SCO Unix ODT For Intel Based Systems The Complete
SCO Unix ODT For Intel Based Systems The Complete
SCO Open Desktop For Intei-Based Systems The Complete Graphical Operating System An SCO Product Overview and Technical Background Paper April, 1991 CJIII&��N DESKTOP® Tlu� Complete Graphical Operatir1g System sco SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System For more information on SCO products and services, please contact your sales representative. The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. reserves the right to change or modify any of the product or service specifications or features described herein without notice. This product summary is for information only. SCO makes no express or implied representations or warranties in this summary. SCO, the SCO logo, The Santa Cruz Operation, Open Desktop, DiSCOver, SCO ACE, SCO MPX, SCO Portfolio, SCO SoftTech, and SCO SoftCare are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. All other brand or product names are or may be trademarks of, and are used to identify products and services of, their respective owners. © 1991 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All Rights Reserved 4/91 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Table of Contents A New Standard for 386 and 486 Computing . . 1 Integrating Company-Wide Computing Resources . .2 The Complete Graphical Operating System . .2 An Open System for Freedom of Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Open Desktop Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 5 Distributed Computing Environments Advanced Business Workstations . . . . . PC/File Resource Servers . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Technical Workstations . . . . Graphical, Multiuser, Business Systems . . . 5 .8 . .9 . . . . . . . . . The Open Desktop Server Upgrade . . . . . . . . . 6 Open Desktop's Key Features and Benefits Open Desktop (B ase Single-User System) 5 . 6 . . Communication and Network Gateways and Servers The Open Desktop Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 11 . . . . The Open Desktop Development System 13 Open Desktop Technology 14 UNIX System Services 15 Application Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 B inary Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . 16 Source Compatibility . . . . . . 16 Runs on Standard Hardware . . . . . . 16 . . . Graphical User Interface (GUI) Services 17 Networking Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 T CP/IP Networking Network File System . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . 20 PC-NFS Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . PC-B ased Local-Area Networks (LANs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 MS-DOS Services . . 22 Database Services • End-User Database Tools . . . . . . • 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Database Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Open Desktop Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Open Desktop Development System Standard APis • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Powerful UNIX System Development Platform . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Versatile Compilers and Debuggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 X Window System and OSF/Motif Development Tools . . . . . . . 29 Cross-Development Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 MS-DOS-UNIX System Integration Database Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Separately Available Extensions . . . . PC-DOS/MS-DOS Extension Products Networking Extension Products Multiprocessor Extension SCO MPX . . . • . • • • . . . • . . . . • . . • 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Development-Tool Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . SCO C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Third-Party Extension Products . . . . . . . . . • . . . 33 . . . • . . Open Desktop Support and Services . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Technical Support, Training, and Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The SCO Developer Alliance Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The Open Desktop Developer Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SCO Online Support (SOS) System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SCO SoftCare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SCO SoftTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 SCO Technical Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 SCO Advanced Certified Engineer (ACE) Program SCO Consulting Services SCO Directory . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 SCO - The Worldwide Leader in Open System Software Solutions . . . . . . . • • 36 System Requirements and Supported Hardware . . . . . . • • 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • A New Standard for 386 and 486 Computing SCO Open Desktop• is sco••s complete graphical operating system that delivers advanced workstation computing capabilities to industry-standard 386 and 486 computers and multiprocessor systems. SCO Open Desktop is the foundation of the Open Desktop family of products, providing users and developers with a common, standards-based, open system computing platform that can satisfy today's and tomorrow's complex busines and technical computing needs from the desktop to the data center. Open Desktop combines five basic system capabilities into a single, integrated operating system at an exceptional value. Included and fully integrated into Open Desktop are - UNIX• System V, graphical user interface, networking, database, and MS-Dos• capabilites. Open Desktop brings the benefits of powerful UNIX Systems, the fully integrated graphics and networked capabilities of workstations, and the standards and compatibility of 3 86 and 486 architectures and MS-DOS-based programs to users in a single, easy-to-use system. With Open Desktop and its complete set of integrated resources, users and developers can take advantage of, or develop, a new generation of advanced, network-distributed graphical applications. Open Desktop users can also run their existing MS-DOS, XENJX•, and UNIX System applications concurrently in separate windows, as well as access data, applications, and resources from remote systems. Open Desktop brings a new level of standardization to business and technical worksations, providing a common platform to solve a range of complex single-user or advanced server computing needs. Open Desktop can be used in distributed computing environments as advanced business workstations, standard technical workstations, mixed character and graphical multiuser systems, and database, file and resource servers and gateways. Open Desktop 386/486 PC . . Users can maximize their productivity with applications that can fully utilize any or all of Open Desktop's complete set of system services. 1 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • Integrating Company-Wide Computing Resources Open Desktop is ideal for organizations that have a variety of different systems and networks and want them to intemperate. Because it is based on acknowledged open system standards, Open Desktop protects and enhances the current hardware and software resources of these organizations, while freeing them from dependence on any single hardware or software vendor. As a result, Open Desktop gives these organizations the flexibility and confidence they require to establish their MIS strategies for the '90s and beyond. Government, business, technical, and manufacturing organizations are choosing Open Desktop as their platform for developing and deploying network-distributed, graphical applications that are critical to their day-to-day operations. These "mission-critical" applications integrate information from all of their offices - both local and remote - and make it quickly and easily accessible to other employees around the world. Organizations are also using Open Desktop to continue to leverage their investment in 386 and 4 86 systems by employing these industry-standard computers as advanced business workstations. These systems are serving as executive workstations and advanced decision-support systems, as well as client workstations in distributed computing environments. Organizations are also using Open Desktop on 3 86/486 systems as standard technical workstations. Open Desktop supports the new generation of technical applications based on the X Window System ™ , and these industry-standard workstations can be networked with existing proprietary workstations. As a result, Open Desktop provides a cost-effective solution for extending the number of technical stations available to technical workgroups. • The Complete Graphical Operating System Open Desktop is the foundation of the Open Desktop family of products, which includes the single-user, base Open Desktop operating system; the Open Desktop Server Upgrade, which adds server and multiuser capabilities to the base system; the Open Desktop Development System, which provides complete toolkits and standard Application Programming Interfaces for all of Open Desktop's system services; and Open Desktop Optional Documentation, which provides advanced users and Open Desktop LAN Open Desktop integrates departmental and corporate-wide information. 2 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System system administrators with additional information on all of Open Desktop 's capabilities. Also separately available are SCO MPX™, the performance extension for multiple processor SCO systems; SCO 's packaged-product version of Microsoftt LAN Manager for UNIX Systems; and SCO 's C++ development system. The base, single-user Open Desktop system integrates five powerful system services- UNIX System V, graphical user interface, database, networking, and MS-DOS-UNIX System integration. Open Desktop 's UNIX System engine is the 32-bit, multiuser, multitasking SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Version 2.0- the standard for UNIX Systems on 3 8 6 and 486 systems. Open Desktop's graphical user interface (GUI) is the industry-standard OSF/Motif™, which is based on the X Window System and provides appearance and behavior similar to that of Microsoft Windows™ and Presentation Manager. The GUI also includes a convenient Desktop Manager, which provides users with an easy-to-use icon- , menu- and mouse-driven system interface. Because Open Desktop includes TCP/IP and LAN Manager networking support, it comes ready to connect to MS-DOS, OS/2•, XENIX, and UNIX Systems. Open Desktop NFS•• services provide distributed file system support. Open Desktop 's database management services, based on the structured query language (SQL), can operate locally or over networks , enabling access to distributed mainframe and minicomputer database systems, as well as access to other Open Desktop database servers in a distributed information environment. Finally, Open Desktop is directly compatible with thousands of existing MS-DOS, XENIX, and UNIX System applications currently available. Open Desktop fully integrates the following technologies into a single, efficient, eas y-to-use system: Operating System SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 GUI X Window System OSF/Motif IXI's X.desktop Networking TCP/IP NFS LAN Manager (Client) Database SQL RDBMS based on lNG RES™ 6.2 MS-DOS MS-DOS Release 3.3 Open Desktop takes full advantage of today 's 386 and 486 microcomputers by bringing a graphical user interface to the UNIX System environment that is consistent with today 's most popular and easy-to-use interfaces. It integrates proven, open system technologies into a complete, network-ready solution. And, it brings the capabilities formerly associated with much larger, proprietary platforms to industry-standard systems at substantially lower costs. These new computers pack the power of minicomputers an(! proprietary workstations, but without the problems of limited configurability and costly upgrades, m aintenance, and support. The new, high-perform ance, industry-standard computers are creating a market for feature-rich, network-ready, shrink-wrapped graphical applications available through standard distribution channels, including major distributors , resellers, VARs, systems integrators, and OEMs. 3 SCO Open Desktop The Co�plete Graphical Operating System An Open System for Freedom of Choice Open Desktop integrates proven, open system technologies from the The S anta Cruz Operation, Inc. and other industry leaders, including AT&T, Lachman Associates, Inc., Locus Computing Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Open Software Foundation, Inc. (OSF) , and the Ingres division of ASK Computer Systems, Inc. All Open Desktop system resources are designed to meet established U . S . government, international, and industry standards, including FIPS POSIX™ , the X/Open.., Common Applications Environment (CAE), ANSI, C2 Trusted Security, and the Intel 386 Architecture Binary Compatibility Specification Edition 2 (iBCS-2). Open system computing took a m ajor step forward in August, 1 990, when SCO, AT&T 's UNI X System Laboratories, Inc. (USL), and Intel Corporation agreed to define iBCS-2, a common binary compatibility specification for UNIX Operating Systems based on 386 and 486 PCs. The iB CS-2 specification ensures users and developers that their applications will run out-of-the-box under Open Desktop and SCO UNIX System V operating systems, as well as under the next revision of AT &T 's UNIX System V/3 8 6 Release 4 (SVR4). Prior to the signing of the iBCS-2 accord, The Open Software Foundation (OSF) had already m ade a commitment to provide compatibility with Open Desktop, SCO UNIX System V/3 86, and SCO XENIX 386 in the OSF/1™ operating system . The iB CS-2 accord brings a single standard- in a similar m anner to MS-DOS- to the open system marketplace. Developers can use Open Desktop and other SCO operating systems to create a single version of their UNIX System applications that will run on OSF/1 , SCO UNIX Systems, SVR4, and other operating systems compliant with iB CS-2. Open Desktop 's standard Application Programming Interfaces (APis) allow application developers to access its graphical user interface, networking, database management, and MS-DOS-UNIX System integration serv ices- without the need to purchase and integrate individual components. In April of 1 99 1 , SCO joined with other leading software and hardware vendors, including Compaq, Digitial Equipment Corporation, Microsoft, MIPS Computers, and 1 6 other hardware vendors, to establish the Advanced Computing Environment (ACE) initiative. ACE will enable organizations to utilize industry-standard systems for a variety of platforms, from the desktop to the d ata center. B y defining the standard components o f an advanced computing environment, including both hardware and operating syst{lmS, ACE will-ensure the highest level of interoperablility, scalability, and portability among both Intel (x 86) and ARC (Advanced RISC Computing) systems. The ACE initiative specifies Open Desktop as the unified UNIX System for a new family of industry-standard computers based on the ARC specification. The ARC specification defines an open RISC computing architecture for MIPS RISC microprocessor-based systems. Available today on x86-based platforms , Open Desktop is planned for release on ARC platforms as hardware vendors bring ARC-compliant systems to m arket. Because Open Desktop platforms provide source-level compatibility between environments, Open Desktop solutions can be developed today on x 86-based systems and quickly moved to new ARC systems as they become available. This m akes Open Desktop the ideal choice for implementing advanced computing environments today, as well as in the future. 4 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • Open Desktop Solutions Open Desktop is an integrated platform that meets today 's and tomorro w 's computing challenges. Open Desktop is an ideal platform for: • Distributed computing environments • Adv anced business workstations • Workgroup computing environments • PC file/resource servers • Standard technical workstations • Graphical, multiuser business systems • Communication and network gateway servers Distributed Computing Environments Open Desktop can be utilized as a platform for distributed computing by exploiting the graphics and power of the new generation of low-cost 386 and 486 computers and multiprocessor s ystems. Distributed computing can be achieved with desktop-based systems and/or servers for open system computing environments and client/server architectures. These Open Desktop environments either augment or replace traditional, centralized minicomputer and m ainframe installations of complex database applications. These installations include replicated-site applications across heterogeneous computing environments and wide geographical areas. Advanced Business Workstations Open Desktop is an ideal platform for the new generation of adv anced business workstations. This new breed of standards-based workstations enables users to access and integrate data from a wide variety of sources and to utilize multiple personal productivity applications. Open Desktop supports networking for MS-DOS, OS/2, and UNIX Systems. Open Desktop can simultaneously run multiple MS-DOS, XENIX, and UNIX System applications , as well as the new generation of graphical, network-distributed, Open Desktop applications. PC/File Resource Servers In conjunction with SCO's packaged-product version of Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX System s, Open Desktop allows users to better integrate existing equipment and applications. B y providing d ata security and m anagement functionality, Open Desktop preserves and enhances existing PC investments. By providing windowing and networking features , Open Desktop m akes it possible for heterogeneous s ystems to intemperate. Standard Technical Workstations Open Desktop supports the new generation of technical applications based on the X Window System standard. These applications fully utilize Open Desktop 's integrated graphics and networking to provide turnkey engineering and scientific solutions. Open Desktop workstations can also be integrated with existing, proprietary workstations, thereby providing the most cost-effective solution for augmenting the technical workgroup with additional stations. By using standard platforms and add-on peripherals with Open Desktop, users can choose from the the widest possible range of configurations, both in price and performance. 5 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Graphical , Multiuser, Business Systems Open Desktop incorporates the most widely used multiuser, multitasking operating system in the world - the UNIX System. As such, Open Desktop can be utilized as a host for both graphical and character stations within a single multiuser environment. This enables Open Desktop users and developers to continue using their existing character-based UNIX System applications, while enhancing their resources over time to incorporate integrated graphical windowing systems for enhanced user productivity. In addition to these graphical windowing capabilities, Open Desktop provides networking facilities that enable users to communicate via electronic mail and share information and applications with other systems over LANs and enterprise-wide networks. Communication and Network Gateways and S ervers Open Desktop can also act as the hub for departmental and corporate-wide gateways and network servers. With Open Desktop's built-in ability to network to MS-DOS, OS/2, and UNIX Systems, it can integrate heterogenous systems located in different geographical areas. Third-party products and add-on SCO products are also available which enable Open Desktop to support a variety of additional LAN and WAN topologies and protocols, such as SNA, DECnet™, OSI, and others. 6 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Open Desktop Solutions Distributed Computing Environments Corporate-wide Distributed Applications Open Desktop File/Resource Server For PCs, PC LANs* Departmental-Level Applications - Reservation System - Sales/OE Systems - Purchasing - Sales Database Communication/Network Server and Gateway Departmental/Corporate-Wide Network Controllers - DOS/OS/2 to UNIX System Gateway - Distributed DBMS Gateway - Communications Server ''\ iP##:))! ::::: Q'aphical Multiuser Systems Departmental Multiuser Business Systems (with Mixed Text and Graphics Terminals) - Inventory/Manufacturing Systems - Accounting Systems Advanced Business Workstations and Workgroup Computing Standard Technical Workstations X-based Personal Workstations for Scientists/Engineers Departmental Computing Environments - Accesses remote SUN/VAX resources - Front-End Control System - Professional Support Systems - Office Automation/E-mail/Scheduling Systems 1*'1 Q>on Desktop [3 Server 1*'1 Q>en Desktop t::] Base System • Requires Miaosofl � X Terminal LAN Ma>ager Ia UNIX 0 ASCII Terminal Systems 7 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • Open Desktop's Key Features and Benefits Open Desktop solutions combine the features and benefits of industry-standard 3 8 6 and 4 8 6 system s , true MS-D O S compatibility, UNIX System V, and advanced workstation capabilities. Some of these features are listed below. Open Desktop incorporates the benefits of industry-standard 386 and 486 computers: • Powerful 32-bit 38 6 and 486 processors • High-performance multiprocessor architectures • Low cost of ownership (including service and maintenance) • Large number of knowledgeable support personnel • Established distribution channels • Flexible configuration options • Widely supported peripheral devices Open Desktop incorporates the benefits of commercial UNIX Systems: • Meets government, industry, and international standards • True 32-bit system support • Virtual memory to support more sophisticated applications • Real multitasking to run concurrent applications • Configurable security to protect unauthorized access • Multiuser upgrades are available • Commercial business applications are available Open Desktop incorporates the benefits of proprietary workstation systems: • Integrated graphical user interface • Integrated networking facilities • New generation of network-distributed graphical applications • Powerful development tools • Interoperable with other systems Open Desktop inco rpo rates the benefits of MS-DOS compatibility: 8 • Run existing personal-productivity applications • Network to existing data sources on PC LANs SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • The Open Desktop Family The Open Desktop operating system is the foundation of the Open Desktop family. The supplementary Open Desktop Server Upgrade adds advanced server and multiuser functions, and the Open Desktop Development System offers a complete development environment. These p roducts can be used in different combinations and configurations, as illustrated in the table below. Open Desktop Family Configurations Single-User System • Open Desktop Multiuser System • • Open Desktop Open Desktop Server Upgrade Development System for Single-User Systems • • Open Desktop Open Desktop Development System Development System for Multiuser Systems • • • Open Desktop Open Desktop Server Upgrade Open Desktop Development System Open D esktop (Base S ingle-User System) Open Desktop, the complete graphical operating system for personal workstations, is the foundation of the Open Desktop family of products. The Open Desktop base single-user system includes a full suite of services, including the UNIX System , a graphical user interface, networking, S QL relational database m anagement, and MS-DOS-UNIX System integration. Its documentation includes a comprehensive two-volume set. The Open Desktop User's Guide and Open Desktop Administrator's Guide describe all of Open Desktop's system services. Open Desktop makes it easy for users to configure a business workstation with a standard VGA or Super VGA display adapter, a networking card, and a mouse device. A standard technical workstation can also be configured by adding a higher-resolution display monitor, additional memory, and other peripheral devices. Open Desktop PC Workstation (Single User) Technical User Business User The Open Desktop base system can be used to configure a single-user, networked, business or technical workstation. 9 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System The Open Desktop base single-user system includes the following technologies: System Services SCO UNIX System V/3 86 Release 3.2 Operating System Release 2.0* Graphical User X Window System - with OSF/Motif Window Manager and Desktop Manager Interface TCP/IP NFS** LAN Manager client Networking Services Services SQL Relational DBMS with interactive SQL user services: Menu, Forms, Report-Writer™, Query-By-Forms™, and Report-By-Forms™ Networked SQL MS-DOS MS-DOS-UNIX System integration services (with MS-DOS Release 3 . 3 license) Database Services System Requirements Hardware: 386 or 486 computer based on ISA, EISA, or MCA Media: 5.25" or 3.5" disk, or QIC 24 tape Display: EGA, VGA, Extended VGA, Hercules monochrome, or selected high-performance adapters Mouse: Bus or serial Network Card: 3C501, 3C503, 3C523, WD8003EB!f, WD80013EB!f, IBM Token Ring adapter, 4/16 MHz RAM: 8 Mbytes Disk Space: lOO Mbytes The S CO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 system integrated in the base Open Desktop system is licensed as a single-user • system. It is designed to support: 1. the system console keyboard with multiple logins through the MultiScreen facility; and 2. a single additional login for the purpose of a background communications session (UU CP), or a single administrative login session, via either an RS-232 serial port or T CP/IP network login. To support additional logins, you must add the Open Desktop Server Upgrade. •• 10 NFS is licensed for peer-to-peer networking in the base Open Desktop single-user operating system. SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • The O pen Desktop Server Upgrade The Open Desktop Server Upgrade is a supplementary upgrade to the base Open Desktop operating system that turns a 386 or 4 8 6 PC into a powerful hub for shared-resource environments, a versatile platform for distributed or client-server database applications, or a complete departmental server for MS-DOS, OS/2, XENIX, UNIX System, or Open Desktop networks. The Open Desktop Server Upgrade enables multiple users to share data, system resources, and peripherals in a true multiuser, multitasking environment. With this upgrade, Open Desktop 's resources appear as local resources to remote machines for centralized, departmental computing. When added to the base Open Desktop operating system, the Open Desktop Server Upgrade adds multiuser license support for each of Open Desktop 's five system services. With the Open Desktop Server Upgrade, you can configure Open Desktop as a multiuser system that provides full file-, application-, and resource-server capabilities to multiple users who are working from : • Character-based terminals • X terminals • MS-DOS PCs equipped with PC Xsight™, PC-Interface™, PC-NFS™ , or JSB MultiView DeskTop™ • UNIX System workstations • PC LANs (with LAN Manager for UNIX Systems) The Open Desktop Server Upgrade also enables Open Desktop to act as a database server, or as a gateway to remote systems for any system operating as a client. As a multiuser server, Open Desktop provides far more flexibility than any other environment available for 386 and 4 8 6 microcomputers. Open Desktop Server/Multiuser System a Character-Based Terminals Resource Server Work- MS-DOS + MS-DOS + MS-DOS + stations PC Xslght JS B MultiVIew DeskTop PC-Jnterface MS-DOS + PC-NFS PC LANs (Optional) The Open Desktop Server Upgrade provides the foundation for a multifunctional server environment. 11 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System The Open Desktop Server Upgrade includes the following technologies: System Services SCO UNIX System V/3 86 Release 3.2 Version 2.0 multiuser license Multiuser serial-terminal support Graphical User Multiuser X-terminal support Interface Services NFS Network Server* PC-NFS Daemon Network Information System (NIS), formerly "Yellow Pages" Database Networked, multiuser SQL server Networking Services MS-DOS PC-Interface server Services System Requirements Hardware: 386 or 486 computer based on ISA, EISA, or MCA Media: 5.25" or 3.5" disk, or QIC 24 tape Display: EGA, VGA, Extended VGA, Hercules monochrome, or selected high-performance adapters Mouse: Bus or serial Network Card: 3C501, 3C503, 3C523, WD8003EB!f, WD80013EB!f, ffiM Token Ring adapter, 4/16 MHz RAM: 8 Mbytes (includes Open Desktop base system RAM requirements) plus .5 Mbytes per user Disk Space: 180 Mbytes (includes Open Desktop base system disk requirements) • 12 NFS is licensed for use as an NFS file server in the Open Desktop Server Upgrade SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • The Open Desktop Development System The Open Desktop Development System is a supplement to the Open Desktop operating system that provides standard Application Programming Interfaces for the graphical user interface, networking, database, and MS-DOS-UNIX System integration services. As previously stated, developers no longer need to purchase and integrate individual components to utilize these facilities in application programs. The Open Desktop Development System provides development system versions of each Open Desktop component as well as interactive debugging tools and complete documentation. The Open Desktop Development System includes the following technologies: System Services SCO UNIX System V/386 Development System - with Microsoft and AT&T C compilers, CodeView, MASM assembler, and more Graphical User X Library (Xlib) Routines, X Toolkit (Xt) Intrinsic Routines, OSF/Motif Toolkit, OSF/Motif Style Guide, User-Interface Language Interface Networking Services TCP/IP Development System, NFS Development System, Streams(fLI Development System and Sockets Library Services Embedded SQL (ESQL) Preprocessor, ISAM Libraries for C development, GCA specification and libraries MS-DOS PCILIB MS-DOS development libraries Database Services System Requirements Hardware: 386 or 486 computer based on ISA, EISA, or MCA Media: 5.25"' or 3.5"' disk, or QIC 24 tape Display: EGA, VGA, Extended VGA, Hercules monochrome, or selected high-performance adapters Mouse: Bus or serial Network Card: 3C501, 3C503, 3C523 , WD8003EB(f, WD80013EB(f, IBM Token Ring adapter, 4/16 MHz RAM: 8 Mbytes (includes Open Desktop base system RAM requirements) Disk Space: 140 Mbytes (includes Open Desktop base system disk requirements) For additional information on the Open Desktop Development System, see the "Development System" section of this document. 13 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Open Desktop Technology • Open Desktop provides end users and developers with proven, open system technologies in an integrated product- all from a single source. Each of Open Desktop's system services- UNIX System, GUI, networking, database, and MS-DOS- is described in detail below. UNIX System Services • Open Desktop's UNIX System services include a 2-user license for SCO UNIX System V /3 8 6 Release 3.2;* the Open Desktop Server Upgrade provides a multiuser license for SCO UNIX System V. SCO UNIX System V enables Open Desktop to take full advantage of the 32-bit capabilities of 3 8 6 and 486 machines, and to benefit from the power and performance formerly associated with proprietary workstations, departmental servers, and minicomputers. With SCO UNIX System V as its engine, Open Desktop provides significantly more power and capabilities than other 386-and 486-based operating systems by including: • True, 32-bit processing capabilities-to take advantage of more powerful programs • Demand-paged, virtual-memory management- the ability to run programs larger than installed RAM through automatic paging to the hard disk • True multitasking- allows multiple programs to run simultaneously on a single system within different windows • Highly efficient file-system management-provides high-performance file management to increase performance when accessing large amounts of information • Configurable system security- allows users and system administrators to protect information and system access from unauthorized users • Based on industry standards- provides system with built-in interoperability and applications compatibility, portability, and scalability to other systems • Multiuser upgradability- allows true multiuser capabilities with complete file-locking, password-protection, and flexible configuration options SCO UNIX System V provides UNIX System features, such as a menu-based set-up and administration shell, plus the Acer Fast File System (AFS) and AT&T File System Switch (FSS). SCO's device drivers support dozens of standard peripherals, including SCSI devices. In addition, SCO's modular, extensible console driver supports standard and non-standard consoles. SCO UNIX System V is designed to support all major international standards including: • Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 151-1 (IEEE POSIX 1003.1 with all extensions) • ANSI X3J11 C-Language Standard • Department of Defense National Computer Security Center (NCSC) C2 Trusted Computing Base • AT&T System V Interface Definition (SVID) Issue II source compatibility • X/Open Common Applications Environment (CAE) (XPG3) • AT&T UNIX System V /386 binary compatibility • Intel 386 Architecture Binary Compatibility Specification Edition 2 (iBCS-2) To provide greater flexibility in routing electronic mail, Open Desktop includes the sophisticated Multi-Channel Memorandum Distribution Facility, Version II (MMDF II) , originally developed at the • The S CO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Operating System integrated in the base Open Desktop system is licensed as a single-user system. It is designed to support: 1. the system console keyboard with multiple logins through the MultiScreen facility; and 2. a single additional login for the purpose of a background communications session (UUCP), or a single administrative login session, via either an RS-232 serial port or T CP/IP network login. To support additional logins, you must add the Open Desktop Server Upgrade. 14 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System University of Delaware. Open Desktop includes both sendmail and execmail interfaces to support the standard SCO m ail program as well as network mail programs and protocols such as SMTP, X.400, mush, and elm. Application Compatibility SCO UNIX System V 's built-in compatibility and broad compliance with open system standards ensure that thousands of XENIX and UNIX System applications are compatible with Open Desktop. Binary C ompatibility Open Desktop offers binary compatibility with the following XENIX and UNIX System environments. Applications originally developed for these environments will run without modification on Open Desktop: a IBM41 PC XENIX Releases 1.0 and 2.0 • Microsoft XENIX 286 System III • Microsoft XENIX 286 System V • SCO XENIX 2 8 6 Releases 2.1, 2.2 , and 2.3 • SCO XENIX 3 8 6 Releases 2.2 and 2.3 • Microsoft XENIX 38 6 Releases 2.2 and 2.3 • AT&T UNIX System V/3 86 Releases 3.0, 3. 1 , and 3.2 Source Compatibility Application source code for the following environments can be recompiled and run on Open Desktop: • UNIX System V Releases 2 and 3 • XENIX System V for all architectures o All POSIX-conforming UNIX System implementations • All X/Open XPG 2-conforming UNIX System implementations (XPG 3 extensions are separately available) Runs on Standard Hardware In combination with the standard, low-cost hardware accepted throughout the industry, Open Desktop can be configured to meet the most demanding system-design requirements. O pen Desktop runs on 3 8 6 and 4 8 6 computers based o n Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) , Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA), or Micro Channel™ Architecture (MCA). Open Desktop also supports standard, high-performance components, such as high-resolution graphics displays, popular mouse devices, large disk subsystems, floating-point math coprocessors, and tape-backup devices. In conjunction with SCO MPX, the multiple processor extension for SCO Systems, Open Desktop can also take full adv antage of today 's advanced multiprocessor computers. For more information, see the section on "Separately Available Extensions." In addition to most standard peripheral devices for standard 386 and 486 computers, Open Desktop 's built-in SCO UNIX System V supports the following devices: • Mouse devices (Logitech, Microsoft, Mouse Systems, Olivetti , and IBM PS/2) • Bit-mapped display drivers (EGA , VGA, Extended VGA , and Hercules) • Math coprocessors (Intel 803 87 and Weitek 1 1 67) • ESDI and SCSI disk drives • ISO 9660 "High Sierra" CD-ROM files 15 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System o o PostScript™ printers Advanced tape drives, including Wangtek, Irwin, and the new DAT and Exabyte devices Note: A comprehensive list of supported hardware is included in the "System Requirements" section. 16 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • Graphical User Interface (GUI)* Services Open Desktop's GUI services combine industry-standard technologies into an open system platform that can be used as a graphical environment for personal productivity or as a network-distributed graphical solution. In all applications, these GUI services provide the appearance and behavior of Microsoft Windows and Presentation Manager, providing consistent operation on both MS-DOS-based and Open Desktop-based platforms. Because Open Desktop supports the industry-standard OSF/Motif GUI, applications running across divergent platforms appear and behave the same. This consistency of appearance and behavior preserves users' investments in hardware, software, and training. Using a mouse or keystrokes, the user simply "points and clicks" on icons, pull-down menus, and control buttons to operate the system and applications. Full multitasking functionality- either graphical or character-based - enables the user to view and run multiple applications in separate windows at the same time. And because of the networked resource-server capabilities of the X Window System, programs can run locally or on another machine located elsewhere on the network. Open Desktop's GUI services include a runtime GUI consisting of the following industry-standard components: • X Window System Server • OSF/Motif Window Manager • X.desktop Desktop Manager The X Window System Server is the industry standard for network-distributed, graphical windowing systems. The X Window System Server provides services that enable Xll- and OSF/Motif-based client applications to run locally or remotely via the network. That is, any Xll-based or OSF/Motif-based client or application can operate on Open Desktop. The X Window System Server manages the clients by providing services for display, keyboard, and mouse operation. It also supports Hercules, EGA, VGA, and Super VGA displays. With the OSF/Motif Window Manager, you can display running programs as icons, and customize the desktop and Window Manager menus. The OSF/Motif Window Manager complements the X Window System and supports the Microsoft Windows and Presentation Manager behavior and 3-D appearance. Each OSF/Motif window has several buttons which you can use to to move, resize, overlap, and "leaf through" multiple windows. The Desktop Manager (X.desktop) completes Open Desktop's GUI services. When working with Open Desktop, you use the OSF/Motif Window Manager to operate the window system, and you use the Desktop Manager (built from the OSF/Motif toolkit) to operate graphical applications and the UNIX System. The Desktop Manager eliminates any need for the user to learn and employ unfamiliar UNIX System commands. Instead, you simply "drag" icons across the screen and onto a "desktop action" icon. For example, to print a file, you drag a file icon over to a print icon. To delete a file, you drag a file icon· over the "trash can" icon. • A graphical user interface (GUI) can be defined as the appearance and behavior of an application and the associated graphics applications programming inte rlace (API). Open Desktop's GUI consists of a runtime graphics environment (X 1 1 Window Server, OSF/Motif Window Manager, and X 1 1- and OSF/Molif-based clients comprising the Desktop Manager) and an API (User Interlace Toolkit: Xlib, Xt, OSF/Motif; Style Guide; User-Interlace Language). 17 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System The Desktop Manager is both extensible and flexible. It provides a powerful "rules" language that defines the appearance and behavior of objects. The Desktop Manager is compatible and complies with: Xt Intrinsics • ICCCM (Inter-client Communications Conventions Manual) • X/O pen • POSIX • Open Desktop's GUI services also include scoterm, a utility that provides full-color SCO console (and ANSI console) support within windows. This utility enables the user to run virtually all existing XENIX and UNIX System applications in windows. 18 . �: SCO Open Desktop The Compiete GraphicaB O p erat i ng System • Networking Services Open Desktop is designed to provide the user with instant access to data, applications , and resources throughout an organization - in the department next door or the branch office thousand s of miles away. Open Desktop 's networking services, which include TCP/IP, NFS , and LAN Manager Client, can interface with Ethernet and Token Ring network architectures. TCP/IP Networking TCP/IP is an underlying layer of software that connects machines into a local-area network (LAN), and connects LANs across wide-area networks (WANs) to enterprise-wide networks . Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) are standard communications protocols. TCP/IP is the foundation of many network-based programs. Application programs and system software rely on TCP/IP to send and receive information to and from remote machines. TCP/IP includes the rlogin, telnet, and ftp utilities, which allow you to log into , and transfer files from , remote m achines on a network. With TCP/IP, you can connect machines locally, using cables, or remotely via modems and telephone lines. TCP/IP networking ensures that users can share data and resources on other systems. TCP/IP provides high-performance Ethernet network connections to a wide variety of computers . Even on networks composed of dissimilar hardware and operating systems, users can quickly and easily log into remote machines and access peripherals or share data. TCP/IP protocols are used by graphical windowing products, such as the X Window System; distributed file-system products, such as NFS; distributed database products, such as INGRES; and by many business and scientific applications . Open Desktop's TCP/IP implementation supports popular 3Com and Western Digital LAN cards and includes Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) drivers to support asynchronous gateways or bridges . SLIP asynchronous connections can be implemented between local machines and across WANs. TCP/IP also supports distributed applications through the standard AT&T Transport Layer Interface (TLI) interprocess communications mechanism. TCP/IP uses a Streams-based architecture fo r high performance and flexible configuration control. Included in the TCP/IP Development System is a BSD 4.3-compatible socket library, which allows developers to adapt existing (o r create new) BSD-compatible distributed applications that take advantage of interprocess communication (IPC) both locally and across networks . Open Desktop contains a complete protocol suite, featuring : • Standard ARPA utilities: telnet, ftp • Berkeley (BSD 4.3) R-utilities: rlogin, rep, rcmd, rslh., rwho, ruptime, finger • B IND name service (client/server support) • Gateway and subnetwork support • Berkeley (BSD 4.3) sendmail and SMTP mail • Berkeley Socket Library (BSD 4.3-compatible) • Routed and route • Modular LLI drivers • Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) for asynchronous gateways and bridges • Stream s 19 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Network File System Network File System (NFS), developed by Sun Microsystems, is the de facto standard for distributed file systems in workstation environments. Using NFS within a network composed of machines running several different operating systems, users can access remote files and applications directly - just as if they resided on the user's own machine. NFS creates a truly distributed file system by mounting remote file systems. NFS reduces the need for time-consuming remote logins and eliminates the confusion and wasted disk space that results from having multiple copies of a file on several machines. NFS also provides the foundation for developing and executing applications that take advantage of file-sharing connections across TCP/IP LANs to computers supporting compatible networlc file systems. Open Desktop's NFS features Sun-compatible Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) and eXternal Data Representation (XDR) libraries for the development of distributed applications. RPC allows remote procedures to be invoked as if they were local subroutines. It allows processes running on one machine to be accessed across a network, and it relieves the applications programmer from involvement with the details of the underlying networking implementation. XDR provides a simple system- and machine-independent method of specifying data and protocols transmitted between heterogenous systems. PC-NFS S erver PC users with PC-NFS for MS-DOS can access remote files on a network while running applications under MS-DOS. With Open Desktop's PC-NFS server capabilities (included in the Open Desktop Server Upgrade), PC users can access Open Desktop file systems directly and transparently. An Open Desktop file system can appear to PC users as a separate, local disk drive, while Open Desktop resources, such as printers and modems, can also appear as local resources. And because Open Desktop's file system and peripherals can be accessed by more than one user on the network at a time, Open Desktop makes an ideal platform for serving multiple PCs in a shared-resource environment. • Transparent file access • File transfers • Remote system access • File-system commands PC-Based Local -Area Networks (LANs) Open Desktop's LAN Manager client service enables users to access files, applications, and peripherals on OS/2, MS-DOS, XENIX, and UNIX System servers equipped with appropriate server software. The LAN Manager client service is based on the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, and is compatible with a wide variety of SMB-based PC networks including Microsoft's MS-DOS and OS/2 LAN Manager products, IBM LAN Server and PC Local-Area Network Program, 3Com's 3+0PEN, and SCO XENIX-NET. SMB NetBIOS-based protocols are a de facto standard in MS-DOS networking environments, and have been submitted for inclusion in the X/Open standard. 20 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Open Desktop's LAN Manager Client Services enable Open Desktop users to : • Access files on MS-DOS , OS/2 , XENIX, and UNIX Systems • Access network resources using server-based validation Use remote pathnames to transparently access files on a remote m achine • Access a LAN Manager server • Display network-status information • Print remotely, using MS-DOS, OS/2 , XENIX, and UNIX System printer resources • Open Desktop's PC-Interface Server, included in the Open Desktop Server Upgrade package, connects an Open Desktop Server with MS-DOS-based personal computers running the MS-DOS version of PC-Interface, either via RS-232 serial lines or in a LAN. From a personal computer runni ng separately available PC-Interface client software - using either MS-DOS or UNIX System commands - the MS- DOS user can access all Open Desktop Server resources, including files and printers, regardless of their location on the network. PC-Interface also includes a standard terminal emulator enabling remote MS-DOS systems to access and run UNIX System (character-based) applications located on an Open Desktop server. PC-Interface also includes the built-in National Language Support (NLS) for use in international installations. User messages are readily translatable into local languages, and include extensive support for converting files between different international standards. In addition, PC-Interface includes a comprehensive set of features that effectively network MS-DOS and UNIX System operating environments . Some of these features include: Based on Industry Standards • PC-Interface is a standard part of AT&T 's UNIX System V • PC-Interface is included with all IBM AIX™ systems, Open Desktop, and other systems Integrated File System • Combines MS-DOS and UNIX System files in a single, integrated file system • Allows access to files independent of their location on the network • Automatically converts non-MS-DOS filenames to MS-DOS-accessible file names • • Supports MS-DOS file and record locking and is integrated with UNIX System file and record locking Enables MS-DOS users to take advantage of UNIX System print spooling from their PCs Combined MS-DOS and UNIX System AppHcations • • Enables developers to combine MS-DOS and UNIX System processes in a single application Through PCILIB , an Applications Programming Interface, distributed MS-DOS and UNIX System applications can communicate and share files and resources Terminal Emulation • Emulates industry-standard terminals (VT220 and VT 1 00) • Allows fast toggling between MS-DOS and UNIX System applications 21 SCO Open Desktop The Compllete Graphical Operating System • MS-DOS Services Open Desktop's MS-DOS services provide complete MS-DOS to UNIX System integration capabilities. With these MS-DOS services, multiple MS-DOS-based applications can run in windows simultaneously, along with multiple XENIX and UNIX System applications. Users can select and run many of the thousands of off-the-shelf MS-DOS applications directly - without special commands, data conversions , or application filters. Open Desktop 's MS-DOS services create a "virtual 8086 personal computer" running a licensed copy of MS-DOS Version 3.3 under the UNIX System. Both character-based and graphical MS-DOS applications are supported. Open Desktop 's MS-DOS services support graphical MS-DOS applications in CGA graphics mode within an X window, and support the higher-resolution EGA and VGA graphics in full-screen mode. Microsoft Windows 3 .0 and Windows 3.0 applications are also supported, in real mode, under Open Desktop's MS-DOS services. Open Desktop supports many popular, standard PC peripherals, along with additional hardware, through the "Direct Device Attachment. " With the Direct Device Attachment, MS-DOS-based programs can access specialized devices directly via an MS-DOS device driver, eliminating the need to have a UNIX System device driver for that specific device (on ISA and EISA machines only). With its MS-DOS services, Open Desktop preserves the user 's existing investments while enhancing productivity. Open Desktop 's UNIX System capabilities - such as its fully paged, virtual-memory, multitasking capabilities - are available to MS-DOS programs and users. Open Desktop fully integrates the MS-DOS file system within the UNIX System so that a separate partition is not required to run MS-DOS-based programs. In addition, the full power and benefits of the UNIX System are made available to MS-DOS users , such as the efficient, high-performance UNIX System file system, read-write-execute file-permission modes , password security, and much more. Open Desktop's MS-DOS services support an expanded memory specification (EMS LIM 3 .2) which allows MS-DOS applications to use up to 8 additional Mbytes of memory above the standard 640 Kbytes. With Open Desktop, users can: o Execute familiar MS-DOS commands and applications in an Open Desktop window o Run multiple MS-DOS and UNIX System applications concurrently • Combine MS-DOS and UNIX System processes in a single application • Integrate MS-DOS and UNIX System peripherals without developing additional drivers Users can activ ate Open Desktop 's MS-DOS services in several ways : by double-clicking the mouse button on the MS-DOS icon in the desktop window, by typing the name of an executable MS-DOS file while in a UNIX System window, by double-clicking on an MS-DOS-based icon, or by running an MS-DOS (command line) in a window. Some of the MS-DOS applications that run without modification on Open Desktop are: AutoCAD® CrossTalkr"' XVI dBASE III PLU S™ Flight Simulator™ Framework™ II, III GW-BASIC® Lotus® 1 -2-3® Version 2 . 0 1 Microsoft MASM Microsoft C 22 Microsoft Multiplan® Microsoft Windows Version 2 .03 Microsoft Windows 286 Microsoft Windows 3 .0 (real mode) Microsoft Word Versions 3.0, 4.0, and 5 .0 Microsoft Works Multimate/Advantage Version 3 .3 1 Quattro™ SideKick™ Turbo B asic Turbo Pascal Ventura Publisher WordPerfect® Version 4.2 WordPerfect Version 5.0 WordSta� Xtree SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphi cal Operating System • Database Services In most large organizations, critical information-management tasks are handled by a combination of mainframes, minicomputers, PCs, and workstations. These systems are connected via networks to get information into the hands of key decision makers. In these heterogeneous environments, it can be a major challenge to integrate corporate data and make it accessible to users at their desktops. In addition to m aintaining high-performance processing for mission-critical applications , organizations must deliver information across a wide variety of hardware, software, and local-area networks (LANs). Open Desktop's database services help you make better strategic decisions by m anaging information more effectively at the desktop and server levels. The evolution of the workstation and its emergence as a key technology for distributed processing has increased the demand for sophisticated database services that are tightly integrated with the operating system . To access local and remote information, users need the workstation to provide a rich set of RDBMS capabilities. To serve this need , Open Desktop includes a complete, robust set of industry-standard RDBMS tools. Open Desktop 's database serv ices incorporate a sophisticated relational database m anagement system based on the industry-standard structured query language (SQL) , as well as SCO 's implementation of the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM). Although Open Desktop's relational database management system is based on INGRES Version 6.2 technology, other RDBMSs can be used. Database m anagement systems compatible with Open Desktop include products from Informix, Oracle, and Sybase. You can use Open Desktop 's built-in SQL database or the database m anagement system of your choice to provide an excellent platform for personal inform ation-management systems, servers , and distributed systems that access central databases across corporate networks. Open Desktop 's SQL database can operate locally or over an Ethernet Token Ring network to bring the power and functionality of mainframe database services to 3 8 6 and 486 systems. Open Desktop includes consistent, interactive query and reporting facilities (Query-B y-Forms and Report-B y-Forms), and networked SQL functionality, which allows networked database applications to operate transparently in heterogeneous environments. Open Desktop provides a versatile platform for client-server database implementations , using the industry-standard TCP/IP communications protocol. Multiple end-user m achines can transparently share alphanumeric and graphical data located in a central database server. Many users can store and retrieve d ata on the shared database server while maintaining a high level of data integrity. Open Desktop applications can access other host databases such as DB2 by using INGRES G ateways. With Open Desktop, you can run more than one database function at one time by using multiple windows. You can easily "copy and paste" information between windows, or within a single window. With Open Desktop, you can : • View or update data from one or more tables • Display and print reports, which are specially formatted data displays • Use Forms, an online version of a paper form , to query the database or add data to the database • Use S QL to create tables, add data, and query for data 23 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System End -User Database Tools Menu A fonn s-based system that provides access to a wide variety of Open Desktop 's database tools via the main database menu Query-By-Forms A fonns-based system that allows users to retrieve and/or update data from a database Report-By-Forms A fonns-based system that allows users to define custom report fonnats Report-Writer A language that allows users to define custom reports; includes more sophisticated features than Report-By-Fonns Tables A fonns-based system that allows users to display infonnation about the structure of an Open Desktop-DATA database and its tables, and to view the definitions it contains. Open Desktop's database services include Interactive SQL, a fonns-based system that allows users to specify query-language statements, execute query-language statements and view the results, and save query-language statements and results in a file. Open Desktop's database services also include ISAM, SCO 's implementation of X/Open's Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) interface for managing indexed files. You can use ISAM 's library of C-language functions to create and manipulate indexed files . Open Desktop's ISAM has been fine-tuned to provide the highest-perfonnance data-management applications. ISAM is call-compatible with other X/Open-compatible ISAM libraries such as Informix 's C-ISAM. ISAM fully supports multiuser applications via file- and record-locking procedures. Database Extensions The Ingres division of ASK Computer Systems, Inc. offers a full suite of value-added products for Open Desktop's database services. These products allow for full development and deployment of applications within the Open Desktop environment. Windows 4GL™ gives developers the power to quickly produce database (\9plications which can access the capabilities of the Open Desktop GUI services, while avoiding the usual complexities of workstation programming. Applications are portable across workstation platfonns from other vendors. Windows 4GL gives you the ease of use of both a GUI and a powerful 4GL for building mission-critical applications far more rapidly and efficiently than if you were using C and a windowing tookit. Applications-by-Fonns (ABF) is a character-based 4GL development system for creating, examining, and modifying any fonns-generated application. ABF provides a complete menu-driven workbench and 4GL for building applications . With INGRES Gateways you can easily integrate existing files and databases into a comprehensive information-management system. Using a gateway, your applications can process existing infonnation as if it were actually in an Open Desktop or lNG RES database. Applications perfonn S QL operations on files stored in these non-Open Desktop databases or non-INGRES databases as if they were Open Desktop databases. 24 SCO Open Desktop The �omplete Graphical Operating System Gateways are installed on the host computer and use a common systems catalog to access the foreign data. INGRES Gateway products work with OpenSQL, a common denominator of the m any different versions of SQL. Gateways protect your current data investment while helping you get the most out of Open Desktop datab � es or INGRES applications. Open Desktop Release 1 . 1 works with INGRES Gateways which run on host computers. These gateways are available for the following databases : IBM : DB2 SQL/DS , and IMS DEC : RdB , RMS Tandem: Non Stop SQL HP: ALLB ASE/SQL For more detailed information on Open Desktop 's database management services , please refer to the SCO Product Overview and Technical Backgrounder titled "Open Desktop-DATA. " 25 SCO Open Desktop The C ompiete Graphical Operating System • Open Desktop C onnectivity Open Desktop networking services provide access to data and resources throughout the organization, no matter what systems are in use today. Open Desktop is ready to connect to TCP/IP Ethernet and SMB NetBIOS-compatible networks. Using separately available software from SCO or third-party vendors, you can connect Open Desktop to a variety of systems - mainframes, minicomputers, workstations, multiuser systems, X terminals, character-based terminals, PC networks, wide-area networks, and proprietary systems such as the Apple Macintosh11* . XENIX or UNIX System Microcomputer Open Desktop UNIX System Mainframe DOS or Workstation Character- Based Terminal OS/2 X Terminal PC LAN WAN Proprietary System Open D esktop d e l iv e rs i n stant access to d ata, appl ications, and resou rces th ro u g h o ut the o rg a n iz ation - in the d e partment next d oor or t h e b ranch office thou sands of miles away. • 26 Refer to the SCO Connectivity Solutions Guide for more information on connecti ng SCO Open Desktop to other types of system s . SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Open Desktop Connectivity To connect from this type of system: Use this on the remote system: Use this on Open Desktop : Mainframe TCP/IP Ethernet SNA Incl uded S CO uniPATH S NA-3270 Minicomputer TCP/IP Ethernet# LAN Manager$# NFS Server# DECnet Included Included Included DECnet+ Minicomputer 525 1 Terminal Support package+ 525 1 emulation package UNIX System Workstation T CP/IP Ethernet X Window System SLIP NFS S CO OSI/SCO X.400 Included Included Included Included S CO OSI/S CO X.400 XENIX or UNIX System TCP/IP Ethernet# LAN Manager Included Included (client) Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX Systems (Server) X. 25+ Included Synchronous Comm. Pkg. + X.25# Asynchronous Comm. Pkg. Synchronous Comm. Pkg.+ TCP/IP Ethernet# LAN Manager$# PC-Interface# PC-NFS# Asynchronous Comm. Pkg.# Synchronous Comm. Pkg.# S CO OSI!S CO X.400# JSB MultiView DeskTop# PC Xsight# Novell NetWare�# Included Included (client only), Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX Systems (Server) Included in Open Desktop S erver Upgrade Included in Open Desktop S erver Upgrade Included Synchronous Comm. Pkg.# S CO OSI/S CO X.400 Supported in Open Desktop Server Upgrade Supported in Open Desktop Server Upgrade TCP/IP Novell Gateway# X Terminal X Window System Display Server TCP/IP Ethernet Supported in Open Desktop Server Upgrade Included Character-Based Terminal Asynchronous Comm. Pkg. Included in Open Desktop S erver Upgrade Apple Macintosh T CP/IP Ethernet# Appletalk# Asynchronous Comm. Pkg.# Included TCP/IP gateway to Appletalk+ Included Wide-Area Network X.25 Bulletin Board System Usenet-UUCP Internet X.25+ Supported Supported TCP/IP/X.25+ MS -DOS or OS/2 System + # $ Available from third-party supplier. See the SCO Directory, "Open Desktop Support and Services" section for more details. Separately available subsystem. A TCP/IP subsystem is required for connection to an Open Desktop LAN Manager network. 27 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Open Desktop Development System • The Open Desktop Development System is a complete application development environment. When developing graphical applications for engineers and scientists, advanced applications for business professionals, or mission-critical solutions for corpQrations and government agencies , Open Desktop is the right choice. Standard A Pis A complete set of industry-standard system services makes Open Desktop the perfect platform for developing the next generation of advanced graphical applications. Developers no longer need to purchase and install separate components or include these facilities in application programs. Open Desktop includes standard Application Programming Interfaces (APis) and tools for each of Open Desktop 's system services. Open Desktop conforms with all major international standards, including the X/Open Common Applications Environment (CAE) and the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 1 5 1 - 1 (IEEE POSIX 1 003 . 1 with all FIPS extensions). As a result, Open Desktop applications are easily portable to other operating environments, scalable across the range of corporate systems, and interoperable with other systems over heterogeneous networks. Full internationalization libraries mean that applications can easily be developed for worldwide markets . Development Tools, Application Programming Interfaces, and Standards Conformance Microsoft C - optim izing ANSI C com piler with cross-development options and li braries to produce MS-DOS, OS/2, XENIX, and UNIX System programs AT&T C - portable C compiler; compatible with other UNIX Systems ESQL - Preprocessor to embed SOL statements in C source code GCA - Global Communications Architecture specification for distributed Microsoft CodeView - Visual, interactive debugger SCO UNIX SYSTEM V/386 Release 3.2 Development System with Source Code Control System utilities, adb and sdb sym bolic debuggers, and more MASM - Microsoft Macro Assem bler for Intel architectures: 8086, 8088, 801 86, 286, 386, and 486 X1 1 Release 3-X Library FIPS POSIX 1 51 -1 - Federal Information Processing Standard ( IEEE POSIX 1 003.1 with all FIPS-required extensions) X/Open CAE - Common Applications Environment SVID - AT&T UNIX System V Interface Definition NFS - Network File System with RPC and XDR libraries TCP/IP - Networking protocols including 4.3BSD Socket l i braries, TLI, and Streams Xt lntrinsics OSF!Motif 1 .0.1 widgets, style g uide, UIL compiler SLIP - Serial Line Internet Protocol for network gateways LAN Manager Client - lnt5C() library for SMB NetBIOS compati bility SOL - Structured Query Language for open database access PCILIB - PC-Interface MS-DOS-UNIX System file-integ ration services databases ISAM - X/Open-compliant ISAM library routines Open D esktop's co m p l ete deve lopm e nt facilities include interactive progra m m ing and d ebug ging tools as w e l l as ind u stry -standard AP is. Powerful UNIX System Development Platform SCO UNIX System V/3 8 6 Release 3.2 conforms with the Intel 3 8 6 Architecture Binary Compatibility Specification Edition 2 (iB CS-2) for binary compatibility across 386 and 4 8 6 architectures . And you can use Open Desktop as a cost-effective development platform for applications that are readily scalable to larger systems. Many of Open Desktop 's programming tools are provided by the SCO UNIX System V/3 8 6 Release 3.2 Development System , ensuring a development environment consistent with other minicomputer and workstation-based UNIX Systems. As a result, you and your programming staff will already be familiar with many of Open Desktop 's development tools. Also provided are online manual pages for quick and easy reference as well as a complete set of developer's documentation. 28 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Versatile Compilers and Debu ggers The development system includes advanced software-engineering tools - the ANSI-compatible, optimizing Microsoft C compiler, the AT&T C compiler which provides source compatibility with many older programs, and the standard UNIX System Source Code Control System . The powerful Microsoft Code View source debugger allows the application developer to visually step through program execution, set breakpoints, and interactively view program output and registers. X Window S ystem and O SF/Motif Development Tools The X Window System is a distributed , transparently networked, device-independent, multitasking windowing and graphics system . It enables the user to display multiple applications in windows on the same screen, and it lets one application use multiple windows. The X Window System achieves device independence by using the client-server model. The client is an application program , generally linked with the X library (Xlib), that requests the server to draw windows, text, and other objects. The server program runs on each workstation, drawing the required objects on the display. Each workstation has its own X-display server, which contains the hardware-dependent drivers for that workstation. The X server controls the screen, keyboard, and a pointing device. The application developer links the client program with Xlib, a library of graphics and windowing functions that translates the graphics operations into the X communications protocol for display by the server. The client and server can reside on the same machine, or they can be separated across a network. The X Window System 's open architecture enables the user to transparently operate applications residing on any host computer on a TCP/IP network. The X Window System will intemperate with X Window System client applications and other display servers running on platforms from Sun, DEC, HP, IBM, MIPS , AT&T, Siemens , Sony, NEC, Olivetti , Tandy, and many other hardware vendors. o User Interface Language (UIL) Compiler - a compiler which allows the applications progranuner to build the user interface separately from the application engine by specifying the widget hierarachy and call backs o Motif widgets , gadgets, and convenience routines scroll bars, dialog boxes, push buttons, pull-down menus, etc. o X Toolkit (Xt) Intrinsics - routines for creating new widgets and routines, which provide event handling, geometry management, and displ ay presentations characteristics o X Library (Xlib) - low-level graphics routines for drawing arcs and lines Th e Open Desktop Developm e nt Syste m prov id es the deve loper with the OS F/Motif and X W i ndow System too ls to create bit- m apped c l i ent applications and g raph ical user i nt e rfaces. 29 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Open Desktop's industry-standard X Window System and OSF/Motif development tools enable the developer to build state-of-the-art, X Window System-based client applications. These tools include OSF/Motif; the X Toolkit (Xt) Intrinsics; the X Library; over 40 pre-built widgets such as scroll bars, push buttons, and pull-down menus; and the User Interface Language (UIL) compiler, which enables the developer to create new widgets and perform two-dimensional drawing. The OSF/Motif Style Guide enables the developer to produce a GUI consistent with the appearance and behavior of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Presentation Manager. As a result, Open Desktop applications can offer the same familiar interface available with MS-DOS and O S/2 applications. The X Window System and OSF/Motif graphical user interface are being ported to major platforms from 386 and 486 PCs to Cray supercomputers. Because the Open Desktop Application Programming Interfaces conform to these industry standards, source code developed for other platforms will be readily portable to Open Desktop. Cross -Development Tools Open Desktop can be used as a development platform for other operating systems. It includes cross-development tools for generating MS-DOS, XENIX, and OS/2 object files, which can then be executed directly in those environments. M S -DOS -UNIX System Integration The PCILIB Application Programming Interface gives you a powerful method for combining MS-DOS and UNIX System functions in a single program. Database D evelopment For developing databases, Open Desktop includes an embedded S QL (ESQL) preprocessor for C programs. This preprocessor provides an efficient means of integrating S QL statements directly in C source code. The result is a third-generation language application which can automatically m anipulate a remote or local database. Other preprocessors , for embedding S QL in FORTRAN and COB OL-based programs, are av ailable from the Ingres division of ASK Computer Systems, Inc. Open Desktop's database networking architecture is based on the Global Communications Architecture (GCA) . GCA documents methods for both interprocess and distributed client-to-server and server-to-server communications. GCA is published and non-proprietary. It is based on the industry-standard RDA (ANSI 's Remote Data Access) protocol as supported by the ISO 's (International Standards Organization) OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model. GCA provides the foundation for universal, transparent, and open information sharing among an increasingly wide v ariety of data sources, computer platforms, and network administration and name services, and an inter-system communications server. Open Desktop's ISAM implementation has been fine-tuned to provide the highest performance for embedded data-management applications . X/Open-compatible ISAM libraries provide C-language functions for creating, accessing, and manipulating indexed file systems used in application programs . 30 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • Separately Available Extensions Although Open Desktop is rich in features and functionality, many optional products are available which further increase Open Desktop 's capabilities . The following products are or will be available from The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. For complete product specifications and availability, contact your local sea product supplier or contact sea directly. • P C -D O S/MS-DOS Extension Products PC Xsight PC Xsight enables an MS- DOS PC* to be used as an X terminal connected to an Open Desktop or other X-based UNIX System server. PC Xsight can be installed on any 286, 386, or 486 PC running MS-DOS. The result is an instant X workstation with superior flexibility and upgradability at a better price than conventional X terminals. PC Xsight also gives you the freedom to use MS-DOS applications and functions. Thus, you can take advantage of all of Open Desktop's X Window System-based services and MS-DOS on the same PC. JSB MultiView DeskTop JSB MultiView DeskTop is a Microsoft Windows 3.0-based program for PCs that integrates MS-DOS (with Microsoft Windows) and UNIX System applications. JSB MultiView DeskTop lets you run remote UNIX System-based applications concurrently with MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications in multiple, configurable windows. Also supported is a "copy-and-paste" facility for exchanging data between MS-DOS and UNIX System applications and utilities, and the ability to send data and files directly to a local printer. JSB MultiView DeskTop is specially designed to connect MS-DOS PCs to systems running SCO XENIX 386 Release 2.3, SCO UNIX System V/3 86 Release 3.2, and Open Desktop. • Networking Extension Products Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX System V SCO 's packaged-product version of Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX S ystems is an advanced, full-featured, local-area network (LAN) operating environment based on Microsoft 's LAN Manager technology. Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX Systems provides an easy-to-use network solution that closely integrates Open Desktop servers or SCO UNIX System servers with MS-DOS, OS/2 , SCO XENIX, SCO UNIX System V, and Open Desktop (client) environments . In addition to a LAN Manager server, Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX Systems contains all of the additional software needed to connect Open Desktop, SCO UNIX System V, MS-DOS , and OS/2 systems . This additional software includes : LAN Manager clients for SCO UNIX System V, MS-DOS, and O S/2 ; NetBEUI transport modules for SCO UNIX System V, MS-DOS, and OS/2; and popular LAN card d rivers for UNIX Systems, MS-DOS, and OS/2. For more information, please refer to the the SCO Product Overview and Technical B ackground Paper titled "Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX Systems." SCO uniPAT H SNA-3270 SCO uniPATH™ SNA-3270 is a high-performance software product that allows a system running Open Desktop, SCO UNIX System V/386, or SCO XENIX to operate on IBM SNA networks by emulating a complete 3270 information-display system . SCO uniPATH SNA-3270 appears to the host (IBM mainframe) system as a remote IBM 3274 communications controller with attached 3278 display • Requires T C P/IP software and Ethernet hardware 31 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System stations and 328X printers. An Open Desktop system on an SCO XENIX-NET, Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX Systems, or SCO TCP/IP LAN can act as an SNA gateway for all SCO and MS-DOS m achines on the network. SCO uniPATH SNA-3270 also includes a file-transfer capability which enables users (or script files) to move data between local and host environments as necessary. In addition to emulating IBM 3278 Model 2 terminals, SCO uniPATH SNA-3270 emulates IBM 3284, 3286, 3287 , and 3289 printers, enabling users to send host data to either a local printer or a disk file for later reference. For more information, please refer to the SCO uniPATH SNA-3270 data sheet and the SCO Product Overview and Technical B ackground Paper titled "Communications B etween SCO Systems and IBM Mainframes." SCO OSI SCO OSI packages for Open Desktop, UNIX System, and MS-DOS platforms provide a complete OSI protocol suite for use in LAN environments, and are the foundation of the SCO X.400 mailer agent. Compliant with both the U.S. and U.K. GOSIP standards, SCO OSI conforms to standards specified in government contracts, and supports emerging commercial OSI-based applications . ·s co O SI allows both local and remote users to log into, and transfer files to and from , other OSI systems . SCO OSI includes a LAN protocol stack, and remote-login and file-transfer utilities (VT and FTAM utilities) . For more information, refer to the SCO Product Overview and Technical B ackground Paper titled "SCO OSI and SCO X.400 for SCO UNIX System V/38 6 Release 3.2 and MS-DOS Systems." SCO X.400 SCO X .400 is a complete, standalone, X.400-compliant mail system. It runs over SCO OSI and third-party X.25 products, and takes full advantage of the powerful, standard SCO UNIX System Release 3 . 2 m ailer, Multi-Channel Memorandum Distribution Facility II (MMDF II) included in Open Desktop. For WAN connections , third-party suppliers of X.25 products for SCO operating systems will support SCO X.400 with their Streams PO/X.25 drivers. SCO is currently working with a number of these vendors, including The Software Group, Stallion (formerly Anvil), Adax, Software Forge, and Symicron. For more information, refer to the SCO Product Overview and Technical B ackground Paper titled "SCO OSI and SCO X .400 for SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3 .2 and MS-DOS Systems . " SCO XENIX-NET SCO XENIX-NET is SCO's packaged-product release of Microsoft Networks for SCO XENIX - a LAN software package for computers running SCO XENIX that allows easy integration of multiple SCO XENIX systems or mixed MS-DOS and SCO XENIX or Open Desktop Systems. With SCO XENIX-NET, SCO XENIX becomes a complete environment for shared-information and shared-resource computing on personal computers. Through Open Desktop's LAN Manager Client Services, an Open Desktop system can access resources from an SCO XENIX-NET server. • Multiple Processor Extension S C O MPX SCO MPX is an optional extension to Open Desktop and SCO UNIX System V/3 86 Release 3.2 that unleashes the full power of 386 and 486 multiprocessor computers. After the SCO UNIX S ystem or Open Desktop is installed on the first processor, each additional SCO MPX package enables another processor to share the processing of the system 's total workload. Automatic load balancing distributes system and application processing among all of the available processors, and requires no changes to applications or drivers. This transparent multiprocessor support allows users to increase system 32 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System performance without replacing hardware or software. With SCO MPX, the expansion possibilities are virtually limitless. For more information, please refer to the SCO Product Overview and Technical Background Paper titled "SCO MPX. " • Development-Tool Extension S C O C++ Object-oriented programming techniques are revolutionizing the way applications are developed and maintained. Developers can use SCO C++™ with Open Desktop to develop new applications or add C++ features to existing C-language applications. SCO C++ is a complete development system which includes a powerful debugger with both a graphical and character-based interface, class libraries in source form , and full documentation. SCO C++ conforms to the de facto industry standard AT&T C++ Language System . • Third -Party Extension Products Many thi rd-party independent software vendors, VARs, and OEMs have announced the av ailability of add-on products to the Open Desktop family of products. Products are available in the following categories : Applications: • Distributed computing • Business workstation • PC file/resource server • Technical • Multiuser business • Communication/networking and gateway Languages and Editors: • Programming environments • Application development tools • Graphics development tools • Graphics devices • Network development tools For a complete list of products and services , consult the SCO Directory : The Guide to Software , Hardware , and Services for the SCO Environment. For more detailed information, please consult the "Open Desktop Support and Services" section of this document. 33 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • Open Desktop Support and Services Technical Support, Training, and Consulting SCO's value-added services enable you to get the full value from your investment in Open Desktop. SCO provides training and support services tailored to meet the needs of individuals and businesses who use, develop for, and sell Open Desktop. End users can also obtain high-quality training and support from SCO Authorized Education Centers and SCO Resellers. The S C O Developer Alliance Program The SCO Developer Alliance Program is designed to support independent software and hardware developers in developing and bringing to market products and services compatible with the SCO environment. Participants in the program receive an array of benefits, including: • Special pricing on SCO development software and updates • Special developer technical support • Discounts on SCO Training courses, books, and optional documentation • SCO Developer Update, a quarterly mailing which includes developer news and technical information The Open Desktop Developer Kit Available exclusively to members of the SCO Developer Alliance Program, the Open Desktop Developer Kit is a complete package of products and services designed to give developers everything they need to develop a new generation of advanced applications for industry-standard 386 and 4 8 6 computers. With Open Desktop 's complete set o f system services and software development tools, you can produce the advanced, client-server, network-distributed, graphical applications that are now in high demand. In combination with the SCO Developer Alliance Program , the Open Desktop Developer Kit includes all three products in the Open Desktop family; SCO Developer SoftTech8M , the highest-level _of SCO Technical Support service; and discounts on additional product purchases and SCO Training classes. Participants also receive supplemental Open Desktop documentation. SCO Online Support (SOS) System Instant Access to SCO Online Support The SCO Online Support (SOS) system is a dial-up online information system that gives you access to the same database of technical information used by SCO Support Engineers to help solve problems, plus an online catalog of Product Updates and Support Level Supplements, training schedules, press releases, and other information. S C O SoftCare Complete Support for End Users SCO SoftCare 8M provides toll-free telephone access to the SCO Support Department for consulting with SCO Support Engineers, reporting problems, and requesting Product Updates and Support Level Supplements . SCO SoftCare includes access to SOS for dial-up online support, and a subscription to SCO 's DiSCOve,.e newsletter and technical bulletin. 34 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System SCO SoftTech Priority Support for Corporate Users, OEMs, VARs, Developers, and Distributors SCO SoftTech provides high-priority support when time is critical or when you have multiple installations. S CO SoftTech is ideal for corporate users with multiple installations , resellers, and developers. SCO SoftTech assures you of a guaranteed response time and priority escalation based on the severity of the problem. SCO SoftTech includes access to SOS and subscriptions to S C O ' s DiSCOver newsletter and th e Support Level Supplement Catalog, which lists currently available updates and product enhancements. SCO Technical Training Technical Training for SCO Solutions SCO 's full range of training programs is designed to meet the needs of all SCO customers including system administrato rs , dealers, and end users. No matter what your background or your responsibilities may be, SCO Training - taken either directly from SCO or from an SCO Authorized Education Center - can show you the quickest and easiest way to get the most out of your SCO solution. Call (800) SCO-UNIX (726-8 649) toll-free from the U.S. and Canada for schedules and enrollment. SCO Advanced Certified Engineer (ACE) Program Advanced Certification for Technical Professionals The SCO ACErM Program is a series of advanced technical courses and rigorous exam s that certifies technical professionals to provide high-level technical services to SCO installations. The SCO ACE Program follows a university curriculum model, with courses grouped into individual certification paths. Designed as a turnkey training solution, the SCO ACE Program is available at SCO facilities and at SCO Authorized Education Centers in major cities throughout the United States and around the world. SCO Consulting S ervices Custom Open System Engineering SCO offers consulting and custom engineering services to help you use S CO products more effectively and profitably. SCO offers consulting and porting services for both application and system software, and can provide assistance in any aspect of open system technology. SCO consulting services are based at the company's SCO Canada subsidiary (formerly HCR Corporation) which offers over 1 2 years of software engineering experience with OEMs , Fortune 1 000, and other corporate clients. SCO Directory The Guide to Software, Hardware, and Services for the SCO Environment The SCO Directory contains over 3 ,300 entries for SCO systems. The entries are listed by application area and indexed by product name and vendor, making it easy for you to choose the right solution for your needs. The SCO D irectory is available from SCO and SCO Authorized Resellers at a modest fee. Please contact SCO or an SCO Authorized Reseller to obtain your copy of the SCO D irectory. 35 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System • S C O - The Worldwide Leader in Open System Software Solutions The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. is the leading developer and supplier of open system software solutions for microcomputers . Founded in 1 979, SCO fields a staff of over 1 ,300 worldwide, including one of the largest UNIX System technical teams in the world. SCO has shipped over 400,000 UNIX Systems more than any other supplier. SCO delivers reliable, standard, open system products that are backed by full support and training. To distribute its wide range of products, SCO has established a worldwide network of selected valued-added resellers, large and small systems integrators, major software distributors, dealers, and the major m anufacturers of standard microcomputers. Only SCO provides the comprehensive and powerful mix of technical and m arketing expertise that has made it the worldwide leader in open system software solutions. • System Requirements and Supported Hardware The following table shows the system requirements for Open Desktop, the supplementary Open Desktop Server Upgrade, and the Open Desktop Development System. Minimum System Requirements Hardware: 386 or 486 computer based on IS A, EISA, or MCA Media: 5 . 25 " or 3.5 " disk, or QIC 24 tape Display : EGA, VGA, Extended VGA, Hercules monochrome, or selected high-performance adapters Mouse: Bus or Serial Network Card: 3C501, 3C503, 3C523, WD8003EB(f, WD80013EB(f, Token Ring adapter, 4/16 MHz Open Desktop Server Upgrade Development System RAM: 8 Mbytes Disk space: 100 Mbytes RAM: 8 Mbytes (plus .5 Mbyte per user) Disk space: 180 Mbytes RAM: 8 Mbytes (total) Disk space: 140 Mbytes (total) Note: Following is a further explanation of the hardware supported by Open Desktop. Additional devices are continually being added as hardware suppliers adopt the Open Desktop platform. The hardware components listed herein have been tested by SCO. SCO is continually testing additional hardware components with Open Desktop. The Open Desktop Release Notes contain a complete list of these components. Check with your hardware vendors for additional supported components, or consult the SCO Hardware Compatibility Guide. Supported Hardware Configurations Open Desktop runs on any 38 6 or 486 computer based on Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) , Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA), or Micro Channel Architecture (MCA) . With SCO MPX, multiprocessing architectures are also supported. 36 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Math Coprocessors Qpen Desktop automatically detects and supports both the Intel 80387 and Weitek 1 1 67 and 3 1 67 math coprocessors . If a math coprocessor is not present, Open Desktop provides software emulation of the 80387 coprocessor. The 80486 CPU includes an on-chip coprocessor that is also recognized and used as an 80387. Network Cards The following Ethernet boards are supported : 3Com Etherlink 3C501 card 3Com Etherlink II 3C503 card Western Digital WD8003E card Western Digital WD8013E card A single Open Desktop workstation can support up to four 3Com cards and four Western Digital cards. The following Ethernet boards are supported for Micro Channel Architecture computers: 3Com EtherLink II 3C523 card Western Digital WD8003 ET/A card The following Token Ring adapters are supported: IB M Token Ring IB M Token Ring IB M Token Ring IBM Token Ring Adapter Adapter II (long card) 4 MHz for the AT Adapter II (short card) 4 MHz for the AT Adapter 4/1 6 MHz for the AT The following Token Ring adapters are supported on Micro Channel Architecture computers : IBM Token Ring Adapter IB M Token Ring Adapter 4 MHz for the PS/2 IB M Token Ring Adapter 4/1 6 MHz for the PS/2 Hard-Disk Controllers The following hard-disk controllers are supported for ISA and EIS A computers : Adaptec ACB-2320 Adaptec ACB-2322 Adaptec ACB-2370 RLL Adaptec ACB-2372 Adaptec AHA- 1 54x SCSI Host Adapter SMS OMTI 8620 (ESDI controller) SMS OMTI 8627 (ESDI controller) Western Digital WD 1 0 1 0 or compatible Western Digital WD 1 003 Western Digital WD 1 003-WA2 Western Digital WD 1 005 Western Digital WD 1 007 DPT PM30 1 1 DPT MX30 1 1 DTC WD1 0 1 0-compatible DTC WD20 1 0-compatible The following hard-disk controllers are supported for Micro Channel Architecture computers : Adaptec AHA- 1 640 (SCSI host adapter) Adaptec 26 1 0 (ESDI disk controller) Adaptec 2620 (ST506 disk controller) IBM (ESDI disk controller) 37 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System ffiM (ST506 disk controller) Western Digital 1006V-MCI (ESDI disk controller) Western Digital 1007V-MCI (ST506 disk controller) Video Adapters The following video adapters are supported for ISA and EISA computers : Card Resolution Type Compaq Plasma Compaq VGC Compaq VGC Genoa SuperVGA (5000 series) Genoa SuperVGA (5000 series) Genoa SuperVGA (5000 series) Genoa SuperVGA (5000 series) Hercules Monochrome ffiM EGA ffiM VGA ffiM VGA Orchid Designer Orchid Designer Orchid Designer Orchid Designer Paradise VGA Plus Paradise VGA Plus Paradise VGA Plus ST B Extra-EM ST B Extra-EM ST B Extra-EM STB Extra-EM Trident T VGA 8900 Trident T VGA 8900 Trident T VGA 8900 Video Seven VEGNDeluxe Video Seven VEGNDeluxe Video 7 Fastwrite VGA Video 7 Fastwrite VGA Video 7 Fastwrite VGA Video 7 VRAM (EGA) Video 7 VRAM VGA Video 7 VRAM VGA Video 7 VRAM VGA Video 7 VGA 1 024i Video 7 VGA 1 024i Video 7 VGA 1 024i Video 7 VGA 1024i 640x400 640x350 640x480 640x350 640x480 800x600 1024x768 720x350 640x350 640x350 640x480 640x350 640x480 800x600 1 024x768 640x350 640x480 800x600 640x350 640x480 800x600 1 024x768 640x480 800x600 1 024x768 640x350 640x480 640x350 640x480 800x600 640x380 640x350 640x480 800x600 640x350 640x480 800x600 1 024x768 2-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 16-color 16-color non-interlaced and interlaced mode Monochrome 16-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 16-color 1 6-color non-interlaced and interlaced mode 16-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 16-color 1 6-color non-interlaced and interlaced mode 16-color 16-color 16-color non-interlaced and interlaced mode 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 16-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color interlaced mode Untested Graphics Adapters EIZO MD-B07 EIZO MD-B07 EIZO MD-B07 EIZO MD-B07 EIZO Extra/EM EIZO Extra/EM EIZO Extra/EM Quadram QuadVGA Quadram QuadVGA Quadram QuadVGA Quadram QuadVGA 38 640x350 640x480 800x600 640x350 640x480 800x600 1 024x768 640x350 640x480 800x600 1 024x768 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color 1 6-color SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Tecmar VGA/AD Tecmar VGA/AD Tecmar VGA/AD Tecmar VGA/AD Toshiba Grid 758 Display Toshiba Grid Plasma Display 640x350 640x480 800x600 1 024x768 640x400 640x400 1 6-color 1 6-color 16-color 1 6-color Monochrome Monochrome The 2-color Compaq Plasma and Hercules monochrome video adapters are also supported for ISA and EISA computers. Micro Channel Architecture computers have the VGA controller built into the mother board. The following built-in video cards are supported for Micro Channel Architecture computers : IBM Personal System/2 Integral VGA adapter, and the 8503, 85 1 2 , 85 1 3 , and 8 5 1 4 monitors , Olivetti P500, Integral VGA Tandy 5000MC, Integral VGA Apricot Qi, Integral VGA Mice and Other Pointing Devices Open Desktop supports the following pointing devices: Logitech Serial Mouse Microsoft Serial Mouse Mouse Systems PC Mouse Mouse Systems PC Mouse II Microsoft Bus Mouse or InPort Bus Mouse Logitech Bus Mouse Olivetti Bus Mouse IBM Personal System/2 Mouse Summa Graphics Bitpad Tape Driver/Controller Combinations QIC-24 and QIC-40 tape drives for ISA and EISA computers from the following suppliers are supported: Archive Bell Technologies Computone COREtape Cipher Emerald Everex ITT Mountain Olivetti Tecmar Tl Wangtek The Archive SCSI tape drive for ISA and EISA computers is also supported . Tape drives for Micro Channel Architecture computers from the following vendors are supported : Archive Everex mM Irwin Mountain Tecmar Wangtek 39 SCO Open Desktop The Complete Graphical Operating System Serial Cards The following serial l/0 boards for ISA and EISA computers are supported: AMI l am b 4 and 8 port Amet Controls 2, 4, and 8 port (clock option not supported) AST FourPORT/XN Control Systems Hostess 4- and 8-port versions CTC Versanet 4AT (4 port) and SAT (8 port) DigiBoard 4 and 8 port IBM standard COM1 and COM2 Kimtron Quartet 4 port Olivetti RS232C Multiport Board Quadram QuadPort 1 and 5 port Stargate Technologies OC4400 (4 port) and OC8000 (8 port) versions Tandon Quad Serial Card The following serial l/0 boards for Micro Channel Architecture computers are supported : IBM PS/2 model 3033 dual async 2-port card (up to 3 per system) Stargate PLUS 8 MC AST 4-port or 8-port Async Cluster Adapter DigiBoard PS-COM/8 port or 16 port Amet Multiport/2 port or 8 port - 1 or 2 cards Comtrol Hostess/MC 4 port and 8 port 40 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS NORTH AMERICA/JAPAN DIVISION HEADQUARTERS PACIFIC/ASIA/LATIN AMERICA DIVISION HEADQUARTERS 400 Encinal Street, P.O. Box 1900 S anta Cruz, California 9506 1 SALES AND INFO: (800) S CO-UNIX (726-8649) : (408) 425-7222 • FAX: (408) 458-4227 TWX: 9 1 0-598-45 1 0 SCO SAGZ E-MAIL: . . . uunet! sco ! sco-info sco-info@ sco .COM The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. FEDERAL SYSTEMS GROUP \,, 2 1 00 Reston Parkway, Suite 102 Reston, Virginia 2209 1 (703) 7 1 5-8700 • FAX: (703) 7 1 5 -8750 E-MAIL: ... uunet! sco! federal federal@ sco.COM SCO Canada, Inc. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES H EADQUARTERS CANADIAN SALES, MARKETING AND SUPPORT 1 3 0 B loor S treet West, l Oth Floor Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSS INS SALES A ND INFO: (800) S CO-UNIX (726-8649) (4 1 6) 922- 1 9 37 • FAX: (4 1 6) 922-8397 E-MAIL: . . . uunet! scocan ! info The Santa Cruz Operation, Ltd . EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA DIVISION HEADQUARTERS Croxley Centre, Hatters Lane Watford WD 1 8 YN United Kingdom +44 (0)923 8 1 6344 • FAX: +44 (0)923 8 1 778 1 TELEX : 9 1 7372 S COLON G E-MAIL: . . . uknet! scol ! scol-info scol-info@ sco .COM 9 1 6-000-01 0-D