2015 Bulldogs Awards Dinner Booklet
2015 Bulldogs Awards Dinner Booklet
BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 Celebrating 20 Years Fun & Exciting!!! THE BULLDOG MISSION 1. To continually improve each player’s physical and mental abilities so they can be prepared to move to increasingly more advanced levels of play from Bulldog team to older Bulldog team to High School team and beyond. Our sole criterion for measuring success is the quality of individuals produced by our organization. We view winning as the by-product of successful preparation and execution. The chances of winning are increased when fielding, base-running, and batting are executed consistently. 2. To instill an understanding and sense of team and sportsmanship. Baseball is team sport and winning requires the cooperative participation of individual players. Only the team can win, not individuals. To achieve successful sportsmanship all players must respect their teammates, coaches, parents, and the umpires and opposing players, coaches and fans. In so doing they must learn to win with humility and lose with grace. 3. To instill an understanding of merit-based achievement and the value of dedication and its attendant rewards. 4. To be a responsible person by being dedicated to family and school first. 5. To build each player’s confidence by achieving our mission in a positive and supportive manner. Fun & Exciting!!! THE BULLDOG MISSION HOW? 1. Offering quality player instruction that is consistently applied and appropriate for each age level. Our Instructors: Marc Lussier II. Luis Monell, Joe Honan, Charles Lalane, Rich Mauro, Steve Alonso, and Jonathan Ortiz 2. Training coaches in the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the game. 3. Affording players maximum playing time by keeping rosters to a practical minimum and by using a system of reserves to afford additional playing time on age-similar teams. 4. Exposing teams to the appropriate level of league competition to prepare to them for the challenges of tournament play. 5. Evaluating and offering playing opportunities based on actual skill sets while always welcoming and rewarding improvement. 6. Enlisting the extra-organizational support of parents to supplement skill development. *** Thank you parents for volunteering as board members, organization assistants, and, most importantly, coaches. And a special thanks to Council members Brad Lander and Steven Levin. We couldn’t have done it without you! Fun & Exciting!!! How it all began In the summer of 1996, a group of twelve young and talented kids, ages 9-10, came together to play baseball under the name “Bulldogs." Consisting mostly of players from the 78th Precinct, the surprising thing about this team was the enthusiasm and dedication to the game shown by players and parents alike. They competed in local leagues around Bay Ridge and Marine Park. By the end of the summer of ’96, the Bulldogs were Amity Champions and Parkville Runners-up. TheBulldogswereinvitedtoanational tournament at Cooperstown Dreams Park in August of ‘97. In order to deNine our point of origin, we took on the name "Brooklyn Bulldogs." Over the past ten years, the Brooklyn Bulldogshavecometorepresentsome of Brooklyn’s best baseball players, ages 8-15, who compete in local, regionalandnationaltournaments. 1999 Mayor’s Cup Semi-Finalists Fun & Exciting!!! How it all began As our Team matured on and off the playingNield,werealizedtherewasaneed for young ballplayers to experience the Bulldog philosophy. By the ‘98 season we enlisted the help of two top quality coaches who recruited 9 & 10 year olds for a Cub Division. To date, the Bulldog Familyconsistsoftwelvetravelingteams- fromages8 throughcollege. In its simplest terms, the success of the Bulldogscanbeattributedto thefollowing: 1. mutual respect between players andcoaches 2 . p rovi d i ng p layer s w i t h t he necessaryinstructiontooutthinkand outplaytheircompetition 3.teachingplayersthattheiractions, bothgoodandbad,havean effect on them and those around them 4.hardwork,desire,andheart 2000 Ground Breaking, Key Span Park, Coney Island Fun & Exciting!!! Mr. BULLDOG, Marc Lussier Every once in awhile someone joins an organization and makes a remarkable contribution. For us, Marc Lussier is one such person. Known as Mr. Bulldog”, Marc not only founded the Brooklyn Bulldog baseball travel program but also made it flourish into one of the strongest in the area. But what you may not know is that for more than 10 years, Marc was a board member, and at various times our treasurer, Commissioner of all Baseball, and Basketball Division Director. He also built the back stop we use for our Pony games on Field A, designed our logos, pumped water from the fields, managed the ordering and distribution of equipment and uniforms, and much more. Most remarkably, for the last three years, Marc coached Bulldog and intramural baseball teams even though his son had moved on to high school and college ball. His dedication to the organization was obvious. But to understand what was most special about Marc you had to watch him in action when coaching. To him, "the kids come first" was not a mere trite phrase. It was reality. And you only had to watch how the kids reacted to him to know how true that was. For many years Marc was the heart and soul of our baseball program. A few years ago, he moved to Texas. But now he is back and was reinstated as a board member and took an active role in the Bulldog program since 2009. Good to have you back, Marc!! Fun & Exciting!!! ON BEING A BULLDOG Being a Bulldog means playing a lot of games, which means more times to bat,more times to run the bases, and more times to make plays in the field. It also means more opportunities to learn and improve. The real success of the Bulldog teams this year, and every year, is that everyone learns the value of improving—that the more you do something (guided by the right understanding), the better you’ll be at it. It is great for you to have had that experience; it is a pleasure for us to have made it happen. You deserve to be proud of your accomplishments and the good sportsmanship with which you accepted your victories and your defeats. The fact that Bulldog teams are competitive wherever they’ve played proves that your efforts paid off and that a good sport can also be a big winner. Congratulations! 78th PREC. YOUTH COUNCIL BOARD Eddie Albert Blaise Corrigan Sid Fernando Jeff Ginsberg Victor Goldblum Anthony Guarna Marc Lussier Roger Mignott Gilda Mooney-Dube Cheri Walsh BULLDOG DIRECTOR Eddie Albert ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Marc Lussier II Luis Monell 78th PREC. YOUTH COUNCIL A not-for-profit corporation dedicated to providing quality sports experiences for boys and girls ages 5-17. In 2014 more than 2, 750 registrations were processed for our baseball, softball, basketball, flag football and sports fundamentals training programs. HONORARY MEMBERS Pedro Adorno Hal Rose Fun & Exciting!!! 2015 Managers Fun & Exciting!!! fun Fun & Exciting!!! & Exciting!!! Fun & Exciting!!! with friends Fun & Exciting!!! Preseason Training Fun & Exciting!!! Preseason Training Fun & Exciting!!! Strength & Conditioning Fun & Exciting!!! Accomplishments 2015 14U Showcase - Richmond County Baseball Tournament Runners-up 14U Showcase - Diamond Nation Runners-up 14U Showcase - Baseball Heaven Runners-up 14U Showcase - Diamond Nation Semifinalists 14U Showcase - Sports at the Beach, Rehoboth Beach, DE Semifinalists 14U Showcase - Baseball Heaven Semifinalists 14U (Orange) - Marlboro Runners-up 14U (Orange) - Kiwanis Champions 14U (Green) - Islip Wood Bat Classic Runners-up 13U (Orange) - Marlboro Champions 13U (Orange) - NYTB Spring Weekend Champions 13U(Orange) - USSSA World Series Semifinalists 12U (Orange) - NYTB Spring Runners-up 12U (Orange) - Marlboro Runners-up 11U (Orange) - Marlboro Runners-up 11U (Orange) - Sports at the Beach, Rehoboth Beach, DE Semi finalists 10U (Orange) - Marlboro Champions 10U (Orange) - Cooperstown Semi Finalist 10U (Orange) - Kiwanis weeknight Champions (Undefeated) 10U (Orange) - NYTB Spring Saturday Champions Fun & Exciting!!! Accomplishments 2014 14U USSSA Global World Series, Myrtle Beach, SC, Finalist 14U NYTB Spring & Summer League, Runner Up 14U NYTB Post-Season Spring Tournament, Champion 10U (Orange) NYTB Spring Weekday and Saturday League, Champions 10U (Orange) Battle at the Hill, Pine Hills, NJ, Champion 10U (Orange) NYTB Post-Season Spring Tournament, Champion 10U (Orange) Cooperstown Baseball Classic, Semi Finalist 10U (Green) USABL Memorial Day Tournament, Runner-up, Marlboro, NJ 10U (Green) NYTB Spring Weekday League, Runner-up Fun & Exciting!!! Accomplishments 2013 NYTB Spring 14U Grasshopper Saturday, Runner Up NYTB Summer 14U Grasshopper South White, Runner Up Marlboro Memorial Day Tournament, 13U (Orange) Runner up (3-0) NYTB 2013 Grasshopper (13 Orange) Weeknight Champion Marlboro Memorial Day Tournament, 12U, 50/70 (Orange) Runner Up NYTB Spring 12U Orange Bantam Sunday & Weeknight Champion NYTB July 4 Bantam (12 Orange), Runner Up NYTB Summer 12U Orange Bantam East, Regular Season Co- Champion USSSA 12U (Orange) AA World Series, Finalist (Virginia) NYTB Spring 12U (Green) Bantam Weeknight, Runner Up NYTB Spring 12U (Green) Bantam End of Summer Tournament, Runner Up NYTB Bantam (11 Orange) Saturday, Runner Up Marlboro Memorial Day Tournament, 11U (50/70) (11 Orange) Champions NYTB Bantam (11Orange) End of Spring Season Tournament Champions Ripken Break Out the Lumber Tournament (11 Orange) – Platinum Champion Bethpage Independence Open (July 4) 11 Green Tournament Finalist- Runner Up NYTB Spring Cube (10 Green) Saturday Regular Season Champion NYTB Spring Cubs (9 Orange) Summer Regular Season Co-Champs NYTB Spring Cubs (9 Orange) Saturday Regular Season Runner- up Fun & Exciting!!! Accomplishments 2012 NYTB Summer 16u North Runner Up (15 Orange) NYTB Spring 13u Grasshopper South, Champions (13 Orange) NYTB Summer 13u Grasshopper South, Runner Up (13 Orange & Green) NYTB Summer 13u Grasshopper South Playoff Champion (13 Orange & Green) NYTB 14u Labor Day, Runner Up (3-1) (13 Orange & Green) USSSA 13u World Series, Quarter Finalist (13 Orange) NYTB Spring 12u Bantam East, Champion (12 Orange) Marlboro Memorial Day Tournament, 11u (50/70), Runner Up (11 Orange) NYTB Spring 12u Bantam East, Runner Up (11 Orange) NYTB July 4 Bantam, Runner Up (11 Orange) USSSA 11u World Series, Semi-Finalist (Indiana) (11 Orange) NYTB Spring 10u Cub American End of Season Tournament, Champion (10 Orange) Cooperstown Baseball Classic 10u 2012 Runner’s Up (10 Orange) NYTB Cubs National End Of Season Tournament, Runner Up (10 Green) NYTB Summer 8u Pee Wee Regular Season Champion NYTB Summer 8u Pee Wee Playoff Champion Ozone Howard Labor Tournament 8u Semi Finalist Fun & Exciting!!! Directors & Managers Founder, Director & Manager Marc Lussier Director & Manager Eddie Albert Assistant Director & Manager Sid Fernando Managers Pedro Adorno, Sheldon Goldberg, Frank Heller, John Ottavino Adam Ottavino (former 78 Travel Player & Bulldog Pitching Coach) Fun & Exciting!!! brooklyn Bulldogs University & Beyond PedroAdorno,Jr.(StPetersCollege) OrlandoAdorno(StThomasAquinas) VincentAmato(NicholsCollege) DaveyAnger(SUNYPurchase) SamBerg(Northeastern) MattCandal(Wesleyan) IanCarlson(HofstraUniv) MattCandal(Wesleyan) JackCleary(PennSt,Altoona) GiovanniDingcong(StThomasAquinas) JoeFernando(SetonHall) DeanGinsberg(Oberlin) ThomasGutekunst(StJoseph’sCollege) CalebKerbs(UnivofMaine) AnthonyHajjar(FairHieldUniversity) SamHasty(Rutgers) KevinHeller(Amherst/RedSoxAA) AndrewLayne(KingsboroughCollege) MarcLussier,Jr.(StFrancisCollege) DylanLong(BardCollege) ChrisMano(DukeUniv/CinnReds) JackMarooney(KenyonCollege) IanMiller(Harvard) DanielMonroe(BaruchCollege) NickMorgan(Oberlin) AdamOttavino(Northeastern/ColoradoRockies) SamSilverman(UniversityofTampa) MiloSklar(Oberlin) Bulldogs Named to their High School Teams through 2015 Season BayRidgePrep JacobBassil BeaconHS ChrisBittner MarekBarnett JulianCavin- Zeidenstein HenryCohen GiovanniDingcong AdrianEacker ElijahErvin JoeFernando JohnFernando SkyeFreeman CalebKerbs DylanLong JackMarooney BeaconHS(cont’d) BenMaster DanielOshima TylerPaull SamPennel JakeStreich-Kest OrlandoAdorno IsaiahSakany TylerTorres BerkeleyCarroll ChristianDenis MatthewEllis HenryGordon IanMiller AdamOttavino MaxRainey JacobSimpson BrandonWoo Fun & Exciting!!! BishopFordHS GregBafNi EvanLayne MarkMaguire LouisMastrandrea GregPalazzo KyleSchomberg NickLamattina BrooklynFriends AdamGinsberg BrooklynTech DaveyAnger JosefBystrik JacobGoldberg MarkGorelik JohnB.Hatheway LucasHoye DanielMonroe SamPerrone JonahNemetz Bulldogs Named to their High School Teams through 2015 Season ChurchillHS JeremySmith LaGuardiaHS AndrewLayne FranklinDelano RooseveltHS GeeGonzalez GeorgeWashingtonHS RafaelQuezada GrandStCampus AnthonyLopez HillSchool,PA DavidMeister HunterHS NickDulchin LincolnHS AngelCastillo CharlieLugo MilleniumHS JustinAlvarez DanielLuft StuartRoss EvanSinclair LucasWeisberg MarvelwoodPrep KyleRowe-Zarba MidwoodHS JakeBecker SamBoorstyn NickCardieri BrandonEng GavinBrien JonathanGonzalez JoeHurley DanielKaye PhilipSchultze MiloSklar MichaelTaormina EvrotasVolman Nest+M VincentAmato NewDorpHS VincentRizzo NewUtrechtHS MaryAnnGutekunst ThomasGutekunst ChrisHodgens Fun & Exciting!!! Bulldogs Named to their High School Teams through 2015 Season PackerCollegiate BryanAlbert MattCandal DavidHelene QuinnMalloy NickMorgan GeorgeSteele WillieGillespie EricLee JordanTayeh WillWallop PolyPrep DannyBakst SamBerg MichaelDeAngelis LeeFeiner DeanGinsberg MattGoldberg SamHasty KevinHeller AveryHogue ChesleyRatliff CodyUmans RegisHS BrendanGraham Fun & Exciting!!! StAnns NatGreenwald GabeLiberty StEdmunds PedroAdorno,Jr. MarcLussier,Jr. SteveSisto PatrickKirk StatenIslandTech BrendanWalsh Bulldogs Named to their High School Teams through 2015 Season StuyvesantHS LionelJensen BenRothman NickRozar HSofTelecommunication JamaalBility RasheedBility JerryD'Angelo ElijahSanabria XavarianHS JustinGiammarino IanCarlson AnthonyCoiro AnthonyHajjar ChrisMano PaulPerez WilliamBryantHS EstebanSantos XavierHS CatoBauer JackCleary WilliamHatheway WilliamGradyHS JamesSmith YorkPrep HarryDube Fun & Exciting!!! Legends Class of 2015 Golden Bat ’13 Coaches’ Award ‘12 Golden Glove ’10 & ‘11 Class of 2015 Tate sweeney (millennium HS) Golden Bat ’12 & ‘13 Class of 2015 Elijah abrams-tweed (millennium HS) Billy Zitelli Award ’14 Player of the Year ’11 Coaches’ Award ‘09 Class of 2015 Jalen robinson (midwood HS) Golden Arm ’11, ’12 &’13 Coaches’ Award ‘10 Class of 2015 Sam mcbride (Beacon HS) Player of the Year ’10 &’14 Coaches’ Award ’13 Golden Bat ’11 Class of 2015 Luca lotito (Beacon HS) Class of 2015 Khyber sen (stuyvesant HS) Golden Arm ’11 & ‘14 Player of the Year ’12 Class of 2015 frank adams (brooklyn tech HS) Golden Arm ‘11 Class of 2015 Peter horton (collegiate) Golden Glove ‘13 Golden Arm ’12 Golden Bat ‘11 Player of the Year ’10 Class of 2015 Oliver McCarthy (Poly Prep) Golden Arm ’12 & ‘13 Class of 2015 joey walsh (berkeley carroll) Coaches Award ’12 &’14 Golden Bat ‘13 Class of 2015 Julien strickland (Packer collegiate) Class of 2015 karl vELIkonja (St. anns) #24 - Billy Zitelli In his time, Billy Zitelli was the Babe Ruth of Brooklyn Little League Baseball. From the first time I saw him, I knew that he was a ballplayer. In 1996 the first year of the Bulldogs, Billy played a major role in our winning the Amity Championship and second place at Parkville. Billy bombed the ball over the left field fence at Amity on many occasions, sometimes higher than the lights. As time passed, Billy's consistent excellence turned him into a Brooklyn baseball legend. Coaches and players all around the league knew him and respected his powerful bat and rocket arm. I hope that wherever Billy is now there is baseball so he can make so many happy with the swing of his bat. I wish Billy "Pasta" Zitelli and his family the best and I thank him for giving me such wonderful memories. I feel privileged to have been his teammate. Ben Stapelman, #7 Teammate, 1996-2000 Billy & his mom, Ellen The Billy Zitelli Memorial Award A Bulldog who was the heart and soul of their team – a great competitor, a good winner, a feared opponent, and a good friend. He/she is highly respected by teammates, coaches, and opponents and is a good role model for younger Bulldogs and an inspiration to all. Recipients 2001 Chris Manno 2002 Kevin Heller 2003 Justin GIammarino 2004 Louis Mastrandrea 2005 Giovann Texiera 2006 Chris Bitner 2007 Steve Sisto 2008 John Fernando 2009 Giovanni Dingcong 2010 Joe Fernando 2011 Evan Layne 2012 Nick Cardieri The Billy Zitelli Memorial Award A Bulldog who was the heart and soul of their team – a great competitor, a good winner, a feared opponent, and a good friend. He/she is highly respected by teammates, coaches, and opponents and is a good role model for younger Bulldogs and an inspiration to all. Recipients 2015 ?? 2013 Tobias Lange 2014 Jalen Robinson Special Awards All of our players are special in their own way. They are, after all, Bulldogs which means they have risen above the pack because of their baseball excellence and commitment to the sport. Tonight’s award winners are receiving special recognition for their attitudes, skills, and athletic performance. Marc Lussier Coaches Award (CA) While perhaps not the one with the most outstanding performance, this player is the backbone or perhaps “spirit” of the team. They have a “can do” attitude and infectious positive energy. This is the player that the team would not be the same without. Teammates respect this player’s skills and appreciate that they can count on them to be there and give his/her all to the game. Player of the Year (PoY) This person is the best all-round player on the team. This individual consistently worked the hardest on the team and produced the most results. This player has contributed the most to the team’s success and exemplifies what a Bulldog is in terms of attitude, effort, baseball skills, teamwork, and natural leadership. Golden Arm (GA) The best pitcher on the team. Reliable. Throws strikes. Cool as a cucumber in high-pressure situations. Makes good hitters look bad. The one you can count on to pull your team through in a tight spot. The pitcher you put on the mound against the toughest teams, when you are playing a game you MUST win. Fun & Exciting!!! Special Awards John Fernando Golden Glove (GG) Where would any team be without their defense? The best pitchers still need fielders to make The plays and get those outs. So many games are won or lost because of errors in the field. This award goes to the most reliable fielder. This award is named for John Fernando in honor of his skill and selfless contribution to our players and the organization. Golden Bat (GB) This is the premier offensive award that recognizes the player who is the most reliable batter. This player is not necessarily the team’s power hitter but one who makes consistent contact. Eddie Albert Rising Star (RS) This award is given to younger players by the Director who believes that they have significant potential to contribute to their team in every way on the field and as a team leader. Extra Mile For contribution beyond playing on one team; whether playing on another Bulldog team in the same year, assisting coaches in the instruction of younger players, or other selfless contribution that helped to make our baseball programs a success. Fun & Exciting!!! BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 8 Orange Manager SteveAlonso Coaches JoeFernando KevinYu Players NoahCalabrese ElijahClardy DanielDesmond MaxwellDoninger GarethHogan AndrewKim JaneLittleton ColinMullin RyanNieves MateoNoto NoryPena AayanRamamurthy LachlanRudd BryceShannon ConnorTam JudeVanOoyen LeoWalsh CharlieWiner JustinWeiss BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 8 Orange BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 9 Orange / 10 fall Manager JoeHonan(Spring) LuisMonell(Fall) Coaches LarryWeinschel JonathonOrtiz(Fall) Players DominickBalsamo ZacharyDonofrio NicholasHodgkins HaydenMagliano CharlieO'Shea RohanPatel HoldenPawlak LucaRumberg KiranSen ElijahSlarskey JacksonSmith ZacharyWeinschel JackWhipple IsaacSmith OwenMaloney fall JulianLai JacksonMavrides TheoSchwed GeorgeThanopolous OzzieWalz DexterWells BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 9 Orange / 10 fall 10 Orange 11 Orange Fall Manager Marc S Lussier II Coaches Dave O’Keefe Dan Webb Players IanBardsley JacksonBerger IravanBhattacharyya PlayerCrosby CooperGee JackGlassberg LucaLodewick JonesyO'Keefe OwenRodgers XavierWebb SebastianWeinstein BenWoloch summer DomBalsamo ZacharyDonofrio HaydenMagliano CharlieO'Shea HoldenPawlak LucaRumberg KiranSen ElijahSlarskey ZacharyWeinschel fall LucaBielski JonathanLai OwenGagnon AidanPawlak BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 Marlboro Champions, Cooperstown Semi Finalist Kiwanis weeknight Champions (Undefeated) NYTB Spring Saturday Champions BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 10 Orange 11 Orange Fall BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 10 Green Manager BillZaNiros Coaches MikeMavrides TimHoughton Players AustinDeGaetano ColterDiehm BrendanDougherty HenryHoughton JulianLai OwenMaloney JacksonMavrides ZacheryPelson TheoSchwed IsaacSmith OzzieWalz DexterWells JamesZaNiros BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 10 Green BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 11 Orange Manager CharlesLalane Coaches VinceBielski KennyHorowitz MarkPawlak NickBourtin Players LucaBielski AlexanderBourtin SebastianBrustein FrankCamastro EamonnChoukrane TheoGold MatthewHorowitz MichaelHorowitz JonathanLai CallanMoss AidanPawlak NoahShacknai JohnHenryWerben Marlboro Runners-up, Sports at the Beach Rehoboth Beach, DE Semi finalists BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 11 Orange BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 12 Orange Managers JoeHonan Coaches Fred Martell Players DylanWolfAl-Angurli LukeBeaver JohnstonBurke BrunoCergol MacCooper CharlieHodgkins AidenLawrence FritzMartell OscarOsborne PhilipSteckel SergeiVichnis LiamWalsh fall TheoGold CallanMoss BenMuchnick NYTB Spring Runners-up, Marlboro Runners-up BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 12 Orange BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 12 Green Manager LizSak Coaches KaiGlick Players DylanDereskewicz OwenGagnon JackGill RobertWille SpencerO'Connell BenMuchnick BenSak JakeSak HenryMorris OscarPhillips adamsilverblatt CharlieMorris FritzMartell BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 12 Green BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 13 Orange Manager SteveAlonso Players ZachAshen ChanningAustin NicholasBonina HarperdiLiberto-Bell JasonGoldblum ClarenceSaintvil JulianKudlack BenStoopack JustinRadist ZachTraussi JohnWalker KevinYu Marlboro Champions, NYTB Spring Weekend Champions USSSA World Series Semifinalists BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 13 Orange BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 14 Orange Manager BillDaly Coaches Jonathan Ortiz Players ChristianAscierto PhilipBernstein MichaelCuddy ZacharyGee MalcolmHubbell ChristopherKlein ElliotMacrae-Sadek JacksonMorris AlexMuchnick AlexNobel JasperStoddard LucaTrigiani KarlVelikonja Marlboro Runners-up, Kiwanis Champions BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 14 Orange BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 14 Green Manager Matt Maffei Coaches David Nissembaum Scott Mezzo Players MichaelBystrik AnthonyCamastro JunoIshii MaxKessler IsaacKing SamLinowes JoshuaMedintz AstorMeredith-Goujon ThomasMezzo MartinNachsin CooperNissenbaum EricPrince EvanSherman Islip Wood Bat Classic Runners-up BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 14 Green BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 14U College showcase Managers LuisMonell Coaches JonathanOrtiz Players FrankAdams MilesAhlgrim ChristianAscierto ZachAshen ChanningAustin PhilipBernstein SolomonCanada HarperDiLiberto-Bell ZacharyGee JasonGoldblum MalcolmHubbell ChristopherKlein LucaLotito ElliotMacrea-Sadek JacksonMorris AlexMuchnick ColmO'Shea LucaTrigiani KarlVelikonja Richmond County Baseball Tournament Runners-up, Diamond Nation Runners-up, Baseball Heaven Runners-up, Diamond Nation Semifinalists Sports at the Beach, Rehoboth Beach, DE Semifinalists, Baseball Heaven Semifinalists BROOKLYN BULLDOGS 2015 14U College showcase BIG THANKS TO DAVID O’KEEFE FOR OUR DINNER AND SUPPORT OF OUR ORGANIZATION 310 9th Street & 152 Smith Street Brooklyn, NY 718.499.8226 214 Court Street Brooklyn, NY 718.624.2361 Thank you Council members for your support! BRAD LANDER STEPHEN LEVIN Thanks for Your Support!
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