Powder Magazine
Powder Magazine
03 04 05 06 07 08 RE ADER FAC T S & FIGURES EDITORIAL CALENDAR ADVERTISING R AT E S S PE C I F I C AT I O N S BRAND EXTENSIONS D I G I TA L 1/2 D I G I TA L 2/2 CO N TAC T MEDIA KIT 2 015 / 2 016 Volume 44 Intro “Everyone wants to chase the mass. Particularly in media, everyone wants big numbers. We don’t want big numbers. We want engaged, quality readers, listeners, viewers… We want to create and craft an environment where we’re not getting into a discussion about cost per thousands. It’s the cost of a quality audience.” —Tyler Brule, Monocle editor For 44 years, Powder has strived for skiers’ attention by conveying the realities of our beloved pastime with irreverent wit and quality storytelling. What denotes quality? It’s a sincere effort to uncover the authentic—characters and places, therein— without trite or convenient fabrications. Of course, everyone—you, Powder, our collective audience—want to effectively promote what we’ve all worked hard to achieve. We use quantitative tools to measure the qualitative effect. And now that promotion has seen a greater investment in content from brands and individuals striving to tell their own stories. For the last four decades—and, most notably, the last five years with the rise of multiple storytelling channels—we’ve earned the trust of our audience by telling accessible stories of the common skier to the common skier. The goal for originality has taken us down different roads— from the magazine to website to video and digital features—but the message has remained consistent. Because of this, Powder’s vibrant and intelligent audience demands legitimacy, leery of contrived messaging, as if they’re looking to avoid a sharky rock hiding underneath the illusion of deep powder. In the following pages, we give you the tools to make an educated decision as to why Powder attracts the very audience you’re hoping to reach. We could champion our strength and breadth by highlighting our seven national media awards—for print and digital—the last two years or our burgeoning print and digital readership and engagement. But really, the story is the actual story, and Powder has been doing it longer with one goal in mind: quality. —JOHN STIFTER CHRISTIAN PONDELLA/NIMBUS 02 BLAKE JORGENSON/MSP 01 01 P O W D E R M E D I A K I T 2 0 15 / 2 0 16 REUBEN KRABBE RE ADER FAC T S & FIGURES Print Demographics AGE 13-17 3% 18-24 18% 25-34 38% 35-44 22% 45-54 14% 55+ 5% Median Age: 34 SEX INFLUENCE Male 90% Female 10% - Median HHI: $102,500 - Employed Full Time: 75% -C onsider themselves a peer group leader: 78% -H ave advised others on ski travel: 83% -A verage # of times have advised others on ski travel: 10 -H ave advised others on ski equipment/clothing: 82% -A verage # of times have advised others on the purchase of ski equipment/clothing: 12 - Have made a purchase in the last year as a result of reading an advertisement in POWDER: 54% E D U C AT I O N COMMITTED TO POWDER - Bachelors/graduate degree: 71% - Average # of years subscribing to Powder : 11.1 - Read it cover to cover: 62% INCOME - Average hours spent reading each issue: 3 - Keep each issue of Powder : 67% - Pass thier issue of Powder along to others: 26% SKIING EXPERIENCE P OW DE R R E PR E SE N T S T H E M OS T DE D I C ATE D, A FFLUE N T A N D QUA LIFIE D CO N SU M E R S I N SK I I N G . -A verage # of days skied per season: 39 -A dvanced/expert/pro-level skier: 95% -A verage # of years as a skier: 27 -O wn a season pass: 77% O T H E R AT H L E T I C I N T E R E S T S - Hiking: 79% - Mountain Biking: 66% - C amping: 64% - Running/Jogging: 49% - Road Cycling: 39% T R AV E L - Canoeing and Kayaking: 36% - Climbing: 29% - Surfing: 20% - C ow-Tipping: 5% -T ook an overnight ski trip in the past year: 86% -A verage amount spent on ski travel last year: $2,956 -A verage # of ski trips taken in the last year: 7.8 -A verage # of days per trip: 4.8 Winner of 3 Western Publishing Association 2014 Maggie Awards: T O TA L C I R C U L AT I O N 45% -T otal distribution: 105,500 - Circulation: 72,500 -T otal reach: 326,250 [average of 4.5 readers per copy] - Subscribers/Controlled: 49,500 BEST SERIES OF ARTICLES: “DEEP: THE FUTURE OF SNOW IN AMERICAN AND EUROPE” 3% BEST VIDEO CHANNEL: POWDER T V NORTH AMERICA BEST ORIGINAL OR REPLICA OF A D I G I TA L P U B L I C AT I O N F O R A TA B L E T: “ F R O Z E N I N T I M E ” C I R C U L AT I O N B Y R E G I O N Canada: 3% Foreign Markets: 2% - Plan to buy skis/boots in the next 12 months: 76% - Plan to buy ski apparel in the next 12 months: 72% - Average amount spent on ski equipment last year: $1,850 - Purchase items at a local retailer: 62% 2015 National Magazine Awards Finalist, Multimedia Category: “The Human Factor” Circulation Pacific and Mountain: 45% New England and Atlantic: 33% Central: 17% PURCHASING 2% FOREIGN MARKETS 45% 17% 33% 02 P O W D E R M E D I A K I T 2 0 15 / 2 0 16 EDITORIAL CALENDAR Monthly Issues ISSUE DAT E S DESCRIPTION Buyer’s Guide Trans-Siberia Traverse Space Close: Jun. 16, 2015 Materials Due: Jun. 23, 2015 September 2015 Volume 44.1 On Sale: Aug. 21, 2015 The must-read issue for gear-junky skiers. Now that over 80 percent of consumers read online reviews before purchasing, the print replicated digital Buyer’s Guide features the ability to purchase from e-commerce partner. Accompanied by Sherpas Cinema, Powder documented the untold: Russia’s 9,300-kilometer-long Trans-Siberia Traverse. Apparel Guide Switzerland On-Location Space Close: Jul. 22, 2015 Materials Due: Jul. 29, 2015 October 2015 Volume 44.2 On Sale: Sept. 25, 2015 Resort Guide & Heli/Cat Guide Ski Town Throwdown Space Close: Aug. 18, 2015 Materials Due: Aug. 25, 2015 On Sale: Oct. 23, 2015 November 2015 Volume 44.3 Patagonia, Real Women, & The End Game Space Close: Sept. 23, 2015 Materials Due: Sept. 30, 2015 December 2015 Volume 44.4 On Sale: Nov. 20, 2015 The Photo Annual Space Close: Oct. 20, 2015 Materials Due: Oct. 27, 2015 January 2016 Volume 44.5 Far Out Way Back When On Sale: Dec. 18, 2015 Space Close: Dec. 1, 2015 Materials Due: Dec. 7, 2015 Powder introduces its first European on-location issue: Switzerland. Where else to showcase the exotic than the birthplace of Alpine culture? Coinciding is the Apparel Buyer’s Guide based off feedback from the Fourth Annual Thread The Needle on-hill event, with full digital replicaiton and one-click purchasing. Where’s the best place to ski and take the dream trip with friends? The Resort Guide, Heli/Cat Guide, and award-winning Ski Town Throwdown contest have the answers. A unique combination of editorial perspective combined with the popular vote to determine the most popular ski resort in North America. Powder continues its tradition of premium storytelling by traveling through the American West in search of the most passionate non-pro female skiers going. We also travel to the new Patagonia National Park in Chile, while revisiting how the ski industry pushes skiers to go farther and further with the responsibility and consequences thererin. The best ski photographers in the world come to Powder first. And we save the most unique and beautiful images for the Photo Annual. In one of the best-selling issues, Powder travels to British Columbia in a quest for deep pow and zany characters atop and around three mountain passes. On Sale: Jan. 29, 2016 Ever skied West Virginia? Honky-tonks, coal, and deer steaks will be featured alongside an essay on the lost histories of skiing’s most classic haunts— Whistler, Steamboat, Sugarloaf, Mammoth, and more. While we look back, we look forward to two of skiing’s most influential characters—Phil Casabon and Henrik Harlaut. ISSUE DAT E S DESCRIPTION Gear Guide Space Close: Sept. 9 2015 Materials Due: Sept. 16, 2015 A newsstand-only issue, the Gear Guide is a compilation of over 300 products from the Buyer’s Guide, Apparel Guide, and Holiday Gift Guide (accessories). Targeted to the news stand only consumer who typically buys later in the season, closer to the holidays. February 2016 Volume 44.6 Newsstand-Only Issue Gear Guide SIP Volume 44 SIP On Sale: Nov. 6, 2015 03 P O W D E R M E D I A K I T 2 0 15 / 2 0 16 DARCY BACHA A DV E R T I S I N G R AT E S Rates 4-COLOR 1× 3× 6× 9× 12× 18× 24× COVERS* 1× 2 Page Spread $19,332 $18,173 $16,240 $14,693 $14,113 $12,760 $12,373 Cover 2 $12,210 Full Page $10,175 $9,565 $ 8,547 $7,733 $7,428 $6,716 $6,512 Cover 3 $11,193 2/3 Page $ 8,140 $7,652 $6,838 $6,186 $5,942 $5,372 $5,210 Cover 4 $12,210 1/2 Page $6,105 $5,739 $5,128 $4,640 $4,457 $4,029 $3,907 1/3 Page $4,070 $3,826 $3,419 $3,093 $2,971 $2,686 $2,605 *C overs are sold on a first right of refusal basis. 5% spread discount given for single product spreads. Special Sections MARKETPL ACE 1× 2× 3× CLASSIFIEDS 1/9 Page $1,200 $1,000 $1,000 2 Inch $750 2/9 Page $2,300 $2,100 $1,900 1 Inch $400 GIFT GUIDE (DECEMBER ISSUE) $1,200 1/6 (4-Color) Digital FIXED PL ACEMENT UNITS (6 MONTH MINIMUM) 950×100 Home, Video pages $1000/month, 20% SOV 300×600 Home, Premium pages $1500/month, 20% SOV 950×700 Photo Page $750/month, 25% SOV (expandable) 950×700 Photo Page $750/month, 25% SOV (expandable) 2. 3. 1. FIXED PL ACEMENT UNITS (6 MONTH MINIMUM) Home Page Takeover 24 Hours: $1,500 - $2,500 In-Video Pop Up Custom Billboard 970x250 (ROS) $5000/month Interstitial 970x700 (Video) $5000/24 hours (100% homepage & 1x ROS) TA R G E T I N G R AT E S • Run of Network • Run of Site • Geotargeted • S ection/Page targeted • Newsletters •R OS: $15 CPM (.jpg .png .gif) • Rich Media $18 CPM (.swf) • Pre-roll video: $35 CPM •1 0% increase for Geo-targeting •2 5% increase for roadblock 4. P O W D E R .C O M B A S I C L AYO U T P OW D E R S TA N DA R D U N I T S 1.) 950×90—Leaderboard 2.) 9 50×250—Billboard 3.) 3 00×250—Med. Rectangle 3.) 300×600—Large Rectangle 04 P O W D E R M E D I A K I T 2 0 15 / 2 0 16 BLAKE JORGENSON/MSP S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Specifications SPREAD 1/ 2 PAG E S P R E A D F U L L PAG E 1/ 2 PAG E HORZ. AD SIZE TRIM BLEED NON-BLEED Spread 18˝× 10.875˝ 18.25˝× 11.125˝ 17˝× 9.875˝ Full Page 9˝× 10.875˝ 9.25˝× 11.125˝ 8˝× 9.875˝ 1/2 Page Spread 18˝× 5.3125˝ 18.25˝× 5.5625˝ 17˝× 4.8125˝ 1/2 Horizontal 9˝× 5.3125˝ 9.25˝× 5.5625˝ 8˝× 4.8125˝ 2/3 Vertical 5.75˝× 10.875˝ 6˝× 11.125˝ 5.25˝× 9.875˝ 1/3 Vertical 3.0625˝× 10.875˝ 3.3125˝ × 11.125˝ 2.5625˝× 9.875˝ 5.25˝× 4.8125˝ 1/3 Square S E N D M AT E R I A L S T O : MARKETPL ACE SIZE 2 / 3 PAG E V E R T. 1/ 9 PAG E V E R T. 1/ 3 PAG E V E R T. 2 / 9 PAG E V E R T. 1/3 SQUARE 2 / 9 PAG E HORZ. The gray box represents the ad size on the page layout Production Info 1/9 Page Vertical 2.5625˝× 3.1875˝ 2/9 Page Vertical 2.5625˝× 6.4375˝ 2/9 Page Horizontal 5.25˝× 3.1875˝ Trim Size: 9˝× 10.875˝ Safety Area: 8.5˝× 10.375˝ For bleed ads hold all live matter at least 0.25˝ inside trim edges To use the Ad Portal, you will need to register as a user: PREFERRED FILE TYPES PDF/X-1a, Illustrator 8.0 + EPS TIFF/ IT-P1 Accepted File Types: Illustrator 8.0 + EPS, Photoshop 6.0 + EPS MEDIA Files can be sent on DVD or via our Ad Portal, an electronic filetransmission system for the delivery of print advertisement files to its publications. This system offers a faster and more efficient process submitting advertisement materials. 1. G o to http://adportal. sourceinterlink.com 2. Click on “Register.” 3. Fill in the form. Areas marked with a red asterisk need to be filled in before you can continue. 4. C lick the blue “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. ALWAYS INCLUDE A LO-RES JPG FOR OUR REFERENCE. Also there MUST be a file extension appended to the end of the file name (i.e. jpg). Powder Magazine Attn: Katie Matteson (Ad Coordinator) [email protected] Please refer to our web site for complete digital requirements and FAQ: PowderMediaKit.com PROOFS COLORS A content proof MUST be submitted with every ad–no exceptions! Advertisers must supply a “contact quality,” SWOP-Certified proof with color bar for all 4/C ads. Clients who send a laser or do not send a proof at all will be charged $60 to pull an acceptable 4/C proof. A complete list of SWOP-certified systems is available online: http://swop.org/ certification/certmfg.asp No RGB or Pantone color spaces. Please check your color pallets in Quark, Illustrator, InDesign, etc., to make sure there are no RGB or Pantone defined color spaces. The effective resolution of images should be 300 dpi. Exceptions: if you paid for a fifth color in your ad, it must be from a Pantone library and set to “spot.” If you have purchased a fifth color, you must provide a fifth-color separation proof. P O W D E R M E D I A K I T 2 0 15 / 2 0 16 05 DAV I D R E D D I C K BRAND EXTENSIONS Celebrating its 15th anniversary, the annual Powder Awards and Powder Poll returned to downtown Salt Lake City at The Depot on December 6, 2014, for its second straight year to honor the artistry and athleticism in ski film and photography. Recognized by the industry, athletes, and fans as the pinnacle awards show in skiing, the 15th annual show continued to be the marquee red-carpet event attended by the biggest names in the industry. A historical theme played out throughout the show, honoring past winners as guest speakers, who included the likes of Kent Kreitler, Kim Reichelm, Scott Markewitz, Aaron McGovern, and Gordy Peifer. The event was open to the public, who made a mandatory $12 donation that benefited the nonprofit High Fives Foundation. For those who couldn’t make it, they tuned-in to the live red-carpet webcast. Tune-in to PowderAwards.com. to watch the show. Powder To The People Tour Back by popular demand the P2P tour returns after a seven year hiatus. One of the most successful grass-roots activations within the skiing-resort community, the two week mobile tour travels coast to coast (two satellite teams) in early April. As part of the first ever Pond Skimming World Championships Powder has selected four marquee resort locations to partake in the annual year end celebration and crown four local champions. Each will be pre-qualified for the PSWC in Sunshine Village, Alberta where one well deserved male and female will be crowned as World Champions! 2001 W I N N I N G T H E F I R S T- E V E R F U L L T H R O T T L E AWARD C ALL S FOR A 40 OZ . OF OLED E . A ARON McGOVERN OBLIGES. 2014 CEL EB R AT IN G 2005 CANDIDE THOVEX WINS HIS SECOND BES T TRICK POWDER AWARD FOR GOING A B S O L U T E LY M A S S I V E I N M AT C H S T I C K PRODUCTIONS’ YEARBOOK. 15 YEARS OF SKIING AN ORIGINAL FILM CALLS FOR AN ORIGINAL A C C E P TA N C E S P E E C H , O R S O M E T H I N G L I K E T H AT. SWEETGR ASS PRODUC TIONS ACCEPTS THE PRESTIGIOUS M OV IE O F T H E Y E A R AWA R D FO R VA L H A L L A . THE POWDER POLL IS LIVE. VOTE FOR YO UR FAVORITE SKIERS A ND W IN A PRIZE PACK AGE. C L I C K- I N T O P O W D E R A W A R D S . C O M A ND M A KE YO UR VOICE HE A RD. DECEMBER 5, 2014 SALT L AKE CIT Y, UTAH THE DEPOT 2007 THE MAN WHO HAS WON MORE POWDER POLLS THAN ANY OTHER SKIER, SETH M O R R I S O N A L S O W O N B E S T N AT U R A L A I R I N T G R ’ S A N O M A LY. #POWDERAWARDS #POWDERAWARDS 2009 2010 T H E N I G H T S A G E C AT TA B R I G A ALOSA CLEANED UP WITH FOUR AWARDS, INCLUDING PHOTO OF THE YEAR WITH ADAM CL ARK. THE MOST FIRED UP MAN IN S K I I N G , D A R O N R A H LV E S TA K E S HOME HIS FIRS T POWDER AWARD F O R B E S T L I N E I N M S P ’ S I N D E E P. GABE SCHRODER Powder Awards 06 P O W D E R M E D I A K I T 2 0 15 / 2 0 16 D I G I TA L 1/2 Powder.com Daily Bookmark: With varied long and short content, Powder.com has become the leader in the digital ski media space for its trusted content. Multimedia Features, HTML5 Projects, and Digital Flipbooks that offer another channel for storytelling, with words, photos, videos, animation, and design all integrated. Powder TV: A valued video source, rather than a dumping ground, for premium and exclusive storytelling through motion picture. Largest Social Media Footprint in Ski Media: Powder reaches 500,000-plus skiers/ day through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+. The Safe Zone: An avalanche education and backcountry resources page, Powder.com is the only ski media website T H E FI R S T to establish a place SK I T ITLE for snow safety and discussion with weekly E VE R TO B E tips, commentaries, A N AT I O N A L and a map and M AG A Z I N E hyperlinks to every avalanche center in AWA R D North America. FI N A LI S T Award-Winning: In December 2014, Powder won Best Use of Facebook at the annual Folio Awards for the Ski Town Throwdown. Digital Features: Unprecedented in ski ski media, in 2014, Powder launched Gear: Featuring bi-weekly reviews in our Gear Locker department and with the Buyer’s Guide, Apparel Guide, and Accessories Guide, skiers can find anything they desire and want to purchase at the click of the mouse. MOBILE MARKETING The mobile revolution has arrived with a growing portion of digital traffic being consumed through mobile devices. Powder provides both IAB standard units as well as custom branded solutions for all apple and android mobile platforms. FRANCHISE SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Powder.com features new original content and world class editorial every day. We will work with your specific campaign goals to find a content partnership that supports your brand and enhances your messaging. We’re always adding fresh content to the site daily, so inquire with your sales rep what’s new and available for sponsorship. Website Traffic M O N T H LY AV E R A G E S ( S E P T- A P R I L ) -F irst Chair: The latest from the ski community served up three times a day. -T ravel: A collection of photos and words from locations around the globe. - Photo of The Day: Featured on the homepage every day along with a complete archive. - Powder TV/Watch This Issue: Weekly/monthly original content webisode series. - Custom Contest/Sweepstakes: Design, hosting and data collection all in one. -V ideo Solutions: Whether you want to sponsor a single piece of video content or align your brand with an online video series, we’ve got solutions that will work for you. Page Views: Visits: 1,078,458 844,665 Visit Duration: 2 minutes, 08 seconds 07 P O W D E R M E D I A K I T 2 0 15 / 2 0 16 D I G I TA L 2 /2 Social Media S O C I A L N E T WO R K CO M PA R I S O N FACEB OOK T W IT TER I N S TAG R A M G O O G L E+ Followers: 219,000 Followers: 83,400 Combined Likes/Fans/Followers (as of 5/1/15): L ARGEST SO CI A L M E D I A FO OTPR I NT I N SK I I N G 1. Powder: 505,000 27% Followers: 50,400 Followers: 152,000 S TAT I S T I C A L I N C R E A S E S 24% From Aug. 1 2014 – April 1 2015, Powder increased: Other SEX AGE 9% 21% Male 76% 25-34 30% Female 24% 35-44 20% Male 65% 45+ 23% Female 35% [On Facebook] 18-24 10% 19% 2. Freeskier: 438,800 3. TGR: 290,300 4. Skiing: 154,900 5. Ski Journal: 6,659 16% 29% 67% 547% Facebook likes Twitter followers Instagram followers Google+ followers Digital Features In 2013, Powder launched a three-tiered Digital Features section on Powder.com, augmenting ski storytelling in the digital space. In 2014, we published 16 Digital Features, including a National Magazine Award finalist in the Multimedia category for The Human Factor. Featuring multimedia—words, photos, videos, and animation—they allow for feature-worthy content to be told in an unprecedented form in the ski or snow media space. FLIPBOOK HTML 5 PROJECT M U LT I M E D I A P R E S E N TAT I O N Overview: The Flipbook showcases the award winning design and editorial from Powder and delivers this in a custom easyto-view digital only feature. Accessible with ease through any device with an internet connection (iOS, Android, Desktop, Word Processor) no hassle with apps or browser complications. A total of five Flipbooks available for Volume 44. Partnership Deliverables: Exclusive Presenting Sponsorship includes custom integrations including static and rich media branding. Audience Engagement Metrics: - Average Total Impressions: 573,000 - Average Time On Page: 4 min 17 sec Overview: The HTML 5 Project presents the latest in technology to showcase digital storytelling at its best. Combining text, photo and video in a 3-D layering format resulting in a truly unique user experience. Partnership Deliverables: Exclusive Presenting Sponsorship includes custom integrations including static and rich media branding. Audience Engagement Metrics: -A verage Total Impressions: 1,003,000 -A verage Time On Page: 4 min 57 sec Overview: The Multimedia Presentation can best be described as a Flipbook on steroids. Starting with a storyline we combine videos, photos, motion graphics, hyperlinks and more to create a unique high-impact feature. Only two Multimedia Presentations for Volume 44. Partnership Deliverables: Exclusive Presenting Sponsorship includes custom integrations including static and rich media branding. Audience Engagement Metrics: - Average Total Impressions: 2,960,000 - Average Duration Per Visit: 4 min 49 sec P O W D E R M E D I A K I T 2 0 15 / 2 0 16 08 MIKE SCHIRF CO N TAC T S The Staff EDITORIAL ADVERTISING/ MARKETING TEN: THE ENTHUSIAST NET WORK MANAGEMENT Executive Editor John Clary Davies [email protected] Director of Photography David Reddick [email protected] General Manager Ashley Otte [email protected] EVP, Sports & Entertainment Norb Garrett [email protected] Editor-at-Large Matt Hansen [email protected] Associate Editor Julie Brown [email protected] Associate General Manager Kevin Back [email protected] PRODUCTION Features Editor Porter Fox [email protected] Executive Producer, Powder Productions John Stifter [email protected] Sales, Marketing, & Ad Coordinator Katie Matteson [email protected] Production Director Kasey Kelley [email protected] The Office 2052 Corte Del Nogal, Carlsbad, CA. 92011 Phone: 760.722.7777