Devil`s Elbow Hellbenders


Devil`s Elbow Hellbenders
Current River, Shannon County
By Stream Team Staff
Stream Teams
Familiar Faces with
New Roles: April Perry
& Amy Meier
Monitoring Minute:
Fine Tuning Data–Part 1
3 Riffle Review
Team Snapshots in Action
4 Teams
Team Calendar
Prize Winners
7 Activity
Stream Team Awards
Activity Report
Level 1 VWQM
Workshops Have Been
8 25th
Educational Float Trip
Coalition Corner: News
from MSTWC
Our Stream Team
Annual Report
Filled with Stream Team data,
accomplishments, and YOUR
photos, the 2013 Report
is free for the asking. To
request a copy, call 1-800781-1989, or look online at
Information for and about Missouri Stream Teams ▪ September/October 2014
Revitalized for a Cause
By Kat Lackman, Stream Team Coordination Biologist
evil’s Elbow Hellbenders (Team 27)
started their Stream Team legacy as
an advocacy group when Bill Debo of
Devil’s Elbow formed the Team in response to
the 1988 Rivers and Streams Conference and
pending Natural Streams Act.
Originally named the Devil’s Elbow
Stream Team for the local landmark along the
Big Piney, they helped organize the pioneering
Governor’s Cleanup on Roubidoux Creek
in 1990 and took every
opportunity to speak out for
Missouri’s stream resources.
The Natural Streams Act
proposed legislation in
Missouri that would have
established a Natural Stream
System made up of Missouri streams, tributaries
and related lands to be regulated through the
creation of a Natural Stream Commission. Bill
was a strong opponent to the legislation as it
greatly infringed on personal property rights
of streamside landowners. As the ripples in
the waters began to subside with the defeat
of the Natural Streams Act, so did the Team’s
After several years of little activity and
not wanting a first year Team number to fall
by the wayside, Bill enlisted another Devil’s
Elbow native to take over and revitalize the
Team. Jerry Mitchell came on to the Stream
Team scene in 2001 and was more than happy to
get involved. Growing up along the Big Piney,
Jerry’s passion for floating and fishing made
caring for the river a natural progression.
Team 27 members
from left to right:
Bill Debo, Jerry
Mitchell, and
Ronnie Mitchell.
Jerry added “Hellbenders” to the Team’s
name after Team members sighted a dead
hellbender along the river. That
motivated them to do more so they
could see more of the endangered
Today, Jerry’s family and
many of his coworkers are involved
with the Team. They hold an
annual cleanup on the Big Piney,
typically in August, and have
also adopted two accesses where they perform
monthly cleanups. Jerry is also a Level 2 Water
Quality Monitor and periodically monitors on
the Big Piney.
Jerry is thankful for the opportunity Bill
gave him to keep the Team alive, and when asked
why he continues to do it, Jerry says, “to keep
things clean, for the fish and animals and all of
us to enjoy.” And we think they are doing just
that and hope they continue for another 25 years.
Did You Know . . . ?
Continued on page 2
Familiar Faces with New Roles
in the Stream Team Program
hese Stream Team staff members may already be familiar faces
to you if you have attended a Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring
workshop or big cleanup event. They will continue to be out and about
to serve your Stream Team needs, but with different roles within the
Welcome April Perry
or the past year and a half, I have
been working with our Stream
Teamers through the Volunteer
Water Quality Monitoring portion
of the Program as a Stream Team
Assistant. I elatedly accepted a new
role as Stream Team Biologist at the
beginning of July. You can still expect
to see me at the VWQM workshops,
but I will also be helping outfitters maintain supplies of the Stash Your
Trash Bags for Missouri’s floaters. While I’m native to St. Charles, I
spent a few years in Cape Girardeau attaining my Bachelor’s degree in
Environmental Science with an emphasis in Biology. My husband and I
are happy to be setting roots in central Missouri as we are expecting our
first child in January. This is certainly an exciting year with many new
adventures. I look forward to seeing you all on the stream!
Welcome Amy Meier
am excited to have been offered
and accepted the position of Stream
Team Coordination Biologist for
Teams in the Northwest, Kansas
City, Central, and Northeast regions
of Missouri. I have gained valuable
experience in the last nearly seven
years teaching Volunteer Water
Quality Monitoring workshops and
providing the familiar Stash Your Trash red mesh bags to float outfitters,
but I’m thrilled to work more directly with Stream Teams in the northern
half of the state and serve as editor of Channels. Even though my duties
have changed, my passion and enthusiasm for sharing knowledge about
aquatic life and promoting the Stream Team Program have not. I look
forward to getting my feet wet with you in this new role!
. . . you are invited to take . . .
Continued on page 3
By Karen Westin, DNR Stream Team VWQM Coordinator
Fine Tuning Your Data–Part 1
ou spend a lot of time and energy collecting
water quality data, so we want to get as much
value from your hard work as possible. Here are
some tips to fine tune your data so that it is the
highest quality possible to best serve our streams.
Consider this a mini-refresher of some of the finer
points that may have slipped your mind from
the avalanche of information we inundated you
with at your VWQM workshops. We’ll review
Macroinvertebrates and Water Chemistry in this
issue and Visual Survey and Stream Discharge in the
next. Here are some of the pitfalls I see most often
when reviewing your data:
● Habitat type & net type. These fields are found
at the top of each net set column. Please make
sure to write the type of habitat you sampled
(riffle, root mat, snag, non-flow, run) and circle
the type of net used (kick net or D-net) for each
net set. These data are important to interpret the
results of your sampling because we may expect
to find different species and different quantities
depending on the habitat sampled and the type of
net used.
● No tallies, please. Tallies could be misinterpreted
as actual numbers; if you use tallies for your
counts, make sure to convert them to actual
numbers on your data sheet to avoid any
● Give an exact count – no estimates. Please count
what you pick off the net and record that number
(e.g., “50+” is not an appropriate value). If you
have an overabundance of a particular organism,
you can note it in the comments field.
Water Chemistry
● Record your chemical expiration and instrument
calibration dates. We do not enter data for
parameters that have missing expiration and
calibration dates, so please record this data on
your data sheet when you are sampling so it
doesn’t get left out.
Check this spot in the next issue for Part 2 of Fine
Tuning Your Data!
September/October 2014
Team Snapshots The Riffle Review
a bi-monthly glimpse of Stream Team activities
Since our last issue of Channels, Stream Team members reported:
l 83.86 tons of trash collected
l769 total activities
l4,119 total participants l235 water quality monitoring trips
l 12,025 trees planted
l17,030 total hours
Check out more highlights below . . .
Students experienced their first water quality
monitoring trip with Ron Williams, Team 4593, on
Black Creek in Ladue.
Team 175 Friends of Lakeside Nature Center held the 24th annual Project
Blue River Rescue with over 1,000 volunteers, removing 822 tires and over
4,000 bags of trash from 29 sites on the Blue River in Kansas City. What an
incredible community effort!
Team 266 Sandy Day at Ezard Elementary School in Conway is excited to
get her students involved in learning about aquatic macroinvertebrates and the
relationship between invertebrates and water quality. Kids and bugs are always
a great combination!
Team 713 The Jacks Fork River Rats recruited three first-timers for water
quality monitoring. “It was great to see the wonder and excitement as we went
through the process of testing the river’s water quality,” said Ted Haviland. The
Havilands find mentoring others quite rewarding.
The Wells Fargo Wagon-noes, Team 4663, wrangled
tires and debris while floating the Big River.
Team 1395 Jordan Creek got a massive spring cleaning by over 120 students
from Missouri State University Fraternity and Sororities in the “Big Greek
Jordan Creek Cleanup” hosted by the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks.
Thank you for the excellent public service!
Team 2099 Gail and Tom Rowley have been busy removing vines that have
overwhelmed the riparian area on Pine Creek in Texas County. They were also
able to take the removed shrubs and vines to create quail habitat. Gail said, “It
was hard work and fun too – Tom and I love working together for the health of
our waterways and wildlife!”
Team 3553 Claire Schosser sure didn’t seem to mind the ice and cold this
winter on Watkins Creek in Saint Louis County to collect her weekly chloride
data. As any dedicated citizen scientist would do, she simply chipped at the ice
to create a hole where she could monitor.
Jim and Julie Lundsted of Team 1417 were recognized
for their efforts on Binder Lake with the Citation Award
by Jefferson City Parks, Recreation, and Forestry.
Team 3876 The Frankes celebrated their 48-year wedding anniversary like
any devoted Stream Team couple – by cleaning up along the Meramec River,
of course! They continue to show their love for each other by spending quality
time together on their adopted streams.
Team 4146 The City of Jackson collected about 60 Christmas trees for a bank
stabilization project on Hubble Creek, and were able to pin down about 50 of
them to help stop erosion in Jackson City Park. Natural recycling at its finest!
Team 4262 The Fritz Family and Friends Team were excited to try a new
Stream Team activity and plant their very own raingarden to catch runoff, their
very first raingarden project. Their efforts will go a long way in helping to filter
rainwater and will attract native wildlife, too.
Save Blue Springs Creek Team 4752 pulled out two
truckoads of trash, including a hot tub, on their very
first litter pickup.
September/October 2014
. . . part in an educational . . .
Continued on page 4
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words TEAM
Reported by Mona McCormack (Team 2800) and Phil Webster (Team 3168)
n April 5, ten volunteers met at the
McDonald’s located on 3101 W.
Broadway in Sedalia. McDonald’s manager
Melinda Dorrel graciously treated the
volunteers to free coffee and Egg McMuffins.
After filling out the appropriate release
forms, the volunteers traveled to the cleanup
site located on a section of Brushy Creek
north of the intersection of Thompson Blvd.
and West Broadway. After two hours of
work, the volunteers collected 26 bags of trash, one tire, and an assortment
of unique items including a valid Missouri driver’s license!
Teams in
Brushy Creek before the cleanup.
Same section after the cleanup.
6 Honeysuckle Hack with River des Peres
Watershed Coalition and Stewards of Grand
Glaize, Manchester.
Contact Michael Smith at 636/296-0667.
6 Grand and Missouri River Cleanup, Brunswick.
Sign up online at
6 VWQM Level 1 Workshop, Rolla.
Register online at
7 9th Annual Niangua River Cleanup, Lebanon.
Contact Carl at [email protected] or
10 Big Muddy Speaker Series, Kansas City and St.
Charles. Go to
13 18th Annual Stockton Lake Cleanup, Stockton.
To register, call 417/276-3113.
13 VWQM Level 1 Workshop, Hannibal.
Register online at
13 5th Annual Taneycomo Lakeshore Cleanup,
Branson. To volunteer, call Deb at 417/739-4100.
16 Big Muddy Speaker Series, Rocheport.
Go to
20 River Festival & Missouri River Cleanup,
Boonville. Sign up online at
20 VWQM Level 1 Workshop, Wildwood.
Register online at
27 VWQM Level 1 Workshop, Springfield.
Register online at
Volunteers (clockwise from left): Mona McCormack, Jacob Karman, Rachel
Aldrich, Jamie Dority, Kristen Finnell, Joe Webster, Chelsea Smith, Ann Webster,
and Sarah ‘Sadie’ Rollings.
t is a good and noble thing to practice and pass on behaviors that take
care of our environment and make our world a beautiful place to live.”
–Phil Webster, Sedalia Slickers, Team 3168
. . . float trip to celebrate . . .
Continued on page 7
4 VWQM Level 1 Workshops, Jackson and
Jefferson City.
Register online at
4 Missouri River Cleanup, Jefferson City.
Sign up online at
4Missouri River Cleanup, Kaw Point, Kansas City.
Sign up online at
5 Greenway Network’s Fall Monitoring on
Dardenne Creek, St. Charles. Contact Larry at
[email protected] or 636/498-0772.
8 Big Muddy Speaker Series, Kansas City and St.
Charles. Go to
10–12 Stream Team 25th Anniversary Educational
Float on the Current River. See page 8 for details.
11 11th Annual Hinkson Clean Sweep, Columbia.
Register online at
11 Smallmouth Alliance Adopt-an-Access Project,
Meramec River. Contact Dennis Norton at
636/537-5476 or at [email protected].
14 Big Muddy Speaker Series, Rocheport.
Go to
18 VWQM Level 1 Workshop, Kansas City.
Register online at
18 6th Annual River des Peres Trash Bash, St.
Louis. Go to
18 Missouri River Cleanup, Hermann.
Sign up online at
For even more events,
see our online calendar at
July/August 2014
Project Description: Please include as much
information as you can about your activity. Include
facts about the project not covered above. (Example:
“Held 4th Annual litter pickup and picnic at Dry Fork
Location Description: Please provide a detailed
location for your activity. (Example: 100 yds.
upstream from Hwy. 63 bridge.) Include township,
range, and section if possible. A good source for
maps can be found at
Measurement : Please list number of monitoring trips,
bags of trash collected, letters written, trees planted,
events held, etc. See code list on back.
Hours spent on project: ______________________
Number of volunteers involved: ________________
Miles of river covered: _______________________
Activity basin: ______________________________
Activity county: _____________________________
Stream name: ______________________________
Activity date: _______________________________
Type of activity: (see code list on back)___________
Stream Team Activity 1
Project Description: Please include as much
information as you can about your activity. Include
facts about the project not covered above. (Example:
“Held 4th Annual litter pickup and picnic at Dry Fork
Location Description: Please provide a detailed
location for your activity. (Example: 100 yds.
upstream from Hwy. 63 bridge.) Include township,
range, and section if possible. A good source for
maps can be found at
Measurement : Please list number of monitoring trips,
bags of trash collected, letters written, trees planted,
events held, etc. See code list on back.
Hours spent on project: ______________________
Number of volunteers involved: ________________
Miles of river covered: _______________________
Activity basin: ______________________________
Activity county: _____________________________
Stream name: ______________________________
Activity date: _______________________________
Type of activity: (see code list on back)___________
Stream Team Activity 2
Missouri Stream Team Activity Report
Please help us
save on shipping
costs; ship to your
office or school
Stay active -- you make a difference for Missouri streams!
This form can be turned in after only one activity
Stream Team Identification:
Team Number:_______________________
if possible!
Team Name:____________________________________________________
Reporter Name:__________________________________________________
Business/School: (if applicable)_____________________________________
Please check one:
Shipping Address: (no PO Box please)___________________________________
City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________
Residential 
Home Phone: (_____)_____-________ Work Phone: (_____)______-________
Updated E-mail:_________________________________________________
Contact Person for Team:__________________________________________
Is there a change in Contact Person?
Is there a change in Contact Person address?
If yes, new address:_______________________________________________
Please provide details about your activities to the right.
Mail this Activity Report to:
PO BOX 180
We welcome
your activity photos.
Be aware they may be
published in our newsletter or annual report.
Thank you!
For more information, contact us at:
Phone: 1-800-781-1989 (voice mail)
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 573/526-0990 7/22/2014
Instructions and “Thank You” and Supply Item
order form on back.
September/October 2014
September/October 2014
Don’t forget to
order your
supplies to the
Type of Activity: Select a code from the
list to the right that matches your activity.
Activity Date: Date your activity took
Stream Name: Name of the stream
where your activity took place if
Activity County: County in which your
activity took place.
Activity Basin: River basin in which your
activity took place. May be left blank if
not known.
Number of volunteers involved: List the
number of volunteers that participated in
your activity.
Hours spent on project: List the total
number of hours you spent on this
activity. You may include planning and
drive time.
Measurement: Please provide a
measurement for each activity as listed
to the right (i.e., LPU equals number of
litter bags, WQM equals number of trips,
SDS equals number of drains stenciled).
Location Description: Please provide
a detailed description of where your
activity occurred. Consider these
driving directions to your location to help
us find where you are.
Project Description: Please provide any
additional information about your activity
that you would like to share and please
feel free to brag.
Stream Team Activity:
Please provide your most up-to-date
contact information in this section.
Stream Team number may be left blank
if not known.
Stream Team Identification:
Please fill out as much
information as possible.
How to fill out your
Activity Report
Stream Team mentoring
Stream workshop attended
Streambank stabilization project
Tree planting
Water quality monitoring
Watershed mapping
Zebra mussel monitoring form
ST display at school, fair, etc.
ST Association activity
Stream Team meeting
Recruited new Team/members
Rain gardens/barrels, green roofs, etc.
Stream access maintenance
Presentation to groups
Pre-activity planning
Photo point monitoring
Storm drain stenciling
Number of projects
Other: please describe
ST Inventory Guide submitted
Number of presentations
New Activity!
Number of trips
Number of trips
Number of trips
Number of trees
Number of events
Number of attendees
Team mentored & events
Number of attendees
Number of litter bags/events
Number of drains stenciled
Number of inventories
Number of events
Number of events
Number of people recruited
Number of events
Number of photos
Number of projects
Weight of line recycled
Number of interviews
Number of litter bags
Number of letters
Monofilament recycling project
Letter written on stream issue
Number of projects
Number of projects
Habitat improvement
Greenway development
Number of projects
Media contact/interview
Grant applied/received
Number of trips
Number of trips
Number of events
Number of awards
Number of events
Number of articles
Number of events
New accesses adopted
Litter pickup
GPS reading
Education project
Forestkeepers monitoring
Award received
Article written for newspaper, etc.
Advocacy on stream issue
Assisted MDC fish stocking
Stream Team Activity Code List
First Aid Kits (limited one per 10-15 participants)
Litter Pickup Bags (green mesh 24” x 36”) for larger trash
Litter Pickup Bags (red mesh 14” x 26”)
Work Gloves (adult size)
Work Gloves (youth size)
Please allow
up to three weeks
for delivery.
Number requested:
S____ M____ L____
XL____ XXL____
These free supplies are available for your activities.
Youth Group
Activity Prize
Number requested:
Bandanas (Stream Team)
Bookmarks (dragonfly)
Bookmarks (spring peeper)
Bumper Stickers (Quality Water, 3 1/2” x 9 1/4”)
Carabiners (Stream Team Keychain)
Colorbook (Stream Team Most Wanted, Grades 4-6)
Colorbook (Stream Team Superstars, Grades K-3)
Koozies (Stream Team)
Mood Cups (Stream Team, 17 oz. plastic)
Patches (Stream Team, 3” round, embroidered)
Pencils (Get Into Missouri Streams, blue sparkle)
Post-it Notes (Stream Team, 3” x 4”)
Scratch Pads (Stream Team, 5 1/2” x 8”)
Stickers (Get Into Missouri Streams, 3” round)
Stickers (I Love Missouri Streams, 3” round)
Wristbands (Stream Team Logo)
T-Shirts (Stream Team, adult sizes only)
You may request these free items in any combination.
Attention teachers and youth group leaders: For a youth group prize, please check
the box at right, but you do not need to include a participant list for group prizes.
New prizes will be available and drawn every three months.
If you would like to be included in our “Activity Prize Drawing,” please check box at
right and attach a list of participant names. Please print clearly. The more activities
you submit, the better your chances! New prizes will be drawn every three months.
Activity Prize items will change every three months.
Activity Prize Drawing
Prize Winners
Ted Haviland–Summersville, MO
Team 713–Upper Jacks Fork River Rats
Judith Dudley–Rolla, MO
Team 3713–Dry Fork ACOA Project
Danny Newell–Nixa, MO
Team 282–City of Nixa Stream Team
Richard Smith–Mount Vernon, MO
Team 3584–River Raiders
Kent Schnurbush–Springfield, MO
Team 2744–St. Elizabeth Seton Men’s Club
Trisha Boulch–Steelville, MO
Team 4717–Huzzah Heathens
Mona McCormack–Sedalia, MO
Team 2800–Smith Cotton High School
Prizes Won
Jackson Kayak
Trees of Missouri Field Guide
Dragonfly Decorative Bird Feeder
Transport Deluxe Fan/Light Combo
Go Gator Washer Toss Game
Plano Guide Series Waterproof Box
Youth Prize: Acorn Naturalist Gift Certificate
Stream Team Awards
For Activities Conducted in
Stream Team Ambassador Awards
Kenneth Thomas III
Stream Team 4660–Joachim Watershed
Christine Endsley
Stream Team 4660–Joachim Watershed
Billy Hackett
Stream Team 4791–Passion for Green
Chris Pistole
Stream Team 3714–Wildcat Glades Audubon Center
CSI Ambassador Award
l Mike Engle
Stream Team 4220–Team Sadie
VWQM Ambassador Award
l Coralynne “Cori” Westcott
Stream Team 4343–Grand Glaize Creek
Ambassador Awards
are presented annually to
recognize Stream Team
members who exemplify
the Stream Team goals of
education, stewardship,
and advocacy.
NEXT Prize Drawing
Colorado Canoe
$15.00 Bass Pro Gift Card
8” Lodge Dutch Oven
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
3 1/2 ft. Cast Net
Personalized Stream Team Polo Shirt
Youth Prize: Amazing Earth DVD
Congratulations to our 2013 Ambassador Award winners! From left to right: Christine Endsley,
Kenneth Thomas III, Billy Hackett, Mike Engle, and Bob Jung, accepting for Cori Westcott.
Not pictured: Chris Pistole, Cori Westcott.
Level 1 VWQM Workshops have been scheduled!
See calendar on page 4.
Sign up soon!
Register at
(Introductory Level Workshop is a prerequisite.)
Please keep sending us
your Activity Reports . . .
YOU might win NEXT!
September/October 2014
25 amazing years of . . .
See page 8
It’s a
Silver Celebration!
25th Anniversary Educational Float Trip On the Current River
Friday, October 10 – Sunday, October 12
Pulltite Access, Ozark National Scenic Riverways
oin us in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Missouri Stream Teams with a two-day, 19-mile float from Akers
Ferry to Round Spring on the beautiful Current River! Enjoy two nights of camping at Pulltite Access, two days
of canoe rental, and all meals provided for an affordable fee of $75 per adult and $50 per child under 16 years of
age. A Paddling 101 workshop will be included for less experienced paddlers prior to the float.
For more information, call 1-800-781-1989 or send e-mail to [email protected].
To register, visit
Registration deadline is September 16!
Coalition Corner
News from the Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition
Help Take Stream Team to the Next Level
By Holly Neill, Executive Director, MSTWC
ou may have recently received a call to action in the mail
asking you to support the Stream Team Program in a
new way by giving financially to the Missouri Stream Team
Watershed Coalition. MSTWC strives to support the Stream
Team Program in new and exciting ways. We want to do
more! We want to unite the voices of the 85,000 Stream Team
volunteers into one LOUD VOICE for our waterways.
Established to bolster the state’s largest volunteer network,
MSTWC enhances Stream Team’s mission of education,
stewardship, and advocacy for Missouri’s waters. Here are
some of our first victories:
We want to help take Stream Team to the next level. But
this is only possible through financial support and we need more
funds to flow. Please consider a donation of $25, $50, $100 or
whatever you can afford to support staff, develop programs, and
continue to strengthen the Stream Team Program statewide!
Our current efforts include:
S Helping Stream Teams recycle tires for free
S Providing grants and scholarships to Stream Team volunteers
SDeveloping statewide educational programs
S Launching the Stream Team license plate
S Encouraging citizen engagement by distributing alerts about issues
affecting water resources
S Spearheading the first-ever publications of volunteer water quality data
S Working to officially declare Missouri “The Great Rivers State.”
SUniting the voices and efforts of 85,000 Stream Team Volunteers
SEducating you on issues and strengthening the advocacy voice for our
SPublishing and distributing Stream Team Volunteer Water Quality
Monitoring data
SHosting statewide events that connect Missourians to their waterways
SRepresenting our waterways through statewide educational
campaigns, volunteer support, and a greater presence throughout
water policy discussions
SDeveloping sustainable funding to continue supporting Stream Team
. . . Stream Team ?
now at or mail your check to:
PO Box 575
Point Lookout, MO 65726-0575
See your invitation at top of this page!
September/October 2014