15 newsletter#09 april 29 - Hazel M. Kellington School
15 newsletter#09 april 29 - Hazel M. Kellington School
Allen Hanke Principal Ph. (204) 476-2323 HAZEL M. KELLINGTON SCHOOL BOX 696 NEEPAWA, MB R0J 1H0 Scott Freeman Vice-Principal Fax (204) 476-3449 www.hazelmkellington.weebly.com NEWSLETTER #9 April 29th, 2016 Dear Parents As we wrap up April, it is hard to believe that there are only two months left in the current school year! We hope that your child is having a great year, and is excited for the last two months! Although there will be lots of fun and excitement over the last couple of months, it is extremely important to maintain our focus on academics. Reading and math are so important in a child’s development – we strongly encourage families to maintain this focus throughout the entire year. We understand that as the days get longer and warmer, it can be a challenge to maintain those good homework habits. Please try to maintain regular routines, including bed times, throughout the entire year. Our playground fund continues to be a focus both in the school, as well as the entire community. We currently have a total of almost $40000 committed to the playground fund, and have another major fundraiser coming at the end of May. On May 31st, HMK will join with the Beautiful Plains Community Foundation as well as the Neepawa Dairy Queen, in our “Walk for Toonies” fundraising day. Pledge envelopes will come out in mid-May, so students can collect pledges in advance that will go toward the playground fund. The walk will take place at approximately 11:00 am on May 31st, and will be followed by a community hot dog BBQ on our south playground – more details will come out in the next couple of weeks regarding the walk and BBQ. The Neepawa Dairy Queen has also offered to get in on the fundraising efforts. On that same day, May 31st, Dairy Queen has pledged to donate half of all sales (excluding taxes) between the hours of 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm to go toward our playground fund. We are very excited for this fundraiser for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is turning into a community wide daylong event – we are so pleased to see the entire community get behind our efforts! The second reason is that the Beautiful Plains Community Foundation has also pledged to match our May 31st fundraising efforts up to $15000! In addition to this, we are also applying for another grant through Canadian Foundations of Canada, and this has the potential to match the total again. This means that raising $15000 could mean a total gain of $45000 for our playground fund! May 31st promises to be an excellent day as we work towards a new play structure! As we continue to plan for next year, we have some staffing updates to share with you. We have been busy hiring new teachers, and are very pleased to announce that the following teachers will join the HMK team starting in the fall: Ms. Ali Evecsyn (grade 1); Mrs. Heather Brister (grade 2); Ms. Leah Mabon (grade 5); and Mr. Trent Joye (grade 5). We are excited to see our staff grow and look forward to the contributions that our new teachers are sure to make to the students of HMK! IMPORTANT DATES Tuesday, May 3rd Thursday, May 5th May 10th and 11th Tuesday, May 17th May 18th and 19th Friday, May 20th Monday, May 23rd Wednesday, May 25th Tuesday, May 31st Friday, June 3rd June 7th and 8th Wednesday, June 8th Thursday, June 9th Friday, June 10th June 13th – 17th, & 22nd Thursday, June 16th Monday, June 20th Wednesday, June 22nd Thursday, June 23rd Tuesday, June 28th Wednesday, June 29th Thursday, June 30th French Cooking for grade 3 NACI Lions Band performance at 9:00 am Incoming Kindergarten Parent Meeting 7:00 pm Preschool screening for kids born in 2012 – held at Legion Parent Council Meeting at 7:00 Grade 5 Operetta at Roxy Theatre Johnny Appleseed for grade 5 students NO SCHOOL – Victoria Day Eden Cross Country Run “Walk for Toonies” / Hotdog BBQ / Dairy Queen Fundraiser (partner with BPCF - for the playground fund) HMK Track Meet (rain date June 6th) Nursery School Tours at 10:30 and 2:30 BPSD Recognition Evening Farm Safety Day (Grade 5) Divisional Track meet (rain date June 14th) HMK Noon Swims Grade 3 field trip to Portage Grade 2 field trip to Austin ** HMK K-3 Tabloid at Riverbend (rain date June 24th) No Kindergarten classes NO CLASSES – Administration Day NO CLASSES – Administration Day Last day of school – early dismissal ** Note: All kindergarten students (from both days) will come to school on June 22nd for the Tabloid. There will be no kindergarten classes - for any kindergarten students on June 23rd. Hydro Presentations On April 7th our grade 4 and 5 classes hosted safety presentations from Manitoba Hydro. Three local Hydro reps, Mike Nicholson, Kelly McBride and Chris Scott, came in and did the presentations. They spoke about electrical safety and got the kids involved in demonstrations. We would like to thank Manitoba Hydro for bringing their message of safety to our grade 4 and 5 students! Hug-a-Tree On the last day of school before Spring Break, Craig Unger came to speak to our students about the “Hug a Tree” program. Hug-a-Tree is an AdventureSmart program that helps lost children survive in the woods. Mr. Unger talked to the students about how not to become lost in the woods, and what to do if they should become lost. There were four rules that were emphasized in the Hug-a-Tree presentation: • Tell an adult where you are going. • If you are lost, “Hug-A-Tree” and stay put. • Keep warm and dry. • Help searchers find you by answering their calls. MECCA Productions This past month we were very fortunate to host MECCA Productions for a performance in our school. MECCA is based out of Brandon and involves kids from grades 4 – 12. They perform musical theatre as well as pop, and gave a great show to the HMK students! MECCA was also involved this past year with the Manitoba Holiday Festival of the Arts, offering a musical theatre option. If your child is interested in singing and dancing, they will be back at the Festival of the Arts again this July. Registration forms for this went out earlier – if you happen to need a new one you can contact either the VCC or the school office. Spring Fling April 22nd was a very exciting evening for families, as it was the first ever HMK Spring Fling to be hosted in the Yellowhead Hall! The hall was packed with excited people dancing, visiting and having fun. Our Parent Council took the lead on organizing this year’s Spring Fling, and did a fantastic job. Mrs. Douglas was in charge of the music and kept the kids on the dance floor through the entire event. She also had the Dance Club do a special performance during the intermission – we would like to thank the Dance Club for their great performance! The camp trip raffle was drawn at the Spring Fling – congratulations goes out to Glenda Dionzon on winning the LG Tablet, and to Everett Olson on winning the Action Cam. The Parent Council also organized a Rainbow Auction with all proceeds going to the Playground Fund. We would like to thank everyone who bought tickets on the Rainbow Auction – it raised $1350 for our new playground!! The Rainbow Auction would not have been possible without the support of the following businesses and people who sponsored the auction: 31 Gifts – Erin Warwaruk; BMO; Bamboo; Boxe Neepawa; Brews Brothers Bistro; Century 21 – Troy Mutch; Chicken Corral; Chicken Delight; CN Supplies; CWD Satellite; Dairy Queen; Dollar Store; Leslie Dyke; Marla Dyke; Farmery; Gill & Schmall; Green Pepper; Harris Pharmacy; Home Hardware; It’s Time; Kareen’s Clothing; Kinley Thomson; Mazergroup; McDonald’s; NAPA; Neepawa-Gladstone Co-Op; Neepawa Golf and Country Club; Phinney’s Stucco; Plett Construction; Promo Time; Rainkie’s Sewage; Remax Realty; Rob Smith & Son Backhoe and Trucking; Shop Easy; Krista Speiss; Stampin’ Up – Leah Sumner; Steeped Tea – Desiree Knoll; Stella & Dot – Erin Warwaruk. With an event such as this, there are many thank you’s that are in order. We would like to thank the HMK Parent Council for organizing the Spring Fling at the Yellowhead this year, Mrs. Douglas for organizing the music, everyone who worked at the door or selling tickets, the HMK Staff for being there and helping supervise, and Mr. Freeman for overseeing the evening. A big thank you goes out to Anne and the Yellowhead Centre for allowing us to use the hall at a discounted rate! Having a bigger venue allowed everyone to attend without feeling too crowded! We hope that you all enjoyed watching the kids have so much fun – we’re already looking forward to next year’s Spring Fling! Peg and the Yeti On April 22nd our kindergarten – grade 4 students had the opportunity to attend the Manitoba Theatre for Young People’s performance of “Peg and the Yeti”. It was an excellent performance that highlighted Peg’s wonderful imagination and the adventures she would go on. We would like to thank the Beautiful Plains School Division for sponsoring this wonderful performance! From l to r: Jennifer Balen, Ntara Curry, Ray Strachan Junior Achievement All grade 2 classes participated in a program called Our Community through Junior Achievement Manitoba. This program provides students with perspective on the importance and impact of business in shaping our lives. Students: - practice interviewing people with job experience -role-play and imitate the characteristics of different jobs -complete the cycle of earning and spending -create a mural to illustrate and describe tools in the workplace The grade 2 teachers would like to thank Marilyn Crewe, Marivic Reyes, Tammy Wilson, Kelly McGhie and Ashley Huntley for volunteering to deliver this program to our students this year. Garden Club Plant Sale The Green Thumbs Garden Club is planning another plant sale with a tentative date of Friday, May 20th. The sale will take place for kids only at morning recess and then open to include adults at lunch time. We usually have some vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers, annual flowers and perennials. Most plants are $1 per container. Please check Mrs. MacPhee's website in a few weeks’ time for more details. http://mrsmacphee1.weebly.com/garden-club.html Our Green Thumb classroom garden has produced lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, basil and beans. We have also begun to plant vegetables in the planters beside the play structure. Please encourage children to respect our garden plantings. Run Club Run club has had an exciting start with many students returning from last year and new Grade 2 students joining. It’s been great to see so many students involved. We have had some Grade 6 and 7 students come for our noon hour run as well. They have been great leaders and role models, showing a real passion for active healthy lifestyles. We have only 2 more run dates left: Wednesday, May 4th and Thursday, May 12th. For our last run on Thursday, May 12 we will meet in the gym at 11:55 with our lunches. Then we will walk to Riverbend, do our run around the walking path at Riverbend, eat lunch by the play structure and with any time left we will have a play at the play structure and walk back for classes at 12:50. We would love to have parents join us for the walk down or just meet us at the Join us for our park for a run and/or lunch. Your support and Riverbend Run involvement in this program is greatly appreciated. on May 12th! Parent Council At our March Parent Council meeting, we were busy with preparations for the Spring Fling family dance. It was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets for our Rainbow Auction. We were able to make $1,350 thanks to our generous local businesses for their sponsorship. We have a really great community! We discussed other school areas for DFS fundraiser allocation including reading program books. We spent a lot of time discussing upcoming playground fundraiser ideas. Stay tuned for the Toonie Walk and DQ fundraiser. Our final meeting of the year will take place on Tuesday, May 17th, at 7:00 pm in the HMK Staff Room. Babysitting and coffee will be provided. Bicycle Safety Reminder We would like to remind everyone that bicycles are only to be ridden to school by students in grade 2 and up. Even though a number of students in kindergarten and grade 1 may be very good bike riders, only students in grade 2 or older are allowed to ride their bikes to school! We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this. THANKS TO: Classroom Volunteers: Donna Huck and Gail Wutke All the parents who have come out for our run club. Your help is greatly appreciated! The HMK Parent Council for all of their work in putting on the Spring Fling at the Yellowhead this year, and for raising $1350 with the Rainbow Auction! All of the Rainbow Auction sponsors: 31 Gifts – Erin Warwaruk; BMO; Bamboo; Boxe Neepawa; Brews Brothers Bistro; Century 21 – Troy Mutch; Chicken Corral; Chicken Delight; CN Supplies; CWD Satellite; Dairy Queen; Dollar Store; Leslie Dyke; Marla Dyke; Farmery; Gill & Schmall; Green Pepper; Harris Pharmacy; Home Hardware; It’s Time; Kareen’s Clothing; Kinley Thomson; Mazergroup; McDonald’s; NAPA; Neepawa-Gladstone CoOp; Neepawa Golf and Country Club; Phinney’s Stucco; Plett Construction; Promo Time; Rainkie’s Sewage; Remax Realty; Rob Smith & Son Backhoe and Trucking; Shop Easy; Krista Speiss; Stampin’ Up – Leah Sumner; Steeped Tea – Desiree Knoll; Stella & Dot – Erin Warwaruk Mrs. Douglas for looking after the music at this year’s Spring Fling! PUBLIC SERVICE Manitoba Summer Fair The 2016 Manitoba Summer Fair is quickly approaching and is scheduled for Wednesday June 8th until Sunday June 12th, 2016 at the Brandon’s Keystone Centre. The Manitoba Summer Fair features the North American Entertainment Midway, educational displays, horse show, top notch entertainment and a terrific Petting Zoo! Due to the generous support of sponsors, the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba is able to provide FREE children’s admission tickets to students ages 6 to 12. Just print copies of this ticket as you need and present it at the gate. Neepawa Golf & Country Club Beginner Junior Golf Clinic Registration Form 2015 Price: $25.00 Enrollment: 12-15 students’ max per session (But will add another session at 6pm if needed) Dates: Fridays, May 6, May 13, May 20 and May 27th In this Program you will learn: -An easy way to position the golf ball, take your stance and proper posture -Learn the fundamentals of the golf swing which will lead to consistency -How to aim properly to your intended target -Learn the basic etiquette and sportsmanship of the game -Short game (chipping and putting) and how to practice to become better STUDENT NAME: _____________________________________________________ Special Notes or Requests: ________________________________________________ Please Circle Desired Session: Level 1 (Ages 7-9) 4:00-4:45 Level 2 (Ages 10-14) 5:00-5:45 Have Student’s taken golf lesson’s before: Do Student’s Have their own Golf Clubs: Yes Yes No No If Not I can track some down for you, but please bring your own clubs if you have them Parents Name: _________________________________ Phone #:__________________ Parents Signature: ________________________________ MAKE ALL CHEQUES PAYABLE TO: LJC GOLF Fill out Form and Drop off at Neepawa Golf & CC Pro-shop (with payment) Any questions or concern’s feel free to contact Landon Cameron CPGA Head Golf Professional at the Neepawa Golf & Country Club 476-5711 Will make exceptions for 6 year olds if spots are available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Students: Return this page by Friday, May 6th signed by your parents and be eligible for Newsletter Draws. ____________________________ Student ___________________________ Parent