EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering
EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering
EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering http://www.me.sc.edu/courses/emch367 USC-DME Notes, Edition 8/19/08, revised by Victor Giurgiutiu © 2006 Victor Giurgiutiu Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu 8/19/2008 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................. 1 SYLLABUS .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Instructional Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Course Description ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Topics................................................................................................................................................................. 2 GRADING POLICY ................................................................................................................................................... 2 HOMEWORK REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 3 LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 3 PROJECT REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 3 ELECTRONIC FILES REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 3 NOTES: THE NETWORK ADDRESS FOR PLACING THE HOMEWORK AND LAB REPORT FILES WILL BE PROVIDED BY YOUR TA. ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 4 TEST FORMAT ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 EMCH 367 LAB....................................................................................................................................................... 5 LAB OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 LAB GRADING POLICIES......................................................................................................................................... 6 LAB POLICIES ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 EMCH 367 PROJECT ........................................................................................................................................... 6 PROJECT OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................................................... 6 HOW THE PROJECT WILL WORK ............................................................................................................................ 7 PROJECT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Getting Partners: ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Writing the Project Proposal ............................................................................................................................. 9 Project Presentation ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Project Report.................................................................................................................................................. 10 Guidance on cost estimation ............................................................................................................................ 10 ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .................................................................................................. 11 Where do I get project ideas? .......................................................................................................................... 11 Once I have an idea, what do I do? ................................................................................................................. 11 How do I get assistance from my TA's? ........................................................................................................... 11 When do I sign up for my project presentation? .............................................................................................. 12 When and how do I get hardware for the project? .......................................................................................... 12 When is the lab available for project work? .................................................................................................... 12 PROJECT GRADING POLICY .................................................................................................................................. 13 PROGRAMMING THE MICROCONTROLLER ............................................................................................ 14 THRSIM11 SIMULATOR ....................................................................................................................................... 14 THRSim11 Options setup ................................................................................................................................. 14 Getting Started with Programming.................................................................................................................. 16 Using the template.asm File............................................................................................................................. 16 Screen/Window Capture .................................................................................................................................. 16 Default Windows.............................................................................................................................................. 17 MiniIDE Emulator ........................................................................................................................................... 19 PROGRAMMING FLOW CHART ............................................................................................................................. 21 BINARY AND HEX NUMBERS ............................................................................................................................... 23 The Binary System............................................................................................................................................ 23 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page i 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents Decimal to Binary Conversion: ....................................................................................................................... 24 Hexadecimal (Hex) Numbers ........................................................................................................................... 24 Binary Arithmetic............................................................................................................................................. 25 Negative Numbers in the Computer (2’s Complement numbers)..................................................................... 25 Numerical Conversion Chart for unsigned 8-bit binary integers .................................................................... 27 Numerical Conversion Chart for 2's complement signed 8-bit binary integers .............................................. 28 LOGIC GATES AND BOOLEAN ALGEBRA................................................................................................... 29 Logic Gates ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 Boolean Algebra .............................................................................................................................................. 31 CONDITION CODE REGISTER (CCR) .................................................................................................................... 32 BUFFALO COMMANDS ....................................................................................................................................... 33 BUFFALO COMMANDS ....................................................................................................................................... 33 DEBUGGING TIPS.................................................................................................................................................. 39 Microcontroller Problems ............................................................................................................................... 39 Hardware Problems......................................................................................................................................... 39 Software Problems ........................................................................................................................................... 39 THRSIM11 SIMULATION OF PARALLEL COMMUNICATION ................................................................................. 40 The THRSim11IO Box...................................................................................................................................... 41 ASCII AND BCD CODES................................................................................................................................... 42 THRSim11 Simulation of Serial Communication............................................................................................. 43 The THRSim11 Serial Transmitter................................................................................................................... 44 The THRSim11Serial Receiver......................................................................................................................... 45 THRSIM11 SIMULATION OF TIMER FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................. 46 THRSIM11 SIMULATION OF ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERSION ........................................................................ 47 EE ENGINEERING BASICS ............................................................................................................................... 48 BASIC MULTIMETER OPERATION ......................................................................................................................... 49 Basic Multimeter Information.......................................................................................................................... 49 Basic Measurement Procedures....................................................................................................................... 49 Multimeter Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 49 BASIC OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION ...................................................................................................................... 50 Basic Measurement Principles......................................................................................................................... 50 Trigger ............................................................................................................................................................. 51 Oscilloscope Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................... 51 RESISTORS ............................................................................................................................................................ 52 Chart To Read Resistors .................................................................................................................................. 52 Resistors Available in the EMCH 367 Lab ...................................................................................................... 52 EMITTER-DETECTOR ............................................................................................................................................ 53 OPEN COLLECTOR COMPARATOR ......................................................................................................................... 54 OPEN COLLECTOR BUFFER .................................................................................................................................... 55 OP AMP ................................................................................................................................................................. 56 POWER TRANSISTOR ............................................................................................................................................. 56 PORT PROTECTION................................................................................................................................................ 57 generic input to microcontroller ports............................................................................................................. 57 port a protection .............................................................................................................................................. 58 optoisolator (open collector) ........................................................................................................................... 58 KEYBOARD AND DISPLAY CIRCUITS ..................................................................................................................... 59 EMCH367 HARDWARE LIST................................................................................................................................. 60 INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONAL MODULES ......................................................................................................... 65 ATTACHMENT 1: EMCH 367 PROJECT PROPOSAL ................................................................................. 66 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page ii 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents ATTACHMENT 2: PROJECT REPORT TEMPLATE.................................................................................... 67 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... 71 2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 71 3. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................ 71 3.1 System Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 71 3.2 Hardware Design ..................................................................................................................................... 71 3.3 Software Design........................................................................................................................................ 71 3.4 Acceptance Tests ...................................................................................................................................... 71 4. ECONOMIC ASPECTS......................................................................................................................................... 72 4.1 Prototype Costs ........................................................................................................................................ 72 4.2 Production Costs, Production Price, and Retail Price.......................................................................... 72 4.3 Commercial Feasibility............................................................................................................................ 72 5. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 73 6. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... 73 ATTACHMENT 3: PRESENTATION TEMPLATE ........................................................................................ 74 EXAMPLES ........................................................................................................................................................... 76 EXAMPLES OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................... 77 EXAMPLE 1........................................................................................................................................................... 82 OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................................................................ 82 PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................................. 82 EXECUTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 82 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ................................................................................................................................. 86 EXAMPLE 2........................................................................................................................................................... 88 OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................................................................ 88 PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................................. 88 EXECUTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 88 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ................................................................................................................................. 91 EXAMPLE 3........................................................................................................................................................... 94 OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................................................................ 94 PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................................. 94 EXECUTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 94 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ................................................................................................................................. 95 EXAMPLE 4........................................................................................................................................................... 96 OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................................................................ 96 PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................................. 96 EXECUTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 96 Path 1 ............................................................................................................................................................... 98 Path 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 100 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 101 EXAMPLE 5......................................................................................................................................................... 102 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 102 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 102 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 102 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 103 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page iii 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents EXAMPLE 6......................................................................................................................................................... 104 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 104 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 104 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 105 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 109 EXAMPLE 7......................................................................................................................................................... 110 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 110 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 110 CODING AND EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................... 110 Section: 15 + 27 = 42 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA..................................... 111 Section: $0f + $1b = $2a (hex half-carry) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA ..................... 112 $ff + $01 = $00 (MSB carry) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA .................................................. 115 255 + 1 = 0 (decimal equivalent of hex MSB carry) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA............... 116 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 118 EXAMPLE 8......................................................................................................................................................... 120 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 120 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 120 CODING AND EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................... 120 Section: 7 – 1 = 6 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA..................................................... 122 Section: $07 - $01 = $06 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA................................................. 123 Section: 10 - 1 = 9 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA.................................................... 124 Section: $10 - $01 = $0f (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA.................................................. 125 Section: $00 - $01 = $ff (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA .................................................. 126 Section: 0 - 1 = 255 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 127 using calculator to obtain hex negative numbers for –100............................................................................ 127 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 128 EXAMPLE 9......................................................................................................................................................... 130 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 130 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 130 CODING AND EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................... 131 Section: $0d - $06 = $07 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA........................................ 132 Section: $00 - $05 = $fb (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA ........................................ 133 Section: 0 - 5 = 251 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA................................................................................................................................................................. 134 Section: $0e - $3a = $d4 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA........................................ 135 Section: 14 - 58 = 212 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA..................................................................................................................................................... 136 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 137 EXAMPLE 10....................................................................................................................................................... 139 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 139 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 139 CODING AND EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................... 140 Section: Represent numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen in decimal, binary, and hex .................................................................. 141 Section: Perform 3 + 2 = 5 in binary and hex using LDAA, LDAB, ABA ..................................................... 146 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page iv 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents Section: Perform 13 – 6 =7 in binary and hex using LDAA, LDAB, SBA ..................................................... 148 Section: Perform $0f + $01 = $10 in binary and hex using LDAA, ADDA (half carry or bit 3 carry)......... 151 Section: Perform $10 -$01 = $0f in binary and hex using LDAA, SUBA...................................................... 155 Section: Perform $ff + $01 = $00 in binary and hex using LDAA, ADDA (MSB carry) .............................. 156 Section: Perform $00 - $01 = $ff in binary and hex using LDAA, SUBA...................................................... 159 Section: 1 AND 0 = 0 using LDAA, ANDA ................................................................................................... 161 Section: 1 OR 0 = 1 using LDAA, ORAA ...................................................................................................... 162 Section: 1 XOR 0 = 1 using LDAA, EORA.................................................................................................... 163 Section: 1 OR 1 = 1 using LDAA, ORAA ...................................................................................................... 164 Section: 1 XOR 1 = 0 using LDAA, EORA.................................................................................................... 165 Section: %11111111 NAND %00000000 = %11111111 using LDAA, ANDA, COMA ............................... 166 Section: %00000000 NOR %11111111 = %00000000 using LDAA, ORAA, COMA .................................. 168 Section: %10101110 AND %00000010 = %00000010 using LDAA, ANDA (masking)............................... 170 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 172 EXAMPLE DELAY............................................................................................................................................. 175 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 175 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 175 CODING ............................................................................................................................................................... 175 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 176 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 184 EXAMPLE SQUARE WAVE............................................................................................................................. 185 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 185 PROGRAMS.......................................................................................................................................................... 185 Program sq_wav1 .......................................................................................................................................... 186 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 186 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 186 Program sq_wav2 .......................................................................................................................................... 194 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 194 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 194 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 197 EXAMPLE BUTTONS BOX.............................................................................................................................. 199 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 199 PROGRAMS.......................................................................................................................................................... 199 Program Buttons_bx ...................................................................................................................................... 199 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 199 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 200 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 202 EXAMPLE SCI TRANSMISSION .................................................................................................................... 203 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 203 PROGRAM SCI_TRANSMIT .................................................................................................................................... 203 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 203 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 203 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 207 EXAMPLE SCI RECEPTION ........................................................................................................................... 209 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 209 PROGRAM SCI_RECEPT ...................................................................................................................................... 209 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page v 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 209 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 209 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 212 EXAMPLE INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION ..................................................................................... 213 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 213 PROGRAM EX_IC................................................................................................................................................ 213 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 213 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 215 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 220 EXAMPLE OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION................................................................................ 221 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 221 PROGRAM EX_OC............................................................................................................................................... 221 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 221 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 223 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 231 EXAMPLE RPM_1 ............................................................................................................................................. 233 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 233 PROGRAM EX_RPM_1 ....................................................................................................................................... 233 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 234 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 235 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 242 EXAMPLE RPM_2 ............................................................................................................................................. 243 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 243 PROGRAM EX_RPM_2 ....................................................................................................................................... 243 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 244 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 245 Example 1....................................................................................................................................................... 245 Example 2....................................................................................................................................................... 249 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 252 EXAMPLE STEP................................................................................................................................................. 253 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 253 PROGRAM EX_STEP .......................................................................................................................................... 253 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 255 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 257 Case ‘Slow-Forward’ (STEP=$01) ............................................................................................................... 259 Case ‘Full-Forward’ (STEP=$02) ................................................................................................................ 266 Case ‘Half-Backward’ (STEP=$ff)................................................................................................................ 266 Case ‘Full-Backward (STEP=$fe)................................................................................................................. 266 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 267 EXAMPLE LONG DELAY................................................................................................................................ 269 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 269 PROGRAM EX_LONG_DELAY ............................................................................................................................. 269 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 270 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 270 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 272 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page vi 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents EXAMPLE SORT................................................................................................................................................ 273 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 273 PROGRAM EX_SORT ........................................................................................................................................... 273 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 274 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 276 Check the keystroke command > (forward)................................................................................................... 277 Check the keystroke command < (backward) ................................................................................................ 280 Check the keystroke command +(increase speed) ......................................................................................... 282 Check the keystroke command -(decrease speed).......................................................................................... 285 Check the keystroke command S (stop).......................................................................................................... 287 Further checks ............................................................................................................................................... 287 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 288 EXAMPLE – A/D CONVERTER ...................................................................................................................... 289 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 289 PROGRAM A/D CONVERTER ............................................................................................................................... 289 Single channel, single conversion, Mult=0, Scan=0 ..................................................................................... 289 FLOWCHART AND CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 289 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 290 Single channel, continuous conversion, Mult=0, Scan=1 ............................................................................. 295 Multiple channel, Single Conversion, Mult=1, Scan=0 ................................................................................ 296 Multiple channel, Continuous conversion, Mult=1, Scan=1......................................................................... 298 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 300 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS........................................................................................................................ 301 EXERCISE 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 303 GENERAL NOTE .................................................................................................................................................. 303 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 303 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 303 CODING AND EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................... 303 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 305 EXERCISE 2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 307 GENERAL NOTE .................................................................................................................................................. 307 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 307 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 307 CODING AND EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................... 307 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 309 EXERCISE 3-7..................................................................................................................................................... 311 GENERAL NOTE .................................................................................................................................................. 311 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 311 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 312 CODING AND EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................... 312 Section: 8 + 7 = 15 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA......................................... 312 Section: $08 + $07 = $0f (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA....................................... 312 Section: 9 + 9 = 18 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA......................................... 313 Section: $09 + $09 = $12 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, adda, ................................................ 313 Section: $09 + $09 = $12 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA...................................... 313 Section: 12 + 29 = 41 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA..................................... 314 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page vii 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents Section: $0c + $1d = $29 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA ...................................... 314 $ff + $01 = $00 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA .............................................................. 314 255 + 1 = 0 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA ............................................................. 314 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 316 EXERCISE 8-9..................................................................................................................................................... 318 GENERAL NOTE .................................................................................................................................................. 318 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 318 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 318 CODING AND EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................... 319 Section: 8 - 1 = 7 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA...................................................... 319 Section: $08 - $01 = $07 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA................................................. 319 Section: 20 - 1 = 19 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA ................................................. 319 Section: $20 - $01 = $1f (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA.................................................. 320 Section: $00 - $01 = $ff (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA .................................................. 320 Section: 0 - 1 = 255 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 320 Section: $0f - $07 = $08 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA ........................................ 320 Section: $00 - $07 = $f9 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA ........................................ 321 Section: 0 - 7 = 249 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA................................................................................................................................................................. 321 Section: $0f - $2b = $e4 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA......................................... 321 Section: 15 - 43 = 228 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA..................................................................................................................................................... 321 use calculator to obtain hex negative numbers of –56 and –120................................................................... 321 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 322 EXERCISE 10 ...................................................................................................................................................... 324 GENERAL NOTE .................................................................................................................................................. 324 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 324 PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 324 CODING AND EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................... 325 Section: Represent numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen in decimal, binary, and hex ................................................................... 325 Section: Perform 5 + 4 = in binary and hex using LDAA, LDAB, ABA .................................................... 326 Section: Perform 15 – 7 = in binary and hex using LDAA, LDAB, SBA ................................................... 326 Section: Perform $1f + $01 = $ in binary and hex using LDAA, ADDA (bit 3 carry).............................. 326 Section: Perform $20 -$01 = $ in binary and hex using LDAA, SUBA .................................................... 326 Section: Perform $ff + $01 = $ in binary and hex using LDAA, ADDA (MSB carry) .............................. 326 Section: Perform $00 - $01 = $ in binary and hex using LDAA, SUBA .................................................... 326 Section: 0 AND 1 = using LDAA, ANDA .................................................................................................. 327 Section: 0 OR 1 = using LDAA, ORAA ...................................................................................................... 327 Section: 0 XOR 1 = using LDAA, EORA ................................................................................................... 327 Section: 1 OR 1 = using LDAA, ORAA ...................................................................................................... 327 Section: 1 XOR 1 = using LDAA, EORA ................................................................................................... 327 Section: %00000000 NAND %11111111 = % using LDAA, ANDA, COMA .......................................... 327 Section: %11111111 NOR %00000000 = % using LDAA, ORAA, COMA ............................................... 328 Section: %10101110 AND %00001000 = % using LDAA, ANDA (masking) ........................................ 328 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 328 EXERCISE DELAY ............................................................................................................................................ 330 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page viii 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................... 330 FLOWCHART ....................................................................................................................................................... 330 CODING ............................................................................................................................................................... 330 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 330 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 333 EXERCISE SQUARE WAVE ............................................................................................................................ 334 PROGRAMS.......................................................................................................................................................... 334 Program sq_wav1 .......................................................................................................................................... 334 FLOWCHART ....................................................................................................................................................... 334 CODING ............................................................................................................................................................... 334 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 335 FLOWCHART ....................................................................................................................................................... 338 CODING ............................................................................................................................................................... 338 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 338 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 339 EXERCISE BUTTONS BOX ............................................................................................................................. 340 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................... 340 BASIC CONCEPTS ............................................................................................................................................... 340 PROGRAM BUTTONS_BX .................................................................................................................................... 340 FLOWCHART ....................................................................................................................................................... 341 CODING ............................................................................................................................................................... 341 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 341 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 342 EXERCISE -- SERIAL COMMUNICATION.................................................................................................. 344 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 344 BASIC CONCEPTS ............................................................................................................................................... 344 PROGRAM ECHO ................................................................................................................................................. 345 Instructions .................................................................................................................................................... 346 FLOWCHART ....................................................................................................................................................... 346 CODING ............................................................................................................................................................... 346 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 347 EXERCISE TIMER FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................... 348 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................... 348 PART I -- BASIC CONCEPTS ................................................................................................................................ 348 PART II: INPUT CAPTURE – BOLT DROP EXPERIMENT TIMER PROGRAM ........................................................... 350 FLOWCHART ................................................................................................................................................ 352 coding............................................................................................................................................................. 352 execution ........................................................................................................................................................ 352 PART III: OUTPUT COMPARE – SQUARE WAVE GENERATION ............................................................................ 353 Flowchart....................................................................................................................................................... 353 Coding............................................................................................................................................................ 353 Execution........................................................................................................................................................ 353 EXERCISE DC MOTOR TACHOMETER...................................................................................................... 356 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................... 356 PART I – THEORY OF DC MOTORS (30%)........................................................................................................... 356 PART II – DC MOTOR TACHOMETER PROGRAM (70%)...................................................................................... 357 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page ix 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents The program Instructions .............................................................................................................................. 359 FLOWCHART ................................................................................................................................................ 359 CODING ........................................................................................................................................................ 359 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 359 Verification of Case 1 of Example_RPM_2 ................................................................................................... 360 Verification OF Case 2 of Example_RPM_2 ................................................................................................. 362 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 364 EXERCISE – STEPPER MOTOR..................................................................................................................... 366 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 366 BASIC CONCEPTS ............................................................................................................................................... 366 PROGRAM STEPPER MOTOR ................................................................................................................................ 367 flowchart ........................................................................................................................................................ 368 coding............................................................................................................................................................. 368 execution ........................................................................................................................................................ 368 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 369 EXERCISE – A/D CONVERTER...................................................................................................................... 370 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 370 BASIC CONCEPTS ............................................................................................................................................... 370 PROGRAM A/D CONVERTER ............................................................................................................................... 371 Program Description ..................................................................................................................................... 371 flowchart ........................................................................................................................................................ 371 coding............................................................................................................................................................. 371 execution ........................................................................................................................................................ 372 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED ............................................................................................................................... 372 LABS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 374 LAB HANDOUT.................................................................................................................................................. 375 MINIIDE INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 375 LAB 1 - BASIC PROGRAMMING ................................................................................................................... 380 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 380 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................. 380 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 380 LAB 2 – PARALLEL AND SERIAL COMMUNICATION ........................................................................... 384 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 384 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................. 384 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 384 WARM UP EXERCISES ................................................................................................................................ 385 SQUARE WAVE............................................................................................................................................... 386 BUTTONS BOX................................................................................................................................................ 387 SERIAL COMMUNICATION ECHO .............................................................................................................. 388 LAB 3 – TIMER FUNCTIONS: BOLT DROP AND SQUARE WAVE ........................................................ 392 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 392 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................. 392 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 392 PART I – BOLT DROP EXPERIMENT (50%) ......................................................................................................... 393 Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................................................. 393 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page x 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Table of Contents Bolt Drop Circuit Diagram............................................................................................................................ 394 Pre-test Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 394 Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................................... 395 PART II – SQUARE WAVE GENERATION WITH TIMER FUNCTIONS (50%).......................................................... 397 Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................................................. 397 Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................................... 397 LAB 4 – DC MOTOR TACHOMETER............................................................................................................ 398 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 398 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................. 398 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 398 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP ....................................................................................................................................... 398 Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................................................. 399 Circuit Diagram............................................................................................................................................. 399 PRE-TEST PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................................... 400 PART I –DC MOTOR SPEED-VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTIC (30%)......................................................................... 400 PART II – DC MOTOR TACHOMETER (70%)....................................................................................................... 401 LAB 5 STEPPER MOTOR AND A/D CONVERSION ................................................................................... 404 OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................................................................... 404 PART I – STEPPER MOTORS .......................................................................................................................... 404 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................. 404 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 404 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP ....................................................................................................................................... 404 Circuit Diagram............................................................................................................................................. 405 Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................................................. 405 PRE-TEST PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................................... 405 STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL PROGRAM ................................................................................................................ 406 PART II – A/D CONVERSION .......................................................................................................................... 407 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................. 407 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 407 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP ....................................................................................................................................... 407 Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................................................. 408 EQUIPMENT LIST ................................................................................................................................................ 408 PRE-TEST PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................................... 408 AD CONVERTION TEST PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................. 408 APPENDIX 1 HEX_BCD.................................................................................................................................... 410 APPENDIX 2 HOW TO SOLDER..................................................................................................................... 412 HOW TO SOLDER ................................................................................................................................................ 412 COLD SOLDER JOINTS ........................................................................................................................................ 414 TIPS AND TRICKS................................................................................................................................................ 414 APPENDIX 3 FLOW CHART TEMPLATE .................................................................................................... 416 BASIC FLOWCHART COMPONENTS ..................................................................................................................... 416 EXAMPLE FLOWCHART – DELAY PROGRAM ...................................................................................................... 416 APPENDIX 4 EXPLANATION OF EXAMPLE OUTPUT COMPAE TIMER FUNCTION..................... 418 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page xi 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Page xii Table of Contents 8/19/2008 GENERAL INFORMATION SYLLABUS Catalog Data: Description: Textbooks: References: Content Category: Coordinator: TA’s: Required tools: Website: EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Credit: 3 hours Prerequisite: EECE 221 Basic Electric Circuits, EMCH 361 Measurements and Instrumentation Study of microcontrollers and their applications as measurement and control devices in mechanical systems Giurgiutiu, V. and Lyshevski, S. E. “Micromechatronics”, CRC Press 2004 “EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers (USC-DME Notes)” M68HC11 Reference manual; MC68HC11A8 programming reference guide, Motorola, Inc. + additional references. Basic Science: 20%, Engineering Science 80% Lingyu (Lucy) Yu, 777-0619 (O), 777-0106 (FAX) [email protected] Office Location: 300 Main St. (Old SCE&G Building); Room A236 Office Hours: 10:00 am - 11:00 am Monday – Friday and when door is open TA’s are assigned for each section – see assignment list in the general lab information section. PC with THRSim11 installed (USC rooms B202 and A235 have it!) Pocket calculator with Hex, Bin, and Oct, and logics operators (e.g., TI-34) http://www.me.sc.edu/courses/emch367 INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES During the course: 1. The student will gain knowledge about the microcontroller and how it can be used in modern machinery. 2. The student will achieve comprehension of the microcontroller principles, functions, and its interaction with the rest of the world via sensors, actuators, and programming. 3. The student will gain hands-on experience through lab work and course project. 4. The student will develop analysis, synthesis, and communication skills through the course project. After the course [Dept. Objectives and Outcomes] (Assessment method) 1. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the microcontroller and of its use for sensing and actuation control of engineering systems, and of its role in modern society [1.1, 1.2, 5.1] (1, 2, 3, 4) 2. Students will be able to demonstrate application ability by programming the microcontroller to perform sensing and actuation control functions [1.2] (1, 2, 3, 4) 3. Students will be able to demonstrate application ability by performing laboratory experiments for demonstrating the sensing and actuation control functions of the microcontroller [1.3] (2, 4). 4. Students will be able to demonstrate synthesis ability by designing, constructing and testing, in a teamwork environment, proof-of-concept demonstrations of the microcontroller sensing and actuation control functions in solving practical engineering problems [1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.3] (4) 5. Students will be able to demonstrate communication ability by presenting in written and oral format, in a teamwork environment, the project development and results, and by performing hand-on demonstrations [4.1, 4.3] (4) 6. The student will be better prepared for the job market in the third millennium. EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to give mechanical engineers a basic understanding of microcontrollers and their use in a mechanical engineering environment. This study of microcontrollers will consist of the following main parts: TOPICS 1. Review of circuits and semiconductor devices 2. Digital logic and arithmetic; Boolean algebra; Logic gates. 3. Basic microcontroller architecture; internal data handling and control, arithmetic-logic unit (ALU), input-output. 4. Microcontroller programming language and opcodes (Assembly). 5. Digital sensing and control through input and output parallel communication 6. Control through asynchronous serial communication 7. Sensing and control through timer input capture and output compare functions 8. Actuation control via digital to analog conversion; digital control of DC motor actuation 9. Direct digital control of stepper motor actuators 10. Sensing of sensor signals through analog to digital conversion; sampling theory. 11. Design project. Assessment Methods: 1. Homework 2. Labwork 3. Tests 4. Project GRADING POLICY The final grade consists of grades from attendance, two tests, laboratory experiments and a final project: Attendance Homework Labs Circuit practice Tests (2 x 10% each) Project 5% 25% 25% 5% 20% 20% Attendance is REQUIRED and takes 5% in the final grade. If you have a good excuse, please notify the instructor ahead of time (no late excuse will be accepted). However, this should not happen over three times. Absence without a reason will be one point off and five will be the maximum. Homework, labs, tests, circuit practice and project must be completely done/submitted, and borrowed items must be returned before final grade can be calculated. (Otherwise, a grade of Incomplete will be assigned.) Guidelines for letter grade assignment of the final grades are: 94%-100% 88%-93% 82%-87% 76%-81% 70%-75% 65%-69% 60%-64% ≤ 60% Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu A B+ B C+ C D+ D F Page 2 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc HOMEWORK REQUIREMENTS Homework, as assigned in the Schedule, is due on the day shown in the schedule, before the class starts. Homework should be submitted to your section TA for grading. Printed paper of Homework is preferred. Homework should be completed independently. Copied homework will be dealt with in accordance to the Honor Code of the University of South Carolina. If the homework is not handed on time, it is late, and the following penalty system applies: Up to 3 days from the due date, 10 points After 3 days from the due date, 50 points After one week, ALL points will be penalized. LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS All students are required to attend their laboratory sections. Labs meet once a week, three hours a session. Students are encouraged to do the labs in groups of two students. Students should bring corresponding lab pages of the course package and home works to the labs. Other lab policies will be announced on the day of lab orientation. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS All students will be required to complete a practical project for this course. In addition to this final deadline, several other intermediate "milestones" are required. For in-depth information on the specific project requirements see the project section. ELECTRONIC FILES REQUIREMENTS • LASTNAME_Firstname_Hmwk_X_Y.doc for Word doc homework files, where X is the homework number and Y is the exercise number or name • LASTNAME_Firstname_Lab_X.doc for Word doc lab report files, where X is the lab number • LASTNAME1_LASTNAME2_Proj.doc for Word doc project report files • LASTNAME1_LASTNAME2_Proj.ppt for PowerPoint project presentation files • Hw_X_Y.asm for .asm lab files, where X is the homework number and Y is the item number. Put your last name and first name in the asm file. • Lab_X_Y.asm for .asm lab files, where X is the lab number and Y is the item number in that lab. • To write an .asm Assembler file, use the template available on the web site. Before you actually use it, personalize it by substituting LASTNAME, Firstname with your actual last name and first name. Note that the .asm file names are not personalized in order to stay within the standard file name length. However, you should personalize it inside the document by writing your name as a comment on the first line. As explained above, this is easiest done in the template. NOTES: THE NETWORK ADDRESS FOR PLACING THE HOMEWORK AND LAB REPORT FILES WILL BE PROVIDED BY YOUR TA. The network address for placing the project report and project presentation files is \\me-lamss9a\EMCH367_Proj_DROP . You can access it by: • Click the Start button on the left of the status bar, select Run • In the command line, type in the \\me-lamss9a\EMCH367_Proj_DROP and Drop your files in this folder Note: both project report WORD file and project presentation PowerPoint file are required! Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 3 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc ADDITIONAL REFERENCES 1. Engineer's Mini Notebook Series, Radio Shack, Inc. Radio Shack publishes a series of simple and easy to understand electronics manuals. Most are written by Forrest M. Mims, III. They are easy to read and come with many basic descriptions of electronics concepts and components. In addition, they usually contain complete circuit diagrams that can come handy in projects. Title Schematic Symbols, Device Packages, Design And Testing Formulas, Tables, and Basic Circuits Basic Semiconductor Circuits Op Amp IC Circuits Digital Logic Circuits 555 Timer Circuits Communication Projects Environmental Projects Optoelectronics Circuits Science Projects Sensor Projects Catalogue # 276-5017 62-5016 62-5013 62-5011 62-5014 62-5010 62-5015 62-5019 276-5012A (*) 62-5018 62-5026 TOTAL Price $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $21.89 NOTE: (*) It may no longer be available in some stores since Radio Shack is updating this item. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. National Semiconductor Databooks Found in the lab, these books contain all the technical specifications of the electronic devices we will use. They are generally called "The Blue Books." Stiffler, A. K., “Design with Microcontrollers for Mechanical Engineers”, McGraw Hill, 1992, ISBN 0-07-061374-5 Histand, M. B. and Aciatore, D. G., “Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems”, WCB McGraw Hill, 1999, ISBN 0-07-029089-X The Engineering Handbook. Richard C. Dorf (Ed), CRC Press, 1995, ISBN 0-8493-8344-7. Mark’s Standard Handbook of Mechanical Engineers, E. A. Avallone and T. Baumeister III, 9th Edition, McGraw Hill, 1987. The Way Things Work. David Macaulay An easy-to-understand and sometimes humorous explanation of many of the electro-mechanical elements discussed in this course. (Transistors, microcontrollers, logic gates, etc. can be found in this enjoyable book.) TEST FORMAT There are two open-book open-note tests in total and the dates are listed in the class schedule. All students are required to attend the tests. The tests will be hold in a computer lab and students need to finish the problems in 60 minutes. Test papers and floppy disks containing the test document are given to students. Students can write answers on either of them and are required to turn in both when the test is finished. The test problems will include questions, choices, and programming. Please be aware that the tests are “open book, open notes”. I hope this is good news to you! However, be warned that PAST TESTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE "OPEN BOOK, OPEN NOTES" CATEGORY AND HENCE ARE NOT PERMITTED DURING TESTS. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 4 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc EMCH 367 LAB Lab Objective This lab will give you hands-on experience with the MC6811 microcontroller and its interfacing with other electro-mechanical devices. You will work in teams. However, the grading will be individual, based on pre-lab quiz, your performance, and lab report. The principles learned during the lab will be applied during the course project period. Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 Basic Programming Parallel and Serial Communication Timer Functions DC Motor Tachometer Stepper Motors and AD conversion It should be noted that the successful completion of the labs is essential to the successful completion of the project. In most cases, 50% - 75% of project code is little more than lab code. As such, you have a personal stake in the successful completion of the labs. Lab location: A235 – Door key will be assigned during final project period. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 5 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc LAB GRADING POLICIES Individual lab grades will count for 100% of the final lab grade. 1) 50% of the individual lab grade will be based on the preparation work done before the lab. There will be a prelab quiz (10%) which will be counted in the prelab points: Pre-Lab points. 2) 25% of the individual lab grade will be based on in lab participation: TA points. 3) 25% of the individual lab grade will be based on the level of success in completing the lab goals: In-Lab points. LAB POLICIES 1) Attendance is mandatory! If you miss a lab and do not make it up you will receive 0% for the total lab grade! 2) The completion of the pre-lab assignment is vital to the success of the laboratories. There will be a 50% penalty for anyone not prepared for the day's lab. Address all questions and prepare all programs (write, type, save on floppy disk) before coming to the lab. A printed copy of all codes with annotations is required. 3) The following must be completed before the lab: a) All written questions, predictions, or problems not requiring lab hardware. b) Program flowcharts c) A printout of all program code for the lab d) The programs saved on a floppy disk 4) If you do not complete a lab, you may choose to hand it late. Labs will be accepted up to 1 week after your normal laboratory class, in consultation with your lab TA. You must arrange with your TA a time outside the normal lab hours when you will show the TA your completed lab. This time cannot be the next lab period! 5) If you leave the lab prior to the end of the lab period without successfully completing the lab goals, you will receive no credit for that lab. 6) If a student needs to change a laboratory section due to an unexpected conflict (i.e. interview, illness, etc.) and go to a different section, both TA's must agree to the rescheduling. Due to the limited availability of supplies, labs are limited to a maximum of 9 students. EMCH 367 PROJECT One of the best learning experiences that a student can have is to work, HANDS-ON, with tools, computers, and other devices. For this reason, the EMCH 367 course has a cumulative final project. This project will involve a team of two students developing a microcontroller-controlled application. PROJECT OBJECTIVE Throughout the labs, you have been learning how to apply microcontroller functions to various electromechanical systems. The project will be the application of all of these skills and the culmination of your efforts. You will work in team, just like in the lab. This will strengthen your team-working aptitudes, since the grade will be shared equally by the team partners. You and your partner(s) will develop the project idea and submit a brief proposal prior to the start of the project period to the assigned project TA. The TA and students will iterate on the project idea until a suitable project is obtained. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 6 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc HOW THE PROJECT WILL WORK First, you must develop an idea. The idea can come as an improvement to an existing device through the use of microcontrollers (I'm sure that you can think of a few) or a process which may not have been able to be done before microcontrollers. Some examples from previous semester projects are available on the course website. For each idea, there are four conceptual aspects that must be specified: • how can a process be controlled (using a microcontroller), • what makes the use of a microcontroller better than that of a physical system, • how can this process be SIMULATED, and • IN WHAT WAY DOES THE MICROCONTROLLER THINK? Description of these aspects follows. 1. HOW CAN A PROCESS BE CONTROLLED USING A MICROCONTROLLER: Microcontrollers have a large amount of control capability. Most processes can be controlled through a combination of a microcontroller and external circuitry. The essential aspect in relation to the project is to figure out how it should be done. Two steps must be considered: measuring external events, and acting on the judgments of the microcontroller to reach the project objective. During the course of the class and lab experience, you will learn many aspects of data acquisition and communication. These include time measurement (using the input capture functions), time scheduling (output compare function), parallel communication, serial communication, and measurement of analog signals (A/D converter). By using a combination of these tools, the microcontroller can determine a lot about its environment. Similarly, the output compare, parallel communication, and serial communication can output different signals. These signals, through the proper use of circuitry, can be translated to useful control over external devices such as motors, magnets, pumps, etc. In this manner, the microcontroller can become a valuable measuring and control tool. Discussing potential project ideas with your TA will help. 2. WHAT MAKES THE USE OF A MICROCONTROLLER BETTER THAN THAT OF A PHYSICAL SYSTEM: Now that you have determined that a microcontroller can control your desired system, the following question arises: why would someone want to use a microcontroller for your system? Some things can be performed very well using only physical mechanisms (door handles, for example). Why would someone want to improve upon that by using a computer control? (This is done in a variety of places....) What benefit does the use of the microcontroller bring? The answer can be rather complex. A few examples are: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 7 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc Rapid learning -smart machinery can learn a new process by being shown once Record keeping -how many candy bars were bought? when do we run out? Fast response -try making anti-lock braking without a microcontroller Discussion about the system qualities that can be improved by using a microcontroller will be also emphasized in the course. Do not hesitate to talk to the instructor and TA’s about this. 3. HOW CAN THIS PROCESS BE SIMULATED: We have very few external resources for this lab. We can't buy a car because someone wants to do an anti-lock braking system. Moreover, this is a microcontroller project, NOT A PROJECT INVOLVING THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA MACHINE SHOP. We have a number of simulation tools including Lego, Erector Sets, etc. to model physical systems. We have a number of pumps, motors (stepper and DC), digital display chips, LED's, IR emitter-detectors, potentiometers, cermets, etc. Using some combination of these tools, you should be able to simulate the process. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BUILD ALL CIRCUITRY ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR PROJECT. A brief list of available circuitry and other parts is shown below: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Breadboards Various PINs Various connectors BNC miscellaneous LED's Buffers 7-Segment Displays IR Emitter-Detectors Piston Pumps Logic Gates Capacitors Comparators Potentiometers DC Motors Servo Motors Various Sensors, including magnetic sensors, motion sensors, E/D, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, thermocouple, etc Speakers Latch Decade counters Decoders Solders Power Adaptors Voltage Regulators Voltage Meters Solenoids Wire Resistors Miscellaneous Chips Stepper Motors Mosfets Transistors Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 8 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc A complete list is provided at the end of the package. You will be building the external circuitry to the microcontroller. OPTOISOLATOR, 8-PIN LED DISPLAYS, AND ANY OTHER PROTECTION CIRCUITRY ARE REQUIRED TO STAY IN THE LAB. If you let the instructor know of a desired part that is not available early enough, there is a possibility that it can be ordered or purchased through a local distributor. Don't hesitate to discuss simulation ideas with your TA. 4. IN WHAT WAY DOES THE MICROCONTROLLER “THINK”: This is what separates the projects from the labs. In the labs, you develop tools and learn one simple application. In the project, you combine the tools developed in the lab and develop a methodology for the microcontroller to make intelligent decisions. A SWITCH DOES NOT MAKE INTELLIGENT DECISIONS. If I switch on a light switch, that requires very little microcontroller thought. If I switch on a light because I detected motion, and can then follow and more or less predict the direction of the motion, then it is no longer a simple switch, but a complex device making intelligent decisions. After determining the relevant parameters in the environment by making whatever measurements are necessary, the microcontroller must determine the condition of the surroundings. Are the measured parameters within tolerances for whatever process is being controlled? If there is an immediate problem, the microcontroller must act to try to correct the problem immediately. What about the "long term" control? The best way to control a process is to correct for problems before they occur, to react to indications that a process may be heading in the wrong direction, and thus prevent any immediate problems from occurring. The microcontroller is especially adept at performing these predictive activities. With memory to store the results of the past measurement, the microcontroller can quickly compare data points and determine trends. Based on these trends, the microcontroller can predict the state of affairs at a future time. This is often referred to as extrapolation. By extrapolating over very short time periods (the microcontroller can do this on the order of millionths of seconds), the microcontroller can obtain a very good approximation of future behavior. It can then act to maintain the desired external conditions. By comparing the effects of its actions and the behavior of the environment, the microcontroller can gage its progress in maintaining the control of the external system. This is one of the primary reasons that people use microcontrollers. THEY THINK!!!! Your project must think, as well. PROJECT PROCEDURE The following are procedural aspects of the project: getting partners, writing a proposal, project presentation and final report submission. GETTING PARTNERS: A project is, by definition, more involved than a laboratory exercise. As such, students will be allowed to work in teams of two~four. In order to ensure that the teams are developed early enough for the students to start discussing the project and developing ideas. The project teams should be emailed to head TA by the deadline shown in the Schedule section of this document. Any student not able to form a team by the end of class on that date should contact the head TA by email to request the assignment be done by the head TA ex officio. WRITING THE PROJECT PROPOSAL Before going into full development work for the project, a proposal is required. A long, drawn out doctoral dissertation is not expected or desired. All that is necessary is a short description of the project idea. Show why a microcontroller would be good for this process, how this project is Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 9 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc not a simple “switch”, and how the microcontroller “thinks and takes decisions”. Ideas for simulation are helpful, but not required. The purpose of this is to make sure that you are thinking about the project and doing some background development. In addition, progress reports like this are often useful to organize your thoughts. It will also help you develop the list of hardware necessary for your project. To ensure that you are thinking about the project ahead of time, the project proposal is worth 10% of the project grade. The project proposal, including the hardware list, should be emailed to the instructor by the deadline shown in the Schedule section of this document. It should be noted that that this date leaves you approximately one month to do the rest of the work. It should also be noted that labs are wrapping up at that time. PROJECT PRESENTATION Formal project presentations will be organized for each group in the lab on the date shown in the Schedule section of this document. PowerPoint presentations are required. The presentation should be planned to last 20 min, including real-life demonstration in the lab and questions time. Consider that any topics related to your project, even remotely, can be asked by the instructor and the TA's. This includes both hardware and software components of the project, as well as utility, applicability, and commercialization. There is a very basic template available on the EMCH 367 website. PROJECT REPORT The Project Report should address everything involved in the project. This includes: circuit diagrams, software flowcharts, a relevant description of your program, the purpose of your project, and why microcontrollers are a good device for this process. These are all things that you should be developing through the course of the project. The preparation required for the project report should be minimal, provided you keep good notes during the project and perform it in an organized way. Examples of past project reports are available. They may be obtained from your TA. These reports must stay in the lab. There is also a template available on the EMCH 367 website. GUIDANCE ON COST ESTIMATION In the project report, you will be required to give estimation of the prototype cost and of the cost of producing of 1000 items. Excel spreadsheets are included in the report template to assist you. For the prototype cost estimation, you need to figure out how much time and rates of pay for the design (Engineer), production (Technician) and any other technical support (e.g. from your TAs). The Total Personnel Costs is the sum of the above 3 items. The Total Direct Costs is the sum of Total Personnel Costs and Materials. The Indirect Costs is estimated as 45% of the Total Direct Cost (you may put other values, if you have a good reason). The Total Prototype Costs is the sum of Total Direct Costs and Indirect Costs. For the production of 1000 items, you need to take wholesale into consideration, which helps you save money. In the production case, the time for Engineer, Technician and Others is not simply multiplying the time of prototype by 1000. The reason is that you don’t need to design or get help for each item. Hence large production runs need less money per unit (economy of scale!). This also applies to the estimation of Materials. You might pay much less for an item if Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 10 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc you buy 1000, compared with the case of one purchase only. In the example in the project report, the materials cost for prototype is $100, but $50 for 1000 purchase (Profit also needs to be considered in production runs). In the end, dividing the Total Factory Price by 1000, you get the Factory Retail Price per Item. ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHERE DO I GET PROJECT IDEAS? Look all around you. Microcontrollers touch each and every part of your life. Think about processes that you take for granted. Think about topics that may interest you personally, and extend the role of microcontrollers to that topic. Look at some of the suggested readings in the Class Syllabus. Talk with your TA. Talk with the Head TA or the Instructor. ONCE I HAVE AN IDEA, WHAT DO I DO? 1) 2) 3) Each group will probably approach their project differently, since each project has different goals and objectives. As such, writing one clear-cut approach to doing a Micro project is not an easy task. The following are guidelines to assist you: List all tasks that need to be done. Many times, it is helpful to make more lists that are detailed, as the problem becomes better defined. This also helps to organize your thought processes and productivity by letting you know where you are in terms of the final project development. Look at software development. Outline all the routines that need to be developed. Write flowcharts for the program as a whole, and for each routine. Without some sort of organization, a code will not function. Once the flowcharts are completed, write the codes for the corresponding program segments. Use the concept of Modular Design for these aspects of the code development. Write the code such that debugging is straightforward. Start with a base code that works. Then add one piece at a time. Test each program segment, debugging as you develop the program. Look at hardware development. Draw circuit diagrams before building your circuits. Make sure that you understand what each component does. If you have questions, ask your TA's for assistance. Then, build the circuits. Using the oscilloscope, check how the circuit responds by itself. If it doesn't work and you are burning out chips, DON'T JUST KEEP BURNING OUT CHIPS!!! Ask someone for assistance. Once you know that the hardware is behaving properly, attach the system together. HOW DO I GET ASSISTANCE FROM MY TA'S? TA's are a great reference. Typically, they are available right after the laboratory period for questions. They can also be reached through e-mail. Set up an appointment with them. If they can't find the answer to your questions, they can refer you to someone who can help. During project time, each TA has at least four hours a week of office hours. These are hours that they will be actively engaged in helping students in the lab. Although TA's are encouraged to schedule these hours during the scheduled lab times, many offer additional times to assist students. As such, there will be 20+ hours of TA assistance available for the class each week until projects are completed. A complete list of times will be posted in the lab, on lab doors, etc. The obvious implication is that the earlier you get progress made on the project, the more Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 11 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc TA help time you will have. You will not be restricted to use only your lab time. You can go to the lab every day if you wish. Project questions take priority over general questions. WHEN DO I SIGN UP FOR MY PROJECT PRESENTATION? Sign-up sheets will be made available before the last week of project presentation. There will be a large variety of time slots available. The scheduling is on first come, first serve basis. If a group wishes to reschedule with another, both groups must agree. WHEN AND HOW DO I GET HARDWARE FOR THE PROJECT? After you have developed your project proposal, you are ready to get the hardware. Every group that has partners assigned and a project proposal submitted will be issued hardware based on a checkout sheet reflecting the hardware list sent by you with the Project Proposal. After the end of Lab 5, groups may start getting their hardware from their project TA. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS HARDWARE AND MAKING SURE THAT IT IS RETURNED TO ITS PROPER LOCATION IN THE LAB ONCE YOUR PROJECT IS COMPLETED. THIS INCLUDES PROPERLY DISASSEMBLING YOUR PROJECT AFTER THE PRESENTATION, UNLESS YOU ARE INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE. Instructions for proper placement of lab equipment will be provided in the lab during the project time. WHEN IS THE LAB AVAILABLE FOR PROJECT WORK? The lab will be available 24 hours a day from project start till project end. You will be issued the lab door access keys. You must also comply with the building access procedures. This open-door policy may be restricted if improper use of lab facilities takes place. IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT ANY ASPECT OF THE HARDWARE YOU ARE USING, DO NOT USE THE LAB WITHOUT A TA! Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 12 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc PROJECT GRADING POLICY Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 13 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc PROGRAMMING THE MICROCONTROLLER First, read the textbook material (pages 712-721) on programming the microcontroller. Then, follow the instructions below, which are specific to our course. THRSIM11 SIMULATOR The THRSim11 is a software program that allows you to write microcontroller programs and simulate how the microcontroller will react to your program. You need to install this software on your PC. This software can be downloaded from the course website. THRSIM11 OPTIONS SETUP Before you run the THRSim11 simulator first time on a certain PC, set the Options as shown it the following windows: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 14 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc Immediately after opening the THRSim11 program, close the Commands window. You will not use in this course, unless otherwise specified. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 15 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc GETTING STARTED WITH PROGRAMMING Take a formatted empty floppy disk and write on the label: EMCH 367 LASTNAME, Firstname Email address Contact telephone # This way, if you loose the disk, there is a good chance that you might have it recovered. Go the course website and download the template.asm file and place it on the floppy disk. This template will always be good to start your programming. Download the file VAR_DEF.ASM and place it in the root of the directory structure on your floppy disk. (This will allow the programs to find it when executing the instruction #INCLUDE ‘A:VAR_DEF.ASM’. Download example files from the course website onto this disk. (For safety, make copies into your folder or PC.) USING THE TEMPLATE.ASM FILE An .asm template file is available on the course website. This template has the required instructions to make your program interface properly with the simulator. When generating a new program, open the template.asm file, save it under the new name you want to create (remember to save on a secure area, preferably your floppy disk), and then start typing in your program in the indicated area. After you type and save your program (save as often as you can, use Ctrl S for productivity), assemble the program and test run it. SCREEN/WINDOW CAPTURE To capture the image of a window or of the complete screen: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 16 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc • Press Alt + PrintScreen to capture the image of the window that is currently active. • Press PrintScreen to capture the image of the entire screen. The captured image can be viewed on the clip board. To paste the captured image into a document: • In the document window, on the Edit menu, click Paste. Alternatively, use Ctrl + V. Note: In most cases, you will need to capture just the active window, using Alt + PrintScreen. DEFAULT WINDOWS Default windows are the three windows(*.LST, *.asm, and CPU registers) shown below: If needed, more windows can be open. For example, four windows can be open (*.LST, *.asm, Memory list, and CPU registers). In the memory list, standard labels may be shown. However, they can be removed if you use the pull down menu command Label/Remove all. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 17 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Page 18 Course Package.doc 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc MINIIDE EMULATOR MiniIDE is an integrated development environment running under Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000. It was developed by MGTEK in Germany. It is a tool for developers of embedded software who write software in assembler for Motorola's 68HC11 and 68HC12 microcontroller. MiniIDE incorporates an editor and a serial communication terminal. A command-line cross assembler, which is seamlessly integrated in the IDE, is also included. n o p With MiniIDE, user can edit compile and download program to microcontroller, then debug program interactively. As shown above, a user can edit ASM program in editor window 1; then compile the program, if there are syntax errors, warning messages will be shown in output window 2; at last, download the program and interact with the microcontroller in terminal window 3 to debug and run the program. In this course, MiniIDE will be used to download codes into the MCU Evaluation Board (EVB). In this context, it acts as a terminal program during the lab periods. You do not need to install this software on your PC. When you open the MINIIDE, click “output window” icon and “terminal window” icon to open the output window and terminal window. You can click “open” icon to open an ASM program source code file and you can edit it in the edit window as shown above. To compile the program file, Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 19 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc you can click “build current” icon . The compiling information and warning messages will be shown in the cross compiler output window. After compiling the program file, if there is no error, a S19 file of the program will be created. That is the machine code file that will run in the EVB Board. After editing and compiling, you can download the machine code S19 file to the EVB to run it. To do this, you need connect to the EVB by clicking “terminal connect/disconnect” icon firstly. After clicking, you need to reset the EVB by pressing the reset button on the EVB. One message will appear in the terminal window and the EVB is ready to receive the BUFFALO command now. The BUFFALO command will be introduced in details in later chapters. Type in LOAD T in the terminal window and click the “download” icon appear as shown below. , a pop-up window will Select your S19 file and click “Open” to download it to the EVB. A self-teaching viewlet on how to use the MiniIDE software is available from the HTTP://WWW.ME.SC.EDU/COURSES/EMCH367/ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 20 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc PROGRAMMING FLOW CHART The programming flow chart is shown in the figure below. First, the source code is written in Assembly language on the THRSim11 simulator. The simulator assembles the .asm code and generates a list file (*.LST). The simulator is then used to step through the program and debug it until it performs the intended functionality. All this can be done remotely, in the computer room, or on a personal computer. Once the program has been debugged, it can be taken on a floppy disk to the EMCH 367 lab (A 235). The MCU evaluation board (EVB) hardware is accessed through the MiniIDE emulator software installed on the lab computers. MiniIDE reads the .asm file from your floppy disk and transforms it into machine language executable code (*.S19). This code is downloaded to the MCU. After downloading the code into the MCU, you can make the MCU run your code using the MiniIDE interface screens. The MiniIDE also generates a list file (.LST) that can be used during debugging. Source code ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE *.asm THRSim11 Software List file *.LST List file *.LST MiniIDE Software Executable code MACHINE LANGUAGE *.S19 MCU EVB Hardware Figure 1 Flowchart of typical programming steps used in the EMCH 367 course. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 21 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc Figure 2 Flowchart of typical programming steps in a generic programming environment. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 22 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc BINARY AND HEX NUMBERS Note: To quickly grasp the use of binary and hex arithmetic, use your binary/hex pocket calculator. The binary number system is a base-2 numbering system. In binary representation, any value is represented using a combination of 1's and 0's. For example: 1410 = 11102 in binary. The subscript 10 on the first number indicates that the number 14 is represented in the decimal (base 10) system. The subscript 2 on the second number indicates that 1110 is represented in the binary (base 2) system. The binary representation is also called "digital". "Digit" also means finger, and you can imagine a numbering representation in which you use your 8 digits to for number containing 1's and 0's. The ability to represent numbers in terms of 1's and 0's is important because it is the easiest most unambiguous way to represent and communicate information. In a computer, a 1 is represented by a "high" voltage (5V) and a 0 by a "low" voltage (~0V). The binary system is the backbone of all digital computers and other high-tech applications. THE BINARY SYSTEM To understand how the binary system works, let's first examine how the conventional base-10 system works. The base 10, or decimal, system constructs numbers using increasing powers of 10. For example, the number 13510 is constructed using 3 powers of 10: 100, 101, and 102. These numbers correspond to 1,10, and 100. The number 13510 is constructed as: 1 x 100 + 3 x 10 + 5 x 1 or 1 x 102+ 3 x 101 + 5 x 100 The equivalent of number 13510 in base two is 100001112. This is constructed as: 1 x 128+ 0 x 64 + 0 x 32 + 0 x 16 + 0 x 8 + 1 x 4 + 1 x 2 + 1 x 1 or 1 x 27 + 0 x 26 + 0 x 25 + 0 x 24 + 0 x 23+ 1 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 1 x 20 It can be seen that the only significant difference between the two systems is the base number. Each one or zero in the binary representation is called a "bit". A collection of eight bits is called a "byte" and, in a somewhat humorous note, a collection of four bits is called a "nibble". The bit associated with the highest power of two is called the Most Significant Bit (MSB); the bit associated with the lowest power of two is the Least Significant Bit (LSB). 1 bit 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 byte 1 0 0 1 Hex number (nibble) 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 nibbles = 1 byte Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu (1 byte = 8 bits) Page 23 (1 nibble = 4 bits) 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc DECIMAL TO BINARY CONVERSION: Because most people are more comfortable using, and thinking in, the decimal system, it is important to know how to convert from the decimal to the binary system. This is most easily achieved through a series of divisions by two and by tracking the resulting remainders. Let's consider out example of 13210: 132 ÷2 = 66 Remainder 0 66 ÷ 2 = 33 Remainder 0 33 ÷2 = 16 Remainder 1 13210 = 10000100 16 ÷2 = 8 Remainder 0 8 ÷2 = 4 Remainder 0 MSB LSB 4 ÷2 = 2 Remainder 0 2 ÷2 = 1 Remainder 0 1 ÷2 = 0 Remainder 1 The remainder 1 resulting from the last division is the MSB, while the first remainder is the LSB of the conversion. From this example, we see that the decimal number 132 is equal to the binary number 10000100. The conversion from binary to decimal is done in the same manner as the first example, by adding together power of two values of the non-zero bits. HEXADECIMAL (HEX) NUMBERS As one might have already surmised, binary numbers quickly become long and hard to remember. For this reason, it is more convenient to convert the binary values into hexadecimal numbers (hex). Hexadecimal numbers are base 16 numbers. This requires six additional characters to represent the values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. These values will be represented by the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F. The counting order in hex is: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. The reason hex notations are use is that it allows for a one to one correspondence between the 16-bit binary nibble and a single hexadecimal value. If the binary number is broken down into nibbles, and each nibble is replaced with the corresponding hexadecimal number, the conversion is complete. Consider 13210. The binary number is 10000100. It can be broken down into two separate nibbles: 1000 and 0100. Convert each nibble into the corresponding hex value (8 and 4, respectively), and the hex equivalent of 13210 is 8416. This is much more convenient to remember. For example, the hex number A23E3 is easily converted to 10100010001111100011 in binary without using any difficult calculations. To convert decimal to hex numbers it is easiest to convert the decimal number to binary and then convert the binary to hex. In addition to these methods, there is a conversion chart in the back of the Programming Reference Guide for the conversion from decimal to hex. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 24 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc BINARY ARITHMETIC The rules for addition of binary numbers are straightforward: 0 + 0 = 0, 0 + 1 = 1, and 1 + 1 = 0 with a carry of 1, i.e. 1 + 1 = 102. For example: 01010010 + 10010100 00110001 00010010 10000011 01010001 11110111 + NEGATIVE NUMBERS IN THE COMPUTER (2’S COMPLEMENT NUMBERS) Until now, we have discussed only positive numbers. These numbers were called "unsigned 8-bit integers". In an 8-bit byte, we can represent a set of 256 positive numbers in the range 010-25510. However, in many operations it is necessary to also have negative numbers. For this purpose, we introduce "signed 8-bit integers". Since we are limited to 8-bit representation, we remain also limited to a total of 256 numbers. However, half of them will be negative (-12810 through -110) and half will be positive (010 through 12710). The representation of signed (positive and negative) numbers in the computer is done through the socalled 8-bit 2's complement representation. In this representation, the 8th bit indicates the sign of the number (0 = +, 1 = -). The signed binary numbers must conform to the obvious laws of signed arithmetic. For example, in signed decimal arithmetic, -310 + 310 = 010. When performing signed binary arithmetic, the same cancellation law must be verified. This is assured when constructing the 2's complement negative binary numbers through the following rule: To find the negative of a number in 8-bit 2's complement representation, simply subtract the number from zero, i.e. -X = 0 - X using 8-bit binary arithmetic. Example 1: Use the above rule to represent in 8-bit 2's complement the number -310 Solution: Subtract the 8-bit binary representation of 310 from the 8-bit binary representation of 010 using 8-bit arithmetic (8-bit arithmetic implies that you can liberally take from, or carry into the 9th bit, since only the first 8 bits count!). BINARY DECIMAL 00000000 010 00000011 310 11111101 -310 Note that, in this operation, a 1 was liberally borrowed from the 9th bit and used in the subtraction! Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 25 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc Verification We have establish that -310 = 111111012. Verify that -310 + 310 = 010 using 8-bit arithmetic. BINARY DECIMAL 11111101 -310 00000011 310 00000000 010 Note that, in this operation, a carry of 1 was liberally lost in the 9th bit! Example 2: Given the binary number 00110101, find it's 2's complement. Solution: Subtract the number from 00000000, i.e. BINARY HEX DECIMAL 00000000 00 010 01101010 6A 10610 10010110 96 -10610 Verification: 01101010 + 10010110 = (1)00000000. Since the 9th bit is irrelevant, the answer is actually 00000000, as expected The rule outlined above can be applied to both binary and hex numbers. Example 3: Given the hex number 6A, find its 8-bit 2's complement. Solution: Subtract the number from 0016 using 8-bit arithmetic: HEX DECIMAL 00 010 6A 10610 96 -10610 Verification: 6A16 + 9616 = (1)00. Since the 9th binary bit is irrelevant, the answer is actually 0016, as expected Example 4: 110010102 Æ CA16 Æ 20210. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 26 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc NUMERICAL CONVERSION CHART FOR UNSIGNED 8-BIT BINARY INTEGERS Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Decimal (base 10) 4-bit binary (base 2) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Page 27 Hex (base 16) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc NUMERICAL CONVERSION CHART FOR 2'S COMPLEMENT SIGNED 8-BIT BINARY INTEGERS Decimal +127 … +16 +15 +14 +13 +12 +11 +10 +9 +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 … -128 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu 8-bit 2's complement signed binary 0111 1111 … 0001 0000 0000 1111 0000 1110 0000 1101 0000 1100 0000 1011 0000 1010 0000 1001 0000 1000 0000 0111 0000 0110 0000 0101 0000 0100 0000 0011 0000 0010 0000 0001 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110 1111 1101 1111 1100 1111 1011 1111 1010 1111 1001 1111 1000 1111 0111 1111 0110 1111 0101 1111 0100 1111 0011 1111 0010 1111 0001 1111 0000 … 1000 0000 Page 28 Hex 7F … 10 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 FF FE FD FC FB FA F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 … 80 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc LOGIC GATES AND BOOLEAN ALGEBRA LOGIC GATES Circuit IC # Symbol Buffer 7407 A X X=A NOT (Inverter) 7404 A X X=A COMA AND 7408 X X = A⋅ B ANDA OR 7432 X X = A+ B ORAA NAND 7400 X X = A⋅ B NOR 7402 X X = A+ B Exclusive OR XOR 7486 X X = A⋅ B + A⋅ B = A⊕ B Comparator 2901 X X = A⋅ B + A⋅ B A B A B A B A B A B A B Boolean Function HC6811 commands 1) 1) EORA 2) 1) During programming, to achieve NAND, use two steps, first AND, then NOT. This means to use first the commands ANDA and then COMA. (Similar for NOR.) 2) During programming, to achieve this function, use two steps, first EORA, then NOT. This means to use first the commands EORA and then COMA. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 29 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Inverting gate AND gate OR gate XOR gate Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 30 Course Package.doc 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc BOOLEAN ALGEBRA In formulating mathematical expressions for logic circuits, it is important to have knowledge of Boolean algebra, which defines the rules for expressing and simplifying binary logic statements. The basic Boolean laws and identities are listed below. A bar over a symbol indicates the Boolean operation NOT, which corresponds to inversion of a signal. Fundamental Laws OR AND A+0 = A A +1 = 1 A+ A = A A⋅ A = A A+ A =1 A⋅ A = 0 NOT A⋅ 0 = 0 A ⋅1 = A (1) A = A (double inversion) Commutative Laws Associative Laws A+ B = B+ A A⋅ B = B ⋅ A (2) ( A + B) + C = A + ( B + C ) ( A⋅ B) ⋅C = A⋅( B ⋅C ) (3) Distributive Laws A + ( B ⋅C ) = ( A + B) ⋅( A + C ) Other Useful Identities (4) A + ( A⋅ B) = A (5) A⋅( A + B) = A (6) A + A⋅ B = A + B (7) ( ) ( A + B) ⋅( A + B) = A ( A + B) ⋅( A + C ) = A + ( B ⋅C ) ( ) (8) (9) A + B + A⋅ B = A + B (10) ( A⋅ B) + ( B ⋅C ) + (B ⋅C ) = ( A⋅ B) + C (11) ( A⋅ B) + ( A⋅C ) + ( B ⋅C ) = ( A⋅ B) + ( B ⋅C ) (12) DeMorgan’s Laws are also useful in rearranging of simplifying longer Boolean expressions or in converting between AND and OR gates: A + B + C + ... = A ⋅ B ⋅ C ⋅ ... A ⋅ B ⋅ C ⋅ ... = A + B + C + ... (13) (14) If we invert both sides of these equations and apply the double NOT law for Equation (1) we can write DeMorgan’s Laws in the following form: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu A + B + C + ... = A ⋅ B ⋅ C ⋅ ... (15) A ⋅ B ⋅ C ⋅ ... = A + B + C + ... (16) Page 31 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc CONDITION CODE REGISTER (CCR) S S = X = H = I = N = Z = V = C = Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu X H I N Z V C Stop bit Allows user to turn the microcontroller stop function on or off. XIRQ mask Used to disable interrupts from the XIRQ. Half carry bit Indicates a carry from bit 3 during addition. Only updated by ABA, ADD, and ADC. It is used by the DAA in BCD operations (setting a hexadecimal number to decimal). Interrupt mask Global interrupt mask. Allow user to turn on/off interrupts. Negative bit Set to 1 when the result of an operation is 1 in the MSB. Set to 0 when the result of an operation is 0 in the MSB. Zero bit Set to 1 when the result of an operation is 0016. Set to 0 when the result of an operation is anything other than 0016. oVerflow bit Set to 1 when a 2's complement overflow has occurred due to a specific operation. 7E16 + 0416 = 8216, 100000102 Note: The 1 in the MSB indicates that an overflow occurred. The addition yielded a number larger than 7F16, which is the maximum positive value that a 2'S compliment number is allowed. Carry bit Set to 1 when a carry or borrow has occurred in the MSB. In addition operations, it is set if there was a carry from MSB. In subtractions, it is set if a number with a larger absolute value is subtracted from a number with a smaller absolute value. It is also used in multiplication and division. Page 32 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc BUFFALO COMMANDS The monitor BUFFALO program is the resident firmware for the evaluation board (EVB), which provides a self-contained operating environment. It interacts with the user through predefined commands. The BUFFALO command line format is as follows: ><command>[<parameters>](RETURN) where: > <command> <parameters> (RETURN) EVB monitor prompt. Command mnemonic. Expression or address. RETURN keyboard key NOTES: 1) The command line format is defined using special characters that have the following syntactical meanings: <> Enclose syntactical variable [] Enclose optional fields [ ]… Enclose optional fields repeated These characters are NOT entered by user, but are for definition purpose only. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Fields are separated by any number or space, comma, or tab characters. All input numbers are interpreted as hexadecimal. All input commands can be entered either upper or lower case lettering. A maximum of 35 characters may be entered on a command line. Command line errors may be corrected by backspacing or by aborting the command (CRTLX/Delete). 7) After a command has been entered, pressing (RETURN) a 2nd time will repeat the command. Some of the frequently used BUFFALO commands are listed alphabetically in Table 1. COMMAND DESCRIPTION HELP Display monitor commands ASM [<addr>] Assembler/disassembler BF <address1> <address2> <data> Block fill memory with data BR [-][<addr>] Set up breakpoint CALL [<address>] Execute subroutine GO [<address>] Execute program MD [<address1> [<address2>]] Memory Display MM [<address>] Memory Modify MOVE <address1> <address2> Move memory to new location [<destination>] OFFSET [-]<arg> Offset for download RM [p, y, x, a, b, c, s] Register Modify T [<n>] Trace $1~$ff instructions Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 33 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 RD Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc Register Display Next few pages are detailed description and examples for each command. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 34 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc ASM Assembler/Disassembler ASM [<address>] where: <address> is the starting address for the assembler operation. Assembler operation defaults to internal RAM if no address is given. Each source line is converted into the proper machine language code and is stored in memory overwriting previous data on a line-by-line basis at the time of entry. The syntax rules for the assembler are as follows: (a.) All numerical values are assumed to be hexadecimal. (b.) Operands must be separated by one or more space or tab characters. Addressing modes are designated as follows: (a.) Immediate addressing is designated by pre-ceding the address with a # sign. (b.) Indexed addressing is designated by a comma. The comma must be preceded a one byte relative offset and followed by an X or Y designating which index register to use (e.g., LDAA 00,X). (c.) Direct and extended addressing is specified by the length of the address operand (1 or 2 digits specifies direct, 3 or 4 digits specifies extended). Extended addressing can be forced by padding the address operand with leading zeros. (d.) Relative offsets for branch instructions are computed by the assembler. Therefore the valid operand for any branch instruction is the branch-if-true address, not the relative offset. Assembler/disassembler subcommands are as follows. / Assemble the current line and then disassemble the same address location. ^ Assemble the current line and then disassemble the previous sequential address location. (RETURN) (CTRL)-J (CTRL)-A Assemble the current line and then disassemble the next opcode address. Assemble the current line. If there isn't a new line to assemble, then disassemble the next sequential address location. Otherwise, disassemble the next opcode address. Exit the assembler mode of operation. EXAMPLE >ASM C000 C000 STOP $FFFF >LDAA #55 86 55 C002 STOP $FFFF >STAA C0 97 C0 C004 STOP $FFFF >LDS 0,X AE 00 C006 STOP $FFFF >BRA C500 Branch out of range C006 STOP $FFFF >BRA C030 20 28 C008 STOP $FFFF >(CTRL)A DESCRIPTION Immediate mode addressing, requires # before operand. Direct mode addressing. Index mode, if offset = 0 (,X) will not be accepted. Branch out of range message. Branch offsets calculated automatically, address required as conditional branch operand. Assembler operation terminated. EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION >ASM C000 C000 CLR $0800 >LDY #C200 18 CE C2 00 C004 TEST >LDX #C400 CE C4 00 C007 TEST >LDAA 102E B6 10 2E C00A TEST >LDAA 0,X Enter assembler/disassembler mode. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu First byte where data is stored. IMM mode Point to data to be fetched. IMM mode Clear RDRF bit if set. EXT mode Get f1rst data byte. Page 35 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 A6 00 C00C TEST >STAA 102F B7 10 2F C00F INX >LDAA 102E B6 10 2E C012 TEST >ANDA #80 84 80 C014 TEST >BEQ C00F 27 F9 C016 BITB $80F6 >LDAA 102E B6 10 2E C019 BVS $C01B >ANDA #20 84 20 C01B STX $00FF >BEQ C016 27 F9 C010 STX $4065 >LDAA 102F B6 10 2F C020 STAA $00,Y >STAA 0,Y 18 A7 00 C023 STX $00FF >INX 08 C024 TEST >INY 18 08 C026 ASRB >CPX #C41F 8C C4 1F C029 ASLD >BEQ C02E 27 03 C02B STX SOOFF >JMP C00C 7E C0 0C C02E MUL >BRA C02E 20 FE C030 ILLOP >(CTRL)A Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc INX mode Store data in SCI data register. EXT mode Read SCI status register. EXT mode Send data byte. IMM mode Wait for empty transmit data register. REL mode Read SCI status register. EXT mode Extract RDRF bit fram status register. IMM mode Branch true = SCI RDR not fu11. Branch false = SCL RDR fu11. REL mode Read data from SCI RDR. EXT mode Store data byte. INY mode Increment fetch pointer. INH mode Increment storage pointer. INH mode Done sending data? IMM mode No, get next data byte. EXT mode Yes, stop here. REL mode Exit assembler/dissembler mode. BF Block Fill BF <address1> <address2> <data> where: <address1> Lower limit for fill operation. <address2> Upper limit for fill operation. <data> Fill pattern hexadecimal value. EXAMPLE >BF C000 C030 FF >BF C000 C000 0 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu DESCRIPTION Fill each byte of memory from C000 through C030 with data pattern FF. Set location C000 to 0. Page 36 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc CALL Execute Subroutine CALL [<address>] where: <address> is the starting address where user program subroutine execution begins. EXAMPLE >CALL C000 P-COOO Y-DEFE X-F4FF A-44 B-FE C-DO 5-004A DESCRIPTION Execute program subroutine. Displays status of registers at time RTS encountered (except P register contents). G(GO) Execute Program G [<address>] where: <address> is the starting address where user program execution begins. EXAMPLE >G C000 P-COOO Y-DEFE X-F4FF A-44 B-FE C-DO 5-004A DESCRIPTION Execute program subroutine. Displays status of registers at time RTS encountered (except P register contents). HELP Help Screen HELP Display monitor commands MD Memory Display MD [<address1> <address2>] Display a block of user memory beginning at address 1 and continuing to address 2. EXAMPLE >MD C000 C00F C000 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF MM Memory Modify MM [<address>] Examine/Modify contents in user memory at specified address in an interactive manner EXAMPLE Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu DESCRIPTION Page 37 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 >MM C700 C700 44 66(RETURN) >MM C000 C000 55 80 C2 00 CE C4 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc Display memory location C700. Change data at C700 Examine location $C000. Examine next 1ocation(s) using (SPACE BAR). RM Register Modify RM [p,y,x,a,b,c,s] The RM command is used to modify the MCU program counter (P), Y index (Y), X index (X), A accumulator (A), B accumulator (B), Condition Code Register (C), and stack pointer (S) register contents. EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION >RM P-C007 Y-7982 X-FF00 A-44 B-70 C-C0 S-0054 P-C007 C020 Display P register contents. >RM X P-C007 Y-7982 X-FF00 A-44 B-70 C-C0 S-0054 X-FFOO C020 Display X register contents. Modify P register contents. Modify X register contents. T Trace T[<n>] Where: <n> is the number ($1~$FF) of instructions to execute. Monitor program execution on an instruction-by-instruction basis. Execution starts at the current program counter (PC). EXAMPLE >T Op-86 P-C002 Y-DEFE X-FFFF A-44 B-00 C-00 S-0048 >T2 Op-B7 P-C005 Y-DEFE X-FFFF A-44 B-00 C-00 S-004B Op-01 P-C006 Y-DEFE X-FFFF A-44 B-00 C-00 S-004B Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 38 DESCRIPTION Single trace Register contents after execution. Multiple trace (2) 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc DEBUGGING TIPS MICROCONTROLLER PROBLEMS • • • • Is the processor plugged into the PC serial port? Is the processor plugged into the power supply? Is the power supply turned on? Is the serial port plugged into the correct connector? HARDWARE PROBLEMS • • • • • • • • • • Does the component have power? - Check all voltages Are the chips oriented correctly - notch in the correct direction? Do the chips straddle the gap in the center of the board? Make sure all chips have power (not just input & output lines). Verify the direction of diodes and electrolytic capacitors. Verify the power at intermediate locations - use 5 or 0 volts from the supply instead of chip input to check various conditions. Verify that the PC ports are giving the expected output signals. Verify chip and transistor pins with the pin diagrams. Are there any "open" lines, no voltage connection instead of zero volts? Verify resistor codes and capacitor values. SOFTWARE PROBLEMS • • • • • • • • • • • • • Is the correct program currently in memory? Is the correct starting location being used (G ????). Verify the program with ASM. Use trace (T) to step through and verify branches, jumps and data. Compare memory locations with expected information after the program stops. Insert SWI at a key location to allow verification of branch, memory and accumulator values. Do branches and jumps have the correct offsets? Have RET and RTI commands been reversed somewhere? For serial communications, has TE or RE been set? For serial communications, has TDRE or RDRF been reset? For parallel port C, has 1007 been set for input or output? Has the interrupt mask been cleared (CLI)? Has the stack pointer changed substantially? Use the BUFFALO commands to do step-by-step (Trace, T) and Break-Point (BR) execution of the program. Press F1 for details of the BUFFALO commands. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 39 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc THRSIM11 SIMULATION OF PARALLEL COMMUNICATION The specific windows that need to be open during the THRSim11 simulation of parallel communication are: • Port registers • Port B pins • Port C pins Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 40 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc THE THRSIM11IO BOX The THRSim11 IO box is use, among others, to perform the simulation of Port B and Port C functions. Port B, which is only an output port, is simulated as the eight LED’s PB0, PB1, … , PB7. When a logical 1 signal is sent to a Port B pin, PBx, the corresponding LED lights up (becomes red). Port C pins (PC0, PC1, … , PC7) can be selected as either input or output using the DDRC register bits in your program. When selected as input (DDRCx = 0, x = 0, 1, … , 7), the switches are used to send signals into the MCU along the PCx line. When selected as output (DDRCX = 1), the switches flip up and down according to the value on that PCx line. (up = 1, down = 0) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 41 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc ASCII AND BCD CODES Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 42 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc THRSIM11 SIMULATION OF SERIAL COMMUNICATION The specific windows that need to be open during the THRSim11 simulation of serial communication are: • Serial registers • Serial transmitter • Serial receiver Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 43 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc THE THRSIM11 SERIAL TRANSMITTER The THRSim11 serial transmitter simulates the PC keyboard in the lab. It sends characters to the MCU. During simulation, with your program running, type a character in the transmitter and press the Send button. The MCU should receive it and react according to your instructions. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 44 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc THE THRSIM11SERIAL RECEIVER The THRSim11 serial receiver acts like the PC monitor in the lab. It receives signals sent by the MCU. With your program running, and the serial receiver window open, you should see a character displayed in the receiver window every time the MCU transmits a character while executing your program. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 45 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc THRSIM11 SIMULATION OF TIMER FUNCTIONS The specific windows that need to be open during the THRSim11 timer functions simulation are: • Timer registers • Port A pins • Number of Clock cycles Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 46 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc THRSIM11 SIMULATION OF ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERSION The specific windows that need to be open during the THRSim11 simulation of analog to digital conversion are: • AD converter registers • Sliders E port Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 47 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc EE ENGINEERING BASICS Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 48 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc BASIC MULTIMETER OPERATION BASIC MULTIMETER INFORMATION Multimeter is a measuring instrument. It can be used to measure voltage, current and resistance. An analog meter (Figure a) moves a needle along a scale. The function of the meter can be changed by switching the dial. Analog multimeter shown in the figure is cheap but difficult for beginners to read accurately. Most modern multimeters are digital. Similar to analog ones, digital multimeter (Figure b) has a dial to select its function. However, instead of having to interpret the reading of an analog scale, the data is shown directly in digital format on the LCD display. In addition, the units are also shown. Multimeter will be used in several labs, and important for checking circuit when doing your final project. Digital multimeters will be provided by the lab. A check out form must be approved and signed by a TA or instructor of this class before you can get a multimeter in the lab. (b) (a) BASIC MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES 1. Before using the multimeter, estimate the value you will measure, make sure it is within the range that the multimeter can measure or withstand. 2. Choose to the function you want to use by switching the dial. Turn on the power. 3. When measuring voltage, connect the BLACK probe (COM) to the ground (0V), and the RED probe to the nod you want to check. When measuring resistor, first make sure the resistor is not connected to any other component or power supply, then connect the probes to the two ends of the resistor. 4. Two alligator clips are supplied with probes. For your safety, alligator clips MUST be used when measuring any voltage more than 36V. They can also be used to free your hands by clipping the probes onto the circuit. Put the alligator clips back in the box after each use. 5. Read the data on the LCD display, remember the units. 6. Turn off the power after you finish. MULTIMETER TROUBLESHOOTING 1. 2. 3. 4. Is the BLACK probe in the COM plug? Is the RED probe in the correct plug? Is the function dial turned to the correct position? Is the power of the multimeter on? Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 49 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc BASIC OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION BASIC MEASUREMENT PRINCIPLES The oscilloscope (O-scope) is a valuable tool for both diagnostic and measurement purposes. It displays a voltage vs. time plot. The voltage displayed is determined as the difference between the measured voltage and the reference voltage. Both the measured and the reference voltage are determined from the probe. Although there are many types of probes, they all have three basic components: a measured voltage lead, a reference voltage lead, and a connection to the oscilloscope. To measure a voltage, or potential difference, with the oscilloscope, one must do three things: 1) 2) 3) Establish a reference. This is done by attaching the reference lead of the probe to the desired potential. For our purposes we will always use ground (0V) for our reference. Measure the voltage. This is done by placing the measuring lead of the probe to the potential to be measured. Display the measurement properly and interpret the results. The first two aspects are relatively straightforward. They involve physical placement of the probe leads. The third aspect of oscilloscope use is critical; to be a useful tool, the oscilloscope must be configured such that the user knows the voltage vs. time profile. Vertical and horizontal position adjusters Signal display adjusters Time scale Channel 1 Voltage scale for channel 1 Trigger Voltage scale for channel 2 Channel 2 Probe adjuster External trigger In the EMCH367 lab, you will be using the analog Tektronix 2225 O-scope, which can display 2 channels, as indicated in the above figure. The voltage (vertical) scale for each channel can be set separately, using the appropriate knobs. You can display the channels separately or together, or perform basic arithmetic operations on the signals (addition, inversion). The time (horizontal) scale can display from .05μs to 0.5s per division, with 10 horizontal divisions. Results that the maximum wavelength able to be displayed is 10x0.5s=5s, corresponding to a minimum frequency of 0.2Hz. If you have doubts about the proper functioning of one of the O-scope channels or the probes, you can ask a TA for help, or check yourself, using the following procedure: a) hook up the probe corresponding Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 50 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc to the supposedly bad channel to the “Probe adjuster” pin; b) set the timescale to .5ms; c) if the probe you use is 1X, set the appropriate voltage scale to 0.5 V; if the probe is 10X, set the voltage scale to 50mV; d) set the “Trigger Source” on the tested channel; e) use the vertical and horizontal adjuster to clearly see the signal on the O-scope display. If the equipment is in good condition, you should see a square wave with the half-wavelength equal to a horizontal division, and the height equal one vertical division. TRIGGER Most of the measurements made in this course will have fairly long time periods with respect to the capability of the oscilloscope to measure it, but more importantly, with respect to your eyes' ability to interpret the plots. In some cases, though, the use of a trigger function of the oscilloscope is very useful. A trigger is used when the signal to be measured is very rapid, difficult to measure, or occurs sporadically. In essence, the trigger is a separate probe, which looks for a pulse, or a transition of the voltage from one state to another. Once the oscilloscope trigger probe detects a pulse, the oscilloscope knows that the signal of interest is going to follow along the measuring probe. Then, the pulse can be displayed along with the signal to give a point of reference. You will use the trigger function in Lab 4, Serial Communications. OSCILLOSCOPE TROUBLESHOOTING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. If the oscilloscope image is not what you think it should be, consider the following: Make sure the oscilloscope power is on. Make sure that the intensity is not turned all the way down. Make sure the probe is plugged into the oscilloscope. Make sure you are measuring the proper voltage (What is the probe touching?). Make sure you have the proper reference voltage (Where is the reference wire?). Make sure you are displaying the signal from your probe channel. Make sure the voltage is set for the proper scale for your probe (most lab probes are 10x). Make sure the oscilloscope is set to measure a DC voltage. Use the beam find function to verify that the beam is on the screen. Adjust the horizontal and vertical position if it is not. Make sure the calibration knobs are properly set. The knobs should be turned counter clockwise till they “click”. If you are using the trigger function, make sure the trigger is properly set. Adjust the time scale. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 51 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc RESISTORS CHART TO READ RESISTORS R = (First Digit)(Second Digit) x (Multiplier) ± (Tolerance) R = (First Band)(Second Band) x (Third Band) ± (Fourth Band) st Color 1 Band 2nd Band Black 0 0 Brown 1 1 Red 2 2 Orange 3 3 Yellow 4 4 Green 5 5 Blue 6 6 Violet 7 7 Gray White 8 9 Silver 10% brown black red 8 9 Fourth Band Represents Tolerance Gold rd 3 Band 1 (100) 10 (101) 100 (102) 1k (103) 10k (104) 100k (105) 1M (106) 10M (107) 100M (108) --5% gold | 1 | 0 | x 100 = 1000 Ω = 1 kΩ ±5% A quick reference for retrieving the resistance of a particular resistor, based on the color code: http://www.electrician.com/resist_calc/resist_calc.htm RESISTORS AVAILABLE IN THE EMCH 367 LAB 10 Ω 22 Ω 47 Ω 56 Ω 100 Ω 200 Ω 220 Ω 470 Ω 1 kΩ 1.8 kΩ 2.2 kΩ 4.7 kΩ 5.6 kΩ 6.8 kΩ 8.2 kΩ 10 kΩ 27 kΩ 56 kΩ 100 kΩ 220 kΩ 470 kΩ 680 kΩ 820 kΩ 1 ΜΩ A selection of variable resistors (potentiometers or “pots”) is also available. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 52 680 Ω 16 kΩ 4.7 ΜΩ 10 Ω, 5 W 22 kΩ 10 ΜΩ 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc EMITTER-DETECTOR Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 53 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc OPEN COLLECTOR COMPARATOR Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 54 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc OPEN COLLECTOR BUFFER Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 55 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc OP AMP POWER TRANSISTOR Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 56 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc PORT PROTECTION GENERIC INPUT TO MICROCONTROLLER PORTS Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 57 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc PORT A PROTECTION OPTOISOLATOR (OPEN COLLECTOR) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 58 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc KEYBOARD AND DISPLAY CIRCUITS Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 59 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc EMCH367 HARDWARE LIST Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Component Stock 8 Pin 8 Pin connector DIP socket 8 PIN DIP socket 14 PIN DIP socket 16 PIN DIP socket 20 PIN DIP socket 24 PIN DIP socket 28 PIN DIP socket 40 PIN PLCC socket 52 PIN Socket adaptor 60 PIN 8 Pin connector cover BNC T Jack-Jack-Jack BNC Connector BNC T Jack-plug -Jack BNC Jack-Jack BNC terminal BNC wall outlet BNC misc. Crystal (8M) Fuse (125V, 4A) HP display IC Heat sink Jumper Led red Led green Led yellow Led 7-segment (common anode) led 10-segment Magnetic switch Micro-phone Switch NC push button Switch NO push button Switch light touch Switch lever type Switch SPST DIP Switch toggle type SMD-DIP adapter Terminal Block 10 Ω resistors 50 40 30 20 15 4 20 20 6 15 15 40 2 1 1 7 3 0 1 12 3 2 10 25 300 5 30 30 20 1 1 30 1 8 8 15 10 2 20 100 Page 60 Reorder? (Y/N) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering 22 Ω resistors 47 Ω resistors 56 Ω resistors 100 Ω resistors 150 Ω resistors 200 Ω resistors 220 Ω resistors 470 Ω resistors 680 Ω resistors 5.6KΩ resistors 1.8KΩ resistors 2.2KΩ resistors 2.4KΩ resistors 4.7KΩ resistors 1KΩ resistors 6.8KΩ resistors 8.2KΩ resistors 10KΩ resistors 16KΩ resistors 22KΩ resistors 24KΩ resistors 27KΩ resistors 56KΩ resistors 100KΩ resistors 220KΩ resistors 470KΩ resistors 680KΩ resistors 820KΩ resistors 1MΩ resistors 4.7MΩ resistors 10MΩ resistors 10Ω/5W resistors POT 0.5K POT 1K POT 50K POT 100K POT 200K POT (for lab 250KΩ) 5PF capacitor 10PF capacitor 27PF capacitor 100PF capacitor 1000PF capacitor 0.1 μF capacitor Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 61 Course Package.doc 50 50 50 100 100 20 100 100 100 40 30 30 40 100 50 30 40 40 50 40 50 30 40 50 40 40 40 40 80 30 4 20 0 1 4 6 0 13 3 20 50 30 20 30 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N Y N N N N N N N 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering 0.047 μF capacitor 0.68μF capacitor 4.7μF capacitor 22μF capacitor 33μF capacitor 220μF capacitor 0.1μF/50V capacitor 2.1μF capacitor 22PF capacitor Diodes LM 431 Adjustable Precision Zener Shunt Regulator Transistor 2N 2219A Transistor PN 2222A TIP 120 TIP 121 TIP 122 TIP 42 TIP 30B IRF 530 7805 voltage regulator 7812 voltage regulator 7912 voltage regulator Temperature Sensor Modular Jack (RJ45) 12-bit A/D converter LTC 1290 INA 118 precision amplifier 7420 Dual 2 input NAND 7430 8 input NAND 7475 Quad Latch 7483 4-bit BIN Adder 7486 Quad 2 input XOR 7490 Decade counter 74125 Quad tri-state buffer 74132 Quad 3 input NAND Schmitt trigger 74136 Quad 2 input XOR OC output 74138 3-8 line decoder 74193 Sync. 4-bit up/down BIN counter 74136 Sync. 4-bin counter 74154 4-16 line decoder 74244 Octal tri-state 74373 latch LM301 OP-AMP LM311 Voltage comparator LM555 timer Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 62 Course Package.doc 50 4 10 40 20 10 1 10 5 100 20 5 5 50 20 15 10 10 30 10 10 5 0 10 1 1 10 5 25 10 40 15 8 20 10 0 30 2 20 20 20 0 40 15 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N Y N N 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering LM741 OP-AMP LM 1458 dual OP-AMP LM 3914 Dot/Bar graph display driver ADC0833 serial I/O 8-bit A/D converter DAC0808 8-bit D/A converter CD4013 dual D-flip flop CD4066 Quad bilateral switch CD 4511 BCD decoder MC14049 HEX Buffer Inverter MC1488 Quad line driver MC1489 Quad line receiver PS2501 OPTICALLY COUPLED ISOLATORS MC6810/6811 MC6850 TC9402 voltage-to-frequency (V/F) converter MAX232 Solid relay Beaded tie DC motor plate Braided wire Terminals 5 inch bolt DC-DC converter Chip extractors Wire cutters Soldering irons Solder suckers Solder IC printed circuit boards Solid, single conductor wire in many different colors Multi-conductor wire in red/black Electromagnets/magnet wire Ribbon cable MRTl00F connector repair tool 2 pin jumpers +12V Battery +6V +1.5V Small Digital Meters Large digital Meters Electromagnets & Solenoids Large Speaker Small Battery holder Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 63 Course Package.doc 20 20 10 8 30 4 2 30 5 3 4 60 25 25 5 8 5 50 10 1 40 1 2 1 20 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 40 1 1 4 10 8 5 3 6 25 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering DC motor (Super Jack) Fan(with DC motor) Power adapter 115AC-8.5VDC 115AC-12VDC Push Button Box (for lab) Servo Motor 10-Segment led board Oscilloscope Probes DC-pump Light Large breadboard Small Breadboard Robot Stepper Motor Driver boards (for lab) Small Analog Meters Magnetic Sensor Motion Sensor Emitter/Detector (Omron) Pressure sensor Sensors Temperature sensor Emitter detector (amplified) Emitter detector (Non-amplified) Thermocouple EVB Port Cable Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 64 Course Package.doc 16 1 2 1 1 2 12 13 10 8 8 24 1 5 15 3 3 3 2 1 9 25 1 12 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONAL MODULES An essential part of our mechatronics education is the construction of functional modules to help teaching hands-on skills related to the interfacing of mechanical, electrical, and electronic components of a Mechatronics system. Non-EE engineering students need hands-on experience to increase their ability and confidence in tackling electrical and electronics concepts, especially during the realization phase of a Mechatronics project. To address this need, we started developing a suit of functional teaching modules. The modules that have been developed include: i) voltage divider; ii) op-amp signal amplifiers; iii) opto-electronic sensor; iv) on/off (field-effect MOSFET) power amplifier; v) linear power amplifier; vi) pulse-width modulation dc motor drive unit; vii) stepper motor drive unit; viii) AC/DC converter; ix) temperature sensor; x) humidity sensor; xi) H-bridge for DC motor (relay and transistor); xii) dimmer circuit; xiii) open collector buffer; xiv) voltage comparator; xv) limit switch; xvi) wireless transmitter and receiver; xvii) ultrasonic sensor. Accompanying the functional modules are electrical and component schematics, applicable equations, and a full experimental report containing calibration results. These functional modules are intended as bolt-on building blocks with clearly defined inputs and outputs, and an explanation of the underlying operational principles. To achieve this, the functional modules are housed in transparent casings, which allow the students to see the actual electric/electronic components of the circuitry, and to compare this image with the intricacy of the circuit diagram. The students are expected to use the functional modules as a learning tool. After understanding their functionality, they are expected to duplicate the circuitry on their own breadboards to be incorporated into their Mechatronics class projects, as well as into other hands-on projects. ASK YOUR TA ABOUT THE FUNCTIONAL MODULES BINDER. IT WILL BE VERY USEFUL FOR THE PROJECT. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 65 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc ATTACHMENT 1: EMCH 367 PROJECT PROPOSAL Team members: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Project Title: Project Proposal 1. Proposed idea 2. System overview 3. Program design, with flowcharts 4. Hardware design, with necessary component list and components diagram Note: Just brief description. Program flowcharts are required. If you need to use some electronic components, please attach the related diagrams. Example: The LM1458 operational amplifier diagram: LM1458 B A output A + 15V Inverting input A output B Non-inverting input A Inverting input B - 15V Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Non-inverting input B Page 66 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc ATTACHMENT 2: PROJECT REPORT TEMPLATE University of South Carolina Department of Mechanical Engineering EMCH367 – Fundamentals of Microprocessors Spring 2003 Course Project Report TA Mentor: _______________________ XXXXXXX TITLE XXXXXXX by YYY YYYYYY ZZZ ZZZZZZ Date: ……………. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 67 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc Table of Contents (Insert Table of Contents auto-generated by Word from the Insert menu) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 68 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc Note on using the heading styles in Word Through out your typing, you should take advantage of using the heading styles in MS Word. Using heading styles has multiple advantages: 1. It helps you organize your report easily 2. It lets you make an automatic Table of Contents 3. It lets you shift text around using the Outline View 4. Others (can you name more? -- email them to me at [email protected]) You can make a text entry be raised to a certain heading level (Heading 1, or Heading 2, 3 etc.) by selecting the appropriate heading style from the style window (where you usually see “Normal”). If the heading styles are visible in the styles window pull-down menu, go to Format/Styles and select the desired heading style from the list. I have already used heading styles when writing this template. You may add more headings to the document as needed. DO NOT DELETE THE HEADING ALREADY EXISTING – THEY ARE REQUIRED. Note on using the Word picture editor This is a Word picture Figure 3 This is a Word picture. If you have not used other software for producing the drawing, sketches, or circuit diagrams, use WORD PICTURE EDITOR. To start a Word picture, go the pull down menu Insert/Object, and select Microsoft Word Picture. You will be opened into a Word Picture Editor screen. Activate the Drawing toolbar from the View pull down menu (if not already activated), and use the available drawing tools. YOU WILL HAVE FUN. When ready, press the Reset Picture Boundary button on the Edit Picture tool bar, and then press Close.). By done last action: make the picture layout ‘In line with the text’ (By default, the picture is floating over text). To do so, right click on the picture, choose Format Object, select the Layout tab, and choose ‘In line with the text’. To Drawing toolbar has Flowchart symbols. To access them, go to Autoshapes/Flowchart. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 69 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc Note on using pictures created in Excel, MathCad, and other software packages When copy and paste from Excel, MathCad, or other software, DO NOT PASTE DIRECTLY. Rather, use the PASTE SPECIAL under the Edit menu, and select ‘Paste as picture’. The difference is that if you paste directly, you are going to embed into you Word file the original Excel, MathCad, etc. file, such that when you double click on the picture, you will be opened into the original application. You do not need this feature, and you DO NOT WANT to do it, since your Word file will quickly grow to very large size. Hence, paste special as a picture. This will keep your file size manageable. Note on the template This template is intended for your orientation. You are free to modify and add to it as needed. However, remember that you are responsible for making a full comprehensive report. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 70 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Give a 1-paragraph summary of your report) 2. INTRODUCTION Introduce the reader to the subject, make him/her familiar to the state of the art in the subject, identify the target market, discuss the demand for your product, and put forward your proposed concept. Background Needs and Opportunities Proposed Concept 3. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (In this section, you will transfer all the technical information for the reader to duplicate your work, if the need arises) 3.1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW Give a short overview of the system. Describe expected behavior. List function the product should fulfil) Use figure/photos/sketches to bring your point home. Being an overview (and not the full description), do not exceed 1 page. 3.2 HARDWARE DESIGN Describe the hardware design of your product. Include drawings, schematics, sketches, and circuit diagrams, as needed to properly convey the message and identify each important component. Describe the function of each component, how it works and what it does. 3.3 SOFTWARE DESIGN Describe the logic flow (intelligence component) in your product. Include flowcharts Include program printout 3.4 ACCEPTANCE TESTS Describe the tests you have done to prove the product is working. Include results in table or chart format. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 71 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc 4. ECONOMIC ASPECTS Give a succinct description of the economic aspect related to producing the prototype and future production. Determine the commercial feasibility of your product. 4.1 PROTOTYPE COSTS Work out the prototype costs using the Excel spreadsheet below. Introduce your own estimates of personnel rates and times and of material costs base on your experience with building the prototype. PROTOTYPE COSTS Engineer Technician Others Total Personnel Costs Materials Total Direct Costs Indirect Costs @ Total Prototype Costs $/hr 50 40 30 hours 10 10 2 Personnel costs $ 500 $ 400 $ 60 $ 960 $ 100 $ 1,060 $ 482 $ 1,542 45.50% 4.2 PRODUCTION COSTS, PRODUCTION PRICE, AND RETAIL PRICE. Work out the production costs and production price using the Excel spreadsheet. Estimate retail and distribution costs and work out a retail price per item. PRODUCTION COSTS and FACTORY PRICE per 1000 items Personnel $/hr hours costs 50 80 $ 4,000 Engineer 40 120 $ 4,800 Technician 30 20 $ 600 Others Total Personnel Costs $ 9,400 Materials $ 50,000 Total Direct Costs $ 59,400 Indirect Costs @ 45.50% $ 27,027 Total Production Costs per 1000 items $ 86,427 Profit @ 7% $ 6,050 $ 92,477 Total Factory Price per 1000 items Factory Retail Price per item $ 92.48 4.3 COMMERCIAL FEASIBILITY Based on the cost and price items above, and using data about similar items (either already on the market or in preparation for the market by the competition), make an estimate of the commercial feasibility of your product. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 72 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc 5. CONCLUSIONS Write up a succinct wrap up of your project. Highlight achievements and project the course forward. Insist on the mental image that you want the reader to be left with after reading your report. 6. REFERENCES List the references that you used in writing up the report. 1. Engineer's Mini Notebook Series, Radio Shack, Inc. 2. National Semiconductor Databooks 3. Found in the lab, these books contain all the technical specifications of the electronic devices we will use. They are generally called "The Blue Books." 4. The Engineering Handbook. Richard C. Dorf (Ed), CRC Press, 1995, ISBN 0-8493-8344-7. 5. Mark’s Standard Handbook of Mechanical Engineers, E. A. Avallone and T. Baumeister III, 9th Edition, McGraw Hill, 1987. 6. Others Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 73 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc ATTACHMENT 3: PRESENTATION TEMPLATE General Instructions •You have the liberty to select the background, transition effects, sounds, etc. •Use the Slide Master view to make settings that apply to the whole document •Use the following slides as a minimum requirement. Add to them as necessary to carry your point through effectively. •Use figures, photos, diagrams liberally. This is a visual show!!! We have both a digital still camera and a digital video camera for those who wish to use them. Acknowledgements • Here is the place to express gratitude for th help and/or support received from others Introduction Outline • Bullet the main items of your talk • What?…Describe your product. • Who?…Identify your target market. • Why?…Discuss the demand for your product. Technical Description (several slides -- this is the main body) • How • Materials Used • Hardware considerations – Diagrams, schematics, etc – Photo of project with callout • Software Considerations – Subroutines, Difficult Logic? Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Troubleshooting • Testing • Problems encountered Page 74 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Microcontrollers in Mechanical Engineering Course Package.doc (Continued) Economic Aspects • Here you should have charts showing – prototype costs and price – production costs and retail price • Use table format similar to that given to yo in the Report Template. Miscellaneous. Info. • Commercial Feasibility • Anything else? Conclusion • Wrap up your work nicely and leave a goo feeling about it. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 75 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Examples EXAMPLES Examples are mainly intended for the students to get started quickly with the basic concepts, programming language, and hex/binary conventions. The following examples are available: Word file Example_1 Example_2 Example_3 Example_4 Example_5 Example_6 Example_7 Example_8 Example_9 Example_10 Example_delay Example_sq_wave Example_buttons_bx Example_SCI_transm Example_SCI_recept Example_IC Example_OC Example_RPM_1 Example_RPM_2 Example_Step Example_Long_Delay Example_Sort Example_AD_convert ASM file(s) Ex1.asm Ex2.asm Ex3.asm Ex4.asm Ex5.asm Ex6.asm Ex7.asm Ex8.asm Ex9.asm Ex10.asm Ex_Delay.as m Sq_wav1.asm Buttons_bx.as m SCI_transm.a sm SCI_recept.as m Ex_IC.asm Ex_OC.asm Ex_RPM_1.as m Ex_RPM_2.as m Ex_Step.asm Ex_Long_Del ay.asm Ex_Sort.asm Ex_AD_1.as m Sq_wav1.asm HEX_BCD.as m Ex_AD_2.as m Ex_AD_3.asm Ex_AD_4.asm An overview of the examples is presented next. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 76 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Examples EXAMPLES OVERVIEW # Example_1 Example_2 Example_3 Example_4 Example_5 Example_6 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Concepts • Familiarize the user with the THRSim11 simulator environment • Introduce the user to the syntax and concepts of Assembly (.asm) language • Familiarize the user the way arithmetic operations are handled by the microcontroller • Instruct the user to interpret the List (.LST) file. • Teach the user to perform the simulation and follow the step-by-step results. • Introduce the LDAA, LDAB and ABA operations • Introduce inherent mode • Introduce immediate mode • Familiarize the user with the THRSim11 simulator environment • Introduce the user to the syntax and concepts of Assembly (.asm) language • Familiarize the user the way arithmetic operations are handled by the microcontroller • Instruct the user to interpret the List (.LST) file. • Teach the user to perform the simulation and follow the step-by-step results. • Introduce ADDA operation • Review the principles of the decimal numbers, i.e., in the range 0 – 9 • Review the decimal carry concept, i.e., when a result is outside the 0 – 9 range. • Prepare the ground for hex arithmetic • Introduce hex numbers and hex symbols, a, b, c, d, e, f. • Introduce single precision and double precision registers • Introduce hex arithmetic. • Review 2-digit decimal arithmetic with carry to prepare the ground for 2-digit hex arithmetic with carry. • Introduce hex arithmetic with carry • Facilitate comparison with the decimal case by using the same numbers as in Example 5 Page 77 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Example_7 Example_8 Example_9 Example_10 Example_ delay Example_ sq_wave Fundamentals of Microcontrollers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Examples Introduce 2-digit hex arithmetic with carry Introduce the ‘lost carry’ concept Introduce unsigned hex overflow Introduce incrementation (INCA) Introduce decrementation (DECA) Review decimal borrow concepts using decrementation Introduce hex borrow using decrementation Introduce 2’s complement negative hex numbers as decrementation of zero with free borrow Show the decimal equivalent of the 2-digit hex decrementation of zero Introduce hex subtraction Introduce hex subtraction with negative results using the free borrow concept. Show the decimal equivalent of hex subtraction with negative results using free borrow. Introduce 8-bit binary numbers Introduce connection between 8-bit binary numbers and 2-digit hex numbers. Introduce 8-bit binary arithmetic Introduce binary 8-bit logic Introduce masking Review the use of branching Illustrate a delay (wait) program Demonstrate a flowchart and its relation with the program tasks list and program code Demonstrate the calculation of clock cycles from the clock cycles of each operation Demonstrate the calculation of MCU time from the clock cycles Review the use parallel ports Illustrate the generation of a square wave using Port B output and a waiting sequence Demonstrate the use of a subroutine to shorten the length of a program Examine the relation between displayed simulation time and clock cycles in THRSim11 simulator Page 78 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Example_ buttons_bx Example_ SCI_transm Example_ SCI_recept Example_IC Fundamentals of Microcontrollers • • • • • • Review the use parallel ports Illustrate the use of Port C for input and output Introduce the concept of shifting register and memory content Practice the use of the THRSim11 IO box for input and output Review the use of serial communication interface (SCI) for transmission Illustrate the sending of a character through SCI • • • • • • Review the use of serial communication interface (SCI) for reception Illustrate the receiving of a character through SCI Review the use of MCU Timer function as an Input Capture (IC) device Review the use of the free running clock, TCNT, and it overflow flag, TOF Review the use of a input capture clock, TIC1, and its event flag, IC1F Demonstrated how the selection of signal transition to be captured is made (here rising edge, EDG1A) and that the MCU is only sensitive to that particular transition. Show the calculation of actual time in μs from the timer readings, T1, T0, and overflow count, NOF. Review the use of MCU Timer function as an Output Compare (OC) device Review the setting of OMx and OLx bits to select a desired OC event (in this example, we set OM3=0, OL3=1, to generate a toggle on the OC3 pin) Review the detection of the TOCx match with TNCT and the corresponding OC action Present the correlation between delay, DT, with actual frequency of the square wave. Explore the accuracy with which frequency can be adjusted Explore the determination of low and high bounds on the frequencies that can be generated with the MCU Review the use of MCU Timer function as an Input Capture (IC) device Review the use of the free running clock, TCNT, and it overflow flag, TOF Review the use of a input capture clock, TIC1, and its event flag, IC1F Demonstrated how the selection of signal transition to be captured is made (here rising edge, EDG1B) and that the MCU is only sensitive to that particular transition. Introduce the use of soft masks (here, IC1_MSK, TOF_MSK). Introduce the concept of layered flowcharting of a program: big-picture with generic descriptions; detailed flowcharts for particular sections of the program. • Example_OC • • • • • • Example_ RPM_1 • • • • • • Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Examples Page 79 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Example_ RPM_2 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers • • • • • • • Example_ Step • • • • • • Example_ Sort Example_ Long_Delay • • • • • Example_ AD_convert • • Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Examples Review the used of two time captures to calculate the time duration of an event Illustrate the use of scaling factors (100s) to deal with numbers that are larger than the microcontroller word length Illustrate the handling of overflow counts, with special attention to the situation when the two time captures are on one side and another of a timer overflow (timechange line) Introduce the method of calculating multiplication through repeated additions and decrementation of a counter Introduce the use of a conversion subroutine to convert from hex to BCD Illustrate rotation speed calculation from rotation period. Illustrate the use of scaling factors (100s) to present the result on a display with limited number of digits. Review the use and control of stepper motors. Discuss the stepper motor energizing patterns, 1- and 2-phase energizing types, full- and half-step motion. Introduce the concept of creating quasi-continuous motion through a sequence of steps Introduce the concept of sequential accessing a finite set of stored patterns through index addressing with a continuously updating pointer. Illustrate a method to ‘load’ a single-precision (2-hex) variable into a double precision (4-hex) register. Introduce the concept of automatic incrementation/decrementation of the addressing pointer with a programmable step size Discuss the reset actions to be taken when the pointer hits the ‘roof’ or ‘floor’. Review the use of keystroke commands for controlling a process Introduce the concept of ‘multiple sort’ and its ‘sequential sort’ equivalent Present a subroutine that can implement a long delay between stepper motor steps Introduce the concept of how to achieve double precision delays (4-hex) using single precision (2-hex) variables Review the use of A/D conversion function of the M68HC11 microcontroller. Illustrate various modes of performing A/D conversion. Page 80 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Examples Page 81 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 1 EXAMPLE 1 OBJECTIVE This simple example has the following objectives: • Familiarize the user with the THRSim11 simulator environment • Introduce the user to the syntax and concepts of Assembly (.asm) language • Familiarize the user the way arithmetic operations are handled by the microcontroller • Instruct the user to interpret the List (.LST) file. • Teach the user to perform the simulation and follow the step-by-step results. • Introduce the LDAA, LDAB and ABA operations • Introduce immediate addressing mode • Introduce inherent addressing mode PROGRAM Ex1.asm program is very simple. It performs the arithmetic operation 3 + 2 = 5 using the ABA operation in immediate mode. To achieve this, the program does the following operations: • Load the number 3 into accA using the opcode mnemonic LDAA with operand #3. The symbol # signifies that the number 3 is used immediately. For this reason, this mode of operation is called immediate mode). • Load the number 2 into accB using the opcode mnemonic LDAB with operand #2, i.e., using immediate mode • Add the number in accA (i.e., 3) with the number in accB (i.e., 2) using the opcode mnemonic ABA and no operand. This mode, which uses no operant, is called inherent mode. The symbolic representation of this process is: 3ÆA (immediate mode) 2ÆB (immediate mode) A + B Æ A (inherent mode) This signifies that number 3 is loaded into accA, number 2 is loaded into accB, and the content of accA is added to the content of accB with the result being put back into accA. EXECUTION 1. Open THRSim11. 2. Maximize THRSim11 window. 3. Close the Commands window. 4. Open file Ex1.asm. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 82 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 1 5. Assemble file by pressing the Assemble button. During assembly, you must have inserted in the A: floppy disk drive the floppy disk with the file VAR_DEF.ASM. In this way, the assembler will find the file path A:\VAR_DEF.ASM when executing the Assembly directive #INCLUDE. Else, you get error. 6. Tile windows by pressing the ‘Tile button’. 7. Set a break point to the line containing the opcode mnemonic SWI. To do so, select the line, right click, and chose ‘Set Breakpoint’. The line becomes amber. 8. Change to decimal the display mode of registers A, B in the ‘CPU Registers’ window. achieve this, right click on the line and select ‘Decimal’. To 9. Put zeros in (i.e. reset) registers D, X, Y To achieve this, highlight the line, type in the values, and hit Enter. Unless you hit enter, the value will not take effect. (A and B get automatically reset by resetting D, since A and B are the two halves of D). Your screen should look like this: The green highlight in the .LST window indicates which line of program is to be executed next. The memory address of the highlighted line, as given in the first column, is $c000. This means that the program counter (PC) at $c000. Indeed, in the CPU registers window, you can see PC $c000. The PC value indicates the memory address of the instruction to be executed next. 10. Use the ‘Step’ button to step through the program. For the Step button to be active, you need to be in the .LST window. Hence, select the .LST window, if you have not done so already. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 83 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Press the Step button Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 1 once. Your screen should look like this: The green highlight moves to the next line, which starts at address $c001. The program counter in the CPU registers window is PC $c001. The line $c001 performs the loading of number 3 into accA. This line has not been executed yet. It will be executed next when the Step button is pressed. 11. Press the Step button Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu again. Your screen should look like this: Page 84 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 1 The green highlight has moved to the next line, starting at address $c003. It has jumped by 2 counts because the line that has just been executed had to Opcodes (i.e., machine instructions) in it, 86 and 03. Each Opcode takes up one memory address, hence the program has move forward by 2 locations. The current value of the program counter is PC $c003, as can be readily verified in the CPU registers window. The result of executing the previous instruction is now apparent. The number 3 has been loaded into accA. You can verify this by noting that, in the CPU registers window, you see A 3. 12. Press the Step button again. The screen looks like this: The execution of the previous instruction has loaded the number 2 into accB, just as the number 3 was loaded into accA. The result of this operation is apparent in the CPU registers window where now we can see B 2. 13. Press the Step button again. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 85 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 1 The execution of the previous instruction has performed the addition between the contents of accA (i.e., 3) and the contents of accB (i.e., 2). The result of the operation has been put back into accA. This means that the arithmetic operation 3 + 2 = 5 has been executed. The result of the addition is shown in the CPU registers window: the accA has become A 5, as expected. The green highlight has moved to the next line which starts at memory address $c006. (In the CPU registers window, the program counter indicates PC $c006.) The move of the program counter was only by one memory location because the operation ABA just executed does not have operand (inherent mode), and only requires one Opcode. The line $c006 contains the opcode mnemonic SWI which signifies the end of the program. You are done! (Do not press the ‘Step’ again, because it will throw you out of the program area.) 14. To rerun the program, you have to place the program counter again at the beginning of the program. Select the line $c001, i.e., where the meaningful part of the program starts. Right click and select ‘Place program counter on …’. The line that was selected becomes green highlighted. You can now step again through the program and see how it operates. You can also press the ‘Run’ button , and the program will automatically execute up to the next breakpoint. In our case, the program will run all the way to the SWI instruction where the breakpoint is placed. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this simple exercise, you have learned quite a few things: • New words and concepts: Opcode, opcode mnemonic, immediate mode, Assembly language (.asm), list file (.LST), reset, program counter (PC), break point, registers, . • Microprocessor opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, and ABA. • Meaning of immediate mode and how to invoke it by using the symbol # • Meaning of inherent mode. • Symbolic representation of the operations and their meaning Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 86 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 1 • Open and customize THRSim11 environment • Assemble an .asm file • Interpret an .LST file • Tile the THRSim11 windows (remember that the tiling sequence follows the sequence in which you accessed the files, with the most recently accessed window tiled in the left upper corner!) • Put a value in a memory address, e.g. when you put zeros in the registers • Set a break point • Step through the program simulation and follow the changes taking place in the ‘CPU registers’ window. • See how program execution is affecting accA and accB. Identify the results of the calculation, i.e. 3 + 2 = 5 makes accA to take the value A 5. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 87 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 2 EXAMPLE 2 OBJECTIVE This simple example has the following objectives: • Familiarize the user with the THRSim11 simulator environment • Introduce the user to the syntax and concepts of Assembly (.asm) language • Familiarize the user the way arithmetic operations are handled by the microcontroller • Instruct the user to interpret the List (.LST) file. • Teach the user to perform the simulation and follow the step-by-step results. • Introduce ADDA operation PROGRAM Ex2.asm program is very simple. It performs the arithmetic operation 3 + 2 = 5 using the ADDA operation in immediate mode. To achieve this, the program does the following operations: • Load the number 3 into accA using the opcode mnemonic LDAA with the operand #3, i.e., using immediate mode. • Add the number in accA (which is 3) with the number 2 using the opcode mnemonic ADDA with the operand #2. (Note that the immediate mode is again used.) The symbolic representation of this process is: 3ÆA (immediate mode) A+2ÆA (immediate mode) This signifies that number 3 is loaded into accA, number 2 is loaded into immediate memory, and the content of accA is added to of memory with the result being put back into accA. EXECUTION 1. Open THRSim11. 2. Maximize THRSim11 window. 3. Close the Commands window. 4. Open file Ex2.asm. 5. Assemble file by pressing the Assemble button. During assembly, you must have inserted in the A: floppy disk drive with the file VAR_DEF.ASM. In this way, the assembler will find the file path A:\VAR_DEF.ASM when executing the Assembly directive #INCLUDE. Else, you get error. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 88 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 2 6. Tile windows by pressing the ‘Tile button’. 7. Set a break point to the line containing the opcode mnemonic SWI. To do so, select the line, right click, and chose ‘Set Breakpoint’. The line becomes amber. 8. Change to decimal the display mode of registers A, B in the ‘CPU Registers’ window. To achieve this, right click on the line and select ‘Decimal’. 9. Put zeros in (i.e. reset) registers D, X, Y. To achieve this, highlight the line, type in the values, and hit Enter. Unless you hit enter, the value will not take effect. (A and B get automatically reset by resetting D, since A and B are the two halves of D). Your screen should look like this: The green highlight in the A:\Ex2.LST window indicates which line of program is to be executed next. The memory address of the highlighted line, as given in the first column, is $c000. This means that the program counter (PC) at $c000. Indeed, in the CPU registers window, you can see PC $c000. The PC value indicates the memory address of the instruction to be executed next. 10. Use the ‘Step’ button to step through the program. For the Step button to be active, you need to be in the .LST window. Hence, select the .LST window, if you have not done so already. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 89 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Press the Step button Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 2 once. Your screen should look like this: The green highlight moves to the next line, which starts at address $c001. The program counter in the CPU registers window is PC $c001. The line $c001 performs the loading of number 3 into accA. This line has not been executed yet. It will be executed next when the Step button is pressed. 11. Press the Step button again. Your screen should look like this: The green highlight has moved to the next line, starting at address $c003. It has jumped by 2 counts because the line that has just been executed had two Opcodes (i.e., machine instructions) in it, 86 and 03. Each Opcode takes up one memory address, hence the program has move forward by 2 locations. The current value of the program counter is PC $c003, as can be readily verified in the CPU registers window. The result of executing the previous instruction is now apparent. The number 3 has been loaded into accA. You can verify this by noting that, in the CPU registers window, you see A 3. 12. Press the Step button again. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 90 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 2 The execution of the previous instruction has performed the addition between the contents of accA (i.e., 3) and the number kept in the immediate memory (i.e., 2). The result of the operation has been put back into accA. This means that the arithmetic operation 3 + 2 = 5 has been executed. The result of the addition is shown in the CPU registers window: the accA has become A 5, as expected. The green highlight has moved to the next line which starts at memory address $c005. (In the CPU registers window, the program counter indicates PC $c005.) The line $c005 contains the opcode mnemonic SWI which signifies the end of the program. You are done! (Do not press the ‘Step’ again, because it will throw you out of the program area.) 13. To rerun the program, you have to place the program counter again at the beginning of the program. Select the line $c001, i.e., where the meaningful part of the program starts. Right click and select ‘Place program counter on …’. The line that was selected becomes green highlighted. You can now step again through the program and see how it operates. You can also press the ‘Run’ button , and the program will automatically execute up to the next breakpoint. In our case, the program will run all the way to the SWI instruction where the breakpoint is placed. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this simple exercise, you have learned quite a few things: • New words and concepts: Opcode, opcode mnemonic, immediate mode, Assembly language (.asm), list file (.LST), reset, program counter (PC), break point, registers, . • Microprocessor opcode mnemonics LDAA and ADDA • Meaning of immediate mode and how to invoke it by using the symbol # • Symbolic representation of the operations and their meaning • Open and customize THRSim11 environment • Assemble an .asm file • Interpret an .LST file • Tile the THRSim11 windows (remember that the tiling sequence follows the sequence in which you accessed the files, with the most recently accessed window tiled in the left upper corner!) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 91 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 2 • Put a value in a memory address, e.g. when you put zeros in the registers • Set a break point • Step through the program simulation and follow the changes taking place in the ‘CPU registers’ window. • See how program execution is affecting accA. Identify the results of the calculation, i.e. 3 + 2 = 5 makes accA to show A 5. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 92 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 2 (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 93 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 3 EXAMPLE 3 OBJECTIVE This simple example has the following objectives: • Review the principles of the decimal numbers, i.e., in the range 0 – 9 • Review the decimal carry concept, i.e., when a result is outside the 0 – 9 range. • Prepare the ground for hex arithmetic PROGRAM Ex3.asm program is similar to ex2.asm, but uses numbers that give the result outside the 0 – 9 range. It performs the arithmetic operation 7 + 6 = 13. To achieve this, the program does the following: • Load the number 7 into accA using LDAA, i.e., 7ÆA • Load the number 6 into accB using LDAB, i.e., • Add the number in accA (i.e., 7) with the number in accB (i.e., 6) A + B Æ A 6ÆB A 13 EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open file Ex3.asm. Assemble file. Tile windows. Set break point at the line containing SWI. Set the display of A, B registers to ‘Decimal’. Reset registers D, X, Y. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 94 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 3 Use the ‘Step’ button to step through the program. Press the Step button once. The registers do not change. Press again. Number 7 is loaded into accA. Press again. Number 6 is loaded into accB. Press again. AccA and AccB are added together. The result, 13, appears in accA. The number 6 is still preserved in AccB. Your screen should look like this: WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this simple exercise, you have prepared the ground for understanding hex arithmetic by reviewing decimal arithmetic with results outside the range 0 – 9. The things that you have reviewed are: • In decimal arithmetic, the base of the number system is ten • Ten independent symbols exist for representing the first ten numbers in the decimal system: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. These symbols are called digits. • The greatest number that can be represented with a single decimal symbol is nine. • Numbers greater than nine are represented with two or more digits. For example, number thirteen is represented as 13, i.e. with two digits. • The symbol furthest to the left is called the most significant digit (MSD). In number 13, the most significant digit is 1. It signifies the number of tens contained in the number. In our case, we have only one ten, since 1 x ten = ten • The symbol furthest to the right is called the least significant digit (LSD). In number 13, the least significant digit is 3. It signifies the number of units contained in the number. In our case, we have three units, since 3 x units = three. • The complete number is assembled by adding the contribution of all digits, from LSD through MSD. In number 13 there are two digits, MSD = 1, LSD = 3. The complete number is 1 x ten + 3 x units = ten + three = thirteen. • When the result of an addition is greater than nine, a carry occurs. • New words and notations: digits, most significant digit (MSD), least significant digit (LSD), carry. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 95 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 4 EXAMPLE 4 OBJECTIVE This simple example has the following objectives: • Introduce hex numbers and hex symbols, a, b, c, d, e, f. • Introduce single precision and double precision registers • Introduce hex arithmetic. PROGRAM Ex4.asm program is identical to ex3.asm, but uses hex numbers. It performs the arithmetic operation $07 + $06 = $0d. To achieve this, the program does the following: • Load the number $07 into accA using LDAA, i.e., $07 Æ A • Load the number $06 into accB using LDAB, i.e., • Add the number in accA (i.e., $07) with the number in accB (i.e., $06) A + B Æ A $06 Æ B A $0d During this process, the number $07 was incremented six times by one. Sequentially, it went through $08, $09, $0a, $0b, $0c, and finally, $0d. Hence, to achieve $07 + $06 we can choose two paths: - Path 1: start with $07 in accA and increment six times using the ADDA opcode. - Path 2: Start with $07 in accA and $06 in accB and do the addition using ABA. EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open file Ex4.asm. Assemble file. Tile the windows. Set break point at the line containing SWI. Set the display of A, B registers to ‘Hexadecimal’. Reset registers D, X, Y. Your screen should look like this: Note that, in single-precision 8-bit arithmetic, hex numbers are always represented with two digits, even if the most significant digit (MSD) is zero. For example, the single-precision accA and accB are Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 96 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 4 represented as $00 and $00. In double precision 8-bit arithmetic, hex numbers are always represented with four digits, even if the more significant ones are zero. For example, double precision accD and index registers X and Y are all represented as $0000. This convention helps us discern quickly between the single precision and the double precision registers. Use the ‘Step’ button to step through the program. Press the Step button once. The registers do not change. Press again. Your screen should look like this: During the operation, number 7 has been loaded into accA as $07. Also changed is accD, which results from concatenation of accA:accB. Since accA is $07 and accB is $00, accD is $0700. This concatenation process is always done in hex format, and is not apparent when decimal display is used (check that this is so by looking into Example 1 through Example 3). From here on, two paths are possible. They will be followed in sequence. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 97 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 4 PATH 1 Step again. AccA has incremented by one from $07 to $08. The screen should look like this: Continue stepping and watch accA going sequentially through $0b, $0c, $0d. Finally, the screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 98 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 4 This is result of the addition $07 + $06 = $0d, achieved through successive incrementation. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 99 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 4 PATH 2 The PC is placed at beginning of Path 2. Step once. The accA is reloaded with $07. Your screen looks like this: Step again. Your screen looks like this: During the operation, number 6 has been loaded into accB as $06. Since accA is $07 and accB is $06, accD is $0706. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 100 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 4 Now, step again to perform the addition $07 + $ 06 = $0d. The screen looks like this: During the last operation, AccA and AccB have been added together. The result of the operation $07 + $06 = $0d appears in accA. The number $06 is still preserved in AccB. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this simple exercise, you have understood how hex arithmetic works: • In hex arithmetic, the base of the number system is sixteen (hexadecimal). • Sixteen independent symbols exist for representing the first sixteen numbers in the hex system: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f. • The greatest number that can be represented with a single hex symbol is fifteen. • In single-precision 8-bit arithmetic, hex numbers are always represented with two digits, even if the most significant digit (MSD) is zero. For example, you saw during this exercise how the single-precision accA and accB took values $07 and $06. Later on, accA became $0d. • In double precision 8-bit arithmetic, hex numbers are always represented with four digits, even if the more significant ones are zero. • In hex arithmetic, single-precision numbers can be built into double precision numbers through concatenation (i.e., by putting them side by side). For example, when accA was $07 and accB was $06, accD, which is simply accA:accB, was $0706. This was not so in decimal arithmetic (check that this is so by looking into Example 2 and Example 3). • New words: hex arithmetic, hexadecimal, single precision, double precision, 8-bit arithmetic, concatenation. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 101 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 5 EXAMPLE 5 OBJECTIVE This simple example has the following objectives: • Review 2-digit decimal arithmetic with carry to prepare the ground for 2-digit hex arithmetic with carry. PROGRAM Ex5.asm program is similar to ex3.asm, but uses numbers outside the 0 – 9 range. It performs the arithmetic operation 9 + 8 = 17. To achieve this, the program does the following: • Load 9 into accA using LDAA, i.e., 9ÆA • Load 8 into accB using LDAB, i.e., 8ÆB • Add accA (i.e., 9) with accB (i.e., 8) A+BÆA A 17 EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open file Ex5.asm. Assemble file. Tile windows. Set break point at the line containing SWI. Set the display of A, B registers to ‘Decimal’. Reset registers D, X, Y. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 102 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 5 Use the ‘Step’ button to step through the program. Press the Step button once. The registers do not change. Press again. Number 9 is loaded into accA. Press again. Number 8 is loaded into accB. Press again. AccA and AccB are added together. The result, 17, appears in accA. The number 8 is still preserved in AccB. Your screen should look like this: During the addition 9 + 8 = 17, decimal arithmetic with carry has been performed. The numbers nine and eight, when added, give the number seventeen, which is greater than nine. Since the greatest number that can be represented with just one decimal digit is nine, a carry to the next level, tens, had to be enacted. In words: “nine plus eight makes seven carry one”. In symbols: 9 + 8 = 17. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this simple exercise, you have reviewing decimal arithmetic with carry to prepare the ground for understanding hex arithmetic with carry. The things that you have reviewed are: • The greatest number that can be represented with a single decimal digit is nine. • Numbers greater than nine are represented with two or more digits. For example, number seventeen is represented as 17, i.e. with two digits. • When the result of adding two decimal numbers is greater than nine, a carry takes place. • New words and notations: addition with carry. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 103 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 6 EXAMPLE 6 OBJECTIVE This simple example has the following objectives: • Introduce hex arithmetic with carry • Facilitate comparison with the decimal case by using the same numbers as in Example 5 PROGRAM Ex6.asm program is similar to ex5.asm, but uses hex numbers representation. It performs the arithmetic operation $09 + $08 = $11. To achieve this, the program follows two paths: Path 1: Load $09 into accA increment eight times. • During this process, the number $09 is increased by one eight times using the INCA opcode. Sequentially, it goes $09 Æ $0a Æ $0b Æ $0c Æ $0d Æ $0e Æ $0f Æ $10 Æ $11. • After the first six increments, the end of the hex symbols list ( i.e., symbol f) has been reached. The process is at $0f. • The next (seventh) increment is performed with a carry, i.e. a zero is placed in the units placeholder and a one is carried over into the next placeholder. At this point, the number $10 is obtained. • The remaining and last increment moves the number from $10 to $11 by adding a one to the units placeholder. Path 2: Load $09 into accA, $08 into accB and perform the addition A + B Æ A. The result is $09 + $08 = $11. (You can check this by using a Hex calculator.) Path 1 is explicit and lets the user understand the carry process. Path 2 is shorter and is usually taken in programming. Note that the result, $11, is the hex equivalent of the decimal number 17 from Example 5. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 104 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 6 EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open file Ex6.asm. Assemble file. Tile windows. Set break point at the line containing SWI. Set the display of A, B, and D registers to ‘Hexadecimal’. Reset registers D, X, Y. Your screen should look like this: Use the ‘Step’ button to step through the program. Press the Step button once. The registers do not change. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 105 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 6 Path 1 Step again. The numbers $09 is been loaded into accA. Your screen should look like this: Step again. AccA has increased by one from $09 to $0a. The screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 106 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 6 Continue stepping and watch accA going sequentially through $0b, $0c, $0d, $0e, $0f. At this point, the screen should look like this: Step again. An increment from $0f to $10 takes place. The screen should look like: Perform the final step and get the desired result at the end of Path 1, A $11. Path 2: Place PC at $c013 (beginning of Path 2). Step once. The accA is reloaded with $09. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 107 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 6 Step again to load accB with $08. Now, step again to perform the addition $09 + $ 08 = $11. The result appears in accA. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 108 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 6 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this simple example, you have understood hex arithmetic with carry: 1. In Path 1, you saw addition as a repeated incrementation. The number $09 was loaded in accA and subsequently incremented. • After 6 increments, from $09 to $0a, $0b, $0c, $0d, $0d, $0e, and $0f, the hex symbols were exhausted. • The next increment (the seventh) enacted a carry such that the second placeholder (MSD) was increased from 0 to 1, while the first placeholder (LSD) was reset to 0. At this stage, the value in accA was $10. (This is by far different from the decimal 10). • The next and final increment (the eighth) incremented the LSD and the number in accA moved from $10 to $11. 2. In Path 2, you saw the direct application of the hex addition using accA and accB, such that $09 + $08 = $11. 3. You should note that the result $11 is the hex equivalent of the decimal result 17 from Example 5 (recall, 9 + 8 = 17). 4. New words: hex arithmetic with carry, placeholder. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 109 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 EXAMPLE 7 OBJECTIVE This simple example has the following objectives: • Introduce 2-digit hex arithmetic with carry • Introduce the ‘lost carry’ concept • Introduce ‘half carry’ concept • Introduce MSB carry PROGRAM Ex7.asm program performs the following arithmetic operations • 15 + 27 = 42 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA • $0f + $1b = $2a (hex half carry - from bit 3) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA • $ff + $01 = $00 (hex MSB carry) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA • 255 + 1 = 0 (decimal equivalent of a hex MSB carry) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA Note: To facilitate understanding, the same numbers are used in both decimal and the hex cases. CODING AND EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open file Ex7.asm. Assemble file. Tile the windows. Set a break point at the line containing SWI. Reset registers D, X, Y. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 110 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 Use the ‘Step’ button to step through the program. Press the Step button once. The registers do not change. You get to the beginning of a section in your program. SECTION: 15 + 27 = 42 (DECIMAL) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, ABA Set the display option of accA and accB to Decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. After 2 steps, the screen looks like this: During the previous 2 operations, the numbers 15 and 27 have been loaded into accA and acc B, respectively. Press the step button once. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 111 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 Congratulations! The first section in this example has been completed. You have achieved the decimal addition 15 +27 = 42. AccA shows A 42, which is the expected result. Note: • A decimal carry happen during this operation, since, in the LSD, 5 + 7 = 12, ‘keep 2 and carry 1’. • In the result, the LSD is 2. This signifies that of the result with carry, which was 12, the least significant digit, 2, was retained, and the most significant digit was carried in the next higher position. • In the result, the MSD is 4. This signifies that the MSD of the result was obtained through the addition of the most significant digits of the constituents, 1 and 2, and the carry 1, i.e., 1+2+1 = 4. SECTION: $0F + $1B = $2A (HEX HALF-CARRY) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, ABA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 112 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. After 2 steps, the screen looks like this: During the previous 2 operations, the numbers $0f and $1b have been loaded into accA and acc B, respectively. Press the step button once. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 113 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 Congratulations! The second section in this example has been completed. You have achieve the hex addition $0f + $1b = $2a. AccA shows A $2a, which is the expected result. Note: • A hex half carry happen during this operation, since, in the LSD, $f + $b = $1a, ‘keep a and carry 1’. • In the result, the LSD is a. This signifies that of the result with carry, which was $1a, the least significant digit, a, was retained, and the most significant digit, 1, was carried in the next higher position. • In the result, the MSD is 2. This signifies that the MSD of the result was obtained through the addition of the most significant digits of the constituents, 0 and 1, and the carry 1, i.e., 0+1+1 = 2. Note that the decimal equivalent of your result is $1a = 42, i.e., the same as in the previous section. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 114 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 $FF + $01 = $00 (MSB CARRY) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, ADDA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. After the first step, your screen looks like this: During this operation, the number $ff has been loaded into accA. Press again the step button. Your screen looks like this: During this operation, $01 was added to the number $ff existing in accA. If more than two hex digit could be displayed, the operation would have looked like $0ff + $001 = $100. Alas, the 8-bit architecture of our microcontroller does not allow for more than two hex digits. Hence, the third digit in Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 115 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 the result is lost. (We have just experienced a ‘lost carry’). The result is $00. The event that you have just witnessed is called hex MSB carry. However, the fact that this event took place has been recorded by the microcontroller logic by setting the bit 0 in the condition code (CC) register. Before this operation, the CC register was %1111000; after this operation, the CC register has become %11110101. The bits that have been set by this operation are: • C = 1 (bit 0 in CC register), signifying that a MSB carry took place during the operation • Z = 1 (bit 2 in CC register), signifying that the result of the operation was zero Also affected by this operation was the bit N (CC register bit 3) which switched from 1 to 0. The meaning of this will be explained in a later example, in which negative numbers are studied. 255 + 1 = 0 (DECIMAL EQUIVALENT OF HEX MSB CARRY) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, ADDA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to decimal. After the first step, your screen looks like this: During this operation, the decimal number 255 has been loaded into accA. (This decimal number is the decimal equivalent of the hex number $ff used in the previous section.) Press again the step button. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 116 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 During this operation, 1 was added to the number 255 existing in accA. The result should have been 256. No decimal carry happened. However, the result is too large to be stored in 2-digit hex format, since 256 = $100. Hence, the third highest digit in the hex representation is lost, and only the last two digits are retained. The displayed result $00, i.e., 0 in decimal. This proves again that, internally, the MCU works in hex! Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 117 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned the following: • In hex arithmetic, the symbol furthest to the left is also called the most significant digit (MSD). In number $1d, the most significant digit is 1. It signifies the number of sixteens contained in the number. In our case, we have only one sixteen, since 1 x sixteen = sixteen • In hex arithmetic, the symbol furthest to the right is called the least significant digit (LSD). In number $1d, the least significant digit is d. It signifies the number of units contained in the number. In our case, we have thirteen units, since the hex number d represents the number thirteen, and d x units =thirteen. • The hex number $1d has the value twenty-nine, since sixteen plus thirteen makes twenty-nine. • You have observed a hex MSB carry. In our case, the machine has 2-digit hex precision; hence, it cannot store numbers with more than two digits. When to the number $ff we added the number $01, the result should have been $100 (Proof: $0ff + $001 = $100). But our MCU we cannot store more than 2 hex digits in single precision, hence, the leading 1 is lost (‘lost carry’). The phenomenon is called MSB carry. (The name MSB signifies most significant bit and it refers to the binary equivalent of the hex number). • You have also observed the decimal representation of a hex MSB carry. This happened when to the decimal number 255 we added the number 1. The result was 0, instead of 256 as you would have expected. This illustrates the range limitation of your MCU (8-bit, 2-hex). Also illustrated is the fact that, internally, MCU works in hex. YOU SHOULD TRAIN YOURSELF TO THINK IN HEX TO BETTER UNDERSTAND THE WORKING OF THE MCU ! • New words and notations: most significant digit (MSD), least significant digit (LSD), 8-bit arithmetic, most significant bit (MSB), addition with carry, hex arithmetic with carry, ‘lost carry’, hex half carry, MSB carry. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 118 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 7 (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 119 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 EXAMPLE 8 OBJECTIVE This exercise has the following objectives: • Introduce decrease (SUBA) • Review decimal borrow concepts using decrease • Introduce hex borrow using decrease • Introduce 2’s complement negative hex numbers as decrease of zero with free borrow • Show the 2-digit 2's complement negative hex numbers • Show the decimal equivalent of the 2-digit 2's complement negative hex numbers 2-digit hex decrease of zero and of Note: To facilitate understanding, the same numbers are used in both decimal and the hex cases. PROGRAM The program ex8.asm performs the following arithmetic operations: • 7 – 1 = 6 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • $07 - $01 = $06 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • 10 - 1 = 9 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • $10 - $01 = $0f (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • $00 - $01 = $ff (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • 0 - 1 = 255 (decimal equivalent of 2-digit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA CODING AND EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open ex8.asm. Assemble, tile the windows, set the breakpoint, and reset the registers. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 120 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 Page 121 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 SECTION: 7 – 1 = 6 (DECIMAL) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Set accA display to decimal. Step through section i) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, decimal number 7 was loaded into accA, and decreased by 1 to become 6. During the decrease, decimal borrow did not need to happen. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 122 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 SECTION: $07 - $01 = $06 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Set accA display to hex. Step through section ii) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, hex number $07 was loaded into accA, and decreased by 1 to become $06. During the decrease, hex borrow did not need to happen. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 123 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 SECTION: 10 - 1 = 9 (DECIMAL) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Set accA display to decimal. Step through section iii) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, decimal number 10 was loaded into accA, and decreased by 1 to become 9. During the decrease, decimal borrow happened because the LSD was 0. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 124 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 SECTION: $10 - $01 = $0F (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Set accA display to hex. Step through section vi) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, hex number $10 was loaded into accA, and decreased by 1 to become $0f. During the decrease, hex borrow happened because the LSD was 0. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 125 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 SECTION: $00 - $01 = $FF (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Set accA display to hex. Step through section v) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, hex number $00 was loaded into accA, and decreased by 1 to become $ff. During the decrease, hex borrow happened because the LSD was 0. Since MSD was also 0, a ‘free borrow’ beyond the MSD happened. Hence, the result of $00-$01 is the same as the result of $000+$100-$001=$0ff, i.e. $ff. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 126 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 SECTION: 0 - 1 = 255 (DECIMAL EQUIVALENT OF 8-BIT HEX ARITHMETIC) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Set accA display to decimal. Step through section vi) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, decimal number 0 was loaded into accA, and decreased by 1 to become 255. We notice that the operation is equivalent to 0+256-1=255. This indicates that, although the operation was displayed in decimal, a hex free borrow actually happened, since 256=$100. USING CALCULATOR TO OBTAIN HEX NEGATIVE NUMBERS FOR –100 Use your calculator to find the HEX equivalent of negative decimal number –100. Type –100 into your calculator, and convert to hex. After you have done this, you will see hex number F…FFF9C in your screen. (The number of F depends on the maximum display length of your calculator.) The last two digits, 9C, are the hex negative number of –100. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 127 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have learned: • In decimal arithmetic, decrease results in the value of the number being reduced by one unit • In hex arithmetic, decrease has the same meaning as in decimal arithmetic: the value of the number is being reduced by one unit • For a 2-digit decimal number with the LSD zero, e.g., 10, decrease required a borrow to be performed from the MSD into the LSD. As a result, we could perform the decrease and the result was 9. The result showed that, because of the borrow, the MSD decreased from 1 to 0, and the LSD increase from 0 to 9, i.e., from the bottom of the decimal symbols sequence to the top of the sequence. • For a 2-digit hex number with the LSD zero, e.g., $10, decrease also required a borrow to be performed from the MSD into the LSD. As a result, we could perform the decrease and the result was $0f. The result showed that, because of the borrow, the MSD decreased from 1 to 0, and the LSD increase from 0 to f, i.e., from the bottom of the hex symbols sequence to the top of the sequence. • The difference between 10 (ten) and $10 (hex one-zero = decimal sixteen). • For a 2-digit hex number with zero LSD but also zero MSD (i.e., $00), decrease is still possible using the ‘free-borrow’ concept. The free-borrow concept, which is implemented on most microcontrollers, allows us to freely borrow a value of one from the next higher digit beyond the precision of the machine. In other word, if we extend the range to 3 hex digits and write $ff as $0ff, incrementing by one yields $0ff + $001 = $100. Conversely, decreasing $100 by one yields $0ff, i.e., $ff. This leads directly to the concept of 2's complement negative numbers • 2-digit 2's complement negative hex numbers are the numbers that appear to the left of the hex zero in the following sequence: …, $fd, $fe, $ff, $00, $01, $02, $03, …. We notice that: • • $ff is the negative of $01, and $ff + $01 = $00 • $fe is the negative of $02, and $fe + $02 = $00 • $fd is the negative of $03, and $fd + $031 = $00 • etc. New words and notations: decrease, free borrow, 2's complement negative numbers. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 128 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 8 (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 129 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 9 EXAMPLE 9 OBJECTIVE This exercise has the following objectives: • Introduce hex subtraction • Introduce hex subtraction with negative results using the free borrow concept. • Show the decimal equivalent of hex subtraction with negative results using free borrow. Note: To facilitate understanding, the same numbers are used in both decimal and the hex cases. PROGRAM The program ex9.asm performs the following arithmetic operations: I. $0d - $06 = $07 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA II. $00 - $05 = $fb (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA III. 0 - 5 = 251 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA IV. $0e - $3a = $d4 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA V. 14 - 58 = 212 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 130 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 9 CODING AND EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open ex9.asm. Assemble, tile the windows, set the breakpoint, and reset the registers. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 131 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 9 SECTION: $0D - $06 = $07 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Load and assemble ex9.asm. Set accA display to hex. Step through section vii) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, hex number $0d was loaded into accA, hex number $06 was loaded into accB, and then accB was subtracted from accA. The result of the arithmetic operation remained in accA. The result was $07. A hex borrow did not happen, since the number in accB was less than the number in accA, and the LSD of the number in accB was also less than the LSD of the number in accA. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 132 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 9 SECTION: $00 - $05 = $FB (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Set accA accB displays to hex. Step through section viii) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, hex number $00 was loaded into accA, hex number $05 was loaded into accB, and then accB was subtracted from accA. The result of the arithmetic operation remained in accA. The result was $fb. This is equivalent to the hex operation $000+$100-$005=$0fb, and indicates that a hex free borrow happened. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 133 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 9 SECTION: 0 - 5 = 251 (DECIMAL EQUIVALENT OF 8-BIT HEX ARITHMETIC) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Set accA and accB displays to decimal. Step through section ix) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, decimal number 0 was loaded into accA, and decimal number 5 into accB. Then, accB was subtracted from accA. The result of the subtraction remained in accA. The result was 251. We notice that the following decimal arithmetic operation happened 0-5=251. This operation is equivalent to 0+256-1=255. This indicates that, although the operation was displayed in decimal, a hex free borrow actually happened since 256=$100. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 134 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 9 SECTION: $0E - $3A = $D4 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Set accA accB displays to hex. Step through section x) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, hex number $0e was loaded into accA, hex number $3a was loaded into accB, and then accB was subtracted from accA. The result of the arithmetic operation remained in accA. The result was $d4. This is equivalent to the hex operation $00e+$100-$03a=$0d4, and indicates that a hex free borrow happened. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 135 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 9 SECTION: 14 - 58 = 212 (DECIMAL EQUIVALENT OF 8-BIT HEX ARITHMETIC) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Set accA and accB displays to decimal. Step through section xi) of the code. At the end of this section, your screen looks like this: During the execution of this section, decimal number 14 was loaded into accA, and decimal number 58 into accB. Then, accB was subtracted from accA. The result of the subtraction remained in accA. The result was 212. We notice that the following decimal arithmetic operation happened 14-58=212. This operation is equivalent to 14+256-58=212. This indicates that, although the operation was displayed in decimal, a hex free borrow actually happened since 256=$100. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 136 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 9 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have learned: • Subtraction using SBA opcode mnemonic happened as expected, in both decimal and hex arithmetic, as long as the minuend is greater than the subtrahend (e.g., 13-6=7, $0d-$06=$07). • When the minuend is less than the subtrahend, the result of the subtraction operation is calculated using a free borrow (e.g., $0e-$3a=$00e+$100-$03a=$0d4=$d4). • Even if decimal display of numbers is used, the calculations and the free borrow still happen in hex (e.g., 14-58=14+256-58=212, where 256=$100). • New words and notations: subtraction, minuend, subtrahend. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 137 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 EXAMPLE 10 OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Introduce 8-bit binary numbers • Introduce connection between 8-bit binary numbers and 2-digit hex numbers. • Introduce 8-bit binary arithmetic • Introduce the half carry (bit 3 carry) concept • Introduce 8-bit binary logic • Introduce masking PROGRAM Use Ex10.asm code to do the following: ι)• Construct the numbers zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen using the addition command ADDA. Represent these numbers in decimal, binary, and hex using the display options of accA. ιι)• 3 + 2 = 5 in binary and hex using LDAA, LDAB, ABA ιιι)• 13 – 6 =7 in binary and hex using LDAA, LDAB, SBA ιϖ)• $0f + $01 = $10 in binary and hex using LDAA, LDAB, ABA (half carry, or bit-3 carry) ϖ)• $10 -$01 = $0f in binary and hex using LDAA, SUBA ϖι)• $ff + $01 = $00 in binary and hex using LDAA, ADDA (MSB carry) ϖιι)• $00 - $01 = $ff in binary and hex using LDAA, SUBA ϖιιι)• 1 AND 0 = 0 using LDAA, ANDA ιξ)• 1 OR 0 = 1 using LDAA, ORAA ξ)• 1 XOR 0 = 1 using LDAA, EORA ξι)• 1 OR 1 = 1 using LDAA, ORAA ξιι)• 1 XOR 1 = 0 using LDAA, EORA ξιιι)• %11111111 NAND %00000000 = %11111111 using LDAA, ANDA, COMA ξιϖ)• %00000000 NOR %11111111 = %00000000 using LDAA, ORAA, COMA ξϖ)• %10101110 AND %00000010 = %00000010 using LDAA, ANDA (masking) (Note: the NAND and NOR instructions do not exist in the MC6811 instruction set, but can be obtained by using the COM instruction after the AND and OR instructions.) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 138 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 CODING AND EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open and assemble Ex10.asm. Tile the windows, set the breakpoint, and reset the registers. Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA to binary. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 139 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: REPRESENT NUMBERS ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, ELEVEN, TWELVE, THIRTEEN, FOURTEEN, FIFTEEN, SIXTEEN, SEVENTEEN IN DECIMAL, BINARY, AND HEX Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. After first step your screen looks like this: During this operation, the number zero has been loaded into accA. Your[VG1] Assembly instruction used the decimal 1, and the simulator converted it to binary, %00000001, per your display setting. The number one stored in accA is represented using all the 8 bits, though the seven highest bits (preceding bits) are zero, i.e., %00000001. This rules always apply when binary numbers are represented in this simulator. Change the display option of accA to hex. Your screen will look like this: Step through the rest of the operations, incrementing each time accA by one. At each step, observe the binary representation, then switch to hex, then to decimal, and back to binary. When incrementing, observe how the binary bits either increment from 0 to 1, or increment from 1 to 0 with a binary carry to the left. When you get to the equivalent of number ten, your binary screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 140 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Change the display option of accA to HEX, your screen looks like this: Continue with the incrementation process until you reach fifteen. Note that during this process, only the lower four binary bits and the corresponding hex LSD are being affected. The higher four binary bits and the hex MSD are not being affected. When you reached fifteen, your binary screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 141 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Change the display option of accA to HEX, your screen looks like this: Return to the binary display. Note that all the lower bits (bit 0, bit 1, bit 2, bit 3) have been filled with 1’s, while all the higher bits (bit 4, bit 5, bit 6, bit 7) are still filled with 0’s. You have reached the point where further incrementation will produce a carry from bit 3 into bit 4. When this happens, the lower bit will be returned to 0, while a 1 will appear in the least significant position of the upper bits. In hex Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 142 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 display, this will correspond to a hex carry from the lower to higher nibble of the hex number, i.e. from $0f to $10. Press the step button to effect this incrementation. Your binary screen looks like this: Change the display of accA to HEX; your screen looks like this: The decimal equivalent of the number in accA at this point is 16. Further incrementation will again affect only the lower bits, until a bit 3 carry takes again place. At the end of this section of your program, the binary screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 143 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Change the display option of accA to HEX, your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 144 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: PERFORM 3 + 2 = 5 IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, LDAB, ABA Place PC at the beginning of section ii) in the code. Turn display of accA and accB to binary. Step through this section of the code until the numbers three and two have been loaded into accA and accB, respectively. They will show as binary, as illustrated by the screen capture below: Perform the addition of accB to accA; the result is shown in accA. Observe that a carry from bit 1 into bit 2 has happened. The screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 145 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Repeat this section with the display of accA and accB turned to hex. Observe that, in hex, no carry is apparent. The corresponding screen captures are: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 146 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: PERFORM 13 – 6 =7 IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, LDAB, SBA Place PC at the beginning of section iii) in the code. Turn display of accA and accB to binary. Step through this section of the code until the two numbers have been loaded into accA and accB, respectively. The screen looks like this: Perform the subtraction operation. Note that a borrow was enacted from bit 2 into bit 1 and then from bit 3 into bit 2 to permit the operation to take place. After subtraction, your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 147 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Repeat this section with the display of accA and accB turned to hex. Observe that, in hex, no borrow is apparent. The screen corresponding captures are: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 148 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Page 149 Example 10 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: PERFORM $0F + $01 = $10 IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, ADDA (HALF CARRY OR BIT 3 CARRY) Reset accA and accB. Place PC at the beginning of section iv) in the code. Turn display of accA to binary. Step through this section of the code until the number $0f has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 150 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Perform the incrementation. Note the carry that takes place from bit 3 into bit 4. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 151 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Repeat this section with the display of accA turned to hex. Observe that, in hex, a carry is also apparent. The corresponding screen captures are: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 152 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Page 153 Example 10 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: PERFORM $10 -$01 = $0F IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, SUBA Reset accA and accB. Place PC at the beginning of section v) in the code. Turn display of accA to binary. Step through this section of the code until the number $10 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Perform the decrementation. Note that a borrow takes place from bit 4 into bit 3. Your screen looks like this: Repeat this section with the display of accA turned to hex. Observe that, in hex, a borrow is also apparent. The corresponding screen captures are: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 154 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: PERFORM $FF + $01 = $00 IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, ADDA (MSB CARRY) Reset accA and accB. Place PC at the beginning of section vi) in the code. Turn display of accA to binary. Step through this section of the code until the number $ff has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 155 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Perform the increment. Note the lost carry that takes place from bit 7. Your screen looks like this: Repeat this section with the display of accA turned to hex. Observe that, in hex, a lost carry is also apparent. The corresponding screen captures are: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 156 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Page 157 Example 10 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: PERFORM $00 - $01 = $FF IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, SUBA Reset accA and accB. Place PC at the beginning of section vii) in the code. Turn display of accA to binary. Step through this section of the code until the number $00 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Perform the decrementation. Note the free borrow that takes place from into bit 7. Your screen looks like this: Repeat this section with the display of accA turned to hex. Observe that, in hex, a free borrow is also apparent. The corresponding screen captures are: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 158 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Page 159 Example 10 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: 1 AND 0 = 0 USING LDAA, ANDA Reset accA and accB. Place PC at the beginning of section viii) in the code. Turn display of accA to decimal. Step through this section of the code until the number 1 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Step again. The number 1 is AND-ed with 0. The result is 0. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 160 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: 1 OR 0 = 1 USING LDAA, ORAA Reset accA and accB. Place PC at the beginning of section ix) in the code. Leave display of accA to decimal. Step through this section of the code until the number 1 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Step again. The number 1 is OR-ed with 0. The result is 1. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 161 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: 1 XOR 0 = 1 USING LDAA, EORA Place PC at the beginning of section x) in the code. Leave display of accA to decimal. Step through this section of the code until the number 1 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Step again. The number 1 is XOR-ed with 0. The result is 1. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 162 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: 1 OR 1 = 1 USING LDAA, ORAA Place PC at the beginning of section xi) in the code. Leave display of accA to decimal. Step through this section of the code until the number 1 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Step again. The number 1 is OR-ed with 1. The result is 1. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 163 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: 1 XOR 1 = 0 USING LDAA, EORA Place PC at the beginning of section xii) in the code. Leave display of accA to decimal. Step through this section of the code until the number 1 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Step again. The number 1 is OR-ed with 1. The result is 0. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 164 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 SECTION: %11111111 NAND %00000000 = %11111111 USING LDAA, ANDA, COMA Place PC at the beginning of section xiii) in the code. Turn display of accA to binary. Step through this section of the code until the number %11111111 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Step again. The number %11111111 is AND-ed with %00000000. The result is %00000000. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 165 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 [VG2] Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 166 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Step again. We get the Boolean inversion of the result using the COMA (complement of accA) opcode. The result is now %11111111 (note that COMA inverses all the bits). Your screen looks like this: SECTION: %00000000 NOR %11111111 = %00000000 USING LDAA, ORAA, COMA Place PC at the beginning of section xiv) in the code. Reset accA and accB. Turn display of accA to binary. Step through this section of the code until the number %00000000 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 167 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Step again. The number %00000000 is OR-ed with %11111111. The result is %11111111. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 168 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Step again. We get the Boolean inversion of the result using the COMA opcode (complement of accA). The result is now %00000000 (note that COMA inverses all the bits). Your screen looks like this: SECTION: %10101110 AND %00000010 = %00000010 USING LDAA, ANDA (MASKING) This section demonstrates how the mask %00000010 selects the second bit (bit 1) of the number %10101110. Place PC at the beginning of section xv) in the code. Leave display of accA to binary. Step through this section of the code until the number %10101110 has been loaded into accA. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 169 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Step again. The number %10101110 is AND-ed with %00000010. The result is %00000010. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 170 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 Notice the effect of the mask. Out of all the bits that were set in accA, only that bit (bit 1) that coincides with the mask has remained. Mask is useful for checking the status of selected bits (e.g., flags). WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The 8-bit binary numbers • The connection between 8-bit binary numbers and 2-digit hex numbers. • The 8-bit binary arithmetic • The half carry (bit 3 carry) concept • The 1-bit and 8-bit binary logic • The fact that logic operations are performed bit-by-bit • Boolean inversion using the complement opcode (e.g., COMA). • Masking, i.e., the selection of bits using masks • New words and notations: 8-bit binary arithmetic, 8-bit binary logic; complement opcode; masking, flags. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 171 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 • Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 172 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 (This page is intentionally left blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 173 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example 10 ank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 174 8/4/20068/21/20058/19/2005 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY EXAMPLE DELAY OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use of branching • Illustrate a delay (wait) program • Demonstrate a flowchart and its relation with the program tasks list and program code • Demonstrate the calculation of clock cycles from the clock cycles of each operation • Demonstrate the calculation of MCU time from the clock cycles PROGRAM The program does the following: Code Flowchart (i) Define variable DELAY at $0000 (ii) Load DELAY into accA Define variables: DELAY Æ $0000 Load DELAY into accA (iii) Decrement accA (iv) Branch back to (iii) if the result is higher than zero (unsigned >0) LABEL1 Y (vi) SWI Subtract 1 from accA Brach if higher than zero N SWI DELAY RMB 1 LDAA DELAY LABEL1 BHI SUBA #1 LABEL1 SWI CODING The essential code for this program is shown in the third column above. The program has been coded into the file Ex_delay.asm using the standard template. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 175 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Open the memory window. Open and assemble Ex_delay.asm. Tile windows, set breakpoint, and reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Remove labels RAM and DATA. Set display of memory DELAY to decimal. Press the RESET button. Your screen should look like this: a) Put 5 into variable DELAY: click $ff on line $0000 in the memory list, and type in the value 5 in the highlighted location. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 176 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY Note “Clock Cycles 2” in the lower right corner. This indicates that 2 clock cycles were expended just to get the MCU started and reset. b) Step through the program; after each step, observe the number of cycles taken by each operation. You will notice that NOP takes 2 cycles, LDAA takes 3, SUBA takes 2, and BHI takes 3. Look up these opcodes in the Motorola MC68HC11 Programming Reference Guide pocketbook and verify these numbers in the ‘Cycles’ column of the Instructions table. c) After each pass through LABEL1, accA is decremented by one. When reaching the branch instruction BHI, the program branches back to LABEL1 if the result of the decrementation is still higher than zero. After the first pass, accA was decremented from 5 to 4. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 177 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY Note that clock cycles counter shows 12. This number is made up as follows: 2+2+3+2+3=12. During this pass, accA was reduced from $05 to $04. These are illustrated in the table below: Cycles count table, actual and cumulative, opcode by opcode, after pass 1. AccA start 2 START NOP 2 LDAA DELAY 3 LABEL1 SUBA #1 2 BHI LABEL1 3 SWI AccA end Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Pass 1 $05 2 4 7 9 12 $04 Page 178 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY After the second pass, the screen looks like this: Note that clock cycles counter shows 17. This number is made up as follows: 2+2+3+2(2+3)=17. During this pass, accA was reduced from $04 to $03. These are illustrated in the table below: Cycles count table, actual and cumulative, opcode by opcode, after pass 2. AccA start START NOP LDAA DELAY LABEL1 SUBA #1 BHI LABEL1 SWI AccA end Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu 2 2 3 2 3 Pass 1 $05 2 4 7 9 12 $04 Pass 2 $04 2 3 14 17 $03 Page 179 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY After the third pass, the screen looks like this: Note that clock cycles counter shows 22. This number is made up as follows: 2+2+3+3(2+3)=22. During this pass, accA was reduced from $03 to $02. These are illustrated in the table below: Cycles count table, actual and cumulative, opcode by opcode, after pass 3. AccA start START NOP LDAA DELAY LABEL1 SUBA #1 BHI LABEL1 SWI AccA end Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu 2 2 3 2 3 Pass 1 $05 2 4 7 9 12 $04 Pass 2 $04 2 3 14 17 $03 Page 180 Pass 3 $03 2 3 19 22 $02 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY After the fourth pass, the screen looks like this: Note that clock cycles counter shows 27. This number is made up as follows: 2+2+3+4(2+3)=27. During this pass, accA was reduced from $02 to $01. These are illustrated in the table below: Cycles count table, actual and cumulative, opcode by opcode, after pass 4. AccA start START NOP LDAA DELAY LABEL1 SUBA #1 BHI LABEL1 SWI AccA end Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu 2 2 3 2 3 Pass 1 $05 2 4 7 9 12 $04 Pass 2 $04 2 3 14 17 $03 Page 181 Pass 3 $03 2 3 19 22 $02 Pass 4 $02 2 3 24 27 $01 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY After the fifth and final pass, the screen looks like this: Note that clock cycles counter shows 32. This number is made up as follows: 2+2+3+4(2+3)+2+3=7+5*5=32. During this pass, accA was reduced from $01 to $00. At the branch point, the loop was exited, and the operation SWI was executed after which the program stopped. These are illustrated in the table below: Cycles count table, actual and cumulative, opcode by opcode, after pass 5. AccA start START NOP LDAA DELAY LABEL1 SUBA #1 BHI LABEL1 SWI AccA end 2 2 3 2 3 Pass 1 $05 2 4 7 9 12 $04 Pass 2 $04 2 3 14 17 $03 Pass 3 $03 2 3 19 22 $02 Pass 4 $02 2 3 24 27 $01 Pass 5 $01 2 3 29 32 $00 The total number of cycles expended during the operation of this program with DELAY=5 was 32. The number of cycles was calculated with formula: N_cycles=7+DELAY*5=7+5*5=32 a) Each clock cycle takes 1/2MHz=0.5 micro-sec. The total time taken by the MCU to execute this program can be calculated with the formula D_t=N_cycles*0.5 micro-sec. For DELAY=5, N_cycles=32, and D_t=16 micro-sec=0.000016 sec. This value is shown in the lower left corner of the simulator window as ‘Simulated time: 0.000016 sec’. To see it, you may have to expand the window. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 182 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY b) Reset the simulator. Run the program by pressing the Run button. The program stops when accA has been reduced to zero. The values shown on the task bar are Simulated time: 0.000016 sec in the lower left corner and Clock Cycles 32 in the lower right corner. c) Reset the simulator. Put value 10 in DELAY. d) Predict the number of cycles with the formula N_cycles=7+DELAY*5=7+10*5=57. Calculate the time D_t=N_cycles*0.5=57*0.5=28.5 micro-sec=0.0000285. e) Run the program. The screen capture is: Note that ‘Clock Cycles 57’, while ‘Simulated time: 0.0000285 sec. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 183 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example DELAY WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of variables • The use of labels and branching • The flowchart and its relation with the program tasks list and program code • Calculation of clock cycles from the clock cycles of each operation • Calculation of MCU time from the clock cycles knowing that each clock cycle lasts 0.5 microsec • How to read clock cycles and simulated time in the simulator window • How to write a delay (wait) program • New words and notations: variables, labels, branch, clock cycles, MCU time. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 184 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE EXAMPLE SQUARE WAVE OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use parallel ports • Illustrate the generation of a square wave using Port B output and a waiting sequence • Demonstrate the use of a subroutine to shorten the length of a program • Examine the relation between displayed simulation time and clock cycles in THRSim11 simulator Figure 1 Square wave schematics showing the half-wave duration, Δt, and the low (L) and high (H) states. PROGRAMS This example uses two programs that produce the same output – the generation of a square wave of programmable wavelength. The wavelength is programmed using the variable DELAY. The square-wave electrical signal is output through second pin of Port B, i.e., pin PB1. The difference between the first and second program consist in the use of a subroutine. The use of a subroutine compresses the code and shortens the total length of the program. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 185 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE PROGRAM SQ_WAV1 Instructions Code Flowchart DELAY Define variable DELAY at $0000 Load REGBAS in reg. X Send low signal Load %00000000 in accA Store accA in Port B Load DELAY into accB Decrease accB in a loop until zero Send high signal Load %00000010 in accA Store accA in Port B Define DELAY Æ$0000 Initialize REGBAS in reg X BEGIN Send low signal Load %00000000 in accA Store accA in Port B Load DELAY into accB LABEL1 Decrease accB by 1 Loop until zero Send high signal Load %00000010 in accA Store accA in Port B Load DELAY into accB Decrease accB in a loop until zero Branch back to (iii) Load DELAY into accB LABEL2 Decrease accB by 1 Loop until zero SWI RMB * Start main program START ORG PROGRAM LDX #REGBAS * Begin typing your code * Send low signal BEGIN LDAA #%00000000 STAA PORTB,X LDAB DELAY LABEL1 SUBB BHI #1 LABEL1 * Send high signal LDAA #%00000010 STAA PORTB,X LDAB SWI 1 LABEL2 SUBB DELAY #1 BHI LABEL2 BRA BEGIN SWI FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show to the right of the program instructions. Note the ‘send low signal’ and ‘send high signal’ blocks. Also note the two wait blocks, one sending the low signal, the other after sending the high signal. The wait blocks are not detailed, since they have been covered in a previous example and can be directly cloned from there (the ‘code reuse’ concept). The essential code for this program is shown to the left of the flowchart. The file Sq_wav1.asm is the result of incorporating this code in the standard template. EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Open memory list, port registers, and THRSim11 IO box. Open and assemble Sq_wav1.asm. Set breakpoint at SWI as an insurance against the program running wild. Reset the registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of accA to binary. Set display of PORTB to binary. Tile windows. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: memory $0000 only; registers A through X; sufficient of .asm and .LST windows to show the code. Reset DELAY, A, B, X. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 186 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE a) Put $04 into variable DELAY. Reset the simulator. The PORTB register is %00000000, and all the lights in the THRSim11 IO box are off. b) Note the initialization readings: clock cycles = 2, simulated time = 0.0000010 sec = 1.0 μs. These values are entered as N_1 and T_1 in the "Initialize" row of Table 1. c) Make one step through the program. The REGBAS value of $1000 is being loaded into X. This will assist with accessing the port registers in Extended mode using register X. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 187 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE d) This is the end of the initialization cycle and the beginning of the low-signal part, L, of the square wave. Step twice. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 188 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE e) Note the start up readings: clock cycles = 11, simulated time = 0.0000055 sec = 5.5 μs. These values are entered as N_2 and T_2 in the Initialize row, and as N_1 and T_1 in the first (L) row of Table 1. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 189 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Table 1 DELAY State $04 Initialize L H L H L H L H L H L H Initialize L H L H L H L H L H L H $40 f) Clock cycles ΔN N_1 N_2 2 11 9 11 40 29 40 72 32 72 101 29 101 133 32 133 162 29 162 194 32 194 223 29 223 255 32 255 284 29 284 316 32 316 345 29 345 377 32 2 11 9 11 340 329 340 672 332 672 1001 329 1001 1333 332 1333 1662 329 1662 1994 332 1994 2323 329 2323 2655 332 2655 2984 329 2984 3316 332 3316 3645 329 3645 3977 332 T_1 1.0 5.5 20.0 36.0 50.5 66.5 81.0 97.0 111.5 127.5 142.0 158.0 172.5 1.0 5.5 170.0 336.0 500.5 666.5 831.0 997.0 1161.5 1327.5 1492.0 1658.0 1822.5 Time, μs T_2 5.5 20.0 36.0 50.5 66.5 81.0 97.0 111.5 127.5 142.0 158.0 172.5 188.5 5.5 170.0 336.0 500.5 666.5 831.0 997.0 1161.5 1327.5 1492.0 1658.0 1822.5 1988.5 Example SQUARE WAVE ΔT ΔN/ΔT ΔT/ΔN 4.5 14.5 2.0 0.5 16.0 2.0 0.5 14.5 2.0 0.5 16.0 2.0 0.5 14.5 2.0 0.5 16.0 2.0 0.5 14.5 2.0 0.5 16.0 2.0 0.5 14.5 2.0 0.5 16.0 2.0 0.5 14.5 2.0 0.5 16.0 2.0 0.5 4.5 164.5 2.0 0.5 166.0 2.0 0.5 164.5 2.0 0.5 166.0 2.0 0.5 164.5 2.0 0.5 166.0 2.0 0.5 164.5 2.0 0.5 166.0 2.0 0.5 164.5 2.0 0.5 166.0 2.0 0.5 164.5 2.0 0.5 166.0 2.0 0.5 Step through the program until PORTB becomes %00000010 and PB1 in THRSim11 IO box turns on. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 190 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE Note the clock cycles and the simulated time as N_2 = 40 and T_2 = 20.0 the first (L) row of Table 1. Compute ΔN = 29 and ΔT = 14.5. Also compute ΔN/ΔT = 2.000 and ΔT/ΔN = 0.500. Enter the current values N_2 = 40 and T_2 = 20.0 as N_1 =40 and T_1 = 20.0 in the first (H) row of Table 1. g) Step through the program until PORTB becomes again %00000000 and PB1 in THRSim11 IO box turns off. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 191 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE Note the clock cycles and the simulated time as N_2 = 72 and T_2 = 36.0 in Table 1. Compute ΔN = 32 and ΔT = 16.0. Also compute ΔN/ΔT = 2.000 and ΔT/ΔN = 0.500. Enter the N_2 and T_2 values of this (H) row as N_1 and T_1 values on the next (L) row. h) You are now again in a low-signal state. Step through the program until the light PB1 comes on again. Your screen looks like this Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 192 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE Observe the N_2 and T_2 values and compare them with the appropriate values in Table 1. i) Repeat this until all the values in the $04 portion of Table 1 have been observed. Note that the ratios ΔN/ΔT and ΔT/ΔN are consistently 2.000 and 0.500, as theoretically predicted. j) Also, note the wavelength of your square wave. The low (L) portion of the signal has 29 cycles, i.e., 14.5 μs, while the high (H) portion has 32 cycles, i.e., 16.0 μs. The H portion is longer since in includes an additional operation, BRA, which brings us back to the beginning of the program. However, at higher wavelength, these differences will fade away. These observations are important for future use of the MCU as a timing device. k) Set breakpoints at $c007 and $c011. These points correspond to the moments just after the sending of %00000000 to PORTB, and the sending of %00000010 to PORTB, respectively. These breakpoints will allow us to run the program automatically, ensuring that it will stop each time the signal status is changed. l) Reset the MCU. Observe again the clock cycles and the simulated time, and verify that they correspond to the N_1=2 and T_1=1.0 on row ‘$04 Initialize’ in Table 1. m) Run to the first breakpoint. Verify N_2=11 and T_2=5.5 in Table 1. n) Run to the next breakpoint. You have run through the first L lap. Verify N_2=40 and T_2=20.0 on the corresponding row in Table 1. o) Run to the next breakpoint. You have run through the first H lap. Verify N_2=72 and T_2=36.0 on the corresponding row in Table 1. p) Repeat until you have exhausted the $04 portion of Table 2. Observe the ratios ΔN/ΔT and ΔT/ΔN Note that the ratios ΔN/ΔT and ΔT/ΔN are consistently 2.000 and 0.500, as theoretically predicted. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 193 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE q) Put $40 into the variable DELAY. Reset the simulator. Repeat the above procedure and verify the values entered in Table 2 under the $40 section. Observe the durations of the L and H half-waves of the square wave. They are 164-165 μs and 166 μs, respectively. The consistency of the L and H parts of signal has greatly improved. Observe the ratios ΔN/ΔT and ΔT/ΔN Note that the ratios ΔN/ΔT and ΔT/ΔN are consistently 2.000 and 0.500, as theoretically predicted. PROGRAM SQ_WAV2 Define variable DELAY at $0000 DELAY Define DELAY Æ$0000 Initialize REGBAS in reg X Load REGBAS in reg. X Send low signal Load %00000000 in accA Store accA in Port B Jump to subroutine WAIT BEGIN Send low signal Load %00000000 in accA Store accA in Port B Jump to subroutine Send high signal Load %00000010 in accA Store accA in Port B Jump to subroutine WAIT Branch back to (iii) SWI Send high signal Load %00000010 in accA Store accA in Port B Jump to subroutine Subroutine WAIT (ii) Load DELAY into accB (iii) Decrease DELAY (iv) Loop until zero (v) Return from subroutine Code Flowchart Instructions (i) RMB 1 * Start main program ORG PROGRAM START LDX #REGBAS BEGIN LDAA #%00000000 STAA PORTB,X JSR SR_WAIT LDAA #%00000010 STAA PORTB,X JSR SR_WAIT BRA BEGIN SWI SR_WAIT Load DELAY into accB Decrease accB Loop until zero Return from subroutine SR_WAIT LDAB DELAY LABEL1 SUBB #1 BHI LABEL1 RTS SWI FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show to the left of the program instructions. Note the ‘send low signal’ and ‘send high signal’ blocks. Also, note that the two wait blocks of the program Sq_wav1 have been replaced by a single subroutine block that is repeatedly called. The essential code for this program is shown to the left of the flowchart. The file Sq_wav2.asm is the result of incorporating this code in the standard template. EXECUTION Open and assemble Sq_wav2.asm. Set breakpoint at SWI, and reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of accA to binary. Set display of PORTB to binary. Tile and arrange windows for maximum benefit: memory $0000 only; registers A through X; sufficient of .asm and .LST windows to show the code. Reset DELAY, A, B, X. DO NOT RESET THE SP (stack pointer) REGISTER, BECAUSE, IF YOU DO SO, ACCESS TO YOUR SUBROUTINE WILL NOT WORK. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 194 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE a) Put $04 into variable DELAY. Reset the simulator. The PORTB register is %00000000, and all the lights in the THRSim11 IO box are off. Step through the program until you reach subroutine. Your screen will look like this: b) Step through the subroutine until you get to RTS and are ready to jump back to the program. Your screen looks like this: c) After another step, you are back into the main program: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 195 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE d) As you step further, you observe that the Port B pin 1 is toggled, and the light PB1 in the IO box comes on. The main program is again ready to jump to the subroutine: e) Further stepping takes you back into the subroutine, and out again. f) Run the program on automatic. You will notice how the subroutine is accessed every time the PB1 light changes. g) Put breakpoints at the two JSR lines. Run the program on automatic, and record in Table 2 the values recorded for DELAY = $04, and for DELAY = $40. h) Compare the values from Table 2 with those in Table 1. You will notice: i) For same values of delay (say, DELAY = $04), the duration of the half waves are different: in Table 2 (20 μs and 21.5 μs) from those in Table 1 (14.5 μs and 16 μs). This difference is due to the different way in which the two programs were constructed. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 196 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE ii) At low delay values (DELAY = $04), the difference between the durations of the L and H half waves is significant (7.5%). As the delay increased, this difference fades away. At DELAY = $40, the difference has come down to 0.9%. Table 2 DELAY $04 $40 State Clock cycles N_1 N_2 Initialize 2 11 L 11 51 H 51 94 L 94 134 H 134 177 L 177 217 H 217 260 L 260 300 H 300 343 L 343 383 H 383 426 L 426 466 H 466 509 Initialize 2 11 L 11 351 H 351 694 L 694 1034 H 1034 1377 L 1377 1717 H 1717 2060 L 2060 2400 H 2400 2743 L 2743 3083 H 3083 3426 L 3426 3766 H 3766 4109 ΔN 9 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 40 43 9 340 343 340 343 340 343 340 343 340 343 340 343 T_1 1.0 5.5 25.5 47.0 67.0 88.5 108.5 130.0 150.0 171.5 191.5 213.0 233.0 0.0 5.5 175.5 347.0 517.0 688.5 858.5 1030.0 1200.0 1371.5 1541.5 1713.0 1883.0 Time, μs T_2 5.5 25.5 47.0 67.0 88.5 108.5 130.0 150.0 171.5 191.5 213.0 233.0 254.5 5.5 175.5 347.0 517.0 688.5 858.5 1030.0 1200.0 1371.5 1541.5 1713.0 1883.0 2054.5 ΔT 4.5 20.0 21.5 20.0 21.5 20.0 21.5 20.0 21.5 20.0 21.5 20.0 21.5 5.5 170.0 171.5 170.0 171.5 170.0 171.5 170.0 171.5 170.0 171.5 170.0 171.5 ΔN/ΔT ΔT/ΔN 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of Port B • The use of displayed clock cycles and simulated time, and their relative accuracy • The fact that the round-off error becomes less severe as the magnitude of the number increases • The usefulness of subroutines for shortening programs • The use of Port B to generate a square wave • New words and notations: subroutine, jump to subroutine (JSR), return from subroutine (RTS), square wave, wavelength, IO (Input-Output), IO box, accuracy, round-off. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 197 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SQUARE WAVE (This page is intentionally left blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 198 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example BUTTONS BOX EXAMPLE BUTTONS BOX OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use of parallel ports • Illustrate the use of Port C for input and output • Introduce the concept of shifting register and memory content • Practice the use of the THRSim11 IO box for input and output PROGRAMS This example demonstrates the use of Port B for output and of Port C for both input and output. Port C is configured to have the even pins PC0, PC2, PC4, PC6 for output. This is achieved using the Data Direction Register for port C (DDRC). Since the default setting for Port C is input, the pins that have to be set to output have their image set to 1 in DDRC. In our case, the bits 0, 2, 4, and 6 of DDRC are set to 1. Thus, the Port C pins PC0, PC2, PC4, PC6 become output, while pins PC1, PC3, PC5, PC7 remain input. The program loops continuously, reading data from some Port C pins, and sending data back to the other Port C pins. Simultaneously, the data is also sent to Port B. PROGRAM BUTTONS_BX Instructions Flowchart Please fill in yourself Code START LDX #REGBAS (vi) Load REGBAS in reg. X * Begin typing your code (vii) Clear port B by storing zero in it * Clear Port B Select odd Port C pins for output (viii) Load %01010101 in accA (ix) LDAA #%00000000 STAA PORTB,X * Select PC0, PC2, PC4, PC6 for output Store accA to DDRC Main loop LDAA #%01010101 STAA DDRC,X (x) Load Port C to accA * Main loop (xi) Shift accA to the right BEGIN (xii) LDAA PORTC,X LSRA Store accA to Port C and Port B * (xiii) Branch back to (v) (xiv) SWI STAA PORTC,X STAA PORTB,X BRA BEGIN SWI FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is not provided, since is simpler than in previous examples. The students are encouraged to use the space provided for filling in their own flowcharts of the program. The essential code for this program is shown to the right of the flowchart. The file Buttons_bx.asm is the result of incorporating this code in the standard template. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 199 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example BUTTONS BOX EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Open port registers, and THRSim11 IO box. Open and assemble Buttons_bx.asm. Set breakpoint, and reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of accA to binary. Set display of PORTB and PORTC to binary. Tile windows. Arrange windows for maximum benefit. Your screen should look like this: a) Before you run the program, verify the Port C pins functionality. In the THRSim11 IO box, toggle up the switch PC3. You will see that the corresponding bit in Port C register, bit 3, becomes 1 immediately. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 200 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example BUTTONS BOX b) Toggle down the switch PC3 in the IO box. c) Run the program. The program will loop continuously between label BEGIN and opcode BRA. d) With the program running, toggle up the switch PC3 in the IO box. Immediately, bit 3 in PORTC will switch to one. Simultaneously, pin 2 in PORTB will become 1, and the light PB2 in the IO box will lit. Press the stop button and capture the screen. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 201 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example BUTTONS BOX e) Try to toggle other PC switches in the IO box. You will notice that now only the odd switches (PC1, PC3, PC5, PC7) are producing the setting of the corresponding bits in PORTC register. The other switches (PC0, PC2, PC4, PC6) can be toggled, but with no effect on the PORTC register. This illustrates how DDRC controls PORTC register. f) Restart the program by pressing the Run button. With the program running, try to toggle the other switches. You will notice that the toggling of the odd switches (PC1, PC3, PC5, PC7) has the effect of switching on the even Port B lights (PB0, PB2, PB4, PB6). This is the result of the data from the odd Port C pins is loaded in accA, right shifted, and sent back to Port B. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of PORTC for input and output • The concept of shifting a register • The use of the THRSim11 IO box for both input and output • New words and expressions: toggle switch; shift a register, shift data. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 202 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI TRANSMISSION EXAMPLE SCI TRANSMISSION OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use of serial communication interface (SCI) for transmission • Illustrate the sending of a character through SCI PROGRAM SCI_TRANSMIT This program is an example of SCI transmission. The character T is being sent to SCDR when TDRE is set. Instructions a) Load REGBAS in reg. X b) Initialize BAUD=9600 c) Initialize 8-bit word d) Initialize TE and RE e) Load character 'T' in AccB f) Check if TDRE is set g) Store accB to SCDR h) Branch back to (v) i) SWI Code Flowchart START Initialize REGBAS in reg X Initialize SCI: BAUD = 9600 8-bit word TE=1, RE=1 LABEL2 Load ‘T’ in accB Check if TDRE is set LABEL3 Load SCSR into accA AND with mask %10000000 Loop if zero LDX #REGBAS LDAA #%00110000 STAA BAUD,X LDAA #%00000000 STAA SCCR1,X LDAA #%00001100 STAA SCCR2,X LABEL2 LDAB #'T' * Send the character to the terminal LABEL3 LDAA SCSR,X ANDA #%10000000 BEQ LABEL3 * You are here when the transmission reg. is empty STAB SCDR,X BRA LABEL2 SWI Store AccB to SCDR SWI FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show to the right of the program instructions. Note the initialization block, which contains reg. X initialization and SCI initialization. After initialization, the character T is loaded into accB. Then, the status of TDRE (transmission data register empty) flag is checked in a loop. When TDRE is found set, the loop is exited and the contents of accB is stored in SCDR (serial communication data register). This operation automatically resets TDRE. Now, the program loops back to the beginning and tries to send again. The essential code for the program is shown to the right of the program flowchart. This essential code was incorporated into the standard asm template to generate the file SCI_transmit.asm. EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View serial registers. View serial receiver. Open and assemble SCI_transmit.asm. Set breakpoint at STAB SCDR,X instruction and at SWI. Reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of accA to binary. Set display of BAUD, SCCR1, SCCR2, SCSR to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Reset, A, B, X. Press the RESET button. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 203 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI TRANSMISSION Note that the reset value of SCSR is %11000000, i.e., it has the flags TDRE and TC set. This indicates that the transmitter is ready to transmit. a) Press the RUN button. The program should loop on LABEL3 and exit the loop when the condition TDRE=1 is satisfy. This condition is checked with the mask %10000000. The mask is applied on the value found in SCSR. When bit 7 in SCSR is set, the mask senses it and the condition for exiting the loop is satisfied. Since TDRE=1 from the reset, the loop is passed through and exited. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 204 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI TRANSMISSION b) When the ‘check TDRE’ loop is exited, the program gets to the line STAB SCDR,X This line is a breakpoint. At this moment, the screen looks like this: c) Step manually to the next line, which stores accB into SCDR. This store operation automatically resets TDRE. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 205 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI TRANSMISSION Note that SCSR is %00000000. This proves that TDRE has been reset by the storing to SCDR. Also note that the value $54 from accB has not yet arrived in SCDR. (The reason for this is that the simulator has an internal delay when running SCI in manual mode.) d) Press RUN again. The program loops several times on LABEL3 before exiting. While looping, you can see SCSR=%00000000, i.e., TDRE=0. When exiting, SCSR=%10000000, i.e., TDRE=1. When the program pause, the screen looks like this: Note that SCSR=%10000000, i.e., TDRE=1. The transmission of the character was done, and SCI is ready to transmit again. e) Press RUN again 2 times. Note that the character T has appeared in the serial receiver window. Your screen capture looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 206 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 f) Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI TRANSMISSION Press RUN again. You get an additional character in the serial receiver window. Your screen capture looks like this: WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of serial communication interface (SCI) for transmission • The sending of a character through SCI • New words and notations: SCSR, SCDR, TDRE. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 207 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI TRANSMISSION • Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 208 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI RECEPTION EXAMPLE SCI RECEPTION OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use of serial communication interface (SCI) for reception • Illustrate the receiving of a character through SCI PROGRAM SCI_RECEPT This program is an example of SCI reception. The character T is being sent to SCDR when TDRE is set. Flowchart Instructions a) b) c) d) Load REGBAS in reg. X Initialize BAUD=9600 Initialize 8-bit word Initialize TE and RE Wait for the reception of a keystroke e) check if RDRF is set by loading SCSR into accA and AND with mask for RDRF, %00100000 You are here when reception data reg. is full f) Load SCDR into accB g) Store accB through Port B h) Branch back to (e) i) SWI Initialize REGBAS in reg X Initialize SCI: BAUD = 9600 8-bit word TE=1, RE=1 LABEL0 No operation Check if RDRF is set LABEL1 Load SCSR into accA AND with mask %00100000 Loop if zero Code START LDX LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LABEL0 NOP #REGBAS #%00110000 BAUD,X #%00000000 SCCR1,X #%00001100 SCCR2,X LABEL1 LDAA ANDA BEQ LDAB STAB BRA SWI SCSR,X #%00100000 LABEL1 SCDR,X PORTB,X LABEL0 Load accB from SCDR Store accB to Port B SWI FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show to the right of the program instructions. Note the initialization block, which contains reg. X initialization and SCI initialization. After initialization, the status of RDRF (reception data register full) flag is checked in a loop. When RDRF is set, the loop is exited and the content of SCDR (serial communication data register) is loaded in accB. This operation automatically resets RDRF. Now, the program loops back to the beginning and waits for another transmission. The essential code for the program is shown to the right of the program flowchart. This essential code was incorporated into the standard asm template to generate the file SCI_recept.asm. EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View ports registers and serial registers. View serial transmitter. Open and assemble SCI_recept.asm. Set breakpoint at LDAB SCDR,X and at SWI. Reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of BAUD, SCCR1, SCCR2, SCSR to binary. Set display of accA to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Reset, A, B, X, PORTB. Press the RESET button. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 209 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI RECEPTION a) Press the RUN button. The program should loop on LABEL1 and exit the loop when the condition RDRF=1 is satisfy. This condition is checked with the mask %00100000. The mask is applied on the value found in SCSR. When bit 5 in SCSR is set, the mask senses it and the condition for exiting the loop is satisfied. b) Type the character T in the serial transmitter window and press Send. The character is sent to the MCU. The MCU takes a few laps to sense it. When the MCU senses it, the RDRF gets set, and the ‘check RDRF’ loop is exited. c) When the ‘check RDRF’ loop is exited, the program gets to the line LDAB SCDR,X This line is a breakpoint. At this moment, the screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 210 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI RECEPTION Note that that SCSR is %11100000, i.e., the RDRF flag (bit 5 of SCSR) is set. This indicates that the character was received. (The TDRE and TE flags, i.e., bits 6 and 7, are also set, but this is due to the reset.) Note also that the ASCII code for the character T, $54 appears in SCDR (serial communication data register). From SCDR it will be loaded into accB. d) Step manually to the next line, which loads the data from SCDR into accB. This load operation automatically resets RDRF. The screen looks like this: Note that SCSR is %11000000. This proves that RDRF (bit 5) has been reset by the loading from SCDR; but TDRE and TC remained set, since they are not affected by reception operations. e) Step again. The content of accB is stored in PORTB. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 211 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SCI RECEPTION Note that the ASCII code for T, i.e., $54, appears in PORTB. f) Switch again to auto run. The program loops now again on LABEL1. Press again the send button in the serial transmitter. The character T is sent again, and after a few laps the program exits the loop and gets to the LDAB SCDR,X breakpoint. g) Run again automatically. Change the character in the serial transmitter to A. You will notice that the corresponding ASCII code, $41, appear in SCDR, and then, after manual steps, gets loaded in accB and stored in PORTB. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of serial communication interface (SCI) for reception • The reception of a character through SCI • New words and notations: RDRF, ASCII code. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 212 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION EXAMPLE INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use of MCU Timer function as an Input Capture (IC) device • Review the use of the free running clock, TCNT, and it overflow flag, TOF • Review the use of a input capture clock, TIC1, and its event flag, IC1F • Demonstrated how the selection of signal transition to be captured is made (here rising edge, EDG1A) and that the MCU is only sensitive to that particular transition. • Show the calculation of actual time in μs from the timer readings, T1, T0, and overflow count, NOF. PROGRAM EX_IC This program is an example of timer input capture. The process is started when a keystroke is received. Then, the time is measured until a low-high transition is captured on line IC1. In this process, the initial time, T0, and the capture time, T1, as well as the number of overflows are recorded. After the input capture, the IC1F flag is reset, the overflow counter is zeroed, and the process is repeated. FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show to the right of the program instructions. Note the variable definition block in which T0, T1, and NOF are defined. Next, the initialization block contains reg. X initialization, timer IC initialization, and SCI initialization. The program loop starts at label BEGIN with the overflow counter, NOF, being zeroed. First, the RDRF (reception data register full) flag is checked in a loop to verify if a keystroke has been received. When keystroke was received, the time counter is read and stored in T0. Then, the programs loops on LABEL1 until and input capture IC1 is recorded. In this loop, TOF is first check to verify if timer overflow takes place. When timer overflow is detected, the overflow counter, NOF, is incremented and TOF is reset. Next, IC1F is check to verify if input capture on IC1 took place. If input capture is not detected, the program returns to LABEL1. When input capture is detected, the program exits the loop, loads the IC1 timer from TIC1 and stores it in the capture time variable, T1. The program loops back to the beginning and wait for a new keystroke to restart the process. The essential code for the program is shown to the right of the program flowchart. This essential code was incorporated into the standard asm template to generate the file Ex_IC.asm. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 213 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Instructions i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii) Define variables: a. Origin of time, T0 = 2 bytes b. Capture time, T1 = 2 bytes c. Overflow counter, NOF1 = 1 byte Initialize Initialize index X to REGBAS Initialize timer IC1 function: set EDG1A in TCTL2 Initialize SCI Wait for a keystroke reception Store initial time Zero overflow counter NOF1 Reset TOF Wait for the input capture Check TOF Jump if no TOF; else a. Increment overflow counter b. Reset TOF Check IC1F Loop back After input capture Load and store t1 Reset IC1F by writing 1 to it Loop back to iii) and do it again Code Flowchart Define variables: • Origin of time, T0 = 2 bytes • Capture time, T1 = 2 bytes • Overflow counter, NOF1 = 1 byte START • Initialize REGBAS in reg X • Initialize timer IC function: set EDG1A in TCTL2 • Initialize SCI: BEGIN NOP Check if RDRF is set LABEL0 • Load TCNT into T0 • Zero NOF1 • Reset TOF LABEL1 N Check TOF Y • Increment NOF1 • Reset TOF LABEL2 Check IC1F N Y • Load and store measured time from TIC1 into T1 • Reset IC1F SWI Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Example INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION Page 214 ORG T0 RMB T1 RMB NOF1 RMB ORG START LDX LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LDAA STAA BEGIN NOP LABEL0 LDAA ANDA BEQ LDAA LDD STD LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LABEL1 LDAA ANDA BEQ INC LDAA STAA LABEL2 LDAA ANDA BEQ LDD STD LDAA STAA BRA SWI DATA 2 2 1 PROGRAM #REGBAS #%00010000 TCTL2,X #%00110000 BAUD,X #%00000000 SCCR1,X #%00001100 SCCR2,X SCSR,X #%00100000 LABEL0 SCDR,X TCNT,X T0 #$00 NOF1 #%10000000 TFLG2,X TFLG2,X #%10000000 LABEL2 NOF1 #%10000000 TFLG2,X TFLG1,X #%00000100 LABEL1 TIC1,X T1 #%00000100 TFLG1,X BEGIN 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View CPU registers, timer registers, port A pins, memory list, serial transmitter. Open and assemble Ex_IC.asm. Set breakpoints at $c01a, $c02e, $c03b, and at SWI[VG3]. Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of TCTL2, TFLG1, TFLG2 to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Press the RESET button. Your screen should look like this: [VG4] Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 215 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION a) Press the RUN button. The program should loop on LABEL0. Type letter T into the serial transmitter and send. The program should exit the loop and stop at $c01a. At this point your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 216 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION b) Step. You will notice that the contents of SCDR ($54, i.e. ASCII for T) has been loaded into accA c) Step again. The screen looks like this: You notice that the contents of TCNT (in this case, $101c) has been loaded into accD. (The double accumulator accD is used, since the time values are in double precision, i.e., require 4 hex digits). Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 217 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION d) Step again. You notice that the content of accD (for me, $101c, but you may get something else!) has been loaded in memory at location T0. It takes two consecutive memory locations, and is loaded as $10 followed by $1c. At this stage, The timer count (TNCT) value was captured and stored into T0 as initial time. a) Check for TOF. Switch display of accA to binary. Step. The value of TFLG2 (%01000000) is loaded into accA. b) Step 2 times. The value in accA is AND-ed with the TOF mask (%10000000). Since TOF was not set, the result is zero and the BEQ operation jumps to LABEL2. c) Check for IC1F. Step once. The value of TFLG1 (%00000000) is loaded into accA. Step 2 times. The value in accA is AND-ed with the IC1F mask (%00000100). Since IC1F was not set, the result is zero and the BEQ operation jumps to LABEL1. d) You are back at LABEL1. Step through the TOF check and stop when you are at $c035 e) Toggle IC1 pin in Port A pins window from 0 to 1. Notice that, as you do so, bit 2 in TFLG1 gets also set. This bit is the IC1F bit, and it detects that a transition has taken place on line IC1. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 218 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 f) Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION Step. The value in TFLG1 (%00000100) gets loaded into accA. Step again. AccA is AND-ed with the IC1F mask (%00000100). The result is (%00000100), i.e., non-zero. g) Step again. Since the result of the previous operation was non-zero, the BEQ operation does not branch, and you proceed to line $c03b h) Change display of accA to hex. Step. The value in TIC1 (for me, $2994, but you may get something else!) is loaded in accD (The double accumulator accD is needed, since the timer values are in double precision, i.e., four hex long) i) Step again. The value in accD (for me, $2994, but you may have something else!) is stored as the captured time in T1. Note that two memory location are used, and the storage is done as $29 followed by $94 j) You will do this now on automatic. Press the Run button. Then, press the send button in the serial transmitter to start the input-capture process. Your program stops at the breakpoint $c01a. k) Step. The TCNT value (mine is $cf13, yours may differ!) gets captured in accD. l) Step two times. The TCNT value ends up in T0 (in my case, $cf13, yours may differ!). m) Run. Toggle pin IC1 in port A window. As you toggle from 1 to 0, nothing happens, since you only set EDG1A=1 in the initialization section. This means that you programmed the MCU to only recognize raising edges on line IC1, i.e., transitions from 0 to 1. n) Toggle again, now from 0 to 1. Note that the loop is exited, and the program stops at the breakpoint $c03b. o) Run again several times, and consolidate your understanding of the way the program runs. Try sending different characters, and notice that the program is only sensitive to you sending a character, but insensitive to what character you sent. p) When you are content with your understanding, remove all breakpoint but SWI. Set a new breakpoint at $c043. Run, go through the sending and the toggling, and, after it stops at the breakpoint, write below the values of T0, T1, NOF: My results T0 $49c8 T1 $6227 NOF Your results 0 Calculate the time taken between your sending of the character (start of the process) and your toggling of IC1 from low to high (stop of the process). (Δt)mine = (T1-T0 + $10000*NOF)*0.5 μs = ($6227 - $49c8 + $10000*0)* 0.5 μs = 3119 μs = 3.1 ms (Δt)yours = (T1-T0 + $10000*NOF)*0.5 μs = ($???? - $???? + $10000*0)* 0.5 μs = ???? μs = ???.? ms Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 219 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example INPUT CAPTURE TIMER FUNCTION q) Try to wait for the NOF to change to 1 before you toggle the IC1 pin. write below the values of T0, T1, NOF: My results T0 $872e T1 $366e NOF Your results 1 (Δt)mine = (T1-T0 + $10000*NOF)*0.5 μs = ($366e - $872e + $10000*1)* 0.5 μs = 55,200 μs = 55.2 ms (Δt)yours = (T1-T0 + $10000*NOF)*0.5 μs = ($???? - $???? + $10000*1)* 0.5 μs = ????? μs = ???.? ms Note: The results from u) and t) do not need to agree. They depend on human factor, like when you decide to toggle the IC1 bit. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of MCU Timer function as an Input Capture (IC) device • The use of the free running clock, TCNT, and it overflow flag, TOF • The use of a input capture clock, TIC1, and its event flag, IC1F • The selection of signal transition to be captured (here rising edge, EDG1A) and the fact that the MCU is only sensitive to that particular transition. • The calculation of actual time in μs from the timer readings, T1, T0, and overflow count, NOF. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 220 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION EXAMPLE OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use of MCU Timer function as an Output Compare (OC) device • Review the setting of OMx and OLx bits to select a desired OC event (in this example, we set OM3=0, OL3=1, to generate a toggle on the OC3 pin) • Review the detection of the TOCx match with TNCT and the corresponding OC action • Present the correlation between delay, DT, with actual frequency of the square wave. • Explore the accuracy with which frequency can be adjusted • Explore the determination of low and high bounds on the frequencies that can be generated with the MCU V Logical 1, +5 V L Logical 0, 0 V H L H t Δt Δt Δt Δt Figure 1 Square wave schematics showing the half-wave duration, Δt, and the low (L) and high (H) states. PROGRAM EX_OC This program is an example of timer output compare. The program runs freely and generates repeated toggles of the output compare pin OC3 (PA5) at equal intervals that are determined using the delay variable DT. Thus, a square wave is generated. The program instructions are given in the first column below. FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show to the right of the program instructions. Note the variable definition block in which DT is defined. Next, the initialization block contains reg. X initialization and timer OC initialization. The program stores the current time (TCNT) plus the delay DT in the OC3 timer TOC3. A loop is entered in which the OC3 flag, OC3F is checked. When OC3F is set, the loop is exited. The OC3F is reset, and the value of TOC3 is updated with the current time plus the delay. Then, the program loops back. The program loops back to the beginning and waits for a new keystroke to restart the process. The essential code for the program is shown to the right of the program flowchart. This essential code was incorporated into the standard asm template to generate the file Ex_OC.asm. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 221 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Instructions i) * Define variable • Half wave duration DT = 2 bytes ii) Initialize • Initialize index X to REGBAS • Initialize timer OC3 function: set to toggle (OM3=0, OL3=1) iii) Store initial time + DT in TOC3 iv) Wait and loop until OC3F is set; when OC3F set, proceed v) Reset OC3F vi) Update TOC3: add DT to current time and store in TOC3 vii) Branch back iv) Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION Flowchart Define variables: • Half wave duration DT = 2 bytes START • Initialize index X to REGBAS • Initialize timer OC3 function: set to toggle (OM3=0, OL3=1) Store TCNT+DT in TOC3 LABEL1 Check if OC3F is set Reset OC3F Store TCNT+DT in TOC3 Code ORG DT RMB ORG START LDX LDAA STAA LDD ADDD STD LABEL1 LDAA ANDA BEQ LDAA STAA LDD ADDD STD BRA SWI DATA 2 PROGRAM #REGBAS #%00010000 TCTL1,X DT TCNT,X TOC3,X TFLG1,X #%00100000 LABEL1 #%00100000 TFLG1,X DT TCNT,X TOC3,X LABEL1 SWI Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 222 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View CPU registers, timer registers, port A pins, memory list. Open and assemble Ex_OC.asm. Set breakpoints at $c013 and at SWI. Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels. Set display of TCTL1, TFLG1 to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Press the RESET button. Your screen should look like this: a) Put $0020 in DT. When doing this, note that DT takes two memory locations, $0000:$0001. b) Step through your program. Notice how the bit 4 is initialized in TCTL1 (this sets OC3 to toggle). Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 223 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION c) Step further. Note that the value in TCNT is added with DT and stored in TOC3. At this point, your screen looks like this d) Step further. The program goes through the loop on LABEL1. As long as TCNT is less than TOC3, the bit OC3F in TFLG1 (bit 5) remains zero, and the program loops. e) When the value of TCNT exceeds TOC3, the bit OC3F gets set. Simultaneously, the output compare function is activated. Recall that our program was set to toggle the value in pin OC3 when output compare condition is met. Look in the Port A pins window. Notice that the pin OC3 (PA5) is set. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 224 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 f) Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION At this point, the condition for exiting the loop is met, and, when stepping further, the loop is exited. Your program gets to $c013. The mask for OC3F is stored in TFLG1 and OC3F gets reset. Your screen is: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 225 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION g) Step further. The time increment, DT, is added to the current time, TCNT, and stored in TOC3 as the new time. Your screen is: h) Step again through your program. Observe that the whole procedure is repeated, only that this time the toggle was from 1 to 0. This shows that, effectively, a square wave of half wave duration DT is being generated at pin OC3 (PA5). Next we will verify the length of the half wave in time units and determine the effective frequency. i) Press the Reset button. Press the RUN button. The program should again loop on LABEL1 for a while, and then exit the loop and stop at $c013. At this point your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 226 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION Note that the clock cycles are 62 and the simulation time is 31 μs. These values are entered in Table 1. j) Run again through the program. At the next breakpoint, your screen looks like this: Note that the clock cycles are 113 and the simulation time is 56.5 μs. These values are entered again in Table 1. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 227 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION k) Run further through your program, and after each breakpoint stop, record the clock cycles and the simulated time in Table 1. Do this until you have completed 6 L-H groups. These correspond to 6 square waves. l) Calculate the half-wave time, Δt, and the equivalent frequency, f=1/2Δt. (When doing this, omit the first row in your readings.) Note that the time interval oscillates between 25 and 26 μs, while the frequency oscillates between 20.0 and 19.2 kHz, i.e., 19.9±0.2 kHz, or 19.9±1% kHz. These oscillations are an indication of the repeatability of your process, and are due to the displayed simulation time being limited to 1 μs, while one MCU cycle takes 0.5 μs. m) Calculate the raw frequency corresponding to the delay $0020 using the formula f raw = 1 Hz . Notice that the raw frequency is 31.25 kHz, while the obtained 2 ⋅ DT ⋅ 0.5μs frequency is 20 kHz. The difference is a programming overhead due to the extra cycles that are consumed in the program between two OC events. We expect that this overhead will become less and less significant as the delay increases, i.e. at lower frequencies. n) Put the value $0200 in DT. Repeat the procedure above, and enter the clock cycles and simulate time values in Table 1. Note that the effective frequency oscillated between 1.859 and 1.866 kHz, i.e., 1.8625±0.0035 kHz, or 1.8625±0.2%. The repeatability of our simulation has greatly improved. Calculate the raw frequency corresponding to the delay $0200 using the formula f raw = 1 Hz . Notice that the raw frequency is 2.0 kHz, while the effective frequency 2 ⋅ DT ⋅ 0.5μs is 1.8625 kHz. The difference has reduced considerably, (-6.9% error). This confirms the hypothesis that the programming overhead due to the extra cycles that are consumed in the program between two OC events is less significant at higher DT values, i.e. at lower frequencies. o) Repeat for DT=$2000. For this long delay, the frequency scale is switched from kHz to just Hz. In just a couple of cycles, you note stable behavior, and perfect frequency accuracy. This is due to the desired frequency (122 Hz) being much lower than the MCU clock frequency (2 MHz). For more details of how these errors are generated in the MCU, please see Appendix 4. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 228 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION Table 1 DT Raw f State hex kHz 0020 31.25 L H L H L H L H L H L H kHz 0200 2.0 L H L H L H L H L H L H 2000 Hz 122 L H L H Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Clock cycles T_1 T_2 2 62 62 113 113 164 164 215 215 266 266 317 317 368 368 419 419 470 470 521 521 572 572 623 ΔT 60 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 Time, μs t_1 t_2 1.0 31.0 31.0 56.5 56.5 82.0 82.0 107.5 107.5 133.0 133.0 158.5 158.5 184.0 184.0 209.5 209.5 235.0 235.0 260.5 260.5 286.0 286.0 311.5 Δt 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 0.0 269.5 538.0 806.5 1075.0 1343.5 1612.0 1880.5 2149.0 2417.5 2686.0 2954.5 269.5 538.0 806.5 1075.0 1343.5 1612.0 1880.5 2149.0 2417.5 2686.0 2954.5 3223.0 270 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 kHz 1.855 1.862 1.862 1.862 1.862 1.862 1.862 1.862 1.862 1.862 1.862 1.862 2 8216 8214 8216 16430 8214 16430 24644 8214 24644 32858 8214 0.0 4108.0 8215.0 12322.0 4108.0 8215.0 12322.0 16429.0 4108 4107 4107 4107 Hz 122 122 122 122 2 539 1076 1613 2150 2687 3224 3761 4298 4835 5372 5909 539 1076 1613 2150 2687 3224 3761 4298 4835 5372 5909 6446 Page 229 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 f=1/2Δt kHz 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION GENERATING A DESIRED FREQUENCY We will now practice to obtain a desired frequency (Table 2). We will start with a low frequency, e.g., 100 Hz, since we have noticed that our square wave generation behaves much better at low frequencies. Then, we will increase the desired frequency, until a practical limit is obtained. a) Examine the row 100 Hz in Table 2. Notice that the corresponding half-period is 5000 μs. Hence, a raw estimation of the delay can be calculated with the formula delay = half-period/0.5, and then converted to hex. The result is entered as Raw delay in Table 2. b) Enter the DT = $2710 into the THRSim11, reset, and run. Note that the time of the breakpoint stop is 5012 μs. Run further, and note the second time as 10024 μs. These values are entered in Table 2. The resulting half-wave duration is 5012 μs, which corresponds to 99.8 Hz, i.e. a -0.2% error. We consider this good enough and select to stop here. c) Try to generate 200 Hz. According to Table 2, the corresponding half-period is 2500 μs, and the raw delay is $1388. Since we know that the MCU adds some extra cycles of its own, we select to round down the raw delay to the value $1380. Enter this value in the THRSim11, reset, and run. Record the times after first and second loop. These times are entered in Table 2 as 2510 μs and 5020 μs, respectively. The corresponding frequency is 199.2 kHz, i.e., -0.4% in error. We improve on this error by making a minor adjustment to the DT from $1380 to $1370. The value $1370 gives us the desired frequency of 200 Hz exactly. d) Try to generate 500 Hz. According to Table 2, the corresponding half-period is 1000 μs, and the raw delay is $07D0. Enter this value in the THRSim11, reset, and run. Record the times after first and second loop, and enter them in Table 2 as 1012 μs and 2023 μs, respectively. The corresponding frequency is 495 kHz, i.e., -1.1% in error. We improve on this error by making a minor adjustment to the DT, from $07d0 to $07c0. The value $07c0 gives us the frequency 499 Hz, which is only –0.3% in error. We select to stop here. e) Try to generate 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz. Follow Table 2, for the values of the corresponding halfperiod, raw delay, and actual DT iterations. Notice how accuracy is being improved by small adjustments in second hex digit of the DT. f) Try to generate 5000 Hz. According to Table 2, the corresponding half-period is 100 μs, and the raw delay is $00C8. This is very small delay, and we expect some difficulties! Enter this value in the THRSim11, reset, and run. Record the times after first and second loop, and enter them in Table 2 as 112 μs and 223 μs, respectively. The corresponding frequency is 4505 kHz, i.e., -9.9% in error. We try to improve on this error by making minor adjustments to the DT, from $00c8 to $00c0, and then to $00b8, $00b0, $00b4. However, the accuracy cannot be reduced below 2%. This indicates that we have reached a limit in our capability to fine-tune the frequency. This limit is due to the low value of the desired DT. We select to stop here, and conclude that 5000 Hz (5 kHz) is a practical limit in the square-wave frequency that can be generated with the MCU within 2% accuracy. For more details of how these errors are generated in the MCU, please see Appendix 4. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 230 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION Table 2 Desired f Half-period Raw Delay μs Hz hex 100 5000 2710 200 2500 1388 500 1000 07D0 1000 500 03E8 2000 250 01F4 5000 100 00C8 DT hex 2710 1380 1370 07d0 07c0 03e0 03d0 01f0 01e0 00c8 00c0 00b8 00b0 00b4 t_1 5012 2510 2502 1012 1007 508 503 260 256 112 112 108 103 103 Time, μs t_2 10024 5020 5002 2023 2010 1015 1002 520 506 223 218 210 200 205 Δt 5012 2510 2500 1011 1003 507 499 260 250 111 106 102 97 102 f=1/Dt Hz 99.8 199.2 200.0 495 499 986 1002 1923 2000 4505 4717 4902 5155 4902 error % -0.2% -0.4% 0.0% -1.1% -0.3% -1.4% 0.2% -3.8% 0.0% -9.9% -5.7% -2.0% 3.1% -2.0% WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of MCU Timer function as an Output Compare (OC) device • The setting of OMx and OLx bits to select a desired OC event (in this example, we set OM3=0, OL3=1, to generate a toggle on the OC3 pin) • The detection of the TOCx match with TNCT and the corresponding OC action • The correlation between delay, DT, with actual frequency of the square wave. • The accuracy with which frequency can be adjusted • The determination of low and high bounds on the frequencies that can be generated with the MCU Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 231 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example OUTPUT COMPARE TIMER FUNCTION (This page is intentionally left blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 232 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 EXAMPLE RPM_1 OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use of MCU Timer function as an Input Capture (IC) device • Review the use of the free running clock, TCNT, and it overflow flag, TOF • Review the use of a input capture clock, TIC1, and its event flag, IC1F • Demonstrated how the selection of signal transition to be captured is made (here falling edge, EDG1B) and that the MCU is only sensitive to that particular transition. • Introduce the use of soft masks (here, IC1_MSK, TOF_MSK). • Introduce the concept of layered flowcharting of a program: big-picture with generic descriptions; detailed flowcharts for particular sections of the program. PROGRAM EX_RPM_1 This program EX_RPM_1 captures the times T1 and T2 required in the tachometer RPM experiment (Figure 1). In this experiment, a disk with an aperture (hole) drilled into it is attached to the shaft of a DC motor. The aperture in the disk spins through an infrared emitter-detector sensor. The emitter-detector sensor sends a High (5V) signal when the aperture in the disk allows the beam of light to pass through. The output of the emitter-detector sensor is attached to the input capture pin IC1 on Port A. The speed of the motor is controlled by a potentiometer electronic circuit. The potentiometer is a variable resistor. By turning the knob of the potentiometer, the speed of the DC motor is varied. T1 is the first time when a falling edge transition is encountered on pin IC1, while T2 is the second time when a falling edge transition is encountered on the same pin IC1. This corresponds to the time between two consecutive passages trough the emitter-detector sensor of the hole in the rotating disk. The difference between T2 and T1, plus the time taken by the overflows, will represent the period of rotation of the disk. Hence, using EX_RPM_2, one can calculate the rotation speed. MOSFET DC Emitter/Detector 7-Segment Display Port B Connection Lamp Test 555 Timer Speed-Controlling Potentiometer Figure 1 DC Motor tachometer experiment to which the present software example is relevant. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 233 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show below. Two flowchart levels are presented: the big-picture and the details. The big-picture is used to understand the overall architecture of the program. The details are used to explain some of the blocks. (Details are given only for those blocks which are somehow new, and have not been used in previous programs.) This flowchart was use to generate the code file Ex_RPM_1.asm using the standard asm template. Big-picture Flowchart Define variables Detailed Flowcharts Define variables: • Overflow counter, NOF (1 byte) st • 1 capture, T1 (2 bytes) nd • 2 capture, T2 (2 bytes) • IC1_MSK=%00000100 • TOF_MSK=%10000000 START • Initialize Y= REGBAS • Initialize IC1 for falling: set EDG1B in TCTL2 LABEL0 Reset IC1F LABEL1 LABEL1 Check first IC1 capture Check IC1F N Y Reset IC1F Load and store TIC1 in T1 Clear TOF Zero overflow counter NOF LABEL2 Check TOF N Y LABEL2 Check TOF If TOF is set, increment NOF and reset TOF Check second IC1 capture • Increment NOF • Reset TOF LABEL3 Check IC1F Load and store TIC1 in T2 N SWI Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 234 Y 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View CPU registers, timer registers, port A pins, memory list. Open and assemble Ex_RPM_1.asm. Set breakpoints at • $c016 (after first input capture on IC1) • $c030 (when an overflow happens) • $c03f (after second input capture on IC1) • SWI. Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of TCTL2, TFLG1, TFLG2 to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Press the RESET button. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 235 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 a) Toggle pin IC1 to 1. Start the program. The program stays in a loop on LABEL 1 waiting for a falling edge transition on pin IC1. b) Toggle pin IC1 to 0. The program stops at the first breakpoint. Notice that IC1F is set in TFLG1 (bit 2). Also notice the value captured in TIC1. This value should be very close to the value in TCNT (It is not identical, since the program executed a few operations before stopping at the breakpoint, hence TCNT is slightly more than TIC1.) Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 236 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 c) Step through your program until the program counter is on LABEL2. Note that IC1F is cleared. Then, TIC1 is loaded into D and then stored in T1. Further, TOF is cleared. Finally, NOF is zeroed. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 237 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 d) Run. The program enters the second loop on LABEL2. You will notice the program jumping over a section of code to LABEL3 and then back to LABEL2. The section of code that is bypassed refers to the situation when an overflow takes place. Let the program run until the timer counter, TCNT, goes over. At this point, the program should stop at the breakpoint $c030. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 238 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 e) Step through your program up to LABEL3. Notice the overflow counter, NOF, being incremented, and the overflow flag, TOF, being reset in TFLG2 (bit 7). Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 239 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 f) Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 Let the program run. Toggle pin IC1 back to 1. Nothing should happen since only falling edges should be detected. Toggle IC1 to 0 again. The program should stop at the second breakpoint. The value of TIC1 should be updated to a new value. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 240 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 g) Step through your program. The new value of TIC1 is loaded and then stored in T2. The program branches back to the beginning (LABEL0). Your screen looks like this: After returning to the beginning, the program zeros the NOF counter and goes through the process again. h) Let the program run again and repeat the steps above until your are satisfied that you understand the process well. i) Run again but, after each breakpoint, simply hit the run button and let the program run until the next breakpoint. Make sure you understand how the generation of a falling signal on pin IC1 (by you toggling from 1 to 0) generates an input capture. j) Make sure to run the program long enough such that at least one overflow takes place. Observe how the overflow counter is incremented and the overflow flag is reset. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 241 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 1 k) Synchronize your toggling of pin IC1, such that T1 will be just after an overflow and T2 is several cycles later, i.e., T1 < T2. In this situation, T1 and T2 are on the same side of the timer overflow event and the overflow counter, NOF, should be zero. Write down these values in Table 1, Case 1. l) Synchronize your toggling of pin IC1, such that T1 will be just before an overflow, while T2 will happen just after the overflow. In this case, the value of T2 will be less than the value of T1, i.e., T2 < T1. Since T1 and T2 are on different sides of the timer overflow event, the overflow counter should register NOF = 1. Write down the T1 and T2 values in Table 1, Case 2. Table 1 NOF Case 1: Case 2: T1 <T2 and on the same side of the timer overflow event T2 < T1, but on opposite sides of the timer overflow event T1 T2 $ $ $ $ WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • Review the use of MCU Timer function as an Input Capture (IC) device • Review the use of the free running clock, TCNT, and it overflow flag, TOF • Review the use of a input capture clock, TIC1, and its event flag, IC1F • Demonstrated how the selection of signal transition to be captured is made (here rising edge, EDG1B) and that the MCU is only sensitive to that particular transition. • Introduce the use of soft masks (here, IC1_MSK, TOF_MSK). • Introduce the concept of layered flowcharting of a program: big-picture with generic descriptions; detailed flowcharts for particular sections of the program. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 242 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 2 EXAMPLE RPM_2 OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the used of two time captures to calculate the time duration of an event • Illustrate the use of scaling factors (100s) to deal with numbers that are larger than the microcontroller word length • Illustrate the handling of overflow counts, with special attention to the situation when the two time captures are on one side and another of a timer overflow (time-change line) • Introduce the method of calculating multiplication through repeated additions and decrementation of a counter • Introduce the use of a conversion subroutine to convert from hex to BCD • Illustrate rotation speed calculation from rotation period. • Illustrate the use of scaling factors (100s) to present the result on a display with limited number of digits. PROGRAM EX_RPM_2 This program calculates the rotation speed N_100 in 100s rpm and converts it to BCD format. • The program assumes that the times T1 and T2 (in cycles), as well as the number of overflows, NOF, have been separately captured and are in memory. • To preserve sign information during computation, the program works in hundreds of cycles. Hence, the variables T1_100 and T2_100 are calculated by dividing T1 and T2 by decimal 100. • Then, the program calculates the time taken by the overflows, TOVFL. This is performed by repeated addition of the duration between 2 overflows, $10000/100, and decrementation of NOF (Note that the duration between two overflows was also divide by decimal 100, since the program works in hundreds of cycles.) • The total time, T_100, is calculated by adding T2_100+TOVFL and then subtracting T1_100. • The rotation speed N_100_HEX, is calculated by dividing 2000000*60/100/100 by the total time, T_100. The result is in hex. • Finally, the subroutine HEX_BCD is invoked to obtain N_100_BCD, i.e., the rotation speed in BCD format. Note that the subroutine is stored separately in the used root of the directory of your floppy disk and is included at assembly time using the directive #INCLUDE 'A:\HEX_BCD.ASM' the decimal number To run this example, you have to enter some arbitrary values of T1, T2 and NOF in the appropriate memory locations. Two numerical examples are given next: Example 1: T2>T1 Data: NOF=1, T1=$0006, T2=$110c Results: T1_100=$0000, T2_100=$002b, TOVFL=$028f, T_100=$02ba, N_100_HEX=$0011, N_100_BCD=17 The rotation speed is 1700 rpm. Example 2: T2<T1 This example gives the same time duration as Example1, but the individual times were shifted to straddle the time-change line. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 243 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 2 Data: Results: NOF=2, T1=$fffd, T2=$1103 T1_100=$028f, T2_100=$002b, TOVFL=$051e, T_100=$02ba, N_100_HEX=$0011, N_100_BCD=17 The rotation speed is 1700 rpm. FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show below. Two flowchart levels are presented: the big-picture and the details. The big-picture is used to understand the overall architecture of the program. The details are used to explain some of the blocks. (Details are given only for those blocks which are somehow new, and have not been used in previous programs.) This flowchart was use to generate the code file Ex_RPM_2.asm using the standard asm template. Big-picture Flowchart Detailed Flowcharts Define variables START • Divide T1 by 100 and store in T1_100 • Divide T2 by 100 and store in T2_100 • • • • • • • • Overflow counter, NOF1 (1 byte) st 1 capture, T1 (2 bytes) nd 2 capture, T2 (2 bytes) T1_100=T1/100 (2 bytes) T2_100=T2/100 (2 bytes) T_100=(total time)/100 (2 bytes) N_100_HEX=N in 100 rpm (hex) (2 bytes) N_100_BCD=N in 100 rpm (BCD) (1 byte) • • • • • • Load T1 in accD Load 100 in X IDIV Load T2 in accD Load 100 in X IDIV Load $0000 in accD Store accD to TOVFL NOF=0? Y Use repeated addition to calculate TOVFL (time taken by overflows, in 100s of cycles) N LABEL5 • Load TOVFL in accD • • • • T_100=TOVFL+T2_100-T1_100 LABEL6 N_100_HEX=2000000*60/100/100/T_100 Convert N_100_HEX to N_100_BCD Add ($10000)/100 Store accD into TOVFL Decrement NOF Branch back if NOF>0 • Load lower part of N_100_HEX in accA • JSR HEX_BCD • STAA N_100_BCD SWI Please refer to the appendix for the explanation of sub routine HEX_BCD. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 244 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 2 EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View CPU registers AND memory list. Open and assemble Ex_RPM_2.asm. Set breakpoint at SWI. Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Press the RESET button. Your screen should look like this: EXAMPLE 1 Recall data from Example 1 above: NOF=1, T1=$0006, T2=$110c. Use your pocket hex calculator to estimate the result to be expected at the end of the program: T_100 = (NOF*$10000+T2-T1)/100 = ($01*$10000+$110c-$0006)/$64 = $02ba (1) N_100_HEX = (2000000*60/100/100/T_100) = $2ee0/$2ba = $0011 (2) N_100_BCD = 17 (3) Because the program needs to work with a finite word size, the variables in Equation (1) are first divided by decimal100, such that Equation (1) is actually treated as: T_100 = NOF*($10000)/100+T2/100-T1/100 The terms of equation (1) are calculated separately, as TOVFL, T1_100, T2_100. Hence, the following operations are performed: T1_100 = T1/100 = $0006/$64 = $0000 (1a) T2_100 = T2/100 = $110c/$64 = $002b (1b) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 245 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 2 TOVFL = NOF*($10000)/100 = $01*$028f = $028f (1c) T_100= TOVFL + T2_100 – T1_100 = $028f + $002b - $0000 = $02ba (1d) Note that the result of Equation (1d) is the same as that of equation (1). Hence, Equations (2) and (3) still stand. These arithmetic operations are illustrated, step-by-step next. a) Put in memory the data from Example 1 above: NOF=1, T1=$0006, T2=$110c.Your memory list should look like Table 1. Note the number of bytes (memory locations) that these variables take: NOF=1 byte, T1=2 bytes, T2=2 bytes (highlighted). Table 1 Memory list after Example 1 data has been entered NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $01 $00 $06 $11 $0c $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff b) Step through the section of your program that divides the variables T1 and T2 by decimal 100 to obtain T1_100 and T2_100. Use the hex pocket calculator to verify these results. The memory list should look like Table 2. Note that T1_100 and T2_100 also take 2 bytes each. Table 2 Memory list after the calculation of T1_100 and T2_100 NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $01 $00 $06 $11 $0c $00 $00 $00 $2b $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff c) Step through the section of your program that calculates TOVFL, the time taken by overflows, expressed in 100s of cycles. Note that, initially, TOVFL=$0000 is stored. Then, if NOF≠0, the Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 246 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 2 variable TOVFL is increased by ($10000)/100, while the variable NOF is decremented by one. The process is repeated as long as NOF≥0. At the end of the process, the memory list should look like Table 3. Note that TOVFL also takes 2 bytes. Also not that, at the end of this process, NOF = 0. Table 3 Memory list after the calculation of TOVFL NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $00 $00 $06 $11 $0c $00 $00 $00 $2b $02 $8f $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff d) Step through the section of your program that calculates T_100, the total time in 100s of cycles. Note how the formula T_100= TOVFL + T2_100 – T1_100 = $028f + $002b - $0000 = $02ba (1d) is applied in two steps, first the addition, then the subtraction. At the end of the process, the memory list should look like Table 4. Table 4 Memory list after the calculation of T_100 NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $01 $00 $06 $11 $0c $00 $00 $00 $2b $02 $8f $02 $ba $ff $ff $ff Page 247 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 2 e) Step through the section of your program that calculates the variable N_100_HEX, the hex speed of rotation, in 100s of rpm. Note that the ‘magic’ number 2000000*60/100/100 is loaded into accD as $2ee0 and then divided by T_100. At the end of the process, the memory list should look like Table 5. Table 5 Memory list after the calculation of N_100_HEX NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD f) $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $01 $00 $06 $11 $0c $00 $00 $00 $2b $02 $8f $02 $ba $00 $11 $ff Step through the last section of your program and calculate the variable N_100_BCD, which represent the decimal expression of the hex speed of rotation, in 100s of rpm. The conversion from hex to BCD is achieved by invoking the subroutine HEX-BCD. At the end of the process, the memory list should look like Table 6. Table 6 Memory list after the calculation of N_100_HEX NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $01 $00 $06 $11 $0c $00 $00 $00 $2b $02 $8f $02 $ba $00 $11 $17 Page 248 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 2 EXAMPLE 2 Recall data from Example 2 as listed at the beginning of this document: NOF=2, T1=$fffd, T2=$1103. Note that this data represents the same time interval as in Example 1, only that a backwards time shift of 9 cycles took place. For this reason, the times T1 and T2 are on different sides of the time-change line. T1 happens before the time change, T2 happens after. Therefore, between T1 and T2, the time counter TCNT goes through a timer overflow. Hence, the overflow counter has the value NOF=2, instead of 1 as in Example 1. Use your pocket hex calculator to estimate the result to be expected at the end of the program: T_100 = (NOF*$10000+T2-T1)/100 = ($02*$10000+$1103-$fffd)/$64 = $02ba (1) N_100_HEX = (2000000*60/100/100/T_100) = $2ee0/$2ba = $0011 (2) N_100_BCD = 17 (3) Because the program needs to work with a finite word size, the variables in Equation (1) are first divided by decimal100, such that Equation (1) is actually treated as: T_100 = NOF*($10000)/100+T2/100-T1/100 The terms of equation (1) are calculated separately, as TOVFL, T1_100, T2_100. Hence, the following operations are performed: T1_100 = T1/100 = $fffd/$64 = $028f (1a) T2_100 = T2/100 = $1103/$64 = $002b (1b) TOVFL = NOF*($10000)/100 = $02*$028f = $051e (1c) T_100= TOVFL + T2_100 – T1_100 = $051e + $002b - $028f = $02ba (1d) Note that the result of Equation (1d) is the same as that of equation (1). Hence, Equations (2) and (3) still stand. These arithmetic operations are illustrated, step-by-step, next. a) Put in memory the data from Example 1 above: NOF=2, T1=$fffd, T2=$1103. Your memory list should look like Table 7. Note the number of bytes (memory locations) that these variables take: NOF=1 byte, T1=2 bytes, T2=2 bytes (highlighted). Table 7 Memory list after Example 2 data has been entered NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $02 $ff $fd $11 $03 $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff Page 249 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 2 b) Step through the section of your program that divides the variables T1 and T2 by decimal 100 to obtain T1_100 and T2_100. Use the hex pocket calculator to verify these results. The memory list should look like Table 8. Note that T1_100 and T2_100 also take 2 bytes each. Table 8 Memory list after the calculation of T1_100 and T2_100 NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $02 $ff $fd $11 $03 $02 $8f $00 $2b $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff c) Step through the section of your program that calculates TOVFL, the time taken by overflows, expressed in 100s of cycles. Note that, initially, TOVFL=$0000 is stored. Then, if NOF≠0, the variable TOVFL is increased by ($10000)/100, while the variable NOF is decremented by one. The process is repeated as long as NOF≥0. At the end of the process, the memory list should look like Table 9. Note that TOVFL also takes 2 bytes. Also not that, at the end of this process, NOF = 0. Table 9 Memory list after the calculation of TOVFL NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $02 $ff $fd $11 $03 $02 $8f $00 $2b $05 $1e $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff d) Step through the section of your program that calculates T_100, the total time in 100s of cycles. Note how the formula T_100= TOVFL + T2_100 – T1_100 = $051e + $002b - $028f = $02ba (1d) is applied in two steps, first the addition, then the subtraction. At the end of the process, the Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 250 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example RPM 2 value T_100=$02ba is obtained, which is the same as in Example 1. The memory list should look like Table 10. Table 10 Memory list after the calculation of T_100 NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $02 $ff $fd $11 $03 $02 $8f $00 $2b $05 $1e $02 $ba $ff $ff $ff e) Step through the section of your program that calculates the variable N_100_HEX, the hex speed of rotation, in 100s of rpm. Note that the ‘magic’ number 2000000*60/100/100 is loaded into accD as $2ee0 and then divided by T_100. At the end of the process, the value N_100_HEX=$0011 is obtained, which is the same as in Example 1. The memory list should look like Table 11. Table 11 Memory list after the calculation of N_100_HEX NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD f) $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $01 $00 $06 $11 $0c $00 $00 $00 $2b $02 $8f $02 $ba $00 $11 $ff Step through the last section of your program and calculate the variable N_100_BCD, which represent the decimal expression of the hex speed of rotation, in 100s of rpm. The conversion from hex to BCD is achieved by invoking the subroutine HEX-BCD. At the end of the process, the value N_100_BCD=17 is obtained, which is the same as in Example 1. The memory list should look like Table 12. Table 12 Memory list after the calculation of N_100_HEX Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 251 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD Fundamentals of Microcontrollers $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f Example RPM 2 $01 $00 $06 $11 $0c $00 $00 $00 $2b $02 $8f $02 $ba $00 $11 $17 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of two time captures to calculate the time duration of an event • The use of scaling factors to deal with numbers that are larger than the microcontroller word length. In the program, the scale factor decimal 100 was used, such that the cycle counts T1 and T2 were converted to T1_100 and T2_100, which are measured in 100s of cycles. • The handling of overflow-counts, with special attention to the situation when the two time captures are on one side and another of a timer overflow (time-change line). In the first numerical example, T1 and T2 were on the same side of the time-change line. In the second numerical example, T1 and T2 were on opposite sides of the time-change line (T1 before, T2 after). As a result, the number of overflows recorded in the second case was greater by 1 than in the first case. However, with proper handling, the final result of the computation was the same. • The calculation of multiplication through repeated additions and decrementation of a counter. The time taken by overflows, TOVFL, was calculated through repeated addition of the length between two consecutive overflows. Every time an addition was done, the overflow counter, NOF, was decremented by one. The loop was exited when NOF=0. This method was necessary since the multiplication opcode MUL available in set does not contain a . • Introduce the use of a conversion subroutine to convert from hex to BCD • Illustrate rotation speed calculation from rotation period. • Illustrate the use of scaling factors (100s) to present the result on a display with limited number of digits. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 252 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP EXAMPLE STEP OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use and control of stepper motors. • Discuss the stepper motor energizing patterns, 1- and 2-phase energizing types, full- and halfstep motion. • Introduce the concept of creating quasi-continuous motion through a sequence of steps • Introduce the concept of sequential accessing a finite set of stored patterns through index addressing with a continuously updating pointer. • Illustrate a method to ‘load’ a single-precision (2-hex) variable into a double precision (4-hex) register. • Introduce the concept of automatic incrementation/decrementation of the addressing pointer with a programmable step size • Discuss the reset actions to be taken when the pointer hits the ‘ceiling’ or ‘floor’. Controller board Stepper motor 8-pin input connector Figure 1 Stepper motor and its controller board. Control signals to the controller board are sent through the 8-pin input connector. PROGRAM EX_STEP This program is to be used for stepper motor control (Figure 1). A stepper motor is controlled by sending a binary pattern to its controller board. Eight distinct binary patterns are recognized by the stepper motor controller board in your lab. They are given in Table 1 as sequences S0 – S7. The stepper motor has four distinct coils, and a 1 in the energizing pattern signifies that the corresponding coil is Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 253 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP energized. Note that in the even sequences (S0, S2, S4, S6) only one bit in the energizing pattern is set. This indicates that only one out of the four stepper-motor coils (1 phase) is energized. On the other hand, in the odd sequences (S1, S3, S5, S7), two bit are set, i.e., two coils (2 phases) are energized. The sequences with two coils energized are labeled full step, while those with only one coil energized are labeled half step. Table 1 Stepper motor energizing patterns and their 2-hex equivalent value Sequence Energizing pattern S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 1000 1001 0001 0101 0100 0110 0010 1010 8-bit 2-hex equivalence $08 $09 $01 $05 $04 $06 $02 $0A Phase energizing type 1 phase 2 phase 1 phase 2 phase 1 phase 2 phase 1 phase 2 phase Step type Half step Full step Half step Full step Half step Full step Half step Full step When these patterns are hit in increasing order, one after the other, the motion is called ‘half speed forward’. If only the odd sequences are hit, i.e., every second pattern is hit, the motion is ‘full speed forward’. If the patterns are hit in decreasing order, the motion is, respectively, ‘half-speed backward’ and ‘full speed backward’ (Table 2). Table 2 Stepper motor speed definitions Full speed forward Half speed forward Half-speed backward Full speed backward Step +2 +1 -1 -2 Start Even pattern Anywhere Anywhere Even pattern To control a stepper motor, a parallel port is used to send 8-bit pattern to the stepper-motor control board. Note the pin assignment: MSB LSB I1 I2 I3 I4 N/A N/A N/A N/A (white) (green) (gray) (yellow) The program illustrates the sequentially access to memory locations using a memory pointer: • The memory locations to be accessed have the variable names S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, and correspond to addresses $0000 through $0007. • The memory pointer has the variable name POINTER and is stored at address $0009 • The memory pointer is used in index Y addressing. The memory pointer is entered in index register Y, and the offset is taken as zero ($00). Thus, through Y, the pointer controls directly the address to be accessed. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 254 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP • The program automatically steps through the set of eight sequences S0—S7 and generates the next pointer value, by adding the variable STEP. As shown in Table 2, for stepper motor control, the values of STEP are +/-1 and +/-2. The positive values correspond to forward motion. The negative values correspond to backward motion. Two’s complement 8-bit signed convention is used to generate the negative values (-1=$ff, -2=$fe). • The program takes care not to send the pointer outside the eight-sequence range. Hence, when going forward, whenever the highest sequence, S7, is hit (i.e., we hit the ceiling) the programs resets to pointer to S0 (i.e., to the floor). When going backward, whenever the floor is hit, the program resets the pointer to the ceiling. In the initialization phase, the program enters the values of S0 – S7 given in Table 1 in the appropriate memory locations. Then it sets STEP=$00, and POINTER=$00 When running the program, you have to enter into memory location STEP one of the following options: STEP=$01 or $02, or $ff or $fe. FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show below. Two flowchart levels are presented: the big-picture and the details. The big-picture is used to understand the overall architecture of the program. The details are used to explain some of the blocks. (Details are given only for those blocks which are somehow new, and have not been used in previous programs.) Note that the main program is only intended to demonstrate the use of the subroutine STEP_SR. For this reason, the main program is a mere call to the STEP_SR subroutine. The essential code for this program is shown to the right of the flowchart. The essential code was incorporated into the standard template asm to generate the code file Ex_Step.asm. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 255 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Big-picture Flowchart START Define variables • • • • • • • • • • S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 STEP POINTER Initialize • • • • • • • • • • • X=REGBAS S0=$08 S1=$09 S2=$01 S3=$05 S4=$04 S5=$06 S6=$02 S7=$0a STEP=$00 POINTER=$00 Call S/R STEP_SR LABEL0 Flowchart Details 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte BRA SWI STEP_SR • Load POINTER to accB • Add STEP Y Below ceiling? POINTER ≤ 7? N Reset to floor POINTER=0 LABEL3 Y Above floor? 0 ≥ POINTER? N Reset to ceiling POINTER=7 LABEL4 Store new value of POINTER Put POINTER into Y • Load new sequence code into accA using Y • Send sequeuce code from accA to Port B • Load $0000 into Y • Add accB to Y (acc B contains the value of POINTER) Example STEP Code * Define program variables ORG DATA S0 RMB 1 S1 RMB 1 S2 RMB 1 S3 RMB 1 S4 RMB 1 S5 RMB 1 S6 RMB 1 S7 RMB 1 STEP RMB 1 POINTER RMB 1 *Main program ORG PROGRAM START LDX #REGBAS LDAA #$08 STAA S0 LDAA #$09 STAA S1 LDAA #$01 STAA S2 LDAA #$05 STAA S3 LDAA #$04 STAA S4 LDAA #$06 STAA S5 LDAA #$02 STAA S6 LDAA #$0A STAA S7 * Initialize controls LDAA #0 STAA STEP LDAA #$00 STAA POINTER * Start looping LABEL0 JSR STEP_SR BRA LABEL0 SWI * Step subroutine STEP_SR LDAB POINTER ADDB STEP CMPB #7 BLE LABEL3 LDAB #0 LABEL3 CMPB #0 BGE LABEL4 LDAB #7 LABEL4 STAB POINTER LDY #$0000 ABY LDAA $00,Y STAA PORTB,X RTS RTS Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 256 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View CPU registers AND memory list. Open and assemble Ex_Step.asm. Set breakpoint at SWI. Reset registers. Press the RESET button. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set breakpoint at LABEL0 and at SWI. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 257 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP Let the program run to the first breakpoint. Initialization of the memory variables is achieved. Scroll the screen to have the LABEL0 line at the top. Rearrange the windows slightly to cover only essential code. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 258 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP CASE ‘SLOW-FORWARD’ (STEP=$01) a) Put STEP=$01. This should make the program go forward in increments of one (half-speed forward). Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 259 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP b) Step through the program. Notice that the program goes directly to the subroutine STEP_SR. The following events happen: • The current value of the variable POINTER (POINTER=$00) is loaded into accB. • The value of variable STEP (STEP=$01) is added to accB. The result is accB = $01 • The value in accB is compared with the ceiling (i.e., perform accB-$07). The result of the comparison is a negative number. Hence, the condition code bit N is set (observe N=1 on the simulator status bar, and bit 3 = 1 in CC register). Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 260 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP • At branch BLE LABEL3, the branch condition is met (since N=1) and the program branches to LABEL3. • The value of accB is now compared with the floor (i.e., perform accB-$00). The result of the comparison is a $01. Hence, the condition code bit N is clear (observe N=0 on the simulator status bar, and bit 3 = 0 in CC register). Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 261 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP • At branch BGE LABEL4, the branch condition is met (since N=0) and the program branches to LABEL4. • The value of accB is stored as the new value of POINTER (observe POINTER at memory location $0009 having the value $01) • At this stage, the value of POINTER must be loaded into index register Y. To achieve this, the value $0000 is loaded in index register Y. Then, the index register Y and the accB (containing the current value of POINTER) are added. (This convoluted way of doing things was needed because there is no simple way to load the single precision variable, POINTER, into the double precision register Y.) Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 262 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 • Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP The value of the memory where the POINTER points to is now loaded into accA. This is achieved using index addressing with Y as the index register and $00 as the offset (i.e., LDAA $00,Y). In our case, POINTER=$01, hence the memory location $0001 is loaded. This is the step S1, which has the value S1=$09. Hence, you should see the value $09 in accA (i.e., A $09 in CPU registers). Finally, the pattern S1, which was loaded in accA, is sent to Port B. This will make the stepper motor go to the position corresponding to pattern S1. Your program looks like this: c) Let your program perform another loop and observe that the POINTER and the value in Port B have reached the next sequence pattern, S2=$01. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 263 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP d) Repeat and observe each loop until the POINTER and the value in Port B have reached the last sequence pattern, S7=$0a. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 264 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP e) In the next loop, the program should hit the ceiling and return to the floor. Perform this loop manually, to verify the logic. At the end of the loop, observe that the POINTER and the value in Port B have come back to the first sequence pattern, S0=$08. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 265 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP CASE ‘FULL-FORWARD’ (STEP=$02) Press RESET button. Run initialization. Put the value $02 into the variable STEP and $07 into variable POINTER. Repeat the pattern of observations covered before. You will see that only the odd patterns (S1, S3, S5, S7) are being hit. According to Table 1, these patterns correspond to 2phase energizing of the stepper motor (full steps). Satisfy yourself that you fully understand the logic of the program and that you have fully observed how the program is generating a full-speed forward motion. CASE ‘HALF-BACKWARD’ (STEP=$FF) Put the value $ff into the variable STEP and repeat the pattern of observations covered before. You will see all the patterns (S0--S7) being hit, but in reverse order (S1, S0, S7, S6, S5, S4, S3, S2, S1 …). Satisfy yourself that you fully understand the logic of the program and that you have fully observed how the program is generating a half-speed backward motion. CASE ‘FULL-BACKWARD (STEP=$FE) Put the value $fe into the variable STEP and repeat the pattern of observations covered before. You will see that only the odd patterns are being hit, and that they are hit in reverse order (S1, S7, S5, S3, S1, …). Satisfy yourself that you fully understand the logic of the program and that you have fully observed how the program is generating a full-speed backward motion. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 266 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use and control of stepper motors. • The stepper motor energizing patterns, 1- and 2-phase energizing types, full- and half-step motion. Learn the eight sequences S0—S7, the odd sequences S1, S3, S5, S7 being full steps (2phase), the even sequences S0, S2, S4, S6 being half-steps (1-phase) • The concept of creating quasi-continuous motion through a sequence of steps. • The concept of sequential accessing a finite set of stored patterns through index addressing with a continuously updating pointer. The eight sequences S0—S7, were stored in memory, and the variable POINTER was used to address them. The POINTER was loaded into index register Y, and the memory locations containing the sequences S0—S7 were addressed using the index Y addressing mode. • A method to ‘load’ a single-precision (2-hex) variable into a double precision (4-hex) register. This situation was encountered in connection with the use of variable POINTER for index Y addressing. Since there is no direct way to store a single precision variable into a double precision register, a convoluted way was used. The double precision register Y was first loaded with zeros ($0000) and then added with the single precision variable POINTER. Thus, the single precision variable POINTER ended up being effectively loaded into index register Y. • The concept of automatic incrementation/decrementation of the addressing pointer with a programmable step size. The variable STEP was used with values 1, 2, -1, -2. The positive values generated forward motion at half and full speed; the negative values created backward motion. Incrementation and decrementation was done in a loop. Whenever the incremented value hit a value outside the permissible range (0 to 7), reset was implemented. If the ‘ceiling’ was hit (i.e., a value greater than 7) the reset was to the floor (i.e., to 0). If the ‘floor’ was hit (i.e., less than 0) the reset was implemented to the ceiling (i.e., to 7). Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 267 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example STEP (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 268 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example LONG DELAY EXAMPLE LONG DELAY OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Present a subroutine that can implement a long delay between stepper motor steps • Introduce the concept of how to achieve double precision delays (4-hex) using single precision (2-hex) variables PROGRAM EX_LONG_DELAY This program illustrates the use of subroutine DLAY_SR. This subroutine performs a long delay action using TOC1. Although the delay is in double precision (4-hex), the controlling variable, DELAY, is simple precision. This is one of the special features of this subroutine. DELAY controls the higher 2-hex digits. This is how this works: • First, clear the OC1F flag, which is bit 7 in TFLG1. When doing this, we use the OR operation in preserve the other bits in TFLG1. • We load DELAY in accA, which is the higher part of accD. Then, we fill accB, i.e., the lower part of accD, with $00. If DELAY=$XX, then the value in accD is $XX00. • Next, add TCNT to accD and store the result in TOC1. This is the new time • Step in place until OC1F is set. When the number of cycles $XX00 have elapsed, you are done. The subroutine return control to the main program. A stepper motor is controlled by sending binary patterns (step sequences) to its controller board. Eight distinct binary patterns (S0 – S7) are recognized by the stepper motor controller board in your lab. When these patterns are hit in increasing order, one after the other, the motion is called ‘half speed forward’. If only the odd sequences are hit (i.e., every second pattern), the motion is ‘full speed forward’. If the patterns are hit in decreasing order, the motion is, respectively, ‘half-speed backward’ and ‘full speed backward’. The corresponding step sizes are, respectively, +1, +2, -1, -2 (Table 1). Using 2’s complement 8-bit signed numbers convention, these values correspond to the variable STEP taking hex values $01, $02, $ff, $fe. Table 1 Stepper motor speed definitions Half speed forward Full speed forward’ Half-speed backward Full speed backward’ Step size +1 +2 -1 -2 STEP $01 $02 $ff $fe The program is intended for stepper motor control. The stepper-motor speed is controlled through the delay inserted between steps. A short delay ensures a high speed, while a long delay produces a slow speed. The shortest delay that can be physically accommodated by the stepper motor dynamics is 5 ms. For a 2 MHz processor (0.5 μs/cycle), this corresponds to 10,000 ($2710) cycles. The maximum delay is, obviously, $ffff. Since we use a single precision variable, DELAY, we need to round the numbers $2710 and $ffff to 2 significant hex numbers. We get $2800 and $ff00 (To maintain delay integrity, the first number was rounded up, the second number was rounded down.) Hence, the single precision variable, DELAY, can take values between $28 and $ff. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 269 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example LONG DELAY FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show below. The essential code for this program is shown to the right of the flowchart. The essential code was incorporated into the standard template asm to generate the code file Ex_Long_Delay.asm. Please refer to this file for more coding details, and coding style. Code Flowchart Define variables: • DELAY 1 byte ORG RMB ORG START LDX JSR SWI DLAY_SR LDAA ORAA STAA LDAA LDAB ADDD STD LABEL5 LDAA ANDA BEQ RTS DELAY START Initialize: X=REGBAS Jump to subroutine DELAY_SR SWI DLAY SR START • Clear OC1F • Add DELAY to TCNT and store in TOC1 Step in place until OC1F is set DATA 1 PROGRAM #REGBAS DLAY_SR #%10000000 TFLG1,X TFLG1,X DELAY #$00 TCNT,X TOC1,X TFLG1,X #%10000000 LABEL5 RTS EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Open and assemble Ex_Long_Delay.asm. View CPU registers, timer registers, memory list for variable DELAY. Arrange windows for maximum benefit. Reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Press the RESET button. Set breakpoints at SWI and RTS. Put $28 in DELAY. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 270 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example LONG DELAY a) Step through the program. The program should initialize X=$1000, and then turn control to the subroutine DLAY_SR. b) Step through the subroutine. Observe how, first, the flag OC1F is reset. c) Then note that the value of DELAY is loaded in accA (i.e., in higher part of accD), then $00 is loaded in accB (i.e., the lower part of accD), and finally the value of TCNT is added to accD. The result is stored in TOC1. Your screen should look like this: Note that the value of TOC1 is close to $2800. d) Let the program run. It should loop continuously on LABEL5 while checking for OC1F. When TCNT goes over the value of TOC1, the flag OC1F (bit 7 in TFLG1) gets set and the code is ready to return to the main program. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 271 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example LONG DELAY You are done. e) Repeat the above procedure for other values in DELAY: $30, $40, $80 and $ff. Make sure that you understand the way this subroutine works. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • A subroutine that can implement a long delay between stepper motor steps • How to achieve double precision delays (4-hex) using single precision (2-hex) variables. The single precision variable DELAY was used. The variable was loaded into the higher part of double accD. The higher part of accD is accA. Hence, the variable was loaded in accA using single precision arithmetic. The lower part of the double precision accumulator accD, which is the single precision accumulator accB, was loaded with $00. Hence, if DELAY=$XX, at the end of the process accD=$XX00. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 272 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT EXAMPLE SORT OBJECTIVE This example has the following objectives: • Review the use of keystroke commands for controlling a process • Introduce the concept of ‘multiple sort’ and its ‘sequential sort’ equivalent PROGRAM EX_SORT This program can be used for controlling a process through keystroke commands send from the terminal keyboard. Once the keystroke command is received, it is echoed to the terminal monitor for confirmation. Then, the keystroke in the command is compared with a set of command options, and action is appropriately taken. The program recognizes five keystroke commands: i) Move forward > ii) Move backward < iii) Increase speed (decrease delay) + iv) Decrease speed (increase delay) v) Stop program S The program use is intended for stepper motor control. A stepper motor is controlled by sending binary patterns (step sequences) to its controller board. Eight distinct binary patterns (S0 – S7) are recognized by the stepper motor controller board in your lab. When these patterns are hit in increasing order, one after the other, the motion is called ‘half speed forward’. If only the odd sequences are hit (i.e., every second pattern), the motion is ‘full speed forward’. If the patterns are hit in decreasing order, the motion is, respectively, ‘half-speed backward’ and ‘full speed backward’. The corresponding step sizes are, respectively, +1, +2, -1, -2 (Table 1). Using two’s complement 8-bit signed numbers convention, these values correspond to the variable STEP taking hex values $01, $02, $ff, $fe. Table 1 Stepper motor speed definitions Half speed forward Full speed forward’ Half-speed backward Full speed backward’ Step size +1 +2 -1 -2 STEP $01 $02 $ff $fe The "half-speed" and "full-speed" commands are part of the coarse speed control. Fine speed control can be attained by modifying the delay inserted between steps. A shorter delay ensures a higher speed, while a longer delay produces a slower speed. The shortest delay that can be physically accommodated by the stepper-motor dynamics is 5 ms. For a 2 MHz processor (0.5 μs/cycle), this corresponds to 10,000 ($2710) cycles. The maximum delay is, obviously, $ffff. In the program, we use the single precision variable, DELAY. When two numbers, $2710 and $ffff are rounded to 2 significant hex numbers, one gets $2800 and $ff00 (To maintain delay integrity, the first number was rounded up, the second number was rounded down.) Hence, the single precision variable, DELAY, can take values between $28 and $ff. The following is the ‘big-picture’ of the program: a) Define control variables: STEP, DELAY b) Initialize program: i) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Initialize X=REGBAS Page 273 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT ii) Initialize SCI iii) Initialize control variables STEP=0, DELAY=$ff c) Verify if new keystroke command has arrived. If N, jump directly to e) d) "Echo" the command back to the terminal monitor for confirmation e) Sort and process the keystroke command. Modify stepper motor controls based on the keystroke command: vi) > STEP=$01 vii) < STEP=$ff viii) + Increase speed (decrease delay, but not below $28) ix) Decrease speed (increase delay but not above $ff) x) S Stop program f) Loop back to c) In the initialization phase, the program enters the values of S0 – S7 given in Table 1 in the appropriate memory locations. Then it sets STEP=$00, and POINTER=$00 FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show below. Two flowchart levels are presented: the big-picture and the details. The big-picture is used to understand the overall architecture of the program. The details are used to explain some of the blocks. (Details are given only for those blocks which are somehow new, and have not been used in previous programs.) The essential code for this program is shown to the right of the flowchart. The essential code was incorporated into the standard template asm to generate the code file Ex_Sort.asm. Please refer to this file for more coding details, and coding style. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 274 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Big-picture Flowchart Example SORT Code Flowchart Details ORG RMB RMB ORG START LDX LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LDAA STAA LABEL0 NOP LABEL1 LDAA ANDA BEQ LDAB LABEL2 LDAA ANDA BEQ STAB CMPB BEQ CMPB BEQ CMPB BEQ CMPB BEQ CMPB BEQ JMP FORWD LDAA CMPA BGT INCA LABL10 STAA JMP BACKWD LDAA CMPA BLT DECA LABL11 STAA JMP FASTER LDAA CMPA BLS DECA LABEL6 STAA JMP SLOWER LDAA CMPA BHS INCA LABEL7 STAA JMP STOP SWI LABEL9 BRA STEP DELAY • STEP • DELAY Define variables START • • • • Initialize Keystroke? 1 byte 1 byte X=REGBAS SCI STEP=$00 DELAY=$ff N Y Receive and echo keystroke FORWD STEP>+1 > Y FORWD Y N Increment STEP N BACKWD STEP<-1 < Y BACKWD N Sort keystroke Y N Decrement STEP FASTER DELAY≤$28 + Y Y FASTER N Decrement DELAY N SLOWER DELAY≥$ff - Y Y SLOWER N Increment DELAY N S Y STOP STOP SWI N Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 275 DATA 1 1 PROGRAM #REGBAS #%00110000 BAUD,X #%00000000 SCCR1,X #%00001100 SCCR2,X #0 STEP #$ff DELAY SCSR,X #%00100000 LABEL9 SCDR,X SCSR,X #%10000000 LABEL2 SCDR,X #'>' FORWD #'<' BACKWD #'+' FASTER #'-' SLOWER #'S' STOP LABEL9 STEP #+1 LABL10 STEP LABEL9 STEP #-1 LABL11 STEP LABEL9 DELAY #$28 LABEL6 DELAY LABEL9 DELAY #$ff LABEL7 DELAY LABEL9 LABEL0 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Open and assemble Ex_Sort.asm. View CPU registers, serial registers SCSR (set to binary) and SCDR, timer registers TCNT through TOC1, memory list for variables STEP and DELAY, serial transmitter, serial receiver. Arrange windows for maximum benefit. Reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Press the RESET button. Your screen should look like this: a) Set breakpoints at the following lines: • LDAB SCDR,X • STAB SCDR,X • SWI b) Step through the program up to LABEL0. The program should initialize X=$1000, SCI control registers, and STEP=$00, DELAY=$ff. c) Let the program run. It should loop continuously through the body of the program and back to LABEL0, etc. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 276 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT CHECK THE KEYSTROKE COMMAND > (FORWARD) d) Type > in serial transmitter, and send. After some time, you will see the RDRF bit in SCSR (bit 5) getting set, and your program should stop at the breakpoint. At this point, SCDR-$3e, i.e., ASCII code for >. Your program looks like this: e) Run. The program clears the RDRF flag, and stops at the next breakpoint, STAB SCDR,X. f) Step through your program. You will see • The program enters the sort sequence • The program branches to label FORWARD • The BGT condition is not satisfied, and the program increments STEP from $00 to $01. You have set the STEP to the value +1, for ‘slow-forward’ • The program branches to LABEL9 and then to LABEL0. Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 277 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT g) Let your program run. You will see the program looping again in the big loop. h) Send the character > again. The sequence of events described above repeats itself. At the end of the process, STEP=2. You have achieved ‘fast-forward’. i) Let your program run. You will see the program looping again in the big loop. Send the character > again and repeat the sequence of events. Observe carefully how the segment FORWD is executed. You will notice that the condition BGT is now satisfied, and the program branches over the INCA instruction. Thus, your STEP does no longer increase, and stays at its maximum value, STEP=$02 (decimal, +2). Your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 278 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Page 279 Example SORT 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT CHECK THE KEYSTROKE COMMAND < (BACKWARD) j) Run. While the program is looping on LABEL0, type the character < into the serial transmitter, and send. The program should stop at the first breakpoint. Run again. The program stops at second breakpoint. k) Step through the program. The program will go through the sorting sequence and end up at the BACKWD segment. The BLT condition is not satisfies, and the program decrements STEP from $02 to $01. You are back to ‘slow-forward’ At the end of this process, your screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 280 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 l) Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT Repeat and get the variable STEP to get the value STEP=$00. This corresponds to ‘stand still’. m) Repeat. This time the variable STEP will be decremented to the value STEP=$ff (decimal –1). This corresponds to ‘slow-backward’. n) Repeat. This time the variable STEP will be decremented to the value STEP=$fe (decimal –2). This corresponds to ‘fast-backward’. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 281 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT CHECK THE KEYSTROKE COMMAND +(INCREASE SPEED) o) We want to test the keystroke command +. This command should produce an increase in speed, i.e., a decrease in DELAY from $ff to $fe. Run the program. While the program is looping on LABEL0, type the character. After the breakpoints, you will see your program sorting at the program segment FASTER. While going through this segment, the condition for BLS is not satisfied, and program decrements DELAY to the value DELAY=$fe. At the end of the process, your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 282 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT p) Repeat two times. The variable DELAY should become DELAY=$fd, then DELAY=$fc. Your program should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 283 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT q) Test now the logic at the lower limit of DELAY, i.e., that it does not go below $28. Make DELAY=$28. Then, run. Send + again. After the second breakpoint, step through it. The program gets again to the program segment FASTER, but, this time, the condition for BLS is satisfied and the program branches over the operation DECA. Hence, the variable delay is not decremented any further. It stays at DELAY=$28. The logic works as expected. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 284 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT CHECK THE KEYSTROKE COMMAND -(DECREASE SPEED) r) We want to test the keystroke command -. This command should produce a decrease in speed, i.e., an increase in DELAY from $28 to $29.Run the program. While the program is looping on LABEL0, type the character – and send. After the breakpoints, you will see your program sorting at the program segment SLOWER. While going through this segment, the condition for BHS is not satisfied, and program increments DELAY from $28 to$29. At the end of the process, your screen should look like this: s) Repeat two times. The variable DELAY should become DELAY=$2a, then DELAY=$2b. Your program should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 285 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 t) Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT Test now the logic at upper limit of DELAY, i.e., that it does not go over $ff. Make DELAY=$ff. Then, run. Send - again. After the second breakpoint, step through it. The program gets again to the program segment SLOWER, but, this time, the condition for BHS is satisfied and the program branches over the operation INCA. Hence, the variable delay is not incremented any further. It stays at DELAY=$ff. The logic works as expected. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 286 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT CHECK THE KEYSTROKE COMMAND S (STOP) u) We want to test the keystroke command +. This command should produce the program to stop. Run the program. While the program is looping on LABEL0, type the character S. After the breakpoints, you will see your program sorting at the program label STOP. The operation at this label is SWI. Your program successfully stops. (Do not step manually through SWI, since it will throw you outside the program area, and give a disassemble error.) FURTHER CHECKS v) Remove the breakpoint from LDAB SCDR,X and STAB SCDR, X. Leave only the breakpoint at SWI. w) Run your program and test the keystroke commands >, <, +, -, S again, until you are satisfied that you understood how they work. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 287 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example SORT WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of keystroke commands for controlling a process. The following keystroke commands have been used: Move forward > i) ii) Move backward < iii) Increase speed (decrease delay) + iv) Decrease speed (increase delay) v) Stop program S • Introduce the concept of ‘multiple sort’ and its ‘sequential sort’ equivalent. The multiple sort was needed to go to one of the five possible outcomes according to the keystroke value. Since a multiple sort command is not available in the MCU programming language, an equivalent ‘sequential sort’ was used instead. The sequential sort, checks the keystroke against one possibility at a time; if a coincidence is found, it branches out. Otherwise. it continues to check. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 288 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example A/D CONVERTER EXAMPLE – A/D CONVERTER OBJECTIVE This example will help you learn how to use the M68HC11 microcontroller to collect analog data in digital form. The following objectives are considered: • Review the use of A/D conversion function of the M68HC11 microcontroller. • Illustrate various modes of performing A/D conversion. This example covers the following topics: • Single channel, single conversion, MULT=0, SCAN=0; • Single channel, continuous conversion, MULT =0, SCAN =1; • Multiple channel, single conversion, MULT =1, SCAN =0; • Multiple channel, continuous conversion, MULT =1, SCAN =1; PROGRAM A/D CONVERTER SINGLE CHANNEL, SINGLE CONVERSION, MULT=0, SCAN=0 In this section, we will study the single-channel single-conversion. The channel selected in this example will be the pin PE1. The program will do the following a) Initialize the A/D conversion b) Set ADCTL to reflect the following control bits: i)CD=0, CC=0, CB=0, CA=1 to select pin PE1 ii)SCAN=0, i.e., no scanning iii)MULT=0, i.e., single channel c) Check if the A/D conversion has finished. The conversion is finished when the flag CCF is set. d) Load the results from the AD registers ADR1 – ADR4 and store them into memory locations VAL1 – VAL4. e) Loop back to b) FLOWCHART AND CODE The program flowchart is show below. Two flowchart levels are presented: the big-picture and the details. The big-picture is used to understand the overall architecture of the program. The details are used to explain some of the blocks. (Details are given only for those blocks which are somehow new, and have not been used in previous programs.) The essential code for this program is shown to the right of the flowchart. The essential code was incorporated into the standard template asm to generate the code file Ex_AD_1.asm. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 289 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Big-picture Flowchart Define variables Initialize Code Flowchart Details • • • • VAL1 VAL2 VAL3 VAL4 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte • X=REGBAS • AD converter • MULT = 0 • SCAN = 0 • CA=1 ADC Perform A/D conversion LABEL1 Y CCF=0? N Store conversion results Example A/D CONVERTER Store ADR1, ADR2, ADR3, ADR4 to VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4 ORG DATA VAL1 RMB 1 VAL2 RMB 1 VAL3 RMB 1 VAL4 RMB 1 * Main program ORG PROGRAM START LDX #REGBAS * switch on A/D converter BSET OPTION,X,%10000000 * Perform single A/D conversion on PE0,PE1,PE2,PE3 ADC BSET ADCTL,X,%00000001; SCAN=0, . MULT=0, CA=1 LABEL1 LDAA ADCTL,X ANDA #%10000000 BEQ LABEL1 * Store the four consecutive conversion values LDAA ADR1,X STAA VAL1 LDAA ADR2,X STAA VAL2 LDAA ADR3,X STAA VAL3 LDAA ADR4,X STAA VAL4 BRA ADC ORG RESET FDB START EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View CPU registers, AD converter registers, port E pins, memory list, Sliders E port. Open and assemble Ex_AD_1.asm. Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of ADCTL and accA to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Press the RESET button. Your screen should look like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 290 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example A/D CONVERTER Step through the program up to LABEL1. The AD conversion control register ADCTL has been set to perform a single A/D conversion on the pin PE1. Your screen looks like this: We are now ready to perform the conversions. Set a breakpoint just after exiting the check CCF loop, i.e., at line $c010. Make the value of PE1 = 1000 mV. Run. The program performs the AD conversion and exists the loop. The registers ADR1 – ADR4 have the value $33, which is the hex value of 1000*$ff/5000 (check with your hex calculator!). The screen looks like this: Step through the program until all the four AD registers get transferred into the memory storage locations VAL1 – VAL4. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 291 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example A/D CONVERTER Remove the breakpoint from $c010. Enter 1500 mV into PE1. Run. The program will run continuously. The converted value $4c (1500*$ff/5000=$4c, check with your hex calculator!) appears in the ADR1 – ADR4 registers and is transferred into VAL1 – VAL4. The screen looks like this: Put value 2000 mV into PE1. The converted value $66 (2000*$ff/5000=$66, check with your hex calculator!) appears in ADR1 – ADR4 and then in VAL1 – VAL4. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 292 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example A/D CONVERTER Put value 2500 mV into PE1. The converted value $80 appears in ADR1 – ADR4 and then in VAL1 – VAL4 (2500*$ff/5000=$7f with normal 1 bit convention, check with your hex calculator!. But M68HC11 uses ½ bit accuracy convention, and hence rounds up to $80). The screen looks like this: Put value 3500 mV into PE1. The converted value $b3 appears in ADR1 – ADR4 and then in VAL1 – VAL4 (3500*$ff/5000=$b2 with normal 1 bit convention, check with your hex calculator!. But M68HC11 uses ½ bit accuracy convention, and hence rounds up to $b3). The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 293 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example A/D CONVERTER Put value 5000 mV into PE1. The converted value $ff appears in ADR1 – ADR4 and then in VAL1 – VAL4 (5000*$ff/5000=$ff, check with your hex calculator!). The screen looks like this: At the end of this process, you have verified the conversion of six voltage values in the range 0 – 5 V, and have obtained the results indicated in Table 1. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 294 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example A/D CONVERTER Table 1 Voltage at pin PE1 (mV) 1000 1500 2000 2500 3500 5000 1 2 3 4 5 6 AD converted values (Hex) $33 $4c $66 $80 $b3 $ff Let the program run, and move freely the slider bar on PE1. Observe the reaction time of the MCU simulator, and how the converted values corresponding to the new simulated voltages appear first in the ADR1 – ADR4 registers, and then into the VAL1 – VAL4 memory locations. SINGLE CHANNEL, CONTINUOUS CONVERSION, MULT=0, SCAN=1 You will now perform continuous AD conversion in SCAN mode. This mode does not require you to check the CCF flag. The program flowchart is showed below. Also two flowcharts are presented. The essential code for this program is shown to the right of the flowchart. The essential code was incorporated into the standard template asm to generate the code file Ex_AD_2.asm. Big-picture Flowchart Define variables Initialize Flowchart Details • • • • VAL1 VAL2 VAL3 VAL4 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte • X=REGBAS • AD converter Perform A/D conversion • MULT = 0 • SCAN = 1 • CA=1 Store conversion results Store ADR1, ADR2, ADR3, ADR4 to VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4 LABEL2 Code ORG DATA VAL1 RMB 1 VAL2 RMB 1 VAL3 RMB 1 VAL4 RMB 1 * Main program ORG PROGRAM START LDX #REGBAS * switch on A/D converter BSET OPTION,X,%10000000 * Perform a single A/D conversion on PE1 ADC BSET ADCTL,X,%00100001 SCAN=1, MULT=0, CA=1 * Store the four consecutive conversion values LABEL2 LDAA ADR1,X STAA VAL1 LDAA ADR2,X STAA VAL2 LDAA ADR3,X STAA VAL3 LDAA ADR4,X STAA VAL4 BRA LABEL2 ;BACK TO TOP ORG FDB RESET START EXECUTION Open and assemble Ex_AD_2.asm. Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Run the program. Notice that after addressing ADCTL once at the beginning, the program now loops only for storing the values of ADR1 – ADR4 into memory locations VAL1 – VAL4. Enter 1000 mV in PE1. The value is converted to $33 and stored in memory. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 295 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example A/D CONVERTER Continue with the other values in Table 1, until you are satisfied with the functioning of the program. MULTIPLE CHANNEL, SINGLE CONVERSION, MULT=1, SCAN=0 We will now perform AD conversion on multiple channels, single conversion. This mode is selected by setting MULT=1 and SCAN=0 such that the conversion is performed once. The program flowchart is shown below. Two flowchart levels are presented: the big-picture and the details. The essential code for this program is shown to the right of the flowchart. The essential code was incorporated into the standard template asm to generate the code file Ex_AD_3.asm. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 296 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Big-picture Flowchart Define variables Initialize Code Flowchart Details • • • • VAL1 VAL2 VAL3 VAL4 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte • X=REGBAS • AD converter • MULT = 1 • SCAN = 0 • CD,CC = 0 ADC Perform A/D conversion LABEL1 Y CCF=0? N Store conversion results Example A/D CONVERTER Store ADR1, ADR2, ADR3, ADR4 to VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4 ORG DATA VAL1 RMB 1 VAL2 RMB 1 VAL3 RMB 1 VAL4 RMB 1 * Main program ORG PROGRAM START LDX #REGBAS * switch on A/D converter BSET OPTION,X,%10000000 * Perform a single A/D conversion on PE0, PE1, PE2, PE3 ADC LDAA #%00010000 ; SCAN=0, MULT=1 STAA ADCTL,X LABEL1 LDAA ADCTL,X ANDA #%10000000 BEQ LABEL1 * Store the four consecutive conversion values LABEL2 LDAA ADR1,X STAA VAL1 LDAA ADR2,X STAA VAL2 LDAA ADR3,X STAA VAL3 LDAA ADR4,X STAA VAL4 BRA ADC ;BACK TO TOP ORG RESET FDB STAR EXECUTION Open and assemble Ex_AD_3.asm. Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 297 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example A/D CONVERTER Enter 2500 mV in PE0, 1000 mV in PE1, 3500 mV in PE2, 2000 mV in PE3. Run the program. The converted value $80, $33, $b3, $66 appear in ADR1 – ADR4, and then get stored in memory locations VAL1 – VAL4. The screen looks like this: MULTIPLE CHANNEL, CONTINUOUS CONVERSION, MULT=1, SCAN=1 We will now perform AD conversion on multiple channels continuous conversion. This mode is selected by setting MULT=1 and SCAN=1 such that the conversion is performed continuously. The program flowchart is shown below. Two flowchart levels are presented: the big-picture and the details. The essential code for this program is shown to the right of the flowchart. The essential code was incorporated into the standard template asm to generate the code file Ex_AD_4.asm. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 298 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Big-picture Flowchart Define variables Initialize Perform A/D conversion LABEL2 Store conversion results Code Flowchart Details • • • • VAL1 VAL2 VAL3 VAL4 Example A/D CONVERTER 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte • X=REGBAS • AD converter • MULT = 1 • SCAN = 1 • CD, CC = 0 Store ADR1, ADR2, ADR3, ADR4 to VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4 ORG DATA VAL1 RMB 1 VAL2 RMB 1 VAL3 RMB 1 VAL4 RMB 1 * Main program ORG PROGRAM START LDX #REGBAS * switch on A/D converter BSET OPTION,X,%10000000 * Perform a single A/D conversion on PE1 ADC LDAA #%00110000 ; SCAN=1, MULT=1 STAA ADCTL,X * Store the four consecutive conversion values LABEL2 LDAA ADR1,X STAA VAL1 LDAA ADR2,X STAA VAL2 LDAA ADR3,X STAA VAL3 LDAA ADR4,X STAA VAL4 BRA LABEL2 ;BACK TO TOP ORG FDB RESET START EXECUTION Open and assemble Ex_AD_4.asm. Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Run the program. Notice that after addressing ADCTL once at the beginning, the program now loops only for storing the values of ADR1 – ADR4 into memory locations VAL1 – VAL4. Enter 2500 mV in PE0, 1000 mV in PE1, 3500 mV in PE2, 2000 mV in PE3. The converted value $80, $33, $b3, $66 appear in ADR1 – ADR4, and then get stored in memory locations VAL1 – VAL4. The screen looks like this: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 299 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Example A/D CONVERTER Repeat the process with other values in the four PE1 – PE4 pins. Obtain voltage values by moving the sliding controls on these pins up and down and observing the converted values being appearing in the ADR1 – ADR4 registers, and then into the VAL1 – VAL4 memory locations. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have: • Review the use of A/D conversion function of the M68HC11 microcontroller. • Illustrated 3 modes of performing A/D conversion: ¾ Single channel single conversion ¾ Single channel continuous conversion ¾ Multiple channel single conversion ¾ Multiple channel continuous conversion Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 300 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Homework Assignments HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Hmwk1 basic operations Hmwk2 hex operations Hmwk3 Programs\SR Hmwk4a Parallel com Hmwk4b Serial com Hmwk5 Timer functions Hmwk6 Digital Tachometer Hmwk7 Step, sort, delay Hmwk8 AD conversion Homework consists of a series of exercises that can be performed individually on the THRSim11 simulator. The exercises introduce the student gradually to basic concepts, programming language, and hex/binary conventions, branching and logic flow, intermediate level programming, MCU main functions (Parallel ports, serial communication, timer functions, AD conversion), and advanced programming. By doing the homework, the students build up his programming and code creation skills. Homework assignments are shown in the table below: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3-7 Exercise 8-9 Exercise 10 Ex_delay Ex_sq_wave Ex_buttons_bx Ex_Serial Ex _Timer Ex_DC_motor_RPM Ex_Stepper_motor Ex_AD_converter Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 301 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Homework Assignments (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 302 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 1 EXERCISE 1 GENERAL NOTE • Before starting this exercise, read Example 1 and work through it using the THRSim11 simulator. • Then, read this exercise. You will notice that the present exercise is practically identical with Example 1, only that is uses different numbers. • 'Save As' this Word file in the personalized format indicated in the course pack. • To complete the exercise, you will have to make it look like Example 1 by doing the following: • Type in text • Insert screen/window captures from the THRSim11 simulator. OBJECTIVE This simple exercise has the following objectives: • Familiarize the user with the THRSim11 simulator environment • Introduce the user to the syntax and concepts of Assembly (.asm) language • Familiarize the user the way arithmetic operations are handled by the microcontroller • Instruct the user to interpret the List (.LST) file. • Teach the user to perform the simulation and follow the step-by-step results. • Introduce the LDAA, LDAB, ABA operations • Introduce the immediate and inherent modes PROGRAM You have to write a .asm program that will perform the arithmetic operation 4 + 5 = 9 using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA. Insert here the symbolic representation of the process: 5 points Explain what the symbolic representation means: 5 points CODING AND EXECUTION Open THRSim11 Maximize THRSim11 window Close the Commands window Open the template.asm file and save it with the personalized name LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex1 (Please respect the upper and lower conventions.). Type your program in the .asm window after the line saying *Begin typing your code. Follow Example 1 to assemble your file, tile the windows, set the breakpoint, and reset the registers. Paste your screen capture below. 10 points Insert below text to answer the questions: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 303 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers • What is the meaning of the green highlight? 4 points • What is the meaning of the amber highlight? 4 points • At what memory address is the program counter placed? 4 points Exercise 1 Use the Step button to step through the program. first step Explain: • What happened to the green highlight 4 points • What is the value of the program counter 4 points • What is the program going to do next 4 points second step. Explain: • What is the result of executing the previous instruction 4 points • What is the value of the program counter 4 points • What has changed in the CPU registers 4 points • What is the program going to do next 4 points third step. Explain: • What is the result of executing the previous instruction 4 points • What is the value of the program counter 4 points • What has changed in the CPU registers 4 points • What is the program going to do next 4 points fourth step. Explain: • What is the result of executing the previous instruction 4 points • What is the value of the program counter 4 points • What has changed in the CPU registers 4 points • What is the program going to do next 4 points Place the program counter at the beginning of your part of the program. Run the program again step-by-step. What have you noticed? 4 points Run the program on automatic using the button ‘Run’. What have you noticed? 4 points Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 304 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 1 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this simple exercise, you have learned quite a few things: • Symbolic representation of the operations and their meaning • Writing an Assembly language code • Microprocessor opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA. • Immediate mode and how to invoke it by using the symbol # • Inherent mode • Open and customize THRSim11 environment • Assemble an .asm file • Tile the THRSim11 windows (remember that the tiling sequence follows the sequence in which you accessed the files, with the most recently accessed window tiled in the left upper corner!) • Put a value in a memory address, e.g. when you put zeros in the registers • Set a break point • Interpret an .LST file • Step through the program simulation and follow the changes taking place in the ‘CPU registers’ window. • See how program execution is affecting accA and accB. Identify the results of the calculation, i.e. 4 + 5 = 9 makes accA to take the value A $09. New words and concepts: Opcode, opcode mnemonic, immediate mode, Assembly language (.asm), list file (.LST), reset, program counter (PC), break point, registers, Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 305 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 1 Page 306 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 2 EXERCISE 2 GENERAL NOTE • Before starting this exercise, read Example 2 and work through it using the THRSim11 simulator. • Then, read this exercise. You will notice that the present exercise is practically identical with Example 2, only that is uses different numbers. • 'Save As' this Word file in the personalized format indicated in the course pack. • To complete the exercise, you will have to make it look like Example 2 by doing the following: • Type in text • Insert screen/window captures from the THRSim11 simulator. OBJECTIVE This simple exercise has the following objectives: • Familiarize the user with the THRSim11 simulator environment • Introduce the user to the syntax and concepts of Assembly (.asm) language • Familiarize the user the way arithmetic operations are handled by the microcontroller • Instruct the user to interpret the List (.LST) file. • Teach the user to perform the simulation and follow the step-by-step results. • Introduce the LDAA, ADDA operations • Introduce the immediate mode PROGRAM You have to write a .asm program that will perform the arithmetic operation 4 + 5 = 9 using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA. Insert here the symbolic representation of the process: 7 points Explain what the symbolic representation means: 7 points CODING AND EXECUTION Open THRSim11 Maximize THRSim11 window Close the Commands window Open the template.asm file and save it with the personalized name LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex2 (Please respect the upper and lower conventions.). Type your program in the .asm window after the line saying *Begin typing your code. Follow Example 2 to assemble your file, tile the windows, set the breakpoint, and reset the registers. Paste your screen capture below. 8 points Insert below text to answer the questions: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 307 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 • Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 2 At what memory address is the program counter placed? 6 points Use the Step button to step through the program. first step Explain: • What is the value of the program counter 6 points • What is the program going to do next 6 points second step. Explain: • What is the result of executing the previous instruction 6 points • What is the value of the program counter 6 points • What has changed in the CPU registers 6 points • What is the program going to do next 6 points third step. Explain: • What is the result of executing the previous instruction 6 points • What is the value of the program counter 6 points • What has changed in the CPU registers 6 points • What is the program going to do next 6 points Place the program counter at the beginning of your part of the program. Reset accumulator A and B. Run the program again step-by-step. What have you noticed? 6 points Run the program on automatic using the button ‘Run’. What have you noticed? 6 points Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 308 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 2 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this simple exercise, you have learned quite a few things: • Symbolic representation of the operations and their meaning • Writing an Assembly language code • Microprocessor opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA. • Immediate mode and how to invoke it by using the symbol # • Inherent mode • Open and customize THRSim11 environment • Assemble an .asm file • Tile the THRSim11 windows (remember that the tiling sequence follows the sequence in which you accessed the files, with the most recently accessed window tiled in the left upper corner!) • Put a value in a memory address, e.g. when you put zeros in the registers • Set a break point • Interpret an .LST file • Step through the program simulation and follow the changes taking place in the ‘CPU registers’ window. • See how program execution is affecting accA and accB. Identify the results of the calculation, i.e. 4 + 5 = 9 makes accA to take the value A $09. • New words and concepts: Opcode, opcode mnemonic, immediate mode, Assembly language (.asm), list file (.LST), reset, program counter (PC), break point, registers, . Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 309 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 2 (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 310 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 3-7 EXERCISE 3-7 GENERAL NOTE • Before starting this exercise, read Examples 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and work through them using the THRSim11 simulator. • Then, read this exercise. You will notice that the present exercise is practically identical with these examples, only that is uses different numbers. • 'Save As' this Word file in the personalized format indicated in the course pack. • To complete the exercise, you will have to do the following: • Type in text The exercise has 6 sections. Do them in sequence. OBJECTIVE This exercise has the following objectives: • Review decimal numbers and decimal symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 • Review the decimal carry concept, i.e., when a result is outside the 0 – 9 range • Review 2-digit decimal arithmetic with carry • Prepare the ground for hex arithmetic • Introduce hex numbers and hex symbols: a, b, c, d, e, f • Introduce2-digit hex arithmetic • Introduce 2-digit hex carry as a repeated incrementation • Introduce 2-digit hex arithmetic with carry • Introduce the ‘lost carry’ concept • Introduce MSB carry • Introduce single precision and double precision register concepts Note: To facilitate understanding, the same numbers are used in both decimal and the hex cases. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 311 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 3-7 PROGRAM You have to write .asm code to perform the arithmetic operations listed below: • 8 + 7 = 15 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA • $08 + $07 = $0f (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA • 9 + 9 = 18 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA • $09 + $09 = $12 (hex half carry) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA • $09 + $09 = $12 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA • 12 + 29 = 41 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA • $0c + $1d = $29 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, ABA • $ff + $01 = $00 (MSB carry) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA • 255 + 1 = 0 (decimal equivalent of a MSB carry) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, ADDA CODING AND EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open the template.asm file and save it with the personalized name LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex3-7 (Please respect the upper and lower conventions.). Type your program in the .asm window after the line saying *Begin typing your code. Assemble your file, tile the windows, set the breakpoint, and reset the registers. Paste the screen capture here. 1 point(s) SECTION: 8 + 7 = 15 (DECIMAL) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, ABA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to Decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Which are the MSD and the LSD in the result 15? What do they represent? 3 point(s) • What is a decimal carry 2 point(s) • Did a decimal carry happen or not? Why? 3 point(s) SECTION: $08 + $07 = $0F (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, ABA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • How many digits are used to represent the number eight in hex on the simulator? Why? 3 point(s) • What is the meaning of concatenation? 2 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 312 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 3-7 • Which registers are concatenated and what is the result of the concatenation? 2 point(s) • What was the content of accD after you loaded $08 in accA? Why? 3 point(s) • What was the content of accD after you loaded $08 in accA and $07 in accB? Why? 2 point(s) • What is a hex carry 2 point(s) • Did a hex carry happen or not? Why? 2 point(s) SECTION: 9 + 9 = 18 (DECIMAL) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, ABA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to Decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • What is a decimal carry 2 point(s) • Did a decimal carry happen or not? Why? 2 point(s) SECTION: $09 + $09 = $12 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, ADDA, Part I: start with $09 in accA and increment by 1 using the ADDA opcode Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program until the first has been executed. Use the Step button to step further through this section of your program until accA has reached the value $0f. Use the Step button to do an additional step through this section of your program. AccA should change to $10. Use the Step button to do further step through this section of your program until the operation $09 + $09 = $12 using is completed. Explain: • Did a hex carry happen or not? Why? 3 point(s) • After how many executions has the carry happen? 2 point(s) • What was the value of accA before the hex carry? 2 point(s) • What was the value of accA after the hex carry? 2 point(s) • What was the final value of accA? 2 point(s) SECTION: $09 + $09 = $12 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, ABA Part II: start with $09 in accA and $09 in accB. Do the addition using the ABA opcode Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Did a hex carry happen or not? Why? 3 point(s) • What is the hex result of your operation? 2 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 313 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers • What is the MSD of the result? What does is signify? 3 point(s) • What is the LSD of the result? What does it signify? 3 point(s) • What is the decimal equivalent of the result? 3 point(s) Exercises 3-7 SECTION: 12 + 29 = 41 (DECIMAL) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, ABA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to Decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Did a decimal carry happen or not? Why? 3 point(s) • What is the LSD in the result? 2 point(s) • What is the MSD in the result? 2 point(s) SECTION: $0C + $1D = $29 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, ABA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Did a hex carry happen or not? Why? 2 point(s) • What is the hex result of your operation? 2 point(s) • What is the LSD of the result? What does it signify? 3 point(s) • What is the MSD of the result? What does is signify? 3 point(s) • What is the decimal equivalent of the result? 3 point(s) $FF + $01 = $00 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, ADDA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • What is the result of your operation? 2 point(s) • Did a hex carry happen or not? Why? 2 point(s) • What type of carry was this? 2 point(s) • What is the name of the event that happened? 2 point(s) • How do you explain what happened? 3 point(s) 255 + 1 = 0 (DECIMAL) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, ADDA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • What is the result of your operation? 3 point(s) • Did a decimal carry happen or not? Why? 3 point(s) • Did a hex carry happen or not? Why? 3 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 314 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers • What type of carry was this? 3 point(s) • How do you explain what happened? 3 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 315 Exercises 3-7 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 3-7 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have learned: • In decimal arithmetic, the base of the number system is ten. Ten independent symbols exist for representing the first ten numbers in the decimal system: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. These symbols are called digits. • The greatest decimal number that can be represented with a single decimal symbol is nine. • Decimal numbers greater than nine are represented with two or more digits. For example, number fifteen is represented as 15, i.e. with two digits. • When the result of adding two decimal numbers is greater than nine, a carry takes place. • The symbol furthest to the left is called the most significant digit (MSD). In number 15, the most significant digit is 1. It signifies the number of tens contained in the number. In our case, we have only one ten, since 1 x ten = ten • The symbol furthest to the right is called the least significant digit (LSD). In number 15, the least significant digit is 5. It signifies the number of units contained in the number. In our case, we have five units, since 5 x units = five. • A complete number is assembled by adding the contribution of all digits, from LSD through MSD. In number 15 there are two digits, LSD = 5, MSD = 1. The complete number is 1 x ten + 5 x units = ten + five = fifteen. • In decimal arithmetic, when the result of an addition is greater than nine, a carry occurs. • In hex arithmetic, the base of the number system is sixteen (hexadecimal). Sixteen independent symbols exist for representing the first sixteen numbers in the hex system: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f. • The greatest hex number that can be represented with a single hex symbol is fifteen. • In single-precision 8-bit arithmetic, hex numbers are always represented with two digits, even if the most significant digit (MSD) is zero. For example, during this exercise, the single-precision accA and accB took values $08 and $07. After addition, accA became $0f. • In double precision 8-bit arithmetic, hex numbers are always represented with four digits, even if the more significant ones are zero. • In hex arithmetic, single-precision numbers can be built into double precision numbers through concatenation (i.e., by putting them side by side). For example, when accA was $08 and accB was $07, accD, which is simply accA:accB, was $0807. This was not so in decimal arithmetic (check this out by looking into the part of your program performing the decimal addition 8 + 7, with accA, accB and accD set to decimal display). • In hex arithmetic, the symbol furthest to the left is also called the most significant digit (MSD). In number $1d, the most significant digit is 1. It signifies the number of sixteens contained in the number. In our case, we have only one sixteen, since 1 x sixteen = sixteen • In hex arithmetic, the symbol furthest to the right is called the least significant digit (LSD). In number $1d, the least significant digit is d. It signifies the number of units contained in the Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 316 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 3-7 number. In our case, we have thirteen units, since the hex number d represents the number thirteen, and d x units =thirteen. • The hex number $1d has the value twenty-nine, since sixteen plus thirteen makes twenty-nine. • Addition can be viewed as a repeated incrementation. The number $09 was loaded in accA and subsequently incremented nine times. • After the first six increments, from $09 to $0a, $0b, $0c, $0d, $0d, $0e, and $0f, the hex symbols in the MSD were exhausted. • The next increment (the seventh) enacted a carry such that the MSD was increased from 0 to 1, while the first placeholder (LSD) was reset to 0. At this stage, the value in accA was $10. (This is by far different from the decimal 10). • The next and final increment (the eighth) incremented the LSD and the number in accA moved from $10 to $11. • You saw the direct application of the hex addition using accA and accB, such that $09 + $08 = $12. • You should note that the result $12 is the hex equivalent of the decimal result 18 (recall, 9 + 8 = 17). • You have observed an MSB carry. In our case, the machine has 2-digit hex precision, hence it cannot store numbers with more than two digits. However, if to the number $ff we add $01, the result should be $100 (Proof: $0ff + $001 = $100). Since we cannot store more than 2 hex digits, the leading 1 is lost (‘lost carry’). The phenomenon is called MSB carry where MSB refers to the most significant bit from binary representation. • New words and notations: digits, most significant digit (MSD), least significant digit (LSD), hex arithmetic, hexadecimal, single precision, double precision, 8-bit arithmetic, concatenation, addition with carry, hex arithmetic with carry, increment, placeholder, ‘lost carry’, most significant bit (MSB), MSB carry. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 317 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 8-9 EXERCISE 8-9 GENERAL NOTE • Before starting this exercise, read Examples 8, 9 and work through them using the THRSim11 simulator. • Then, read this exercise. You will notice that the present exercise is practically identical with these examples, only that is uses different numbers, at times. • 'Save As' this Word file in the personalized format indicated in the course pack. • To complete the exercise, you will have to do the following: • Type in text • Insert screen/window captures from the THRSim11 simulator. The exercise has 11 sections. Do them in sequence. OBJECTIVE This exercise has the following objectives: • Review decrementation • Review decimal borrow concepts using decrementation • Introduce hex borrow using decrementation • Introduce 2’s complement negative hex numbers as decrementation of zero with free borrow • Show the decimal equivalent of the 8-bit decrementation of zero • Introduce hex subtraction as a repeated decrementation • Introduce hex subtraction with negative results using the free borrow concept. • Show the decimal equivalent of hex subtraction with negative results using free borrow. Note: To facilitate understanding, the same numbers are used in both decimal and the hex cases. PROGRAM You have to write .asm code to perform the arithmetic operations listed below: • 8 – 1 = 7 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • $08 - $01 = $07 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • 20 – 1 = 19 (decimal) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • $20 - $01 = $1f (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • $00 - $01 = $ff (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • 0 - 1 = 255 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, SUBA • $0f - $07 = $08 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA • $00 - $07 = $f9 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 318 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 8-9 • 0 - 7 = 249 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA • $0f - $2b = $e4 (hex) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA • 15 - 43 = 228 (decimal equivalent of 8-bit hex arithmetic) using the opcode mnemonics LDAA, LDAB, SBA CODING AND EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open the template.asm file and save it with the personalized name LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex8-9 (Please respect the upper and lower conventions.). Type your program in the .asm window after the line saying *Begin typing your code. Assemble your file, tile the windows, set the breakpoint, and reset the registers. Paste your screen capture below. 4 point(s) SECTION: 8 - 1 = 7 (DECIMAL) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA to decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. When the operation has been completed, capture your screen. Paste the screen capture here. 4 point(s) Explain: • What is a decimal borrow? 4 point(s) • Did a decimal borrow happen or not? Why? 4 point(s) SECTION: $08 - $01 = $07 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • What is a hex borrow? 4 point(s) • Did a hex borrow happen or not? Why? 4 point(s) SECTION: 20 - 1 = 19 (DECIMAL) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 319 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 • Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 8-9 Did a decimal borrow happen or not? Why? 4 point(s) SECTION: $20 - $01 = $1F (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • What is a hex borrow? 4 point(s) • Did a hex borrow happen or not? Why? 4 point(s) • Do the operations 20 – 1 and $20 - $01 give the same result or not? Why? 4 point(s) SECTION: $00 - $01 = $FF (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Did a hex borrow happen or not? Why? 4 point(s) SECTION: 0 - 1 = 255 (DECIMAL EQUIVALENT OF 8-BIT HEX ARITHMETIC) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, SUBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Did a borrow happen or not? Why? 4 point(s) • What type of borrow happened? 4 point(s) • Why did you get the answer 255? 4 point(s) SECTION: $0F - $07 = $08 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Did a hex borrow happen or not? 4 point(s) • What type of borrow was it? 4 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 320 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 8-9 SECTION: $00 - $07 = $F9 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Did a hex borrow happen or not? 4 point(s) • What type of borrow was it? 4 point(s) SECTION: 0 - 7 = 249 (DECIMAL EQUIVALENT OF 8-BIT HEX ARITHMETIC) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Why did you get the answer 249? 6 point(s) SECTION: $0F - $2B = $E4 (HEX) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to hex. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Did a hex borrow happen or not? 4 point(s) • What type of borrow was it? 4 point(s) SECTION: 15 - 43 = 228 (DECIMAL EQUIVALENT OF 8-BIT HEX ARITHMETIC) USING THE OPCODE MNEMONICS LDAA, LDAB, SBA Reset accA and accB by typing zero into them. Set the display option of accA and accB to decimal. Use the Step button to step through this section of your program. Explain: • Why did you get the answer 228? 6 point(s) USE CALCULATOR TO OBTAIN HEX NEGATIVE NUMBERS OF –56 AND –120 Insert your answers here: -56: _________; -120: ____________ 8 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 321 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercises 8-9 WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have learned: • In decimal arithmetic, decrementation results in the value of the number being reduced by one unit • In hex arithmetic, decrementation has the same meaning as in decimal arithmetic: the value of the number is being reduced by one unit • For a 2-digit decimal number with the LSD zero, e.g., 20, decrementation required a borrow to be performed from the MSD into the LSD. As a result, we could perform the decrementation and the result was 19. The result showed that, because of the borrow, the MSD decreased from 2 to 1, and the LSD increase from 0 to 9, i.e., from the bottom of the decimal symbols sequence to the top of the sequence. • For a 2-digit hex number with the LSD zero, e.g., $20, decrementation also required a borrow to be performed from the MSD into the LSD. As a result, we could perform the decrementation and the result was $1f. The result showed that, because of the borrow, the MSD decreased from 2 to 1, and the LSD increase from 0 to f, i.e., from the bottom of the hex symbols sequence to the top of the sequence. • Note the difference between 20 (twenty) and $20 (hex two-zero = decimal thirty-two). • For a 2-digit hex number with zero LSD but also zero MSD, decrementation is still possible within the ‘free-borrow’ concept. The free-borrow concept, which is implemented on most microcontrollers, allows to freely borrow a one from the next higher digit beyond the precision of the machine. • In our case, the machine has 2-digit hex precision, hence the next higher digit beyond the machine precision is a third digit. In other word, if we extend the range to 3 hex digits and write $ff as $0ff, incrementing by one yield $0ff + $001 = $100. Conversely, decrementing $100 by one yields $0ff, i.e., $ff. • Subtraction using SBA opcode mnemonic happened as expected, in both decimal and hex arithmetic, as long as the minuend is greater than the subtrahend (e.g., 15-7=8, $0f-$07=$08). • When the minuend is less than the subtrahend, the result of the subtraction operation is calculated using a free borrow (e.g., $0f-$2b=$00f+$100-$02b=$0e4=$e4). • Even if decimal display of numbers is used, the calculations and the free borrow still happen in hex (e.g., 15-43=15+256-43=228, where 256=$100). • New words and notations: free borrow, minuend, subtrahend. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 322 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Page 323 Exercises 8-9 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 10 EXERCISE 10 GENERAL NOTE • Before starting this exercise, read Example 10 and work through it using the THRSim11 simulator. • Then, read this exercise. You will notice that the present exercise is practically identical with this example, only that is uses different numbers, at times. • 'Save As' this Word file in the personalized format indicated in the course pack. • To complete the exercise, you will have to do the following: • Type in text • Insert screen/window captures from the THRSim11 simulator. The exercise has 15 sections. Do them in sequence. OBJECTIVE This exercise has the following objectives: • Introduce 8-bit binary numbers • Introduce connection between 8-bit binary numbers and 2-digit hex numbers. • Introduce 8-bit binary arithmetic • Introduce binary 8-bit logic PROGRAM You have to write .asm code to do the following: i) Represent numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen in decimal, binary, and hex ii) Perform 5 + 4 = 9 in binary and hex using LDAA, LDAB, ABA iii) Perform 15 – 7 = 8 in binary and hex using LDAA, LDAB, SBA iv) Perform $1f + $01 = $ in binary and hex using LDAA, ADDA (bit 3 carry) v) Perform $20 -$01 = $ in binary and hex using LDAA, SUBA vi) Perform $ff + $01 = $ in binary and hex using LDAA, ADDA (MSB carry) vii) Perform $00 - $01 = $ in binary and hex using LDAA, SUBA viii) 0 AND 1 = using LDAA, ANDA ix) 0 OR 1 = using LDAA, ORAA x) 0 XOR 1 = using LDAA, EORA xi) 1 OR 1 = using LDAA, ORAA xii) 1 XOR 1 = using LDAA, EORA xiii) %00000000 NAND %11111111 = % using LDAA, ANDA, COMA xiv) %11111111 NOR %00000000 = % using LDAA, ORAA, COMA Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 324 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers xv) %10101110 AND %00001000 = % Exercise 10 using LDAA, ANDA (masking) (Note: the NAND and NOR instructions do not exist in the MC6811 instruction set, but can be obtained by using the COM instruction after the AND and OR instructions.) CODING AND EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Maximize THRSim11 window. Close the Commands window. Open the template.asm file and save it with the personalized name LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex10 (Please respect the upper and lower conventions.). Type your program in the .asm window after the line saying *Begin typing your code. Assemble your file, tile the windows, set the breakpoint, and reset the registers. SECTION: REPRESENT NUMBERS ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, ELEVEN, TWELVE, THIRTEEN, FOURTEEN, FIFTEEN, SIXTEEN, SEVENTEEN IN DECIMAL, BINARY, AND HEX Reset accA. Place PC at the beginning of section i) of your code. Set display of accA to binary. Perform first step. Explain what happened during this operation. 3 point(s) Change the display option of accA to hex. Explain what happened. 3 point(s) Change the display option of accA to decimal. Explain what happened. 3 point(s) Perform the rest of the steps. Step through the rest of the operations, incrementing each time accA by one. At each step, observe the binary representation, then switch to hex, then to decimal, and back to binary. When incrementing, observe how the binary bits either increment from 0 to 1, or increment from 1 to 0 with a binary carry to the left. While binary numbers experience a carry at each step, the decimal and hex numbers do not. Watch out for decimal and hex carries! You will only need to capture and paste below those situations when a decimal or a hex carry happened. Paste here your screen capture when a decimal carry happened. 5 point(s) Type in the binary and hex equivalents of the number in accA:_________________________________________3 point(s) Explain what happened. 2 point(s) Paste here your screen capture when a hex carry happened. 5 point(s) Type in the binary and decimal equivalents of the number in accA: _____________________________________ 2 point(s) Explain what happened. 2 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 325 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 SECTION: PERFORM 5 + 4 = Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 10 IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, LDAB, ABA Perform the operation. 5 + 4 =_____________ 3 point(s) Type in the binary and hex equivalents of the results: %________________________________$_________ 2 point(s) SECTION: PERFORM 15 – 7 = IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, LDAB, SBA Perform the operation. 15 – 7 =_____________3 point(s) Type in the binary and hex equivalents of the results: %________________________________$_________ 2 point(s) SECTION: PERFORM $1F + $01 = $ IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, ADDA (BIT 3 CARRY) Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. $1f + $01 = $_______3 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. Type in the binary and hex equivalents of the results: %________________________________2 point(s) $_________ 2 point(s) SECTION: PERFORM $20 -$01 = $ IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, SUBA Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. $20 -$01 = $________3 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. Type in the binary and hex equivalents of the results: %________________________________2 point(s) $_________ 2 point(s) SECTION: PERFORM $FF + $01 = $ IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, ADDA (MSB CARRY) Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. $ff + $01 = $_______3 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. Type in the binary and hex equivalents of the results: %______________________________________2 point(s) $_________ 2 point(s) SECTION: PERFORM $00 - $01 = $ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu IN BINARY AND HEX USING LDAA, SUBA Page 326 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise 10 Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. $00 - $01 = $_______3 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. Type in the binary and hex equivalents of the results: %______________________________________2 point(s) $_________ 2 point(s) SECTION: 0 AND 1 = USING LDAA, ANDA Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. 0 AND 1 = _________4 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. SECTION: 0 OR 1 = USING LDAA, ORAA Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. 0 OR 1 =___________4 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. SECTION: 0 XOR 1 = USING LDAA, EORA Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. 0 XOR 1 =__________4 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. SECTION: 1 OR 1 = USING LDAA, ORAA Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. 1 OR 1 =__________4 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. SECTION: 1 XOR 1 = USING LDAA, EORA Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. 1 XOR 1 =__________4 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. SECTION: %00000000 NAND %11111111 = % USING LDAA, ANDA, COMA Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. %00000000 NAND %11111111 = %____________________4 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 327 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers SECTION: %11111111 NOR %00000000 = % Exercise 10 USING LDAA, ORAA, COMA Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. %11111111 NOR %00000000 = %____________________4 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. SECTION: %10101110 AND %00001000 = % USING LDAA, ANDA (MASKING) Fill in the blank with the result evaluated by hand. %10101110 AND %00001000 = %____________________4 point(s) Perform the operation in the THRSIM11 simulator. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have learned: • The 8-bit binary numbers • The connection between 8-bit binary numbers and 2-digit hex numbers. • The 8-bit binary arithmetic • The 1-bit and 8-bit binary logic • The fact that logic operations are performed bit-by-bit • Boolean inversion using the complement opcode (e.g., COMA). • Masking, i.e., the selection of bits using masks • New words and notations: 8-bit binary arithmetic, 8-bit binary logic; complement opcode; masking, flags. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 328 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Page 329 Exercise 10 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DELAY EXERCISE DELAY OBJECTIVE This exercise has the following objectives: • Review the use of branching • Illustrate a delay (wait) program • Demonstrate a flowchart and its relation with the program tasks list and program code • Demonstrate the calculation of clock cycles from the clock cycles of each operation • Demonstrate the calculation of MCU time from the clock cycles PROGRAM The program does the following: (i) Define variable DELAY at $0000 (ii) Load DELAY into accB (iii) Decrease accB by 1 (iv) Branch back to (iii) if the result is higher than zero (unsigned >0) (vi) SWI Flowchart 5 point(s) Code 4 point(s) FLOWCHART Draw a flowchart for the program in the space provided above. CODING Type the essential code for this program in the space provided above. Code the program in to the personalized file LASTNAME_Firstname_delay.asm using the standard template. EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Open the memory window. Open and assemble LASTNAME_Firstname_delay.asm. Tile windows, set breakpoint, and reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of memory DELAY to decimal. Optimize the look of your screen. x) Put 3 into variable DELAY by modifying it’s corresponding value in the memory list. Insert your screen: 1 point(s) Note the value of “Clock Cycles”. . Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 330 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DELAY y) Step to the subroutine and after each step observe the number of cycles taken by each operation. Enter these values in Table 1. Look up the opcodes in the Motorola MC68HC11 Programming Reference Guide pocketbook and verify the numbers in the ‘Cycles’ column of the Instructions table with the numbers that you entered in Table 1. Put a check mark here ____ when you did so. Did it agree? ___Y; ____N 1 point(s) z) After each pass through LABEL1, accB is decremented by one. When reaching the branch instruction BHI, the program branches back to LABEL1 if the result of the decrementation is still higher than zero. After the first pass, accB was decremented from 3 to 2. The screen looks like this: (Insert your screen) 1 point(s) Note that clock cycles counter shows 12. This number is made up as follows: 2+2+3+2+3=12. During this pass, accB was decremented from $03 to $02. These are illustrated in the table below: Table 11 Cycles count table, actual and cumulative, opcode by opcode, after pass 1. NOP ???? ???? ?????? ???? BHI ???? SWI AccB end cumulative Actual cumulative Actual cumulative 2 Actual cumulative 2 cumulative Actual AccB start Actual Pass 1 $03 START $02 After the second pass, paste your screen below: 1 point(s) Note that value of the clock cycles counter. Explain how is this number made up. Fill in the entries for Pass 1 and 2 in the table below. 28 point(s) Table 2 Cycles count table, actual and cumulative, opcode by opcode, after pass 2. Pass 1 Pass 2 AccB start START NOP ???? LABEL1 ???? BHI Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu ???? ???? Page 331 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DELAY SWI AccB end Repeat for the other passes, until the program exits the loop and reaches SWI. Each time: Paste your screen at the end of the pass. 1 point(s) Paste an updated table 28 point(s) Explain what happens 4 point(s) Derive a formula for calculating the number of cycles. Write the formula below 8 point(s) N_cycles=??+DELAY*?? = a) Reset the simulator. Run the program by pressing the Run button. The program stops when accB has been reduced to zero. Record the values shown on the task bar: Simulated time = ________ sec = _______ micro-sec 2 point(s) Clock Cycles = ________ 2 point(s) b) Reset the simulator. Put value 20 in DELAY. c) Predict the number of cycles with your formula N_cycles=??+DELAY*??=?+???*??=??? 2 point(s). Calculate the time D_t=N_cycles*0.5=??*0.5=??? micro-sec=???????? sec. 2 point(s) d) Run the program. Insert screen capture when it stops: 1 point(s) e) Record the values shown on the task bar: Simulated time = ________ sec = _______ micro-sec 3 point(s) Clock Cycles = ________ 3 point(s) Do these values agree with your predictions? ___Y ____N 3 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 332 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DELAY WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this example, you have learned: • The use of variables • The use of labels and branching • The flowchart and its relation with the program tasks list and program code • Calculation of clock cycles from the clock cycles of each operation • Calculation of MCU time from the clock cycles knowing that each clock cycle lasts 0.5 microsec • How to read clock cycles and simulated time in the simulator window • How to write a delay (wait) program • New words and notations: variables, labels, branch, clock cycles, MCU time. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 333 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SQUARE WAVE EXERCISE SQUARE WAVE OBJECTIVE This exercise has the following objectives: • Review the use parallel ports • Illustrate the generation of a square wave using Port B output and a waiting sequence • Demonstrate the use of a subroutine to shorten the length of a program • Examine the relation between displayed simulation time and clock cycles in THRSim11 simulator PROGRAMS This exercise uses two programs that produce the same output – the generation of a square wave of programmable wavelength. The wavelength is programmed using the variable DELAY. The square-wave electrical signal is output through first pin of Port B, i.e., pin PB0. The difference between the first and second program consist in the use of a subroutine. The use of a subroutine compresses the code and shortens the total length of the program. PROGRAM SQ_WAV1 Instructions Flowchart 6 point(s) Code 6 point(s) Define variable DELAY at $0000 Load REGBAS in reg. X Send low signal through PB0 Load %00000000 in accA Store accA in Port B Load DELAY into accB Decrease accB in a loop until zero Send high signal through PB0 Load %???????? in accA Store accA in Port B Load DELAY into accB Decrease accB in a loop until zero Branch back to (iii) SWI FLOWCHART Draw a flowchart for the program in the space provided. CODING Type the essential code for this program in the space provided above. Code the program in the THRSim11 using the standard template and save it in the personalized file LASTNAME_Firstname_Sq_wav1.asm. Store it on floppy disk. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 334 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SQUARE WAVE EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Open memory list, port registers, and THRSim11 IO box. Open and assemble your LASTNAME_Firstname_Sq_wav1.asm. Set breakpoint at SWI, and reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of accA to binary. Set display of PORTB to binary. Tile windows. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Reset DELAY. Paste your screen below: 1 point(s) Table 1 Time, ⎠ s DELAY State Clock cycles T_1 T_2 ⎠N ⎠ T ⎠ N⎠/ T ⎠ T⎠/ N N_1 N_2 $03 Initialize 2 11 1.0 5.5 9 4.5 L 0.5 11 40 29 5.5 20.0 14.5 2.0 H 0.5 40 72 32 20.0 36.0 16.0 2.0 L 0.5 72 101 29 36.0 50.5 14.5 2.0 H 0.5 101 133 32 50.5 66.5 16.0 2.0 L 0.5 133 162 29 66.5 81.0 14.5 2.0 H 2.0 0.5 162 194 32 81.0 97.0 16.0 $30 Initialize 2 11 1.0 5.5 9 4.5 L 0.5 11 340 329 5.5 170.0 164.5 2.0 H 0.5 340 672 332 170.0 336.0 166.0 2.0 L 0.5 672 1001 329 336.0 500.5 164.5 2.0 H 0.5 1001 1333 332 500.5 666.5 166.0 2.0 L 0.5 1333 1662 329 666.5 831.0 164.5 2.0 H 2.0 0.5 1662 1994 332 831.0 997.0 166.0 Note: (i) The numbers in the table are not real. You need to substitute them with your actual numbers. (ii) This is an Excel table, and it has formulae in it. You only need to fill in the N_1 and T_1 values on the Initialize row, and the N_2 and T_2 values in all the rows. a) Put $03 into variable DELAY. Reset the simulator. The PORTB register is %???????? 1 point(s) The lights in the THRSim11 IO box are ____off ____on ? 2 point(s) b) Record the initialization readings: Clock cycles = _____ 3 point(s) Simulated time = ___________ sec = ___ μs. 3 point(s) c) Make one step through the program. Explain what happens: _____ 3 point(s) d) Step through the program until PORTB has been loaded with %00000000. Record the start up readings: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 335 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SQUARE WAVE Clock cycles = _____ 2 point(s) Simulated time = ___________ sec = ___ μs. 2 point(s) Enter these values as N_2 and T_2 in the Initialize row, and as N_1 and T_1 in the first (L) row of Table 1.. e) Step through the program until PORTB gets set. The value is %__________1 point(s) The light PB___1 point(s) in THRSim11 IO box turns on. Paste your screen: 1 point(s) Record the clock cycles and the simulated time as N_2 = ___ and T_2 = ____ and enter these values in Table 1. 4 point(s) (You should notice that Table 1, which is in Excel, automatically puts these values also as N_1 and T_1 on the next row.) Compute: ΔN = ___ 2 point(s) ΔT = ____ 2 point(s) ΔN/ΔT = ____ 2 point(s) ΔT/ΔN = _____. 2 point(s) f) Step through the program until PORTB becomes again %00000000 and PB0 in THRSim11 IO box turns off. 1 point(s) Record the clock cycles and the simulated time as N_2 and T_2 in Table 1. Observe ΔN, ΔT, ΔN/ΔT, ΔT/ΔN. g) You are now again in a low-signal state. Step through the program until the light PB? comes on again. 1 point(s) Record N_2 and T_2 and enter them into Table 1. h) Repeat this until all the rows in Table 1 have been observed and recorded. Check if the ratios ΔN/ΔT and ΔT/ΔN are consistently 2.000 and 0.500, as theoretically predicted. ___Y ____N 1 point(s) ? i) Also, record the half-wave durations of your square wave. The low (L) portion of the signal has: ______ cycles 2 point(s) _____ μs, 1 point(s) The high (H) portion has: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu ______cycles, 2 point(s) _______ μs. 1 point(s) Page 336 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SQUARE WAVE Explain what happens: 2 point(s) What is this observation is important for ________________________ 2 point(s) j) Set breakpoints in the program at the following instances: • When the low signal is being loaded • When the high signal is being loaded What do these points correspond to: 2 point(s) What will these breakpoints allow us to do: 2 point(s) k) Reset the MCU. Record again the clock cycles and simulated time, and verify that they correspond to the N_1 and T_1 on row ‘$03 Initialize’ in Table 1. l) Run to the first breakpoint. Verify that N_2 and T_2 are the same as before. Do they agree? ___Y ____N. 1 point(s) m) Run to the next breakpoint. You have run through the first L lap. Enter N_2 and T_2 in Table 2 and verify that they are the same with those entered in Table 1. Do they agree? ___Y ____N. 1 point(s) n) Run to the next breakpoint. You have run through the first H lap. Verify that N_2 and T_2 are the same as before. Do they agree? ___Y ____N. 1 point(s) o) Repeat until you have exhausted the $03 portion of Table 2. Observe the ratios ΔN/ΔT and ΔT/ΔN. Compare with the theoretical values: ΔN/ΔTtheory = ????? 1 point(s) ΔT/ΔNtheory = ???? 1 point(s) p) Put $30 into the variable DELAY. Reset the simulator. Repeat the above procedure. Observe and enter the values of N-2 and T_2 in Table 1, under the $30 section. Observe the wavelengths of the L and H parts of the square wave. They are ____ μs and ____ μs, respectively.2 point(s) Calculate the durations of the L and H half-waves for short delay ($03) and long delay ($30): Short delay: ΔTL = ____ μs, ΔTH = ____ μs, difference = % 2 point(s) Long delay: ΔTL = ____ μs, ΔTH = ____ μs, difference = % 2 point(s) Observe the ratios ΔN/ΔT and ΔT/ΔN. Are there any deviations from the theoretical values: ___Y ____N. 1 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 337 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SQUARE WAVE Program SQ_WAV2 Instructions Flowchart 6 point(s) Code 6 point(s) I i) Define variable DELAY at $0000 Load REGBAS in reg. X Send low signal Load %00000000 in accA Store accA in Port B Jump to subroutine WAIT Send high signal Load %???????? in accA Store accA in Port B Jump to subroutine WAIT Branch back to (iii) SWI ii) Subroutine WAIT ?????? FLOWCHART Draw a flowchart for the program in the space provided above. CODING Type the essential code for this program in the space provided above. Code the program in the THRSim11 using the standard template and save it in the personalized file LASTNAME_Firstname_Sq_wav2.asm. Store it on floppy disk. EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Open memory list, port registers, and THRSim11 IO box. Open and assemble your LASTNAME_Firstname_Sq_wav1.asm. Set breakpoint, and reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of accA to binary. Set display of PORTB to binary. Tile windows. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Reset DELAY, A, B, X. DO NOT RESET THE SP (stack pointer) REGISTER, BECAUSE, IF YOU DO SO, ACCESS TO YOUR SUBROUTINE WILL NOT WORK. i) Put $03 into variable DELAY. Reset the simulator. The PORTB register is %00000000, and all the lights in the THRSim11 IO box are off. Step through the program until you jump to subroutine. j) Step through the subroutine until you get to RTS and are ready to jump back to the program. k) After another step, you are back into the main program. l) As you step further, you observe that the Port B pin 0 is toggled, and the light PB0 in the IO box comes on. The main program is again ready to jump to the subroutine. m) Further stepping takes you again inside the subroutine, and out again. n) Run the program on automatic. You will notice how the subroutine is accessed every time the PB0 light changes. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 338 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SQUARE WAVE o) Put breakpoints at the two JSR lines. Run the program on automatic, and record in Table 2 the values recorded for DELAY = $03, and for DELAY = $30. Compare these values with those in Table 1. 5 point(s) Table 2 DELAY State $03 Initialize L H L H L H Initialize L H L H L H $30 Clock cycles N_1 N_2 2 11 11 51 51 94 94 134 134 177 177 217 217 260 2 11 11 351 351 694 694 1034 1034 1377 1377 1717 1717 2060 N 9 40 43 40 43 40 43 9 340 343 340 343 340 343 Time, s T_1 T_2 1.0 5.5 5.5 25.5 25.5 47.0 47.0 67.0 67.0 88.5 88.5 108.5 108.5 130.0 0.0 5.5 5.5 175.5 175.5 347.0 347.0 517.0 517.0 688.5 688.5 858.5 858.5 1030.0 T 4.5 20.0 21.5 20.0 21.5 20.0 21.5 5.5 170.0 171.5 170.0 171.5 170.0 171.5 N ⌠T T ⌠N 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 Note: (i) The numbers in the table are not real. You need to substitute them with your actual numbers. (ii) This is an Excel table, and it has formulae in it. You only need to fill in the N_1 and T_1 values on the Initialize row, and the N_2 and T_2 values in all the rows. p) Compare the values from Table 2 with those in Table 1. Discuss what you notice: i) For same delay values, the difference between the results of Table 2 and Table 1 consists of: … 5 point(s) ii) In Table 2, the difference between the durations of the L and H half waves for short delays and for long delay is explained as follows: … 5 point(s) WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have learned: • The use of Port B • The use of displayed clock cycles and simulated time, to track the duration of Low and High signal half waves in a square wave • The usefulness of subroutines for shortening programs • The use of Port B to generate a square wave • New words and notations: subroutine, jump to subroutine, return from subroutine, square wave, wavelength. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 339 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise BUTTONS BOX EXERCISE BUTTONS BOX GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goal of this exercise is to review the use of the parallel ports as an input/output (I/O) device. Registers that control the parallel ports will be explored. A 4-button 4-LED box will be used as a communications link. This exercise has the following objectives: • Review the use of parallel ports • Illustrate the use of Port C for input and output • Introduce the concept of shifting register and memory content • Practice the use of the THRSim11 IO box for input and output BASIC CONCEPTS a) Define in your own words a PARALLEL port. 6 point(s) b) How many parallel ports are on the M68HC11 ? _______________________6 point(s) c) What are they called? ____________________________________________6 point(s) d) What is the difference between them? _______________________________6 point(s) e) What are the memory locations that are used by each of them? ___________________ ______________________________________________________________6 point(s) f) What is DDRC called and how does it work? __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________6 point(s) g) If you place $fa in DDRC at address $1007 and then load $cf into PORTC at address $1003, what will the output of parallel Port C be? Fill the result into the table. 12 point(s) DDRC pins Value Port C pins Value Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 PROGRAM BUTTONS_BX This program demonstrates the use of Port B for output and of Port C for both input and output. Port C is configured to have the pins PC1, PC3, PC5, PC7 for output. This is achieved using the Data Direction Register for port C (DDRC). Since the default setting for Port C is input, the pins that have to be set to output have their image set to 1 in DDRC. In our case, the bits ?, ?, ?, and ? of DDRC are set to 1. Thus, the Port C pins PC1, PC3, PC5, PC7 become output, while pins PC0, PC2, PC4, PC6 remain input. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 340 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise BUTTONS BOX The program loops continuously, reading data from the some Port C pins, and sending data back to the other Port C pins. Simultaneously, the data is also sent to Port B. Instructions a) Load REGBAS in reg. X b) Clear port B by storing zero in it Flowchart 17 point(s) Code 17 point(s) Select ??? Port C pins for output c) Load %???????? in accB d) Store accB to DDRC e) Load Port C to accB Main loop f) Shift accB to the left g) Store accB to Port C h) Store accB to Port B i) Branch back to (v) j) SWI FLOWCHART Draw a flowchart for the program in the space provided above. CODING Use the flowchart to code your program in the simulator. Write or paste your coded program in the space provided. Code the program in to the personalized file LASTNAME_Firstname_Buttons_bx.asm using the standard template. EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Open port registers and THRSim11 IO box. Open your program. Before assembling your program, disactivate the “Store accB to Port C” instruction by putting * at its beginning (see the code in Example Button Box). Set breakpoint, and reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of accB to binary. Set display of PORTB and PORTC to binary. Tile windows. Arrange windows for maximum benefit. Paste your screen below: a) Before you run the program, verify the Port C pins functionality. In the THRSim11 IO box, toggle up the switch PC2. You will see that the corresponding bit in Port C register, bit ?, becomes 1 immediately. Paste your screen below: 3 point(s) b) Toggle down the switch PC2 in the IO box. c) Run the program. The program will loop continuously between label ?????? and opcode ??????. 6 point(s) d) With the program running, toggle up the switch PC2 in the IO box. Immediately, bit ? (3 point(s))in PORTC will switch to one. Simultaneously, pin ? in PORTB will become 1, and the Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 341 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise BUTTONS BOX light PB? (3 point(s)) in the IO box will lit. Press the stop button and capture the screen. Paste your screen below: 3 pointa(s) e) Try to toggle other PC switches in the IO box. You will notice that now only the even switches (PC0, PC2, PC4, PC6) are producing the setting of the corresponding bits in PORTC register. The odd switches (PC?, PC?, PC?, PC?) can be toggled, but with no effect on the PORTC register. This illustrates how DDRC controls PORTC register. f) Restart the program by pressing the Run button. With the program running, try to toggle the other switches. You will notice that the toggling of the even switches (PC?, PC?, PC?, PC?) has the effect of switching on the odd Port B lights (PB?, PB?, PB?, PB?). This is the result of the data from the odd Port C pins is loaded in accB, left shifted, and sent back to Port B. g) Finally, re-activate the line “store accB to Port C” by removing the *. This makes your program ready to be used in Lab2. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have learned: • The use of PORTC for input and output • The concept of shifting a register • The use of the THRSim11 IO box for both input and output • New words and expressions: toggle switch; shift a register, shift data. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 342 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise BUTTONS BOX (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 343 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SERIAL COMMUNICATION EXERCISE -- SERIAL COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE The objective of this homework is to learn how to use the serial communication port of the M68HC11: • Basic concepts of serial communications are reviewed. • The BAUD rate and other aspects of the serial communications interface (SCI) are investigated. • The registers used to transmit and receive serial communications data are examined • The TDRE and RDRF flags used to identify whether or not serial communications data has been transmitted or received are used • The concept of echo is developed BASIC CONCEPTS 1) Describe in your own words, using formulae or diagrams, as needed: a) Baud Rate: 2 point(s) b) Start Bit: 2 point(s) c) Stop Bit: 2 point(s) d) ASCII Code: 2 point(s) e) BCD code 2 point(s) 2) Using the chart in the back of M68HC11 Quick Reference Manual, write the ASCII code in hex and in 8-bit binary for the following characters: 16 point(s) Character a & P 6 3) ASCII $61 Binary 01100001 Character DEL D # x ASCII Binary Convert the following decimal numbers into BCD and hex formats: 16 point(s) Number 80 08 65 84 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu BCD 1000 0000 Hex $50 Binary %01010000 Page 344 Number 32 78 89 00 BCD Hex Binary 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 4) Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SERIAL COMMUNICATION Consider the character 'Q' being transmitted through serial communication. Sketch and label the ten bits that make up this communication (the serial-data word). 3 point(s) Label Value 5) Name and briefly describe the five Serial Communications Interface (SCI) registers. 8 point(s) 6) Briefly describe the functions of the RE and TE bits in the SCI. 2 point(s) 7) The following questions refer to RDRF: a) Describe in your own words the function of RDRF 2 point(s) b) In what register is it located? 2 point(s) c) How does one write a program to check the status of RDRF? 2 point(s) d) How is RDRF cleared? 2 point(s) The following questions are related to TDRE: 8) a) Describe in your own words the function of TDRE. 2 point(s) b) In what register is it located? 2 point(s) c) How does one write a program to check the status of TDRE? 2 point(s) d) How is TDRE cleared? 2 point(s) PROGRAM ECHO Note: This program is based on the examples SCI_recept and SCI_transm. In fact, it can be assembled from these two examples. Before performing the present programming, review, duplicate, and operate the coding in examples SCI_recept and SCI_transm. • The program ECHO will continuously check if the MCU has received the transmission signal from the terminal keyboard here simulated by the serial transmitter. • When keyboard transmission is received, the binary pattern of the character’s ACII code will be sent to Port B for display. This way, you will check that the bit pattern corresponds to that from the ASCII table. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 345 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SERIAL COMMUNICATION • Then, the character is transmitted back to the terminal to be displayed on the monitor screen here simulated by the serial receiver. • To achieve synchronization with lab equipment during future use of this program in the lab, a sync pulse (low-high-low) is generated in Port C just before the serial transmission. INSTRUCTIONS i. viii. ix. Set the BAUD register to 9600 and the SCCR1 to 8 bits. (This step is not necessary when connecting to the microcontroller through MiniIDE, but it must be included in order to run this program on the simulator.) Initialize the serial communication interface (SCI) for reception and transmission Initialize all Port C pins for output Branch in place until the reception data register is full (i.e., branch back if RDRF is not set). This checks if the SCI transmission has been received. Continue when the SCI transmission has been received Load the key code into AccB and send it out through PORTB. This will be shown on the IOBox LED display. Branch in place until the transmission register is empty (i.e., branch back if TDRE is not set). This checks if the transmission can take place. Send out a low-high-low pulse through PORTC. Send back the character (echo) through SCI. x. Loop continuously from (vii) ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. FLOWCHART Draw a flowchart for the program in the space provided. CODING Use the flowchart to code your program in the simulator using the standard template.. Save the program in the personalized file name LASTNAME_Firstname_Echo.asm. Write or paste your coded program in the space provided. Flowchart 11 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Code 10 point(s) Page 346 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise SERIAL COMMUNICATION EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View ports registers and serial registers. View serial transmitter and receiver. View IO box. Open and assemble your program. Set breakpoints as follows: • After RDRF has been detected and its loop exited • After TDRE has been detected and its loop exited • At SWI Reset registers. Set standard labels (Label/Set Standard Labels). Set display of BAUD, SCCR1, SCCR2, SCSR to binary. Set display of accA to binary. Set display of ports B and C to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Reset, A, B, X, PORTB, PORTC. Press the RESET button. Paste your screen: 1 point(s) a) Fill in the ASCII codes for each key listed in Table 1. 7 point(s) Table 1 Key Q ASCII code 51 IO box MSBÆLS 8- LED pattern B01010001 Equivalent Hex $51 values Agreement (Y/N) Y 2 5 B b) Run your program in the simulator. The program should be looping at the beginning showing that it is waiting on a keystroke. c) Once the program is running, enter the letter Q into the serial transmitter window and click Send. This means that the letter Q is being sent to the microcontroller. After a few moments, the letter Q should begin appearing in the serial receiver window. This means that the microcontroller has sent the letter Q back to the terminal. *You should see the ASCII code for the character Q represented by the red lights in the IO box and by the values in the Port B pins window. *You can also detect a “flicker” of the Port C switches in the IO box and a “flicker” of the values in the Port C pins window as the program sends out the High-Low-High pulse each time the character is transmitted. Repeat with the other keys mentioned in Table 1 and check that your program runs successfully. If you do not get the desired results, debug your program. If you cannot solve the problems, please contact your TA. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 347 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise TIMER FUNCTIONS EXERCISE TIMER FUNCTIONS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES This exercise will practice the MC6811 functions for time measurements. Input capture (IC) and output compare (OC) functions will be reviewed and applied to measure a bolt drop and to generate a square wave. Part I will review the groundwork. Part II will perform time measurements on a dropping bolt using input capture (IC) timer functions. Part III will generate a square wave using output compare (OC) timer functions.` PART I -- BASIC CONCEPTS 1) How long are the timer registers? ____________ bits; __________hex digits 2 point(s) 2) How many memory locations are needed to store one timer information? ___________ 1 point(s) 3) How are the timer flags reset (cleared)? _____________________________________2 point(s) 4) Describe the free-running time counter (TCNT) concept: 2 point(s) Answer: a) What is the reset value of TCNT? __________ 1 point(s) b) Can the free-running counter be stopped while MCU is on: ____Y ______N 1 point(s) c) How long does a count last? ______ μs 1 point(s) d) How many bits are in TCNT? _________1 point(s) e) What is the greatest hex number that can appear in TCNT? ___________ 1 point(s) f) What happens after TCNT has reached its maximum value?____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________2 point(s) g) What is the maximum time duration that TNCT can measure between two consecutive overflows? ___________ μs = ___________ ms. 2 point(s) h) What is the name and the function of TOF? Name: _____________ Function: __________ ___________________________________________________________________3 point(s) i) Where is TOF located? __________________________1 point(s) j) What is the mask for TOF? %_____________________1 point(s) 5) Input Capture Function a) Describe the Input Capture (IC) concept: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________2 point(s) b) How many IC registers are there and what are their names? ___________________3 point(s) c) What happens with the IC registers at MCU reset? __________________________1 point(s) d) Can you change the value in an IC register? ____Y _________N 1 point(s) e) Where are the input capture flags (ICxF) located? __________________________1 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 348 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise TIMER FUNCTIONS f) When do the input capture flags (ICxF) get set? ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________1 point(s) g) What are the masks for the input capture flags? Fill in the table: 3 point(s) IC1F IC2F IC3F % % % h) What is the name of EDGxB and EDGxA bits ? _____________________1 point(s) i) Where are EDGxB and EDGxA bits located? _______________________1 point(s) j) What function do EDGxB and EDGxA perform? _____________________1 point(s) 6) Output Compare Function k) Describe the output compare concept: ____________________________2 point(s) l) How many OC registers are there and what are their names? ___________________________________________________________5 point(s) m) What happens with the OC registers at MCU reset? _________________________1 point(s) n) Where are the output compare flags (OCxF) located? _______________________1 point(s) o) When do the output compare flags (OCxF) get set? _________________________1 point(s) p) Can you change the value in an OC register? ___________Y _________N 1 point(s) q) Where are the OMx, OLx bits located? ___________________________________1 point(s) r) What do the OMx, OLx bits do? _________________________________________1 point(s) s) What are the masks for output compare flags (OCxF)? Fill the table below: 5 point(s) OC1F OC2F OC3F OC4F OC5F Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu % % % % % Page 349 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise TIMER FUNCTIONS PART II: INPUT CAPTURE – BOLT DROP EXPERIMENT TIMER PROGRAM Note: This program is based on the example Ex_IC and Figure 1 Bolt drop experimental setup previous examples regarding the use of Port B and of SCI. Before performing the present program, review, run, and thoroughly understand the coding in example Ex_IC. MC6811 will be used in an experiment to measure travel times. A 1.5-in bolt will be held by an electromagnet at the top of a drop shaft. The electromagnet is connected to the MCU. This magnet is controlled by any of the 8 pins on PORTB. It is turned on by sending 5V through parallel PORTB. When a keystroke occurs, the MCU commands the electromagnet to release the bolt. Simultaneously, the time origin, T0, is recorded. The bolt travels down the shaft. After falling a specified distance (L = 48.75-in), the bolt crosses an infrared emitter-detector sensor and interrupts its beam causing its output voltage to fall from high (+5V) to low (~0V). When the bolt exits the emitter detector sensor, its output voltage comes back up to high (+5V). The output from the emitter-detector sensor is wired into the input capture pins IC1 and IC2 of the MCU. You will program the microprocessor to perform the following functions: (a) Control the electromagnet Electromagnet Drop shaft Electronics (b) Take the initial time when the process starts (c) Measure the time when the free-falling bolt reaches the emitter-detector (d) Measure the time the bolt passes through the emitter-detector 7) Emitter-detector sensor Using basic Physics -- Mechanics, calculate the theoretical time for the bolt to drop (time or arrival), t1, the theoretical instantaneous velocity of the bolt when entering the emitter-detector sensor, v1, the theoretical time of exit, t2, and the time it takes the bolt to completely pass through the emitter-detector, Δt. Show your work below: 5 point(s) t1 = _________ ms, v1 = ________ in/s, Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu t2 = ________ ms, Page 350 Δt = ________ ms 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 8) Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise TIMER FUNCTIONS You are looking for two separate types of signal transition from the emitter-detector. Based on the description above: a) What is the type of the first transition observed on the emitter detector sensor (i.e., when the bolt enters the emitter detector sensor)? _____________ (1 point(s)) Sketch the signal below (1 point(s)). This transition will be attached to IC1. What values do you attach to EDG1B and EDG1A? Enter the answer in the table below. (1 point(s)) EDG1B EDG1A b) What is the type of the second transition observed on the emitter detector sensor (i.e., when the bolt exits the emitter detector sensor)? _____________ (1 point(s)) Sketch the signal below (1 point(s)). This transition will be attached to IC2. What values do you attach to EDG2B and EDG2A? Enter the answer in the table below. (1 point(s)) EDG2B EDG2A Where are IC1 and IC2 located (port and pin)? Enter your answer here: ________________(2 point(s)) 9) Draw a flowchart (draw it on the next page) to do the following: i) Set up the following variable names and locations • TIME0 @ $0000 & $0001 • TIME1 @ $0002 & $0003 • TIME2 @ $0004 & $0005 • NOF1 @ $0006 • NOF2 @ $0007 ii) Set the EDGA and EDGB bits of the TCTL2 register for the signal transitions that you expect to see on IC1 and IC2 as discussed above. iii) Turn the electromagnet on. This magnet is controlled by any of the 8 pins on PORTB. It is turned on by sending 5V through all the pins of the parallel PORTB. (Subsequently, it is turned off by sending 0V through PORTB.) iv) Wait for a key to be pressed. v) When a key is pressed, have the electromagnet turn off and store the value of the timer counter (TCNT) in TIME0. vi) Keep track of the time it takes for the bolt to fall from the magnet until it enters the beam of the emitter-detector sensor. Keep track of the number of timer overflows that occur until the first input capture occurs by incrementing NOF1 and NOF2. vii) Store the value of the timer counter TIC1 when the bolt enters the emitter-detector sensor into TIME1. viii) Store the value of the timer counter TIC2 when the bolt leaves the emitter-detector sensor into TIME2. Keep track of the number of timer overflows that occur until the second input capture occurs by incrementing NOF2. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 351 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers ix) Exercise TIMER FUNCTIONS End Program. FLOWCHART Below, draw a flowchart for your program.5 point(s) CODING Use the flowchart to code your program in the simulator using the standard template. Save the program in the personalized file name LASTNAME_Firstname_Drop.asm. Write or paste your coded program below. 5 point(s) EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View ports registers and serial registers, serial transmitter, serial receiver, IO box, Port A pins, timer registers, memory locations$0000-$0007. Set display of TCTL2, TFLG1, TFLG2 to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Open and assemble your program. Reset. Set standard labels. Set breakpoints as follows: • Just after the bolt has been released • Just after the first input capture • Just after the second input capture • At SWI i) Toggle the value of Pin PA2/IC1 from "0" to "1" by double clicking on it. This simulates the signal that the Input capture registers are from the emitter detector sensor. ii) Run your program in the simulator. The program should be looping at the beginning showing that it is waiting on the keystroke. You should also notice the value of Port B in the I/O box. The red lights should be on, ensuring that of the electromagnet is on. iii) Once the program is running, enter character S into the serial transmitter window and click Send. The keystroke detection loop should be exited, and your program should stop at the first breakpoint. iv) Step through the program. Port B lights should turn off and the value of the TCNT should be stored in TIME0. v) Run. The program should then begin the loop looking for the first input capture, while also verifying for timer overflows and incrementing NOF1 when they occur. Let this part of the program run for a while. Watch as the TCNT changes from $ffff to $0000. This should cause your program to increment your timer overflow counters NOF1 and NOF2. vi) Trigger the first input capture by toggling the value of Pin PA2/IC1 in the Port A Pins window from "1" to "0" (double clicking on it). The MCU should see this as the awaited transition on IC1, and the flag IC1F flag should get set. The first input capture loop should be exited, and your program should stop at the breakpoint. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 352 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 vii) Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise TIMER FUNCTIONS Step through the program. Observe the value of TIC1 be stored in TIME1. viii) Run again. Your program should loop looking for the second input capture, while also verifying for timer overflows and incrementing NOF2 when they occur. ix) Trigger the second input capture by changing the value of Pin PA1/IC2 in the port A Pins window from "0" to "1". This should cause the second input capture loop to be exited and the program to stop at the next break point. x) Step through the program and watch the value of TIC2 being stored in TIME2. Your program should terminate. xi) Reset and run your program again. This time, after each stop at the breakpoint, simply press the run button and let it go on. Verify that your program runs well. Do any corrections necessary. PART III: OUTPUT COMPARE – SQUARE WAVE GENERATION Note: This program is based on the example Ex_OC. Before performing the present program, review, run, and thoroughly understand the coding in examples Ex_OC. You want to generate a square wave using the MCU output compare timer function OC5. The half wavelength duration, in machine cycles, should be stored in the double-precision variable DT. The Low and High states of the square wave will be created by toggling the OC5 pin at DT intervals. a) Indicate the Port and Pin value where OC5 is located ________________________2 point(s) b) Indicate the values of OM5 and OL5 that will ensure toggle: OM5___ OL5 ____ 2 point(s) c) Draw a flow chart (draw it on the next page) to perform the following: i) Set the OM5 and OL5 pins of the TCTL1 to toggle ii) Add DT to TCNT and store it in TOC5 iii) Loop until successful output compare happens on OC5 iv) Add DT to TCNT and store it in TOC5 v) Loop back. vi) Branch back to iii). FLOWCHART 5 point(s) CODING Use the flowchart to code your program in the simulator using the standard template. Save the program in the personalized file name LASTNAME_Firstname_OC_sqwav.asm. Write or paste your coded program below. 5 point(s) EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View CPU registers, timer registers, port A pins, memory list. Open and assemble your program. Set breakpoints at Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 353 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers • Just after output compare happens • At SWI Exercise TIMER FUNCTIONS Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels. Set display of TCTL1, TFLG1 to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Press the RESET button. a) Run your program and verify it in a manner similar to Ex_OC and verify that it works as expected b) Use the calculation patterns of Ex_OC to complete the information in Table 1. Insert your calculations below. 13 point(s) Hex Number Half wavelength duration (μs) Frequency (Hz) T = Theory; Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu $0100 $1000 $8000 $a000 $ffff $ $ T E T 250 E 1500 E = Experiment. Page 354 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise TIMER FUNCTIONS (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 355 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER EXERCISE DC MOTOR TACHOMETER GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The objectives of this exercise are: • • • • • • • • • • • To verify the student’s understanding of DC motor functionality To develop a DC motor tachometer (RPM counter) program to be used in the lab Review the use of MCU Timer functions (free running clock, TCNT, overflow flag, TOF, input capture clock, TIC1, and its event flag, IC1F, the selection of signal transition to be captured (here rising edge, EDG1B) and that the MCU is only sensitive to that particular transition. Introduce the use of soft masks (here, IC1_MSK, TOF_MSK). Introduce the concept of layered flowcharting of a program: big-picture with generic descriptions; detailed flowcharts for particular sections of the program. Review the use of two time captures to calculate the time duration of an event Illustrate the use of scaling factors (100s) to deal with numbers that are larger than the microcontroller word length Introduce the method of calculating multiplication through repeated additions and decrementation of a counter Introduce the use of a conversion subroutine to convert from hex to BCD Illustrate rotation speed calculation using the recorded period of rotation Illustrate the use of scaling factors (100s) to present the result on a display with limited number of digits. PART I – THEORY OF DC MOTORS (30%) 1) List all the types of electric motors that you know. Give a one-sentence description of each type. 4 point(s) 2) Draw a 2-view schematic sketch of a direct current (DC) motor. Identify torque (T), speed (ω, internal resistance (R), back emf (E), and applied voltage (V). 2 point(s) 3) Write the relationship between back emf and speed. Sketch this relationship in ω-E coordinates. 2 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 356 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER 4) Write the relationship between torque and current. Sketch this relationship in I-T coordinates 2 point(s) 5) Write the expression for heat power that needs to be dissipated from a running DC motor. max Assuming the maximum power dissipation is Pdiss , express the maximum current, Imax, and the maximum torque, Tmax. 3 point(s) 6) Write the electrical model of a DC motor. 2 point(s) a) Derive the expression of speed at a given torque, T 2 point(s) b) Derive the expression for the no-load speed, ω0. This is the maximum speed that the motor can run at. 2 point(s) c) Derive the expression for the zero-speed torque, T0, at a given supply voltage, V. This is the start-up torque. 2 point(s) PART II – DC MOTOR TACHOMETER PROGRAM (70%) Note: This program is based on two examples: Example_RPM_1 and Example_RPM_2. Before performing the present program, review, run, and thoroughly understand the coding in these examples. The program that you will construct will be used in Lab 4: DC motor tachometer RPM experiment (Figure 1). In this experiment, a disk with an aperture (hole) drilled into it is attached to the shaft of a DC motor. The aperture in the disk spins through an infrared emitter-detector sensor. The emitter- Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 357 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER detector sensor sends a High (5V) signal when the aperture in the disk allows the beam of light to pass through. The output of the emitter-detector sensor is attached to the input capture pin IC1 on Port A. The speed of the motor is controlled by a potentiometer and to an electronic circuit. The potentiometer is a variable resistor. By turning the knob of the potentiometer, the speed of the DC motor is varied. T1 is the first time when a falling edge transition is encountered on pin IC1, while T2 is the second time when a falling edge transition is encountered on the same pin IC1. This corresponds to the time between two consecutive passages trough the emitter-detector sensor of the hole in the rotating disk. The difference between T2 and T1, plus the time taken by the overflows, will represent the period of rotation of the disk. Hence, one can calculate the rotation speed. MOSFET DC Emitter/Detector 7-Segment Display Port B Connection Lamp Test 555 Timer Speed-Controlling Potentiometer . Figure 1 DC Motor tachometer experiment to which the present software example is relevant. 7) Table Calculate the time between two consecutive passes of the hole through the emitter detector (period of rotation, τ, in ms, and T in cycles) for various frequencies of rotation (Hz). Show your work below. Enter the results in the Table below. 9 point(s) Calculation of period of rotations for various rotation speeds Assumed speed, N (rpm) 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 1,000 800 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Frequency of rotation, f (Hz) Period of rotation T (MCU cycles) τ (ms) Page 358 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER THE PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS i. Use the microcontroller input-capture functions to capture the times, T1 and T2, and the number of overflows, NOF, corresponding to two consecutive passes of the aperture through the emitter-detector sensor. ii. Use decimal 100 to scale down T1 and T2, and obtain the scaled values T1_100 and T2_100, i.e. the time values in 100’s of cycles. iii. Calculate the time taken by overflows, TOVFL, in 100’s of cycles iv. Calculate the total time, T_100, in 100’s of cycles v. Use T_100 to calculate N_100_hex, the rotation speed in 100’s RPM vi. Convert the hex number N_100_hex to 2-digit BCD representation using subroutine HEX_BCD. Store the 2-digit BCD representation to N_100_BCD vii. Output the N_100_BCD to port B to be routed to a 2 digit 7-segment LED display. This display will show the rotation speed in 100s RPM. FLOWCHART Draw, below, a flowchart for your program. 6 point(s) CODING Use the flowchart to code your program in the simulator using the standard template. Save the program in the personalized file name LASTNAME_Firstname_RPM.asm. Write or paste your coded program below. 5 point(s) EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View CPU registers, timer registers, port A pins, memory list. Open and assemble your program. Set breakpoints at • After first input capture on IC1 • When an overflow happens • After second input capture on IC1 • SWI Reset registers and memory. Set standard labels. Set display of TCTL2, TFLG1, TFLG2 to binary. Arrange windows for maximum benefit: Press the RESET button. Paste your screen below: 1 point(s) a) Toggle pin IC1 to 1. Start the program. The program should stay in a loop waiting for a falling edge transition on pin IC1. b) Toggle pin IC1 to 0. The program should stop at the first breakpoint. Notice that IC1F is set in TFLG1 (bit 2). Also notice the value captured in TIC1. This value should be very close to the Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 359 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER value in TCNT (It is not identical, since the program executed a few operations before stopping at the breakpoint, hence TCNT is slightly more than TIC1.) c) Step through your program until IC1F is cleared, TIC1 is loaded into D and then stored in T1, TOF is cleared, and NOF is zeroed. d) Run. The program enters the second IC1 capture loop. Let the program run until the timer counter, TCNT, goes through an overflow. At this point, the program should stop at a breakpoint. e) Step through your program and notice the overflow counter, NOF, being incremented, and the overflow flag, TOF, being reset. f) Let the program run. Toggle pin IC1 back to 1. Nothing should happen since only falling edges should be detected. Toggle IC1 to 0 again. The program should stop at the second IC1 capture breakpoint. The value of TIC1 should be updated to a new value. g) Step through your program. The new value of TIC1 is loaded and then stored in T2. The program branches back to the beginning (LABEL0). After returning to the beginning, the program zeros the NOF counter and goes through the process again. h) Let the program run again and repeat the steps above until you are satisfied that your program runs well. i) Run again but, after each breakpoint, simply hit the run button and let the program run until the next breakpoint. Make sure you verify that the generation of a falling edge signal on pin IC1 (by you toggling from 1 to 0) generates an input capture. j) Make sure to run the program long enough such that at least one overflow takes place. Observe how the overflow counter is incremented and the overflow flag is reset. k) Synchronize your toggling of pin IC1, such that T1 will be just after an overflow, and T2 several cycles later. In this situation, T1 and T2 are on the same side of the overflow (same side of the time-change line) and the overflow counter, NOF, should be zero. Write down these values in the table below, Case 1. 3 point(s) l) Synchronize your toggling of pin IC1, such that T1 will be just before an overflow, while T2 will happen after the overflow. Write down these values in the table below, Case 2. 3 point(s) NOF Case 1: Case 2: T1 <T2 and on the same side of the timer overflow event T2 < T1, but on opposite sides of the timer overflow event T1 T2 $ $ $ $ VERIFICATION OF CASE 1 OF EXAMPLE_RPM_2 Recall data from Case 1 of Example_RPM_2: NOF=1, T1=$0006, T2=$110c. Use your pocket hex calculator to estimate the results to be expected at the end of the program: 6 point(s) T_100 = (NOF*$10000+T2-T1)/100 = ($01*$10000+$110c-$0006)/$64 = $_______ (1) N_100_HEX = (2000000*60/100/100/T_100) = $2ee0/$2ba = $_______ (2) N_100_BCD =_______ (3) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 360 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER Because the program needs to work with a finite word size, the variables in Equation (1) are first divided by decimal100, such that Equation (1) is actually treated as: T_100 = NOF*($10000)/100+T2/100-T1/100 The terms of equation (1) are calculated separately, as TOVFL, T1_100, T2_100. Hence, the following operations are performed: 4 point(s) T1_100 = T1/100 = $0006/$64 = $_______ (1a) T2_100 = T2/100 = $110c/$64 = $_______ (1b) TOVFL = NOF*($10000)/100 = $01*$028f = $_______ (1c) T_100= TOVFL + T2_100 – T1_100 = $028f + $002b - $0000 = $_______ (1d) Note that the result of Equation (1d) is the same as that of equation (1). Hence, Equations (2) and (3) still stand. Next, verify these arithmetic operations step-by-step: a) Put Case 1 data in memory: NOF=1, T1=$0006, T2=$110c. Table 1 reflects your memory list. Fill in the missing values (marked by ??). 5 point(s) Table 1 Memory list after Case 1 data has been entered NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff b) Step through the section of your program that divides the variables T1 and T2 by decimal 100 to obtain T1_100 and T2_100. Use the hex pocket calculator to verify these results T1_100=____________________2 point(s) T2_100=____________________2 point(s) c) Step through the section of your program that calculates TOVFL, the time taken by overflows, expressed in 100s of cycles. TOVFL=_____________________ 2 point(s) d) Step through the section of your program that calculates T_100, the total time in 100s of cycles. Note how the formula T_100= TOVFL + T2_100 – T1_100 (1d) is applied in two steps, first the addition, then the subtraction. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 361 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER T_100=_____________________2 point(s) e) Step through the section of your program that calculates the variable N_100_HEX, the hex speed of rotation, in 100s of rpm. Note that the ‘magic’ number ???????*??/???/??? is loaded into accD as $???? and then divided by T_100. At the end of the process, the value N_100_HEX=$???? is obtained. N_100_HEX=________________ 2 point(s) f) Table 2 Step through the last section of your program and calculate the variable N_100_BCD, which represent the decimal expression of the hex speed of rotation, in 100s of rpm. The conversion from hex to BCD is achieved by invoking the subroutine HEX-BCD. Fill in the missing values (marked by ??). 1 point(s) Memory list after the calculation of N_100_HEX NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? VERIFICATION OF CASE 2 OF EXAMPLE_RPM_2 Recall data from Case 2 of Example_RPM_2: NOF=2, T1=$fffd, T2=$1103. Note that this data represents the same time interval as in Case 1, only that a backwards time shift of 9 cycles took place. For this reason, the times T1 and T2 are on different sides of the time-change line. T1 happens before the time change, T2 happens after. Therefore, between T1 and T2, the time counter TCNT goes through a timer overflow. Hence, the overflow counter has the value NOF=2, instead of 1 as in Case 1. Use your pocket hex calculator to estimate the result to be expected at the end of the program: 6 point(s) T_100 = (NOF*$10000+T2-T1)/100 = ($02*$10000+$1103-$fffd)/$64 = $______ (1) N_100_HEX = (2000000*60/100/100/T_100) = $2ee0/$2ba = $______ (2) N_100_BCD = ______ (3) Because the program needs to work with a finite word size, the variables in Equation (1) are first divided by decimal100, such that Equation (1) is actually treated as: T_100 = NOF*($10000)/100+T2/100-T1/100 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 362 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER The terms of equation (1) are calculated separately, as TOVFL, T1_100, T2_100. Hence, the following operations are performed: 4 point(s) T1_100 = T1/100 = $fffd/$64 = $______ (1a) T2_100 = T2/100 = $1103/$64 = $______ (1b) TOVFL = NOF*($10000)/100 = $02*$028f = $______ (1c) T_100= TOVFL + T2_100 – T1_100 = $051e + $002b - $028f = $______ (1d) Note that the result of Equation (1d) is the same as that of equation (1). Hence, Equations (2) and (3) still stand. Next, verify these arithmetic operations step-by-step: g) Put Case 2 data in memory: NOF=2, T1=$fffd, T2=$1103. Table 3 reflects your memory list. Fill in the missing values (marked by ??). 5 point(s) Table 3 Memory list after Case 2 data has been entered NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff $ff h) Step through the section of your program that divides the variables T1 and T2 by decimal 100 to obtain T1_100 and T2_100. Use the hex pocket calculator to verify these results. T1_100=___________________ 2point(s) T2_100=___________________ 2point(s) i) Step through the section of your program that calculates TOVFL, the time taken by overflows, expressed in 100s of cycles. Note that, initially, TOVFL=___________________ 2 point(s) j) Step through the section of your program that calculates T_100, the total time in 100s of cycles. Note how the formula T_100= TOVFL + T2_100 – T1_100 (1d) is applied in two steps, first the addition, then the subtraction. At the end of the process, the same T_100 value as in Case 1 should be obtained. T100=____________________2 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 363 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER k) Step through the section of your program that calculates the variable N_100_HEX, the hex speed of rotation, in 100s of rpm. Note that the ‘magic’ number ???????*??/???/??? is loaded into accD as $???? and then divided by T_100. At the end of the process, the value N_100_HEX=$???? is obtained, which is the same as in Case 1. N_100_HEX=______________ 2 point(s) l) Step through the last section of your program and calculate the variable N_100_BCD, which represent the decimal expression of the hex speed of rotation, in 100s of rpm. The conversion from hex to BCD is achieved by invoking the subroutine HEX-BCD. At the end of the process, the same N_100_BCD value as in Case 1 should be obtained. Fill in the missing values (marked by ??). 1 point(s) Table 4 Memory list after the calculation of N_100_BCD NOF T1 T2 T1_100 T2_100 TOVFL T_100 N_100_HEX N_100_BCD $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000a $000b $000c $000d $000e $000f $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have: • • • • • • • • • • Consolidated your understanding of DC motor functionality Developed a DC motor tachometer (RPM counter) program to be used in the lab Reviewed the use of MCU Timer functions (free running clock, TCNT, overflow flag, TOF, input capture clock, TIC1, and its event flag, IC1F, the selection of signal transition to be captured (here rising edge, EDG1B) and that the MCU is only sensitive to that particular transition. Started to use soft masks (here, IC1_MSK, TOF_MSK). Been introduced to the concept of layered flowcharting of a program: big-picture with generic descriptions; detailed flowcharts for particular sections of the program. Reviewed the used of two time captures to calculate the time duration of an event Used scaling factors (100s) to deal with numbers that are larger than the microcontroller word length Used a method of calculating multiplication through repeated additions and decrementation of a counter Used of a conversion subroutine to convert from hex to BCD Performed rotation speed calculation using the recorded period of rotation Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 364 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 • Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise DC MOTOR TACHOMETER Used of scaling factors (100s) to present the result on a display with limited number of digits. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 365 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise STEPPER MOTOR EXERCISE – STEPPER MOTOR OBJECTIVE This exercise will help you learn how to control a stepper motor through keyboard using the serial communication and parallel ports of the M68HC11: The following objectives are considered: • Review the use and control of stepper motors. • Discuss the stepper motor energizing patterns, 1- and 2-phase energizing types, full- and halfstep motion. • Introduce the concept of creating quasi-continuous motion through a sequence of steps • Introduce the concept of sequential accessing a finite set of stored patterns through index addressing with a continuously updating pointer. • Illustrate a method to ‘load’ a single-precision (2-hex) variable into a double precision (4-hex) register. • Introduce the concept of automatic incrementation/decrementation of the addressing pointer with a programmable step size • Discuss the reset actions to be taken when the pointer hits the ‘roof’ or ‘floor’. • Review the use of keystroke commands for controlling a process • Introduce the concept of ‘multiple sort’ and its ‘sequential sort’ equivalent • Use a subroutine that can implement a long delay between stepper motor steps • Introduce the concept of how to achieve double precision delays (4-hex) using single precision (2-hex) variables BASIC CONCEPTS 1) Using a stepper motor involves "stepping" through a series of control signals. For the stepper motor configuration discussed in class, show the 2-hex numbers corresponding to full-step and half-step operation during a complete revolution. 42 point(s) Full-step operation Step Sequence number 1 S1 2 3 4≡0 Half-step operation Number Sequence 2-hex of excited coils Step number number ½ S0 $09 2 1 S1 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4≡0 2-hex number $08 $09 Number of excited coils 1 2 2) How does the step pattern differ for a rotation in the opposite direction from that in question 1? 4 point(s) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 366 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise STEPPER MOTOR 3) If a half step pattern is used, the number of steps per rotation is doubled. This technique decreases the "holding power" of the motor. Explain why. 6 point(s) 4) Describe the difference between unipolar and bipolar connection of stepper motor coils. 6 point(s) 5) The stepper motors used in this lab are low speed devices. The maximum effective rotation speed is approximately 200 steps/sec. This physical condition necessitates a wait loop between each step. It is suggested that you use wait loop to let the stepper motor perform the command before sending to it another command. A timer offset could be used and altered to meet the changing speed requirements of the program. Considering the speed of the microprocessor, what is the smallest wait loop that could be used? Enter your answer here: _________________________6 point(s) PROGRAM STEPPER MOTOR Note: This program will be based on the examples Step, Sort, and Long Delay. In fact, it can be assembled from these two examples. Before performing the present programming, review, duplicate, and operate the example codes Ex_Step.asm, Ex_Sort_asm, and Ex_Long_Delay. This program should make the stepper motor run forward and backward, at half speed and full speed, according to control keystrokes send through the keyboard and echoed on the screen. The "half-speed" and "full-speed" commands are part of the coarse speed control. Fine speed control (increase speed, decrease speed) should be attained by modifying the delay inserted between steps. The program should recognize five keystroke commands: i) Move forward > ii) Move backward < iii) Increase speed (decrease delay) + iv) Decrease speed (increase delay) v) Stop program S This program will take a little more thought. The programming will need to be done at several layers of complexity, using program segments and subroutines from the examples Step, Sort, and Long Delay and from previous examples. The following is the ‘big-picture’ of your program: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 367 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise STEPPER MOTOR a) Define variables: patterns S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7; variables STEP, POINTER, DELAY b) Initialize program: Initialize X=REGBAS i) ii) Initialize SCI iii) Initialize stepper motor sequence S0—S7; iv) Initialize control variables STEP=0, POINTER=$00, DELAY=$ff c) Verify if new keystroke command has arrived. If N, jump directly to f) d) "Echo" the command back to the terminal monitor for confirmation e) Sort and process the keystroke command. Modify stepper motor controls based on the keystroke command. f) Perform delay g) Perform step: i) Calculate pointer ii) Access next step pattern iii) Send step pattern to the stepper motor through Port B h) Loop back to c) FLOWCHART Draw a flowchart for the program. Use a layered flowchart approach. Use subroutines to perform delay and to perform step. It is up to you to go with your layered flowcharting as detailed as needed for successful programming. Insert the flowchart below. 15 point(s) CODING Use the flowchart to code your program in the simulator using the standard template. Save the program in the personalized file name LASTNAME_Firstname_Stepper_Motor.asm. Write or paste your coded program below. 15 point(s) EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. View CPU registers, PORTB register, serial register SCSR (display binary), serial transmitter, serial receiver, active memory. Open and assemble your program. Set standard labels. Set breakpoints as follows: • Just before the program checks for SCI reception • After SCI reception • After SCI transmission • At beginning of delay subroutine • At beginning of step subroutine • At SWI Arrange windows for maximum benefit. Press the RESET button. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 368 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise STEPPER MOTOR a) Run your program to the first breakpoint. The program should go through initialization and give values to the variables S0—S7, STEP, POINTER, DELAY. Paste your screen. 3 point(s). b) Run further. The program should be looping at the beginning and wait for a keystroke. c) Enter the character > into the serial transmitter window and Send. After a few moments, the character should be received and the program should stop at the breakpoint. Paste your screen below. 3 point(s) d) Run further. The program should be waiting for SCI transmission to happen. After a few moments it should stop. e) Step through the program f) Repeat with the other control keys and check that your program runs successfully. If you do not get the desired results, debug your program. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have: • Reviewed the use and control of stepper motors. • Discussed the stepper motor energizing patterns, 1- and 2-phase energizing types, full- and halfstep motion. • Introduced the concept of creating quasi-continuous motion through a sequence of steps • Introduced the concept of sequential accessing a finite set of stored patterns through index addressing with a continuously updating pointer. • Illustrated a method to ‘load’ a single-precision (2-hex) variable into a double precision (4-hex) register. • Introduced the concept of automatic incrementation/decrementation of the addressing pointer with a programmable step size • Discussed the reset actions to be taken when the pointer hits the ‘roof’ or ‘floor’. • Reviewed the use of keystroke commands for controlling a process • Introduced the concept of ‘multiple sort’ and its ‘sequential sort’ equivalent • Used a subroutine that can implement a long delay between stepper motor steps • Introduced the concept of how to achieve double precision delays (4-hex) using single precision (2-hex) variables Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 369 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise A/D CONVERTER EXERCISE – A/D CONVERTER OBJECTIVE This exercise will help you learn how to use the M68HC11 microcontroller to collect analog data in digital format. The following objectives are considered: • Review the use of A/D conversion function of the M68HC11 microcontroller. • Illustrate the use of A/D conversion to convert an analog voltage signal on a designated channel (Port E pin) into four sequential digital values • Demonstrate how to calculate an average of four values and send it to Port B for display BASIC CONCEPTS 1) Explain what register must be set, and to what bit pattern, in order to activate (turn on) the AD converter of M68HC11 microcontroller during the initialization segment of your program. 6 point(s) 2) Identify and write below the bit pattern setting of the A/D conversion control register ADCTL to achieve a one-time conversion of the input signal on channels PE3 6 point(s) ADCTL = %???????? 3) Identify and write below the bit pattern setting of the A/D conversion control register ADCTL to achieve continuous conversion of an the input signal on channels PE3 6 point(s) ADCTL = %???????? 4) Identify and write below the bit pattern setting of the A/D conversion control register ADCTL to achieve a one-time conversion of input signals on channels PE4 – PE7 6 point(s) ADCTL = %???????? 5) Identify and write below the bit pattern setting of the A/D conversion control register ADCTL to achieve continuous conversion of input signals on channels PE0 – PE3 6 point(s) ADCTL = %???????? 6) Fill Table 1 with the predicted AD conversion values for each voltage value. 18 point(s) Table 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Voltage at pin PE4 (mV) 750 1600 2200 3000 4000 5000 James Kendall AD converted values (Hex) $26 $?? $?? $?? $?? $?? Page 370 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise A/D CONVERTER PROGRAM A/D CONVERTER Note: This program will be based on the Example A/D converter. Before performing the present programming, review, operate, and duplicate the example codes Ex_AD_1.asm, Ex_AD_2.asm, Ex_AD_3.asm and Ex_AD_4.asm. However, only one of these four example codes is needed to complete the program for this exercise (Choose wisely!). PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program should make the MCU perform continuous A/D conversion on pin PE4, store the conversion results in double precision variables VAL1 – VAL4, average some of the values VAL1 – VAL4, and send out the averaged result through port B. The averaging is done by sequentially adding the values VAL1 – VAL4 into accD and then dividing by 4 using the inherent operation IDIV. Because IDIV utilizes register X, you will have to use register Y for indexed addressing in your program. Also, note that, in this program, VAL1 – VAL4 are double precision, while in the Example A/D converter they were single precision. You need to have VAL1 – VAL4 as double precision variables in order to properly perform the sequential addition in accD. The following steps should be considered in your program: a) Define program variables, double precision VAL1 – VAL4 b) Initialize index register Y to REGBAS c) Activate (turn-on) A/D converter function of the MCU d) Set A/D control register ADCTL to perform continuous conversion on channel PE4 e) Zero accD f) Load and store the converted values from ADR1 – ADR4 to VAL1 – VAL4. Perform these operations using the appropriate accumulator such that at the end of the process the single precision values existing in ADR1 – ADR4 get properly stored in the double precision variables VAL1 – VAL4 (Hint: recall that accD = accA:accB). g) Sequentially add VAL1 through VAL2 into accD. h) Store the number 2 into register X (this is the denominator i) Perform the division operation IDIV. j) Send result of division through Port B for display k) Loop back to e) FLOWCHART Draw a flowchart for the program. Use a layered flowchart approach. It is up to you to go with your layered flowcharting as detailed as needed for successful programming. Insert the flowchart below. 15 point(s) CODING Use the flowchart to code your program in the simulator using the standard template. Save the program in the personalized file name LASTNAME_Firstname_AD.asm. Write or paste your coded program below. 17 point(s) James Kendall Page 371 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise A/D CONVERTER EXECUTION Open THRSim11. Close the Commands window. Activate your program. View CPU registers, Port E pins, AD converter registers, Port B register, memory list, Sliders E port. View ADCTL as binary. Open and assemble your program. Set standard labels. Set breakpoints at SWI. Arrange windows for maximum benefit. Press the RESET button. Paste your screen: 2 point(s) g) Enter the value 750 mV in PE4. Look up the expected value after conversion in Table 1. The expected value is ______?????? 6 point(s) h) Let your program run. The program should go through initialization and perform an AD conversion giving values in registers ADR1 – ADR4. Stop program and paste your screen. 2 point(s) i) Set breakpoint at the line performing ‘zero accD’. j) Reset. Fill VAL1 – VAL 4, and PORTB with $ff. Let run to the breakpoint k) Step through the program. The following should happen: a. Values from registers ADR1 – ADR4 should be loaded into the lower part of accD and then stored in the double precision values VAL1 – VAL4. Paste your screen below when this has happened just for ADR1: 2 point(s) b.The values in VAL1 – VAL4 should be sequentially added into accD and then divided by X. Paste your screen below when this has happened for VAL1 and VAL2: 2 point(s) c. The division by number 4 is performed. Paste your screen below when this has happened: 2 point(s) d.The division result, i.e., the average value, is stored in Port B. Paste your screen below when this has happened: 2 point(s) l) Repeat with the other voltage values indicated in Table 1. Paste your screen below at the end of each cycle: 2 point(s) m) Clear the breakpoint at ‘zero accD’ and let your program run freely. Move the PE4 sliders up and down and watch the value in Port B change accordingly. WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED In this exercise, you have: • Reviewed the use of A/D conversion function of the M68HC11 microcontroller. • Used of A/D conversion to continuously convert an analog voltage signal on Port E pin PE4 • Stored the four sequential digital values resulting from conversion as double precision values VAL1 – VAL4 • Calculated the average of the four values using sequential addition into accD and IDIV division by the number 4 loaded in register X. • Sent the double precision content of register X to Port B for display as a single precision number. James Kendall Page 372 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Exercise A/D CONVERTER (This page is left intentionally blank) James Kendall Page 373 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Labs LABS The labs focus on hands-on experience with the microcontroller unit (MCU) and ancillary hardware. Programming for the labs can be effectively achieved by using the code, programs, and subroutines developed during the homework assignments. Lab 1 Hmwk1 Hmwk2 Hmwk3 – Ex10 Hmwk3 – Ex_Delay Hmwk4 Hmwk5 Hmwk6 Hmwk7 Hmwk8 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 X X X X X X X X X The labs are given next Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 374 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Labs Lab Handout NO food and NO drinks !!! Door code: 41325 Color code of wires on breadboard: Green: +15V Black: 0V Red: +5V White: -15V Yellow: signal MINIIDE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Open miniIDE by double clicking the miniIDE icon on the desktop; 2. Connect the EVB to the host computer by 1) clicking the icon and 2) pressing the reset button with the pencil. If a welcome message is shown on the screen, the EVB is connected, if not, call help to your TA. 3. Open an .ASM code file in your floppy disk. If needed, modify the codes and save. Hint: put star * mark at the beginning of the last two lines (after the command SWI) to comment these two lines. i.e. SWI * ORG $FFFE ; reset vector * FDB START ; set to start of program 4. Compile the program by clicking the icon; 5. Type “LOAD T” in the terminal (bottom) window and press “ENTER” key; Then click the download icon . (Now the compiled program is downloaded into the microcontroller’s RAM.) 6. Use command RM to check the registers, and reset them if needed. Make sure the PC (Program Counter ) points to the starting address of your programs, i.e. PC is C000). 7. Type in “T” to run the program step by step. 8. Or, type in “GO C000” in the terminal window to run the program automatically. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 375 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Type in Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Labs How to use the ‘RM’ command: >RM <enter> PC – xxxx Y – xxxx X – xxxx A – xxxx PC – C000 Y – 0000 • Use the “space” key to get to the next register • Use the “enter” key to get out of the setup How to use the ‘MM’ command: MM (MEMORY MODIFY) command will allow you to change the value at specific memory locations. Type in the memory address after the MM command. Here is an example: MM 0000 How to use the ‘MD’ command: MM (MEMORY DISPLAY) command will allow you to view the value at specific memory locations. Type in the memory address after the MM command. Here is an example: MD 0000 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 376 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Labs Some of the frequently used BUFFALO commands are listed alphabetically in the Table below. COMMAND DESCRIPTION HELP Display monitor commands ASM [<addr>] Assembler/disassembler BF <address1> <address2> <data> Block fill memory with data BR [-][<addr>] Set up breakpoint CALL [<address>] Execute subroutine Execute program GO [<address>] Memory Display MD [<address1> [<address2>]] Memory Modify MM [<address>] MOVE <address1> <address2> Move memory to new location [<destination>] OFFSET [-]<arg> Offset for download Register Modify RM [p, y, x, a, b, c, s] Trace $1~$ff instructions T [<n>] RD Register Display miniIDE Program Interface menu toolbar Editor Window ( Your .asm file here ) Output Window ( Your compile information, errors, etc. ) Terminal Window BUFFALO 2.5 > ( type your BUFFALO command here ) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 377 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Labs Attention: • Have your .asm files ready before you come to the LAB • You need to print out the lab report before you come to the LAB. You will finish it when you are doing the LAB and hand in the report right after the lab. • You need to keep this handout at hand as reference for Labs. • CLEAN UP your mess, put everything back in order and turn off the oscilloscope before you leave. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 378 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Labs (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 379 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 1 LAB 1 - BASIC PROGRAMMING OBJECTIVE The objective of this lab is to develop basic programming skills in direct contact with the Motorola 68HC11 microcontroller unit (MCU). PREREQUISITES Floppy disk with the asm codes Hard copy (printout) of Hmwk1 Hmwk2, Hmwk 3. When printing, use the 'pages per sheet' option in the lower right corner of the print dialog-box with settings of 4 or 2 (depending on your eyesight) to save paper. (We may want to experiment a little with this before printing the full document.) PROCEDURE The students will utilize the asm code developed with the THRSim11 simulator for Hmwk1 and Hmwk2. The students will go through their Hmwk1 and Hmwk2 step by step and will find how the MCU responds to their instruction. The lab is divided into sections. After completing each section, the student will ask the TA to check the student’s work and make a check mark on that section. The asm code is compiled and downloaded into the MCU through the MiniIDE terminal emulator software. The same software allows to correct/modify/re-save the code as the need arises. When using the MiniIDE, the following procedure is used to 'activate' your program in the MCU: a) Verify that the power supply is active, and that the MCU is connected to the power supply b) Open the MiniIDE program c) Connect it to the processor using the menu item ‘Terminal connect/disconnect’ button. d) Open your asm program from the floppy disk e) Compile your asm program f) Type “LOAD T” in the terminal window and press enter. Download the S19 code of your program to the MCU using the 'Download' button g) Type the BUFFALO command RM in the command window. Verify that the program counter (PC) is set to the value $C000. If not, set it to $C000. h) Reset accA and accB by typing 0 at the command prompt j) To step through the program, use the BUFFALO command T k) To run the program, use the BUFFALO command G, with the starting PC (e.g., $C000) Hmwk 1 -- Exercise 1 Activate your LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex1.asm file. Step through the program and compare what you see happening in PC, accA, accB with your predictions from Exercise 1. When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. TA checkmark ________ Hmwk 1 -- Exercise 2 Activate your LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex2.asm file. Step through the program and compare what you see happening in PC, accA, accB with your predictions from Exercise 2. When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. TA checkmark ________ Hmwk 2 -- Exercise 3-7 Activate your LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex3-7.asm file. Step through the program and compare what you see happening in PC, accA, accB with your predictions from Exercise 3-7. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 380 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 1 Note that when decimal numbers are specified in the asm code, their hex equivalent are actually loaded. Verify the conversion with your pocket calculator. When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. 8+7=15 TA checkmark ________ $08+$07=$0f TA checkmark ________ 9+9=18 TA checkmark ________ $09+$09=$12 TA checkmark ________ 12+29=41 TA checkmark ________ $0c+$1d=$29 TA checkmark ________ $ff+$01=$00 TA checkmark ________ 255+1=0 TA checkmark ________ Hmwk 2 -- Exercise 8-9 Activate your LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex8-9.asm file. Step through the program and compare what you see happening in PC, accA, accB with your predictions from Exercise 3-7. Note that when decimal numbers are specified in the asm code, their hex equivalent are actually loaded. When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. 8-1=7 TA checkmark ________ $08-$01=$07 TA checkmark ________ 20-1=19 TA checkmark ________ $20-$01=$1f TA checkmark ________ $00-$01=$ff TA checkmark ________ 0-1=255 TA checkmark ________ $0f-$07=$08 TA checkmark ________ $00-$07=$f9 TA checkmark ________ 0-7=249 TA checkmark ________ $0f-$2b=$e4 TA checkmark ________ 15-43=228 TA checkmark ________ Hmwk 3 -- Exercise 10 Activate your LASTNAME_Firstname_Ex10.asm file. Step through the program and compare what you see happening in PC, accA, accB with your predictions from Exercise 3-7. Note that when decimal numbers are specified in the asm code, their hex equivalent are actually loaded. When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. i) one through seventeen TA checkmark ________ ii) 5+4=9 TA checkmark ________ iii) 15-7=8 TA checkmark ________ iv) $1f+$01=$ TA checkmark ________ v) $20-$01=$ TA checkmark ________ vi) $ff+$01=$ TA checkmark ________ vii) $00-$01=$ TA checkmark ________ viii) 0 AND 1 = TA checkmark ________ ix) 0 OR 1 = TA checkmark ________ x) 0 XOR 1 = TA checkmark ________ xi) 1 OR 1 = TA checkmark ________ xii) 1 XOR 1 = TA checkmark ________ xiii) %00000000 NAND %11111111 = % TA checkmark ________ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 381 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers xiv) %11111111 NOR %00000000 = % xv) %10101110 AND %00001000 = % Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 382 Lab 1 TA checkmark ________ TA checkmark ________ 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 1 (This page is intentionally left blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 383 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 2 LAB 2 – PARALLEL AND SERIAL COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE The objectives of this lab are to review the parallel and serial communication in the MC68HC11 microcontroller. The objective of this laboratory experiment is to learn how to use the serial communication port of the M68HC11. Basic concepts of serial communications will be reviewed. The registers used to transmit and receive serial communications data and the RDRF and TDRE flags used to identify whether or not serial communications data has been received or sent will be examined. The BAUD rate and other aspects of the serial communications interface (SCI) will be investigated.. • Review the use parallel ports • Illustrate the generation of a square wave using Port B output and a waiting sequence • Illustrate the use of Port C for input and output using a 4-button 4-LED box • Examine the relation between time and clock cycles • Review the use of serial communications • Investigate BAUD rate, ASCII code, 10-bit serial communication • Develop and practice the concept of echo • Measure serial communications signals, including the start bit, ASCII code, and the stop bit, using the oscilloscope with an external trigger generated by MCU PREREQUISITES Floppy disk with the asm codes for the programs: • LASTNAME_Firstname_Buttons_bx.asm • LASTNAME_Firstname_Sq_wav1.asm • LASTNAME_Firstname_Sq_wav2.asm • LASTNAME_Firstname_Echo.asm Hard copy (printout) of Hmwk4a and Hmwk 4b. When printing, use the 'pages per sheet' option in the lower right corner of the print dialog-box with settings of 4 or 2 (depending on your eyesight) to save paper. (We may want to experiment a little with this before printing the full document.) PROCEDURE The students will utilize the asm code developed with the THRSim11 simulator for Hmwk4a and Hmwk4b. The students will go through their Hmwk4a and Hmwk4b step by step and will verify that the MCU responds to instructions as expected. The lab is divided into sections. After completing each section, the student will ask the TA to check the student’s work and make a check mark on that section. The asm code is activated into the MCU following the standard procedure learned in Lab 1. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 384 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 2 WARM UP EXERCISES 1) Connect the oscilloscope Channel 1 through a hook probe to Port B Pin0 using a male connector. Set the oscilloscope Channel 1 to DC, 5V/div, and zero vertically in mid screen. Use the MM command to put $01 into PORTB, i.e., in the MCU address $1004. The oscilloscope signal should jump to 5 V. Put again $00 in PORTB. The oscilloscope signal should jump to 0 V. Do you observe this? ___ Y ___ N 2) Assume $A5 is loaded into PORTB at address $1004. What will be the output of parallel port B? Predict the results in the table below. Label which pin is the MSB. Port B PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 pins Value Use the MM command to put $A5 into PORTB, i.e., in the MCU address $1004. Verify the output of parallel port B with the oscilloscope and the 8-LED display. Check the voltages on all of the pins of parallel port B (PB0 - PB7) with the oscilloscope. Then check them with the 8-LED display. Write down your observations. PB0: V PB1: V PB2: V PB3: V PB4: V PB5: V PB6: V PB7: V When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. TA checkmark ________ 3) If you place $fa in DDRC at address $1007 and then load $c8 into PORTC at address $1003, what will be the output of parallel port C? Enter your prediction in the table below. DDRC pins Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Value Port C pins PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 Value Load $fa in DDRC at address $1007 and then load $C8 into PORTC at address $1003. Verify the output of parallel port C. Check the voltages on all of the PC0 - PC7 pins of parallel port C with the oscilloscope probe. Then check them with the 8-LED display. Write down your observations. PC0: V PC1: V PC2: V PC3: V PC4: V PC5: V PC6: V PC7: V When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. TA checkmark ________ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 385 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 2 SQUARE WAVE Use the code LASTNAME_Firstname_Sq_wav2.asm generated in Hmwk4a. The parallel port B is used to generate a square wave. A square wave is a signal that is high for a specified period of time, then low for a specified period of time. In this case, the high state will be +5V, and the low state will be 0V. Your target is to generate a square wave signal with the period of time for each state (half-wavelength) approx. 100 μs. The square wave signal generated by your MCU will be measured on the oscilloscope screen and compared with your predictions. Your code should make the MCU send out a low signal for a specified time, then a high signal for the same time. After sending out a high signal and then a low signal, it will repeat the process. The duration of the high and low states is specified using the variable DELAY. The variable DELAY is used in a wait subroutine. The MCU is a very fast device. Our M68HC11 has an 8 MHz crystal, which generates a 2 MHz clock speed. Compute and answer the following questions: a) What is the shortest duration of time that the oscilloscope can measure per division? Look up on the oscilloscope panel and enter your answer here: ___________________________ b) What is the duration of an M68HC11 machine cycle? Calculate your answer using the M68HC11 clock speed of 2 MHz and enter your answer here: ________________________ Activate the code LASTNAME_Firstname_Sq_wav2.asm. According to your Example Square wave, when value $40 is entered in DELAY (The address of DELAY is 0000; Buffalo command MM 0000 is used to change the value of DELAY), the length of your half-wave, Δt, should be 165 μs. Hook the oscilloscope probe to the pin corresponding to your coding, and verify that what you see on the oscilloscope screen meets with your predictions. (Adjust the time/div button to see the square wave properly…). Write here the half-wavelength value read on the oscilloscope screen ______ μs. Change DELAY to the other values given in the table below, and run your program again. Enter the Δt (μsec) predicted by you using the simulator (see Hmwk4a) and the values read on the oscilloscope screen. DELAY Δt (μsec) Measured by simulator Δt (μsec) Measured on oscilloscope Col 3 Error, % (col 2 – col 3)/col 3 Col 1 Col 2 Col 4 $10 $__ 100 100 0% $40 165/166 165 0.3% $A0 $FF Try to adjust the value of DELAY to have the half-wave last 100 μs. With just a few trials, you should be able to find the right value of DELAY to achieve this. The value you found is: DELAY = $_________ Enter the value in the table. When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. TA checkmark ________ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 386 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 2 BUTTONS BOX You are given a box (see Figure) with four buttons and four LED’s (light emitting diodes). When pressed, the buttons (B0, B1, B2, B3) produce either +5 Volt (Normally Open = N.O. type buttons) or 0 Volt (Normally Closed = N.C. type buttons). The buttons are connected (through a port protection card) to the even port C pins PC0, PC2, PC4, and PC6. The LED’s are connected to the odd port C pins PC1, PC3, PC5, and PC7. Port C B0 5V PC7 LED’s PC1 PC3 PC5 5V Buttons PC0 PC2 PC4 PC6 5V W ires: Green=Gnd Red = +5 V Port C connection 5V L0 B1 L1 B2 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 L2 B3 PC5 PC6 L3 PC7 Figure 4 The 4-Button 4-LED Box: (a) photo; (b) diagram Attach the box to the microprocessor through a port protection card. Be careful that you connect the MSB of the button box to the MSB of the microprocessor. Activate your LASTNAME_Firstname_Buttons_bx.asm program. Press buttons and see how the corresponding LED is lighting up. When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. TA checkmark ________ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 387 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 2 SERIAL COMMUNICATION ECHO You wish to create a program that will receive a keystroke from the terminal keyboard, and echo the same keystroke, continuously, to the terminal screen. The program will also let you see the binary pattern of keystrokes sent from the computer to the MCU. To achieve this, you will continuously check if the MCU has received, via SCI reception, a keystroke from the computer keyboard. When a key has been pressed, you will send out its ASCII value through the parallel port B, and back through the SCI transmission. A LED board, affixed to the parallel port B, will display the bit pattern of the ASCII value. This way, you check that the bit pattern corresponds to the ASCII table. Serial cable Wire connected to TXD pin PD1 Figure 2 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Connection diagram of serial communication Page 388 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 2 You will also monitor the communication by tapping the serial communications signal and displaying it on the oscilloscope screen. You will be able to see the complete 10-bit pattern, and the time duration of the communication. This exercise is based on Hmwk4b, Serial communication. a) Fill in the ASCII codes for each key listed in Table #1. b) Connect the LED board to port B. Attach a probe from channel 2 to parallel port C. Attach another probe from O-scope channel 1 to the leading out wire (serial communication TXD pin PD1). Set the O-scope trigger to channel 2, Set display to “Both”. c) Activate your code LASTNAME_Firstname_Echo.asm. in the MCU and run it. Press key "Q" on the keyboard. The character should appear on the screen continuously, while its ASCII code is sent out through the parallel port B and displayed on the LED board. Read the bit pattern displayed on the LED board and enter it in Table #1. Write the equivalent Hex number and compare the ASCII code. d) Manipulate the time (horizontal) scale, amplitude (vertical) scale, and the trigger level, until you see both the triggering pulse and the serial communications transmission. Identify the start bit, the ASCII code for the character being transmitted, and the stop bit on the oscilloscope screen. Compare the ASCII code listed in M68HC11 Quick Reference Manual to the one displayed on the oscilloscope. Enter your answer in Table 1. e) Use the oscilloscope to calculate the BAUD rate of the MCU Duration of signal Δt = ________ ms; Number of bits read in the signal N = ________; Calculated BAUD rate = # of bits/duration = N /Δt =____________bits/sec f) Repeat for keys 0, 3, 8, D. g) Sketch below the 10-bit pattern observed on the oscilloscope screen for character Q. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 389 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 TABLE 1 Key ASCII code Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Q 0 3 8 Lab 2 D 51 LED MSBÆLSB 8-bit pattern Equivalent Hex values O-scope 8-bit pattern* Equivalent Hex values * This should be the 8-bit character as you see it on the O-scope screen. When satisfied with your results, call your TA and demonstrate. TA checkmark ________ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 390 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Page 391 Lab 3 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 3 LAB 3 – TIMER FUNCTIONS: BOLT DROP AND SQUARE WAVE OBJECTIVE This lab will use MC6811 to perform time measurements. Part I will perform time measurements on a dropping bolt using input capture (IC) timer functions. Part II will generate a square wave using output compare (OC) timer functions. PREREQUISITES Floppy disk with the asm codes for the programs: • LASTNAME_Firstname_Drop.asm • LASTNAME_Firstname_OC_sqwav.asm Hard copy (printout) of Hmwk5 – Timer functions. When printing, use the 'pages per sheet' option in the lower right corner of the print dialog-box with settings of 4 or 2 (depending on your eyesight) to save paper. (We may want to experiment a little with this before printing the full document.) PROCEDURE The students will utilize the asm code developed with the THRSim11 simulator for Hmwk5. The students will go through the printout of Hmwk5 step by step and will verify that the MCU responds to instructions as expected. The lab is divided into sections. After completing each section, the student will ask the TA to check the student’s work and make a check mark on that section. The asm code is activated into the MCU following the standard procedure learned in Lab 1. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 392 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 3 PART I – BOLT DROP EXPERIMENT (50%) Note: This part uses the timer program LASTNAME_Firstname_Drop.asm developed in the Figure 1 Bolt drop experimental setup section “Input capture – bolt drop experiment” of Hmwk5. Electromagnet MC6811 will be used in an experiment to measure travel times. A 1.5-in bolt will be held by an electromagnet at the top of a drop shaft. The electromagnet is connected to the MCU. . This Drop shaft magnet is controlled by any of the 8 pins on PORTB. It is turned on by sending 5V through parallel PORTB. When a keystroke occurs, the MCU commands the electromagnet to release the bolt. Simultaneously, the time origin, T0, is recorded. The bolt travels down the Electronics shaft. After falling a specified distance (L = 48.75-in), the bolt crosses an infrared emitter-detector sensor and interrupts its beam causing its output voltage to fall from high (+5V) to low (~0V). When the bolt exits the emitter detector sensor, its output voltage comes back up to high (+5V). The output from the emitter-detector sensor is wired into the input capture pins IC1 and IC2 of the MCU. You will program the microcontroller to perform the following functions: (a) control the electromagnet, (b) take the initial time when the process starts, (c) measure the time required for the free-falling bolt to reach the emitter-detector; (d) measure the time required for the bolt to pass through the emitter-detector. Emitter-detector sensor WIRING DIAGRAM Wire Green wire: Red wire Black wire White wire: Yellow wire with 2 prongs: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Connection +15V +5V Ground To parallel port B pin controlling the magnet Signal wire to the input capture pins IC1 and IC2 Page 393 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 3 BOLT DROP CIRCUIT DIAGRAM +5V 1KΩ E+ +15V +D 1KΩ +5V Electromagnet +5V +5V 1KΩ IRF510 R250 Port A pin 1 Port A pin 2 470KΩ 3 76 Port B pins 10Ω 1KΩ 1 - + Comparator LM2901 12 PRE-TEST PROCEDURE Before starting your test, perform the following pre-test procedure to verify that your experimental setup is performing correctly: i) Check the correct wiring of the bolt drop set up: Wire Green wire: Red wire Black wire White wire: Yellow wire with 2 prongs: Connection +15V +5V Ground To parallel port B pin controlling the magnet Signal wire to the input capture pins IC1 and IC2 Check mark TA checkmark ________ ii) Take the white wire out of the Port B connection (if connected). Check the electromagnet holding action upon the bolt by applying 5V to the white wire. The bolt should hold. Then, check the release action by applying 0 V. [Note that 0 V is different from “no-voltage” (floating wire). A floating wire may not release the bolt] The bolt should drop. iii) Connect O-scope Ch.1 to the signal wire (yellow). Set Trigger Mode to Auto and Horizontal to 0.2 sec/div. You will see a spot traveling across the screen at 5V level. (If Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 394 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 3 the spot is too bright, adjust Brightness Intensity). By hand, introduce the bolt in the emitter-detector zone at the lower end of the tube and watch the signal go to 0V on the O-scope screen. Extract the bolt and watch the signal go back to 5V. Now, let the bolt drop through the tube and watch the fast 5V/0V/5V transition (spot flicker) on the screen. iv) Connect the white wire to port B. Manually, send a 5V voltage through port B (i.e., store $ff into Port B at memory location $1004) and verify that the electromagnet holds the bolt. Now, send a 0V through port B (store $00 into Port B at memory location $1004) and observe the electromagnet releasing the bolt. Watch the 5V/0V/5V transition on the screen as the dropping bolt passes the emitter-detector sensor. v) Where are IC1 and IC2 located (port and pin)? Enter your answer here: _____________________ Draw a sketch of the pin assignments in the space below vi) Connect the signal wire (yellow) to IC1 and IC2 pins. TA checkmark ________ TEST PROCEDURE i) Put the bolt into the electromagnet hold position ii) Activate the program LASTNAME_Firstname_Drop.asm. iii) Press any key. The bolt should drop and the program should stop when the bolt exits the tube. iv) Read the memory locations for T0, T1, T2, NOF1, NOF2. Record the readings in the table. v) Perform all the 6 trials and enter the appropriate values in the table. TA checkmark ________ vi) Start manual calculations by completing the formulae below: Time of entry: t1 = [T1+NOF1*($__________)-T0] cycles * (_____________ s/cycle) Time of exit: t2 = [T2+NOF2*($__________)-T0] cycles * (_____________ s/cycle) Time for bolt to pass: Δt = t2 – t1 Velocity: v = L/Δt = _____/Δt (in/s) Error: ε = (theoretical – measured)/theoretical *100% TA checkmark ________ Then, calculate t1, t2, Δt, v in the table. vii) Use the formulae to calculate the measured time of entry in each trial viii) Calculate the average measured time of entry, t1, and its deviation. ix) Use the formulae to calculate the measured time of exit in each trial x) Calculate the average measured time of exit, t2, and its deviation. xi) Use the measured time of entry and time of exit in each trial to calculate the measured time taken by the bolt to pass through. xii) Calculate the average measured time of passing, Δt, and its deviation. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 395 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 3 xiii) Use the appropriate formula to calculate the bolt velocity using the measured time of passing and its deviation. xiv) Use the formulae to calculate the measured time required for the bolt to pass in each trial Trial 1 2 3 T0 T1 T2 NOF1 NOF2 T1+NOF1*$10000-T0 Measured time of entry (ms) Average measured time of entry, t1 (ms) Theoretical time of entry (ms) and error (%) t1 _____ ms εt = ____% t1,theory = ________ ms, T2+NOF2*($__________)-T0 Measured time of exit (ms) Average measured time of exit, t2 (ms) t2 _____ ms Measured time for bolt to pass through emitter-detector (ms) Average Δt (ms) Δt _____ ms Average measured velocity v (in/s) v ____ in/s Theoretical velocity (in/s) and error (%) vtheory = ________ in/s, εv = ____% xv)Compare the experimental results with the theoretical results calculated in Ex_Timer and discuss any discrepancies. Comment upon the error of your measurements, and discuss possible sources of errors. Enter your answers in the space below. TA checkmark ________ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 396 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 3 PART II – SQUARE WAVE GENERATION WITH TIMER FUNCTIONS (50%) In this part of the lab, you will generate a square wave with the microcontroller. In Lab 2, you generated a square wave through a parallel port pin using a wait loop. Here, you will generate a square using the output compare timer function of the microcontroller. The square wave will be generated at the port A pin OC5. WIRING DIAGRAM Fill in the space at the end of the next sentence. The port A location of pin OC5 is at pin PA___. Connect the oscilloscope Channel 1 probe to this pin. TA checkmark ________ TEST PROCEDURE 1. Using the results derived in Hmwk5, fill in the missing information in the first two rows of the table below. 2. Connect the OC5 pin of port A to the oscilloscope Channel 1. 3. Activate the program LASTNAME_Firstname_OC_sqwav.asm 4. Put the value DT=$0100 and run your program(Buffalo command MD 0000 to display the memory area, MM ADDRESS to modify the values of variables) 5. Watch the signal on screen and measure the half wavelength duration of the square wave, in μs. Enter the value in the table below 6. Compute the corresponding ‘measured frequency’ TA checkmark ________ 7. Calculate the absolute and relative errors 8. Repeat for the other values in the table Desired frequency (Hz) Calculated DT $0100 $8000 $ffff 250 1500 $ $ Measured half wavelength duration (μs) Measured Frequency (Hz) Absolute error (Hz) Relative error (%) TA checkmark ________ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 397 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 4 LAB 4 – DC MOTOR TACHOMETER OBJECTIVE The objectives of this laboratory are: (a) To understand the functioning of a DC motor (b) To test the DC motor tachometer program developed in Hmwk6. PREREQUISITES Floppy disk with the asm codes for the program: • LASTNAME_Firstname_RPM.asm Hard copy (printout) of Hmwk6 – Digital tachometer. When printing, use the 'pages per sheet' option in the lower right corner of the print dialog-box with settings of 4 or 2 (depending on your eyesight) to save paper. You may want to experiment a little with this before printing the full document. PROCEDURE The students will utilize the asm code developed with the THRSim11 simulator for Hmwk6. The students will go through the printout of Hmwk6 step by step and will verify that the MCU responds to instructions as expected. The lab is divided into sections. After completing each section, the student will ask the TA to check the student’s work and make a check mark on that section. The asm code is activated into the MCU following the standard procedure learned in Lab 1. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The experimental setup for this experiment consists of a DC electric motor, a speed-control potentiometer and its electronics, an emitter-detector sensor, a disk with an aperture (hole) attached to the DC motor shaft, and a pair of 7-LED displays connected through appropriate electronics to a 8-pin Port B connector. The aperture in the disk spins through the infrared emitter-detector sensor. The emitter-detector sensor sends a High (5V) signal when the aperture in the disk allows the beam of light to pass through. The emitter-detector sensor output wire is attached to the input capture pin IC1 on Port A. The speed of the motor is controlled by a potentiometer and an electronic timer circuit. The potentiometer is a variable resistor. By varying the angular position of the potentiometer (turning the knob), one varies the timer’s capacitor’s charge and discharge path resistance, which, in turn, varies the duty cycle supplied to the DC motor. As the duty cycle to the DC motor is varied, the power delivered and speed also vary. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 398 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 4 WIRING DIAGRAM Wire Red wire Black wire Yellow wire Connection +5 V 0 V (Ground) Signal wire to input capture pin IC1 MOSFET DC Transmissive Photomicrosensor (Emitter/Detector) 7-Segment Display Port B Connection Lamp Test Figure 1 DC Motor tachometer experiment to which the present software example is relevant. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu 555 Timer Page 399 Speed-Controlling Potentiometer 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 4 PRE-TEST PROCEDURE Before starting your test, perform the following pre-test procedure to verify that your experimental setup is performing correctly: 1) Check the correct wiring of the DC motor set up: Wire Red wire Black wire Yellow wire 2) Connection +5 V 0 V (Ground) Signal wire to the input capture pins IC1 Check mark Press the small black “Lamp Test” button on the DC motor board. Do all the LEDs light up, displaying the number 88? Y ___ N ____. Connect port B to the 2-digit 7-LED display. Send $99 through port B. Does the display indicate correctly? Y ___ N ____. Repeat with $66. Try other base-10 numbers. Does the display correctly indicate all these numbers? If not, contact your TA. TA checkmark ________ PART I –DC MOTOR SPEED-VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTIC (30%) 3) Disconnected the motor from the circuit and measure its internal resistance, R = _________ Ω. (You may want to borrow a digital multimeter from your TA for this measurement). 4) Connect the circuit to the power supply terminals. Attach the voltmeter probes to the DC motor terminals. 5) Connect the oscilloscope Ch. 1 probe to the sensor output wire (yellow) of the circuit board. Set the oscilloscope trigger mode to Auto, source to Ch. 1, and coupling to DC. 6) By rotating the knob of the potentiometer, modify the duty cycle of voltage delivered to the DC motor to increase and decrease the motor speed. Find the voltage value for the fastest speed (fullspeed). Enter this value in the table. Then find other values until you have matched all these descriptors: full-speed, ¾-speed, ½-speed, ¼-speed, very slow, and stopped. 7) Run the DC motor at full speed. Examine the signal on screen. Modify the sec/div setting until the signal best fits the screen and can be measured. Measure the period of rotation, τ and enter your result in Table 1. Repeat for the other speed settings in the table. 8) Calculate the angular frequency, ω, motor constant, K, and the measured rotation speed based on the measured period of rotation. Enter the values in Table 1. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 400 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 4 Table 1 Period of Speed Voltage rotation, τ description (V) (ms) Rotation speed, ω (rad/s) RPM Motor constant, K Full-speed ¾-speed ½-speed ¼-speed Very slow Stopped Average motor constant, Kav PART II – DC MOTOR TACHOMETER (70%) The program LASTNAME_Firstname_RPM.asm developed in Hmwk6 will be used to measure and display the rotation speed using the microcontroller input capture function IC1. Recall from Hmwk6 that T1 is the first time when a falling edge transition is encountered on pin IC1, while T2 is the second time when a falling edge transition is encountered on the same pin IC1. This corresponds to the time between two consecutive passages trough the emitter-detector sensor of the hole in the rotating disk. The difference between T2 and T1, plus the time taken by the overflows, will represent the period of rotation of the disk. Hence, one can calculate the rotation speed and display it. Since the experimental setup has only two 7-LED displays, the rotation speed will be displayed in 100s RPM. 1) Activate the program LASTNAME_Firstname_RPM.asm and let it run TA checkmark ________ 2) Read the displayed rotational speed and enter the values in the table. 3) Calculate the error between the displayed value and the calculated value rotation speed value. In this calculation, take the rotation speed resulting from oscilloscope measurements as the standard. 4) Calculate the average motor constant and enter its value in the table. 5) Repeat for the other voltage settings. TA checkmark ________ TA checkmark ________ Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 401 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 4 Error in rotation speed measurement (%) Displayed speed (x100 RPM) Measured speed (RPM) Period of rotation, τ (ms) Voltage (V) Speed description Table 2 Full-speed ¾-speed ½-speed ¼-speed Very slow Stopped Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 402 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 4 (This page is left intentionally blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 403 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Lab 5 LAB 5 STEPPER MOTOR AND A/D CONVERSION OBJECTIVE The objective of this laboratory is to introduce the student to the use of: 1. Stepper motors under microprocessor control 2. A/D conversion with the 68HC11 microcontroller The physical principles and the programming features of these devices will be studied and applied. PART I – STEPPER MOTORS PREREQUISITES Floppy disk with the asm codes for the programs: • LASTNAME_Firstname_Stepper_Motor.asm Hard copy (printout) of Hmwk7 – Stepper Motor. When printing, use the 'pages per sheet' option in the lower right corner of the print dialog-box with settings of 4 or 2 (depending on your eyesight) to save paper. (We may want to experiment a little with this before printing the full document.) PROCEDURE The students will utilize the asm code developed with the THRSim11 simulator for Hmwk 7 and Hmwk 8. The students will go through the printout of Hmwk7 step by step and will verify that the MCU responds to instructions as expected. The lab is divided into sections. After completing each section, the student will ask the TA to check the student’s work and make a check mark on that section. The asm code is activated into the MCU following the standard procedure learned in Lab 1. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The experimental setup for this experiment consists of a stepper motor (Figure 1) and its controller board (Figure 2). The stepper motor controller board is connected to the MCU port B. The MCU generates a sequence of binary patterns that are used by the controller board to energize the stepper motor coils and generate motion. Controller board Stepper motor 8-pin input connector Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 404 8/19/2008 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers EMCH 367 Lab 5 Figure 1 Stepper motor and its controller board. Control signals to the controller board are sent through the 8-pin input connector. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM BLACK RED Figure 2 Circuit diagram of the stepper motor controller board WIRING DIAGRAM Wire Green wire: Red wire Black wire Connection +15 V +5 V 0 V (Ground) The 8-pin input connector on the controller board is connected to MCU Port B. Make sure to respect the MSB convention. PRE-TEST PROCEDURE Before starting your test, perform the following pre-test procedure to verify that your experimental setup is performing correctly: 1. Check the correct wiring of the stepper motor controller board and input/output connectors: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 405 8/19/2008 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers EMCH 367 Wire Green wire: Red wire Black wire Input connector Output connector Connection +15 V +5 V 0 V (Ground) Port B Stepper motor connector Lab 5 Check mark 2. Test hardware: Use a removable marker to make two alignment marks, one on the stator, the other on the rotor of the stepper motor. Energize and establish communication. Manually send the 2-hex numbers corresponding to the four full-step sequences of Table 1 to the parallel port B. Use a pencil to mark the position of your marking after each block of four full-step sequences has been entered. Fill in the answers below: Estimate the angle of rotation after one complete block of four full-step sequences= ______________ Count the number of blocks of four full-step sequences needed to achieve a complete rotation = _____ Calculate the angle of rotation corresponding to one full step: _______ Deduce the angle of rotation corresponding to a half step: __________ Table 1 Stepper motor energizing patterns and their 2-hex equivalent value Sequence Energizing pattern S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 1000 1001 0001 0101 0100 0110 0010 1010 8-bit 2-hex equivalence $08 $09 $01 $05 $04 $06 $02 $0A Phase energizing type 1 phase 2 phase 1 phase 2 phase 1 phase 2 phase 1 phase 2 phase Step type Half step Full step Half step Full step Half step Full step Half step Full step STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL PROGRAM Run the program of homework 7 using the commands >, <, +, -, S: Verify that it can be controlled to do forward and backward motion, slower and faster. Verify that it stops. i)Move forward > Check mark ii)Move backward < Check mark iii)Increase speed (decrease delay) + Check mark iv)Decrease speed (increase delay) - Check mark v)Stop program S Check mark Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 406 8/19/2008 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers EMCH 367 Lab 5 When satisfied with the program operation, show it to your TA. TA checkmark ________ PART II – A/D CONVERSION PREREQUISITES Floppy disk with the asm codes for the program: • LASTNAME_Firstname_AD.asm Hard copy (printout) of Hmwk8 – A/D Conversion. When printing, use the 'pages per sheet' option in the lower right corner of the print dialog-box with settings of 4 or 2 (depending on your eyesight) to save paper. (We may want to experiment a little with this before printing the full document.) PROCEDURE The students will utilize the asm code developed with the THRSim11 simulator for Hmwk8. The students will go through the printout of Hmwk8 step by step and will verify that the MCU responds to instructions as expected. The lab is divided into sections. After completing each section, the student will ask the TA to check the student’s work and make a check mark on that section. The asm code is activated into the MCU following the standard procedure learned in Lab 1. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP +5 V Power Supply Variable Potentiometer Port E Protection Card MCU Port E pin PE4 Multimeter MCU Port B 8-LED Display Figure 3 AD conversion experiment: block diagram The analog-to-digital (AD) converter function of the M68HC11 microprocessor will be used to record, as eight-bit digital data, the analog signals developed by a variable potentiometer and sent to the MCU through port E pin PE4. The experimental setup (Figure 3) consists of a variable potentiometer, port E protection card, multimeter, the MCU port E, the MCU port B, and an 8-LED display. The potentiometer generates an adjustable voltage (analog signal) in the range 0 – 5 V. The analog signal is through the port E protection card to the MCU port E. The multimeter records the value (mV) of the analog signal that enters the MCU. Inside the MCU, the analog signal is converted to 8-bit digital. Conversion is effected continuously, in a round-robin fashion and stored internally in four variables (VAL1 – VAL4). The average of these four values is calculated by software and output through MCU port B for digital display on the 8-LED display. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 407 8/19/2008 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers EMCH 367 Lab 5 WIRING DIAGRAM Wire Red wire Black wire Yellow wire Connection +5 V 0 V (Ground) Potentiometer variable output (0 – 5 V) EQUIPMENT LIST • +5V power supply • variable potentiometer • 8-LED display • multi-meter PRE-TEST PROCEDURE Before starting your test, perform the following pre-test procedure to verify that your experimental setup is performing correctly: 1. Check the correct wiring of the potentiometer, port E protection card, port E pin PE4: Wire Red wire Black wire Port E protection card and port E Input connector Multimeter Output connector Connection +5 V 0 V (Ground) MSB alignment Check mark Port E protection card pin PE4 Probe to PE4 8-LED display MSB alignment 2. Connect multimeter to yellow wire. Adjust the potentiometer and verify that voltages in the range 0 – 5 V can be generated. 3. Set potentiometer to generate approx. 750 mV. Check with the multimeter probe that the generated voltage passes through the port E protection card and arrives at actual port E pin PE4. AD CONVERTION TEST PROCEDURE When you are satisfied that the hardware works satisfactorily, proceed with the actual AD conversion experiment. Table 2 list six target voltage values. With your program running, do the following for each target voltage: 1. Reading with the multimeter, adjust the potentiometer to within the target value, and, when the reading is steady, record it in the ‘Actual’ column of Table 2. 2. Calculate the predicted value resulting from AD conversion. Perform the calculation in hex, then convert to binary. Enter the values in the corresponding column under the heading ‘Predicted’. 3. Call TA to verify. 4. Proceed to the next target voltage. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 408 8/19/2008 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers EMCH 367 Lab 5 Table 2 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Voltage at pin PE4 (mV) Target Actual 750 1600 2200 3000 4000 5000 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Digital values from AD conversion Predicted Displayed Hex Binary $ % % $ % % $ % % $ % % $ % % $ % % Page 409 TA check mark 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Appendix 1 APPENDIX 1 HEX_BCD This subroutine will convert the HEX number in the ACCA register to BCD number. After this subroutine is performed, the converted BCD number is stored in the ACCA register for future use. * HEX_BCD subroutine * This S/R converts from Hex to BCD the number in accA HEX_BCD PSHX ; save X in the stack PSHB ; save B in the stack TAB ; transfer info from A into low D CLRA ; clear A LDX #10 ; load 10 into X IDIV ; divide info by 10. Quotient ends ; in X, reminder stays in low D TBA ; transfer reminder (1st decimal ; digit) from low D into A PSHA ; save 1st digit in the stack XGDX ; exchange D and X. Quotient ; (i.e., 2nd digit) is now in low D ; i.e, in B PULA ; retrieve A from the stack. ; 1st digit is now in A LSLB ; shift B to the left 4 times to get LSLB ; 2nd digit to the left of B LSLB ; LSLB ; ABA ; add A and B, results stays in A ; now we have both digits in A, ; in the proper order. PULB ; retrieve original B from stack PULX ; retrieve original X from stack RTS ; return Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 410 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Appendix 1 (This page is intentionally left blank) Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 411 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Appendix 2 APPENDIX 2 HOW TO SOLDER Soldering is defined as "the joining of metals by a fusion of alloys which have relatively low melting points". In other words, you use a metal that has a low melting point to adhere the surfaces to be soldered together. Soldering is more like gluing with molten metal than anything else. Soldering is also a must have skill for all sorts of electrical and electronics work. It is also a skill that must be taught correctly and developed with practice. This document attempts to teach soldering through a few simple steps. Tips and tricks are also provided at the end. HOW TO SOLDER Step 1: Equipment Soldering requires two main things: a soldering iron and solder. Soldering irons are the heat source used to melt solder. Irons of the 15W to 30W range are good for most electronics/printed circuit board work. Anything higher in wattage and you risk damaging either the component or the board. Note that you should not use so-called soldering guns. These are very high wattage and generate most of their heat by passing an electrical current through a wire. Because of this, the wire carries a stray voltage that could damage circuits and components. The choice of solder is also important. One of the things to remember is to never use acid core solder. Acid core solder will corrode component leads, board traces and form conductive paths between components. The best solder for electronics work is a thin rosin core solder. I prefer a thickness of 0.75mm, but other thicknesses will also work. Just remember not to get anything too thick. Remember that when soldering, the rosin in the solder releases fumes. These fumes are harmful to your eyes and lungs. Therefore, always work in a well ventilated area. Hot solder is also dangerous. Be sure not to let is splash around because it will burn you almost instantly. Eye protection is also advised. Step 2: Surface Preparation: A clean surface is very important if you want a strong, low resistance joint. All surfaces to be soldered should be cleaned with steel wool and some sort of solvent. Laquer thinner works well. Some people like to use sand paper, but I think that it is all too easy to sand right through circuit board traces, so steel wool is my preference. Don't neglect to clean component leads, as they may have a built up of glue from packaging and rust from improper storage. Step 3: Component Placement After the component and board have been cleaned, you are ready to place the component on the board. Bend the leads as necessary and insert the component through the proper holes on the board. To hold the part in place while you are soldering, you may want to bend the leads on the bottom of the board at a 45 degree angle. Once you are sure that the component is properly placed, you can more on to the next step. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 412 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Appendix 2 Step 4: Apply Heat Apply a very small amount of solder to the tip of the iron. This helps conduct the heat to the component and board, but it is not the solder that will make up the joint. Now you are ready to actually heat the component and board. Lay the iron tip so that it rests against both the component lead and the board. Normally, it takes one or two seconds to heat the component up enough to solder, but larger components and larger soldering pads on the board can increase the time. Step 5: Apply Solder And Remove Heat Once the component lead and solder pad has heated up, you are ready to apply solder. Touch the tip of the strand of solder to the component lead and solder pad, but not the tip of the iron. If everything is hot enough, the solder should flow freely around the lead and pad. Once the surface of the pad is completely coated, you can stop adding solder and remove the soldering iron (in that order). Don't move the joint for a few seconds to allow the solder to cool. If you do move the joint, you will get what's called a "cold joint". This will be discussed shortly. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 413 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Appendix 2 Step 6: Cleanup After you have made all the solder joints, you may wish to clean with steel wool or solvent to remove all the left over rosin. You may also wish to coat the bottom of the board with laquer. This will prevent oxidation and keep it nice and shiny. COLD SOLDER JOINTS A cold joint is a joint in which the solder does not make good contact with the component lead or printed circuit board pad. Cold joints occur when the component lead or solder pad moves before the solder is completely cooled. Cold joints make a really bad electrical connection and can prevent your circuit from working. Cold joints can be recognized by a characteristic grainy, dull gray colour, and can be easily fixed. This is done by first removing the old solder with a desoldering tool or simply by heating it up and flicking it off with the iron. Once the old solder is off, you can resolder the joint, making sure to keep it still as it cools. TIPS AND TRICKS Soldering is something that needs to be practiced. These tips should help you become successful so you can stop practicing and get down to some serious building. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 414 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Appendix 2 1. Use heatsinks. Heatsinks are a must for the leads of sensitive components such as ICs and transistors. If you don't have a clip on heatsink, then a pair of pliers is a good substitute. 2. Keep the iron tip clean. A clean iron tip means better heat conduction and a better joint. Use a wet sponge to clean the tip between joints. 3. Double check joints. It is a good idea to check all solder joints with an ohm meter after they are cooled. If the joint measures any more than a few tenths of an ohm, then it may be a good idea to resolder it. 4. Use the proper iron. Remember that bigger joints will take longer to heat up with an 30W iron than with a 150W iron. While 30W is good for printed circuit boards and the like, higher wattages are great when soldering to a heavy metal chassis. Solder small parts first. Solder resistors, jumper leads, diodes and any other small parts before you solder larger parts like capacitors and transistors. This makes assembly much easier. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 415 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Appendix 3 APPENDIX 3 FLOW CHART TEMPLATE BASIC FLOWCHART COMPONENTS The development of complex programs may be facilitated with the use of simple flowcharts constructed using the following basic components. Additional logic components may also be employed. Flowchart symbol Definition Logic connectors Action symbol Logic symbols Label symbol Software interrupt symbol EXAMPLE FLOWCHART – DELAY PROGRAM Here is an example of a simple flowchart and how it may be used to facilitate the development of a simple program: (i) Define variable DELAY at $0000 (ii) Load DELAY into accA Code Flowchart DELAY RMB 1 (iii) Decrement accA (iv) Branch back to (iii) if the result is higher than zero (unsigned >0) LDAA DELAY LABEL1 BHI (vi) SWI Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu SUBA #1 LABEL1 SWI Page 416 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Appendix 3 Page 417 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Course Package.doc 4 APPENDIX 4 EXPLANATION OF EXAMPLE OUTPUT COMPAE TIMER FUNCTION #INCLUDE 'C:\Temp\VAR_DEF.ASM' • Define program variables • ORG DATA DT RMB 2 ; Half wave duration * Start main program ORG PROGRAM START LDX #REGBAS LDAA #%00010000 ; *mask for OM3=0, OL3=1 STAA TCTL1,X ; *set OC3 to toggle LDD DT *store TCNT+DT in TOC3 ADDD TCNT,X STD TOC3,X *Main loop LABEL1 LDAA TFLG1,X *check OC3F ANDA #%00100000 *mask for OC3F BEQ LABEL1 *loop back *We are here when output compare happens LDAA #%00100000 *reset OC3F STAA TFLG1,X LDD DT *add DT to TCNT ADDD TCNT,X STD TOC3,X *store new time in TOC3 BRA LABEL1 *back to the top SWI The output at OC3 will toggle when TCNT=OC3, and the corresponding bit in TFLG1 will also be set. If we count the cycles of every instruction, we can draw the table as shown below: 4 9(cycles) 2 3 2 4 24(cycles) 4 6 LDAA TFLG1,X ANDA #%00100000 BEQ LABEL1 LDAA #%00100000 STAA TFLG1,X LDD DT ADDD TCNT,X 5 STD TOC3,X 3 BRA LABEL If we set a breakpoint at LDAA #%00100000, just after the checking TFLG loop is done, we may want to know the relationship between the value of DT and ∆T. Let’s assume we start our calculating from the breakpoint; what we want to know is how many clock cycles the program will run till next breakpoint for a DT. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 418 8/19/2008 EMCH 367 Fundamentals of Microcontrollers Course Package.doc 4 Let’s assume that before the instruction ADDD TCNT,X is performed, the value of TCNT is TCNT1; we run the program step by step and can find that after the instruction: STD TOC3,X. The value of TOC3 is TCNT1+4+DT, while the current value of TCNT is TCNT1+11, the program will keep running until TCNT reaches the value of TOC3, i.e. TCNT1+4+DT. So, when the checking procedure begins, the difference between TCNT and TOC3 Is: DT-10. The next work is to find how many checking loops the program will need to detect if TCNT reaches TOC3.The checking procedure occupies 9 clock cycles, so we assume: DT-10 = a*9+b; if b > 4, that means the toggle happens after the instruction LDAA TFLG1,X, so an additional loop is needed for the program to detect that the TFLG has been set. if b <=4, the program can detect the TFLG immediately so that no additional loops is needed. After we know how many loops are needed, the total cycles between breakpoints will be: 9*(number of loops)+24. So we can write the equations below: ∆T=9*(a+2)+24 if b>4; or ∆T=9*(a+1)+24 if b<=4. Let’s take DT=$0020 as one example, DT-10= 32-10 =22, 22= 2*9 +4, a=2, b=4<=4, so ∆T=9*(a+1) +24=9*(2+1)+24=51. Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Page 419 8/19/2008
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