Twinkle Twinkle - Vertical, Inc.
Twinkle Twinkle - Vertical, Inc.
Twinkle Twinltle - Ekuni Kaori 4/111034:09 PM A Litersry Sallon o {t tlte c:omplete rev-ierv- fiction .lite n{ Rr"wipv, Trying to meet all your book preview and review needs. Twinkle Twinkle by Contents: Ekuni Kaori iq*a{$E}lig$| tl:,r..rcyrelylh*&s | * o..*:ithe g.olthnrt S$.$,€!rIl to e-mail us: ffi illfloEoftcilffI Title: Author: TwinkleTwinkle Ekuni Kaori Genre: Novel Written: 1991(Eng.2003) Length: 213 pages Original in: Japanese Availability:T:ylnklqfviturt{&i- us - rrK Tvi'$$Elg,Trvlgklq - Canada T,;r't4&n{i ?Winkl$,l . Translatedby Emi Shimokawa . Japanesetitle: Kira kira hikaru . Made into the movie Kira kira hikaru (1992),directedby Joji (George) Matsuoka,starringHiroko Yakushimaru,Etsushi royokawa, and Michitaka Tsutsui.(Not to be confusedwith the later TV seriesof the samename) 4lEgriln!0,"-1,u-.*ffi http://www.complete-revi Returnto t{}p of the page- Page I of3 Twinlle Twinkle - Ekuni Kaori 4/lll03 4:09 PM Our Assessment: B : restrainedstory of an unusuallove triangle Seecur reviervfor fuller assessment. *m-nEflt# The complete revieyy'sReview: Twinkle Twinkle is narratedin alternatingchaptersby the Kishidas, Mutsuki and Shoko.They arepractically newlywedswhen the book begins.Mutsuki is a doctor,while Shokodoestranslationwork from Italian. As Shokosaysearly on: "explainingour marriageis no simple matter".In a societywhere appearances are of greatsignificanceneither of them is really an ideal marriage-partner: Mutsuki is emphatically homosexual(and still hasa boyfriend,Kon), while Shokoisn't entirely mentally stable(andteeterscloseto alcoholism).Their in-laws were not awareof theserespectiveflaws in their children'smateswhen the marriagewas affanged,and are naturallytroubledwhen they are revealed. The marriageis one of convenience,in away -- it's importantfor the doctor'scareer,for example-- but there'salso a genuinesort of affection betweenthe new husbandand wife, asthey find a certaincomfort with eachother.Outsidepressures,however,weigh on them -- for example, the parents'questionsaboutwhen offspring canbe expected.As Shoko says: My carefree,convenientmarriagewas as fun as playing at house,but it camewith a price after all. ShokoacceptsMutsuki'srelationshipwith Kon, but it alsoputs a strainon the marriage,especiallywhen Mutsuki tries to setup Shokowith a boyfriend of her own. Shoko'sinquiriesinto artificial inseminationalso complicatematters. The marriageisn't built on very soundfooting, and looks to break down underparentaland societalpressuresand personalweaknesses, but ultimately the Kishidasdo comeup with a solutionof sorts.Neither seemedto havehigh expectationsfor it -- with Shokosaying: It was fine to havemarriageslike ours. You didn't expectmuch, you didn't wish for much. You didn't lose anything,therewas nothing to be afraid of. But they cometo seethat there'smore to it than that -- and to figure out how to hold onto it. apannedekunik.htm Page2 of 3 Twinkle Twinkle - Ekuni Kaori 4111103 4:09 PM A Literary Soloon the cornplete rev-ierv- fiction o (v. Site of Revieta. Trying to meet all your book preview and review needs. Twinkle Twinkle by Contents: Ekuni Kaori Nlnin NEhI th+Elest th* R,*st genqruliqlbrl:latiql$| ,,rrlrrelieni | l,i*&SI about th* authcr' l"evielr' Xndex l-,inks :v,1 ailHaeD!,1.csln ttr+]li!.!!n*f.:::!:!iJ\!].l1ft6]:: to e-mail us: Title: Author: TwinkleTwinkle Ekuni Kaori Genre: Written: Novel 1 9 9 1( E n g . 2 0 0 3 ) Length: 213 pages Original in: Japanese Availability: Trv:s&b -us Twinktre Tr.vinkl*-rx Tln'inkle_ Twinkl* ffi Blnanflnsflfn {#! ffisr - Canada . Translatedby Emi Shimokawa r Japanesetille: Kira kira hikaru . Made into the movie Kira kira hikaru (1992),directedby Joji (George) Matsuoka,starringHiroko Yakushimaru,Etsushi Toyokawa,and Michitaka Tsutsui.(Not to be confusedwith the later TV seriesof the samename) - Returnto lop of the page apannew/ekunik.htm Page1 of3