Hora de Oro en Sepsis Grave y Shock Séptico
Hora de Oro en Sepsis Grave y Shock Séptico
Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva Personería Jurídica Nº 2481 Hora de Oro en Sepsis Grave y Shock Séptico El diagnóstico y tratamiento de la Sepsis es una verdadera emergencia médica. La Sepsis mata más gente que el SIDA y que los cánceres de mama y próstata juntos. Cada hora mueren alrededor de 1.000 personas de Sepsis alrededor del mundo. Si se diagnostica en la primera hora luego de su presentación, la Sepsis tiene 80 % de supervivencia. Si se diagnostica después de la sexta hora el paciente tiene sólo 30 % de posibilidades de sobrevivir. Es por esto, que es de suma importancia que los síntomas precoces de Sepsis sean reconocidos por ambos, el público y los agentes de salud. Esto permite comenzar el tratamiento dentro de la primera hora – la HORA de ORO-. Si esto fuera así, el riesgo de muerte de Sepsis disminuye a la mitad. El concepto “hora de oro” surge del enfoque terapéutico inicial de los pacientes con politraumatismos y traumatismo de cráneo. Dicho enfoque intenta transmitir que las maniobras diagnósticas y terapéuticas de los primeros momentos de la atención del paciente politraumatizado resultan en una clara disminución de la morbilidad y mortalidad cuando se implementan siguiendo las recomendaciones de un protocolo estricto. Este tipo de protocolo, que se conforma sobre la base de la evidencia científica publicada y por la experiencia de expertos en el tema, contempla no sólo, qué estrategias de diagnóstico y que tratamientos emplear, sino, y especialmente, cómo es la implementación de estas estrategias en el tiempo (“Timing” de la literatura en inglés). La trascendencia de la precocidad con la que se realizan los tratamientos iniciales han conducido a llamar a estos primeros momentos “Horas de Oro”, lenguaje ampliamente difundido y fácilmente entendido por la mayoría de los agentes de salud. Este concepto, que ha sido trascendental en los resultados del tratamiento de los politraumatizados, se ha extendido a otras patologías agudas que también se caracterizan por provocar una evolución complicada de la NICETO VEGA 4617 – 1414 – BUENOS AIRES – ARGENTINA – (54-11) – 4778-0571 [email protected] - www.sati.org.ar Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva Personería Jurídica Nº 2481 enfermedad aguda durante la internación, en muchos casos severa incapacidad y en otros la muerte, precoz y/o tardía. En el Infarto Agudo de Miocardio el cuidado de los pacientes en unidades especiales (Unidades Coronarias) en la década del 70, la sistematización y la rapidez de la detección y del tratamiento de las complicaciones iniciales y la implementación en los últimos años de los “Trombolíticos” o la Angioplastia en las horas iniciales (Horas de oro) con el objetivo de recanalizar la arteria coronaria obstruida, han disminuido las complicaciones agudas, las secuelas y la mortalidad a cifras impensadas en el pasado. Recientemente se ha comprobado que el uso de las drogas trombolíticas, ya mencionadas en el tratamiento del Infarto de Miocardio, ha mejorado la evolución de los accidentes cerebrales provocados por embolia o trombosis de las arterias que perfunden el sistema nervioso central. Según los datos de los que se dispone actualmente, dicho tratamiento es eficaz sólo cuando se implementa en las primeras 3 á 4,5 horas de iniciado el cuadro del accidente vascular cerebral (Horas de Oro). Estos dos últimos ejemplos que, sin ninguna duda han sido trascendentales en mejorar las secuelas y la sobrevida de patologías graves y muy comunes, tienen el inconveniente que deben ser aplicadas en centros con una complejidad importante en lo que se refiere a equipamiento y recursos humanos entrenados, hecho que dificulta la aplicación de estos protocolos en muchos casos, sobre todo en centros asistenciales alejados de las grandes ciudades. Recientemente, un grupo de expertos, actuando en representación de las sociedades científicas más importantes relacionadas con el tema que nos ocupa, decide implementar una estrategia que permita disminuir el 25 % la mortalidad de los pacientes con Sepsis Severa y/o Shock Séptico. Dicha estrategia, delineada en el año 2002 en la llamada “Declaración de Barcelona”, por ser esa la ciudad de realización de la reunión de consenso mencionada, implicaba la implementación de un conjunto de medidas diagnósticas y terapéuticas con el concepto de “Horas de Oro”. La diferencia fundamental con las estrategias que deben emplearse en el tratamiento del Infarto de Miocardio NICETO VEGA 4617 – 1414 – BUENOS AIRES – ARGENTINA – (54-11) – 4778-0571 [email protected] - www.sati.org.ar Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva Personería Jurídica Nº 2481 y el Accidente Vascular Cerebral, es que para el tratamiento de la Sepsis Severa y el Shock Séptico se necesita solamente ordenar en forma diferente los tratamientos comunes que ya se empleaban. Esto permite que esta estrategia terapéutica, que contempla el concepto de las Horas de Oro en el tratamiento de la Sepsis Severa y el Shock Séptico, pueda implementarse en instituciones de baja complejidad con personal que no necesita un alto nivel de capacitación. La Sepsis Severa y el Shock Séptico son formas de extrema gravedad de una infección convencional. Las infecciones pulmonares, las infecciones de piel y partes blandas, infecciones en la infancia y en la mujer embarazada pueden presentarse con un cuadro muy grave que, según sus características clínicas se puede clasificar como Sepsis Severa o Shock Séptico. La mortalidad de estos cuadros oscila entre 40 y 50 %, una mortalidad de las más altas en la medicina crítica. Es por eso que este esfuerzo de las instituciones científicas para disminuir la mortalidad de esta patología se ha difundido en todo el mundo en forma de “Campaña para Sobrevivir a la Sepsis” (Surviving Sepsis Campaign). (1) La Campaña fue patrocinada por las siguientes Sociedades Internacionales: American Association of Critical-Care Nurses American College of Chest Physicians American College of Emergency Physicians Canadian Critical Care Society European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases European Society of Intensive Care Medicine European Respiratory Society International Sepsis Forum Japanese Association for Acute Medicine Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine Society of Critical Care Medicine Society of Hospital Medicine Surgical Infection Society World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Como consejo fundamental, la campaña establece que el estado de “ALERTA” es el elemento número uno para la cura de la Sepsis. Aumentar el reconocimiento precoz de la enfermedad y aumentar el número de pacientes NICETO VEGA 4617 – 1414 – BUENOS AIRES – ARGENTINA – (54-11) – 4778-0571 [email protected] - www.sati.org.ar Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva Personería Jurídica Nº 2481 tratados en la “hora de oro” constituyen la medida más importante para salvar vidas. Todos los miembros del equipo de salud deberían ser capaces de reconocer el cuadro de Sepsis Grave o el de Shock Séptico, de comenzar inmediatamente el tratamiento antibiótico y la expansión de volumen antes de llegar al hospital. El tratamiento precoz de los pacientes con Sepsis es tan importante como el del Infarto Agudo de Miocardio el del Stroke Isquémico. La implementación de la Campaña en diferentes hospitales del mundo y en nuestro país ha logrado disminuir la mortalidad significativamente. La Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva ha publicado un estudio sobre los resultados de una campaña de educación en los conceptos de la Campaña comprobándose en forma concluyente la mejoría en la sobrevida de los pacientes Sépticos (2). El eje de la campaña es el ordenamiento y la premura en tratar al paciente en las primeras 6 horas de la llegada de su llegada a la Institución (Horas de Oro), sin ningún elemento adicional a los que ya se están utilizando en cualquier institución. Con el riesgo de ser repetitivo, vale la pena destacar nuevamente que una de los elementos más importante de esta Campaña es que para aplicar el concepto de “Hora de Oro” en Sepsis se necesita “SÓLO” un ordenamiento asistencial con ningún agregado en complejidad o recurso humano especializado. La Campaña Internacional ha finalizado su etapa inicial con la incorporación de más de 15.000 pacientes en todo el mundo y ha comprobado fehacientemente la disminución de la mortalidad de la Sepsis Grave y el Shock Séptico cuando se implementan sus recomendaciones.(3) Las características de la Campaña y el hecho que desde la Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva ya se ha incorporado a algunos hospitales del país, nos obliga a intensificar esfuerzos para que el protocolo terapéutico de la Campaña se utilice en el tratamiento inicial de todos los pacientes con Sepsis Severa o Shock Séptico. Esto redundaría en una disminución importante de la mortalidad en diferentes estratos de la población, incluyendo especialmente a la infancia y embarazadas. NICETO VEGA 4617 – 1414 – BUENOS AIRES – ARGENTINA – (54-11) – 4778-0571 [email protected] - www.sati.org.ar Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva Personería Jurídica Nº 2481 DIAGNÓSTICO: INFECCIÓN + HIPOTENSIÓN ARTERIAL TRATAMIENTO INICIAL INMEDIATO: 1) COLOCAR VÍA CENTRAL (SI ES POSIBLE). MIENTRAS SE IMPLEMENTA COMENZAR EXPANSIÓN DE VOLUMEN CON SOLUCIÓN SALINA O RINGER LACTATO POR UNA VÍA VENOSA SIMPLE. 2) EXPANDIR HASTA NORMALIZAR LA TA (>90 DE SISTÓLICA) O HASTA LLEGAR A 15 CM DE H2O DE PRESIÓN VENOSA CENTRAL 3) SI NO SE NORMALIZA LA TA CON UNA EXPANSIÓN INICIAL DE APROXIMADAMENTE 20 ML/KG COMENZAR CON UNA INFUSIÓN DE DOPAMINA O NORADRENALINA (PUEDE USARSE UNA INFUSIÓN DE ADRENALINA A LAS MISMAS DOSIS QUE LA NORADRENALINA EN AUSENCIA DE LAS ANTERIORES) 4) SIMULTÁNEAMENTE DEBEN TOMARSE LOS CULTIVOS QUE LA INFECCIÓN DEL PACIENTE AMERITE: 2 HEMOCULTIVOS (SIEMPRE), UROCULTIVO, LÍQUIDO CEFALORRAQUÍDEO, PUNCIONES DE ZONAS SOPECHOSAS, ETC. 5) COMENZAR CON ANTIBIÓTICOS EMPÍRICOS INTRAVENOSOS ANTES DE LA HORA DEL INICIO DE LA HIPOTENSIÓN ARTERIAL (AUMENTA APROXIMADAMENTE 8 % LA MORTALIDAD POR CADA HORA DE RETRASO EN LA ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LOS ATB). 6) DERIVAR EL PACIENTE A UNA UNIDAD DE TERAPIA INTENSIVA LO ANTES POSIBLE NICETO VEGA 4617 – 1414 – BUENOS AIRES – ARGENTINA – (54-11) – 4778-0571 [email protected] - www.sati.org.ar Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva Personería Jurídica Nº 2481 BIBLIOGRAFÍA 1. Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008. Intensive Care Medicine and Critical Care Medicine. R. Phillip Dellinger et al. 2. Improvement in Process of Care and Outcome After a Multicenter Severe Sepsis Educational Program in Spain. JAMA. 2008. Ricard Ferrer; Antonio Artigas; Mitchell M. Levy et al. 3. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign: Results of an international guideline based performance improvement program targeting severe sepsis. Critical Care Medicine 2010. Mitchell M. Levy, et al. on behalf of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign NOTA: Se acompañan copias de los artículos mencionados NICETO VEGA 4617 – 1414 – BUENOS AIRES – ARGENTINA – (54-11) – 4778-0571 [email protected] - www.sati.org.ar Intensive Care Med DOI 10.1007/s00134-007-0934-2 SPE C I A L A R T I C L E R. Phillip Dellinger Mitchell M. Levy Jean M. Carlet Julian Bion Margaret M. Parker Roman Jaeschke Konrad Reinhart Derek C. Angus Christian Brun-Buisson Richard Beale Thierry Calandra Jean-Francois Dhainaut Herwig Gerlach Maurene Harvey John J. Marini John Marshall Marco Ranieri Graham Ramsay Jonathan Sevransky B. Taylor Thompson Sean Townsend Jeffrey S. Vender Janice L. Zimmerman Jean-Louis Vincent Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008 Received: 3 August 2007 Accepted: 25 October 2007 Medicine**. Participation and endorsement by the German Sepsis Society and the Latin American Sepsis Institute. © Society of Critical Care Medicine 2007 The article will also be published in Critical Care Medicine. * Sponsor of 2004 guidelines; ** Sponsor of 2008 guidelines but did not participate formally in revision process; *** Members of the 2007 SSC Guidelines Committee are listed in Appendix I.; **** Please see Appendix J for author disclosure information. for the International Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines Committee***, **** Sponsoring Organizations: American Association of Critical-Care Nurses*, American College of Chest Physicians*, American College of Emergency Physicians*, Canadian Critical Care Society, European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases*, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine*, European Respiratory Society*, International Sepsis Forum*, Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Society of Critical Care Medicine*, Society of Hospital Medicine**, Surgical Infection Society*, World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care R. P. Dellinger (u) Cooper University Hospital, One Cooper Plaza, 393 Dorrance, Camden 08103, NJ, USA e-mail: [email protected] M. M. Levy · S. Townsend Rhode Island Hospital, Providence RI, USA J. M. Carlet Hospital Saint-Joseph, Paris, France J. Bion Birmingham University, Birmingham, UK M. M. Parker SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook NY, USA D. C. Angus University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, USA C. Brun-Buisson Hopital Henri Mondor, Créteil, France R. Beale Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Trust, London, UK T. Calandra Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland J.-F. Dhainaut French Agency for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, Paris, France H. Gerlach Vivantes-Klinikum Neukoelln, Berlin, Germany R. Jaeschke McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada M. Harvey Consultants in Critical Care, Inc., Glenbrook NV, USA K. Reinhart Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Jena, Germany J. J. Marini University of Minnesota, St. Paul MN, USA J. Marshall St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M. Ranieri Università di Torino, Torino, Italy G. Ramsay West Hertfordshire Health Trust, Hemel Hempstead, UK J. Sevransky The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore MD, USA B. T. Thompson Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA, USA J. S. Vender Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Evanston IL, USA J. L. Zimmerman The Methodist Hospital, Houston TX, USA J.-L. Vincent Erasme University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium Abstract Objective: To provide an update to the original Surviving Sepsis Campaign clinical management guidelines, “Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock,” published in 2004. Design: Modified Delphi method with a consensus conference of 55 international experts, several subsequent meetings of subgroups and key individuals, teleconferences, and electronic-based discussion among subgroups and among the entire committee. This process was conducted independently of any industry funding. Methods: We used the GRADE system to guide assessment of quality of evidence from high (A) to very low (D) and to determine the strength of recommendations. A strong recommendation [1] indicates that an intervention’s desirable effects clearly outweigh its undesirable effects (risk, burden, cost), or clearly do not. Weak recommendations [2] indicate that the tradeoff between desirable and undesirable effects is less clear. The grade of strong or weak is considered of greater clinical importance than a difference in letter level of quality of evidence. In areas without complete agreement, a formal process of resolution was developed and applied. Recommendations are grouped into those directly targeting severe sepsis, recommendations targeting general care of the critically ill patient that are considered high priority in severe sepsis, and pediatric considerations. Results: Key recommendations, listed by category, include: early goal-directed resuscitation of the septic patient during the first 6 hrs after recognition (1C); blood cultures prior to antibiotic therapy (1C); imaging studies performed promptly to confirm potential source of infection (1C); administration of broadspectrum antibiotic therapy within 1 hr of diagnosis of septic shock (1B) and severe sepsis without septic shock (1D); reassessment of antibiotic therapy with microbiology and clinical data to narrow coverage, when appropriate (1C); a usual 7–10 days of antibiotic therapy guided by clinical response (1D); source control with attention to the balance of risks and benefits of the chosen method (1C); administration of either crystalloid or colloid fluid resuscitation (1B); fluid challenge to restore mean circulating filling pressure (1C); reduction in rate of fluid administration with rising filing pressures and no improvement in tissue perfusion (1D); vasopressor preference for norepinephrine or dopamine to maintain an initial target of mean arterial pressure ≥ 65 mm Hg (1C); dobutamine inotropic therapy when cardiac output remains low despite fluid resuscitation and combined inotropic/vasopressor therapy (1C); stress-dose steroid therapy given only in septic shock after blood pressure is identified to be poorly responsive to fluid and vasopressor therapy (2C); recombinant activated protein C in patients with severe sepsis and clinical assessment of high risk for death (2B except 2C for postoperative patients). In the absence of tissue hypoperfusion, coronary artery disease, or acute hemorrhage, target a hemoglobin of 7–9 g/dL (1B); a low tidal volume (1B) and limitation of inspiratory plateau pressure strategy (1C) for acute lung injury (ALI)/ acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); application of at least a minimal amount of positive endexpiratory pressure in acute lung injury (1C); head of bed elevation in mechanically ventilated patients unless contraindicated (1B); avoiding routine use of pulmonary artery catheters in ALI/ARDS (1A); to decrease days of mechanical ventilation and ICU length of stay, a conservative fluid strategy for patients with established ALI/ARDS who are not in shock (1C); protocols for weaning and sedation/analgesia (1B); using either intermittent bolus sedation or continuous infusion sedation with daily interruptions or lightening (1B); avoidance of neuromuscular blockers, if at all possible (1B); institution of glycemic control (1B) targeting a blood glucose < 150 mg/dL after initial stabilization ( 2C ); equivalency of continuous veno-veno hemofiltration or intermittent hemodialysis (2B); prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis (1A); use of stress ulcer prophylaxis to prevent upper GI bleeding using H2 blockers (1A) or proton pump inhibitors (1B); and consideration of limitation of support where appropriate (1D). Recommendations specific to pediatric severe sepsis include: greater use of physical examination therapeutic end points (2C); dopamine as the first drug of choice for hypotension (2C); steroids only in children with suspected or proven adrenal insufficiency (2C); a recommendation against the use of recombinant activated protein C in children (1B). Conclusion: There was strong agreement among a large cohort of international experts regarding many level 1 recommendations for the best current care of patients with severe sepsis. Evidenced-based recommendations regarding the acute management of sepsis and septic shock are the first step toward improved outcomes for this important group of critically ill patients. Keywords Sepsis · Severe sepsis · Septic shock · Sepsis syndrome · Infection · GRADE · Guidelines · Evidence-based medicine · Surviving Sepsis Campaign · Sepsis bundles Introduction Severe sepsis (acute organ dysfunction secondary to infection) and septic shock (severe sepsis plus hypotension not reversed with fluid resuscitation) are major healthcare problems, affecting millions of individuals around the world each year, killing one in four (and often more), and increasing in incidence [1–5]. Similar to polytrauma, acute myocardial infarction, or stroke, the speed and appropriateness of therapy administered in the initial hours after severe sepsis develops are likely to influence outcome. In 2004, an international group of experts in the diagnosis and management of infection and sepsis, representing 11 organizations, published the first internationally accepted guidelines that the bedside clinician could use to improve outcomes in severe sepsis and septic shock [6, 7]. These guidelines represented Phase II of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC), an international effort to increase awareness and improve outcomes in severe sepsis. Joined by additional organizations, the group met again in 2006 and 2007 to update the guidelines document using a new evidence-based methodology system for assessing quality of evidence and strength of recommendations [8–11]. These recommendations are intended to provide guidance for the clinician caring for a patient with severe sepsis or septic shock. Recommendations from these guidelines cannot replace the clinician’s decision-making capability Table 1 Determination of the Quality of Evidence when he or she is provided with a patient’s unique set of clinical variables. Most of these recommendations are appropriate for the severe sepsis patient in both the intensive care unit (ICU) and non-ICU settings. In fact the committee believes that, currently, the greatest outcome improvement can be made through education and process change for those caring for severe sepsis patients in the non-ICU setting and across the spectrum of acute care. It should also be noted that resource limitations in some institutions and countries may prevent physicians from accomplishing particular recommendations. Methods Sepsis is defined as infection plus systemic manifestations of infection (Table 1) [12]. Severe sepsis is defined as sepsis plus sepsis-induced organ dysfunction or tissue hypoperfusion. The threshold for this dysfunction has varied somewhat from one severe sepsis research study to another. An example of typical thresholds identification of severe sepsis is shown in Table 2 [13]. Sepsis induced hypotension is defined as a systolic blood pressure(SBP) of < 90 mm Hg or mean arterial pressure < 70 mm Hg or a SBP decrease > 40 mm Hg or < 2 SD below normal for age in the absence of other causes of hypotension. Septic shock is defined as sepsis induced hypotension • Underlying methodology A RCT B Downgraded RCT or upgraded observational studies C Well-done observational studies D Case series or expert opinion • Factors that may decrease the strength of evidence 1. Poor quality of planning and implementation of available RCTs suggesting high likelihood of bias 2. Inconsistency of results (including problems with subgroup analyses) 3. Indirectness of evidence (differing population, intervention, control, outcomes, comparison) 4. Imprecision of results 5. High likelihood of reporting bias • Main factors that may increase the strength of evidence 1. Large magnitude of effect (direct evidence, relative risk (RR) > 2 with no plausible confounders) 2. Very large magnitude of effect with RR > 5 and no threats to validity (by two levels) 3. Dose response gradient RCT, randomized controlled trial; RR, relative risk Table 2 Factors Determining Strong vs. Weak Recommendation What should be considered Recommended Process Quality of evidence Relative importance of the outcomes Baseline risks of outcomes Magnitude of relative risk including benefits, harms, and burden Absolute magnitude of the effect The lower the quality of evidence the less likely a strong recommendation If values and preferences vary widely, a strong recommendation becomes less likely The higher the risk, the greater the magnitude of benefit Larger relative risk reductions or larger increases in relative risk of harm make a strong recommendation more or less likely respectively The larger the absolute benefits and harms, the greater or lesser likelihood respectively of a strong recommendation The greater the precision the more likely is a strong recommendation The higher the cost of treatment, the less likely a strong recommendation Precision of the estimates of the effects Costs persisting despite adequate fluid resuscitation. Sepsis induced tissue hypoperfusion is defined as either septic shock, an elevated lactate or oliguria. The current clinical practice guidelines build on the first and second editions from 2001 (see below) and 2004 [6, 7, 14]. The 2001 publication incorporated a MEDLINE search for clinical trials in the preceding 10 years, supplemented by a manual search of other relevant journals [14]. The 2004 publication incorporated the evidence available through the end of 2003. The current publication is based on an updated search into 2007 (see methods and rules below). The 2001 guidelines were coordinated by the International Sepsis Forum (ISF); the 2004 guidelines were funded by unrestricted educational grants from industry and administered through the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), and ISF. Two of the SSC administering organizations receive unrestricted industry funding to support SSC activities (ESICM and SCCM), but none of this funding was used to support the 2006–2007 committee meetings. It is important to distinguish between the process of guidelines revision and the Surviving Sepsis Campaign. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) is partially funded by unrestricted educational industry grants, including those from Edwards LifeSciences, Eli Lilly and Company, and Philips Medical Systems. SSC also received funding from the Coalition for Critical Care Excellence of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. The great majority of industry funding has come from Eli Lilly and Company. Current industry funding for the Surviving Sepsis Campaign is directed to the performance improvement initiative. No industry funding was used in the guidelines revision process. For both the 2004 and the 2006/2007 efforts there were no members of the committee from industry, no industry input into guidelines development, and no industry presence at any of the meetings. Industry awareness or comment on the recommendations was not allowed. No member of the guideline committee received any honoraria for any role in the 2004 or 2006/2007 guidelines process. The committee considered the issue of recusement of individual committee members during deliberation and decision making in areas where committee members had either financial or academic competing interests; however, consensus as to threshold for exclusion could not be reached. Alternatively, the committee agreed to ensure full disclosure and transparency of all committee members’ potential conflicts at time of publication (see disclosures at the end of this document). The guidelines process included a modified Delphi method, a consensus conference, several subsequent meetings of subgroups and key individuals, teleconferences and electronically based discussions among subgroups and members of the entire committee and two follow-up nominal group meetings in 2007. Subgroups were formed, each charged with updating recommendations in specific areas, including corticosteroids, blood products, activated protein C, renal replacement therapy, antibiotics, source control, and glucose control, etc. Each subgroup was responsible for updating the evidence (into 2007, with major additional elements of information incorporated into the evolving manuscript throughout 2006 and 2007). A separate search was performed for each clearly defined question. The committee chair worked with subgroup heads to identify pertinent search terms that always included, at a minimum, sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock and sepsis syndrome crossed against the general topic area of the subgroup as well as pertinent key words of the specific question posed. All questions of the previous guidelines publications were searched, as were pertinent new questions generated by general topic related search or recent trials. Quality of evidence was judged by pre-defined Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) criteria (see below). Significant education of committee members on the GRADE approach was performed via email prior to the first committee meeting and at the first meeting. Rules were distributed concerning assessing the body of evidence and GRADE experts were available for questions throughout the process. Subgroups agreed electronically on draft proposals that were presented to committee meetings for general discussion. In January 2006, the entire group met during the 35th SCCM Critical Care Congress in San Francisco, California, USA. The results of that discussion were incorporated into the next version of recommendations and again discussed using electronic mail. Recommendations were finalized during nominal group meetings (composed of a subset of the committee members) at the 2007 SCCM (Orlando) and 2007 International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (Brussels) meetings with recirculation of deliberations and decisions to the entire group for comment or approval. At the discretion of the chair and following adequate discussion, competing proposals for wording of recommendations or assigning strength of evidence were resolved by formal voting. On occasions, voting was performed to give the committee a sense of distribution of opinions to facilitate additional discussion. The manuscript was edited for style and form by the writing committee with final approval by section leads for their respective group assignment and then by the entire committee. The development of guidelines and grading of recommendations for the 2004 guideline development process were based on a system proposed by Sackett in 1989, during one of the first American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) conferences on the use of antithrombotic therapies [15]. The revised guidelines recommendations are based on the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system – a structured system for rating quality of evidence and grading strength of recommendation in clinical practice [8–11]. The SSC Steering Committee and individual authors collaborated with GRADE representatives to apply the GRADE system to the SSC guidelines revision process. The members of GRADE group were directly involved, either in person or via e-mail, in all discussions and deliberations amongst the guidelines committee members as to grading decisions. Subsequently, the SSC authors used written material prepared by the GRADE group and conferred with GRADE group members who were available at the first committee meeting and subsequent nominal group meetings. GRADE representatives were also used as a resource throughout subgroup deliberation. The GRADE system is based on a sequential assessment of the quality of evidence, followed by assessment of the balance between benefits versus risks, burden, and cost and, based on the above, development and grading of a management recommendations [9–11]. Keeping the rating of quality of evidence and strength of recommendation explicitly separate constitutes a crucial and defining feature of the GRADE approach. This system classifies quality of evidence as high (Grade A), moderate (Grade B), low (Grade C), or very low (Grade D). Randomized trials begin as high quality evidence, but may be downgraded due to limitations in implementation, inconsistency or imprecision of the results, indirectness of the evidence, and possible reporting bias (see Table 1). Examples of indirectness of the evidence include: population studied, interventions used, outcomes measured, and how these relate to the question of interest. Observational (non-randomized) studies begin as low-quality evidence, but the quality level may be upgraded on the basis of large magnitude of effect. An example of this is the quality of evidence for early administration of antibiotics. The GRADE system classifies recommendations as strong (Grade 1) or weak (Grade 2). The grade of strong or weak is considered of greater clinical importance than a difference in letter level of quality of evidence. The committee assessed whether the desirable effects of adherence will outweigh the undesirable effects, and the strength of a recommendation reflects the group’s degree of confidence in that assessment. A strong recommendation in favor of an intervention reflects that the desirable effects of adherence to a recommendation (beneficial health outcomes, less burden on staff and patients, and cost savings) will clearly outweigh the undesirable effects (harms, more burden and greater costs). A weak recommendation in favor of an intervention indicates that the desirable effects of adherence to a recommendation probably will outweigh the undesirable effects, but the panel is not confident about these tradeoffs – either because some of the evidence is low-quality (and thus there remains uncertainty regarding the benefits and risks) or the benefits and downsides are closely balanced. While the degree of confidence is a continuum and there is a lack of a precise threshold between a strong and a weak recommendation, the presence of important concerns about one or more of the above factors makes a weak recommendation more likely. A “strong” recommendation is worded as “we recommend” and a weak recommendation as “we suggest.” The implications of calling a recommendation “strong” are that most well-informed patients would accept that intervention, and that most clinicians should use it in most situations. There may be circumstances in which a “strong” recommendation cannot or should not be followed for an individual patient because of that patient’s preferences or clinical characteristics which make the recommendation less applicable. It should be noted that being a “strong” recommendation does not automatically imply standard of care. For example, the strong recommendation for administering antibiotics within one hour of the diagnosis of severe sepsis, although desirable, is not currently standard of care as verified by current practice (personal communication, Mitchell Levy from first 8,000 patients entered internationally into the SSC performance improvement data base). The implication of a “weak” recommendation is that although a majority of well-informed patients would accept it (but a substantial proportion would not), clinicians should consider its use according to particular circumstance. Differences of opinion among committee members about interpretation of evidence, wording of proposals, or strength of recommendations were resolved using a specifically developed set of rules. We will describe this process in detail in a separate publication. In summary, the main approach for converting diverse opinions into a recommendation was: 1. to give a recommendation a direction (for or against the given action). a majority of votes were to be in favor of that direction, with no more than 20% preferring the opposite direction (there was a neutral vote allowed as well); 2. to call a given recommendation “strong” rather than “weak” at least 70% “strong” votes were required; 3. if fewer than 70% of votes indicated “strong” preference, the recommendation was assigned a “weak” category of strength. We used a combination of modified Delphi Process and Nominal (Expert) Group techniques to ensure both depth and breadth of review. The entire review group (together with their parent organizations as required) participated in the larger, iterative, modified Delphi process. The smaller working group meetings which took place in person functioned as the Nominal Groups. If a clear consensus could not be obtained by polling within the Nominal Group meetings, the larger group was specifically asked to use the polling process. This was only required for corticosteroids and glycemic control. The larger group had the opportunity to review all outputs. In this way the entire review combined intense focused discussion (Nominal Group) with broader review and monitoring using the Delphi process. Note: Refer to Tables 3, 4, and 5 for condensed adult recommentations. I. Management of Severe Sepsis A. Initial Resuscitation 1. We recommend the protocolized resuscitation of a patient with sepsis-induced shock, defined as tissue hypoperfusion (hypotension persisting after initial fluid challenge or blood lactate concentration equal to or greater than 4 mmol/L). This protocol should be initiated as soon as hypoperfusion is recognized and should not be delayed pending ICU admission. During the first 6 hrs of resuscitation, the goals of initial resuscitation of sepsis-induced hypoperfusion should include all of the following as one part of a treatment protocol: Central venous pressure (CVP): 8–12 mm Hg Mean arterial pressure (MAP) ≥ 65 mm Hg Urine output ≥ 0.5 mL.kg–1 .hr –1 Central venous (superior vena cava) or mixed venous oxygen saturation ≥ 70% or ≥ 65%, respectively (Grade 1C) Rationale. Early goal-directed resuscitation has been shown to improve survival for emergency department patients presenting with septic shock in a randomized, controlled, single-center study [16]. Resuscitation directed toward the previously mentioned goals for the initial 6-hr period of the resuscitation was able to reduce 28-day mortality rate. The consensus panel judged use Table 3 Initial Resuscitation and Infection Issues Initial resuscitation (first 6 hours) Strength of recommendation and quality of evidence have been assessed using the GRADE criteria, presented in brackets after each guideline. For added clarity: • Indicates a strong recommendation or “we recommend”; ◦ indicates a weak recommendation or “we suggest” • Begin resuscitation immediately in patients with hypotension or elevated serum lactate > 4mmol/l; do not delay pending ICU admission. (1C) • Resuscitation goals: (1C) – Central venous pressure (CVP) 8–12 mm Hg* – Mean arterial pressure ≥ 65 mm Hg – Urine output ≥ 0.5 mL.kg-1.hr-1 – Central venous (superior vena cava) oxygen saturation ≥ 70%, or mixed venous ≥ 65% ◦ If venous O2 saturation target not achieved: (2C) – consider further fluid – transfuse packed red blood cells if required to hematocrit of ≥ 30% and/or – dobutamine infusion max 20 µg.kg−1 .min−1 ∗ A higher target CVP of 12–15 mmHg is recommended in the presence of mechanical ventilation or pre-existing decreased ventricular compliance. Diagnosis • Obtain appropriate cultures before starting antibiotics provided this does not significantly delay antimicrobial administration. (1C) – Obtain two or more blood cultures (BCs) – One or more BCs should be percutaneous – One BC from each vascular access device in place > 48 h – Culture other sites as clinically indicated • Perform imaging studies promptly in order to confirm and sample any source of infection; if safe to do so. (1C) Antibiotic therapy • Begin intravenous antibiotics as early as possible, and always within the first hour of recognizing severe sepsis (1D) and septic shock (1B) . • Broad-spectrum: one or more agents active against likely bacterial/fungal pathogens and with good penetration into presumed source.(1B) • Reassess antimicrobial regimen daily to optimise efficacy, prevent resistance, avoid toxicity & minimise costs. (1C) ◦ Consider combination therapy in Pseudomonas infections. (2D) ◦ Consider combination empiric therapy in neutropenic patients. (2D) ◦ Combination therapy no more than 3–5 days and deescalation following susceptibilities. (2D) • Duration of therapy typically limited to 7–10 days; longer if response slow, undrainable foci of infection, or immunologic deficiencies. (1D) • Stop antimicrobial therapy if cause is found to be non-infectious. (1D) Source identification and control • A specific anatomic site of infection should be established as rapidly as possible (1C) and within first 6 hrs of presentation (1D) . • Formally evaluate patient for a focus of infection amenable to source control measures (eg: abscess drainage, tissue debridement). (1C) • Implement source control measures as soon as possible following successful initial resuscitation. (1C) Exception: infected pancreatic necrosis, where surgical intervention best delayed. (2B) • Choose source control measure with maximum efficacy and minimal physiologic upset. (1D) • Remove intravascular access devices if potentially infected. (1C) Table 4 Hemodynamic Support and Adjunctive Therapy Fluid therapy Strength of recommendation and quality of evidence have been assessed using the GRADE criteria, presented in brackets after each guideline. For added clarity: • Indicates a strong recommendation or “we recommend”; ◦ indicates a weak recommendation or “we suggest” • Fluid-resuscitate using crystalloids or colloids. (1B) • Target a CVP of ≥ 8 mm Hg (≥ 12 mm Hg if mechanically ventilated). (1C) • Use a fluid challenge technique while associated with a haemodynamic improvement. (1D) • Give fluid challenges of 1000 ml of crystalloids or 300–500 ml of colloids over 30 min. More rapid and larger volumes may be required in sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion. (1D) • Rate of fluid administration should be reduced if cardiac filling pressures increase without concurrent hemodynamic improvement. (1D) Vasopressors • Maintain MAP ≥ 65 mm Hg. (1C) • Norepinephrine or dopamine centrally administered are the initial vasopressors of choice. (1C) ◦ Epinephrine, phenylephrine or vasopressin should not be administered as the initial vasopressor in septic shock. (2C) – Vasopressin 0.03 units/min maybe subsequently added to norepinephrine with anticipation of an effect equivalent to norepinephrine alone. ◦ Use epinephrine as the first alternative agent in septic shock when blood pressure is poorly responsive to norepinephrine or dopamine. (2B) • Do not use low-dose dopamine for renal protection. (1 A) • In patients requiring vasopressors, insert an arterial catheter as soon as practical. (1D) Inotropic therapy • Use dobutamine in patients with myocardial dysfunction as supported by elevated cardiac filling pressures and low cardiac output. (1C) • Do not increase cardiac index to predetermined supranormal levels. (1B) Steroids ◦ Consider intravenous hydrocortisone for adult septic shock when hypotension remains poorly responsive to adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressors. (2C) ◦ ACTH stimulation test is not recommended to identify the subset of adults with septic shock who should receive hydrocortisone. (2B) ◦ Hydrocortisone is preferred to dexamethasone. (2B) ◦ Fludrocortisone (50 µg orally once a day) may be included if an alternative to hydrocortisone is being used which lacks significant mineralocorticoid activity. Fludrocortisone is optional if hydrocortisone is used. (2C) ◦ Steroid therapy may be weaned once vasopressors are no longer required. (2D) • Hydrocortisone dose should be ≤ 300 mg/day. (1 A) • Do not use corticosteroids to treat sepsis in the absence of shock unless the patient’s endocrine or corticosteroid history warrants it. (1D) Recombinant human activated protein C (rhAPC) ◦ Consider rhAPC in adult patients with sepsis-induced organ dysfunction with clinical assessment of high risk of death (typically APACHE II ≥ 25 or multiple organ failure) if there are no contraindications. (2B,2Cfor post-operative patients) • Adult patients with severe sepsis and low risk of death (e. g.: APACHE II<20 or one organ failure) should not receive rhAPC. (1 A) of central venous and mixed venous oxygen saturation targets to be equivalent. Either intermittent or continuous measurements of oxygen saturation were judged to be acceptable. Although blood lactate concentration may lack precision as a measure of tissue metabolic status, elevated levels in sepsis support aggressive resuscitation. In mechanically ventilated patients or patients with known pre-existing decreased ventricular compliance, a higher target CVP of 12–15 mm Hg is recommended to account for the impediment to filling [17]. Similar consideration may be warranted in circumstances of increased abdominal pressure or diastolic dysfunction [18]. Elevated central venous pressures may also be seen with pre-existing clinically significant pulmonary artery hypertension. Although the cause of tachycardia in septic patients may be multifactorial, a decrease in elevated pulse rate with fluid resuscitation is often a useful marker of improving intravascular filling. Recently published observational studies have demonstrated an association between good clinical outcome in septic shock and MAP ≥ 65 mm Hg as well as central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2 , measured in superior vena cava, either intermittently or continuously) of ≥ 70% [19]. Many recent studies support the value of early protocolized resuscitation in severe sepsis and sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion [20–25]. Studies of patients with shock indicate that SvO2 runs 5–7% lower than central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2 ) [26] and that an early goal directed resuscitation protocol can be established in a non-research general practice venue [27]. There are recognized limitations to ventricular filling pressure estimates as surrogates for fluid resuscitation [28, 29]. However, measurement of CVP is currently the most readily obtainable target for fluid resuscitation. There may be advantages to targeting fluid resuscitation to flow and perhaps to volumetric indices (and even to microcirculation changes) [30–33]. Technologies currently exist that allow measurement of flow at the bedside [34, 35]. Future goals should be making these technologies more accessible during the critical early resuscitation period and research to validate utility. These technologies are already available for early ICU resuscitation. Table 5 Other Supportive Therapy of Severe Sepsis Blood product administration Strength of recommendation and quality of evidence have been assessed using the GRADE criteria, presented in brackets after each guideline. For added clarity: • Indicates a strong recommendation or “we recommend”; ◦ indicates a weak recommendation or “we suggest” • Give red blood cells when hemoglobin decreases to < 7.0 g/dl (< 70 g/L) to target a hemoglobin of 7.0–9.0 g/dl in adults. (1B) – A higher hemoglobin level may be required in special circumstances (e. g.: myocardial ischaemia, severe hypoxemia, acute haemorrhage, cyanotic heart disease or lactic acidosis) • Do not use erythropoietin to treat sepsis-related anemia. Erythropoietin may be used for other accepted reasons. (1B) • Do not use fresh frozen plasma to correct laboratory clotting abnormalities unless there is bleeding or planned invasive procedures. (2D) ◦ Do not use antithrombin therapy. (1B) • Administer platelets when: (2D) – counts are < 5000/mm3 (5 × 109 /L) regardless of bleeding. – counts are 5000 to 30,000/mm3 (5–30 × 109 /L) and there is significant bleeding risk. – Higher platelet counts (≥ 50,000/mm3 (50 × 109 /L)) are required for surgery or invasive procedures. Mechanical ventilation of sepsis-induced acute lung injury (ALI)/ARDS • Target a tidal volume of 6 ml/kg (predicted) body weight in patients with ALI/ARDS. (1B) • Target an initial upper limit plateau pressure ≤ 30 cm H2 O. Consider chest wall compliance when assessing plateau pressure. (1C) • Allow PaCO2 to increase above normal, if needed to minimize plateau pressures and tidal volumes. (1C) • Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) should be set to avoid extensive lung collapse at end expiration. (1C) ◦ Consider using the prone position for ARDS patients requiring potentially injurious levels of FiO2 or plateau pressure, provided they are not put at risk from positional changes. (2C) • Maintain mechanically ventilated patients in a semi-recumbent position (head of the bed raised to 45 ◦ ) unless contraindicated (1B) , between 30◦ –45◦ (2C) . ◦ Non invasive ventilation may be considered in the minority of ALI/ARDS patients with mild-moderate hypoxemic respiratory failure. The patients need to be hemodynamically stable, comfortable, easily arousable, able to protect/clear their airway and expected to recover rapidly. (2B) • Use a weaning protocol and a spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) regularly to evaluate the potential for discontinuing mechanical ventilation. (1 A) – SBT options include a low level of pressure support with continuous positive airway pressure 5 cm H2 O or a T-piece. – Before the SBT, patients should: – be arousable – be haemodynamically stable without vasopressors – have no new potentially serious conditions – have low ventilatory and end-expiratory pressure requirement – require FiO2 levels that can be safely delivered with a face mask or nasal cannula • Do not use a pulmonary artery catheter for the routine monitoring of patients with ALI/ARDS. (1 A) • Use a conservative fluid strategy for patients with established ALI who do not have evidence of tissue hypoperfusion. (1C) Sedation, analgesia, and neuromuscular blockade in sepsis • Use sedation protocols with a sedation goal for critically ill mechanically ventilated patients. (1B) • Use either intermittent bolus sedation or continuous infusion sedation to predetermined end points (sedation scales), with daily interruption/lightening to produce awakening. Re-titrate if necessary. (1B) • Avoid neuromuscular blockers (NMBs) where possible. Monitor depth of block with train of four when using continuous infusions. (1B) Glucose control • Use IV insulin to control hyperglycemia in patients with severe sepsis following stabilization in the ICU. (1B) • Aim to keep blood glucose < 150 mg/dl (8.3 mmol/L) using a validated protocol for insulin dose adjustment. (2C) • Provide a glucose calorie source and monitor blood glucose values every 1–2 hrs (4 hrs when stable) in patients receiving intravenous insulin. (1C) • Interpret with caution low glucose levels obtained with point of care testing, as these techniques may overestimate arterial blood or plasma glucose values. (1B) Renal replacement ◦ Intermittent hemodialysis and continuous veno-venous haemofiltration (CVVH) are considered equivalent. (2B) ◦ CVVH offers easier management in hemodynamically unstable patients. (2D) Bicarbonate therapy • Do not use bicarbonate therapy for the purpose of improving hemodynamics or reducing vasopressor requirements when treating hypoperfusion-induced lactic acidemia with pH ≥ 7.15. (1B) Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis • Use either low-dose unfractionated heparin (UFH) or low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH), unless contraindicated. (1 A) • Use a mechanical prophylactic device, such as compression stockings or an intermittent compression device, when heparin is contraindicated. (1 A) ◦ Use a combination of pharmacologic and mechanical therapy for patients who are at very high risk for DVT. (2C) ◦ In patients at very high risk LMWH should be used rather than UFH. (2C) Stress ulcer prophylaxis • Provide stress ulcer prophylaxis using H2 blocker (1 A) or proton pump inhibitor (1B) . Benefits of prevention of upper GI bleed must be weighed against the potential for development of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Consideration for limitation of support • Discuss advance care planning with patients and families. Describe likely outcomes and set realistic expectations. (1D) 2. We suggest that during the first 6 hrs of resuscitation of severe sepsis or septic shock, if SCV O2 or SvO2 of 70% or 65% respectively is not achieved with fluid resuscitation to the CVP target, then transfusion of packed red blood cells to achieve a hematocrit of ≥ 30% and/or administration of a dobutamine infusion (up to a maximum of 20 µg.kg–1 .min–1 ) be utilized to achieve this goal (Grade 2C). Rationale. The protocol used in the study cited previously targeted an increase in SCV O2 to ≥ 70% [16]. This was achieved by sequential institution of initial fluid resuscitation, then packed red blood cells, and then dobutamine. This protocol was associated with an improvement in survival. Based on bedside clinical assessment and personal preference, a clinician may deem either blood transfusion (if Hct is less than 30%) or dobutamine the best initial choice to increase oxygen delivery and thereby elevate SCV O2 . When fluid resuscitation is believed to be already adequate. The design of the afore mentioned trial did not allow assessment of the relative contribution of these two components (i. e. increasing O2 content or increasing cardiac output) of the protocol on achievement of improved outcome. B. Diagnosis to be identified. Two or more blood cultures are recommended [36]. In patients with indwelling catheters (for > 48 h) at least one blood culture should be drawn through each lumen of each vascular access device. Obtaining blood cultures peripherally and through a vascular access device is an important strategy. If the same organism is recovered from both cultures, the likelihood that the organism is causing the severe sepsis is enhanced. In addition, if the culture drawn through the vascular access device is positive much earlier than the peripheral blood culture (i. e., > 2 hrs earlier), the data support the concept that the vascular access device is the source of the infection [37]. Quantitative cultures of catheter and peripheral blood are also useful for determining whether the catheter is the source of infection. Volume of blood drawn with the culture tube should be at least 10 mL [38]. Quantitative (or semi-quantitative) cultures of respiratory tract secretions are recommended for the diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia [39]. Gram stain can be useful, in particular for respiratory tract specimens, to help decide the micro-organisms to be targeted. The potential role of biomarkers for diagnosis of infection in patients presenting with severe sepsis remains at present undefined. The procalcitonin level, although often useful, is problematic in patients with an acute inflammatory pattern from other causes (e. g. post-operative, shock) [40] In the near future, rapid diagnostic methods (polymerase chain reaction, micro-arrays) might prove extremely helpful for a quicker identification of pathogens and major antimicrobial resistance determinants [41]. 1. We recommend obtaining appropriate cultures before antimicrobial therapy is initiated if such cultures do not cause significant delay in antibiotic administration. To optimize identification of causative organisms, we rec- 2. We recommend that imaging studies be performed ommend at least two blood cultures be obtained prior to promptly in attempts to confirm a potential source of antibiotics with at least one drawn percutaneously and infection. Sampling of potential sources of infection one drawn through each vascular access device, unless should occur as they are identified; however, some the device was recently (< 48 h) inserted. Cultures of patients may be too unstable to warrant certain inother sites (preferably quantitative where appropriate) vasive procedures or transport outside of the ICU. such as urine, cerebrospinal fluid, wounds, respiratory Bedside studies, such as ultrasound, are useful in these secretions, or other body fluids that may be the source circumstances (Grade 1C). of infection should also be obtained before antibiotic therapy if not associated with significant delay in anti- Rationale. Diagnostic studies may identify a source of biotic administration (Grade 1C). infection that requires removal of a foreign body or drainage to maximize the likelihood of a satisfactory response Rationale. Although sampling should not delay timely to therapy. However, even in the most organized and administration of antibiotics in patients with severe sepsis well-staffed healthcare facilities, transport of patients (example: lumbar puncture in suspected meningitis), can be dangerous, as can placing patients in outside-unit obtaining appropriate cultures prior to their administration imaging devices that are difficult to access and monitor. is essential to confirm infection and the responsible Balancing risk and benefit is therefore mandatory in those pathogen(s), and to allow de-escalation of antibiotic settings. therapy after receipt of the susceptibility profile. Samples can be kept in the refrigerator or frozen if processing C. Antibiotic Therapy cannot be performed immediately. Immediate transport to a microbiological lab is necessary. Because rapid steriliza- 1. We recommend that intravenous antibiotic therapy tion of blood cultures can occur within a few hours after be started as early as possible and within the first the first antibiotic dose, obtaining those cultures before hour of recognition of septic shock (1B) and severe starting therapy is essential if the causative organism is sepsis without septic shock (1D). Appropriate cultures should be obtained before initiating antibiotic therapy, the initial selection of antimicrobial therapy should be but should not prevent prompt administration of broad enough to cover all likely pathogens. There is antimicrobial therapy (Grade 1D). ample evidence that failure to initiate appropriate therapy (i. e. therapy with activity against the pathogen that is Rationale. Establishing vascular access and initiating subsequently identified as the causative agent) correlates aggressive fluid resuscitation is the first priority when with increased morbidity and mortality [45–48]. managing patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. Patients with severe sepsis or septic shock warrant However, prompt infusion of antimicrobial agents should broad-spectrum therapy until the causative organism also be a priority and may require additional vascular and its antibiotic susceptibilities are defined. Restriction access ports [42, 43]. In the presence of septic shock of antibiotics as a strategy to reduce the development each hour delay in achieving administration of effective of antimicrobial resistance or to reduce cost is not an antibiotics is associated with a measurable increase in appropriate initial strategy in this patient population. mortality [42]. If antimicrobial agents cannot be mixed All patients should receive a full loading dose of each and delivered promptly from the pharmacy, establishing antimicrobial. However, patients with sepsis or septic a supply of premixed antibiotics for such urgent situations shock often have abnormal renal or hepatic function is an appropriate strategy for ensuring prompt adminis- and may have abnormal volumes of distribution due to tration. In choosing the antimicrobial regimen, clinicians aggressive fluid resuscitation. Drug serum concentration should be aware that some antimicrobial agents have the monitoring can be useful in an ICU setting for those drugs advantage of bolus administration, while others require that can be measured promptly. An experienced physician a lengthy infusion. Thus, if vascular access is limited and or clinical pharmacist should be consulted to ensure that many different agents must be infused, bolus drugs may serum concentrations are attained that maximize efficacy offer an advantage. and minimize toxicity [49–52]. 2a. We recommend that initial empirical anti-infective 2b. We recommend that the antimicrobial regimen be retherapy include one or more drugs that have activity assessed daily to optimize activity, to prevent the deagainst all likely pathogens (bacterial and/or fungal) velopment of resistance, to reduce toxicity, and to reand that penetrate in adequate concentrations into the duce costs (Grade 1C). presumed source of sepsis (Grade 1B). Rationale. Although restriction of antibiotics as a strategy Rationale. The choice of empirical antibiotics depends to reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance on complex issues related to the patient’s history includ- or to reduce cost is not an appropriate initial strategy ing drug intolerances, underlying disease, the clinical in this patient population, once the causative pathogen syndrome, and susceptibility patterns of pathogens in has been identified, it may become apparent that none the community, in the hospital, and that previously have of the empiric drugs offers optimal therapy; i. e., there been documented to colonize or infect the patient. There may be another drug proven to produce superior clinis an especially wide range of potential pathogens for ical outcome which should therefore replace empiric agents. neutropenic patients. Narrowing the spectrum of antibiotic coverage and reRecently used antibiotics should generally be avoided. Clinicians should be cognizant of the virulence and ducing the duration of antibiotic therapy will reduce the growing prevalence of oxacillin (methicillin) resistant likelihood that the patient will develop superinfection with Staphylococcus aureus (ORSA or MRSA) in some com- pathogenic or resistant organisms such as Candida species, munities and healthcare associated settings (especially in Clostridium difficile, or vancomycin-resistant Enterococthe United States) when they choose empiric therapy. If cus faecium. However, the desire to minimize superinfecthe prevalence is significant, and in consideration of the tions and other complications should not take precedence virulence of this organism, empiric therapy adequate for over the need to give the patient an adequate course of therthis pathogen would be warranted. Clinicians should also apy to cure the infection that caused the severe sepsis or consider whether Candidemia is a likely pathogen when septic shock. choosing initial therapy. When deemed warranted, the selection of empiric antifungal therapy (e. g., fluconazole, 2c. We suggest combination therapy for patients with known or suspected Pseudomonas infections as amphotericin B, or echinocandin) will be tailored to the a cause of severe sepsis (Grade 2D). local pattern of the most prevalent Candida species, and any prior administration of azoles drugs [44]. Risk factors 2d. We suggest combination empiric therapy for neutropenic patients with severe sepsis (Grade 2D). for candidemia should also be considered when choosing 2e. When used empirically in patients with severe sepsis, initial therapy. we suggest that combination therapy should not be adBecause patients with severe sepsis or septic shock ministered for more than 3 to 5 days. De-escalation have little margin for error in the choice of therapy, to the most appropriate single therapy should be performed as soon as the susceptibility profile is known. (Grade 2D). Rationale. Although no study or meta-analysis has convincingly demonstrated that combination therapy produces a superior clinical outcome for individual pathogens in a particular patient group, combination therapies do produce in vitro synergy against pathogens in some models (although such synergy is difficult to define and predict). In some clinical scenarios, such as the two above, combination therapies are biologically plausible and are likely clinically useful even if evidence has not demonstrated improved clinical outcome [53–56]. Combination therapy for suspected known Pseudomonas pending sensitivities increases the likelihood that at least one drug is effective against that strain and positively affects outcome [57]. 3. We recommend that the duration of therapy typically be 7–10 days; longer courses may be appropriate in patients who have a slow clinical response, undrainable foci of infection, or who have immunologic deficiencies including neutropenia (Grade 1D). 4. If the presenting clinical syndrome is determined to be due to a noninfectious cause, we recommend antimicrobial therapy be stopped promptly to minimize the likelihood that the patient will become infected with an antibiotic resistant pathogen or will develop a drug related adverse effect (Grade 1D). Rationale. Clinicians should be cognizant that blood cultures will be negative in more than 50% of cases of severe sepsis or septic shock, yet many of these cases are very likely caused by bacteria or fungi. Thus, the decisions to continue, narrow, or stop antimicrobial therapy must be made on the basis of clinician judgment and clinical information. D. Source Control 1a. We recommend that a specific anatomic diagnosis of infection requiring consideration for emergent source control- for example necrotizing fasciitis, diffuse peritonitis, cholangitis, intestinal infarction – be sought and diagnosed or excluded as rapidly as possible (Grade 1C) and within the first 6 hours following presentation (Grade 1D). 1b. We further recommend that all patients presenting with severe sepsis be evaluated for the presence of a focus of infection amenable to source control measures, specifically the drainage of an abscess or local focus of infection, the debridement of infected necrotic tissue, the removal of a potentially infected device, or the definitive control of a source of ongoing microbial contamination (Grade 1C) (see Appendix A for examples of potential sites needing source control). 2. We suggest that when infected peripancreatic necrosis is identified as a potential source of infection, definitive intervention is best delayed until adequate demarcation of viable and non-viable tissues has occurred (Grade 2B). 3. We recommend that when source control is required, the effective intervention associated with the least physiologic insult be employed e. g., percutaneous rather than surgical drainage of an abscess (Grade 1D). 4. We recommend that when intravascular access devices are a possible source of severe sepsis or septic shock, they be promptly removed after establishing other vascular access (Grade 1C). Rationale. The principles of source control in the management of sepsis include a rapid diagnosis of the specific site of infection, and identification of a focus of infection amenable to source control measures (specifically the drainage of an abscess, the debridement of infected necrotic tissue, the removal of a potentially infected device, and the definitive control of a source of ongoing microbial contamination) [58]. Foci of infection readily amenable to source control measures include an intra-abdominal abscess or gastrointestinal perforation, cholangitis or pyelonephritis, intestinal ischemia or necrotizing soft tissue infection, and other deep space infection such as an empyema or septic arthritis. Such infectious foci should be controlled as soon as possible following successful initial resuscitation [59], accomplishing the source control objective with the least physiologic upset possible (e. g., percutaneous rather than surgical drainage of an abscess [60], endoscopic rather than surgical drainage of biliary tree), and removing intravascular access devices that are potentially the source of severe sepsis or septic shock promptly after establishing other vascular access [61, 62]. A randomized, controlled trial comparing early vs. delayed surgical intervention for peripancreatic necrosis showed better outcomes with a delayed approach [63]. However, areas of uncertainty, such as definitive documentation of infection and appropriate length of delay exist. The selection of optimal source control methods must weigh benefits and risks of the specific intervention as well as risks of transfer [64]. Source control interventions may cause further complications such as bleeding, fistulas, or inadvertent organ injury. Surgical intervention should be considered when lesser interventional approaches are inadequate, or when diagnostic uncertainty persists despite radiological evaluation. Specific clinical situations require consideration of available choices, patient’s preferences, and clinician’s expertise. E. Fluid Therapy F. Vasopressors 1. We recommend fluid resuscitation with either nat- 1. We recommend mean arterial pressure (MAP) be ural/artificial colloids or crystalloids. There is no maintained ≥ 65 mm Hg (Grade 1C). evidence-based support for one type of fluid over another (Grade 1B). Rationale. Vasopressor therapy is required to sustain life and maintain perfusion in the face of life-threatening Rationale. The SAFE study indicated albumin adminis- hypotension, even when hypovolemia has not yet been tration was safe and equally effective as crystalloid [65]. resolved. Below a certain mean arterial pressure, autoregThere was an insignificant decrease in mortality rates with ulation in various vascular beds can be lost, and perfusion the use of colloid in a subset analysis of septic patients can become linearly dependent on pressure. Thus, some (p = 0.09). Previous meta-analyses of small studies of ICU patients may require vasopressor therapy to achieve patients had demonstrated no difference between crystal- a minimal perfusion pressure and maintain adequate loid and colloid fluid resuscitation [66–68]. Although ad- flow [71, 72]. The titration of norepinephrine to as low ministration of hydroxyethyl starch may increase the risk as MAP 65 mm Hg has been shown to preserve tissue of acute renal failure in patients with sepsis variable find- perfusion [72]. In addition, pre-existing comorbidities ings preclude definitive recommendations [69, 70]. As the should be considered as to most appropriate MAP target. volume of distribution is much larger for crystalloids than For example, a MAP of 65 mm Hg might be too low in for colloids, resuscitation with crystalloids requires more a patient with severe uncontrolled hypertension, and in fluid to achieve the same end points and results in more a young previously normotensive, a lower MAP might edema. Crystalloids are less expensive. be adequate. Supplementing end points such as blood pressure with assessment of regional and global perfusion, 2. We recommend fluid resuscitation initially target such as blood lactate concentrations and urine output, is a CVP of at least 8 mm Hg (12 mm Hg in mechani- important. Adequate fluid resuscitation is a fundamental cally ventilated patients). Further fluid therapy is often aspect of the hemodynamic management of patients with required (Grade 1C). septic shock, and should ideally be achieved before vaso3a. We recommend that a fluid challenge technique be pressors and inotropes are used, but using vasopressors applied, wherein fluid administration is continued early as an emergency measure in patients with severe as long as the hemodynamic improvement (e. g., shock is frequently necessary. When that occurs great arterial pressure, heart rate, urine output) continues effort should be directed to weaning vasopressors with (Grade 1D). continuing fluid resuscitation. 3b. We recommend fluid challenge in patients with suspected hypovolemia be started with at least 2. We recommend either norepinephrine or dopamine as the first choice vasopressor agent to correct hypoten1000 mL of crystalloids or 300–500 mL of colloids sion in septic shock (administered through a central over 30 min. More rapid administration and greater catheter as soon as one is available) (Grade 1C). amounts of fluid may be needed in patients with sepsis induced tissue hypoperfusion (see initial resuscitation 3a. We suggest that epinephrine, phenylephrine, or vasopressin should not be administered as the initial recommendations) (Grade 1D). vasopressor in septic shock (Grade 2C). Vasopressin 3c. We recommend the rate of fluid administration be .03 units/min may be subsequently added to norereduced substantially when cardiac filling pressures pinephrine with anticipation of an effect equivalent to (CVP or pulmonary artery balloon-occluded presnorepinephrine alone. sure) increase without concurrent hemodynamic 3b. We suggest that epinephrine be the first chosen alterimprovement (Grade 1D). native agent in septic shock that is poorly responsive to norepinephrine or dopamine (Grade 2B). Rationale. Fluid challenge must be clearly separated from simple fluid administration; it is a technique in which large amounts of fluids are administered over a limited period Rationale. There is no high-quality primary evidence to of time under close monitoring to evaluate the patient’s re- recommend one catecholamine over another. Much literasponse and avoid the development of pulmonary edema. ture exists that contrasts the physiologic effects of choice The degree of intravascular volume deficit in patients with of vasopressor and combined inotrope/vasopressors in severe sepsis varies. With venodilation and ongoing capil- septic shock [73–85]. Human and animal studies suggest lary leak, most patients require continuing aggressive fluid some advantages of norepinephrine and dopamine over resuscitation during the first 24 hours of management. In- epinephrine (the latter with the potential for tachycardia as put is typically much greater than output, and input/output well as disadvantageous effects on splanchnic circulation ratio is of no utility to judge fluid resuscitation needs dur- and hyperlactemia) and phenylephrine (decrease in stroke volume). There is, however, no clinical evidence that ing this time period. epinephrine results in worse outcomes, and it should be the first chosen alternative to dopamine or norepinephrine. Phenylephrine is the adrenergic agent least likely to produce tachycardia, but as a pure vasopressor would be expected to decrease stroke volume. Dopamine increases mean arterial pressure and cardiac output, primarily due to an increase in stroke volume and heart rate. Norepinephrine increases mean arterial pressure due to its vasoconstrictive effects, with little change in heart rate and less increase in stroke volume compared with dopamine. Either may be used as a first-line agent to correct hypotension in sepsis. Norepinephrine is more potent than dopamine and may be more effective at reversing hypotension in patients with septic shock. Dopamine may be particularly useful in patients with compromised systolic function but causes more tachycardia and may be more arrhythmogenic [86]. It may also influence the endocrine response via the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and have immunosuppressive effects. Vasopressin levels in septic shock have been reported to be lower than anticipated for a shock state [87]. Low doses of vasopressin may be effective in raising blood pressure in patients refractory to other vasopressors, and may have other potential physiologic benefits [88–93]. Terlipressin has similar effects but is long lasting [94]. Studies show that vasopressin concentrations are elevated in early septic shock, but with continued shock, concentration decreases to normal range in the majority of patients between 24 and 48 hrs [95]. This has been called “relative vasopressin deficiency” because in the presence of hypotension, vasopressin would be expected to be elevated. The significance of this finding is unknown. The recent VASST trial, a randomized, controlled trial comparing norepinephrine alone to norepinephrine plus vasopressin at .03 units per minute showed no difference in outcome in the intent to treat population. An a priori defined subgroup analysis showed that the survival of patients receiving less than 15 µg/min norepinephrine at the time of randomization was better with vasopressin. It should be noted however that the pre-trial rationale for this stratification was based on exploring potential benefit in the 15 µg or greater norepinephrine requirement population. Higher doses of vasopressin have been associated with cardiac, digital, and splanchnic ischemia and should be reserved for situations where alternative vasopressors have failed [96]. Cardiac output measurement to allow maintenance of a normal or elevated flow is desirable when these pure vasopressors are instituted. of normal renal function), or secondary outcomes (survival to either ICU or hospital discharge, ICU stay, hospital stay, arrhythmias) [97, 98]. Thus the available data do not support administration of low doses of dopamine solely to maintain renal function. 6. We recommend that all patients requiring vasopressors have an arterial line placed as soon as practical if resources are available (Grade 1D). Rationale. In shock states, estimation of blood pressure using a cuff is commonly inaccurate; use of an arterial cannula provides a more appropriate and reproducible measurement of arterial pressure. These catheters also allow continuous analysis so that decisions regarding therapy can be based on immediate and reproducible blood pressure information. G. Inotropic Therapy 1. We recommend a dobutamine infusion be administered in the presence of myocardial dysfunction as suggested by elevated cardiac filling pressures and low cardiac output (Grade 1C). 2. We recommend against the use of a strategy to increase cardiac index to predetermined supranormal levels (Grade 1B). Rationale. Dobutamine is the first-choice inotrope for patients with measured or suspected low cardiac output in the presence of adequate left ventricular filling pressure (or clinical assessment of adequate fluid resuscitation) and adequate mean arterial pressure. Septic patients who remain hypotensive after fluid resuscitation may have low, normal, or increased cardiac outputs. Therefore, treatment with a combined inotrope/vasopressor such as norepinephrine or dopamine is recommended if cardiac output is not measured. When the capability exists for monitoring cardiac output in addition to blood pressure, a vasopressor such as norepinephrine may be used separately to target specific levels of mean arterial pressure and cardiac output. Two large prospective clinical trials that included critically ill ICU patients who had severe sepsis failed to demonstrate benefit from increasing oxygen delivery to supranormal targets by use of dobutamine [99, 100]. These studies did not target specifically patients with severe sepsis and did not target the first 6 hours of resuscitation. The first 6 hours of resuscitation of sepsis induced hypoperfusion need to be treated separately from the later stages of severe 5. We recommend that low dose dopamine not be used sepsis (see initial resuscitation recommendations). for renal protection (Grade 1A). Rationale. A large randomized trial and meta-analysis H. Corticosteroids comparing low-dose dopamine to placebo found no difference in either primary outcomes (peak serum creatinine, 1. We suggest intravenous hydrocortisone be given only to adult septic shock patients after blood pressure is need for renal replacement, urine output, time to recovery identified to be poorly responsive to fluid resuscitation The relationship between free and total cortisol varies and vasopressor therapy (Grade 2C). with serum protein concentration. When compared to a reference method (mass spectrometry), cortisol imRationale. One french multi-center, randomized, con- munoassays may over- or underestimate the actual cortisol trolled trial (RCT) of patients in vasopressor-unresponsive level, affecting the assignment of patients to responders septic shock (hypotension despite fluid resuscitation or nonresponders [105]. Although the clinical significance and vasopressors) showed a significant shock reversal is not clear, it is now recognized that etomidate, when and reduction of mortality rate in patients with relative used for induction for intubation, will suppress the HPA adrenal insufficiency (defined as post-adrenocorticotropic axis [106]. hormone (ACTH) cortisol increase 9 µg/dL or less) [101]. Two additional smaller RCTs also showed significant 3. We suggest that patients with septic shock should not effects on shock reversal with steroid therapy [102, 103]. receive dexamethasone if hydrocortisone is available However, a recent large, European multicenter trial (COR(Grade 2B). TICUS), which has been presented in abstract form but not yet published, failed to show a mortality benefit with Rationale. Although often proposed for use until an ACTH steroid therapy of septic shock [104]. CORTICUS did stimulation test can be administered, we no longer sugshow a faster resolution of septic shock in patients who gest an ACTH test in this clinical situation (see #3 above). received steroids. The use of the ACTH test (responders Furthermore, dexamethasone can lead to immediate and and nonresponders) did not predict the faster resolution prolonged suppression of the HPA axis after administraof shock. Importantly, unlike the French trial, which tion [107]. only enrolled shock patients with blood pressure unresponsive to vasopressor therapy, the CORTICUS study 4. We suggest the daily addition of oral fludrocortisone included patients with septic shock, regardless of how (50 µg) if hydrocortisone is not available and the the blood pressure responded to vasopressors. Although steroid that is substituted has no significant mineracorticosteroids do appear to promote shock reversal, the locorticoid activity. Fludrocortisone is considered lack of a clear improvement in mortality-coupled with optional if hydrocortisone is used (Grade 2C). known side effects of steroids such as increased risk of infection and myopathy-generally tempered enthusiasm Rationale. One study added 50 µg of fludrocortisone for their broad use. Thus, there was broad agreement orally [101]. Since hydrocortisone has intrinsic minerthat the recommendation should be downgraded from the alcorticoid activity, there is controversy as to whether previous guidelines (Appendix B). There was considerable fludrocortisone should be added. discussion and consideration by the committee on the option of encouraging use in those patients whose blood 5. We suggest clinicians wean the patient from steroid therapy when vasopressors are no longer required pressure was unresponsive to fluids and vasopressors, (Grade 2D). while strongly discouraging use in subjects whose shock responded well to fluids and pressors. However, this more complex set of recommendations was rejected in favor of Rationale. There has been no comparative study between a fixed duration and clinically guided regimen, or between the above single recommendation (see Appendix B). tapering and abrupt cessation of steroids. Three RCTs used 2. We suggest the ACTH stimulation test not be used a fixed duration protocol for treatment [101, 103, 104], to identify the subset of adults with septic shock who and in two RCTs, therapy was decreased after shock resolution [102, 108]. In four RCTs steroids were tapered over should receive hydrocortisone (Grade 2B). several days [102–104, 108], and in two RCTs [101, 109] Rationale. Although one study suggested those who did steroids were withdrawn abruptly. One cross-over study not respond to ACTH with a brisk surge in cortisol (failure showed hemodynamic and immunologic rebound effects to achieve or > 9 µg/dL increase in cortisol 30–60 mins after abrupt cessation of corticosteroids [110]. It remains post-ACTH administration) were more likely to benefit uncertain whether outcome is affected by tapering of from steroids than those who did respond, the overall steroids or not. trial population appeared to benefit regardless of ACTH result, and the observation of a potential interaction 6. We recommend doses of corticosteroids comparable to > 300 mg hydrocortisone daily not be used in severe between steroid use and ACTH test was not statistically sepsis or septic shock for the purpose of treating septic significant [101]. Furthermore, there was no evidence of shock (Grade 1A). this distinction between responders and nonresponders in a recent multicenter trial [104]. Commonly used cortisol immunoassays measure total cortisol (protein-bound and Rationale. Two randomized prospective clinical trials and free) while free cortisol is the pertinent measurement. a meta-analyses concluded that for therapy of severe sepsis or septic shock, high-dose corticosteroid therapy is inef- APACHE II ≥ 25) and more than one organ failure in fective or harmful [111–113]. Reasons to maintain higher Europe. doses of corticosteroid for medical conditions other than The ADDRESS trial involved 2,613 patients judged to septic shock may exist. have a low risk of death at the time of enrollment. 28 day mortality from all causes was 17% on placebo vs. 18.5% 7. We recommend corticosteroids not be administered on APC, relative risk (RR) 1.08, 95% CI 0.92–1.28 [116]. for the treatment of sepsis in the absence of shock. Again, debate focused on subgroup analyses; analyses reThere is, however, no contraindication to continuing stricted to small subgroups of patients with APACHE II maintenance steroid therapy or to using stress does score over 25, or more than one organ failures which failed steroids if the patient’s endocrine or corticosteroid to show benefit; however these patient groups also had administration history warrants (Grade 1D). a lower mortality than in PROWESS. Relative risk reduction of death was numerically lower Rationale. No studies exist that specifically target severe in the subgroup of patients with recent surgery (n = 502) in sepsis in the absence of shock that offer support for use the PROWESS trial (30.7% placebo vs. 27.8% APC) [119] of stress doses of steroids in this patient population. when compared to the overall study population (30.8% Steroids may be indicated in the presence of a prior placebo vs. 24.7% APC) [115]. In the ADDRESS trial, history of steroid therapy or adrenal dysfunction. A re- patients with recent surgery and single organ dysfunccent preliminary study of stress dose level steroids in tion who received APC had significantly higher 28 day community- acquired pneumonia is encouraging but needs mortality rates (20.7% vs. 14.1%, p = 0.03, n = 635) [116]. confirmation [114]. Serious adverse events did not differ in the studies [115–117] with the exception of serious bleeding, which occurred more often in the patients treated with I. Recombinant Human Activated Protein C (rhAPC) APC: 2% vs. 3.5% (PROWESS; p = 0.06) [115]; 2.2% vs. 1. We suggest that adult patients with sepsis induced 3.9% (ADDRESS; p < 0.01) [116]; 6.5% (ENHANCE, organ dysfunction associated with a clinical assess- open label) [117]. The pediatric trial and implications are ment of high risk of death, most of whom will have discussed in the pediatric consideration section of this APACHE II ≥ 25 or multiple organ failure, receive manuscript (see Appendix C for absolute contraindications rhAPC if there are no contraindications (Grade 2B to use of rhAPC and prescribing information for relative except for patients within 30 days of surgery where it contraindications). Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) occurred in the is Grade 2C). Relative contraindications should also PROWESS trial in 0.1% (placebo) and 0.2% (APC) be considered in decision making. 2. We recommend that adult patients with severe sep- (n. s.) [106], in the ADDRESS trial 0.4% (placebo) vs. sis and low risk of death, most of whom will have 0.5% (APC) (n. s.) [116]; in ENHANCE 1.5% [108]. APACHE II < 20 or one organ failure, do not receive Registry studies of rhAPC report higher bleeding rates than randomized controlled trials, suggesting that the risk rhAPC (Grade 1A). of bleeding in actual practice may be greater than reported Rationale. The evidence concerning use of rhAPC in in PROWESS and ADDRESS [120, 121]. The two RCTs in adult patients were methodologically adults is primarily based on two randomized controlled trials (RCTs): PROWESS (1,690 adult patients, stopped strong, precise, and provide direct evidence regarding early for efficacy) [115] and ADDRESS (stopped early for death rates. The conclusions are limited, however, by futility) [116]. Additional safety information comes from inconsistency that is not adequately resolved by subgroup an open-label observational study ENHANCE [117]. The analyses (thus the designation of moderate quality eviENHANCE trial also suggested early administration of dence). Results, however, consistently fail to show benefit for the subgroup of patients at lower risk of death, and rhAPC was associated with better outcomes. PROWESS involved 1,690 patients and documented consistently show increases in serious bleeding. The RCT 6.1% in absolute total mortality reduction with a relative in pediatric severe sepsis failed to show benefit and has risk reduction (RRR) of 19.4%, 95% CI 6.6–30.5%, no important limitations. Thus, for low risk and pediatric number needed to treat (NNT):16 [115]. Controversy patients, we rate the evidence as high quality. For adult use there is probable mortality reduction in associated with the results focused on a number of subgroup analyses. Subgroup analyses have the potential to patients with clinical assessment of high risk of death, most mislead due to the absence of an intent to treat, sampling of whom will have APACHE II ≥ 25 or multiple organ failbias, and selection error [118]. The analyses suggested ure. There is likely no benefit in patients with low risk of increasing absolute and relative risk reduction with greater death, most of whom will have APACHE II < 20 or single risk of death using both higher APACHE II scores and organ dysfunction. The effects in patients with more than greater number of organ failures [119]. This led to drug one organ failure but APACHE II < 25 are unclear and in approval for patients with high risk of death (such as that circumstance one may use clinical assessment of the Rationale. Although clinical studies have not assessed the impact of transfusion of fresh frozen plasma on outcomes in critically ill patients, professional organizations have recommended fresh frozen plasma for coagulopathy when there is a documented deficiency of coagulation factors (increased prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, or partial thromboplastin time) and the presence of active bleeding or before surgical or invasive procedures [129–131]. In addition, transfusion of fresh frozen plasma in nonbleeding patients with mild abnormalities of prothrombin time usually fails to correct the prothrombin time [132]. There are no studies to suggest that correction J. Blood Product Administration of more severe coagulation abnormalities benefits patients 1. Once tissue hypoperfusion has resolved and in who are not bleeding. the absence of extenuating circumstances, such as myocardial ischemia, severe hypoxemia, acute hem- 4. We recommend against antithrombin administration orrhage, cyanotic heart disease, or lactic acidosis for the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock (see recommendations for initial resuscitation), we (Grade 1B). recommend that red blood cell transfusion occur when hemoglobin decreases to < 7.0 g/dL (< 70 g/L) Rationale. A phase III clinical trial of high-dose anto target a hemoglobin of 7.0–9.0 g/dL (70–90 g/L) in tithrombin did not demonstrate any beneficial effect on adults (Grade 1B). 28-day all-cause mortality in adults with severe sepsis and septic shock. High-dose antithrombin was associated Rationale. Although the optimum hemoglobin for patients with an increased risk of bleeding when administered with with severe sepsis has not been specifically investigated, heparin [133]. Although a post hoc subgroup analysis of the Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care trial patients with severe sepsis and high risk of death showed suggested that a hemoglobin of 7–9 g/dL (70–90 g/L) better survival in patients receiving antithrombin, anwhen compared to 10–12 g/dL (100–200 g/L) was not tithrombin cannot be recommended at this time until associated with increased mortality rate in adults [123]. further clinical trials are performed [134]. Red blood cell transfusion in septic patients increases oxygen delivery but does not usually increase oxygen 5. In patients with severe sepsis, we suggest that platelets consumption [124–126]. This transfusion threshold of should be administered when counts are < 5000/mm3 7 g/dL (70 g/L) contrasts with the early goal-directed (5 × 109 /L) regardless of apparent bleeding. Platelet resuscitation protocol that uses a target hematocrit of 30% transfusion may be considered when counts are in patients with low SCV O2 (measured in superior vena 5,000–30,000/mm3 (5–30 × 109 /L) and there is cava) during the first 6 hrs of resuscitation of septic shock. a significant risk of bleeding. Higher platelet counts (≥ 50,000/mm3 (50 × 109 /L)) are typically required 2. We recommend that erythropoietin not be used as for surgery or invasive procedures (Grade 2D). a specific treatment of anemia associated with severe sepsis, but may be used when septic patients have other accepted reasons for administration of erythropoietin Rationale. Guidelines for transfusion of platelets are desuch as renal failure-induced compromise of red blood rived from consensus opinion and experience in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Recommendations take into accell production (Grade 1B). count the etiology of thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfuncRationale. No specific information regarding erythro- tion, risk of bleeding, and presence of concomitant disorpoietin use in septic patients is available, but clinical ders [129, 131]. trials in critically ill patients show some decrease in red cell transfusion requirement with no effect on clinical II. Supportive Therapy of Severe Sepsis outcome [127, 128]. The effect of erythropoietin in severe sepsis and septic shock would not be expected to be A. Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis-Induced Acute Lung more beneficial than in other critical conditions. Patients Injury (ALI)/Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome with severe sepsis and septic shock may have coexisting (ARDS). conditions that do warrant use of erythropoietin. risk of death and number of organ failures to support decision. There is a certain increased risk of bleeding with administration of rhAPC which may be higher in surgical patients and in the context of invasive procedures. Decision on utilization depends upon assessing likelihood of mortality reduction versus increases in bleeding and cost (see appendix D for nominal committee vote on recommendation for rhAPC). A European Regulatory mandated randomized controlled trial of rhAPC vs. placebo in patients with septic shock is now ongoing [122]. 3. We suggest that fresh frozen plasma not be used to correct laboratory clotting abnormalities in the absence of bleeding or planned invasive procedures (Grade 2D). 1. We recommend that clinicians target a tidal volume of 6 ml/kg (predicted) body weight in patients with ALI/ARDS (Grade 1B). 2. We recommend that plateau pressures be measured in patients with ALI/ARDS and that the initial upper limit goal for plateau pressures in a passively inflated patient be ≤ 30 cm H2 O. Chest wall compliance should be considered in the assessment of plateau pressure (Grade 1C). Rationale. Over the past 10 yrs, several multi-center randomized trials have been performed to evaluate the effects of limiting inspiratory pressure through moderation of tidal volume [135–139]. These studies showed differing results that may have been caused by differences between airway pressures in the treatment and control groups [135, 140]. The largest trial of a volumeand pressure-limited strategy showed a 9% decrease of all-cause mortality in patients with ALI or ARDS ventilated with tidal volumes of 6 mL/kg of predicted body weight (PBW), as opposed to 12 mL/kg, and aiming for a plateau pressure ≤ 30 cm H2 O [135]. The use of lung protective strategies for patients with ALI is supported by clinical trials and has been widely accepted, but the precise choice of tidal volume for an individual patient with ALI may require adjustment for such factors as the plateau pressure achieved, the level of PEEP chosen, the compliance of the thoracoabdominal compartment and the vigor of the patient’s breathing effort. Some clinicians believe it may be safe to ventilate with tidal volumes higher than 6 ml/kg PBW as long as the plateau pressure can be maintained ≤ 30 cm H2 O [141, 142]. The validity of this ceiling value will depend on breathing effort, as those who are actively inspiring generate higher trans-alveolar pressures for a given plateau pressure than those who are passively inflated. Conversely, patients with very stiff chest walls may require plateau pressures higher than 30 cm H2 O to meet vital clinical objectives. One retrospective study suggested that tidal volumes should be lowered even with plateau pressures that are ≤ 30 cm H2 O [143]. An additional observational study suggested that knowledge of the plateau pressures was associated with lower plateau pressures; however in this trial, plateau pressure was not independently associated with mortality rates across a wide range of plateau pressures that bracketed 30 cm H2 O [144]. The largest clinical trial employing a lung protective strategy coupled limited pressure with limited tidal volumes to demonstrate a mortality benefit [135]. High tidal volumes that are coupled with high plateau pressures should be avoided in ALI/ARDS. Clinicians should use as a starting point the objective of reducing tidal volumes over 1–2 hrs from its initial value toward the goal of a “low” tidal volume (≈ 6 mL per kilogram of predicted body weight) achieved in conjunction with an end-inspiratory plateau pressure ≤ 30 cm H2 O. If plateau pressure remains > 30 after reduction of tidal volume to 6 ml/kg/PBW, tidal volume should be reduced further to as low as 4 ml/kg/PBW (see Appendix E for ARDSnet ventilator management and formula to calculate predicted body weight). No single mode of ventilation (pressure control, volume control, airway pressure release ventilation, high frequency ventilation, etc.) has been consistently shown advantageous when compared with any other that respects the same principles of lung protection. 3. We recommend that hypercapnia (allowing PaCO2 to increase above its pre-morbid baseline, so-called permissive hypercapnia) be allowed in patients with ALI/ARDS if needed to minimize plateau pressures and tidal volumes (Grade 1C). Rationale. An acutely elevated PaCO2 may have physiologic consequences that include vasodilation as well as an increased heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac output. Allowing modest hypercapnia in conjunction with limiting tidal volume and minute ventilation has been demonstrated to be safe in small, nonrandomized series [145, 146]. Patients treated in larger trials that have the goal of limiting tidal volumes and airway pressures have demonstrated improved outcomes, but permissive hypercapnia was not a primary treatment goal in these studies [135]. The use of hypercapnia is limited in patients with preexisting metabolic acidosis and is contraindicated in patients with increased intracranial pressure. Sodium bicarbonate or tromethamine (THAM® ) infusion may be considered in selected patients to facilitate use of permissive hypercarbia [147, 148]. 4. We recommend that positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) be set so as to avoid extensive lung collapse at end-expiration (Grade 1C). Rationale. Raising PEEP in ALI/ARDS keeps lung units open to participate in gas exchange. This will increase PaO2 when PEEP is applied through either an endotracheal tube or a face mask [149–151]. In animal experiments, avoidance of end-expiratory alveolar collapse helps minimize ventilator induced lung injury (VILI) when relatively high plateau pressures are in use. One large multi-center trial of the protocol-driven use of higher PEEP in conjunction with low tidal volumes did not show benefit or harm when compared to lower PEEP levels [152]. Neither the control nor experimental group in that study, however, was clearly exposed to hazardous plateau pressures. A recent multi-center Spanish trial compared a high PEEP, low-moderate tidal volume approach to one that used conventional tidal volumes and the least PEEP achieving adequate oxygenation. A marked survival advantage favored the former approach in high acuity patients with ARDS [153]. Two options are recommended for PEEP titration. One option is to titrate PEEP (and tidal volume) according to bedside measurements of thoracopulmonary compliance with the objective of obtaining terally in the supine position developing VAP [162]. However, the bed position was only monitored once a day, and patients who did not achieve the desired bed elevation were not included in the analysis [162]. A recent study did not show a difference in in incidence of VAP between patients maintained in supine and semirecumbent positions [163]. In this study, patients in the semirecumbent position did not consistently achieve the desired head of the bed elevation, and the head of bed elevation in the supine group approached that of the semirecumbent group by day 7 [163]. When necessary, patients may be laid flat for procedures, hemodynamic measurements, and during episodes of hy5. We suggest prone positioning in ARDS patients requir- potension. Patients should not be fed enterally with the ing potentially injurious levels of FI O2 or plateau pres- head of the bed at 0°. sure who are not at high risk for adverse consequences of positional changes in those facilities who have expe- 7. We suggest that noninvasive mask ventilation (NIV) only be considered in that minority of ALI/ARDS parience with such practices (Grade 2C). tients with mild-moderate hypoxemic respiratory failure (responsive to relatively low levels of pressure supRationale. Several smaller studies and one larger study port and PEEP) with stable hemodynamics who can be have shown that a majority of patients with ALI/ARDS made comfortable and easily arousable, who are able respond to the prone position with improved oxygenato protect the airway, spontaneously clear the airway of tion [156–159]. One large multi-center trial of prone secretions, and are anticipated to recover rapidly from positioning for approximately 7 hrs/day did not show imthe precipitating insult. A low threshold for airway inprovement in mortality rates in patients with ALI/ARDS; tubation should be maintained (Grade 2B). however, a post hoc analysis suggested improvement in those patients with the most severe hypoxemia by PaO2 /FI O2 ratio, in those exposed to high tidal volumes, Rationale. Obviating the need for airway intubation conand those who improved CO2 exchange as a result of fers multiple advantages: better communication, lower inproning [159]. A second large trial of prone positioning, cidence of infection, reduced requirements for sedation. conducted for an average of approximately 8 hours per Two RCTs demonstrate improved outcome with the use day for 4 days in adults with hypoxemic respiratory of NIV when it can be employed successfully [164, 165]. failure of low-moderate acuity, confirmed improvement Unfortunately, only a small percentage of patients with life in oxygenation but also failed to show a survival advan- threatening hypoxemia can be managed in this way. tage [160]. However, a randomized study that extended the length of time for proning each day to a mean of 17 hours 8. We recommend that a weaning protocol be in place, for a mean of 10 days supported benefit of proning, and mechanically ventilated patients with severe sepwith randomization to supine position an independent sis undergo spontaneous breathing trials on a regular risk factor for mortality by multivariate analysis [161]. basis to evaluate the ability to discontinue mechaniProne positioning may be associated with potentially cal ventilation when they satisfy the following criteria: life-threatening complications, including accidental disa) arousable; b) hemodynamically stable (without valodgment of the endotracheal tube and central venous sopressor agents); c) no new potentially serious concatheters, but these complications can usually be avoided ditions; d) low ventilatory and end-expiratory pressure with proper precautions. requirements; and e) FI O2 requirements that could be safely delivered with a face mask or nasal cannula. If the spontaneous breathing trial is successful, consider6. A) Unless contraindicated, we recommend mechaniation should be given for extubation (see Appendix E). cally ventilated patients be maintained with the head Spontaneous breathing trial options include a low level of the bed elevated to limit aspiration risk and to preof pressure support, continuous positive airway presvent the development of ventilator-associated pneumosure (≈ 5 cm H2 O) or a T-piece (Grade 1A). nia (Grade 1B). B) We suggest that the head of bed is elevated approxRationale. Recent studies demonstrate that daily spontimately 30–45 degrees (Grade 2C). aneous breathing trials in appropriately selected patients Rationale. The semirecumbent position has been demon- reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation [166–169]. strated to decrease the incidence of ventilator-associated Successful completion of spontaneous breathing trials pneumonia (VAP) [164]. Enteral feeding increased the risk leads to a high likelihood of successful discontinuation of of developing VAP; 50% of the patients who were fed en- mechanical ventilation. the best compliance, reflecting a favorable balance of lung recruitment and overdistention [154]. The second option is to titrate PEEP based on severity of oxygenation deficit and guided by the FI O2 required to maintain adequate oxygenation [135] (see Appendix D.). Whichever the indicator-compliance or oxygenation-recruiting maneuvers are reasonable to employ in the process of PEEP selection. Blood pressure and oxygenation should be monitored and recruitment discontinued if deterioration in these parameters is observed. A PEEP > 5 cm H2 O is usually required to avoid lung collapse [155]. 9. We recommend against the routine use of the pul- Rationale. A growing body of evidence indicates that the monary artery catheter for patients with ALI/ARDS use of protocols for sedation of critically ill ventilated (Grade 1A). patients can reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU and hospital length of stay [186–188]. Rationale. While insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter A randomized, controlled clinical trial found that protocol may provide useful information on a patient’s volume use resulted in reduced duration of mechanical ventilastatus and cardiac function, potential benefits of such infor- tion, reduced lengths of stay, and reduced tracheostomy mation may be confounded by differences in interpretation rates [186]. of results [170–172], lack of correlation of pulmonary A report describing the implementation of protocols, artery occlusion pressures with clinical response [173], including sedation and analgesia, using a short-cycle and absence of a proven strategy to use catheter results improvement methodology in the management of critito improve patient outcomes [174]. Two multi-center cally ill patients demonstrated a decrease in the cost per randomized trials: one in patients with shock or acute patient day and a decrease of ICU length of stay [187]. lung injury [175], and one in patients with acute lung Furthermore, a prospective before-and-after study on injury [176] failed to show benefit with the routine use the implementation of a sedation protocol demonstrated of pulmonary artery catheters in patients with acute lung enhanced quality of sedation with reduced drug costs. Alinjury. In addition, other studies in different types of criti- though this protocol also may have contributed to a longer cally ill patients have failed to show definitive benefit with duration of mechanical ventilation, ICU discharge was routine use of the pulmonary artery catheter [177–179]. not delayed [188]. Despite the lack of evidence regarding Well-selected patients remain appropriate candidates for the use of subjective methods of evaluation of sedation in pulmonary artery catheter insertion when the answers to septic patients, the use of a sedation goal has been shown important management decisions depend on information to decrease the duration of mechanical ventilation in critionly obtainable from direct measurements made within cally ill patients [186]. Several subjective sedation scales the pulmonary artery. have been described in the medical literature. Currently, however, there is not a clearly superior sedation evaluation 10. To decrease days of mechanical ventilation and ICU methodology against which these sedation scales can be length of stay we recommend a conservative fluid evaluated [189]. The benefits of sedation protocols appear strategy for patients with established acute lung injury to outweigh the risks. who do not have evidence of tissue hypoperfusion (Grade 1C). 2. We recommend intermittent bolus sedation or continuous infusion sedation to predetermined end Rationale. Mechanisms for the development of pulmonary points (e. g., sedation scales) with daily interrupedema in patients with acute lung injury include increased tion/lightening of continuous infusion sedation with capillary permeability, increased hydrostatic pressure and awakening and retitration if necessary for sedation addecreased oncotic pressure [180, 181]. Small prospective ministration to septic mechanically ventilated patients studies in patients with critical illness and acute lung injury (Grade 1B). have suggested that less weight gain is associated with improved oxygenation [182] and fewer days of mechanical Rationale. Although not specifically studied in patients ventilation [183, 184]. Use of a fluid conservative strat- with sepsis, the administration of intermittent sedation, egy directed at minimizing fluid infusion and weight gain daily interruption, and retitration or systemic titration to in patients with acute lung injury based on either a cen- a predefined end point have been demonstrated to decrease tral venous catheter or a pulmonary artery catheter along the duration of mechanical ventilation [186, 189, 190]. Pawith clinical parameters to guide treatment strategies led tients receiving neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) to fewer days of mechanical ventilation and reduced length must be individually assessed regarding discontinuation of ICU stay without altering the incidence of renal failure of sedative drugs because neuromuscular blocking drugs or mortality rates [185]. Of note, this strategy was only must also be discontinued in that situation. The use of used in patients with established acute lung injury, some of intermittent vs. continuous methods for the delivery of whom had shock present. Active attempts to reduce fluid sedation in critically ill patients has been examined. An volume were conducted only during periods free of shock. observational study of mechanically-ventilated patients showed that patients receiving continuous sedation had B. Sedation, Analgesia, and Neuromuscular Blockade significantly longer durations of mechanical ventilation in Sepsis and ICU and hospital length of stay [191]. Similarly, a prospective, controlled study in 128 1. We recommend sedation protocols with a sedation mechanically-ventilated adults receiving continuous intragoal when sedation of critically ill mechanically venous sedation demonstrated that a daily interruption in ventilated patients with sepsis is required (Grade 1B). the “continuous” sedative infusion until the patient was awake decreased the duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU length of stay [192]. Although the patients did receive continuous sedative infusions in this study, the daily interruption and awakening allowed for titration of sedation, in effect, making the dosing intermittent. Systematic (protocolized) titration to a predefined end point has also been shown to alter outcome [186]. Additionally, a randomized prospective blinded observational study demonstrated that although myocardial ischemia is common in critically ill ventilated patients, daily sedative interruption is not associated with an increased occurrence of myocardial ischemia [193]. Thus, the benefits of daily interruption of sedation appear to outweigh the risks. These benefits include potentially shorter duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU stay, better assessment of neurologic function, and reduced costs. is a clear indication for neuromuscular blockade that can not be safely achieved with appropriate sedation and analgesia” [195]. Only one prospective, randomized clinical trial has evaluated peripheral nerve stimulation vs. standard clinical assessment in ICU patients. Rudis et al. [202] randomized 77 critically ill patients requiring neuromuscular blockade in the ICU to receive dosing of vecuronium based on train-of-four stimulation or clinical assessment (control). The peripheral nerve stimulation group received less drug and recovered neuromuscular function and spontaneous ventilation faster than the control group. Nonrandomized observational studies have suggested that peripheral nerve monitoring reduces or has no effect on clinical recovery from NMBAs in the ICU setting [203, 204]. Benefits to neuromuscular monitoring, including faster recovery of neuromuscular function and, shorter intubation 3. We recommend that NMBAs be avoided if possible in times, appear to exist. A potential for cost savings (reduced the septic patient due to the risk of prolonged neuro- total dose of NMBAs and shorter intubation times) also muscular blockade following discontinuation. If NM- may exist, although this has not been studied formally. BAs must be maintained, either intermittent bolus as required or continuous infusion with monitoring the depth of blockade with train-of-four monitoring should C. Glucose Control be used (Grade 1B). 1. We recommend that, following initial stabilization, paRationale. Although NMBAs are often administered tients with severe sepsis and hyperglycemia who are to critically ill patients, their role in the ICU setting is admitted to the ICU receive IV insulin therapy to renot well defined. No evidence exists that maintaining duce blood glucose levels (Grade 1B). neuromuscular blockade in this patient population reduces 2. We suggest use of a validated protocol for insulin mortality or major morbidity. In addition, no studies have dose adjustments and targeting glucose levels to the been published that specifically address the use of NMBAs < 150 mg/dl range (Grade 2C). in septic patients. 3. We recommend that all patients receiving intravenous The most common indication for NMBA use in insulin receive a glucose calorie source and that blood the ICU is to facilitate mechanical ventilation [194]. glucose values be monitored every 1–2 hours until gluWhen appropriately utilized, NMBAs may improve cose values and insulin infusion rates are stable and chest wall compliance, prevent respiratory dyssynthen every 4 hours thereafter (Grade 1C). chrony, and reduce peak airway pressures [195]. Mus- 4. We recommend that low glucose levels obtained with cle paralysis may also reduce oxygen consumption point-of-care testing of capillary blood be interpreted with caution, as such measurements may overestimate by decreasing the work of breathing and respiratory arterial blood or plasma glucose values (Grade 1B). muscle blood flow [196]. However, a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial in patients with severe sepsis demonstrated that oxygen delivery, oxy- Rationale. The consensus on glucose control in severe gen consumption, and gastric intramucosal pH were sepsis was achieved at the first committee meeting and not improved during profound neuromuscular block- subsequently approved by the entire committee (see Appendix G for committee vote). One large randomized ade [197]. An association between NMBA use and myopathies single center trial in a predominantly cardiac surgical and neuropathies has been suggested by case studies ICU demonstrated a reduction in ICU mortality with and prospective observational studies in the critical intensive IV insulin (Leuven Protocol) targeting blood care population [195, 198–201]. The mechanisms by glucose to 80–110 mg/dl (for all patients relative 43%, which NMBA’s produced or contribute to myopathies and absolute 3.4% mortality reduction, and for those with and neuropathies in critically ill patients are presently > 5 day ICU length of stays (LOS) a 48% relative and unknown. There appears to be an added association with 9.6% absolute mortality reduction) [205]. A reduction in the concurrent use o NMBA’s and steroids. Although organ dysfunction and ICU LOS (from a median of 15 no specific studies exist specific to the septic patient to12 days) was also observed in the subset with ICU LOS population, it seems clinically prudent based on existent > 5 days. A second randomized trial of intensive insulin knowledge that NMBA’s not be administered unless there therapy using the Leuven Protocol enrolled medical ICU patients with an anticipated ICU LOS of > 3 days in three MICUs [206]. Overall, mortality was not reduced but ICU and hospital LOS were reduced associated with earlier weaning from mechanical ventilation and less acute kidney injury. In patients with a medical ICU LOS > 3 days, hospital mortality was reduced with intensive insulin therapy (43% versus 52.5%; p = 0.009). However, investigators were unsuccessful in predicting ICU LOS and 433 patients (36%) had an ICU LOS of < 3 days. Furthermore, use of the Leuven Protocol in the medical ICU resulted in a nearly three-fold higher rate of hypoglycemia than in the original experience (18% versus 6.2% of patients) [205, 206]. One large before-and-after observational trial showed a 29% relative and 6.1% absolute reduction in mortality and a 10.8% reduction in median ICU LOS [207]. In a subgroup of 53 patients with septic shock there was an absolute mortality reduction of 27% and a relative reduction of 45% (p = 0.02). Two additional observational studies report an association of mean glucose levels with reductions in mortality, polyneuropathy, acute renal failure, nosocomial bacteremia, and number of transfusions, and suggest a glucose threshold for improved mortality lies somewhere between 145 and 180 mg/dl [208, 209]. However, a large observational study (n = 7,049) suggested that both a lower mean glucose and less variation of blood glucose may be important [210]. A meta-analysis of 35 trials on insulin therapy in critically ill patients, including 12 randomized trials, demonstrated a 15% reduction in short term mortality (RR 0.85, 95% confidence interval 0.75–0.97) but did not include any studies of insulin therapy in medical ICUs [211]. Two additional multicenter RCTs of intensive insulin therapy, one focusing on patients with severe sepsis (VISEP) and the second on medical and surgical ICU patients, failed to demonstrate improvement in mortality, but are not yet published [212, 213]. Both stopped earlier than planned because of high rates of hypoglycemia and adverse events in the intensive insulin groups. A large RCT that is planned to compare targeting 80–110 mg/dl (4.5–6.0 mmol/L) versus 140–180 mg/dl (8–10 mmol/L) and recruit more than 6,000 patients (Normoglycemia in Intensive Care Evaluation and Survival Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation, or NICE-SUGAR) is ongoing [214]. Several factors may affect the accuracy and reproducibility of point-of-care testing of blood capillary blood glucose, including the type and model of the device used, user expertise, and patient factors including hematocrit (false elevation with anemia), PaO2 , and drugs [215]. One report showed overestimation of arterial plasma glucose values by capillary point-of-care testing sufficient to result in different protocol-specified insulin dose titration. The disagreement between protocol-recommended insulin doses was largest when glucose values were low [216]. A recent review of 12 published insulin infusion protocols for critically ill patients showed wide variability in insulin dose recommendations and variable glucose control during simulation [217]. This lack of consensus about optimal dosing of IV insulin may reflect variability in patient factors (severity of illness, surgical vs. medical settings, etc) or practice patterns (e. g., approaches to feeding, IV dextrose) in the environments in which these protocols were developed and tested. Alternatively, some protocols may be more effective than other protocols. This conclusion is supported by the wide variability in hypoglycemia rates reported with protocols [205–207, 212, 213]. Thus, the use of a validated and safe intensive insulin protocol is important not only for clinical care but also for the conduct of clinical trials to avoid hypoglycemia, adverse events, and premature termination of these trials before the efficacy signal, if any, can be determined. The finding of reduced morbidity and mortality within the longer ICU length of stay subsets along with acceptable cost weighed heavily on our recommendation to attempt glucose control after initial stabilization of the patient with hyperglycemia and severe sepsis. However, the mortality benefit and safety of intensive insulin therapy (goal to normalize blood glucose) has been questioned by 2 recent trials and we recommend maintaining glucose levels < 150 mg/dl until recent and ongoing trials are published or completed. Further study of protocols that have been validated to be safe and effective for controlling blood glucose concentrations and blood glucose variation in the severe sepsis population are needed. D. Renal Replacement 1. We suggest that continuous renal replacement therapies and intermittent hemodialysis are equivalent in patients with severe sepsis and acute renal failure (Grade 2B). 2. We suggest the use of continuous therapies to facilitate management of fluid balance in hemodynamically unstable septic patients (Grade 2D). Rationale. Although numerous nonrandomized studies have reported a nonsignificant trend toward improved survival using continuous methods [218–225], 2 metaanalyses [226, 227] report the absence of significant difference in hospital mortality between patients who receive continuous and intermittent renal replacement therapies. This absence of apparent benefit of one modality over the other persists even when the analysis is restricted to only randomized studies [227]. To date, 5 prospective randomized studies have been published [228–232]. Four of them found no significant difference in mortality [229–232]. One study found significantly higher mortality in the continuous treatment group [228], but imbalanced randomization had led to a higher baseline severity of illness in this group. When a multivariable model was used to adjust for severity of illness, no difference in mortality was apparent between the groups [228]. It is important to note that most studies comparing modes of renal replacement in the critically ill have included a small number of patients and some major weaknesses (randomization failure, modifications of therapeutic protocol during the study period, combination of different types of continuous renal replacement therapies, small number of heterogenous groups of patients enrolled). The most recent and largest randomized study [232] enrolled 360 patients and found no significant difference in survival between the 2 groups. Moreover, there is no current evidence to support the use of continuous therapies in sepsis independent of renal replacement needs. Concerning the hemodynamic tolerance of each method, no current evidence exists to support a better tolerance with continuous treatments. Only 2 prospective studies [230, 233] have reported a better hemodynamic tolerance with continuous treatment, with no improvement in regional perfusion [233] and no survival benefit [230]. Four other prospective studies did not find any significant difference in mean arterial pressure or drop in systolic pressure between the 2 methods [229, 231, 232, 234]. Concerning fluid balance management, 2 studies report a significant improvement in goal achievement with continuous methods [228, 230]. In summary, current evidence is insufficient to draw strong conclusions regarding the mode of replacement therapy for acute renal failure in septic patients. Four randomized, controlled trials have addressed whether the dose of continuous renal replacement affects outcomes in patients with acute renal failure [235–238]. Three found improved mortality in patients receiving higher doses of renal replacement [235, 237, 238], while one [236] did not. None of these trials was conducted specifically in patients with sepsis. Although the weight of current evidence suggests that higher doses of renal replacement may be associated with improved outcomes, these results may not be easily generalizable. The results of 2 very large multicenter randomized trials comparing the dose of renal replacement (ATN in the United States and RENAL in Australia and New Zealand) will be available in 2008 and will greatly inform practice. E. Bicarbonate Therapy 1. We recommend against the use of sodium bicarbonate therapy for the purpose of improving hemodynamics or reducing vasopressor requirements in patients with hypoperfusion-induced lactic acidemia with pH ≥ 7.15 (Grade 1B). Rationale. No evidence supports the use of bicarbonate therapy in the treatment of hypoperfusion-induced lactic acidemia associated with sepsis. Two randomized, blinded, crossover studies that compared equimolar saline and bicarbonate in patients with lactic acidosis failed to reveal any difference in hemodynamic variables or vasopressor requirements. [239, 240] The number of patients with pH < 7.15 in these studies was small. Bicarbonate administration has been associated with sodium and fluid overload, an increase in lactate and pCO2 , and a decrease in serum ionized calcium; but the relevance of these parameters to outcome is uncertain. The effect of bicarbonate administration on hemodynamics and vasopressor requirements at lower pH as well as the effect on clinical outcomes at any pH is unknown. No studies have examined the effect of bicarbonate administration on outcomes. F. Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis 1. We recommend that severe sepsis patients receive deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis with either (a) low-dose unfractionated heparin (UFH) administered b.i.d. or t.i.d. or (b) daily low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) unless there are contraindications (i. e., thrombocytopenia, severe coagulopathy, active bleeding, recent intracerebral hemorrhage) (Grade 1A). 2. We recommend that septic patients who have a contraindication for heparin use receive mechanical prophylactic device such as graduated compression stockings (GCS) or intermittent compression devices (ICD) unless contraindicated (Grade 1A). 3. We suggest that in very high-risk patients such as those who have severe sepsis and history of DVT, trauma, or orthopedic surgery, a combination of pharmacologic and mechanical therapy be used unless contraindicated or not practical (Grade 2C). 4. We suggest that in patients at very high risk, LMWH be used rather than UFH as LMWH is proven superior in other high-risk patients (Grade 2C). Rationale. ICU patients are at risk for DVT [241]. Significant evidence exists for benefit of DVT prophylaxis in ICU patients in general. No reasons suggest that severe sepsis patients would be different from the general patient population. Nine randomized placebo controlled clinical trials of DVT prophylaxis in general populations of acutely ill patients exist [242–250]. All 9 trials showed reduction in DVT or PE. The prevalence of infection/sepsis was 17% in all studies in which this was ascertainable, with a 52% prevalence of infection/sepsis patients in the study that included ICU patients only. Benefit of DVT prophylaxis is also supported by meta-analyses [251, 252]. With that in mind, DVT prophylaxis would appear to have a high grade for quality of evidence (A). As the risk of administration to the patient is small, the gravity of the potential result of not administering is great, and the cost is low, the grading of the strength of the recommendation is strong. The evidence supports equivalency of LMWH and UFH in gen- eral medical populations. A recent meta-analysis comparing b.i.d. and t.i.d. UFH demonstrated that t.i.d. UFH produced better efficacy and b.i.d. less bleeding [253]. Practitioners should use underlying risk for VTE and bleeding to individualize choice of b.i.d. versus t.i.d. The cost of LMWH is greater and the frequency of injection is less. UFH is preferred over LMWH in patients with moderate to severe renal dysfunction. Mechanical methods (ICD and GCS) are recommended when anticoagulation is contraindicated or as an adjunct to anticoagulation in the very high-risk patients [254–256]. In very high-risk patients, LMWH is preferred over UFH [257–259]. Patients receiving heparin should be monitored for development of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). G. Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis (SUP) We recommend that stress ulcer prophylaxis using H2 blocker (Grade 1A) or proton pump inhibitor PPI (Grade 1B) be given to patients with severe sepsis to prevent upper GI bleed. Benefit of prevention of upper GI bleed must be weighed against potential effect of an increased stomach pH on development of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Rationale. Although no study has been performed specifically in patients with severe sepsis, trials confirming the benefit of stress ulcer prophylaxis reducing upper GI bleeds in general ICU populations would suggest that 20–25% of patients enrolled in these types of trials have sepsis [260–263]. This benefit should be applicable to patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. In addition, the conditions shown to benefit from stress ulcer prophylaxis (coagulopathy, mechanical ventilation, hypotension) are frequently present in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock [264, 265]. Although there are individual trials that have not shown benefit from SUP, numerous trials and a metaanalysis show reduction in clinically significant upper GI bleeding, which we consider significant even in the absence of proven mortality benefit [266–269]. The benefit of prevention of upper GI bleed must be weighed against the potential effect of increased stomach pH on greater incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia [270]. Those severe sepsis patients with the greatest risk of upper GI bleeding are likely to benefit most from stress ulcer prophylaxis. The rationale for the preference for suppression of acid production over sulcrafate was based on the study of 1200 patients by Cook et al comparing H2 blockers and sucralfate and a meta-analysis [271, 272]. 2 studies support equivalency between H2 blockers and PPIs. One was in very ill ICU patients. The second study is larger and demonstrates non-inferiority of omeprazole suspension for clinically significant stress ulcer bleeding [273, 274]. No data relating to utility of enteral feeding in stress ulcer prophylaxis exist. Patients should be periodically evaluated for continued need for prophylaxis. H. Selective Digestive Tract Decontamination (SDD) The guidelines group was evenly split on the issue of SDD, with equal numbers weakly in favor and against recommending the use of SDD (see appendix H). The committee therefore chose not to make a recommendation for the use of SDD specifically in severe sepsis at this time. The final consensus on use of SDD in severe sepsis was achieved at the last nominal committee meeting and subsequently approved by the entire committee (see Appendix H for committee vote). Rationale. The cumulative conclusion from the literature demonstrates that prophylactic use of SDD (enteral non-absorbable antimicrobials and short-course intravenous antibiotics) reduces infections, mainly pneumonia, and mortality in the general population of critically ill and trauma patients [275–286] without promoting emergence of resistant Gram negative bacteria. Post hoc subgroup analyses [287, 288] of two prospective blinded studies [289, 290] suggest that SDD reduces nosocomial (secondary) infections in ICU patients admitted with primary infections [268] and may reduce mortality [288]. No studies of SDD specifically focused on patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. The use of SDD in severe sepsis patients would be targeted toward preventing secondary infection. As the main effect of SDD is in preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), studies comparing SDD with non-antimicrobial interventions such as ventilator bundles for reducing VAP are needed. Further investigation is required to determine the comparative efficacy of these two interventions, separately or in combination. Although studies incorporating enteral vancomycin in the regimen appear to be safe [291, 292, 293] concerns persist about the potential for emergence of resistant Gram positive infections. I. Consideration for Limitation of Support We recommend that advance care planning, including the communication of likely outcomes and realistic goals of treatment, be discussed with patients and families (Grade 1D). Rationale. Decisions for less aggressive support or withdrawal of support may be in the patient’s best interest. [294–296] Too frequently, inadequate physician/family communication characterizes end-of-life care in the ICU. The level of life support given to ICU patients may not be consistent with their wishes. Early and frequent caregiver discussions with patients who face death in the ICU and with their loved ones may facilitate appropriate application and withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies. A recent RCT demonstrated reduction of anxiety and depression in family members when end-of-life meetings were carefully planned, conducted, included advance care planning, and provided relevant information about diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment [297]. III. Pediatric Considerations in Severe Sepsis While sepsis in children is a major cause of mortality, the overall mortality from severe sepsis in children is much lower that that in adults, estimated at about 10% [298]. The definitions for severe sepsis and septic shock in children are similar but not identical to the definitions in adults [299]. In addition to age-appropriate differences in vital signs, the definition of systemic inflammatory response syndrome requires the presence of either temperature or leukocyte abnormalities. The presence of severe sepsis requires sepsis plus cardiovascular dysfunction or ARDS or 2 or more other organ dysfunctions [299]. A. Antibiotics 1. We recommend antibiotics be administered within one hour of the identification of severe sepsis, after appropriate cultures have been obtained (Grade 1D). fluid resuscitation with crystalloids or colloids is of fundamental importance to survival of septic shock in children [303–308]. Three randomized, controlled trials compare the use of colloid to crystalloid resuscitation in children with dengue shock [303, 307, 308]. No difference in mortality between colloid or crystalloid resuscitation was shown. Children normally have a lower blood pressure than adults, and fall in blood pressure can be prevented by vasoconstriction and increasing heart rate. Therefore, blood pressure by itself is not a reliable end point for assessing the adequacy of resuscitation. However, once hypotension occurs, cardiovascular collapse may soon follow. Hepatomegaly occurs in children who are fluid overloaded and can be a helpful sign of adequacy of fluid resuscitation. Large fluid deficits typically exist and initial volume resuscitation usually requires 40–60 mL/kg but can be much higher [304–308]. However, the rate of fluid administration should be reduced substantially when there are (clinical) signs of adequate cardiac filling without hemodynamic improvement. Early antibiotic therapy is as critical for children with severe sepsis as it is for adults. D. Vasopressors/Inotropes (should be used in volume loaded patients with fluid refractory shock) B. Mechanical Ventilation No graded recommendations. Due to low functional residual capacity, young infants and neonates with severe sepsis may require early intubation [300]. Drugs used for intubation have important side effects in these patients, for example, concerns have been raised about the safety of using etomidate in children with meningococcal sepsis because of adrenal suppression effect [301]. The principles of lung-protective strategies are applied to children as they are to adults. 1. We suggest dopamine as the first choice of support for the pediatric patient with hypotension refractory to fluid resuscitation (Grade 2C). In the initial resuscitation phase, vasopressor therapy may be required to sustain perfusion pressure, even when hypovolemia has not yet been resolved. Children with severe sepsis can present with low cardiac output and high systemic vascular resistance, high cardiac output and low systemic vascular resistance, or low cardiac output and low systemic vascular resistance shock. At various stages of sepsis or the treatment thereof, a child may move from one hemodynamic state to another. Vasopressor or inotrope C. Fluid Resuscitation therapy should be used according to the clinical state of the child. 1. We suggest initial resuscitation begin with inDopamine-refractory shock may reverse with fusion of crystalloids with boluses of 20 mL/kg epinephrine or norepinephrine infusion [309]. over 5–10 minutes, titrated to clinical monitors of cardiac output, including heart rate, urine out- 2. We suggest that patients with low cardiac output put, capillary refill, and level of consciousness and elevated systemic vascular resistance states (cool (Grade 2C). extremities, prolonged capillary refill, decreased urine output but normal blood pressure following fluid resuscitation) be given dobutamine (Grade 2C). Intravenous access for fluid resuscitation and inotrope/vasopressor infusion is more difficult to attain in children than in adults. The American Heart Associ- The choice of vasoactive agent is determined by the clination along with the American Academy of Pediatrics ical examination. For the child with a persistent low carhas developed pediatric advanced life support guidelines diac output state with high systemic vascular resistance for emergency establishment of intravascular support despite fluid resuscitation and inotropic support, vasodilaencouraging early intraosseous access [302]. On the basis tor therapy may reverse shock [310]. When pediatric paof a number of studies, it is accepted that aggressive tients remain in a normotensive low cardiac output and high vascular resistance state despite epinephrine and vasodilator therapy, the use of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor may be considered [311–313]. In the case of extremely low systemic vascular resistance despite the use of norepinephrine, vasopressin use has been described in a number of case-reports. Thus far there is no clear evidence for the use of vasopressin in pediatric sepsis [314, 315]. E. Therapeutic End Points 1. We suggest that the therapeutic end points of resuscitation of septic shock be normalization of the heart rate, capillary refill of < 2 secs, normal pulses with no differential between peripheral and central pulses, warm extremities, urine output > 1mL.kg –1 .hr–1 , and normal mental status [290] (Grade 2C). Capillary refill may be less reliable in a cold environment. Other end points that have been widely used in adults and may logically apply to children include decreased lactate and improved base deficit, ScvO2 ≥ 70% or SvO2 ≥ 65%, CVP of 8–12 mm Hg or other methods to analyze cardiac filling. Optimizing preload optimizes cardiac index. When using measurements to assist in identifying acceptable cardiac output in children with systemic arterial hypoxemia such as cyanotic congenital heart disease or severe pulmonary disease, arterial-venous oxygen content difference is a better marker than mixed venous hemoglobin saturation with oxygen. As noted previously, blood pressure by itself is not a reliable end point for resuscitation. If a thermodilution catheter is used, therapeutic end points are cardiac index > 3.3 and < 6.0 L.min–1 .m–2 with normal coronary perfusion pressure (mean arterial pressure – central venous pressure) for age. [290] Using clinical endpoints such as reversal of hypotension and restoration of capillary refill for initial resuscitation at the community hospital level before transfer to a tertiary center was associated with significantly improved survival rates in children with septic shock [305]. Development of a transport system including publicizing to local hospitals and transport with mobile intensive care services significantly decreased the case fatality rate from meningococcal disease in the United Kingdom [316]. Patients at risk for adrenal insufficiency include children with severe septic shock and purpura [318, 319], children who have previously received steroid therapies for chronic illness, and children with pituitary or adrenal abnormalities. Children who have clear risk factors for adrenal insufficiency should be treated with stress dose steroids (hydrocortisone 50 mg/m2 /24hr). Adrenal insufficiency in pediatric severe sepsis is associated with a poor prognosis [320]. No strict definitions exist, but absolute adrenal insufficiency in the case of catecholamine-resistant septic shock is assumed at a random total cortisol concentration < 18 µg/dL (496 nmol/L). A post 30- or 60-min ACTH stimulation test increase in cortisol of ≤ 9 µg/dL (248 mmol/L) has been used to define relative adrenal insufficiency. The treatment of relative adrenal insufficiency in children with septic shock is controversial. A retrospective study from a large administrative database recently reported that the use of any corticosteroids in children with severe sepsis was associated with increased mortality (OR 1.9 95% CI 1.7–2.2) [321]. While steroids may have been given preferentially to more severely ill children, the use of steroids was an independent predictor of mortality in multivariable analysis [321]. Given the lack of data in children and potential risk, steroids should not be used in those children who do not meet minimal criteria for adrenal insufficiency. A randomized, controlled trial in children with septic shock is very much needed. H. Protein C and Activated Protein C 1. We recommend against the use rhAPC in children (Grade 1B). Protein C concentrations in children reach adult values at the age of 3 yrs. This might indicate that the importance of protein C supplementation either as protein C concentrate or as rhAPC is even greater in young children than in adults [322]. There has been one dose finding, randomized, placebo-controlled study performed using protein C concentrate. This study was not powered to show an effect on mortality rate, but did show a positive effect on sepsis-induced coagulation disturF. Approach to Pediatric Septic Shock bances [323]. An RCT of rhAPC in pediatric severe sepsis patients was stopped by recommendation of the Figure 1 shows a flow diagram summarizing an approach Data Monitoring Committee for futility after enrolto pediatric septic shock [317]. lment of 399 patients. 28-day all cause mortality: 18% placebo group vs. 17% APC group. Major amputaG. Steroids tions occurred in 3% of the placebo group vs. 2% in the APC group [324]. Due to the increased risk of 1. We suggest that hydrocortisone therapy be reserved for bleeding (7% vs. 6% in the pediatric trial) and lack of use in children with catecholamine resistance and sus- proof of efficacy, rhAPC is not recommended for use in children. pected or proven adrenal insufficiency (Grade 2C). Fig. 1 Approach to Pediatric Shock I. DVT Prophylaxis commonly used in children, and central venous catheterassociated DVTs occur in approximately 25% of children 1. We suggest the use of DVT prophylaxis in post- with a femoral central venous catheter. Heparin-bonded pubertal children with severe sepsis (Grade 2C). catheters may decrease the risk of catheter-associated DVT and should be considered for use in children with severe sepsis. [325, 326] No data on the efficacy of unfracMost DVTs in young children are associated with tionated or low-molecular weight heparin prophylaxis to central venous catheters. Femoral venous catheters are prevent catheter-related DVT in children in the ICU exist. Appropriate sedation and analgesia are the standard of care for children who are mechanically ventilated. Although there are no data supporting any particular drugs or regiNo graded recommendations. Studies have shown that the rate of clinically important mens, it should be noted that propofol should not be used gastrointestinal bleeding in children occurs at rates sim- for long term sedation in children because of the reported ilar to adults [327, 328]. As in adults, coagulopathy and association with fatal metabolic acidosis [332, 333]. mechanical ventilation are risk factors for clinically important gastrointestinal bleeding. Stress ulcer prophylaxis strategy is commonly used in mechanically-ventilated chil- N. Blood Products dren, usually with H2 blockers. Its effect is not known. No graded recommendations. K. Renal Replacement Therapy The optimal hemoglobin for a critically ill child with severe sepsis is not known. A recent multicenter trial No graded recommendations. reported similar outcomes in stable critically ill children Continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) managed with a transfusion threshold of 7 gm/dl commay be clinically useful in children with anuria/severe pared to those managed with a transfusion threshold of oliguria and fluid overload, but no large RCTs have 9.5 g/dL [334]. Whether a lower transfusion trigger is safe been performed comparing CVVH with intermittent dia- or appropriate in the initial resuscitation of septic shock lysis. A retrospective study of 113 critically ill children has not been determined. reported that children with less fluid overload before CVVH had better survival, especially in those children O. Intravenous Immunoglobulin with dysfunction of 3 or more organs [329]. CVVH or other renal replacement therapy should be instituted in 1. We suggest that immunoglobulin may be considered in children with anuria/severe oliguria before significant children with severe sepsis (Grade 2C). fluid overload occurs. Administration of polyclonal intravenous immunoglobulin L. Glycemic Control has been reported to reduce mortality rate and is a promising adjuvant in the treatment of sepsis and septic shock in No graded recommendations. neonates. A recent randomized controlled study of polyIn general, infants are at risk for developing hypo- clonal immunoglobulin in pediatric sepsis syndrome paglycemia when they depend on intravenous fluids. This tients (n = 100), showed a significant reduction in mortalmeans that a glucose intake of 4–6 mg.kg–1 .min–1 or ity, LOS, and less progress to complications, especially maintenance fluid intake with glucose 10%/NaCl contain- DIC [335]. ing solution is advised. Associations have been reported between hyperglycemia and an increased risk of death P. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and longer length of stay [330]. A recent retrospective PICU study reported associations of hyperglycemia, 1. We suggest that use of ECMO be limited to refractory pediatric septic shock and/or respiratory failure that hypoglycemia, and glucose variability with length of cannot be supported by conventional therapies (Grade stay and mortality rates. [331] No studies in pediatric 2C). patients (without diabetes mellitus) analyzing the effect of strict glycemic control using insulin exist. In adults, the recommendation is to maintain a serum glucose ECMO has been used in septic shock in children, but its below 150 mg/dL. Insulin therapy to avoid long periods impact is not clear. Survival from refractory shock or resof hyperglycemia seems sensible in children as well, piratory failure associated with sepsis is 80% in neonates but the optimal goal glucose is not known. However, and 50% in children. In one study analyzing 12 patients continuous insulin therapy should only be done with with meningococcal sepsis in ECMO, eight of the 12 pafrequent glucose monitoring in view of the risks for hypo- tients survived, with six leading functionally normal lives at a median of 1 yr (range, 4 months to 4 yrs) of follow-up. glycemia. Children with sepsis on ECMO do not perform worse than children without sepsis at long-term follow-up [336, 337]. M. Sedation/Analgesia Although the pediatric considerations section of this manuscript offers important information to the practicing pediatric clinician for the management of critically ill chil1. We recommend sedation protocols with a sedation dren with sepsis, the reader is referred to the references at goal when sedation of critically ill mechanically the end of the document for more in-depth descriptions of ventilated patients with sepsis is required (Grade 1D). appropriate management of pediatric septic patients. J. Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis Summary and Future Directions The reader is reminded that although this document is static, the optimum treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock is a dynamic and evolving process. New interventions will be proven and established interventions, as stated in the current recommendations, may need modification. This publication represents an ongoing process. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign and the consensus committee members are committed to updating the guidelines on a regular basis as new interventions are tested and published in the literature. Although evidence-based recommendations have been frequently published in the medical literature, documentation of impact on patient outcome is limited [338]. There is, however, growing evidence that protocol implementation associated with education and performance feedback does change clinician behavior and may improve outcomes in and reduce costs in severe sepsis [20, 24, 25]. Phase III of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign targets the implementation of a core set of the previous recommendations in hospital environments where change in behavior and clinical impact are being measured. The sepsis bundles were developed in collaboration with the Institute of Healthcare Improvement [339]. Concurrent or retrospective chart review will identify and track changes in practice and clinical outcome. Software and software support is available at no cost in 7 languages, allowing bedside data entry and allows creation of regular reports for performance feedback. The Campaign also offers significant program support and educational materials at no cost to the user (www.survivingsepsis.org ). Engendering evidence-based change in clinical practice through multi-faceted strategies while auditing practice and providing feedback to healthcare practitioners is the key to improving outcomes in severe sepsis. Nowhere is this more evident than in the worldwide enthusiasm for Phase III of the Campaign, a performance improvement program using SSC guideline-based sepsis bundles. Using the guidelines as the basis, the bundles have established a global best practice for the management of critically ill patients with severe sepsis. As of November 2007, over 12,000 patients have been entered into the SSC central database, representing the efforts of 239 hospitals in 17 countries. Change in practice and potential effect on survival are being measured. Acknowledgment of Support As mentioned above in the methods section, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) is partially funded by unrestricted educational industry grants, including those from Edwards LifeSciences, Eli Lilly and Company, and Philips Medical Systems. SSC also received funding from the Coalition for Critical Care Excellence of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. The great majority of industry funding has come from Eli Lilly and Company. Current industry funding for the Surviving Sepsis Campaign is directed to the performance improvement initiative. No industry funding was used for committee meetings. No honoraria were provided to committee members. The revision process was funded primarily by the Society of Critical Care Medicine, with the sponsoring professional organizations providing travel expenses for their designated delegate to the guidelines revision meeting where needed. Other Acknowledgements Toni Piper and Rae McMorrow for their assistance in bringing the manuscript together. Gordon Guyatt and Henry Masur, M.D. for their guidance on grading of evidence and antibiotic recommendations respectively. Nine of the 11 organizations that sponsored the first guidelines are sponsors of the revision. Four additional national organizations (Canadian Critical Care Society, Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, and Society of Hospital Medicine), the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and two sepsis organizations (German Sepsis Society and the Latin American Sepsis Institute) have also come on board as sponsors. Two organizations that sponsored the first guidelines (American Thoracic Society and Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society) elected not to sponsor the revision. A. Source Control Source Control Technique Examples Drainage • Intra-abdominal abscess • Thoracic empyema • Septic arthritis • Pyelonephritis, cholangitis • Infected pancreatic necrosis • Intestinal infarction • Mediastinitis • Infected vascular catheter • Urinary catheter • Infected intrauterine contraceptive device • Sigmoid resection for diverticulitis • Cholecystectomy for gangrenous cholecystitis • Amputation for clostridial myonecrosis Debridement Device removal Definitive control B. Steroids Considerable difference of opinion existed among committee members as to the best option for the style of the steroid in septic shock recommendations. Some committee members argued for two recommendations and pointed to the two distinct patient populations of (1) the French Trial (enrollment early in septic shock and blood pressure unresponsive to vasopressors) and (2) the CORTICUS trial (enrollment allowed up to 72 hrs and did not target patients with blood pressure unresponsive to vasopressin), leading to two distinct results. Furthermore, a single recommendation suggested to some that this approach might lead to excessive use of steroids and increased incidence of super-infections, citing the sepsis and septic shock adverse events in the steroid treated patients in the CORTICUS trial. Those that argued for one recommendation pointed to problems with two different recommendations that would require the bedside clinician to choose a time point for classification of one or the other as well as a distinct blood pressure cut-off with the potential for the blood pressure to vary over time. In addition there is inadequate data to provide standardization of how much fluids and vasopressors should be in place to call the blood pressure unresponsive or poorly responsive. They also pointed to the fact that the increased super-infection/sepsis/septic shock adverse events in CORTICUS are contrary to the results of other stress dose steroid trials such as early ARDS (lower incidence of infections) (341), late ARDS (decreased development of septic shock) (342), and community-acquired pneumonia (decreased development of septic shock) (114). Based on GRADE adjudication guidelines, a secret ballot vote was conducted to resolve the issue. One recommendation option 1. We suggest intravenous hydrocortisone be given only to adult septic shock patients with blood pressure poorly responsive to fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy (Grade 2C). The committee vote that determined the current recommendation was: Favor two recommendation option – 19 Favor one recommendation option – 31 Abstain – 1 C. Contraindications to use of recombinant human activated protein C (rhAPC) rhAPC increases the risk of bleeding. rhAPC is contraindicated in patients with the following clinical situations in which bleeding could be associated with a high risk of death or significant morbidity. • Active internal bleeding • Recent (within 3 months) hemorrhagic stroke • Recent (within 2 months) intracranial or intraspinal surgery, or severe head trauma • Trauma with an increased risk of life-threatening bleeding • Presence of an epidural catheter • Intracranial neoplasm or mass lesion or evidence of cerebral herniation • Known hypersensitivity to rhAPC or any component of the product See labeling instructions for relative contraindications. The committee recommends that platelet count be maintained at ≥ 30,000 or greater during infusion of rhAPC. Two recommendation option Physicians’ Desk Reference. 61st Edition. Montvale, NJ, Thompson PDR, 2007, p 1829 1. We suggest intravenous hydrocortisone be given to adult septic shock patients if blood pressure is inadequate with appropriate fluid resuscitation and D. Recombinant Activated Protein C Nominal Group vasopressor therapy (Grade 2B). 2. We suggest intravenous hydrocortisone not be given Vote to adult septic shock patients if blood pressure is adequate with appropriate fluid resuscitation and vasopres- Strong Weak Neutral Weak for Strong for sor therapy (Grade 2B). for use for use not using not using The two options put to vote were: 6 15 1 0 0 E. ARDSNET Ventilator Management (96) • Assist control mode – volume ventilation • Reduce tidal volume to 6 mL/kg lean body weight • Keep inspiratory plateau pressure (Pplat) ≤ 30 cm H2 O – Reduce TV as low as 4 mL/kg predicted body weight to limit Pplat • Maintain SaO2 /SpO2 88–95% • Anticipated PEEP settings at various FIO2 requirements FiO2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 PEEP 5 5 8 8 10 10 10 12 14 14 14 16 * Predicted Body Weight Calculation • Male – 50 + 2.3 (height (inches) – 60) or 50 + 0.91 (height (cm) – 152.4) • Female – 45.5 + 2.3 (height (inches) – 60) or 45.5 + 0.91 (height (cm) – 152.4) 0.9 18 1.0 20–24 TV, tidal volume; SaO2 , arterial oxygen saturation; SpO2 , pulse oximetry oxyhemoglobin saturation; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure F. Use of spontaneous breathing trial in weaning ARDS patients Original illness resolving; no new illness Off vasopressors and continuous sedatives Cough during suctioning PaO2 /FI O2 > 200 PEEP ≤ 5 cm H2 O Minute ventilation < 15 L min Frequency/tidal volume (F/TV) ratio ≤ 105 during two-minute spontaneous breathing trial ↓ Spontaneous Breathing Trial * (30 to 120 minutes) Respiratory rate > 35 Oxygen saturation < 90 Pulse > 140/min or change ≥ 20% SBP > 180 mm Hg or < 90 mm Hg Agitation, diaphoresis, or anxiety F/TV ratio >105 Note: Achieving any of these criteria for a sustained period at any time during the trial represents a weaning failure and the need to return to maintenance MV. G. Glycemic control committee vote Glycemic Control – 90% Total votes = 51 Agree – 34 Too conservative, but accept – 4 Too liberal, but accept – 8 Disapprove, too conservative – 0 Disapprove, too liberal – 5 Disapprove, other – 0 H. Selective Digestive Decontamination Nominal Group Vote Antibiotics Strong for use Syst and oral – Syst alone – Weak for use Neutral Weak for not using Strong for not using 9 2 4 7 8 5 1 3 Syst, systemic I. 2008 SSC Guidelines Committee PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; F/TV, frequency/tidal volume; SBP, systolic blood pressure; MV, mechanical ventilation; * Options include T-Piece, continuous positive airway pressure 5 cm H2 O or low level (5–10 cm H2 O typically based on ET tube size) pressure support ventilation (167–170) R. Phillip Dellinger (Chair), Tom Ahrens a , Naoki Aikawa b , Derek Angus, Djillali Annane, Richard Beale, Gordon R. Bernard, Julian Bion c , Christian BrunBuisson, Thierry Calandra, Joseph Carcillo, Jean Carlet c , Terry Clemmer, Jonathan Cohen, Edwin A. Deitch d , Jean-Francois Dhainaut, Mitchell Fink, Satoshi Gando b , Herwig Gerlach c , Gordon Guyatt e , Maurene Harvey, Jan Hazelzet, Hiroyuki Hirasawa f , Steven M. Hollenberg, Michael Howell, Roman Jaeschke e , Robert Kacmarek, Didier Keh, Mitchell M. Levy g , Jeffrey Lipman, John J. Marini, John Marshall, Claude Martin c , Henry Masur, Steven Opal, Tiffany M Osborn h , Giuseppe Pagliarello i , Margaret Parker, Joseph Parrillo, Graham Ramsay c , Adrienne Randolph, Marco Ranieri c , Robert C. Read j , Konrad Reinhart k , Andrew Rhodes c , Emmanuel Rivers h , Gordon Rubenfeld, Jonathan Sevransky, Eliezer Silva l , Charles L. Sprung c , B. Taylor Thompson, Sean R. Townsend, Jeffery Vender m , Jean-Louis Vincent n , Tobias Welte o , Janice Zimmerman a – American Association of Critical-Care Nurses b – Japanese Association for Acute Medicine c – European Society of Intensive Care Medicine d – Surgical Infection Society e – Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) Group f – Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine g – Society of Critical Care Medicine h – American College of Emergency Physicians i – Canadian Critical Care Society j – European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases k – German Sepsis Society l – Latin American Sepsis Institute m – American College of Chest Physicians n – International Sepsis Forum o – European Respiratory Society J. Author Disclosure Information 2006–2007 Dr. Dellinger has consulted for AstraZeneca, Talecris, and B Braun. He has received honoraria from Eli Lilly (2), Brahms (2), INO Therapeutics (1), Pulsion (1), and bioMerieux (1). He has also received grant support from AstraZeneca and Artisan. Dr. Levy has received honoraria from Eli Lilly and Edwards Lifesciences. He has also received grant support from Phillips Medical Systems, Edwards Lifesciences, Phillips Medical Systems, Novartis, Biosite, and Eisai. Dr. Carlet has consulted for Forrest, Wyeth, Chiron, bioMerieux, and GlaxoSmithKline. He has also received honoraria from Eli Lilly, Becton Dickinson, Jansen, Cook, AstraZeneca, Hutchinson, Bayer, Gilead, MSD, and Targanta. Dr. Bion has not disclosed any potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Parker has consulted for Johnson & Johnson. Dr. Jaeschke has received honoraria from AstraZeneca, Boehringer, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, and MSD. Dr. Reinhart has consulted for Eli Lilly and Edwards Lifesciences. He has also received honoraria from B Braun and royalties from Edwards Lifesciences. Dr. Angus has consulted for or received speaking fees from AstraZeneca, Brahms Diagnostica, Eisai, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, OrthoBiotech, Takeda, and Wyeth-Ayerst. He has also received grant support from GlaxoSmithKline, OrthoBiotech, and Amgen. Dr. Brun-Buisson has not disclosed any potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Beale has received honoraria from Eisai and speaking fees (paid to university) from Lilly UK, Philips, Lidco, and Chiron. Dr. Calandra has consulted for Baxter, received honoraria from Roche Diagnostics, and grant support from Baxter and Roche Diagnostics. He also served on the advisory board for Biosite. Dr. Dhainaut has consulted for Eli Lilly and Novartis. He has also received honoraria from Eli Lilly. Dr. Gerlach has not disclosed any potential conflicts of interest. Ms. Harvey has not disclosed any potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Marini has consulted for KCI and received honoraria from Maquet. Dr. Marshall has consulted for Becton-Dickinson, Takeda, Pfizer, Spectral Diagnostics, Eisai, and LeoPharma. He has also received honoraria from Spectral Diagnostics. Dr. Ranieri has served on the advisory board for Maquet and received support for a sponsored trial from Eli Lilly. He has also received grant support from Tyco, Draeger, and Hamilton. Dr. Ramsay has consulted for Edwards Lifesciences and Respironics. Dr. Sevransky has not disclosed any potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Thompson has consulted for Eli Lilly, Abbott, and AstraZeneca. He has also received grant support from the NIH for a study on computerized glucose control. Dr. Townsend has not disclosed any potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Vender has consulted and received honoraria from Eli Lilly. Dr. Zimmerman has not disclosed any potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Vincent has consulted for AstraZeneca, Biosite, bioMerieux, Edwards Lifesciences, Eli Lilly Eisai, Ferring, GlaxoSmithKline, Intercell, Merck, Novartis, NovoNordisk, Organon, Pfizer, Phillips Medical Systems, Roche Diagnostics, Spectral Diagnostics, Takeda, and WyethLederle. He has also received honoraria from Eli Lilly, Edwards Lifesciences, Eisai, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, NovoNordisk, and Pfizer. References Introduction and Methods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Angus DC, Linde-Zwirble WT, Lidicker J, Clermont G, Carcillo J, Pinsky MR (2001) Epidemiology of severe sepsis in the United States: analysis of incidence, outcome, and associated costs of care. Crit Care Med 29:1303–1310 Dellinger RP (2003) Cardiovascular management of septic shock. Crit Care Med 31:946–955 Martin GS, Mannino DM, Eaton S, Moss M (2003) The Epidemiology of Sepsis in the United States from 1979 through 2000. 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Topic collections Quality of Care; Quality of Care, Other; Infectious Diseases; Bacterial Infections; Medical Practice; Medical Education; Prognosis/ Outcomes; Critical Care/ Intensive Care Medicine; Adult Critical Care Contact me when new articles are published in these topic areas. Subscribe Email Alerts http://jama.com/subscribe http://jamaarchives.com/alerts Permissions Reprints/E-prints [email protected] http://pubs.ama-assn.org/misc/permissions.dtl [email protected] Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 CARING FOR THE CRITICALLY ILL PATIENT Improvement in Process of Care and Outcome After a Multicenter Severe Sepsis Educational Program in Spain Ricard Ferrer, MD Antonio Artigas, MD, PhD Mitchell M. Levy, MD, FCCM Jesús Blanco, MD, PhD Gumersindo González-Dı́az, MD, PhD José Garnacho-Montero, MD, PhD Jordi Ibáñez, MD, PhD Eduardo Palencia, MD, PhD Manuel Quintana, MD Marı́a Victoria de la Torre-Prados, MD, PhD for the Edusepsis Study Group S EPSIS IS ONE OF THE MOST PREVA- lent diseases and one of the main causes of death among hospitalized patients.1 Severe sepsis accounts for 1 in 5 admissions to intensive care units (ICUs) and is a leading cause of death in noncardiac ICUs.2,3 In Spain, the incidence of severe sepsis is 104 cases per 100 000 adult residents per year with a hospital mortality of 20.7%, and the incidence of septic shock is 31 cases per 100 000 adult residents per year with a mortality of 45.7%.4 In the United States, the incidence of severe sepsis is higher (300 cases per 100 000 population) as is the mortality rate (28.6%), which represents 215 000 deaths annually.1 Early appropriate antibiotic therapy,5-7 early goal-directed therapy (EGDT),8 corticosteroids,9 recombinant human activated protein C or drotrecogin alfa (activated),10 and lung protective For editorial comment see p 2322. Context Concern exists that current guidelines for care of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock are followed variably, possibly due to a lack of adequate education. Objective To determine whether a national educational program based on the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines affected processes of care and hospital mortality for severe sepsis. Design, Setting, and Patients Before and after design in 59 medical-surgical intensive care units (ICUs) located throughout Spain. All ICU patients were screened daily and enrolled if they fulfilled severe sepsis or septic shock criteria. A total of 854 patients were enrolled in the preintervention period (November-December 2005), 1465 patients during the postintervention period (March-June 2006), and 247 patients during the longterm follow-up period 1 year later (November-December 2006) in a subset of 23 ICUs. Intervention The educational program consisted of training physicians and nursing staff from the emergency department, wards, and ICU in the definition, recognition, and treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock as outlined in the guidelines. Treatment was organized in 2 bundles: a resuscitation bundle (6 tasks to begin immediately and be accomplished within 6 hours) and a management bundle (4 tasks to be completed within 24 hours). Main Outcome Measures Hospital mortality, differences in adherence to the bundles’ process-of-care variables, ICU mortality, 28-day mortality, hospital length of stay, and ICU length of stay. Results Patients included before and after the intervention were similar in terms of age, sex, and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score. At baseline, only 3 processof-care measurements (blood cultures before antibiotics, early administration of broadspectrum antibiotics, and mechanical ventilation with adequate inspiratory plateau pressure) we had compliance rates higher than 50%. Patients in the postintervention cohort had a lower risk of hospital mortality (44.0% vs 39.7%; P=.04). The compliance with process-of-care variables also improved after the intervention in the sepsis resuscitation bundle (5.3% [95% confidence interval [CI], 4%-7%] vs 10.0% [95% CI, 8%-12%]; P⬍.001) and in the sepsis management bundle (10.9% [95% CI, 9%-13%] vs 15.7% [95% CI, 14%-18%]; P=.001). Hospital length of stay and ICU length of stay did not change after the intervention. During long-term follow-up, compliance with the sepsis resuscitation bundle returned to baseline but compliance with the sepsis management bundle and mortality remained stable with respect to the postintervention period. Conclusions A national educational effort to promote bundles of care for severe sepsis and septic shock was associated with improved guideline compliance and lower hospital mortality. However, compliance rates were still low, and the improvement in the resuscitation bundle lapsed by 1 year. www.jama.com JAMA. 2008;299(19):2294-2303 strategies11 have all been associated with survival benefits. These and other therapeutic advances led to the development of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guidelines12 as part of a plan 2294 JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 (Reprinted) Author Affiliations and the Edusepsis Study Group are listed at the end of this article. Corresponding Author: Ricard Ferrer, MD, Centre de Crı́tics, Hospital de Sabadell, Sabadell, Barcelona 08208 Spain ([email protected]). Caring for the Critically Ill Patient Section Editor: Derek C. Angus, MD, MPH, Contributing Editor, JAMA. ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 OUTCOME AFTER A SEVERE SEPSIS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM to reduce severe sepsis mortality by 25% by 2009. For improving sepsis care, the SSC and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement recommend implementing a 6-hour resuscitation bundle including lactate determination, early cultures and antibiotics, and EGDT, as well as a first 24-hour management bundle including optimization of glycemic control, respiratory inspiratory plateau pressure, and determination of the need for corticosteroids or drotrecogin alfa (activated). Although some of the recommendations are controversial, several singlecenter studies13-17 suggested qualityimprovement efforts based on the SSC guidelines were associated with better outcome. The aim of the present study was to determine whether a national educational program based on the SSC guidelines could improve compliance with recommended processes of care in severe sepsis in Spanish ICUs. We hypothesized that better adherence to guidelines would result in improved patient outcomes. METHODS Study Design A before and after study design was used. The before period (preintervention) consisted of all consecutive patients with severe sepsis who were admitted to the participating ICUs 2 months before the educational program began (NovemberDecember 2005). The intervention was introduced over a 2-month period (January-February 2006), during which no patient data were collected. The postintervention period consisted of all consecutive patients with severe sepsis admitted to the participating ICUs during a 4-month period (March-June 2006). In addition, to determine the longevity of the effects of the educational program, a third observation period, composed of all consecutive patients admitted to a subset of the participating ICUs during a 2-month period (May-June 2007) 1 year later was included. Intervention Ethics Committee Approval Each participating centers’ research and ethical review boards approved the study and patients remained anonymous. The need for informed consent was waived in view of the observational and anonymous nature of the study. Study Sites The steering committee of the Edusepsis study defined the project’s purpose, timeline, interventions, and design. Through the Spanish Society of Intensive Care, all Spanish ICUs for adults (280 units) were invited to participate. No fees were provided for participation. The study was launched in July 2005. The ICUs were not asked to provide reasons for not participating. Seventy-seven medical-surgical Spanish ICUs homogeneously distributed around the country were included in the study. All ICUs were closed units with a critical care specialist on hand 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. The general coordinating center was located at the Critical Care Center of the Hospital of Sabadell, Barcelona. Each ICU belonged to a geographical area coordinated by an area coordinator and at least 1 physician was designated principal investigator in each center. partial thromboplastin time greater than 60 seconds; (4) thrombocytopenia, platelet count of less than 100 ⫻ 103/ µL; (5) hyperbilirubinemia, total plasma bilirubin level of greater than 2.0 mg/dL (to convert to µmol/L, multiply by 17.104); (6) hypoperfusion, lactate level greater than 18 mg/dL (to convert to mmol/L, multipy by 0.111); or (7) hypotension, systolic blood pressure of less than 90 mm Hg, mean arterial pressure of less than 65 mm Hg, or a reduction in systolic blood pressure of greater than 40 mm Hg from baseline measurements. Septic shock was defined as acute circulatory failure (systolic blood pressure ⬍90 mm Hg, mean arterial pressure ⬍65 mm Hg, or a reduction in systolic blood pressure ⬎40 mm Hg from baseline) despite adequate volume resuscitation. Patients All ICU admissions from the emergency department or medical and surgical wards and all ICU patients were actively screened daily for the presence of severe sepsis or septic shock using a screening tool, which included definitions of sepsis and organ dysfunction. When the onset of severe sepsis could not be determined, patients were not included in the study. Severe sepsis was defined as sepsis associated with acute organ dysfunction: (1) respiratory dysfunction, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates with a ratio of PaO2 to FIO2 of less than 300 mm Hg; (2) renal dysfunction, urine output of less than 0.5 mL/kg per hour for at least 2 hours or creatinine level of greater than 2.0 mg/dL (to convert to µmol/L, multiply by 88.4); (3) coagulation abnormalities, international normalized ratio greater than 1.5 or a ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. To standardize the educational program, the general coordinating center organized meetings with the area coordinators and the principal investigator of the participating centers before and after each study period. Before the implementation of the educational program, the importance of the study was explained to the hospital manager at each participating center to ensure full institutional support. The general coordinating center provided specific material for this meeting with information regarding the epidemiology, morbidity, mortality, and costs of severe sepsis. The principal investigator acted as local champion, charged with creation of a local multidisciplinary team with representatives of all pertinent stakeholders, including physicians and nurses from the ICU and infectious diseases, emergency, and internal medicine departments. The local multidisciplinary team reviewed the preintervention performance data and shared ideas about the process improvement goals and strategies. Between January and February 2006, the local multidisciplinary team at each hospital implemented a homogeneous predefined multifaceted educational pro- (Reprinted) JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 2295 OUTCOME AFTER A SEVERE SEPSIS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM gram based on the SSC guidelines.12 The educational program consisted of training physicians and nursing staff in the definitions of severe sepsis and septic shock, their early recognition, and the treatments included in the guidelines. The educational program was implemented in the emergency department, medical and surgical wards, and the ICU. Each center was provided with specific training and educational material including: (1) a PowerPoint (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington) presentation regarding sepsis definitions, early recognition and treatment including decision-making algorithms; (2) a Spanish translation of the SSC guidelines in poster and pocket format; (3) posters focused on the early recognition of sepsis with definitions of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis, and information about its morbidity and mortality; and (4) feedback from the general coordinating center with the baseline period data of each center compared with global baseline period data (audit and feedback). Posters were displayed in prominent places in the emergency departments, medical and surgical wards, and ICUs. Pocket versions were distributed to all participants in the educational program sessions. All teaching material also was available from the SEMICYUC’s (Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Critica y Unidades Coronarias) Web site (http://www.semicyuc.org). The general coordinating center maintained continuous contact with the principal investigator of each center through a mailing list (edu-sepsis @semicyuc.org). Moreover, after the educational program, a survey was distributed to all principal investigators to check that all participating centers had completed the educational program, to know the number and duration of lectures, and to know the subjective evaluation of the principal investigator of the main end points of the educational program, which were institutional support, creation of a multidisciplinary team, improvement in knowledge, and improvement in hospital processes. Process-of-Care and Outcome Measurements The clinical and demographic characteristics of all patients, including age, sex, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score, diagnosis at admission, origin of infection, and organ dysfunction at sepsis presentation were recorded. The onset of sepsis (time zero) was determined according to the patient’s location within the hospital when sepsis was diagnosed. In patients diagnosed with sepsis in the emergency department, time zero was defined as the time of triage. For patients admitted to the ICU from the medical and surgical wards or other non–emergency department units, time zero was determined by searching the clinical documentation for the time of diagnosis of severe sepsis. This might include, for example, a physician’s note or timed and dated orders, a timed and dated note of a nurse’s discussion of severe sepsis with a physician, or timed records initiating referral to the ICU for severe sepsis. If no time and date could be found by searching the chart, the default time of presentation was the time of admission to the ICU. Lastly, for patients who developed severe sepsis after admission to the ICU, the time of presentation was again determined on the basis of the clinical documentation. The primary outcome measure was hospital mortality. Secondary outcome measures included other outcome measurements (ICU mortality, 28-day mortality, hospital length of stay, and ICU length of stay) and processof-care variables. Process-of-care variables included 10 tasks grouped in the sepsis resuscitation bundle (comprising 6 tasks that should begin immediately and be accomplished within the first 6 hours of presentation) and the sepsis management bundle (consisting of 4 management tasks that should begin immediately and be completed within 24 hours of presentation). Time (0 to 12 hours) also was recorded from sepsis presentation to the process-ofcare variables of serum lactate measurement, blood culture extraction, the 2296 JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 (Reprinted) administration of broad spectrum antibiotics, achievement of central venous pressure of 8 mm Hg or greater, and central venous oxygen saturation of 70% or greater. Data Collection and Quality Control Data were collected prospectively daily using preprinted case report forms. Detailed instructions explaining the aim of the study, instructions for the data collection, and definitions for various items were made available to all investigators before data collection started. Completed data forms were mailed to the coordinating center and registered in the database by a research nurse with experience in sepsis trials. Errors or blank fields generated queries that were returned to each center for correction. For quality assurance purposes, data were checked for completeness, accuracy, and uniformity. Also, a random sample of 10% of patients was reevaluated. Inter-rater reliability for the variables was assessed in this sample. coefficients were calculated as appropriate. A reliability of 96.5% of all variables per case report form was observed. Statistical Analysis The study was designed with a power of 80% and a type I error of 5% to detect a 15% relative reduction in septic shock mortality, which was estimated at 45%,4 and for logistic reasons the preintervention to postintervention ratio was 1:2. Therefore, a total of 1875 patients were needed. To reach this number, we calculated that we needed 2 months for the baseline period and 4 months for the postinterventional period with the participation of at least 55 ICUs. Descriptive statistics included frequencies and percentages for categorical variables and means, standard deviations, confidence intervals (CIs), medians, and interquartile ranges for continuous variables. To compare continuous variables during the 2 study periods, the t test or the Mann-Whitney test was used when appropriate. To analyze categorical variables during the 2 study periods, 2 analysis was used. ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 OUTCOME AFTER A SEVERE SEPSIS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Multivariate logistic regression was performed, with hospital mortality as the dependent variable and the educational program, APACHE II score, age, patient location at sepsis diagnosis, and the presence of shock as independent variables. Because the 2 periods of the study took place in different seasons and pneumonia may have a different seasonal incidence, a sensitivity analysis was conducted by fitting the previous multivariate logistic regression model but including pneumonia as another independent variable into the model. Kaplan-Meier curves representing the 28-day mortality stratified according to group assignment were compared using a log-rank test. Because the missing data rate in the study was low (the variable with the highest missing rate was an APACHE II score with a rate of 1.5%), no imputation of missing data was performed. Although statistical tests were 2-tailed and significance was set at a level of .05 for process-of-care variables, corrections for multiple comparisons also were pursued using the Bonferroni method (for the 10 variables, an adjusted significance level cutoff of .005 was used). All analyses were conducted using SPSS version 15.0 (SPSS, Chicago, Illinois). RESULTS Eighteen of the 77 participating ICUs were excluded because they failed to complete the postintervention period. One hundred fifty-one patients treated in these units were excluded. Data from 59 ICUs with a total of 965 critical care beds were included in the final analysis. All ICUs were medical-surgical and most (68%) were located in teaching hospitals with residents in training. The excluded units also were mainly medicalsurgical units, with residents in training (66%) and had a total of 250 critical care beds. Patients from the excluded ICUs (n=151) were not different from the preintervention cohort in terms of age, APACHE II score, sex, diagnosis at admission, patient location at sepsis diagnosis, main sources of sepsis, or mortality (44.0% [95% CI, 41%-47%] vs 45.0% [95% CI, 37%-53%]; P=.82). Eight pa- tients were excluded because time 0 could not be determined (5 in the preintervention cohort and 3 in the postintervention cohort). Educational Program Educational lectures and dissemination sessions for attending physicians and nurses from the emergency department, medical and surgical wards, and ICU were conducted at all sites. The mean time dedicated to lectures was 10.6 hours at each center, mostly focused in the ICU (3.5 hours) and the emergency department (2.5 hours). The principal investigators considered that they received the institutional support of their centers in 68% of cases, but only succeeded in the creation of a mul- tidisciplinary team in 47.2% of cases. The principal investigators considered that the staff’s knowledge improved in 96.2% of centers, while they considered that hospital processes improved in 86.8% of centers. Patient Characteristics A total of 2319 patients fulfilled severe sepsis or septic shock criteria during the preintervention and postintervention periods. The mean (SD) age was 62.2 (16.3) years and the mean (SD) APACHE II score was 21.2 (7.7); 60.8% (n = 1411) were male, 79.4% (n=1842) had septic shock, and hospital mortality was 41.2% (n=956). An additional 254 patients were included in the long-term follow-up period. Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients Characteristic APACHE II Age, y Male sex Diagnosis on admission Medical Surgical, urgent Surgical, nonurgent Trauma Other Patient location at sepsis diagnosis Emergency department Medical-surgical ward ICU Origin of infection Pneumonia Acute abdominal infection Urinary tract infection Meningitis Soft-tissue infection Catheter-related bacteriemia Other infections Multiple infection sites Organ dysfunction criteria at sepsis presentation Hemodynamic Respiratory Renal Hyperbilirubinemia Thrombocytopenia Coagulation Hyperlactatemia Preintervention Cohort (n = 854) Mean (SD) [95% CI] 21.0 (7.5) [20.5-21.5] 62.4 (16.4) [61.3-63.5] Postintervention Cohort (n = 1465) P Value 21.3 (7.8) [20.9-21.7] 62.1 (16.3) [61.3-63.0] .39 .74 No. (%) [95% CI] 529 (61.9) [59-65] 882 (60.2) [58.0-63.0] .41 539 (63.1) [60-66] 243 (28.5) [25-31] 47 (5.5) [4-7] 18 (2.1) [1-3] 7 (0.8) [0-1] 902 (61.7) [59-64] 419 (28.6) [26-31] 86 (5.9) [5-7] 37 (2.5) [2-3] 19 (1.3) [1-2] .65 351 (41.1) [38-44] 385 (45.1) [42-48] 118 (13.8) [12-16] 613 (41.8) [39-44] 641 (43.8) [41-46] 211 (14.4) [13-16] .81 329 (38.5) [35-42] 248 (29.0) [26-32] 82 (9.6) [8-12] 17 (2.0) [1-3] 37 (4.3) [3-6] 19 (2.2) [1-3] 108 (12.6) [10-15] 14 (1.6) [1-2] 503 (34.3) [32-37] 424 (28.9) [27-31] 165 (11.3) [10-13] 56 (3.8) [3-5] 49 (3.3) [2-4] 35 (2.4) [2-3] 170 (11.6) [10-13] 63 (4.3) [3-5] .002 712 (83.4) [81-86] 573 (67.1) [64-70] 615 (72.0) [69-75] 164 (19.2) [17-22] 213 (24.5) [22-28] 301 (35.2) [32-38] 287 (33.6) [30-37] 1191 (81.3) [79-83] 923 (63.0) [61-65] 1076 (73.4) [71-76] 247 (16.9) [15-19] 361 (24.6) [22-27] 503 (34.3) [32-37] 513 (35.0) [33-37] .21 .05 .45 .15 .87 .66 .49 Abbreviations: APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit. ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 2297 OUTCOME AFTER A SEVERE SEPSIS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM The preintervention cohort included 854 patients and the postintervention cohort included 1465 pa- tients. The characteristics of patients in the preintervention cohort and the postintervention cohort were similar Table 2. Performance of Process-of-Care Measurements Preintervention Cohort (n = 854) No. (%) [95% CI] Type of Measure Sepsis resuscitation bundle (first 6 h after presentation) Measure lactate Blood cultures before antibiotics Broad-spectrum antibiotics Fluids and vasopressors Central venous pressure ⱖ8 mm Hg Central venous oxygen saturation ⱖ70% All resuscitation measures Sepsis management bundle (first 24 h after presentation) Consideration of low-dose steroids for septic shock according to ICU policy Consideration of drotrecogin alfa (activated) according to ICU policy Glucose control Plateau-pressure control All management measures Administration of medication Low-dose steroids Drotrecogin alfa (activated) Postintervention Cohort (n = 1465) P Value 334 (39.0) [36-42] 465 (54.4) [51-58] 736 (50.1) [48-53] 914 (62.4) [60-65] ⬍.001 ⬍.001 568 (66.5) [63-70] 1009 (68.9) [67-71] .24 329 (40.9) [37-44] 167 (21.4) [19-24] 630 (46.7) [44-49] 344 (26.7) [24-29] .008 .007 49 (6.3) [5-8] 147 (11.4) [10-13] ⬍.001 45 (5.3) [4-7] 147 (10.0) [8-12] ⬍.001 320 (45.4) [42-49] 662 (54.7) [51-57] ⬍.001 378 (44.3) [41-48] 760 (51.9) [49-54] ⬍.001 381 (44.6) [41-48] 424 (85.7) [83-89] 93 (10.9) [9-13] 726 (49.6) [47-52] 712 (82.7) [80-85] 230 (15.7) [14-18] .02 .15 .001 311 (36.4) [33-40] 51 (6.0) [4-8] 611 (41.7) [39-44] 74 (5.1) [4-6] ⬍.001 .20 Mean (SD) [95% CI] Time from presentation, min Serum lactate measured Blood culture obtained Antibiotics administered Central venous pressure ⱖ8 mm Hg achieved Central venous oxygen saturation ⱖ70% achieved 152.5 (146.5) [137.4-167.5] 136.5 (165.5) [120.0-153.0] 156.0 (167.0) [139.9-172.0] 238.4 (188.6) [219.4-257.3] 140.4 (137.4) [130.8-150.1] 116.4 (146.3) [106.2-126.6] 129.4 (136.8) [120.2-138.6] 241.6 (193.4) [226.7-256.5] 245.0 (212.0) [203.9-286.3] 258.9 (200.5) [235.4-282.5] .18 .03 .003 .79 .55 Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit. Table 3. Performance of Outcome Measurements Preintervention Cohort (n = 854) Mortality, No. (%) [95% CI] Hospital 28-d ICU Hospital stay, d a Mean (SD) [95% CI] Median (IQR) ICU stay, d a Mean (SD) [95% CI] Median (IQR) Postintervention Cohort (n = 1465) P Value 376 (44.0) [41-47] 311 (36.4) [33-40] 315 (36.9) [34-40] 580 (39.7) [37-42] 456 (31.1) [29-33] 474 (32.4) [30-35] .04 .009 .03 28.7 (23.4) [26.6-30.8] 20.9 (13.5-35.7) 30.7 (25.7) [29.0-32.4] 22.8 (13.3-41.4) .16 .25 13.4 (16.0) [11.9-14.0] 7.6 (4.5-15.0) 13.6 (16.3) [12.5-14.7] 7.7 (4.0-15.9) .87 .83 Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range. a Deaths are excluded. 2298 JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 (Reprinted) (TABLE 1), with no statistically significant differences in age, sex, or APACHE II score. Diagnosis on admission was mainly medically or surgically urgent in both cohorts. Patient location at sepsis diagnosis was predominantly in the emergency department and the medical-surgical wards with no significant differences between the 2 periods. The main sources of sepsis were pneumonia and acute abdominal infections in both periods. Pneumonia was more frequent in the preintervention cohort. In the postintervention cohort, patients with urinary tract infection, meningitis, and multiple infection sites were slightly more frequent. There were no differences in organ dysfunction criteria at sepsis presentation, except for respiratory dysfunction, which was more frequent in the preintervention cohort. Hemodynamic dysfunction was present in more than 80% of cases in both periods. Performance of Process-of-Care Indicators At baseline (TABLE 2), compliance with the SSC recommendations was only 5.3% (95% CI, 4%-7%) for the sepsis resuscitation bundle and 10.9% (95% CI, 9%-13%) for the sepsis management bundle. Regarding the sepsis resuscitation bundle, the only 2 processof-care measurements that showed compliance higher than 50% were blood cultures before antibiotics (54.4% [95% CI, 51%-58%]) and early administration of broad spectrum antibiotics (66.5% [95% CI, 63%-70%]). The measures related to EGDT, which required the insertion of a central venous catheter, were implemented in only 40.9% (95% CI, 37%-44%) of cases for fluids and vasopressors, 21.4% (95% CI, 19%-24%) for optimization of central venous pressure, and 6.3% (95% CI, 5%-8%) for optimization of central venous oxygen saturation. Regarding the sepsis management bundle, the ventilatory support was adequate in 85.7% (95% CI, 83%-89%) of mechanically ventilated patients; however, glucose control was adequate in only 44.6% (95% CI, 41%-48%) of cases. The pos- ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 OUTCOME AFTER A SEVERE SEPSIS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Figure. Probability of Survival in Patients With Severe Sepsis in the Preintervention and Postintervention Cohorts According to the Length of Survival 1.0 Probability of Survival sible use of low-dose steroids was contemplated, although not necessarily carried out, in only 45.4% (95% CI, 42%49%) of septic shock patients, while in the rest of patients it was not even considered. Regarding drotrecogin alfa (activated), the possible use was contemplated, although not necessarily carried out, in only 44.3% (95% CI, 41%48%) of patients. Process-of-care measurements improved after the educational program (Table 2). All elements of the sepsis resuscitation bundle improved significantly after the educational program, except early administration of broadspectrum antibiotics (66.5% [95% CI, 63%-70%] to 68.9% [95% CI, 67%71%]; P=.24). Likewise, all elements of the sepsis management bundle improved significantly after the educational program, except control of plateau pressure (85.7% [95% CI, 83%-89%] to 82.7% [95% CI, 80%-85%]; P=.15). The percentage of patients in whom care complied with all resuscitation and all management measures improved significantly after the educational program. Following correction for multiple comparisons, lactate measurement, blood cultures before antibiotics, central venous oxygen saturation of 70% or greater, and steroids and drotrecogin alfa according to ICU policy maintained their initial significant differences. Fluids plus vasopressors (central venous pressure ⱖ8 mm Hg) and glucose control lost their significance. While the recommendation to consider steroids in septic shock and drotrecogin alfa (activated) was better implemented after the intervention (steroids, 45.4% [95% CI, 42%-49%] vs 54.7% [95% CI, 51%-57%]; P⬍.001 and drotrecogin alfa, 44.3% [95% CI, 41%48%] vs 51.9% [95% CI, 49%-54%]; P ⬍ .001), the percentage of cases in which low-dose steroids were administered increased from 36.4% (95% CI, 33%-40%) to 41.7% (95% CI, 39%44%) (P⬍.001) after the educational program, but the percentage of cases in which drotrecogin alfa (activated) was actually administered remained stable. The time from sepsis presentation to process-of-care variables is reported in 0.8 Postintervention cohort 0.6 Preintervention cohort 0.4 0.2 0 Log-rank P = .01 7 14 21 28 569 1050 543 1009 Time, d No. at risk Preintervention 854 Postintervention 1465 675 1201 Table 2. After the educational program, the mean time to the obtainment of blood cultures and to the administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics was reduced by 20 and 26 minutes, respectively. The educational program did not shorten the time elapsed before lactate determination (central venous pressure ⱖ8 mm Hg achievement or central venous oxygen saturation of ⱖ70% achievement). Outcome Indicators The outcome data are shown in TABLE 3. Patients in the postintervention cohort had a statistically significant lower risk of hospital mortality (44.0% [95% CI, 41%-47%] vs 39.7% [95% CI, 37%-42%]; P = .04) and 28day mortality (36.4% [95% CI, 33%40%] vs 31.1% [95% CI, 29%-33%]; P = .009) compared with the preintervention cohort. A Kaplan-Meier plot of the probability of remaining alive is shown in the FIGURE. The ICU mortality also was significantly lower in the postintervention cohort. No differences were observed in hospital or ICU stay in the surviving populations before and after the educational program. Multivariate logistic regression (TABLE 4) to adjust for possible confounders (APACHE II score, age, patient location at sepsis diagnosis, and the presence of shock) showed that the postintervention cohort was independently ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. 613 1105 Table 4. Multivariate Analysis of Factors Associated With Mortality Odd Ratio Factor (95% CI) Interventional cohort 0.81 (0.67-0.98) 1.014 Age a (1.008-1.020) 1.10 (1.08-1.11) APACHE II b Sepsis presentation and diagnosis c Medical1.63 (1.34-1.99) surgical ward ICU 2.39 (1.81-3.15) Shock 1.28 (1.01-1.62) P Value .03 ⬍.001 ⬍.001 ⬍.001 ⬍.001 .04 Abbreviations: APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit. a Per year. b Per each point increase. c Compared with the emergency department. associated with lower hospital mortality (odds ratio, 0.81 [95% CI, 0.670.98]; P=.03). The sensitivity analysis that included pneumonia into the regression showed highly consistent results with the results presented in Table 4 (odds ratio for the postintervention cohort 0.83 [95% CI, 0.68-1.00); P=.04). Effectiveness of the Intervention According to Process of Care at Baseline The ICUs were classified in 3 categories by percentiles depending on the process of care at baseline, measured by the number of tasks included in the bundles completed (TABLE 5). Baseline care of pa- (Reprinted) JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 2299 OUTCOME AFTER A SEVERE SEPSIS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Table 5. Impact of the Educational Program on Process-of-Care Measurement and Outcome Depending on Hospital Categorization According to Baseline Compliance With the Guidelines Type of Measure Category 1 hospitals (n = 20) No. of tasks completed, mean (SD) [95% CI] Resuscitation bundle completed, No. (%) [95% CI] Management bundle completed, No. (%) [95% CI] Hospital mortality, No. (%) [95% CI] APACHE II, mean (SD) [95% CI] Category 2 hospitals (n = 19) No. of tasks completed, mean (SD) [95% CI] Resuscitation bundle completed, No. (%) [95% CI] Management bundle completed, No. (%) [95% CI] Hospital mortality, No. (%) [95% CI] APACHE II, mean (SD) [95% CI] Category 3 hospitals (n = 20) No. of tasks completed, mean (SD) [95% CI] Resuscitation bundle completed, No. (%) [95% CI] Management bundle completed, No. (%) [95% CI] Hospital mortality, No. (%) [95% CI] APACHE II, mean (SD) [95% CI] Preintervention Cohort Postintervention Cohort P Value 3.25 (1.56) [3.0-3.4] 4.42 (1.97) [4.2-4.6] ⬍.001 1 (0.5) [0-1] 13 (6.4) [3-10] 16 (4.7) [2-7] .006 36 (10.6) [7-14] .10 98 (48.0) [41-55] 20.6 (7.4) [19.6-21.6] 134 (39.3) [34-44] 20.0 (7.3) [19.2-20.8] .05 .37 4.65 (1.72) [4.46-4.85] 5.22 (1.98) [5.06-5.38] ⬍.001 11 (3.6) [2-6] 47 (7.8) [6-10] .02 24 (7.9) [5-11] 67 (11.2) [9-14] .13 135 (44.7) [39-50] 20.7 (7.3) [19.8-21.6] 245 (40.9) [37-45] 21.8 (8.1) [20.9-22.0] .28 .07 5.90 (1.92) [5.70-6.11] 6.45 (2.00) [6.27-6.62] ⬍.001 33 (9.5) [6-13] 56 (16.1) [12-20] 143 (41.1) [36-46] 21.5 (7.3) [20.7-22.3] 84 (16) [13-19] .006 127 (24.2) [21-28] .004 201 (38.3) [34-42] 21.6 (7.7) [21.0-22.0] .41 .87 Abbreviations: APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; CI, confidence interval. tients treated in category 1 ICUs (20 ICUs) complied with less than 4 tasks; baseline care in category 2 ICUs (19 ICUs) complied with 4 to 5 tasks; and baseline care in category 3 ICUs (20 ICUs) complied with more than 5 tasks. The educational program improved the process of care in all 3 categories of ICUs (relative improvement of tasks completed of 36.0% in category 1, 12.2% in category 2, and 9.3% in category 3) but only reduced mortality in category 1 ICUs (48.0% [95% CI, 41%-55%] vs 39.3% [95% CI, 34%-44%]; P=.046). Long-term Follow-up One year after the postintervention period, 23 centers participated in a 2-month follow-up study to measure the long-term effects of the educational program (n = 247 patients). No differences in the epidemiological characteristics of patients were observed (TABLE 6). The percentage of patients in whom care complied with all resuscitation measures returned to baseline in the long-term follow-up period (preintervention, 6.3% [95% CI, 4%-9%]; postintervention, 12.9% [95% CI, 10%16%]; long-term follow-up, 7.3% [95% CI, 4%-11%]; P = .003). The percentage of patients in whom care complied with all management measures was stable with respect to the postintervention period (preintervention, 9.4% [95% CI, 6%-13%]; postintervention, 19.6% [95% CI, 16%-23%]; long-term follow-up, 26.7% [95% CI, 21%32%]; P ⬍ .001), and mortality remained stable with respect to the postintervention period (preintervention, 42.5% [95% CI, 37%-48%]; postintervention, 38.7% [95% CI, 34%-43%]; long-term follow-up, 38.5% [95% CI, 32%-45%]; P =.50). COMMENT Implementing an educational program based on the SSC guidelines and bundles improved the process-of-care variables and reduced mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Given the 2300 JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 (Reprinted) incidence of septic shock of 31 cases per 100 000 adult residents per year and the total adult population of 36 million in Spain, 490 lives may have been saved by this effort in 1 year if the educational program had been extended to all Spanish hospitals. The strengths of this study are its preintervention and postintervention design, the large cohort of patients, and the participation of 59 centers in Spain (21% of all ICUs in the country). The mortality, age, comorbidities, and source of sepsis in our study population is comparable with those found in several epidemiological studies on sepsis.4,18 At baseline, the adherence to SSC recommendations was poor; however, this is not surprising because it has been reported by other investigators in Spain.19 Gao et al17 found better compliance rates in 2 teaching hospitals in England, whereas Nguyen et al16 found better baseline compliance with antibiotic use but results similar to ours for EGDT and steroids. In the study by Micek et al,14 baseline compliance was slightly better for antibiotics but worse for the rest of the medical care processes recommended by the guidelines. All process-of-care measurements improved after the educational program, except antibiotic use and plateau pressure control. These were the 2 measures implemented best in the preintervention cohort; therefore, it is likely that they did not improve because there was less room for improvement. On the other hand, the time to antibiotic treatment was significantly shorter after the educational program, and this could be considered an improvement in the overall use of antibiotics. This is the first study to prospectively evaluate the impact of an educational program on guideline compliance and mortality in patients with severe sepsis. This strategy has been tested before in community-acquired pneumonia with similar results.20,21 However, other investigators could not reproduce these results.22 Recently, also in community-acquired pneumonia, Barlow et al23 showed that a multifaceted educational strategy was able to re- ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 OUTCOME AFTER A SEVERE SEPSIS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM duce door-to-antibiotic time, a processof-care variable associated with better outcome. At long-term follow-up, some of the improvements achieved by the educational program had returned to baseline, especially process-of-care measures in the acute phase of treatment. However, it is well-known that qualityimprovement initiatives should be sustained,24 especially in areas like the emergency department in which physician turnover is higher than in other areas of the hospital. Applying the “plan-do-study-act” cycles is probably the best approach to sustain the effect of the educational program. Previous studies found that better compliance with the SSC guidelines was associated with better outcome, but most of these were single-center trials, involving small numbers of patients and did not prospectively test the ability to change clinical practice with a multifacteted educational initiative.13-17 Shapiro et al 25 were unable to demonstrate mortality benefits, but they showed that it is feasible to change the quality of care in severe sepsis using protocols based on the SSC guidelines. Our data showed that there is a possible relationship between baseline compliance with the guidelines and the effect of the educational program, suggesting that educational efforts are most effective when applied in ICUs with low baseline compliance with the guidelines. The decreased mortality observed in our study and other studies13-17 might derive from better identification of patients with severe sepsis or from improved compliance with quality indicators, including earlier administration of antibiotics, or both. Kumar et al6 showed that a 1-hour decrease in the time to antibiotic administration could improve survival. The design of this study did not enable these hypotheses to be tested separately. It is unlikely that the improvement in mortality in the postintervention cohort was due to differences between the 2 cohorts, although it could be postulated that the decrease in mortality was due to a slightly higher frequency of urinary tract infection in the postintervention cohort, which is associated to lower mortality,5 or due to seasonal effect with lower incidence of pneumonia in the postintervention cohort. The sensitivity analysis showed that the effect of the educational program on mortality was independent of the cause of sepsis. Several areas for improvement have been identified through this process, including the rate of compliance with the EGDT-related variables remained below 50% in the postinterventional pe- Table 6. Long-term Follow-up Type of Measure Sepsis resuscitation bundle (first 6 h after presentation) Measure lactate Blood cultures before antibiotics Broad-spectrum antibiotics Fluids and vasopressors Central venous pressure ⱖ8 mm Hg Central venous oxygen saturation ⱖ70% All resuscitation measures Sepsis management bundle (first 24 h after presentation) Consideration of therapy according ICU policy Low-dose steroids for septic shock Drotrecogin alfa (activated) Glucose control Plateau-pressure control All management measures Preintervention Cohort (n = 318) No. (%) [95% CI] Postintervention Cohort (n = 504) Long-term Cohort (n = 247) P Value 136 (42.8) [37-48] 170 (53.5) [48-59] 208 (65.4) [60-71] 134 (44.7) [37-48] 73 (25.2) [18-28] 29 (10.0) [6-12] 20 (6.3) [4-9] 308 (61.1) [57-65] 305 (60.5) [56-65] 358 (71.0) [67-75] 267 (53.0) [49-57] 151 (30.0) [26-34] 69 (13.7) [11-17] 65 (12.9) [10-16] 172 (69.6) [64-75] 146 (59.1) [53-65] 140 (56.7) [51-63] 161 (65.2) [59-71] 97 (39.3) [33-45] 36 (14.6) [10-19] 18 (7.3) [4-11] ⬍.001 .13 ⬍.001 ⬍.001 ⬍.001 .05 .003 116 (44.3) [38-50] 122 (38.4) [33-44] 142 (44.7) [39-50] 166 (87.8) [83-92] 30 (9.4) [6-13] 244 (59.1) [54-64] 247 (49.0) [45-53] 257 (51.0) [47-55] 276 (89.6) [86-93] 99 (19.6) [16-23] 147 (69.7) [63-76] 146 (59.1) [53-65] 139 (56.3) [50-62] 146 (94.8) [91-98] 66 (26.7) [21-32] ⬍.001 ⬍.001 .02 .08 ⬍.001 Hospital mortality Administration of medication Low-dose steroids Drotrecogin alfa (activated) 135 (42.5) [37-48] 195 (38.7) [34-43] 95 (38.5) [32-45] .50 113 (35.5) [30-41] 25 (7.9) [5-11] 129 (26.6) [22-29] 32 (6.3) [4-8] 124 (50.2) [44-56] 27 (10.9) [7-15] .02 .09 APACHE II Mean (SD) [95% CI] 20.5 (7.0) [19.8-21.3] 20.8 (7.4) [20.2-21.6] 20.5 (7.0) [19.9-21.9] .81 125.5 (127.4) [112-139] 116.4 (144.1) [99-133] 117.1 (133.6) [101-133] 212.9 (185.1) [181-242] 237.7 (199.6) [201-274] 126.7 (127.3) [108-145] 117.0 (169.1) [90-144] 148.4 (144.8) [125-171] 211.4 (167.3) [184-239] 243.9 (210.5) [234-332] Time from presentation, min Serum lactate measured Blood culture obtained Antibiotics administered Central venous pressure ⱖ8 mm Hg achieved Central venous oxygen saturation ⱖ70% achieved 150.5 (134.7) [129-173] 150.4 (177.5) [121-180] 162.7 (169.7) [135-191] 211.2 (184.6) [181-242] 202.3 (198.8) [146-259] .13 .10 .01 ⬎.99 .09 Abbreviations: APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit. ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 2301 OUTCOME AFTER A SEVERE SEPSIS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM riod. Additionally, the use of low-dose steroids and drotrecogin alfa (activated) according to a standardized ICU policy improved after the educational program, but remained low. While clinicians considered drotrecogin alfa (activated) more frequently after the educational program, they did not administer the drug more frequently. Further improvement in these areas might help to increase survival even more. Rubenfeld 26 categorized the possible reasons for the gap between evidence (guidelines) and practice into 3 major groups: knowledge barriers, attitude barriers, and behavioral barriers. A recent survey conducted in emergency departments of the 25 most densely populated areas in the United States concluded that the barriers to implementing time-sensitive resuscitation to patients with severe sepsis are shortage of nursing staff, problems in obtaining central venous pressure monitoring, and challenges in identifying patients with severe sepsis.27 The educational program was focused on overcoming knowledge barriers and probably had some impact on attitude and behavioral barriers. Our study has limitations. First, the design makes it difficult to establish a causal connection between the intervention and the improvement in process-of-care variables and outcome. The use of a control group20 or the use of groups with progressive intensity of the education21 would have allowed us to rule out a possible effect of a secular trend on the improvement in sepsis treatment. However, this was not feasible because all the participating units wanted to do the full intervention and ethical constraints proscribed failing to promote the standard of care in some units. On the other hand, the short period between the 2 study periods lends weight to the supposition of a true and strong association between the intervention and the outcome. Second, the duration of the educational program was only 2 months, and a longer educational period might have enabled greater improvements in compliance with the quality indicators and sur- vival. Third, the use of other educational strategies like academic detailing has been useful in other studies28 and should be considered in future quality-improvement projects. Fourth, because the majority of patients had septic shock, we cannot know whether the effects of the educational program would have been the same on patients with severe sepsis who had not developed septic shock. Fifth, because our study was limited to patients admitted to the ICU, we do not know the effects of the educational program on patients with severe sepsis cared for in other areas of the hospital. CONCLUSIONS The baseline compliance with the SSC guidelines in Spain in 2005 was low. A national educational effort to promote bundles of care for severe sepsis and septic shock was associated with improved guideline compliance and lower hospital mortality. However, compliance rates were still low, and the improvement in the resuscitation bundle lapsed by 1 year. Author Affiliations: Centro de Crı́ticos, Hospital de Sabadell, CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias, Instituto Universitario Parc Tauli, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Drs Ferrer and Artigas); Medical Intensive Care Unit, Rhode Island Hospital, Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, Rhode Island (Dr Levy); Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega, Valladolid, Spain (Dr Blanco); Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia, Spain (Dr González-Dı́az); Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla, Spain (Dr GarnachoMontero); Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, Hospital Universitario de Son Dureta, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (Dr Ibáñez); Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain (Dr Palencia); Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, Hospital Nuestra Señora del Prado, Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, Spain (Dr Quintana); and Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, Hospital Clı́nico Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Málaga, Spain (Dr de la Torre-Prados). Author Contributions: Dr Ferrer had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Study concept and design: Ferrer, Artigas, Levy, Blanco, Garnacho-Montero, Ibáñez, Palencia, Quintana, de la Torre-Prados. Acquisition of data: Ferrer, Blanco, González-Dı́az, Garnacho-Montero, Ibáñez, Palencia, Quintana, de la Torre-Prados. Analysis and interpretation of data: Ferrer, Artigas, Levy, González-Dı́az, Palencia. Drafting of the manuscript: Ferrer, Levy, Artigas. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Ferrer, Artigas, Levy, Blanco, González-Dı́az, Garnacho-Montero, Ibáñez, Palencia, Quintana, de la Torre-Prados. Statistical analysis: Ferrer. 2302 JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 (Reprinted) Obtained funding: Artigas. Administrative, technical, or material support: Artigas, Levy, Blanco, González-Dı́az, Palencia, de la Torre-Prados. S t u d y s u p e r v i s i o n : B l a n c o , G o n z á l e z - D ı́ a z , Garnacho-Montero, Ibáñez, Palencia. Financial Disclosures: Dr Ferrer reported serving as a speaker in scientific meetings organized and financed by Eli Lilly & Co. Dr Artigas reported serving as a speaker in scientific meetings and in the advisory committee organized and financed by Eli Lilly & Co. Dr Levy reported serving as a speaker in scientific meetings financed by Eli Lilly & Co and Edwards Lifesciences and reported receiving research support from Eli Lilly & Co, Phillips Medical Systems, Novartis, and Biosite. No other authors reported financial disclosures. Funding/Support: The Spanish Society of Intensive Medicine and Coronary Units provided logistic support for mailings, the Web site, and meetings of the steering committee. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign provided all the printed material for the educational program and the database. Role of the Sponsor: The Spanish Society of Intensive Medicine and Coronary Units and the Surviving Sepsis Campaign had no involvement in the design and conduct of the study; in the collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or in the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. Steering Committee: Antonio Artigas, Jesús Blanco, Gumersindo Gonzalez-Dı́az, Ricard Ferrer, José Garnacho-Montero, Jordi Ibáñez, Mitchell M. Levy, Eduardo Palencia, Manuel Quintana, and Marı́a Victoria de la Torre. General Coordination: Antonio Artigas and Ricard Ferrer. Surviving Sepsis Campaign Coordination: Mitchell M. Levy. Area Coordinators: Jesús Blanco, Gumersindo Gonzalez-Dı́az, Ricard Ferrer, José Garnacho-Montero, Jordi Ibáñez, Eduardo Palencia, Manuel Quintana, and Marı́a Victoria de la Torre. Data Monitoring: Gemma Gomà, research nurse, Centro de Crı́ticos, Hospital de Sabadell, Spain. Statistical Support: David Suarez, MSc, and Jordi Real, MSc, Unidad de Epidemiologia, Fundación Parc Tauli, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain. Administrative Support: Inmaculada Martin, administrative technician, Centro de Crı́ticos, Hospital de Sabadell, Spain. Edusepsis Study Group: Ana Navas, Ricard Ferrer, Antonio Artigas (Hospital de Sabadell, Consorci Hospitalari Parc Tauli); Marı́a Álvarez (Hospital de Terrassa); Josep Maria Sirvent, Sara Herranz Ulldemolins (Hospital Universitari Josep Trueta de Girona); Pedro Galdós, Goiatz Balziscueta (Hospital General de Móstoles); Pilar Marco, Izaskun Azkarate (Hospital de Donostia); Rafael Sierra (Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar); José Javier Izua (Hospital Virgen del Camino); José Castaño (Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves); Alfonso Ambrós, Julian Ortega (Hospital General de Ciudad Real); Virgilio Corcoles (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete); Luis Tamayo (Hospital Rı́o Carrión); Demetrio Carriedo, Milagros Llorente (Hospital de León); Paz Merino, Elena Bustamante (Hospital Can Misses); Eduardo Palencia, Pablo Garcı́a Olivares, Patricia Santa Teresa Zamarro (Hospital Gregorio Marañon Madrid); Carlos Pérez (Hospital Santiago Apóstol); Ana Renedo (Hospital Morales Messeguer); Silvestre NicolásFranco (Hospital Rafael Méndez); Marı́a Salomé Sánchez (Hospital Vega Baja); Francisco Javier Gil (Hospital Santa Maria del Rosell); Marı́a Jesús Gómez (Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofı́a de Murcia); Enrique Piacentini (Hospital Mútua de Terrassa); Ana Loza (Hospital Universitario de Valme); Jordi Ibáñez (Hospital Son Dureta); Silvia Rodrı́guez (Hospital de Manresa); Jose Ángel Berezo, Jesús Blanco (Hospital Rı́o Hortega Valladolid); Angeles Gabán, Marı́a Jesús López Cambra, Alec Tallet (Hospital General de Segovia); Miguel Martı́nez, Jose Antonio Fernández, Fernando ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 OUTCOME AFTER A SEVERE SEPSIS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Callejo, Marı́a Jesús López Pueyo (Hospital General Yagüe); Francisco Gandı́a (Hospital Clı́nico Universitario de Valladolid); José Fernández (Hospital Santa Bárbara); Juan Carlos Ballesteros (Hospital Universitario de Salamanca); Marı́a Teresa Antuña, Santiago Herrero (Hospital de Cabueñes); Manuel Valledor, Jose Gutierrez (Hospital San Agustı́n); Carmen Pérez (Hospital Universitario Insular Gran Canaria); Oscar Rodrı́guez (Hospital Clı́nico Universitario de Valencia); Rafael Dominguez (Hospital Alto Guadalquivir); Josefa Peinado (Empresa Pública Hospital de Poniente); Marı́a Victoria de la Torre, Cristina Salazar (Hospital Virgen Victoria de Málaga); Marı́a de la Cruz Martı́n, Joaquin Ramon (Centro Médico Delfos); Fernando Iglesias Llaca, Lorena Forcelledo Espina, Francisco Ta- boada Costa, José Antonio Gonzalo Guerra (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias); Francisco José Guerrero, Felipe Cañada, Milagros Balaguer, Isabel Mertı́n, Carmen López, Daniel Sánchez (Hospital Torrecardenas); Josep Costa, Milagros Calizaya (Hospital de Barcelona SCIAS); Angel Arenaza, Ana Morillo, Daniel Del Toro, Tomás Guzman (Hospital Virgen de la Macarena); Antonio Blesa, Fernando Martı́nez, Alejandro Moneo (Hospital San Carlos); Jesús Broch (Hospital de Sagunt); Jose Antonio Camacho (Hospital San Agustı́n de Linares); Francisco J. Garcia (Hospital de Montilla); Xosé Luis Pérez (Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge); Nieves Garcia (Hospital Universitario La Princesa); Juan Carlos Ruiz, Jesús Caballero, Esther Francisco, Tania Requena, Adolfo Ruiz, José Luis Bóveda (Hospital Universitari Vall Hebrón); José Miguel Soto, Constantino Tormo (Hospital Universitario Dr Peset); Rafael Blancas (Hospital La Mancha-Centro); Manuel Quintana, Miguel Ángel Taberna (Hospital Nuestra Sra del Prado); Jose Maria Añon, Juan B. Aranjo (Hospital Virgen de la Luz); Manuel Rodrı́guez (Hospital Juan Ramon Jiménez); José Maria Garcia (Hospital La Serrania de Ronda); Isabel Rodrı́guez (Hospital General de Baza); Jesús Huertos (Hospital Universitario Puerto Real); Carlos Ortiz (Hospital Virgen del Rocio); Eugenia Yuste (Hospital Universitario San Cecilio); Juan Francisco Machado (Hospital Santa Ana-Motril); Dolores Ocaña (Hospital La Inmaculada); Ramón Vegas (Hospital Valle de los Pedroches); and Luis Vallejo (Hospital SAS La Linea). 10. 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(Reprinted) JAMA, May 21, 2008—Vol 299, No. 19 Downloaded from www.jama.com at Northwestern University on August 18, 2008 2303 Special Article The Surviving Sepsis Campaign: Results of an international guidelinebased performance improvement program targeting severe sepsis Mitchell M. Levy, MD; R. Phillip Dellinger, MD; Sean R. Townsend, MD; Walter T. Linde-Zwirble; John C. Marshall, MD; Julian Bion, MD; Christa Schorr, RN, MSN; Antonio Artigas, MD; Graham Ramsay, MD; Richard Beale, MD; Margaret M. Parker, MD; Herwig Gerlach, MD, PhD; Konrad Reinhart, MD; Eliezer Silva, MD; Maurene Harvey, RN, MPH; Susan Regan, PhD; Derek C. Angus, MD, MPH; on behalf of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Objective: The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC or “the Campaign”) developed guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock. A performance improvement initiative targeted changing clinical behavior (process improvement) via bundles based on key SSC guideline recommendations. Design and Setting: A multifaceted intervention to facilitate compliance with selected guideline recommendations in the intensive care unit, emergency department, and wards of individual hospitals and regional hospital networks was implemented voluntarily in the United States, Europe, and South America. Elements of the guidelines were “bundled” into two sets of targets to be completed within 6 hrs and within 24 hrs. An analysis was conducted on data submitted from January 2005 through March 2008. Subjects: A total of 15,022 subjects. Measurements and Main Results: Data from 15,022 subjects at 165 sites were analyzed to determine the compliance with bundle targets and association with hospital mortality. Compliance with the entire resuscitation bundle increased linearly from 10.9% in the first S site quarter to 31.3% by the end of 2 yrs (p < .0001). Compliance with the entire management bundle started at 18.4% in the first quarter and increased to 36.1% by the end of 2 yrs (p ⴝ .008). Compliance with all bundle elements increased significantly, except for inspiratory plateau pressure, which was high at baseline. Unadjusted hospital mortality decreased from 37% to 30.8% over 2 yrs (p ⴝ .001). The adjusted odds ratio for mortality improved the longer a site was in the Campaign, resulting in an adjusted absolute drop of 0.8% per quarter and 5.4% over 2 yrs (95% confidence interval, 2.5–8.4). Conclusions: The Campaign was associated with sustained, continuous quality improvement in sepsis care. Although not necessarily cause and effect, a reduction in reported hospital mortality rates was associated with participation. The implications of this study may serve as an impetus for similar improvement efforts. (Crit Care Med 2010; 38:000 – 000) KEY WORDS: severe sepsis; septic shock; knowledge transfer; performance measures; Surviving Sepsis Campaign; performance improvement; sepsis bundles; quality improvement evere sepsis accounts for 20% of all admissions to intensive care units (ICUs) and is the leading cause of death in noncardiac ICUs, yet comprehensive clinical practice guidelines had not existed (1, 2). In 2002, hopeful that outcomes of sep- sis might be improved by standardizing care and informed by data from an increasing number of clinical trials (3– 10), the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, the International Sepsis Forum, and the Society of Critical Care Medicine launched the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC or “the Campaign”) (11). Evidence-based guidelines were developed through a formal and transparent process (12–14). The initial guidelines were published in 2004 (endorsed by 11 professional societies); an updated version was published in 2008 From the Division of Pulmonary, Sleep and Critical Care Medicine Care Medicine (MML), Brown University School of Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI; Department of Medicine (RPD, CS), University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ; The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (SRT), Cambridge, MA; Division of Pulmonary, Sleep, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine (SRT), University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA; ZD Associates LLC (WTL-Z), Perkasie, PA; Department of Surgery (JCM), Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; University Department of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine (JB), Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK; Critical Care Centre (AA), Sabadell Hospital, CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust (GR), London, UK; Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (RB), St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK; Department of Medicine (MMP), Stony Brook University, NY; Vivantes-Klinikum Neukoelln (HG), Berlin, Germany; Clinic for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (KR), Jena, Germany; Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (ES), Sao Paolo, Brazil; Department of Medicine (SR), Harvard Medical School and General Medicine Division, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; Consultants in Critical Care, Inc. (MH), Glenbrook, NV; CRISMA Laboratory (DCA), Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. This study was funded, in part, by Eli Lilly and Company, Edwards Lifesciences, Philips Medical Systems, Society of Critical Care Medicine, and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s web site (www.ccmjournal.com). Disclosure Dr. Levy has received grants from Eli Lilly & Co and Philips Medical Systems. Dr. Marshall has consultancies with Eisai, Eli Lilly, Specter Diagnostics, Bayer, Artisan, and Leo Pharma. Dr. Artigas has received grants from Eli Lilly. Dr. Beale has disclosed payment from multiple sources that were paid to his department and institution (details on file with the editorial office). Drs. Reinart and Silva have consultancies with Eli Lilly. Dr. Angus has participation in DSMB, Prowess-Shock, and Eli Lilly. The remaining authors have nothing to disclose. This article is being simultaneously published in Critical Care Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine. For information regarding this article, E-mail: [email protected] Copyright © 2010 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Crit Care Med 2010 Vol. 38, No. 2 DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e3181cb0cdc 1 Figure 1. Resuscitation and management bundles as provided for Campaign participants’ use. ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit. Reproduced with permission from the Surviving Sepsis Campaign and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (involving 18 organizations comprising professional societies and organized networks of hospitals). The development and publication of guidelines often do not lead to changes in clinical behavior, and guidelines are rarely, if ever, integrated into bedside practice in a timely fashion (15–20). The most effective means for achieving knowledge transfer remains an unanswered question across all medical disciplines (21, 22). Recognizing that implementing guidelines presents a significant challenge, the Campaign set out to develop and evaluate a multifaceted model to change bedside practice to be consistent with the recently published management guidelines for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. A central part of that program was an international registry into which providers could recruit and enter patients and monitor their institution’s performance. This analysis of the registry data describes the global initiative, its implementation, and reports its impact on process improvement and patient outcomes. METHODS The SSC performance improvement initiative was launched in multiple sites internationally to measure changes in the rates at which the sites achieved the targets of the guideline bundles and to assess the impact of compliance with the program on hospital mortality. The Campaign activities included: the development of sepsis bundles; creation of educational materials; recruitment of sites and local physician and nurse champions through national and international meetings; organization of regional launch meetings where the initiative was introduced and educational materials presented; and the distribution of a secure database application that allowed for data collection 2 and transfer, and offered a simple means for providing practice audit and feedback to local clinicians. Guideline and Bundle Development After the development of the evidencebased guidelines, the SSC steering committee partnered with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to develop a quality improvement program to extend the Campaign guidelines to the bedside management of severely septic and septic shock patients (23, 24). In partnership with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, key elements of the guidelines were identified and organized into “bundles” of care (25, 26). A two-phase approach was established, which included generation of two sets of performance measures: the first set to be accomplished within 6 hrs of presentation with severe sepsis (the “resuscitation bundle”); and a second set to be accomplished within 24 hrs (the “management bundle”) (Fig. 1) (27, 28). Sites and Patient Selection Any hospital wishing to join the Campaign was eligible. Participation was voluntary. Participant sites were recruited at professional critical care congresses and meetings, through the SSC and Institute for Healthcare Improvement Web sites, and by interest generated from publication of the SSC guidelines. Campaign symposia were regularly held at international congresses and other venues between 2004 and 2008 to increase awareness and participation. Local champions and Campaign faculty were identified and trained to develop regional and national networks. Sites were encouraged to set up screening procedures to identify patients with severe sepsis based on previously established criteria (29). Sites were provided a sample screening tool in the Campaign manual and on the Web site (30). Participating sites were asked to screen for patients in the emergency department, the clinical wards, and the ICU. Methods of screening were ultimately established locally, and no effort to supervise the quality or completeness of screening was attempted. To be enrolled, a subject had to have a suspected site of infection, ⱖ2 systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria (29), and ⱖ1 organ dysfunction criteria (see Supplemental Fig. 1, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww.com/CCM/A81). Clinical and demographic characteristics and time of presentation with severe sepsis criteria were collected for analysis of time-based measures. Time of presentation was determined through chart review and defined in instructions to site data collectors in the Campaign Web site and educational materials. For patients enrolled from the emergency department, the time of presentation was defined as the time of triage. For patients admitted to the ICU from the medical and surgical wards and for patients in the ICU at the time of diagnosis, the time of presentation was determined by chart review for the diagnosis of severe sepsis. Educational Materials and Resources Educational materials available on the SSC Web site included directions for implementing the bundles and supporting data for each bundle element. A comprehensive manual, Implementing the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, was published in 2005 and included the data collection tool in CD format (30). The manual was also distributed at meetings. It included protocols for participation and links to download the database. It also reviewed issues related to ensuring consistency and quality in data collection. The manual contents were placed on the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and SSC Web sites. Cards and posters of the two sepsis bundles (Fig. 1) were printed and widely distributed. During the course of the study period, initiation meetings were held for participating Crit Care Med 2010 Vol. 38, No. 2 hospital groups and regional SSC launches, at which educational materials were distributed, methods for data collection described, institutional change concepts introduced, and examples of implementation discussed. Ultimately, hospital-level efforts and local protocol development were the purview of individual improvement teams at each institution or network. An e-mail list serve with voluntary membership was established to allow teams to collaborate across sites by asking questions of their colleagues and to direct communication from the SSC to sites. List members were encouraged to share tools, protocols, and experiences. Although no formal evaluation was in place to assess the quality of data entered, concern regarding this topic was the second most frequently discussed area among participants (following concern regarding roadblocks to achieving physician engagement). Two of the authors (C.S. and S.R.T.) served as primary references for all questions regarding data collection and entry throughout the Campaign, and provided training for each site when requested. A bimonthly electronic newsletter was published to share successes, strategies, and events. Bundle Targets and Clinical Outcomes The primary outcome measure was change in compliance with bundle targets over time. We defined compliance as evidence that all bundle elements were achieved within the indicated time frame (i.e., 6 hrs for the resuscitation bundle; 24 hrs for the management bundle). As such, failure to comply might occur either because of the failure of the physician to attempt to meet the target, or the failure to reach the target despite the clinician’s attempt. Secondary outcome measures included hospital mortality, hospital length of stay, and ICU length of stay. Ten performance measures were established, based on the individual elements of the resuscitation bundle and the management bundle. Data Collection Data were entered into the SSC database locally at individual hospitals into preestablished, unmodifiable fields documenting performance data and the time of specific actions and findings. Data on the local database contained private health information that enabled individual sites to audit and review local practice and compliance as well as provide feedback to clinicians involved in the initiative. Data stripped of private health information were submitted every 30 days to the secure master SSC server at the Society of Critical Care Medicine (Mount Prospect, IL) via file transfer protocol or as commadelimited text files attached to e-mail submitted to the Campaign’s server. Crit Care Med 2010 Vol. 38, No. 2 Institutional Review Board Approval The global SSC improvement initiative was reviewed and approved by the Cooper University Hospital Institutional Review Board (Camden, NJ) as meeting criteria for exempt status. Individual hospitals were encouraged to refer to these documents and submit to their local Institutional Review Boards per local policy for documentation of exempt status or waiver of consent. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Human Research Protections clarified that quality improvement activities, such as SSC, often qualify for Institutional Review Board exemption and do not require individual informed consent (31). Analysis Set Construction The analysis set was constructed from the subjects entered into the SSC database from its launch in January 2005 through March 2008. The a priori data analysis plan limited inclusion to sites with at least 20 subjects and at least 3 months of subject enrollment. Analysis presented here was limited to the first 2 yrs of subjects at each site (Table 1). Sites were characterized by: hospital size (⬍250, 250 –500, ⬎500 beds); teaching status; ICU type (medical, medical/surgical, other); and geographic region (Europe, North America, South America). Subjects were characterized by baseline severe sepsis information: location of enrollment (emergency department, ICU, ward); site of infection (pulmonary, urinary tract, abdominal, central nervous system, skin, bone, wound, catheter, cardiac, device, other); acute organ dysfunction (cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, hepatic, hematologic). Subject age and gender were not collected in deference to country-specific privacy laws. Data were organized by quarter through 2 yrs, with the first 3 months that a site entered subjects into the database defined as the first quarter, regardless of when those months occurred from January 2005 through March 2008. Results are presented by site quarter, comparing the initial quarter with the final quarter for all sites and by comparing the initial quarter with all subsequent quarters. Table 1. Inclusion in database by quarter Quarter Patients Sites 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2791 2709 2945 1945 1435 935 940 509 165 160 153 123 76 54 57 34 Because differences in bundle achievement and outcomes could be confounded by changes in the characteristics of subjects entered into the database, risk-adjustment logistic regression models were constructed to control for baseline subject characteristics. All baseline characteristics present in the database were included in the risk-adjustment models, including location of enrollment, acute organ dysfunctions, and site of infection. Site of infection was reduced to pulmonary or nonpulmonary to decrease the number of covariate patterns in the data and increase the utility of the model residuals to assess model fit. Because the collection of some bundle elements was conditioned on subject characteristics, different models were constructed for each subpopulation. The model assessing the base set of elements applicable to all subjects (lactate measurement, blood culture before antibiotic administration, broad-spectrum antibiotic administration, and glucose control) included the baseline subject characteristics as well as these elements. The model assessing the administration of drotrecogin alfa in subjects with multiple organ failures also included the baseline subject characteristics and the base set of bundle elements. The model assessing plateau pressure control in mechanically ventilated subjects also included the baseline subject characteristics and the base set of bundle elements. The model assessing the administration of drotrecogin alfa, low-dose steroids, central venous pressure ⬎8 mm Hg, and ScvO2 ⬎70% in subjects in shock, despite fluids, also included the baseline subject characteristics and the base set of bundle elements. To demonstrate that a decrease in hospital mortality over time was not associated with entering less severely ill patients in the database at individual sites, a logistic regression model was constructed. It contained all subjects entered over the maximum of 2 yrs of data collection and the baseline subject characteristics for the quarter of participation for up to eight quarters. Because sites could enter the Campaign at any time, the possibility that decreased hospital mortality over time was associated with a global decrease in mortality for the same severity of illness was investigated by constructing a logistic regression model for hospital mortality, using the first quarter of data collection from each site, including the baseline subject characteristics and the calendar quarter (1 for the first quarter of 2005 through 13 for the first quarter of 2008). Statistical Analysis We compared raw rates, including hospital mortality and bundle compliance, using Fisher’s exact test. We expressed the effects of predictor variables on hospital mortality, using odds ratios (ORs), including 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for risk-adjusted results. We assessed logistic regression model fit, using the Hosmer-Lemeshow 3 C statistic, the chi-square dispersion, the proportion of log-likelihood accounted for by the model, and an examination of model residuals. We constructed the databases in Access and FoxPro (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA) and conducted analyses in DataDesk (Data Description, Ithaca, NY) and SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). RESULTS Between January 2005 and March 2008, 15,775 subjects at 252 qualifying sites were entered into the SSC database (see Supplemental Table 1, Supplemental Digital Content 2, http://links.lww.com/CCM/A82). Ex- Table 2. Cohort characteristics Site Characteristics Hospital size ⬍250 beds 250–500 beds ⬎500 beds Teaching status Teaching Nonteaching ICU type Medical Medical/surgical Other Region Europe North America South America Patient Characteristics All Source ED ICU Ward Site of Infection Pneumonia UTI Abdominal Meningitis Skin Bone Wound Catheter Endocarditis Device Other Infection Baseline acute organ dysfunctions Cardiovasculara Pulmonaryb Renalb Hepaticb Hematologicb Number of acute organ dysfunctions 1 2 3 4 5 Cardiovascular No cardiovascular dysfunction Cardiovascular dysfunction no hypotension Shock Lactate ⬎4 only Vasopressors only Lactate ⬎4 and vasopressors Total shock Subjects, % n ⫽ 15,022 Sites, % n ⫽ 165 9.9 42.3 47.8 19.3 39.8 40.9 69.2 30.8 69.3 30.7 23.3 71.3 5.4 17.0 78.4 4.6 31.1 58.9 10.0 41.0 47.0 12.0 Subjects, % 100 Hospital Mortality, % 34.8 52.4 12.8 34.8 27.6 41.3 46.8 44.4 20.8 21.1 1.6 5.9 1.2 3.8 4.1 1.1 1.1 12.7 38.2 25.1 40.8 23.0 28.6 31.9 32.2 33.9 41.0 42.5 33.1 85.6 30.8 39.5 10.2 25.7 35.4 41.5 40.5 45.1 45.0 41.8 32.2 17.8 6.4 1.8 27.4 34.4 43.7 52.5 63.6 13.5 15.0 31.0 21.2 5.4 49.5 16.6 71.5 29.9 36.7 46.1 38.4 ICU, intensive care unit; ED, emergency department; UTI, urinary tract infection. Includes hypotension regardless of response to fluids and elevated lactate; bper severe sepsis screening tool (see Supplemental Fig. 1, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww.com/CCM/A81). a 4 cluding hospitals that contributed fewer than 20 subjects, the final sample consisted of 15,022 patients at 165 hospitals (median, 57; range, 20 – 471 subjects per hospital). Data from up to eight quarters were analyzed from each site. Hospitals contributed data for a mean duration of 15.6 months (median, 14 months). Table 2 includes site and patient characteristics. Change in Achievement of Bundle Targets Over Time Compliance rates for achieving all bundle targets over time— both the overall bundles and the individual elements within both bundles—increased over time, although both basal achievement rates and the magnitude of improvement varied considerably across targets (Table 3). Compliance with the initial 6-hr bundle targets increased linearly from 10.9% of subjects in the first site quarter to 31.3% by the end of 2 yrs in the campaign, achieving statistical significance by the second quarter (10.9% vs. 14.9%, p ⬍ .0001) (Fig. 2). The ability to achieve the entire 24-hr management bundle targets started higher, at 18.4% in the first quarter, and increased to 25.5% by the end of 2 yrs, but did not achieve statistical significance until the fourth quarter (18.4% vs. 21.5%, p ⫽ .008). Changes in Hospital Mortality Unadjusted hospital mortality decreased from 37.0% in the first quarter in the Campaign to 30.8% by 2 yrs (p ⫽ .001). On average, unadjusted mortality decreased by 0.91% (95% CI, 0.42–1.40) for each quarter in the Campaign. The results of the multivariable model examining the effect of time in the Campaign on hospital mortality are summarized in Table 4. The model fit well (Hosmer and Lemeshow C statistic of 18.1 with 18 df, p ⫽ .34, accounted for 36.6% of variation in the data, with a chi-square dispersion of 1.04). In both the unadjusted and adjusted models, the chance of death decreased the longer a site was in the Campaign, resulting in an adjusted absolute drop of 0.8% per quarter and 5.4% over the first 2 yrs (95% CI, 2.5– 8.4). In contrast, the model examining the first quarter of data from all sites did not find a secular trend, associated with calendar time, to be significantly associated with mortality (p ⫽ .23). The model fit well (Hosmer and Lemeshow C statistic of 16.6 with 18 df, p ⫽ .55, accounted for 18.4% of variation in the data, with a chi-square dispersion of 1.05). Crit Care Med 2010 Vol. 38, No. 2 Table 3. Change in achievement of bundle targets Initial care bundle (first 6 hrs of presentation) Measure lactate Blood cultures before antibiotics Broad-spectrum antibiotics Fluids and vasopressors CVP ⬎8 mm Hg ScvO2 ⬎70% All resuscitative measures Management bundle (first 24 hrs after presentation) Steroid policy Administration of drotrecogin alfa policy Glucose control Plateau pressure control All management measures Initial Quarter Achieved, % Final Quarter Achieved, %a p Value Compared With Initial Remaining Quarters Achieved, % p Value Compared With Initial 61.0 64.5 78.7 78.3 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 72.5 76.3 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 60.4 59.8 26.3 13.3 10.9 67.9 77.0 38.0 24.3 21.5 .0002 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 67.0 71.1 33.9 21.7 21.1 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 58.5 47.4 73.9 53.5 ⱕ.0001 .003 66.8 49.9 ⱕ.0001 .02 51.4 80.8 18.4 56.8 83.8 25.5 .0009 .24 ⱕ.0001 55.4 82.6 23.3 ⱕ.0001 .09 ⱕ.0001 CVP, central venous pressure; ScvO2, central venous oxygen saturation. a Represents the last quarter of data submission from each institution during the 2-yr data analysis period, regardless of total number of quarter of each institution participation. Relationship Between Bundle Targets and Hospital Mortality After adjustment for baseline characteristics, administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics (OR, 0.86; 95%, CI 0.79 – 0.93; p ⬍ .0001), obtaining blood cultures before their initiation (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.70 – 0.83; p ⬍ .0001), and maintaining blood glucose control (OR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.62– 0.71; p ⬍ .0001) were all associated with lower hospital mortality. Measuring lactate was not associated with improved outcome (OR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.90 –1.05; p ⫽ .48) (Table 5). The administration of drotrecogin alfa in the first 24 hrs was associated with improved survival in those with shock (OR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.68 – 0.96; p ⫽ .02). For those who required mechanical ventilation, achieving plateau pressure control was associated with improved outcome (OR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.62– 0.78; p ⬍ .0001). In those with septic shock, there was no association between mortality and the use of low-dose steroids, the ability to achieve a central venous pressure ⱖ8 mm Hg, or demonstration of ScvO2 ⱖ70%. DISCUSSION Figure 2. Compliance and mortality change over time. a, Change in the percentage of patients compliant with all elements of the resuscitation bundle (dotted line) and the management bundle (solid line) over 2 yrs of data collection (*p ⬍ .01 compared with first quarter). Note that both Y axes are truncated at 40% to emphasize relative change over time as opposed to absolute change. b, Change in hospital mortality over time (*p ⬍ .01 compared with first quarter). Crit Care Med 2010 Vol. 38, No. 2 The SSC—a performance improvement effort by hospitals across Europe, South America, and the United States— recruited the largest prospective series of severe sepsis patients yet studied. The 5 effort took place in 30 countries, was voluntary (no sites or clinicians were paid for data collection or for becoming part of the Campaign), and was multidisciplinary, reflecting the ethos of the founding professional societies. By instituting a practice improvement program grounded in evidence-based guidelines, SSC increased compliance with the change bundles that was associated with better patient outcomes. These results are consistent with other published studies that established the impact of performance “bundles” on outcomes (32–35). SSC was a performance improvement process, and not a dedicated scientific evaluation of the impact of the guidelines on clinical outcome. Efficacy was inferred by observation of change over time, rather than through the more rigorous approach of a randomized, controlled trial. Thus, conclusions regarding the clinical impact of bundle elements, or even of the process itself, must be interpreted with caution. The observation that early detection of infection and institution of antibiotic therapy led to improved survival is consistent with both empirical data (36) and generally held professional opinion. On the other hand, the observation that achievement of glucose control is associated with better outcome is not necessarily supported by recent randomized, controlled trial data (37). Certain limitations must be considered in interpreting these findings. Participation in the process was entirely voluntary. The hospitals themselves are not necessarily representative of hospitals that did not participate, and the generalizability of our findings is, therefore, speculative. Furthermore, we do not know whether the patients were a comprehensive or representative sample of all potentially eligible subjects at each site. Sites with varying lengths of participa- Table 4. Multivariable mortality prediction modela Variable Admission source Ward compared to ED ICU compared to ED Pneumonia as source of sepsis compared to other infections Organ dysfunction at presentation Cardiovascular Respiratory Hematologic Hepatic Renal Site duration in Campaign Per quarter OR 95% CI p 1.87 2.25 1.37 1.73, 2.02 2.02, 2.51 1.27, 1.48 ⱕ.0001 1.39 1.23 1.61 1.28 1.40 1.26, 1.55 1.14, 1.34 1.48, 1.75 1.14, 1.75 1.30, 1.51 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 ⱕ.0001 0.97 0.96, 0.99 .0006 ⱕ.0001 OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit. Model fit statistics: C ⫽ 18.1 with 18 df, p ⫽ .34, log-likelihood R2 ⫽ 36.6%, 2 dispersion ⫽ 1.04. a tion are included in the analysis. Although the rate of enrollment over time was relatively constant for each site, the possibility that the types of patients selected changed over time cannot be excluded. We believe the data are encouraging and supportive of the Campaign’s creating beneficial effects both on patient care and patient outcome. Because the bundles combine physiologic end points and processes of care, measures of compliance may not be precise. However, the improvement in measures over time probably reflects improving compliance, assuming the case-mix was reasonably stable. The independent association of these bundle targets with outcome does not necessarily imply a causal relationship between the bundle care recommendation and outcomes. Failure to achieve a target may be indicative of greater severity, so compliance with the attempt alone may produce the false impression that compliance is associated with reduced mortality. Therefore, attention to adjustment for severity of patient illness at time of enrollment should be attempted. Similarly, failure to achieve blood glucose control, despite attempting to do so, is not the same as failure to make the attempt. Attempting to discriminate failure to achieve a target vs. patient responsiveness adds a layer of complexity and subjectivity to the scoring process that would be difficult to validate. Nevertheless, because patient responsiveness is unlikely to change over time, the scoring should reflect each hospital’s improvement attempts. By combining a number of elements in the care bundles, the Campaign sought to maximize outcome improvement. At the same time, such an Table 5. Risk-Adjusted impact of bundle targets on hospital mortalitya Unadjusted Risk-Adjusted Bundle Target Population n OR p OR 95% CI p Measure lactate Obtain blood cultures before antibiotics Commence broad-spectrum antibiotics Achieve tight glucose control Administer drotrecogin alfa Administer drotrecogin alfa Administer low-dose steroids Demonstrate CVP ⱖ8 mm Hg Demonstrate ScvO2 ⱖ70% Achieve low plateau pressure control Alla Alla Alla Alla Multiorgan failureb Shock despite fluidsc Shock despite fluidsc Shock despite fluidsc Shock despite fluidsc Mechanical ventilationd 15,022 15,022 15,022 15,022 8733 7854 7854 7854 7854 7860 0.86 0.70 0.78 0.65 0.90 0.91 1.06 1.08 0.94 0.67 ⬍.0001 ⬍.0001 ⬍.0001 ⬍.0001 .26 .30 .18 .10 .24 ⬍.0001 0.97 0.76 0.86 0.67 0.84 0.81 1.06 1.00 0.98 0.70 0.90, 1.05 0.70, 0.83 0.79, 0.93 0.62, 0.71 0.69, 1.02 0.68, 0.96 0.96, 1.17 0.89, 1.12 0.86, 1.10 0.62, 0.78 .48 ⬍.0001 ⬍.0001 ⬍.0001 .07 .02 .24 .98 .69 ⬍.0001 OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; CVP, central venous pressure; ScvO2, central venous oxygen saturation. Model fit statistics: C ⫽ 22.2 with 18 df, p ⫽ .22, log-likelihood R2 ⫽ 28.1%, 2 dispersion ⫽ 1.05; bmodel fit statistics: C ⫽ 28.7 with 18 df, p ⫽ .053, log-likelihood R2 ⫽ 20.5%, 2 dispersion ⫽ 1.08; cmodel fit statistics: C ⫽ 24.3 with 18 df, p ⫽ .15, log-likelihood R2 ⫽ 11.4%, 2 dispersion ⫽ 1.00; dmodel fit statistics: C ⫽ 6.61 with 18 df, p ⫽ .99, log-likelihood R2 ⫽ 27.0%, 2 dispersion ⫽ 1.06. a 6 Crit Care Med 2010 Vol. 38, No. 2 approach compromises measuring the effect of individual elements. The fact that performance improvement studies are susceptible to general trends in the change in mortality and clinical practice patterns over time is another potential limitation of the study, but the variable start times for each site established that such effects were unlikely to explain the improvement in mortality. The baseline mortality rate for sites entering at variable times throughout the 2-yr study period did not change. Formal severity scores were not obtained for patients entered into the database due to limited personnel resources in the absence of external site funding and confidentiality concerns. Therefore, decreasing mortality seen over the 2-yr initiative might be explained by the enrollment of less severely ill patients over time, in spite of the static baseline center mortality. To control for entry of less severely ill patients in the database over time as the reason for decreasing mortality, severity was assessed based on variables linked to patient mortality that were available in the database (Table 4). When mortality was adjusted accordingly, while the magnitude of the effect was slightly reduced, it remained statistically significant. In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrate that the use of a multifaceted performance improvement initiative was successful in changing sepsis treatment behavior as demonstrated by a significant increase in compliance with sepsis performance measures. This compliance was associated with a significant reduction in hospital mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock over the duration of the 2-yr study, but the study design does not allow us to say, with certainty, whether this was due to some or all bundle elements, increased awareness of severe sepsis, or other unrelated factors. Many unanswered questions remain that could provide direction for future research, including the mortality trend in hospitals that have not implemented the bundles, and confirmation of which components of the bundles reduce mortality. These results are consistent with an earlier report from Spain (38), and extend the findings of that study by suggesting that the improvement in achievement of bundle targets and association with improved outcome is sustained over time and is demonstrated across a wide number of countries and settings. Professional societies frequently generate evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, but efforts to disseminate Crit Care Med 2010 Vol. 38, No. 2 such guidelines have rarely been of a scale comparable to this Campaign. The results of this study should encourage similar efforts to implement guidelines as a means to improve outcomes. 11. 12. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the dedication and efforts of Deb McBride during the Campaign and in the development of this manuscript. 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