GM2Revised (Page 1)


GM2Revised (Page 1)
Gesta Monastica
Volume 2, Issue 1 Spring 2002
In this issue of Gesta Monastica:
– Progress on the Sacred Stones Project
– Bequests to The Abbey
– A Look at Monastic Life
– Abbey Ranch Update
photo: Steve Keegan/Chico Enterprise Record
– Sacred Stones Get a New Look
– Scenes from Sacred Stones Receptions
– Send Us Your Stories
Stonemason Ross Leuthard cuts the first stone at a December, 2001 press conference
Sacred Stones in the News!
The Sacred Stones project has entered into Phase Two! A stonecutter’s shop has been
set up on the grounds wherein the carving of missing stones and the refurbishing of
damaged stones is taking place. An enormous customized saw arrived from Europe in
November and now sits in Stanford’s Brandy Barn, enabling expert stonemasons Oskar
Kempf and Ross Leuthard to carve stones full time for at least the next year. Visitors to
the site can now witness a rare scene: state-of-the-art machinery used to facilitate the
ancient craft of stone carving.
Today the stones are physically laid out on the ground and fitted together,
including three magnificent portals. Viewing the stones alone makes a visit to the abbey
a unique and captivating experience.
In fact, some recent visitors were so intrigued by the project, they were eager to share
their experiences with the rest of the world! On December 13th members of the media
were invited to an open house at the abbey and to view progress of the Sacred Stones.
Father Thomas led the enthusiastic group of reporters on a tour which included a stone
carving demonstration. One reporter remarked that the customized saw sliced through
the limestone as easily as if it were bread.
Following the event, the Sacred Stones project was featured on the 6 o’clock news on
KCRA, the Sacramento NBC-TV affiliate. The segment was sent out to other NBC
affiliates across the country and aired from Los Angeles to Maine on television and at on the Internet. The story also received prominent coverage in print on the
front page of the Chico Enterprise Record. It seems that news of this unique and
uplifting story is ready for prime time!
Sacred Stones Board Member
Alfred Spalding Wilsey
On January 4, 2002, our community lost one of our
founding supporters and advisors of the Sacred
Stones project. Al Wilsey was called home to God a
few months after suffering a stroke. He was 82.
Born and raised in the Bay Area, Al left college
at age 17 to run the family dairy business with his
brother when his father passed away. Over the next
fifty years, the Wilsey Bennet dairy foods company,
as well as many successful real estate ventures,
helped Al to become one of San Francisco’s most
prominent businessmen.
But even more than his business acumen, Al
will be remembered as a renowned philanthropist.
He supported many causes, often quietly, and
quickly gained a reputation for his acts of kindness.
His greatest interests
were education, fine
arts and the Church,
but his generosity
truly had no bounds.
Early in the
Sacred Stones project,
Al made a generous
lead gift, paving the
way for the establishment of the Nucleus
Fund. He provided other critical initial support,
including having the stones trucked from San
Francisco to Vina – 20 truck loads in all!
Al’s support of the project was so valuable,
Abbot Thomas would often remark,“Without
Al Wilsey, there would be no Sacred Stones project.”
Our entire community will miss Al’s gregarious
nature, wonderful sense of humor, exceptional
compassion and benevolence.
The statue of St. Bernard is from the high altar of
Santes Creus Abbey, near Tarragona, (Barcelona area)
Spain. It is by Taller de Padro Sanglada and is dated c.1420.
The picture was taken by James France.
Be still.
Listen to the stones of the wall.
Be silent, they try to speak your Name.
Listen to the living walls.
Who are you?
Who Are you?
Whose Silence are you.
Thomas Merton
Contact the Abbey Online!
Our Websites:
For Sacred Stones:
A Word from Abbot Thomas:
Scenes from Sacred Stones Receptions
Dear Friends,
Here at the Abbey of New Clairvaux, we are
delighted to have completed Phase One of our
Sacred Stones project. The Nucleus Fund has
allowed us to prepare and refurbish the stones
and now it is highly gratifying to see the fruits
of that effort as the ancient chapter house begins
to take shape.
Achieving the Nucleus Fund goal was made
possible by so many. With joy and appreciation we
present the Donor Honor Roll in this issue. Your
gifts and prayers help to energize and sustain this
Carl and Christine Meyer, with Abbot
Thomas at a Sacred Stones reception in their
home in Los Angeles in January.
What’s New
Nearly 400 guests enjoyed a beautiful
September afternoon at the Abbey as we blessed the
Sacred Stones and our stonemasons.
The Chapter House of Santa Maria de Ovila
was declared a local historical landmark by the
Tehama County Board of Supervisors.
Sacred Stones Board Member Carl
Meyer and his wife Christine hosted a
Los Angeles house reception in late
What’s Coming Up
This Spring I’ll once again have the
pleasure of sharing the story of the Sacred
Stones at several house receptions.
On May 2, Robert Folger Miller
will host a reception at his home in
Tom and Nonie de Bettencourt will
host a garden reception in Paradise on June 8. Nonie
is a renowned cellist and graciously played, without
charge, at our blessing ceremony in September.
Future receptions are being planned in Chico,
San Francisco, and Sonoma.
Nearly four hundred supporters attended our
In Memoriam
reception at the abbey on September 15, 2001.
All of us were deeply saddened at the passing
of our dear friend and Sacred Stones Board Member
Al Wilsey in January. His enthusiasm and generous
support of the project were truly inspiring.
We will remember him in our prayers and in our
hearts. Please see the tribute to Al included in this
Abbot Thomas X. Davis blessed the stones and
the stonemasons, officially commencing the
fundraising effort for the Sacred Stones
Thank You!
Your continued support of our efforts is
uplifting, invigorating and profoundly appreciated.
Please be assured that you are remembered regularly
in the prayers of our community.
In peace,
Thomas X. Davis, OCSO, Abbot
Photo: David Perata
Thomas X. Davis,
Gesta Monastica, the newsletter of The Abbey of New Clairvaux, is published twice
yearly. For address correction, to obtain additional copies, or more information on
articles, please contact Sandy Goulart at (530) 839-2243.
Publisher - Abbot Thomas X. Davis, OCSO
Editor - Sandy Goulart
Design & Production - Alan Rellaford, Margaret Roy, Gary Baugh
Sacred Stones Campaign Gets A New Look
This winter the Sacred Stones
campaign gained a handsome
new look, courtesy of Chico
Featuring the three arches
drawn in clear, simple lines, the
new design appears on the campaign newsletter, business cards,
letterhead, and presentation
“The beautiful new design
captures the spirit of our project in a
fitting, symbolic way,” said Abbot Thomas. “We are
so fortunate and grateful to be able to work with a
designer of Alan’s caliber who understands the
essence of what we’re doing.”
A friend of the monastery, Alan has nearly 20
years experience as a graphic designer and educator.
After graduating from California State University,
Chico, he began his career working for a prominent
design firm in San Francisco and later for top firms
in Los Angeles and Santa Monica. Alan’s specialty is
the design of corporate identity systems, having
worked with numerous
clients such as Ryder Truck
Rental, Princess Cruises,
Pacific Bell, National Car
Rental, and The Franklin Mint.
Before joining the faculty of
the Communication Design
Department at CSU, Chico, he
taught at the prestigious Art Center
College of Design in Pasadena.
In addition to teaching, Alan is the
Design Director of the Tourism and
Communication Design Partnership.
Alan’s work has been recognized by the American
Institute of Graphic Arts and the American
Packaging Council, and has been published in
several leading design publications.
“Our community is blessed to receive the
benefits of Alan’s talents,” Abbot Thomas said. “We
are thrilled with the new design and look forward to
continuing to work with him.”
An Inside Look at Monastic Retreats
Board of Advisors
By Father Paul Mark, OCSO, Novice Master
Photo: David Perata
We are honored and grateful that the following members
The Abbey of New
Clairvaux sponsors a
month-long retreat for
men of all faiths. The
purpose of this retreat is to
share the values of
Cistercian contemplative
monastic life by permitting these men to explore
the faith dimension of their life in a monastic
environment and to discern their call in the Church
aided by monastic tradition and practice.
These retreatants participate in the Divine
Office (the chanted prayer seven times daily in
church) and Eucharist, share in daily manual labor,
eat the main meal with the monks, and receive three
weekly conferences on aspects of monastic prayer and
life. Ample time is provided for “holy leisure” to
allow for reflection, study, and reading. The director
of the program meets with each retreatant weekly to
assist each one in any way he can.
A registration fee of $25 is the only cost involved.
Dates for the retreat are arranged by availability of
applicants. We need two men as a minimum to
operate the program but it is limited to three men at
any given time. Applications are available by
writing or sending an e-mail to the Program
Director ([email protected]).
In the past year sixty-six men from fifteen states,
the District of Colombia, and seven foreign countries
contacted us for further information on monastic life
for the purpose of considering a vocation. Of these
inquirers, twenty-seven materialized into vocational
retreats here at the monastery. Three of these men
spent one to three months living in the monastery as
observers. One has returned to begin postulancy and
the other two plan to return later this year. As of this
writing there are three other candidates whom we
expect to enter the monastery this year. Truly God
does give the increase!
In recent months, Steve Painter and Glenn
Olivieri, arrived and entered their first year of
formation as candidates, or as we call them,
postulants. They join our two novices, Brothers
Rafael Flores and Placid Morris, who are in their
second and third years of initial formation, and our
simple professed monk, Brother Christopher
Marquez, who is completing his secondary formation
to prepare for life (solemn) vows.
In addition to these five men, we have in
residence a monk from our monastery of Our Lady
of the Philippines, Brother Gerard Ingusan, who is
completing studies for the priesthood and was
ordained to the transitional diaconate on
December 30, 2001. Please join us in praying for
vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
of the Board of Advisors are willing to share their time and
expertise on behalf of our Sacred Stones endeavor.
Dr. Margaret Burke is the Art Historian of the Chapter House.
She has completed many extensive studies on the stones, and is an
indispensable expert on Cistercian architecture. She lives in
Belmont, California.
Ann Marie Campbell is a nationally recognized fine artist, who
specializes in murals. She resides in Folsom, California.
Dr. Jose Miguel Merino de Caceres is an architect for the
Government of Spain, currently at the University of Madrid. He
wrote his doctoral dissertation on the Abbey of Santa Maria de
Ovila, and has restored several important historical buildings in
Spain, most notably the Cistercian Abbey of Sacramenia.
Patrick Cole, AIA is one of the architects on the project, working
through his firm Arcademe in Chico, California.
Abbot Thomas X. Davis, OCSO is Abbot at the Abbey of New
Clairvaux, Vina, California. He has been interested in the stones
since 1955.
Sandra Goulart is the Sacred Stones Campaign Coordinator.
She has an extensive background in print and broadcast media,
marketing, advertising and public relations. She resides in Chico,
Oskar Kempf is the master stone mason for the project. He grew
up in Germany working under his father, also a stone mason.
He has been involved in numerous commercial and residential
projects throughout Europe and in the U.S., all projects of high
quality and artistry. Oskar owns his own firm, Kempf Stoneworks.
Dr. Terryl N. Kinder is editor of the periodical Citeaux,
Commentarii Cisterciennes. She orchestrated the national display
honoring St. Bernard and the Cistercian Order in 1990 for the
French Government. A consultant for the restoration of several 12th
Legati Ovila
Send Us Your Stories
Legati is simply a Latin word for ambassadors. Members of
this designation are not involved in the day-to-day business of
our capital campaign. Rather, they are individuals willing to
assist us where they have influence and entrée in their respective
communities. Our present Honorable Legati are:
Dennis and Patty Burke - Active community volunteers.
Dennis is a Management Consultant, Ross, California.
Sacramento, California.
Marilyn and Frank Dorsa - Owners of the Delta Queen
If you’ve made a retreat at the Abbey, please
consider sharing your experiences with us. We’d
love to hear why you enjoy coming to the
monastery as well as any stories or feedback you’d
like to offer. Please contact Sandy Goulart at
the Abbey of New Clairvaux, P.O. Box 80,
Vina, CA 96092, or send an email to:
[email protected]. Please include your
name and how we can contact you, if necessary.
Thank you!
Gerber, California.
Russell Godt - Vice President-Investments, U.S. Bancorp Piper
Jaffray, Sacramento, California.
Bev Hansen - Partner in Lang, Hansen, O’Malley & Miller,
Sacramento, California.
John Koeberer - Founder and Chairman of Tehama
Adapted from Bernard of Clairvaux
Abbot Thomas proudly shows the beautiful
certificate from the City of
Los Angeles presented
trial lawyer, civic leader, and community
reception hosted at
volunteer. Maggie is a counselor with the
the home of Mr. &
Anthony Veerkamp - Senior Program Officer
for National Trust for Historic Preservation,
San Francisco, California.
Carl F. Meyer, AIA is also one of the architects on the project.
He works for Altoon & Porter in Los Angeles, California.
Darla and David Moe are co-owners of Moe’s Direct Marketing,
based in Sacramento, California.
Harry S. Parker, III is the Director of the Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco, California, and currently resides there.
Cistercian Scholars
Our Sacred Stones Project has drawn international attention from
scholars in the fields of architecture and history. We are proud of the
many fine Cistercian scholars assisting us on our project through
their professional advice and warm encouragement.
Dr. E. Rozanne Elder - Cistercian Institute and Publications,
at a Sacred Stones
reside in Los Gatos, California.
Lomont, is based in San Francisco, California.
Dr. Marsha Dutton - University of Ohio, Athens, Ohio
Patrick and Maggie O’Laughlin - Pat is a
Santa Clara Unified School District. They
for the Abbey’s development campaign. Their firm, Raaberg &
Joanne & Martin (Pete) Murphy - Active
Annette Lomont & Charles Raaberg are fundraising consultants
Dr. David Bell - Memorial University, St. John’s,
Red Bluff, California.
law firm of Tobin & Tobin, San Francisco,
St. Ignatius College Preparatory in San Francisco, California.
management company in Sacramento, California.
“Our Cistercian family welcomes you
with open arms, and the angels look
down on you with smiling faces. They
know very well that what pleases God
more than anything is brotherly
concord and unity.”
Bank, Co-Founder of California Park Companies,
community volunteers. Pete is a senior partner in the
Stephen Lovette is Senior Vice President for Development at
Philip Sunseri owns Sunseri Associates, Inc., a construction
Car Wash Company. They reside in Los Gatos, California.
Jane Flynn - Owner and President of Pacific Farms,
century French Cistercian Abbeys, she resides at Pontigny, France.
Mrs. Carl Meyer. Carl
is an architect for Altoon
& Porter, Los Angeles, and
member of our Board of
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Dr. James France - Oxfordshire, England
Dr. Virginia Jansen - University of California, Santa Cruz,
Dr. Terryl Kinder - Citeaux, Commentarii Cisterciennes,
Pontigny, France.
Dr. Meredith Parson Lillich - Syracuse University, New York
Dr. Brian Patrick McGuire - Roskilde University, Denmark
Dr. John A. Nichols - Slippery Rock University,
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
Dr. John R. Sommerfeldt - University of Dallas, Texas
Dr. Emero Stiegman - Halifax, Canada
Opportunities for Lasting Recognition
Artists rendering by Dylan Telleson
Chapter House
Archival Library
San Jose Chapel
Library Annex
Pastoral Center
Serenity Garden
Entrance Plaza
Novitiate Center
Reflecting Pool
Abbot’s Quarters
Reception Rooms
Cloister Fountain
Monastic Fountain
Chapter House Windows
Phase Three
Thanking donors is a very special part of our Sacred Stones campaign. Prominent and permanent recognition will be given to donors
in a variety of ways, including in an appropriate room or garden location. In addition, the names of all contributors of $360 or more
will be carved on the Donors’ Gate - the entrance to the Cloister and Chapter House. Gifts maybe made in the name of the donor or
in the name of another as a tribute or a memorial.
The suggested donations listed below are
determined by the visibility and desirability of
the facility and have no relationship to the actual
construction costs.
-Partial ListingChapter House: $3 million
This 800 year old magnificent Gothic edifice
will be used daily by the monks to chant a chapter
of The Rule of St. Benedict. At specified times each
day it will be open to people of all faiths.
Cloister: $1 million
A place for prayer, meditation, and spiritual
reading, the cloister is the heart of the monastery.
Archival Library: $500,000
The library will house documents and artifacts
relative to the Chapter House of Santa Maria de
Ovila and history of the Abbey.
San Jose Chapel: $500,000 (Reserved)
This small beautiful chapel will be available for
private contemplative prayer, Mass, and small group
Library Annex: $250,000
The Abbey’s library of more than 40,000
theological and philosophical volumes includes an
extensive collection of patristic writings of the early
and medieval Church.
Pastoral Center: $250,000 (Reserved)
This large center supports the services essential
to monastic life. It includes individual offices for the
Prior, Cantor, and Monk Secretary, a computer
room, as well as a visitor’s suite for visiting abbots
and bishops.
Serenity Garden: $100,000
Situated between the Cloister and the Church,
this enclosed garden offers a place for solitude and
Entrance Plaza: $100,000
A gathering space for visitors and guest, this
large courtyard is located in front of the new Abbey
Church and Chapter House.
Novitiate Center: $100,000
This center is devoted to the formation and
spiritual growth of the newcomers (novices) to the
Cistercian, monastic way of life. It includes
classrooms and an office for novices’ spiritual
Reflecting Pool: $50,000 (Reserved)
Early Cistercian monks loved water and had
many uses for it. This pool will enhance the
entrance to the office complex and bring an aura of
peace to the monks’ administrative area.
Abbot’s Quarters: $50,000
This small office, with living quarters, will be
the contact point between the abbot and the monks
for spiritual guidance and temporal administration.
Reception Rooms: $50,000
In the entrance foyer, along with the San Jose
Chapel, will be a porter’s office and two reception
rooms for receiving visitors to the Abbey.
Cloister Fountain: $25,000
This fountain is in the center of the cloister, an
area open to the public.
Monastic Fountain: $25,000 (Reserved)
Located within the monastic area, this fountain
will create a relaxing atmosphere for the monks.
Chapter House Windows: (3) $10,000 each
These windows will be simple in design in
keeping with Cistercian style.
Phase Three of the campaign is the construction
of a new Abbey Church and Sacristy. The cost is
estimated at $9 million. Both facilities can be
Anyone interested in a Naming Opportunity
is invited to call Sandy Goulart, Campaign
Coordinator at the Abbey, 530-839-2243.
Bequests to the Abbey of New Clairvaux:
a legacy for the next millenium
he Sacred Stones project is not only for today, but for well into the next millenium. In addition to the reconstruction of the
Santa Maria de Ovila Chapter House, the plans include a pastoral center and new church as well. All of these structures will
be built of stone and of similar style, reflecting the faith and values of the Cistercian-Trappist order. This new complex will
provide worship and prayer facilities for the monks as well as for all those who come to the Abbey seeking spiritual nourishment and
Friends of the Abbey who make a provision in their estate plans for this extraordinary project help the monks to turn this vision
into a reality and leave a legacy to future generations and beyond. The Abbey is forever grateful to the following friends who recently
left bequests to the Sacred Stones project:
Brother Bob Usher
Hope Foundation Gives Sacred
Stones Gift In Memory of
Brother Bob Usher
Abbot Thomas with Ermine Duccini and longtime friend Norma Idzinga
Ermine Duccini Sacramento, CA
Mr. Duccini made many trips to the monastery, which he fondly referred to as
“a peaceful place.” A physical therapist, he worked for many years to help alleviate
suffering, giving his time and talents to the Polio Foundation, the Muscular Distrophy
Association, lepers in the third world and many other worthy causes. In appreciation of
Mr. Duccini’s support for the Abbey, an area in the new church will be named in his
Richard and Patricia Ryan
Fayetteville, AR
After a “chance” meeting on an airplane, Mr. Ryan
struck up a friendship with the former Abbot of
New Clairvaux–a relationship that continued with
Abbot Thomas. The owner of a tunnel construction
company, Mr. Ryan often asked the monks to pray
for the safety of his workers. He and his wife,
a retired nurse, were active in their local church
community. After visiting the Abbey, the Ryans
developed a passion for the Sacred Stones project.
The Bob and Dolores Hope Foundation has
provided for a monastic fountain to be constructed
as part of the Sacred Stones building campaign.
Mrs. Hope asked that the fountain be named in
memory of Brother Bob Usher, a member of our
community and a friend of the Hopes, who passed
away in 1990.
Born in 1901, Bob Usher became a wellknown Hollywood set designer and art director
whose work was honored with three Academy
Award nominations, and a place in the permanent
collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
In his years at the Abbey, he continued to develop
his artistic talents and contributed greatly to the
beauty of the Abbey and its grounds. Thanks to the
generosity of the Bob and Dolores Hope
Foundation, a new fountain will be a visible tribute
to Brother Bob’s memory.
Gerdon and Kathryn Jones
Loogootee, IN
Through correspondence with Abbot Thomas,
a fellow Hoosier, Mr. and Mrs. Jones developed a
great interest in the Abbey’s work. A retired mail
carrier and a retired teacher, they gave generously to
many causes, including the Church and education.
Chester Farrell
San Francisco, CA
A San Francisco parish organist, Mr. Farrell made
many trips to the Abbey for retreat. For many years,
he worked as a branch manager for Bank of
America. In addition to the Abbey, he supported
education and social services, such as St. Ignatius
High School and the Hospice of Marin.
These benefactors are remembered every day in the
prayers of the New Clairvaux community. Their
names, and the names of all the donors to the Sacred
Stones project, will be placed under the granite altar in
the new church where they will be remembered in
perpetuity by the monks. Anyone seeking information
about making a provision for the Abbey in their estate
plans should contact Sandy Goulart at 530-839-2243.
The Guild of New Clairvaux
Honor Roll of Donors
As a lasting way of saying thank you to all
those who have contributed to our efforts to restore the
ancient Spanish Chapter House of Santa Maria
de Ovila, the Abbey has established the following
donor levels:
Benefactor - $500,000+
Ovila Society - $100,000+
Master - $10,000+
Associate - $5,000+
Journeyman $1,000+
Apprentice - $500+
Stone Donor - $360+
Guild member - up to $359
Memory of Georgiana Flaherty
Eileen & Don Galloway
Walnut Creek, CA
William Henzel
San Mateo, CA
Elizabeth Howard
Tulsa, OK
Ester & Richard Jacobs
Sacramento, CA
Olivier E. Martin
Lotus, CA
Rita Fessler & Anna Dean
Independence, MO
Henrietta & Trent Moseley
Redwood City, CA
Memory of Vincent Flynn
Jane A. Flynn
Red Bluff, CA
Shelleyrae & Robert Murphy
Seattle, WA
Dorothy Wood
Manhattan Beach, CA
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Hart
Modesto, CA
Karren & Jay Wright
Sacramento, CA
Isobel Murphy Trust
San Francisco, CA
Memory of Konyn-Stoop Parents
Alice & Peter Konyn
Durham, CA
Master - $10,000+
Memory of Brother Bob Usher
Dolores and Bob Hope
Hope Charitable Foundation
North Hollywood, CA
Jewish Community Fund
San Francisco, CA
Wilsey Foundation
San Francisco, CA
Kathryn & Gerdon A. Jones
Loogootee, IN
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
Anonymous Donors (3)
Associate - $5,000+
Pat & Bob Darrow
Chico, CA
Memory of Marie Hunerlach
Don Hunerlach
Walla Walla, WA
Mary & Bernard Johnson
Johnson Family Foundation
Pasadena, CA
Stella Michalak
Brooklyn, NY
Ann & Michael Noone, Jr.
Alexandria, VA
Jim Rossas
Oroville, CA
Celia & Julio Torres, MD
Solvang, CA
Georgianna Flaherty
Walnut Creek, CA
Journeyman - $1,000+
Nell & Rawlins Coffman
Red Bluff, CA
Memory of Marie Hunerloch
June & Tom Crawford
Sacramento, CA
Kevin Snider Physical Therapy
Anderson, CA
Rose & Bernard Victor
Meriden, CT
Christine & Michael Vovakes
Red Bluff, CA
Stone Donors - $360+
Memory of Father Joseph Wittbrod
Mimi Atkins
Chico, CA
Polly Moore
Belmont, CA
Ellen Mary & Walter Berg
Marian Missionaries (2 Stones)
Yuba City, CA
Mercedes & John Morris
Pasadena, CA
Joanne & Martin Murphy
San Francisco, CA
Barbara & John Berger
Sacramento, CA
Ivan Murphy
Columbus, OH
Memory of Elizabeth C. Bermann
Philip Bermann
El Monte, CA
Margaret & James A. Parenti
Danville, CA
Mary & Robert Blach
Los Molinos, CA
Altoon & Porter Architects
Carl Meyer, AIA
Los Angeles, CA
Paul John Brankin, PC
Sisseton, SD
Dorothy & Bill Schaeffer
Forest Ranch, CA
Sharon Buchanan
Paradise, CA
Sister Maria Sierra, SFCC
Palm Springs, CA
Memory of Geneva & James Sarosi
Stephanie & James Burkett
Chico, CA
Memory of Homer G. Scribner
Jane & Robert Scribner
Hillsborough, CA
Memory of Douglas David Larson
Linda J. Carlton
Alameda, CA
Sharon & Richard
Wickenheiser, MD
(4 Stones) Red Bluff, CA
Marilyn Carmazzi
Sacramento, CA
Memory of Fr. Joseph Wittbrod
Geraldine Wittbrod
Rocklin, CA
Memory of Norbert Wohletz
Martha & David Wohletz
Red Bluff, CA
Apprentice - $500+
Ann Marie Campbell
Folsom, CA
Pat & John Sommerfeldt
Irving, TX
Francia & Jean Barbier
Los Molinos, CA
Ellen Mary & Walter Berg
Yuba City, CA
Butte Creek Foundation
Chico, CA
Richard Roach
New York, NY
Robert Folger Miller
Hillsborough, CA
Anonymous Donors (5)
Patty & Dennis Burke
Ross, CA
Rev. Helmut Richter
Pittsburg, CA
Dan E. McDaniel, MD
Red Bluff, CA
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McCarthy
San Rafael, CA
Angela E. Aszensa
Mountain View, CA
Isabella & Roy Brazzale
Chico, CA
Mayrose & Antonio Ramos, MD
Honor of Mrs. Allen J. Lomont’s
98th Birthday
Joan & John Bail
Kansas City, KS
Barbara & William Broach
Lafayette, CA
Charles Raaberg &
Annette Lomont
Sonoma, CA
Karen & Rick Lynch
El Dorado Hills, CA
Honor of Marie and Sherman Lafoon
& The Dan Caputo Jr. Family
Dorothy & Dan Caputo, Jr.
(2 Stones) San Jose, CA
Rev. Mother Teresa
Jesus OCD
Carmelite Monastery
Memory of Richard Wang SJ
Theresa & Cheuk-Kin Chau
Chico, CA
Memorial for Father Joseph Wittbrod
Susan & Merle Blick
Chico, CA
Honor of Cheuk-Kin 60th Birthday
Theresa Chau
Chico, CA
Memory of Father Joseph Wittbrod
William & Mary Borgsmiller
Red Bluff, CA
Mary M. Cleveland
Lewiston, CA
Calvin & Carla Cornwell
Sunnyvale, CA
Rita Fessler & Anna Dean
Independence, MO
Elizabeth Devereaux
Chico, CA
Veronica M. & John A. Coelho
Laton, CA
Carole Coleman
Napa, CA
Suzanne & Thomas Crotty
Healdsburg, CA
Mary & Bruce Douglas
Reno, NV
Memory of Joseph Lopes Cunha
Mary Cunha
Oakley, CA
Finbarr Donovan
Dublin, Ireland
Peggy & Louis Ecker
San Clemente, CA
Eileen & Richard Davies Family
Colusa, CA
Jane & Vincent Flynn Family
Red Bluff, CA
Memory of M/M Elam & M/M Boim
James Elam, Jr.
Sacramento, CA
Rev. Raymond Decker
Sepastopol, CA
Memory of Georgiana Flaherty
Eileen & Don Galloway
Walnut Creek, CA
Memory of Don Galloway
Eileen Galloway
Walnut Creek, CA
Gay & Ted DuCharme
San Francisco, CA
Memory of Timothy Felling
Nancy & Thomas Felling
St. Helena, CA
Beverly K. Hansen
Sacramento, CA
Lucille D. King
Venice, CA
Memory of Marjorie L. McNichol
Jerome O’Brien
Berkeley, CA
Charles Raaberg &
Annette Lomont
Sonoma, CA
Marilla Whitney
Vina, CA
Chester Farrell
San Francisco, CA
Mary & Bruce Douglas
Reno, NV
Noreen Dunn
San Francisco, CA
Priscilla & John Hanford
Paradise, CA
Ovila Society - $100,000+
Barbara & Seeley Mudd
Red Bluff, CA
Gerard Lobato
Chico, CA
Benefactors - $500,000+
Glenn Johnson, MD
Kenner, LA
Donna & Bill Dolinar
Paradise, CA
John M. Lagomarsino
Sacramento, CA
Memory of Thomas Steensland
Doris & Lawrence Phillips
Forest Ranch, CA
Patricia & Richard Ryan
Fayetteville, AR
Mercedes & John Morris
Pasadena, CA
Memory of Sheila P. Dundon
Dermot J. Dundon
Alameda, CA
The community of the Abbey of New Clairvaux
deeply appreciates the generosity of donors appearing in
this honor roll. The Guild of New Clairvaux Honor
Roll reflects contributions received for our Sacred Stones
project through February 14, 2002.
Great care has been given to the preparation of this
honor roll. We have tried to ensure the accuracy of this
list, and we apologize for any inadvertent errors or
omissions. Please direct any questions or comments
about the honor roll to Sandy Goulart, Campaign
Coordinator, (530) 839-2243.
Ermine Duccini
Sacramento, CA
Angelita DiNatale
Alameda, CA
Elizabeth Devereaux
Chico, CA
Memory of Bernard Francis Flynn
Jane A. Flynn
Red Bluff, CA
Memory of Miriam Rosalie Flynn
Jane A. Flynn
Red Bluff, CA
Memory of R. Michael Barry
Jane A. Flynn
Red Bluff, CA
Betty J. & Allan E. Forbes
Chico, CA
Winifred & Robert Gaines
Sacramento, CA
Honor of Abbey Reception Volunteers
Sandra R. Goulart
Chico, CA
Memory of John J. McHugh
Mary M. Guenther
Sacramento, CA
Honor of William D. Glenn
for Christmas
Prescott W. Hafner
San Rafael, CA
W. Simms Hallanan
San Francisco, CA
Memory of Wallace C. Harstead
Velma Harstead
Elk Grove, CA
Robin & George Hayes
Los Molinos, CA
Honor of Omakanim &
Pereira Families
Jerry Omakanim
Anaheim, CA
Carla & Joseph Osgood
Chester, CA
Joanne & George Overton
Orland, CA
Gerlando F. Palazzotto
Mountain View, CA
Ligea M. Painter (2 Stones)
Kailua Kona, HI
Thomas D. Paro
Davis, CA
Memory of Jack Knapp,
Thelma Kennedy, Edna Bitteker,
Dorothy Rush
Clare’teen Perron
Acton, MA
Dwight Koon Chew Yim
Honolulu, HI
Memory of William Krause
Jack W. Krause
Santa Rosa, CA
Memory of Manuel & Mary Silva
Florence & Duane Kugelman
Marysville, CA
Elise & Bjoern Kuhn
Scarsdale, NY
Anna & Herbert Liverett
Somerset, CA
Raaberg & Lomont
San Francisco, CA
Honor of our Associates:
Ann, Vicki and Sandy
Raaberg & Lomont
San Francisco, CA
Memory of Gregory Scott Hagan
Elaine & Noel McCaffrey
Chico, CA
Martha & Michael McCrystle
Sacramento, CA
Memory of my husband
Ronald Mitchell
Ann Marie Mitchell
Berkeley, CA
Honor of Jordan & Tristan Peton
Hall Bros. Mortuary
Corning, CA
Memory of Mary Brigid
Sweeney Rancke
Henrietta & Trent Moseley
Redwood City, CA
Honor of our 3 Sons
Joseph, James & Jeffery
Mercedes & John Morris
(3 stones) Pasadena, CA
Honor of Edna & John Watson
Mercedes & John Morris
Pasadena, CA
Honor of Elizabeth R. Morris
Mercedes & John Morris
Pasadena, CA
Yvette Mae Arcenal
Daly City, CA
Mary & Tom Armosino
Corning, CA
Angelina & Teodoro Atkins
Sacramento, CA
Memory of Federico Grabiel
Susana Ayala-Grabiel
Red Bluff, CA
Margaret Vivian Baker
Fr. Daniel Barfield, SJ
Alamogordo, NM
Catherine & David Beauty
Woodland Hills, CA
Jean & Bill Reynolds
Chico, CA
Mary J. Bennett
Beloit, WI
Kenneth J. Rishe
Yuba City, CA
Memory of Selma E. Bird
Barbara & John Berger
Sacramento, CA
Dolores Roach
Fr. James E. Rocheleau
Miriam Berks-Roberts
Vacaville, CA
Memory of Gabriella Rossi Swenor
Ines & Leo Rossi (2 Stones)
San Francisco, CA
Ann R. Berkstresser
Sacramento, CA
Barbara & Gary Russell
Fargo, ND
Memory of Onofrio and Isabel Russo
Jan & Joseph Russo
Pleasant Grove, CA
Memory of Roma and Ivan Wilson
Joseph Russo
Elverta, CA
Patricia & Simon Schwan
Pharr, TX
Memory of John & Clara Knapp
Betty & Jack Knapp
Torrance, CA
Diane & Ronald Allen
La Mesa, CA
Hawn & Laurens Reyburn
Foster City, CA
Honor of Gordon Hom & Steve Foster
Gordon A. Hom
San Francisco, CA
Kathleen & John Kelly
Palo Alto, CA
Harry Aligree
Ukiah, CA
Memory of Leslie & Dorothy Smith
Barbara & Sumer Bartlett
Grass Valley, CA
Beverly S. Schalon
Lake Charles, LA
Knights of Columbus
Chico, CA
Memory of Doreen Drury
Marlene & Donald Ahlback
San Mateo, CA
Mayrose & Dr. Antonio Ramos
(2 Stones)
Aiea, HI
Mrs. W. H. Hohnemann
Shingletown, CA
Barbara C. Jones
Corning, CA
M. C. Africa
Red Bluff, CA
Memory of Brother Paul Bernard
Jan Barnes
Orland, CA
Memory of Gregory Lester St. Onge
David Sale
Escondido, CA
Memory of Father Joseph Wittbrod
Margaret B. Hymans
Rocklin, CA
Mary Adams
Red Bluff, CA
Dennis Price
Reno, NV
Joan & James Healy
Sacramento, CA
Bridge & Gordon Huntington
Davis, CA
Guild - up to $360
Sisters of the Presentation
San Francisco, CA
Memory of Mary Elizabeth Skraby
Cynthia & Thomas Skraby
Encinitas, CA
Kenneth Solak
San Francisco, CA
Memory of Virgina Somerfeldt
Pat & John Sommerfeldt
Irving, TX
Richard L. Bernal
Gold River, CA
Vicki Bertaina
Chico, CA
Rosa Lea Bettencourt
Biggs, CA
Manuel H. Bettencourt
Chico, CA
Maria del Carmen Bielma
Oakland, CA
Elisabeth Binstock
Magalia, CA
Sharon & Jeff Bisaga
Chico, CA
Mary & William Borgsmiller
Red Bluff, CA
Michael J. Bozzini
San Francisco, CA
Memory of Joseph E. Brazil
Mary & David Brazil Family Trust
Auburn, CA
Cathy & Jim Brescia
Sacramento, CA
Barbara & William Broach
Lafayette, CA
Randy Stice
Lake Jackson, TX
Cathleen & Jeffrey Brown
Berkeley, CA
Jane & Bradley Stoutt (2 Stones)
San Marino, CA
Frank Brown, MD
Sacramento, CA
Honor of Richard Stranzl &
Brother John Cullen
Judy Stranzl
Corte Madera, CA
Gerald J. Brynda
Clovis, CA
Honor of Rev. Father Isaiah Teichert,
Wendy Teichert
Sacramento, CA
Brenda & Alan Burchett
Chico, CA
Fernando A. Tellez, MD
Solana Beach, CA
Gerald M. Caplan
Sacramento, CA
Honor of Marilla J.Whitney’s Ministry
Patricia Van Patten
Stateline, NV
Jack Flynn & Jimmy Camarillo
San Francisco, CA
Honor of Viraz-Cruz Families
Anna & Franz Viraz-Cruz
San Mateo, CA
Memory of Emma & Albert Vucinovich
Rev. Albert Vucinovich
Burlingame, CA
Mary & Jerry Waldorf
Chico, CA
Memory of Mary & John Connelly
Barbara Walker
Chico, CA
Ida & Donald Webster
Red Bluff, CA
Sharon & Richard
Wickenheiser, MD
(4 Stones) Red Bluff, CA
Bob Burchell
Patricia & Walter Burns
Vina, CA
Edda M. Caraballo
Fair Oaks, CA
Ann Carberry
Sacramento, CA
Sharon & Anthony Cardenas
Big Bend, CA
Pam & Dan Carleton
Pleasanton, CA
Sandra & Jim Carpenter
Oroville, CA
Katherine & Bert S. Carreras
Martinez, CA
Linda & Michael Carroll
Sacramento, CA
Joe Carroll
Vina, CA
Mary Adams & Andrew Wiley
Red Bluff, CA
Phyllis & Robert Carvo
Roseville, CA
Memory of Delbert Winn
Janet & David Winn
Red Bluff, CA
Barbara A. Cavalier
Sacramento, CA
Memory of Father Joseph Wittbrod
Geraldine Wittbrod
Rocklin, CA
Memory of Marie Hunerlach
Mrs. & Dr. Joseph Wujek & Family
Walla Walla, WA
Donna & James Cavins
Moline, IL
Catherine & Albert Chabot
Lynn, MA
Blaise Cirelli
Santa Rosa, CA
Mary & James Clark
Redding, CA
Sue & Robert Clawson
Red Bluff, CA
Mary R. Clements
Loogootee, IN
Carol & John Glanville
San Francisco, CA
Christine & Tom Lando
Chico, CA
Viji Nakka-Cammuf
Oakland, CA
Herbert Schaefer
Chico, CA
Lory & Dale Winkelmann
Chico, CA
Anne & Stanley Cordes
San Francisco, CA
William D. Glenn
San Rafael, CA
Eileen Lavender
Indian Wells, CA
Nives Nash
Placerville, CA
Carl F. Schetter
Napa, CA
Angela & Christopher Wong
Kwai Fong, Hong Kong
Pamela A. Cotham
Folsom, CA
Fe Victoria Millera Gomez
Burlingame, CA
Magi Neese
Vacaville, CA
Beverly S. Schalon
Lake Charles, LA
Suzanne Wood
Auburn, CA
John C. Cottle
Red Bluff, CA
Wilma Goodwin
Sacramento, CA
Memory of Roberta & Joseph Brattan
Betty & Ross Lawler
Chico, CA
Vesta & Eugene Nunez
Galt, CA
Rev. Robert Schindler
Tampa, FL
Alma Croman
Los Molinos, CA
Milton T. Gottardi
Loyalton, CA
Carol & James O’Brien
Walnut Creek, CA
Robert Schwarzhaupt
Papaikou, HI
Memory of Robert Woodall, Sr.
& Robert Woodall Jr.
Pauline Woodall
Millbrae, CA
Mr. & Mrs. John Cummings
San Leandro, CA
Honor of Michael Bensen’s
50th Birthday
Sandra R. Goulart
Chico, CA
Marge Liebenow
Vina, CA
Honor of Omakanim
& Pereira Families
Eloise & Jerry Omakanim
Anaheim, CA
Honor of Mark & All Your Friends
Albeth & Alfred Scott
Carmichael, CA
Howard Le Goullon
Rancho Murieta, CA
Sarah Lobato
Yonkers, NY
Tom O’Connor
Syracuse, NY
George Grassby
Marlboro, MA
Marlene M. Lodge
San Bruno, CA
Maggie & Patrick F. O’Laughlin
Los Gatos, CA
Baukje & Herman Gray
Chico, CA
Memory of William F. McCrone
Janet & Milon Logan
Paradise, CA
Shannon M. Pace
Berkeley, CA
Virginia & Robert Shattuck
Redding, CA
Theresa & Martin Padilla
Placerville, CA
Memory of My FatherDaniel Joseph Shay
Daniel W. Shay-Sierra Roofing
Santa Rosa, CA
Roy Cunha
James A. Currlin
Chico, CA
Donna & Ernest Dalton
Chico, CA
Kenneth P. Dahl
Minneapolis, MN
Memory of Leo De Bock Family
Sr. David Marie De Bock
Red Bluff, CA
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeYoung
Fresno, CA
Susan & James Daugherty
El Dorado Hills, CA
Monica & Lorenzo Diamond
Chico, CA
Rev. Bernard Diekhoff
St. Joseph, MO
Carol & Tom DiGiovanni
Chico, CA
Kathleen & John Greiten
Red Bluff, CA
Margaret & Gustave Grieder, Jr.
Latrobe, PA
Mary J. Griffin
Sacramento, CA
Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Guenther
Redding, CA
Margaret Gunnell
Forest Ranch, CA
Alice Hardesty
Ashland, CA
Nicole Le Blanc
St. Helena, CA
Memory of Delphine E. LeDoux
M. Delphine LeDoux
Sacramento, CA
Honor of Russell & Debra Godt’s
Raaberg & Lomont
San Francisco, CA
Honor of Alan Rellaford’s Birthday
Raaberg & Lomont
San Francisco, CA
Memory of Don Galloway
Raaberg & Lomont
San Francisco, CA
Marjory & Fred Lourence
Red Bluff, CA
Memory of Marie Panchesson
& Anee Barbato
Peter P. Panchesson
Chico, CA
Nathalie Panelli
Auburn, CA
Barbara Lynn Pape
Pacifica, CA
Austin M. Park
Chico, CA
Marilynn & Richard Harris
Fairfield, CA
Ruby Q.S. Lum
Honolulu, HI
John PatricksKnights of Columbus
Roseville, CA
Regina & Randall Harris
St. Louis, MO
Susan & Dana Marble
Coarsegold, CA
Ellen M. Docili
Concord, CA
Honor of our Lord and Savior
Micah James Hayes
Miami, FL
Jeanine & Anthony Martinez
Clio, CA
Memory of George B. Dolan Sr.
George B. Dolan
Honolulu, HI
Virgin & John Helin
Nevada City, CA
Angelita M. DiNatale
Alameda, CA
Direct Mail Services
Chico, CA
Lynnette & Dennis Dorenzo
Chico, CA
Anna & Joseph Dos Ramos
Petaluma, CA
Mrs. John Duff
Pittsburgh, PA
Memory of Camillus Kunz
Arlene & Francis Duffy
Woodland, CA
Rev. Thomas Elis
South El Monte, CA
Edward W. Ellington
Knights of Columbus
Montclair, CA
Sharon K. Hernandez
Colusa, CA
Honor of Father John Murphy, SJ
Margo Bell Hoagland
Santa Rosa, CA
Sheila A. Holtgrieve
Castro Valley, CA
Roy Matson
Seattle, WA
Karen D. Petersen
Penngrove, CA
Memory of Josephine Brodlin
Therese A. McClafferty
Santa Clara, CA
Dorothy & Francis Jasinski
Rocklin, CA
John G. McLaughlin
Chico, CA
Virginia & George Jennison
Palo Cedro, CA
James L. McShane
Sacramento, CA
Bonnie & Craig Johnson
Oakdale, CA
Michael F. Meister, FSC
Moraga, CA
Charlotte A. Farmer
Redding, CA
Maria & Daniel J. Johnson
Red Bluff, CA
F. Michael Melewicz
Martinez, CA
Eileen Galloway &
Georgiana Flaherty
Walnut Creek, CA
Jacqueline & Kris Kampp
Foresthill, CA
Roberta E. Mendonca
Davis, CA
Milagros G. Kasala
Patricia & John Mescher
Marysville, CA
Kathryn & Milton Kerfoot
Temecula, CA
Eileen E. Kinnaird
Walnut Creek, CA
Frances Frleta
Redding, CA
Fritz Kinney
Chico, CA
Marie Froome
Red Bluff, CA
Brother Alex Kirby
Anacortes, WA
George B. Fry III
Kamuela, HI
Ramona & Bill Kirby
Paradise, CA
Helmy & Martin Fuerst
Sacramento, CA
Memory of Willis Anderson
& Clarence Johnson
Betty & Jack Knapp
Torrance, CA
Eileen & John Galloway
Walnut Creek, CA
William Gannon
Seattle, WA
Theresa & Michael Gasman
Redding, CA
Louise Ella Gerrodette
Red Bluff, CA
Memory of Teresa Tam
Authur Giacalone
Walnut Creek, CA
John Poimiroo
El Dorado Hills, CA
Kathryne & Thomas Sullivan
Stockton, CA
Memory of World Trade Center Victims
Mary Grace Tassone
Grass Valley, CA
Crystal & Dell Primasing
Wilton, CA
Rev. Dr. Carolyn J. McKeown
Chico, CA
The Fuerst Family
Sacramento, CA
Joseph B. Stomp
Sacramento, CA
Carol A. McCurdy
Sacramento, CA
Virginia & G.R. Jansen
Los Gatos, CA
Memory of Thomas R. Fowler, MD
Loretta Fowler
Redding, CA
Theresa Philips
San Rafael, CA
Marjorie & John Hudacek
Willows, CA
Graham Hutton & Jacki Headley
Chico, CA
Louisiana D. Knox
Chico, CA
Michael Kranzk
Pacifica, CA
Jean Krussel
Kay & William Kurdziel
Durham, CA
Louanne R. Lagomarsino
Chico, CA
Jessie Lagomarsino
Auburn, CA
Patricia L. Gianatasio
West Sacramento, CA
Leslea & Ronald Lagro
Mt. Shasta, CA
Memory of Maurice McGuire
Maureen & Jim Girard
West Sacramento, CA
Barbara & Victor Lams
Chico, CA
Regina Stein
Baltimore, MD
Laura & Robert Petrik
Germantown, MD
Teresita & Roger Poling
El Dorado Hills, CA
Deborah & T.J. McGlynn
Red Bluff, CA
Patricia & William Statsky
Los Altos, CA
Memory of Michelle Heidig
Lisa & John Stie
Sacramento, CA
Martha & Michael McCrystle
Sacramento, CA
Hope Ann & Timothy McFadden
Arlington Hts. IL
Frank Ford
Auburn, CA
Sue & Glen Brown
France Petersen
Wheatland, CA
Maxine & Gregory Huckabee
Jonesboro, GA
Hilda M. Kendall
Sacramento, CA
Columbus East Athletic Club
Joan & Robert Matson
Chico, CA
Stephen D. Hutcheon
San Francisco, CA
Miriam Flynn
Pasadena, CA
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blades &
Jenny & Howard Matchett
Vernon, CT
Memory of Wm. F. McCrone
Jenetta McCrone
Los Altos, CA
Kathleen & John Kelly
Palo Alto, CA
James Baker Jr.
Memory of Mabel Staley
Karen Ann Staley
San Francisco, CA
Carolyn & Gilles Faget
San Francisco, CA
John A. Fleming
Sacramento, CA
Amelia & David Smith
Fair Oaks, CA
Memory of Gary F. Davis Sr.
Columbus, IN:
Patricia & Stephen Foist
Scott McDonald
Chico, CA
David DeBow
First Christian Church
Chico, CA
Susan & Stanley Silva
Sacramento, CA
Relda & John Zuppan
Orland, CA
Honor of Jack Knapp –
Christmas 2001
Clare’teen Perron
Acton, MA
Mary & Robert Hughes
Chico, CA
Howard J. Finn
Redding, CA
Gabriel Sheridan
Seattle, WA
Gala & Greg Ybanez
Durham, CA
Philip E Spencer
Camino, CA
Edelgard E. Engle
Red Bluff, CA
Rita Fessler & Anna Dean
Independence, MO
Memory of Edward & Kathryn Sheets
Barbara Sheets
Martinsville, IN
Memory of Romeo & Emma Maranan
& Pablo Florentino
Victoria T. Yap
Union City, CA
Ed Pease
Terre Haute, IN
Barbara & James Hughes
La Habra, CA
Memory of Mel Langerwerf
Adriana T. Farley
Durham, CA
Patrick Shannon
Memory of Louise Dionese
& Pamm Ladrini
Barbara & Don Wright
Paradise, CA
Maria Jo Conner
Best Wishes in 2002 for
Annette Lomont & Chuck Raaberg
Kathleen & Layne McDonald
Zionsville, IN
Sister Patricia Elower, PBVM
Sisters of the Presentation
San Francisco, CA
Raphael O. Sepulveda
Los Angeles, CA
Kathryn & John Wright
Stevenson, WA
Helen Snell
Vacaville, CA
Nancy C. Hubbard
Chico, CA
Linda Huffmon
Chico, CA
Ricardo Segura
Sausalito, CA
Hedy & Fred Woods
Turlock, CA
Dan C. Quigley
San Francisco, CA
Bruce A. Racheter
Chico, CA
Jean & Louis Ramos
Sacramento, CA
Nancy & Roderick Read
Sacramento, CA
Mary & Raymond Reel
Cameron Park, CA
Memory of Sybil Gage Mathys
Michael Reilley
Chico, CA
Darnell Doboze & Girls
Ruby Hunter
Barbara & Gordon Lake
Cynthia & Floyd Rutan
Donna & Ed Schneider & Family
Cheryl & Richard Shelton
St. Bartholomew School
Students & Staff
Brenda & Mike Sullivan
M. E. Jiggs Thompson
Betty J. Welch
Columbus Amateur Radio Club
Memory of Georgiana Flaherty
Walnut Creek, CA
Kathleen & David Anderson
Dorothy & E.J. Anthofer
Linda & Frank Tavaszi
Greenbrae, CA
Barbara & William Broach
Debi T. Tavey
Folsom, CA
Mr. & Mrs. Linwood L. Clark
Joseph B. Taylor
Los Angeles, CA
Cora & Brad Davidson
Cathleen & Jeffrey Brown
Mary & James Clark
Dr. & Mrs. Fernando A. Tellez
Solana Beach, CA
Margot & James DeWitt
Clare M. Thompson
San Francisco, CA
David Donlon
Maureen Thornton
Loyalton, CA
Anne & Robert Flaherty
Conrad Thuy Trinh Thi Tu Pham
Riverside, CA
Marilyn T. Doe
Geraldine Ferring
Eileen & Don Galloway
Peter Galloway
Rosemary & Kenneth Reineman
Red Bluff, CA
Evlyn L. Turner
Paradise, CA
John Galloway
Alan Rellaford
Chico, CA
Memory of Joe & Elide Bertoli
Mary J. Turner
Chico, CA
Ellen & Stan Hennessy
Aida C. Uclaray
Sacramento, CA
Mary & Barnwell Knox Jr.
O. Cistercian Valley of Our Lady
Du Sac, WI
Iris & Calvin Pannell
Memory of
Mother Mary Seraphine, OCD
Lu & Richard Richmond
Sacramento, CA
Ann & Robert Richardson
Oakland, CA
Dana Galloway
Eileen Kinnaird
Natalie & David Nelson
Lurlene Roberts
Richard J. Rico
Vacaville, CA
Claudia & Martin Van Ert
Family Trust
Chico, CA
Marjorie A. Riley
Chico, CA
Bette E. Ullner
Barbara & Joseph Miller
Red Bluff, CA
Mary Sue Vandamme Trust
Kamuela, HI
Lurlene Roberts
Walnut Creek, CA
Virginia B. Williams
Lori Mills
Jackson, CA
David J. Veale, PhD
Houston, TX
Delores Robinson
Vina, CA
Dolores & Frank Mirarck
Northfield, OH
Helen E. Vedder
Stevenson, WA
Charles Rocheleau
Cistercian Monastery
Prairie Du Sac, WI
Memory of Mom & Dad & Family
Lt. Col. James E. Rockeinstein
Wheatland, CA
Honor of Regina & Arnold Veerkamp
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Anthony A. Veerkamp
San Francisco, CA
Kirk H. Monfort
Chico, CA
Clare & Daniel Ruen
Minneapolis, MN
Megan Moore
Half Moon Bay, CA
Joseph P. Runge
South Sacramento, CA
Rita & Jeff Mootz
Blanchard, ND
Katie & Ken Russel
Fargo, ND
Memory of Bill Ceha
Mary Lue Moore
Chico, CA
Ann Russell
Livermore, CA
Memory of Frank Galantine
Doris & Bob Meurer
Red Bluff, CA
Tom Pugh & Jacaln Morri
San Francisco, CA
Patricia & Thomas Ryan
Las Vegas, NV
Memory of Leo Voisin
Barbara Voisin
Shasta Lake, CA
Millicent & Donald Waits, DDS
Red Bluff, CA
Barbara Walker
Chico, CA
Debra & Thomas Weinrich, DDS
Chico, CA
Suzanne & Clinton West
Yuba City, CA
Jeffrey W. Morris
Marie & Erin Ryan
Palo Cedro, CA
Josephine & Edward Muckl
Terryville, CT
Mary A. Ryan
Washington, DC
Sheila & Chris Mulvaney
Tiburon, CA
Donald H. Saballos
San Francisco, CA
Sarah E. Murphy
Gold River, CA
Alice Sanders
Orland, CA
David W. Wilkinson
Chico, CA
Patricia & William Mutch
Chico, CA
Rose & Jack Sapnaro
Sacramento, CA
Marion C. Willey
Oroville, CA
Nancy & Douglas Myers
Clelie & Bert Sato
Chico, CA
Virginia B. Williams Trust
Walnut Creek, CA
Muriel C. Whitty
Paradise, CA
Mary Wilbur
Tayorville, CA
Andrew Wiley
Mariana Short
Julia Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Kirby West
Memory of Father Joseph Wittbrod
Abbey of New Clairvaux, Vina, CA
Mimi Atkins
Merle & Susan Blick
Mary & Paul Bruesewitz
Victoria Jadze
Margaret Hymans
Viji Nakka-Cammuf
Evlyn Turner
Geraldine Wittbrod
Jeanne Witbrod
Abbey Ranch Update
Abbey Ranch Orchards
Abbey Ranch Vineyards
By Father Harold, Business Manager
By Brother Laurin, Vineyard Manager
ue to overplanting in the early 1900’s,
the prune industry has had a substantial
oversupply of prunes to its normal
market over the past five years. With government
funding ($17 million dollars) plus industry funding,
a “tree-pulling” program has been in effect for 2001
and 2002. The goal is to reduce prune acreage by 30,
000 acres and balance production and inventory with
current market demands.
The monastery prune orchards are in excellent
position for participating in this “tree-pulling”
program since 80 acres of our 146 Sunsweet acreage are
26 to 31 years old. We will be pulling 38 acres of prune
trees in 2002.
To balance the loss of the prune acreage since
1996, we have planted 55 acres of walnuts of which
35 acres will be harvested this year.
lthough we said in the last newsletter that
we would harvest this past year because we
were anxious to assess the quality of our
wine, after more research and consultation with
other wine grape growers, we decided to wait for
another year. So we went through cutting and
dropping to the ground all the very young fruit.
This is to enable the vines to use all its energy in
putting down a good strong root system and bigger
trunks so that we will have good healthy vines and
much better fruit in the years ahead.
Doug Gugler, a UC Davis Cooperative
Extension plant pathologist urges growers to keep
fruit off of the vines until the plants are at least three
years old. Hopefully this sacrifice will give us a
better quality wine. Encouraging an earlier crop
may provide income from the vineyard sooner, but
could stress the vines so much that they become
susceptible to diseases like young vine decline.
Experts at UC Davis have identified the fungi
We Owe You Our Gratitude!
Tremendous thanks go to the following friends who have helped the
abbey in myriad ways.
Transportation of Stones
Lucky Distributors
Vacaville, CA
Madeline & Don Johnson
Mountain Stone
Corning, CA
Direct Mail
Darla & David Moe
Sacramento, CA
Direct Mail Services
Chico, CA
Sacred Stones Receptions
Marilyn & Frank Dorsa
Maggie and Pat O’Laughlin
Los Gatos, CA
Patty & Dennis Burke
Ross, CA
Jane Flynn
Red Bluff, CA
Russell and Curtis Godt
Sacramento, CA
Christine & Carl Meyer
Los Angeles, CA
Abbey Sacred Stones
Claudia Lazaro
Jane Flynn
John Koeberer
Pam Koeberer Pitts
Noni de Bettencourt
Luanne Logamarsino
Linda Lunsford
Marci Goulart
Ingeborg Johannsen
Alan Rellaford
Knights of Columbus - Chico
The Greg Hockderffer Family
Chuck Prior
Sean Sullivan
Mercy High School Key Club
Abbot Thomas X. Davis, OCSO
Abbey of New Clairvaux
P.O. Box 80
Vina, CA 96092
responsible for this ailment. It appears that the
fungi that cause the disease have evolved with the
grapevines. They can live in a grapevine without
causing damage until some type of stress triggers
them to switch from a latent state to a diseasecausing mode.
Cane pruning or long pruning consists in
leaving two fairly long canes to supply the vine’s
annual quota of fruitful buds, and removing the rest
of the canes entirely. The two remaining long canes
are then tied to the cordon trellis wire. This tying of
the canes to the trellis wire (a process called
“training”) gives a certain preconceived form to the
permanent parts of the vine. Once all the pruning
and training has been completed and all the
clippings (mountain loads of them!) are removed,
the vineyard floor looks like it has been swept clean.
Now we are ready to apply the, pre-emergent spray
to kill the dormant weed seeds.
We are looking forward to a great year and we
like to show off our beautiful vineyard. You are most
cordially invited to come and visit with us.
Sharon Wickenheiser
Denise Froome
Mike Barry
Becky Ross
Kristen & Brendon Flynn
Monte Buckhold
Sarah Jensen
Maureen Bumgardner
Marianne Brenner Catering
Miller Bakery
Bell Carter Olive Co.
Pacific Farms
California Guest Services
Diamond Walnut
Sunsweet Growers
S&S Produce
Safeway - East Ave., Chico
Enterprise Technical Services
Sacred Stones Video
Michael Morejohn
San Jose, CA
San Francisco Chronicle
Chico Enterprise Record Photographer, Steve Keegan
The Abbey vineyards are even more tranquil thanks to a rare snowstorm in January!
Vina, CA
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