Students: John Trovato
Pequea Valley Intermediate School
Principal: Sharon Ray
Dean of Students: Evan Breisblatt
Paradise Elementary
Principal: Beth Reinhart
Salisbury Elementary
Principal: Jared Erb
Pequea Valley High School
Bell Schedules
Two-Hour Delay Schedule
Regular Bell Schedule
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
7:25-7:29 (Announcements/Attendance)
A 11:09-11:39 Lunch, 11:42-12:34 Class
B 11:09-12:01 Class, 12:04-12:34 Lunch
9:25-9:29 (Announcements/Attendance)
A 11:23-11:53 Lunch, 11:56-12:31 Class
B 11:23-11:58 Class, 12:01-12:31 Lunch
Early Dismissal Schedule
7:25-7:29 (Announcements/Attendance)
A 11:04-11:34 Lunch, 11:37-12:17 Class
Wednesday Bell Schedule
7:25-7:29 (Announcements/Attendance)
A 10:48-11:18 Lunch, 11:21-11:56 Class
B 11:04-11:44 Class, 11:47-12:17 Lunch
B 10:48-11:23 Class, 11:26-11:56 Lunch
Session 1
Session 3
Session 2
Session 4
Period 1
Period 1
Period 1
Period 2
Period 2
Period 2
Period 3
Period 3
Period 3
Period 4
Period 4
Period 4 Lunch
Period 5
Period 5 Lunch
Period 5 Lunch
Period 6
Period 6
Period 6
Period 7
Period 7
Period 7
Period 8
Period 8
Period 8
Salisbury and Paradise Day Schedule
Students enter the school building from buses each morning at 8:50 am and are dismissed to buses at 3:35
p.m. Students who eat breakfast at school enter the building at 8:40 am. Paradise students who are
dropped off or picked up by parents, follow the same enter/dismissal times as bus riders. Salisbury
students who are dropped off will be permitted to enter the building at 8:45 am. Parent pick-up time
for Salisbury students is 3:30 pm.
Early dismissals are scheduled throughout the school year. Please refer to the school calendar for exact dates
and dismissal times.
If there is a two-hour weather delay on a previously scheduled early dismissal day, students will remain in
school until regular dismissal time.
The Pequea Valley elementary schools follow a 5-day cycle. In this system days are number 1 through 5
rather than Monday through Friday. If a day is missed for vacations or weather, the next scheduled numbered
day is picked up the day we return.
On occasion, a late start or early dismissal may occur due to weather conditions. A modified bell schedule is
used when the school day is affected by such changes.
In the event of weather related early dismissal the secondary students will be dismissed before the
elementary students. When weather conditions require closing school for the day, announcements of such
cancellation will be made as soon as possible by 6:30 A.M., over area radio and television stations. Please do
not call the school, for this may delay calls to personnel involved in making announcements of cancellation.
The district utilizes the AlertNow Rapid Communication Service to make students and staff aware of school
delays and cancellations due to inclement weather. A call will be made to your primary phone number by
6:30 am in the event of a school closing or delay. Please be advised that the message starts as soon as the phone
picks up some voice mails may receive partial messages. If you missed the message please call (717) 768-5698
A test message will go out in mid September in order to ensure inclusion on the Alert Now list. Please make sure to
send in the most updated phone numbers on your child’s emergency cards.
Stations carrying school delays and closing information include: FM 90.3, FM 94.5, FM 96.9, FM 101.3,
FM 103.3, AM 1490, TV Channels 8 and 27, and on-line at www.thewgalchannel.com, or the PVSD
website at www.pequeavalley.org.
General school policy is to cancel any after-school or evening function if school has been dismissed early or
cancelled. This will apply to all PTO events as well.
1. Following an absence, the student should present a signed parent note within 5 school days that clearly
indicates the following:
a. The date(s) of his/her absence.
b. The reason(s) for his/her absence.
c. A parent/guardian signature.
2. The student, or parent, should sign the attendance log book in the office, to record this transaction.
Absence from school may be excused if it is due to any of the following:
1. Illness, injury.
2. Court Appointments
3. Medical Appointments
4. Death in immediate family.
5. Exceptionally urgent emergencies approved by the administration.
6. Extraordinary circumstances involving military service or college entrance requirements (prior
administrative approval required).
7. Educational trips which have received PRIOR APPROVAL - at least one day in advance.
Students seeking to be excused from school for purposes of educational travel must complete the
Educational Travel Form that is available in the attendance office and on the PV website. This form must be
completed and submitted prior to the scheduled absence. The educational value of the trip must be readily
apparent. A maximum of (10) ten days per year may be excused. These days may be used consecutively or
scattered over a longer period of time. Educational trips include, but are not limited to: family vacation,
religious activities, and other educational experiences. Students must complete paperwork prior to their visit
and hand in a note from the admission office of the college upon return. However, neglecting to request prior
approval will cause the absence to be coded as unexcused.
Students who have not been absent for the appropriate reasons noted above, will receive an unexcused
absence. Here are some examples of unexcused absences: car trouble, hair appointments, driver’s tests, child
care, job interviews (unless scheduled by the school), missing the bus, oversleeping, etc. When a student
receives an unexcused absence it can affect his/her school work, grades, and school privileges; students may
receive a zero on any assignments. Unauthorized absences from school related to “cuts” lead to suspension.
Students of compulsory school age are also subject to prosecution for violation of the Pennsylvania’s
Compulsory Attendance Law. Absences that are accrued following truancy elimination plan meetings and 3
unexcused absences will be termed “unlawful.”
The following is a summary of parent notification procedures related to student absence.
1. After accruing three (3) unexcused absences, a notification letter sent to parents, and truancy elimination
meeting set up with parents. Truancy elimination meetings are between the student and/or parent,
administration and guidance to discuss absences and create a plan.
2. Upon the sixth (6th) unexcused absence, the absence will be deemed “unlawful” and will result in a
truancy fine.
3. Every subsequent unexcused absence will be considered unlawful and will result in further truancy fines.
4. Extenuating circumstances will be appraised by the administration. The administration reserves the right
to require a doctor’s excuse when deemed necessary. The administration reserves the right to confirm
the veracity of all excuses.
It is possible for a student’s attendance record to contain too many excused absences. Even if the student’s
absences are excused, the total number of days missed can become excessive and action must be taken to
address the issue. If a student is challenged by extensive illness, injury, or special circumstances that cause
excessive absence from school, the office should be made aware of the problem as soon as possible. For
example, if your child has to be hospitalized for an extended period of time, the school should know this as
soon as possible. Steps can be taken to provide for a student’s educational program that accommodates the
student’s special circumstances. When students accumulate absences without appropriate communication
and authorization, administration will communicate via automatically generated form letters. In order to
assist families with a record of students’ absences, the school sends out standard form letters at the following
approximate intervals:
5 days - A letter of concern to the parents.
10 days - Possible requirement to present a medical excuse for all absences beyond 10 (ten) days to be coded
excused. (Absences without a doctor’s note will be unexcused.) Student driving may also be affected. The
educational program may include restricted privileges/locations. There will be a MANDATORY truancy
elimination plan.
15 days - Parent conference with administrator. There may be a placement on probationary status and/or
disciplinary consequences. Probationary status affects attendance/participation in extracurricular activities,
removal of privileges, or attendance at the Lancaster County Career and Technical Center.
30 days - Possible recommendation to the school board for expulsion of student from school or
administrative hearing.
NOTE: In cases where an extended illness occurs with medical treatment being involved, this procedure may
be waived once parents have been in contact with the school.
Whenever possible, appointments involving students are to be scheduled to occur after the conclusion of the
school day. On rare occasions students may need to leave school before the close of the scheduled school
day. If a court appearance, doctor, or dental appointment is essential during school, the school office must be
notified. For such a request to be given approval, it is requested that a signed parent note be presented at the
main office on or before the morning of the day that the excusal is to occur. The student must then bring
documentation from the doctor/dentist office that verifies that the appointment actually took place for the
absence to be coded as excused. Students are only excused for the amount of time needed for the
appointment, plus direct travel time to and from the office. The administration reserves the right to request
written verification that excused appointments were actually kept and that the student returned within the
allotted time frame.
It is the responsibility of all students and parents to sign in and out of the office when arriving late to school
or leaving early from school. Students may only leave school with parental permission and school approval.
A parent note is required whenever a student is arriving late or leaving early from school. Once a student
arrives at school, only the school nurse or an administrator can excuse that student from school.
It is the responsibility of all students to be on time to school. If a student takes the school bus he/she will be
recorded as being on time to school even if the bus is delayed in getting to school on time. Other students
arriving late to school should report to the office with a parent note explaining the reason for the student’s
tardiness. Students driving to school are not entitled to an excused tardy due to traffic conditions, or
problems related to their vehicle, passengers, or road conditions.
Students who arrive late to school, but report to the office BEFORE 8:55 A.M.(PVIS, PVHS) BEFORE
10:30 A.M.(ELEMENTARY), will be recorded as tardy. Students, who arrive in the office AFTER 8:55
A.M. (PVIS/PVHS) 10:30 A.M. (ELEMENTARY), will be given a half day of either excused or unexcused
absence. Any student arriving late to school must have a signed parent note that indicates a legitimate tardy
has occurred. Illegitimate reasons for tardiness to school will not be accepted as valid, even if the parent has
signed the note.
In situations involving child guardianship the district makes it a practice to honor the guardian of record. For
security purposes, we require that students leaving before the close of the school day follow specific
procedures. Parents or guardians seeking an early release of their child before the end of the regularly
scheduled school day, must report to the office and be properly identified before leaving the office with their
child. The student/parent must then properly sign out by providing the requested information in the office log
that relates to his/her early release from school. Any student that returns to school on the same day that
he/she has signed out of school needs to report to the office upon his/her return to school.
The Pequea Valley School District has adopted a Student Discipline Code. Please review the following chart
that identifies a wide range of behaviors and associated disciplinary consequences.
Student Discipline Guidelines
Grades 4-12
When assigning discipline to a student, the administration takes the following into consideration.
Circumstances may alter the consequences assigned.
How disturbing, threatening, or severe was the misbehavior?
Does the student’s attitude indicate the potential for future problems in this area?
Has the student misbehaved in this way before?
What previous disciplinary action has been taken? Was it effective?
Has the student’s failure to respond to a variety of disciplinary actions led us to the point where we may
not be able to correct the student’s behavior, but must now focus on the greater needs of the school
Pequea Valley School District
Student Discipline Guidelines: grades 4-12
# Behavior/Situation 1 Unexcused/ Excessive absences 2 Late to class/school 3 Failure to report to detention 4 Cutting Class 5 Abusive/vulgar language 6 Disturbance or disruption of the Learning Environment 7 Improper Dress Immediate Action Notification of Parents? After three unexcused absences, YES meet with student and/or parents to explain the policy. (TEP) Stress responsibility and the concern of students’ progress and with missing instructional material. Meet with student and/or YES parents after 3 lates. Stress responsibility Meet with student to discuss YES reason. Stress responsibility. One-­‐day suspension and/or another detention. recommended Meet with student. Notification YES of parents. Stress responsibility, trust and accountability. Detention or suspension recommended. Meet with student and YES notification of parents. Stress attitude, respect and responsibility. Apology, other appropriate punishment, detention, or suspension recommended. Meet with student to discuss YES problem. Notification of parent. Apology, other appropriate punishment, detention or suspension recommended Meet with student. Replace or NO turn inside out the clothing. Stress respect, responsibility, and attitude. Warning 7
Notification of Police? NO NO NO Long Term Action/Discipline After each subsequent absence student may receive detention. Continue communication with parents, including further actions outlined in Board Policy. Progressive disciplinary procedures After 3 lates, detention and notification of parent. Progressive disciplinary procedures Progressive disciplinary procedures NO Consider behavior and need for conference with school counselor is. Use progressive disciplinary procedures NO Continued behavior = referral to Student Assistance Program. Progressive disciplinary procedures NO Continued behavior will lead to referral to Student Assistance Program. Progressive disciplinary procedures NO If continue = notification of parents. Detention on second offense. Progressive disciplinary procedures # Behavior/Situation Immediate Action 8 Cheating/Plagiarism (Including electronic devices) 9 Forging notes or excuses Meet with student to determine severity of problem. Stress honesty, trust, and accountability. Apology, other appropriate punishment, detention or suspension recommended Meet with student. Notification YES of parents. Stress honesty, trust, and accountability. Detention or suspension recommended 10 Bus Misbehavior Notification of Police? NO Long Term Action/Discipline NO Repeated offenses may result in parent having to hand deliver notes. Progressive disciplinary procedures Second offense: Detention/ Notification of parents/ Progressive disciplinary procedures Continued behavior may result in loss of bus privileges If continual, progressive disciplinary procedures Continued behavior = referral to Student Assistance Program. Progressive disciplinary procedures After second offense NO 11 Willful disobedience YES NO 12 YES Depending on severity If severe threat, may lead to expulsion, police notification. YES Depending on severity Progressive disciplinary procedures If severe or more than once, expulsion and/or police action. YES Depending on severity and cost of destruction If severe or more than once, may lead to expulsion and/or police action. YES Depending on severity YES – second offense Second offense may lead to expulsion 13 14 18 Meet with student. Stress responsibility, respect, accountability and bus safety. Warning Notification of Parents? Depends on severity Second offense: YES Meet with student and parents to discuss situation. Stress accountability and responsibility. Detention or suspension recommended Verbal or Physical Meet with student and parents threats to other to discuss seriousness. Stress caring and attitude. Apology, other appropriate punishment, detention, or suspension recommended Fighting Meet with student and parents to discuss seriousness of situation. Stress responsibility, respect, attitude, and accountability. Apology, other appropriate punishment, detention, or suspension recommended Vandalism or Meet with student and parents Destruction of property to discuss seriousness of situation. Stress responsibility, respect, attitude, and accountability. Detention, or suspension recommended. Student is responsible for damages and needed cleaning time. Use, under the influence Meet with student and parents. and/or possession of Confiscation of substances. alcohol, drugs, Stress accountability, respect, unauthorized substances responsibility, and attitude. 10-­‐
and look-­‐alike drugs day suspension and referral to Student Assistance Program. 8
# Behavior/Situation 19 Distribution of alcohol, drugs, unauthorized substances and look-­‐
alike drugs 20 Communication or interaction which promotes behavioral infractions 21 Inappropriate use of personal electronic devices 22 Use or possession of weapon 23 Use or possession of firework and/or incendiary devices 24 Threats of bodily harm 25 Bomb threat or false alarm 26 Extortion Immediate Action Meet with student and parents. Confiscation of substances. Stress accountability, respect, responsibility, and attitude. 10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion and referral to Student Assistance Program Meet with student and parents to discuss seriousness of offense. Stress accountability, responsibility, and attitude. Detention or suspension recommended Meet with student and discuss seriousness of use. Stress accountability, responsibility, and attitude Warning Meet with student and parents to discuss seriousness of offense. Stress accountability, responsibility, and attitude. One-­‐year expulsion at discretion of Superintendent and referral to Student Assistance Program Meet with student and parents to discuss seriousness of offense. Stress accountability, responsibility, and attitude. 10-­‐day suspension and/or expulsion. Referral to Student Assistance Program Meet with student and parents to discuss seriousness of offense. Stress accountability, responsibility, and attitude. 10-­‐
day suspension and referral to Student assistance Program. Meet with student and parents to discuss seriousness of offense. Stress responsibility, accountability and attitude. 10-­‐
day suspension and/or expulsion. Referral to Student assistance Program Meet with student and parents to discuss seriousness of offense. Stress accountability, responsibility, and attitude. 10-­‐
day suspension and/or expulsion. Referral to Student Assistance Program Notification of Parents? YES Notification of Police? YES Long Term Action/Discipline YES NO Progressive disciplinary procedures Second offense – YES NO Progressive disciplinary procedures YES Depends on weapon Second offense may lead to permanent expulsion YES Depends on severity Second offense may lead to expulsion YES Depends on severity Second offense may lead to expulsion YES YES Second offense may lead to permanent expulsion YES YES Second offense may lead to expulsion 9
Second offense may lead to permanent expulsion # Behavior/Situation 27 Assault/Battery 28 Arson 29 Bullying/ Cyber bullying/ Harassment 6/17/97
8/4/98 REV
6/22/99 REV
Immediate Action Meet with student and parents to discuss seriousness of offense. Stress accountability, responsibility, and attitude. 10-­‐
day suspension and/or expulsion. Referral to Student Assistance Program Meet with student and parents to discuss seriousness of offense. Stress accountability, responsibility, and attitude. 10-­‐
day suspension and/or expulsion. Referral to Student Assistance Program Meet with student and parents. Stress caring, responsibility, attitude, accountability and respect. Consider the severity of the account. Use of detention, suspension or expulsion recommended Notification of Parents? YES Notification of Police? YES Long Term Action/Discipline YES YES Second offense may lead to expulsion YES Depends on severity Second offense may lead to suspension or expulsion depending on severity. Progressive disciplinary procedures. Second offense may lead to expulsion 3/09/04 REV
11/13/08 REV
7/2013 REV
When misconduct occurs, teacher or administrative disciplinary consequences often follow. Such
consequences range from a teacher briefly talking with a student to the student being expelled from school.
Our goal is to address issues of student misconduct in a reasonable and consistent manner.
The following information focuses on the specific nature of applied disciplinary consequences.
Social Probation means students are ineligible to participate in any extra-curricular activities that are
associated with Pequea Valley School District which are outside of the normal school day. Social probation
lasts a minimum of 1 week (7 days).
Students will receive community service when administration deems this a consistent consequence to the
misconduct. Students and parents will be notified of the amount of time, location, and duration of
Students receive at least two levels/classifications of detentions. The first level of detention is classified as a
classroom detention; it is assigned and supervised by a classroom teacher. A classroom detention duration is
dictated by the classroom teacher. The second type of detention is a referral to the office. If a student is
referred to the office for administrative discipline, an administrative detention may be issued.
Administrative detentions may be issued for offenses associated with attendance, classroom misconduct,
common area misconduct, or bus misconduct. Administrative detentions fall into the following categories:
1) After school detentions
2) In-school detentions
3) Lunch Detentions
• After School Detentions (Secondary Level Only)
When a student detention is to be served after school, it is the normal and customary practice of the school to
assign the detention in writing. If a student is absent on the day his/her detention is assigned, it will be
rescheduled. When a detention is reassigned, the student must serve his/her detention specified.
After school detentions are held from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. (High School) 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (Middle School). A
5:00 p.m. late bus is provided that will drop the student off relatively near his/her residence.) Students who
have been assigned administrative detentions are to report to the designated area.
• In-School Detentions
An in-school detention is NOT a suspension from school. When a student is assigned an “in-school”
detention it is because he/she has been involved in some kind of disruptive, insubordinate, or disrespectful
misconduct. However, it is hoped that a suspension from school will not be necessary to address/correct the
• Lunch Detentions
A lunch detention is not a suspension from school. When a student is assigned a lunch detention they will
eat lunch in an alternate location and a bagged lunch will be provided (PVIS / PVHS).
Students who are placed on in-school suspension report to school that day. These students will be able to
purchase a bagged lunch from the cafeteria or bring their own lunch. While on in-school suspension students
are isolated from the rest of the student body and may not attend or participate in any school activities.
When students received out of school suspension, they may not participate or report to any school activity
during that calendar day.
Expulsion from school is the highest level of discipline a school district can administer.
There may come a point where the administration determines that it is in the best interest of the school
environment that the student does not continue to attend. The student may be referred to the School Board
for expulsion. Refer to discipline chart for other circumstances for expulsion.
WEAPONS POLICY (Policy #218)
The Board recognizes the importance of a safe school environment relative to the educational process.
Possession of weapons in the school setting is a threat to the safety of students and staff and is prohibited by
law. Weapons shall include but are not limited to a knife, cutting instrument, switchblade, chains, razor, and
or any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury. The school board shall
expel for a period of not less than one year any student who violates this weapon policy.
Students should not take anything that does not belong to them. If a student does not have the permission to
“borrow” something, he/she should not take it. Students should not take school property out of the school
without written teacher/administrator authorization. School materials and/or equipment should be properly
signed out and promptly returned to the teacher/classroom of origin.
Students are encouraged to appropriately utilize technology that enhances their academic work and
educational experience. This includes using item(s) or equipment that a teacher or administrator asks/permits
a student to bring to school for a specific school related purpose or particular activity. However, students are
not to bring this type of item(s) to school when there is not a specific purpose related to a class assignment.
Students who violate this directive are subject to disciplinary consequences that may include the confiscation
of the item. If a student brings a device to school, the student and his/her parent/guardian should
understand that the school will accept no responsibility for theft, damage, or loss related to the
electronic device.
Students who bring items of this nature to school can expect to have the items confiscated by a school
official. If a school official requests that a student surrender an item to the official, the student is required to
comply with that request. Failure to immediately do so will be viewed as an act of willful disobedience. If
the student believes that the request is unreasonable, the student has a right to appeal to an administrator. If
an unauthorized item or object is confiscated by a school official it will be turned into the office. However,
the school is not responsible for the safe storage or return of that item. If a parent has a question about the
confiscation of an item he/she should contact the administration.
Students are not able to use cell phones during instructional time. Any student wishing to make a phone call
should do so from the phone in the main office. Cell phones being used during instructional time will be
confiscated and turned into administration.
First and Second Offenses-Confiscated and notification of parent (Phone returned to student at the
end of the day)
Third Offense-Confiscated and notification of parent to pick up the phone, student will serve a
Fourth Offense-Confiscated and notification of parent to pick up the phone and have a mandatory
parent meeting, student will serve a detention.
Fifth Offense-Confiscated and notification of parent to pick up the phone and have a mandatory
parent meeting, student will serve an in-school suspension.
Pequea Valley High School is very proud of its school property. Treat it as if it were your own. The
classrooms, laptops and bags, lockers, gym equipment, and the halls you walk in belong to each one of you.
Take pride in their appearance.
Those who deface property in any way must be responsible for it. Payment for all damage to property is
strictly enforced. Students are also charged for custodial time to restore the building to its original condition
before the vandalism. The unauthorized use, abuse, or vandalism of the school building or grounds may
result in suspension, expulsion, or arrest. Students may not be in the building or on school grounds except for
organized activities.
Pequea Valley School District property is TOBACCO –FREE. Pequea Valley School District prohibits
the use and/or possession of tobacco products by students/adults in a school building and on any property,
buses, vans, and vehicles that are owned, leased or controlled by the school district. The school district may
initiate prosecution of an individual who possesses or uses tobacco in violation of this policy.
The Pequea Valley School recognizes that the abuse of controlled substances is a serious problem with legal,
physical, and social implications for the whole school community. As an educational institution, the school
shall strive to prevent abuse of a controlled substance.
For purpose of this policy, controlled substance shall include all of the following:
• Controlled substances prohibited by federal and state law
• Look-alike drugs
• Alcoholic beverages
• Anabolic steroids
• Drug paraphernalia
• Any volatile solvent or inhalant, such as but not limited to glue or aerosol products
Prescription or patent drugs, except for those for which permission for use in school have
been granted.
The Board prohibits students from using, processing, distributing, and being under the influence of any
controlled substance during the school hours, at any time while on school property, at school-sponsored
activities, and during the time spent traveling to and from school or school-sponsored activities.
Any student that comes to school, even to drop off another student, is not permitted to exit the building or
leave the school’s grounds unless authorized by the administration to do so. In addition, no student is
permitted to exit the school building for any reason without teacher supervision and/or approval from an
administrator. Students who wish to leave school grounds during the school day need both school and
parental permission to do so. Even after such permission is granted, the student(s) must report to the office
and sign out. Students who are excused and return later that day must report to the main office and sign in.
Parents or guardians may pick up and drop off students at the main office.
The Administration has agreed that extremes in dress and grooming will not be permitted. If the student has
extremes in dress that disrupt or unduly distract from the learning environment the student will be sent to
Safety and security is a priority in all schools. Therefore, in order to maximize and maintain a safe and
secure environment, all students should secure their bags, purses, and personal belongings within their
school-issued locker. Students will be able to carry the school-issued computer bag to and from classes
during the school day.
In addition to the above, hats, visors and sunglasses are not to be worn inside the school building when
school is in session. These items are never to be worn in the classroom at any time unless authorized by the
administration. In keeping with the school district’s policies regarding character education and drug/alcohol
prevention, the following is prohibited: clothing, book bags, jewelry, and/or other items that advertise,
depict, display, or refer to any of the following is strictly prohibited:
Alcohol/tobacco and related products/paraphernalia.
Drugs, Marijuana, and/or related substances and/or paraphernalia.
Obscene, vulgar, or sexually suggestive pictures, images, or words.
Images or messages relating to racist, hate groups, satanic, or occult practices/personalities.
Messages or pictures that could have multiple meanings and intent.
Students referred to the office for dress violations may be asked to wear a “cover up” or alternative shirt,
shorts, pants, for the balance of the school day. The administration may request that a student referred to the
office surrender an item of jewelry, or adornment that is unacceptable for school or that has caused a
problem at some point during the school day. Students must comply with such requests or may be sent home.
Students are not permitted to wear coats, denim jackets or jackets designed for outdoor use in class. Students
may be sent home if inappropriate attire continues to be worn by the student. In areas of questionable attire,
the interpretation and final decision will rest with the administration.
Purses / Book bags / Cinch Bags: (Secondary Level)
All purses and/or bags of any kind shall be stored in student locker during the school day. Students are not
permitted to have these in class.
At the elementary level, students are expected to participate in daily recess periods and should be
appropriately dressed for the weather. With the exception of rainy days or extremely cold days, all children
will have an outdoor recess.
Students are not authorized to take photographs and/or video during the school day for non- instructional
purposes. Students must be authorized by a teacher/administrator to take pictures/video during the school
day. If a student participates in taking and/or sharing pictures/video during the school day for noninstructional purposes, student will be reported to administration. Visitors to our schools are also not
authorized to take photographs and/or video during the school day unless authorized by a
Failure to properly comply with a teacher or administrative direct request will lead to immediate disciplinary
Public display of student affection (examples include kissing, hugging, etc.) in school or at school related
activities is not appropriate and is not acceptable student conduct. This will result in disciplinary action.
Students are required to be actively engaged in appropriate classroom activities when class is in session.
These responsibilities include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:
• All students should report to class on time and have any and all materials at hand that the teacher has
requested. These materials include, but are not necessarily limited to, appropriate writing implements,
laptops/iPads, textbook(s), writing paper, and properly completed homework.
• Students are required to pay attention and to cooperate with the classroom teacher.
• A student may not refuse to do an assignment because it is not to the student’s liking. If a student
believes that an assignment is unreasonable, the student/parent should discuss the matter in private with
his/her teacher. If the student still believes the assignment to be unwarranted, the student/parent should
make an appointment to meet with a school administrator.
• Students who do not feel well should request to go to the nurse. Students are not permitted to put their
head down in class, or behave in a distracting or uncooperative manner.
• Each student is responsible for the content and quality of all work assigned, completed, presented and/or
submitted. Any word, image, or nonsensical writing that occurs on a piece of work that is submitted to a
teacher is subject to the teacher’s judgment. As the teacher considers the submitted work in relation to
the assignment, the teacher may choose to do any of the following that he or she believes applicable:
o Lower the student’s grade on the assignment and/or require the work to be fully corrected and
o Give the student a grade of “zero” for the assignment.
o Assign the student a teacher directed disciplinary consequence.
o Refer the matter to the administration.
In additional to the above, any written or oral assignment that contains racist, sexually suggestive,
threatening, or vulgar particulars may be given a grade of “zero.” The teacher may also refer the student to
the office for disciplinary consideration. If a student/parent has any question about the appropriateness of
such material, the student should consult with the teacher before his/her work, or any portion thereof, is
submitted or presented.
Anyone cheating on any examination, classroom activity, writing or assignment may receive a failing grade
on that assignment. Anyone plagiarizing a paper, project, or portion thereof, is subject to the receipt of a
failing grade of 0 (ZERO), and risks failing the entire course in which a major paper or project is a course
requirement. Plagiarism is a form of stealing. It is the passing off of another’s ideas or writings as one’s own.
Students who participate, in any way, in the verbal, written or digital distribution of assignments will receive
a zero for the assignment. Academic dishonesty, in any form, will not be tolerated.
EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS (Textbooks, Laptops, Etc)
The materials are distributed at the beginning of each year. The teacher records the condition of the material.
Students are held responsible for the loss of, or damage to, these materials. When the materials are lost,
students must pay for them in the office. If the materials are later recovered, the money will be refunded to
the student. If educational material is found, it should be turned in at the office. The student must pay for
materials damaged beyond reasonable wear.
It is the responsibility of the student’s parents to contact the student’s school counselor/teacher in order to
make up assignments due to an extended absence from school. Students may receive a zero for work not
completed. At the end of the fourth marking period, seniors must have all work made up five days before the
date of graduation.
When a student is absent, the student is responsible to make up all class work and homework. It is the
student’s responsibility to see his/her teachers and to find out what work he/she must make up. Students who
receive an excused absence have one school day per day of absence to make up the missed work, up to 5
days absent. Absences that exceed five consecutive days in length are classified as extended absences. In this
case, a student is permitted up to two weeks to make up his/her work. The student is then entitled to receive a
grade that in no way penalizes or limits the student because of his/her excused absence. Efforts should be
made to make-up the work prior to any educational trips or vacations.
HOMEWORK (Policy #130)
Homework assignments should complement classroom instruction. Assignments should develop student
responsibility, good study habits, and organizational skills. The purpose of homework is as follows:
• Help student realize what they do not fully understand, so they know questions to ask the teacher the
next day.
• Encourage student to make judgments, to solve problems on their own, and to be creative.
• Give students an opportunity to review, practice, and examine the material taught in class.
• Foster personal responsibility.
• Involve parents/guardians in their child’s learning.
Students who are unable to be scheduled into a regular physical education class are assigned to adaptive
physical education classes. Consultation between the instructor, the school nurse, and the student’s physician
is used to determine which exercises and activities are best for the student’s individual needs.
Students are given the opportunity to select their schedules for the coming school year. Schedule changes are
rarely made once the school year has begun. Schedule changes may be granted through the summer by
contacting the counseling office. Schedule changes will not be granted after the school year begins, unless
administrative approval has been granted and it enhances student academic performance.
When a student submits his/her initial schedule requests, every effort will be made to schedule the courses
that the student has requested. However, whenever it is deemed necessary; the administration reserves the
right to schedule a student in courses other than those the student has requested.
If a student finds it necessary to drop a course after the first two weeks of the semester, he/she will receive a
grade of “F” for the course. The principal has the responsibility to evaluate extenuating circumstances if a
student feels that he/she should not receive a failing grade. The principal’s decision will be final.
Students are responsible for replacing any materials, or property, which are lost or damaged by negligence.
At PVHS and PVIS, students must purchase and wear the official gym uniform.
At all other PV schools, teachers will provide information to students related to materials needed for school.
Students are issued report cards 4 times per year (approximately every 9 weeks). When a grade of
incomplete is given, the student has a maximum of two weeks (10 school days) to submit required work. If
the student does not adequately meet the standards for satisfactory completion of work within the required
time frame, the grade of incomplete becomes a failing mark. At the end of the final marking period seniors
must have all work made up three days before the date of graduation. All students must successfully
complete 60% or more of all work, assignments, tests, etc., during each marking period to earn a passing
grade for the marking period.
1. The grading system is as follows:
A+ 98-100, 4.3
B+ 88-89, 3.3
C+ 78-79, 2.3
D+ 68-69, 1.3
F 59 & Below, 0
A 92-97, 4.0
B 82-87, 3.0
C 72-77, 2.0
D 62-67, 1.0
A- 90-91, 3.7
B- 80-81, 2.7
C- 70-71, 1.7
D- 60-61, 0.7
2. A student should be enrolled three weeks within one marking period in order to receive a grade.
3. If a student fails a course that is necessary to meet graduation requirements, then he/she must attend
summer school to make up that course, or repeat the course at PVHS, which may prevent a student from
graduating with his/her class. Students seeking credit for course work taken outside of the Pequea
Valley School District must have such credit approved by the P.V.S.D.
4. If a student finds it necessary to drop a course after 2 weeks, he/she will receive a grade of “F.” The
principal’s decision is final.
5. Students (grade 9-12) are required to carry a full schedule each semester.
6. The principal has the authority to establish procedures for determining grades when students are enrolled
in other schools and transfer into Pequea Valley High School.
7. When a student is absent for extended periods of time because of illness, he/she will be allowed a
maximum of 2 (two) weeks to make up missed work, assignments, tests, etc.
8. Students must satisfactorily complete the graduation project in order to participate in graduation
exercises and/or graduate from Pequea Valley High School.
A weighted grade system is in place for AP, Advanced Science Research and Dual Enrollment courses. The
weighted grade system uses the following point scale.
A+ = 5.3
A = 5.0
A- = 4.7
B+ = 4.3
B = 4.0
B- = 3.7
C+ = 3.3
C = 3.0
C- = 2.7
Honor Points: Grade A (4) B (3) C (2) D (1) F (0)
First Honor Roll Requirement: A letter grade average of “A” // A minimum grade point average of 3.5
Second Honor Roll Requirements: A letter grade average of “B” // A minimum grade point average of 3.0
NOTE: Despite a student’s overall average, no student can qualify for honor roll status if that student has received a
letter grade of “D+” or below in any subject during the marking period in question.
Certain minimum requirements for graduation have been established by the school in conjunction with
requirements established by the Department of Education. The following requirements must be completed
before a Pequea Valley High School diploma may be issued.
Core Courses:
Other Required Courses:
4 credits of English
1 credit of Health
Graduation Project
4 credits of Social Studies
1.5 credits of PE
4 credits of Math
Personal Finance (11th grade)
4 credits of Science
3.5 credits of science .5 of STEM for class of 2017
Students who fail a major core course or a sufficient number of elective credits will be required to remediate
these credits through an approved summer school or credit recovery program. Students and/or their parents
may contact the counseling office for more details and to ensure approval for each course.
Students planning to attend the Lancaster County Career and Technology Center during their senior year must
meet all requirements to be promoted to senior status.
Grad Year
Minimum credits needed
for graduation
Minimum credits needed for promotion
• Grade placement of all students at Pequea Valley High School is determined by transcript or past
• No student is considered to be in the twelfth grade until he/she is able to plan a schedule that will meet
all. requirements for graduation.
• All student obligations such as library fines, lost books, detentions owed, etc., must be fulfilled prior to
• All required subjects failed must be passed at an approved summer school.
• All seniors are required to carry a full schedule of courses.
• Students who do not complete the Pequea Valley School District graduation requirements will not
receive a school district diploma until the requirements are completed. This must take place either in
summer school or during a subsequent school year. Students not meeting the school district’s graduation
requirements will not be permitted to participate in the commencement program.
• Students who withdraw from PVHS and later earn a G.E.D. may desire a PVHS diploma. Students
seeking a PVHS diploma must submit a request in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. The Board
of Education will consider the merits of each request.
Students must also satisfactorily complete the Graduation Project.
Beginning with the class of 2011, the student will complete a graduation experience. The students will need
to complete one educational option: travel experience, volunteering, career shadowing, creative project, or
principal’s choice. They will then need to choose a presentation option (speech, Q/A panel, video
presentation) to share their experience with a panel. The project proposal must be submitted for approval by
September 15 of the senior year with the project being completed by April 30. Oral presentations will be
scheduled throughout the year.
Eligibility for recognition of valedictorian or salutatorian honors shall be limited to students who are
continuously enrolled at Pequea Valley High School for three or more school years immediately prior to the
date of graduation. Students who are approved for, and accept early admission, to a college or university
program in their senior year, shall not be eligible for these honors. The Valedictorian and Salutatorian shall
be selected according to the following procedure:
1. The Valedictorian shall be the student with the highest grade point average as computed at the end of the
3rd marking period of senior year work.
2. The Salutatorian shall be the student with the second highest grade point average as computed at the end
of the 3rd marking period of senior year work.
3. In case of a tie for valedictorian, co-valedictorians shall be honored.
4. In case of a tie for salutatorian, co-salutatorians shall be honored.
Students are issued report cards four (4) times (each nine weeks) during the year. This report card is to be
taken home to parents. Your grades will be calculated by averaging the work you have done during the
marking period. The average is compared to our grading scale to produce the letter grade you receive on
your report card. The grading scale is as follows:
59 & Below
High Effort / Low Achievement
Medical Excuse
Needs Improvement
Incompletes are given when students have had a legitimate reason for not completing an assignment on time.
Students who receive an “I” (incomplete) must submit work within four (4) weeks from the end of the marking
period or the incomplete will convert to a failure.
Students are issued report cards four times per year. The grading system is as follows:
We are required by law (Act 10 of 1991 and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2002) to release the
names and addresses of juniors and seniors to the military. If you do not wish to have your name and address
released to the military it is your responsibility to give written notification to the guidance office during the
month of May prior to your senior year.
Any student who is distressed, annoyed, or irritated by the comments or actions of another student, should
report his/her concerns to his/her guidance counselor or to the school administration if help is needed. The
key here is to manage conflict and/or prevent a misunderstanding or quarrel from developing into a fight
situation. Students are to refrain from name calling, and/or making insulting or derogatory comments that
are directed toward another student or students. Students are to refrain from spreading rumors or comments
that may contribute to a fight situation.
PVHS/PVIS cares about the physical and mental well - being of our students. One way of showing that we
care is to offer the services of the HEART Team to students and/or their parents. The HEART Team is a
student assistance team that is made up of certified professional caregivers that are connected to the school.
These are educators and counselors with a heart for student needs, a commitment to confidentiality (except
in cases where harm to self or others is involved), and an ability to identify some of the potential risk factors
associated with student needs. Through a confidential process of identification, intervention, and referral,
students receive a professional assessment, and recommendations for treatment if needed. A brochure is
available in the guidance office that more fully details the work of this group. Students, parents, and other
persons associated with our school family are encouraged to contact any member of the HEART Team.
A student who plans to move to another school district or withdraw from school should notify the office at
least one week in advance. Transfer card, health records, and other school records of the student’s work will
be forwarded to the school, upon receipt of request for records from other school district. A COPY of
records can be given to a parent upon their request. A withdrawal form will be given to student/parent on the
last day of attendance and will need to be completed.
Each fall an evening meeting is held for students and parents concerning admission to college. Counselors
meet individually and in small groups with students to discuss their post high school plans. Please contact
your counselor if you would like help choosing a vocation or post secondary institution. It is the student’s
responsibility to complete the application and meet all deadlines imposed by the college or university.
Under the Child Protective Services Law (“CPSL”), school district employees who regularly have
contact with children as part of their job duties are required to report all cases of suspected child
abuse. CPSL’s definition of “child abuse” that must be reported to authorities is not limited to
sexual abuse alone, but also includes non-accidental serious physical or mental injuries, serious
physical neglect, sexual abuse or an act creating an imminent risk of serious physical injury, sexual
abuse, or sexual exploitation.
Each school in the district has a certified school nurse or a nurse’s assistant, with the certified
school nurse overseeing all aspects of health services. Health services include annual growth
assessments and vision screening of all students; hearing screening of students in grades 1, 2, 3, 7,
and 11, and those with special needs. Skilled nursing care is provided as needed. School health
records are maintained with adherence to all Pennsylvania Department of Health requirements. One
of these requirements is a physical examination for all students in kindergarten or grade 1
(depending upon original entrance date), and in grades 6 and 11. The school nurse provides the
examination form. These exams should be performed by the student’s primary health provider. The
school physicians are available to perform this exam if requested by the parent/guardian and written
permission is given. Dental exams are required in grades K or 1, 3, and 7. Calcium Carbonate,
Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Tussin, Chloraseptic Spray, Benadryl, and Epinephrine will be
administered to students if written parental permission is on file in the nurse’s office and the
student’s condition warrants the medication. Any other medication that the parent/guardian requests
that the student has during the school day must be accompanied by a primary care provider's order.
This includes over the counter medications, prescription medications and any type of supplement.
Medication permission forms are available at the nurse’s office, the main office, or PV website.
Please refer to the Medications section of the handbook.
If the nurse decides that a student should be sent home because of illness or injury, the school nurse,
or school district employee designated by the principal, will contact the parent/guardian or alternate
responsible person listed on the emergency card.
Emergency procedure cards must be updated whenever there is a change in a student’s address or
contact phone number(s). Students and their parents are encouraged to report changes to this
information to the main office as soon as any change in personal address or contact information
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has set requirements for students. The school nurse will
inform the parent/guardian when an exam, immunization, or other care is due. The
parent’s/guardian’s cooperation in complying with these requirements is greatly appreciated.
It is a Pennsylvania Department of Health requirement that the school must have in writing a list of
the student’s immunizations prior to a student starting school. THESE IMMUNIZATIONS
imperative that the school nurse be provided with a copy of the student’s immunization record prior
to beginning school in the Pequea Valley School District.
The school nurse is available if assistance is needed in obtaining medical or dental care for a
student. Parent/guardian (s) are encouraged to set up an appointment with the certified school nurse
if your child has special medical conditions. Call the main office to schedule.
Any student becoming ill while in school shall secure permission from the classroom teacher to
visit the nurse. It is not necessary that a student accompany another student unless he/she is
extremely ill. Under no circumstances shall a teacher give any medication to the student. This will
be determined by the nurse who is authorized to do so and will keep a complete record of the
illness. If a student is too ill to remain in school, the nurse will contact the student’s home, and
arrangements will be made to have the student picked up.
All accidents and injuries, regardless of the seriousness, which occur during the school day or
during a school sponsored activity, must be reported to the office. Teachers must file a report even
though insurance benefits are not being claimed. The School District is not responsible for
accidents that occur due to day-to-day operation of the school. The district recommends that parents
purchase the student accident insurance. The school nurse is not responsible to treat injuries that
have occurred outside the school setting. These injuries should be examined and treated prior to the
student coming to school.
Accident insurance is available to students. The policy is rather broad and inclusive, covering
injuries sustained at school sponsored and teacher supervised activities. All insurance is on a
voluntary basis unless students participate in interscholastic athletics or extra-curricular activities.
This policy does not cover accidents sustained during a ski trip or motorcycle accidents. Some
insurance plans offered by the school’s provider may offer even greater levels of coverage.
Students are not to have pills or medications in their possession at any time. Any medicines a
student is required to take during the school day must be turned in to the nurse or office
immediately upon arrival. The nurses in the school will dispense medication to the students only if
the medication policy has been followed. This includes the medication being brought to school in
the original container and a written order from the primary care provider has been obtained that
a. The name of the student
b. Name of medication
c. When to be given
d. Dosage: amount to be given
e. Number of days to be given
f. Reason for taking medication
g. Parent signature authorizing the administration of the above.
** Please remember that ALL medications except those mentioned below, require a doctor’s note
as well as parental permission. This applies to all prescription and non-prescription medications.
Note: The school’s physician has authorized a standing order to the school nurse that permits her
to administer the following medications with parental consent: Calcium Carbonate, Ibuprofen,
Acetaminophen, Tussin, Benadryl, Epinephrine, Maalox, Motrin, Tylenol, Chloraseptic Spray,
Epipen, and Benadryl. These are the only medications that the school can administer without a
note from your child’s physician.
h. Signature of parent/guardian and date.
Exception: The only medications that can be self – carried by the student are epinephrine and
albuterol inhalers with documentation from the primary care provider that these are needed for
emergency treatment and the student is able to safely administer. See self-carry policy. The certified
school nurse must have the written permission on file and it is to be renewed each school year.
It is specifically understood and acknowledged that the employees of the school district will not be
held liable for their actions in administering, or failure to administer, the medication. Occasionally
students will innocently ask another student for some type of medication. Students should not give
medications of any type to another student. Even over-the-counter medications, and any type of
herbal supplement can be dangerous to another student. Students who violate this policy will be
subject to disciplinary action because they are putting other students at risk. No medications of any
kind should ever be carried around by a student, unless permission has been given by the school
nurse for the student to do so. Sometimes a student will come to the office when he/she discovers
that the nurse is not available. When this happens, the office will make a determination as to what
course of action the student should take. Teachers, secretaries, or other school personnel will not be
expected to give out any medication.
Athletic and/or extracurricular participants are often in the public eye, and, hence their personal conduct
must always be above reproach. They have an obligation to project at all times a positive image of
themselves and the Pequea Valley community they represent. Failure to do so can lead to immediate
dismissal from athletics and/or extracurricular activities. A coach/advisor has the authority to levy additional
consequences within his/her own program.
The Board promotes development of behavior in our students that demonstrates high morality, integrity, and
ethics. Athletics and other extracurricular activities should occur in a safe and positive environment for
students. The Board opposes any form of initiation or harassment, known as hazing, as a part of any schoolsponsored activity. The Board directs that no employee, coach, volunteer, or student shall plan, direct,
encourage, assist, or engage in any hazing activity. Doing so will subject that individual to appropriate
disciplinary action.
The Board expects students who have been subjected to hazing to promptly report such incidents to the
building principal. All complaints of hazing shall be investigated promptly and thoroughly.
Hazing is defined as any activity that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health and
safety of a student for the purpose of initiation, membership in, or affiliation with any organization. Any
hazing activity, whether by an individual or a group, shall be presumed to be forced activity, even if a
student willingly participates.
Endangering the mental health includes any activity that subjects an individual to extreme mental stress, such
as prolonged sleep deprivations, forced prolonged exclusion from social contact, forced conduct which could
result in extreme embarrassment, or any other forced activity which could adversely affect the mental health
or dignity of the student.
Endangering the physical health includes any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating,
branding, force calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of food/alcoholic
beverage/drug/controlled substance, or other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical
health or safety of the student.
The School District will not tolerate or condone any type of team or individual hazing or initiation where
mental stress, embarrassment or physical harm may take place.
First Offense: On a first offense the student will be suspended from the athletic program and/or
extracurricular program for 30 calendar days along with a mandatory HEART Team referral for
assessment and intervention. The HEART team will refer the student to a professional trained to
assess mental health problems and to make a recommendation for treatment. All recommended
treatments as a result of the HEART team referral must be adhered to at which time the
student may, after 14 calendar days with a positive referral and at the discretion of the
administrator return to eligibility. Depending on the severity of the hazing incident, the
administrator may choose to enforce the full 30 day suspension will be at the discretion of the
coach, not the administration.
Second Offense: A second offense will result in suspension from all athletic and/or extracurricular
activities for one (1) calendar year.
No student shall be suspended from athletics and/or extracurricular activities until it is verified that the
student violated the Code of Conduct. Any student suspended under the Code of Conduct may seek an
informal hearing or file an appeal, in writing as specified in item #5 below. Administration will reply to
parents within 24 hours. The following procedures apply to reports of alleged violations of the Code of
1. Coaches and advisors shall immediately report alleged violations of the Code of Conduct to the Principal
or Assistant Principal.
2. The Principal or Assistant Principal shall investigate reported or suspected violations of the Code of
Conduct to determine their credibility. The administration is concerned that the information is
credible, not necessarily the witness.
3. If a report is credible, the Principal or Assistant Principal shall offer an informal hearing to explain the
information to the student, allow the student to respond and ultimately decide whether or not the student
should be suspended from athletics and/or extracurricular activities.
4. If the Principal or Assistant Principal finds the student violated the Code of Conduct, the student’s
parent/guardians shall be given notice to inform them that the student has been suspended from athletics
and/or extracurricular activity and that the decision may be appealed. Notice of the suspension shall be
provided to the athletic director, when appropriate, and the applicable coach or advisor.
5. If the parents appeal the matter, it shall be heard by the building administrator, the athletic director, when
appropriate, and one coach/advisor not involved in the student’s activity. The student’s suspension shall
continue during an appeal. The appeal board shall review the initial determination to decide if it was
based upon verified information.
6. Any appeal board recommendation shall be subject to the final approval of the building principal.
For purposes of the Code of Conduct, “verified information” means the accuracy of information is confirmed
by any of the following methods: (1) self-admitted involvement by the student; (2) witnessed student
involvement by an advisor, coach, sponsor, school district employee or other credible witness; (3)
parent/guardian acknowledgment of their child’s involvement; (4) an official police report given to the
school; or (5) notification of a conviction, delinquency findings or other admission of wrongdoing before a
Participation in any extracurricular activity or sport is a privilege, not a right. This Code of Conduct applies
to athletics and all other extracurricular activities at Pequea Valley. Students should be aware of the rules and
penalties which govern the extracurricular program, and be willing to abide by these rules and to encourage
others to do likewise.
1. A student must abide by the rules of the coach or advisor of each individual sport or activity.
2. A student must be in school by 8:55 a.m. the day of practice/rehearsal or game/performance in order to
participate that day. Any exception to this rule must have prior approval of the principal/assistant
principal (example: a doctor appointment).
3. An unexcused absence from school may carry the penalty of one or more week’s suspension, as
determined by the coach or advisor.
4. A student may be failing only one class to be eligible to compete. Grades are checked weekly and at the
end of each marking period.
5. Students must return any parts of a uniform or piece of equipment when requested to do so. Failure to do
so will result in the student paying the cost of replacement to be eligible to participate in any future
athletic team or activity.
6. A student ejected from a contest by an official is subject to disciplinary action, usually prohibiting the
student from participating in the next contest.
7. Possession, distribution, use or abuse of drugs (including steroids), related paraphernalia, alcohol or
tobacco in any form, or attendance at any activity that is non-school sponsored where alcohol or drugs
are being used illegally is prohibited. Violation is determined either by observation by a school
employee or police citation. The following procedure will be followed if this rule is violated:
a. 1st Offense: Should a student violate this rule, he/she will be removed from the team or activity
for two weeks and referred to the HEART Team. Parents will be notified. The recommendation
of the HEART Team must be followed. If the recommendations are not followed, the student
will be declared ineligible for one calendar year in all extracurricular activities beginning on the
date, which the administration determines the violation occurred. If the student accepts the
HEART Team’s recommendation, he/she may remain with the team and practice, but will be
denied the opportunity for interscholastic competition for the two-week period. In a non-athletic
activity, the student may remain a member of the organization or activity and attend meetings,
but will not be able to attend competitions, go on field trips or perform in any public appearance
of the group or activity for the two-week period. If the student is an officer, he/she may be
removed from office by the advisor and/or the principal/assistant principal.
b. 2nd Offense: The student will be ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for one
calendar year beginning on the date that the administration determines the violation occurred.
8. Students violating the Pequea Valley School District drug and alcohol administrative guidelines at
school or at a school-sponsored activity will be subject both to the disciplinary consequences stated in
those guidelines and the Extracurricular Code of Conduct.
9. Any infraction of a criminal law by a student will result in a review by the head coach/advisor, athletic
director (if an athletic team is involved), and the building principal where the student is enrolled.
Possible suspension/dismissal will be based upon review of the nature of the violation and be consistent
with the district discipline guidelines.
10. A student involved in any extracurricular activity that uses alcohol or other drugs may report his or her
use to the HEART Team. Confidentiality is maintained unless it is viewed as life threatening or
potentially harmful to others. Students are encouraged to recognize their problems and seek help through
the HEART Team, but cannot use this option to circumvent this policy.
Pequea Valley offers a variety of activities. Students are encouraged to participate in these activities to
enrich their experience.
1. A student may participate in as many activities he/she chooses as long as academic and behavioral
standards are maintained, and no conflicts with practices, rehearsals, or meeting times exist. If a conflict
arises, the student is obligated to the activity that was in progress first.
2. Each club shall develop its own constitution and bylaws with the principal’s prior approval.
3. Any student who is not in attendance for the entire day may not participate in the extracurricular
activities that day.
At the close of the regular school day, students are welcome to remain for events that take place immediately
after school, or return to the school for appropriate activities or events that occur in the late afternoon or
evening. Students who do not know what to do, where to go, or need assistance, should report to the school
office. After the school office closes, guidelines for student activities are explained in the following
paragraph. After 3 P.M., students are not permitted to be on the school grounds or enter the building without
proper school authorization and appropriate adult supervision.
There are special guidelines in place for students and their guests who choose to attend an after school or
evening event associated with Pequea Valley School District. Students who enter the school or an area
where an activity is taking place, are encouraged to remain at the event until its conclusion. Once a student
leaves the school building, school grounds, or primary activity area, he/she may not return that evening to the
school or activity. This also applies to dances, sporting events, and/or other activities that are sponsored by
the school, but do not actually take place on PV property. A student will be denied readmission to school
activities or events if he/she has left the building, grounds, or primary area where the event is taking place.
All school dances are closed dances. If you wish to bring a guest to a high school dance please stop by the
office and complete the Student Dance Guest Application Form. This form must be properly completed and
submitted to the office at least three school days prior to the scheduled date of the school dance. Please keep
in mind that completion of this form does not constitute automatic permission for the guest to attend the
dance. It is the responsibility of the student making the request to contact the high school office to confirm
that the guest has been approved to attend the dance. Please do not request approval for a guest who has
withdrawn from school, dropped out, is on school suspension from another school, has been expelled from
school. School dance regulations are posted on the website.
1. The plans for all special activities and social events must be cleared through the administration. Faculty
members and the committee in charge must have approval through the administration before the activity
is scheduled.
2. All events must be chaperoned by at least three faculty members or PTO/PTC members for elementary
3. At no time shall any item be charged to the school without permission from the administration.
4. Students should leave school grounds at the completion of the event.
5. Transportation for all athletic, educational and recreational affairs must be made by school bus or other
approved transportation. In all cases, at least one teacher must accompany the group as an authorized
1. All special rehearsals after/before school shall be cleared through the administration before being
announced. This should be done a week or more in advance by the teacher in charge.
2. Rehearsals should start and stop as scheduled and should be announced and understood by all concerned
well in advance. This is necessary in order to have parents here for prompt transportation of their
children and to eliminate telephoning and waiting around the building.
3. No after school rehearsal shall exceed two hours without the approval of the administration. The
building will be open at 7:00 PM and close at 9:00 PM or earlier (PVHS only). Rehearsals will be held
on school days and Saturdays only. Any exception needs approval from the administration.
4. Only students participating in the rehearsals will be admitted to the building, and they will be restricted
to the area of the rehearsal.
5. A designated stage committee will handle stage lighting, scenery and other effects for PVHS and PVIS.
6. Teachers in charge shall arrive prior to the students and shall stay until all students leave the building.
7. Late buses will be available for after school activities and practices for PVHS and PVIS.
8. Students must be in school by 8:55am to participate in or attend activities. All school rules and
regulations are enforced at these special rehearsals.
FIELD TRIPS (Elementary only)
Each grade level has the opportunity to participate in a field trip. Particular grade levels will also travel to
PVIS/PVHS for special school events or programs. These trips supplement the learning for our students by
providing “hands on” experiences related to our academic curriculum. We have many opportunities for
parent participation at the elementary level, and a large number of them allow, and even encourage, as many
parents as are able to attend. Our field trips are not one of these situations. Adults assisting with our field
trips are there to serve as chaperones to an assigned group of students. They follow the direction of the
classroom teacher and assist with supervision of students on the bus and throughout the entire trip. They
have a specific set of responsibilities, which includes supporting the student learning and application to the
Assemblies are held periodically. The programs are meant to educate, to develop appreciation for the finer
arts, and to keep students informed of school activities. Whatever the type of program, much of its success
lays with the student body. Show courtesy and respect the work of the performers. All students are required
to attend assemblies unless otherwise directed by school administration and are required to sit with his/her
Proper behavior is expected:
1. Please be polite and attentive.
2. Be appreciative, applaud when in order (be reasonable, not rude) and do not whistle or boo.
3. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum.
4. Give silent, appreciative attention to each speaker and performer.
5. Enter the assembly in a quiet and dignified manner. Conversations should be at a minimum.
We are pleased to offer students of the Pequea Valley School District the one-to-one program, which
provides students with access to the district computer network resources and the Internet. To use these
resources, all students must sign and return appropriate form, and those under age 18 must obtain parental
permission. Parents, please read and complete this document carefully, review its contents with your
son/daughter, and sign and initial where appropriate. A copy of Board policy regarding student access to
networked information resources and this document are available on the Pequea Valley School District web
site, www.pequeavalley.org.
Laptops have been assigned to nearly every student in the building at PVHS and PVIS, and iPads at the
elementary schools. It is each student’s responsibility to protect and handle the laptop/iPad carefully.
Laptops/iPads can be withdrawn or withheld from students at any time due to suspected violations. Any
student who moves, tampers, or removes another student’s laptop/iPad without authorization could forfeit
their school issued laptop/iPad. The student may be required to pay for damages associated with another
student’s laptop/iPad. Depending on the severity, other disciplinary consequences may occur up to and
including expulsion. At PVHS and PVIS, it is the expectation that laptops are brought to school daily to
complete assignments. Laptops are expected to be charged at night and ready to be used for the school day.
At the elementary level, iPads will be kept at school and charging completed by the teachers.
General Network Use
The network is provided for students to conduct research, complete assignments, and communicate with
others. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible
manner. Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a
classroom or a school hallway. Access is a privilege - not a right. As such, general school rules for behavior
and communications apply and users must comply with district standards and honor the agreements they
have signed. Network administrators may review files and communications for any reason, including
maintaining system integrity and insuring that users are using the system responsibly. Users should not
expect that files stored on district servers will be private.
Internet / World Wide Web
Access to the Internet will enable students to use thousands of libraries and databases. Within reason,
freedom of speech and access to information will be honored. Families should be warned that some material
accessible via the Internet might contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or potentially offensive
to some people. While our intent is to make Internet access available to further educational goals and
objectives, students may find ways to access other materials as well. Filtering software is in use, but no
filtering system is capable of blocking 100% of the inappropriate material available on the Internet. We
believe that the benefits of Internet access far exceed the disadvantages. Ultimately, parents and guardians of
minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using
media and information sources. To that end, the Pequea Valley School District supports and respects each
family's right to decide whether or not to apply for access.
Photo and Video Publishing
Parents, your daughter or son’s work may be considered for publication on the school’s website,
publications, video productions, or television. Such publishing requires parent/guardian permission.
Unidentified photos of students may be published on school websites, illustrating student projects, activities,
and achievements. If you do not want your child’s photo to be published on the website, please indicate this
on the Permission Form. If this form is not returned, we will take it to mean you give your permission. Any
questions may be directed to the District Office at 717-768-5530.
Cafeteria procedures and behaviors are in compliance to the rules of a normal school day. With a setting that
is less structured, and at times congested, it is pertinent that behaviors and conduct are in compliance to any
other classroom setting. Normal etiquette, procedures and policies apply in cafeteria. Throwing food or any
other item in the cafeteria will mandate immediate dismissal from cafeteria area, social probation and/or
suspension. Eating in the cafeteria is a privilege, not a right.
To receive free or reduced price meals, students must qualify under the income eligibility guidelines.
Students and parents must complete an application. Free and reduced applications are available from the
main office. Applications are given to all students on the opening day of school in homeroom.
Students have their own account numbers in our own POS (“point of sale”) system. Money for breakfast,
lunch, ice cream, or snacks is deposited in their personal account. A printout of your student’s POS account
status may be requested from the cafeteria at any time. Please send cash or check, made payable to “PVSD,”
weekly or monthly to cover your child’s meals/snacks. For security, enclose the money or check in a sealed
envelope marked with your child’s name and the name of their homeroom teacher. At the elementary level,
homeroom teachers will collect these and send to the cafeteria daily.
Students who ride the buses provided by the Pequea Valley School District must accept the responsibility to
conduct themselves in a proper manner extending every courtesy and consideration to the driver and other
students at all times. Students who fail to do so, violate any of the items listed below, or fail to use common
sense thereby causing a dangerous situation, may be asked to find their own transportation to and from
1. Students will be assigned seats. (Required by the State Police and Bureau of Traffic Safety.)
2. Musical instruments should be held on one’s lap. Check music department for a list of acceptable
3. Drivers will not transport any type of musical instrument if it must be placed in the aisle or in front of
either door because it results in an unsafe condition.
4. Drivers will not transport any type of live animal even if they are part of a school project.
5. Water pistols, water filled balloons or any device which causes commotion will not be permitted.
6. Students must remain in their seats while the bus is in motion.
7. Students responsible for destruction of the bus in any manner will be held responsible for the cost of the
repair as well as additional penalties.
8. Horseplay, fooling around, or any behavior that distracts the bus drivers’ attention will not be tolerated.
9. Bus drivers are responsible for the operation of the bus and the supervision of the students. Their
instructions should be followed at all times. Pay special attention to their instructions in the case of a bus
accident or other emergency. Following their instructions may prevent serious injury or loss of life.
10. Late buses for PVHS and PVIS, which run an abbreviated route, are available Monday through
Thursday. There will be no late buses on Fridays. The buses leave the high school at approximately 5:00
11. Students are considered to be under the authority of the PVSD when waiting at a bus stop or involved in
transit to or from school. Bus drivers are authorized to report smoking material violations, use of
inappropriate language, and/or other types of misconduct related to the times and locations associated
with bus transportation.
12. Any student referred to the office for bus violations on 3 or more occasions during the school year is
subject to suspension off the bus. The bus suspension period will vary based on the student’s offenses
and response to administrative direction/correction. When a student is suspended off the school bus,
he/she is not permitted to drive to school or ride with another student. Extreme misconduct may also lead
to suspension off the bus even if it is not the student’s third offense.
13. Food and/or beverages are not to be consumed on the bus.
Driving to school is a privilege, not a right. With such a privilege comes a high level of responsibility. Not
all students wishing to drive to a school function need apply for a student driving permit. A student only
needs to apply for a driving permit if the student plans to drive to school during the regularly
scheduled school day. The PVHS driving application form is available to students in the high school office.
The form must be properly completed and approved before a student is authorized to drive to school. This
rule is not enforced until the forms are made available to students in the fall. Applications are processed at
the beginning of each school year. Students must have a good reason for driving to school. Such reasons may
or may not be directly related to school, but school related reasons will be given priority over those that are
not directly related to curricular or extracurricular school activities. See the PVHS driving application form
for a detailed listing of the rules and regulations associated with student related driving/parking/riding
We believe that all people deserve to be treated equally and with respect and that human differences are
normal and desirable. We further believe that the strength of our great nation lies in its diversity and that
tolerance can be taught. Therefore, the Pequea Valley School District will accept our differences and work
against the forces that hold us apart. We will confront the problems of prejudice, discrimination, and
intolerance. We will provide our community with schools that are safe and supportive environments that
urge cooperation and respect, and that promote appreciation for individual differences.
The programs and activities of the Pequea Valley High School are operated in compliance with Title VI of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. All vocational and academic opportunities and extracurricular activities are
offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. Numerical limits are not placed on
the number of persons admitted to vocational or academic education programs based on race, color, national
origin, sex, or disability. Counseling materials and activities are free from discrimination on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, or disability. Student program selections, career and employment selections, and
promotion and recruitment efforts are free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, or disability. Work study, cooperative education, job placement and apprenticeship training
opportunities are available to all students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disability.
These rules apply to one’s actual or potential parental family status or marital status.
The Pequea Valley School District, an equal opportunity employer, will not discriminate in employment,
educational programs, or activities based on race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. This policy of
nondiscrimination extends to all other legally protected classifications. Publication of this policy in this
document is according to state and federal laws including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title VI. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Erik
Orndorff, Superintendent of Schools, Equal Opportunities Coordinator, Pequea Valley School District, P.O.
Box 130, 166 South New Holland Road, Kinzers, PA 17535-0130.
If an article is lost, inquire at the office, identify the article and claim the same. If you find an article, please
turn it in at the office. Items not claimed during this time will be donated to charitable organizations or
Whenever a student has a change of address, telephone number, etc., the school office where your student
attends should be notified immediately. All information on the student’s emergency card should be kept upto-date.
Any announcements to be made over the public address system must have prior approval by administration.
They must have the faculty advisor’s signature to be read.
Students and a parent/guardian should request an application at the main office of the high school. Once the
application is completed, the work permits should be shown, but not given, to the employer for verification.
Work permits can be issued at age 14 and can be used for any job that a student has until they turn 18.
Note: Please see the application for work permit (4565) for employment hours.
Students who need to make a phone call during the course of the normal school day are required to report to
the office. Students will be permitted to call a parent or guardian from the office upon request during noninstructional time. Parents or guardians who need to speak to their child should call the office and request
assistance. Students, except in cases of emergency, will not be called out of class to take a phone call. To go
home for illness, nurse will approve and call home. Student should not notify parent to come pick
them up for an illness. A student who is not released by the nurse will receive unexcused absence.
Any student or adult who wishes to distribute or post any written information or images needs to receive
authorization from a school administrator to do so. This includes all forms of written or pictorial information
including web site addresses, concert announcements, political flyers, etc. The administration reserves the
right to deny such permission for distribution if the material is not in keeping with the school’s character
education standards or interferes with educational programs or instruction.
For the purpose of security and safety, it is required that anyone entering the school who is not a PVSD
employee or student, must report to the office and secure a pass. Parents/students who wish to visit the
school during school hours should request permission prior to the day of the visit through administration.
All students need to be under the direct supervision of a school official whenever they are on school
property. In some cases a school official will coordinate such supervision with a parent or chaperone, but this
must be done with the approval of an administrator. Students are not allowed on school property without
proper school authorization and school supervision. This applies to all students and persons, at all times
during the calendar year. After student dismissal, students, parents, and guests should also remember the
importance of reporting to the school office before entering the school’s hallways, classrooms, or going to a
student’s locker.
Periodic emergency drills are a required safety procedure for public schools in Pennsylvania. Warning
alarms are located in the hallways to provide a warning in case of an emergency. During emergency drills
the alarms sound and display a light pattern that is identical to what one would experience in a true
Emergency drills are to be taken seriously to protect the safety and security of all involved. Students who act
out during this time threaten the safety of the drill, teachers, and students are subject to severe disciplinary
Students are not permitted in the halls or in any other area of the school without a pass at any time, except
when passing to classes or other scheduled activities. Please carry passes at all times. Students should have a
properly signed pass whenever they are not in their assigned areas.
Students, who wish to use the restroom from the ringing of the homeroom late bell through the rest of the
school day, are required to have a pass.
Each student will be assigned a locker and a lock at the beginning of the school year. It is highly
recommended that the students use their locker upon entering school as well as throughout the school day. A
fee will be charged if the lock is not returned at the end of the school year. All lockers should be free of
unnecessary paper, pictures, and other materials. Students may go to lockers before school starts in the
morning, prior to lunch (PVIS) between classes (PVHS), and at dismissal time. Students should be
1. The locker belongs to the school and may be searched at any time without student consent or knowledge.
The administration reserves the right to inspect or search a locker or lockers at any time during the
school year.
2. The person to whom a locker is assigned is fully responsible for the care, upkeep, and contents of that
locker. If you find something in or on your locker that is inappropriate, report it to the office
immediately. When a student leaves his/her locker, that locker should be properly locked. Students are
urged not to share locker combinations with other students.
3. Money and valuables should not be placed in a student’s locker. This is especially true of gym lockers.
School equipment should not be placed in a locker at any time. The school is not responsible for lost,
missing, or stolen items associated with locker use. Students should always lock their lockers to keep
safe valuables and other materials secured within the locker (including Physical Education lockers).
4. Students should never have posters, decals, or other items in/on their locker that is not appropriate for
school use. Under no conditions should students deface a locker, or use adhesives or decals that are
difficult to remove.
5. Students are not permitted to share an assigned locker with another student.
6. Students are not permitted to attach/post anything to the outside of a student locker without proper
authorization from a school official.
7. Students are not permitted to use their own lock on a locker. Only school locks are permitted for use
with school lockers.
At PVIS, students are issued a lock for their regular locker. For their gym lockers, students are given the
opportunity to buy a lock and will use this lock for all three years.