Hall 3.1 - icsci 2014
Hall 3.1 - icsci 2014
Final Conference Program International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure (ICSCI-2014) organized by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) India Section Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Hyderabad in association with Build4India October 17-18, 2014 HITEX Exhibition Center, Hitech City Hyderabad Patron Prof. U. B. Desai Director, IIT Hyderabad Conference Chair Prof. G.L.Sivakumar Babu Conference Co-Chair Prof. K.V.L.Subramaniam Dept. Civil Engg. IISc Bangalore President ASCE India Section Dean Planning and Head Dept. of Civil Engg. IIT Hyderabad Organizing Secretaries Dr. B Munwar Basha Dr. Sireesh S Assistant Professor, Dept of Civil Engg. IIT Hyderabad Associate Professor, IIT Hyderabad Secretary, ASCE India Section Treasurers Dr. P Anbazhagan Treasurer, ASCE India Section Er. S. P. Anchuri Treasurer, ASCE IS Southern Region Publicity / Publication Convener Mr. Pradeep K. P. Secretary, Southern Region, ASCE IS Organizing Committee ASCE India Section Prof. BK Raghuprasad Mr. Satish Vij Mr. Arvind Shah Mr. Sandip K Deb Mr. Srirup Mitra Mr. Arif Siddiqui IIT Hyderabad Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Umashankar B Rajagopal A Phanindra KVBN Shashidhar T Basudev B Suriya Prakash P Mahendra Kumar M Debraj Bhattacharya Asif Qureshi Riddhi Singh Anil Agarwal Advisory Committee International Advisory Committee Dr. Suzanne Lacasse, NGI, Oslo Prof. Anand J Puppala, UTA, Texas, USA Prof. Krishna R Reddy, UIC, Chicago, USA Prof. Jorge Zornberg, UT Austin, Texas, USA Prof. Soheil Nazarian, UT El Paso, Texas, USA Prof. Erol Tutumluer, UIUC, USA Prof. Filippo Pratico, UMRC ITALY Prof. Budhima Indraratna, UoW, Austrialia Prof. Rajib Mallick, WPI, USA Prof. Rao Surampalli, USEPA, USA Dr. Himansu K Banerjee, Australia Prof. Gajanan M Sabnis, Howard University, USA Dr. Dipanjan Basu, UW, Canada Dr. Arni S R Srinivasa Rao, GRU, Georgia, USA National Advisory Committee Prof. MR Madhav, IIT Hyderabad Prof. GV Rao, IIT Delhi Prof. TG Sitharam, IISc, Banlaore Prof. A Veeraragavan, IIT Madras Prof. D Nagesh Kumar, IISc, Bangalore Prof. Amarnatha Reddy, IIt Kharagpur Prof. K Rajagopal, IIT Madras Prof. BV Venkatarama Reddy, IISc, Bangalore Prof. Suresh Bhalla, IIT Delhi Dr. GVS Raju, E&C, Roads and Buildings, AP Mr. G Jagannadha Rao, CE, R&B, AP Maj Gen (Retd) R K Sanan, S&DG, IEI Mr. Ashok K Basa, President, IEI Prof. Partha Chakroborty Prof. A Veeraragavan Prof. Sarvesh Chandra Prof. Filippo Pratico Prof. Arul Arulrajah Dr. V. Ramachandra 11.15 - 11.45 11.45 - 12.15 212 3.18 - 3.26 297 263 188 49 288 67 4.33 - 4.41 4.49 - 4.57 123 68 51 4.25 - 4.33 4.41 - 4.49 48 4.17 - 4.25 Discussion 172 3.10 - 3.18 225 277 18 4.09 - 4.17 5.06 - 5.15 164 3.02 - 3.10 265 27 14 4.01 - 4.09 8 3.53 - 4.01 6.00 pm : ASCE India Section’s Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) Authors Workshop by Springer Editor 74 2.54 - 3.02 112 26 6 3.45 - 3.53 293 52 2.46 - 2.54 105 24 4.57 - 5.06 35 2.38 - 2.46 81 3.30 pm - 3.45 pm : Tea Break 33 2.30 - 2.38 12.15 pm - 1.00 pm : Corporate Presentations (Venue: 2.1) 313 117 113 102 99 93 66 61 43 40 224 132 246 177 157 77 73 59 56 32 31 216 Discussion 192 176 193 54 149 122 62 57 50 189 International Con1.00 pm - 2.00 pm : Lunch ference on SusTechnical Session 2: 2:00 - 2.30 pm (Keynote Presentations) tainable Civil InHall 1.3 Hall 3.1 Hall 3.2 frastructures 2.00– 2.30 Prof. Suresh Bhalla Prof. Ligy Philip Er. S. P Anchuri (ICSCI) 2014: ProTechnical Session 2: 2:30 - 3.30 pm (Paper Presentations) gram at Technical a Glance Session 3: 3:45 - 5.15 pm (Paper Presentations) Hall 3.1 Hall 4 (SIA2) (Day 1) Hall 1.3 (SG1) Hall 3.1 (ST1) Hall 3.2 (SS2) Hall 1.3 (SS1) Hall 3.2 (SIA1) (SEWRE1) Prof. Hementa Hazarika Prof. LR Hoyos Prof. K V L Subramaniam 10.45 - 11.15 Hall 3.2 10.30 am - 10.45 am : Tea Break Hall 3.1 Technical Session 1: 10.45 am - 12.15 pm (Keynote Presentations) 9.30 am - 10.30 am : Inaugural Session Hall 1.3 Friday, October 17, 2014 International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures (ICSCI) 2014: Program at a Glance (Day 1) 86 247 Prof. D Nagesh Kumar Prof. Animesh Das Hall 3.1 Dr. P. S Dutt Prof. Arni Srinivasa Rao Hall 3.2 168 296 82 207 217 245 159 135 11.39 - 11.47 11.47 - 11.55 11.55 - 12.03 12.03 - 12.11 12.11 - 12.19 12.19 - 12.27 12.27 - 12.36 12.36 - 12.45 308 286 280 271 173 170 144 238 310 295 268 262 222 184 153 136 129 Discussion 116 270 264 258 253 249 248 12.45 pm - 1.30 pm : Corporate Presentations (Venue: 2.1) 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm : Lunch 158 11.31 - 11.39 314 3.10 - 3.18 147 130 97 84 83 275 198 195 187 180 179 167 115 106 104 101 233 227 3.30 pm - 4.00 pm : Closing Ceremony (Venue: 2.1) 4.00 pm : High Tea 3.18 - 3.26 38 3.02 - 3.10 267 229 2.46 - 2.54 2.54 - 3.02 206 2.38 - 2.46 Prof. GL Sivakumar Babu Prof. B V Venkatarama Reddy ConInternational : Tea Break amSus11.00 amference - 11.15 on tainable Civil InTechnical Session 5: 11.15 am - 12.45 pm (Paper Presentations) Technical Session 6: 2:30 - 3.30 pm (Paper Presentations) frastructures Hall 4 Hall 1.3 (SS3) Hall 3.1 (SG2) Hall 3.2 (ST2) Hall 1.3 (SEWRE2/SS4) (ICSCI) 2014: ProHall 3.1 (SS5) Hall 3.2 (SS6) Hall 4 (SS7) (SIA3) 11.15 - 11.23 311 71 126 gram279at a Glance 11.23 - 11.31 39 78 211 289 29 274 98 226 (Day 2) 2.30 - 2.38 Dr. Gangopadhyay Prof. K Rajagopal 10.00 - 10.30 10.30 - 11.00 Prof. TG Sitharam 9.30 - 10.00 Hall 1.3 Saturday, October 18, 2014 Technical Session 4: 9.30 am - 11.00 am (Keynote Presentations) International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures (ICSCI) 2014: Program at a Glance (Day 2) Friday, October 17, 2014 9.30 am - 10.30 am : Inaugural Session 10.30 am - 10.45 am : Tea Break Technical Session 1: 10.45 am - 12.15 pm (Keynote Presentations) Hall 1.3 10.45 - 11.15 11.15 - 11.45 11.45 - 12.15 Hall 3.1 Hall 3.2 Prof. K V L Subramaniam Prof. LR Hoyos Prof. Hementa Hazarika (IIT Hyderabad) (University of Texas at Arlington, USA ) “Advances in Experimental Modeling of Unsaturated Intermediate Geomaterials ” (Kyushu University, Japan ) “Alternate Cements and Low Energy Binders” “Sustainable design of coastal structures” Prof. Arul Arulrajah Prof. Sarvesh Chandra Prof. Partha Chakroborty (Swinburne University, Australia ) “Sustainable usage of construction and demolition materials in roads and footpaths” (IIT Kanpur) (IIT Kanpur) “Sustainability of Railway Tracks” “Sustainable transportation for Indian cities: role of intelligent transportation systems ” Dr. V. Ramachandra Prof. Filippo Pratico Prof. A Veeraragavan (UltraTech Cement) (University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy ) “Sustainability of Transportation Infrastructures” (IIT Madras) “Concrete - A Sustainable Option for Pavements” “Sustainable Transportation Systems” 12.15 pm - 1.00 pm : Corporate Presentations (Venue: 2.1) 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm : Lunch Technical Session 2: 2:00 - 2.30 pm (Keynote Presentations) 2.00 - 2.30 Prof. Suresh Bhalla Prof. Ligy Philip Er. S. P Anchuri (IIT Delhi) (IIT Madras) (Anchuri and Anchuri Associates) “Pre-Engineered Bamboo Struc- “Disinfection of contaminated tures: A Step Towards Sustaina- water using high voltage pulsed ble Construction streamer corona discharge and ” photo catalytic systems” “Sustainability- Way forward in Architectural Engineering ” Technical Session 2: 2:30 - 3.30 pm (Paper Presentations) Hall 1.3 2.30 - 2.38 2.38 - 2.46 2.46 - 2.54 Hall 3.1 Hall 3.2 (Sustainable Structures-1) (Sustainable Env. & Water Resources Engg. –1) (Sustainable Infra. and Architecture-1) 33: Sai Chand, Satish Chandra and Ashish Dhamaniya Capacity Drop of Urban Arterial due to a Curbside Bus Stop 81: Tharun Dolla and Boeing Laishram. Climate Change Mitigation in SWM through PPPs - A Conceptual Framework 24: Satyakumar M, Anil Raghunathan and Aiswarya P.G Emergency Information System for Thiruvananthapuram City 98: Vaishali G Ghorpade and Venkata Subash Koneru Sustainable Self Compacting Concrete using Metakaolin and Fly ash 105: Chandrasen Rajemahadik and Priyanka Shinde Electrocoagulation approach for synthetic and effluent treatment: an overview 26: AK Kasthurba and Krishna Reddy Managing Building Waste for Sustainable Urban Development: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies 52: Amarnath Yerramala and Raghu Yadav Golla Strength behavior of sisal fibre concrete with fine construction waste aggregate 112: Nagasrinivasa Rao N, Kumud Lata Devi Katiyar and Purnendu Bose Modification of traditional drinking water treatment plants for safe health and sustainable operation 27: Rahul Ralegaonkar, Mangesh Madurwar, Sanjay Raut, Vaidehi Dakwale and Sachin Mandavgane Application of solid wastes in sustainable building masonry products: A techno -environmental study Friday, October 17, 2014 Technical Session 2: 2:30 - 3.30 pm (Paper Presentations) Hall 3.2 Hall 3.1 Hall 1.3 Conti.. (Sustainable Env. & Water Resources Engg.1-) (Sustainable Infra. and Architecture –1) 74: Narayan V Nayak and Manish P Mokal Approach towards sustainable concrete construction 265: Sanjay D, Dr. Devesh T, Dr. Rajan C and Dr. Subhamay Gangopadhyay HDM-4 Pavement Deterioration Modeling for Ahmedabad-Vadodara Expressway 277: Sonali Nagargoje and Dattatray Regulwar Analysis of hydrological responses based on LULC and soil classification for watershed 3.02 - 3.10 164: Franklin F.R Frederick, U.K Sharma and V.K. Gupta Shear Behavior of RC Beams Retrofitted with End Anchorage -External CFRP Confinement 225: K.Srinivasa Raju, D.Nagesh Kumar and Sonali Pattanayak Compromise Programming for Ranking of Global Climate Models for India 288: Smita Singh, Mahesh H.P and Aswath M.U Experimental Investigations on Red Mud Based Geopolymer Mortars 3.10 - 3.18 172: Ambily P S, Jaywant A L, Nayana N. Patil, Prabhu S and Nagesh R Iyer Rate of strength development in normal strength and high strength geopolymer concrete with micronised biomass silica 263: Chandrasen Rajemahadik, Dr. Promod Patil and Sayali Koyande Applications of nano-TiO2 : an environmental engineering viewpoint 49: Sumit Kumar Majumder and Dr. Purnachandra Saha Biomimicry and its Adaptations to Solve Complex Problems in Civil Engineering Systems 212: Bibhuti Bhusan Mukharjee and Sudhirkumar V Barai Development of Sustainable and EcoFriendly Concrete Containing NanoSilica and Recycled Coarse Aggregates 297: Sampath Kumar P, Simhadri Rao B, Shanker M, Murthy Yvs and Venkateswara Rao V Geo web application for accelerated irrigation benefit in India: A Development study 188: Preetish Kakoty and Bhargab M Das Practicing Sustainability in Design and Construction of Buildings: Insights with a Case-Study (Sustainable Structures-1) 2.54 - 3.02 3.18 - 3.26 3.30 pm - 3.45 pm : Tea Break Technical Session 3: 3:45 - 5.15 pm (Paper Presentations) 3.45 - 3.53 3.53 - 4.01 4.01 - 4.09 4.09 - 4.17 4.17 - 4.25 Hall 1.3 Hall 3.1 Hall 3.2 Hall 4 (Sustainable Geosystems -1) (Sustainable Transportation Systems –1) (Sustainable Structures -2) (Sustainable Infra. and Architecture –2) 6: Swagata Bisoi and Sumanta 224: Anu George and Sireesh Haldar Saride Sustainable design of monopile Sustainability of Geogrid Reinsupported offshore wind turbine forced fly ash treated RAP system Bases in Flexible Pavements 216: Mohamed Maqsood Ahmed, Sapna Papu and Aravind Bhashyam Optimization of Mix Proportion of High Performance Concrete blended with Micro Concrete and Fibre Using Taguchi’s Approach. 189: V. G. Kondekar, O. R. Jaiswal, L. M. Gupta and P. R. Gandhi Experimental Study of Thermal Behaviour of Gadhi Soil used in Maharashtra for Rural Housing 8: Amit Srivastava and Aditya 40: Someshwar Rao ThakkallaGupta pally Model study of load – Sustainable Pavement Strucsettlement response of slope tural Design for a National prepared with clayey soil mixed Highway in India using Recywith shredded tire waste cled Material and Stabilized Layers- A Case Study 31: Kiran Apsunde Effects of High Summer Temperatures due to Climate Change on Buckling of Rails: A Case Study of Nagpur District, Maharashtra, India 50: Jogatjyoti Bhattacharjee Need for Sustainability in Construction of Civil Engineering Infrastructure in India 14: Harikumar M, Sankar N and Chandrakaran S Behaviour of sand reinforced with plastic multi oriented geopods 43: Sayida M K, Girish M S and Sheela Evageline Y Performance of coir geotextile reinforced unpaved roads 32: Alok Bhowmick Role of Structural Engineers in Sustainable Infrastructure Development 57: Rajiv Ganguly, Anil Dhiman and Ashok Gupta Construction and Design principles for Energy-efficient Buildings in Hilly Regions in Northern India 18: Femy M Makkar and Chandrakaran S Ground Improvement of Soft Clay Using Compacted Lime Column Technique 61: Jasti Chaitanya and Vinayaka Ram Development of Sustainable Indicator Groups for Evaluation & Benchmarking of Sustainable Urban Transportation System 159: R.Siva Chidambaram and Pankaj Agarwal Cyclic Evaluation of Beam Column Joint Using High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites 62: Rima Sahani and P.K. Bhuyan Application of GA-Fuzzy Clustering for the Evaluation of Sustainable Pedestrian Facilities in Urban Indian Context 48: G H Arjun Shounak, V Raghavendra, A Stanley Jose and T.G Sitharam Finite Element Analysis of Underground Metro Tunnels 66: Bhashya V, Ramesh G, 59: R Chirag Garg, Aakash Jain Bharatkumar B.H and Nagesh and M. V. N. Siva Kumar R Iyer Experimental Studies on MeTreatment for the Improvement chanical Properties of Polyproof Recycled Concrete Aggrepylene Fibre Based Sustainable gates Concrete 122: Shiva Shankar and Rachit Khandelwal Green Initiatives for sustainable Universities: Case Study of JUET, Guna Friday, October 17, 2014 Technical Session 3: 3:45 - 5.15 pm (Paper Presentations) Conti.. Hall 1.3 Hall 3.1 Hall 3.2 Hall 4 (Sustainable Geosystems -1) (Sustainable Transportation Systems –1) (Sustainable Structures -2) (Sustainable Infra. and Architecture –2) 51: Ram Rathan Lal Birali and Jnanendra Nath Mandal Effect of Cellular Reinforcement Anchored Systems on the Behaviour of Reinforced Fly Ash Walls 93: Alinda Dey, Deepjyoti Dev and Dr. Purnachandra Saha Use of copper slag as sustainable aggregate 73: Abhijeet Gandage, Vinayaka Ram V, Manish Panwar, Meet Shah and Rishabh Singhvi Experimental Study on Noise Absorption in Porous and Normal Concrete 149: Ayan Garg, Amit Yalawar, Anuradha Kamath and Jaganath Vinay Effect of Varying Cement Proportions on Properties of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) - A Sustainable LowCost Housing Material 4.33 - 4.41 67: Sodom Bali Reddy, Damalla Pradeep Kumar and Adapa Murali Krishna Evaluation of tire chip- sand mixture’s properties for Geotechnical fill applications 99: Monika Mohanty and Mahabir Panda A Study on Use of Industrial Wastes in Bituminous Concrete Paving Mixes 77: Prasad Mlv, Rama Prasad Reddy L and Muni Reddy Mg Quarry Rock Dust As a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Fiber Based Self Compacting Concrete 54: Nagaraj Keladi Gundajois Innovative sustainable infrastructure solutions 4.41 - 4.49 68: Srikanth Vadlamudi and Anil Kumar Mishra A Study on the Influence of Aggregate Particle Size on Geotechnical Properties of SandBentonite Mixture 102: Abhishek Jindal, G. D. Ransinchung R. N. and Praveen Kumar Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Rigid Pavements: A Review 157: Darpan Bhorwani and Sonal Thakkar Effect of Different Curing Techniques for Fly Ash and Slag Based Geopolymer Concrete 193: Vishakha Sakhare and Rahul Ralegaonkar Sustainable Planning Approach for Low Rise LIG Housing Schemes for Indian Climate 123: P Lakshmikanthan, L G Santhosh and G L Sivakumar Babu Evaluation of bioreactor landfill as sustainable Land disposal method 113: Nitendra Palankar and Ayyalasomayajula Udaya Ravi Shankar Alkali Activated Binders for White Topping and the Effect of Modulus of Subgrade Reaction and Panel Size on White Topping 177: Prabha P, Bhuvaneshwari B, Palani G S and Senthil R Characteristics of Functionally Modified Foamed Concrete by Nano-Clay 176: Rajkumar K, Anandakumar S and Krishnamoorthy V A Study on Critical Success Factors for Infrastructure Development Projects In India under Public Private Partnership 293: Reshma Rajeev, Peddinti Pranav and Dr.M Heeralal A Numerical Study on the Influence of Surcharge and Modes of Wall Deformation on Earth Pressures of Narrow Retaining Walls 117: Rajan Choudhary and Ashok Julaganti Volumetric Properties of Bituminous Mixes with Evotherm 246: D Vinay, Manjunath S, Renuka Devi M V and Somanath M.Basutkar Partially Pre-Cast Beam and Panel Roofing System 192: Sheela Eshwariah and M Viswanadh Sustainable Infrastructure – Sustainable Building 313: Dr. Ravinder Kayitha and Dr. Madhu Errampalli Vehicular Pollution Loads from Vehicular Traffic in India based on Vehicle Kilometres Travelled for Sustainable Road Transportation 132: Vishnu Pradeesh, Saptarshi Sasmal, Ramanjaneyulu K. and Kanchana Devi. Evaluation of Shear Strength of Exterior BeamColumn Joints-An Aid to Achieve Desired Strength Hierarchy Under Seismic 4.25 - 4.33 4.49 - 4.57 4.57 - 5.06 Discussion 5.06 - 5.15 Discussion 6.00 pm : ASCE India Section’s Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) 6.00 pm : FREE Authors' Workshop by Ms. Swathi Meherishi, Springer Editor, Applied Sciences & Engineering @ 6:00pm, Hall 4 Saturday, October 18, 2014 Technical Session 4 : 9.30 am - 11.00 am (Keynote Presentations) 9.30 - 10.00 10.00 - 10.30 10.30 - 11.00 Hall 1.3 Hall 3.1 Hall 3.2 Prof. TG Sitharam Prof. Animesh Das Prof. Arni Srinivasa Rao (IISc Bangalore) (IIT Kanpur ) (Georgia Regents University, USA ) “Underground Engineering for Sustainable Urban development: Experiences from Urban Underground metro constructions in India ” “Sustainability considerations in pavement design ” Prof. K Rajagopal Prof. D. Nagesh Kumar Dr. P.S. Dutt (IIT Madras ) (IISc Bangalore) (NEERI, Nagpur ) “Mathematical model for a Sustainable Infrastructure ” “Reinforced Piled Embankments “Water Resources Assessment “Sustainability aspects in Envifor Sustainable Infrastructure due to Climate Change Impacts” ronmental Engineering ” Development ” Dr. S. Gangopadhyay Prof. G L Sivakumar Babu (Director, CSIR - Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi) (IISc Bangalore) “Innovative Technologies For Sustainable Maintenance of Flexible Pavements ” “Assessment of Landfill Sustainability ” Prof. BV Venkatarama Reddy (IISc Bangalore) “Built Habitat Construction Materials and SustainabilityAn Overview” 11.00 am - 11.15 am : Tea Break Technical Session 5: 11.15 am - 12.45 pm (Paper Presentations) 11.15 - 11.23 11.23 - 11.31 11.31 - 11.39 11.39 - 11.47 Hall 4 Hall 1.3 Hall 3.1 Hall 3.2 (Sustainable Structures - 3) (Sustainable Geosystems –2) (Sustainable Transportation Systems –2) (Sustainable Env. & Water Resources Engg. 3 and Sustainable Struct.-4) 311: Abdur Rasheed M and Suriya Prakash S Effect of Synthetic Structural Fiber Reinforcement on Compression Behavior of Cellular Light Weight Masonry Blocks 71: Mandeep Singh and Vikas Pratap Singh Influence of Matrix Suction on Short Term Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Slopes. 126: Sindu Bs, Saptarshi Sasmal and Nagesh R Iyer Development of nanoengineered cementitious composites for sustainable infrastructure 279: Bhaskar Sangoju and Krishnakumar K Evaluation of Durability Parameters of Concrete using RCPT, RCMT and Salt Ponding Tests 39: Harshit Garg, Paratibha Aggarwal, Yogesh Aggarwal and Deepak Leelwan Strength optimization of cement blended by flyash and alccofine 78:V Ramana Murty, Peddinti Pranav and K.S.R. Kumar Influence of Lime and Cement on Strength Properties of Fly Ash and Slag Of Nava Bharat Ventures Limited, Paloncha, India 211: Sowmiya L S and J.T Shahu Benefits of Geosynthetic Reinforcement on Typical Indian Railway Tracks 289: Shantini Bokil Innovative Techniques for Recycle and Reuse of Textile Waste Water by Agriculture Wastes as Low Cost Adsorbent 158: Prebha Kumari K S A Study on Interfacial Shear Behaviour of Self Compacting Concrete 86: Rupali Satavalekar and Vishwas Sawant 1 D Contaminant Migration in Heterogeneous Media Using Element Free Galerkin Method 129: Jyoti Prakash Giri, Mahabir Panda and Bidyut Bikash Sutradhar Evaluation of Bond Strength between Bituminous Paving Layers: A Laboratory Study 247: Gopika Krishna, B Bhuvaneshwari and G. S. Palani Performance of functionally modified epoxy nano composites for FRP applications 168: Ayan Garg, Amit Yalawar, Anuradha Kamath and Jaganath Vinay Fracture Analysis of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks Under Mode-I Type Failure 238: Manjunath Amalkar, M. V Renuka Devi and K.S Jagadish Strength and Elastic Properties of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry 136: Prasanth Abraham Mananlel and Malagavelli Venu Studies on Acid Resistance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete 248: Anju Agarwal and Dr. Nirendra Dev Base Isolation for Medium Rise Buildings Saturday, October 18, 2014 Technical Session 5: 11.15 am - 12.45 pm (Paper Presentations) Conti.. 11.47 - 11.55 11.55 - 12.03 12.03 - 12.11 12.11 - 12.19 12.19 - 12.27 12.27 - 12.36 12.36 - 12.45 Hall 4 Hall 1.3 Hall 3.1 Hall 3.2 (Sustainable Structures - 3) (Sustainable Geosystems –2) (Sustainable Transportation Systems –2) 296: Nithya M and Maheswaran G Study on Behavior of Concrete Using Foundry Sand 144: Shraddha Praharaj, Nethravathi S, Jagadish K S and Shashank Agarwal Bagasse Ash as a Pozzolanic material 153: Rajan Choudhary and Priyansh Singh Determination of Mixing and Compaction Temperatures of Asphalt Concrete Mixes by Density Analysis 249: Meena Murmu, Govardhan Bhat, Narendra Singh Chouhan, Ramakant Patel and Ganesh Kumar Effect on Strength and Hydration products of Concrete using Mineral Admixtures 147: Seshagiri Rao Meduri, Srinivasa Reddy Vempada and Sasikala Ch Studies on Characterization of Caco3 Precipitation in Bacterial Cement Mortar 170: Shantanu Patra and J.T. Shahu An updated discretization technique to evaluate oblique pullout capacity of inextensible reinforcement 184: Praveen Kumar and Nikhil Saboo Rheological Investigations of Sulfur Modified Bitumen 253: Khuito Murumi and Supratic Gupta Utilising Fly Ash in Concrete without Compromising Strength Development (Sustainable Env. & Water Resources Engg. 3 and Sustainable Struct.-4) 207: Satyanarayana Gvv, 173: Ratnadeep Modak, 222: Sharmili 258: Sri Kalyana Rama Dr. Dakshina Murthy N R Abhinava Paul and Rajib Routray and Kishore Chan- J, Sivakumar M V N, Vasan and Dr. Sheshagiri Rao M V Saha dra Biswal A and Ritesh Reddy K Sustainable Studies on EnEffect of small strain nonReview of Basalt Fiber to A Review on Influence of ergy Absorption Capacity of linear pile-soil behavior on Use as Strengthening Matesuperplasticizers on the Two Way Slabs With Blendseismic response of strucrial strength characteristics of ed Concretes ture supported by pile founSelf- Compacting Concrete dation 217: Kushagra Mishra, Tushar Aggarwal, Md. Naushad and Manik Kapoor Making Translucent Concrete and Determining its Compressive Strength 271: Partha Sarathi Parhi and Sarat Kumar Das Suitability of Alkali Activated Fly Ash Binder as a Stabilizing Agent for Highly Expansive Soil 262: Trupti Konin and Durga Prashanth Laboratory evaluation of Stone Mastic Asphalt mixtures containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Materials 264: Madhavi Kancharla Stiffness of Brick Masonry Walls with Openings 245: J Aswini, B Bhuvaneshwari and G. S. Palani Assessment of Moisture Index in the NanoEngineered Epoxy towards FRP Application 280: H. S. Chore and V. N. Patil Reinforced Fly Ash Embankments: Review 268: Srikant Sindgi Comparative evaluation of warm mix Asphalt containing reclaimed asphalt pavement for DBM II mix 270: Ashish Kumar Dash, Namachivayam U and Supratic Gupta Experimental Study of Impact Resistance of Bamcrete Wall Panels 56: Banti A. Gedam, N M Bhandari and Akhil Upadhyay Life Cycle Sustainability of Concrete Structures Using High Performance Concrete 286: Gaurav Kapse Utilization of Waste ETP Sludge as Building Material: An Eco-friendly Approach Towards Waste Management 135: Arya Surendaran, Bhuvaneshwari B, Palani G.S and Nagersh R. Iyer Functions of CNT in Engineered Cementitious Composites towards Enhancing the Life of Bridge Structures 308: Monirul Mallick and Prishati Raychowdhury Seismic Response of Skew Bridges under Bidirectional Ground Motions 116: Hemalatha T, Surabhi B.S 295: Shishir Bansal, and Nagesh R Iyer Sameer Verma and Santosh Embodied energy and cost evalK Singh Sustainability Indicators of uation through optimized design of reinforced concrete a Transportation Corridor beams during Construction in an Urban Environment 310: Pradeep Kumar and Sitaramanjaneyulu K Efforts Towards Development of Sustainable Road Asset Management System 69: Faraz Tariq and Kolluru Subramaniam Evaluation of Fly ash and slag as high volume cement replacements. 12.45 pm - 1.30 pm : Corporate Presentations (Venue: 3.1) 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm : Lunch Saturday, October 18, 2014 Technical Session 6 : 2.30 pm - 3.30 pm (Paper Presentations) Hall 1.3 (Sustainable Infrastructure & Architecture –3) Hall 3.1 Hall 3.2 (Sustainable Structures-5) (Sustainable Structures -6) 29: Dr Ashok Matani, N.S.Mattani Mattani and N.R.Mattani Mattani Energy Resources Optimization Towards Sustainable Development 274: Sonal Thakkar and Rajesh Ambaliya Parametric Study of Factors Affecting Strength of Geopolymer Concrete with Slag 35: Rampradheep G.S, Dr.Sivaraja Muthusamy, Aarthi N, Nithyah R, Nizar Ahamed K, Ram Arvind Rajavelu and Navinkumar R A Study on Emergency Cast In-Situ Internal cured Sand Bricks using CO2 Gases for Construction 229: Anupam Rawat, Anil Kumar Sachan and Rama Shanker Management of construction and demolition waste materials 275: Archana K and Mangala Keshav Compressive Strength of M-20 Concrete Mix Made with Recycled Aggregates Obtained from RMC Waste 167: Kanan Thakkar, Jay 227: Rajesh C, Shirlin Charles, Patel, Yogesh Patel and Rahul R, Sridhar G N, Vishwath S Nilay Kumar Patel and Umarani C Biologically Induced Self Study on the Influence of Wind on Healing Fly Ash Conthe Geometry of High-Rise Buildcrete ings Using CFD 267: Moid Noman Rabbani, H K Seshadri and Nagesh Rammurthy Importance of Documentation in Construction Projects 83: Yogeshkumar Patel, Jay Patel, Nilay kumar Patel and Kanan Thakkar Studies on Properties of Geopolymer Concrete 179: Ambily P S, Vignesh S, Parthiban K and Prabhu S Mechanical properties of high strength geopolymer concrete 233: Maitri Mapa, Rama Chandra Murthy A and Nagesh R. Iyer Application of polymer based microcapsules for development of smart and self healing concrete 2.54 - 3.02 206: Jignesh Patel and Dr. Joel Macwan Land Management: A paradigm shift for sustainable cities. 84: Yogeshkumar Patel, Jay Patel, Nilaykumar Patel and Kanan Thakkar Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Brick Using chemical aerators like H2O2 and bleaching powder 180: Lasyamayee Garanayak and Sarat Kumar Das Effect of Curing Temperature on Fly Ash based Geopolymer 101: Sundar Kumar, Gajalakshmi, Bharatkumar and Ravi Kumar Experimental Studies on Air Cured Fly ash and Slag based Geopolymer Concrete .. 3.02 - 3.10 38: Dr Ashok Matani Challenges of Educational Institutions & Industries towards Optimizing Energy Resources 97: P Bhuvaneshwari, K Saravanarajamohan and S Vijaymannaar Study of strengthening of RC beams subjected to fire loading 187: Varinder Kumar Singh and Paresh V Patel Compressive behavior of Stainless Steel Wire Mesh (SSWM) wrapped concrete circular columns 104: Chandrasen Rajemahadik, S. S. Mane, Priyanka Shinde, Sayali Koyande, Kshitija Gaikwade and Desai Shital Replacing waste foundry sand with natural sand in mortar mix 1:3, to investigate compressive strength 314: Chetan Hazaree, Viswanath Mahadevan, Sunil Bauchkar and Shankar Kottur Harnessing sustainable solutions through challenges – a case study of world record long-distance pumping of concrete 130: A Kanchana Devi, Harshdutta Pandya, Saptarshi Sasmal and Ramanjaneyulu Karusala Seismic performance of gravity load designed beam column sub-assemblages under different scenarios 195: Mohan Kumar A, Anurag B R, Chiranthana N and Shashank B S Experimental study on Light Weight Concrete Flight Deck 106: Saravanababu N and Ranjith K Performance on Fibre Reinforced Self Compacting - Self Curing Concrete 82: Rampradheep G.S., Dr.Sivaraja Muthusamy, Aarthi N and Namratha Suresh Durability based performance analysis of selfcompacted self-cured concrete integrated with Bacillus subtilis employing Bacterial Mineral Precipitation 198: Lavanya Prabha S, Sathish Ramar and Neelamegam M Experimental Testing of Aerated Building Blocks Using Gypsum, Copper Slag and Fly Ash (Spaash Bricks) 115: Prabhat Ranjan Prem, A Ramachandra Murthy, Sundar Kumar, B.H.Bharat Kumarand Nagesh Iyer Flexural investigations on Ultra High Performance Concrete beams under various curing regimes 2.30 - 2.38 2.38 - 2.46 2.46 - 2.54 3.10 - 3.18 3.18 - 3.26 3.30 pm - 4.00 pm : Closing Ceremony (Venue: 3.1) 4.00 pm : High Tea Hall 4 (Sustainable Structures-7) 226: Boskey Bahoria, Dhananjay Parbat, Prashant Naganaik and Uday Waghe Sustainable utilization of Quarry dust and waste plastic as a sand replacement in conventional concrete International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure Gold Patron Silver Patrons Patrons Sponsors International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure Contact Address Dr. Sireesh S/Dr. Munwar Basha B Organizing Secretaries Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad ODF Campus, Yeddumailaram Email: [email protected] http://icsci2014.asceindia.org/index.html Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Hyderabad
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